Tingkat Nyeri
Tingkat Nyeri
Tingkat Nyeri
Background: Venipuncture is a devastating medical, emotional, and physical problem for pediatric patients and their
families. Blood drawing is one of the most frightening and distressing nursing procedures for hospitalized children.
Aim: To assess pain intensity among preschool children during venipuncture. Research design: A descriptive
research design was used in the current study. Sample included 60 preschool-age children undergoing venipuncture
procedures over six months. Setting of the study: - Pediatric medical unit at Minia University Hospital for Obstetrics
and Pediatrics. Tools: Tool (I): structured interview questionnaire which developed by the researcher Tool (II):
Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale Tool (III): Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CHEOPS).
Results: The highest percentage of the studied preschool-age children experienced severe pain during venipuncture
procedure according Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale. The total mean scores of Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating
Scale and Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale were high markedly during venipuncture. There were
statistically significant negative correlations between children's age and the total mean scores of the CHEOPS and
Face Pain Rating Scale during venipuncture. Conclusion: it was concluded that preschool-age children complained
from severe pain intensity during venipuncture procedure. Recommendation: An educational training program is
mandatory for pediatric nurses about pain assessment and pain management strategy during venipuncture and other
painful procedures.
Keywords: venipuncture, preschool-age children, pain intensity
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Minia Scientific Nursing Journal (Print - ISSN 2537-012X) (Online - ISSN 2785-9797) Vol. (8) No. (1) December 2020
preschool children about their rights to withdraw from the
Tool III: - The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario study at any time without giving any cause and without any
Pain Scale (CHEOPS): Developed by McGrath et al. effect on the care of their children. Confidentiality was
(1985). The scale can be used to monitor the effectiveness of secured for each mother and her child, where they assured that
interventions for reducing pain and discomfort. A behavioral the study was harmless, and all the gathered data used for the
observation scale will be used to rate a child's intensity of pain research purpose only.
on six verbal and motor behaviors. Each behavior was
assigned a value according to the following criteria, 0 Procedure
(behavior that is the antithesis of pain), 1 (behavior that not Before the venipuncture procedure: -
indicative of pain, but not the antithesis of pain), two behavior The researcher gave the mothers and their children a
indicating mild to moderate pain), and 3 (behavior indicative clear and simple explanation of the aim and the content of the
of severe pain). The total score for the tool ranges from 4-13; sheet; reassuring them that the procedure is safe, and invited
a score higher than 4 indicates pain. Concerning the them to participate and written informed consent was obtained
reliability of the scale, Suraseranivongse et al. (2001) tested from mothers. The researcher interviewed the children and
the scale reliability and it was 0.80, which was considered their mothers individually to collect data related to the
acceptable. CHEOPS is available online without copyright characteristics of children who met the inclusion criteria using
restrictions. (tool 1) the interview took place in the beside area of the
medical unit where venipuncture for blood samples taken.
Validity: After explaining the purpose and during the interview the
The content validity of the data collection tool (1) researcher explained the first pain assessment scales (Wong-
was examined by three experts who were affiliated to the Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale) and the second pain scale
Faculty of Nursing, Minia, and Assuit University at the (CHEOPS) taught each child about how to use the scale. The
Pediatric Nursing Department. The tool was examined for time for the interview took about 30-35 minutes for each
content coverage, clarity, relevance, applicability, wording. child. The procedure was discussed with the responsible nurse
Based on experts` comments and recommendations, minor to gain her cooperation and to save time and effort
modifications had been made, such as rephrasing and
rearrangements of some sentences. During venipuncture: -
Only a usual venipuncture done by the assigned
Pilot Study: - nurse based on physician written order. During the
The pilot study was conducted on six children who venipuncture procedure, the researcher assessed and
met the inclusion criteria to investigate and ensure the documented the child's pain intensity using the behavioral
feasibility, objectivity, applicability, clarity, and adequacy, observation scale (CHEOPS). Immediately after the
and to determine possible problems in the methodological venipuncture, each child was asked to choose the face that
approach or tools. The results of the pilot study were used to describes his intensity of pain based on Wong-Baker Faces
test the proposed statistical and data analysis methods. The Pain Rating Scale. Data collection was conducted over 6
tools were completed without difficulty. Children who months extending from March 2019 till August 2019.
participated in the pilot study were included in the total
sample of the current study. Statistical Analysis
The collected data was coded, categorized, tabulated,
Ethical Considerations: and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science
Written approval was obtained from the Research (SPSS 20.0). Descriptive statistics in the form of frequencies,
Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Nursing, Minia University. percentages for the qualitative variables, mean and standard
Written permission was granted from the director of MUHOP deviation for the quantitative variables was used. Chi square
and the chairpersons of the pediatric medical units after was used to test the association between two Qualitative
explaining the aim and nature of the study. The written variables. Spearman's rank correlation was used to assess the
informed consent was obtained from the mothers of children interrelationships among the quantitative variables. Graphs
after a complete description of the study's aim and nature to were done for data visualization using Microsoft Excel. The P
gain their acceptance and cooperation. Children and their - value of ≤ 0.05 indicates a significant result while, P value of
mothers were informed that contribution to the study was > 0.05 indicates a non-significant result.
voluntary. The researcher also informed the mothers and
Table (1): Percentage Distribution of the Studied Children According to Their Personal and Social Data (n=60).
Personal and social data No. %
Age / years:-
3-< 4 10 16.7
4 -< 5 18 30.0
5-< 6 22 36.6
6 10 16.7
Mean ± SD 4.6 ± .9 years
Male 36 60.0
Female 24 40.0
The child rank within the family:-
First 22 36.7
Second 26 43.3
P a g e | 58 Yahia M., et al
Minia Scientific Nursing Journal (Print - ISSN 2537-012X) (Online - ISSN 2785-9797) Vol. (8) No. (1) December 2020
Personal and social data No. %
Third 8 13.3
Fourth or more 4 6.7
Mother educational level:-
Not read and write 42 70.0
Basic education 15 25.0
University 3 5.0
Mother job:-
Housewife 51 85.0
Working outside house 9 15.0
Place of Residence:-
Rural 40 66.7
Urban 20 33.3
Table (1) presented the personal data pertinent to children and their mothers who participated in the current study. More than
one-third (36.6%) of children's age ranged from 5<6 years, and their mean age was 4.6 ± .9 years. Besides, 43.3% of them ranked as
the second child, 60% were male, and 40% were female. The highest percentage (70%) of the mothers was not read and write, and
85.0% of them were housewives.
Table (2): Percentage Distribution of the Studied Children According to Their Medical History (N=60).
Child illness history No. %
Child's diagnosis:
Pneumonia 10 16.7
Diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration 22 36.7
Favism 3 5
Post streptococcal glomernepheritis 7 11.7
Nephrotic syndrome 6 10
Diabetes mellitus 12 20
Type of the disease:-
Acute 48 80
Chronic 12 20
Previous hospital admission:-
Yes 33 55
No 27 45
If yes how many times of admission to hospital (n = 33):
1 17 51.5
2 14 42.4
3 2 6.1
Mean ± SD 1.5 ± .6
Reason for admission (n = 33):-
Emergency 27 81.8
Follow up 1 3
Medical condition 5 15.2
Table (2) pointed out that 36.7% of the studied children diagnosed with diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration, followed by
diabetes (20%). The majority (80%) of the studies children had acute health problems. More than half (55%) of children had previous
hospital admissions, and 51.5% were admitted to the hospital for the first time. The mean of prior hospital admission was 1.5 ± .6
times, and 81.8 % from children admitted at the hospital for an emergency health problem.
Table (3): Percentage Distribution of the Studied Children According to Their Previous Painful Experience (n=60).
Previous history of pain No. %
Previous painful experience:
Yes 60 100
No 0 0
If yes, most site of pain in the previous time:- #
Abdominal pain 48 80
Chest pain 4 6.7
Bone pain 8 13.3
Teeth pain 42 70
NET pain 42 70
Headache 25 41.7
If yes, in the home what is the most measures to decrease pain
Go to Sleep and Rest 55 91.7
Taking Shower 5 8.3
Playing with friends 25 41.7
Using Analgesics 36 60
Best position feels comfortable:- #
Abdomen 14 23.3
Back 21 35
On side 1 1.7
Semi-sitting 25 41.7
Sitting 2 3.3
Things relief pain at hospital:-#
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Minia Scientific Nursing Journal (Print - ISSN 2537-012X) (Online - ISSN 2785-9797) Vol. (8) No. (1) December 2020
Previous history of pain No. %
Presence of mother 60 100
Toys 32 53.3
Transitional objects 20 33.3
Play with children 33 55
# More than one answer was responded
Table (3) revealed that all (100%) of the studied children had previous painful experiences, and 80% of them suffered from
abdominal pain. The majority of children (91.7%) went to sleep and rest as home measures to relieve their pain, and 41.7% of them
felt comfort in a semi-sitting position. The mother's presence and playing with other children were the main things that reduced pain
in the hospital, as replied by 100% and 55% respectively of the studied children.
Figure (1): Percentage Distribution of Venipuncture Site among the Studied Children (n=60)
Figure (1) demonstrated that 66.7% of children had venipuncture in the dorsal hand veins whereas 33.3% had venipuncture
in the forearm veins.
Moderate Severe pain
pain intensity
Figure (2): Pain Intensity during Venipuncture among the Studied Children According to Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating
Scale (n=60)
Figure (2) showed that the highest percentage (60%) of the children suffering from severe pain intensity during the
venipuncture while 40%. of them suffering from moderate pain intensity during the venipuncture according to Wong-Baker Faces
Pain Rating Scale.
Table (4): Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale among the Studied Children during Venipuncture (n=60).
- No cry 0 0
- Moaning 30 50.0
- Silent crying 3 5.0
- Scream 27 45.0
- Smiling 0 0
- Composed 18 30.0
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Minia Scientific Nursing Journal (Print - ISSN 2537-012X) (Online - ISSN 2785-9797) Vol. (8) No. (1) December 2020
- Grimace 42 70.0
Table (4) demonstrated that 50% of the studied children reacted by moaning during venipuncture. Seventy percent of them
showed face grimacing. Concerning the verbal items of CHEOPS, 58.3% of the studied children complained about pain, and about
other things. In relation to torso items of CHEOPS, 43.3% of children watched restrained. It was found that 43.3% of children their
touch was restricted during venipuncture. Relating to the legs element of CHEOPS 40% of the studied preschool-age children their
legs showed kneeling.
Table (5): Total Mean Score of Faces Pain Rating Scale and CHEOPS during Venipuncture among the Studied Children
Pain scales Total Mean Score ± SD
Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale. 7.2 ± 2.2
CHEOPS 12.2 ± .75
Table (5) evident that the total mean score ± SD of the faces pain rating scale among children during venipuncture was 7.2 ±
2.2 while The total mean score ± SD of CHEOPS among children was 12.2 ± .75.
Table (6): Correlational Matrix between Children's Age and the Total Mean Scores of CHEOPS, Wong-Baker Faces Pain
Rating Scale during Venipuncture (n=60).
Items Child age Total CHEOPS Total Face scale
Child age R
P- Value
Total CHEOPS R -.490-**
P- Value .000
Face scale R -.305-* .758**
P- Value .018 .000
*Statistically significant differences
Table (6) illustrated that there were statistically significant negative correlations between children's age and the total mean
score of the CHEOPS and Face Pain Rating Scale during venipuncture (r=-.490, P=<.0001 & r=-.30, P=<0.05 respectively), and the
other personal data of the studied children has no effect of their intensity of pain during the venipuncture procedure.
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