Zinc-Rich Priming Paint (Organic Media) : Specification For

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| BS 4652 : 1995

| Incorporating
| Amendment No. 1
Specification for |
Zinc-rich priming paint |
(organic media) |
ICS 87.040 |
BS 4652 : 1995 Issue 2, July 1998

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee
STI/27, Paint systems for metallic substrates, upon which the following bodies were

Aluminium Window Association

British Coatings Federation Ltd.
British Railways Board
British Steel Industry
British Telecommunications plc
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
European Resin Manufacturers' Association
Galvanizers' Association
Institute of Corrosion
National Federation of Painting and Decorating Contractors
Oil and Colour Chemists' Association
Paint Research Association
Society of Chemical Industry
Steel Window Association
Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians
Zinc Development Association

The following body was also represented in the drafting of the standard, through a

Zinc Pigment Development Association

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Materials and
Chemicals Sector Board (I/-), was
published under the authority of
the Standards Board and comes
into effect on
15 April 1995

 BSI 1998
Amendments issued since publication
First published July 1971
Second edition April 1995 Amd. No. Date Text affected

10074 July 1998 Indicated by a line in the margin

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference STI/27
Draft for comment 93/508127 DC

ISBN 0 580 23846 6

BS 4652 : 1995


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Sampling 1
4 Containers and labelling 1
5 Requirements for the components of the paint 1
6 Composition 1
7 Performance requirements of the paint after mixing 1
A (normative) Determination of metallic zinc content 3
B (normative) Preparation of test panels 4
C (normative) Resistance to continuous salt spray 5
D (informative) Advice on handling and use of paint 5
B.1 Blast-cleaned steel with shot abrasives and grit abrasives 4
List of references Inside back cover

BS 4652 : 1995 Issue 2, July 1998


This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Materials and
Chemicals Sector Board. It supersedes BS 4652 : 1971, which is withdrawn.
The first edition of BS 4652, and later published amendments, specified three types of
zinc dust-containing coatings intended for use as anticorrosive primers for the
protection of abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces.
Experience in the use of these materials, improvements in the preparation of steel
surfaces, and formulation developments of zinc dust-based primers, have indicated that
simplification of the existing standard can be made by a reduction in the number of
types specified.
The method for determination of metallic zinc content (see annex A) is based upon a
method used by Harcros Chemicals.
| A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
| contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

ii  BSI 1998
BS 4652 : 1995


1 Scope 5 Requirements for the components of

This British Standard specifies requirements for the paint
rapid drying priming paints containing a high
5.1 Zinc dust-based component
proportion of zinc, supplied as two components,
which react chemically when mixed together prior 5.1.1 When the base component in its original
to use. container is first examined not more than 6 months
The paints specified are formulated for direct after manufacture, any settlement shall be readily
application to steel immediately after blast-cleaning dispersed by mechanical stirring. The storage
to grade Sa 2¯ of BS 7079 : Part A1. These paints temperature shall be between 5 ÊC and 25 ÊC.
are generally supplied as welding and NOTE 1. After longer periods harder settlement may occur.
prefabrication primers for thin film application, up NOTE 2. See also annex D for gassing.
to 25 mm dry film thickness or, for higher build
5.1.2 The zinc dust in the base component shall
films, typically up to 75 mm dry film thickness.
conform to BS 3982.
NOTE. The maximum allowable limit for lead and cadmium are
2 Normative references subject to national health and safety legislation and therefore
the maximum level will be dependent upon the current
This British Standard incorporates, by reference, legislation, and not necessarily the figure quoted in BS 3982.
provisions from specific editions of other
publications. These normative references are cited 5.2 Curing agent
at the appropriate points in the text and the When the curing agent in its original container is
publications are listed on the inside back cover. first examined it shall be readily dispersed by
Subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of stirring to give a homogeneous appearance. The
these publications apply to this British Standard storage temperature shall be between 5 ÊC and
only when incorporated in it by updating or 25 Ê C .
5.3 Mixing ratio
The proportion in which the base component and
3 Sampling the curing agent are to be mixed shall be a simple
Representative samples of each component of the ratio by volume.
paints shall be taken as described in BS 3900 :
Part A1.
6 Composition
When tested in accordance with annex A, the
4 Containers and labelling composition of the mixed paint shall be such that
All containers shall have openings of sufficient size the content of zinc metal in the dry film shall be
to allow adequate stirring and mixing and shall be not less than 85 % (m/m) of the cured paint film.
clearly marked with the following information: NOTE. Commercially available zinc dust contains small
percentages of oxidized material and consequently total zinc
a) name of the supplier or manufacturer; metal (metallic zinc) content may be lower than total zinc (zinc
b) manufacturer's code or trade name; dust) content.
c) batch number;
d) reference to this British Standard; i.e. 7 Performance requirements of the
BS 4652 1) ; paint after mixing
e) statutory requirements and information as
7.1 Application properties
The paint shall be suitable for application by the
f) ratio in which base and curing agent
method(s) defined by the manufacturer or supplier
components need to be mixed and mixing
in technical data sheets for the product.
7.2 Preparation of test panels
Test panels for 7.3 to 7.6 shall be prepared in
accordance with annex B.

1) Marking BS 4652 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer's declaration of conformity, i.e. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is solely the
claimant's responsibility. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of conformity, which may also be

BS 4652 : 1995

7.3 Appearance 7.5 Resistance to impact

The dried paint film, when applied by the When the paint film is applied at the recommended
manufacturer's recommended method at the rate to a steel plate 200 mm 3 200 mm 3 5 mm
recommended rate, shall be continuous and free and tested with the coating uppermost in
from cratering, pinholing, sagging, bittiness and accordance with BS 3900 : Part E7, it shall show
cissing. Examination shall be by normal or no signs of cracking, flaking or detachment when
corrected vision. examined using normal or corrected vision.
7.4 Hard-drying time (weldable and 7.6 Resistance to continuous salt spray
prefabrication primers only) When the paint film is tested in accordance with
When the paint film is applied at the recommended annex C, it shall show no signs of rusting, and
application rate (l/m2) and tested by the method blistering shall not exceed scale D3 (S2) of
described in BS EN 29117 it shall be hard-dry in BS 3900 : Part H2 in density and size.
not more than 30 min. NOTE. A white deposit may be formed on the surface: this is
not evidence of corrosion of the steel.

BS 4652 : 1995


Annex A (normative) A.3.5 Glass evaporating basins.

Determination of metallic zinc content A.3.6 Volumetric flasks, 100 ml, 2 l and 2.5 l.
A.1 Principle A.3.7 Conical flask, quick-fit iodine type with stopper.
The uncured paint is diluted with a suitable solvent, A.3.8 Measuring cylinders, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and
followed by centrifugal separation of the pigment from 1 l.
the sample and reduction of an acidic iron/copper
reagent solution by the metallic zinc with titration of A.3.9 Burette, 50 ml graduated to 0.1 ml.
the reduced reagent with standard potassium A.3.10 Precision balance, accurate to 0.0001 g.
dichromate solution.
A.3.11 Desiccator.
A.2 Reagents
A.3.12 Magnetic stirrer bar.
A.2.1 Water, of at least grade 3 purity conforming to
BS 3978. A.4 Procedure

A.2.2 Methyl ethyl ketone. A.4.1 Carry out the determination in duplicate.

A.2.3 Acetone. A.4.2 Take a test portion of (1.2 ± 0.1) g of the mixed
paint. Place in a weighed centrifuge tube, M1 (A.3.1).
A.2.4 Iron/copper reagent. Dissolve (100 ± 5) g Immediately weigh the tube and the test portion to the
copper (II) sulfate heptahydrate in 1 l of water (A.2.1). nearest 1 mg, M2.
Add 1250 ml 60 % (m/m) iron (III) sulfate solution and
dilute to 2.5 l. A.4.3 Add about 20 ml of a suitable solvent and stir
thoroughly with a glass rod. Withdraw the rod from the
A.2.5 Potassium dichromate 0.05 M. In an agate tube, washing the rod with a small quantity of the
mortar, powder about 30 g potassium dichromate solvent, and centrifuge the tube until there is a clear
(analytical grade reagent). Place in a clean glass supernatant liquor. Decant and discard the supernatant
evaporating basin and heat in an oven at liquor from the tube.
(105 ± 2) 8C for 2 h. Allow to cool in a desiccator.
Weigh out accurately 29.4 g of the dried salt, to the A.4.4 Add further solvent to the tube and mix as
nearest 0.1 mg, dissolve in water and make up to 2 l in described in A.4.3, taking care to disperse completely
a volumetric flask. Shake well. the solid matter. Repeat the centrifuging and
decantation of the liquor.
The reactor for this reagent:
With the addition of methyl ethyl ketone (A.2.2),
mass taken repeat the centrifuging and decantation for a third
is called the dichromate factor.
29.4190 time. Finally add the acetone (A.2.3) in place of the
Record the factor. initial solvent and mix as described in A.4.3.
Centrifuge and decant the liquor as before.
A.2.6 Sulfuric/phosphoric reagent. Carefully add
250 ml concentrated sulfuric acid (r = 1.18 g/cm3) to 1 l A.4.5 After ensuring that excess acetone has
of water, cool and add 500 ml orthophosphoric acid evaporated, place the centrifuge tube in the oven
(r = 1.65 g/cm3). Dilute to 2.5 l. (A.3.4) maintained at (105 ± 2) 8C. After 24 h transfer
the tube to a desiccator and allow to cool to ambient
A.2.7 Indicator solution. Dissolve 0.2 g sodium temperature. Weight the tube and contents to the
diphenylamine sulfonate in water and dilute to 100 ml. nearest 1 mg, M3.
A.2.8 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate. A.4.6 Measure 50 ml of the iron/copper reagent
A.3 Apparatus (A.2.4) into a 500 ml flask. Add approximately 12 g (a
heaped teaspoon) of ammonium hydrogen carbonate
A.3.1 Centrifuge tubes, 50 ml, of inert material. (A.2.8). Wash down any reagent adhering to the side
A.3.2 Laboratory centrifuge, capable of imparting a of the flask with water.
relative centrifugal acceleration of about 100 km⋅s22. Using a precision balance (A.3.10) weigh accurately
(0.4 ± 0.05) g of dried pigment into a suitable weighing
A.3.3 Mortar and pestle, agate.
boat. Record the weight, M0, to four decimal places.
A.3.4 Air-ventilated oven, capable of being Drop the weighing boat carefully into the flask (A.3.7)
maintained at (105 ± 2) 8C. (taking care to avoid touching the neck of the flask).
Stopper and shake vigorously for about 1 min ensuring
that the stopper is firmly positioned at all times.

 BSI 1998 3
BS 4652 : 1995 Issue 2, July 1998

Three-quarters fill the lip of the flask with water. With Annex B (normative)
care, gently release the stopper. Wash down the flask
and stopper with water. Preparation of test panels
Drop a magnetic stirrer bar (A.3.12) into the flask and B.1 General
stir for a minimum of 15 min. Except where otherwise stated, the test panels shall be
Add 50 ml of sulfuric/phosphoric reagent (A.2.6). hot-rolled mild steel having the dimensions of
Wash down the flask and stopper with deionized water. 100 mm 3 150 mm 3 5 mm, free from distortion and
Add approximately 1 ml of indicator solution (A.2.7) abrasive blast-cleaned on the test surface to grade
and titrate with the potassium dichromate (A.2.5) Sa 2¯ of BS 7079 : Part A1.
using the burette (A.3.9) to a permanent purple end Profile assessments of the blast-cleaned steel shall be
point. carried out using a visual comparator in accordance
A.4.7 Perform a blank determination, i.e. repeat the with BS 7079 : Part C1 and BS 7079 : Part C2 and the
procedure in A.4.6 without the pigment sample. profile shall be as given in table B.1.
A.4.8 Determine the content of the non-volatile
Table B.1 Blast-cleaned steel with shot
matter of the paint in accordance with BS 3900 :
abrasives and grit abrasives
Part B18.
Shot abrasives Grit abrasives
A.5 Calculation
Grade coarse (S) Grade medium (G)
The percentage of metallic zinc in the dry film shall be
calculated as follows. Profiles equal to Profiles equal to
segment 3 and up to but segment 2 and up to but
Dichromate factor (A 2 B) (M3 2 M1)
| M0 (M2 2 M1) NV
3 excluding segment 4 excluding segment 3
60 mm to 80 mm 50 mm to 70 mm
3 100 3 0.9806
where B.2 Paint application and dry film thickness
The paint shall be applied in accordance with the
M0 is the mass (in g) of the test portion of the manufacturer's instructions to give the following dry
dried pigment (A.4.6); film thicknesses:
M1 is the mass (in g) of the centrifuge tube Weldable primer: up to 15 mm;
Prefabrication primer: (25 ± 5) mm;
M2 is the mass (in g) of the centrifuge tube
Post fabrication/build-up primer: up to 75 mm.
together with the paint sample (A.4.2);
The paint shall be allowed to dry for 7 days at a
M3 is the mass (in g) of the centrifuge tube temperature of (23 ± 2) 8C and a relative humidity of
together with the extracted dried pigment (50 ± 5) % out of direct sunlight and with protection
(A.4.5); from dust. Because it is impracticable to measure the
A is the volume (in ml) of 0.05 M potassium thicknesses of thin films on blast-cleaned surfaces, film
dichromate solution required for the sample thickness measurements shall be made on smooth
(A.4.6); cold-rolled steel panels (or coupons) of minimum
B is the volume (in ml) of 0.05 M potassium thickness 2 mm, placed either side and in the same
dichromate solution required for the blank plane and painted at the same time as the test panels.
(A.4.7); The dry film thicknesses shall be measured by use of
an electronic dry film thickness (DFT) gauge zeroed
NV is the content of non-volatile matter (in %) of and calibrated on the same smooth uncoated panels.
the paint (A.4.8).
B.3 Test conditions
0.9806 is the factor to obtain free zinc content.
Tests shall be carried out at a temperature of
(23 ± 2) 8C and relative humidity of (50 ± 5) % except
Calculate the mean of the two determinations and
where otherwise specified.
report the result to one decimal place. If the two
determinations differ by more than 1 % from the mean,
repeat the procedure (A.4) and disregard the original

4  BSI 1998
BS 4652 : 1995

Annex C (normative) Annex D (informative)

Resistance to continuous salt spray Advice on handling and use of paint
C.1 Attach a 50 mm 3 1.5 mm strip of adhesive paper D.1 Paints containing zinc dust are liable to generate
tape, incorporating water-soluble adhesives, across the hydrogen gas, particularly if contaminated by water.
test panel about 25 mm from and parallel to the Care, therefore, should be taken when opening
bottom of the panel. Apply the paint to the whole of containers, particularly if the container shows signs of
the test panel as described in B.2. bulging.
C.2 Expose the unpainted strip on the panel by D.2 Products conforming to this standard may have
removing the adhesive tape. Wash off any remaining `weld-through' capability. Users of this standard should
adhesive with water of grade 3 purity conforming to ensure that at the specified film thickness any
BS 3978, before commencing the test as described in necessary requirements relating to weld integrity and
BS 3900 : Part F4 with the exposed strip along the production of fume should be certified by a competent
lower edge. authority.
For weldable primers (up to 15 mm), expose for D.3 Some of these paints have low flash points. In
150 h. particular, attention is drawn to relevant regulations
For prefabrication primers (of (25 ± 5) mm), expose covering transport, storage, use, etc.
for 240 h.
D.4 The shelf lives of these paints depend upon
For post fabrication/build-up primers (up to 75 mm), transport and storage conditions; reference should be
expose for 1000 h. made to guidance on these given in manufacturers'
After these times, remove and examine the panel, with literature.
normal or corrected vision, particularly within 2 mm of
the unpainted strip, for signs of rusting, blistering and
rust undercutting (see 7.6).

 BSI 1998 5
6 blank
BS 4652 : 1995

List of references (see clause 2)

Normative references

BSI publications

BS 3900 : Methods of test for paints

BS 3900 : Part A1 : 1992 Sampling
BS 3900 : Part B18 : 1994 Determination of non-volatile matter of paints and varnishes and
binders for paints and varnishes
BS 3900 : Part E7 : 1974 Resistance to impact (falling ball test)
BS 3900 : Part F4 : 1968 Resistance to continuous salt spray
BS 3900 : Part H2 : 1983 Designation of degree of blistering
BS 3978 : 1987 Specification for water for laboratory use
BS 3982 : 1980 Specification for zinc dust pigment
BS 7079 : Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
BS 7079 : Part A1 : 1989 Specification for rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel
substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous
BS 7079 : Part C1 : 1989 Specification for surface profile comparators for the assessment of
abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces
BS 7079 : Part C2 : 1989 Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasively blast-cleaned
steel using a comparator
BS EN 29117 : 1992 Paints and varnishes. Determination of through-dry state and
through-dry time. Method of test
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