Grid Code
Grid Code
Grid Code
Version 1.000
1 May 2005
Table of Contents
General Conditions
Planning Code
Operating Codes
This document is the Grid Code referred to in the Sector Law [(Articles 22 & 23)] and the
Transmission and Dispatch Licence granted by the Regulatory Authority to the Oman
Electricity Transmission Company SAOC (“Transco”) under that Law. It contains rules in
relation to the planning, development, Connection to, Operation and maintenance of and
changes to Transco's Transmission System.
The Grid Code applies to all entities that are Connected to and/or use the Transmission
System. However, individual parts of the Grid Code may be applicable to only some parties
who have acceded to the Grid Code as a whole. Each constituent part of the Grid Code
specifies which Person it applies to.
Terms and expressions used in the Grid Code are defined either in the relevant section of the
Grid Code entitled "Abbreviations and Definitions" or, in some cases, in individual Grid Code
The Grid Code contains the following constituent parts;
General Conditions;
Data Transfer Code;
Alerts Summary Code;
Planning Code;
Connection Conditions Code;
Operating Codes;
− OC1 Demand Forecasting;
− OC2 Operational Planning;
− OC3 Operating Margin;
− OC4 Demand Control;
− OC5 Notice of Operations & Incidents, & Significant Incident
− OC6 Safety Coordination;
− OC7 Contingency Planning;
− OC8 Numbering and Nomenclature of HV Plant;
− OC9 Operational Tests & Site Investigations;
Scheduling and Dispatch Codes;
− SDC1 Generation and Desalination Scheduling;
− SDC2 Generation and Desalination Dispatch;
− SDC3 Frequency Control;
Ancillary Services Code;
Metering and Data Exchange Code;
Abbreviations and Definitions;
This Grid Code shall not constitute a contract between any of the parties to it. All Licensees
(including Transco, Licensed Generators, Licensed Generators/Desalinators, Licensed
Distribution System Operators and RAEC when connected to the Transmission System) will
be party to it as will other parties Connected to the Transmission System. Some of these
parties may have contractual obligations, created by separate documents (including
Connection Agreements), to each other to comply with the Grid Code.
Nothing in this Grid Code shall entitle any party to it or any other person to any contractual or
other general Law right or remedy of whatsoever kind and howsoever arising in respect of
this Grid Code. Each party's liability to each other party shall be limited to one (1) Omani
However, nothing in this Grid Code (including this paragraph) shall affect any legal right or
remedy that may exist between any two parties to this Grid Code under any such separate
agreement between or any duty arising under the terms of any Licence granted pursuant to
the [title of Sector Law] or pursuant to that Law. In particular, nothing in this Grid Code shall
preclude the Regulatory Authority from taking such enforcement action in relation to it, the
Sector Law or any Licence granted there under as it sees fit.
Each party to this Grid Code shall at all times deal with all other parties in good faith. All
parties to the Grid Code shall at all times perform all of their obligations in accordance with
Good Industry Practice.
General Conditions
GC.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4
GC.2 Objective................................................................................................................. 4
GC.3 Scope of Grid Code and General Conditions ......................................................... 4
GC.4 Grid Code Review Panel ........................................................................................ 4
GC.5 Grid Code Revisions............................................................................................... 5
GC.6 Derogations ............................................................................................................ 5
GC.6.1 Requests for Derogation.......................................................................... 6
GC.7 Unforeseen Circumstances .................................................................................... 7
GC.8 Hierarchy ................................................................................................................ 7
GC.9 Illegality and Partial Invalidity.................................................................................. 7
GC.10 Time of Effectiveness ............................................................................................. 7
GC.11 Code Notices .......................................................................................................... 7
GC.12 Code Disputes ........................................................................................................ 8
GC.13 Code Confidentiality ............................................................................................... 9
GC.14 Interim Transitional Provisions ............................................................................... 9
GC.15 Interpretation .......................................................................................................... 9
Appendix A Constitution Of The Grid Code Review Panel ................................ 11
General Conditions
GC.1 Introduction
The individual sections of the Grid Code contain the rules and provisions relating specifically
to that individual section of the Grid Code. There are also provisions of a more general
application, which need to be included in the Grid Code to allow the various sections of the
Grid Code to work together. Such provisions are included in these General Conditions.
GC.2 Objective
The objectives of the General Conditions are as follows
to ensure, insofar as it is possible, that the various sections of the Grid Code work
together for the benefit of Transco and all Users; and
to provide a set of principles governing the status and development of the Grid Code and
related issues as approved by the Regulatory Authority.
GC.6 Derogations
If a User finds that it is, or will be, unable to comply with any provision of the Grid Code, then
it shall, without delay, report such non-compliance to Transco and the Regulatory Authority
and shall make such reasonable efforts as are required to remedy such non-compliance as
soon as reasonably practicable. Non-compliance may result;
with reference to Plant Connected to the Transmission System and is caused solely or
mainly as a result of a revision to the Grid Code; and
with reference to Plant which is Connected, approved to Connect or for which approval to
Connect to the Transmission System is being sought.
When a User believes either that it would be unreasonable (including on the grounds of cost
and technical considerations) to require it to remedy such non-compliance or that it should be
granted an extended period to remedy such non-compliance, it shall promptly submit to the
Regulatory Authority a request for derogation from such provision and shall provide Transco
and PWP with a copy of such application.
If Transco finds that it is, or will be, unable to comply with any provision of the Grid Code at
any time, then it shall make such reasonable efforts as are required to remedy such non-
compliance as soon as reasonably practicable.
In the case where Transco requests derogation, Transco shall submit the information set out
in paragraph GC.6.1 to the Regulatory Authority.
The Regulatory Authority may initiate at the request of Transco or Users a review of any
existing derogations, and any derogations under consideration where a relevant and material
change in circumstance has occurred.
GC.8 Hierarchy
In the event of any irreconcilable conflict between the provisions of the Grid Code and any
contract, agreement, or arrangement between Transco and a User;
(a) if the contract agreement or arrangement exists at the date this Grid Code first
comes into force, it shall, unless and to the extent (1) specifically provided for in
the Grid Code or in the contract agreement or arrangement or (2) that the User
has agreed to comply with the Grid Code, prevail over this Grid Code for two
years from the date upon which this Grid Code is first in effect; and
(b) in all other cases, the provisions of the Grid Code shall prevail unless the Grid
Code expressly provides otherwise.
Transco shall maintain a list of contact details for itself and all Users containing the
telephone, facsimile, e-mail and postal addresses for all Users. Transco shall provide these
details to any User in respect of any other User as soon as practicable after receiving a
Both Transco and all Users shall be entitled to amend in any respect their contact details
previously supplied and Transco shall keep the list up to date accordingly.
Any notice required to be given by this Grid Code shall be deemed to have been given or
if sent by hand, at the time of delivery;
if sent by post, from and to any address within Oman, 4 Business Days after posting
unless otherwise proven; or
if sent by facsimile, subject to confirmation of uninterrupted transmission report, or by e-
mail, one hour after being sent, provided that any transmission sent after 14:00 hours on
any day shall be deemed to have been received at 8:00 hours on the following Business
Day unless the contrary is shown to be the case.
appoint an arbitrator and (iii) the Regulatory Authority shall appoint one arbitrator
if there is an even number of parties to the dispute (in which case, the Regulatory
Authority's appointee shall act as chairman of the panel) or two arbitrators if there
is an uneven number of parties to the dispute are (in which case the Regulatory
Authority shall nominate one of its appointees to act as chairman of the panel).
Where the Grid Code provides that any dispute or difference of the parties in relation to a
particular matter should be referred to an expert for resolution, such difference or dispute
may not be referred to arbitration unless and until such expert determination has been sought
and obtained.
The Regulatory Authority shall have the right to require that all disputes which are referred to
it in accordance with paragraph GC12(c) above and are related, whether between the same
parties or not, shall be consolidated and determined together either by the Regulatory
Authority or by any arbitrator to which the Regulatory Authority has referred any dispute.
Any arbitral award shall be final and binding on the parties.
GC.15 Interpretation
In this Grid Code, unless the context otherwise requires;
references to "this Grid Code" or "the Grid Code" are reference to the whole of the Grid
Code, including any schedules or other documents attached to any part of the Grid Code;
the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
any one gender includes the others;
references to Code sections, paragraphs, clauses or schedules are to Code sections,
paragraphs, clauses or schedules of this Grid Code;
code, paragraph and schedule headings are for convenience of reference only and do not
form part of and shall neither affect nor be used in the construction of this Grid Code;
reference to any law, regulation made under any law, standard, secondary legislation,
contract, agreement or other legal document shall be to that item as amended, modified
or replaced from time to time. In particular, any reference to any licence shall be to that
licence as amended, modified or replaced from time to time and to any rule, document,
decision or arrangement promulgated or established under that Licence;
3.3 No person other than an individual shall be appointed a Member or his alternate.
3.4 After the Panel has been established for one year;
(a) each Member shall retire automatically at the beginning of the meeting of the
Panel held on the first Business Day in the month of February each year (or if no
meeting is held on such day, at the meeting which is held on the date falling
closest after that day) but shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(b) Each person or group of persons entitled to appoint a Member (or a person within
such group of persons) may, by notice in writing to the Chairman, indicate its
5.2 Each Member (including the Chairman) shall be entitled to cast one vote. In the event
of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
6. The Chairman
6.1 Upon retirement or removal by Transco of the first and each successive Chairman,
Transco shall appoint a person to act as Chairman.
6.2 Transco may at any time remove the Chairman from office.
6.3 The Chairman shall preside at every meeting of the Panel at which he is present. If
the Chairman is unable to be present at a meeting, he may appoint an alternate
pursuant to Clause 4.1 of this Appendix A to act as Chairman. If neither the Chairman
nor any other person appointed to act as Chairman is present within half an hour after
the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Members present appointed by
Transco, may appoint one of their number to be Chairman of the meeting.
6.4 The Chairman, or the person appointed to act as Chairman by the Chairman shall be
entitled to cast one vote. Where a Member is acting in the capacity of both Member
and Chairman, he shall be entitled to cast one vote as Chairman, in addition to his
one vote as Member.
7. The Secretary
7.1 Transco shall have power to appoint and dismiss a Secretary and such other staff for
the Panel as it may deem necessary. The Secretary may, but need not be, a Member,
but shall not be a Member by virtue only of being Secretary. The Secretary shall have
the right to speak at, but, unless a Member, no right to cast a vote at any meeting.
7.2 The Secretary's duties shall be to attend to the day to day operation of the Panel and,
in particular, to;
i) attend to the requisition of meetings and to serve all requisite notices;
ii) maintain a register of names and addresses of Members and the Chairman
and such alternates as may be appointed from time to time;
iii) maintain a register of names and addresses of persons in each of the groups
of persons described in sub-clauses 3.1(a) to (j) of this Appendix A; and
iv) keep minutes of all meetings.
7.3 The Secretary shall make available the register of names and addresses referred to in
sub-clauses 7.2(ii) and (iii) above, to Licensed Distributors, Distribution System Users
and/or the Regulatory Authority for inspection within a reasonable period of being
requested to do so.
7.4 If the office of a Member is vacated the Secretary shall notify (insofar as he is
reasonably able) the group or person whom the Member represented and they shall
appoint a new Member as provided in Clause 3 of this Appendix A.
8. Meetings
8.1 Subject always to the direction of Transco and the Regulatory Authority, the Panel
meetings shall operate as follows;
(a) the Panel shall meet on the first Business Day in the months of May, August,
November and February and as necessary for the transaction of business
whenever convened by the Chairman at such times as may be determined by
the Regulatory Authority, and in any event shall meet not less than 4 times
each year;
(b) notwithstanding the right of the Chairman to call a meeting of the Panel
whenever appropriate, the Chairman shall call a meeting when requested by a
notice in writing to do so by two or more Members;
(c) unless agreed by all Members, not less than 14 Business Days prior written
notice shall be given to all Members of all meetings of the Panel;
(d) the quorum of Members required for the Panel meetings shall not be less than
7 of the Members;
(e) if within an hour of the time appointed for a meeting of the Panel a quorum is
not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned for at least 2 Business Days.
The re-adjourned meeting shall be deemed quorate and its proceedings valid
notwithstanding there being fewer than seven Members present; and
(f) subject to sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) above the following circumstances shall
not (of themselves) invalidate proceedings of the Panel;
i) vacancies amongst the Panel;
ii) any defects in the appointment of Members; or
iii) the accidental omission to give notice of a Meeting to, or the non-receipt of
notice of a meeting by a person entitled to receive notice.
9. Grid Code Revisions
9.1 All proposed revisions to the Grid Code must be reviewed by the Panel prior to their
implementation. All revisions proposed by Users, the Regulatory Authority or Transco
should be brought before the Panel by the Chairman for consideration. The Chairman
will advise the Panel, Users, and the Regulatory Authority of all proposed revisions to
the Grid Code with notice of no less than 20 Business Days in advance of the next
scheduled meeting of the Panel.
9.2 Following review of a proposed revision by the Panel, the Chairman will, if
appropriate, apply to the Regulatory Authority to approve the revision of the Grid
Code based on the Panel recommendation. The Chairman, in applying to the
Regulatory Authority, shall also notify each User of the proposed revision and other
views expressed by the Panel and Users so that each User may consider making
representations directly to the Regulatory Authority regarding the proposed revision.
9.3 The Regulatory Authority shall consider the proposed revision, other views, and any
further representations and shall determine whether the proposed revision should be
made and, if so, whether in the form proposed or in an amended form.
9.4 If the Panel is directed by the Regulatory Authority that the revision shall be made, the
Chairman shall notify each User of the revision at least 10 Business Days prior to the
revision taking effect, and the revision shall take effect (and the Grid Code shall be
deemed to be amended accordingly) from (and including) the date specified in such
notification or other such date as directed by the Regulatory Authority.
10. Resolutions
10.1 A resolution of the Panel shall be passed by a simple majority of votes cast.
10.2 A resolution in writing signed by all Members shall be as valid and effective as if it had
been passed at a meeting of the Panel duly convened and held. One or more
counterparts may produce written resolutions.
10.3 A meeting of the Panel may consist of a conference between Members who are not
all in one place but who are able (directly or by telephonic communication) to speak to
each of the others and to be heard by each of the others simultaneously. The word
"meeting" shall be construed accordingly.
11. Minutes
11.1 The Secretary shall circulate copies of the minutes of each meeting of the Panel to
each Member as soon as practicable (and in any event within 15 Business Days) after
the relevant meeting has been held.
11.2 Each Member shall notify the Secretary of his approval or disapproval of the minutes
of each meeting within 15 Business Days of receipt of the minutes. A Member who
fails to do so will be deemed to have approved the minutes. The approval or
disapproval of the minutes aforesaid will not affect the validity of decisions taken by
the Panel at the meeting to which the minutes relate.
11.3 If the Secretary receives any comments on the minutes, the Secretary shall circulate
revised minutes as soon as practicable following the expiry of the period referred to in
Clause 11.2 of this Appendix A, incorporating those comments which are of a
typographical nature and indicating, where necessary, that Members disagree with
certain aspects of the minutes. The Secretary shall then incorporate those aspects of
the minutes upon which there is disagreement, into the agenda for the next following
meeting of the Panel, as the first item for discussion, and, if possible, resolution.
12. Guidance from the Panel
12.1 The Panel may at any time, and from time to time, issue guidance in relation to the
Grid Code and its implementation, performance and interpretation, and it may
establish subcommittees and working groups to carry out such work.
(c) he becomes of unsound mind or a patient for any purpose of any statute
relating to mental health; or
(d) he or his alternate fails to attend more than three consecutive meetings of the
Panel without submitting an explanation to the Chairman which is reasonably
acceptable to the Chairman.
14.2 Further, any person or persons entitled to appoint a Member or the Chairman, as the
case may be, pursuant to Clause 3 may at any time remove that Member or the
Chairman, as the case may be, from office and appoint another person to be a
Member or the Chairman, as the case may be, in its place. A person or persons will
only have the right to remove from office the Member or the Chairman, as the case
may be, that it or they have appointed, and will have no right to remove from office
any Member or the Chairman, as the case may be, appointed by another person.
Whenever any individual Member or the Chairman changes, the person or group of
persons entitled to appoint that Member or the Chairman shall notify the Secretary in
writing within seven days of the change taking effect.
17. Confidentiality
17.1 Each Member shall keep confidential all information, which that Member might
reasonably be expected to understand to be confidential.
DTC.2 Objective
The objectives of the DTC are as follows;
to list and collate all requirements in respect of data to be provided by each
category of User to Transco under the Grid Code;
to list requirements in respect of all the data to be provided by Transco to each
category of User under the Grid Code; and
to provide an overview of the data requirements of certain sections of the Grid
DTC.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, the DTC applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Licensed Suppliers;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties
Internally Interconnected Parties;
PWP; and
If Transco fails to provide data required by a section of the Grid Code, the User to
whom that data ought to have been supplied will use an estimate of the data not
provided by Transco when, in that User's view, it is necessary to do so. A User will
advise Transco in writing of any estimated data it intends to use in the event of data
not being supplied.
Transco and User estimates of data not supplied will, in each case, be based upon
data supplied previously for the same Plant or upon corresponding data for similar
Plant or upon such other information as Transco or a User, as the case may be,
deems appropriate.
Corrections to estimates of data not supplied shall be made by Transco or the User
post event, where the data affects Operating Parameters,
Table 6.1:
Grid Code
Schedule Data type Comprising User
Genset And Genset, Desalination Unit and PC
A Desalination Unit Production Facility fixed PP
technical data. Operating Parameters. SDC1
M Metering data All relevant data DCC, MDEC
Key to Users
PWP Power and Water Procurer
PP Power Producers with Generating and Desalination Plant
LD Licensed Distributors
LS Licensed Suppliers
DCC Directly Connected Consumers
OCP Other Connected Parties: Users Connected to the Transmission
System excluding PP, LD, LS, and DCC
The following details are required from each User with existing or proposed
CDGensets, Directly Connected, or to be Directly Connected, to the Transmission
System and/or with existing, or proposed Embedded CDGensets.
Production Facility name: .
Units Grid U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 PF
3. CDGenset performance and parameters:
3.1 Type of CDGenset (e.g. Steam PC C +
Turbine Genset, Gas Turbine
Genset, Cogeneration, etc);
3.2 Rated terminal voltage; kV PC B
3.3 Registered Capacity; MW PC B
3.4 Rated Active Power; MW PC
3.5 Rated VA; MVA PC B/
3.6 System constrained Capacity (for MW PC B
Embedded CDGensets only);
3.7 Minimum Generation; MW PC B/C
3.8 Active Power obtained in excess MW PC B
of Registered Capacity;
3.9 Expected running regime(s); PC B
3.10 Generator Performance Chart at Chart
stator terminals;
3.11 Short circuit ratio; PC
3.12 Genset inertia constant; MWs/ PC B +
(alternator plus prime mover); MVA
3.13 Rated field current at rated MW A PC C
and Mvar output and at rated
terminal voltage;
3.14 Field current open circuit PC C
saturation curve test certificate); A
120% rated terminal voltage; A
110% rated terminal voltage; A
100% rated terminal voltage; A
90% rated terminal voltage; A
80% rated terminal voltage; A
70% rated terminal voltage; A
60% rated terminal voltage; A
50% rated terminal voltage; A
4. Impedances
4.1 Direct axis synchronous % on PC C
reactance; MVA
4.2 Direct axis transient reactance; % on PC B +
4.3 Direct axis sub-transient; % on PC C
reactance; MVA
4.4 Quadrature axis synchronous % on PC C
reactance; MVA
UnitsGrid U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 PF
4.5 Quadrature axis sub-transient % on PC C
reactance; MVA
4.6 Stator leakage reactance; % on PC C
4.7 Armature winding direct-current % on PC C
resistance; MVA
5. Time constants:
5.1 Direct axis short-circuit transient s PC C
time constant;
5.2 Direct axis short-circuit sub- s PC C
transient time constant;
5.3 Quadrature axis short-circuit sub- s PC C
transient time constant;
5.4 Stator time constant; s PC C
6. Generator transformer:
6.1 Rated VA; MVA PC B+
6.2 Rated voltage ratio; PC C+
6.3 Winding arrangement; PC C
6.4 Vector group; PC C
6.5 Positive sequence resistance;
- @ maximum tap; % on PC B/C
- @ minimum tap; % on PC C
- @ nominal tap; % on PC B/C
6.6 Positive sequence reactance;
- @ maximum tap; % on PC
- @ minimum tap; % on PC C +
- @ nominal tap; % on
6.7 Zero phase sequence reactance; % on PC C
6.8 Tap changer range; ±% PC C
6.9 Tap changer step size; ±% PC C
6.10 Tap changer type; On/ PC C
(i.e. on-load or off-circuit); Off
7. Excitation control system parameters:
7.1 Exciter category (e.g. rotating or Text PC C +
7.2 Details of excitation system Dia- PC C
described in block diagram gram
showing transfer functions of
individual elements (including
PSS if fitted);
Units Grid U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 PF
7.3 Rated field voltage; V PC C
7.4 Generator no-load field voltage; V PC C
7.5 Excitation system on-load; V PC C
positive ceiling voltage;
7.6 Excitation system no-load V PC C
negative ceiling voltage;
7.7 Power system stabiliser fitted? Yes PC C +
7.8 Details of over excitation limiter Dia- PC C
described in block diagram; gram
showing transfer functions of
individual elements;
7.9 Details of under excitation limiter Dia- PC C
described in block diagram gram
showing transfer functions of
individual elements;
8. Governor parameters (All Gensets):
Governor system block diagram Dia- PC C
showing transfer function of individual gram
9. Prime mover parameters (Steam Turbines Genset):
Prime mover system block diagram Dia- PC C
showing transfer function of individual gram
elements and controllers;
10. Prime mover parameters (Gas Turbines Genset):
Prime mover system block diagram Dia- PC C
showing transfer function of individual gram
elements and controllers;
11. Desalination Unit parameters:
Registered Capacity; MIgpd
Desalination Unit auxiliary Power; MW
Units Grid U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 PF
12. Genset flexibility performance:
Details required with respect to
12.1 Rate of loading following a MW/ PC C
weekend (72 hour) shut- down Min
(CDGenset and Production
12.2 Rate of loading following an MW/ PC C
overnight (8 hour) shut- down Min
(CDGenset and Production
12.3 Block load following MW PC C
12.4 Rate of De-loading from Rated MW/ PC C
MW; Min
12.5 Regulating range; MW PC C
12.6 Load rejection capability while MW PC C
still Synchronised and able to
Supply Load;
Note: The data marked with "+" is required with an application for a Connection
Agreement (to facilitate an early assessment by Transco of the need for more
detailed studies).
The following details are required from each User in respect of each CDGenset.
Data description Units Data CDGenset, Desalination
category Unit and Production
Facility (PF) data
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Genset Declaration Availability Notice;
1.1 CDGenset and/or Desalination
Unit Availability Notice; MW
Registered Capacity; MW SDC 1
Start time; date/ SDC 1
Available water Capacity; m3/h SDC 1
Start Time; date/ SDC 1
1.2 CDGenset unavailability;
Start time; date/ SDC 1
End time; date/ SDC 1
1.3 Desalination Unit unavailability;
Start time; date/ SDC 1
End time; date/ SDC 1
1.4 CDGenset and/or Desalination
Unit initial conditions;
Time required for Notice to hrs SDC 1
Time required for start-up; hrs SDC 1
1.5 Maximum Generation and/or SDC 1
Desalination increase in output
above declared Availability;
1.6 Any changes to Primary SDC 1
Response and Secondary
Response characteristics;
The following details are required from each User in respect of each CDGenset.
Data description
Units Data CDGenset and
category Production Facility (PF)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Programming phase:
Generation Schedule and
Desalination Schedule for
Operation of Production Facility on
an hourly and Connection Point MW OC2
basis for the period of 1 to 8
weeks ahead by 10:00 hours each
Control Phase:
Details of any differences to
Generation Schedule submitted
under Programming Phase for the
unexpired part of the period; MW SDC 2
Post Control Phase:
Details of hourly Active Power and MW OC1
Reactive Power output sent out to
the Transmission System by its
Details of hourly Active Power and MW OC1
Reactive Power output sent out to
the Transmission System by its
CDGensets during the previous
The following details are required from each User in respect of each CDGenset.
Data description Units Time Update Data
covered time category
1. Provisional Outage Programme:
1.1 CDGensets concerned; ID Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
1.2 Active Power not Available as a MW Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
result of Outage; January
1.3 Remaining Active Power of the MW Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
Genset; January
1.4 Duration of Outage; Weeks Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
1.5 Start date and time or a range of Date Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
start dates and times; hrs January
1.6 Flexible Outage or Inflexible Flexible/ Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
Outage; Inflexible January
1.7 Flexible Outage;
Period for which the Outage could Days Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
be deferred (not less than 30 January
days in length); Year 2 to 3 OC2
Period for which the Outage could Days End of
be advanced (not less than 10 January
days in length);
Transco issue Proposed System Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
Outage Schedule to Users; July
Agreement on Proposed System Text Year 2 to 3 End of OC2
Outage Schedule; September
The following current and forecast details that relate to the Connection Site
containing the Connection Point are required from each User on its User System.
The following information is required from each User regarding existing and future
Connections for each Connection Point;
Data description
Units Data for future years Data
0 1 2 3 4 5
The following information is required from each User who is Directly Connected to
the Transmission System with Demand.
The following information is required from each User who is Directly Connected to
the Transmission System with Demand.
The following information is required from each User who is Connected to the
Transmission System via a Connection Point and the User System contains
CDGenset(s) and/or motor loads.
Short circuit Infeed to Transco Transmission System from a User System at a
Connection Point
Transco will provide Users and potential Users the following data related to the
Transco Transmission System.
Name of Connection Point: .
The Metering Registration System forms the Metering database and holds Metering
data relating to Metering Systems defined by the Metering and Data Exchange Code.
Timing: All data shall be submitted promptly after Connection or any other event
that causes a change to the data.
MO Meter Owner
PO Plant Owner
Alerts.1 Introduction
The Alerts Summary Code (Alerts Code) provides a unified reference of all Alerts and
warnings contained in the Grid Code. The Alerts Code lists actions that Transco may
take to warn or Alert Users in abnormal or Emergency Conditions and describes
instructions to Users concerning immediate action or preparation for possible future
This Alerts Code is a summary of the requirements of the Grid Code. Individual
sections of the Grid Code should be consulted on the detailed requirements of each
warning and Alert. In the event of inconsistencies between this Alerts Code and other
sections of the Grid Code the provisions in individual sections of the Grid Code shall
The relevant section of the Grid Code, under which any warning or Alert may be
required, specifies the procedures, timing, possible actions and form of instruction for
the instruction of that warning or Alert.
Alerts.2 Objectives
The objectives of the Alerts Code are as follows;
to list the warnings and Alerts that may be issued by Transco to enable the safe
Operation of the Total System in abnormal situations; and
to identify the potential responses and actions that may need to be taken by
Users on receipt of such warnings and Alerts.
Alerts.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, the Alerts Code applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Licensed Suppliers;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties;
Internally Interconnected Parties; and
PWP (for information).
Transco shall issue an Alert whenever it becomes aware of any factors likely to give
rise to a significant Disturbance or unusual operating conditions.
Transco will issue an Alert warning In the event of Incidents, such as a Total System
Shutdown, a Partial System Shutdown or a System Separation.
Table 3 (continued)
Transco may issue special instructions in respect of a Schedule Day at any time
during the period beginning immediately after the issue of the Generation Schedule
and Desalination Schedule.
Planning Code
Issued 1 May 2005
Planning Code 2
PC.1 Introduction 2
PC.2 Objective 2
PC.3 Scope 3
PC.4 Planning Procedures 3
PC.4.1 Planning Overview 3
PC.4.2 Data requirements 4
PC.4.3 Data Timing 4
PC.4.4 System Data 5
PC.4.5 The Five Year Statement 5
PC.5 Applications for Connection 6
PC.5.1 Application for Connection 6
PC.5.2 Complex Connections 6
PC.6 Data Confidentiality 7
PC.7 Planning Standards 7
Appendix A Transmission Planning Procedures 8
Appendix B Standard Planning Data 11
Appendix C Detailed Planning Data 17
Appendix D Transmission System Data 23
Planning Code
PC.1 Introduction
This Code sets out the roles and responsibilities of Transco, PWP and Users regarding the
data to be exchanged and the procedures to be followed between parties for the
development of the Transmission System, the preparation of the Five Year Statement and to
facilitate Users in the planning and development of their own Systems. The development of
the Total System includes reinforcements/extensions to the Transmission System and
Connections to New Capacity and to new supply requests. The planning processes shall be
carried out annually, covering the succeeding five Operational Years and should provide
sufficient lead times to facilitate;
any necessary planning or consent work; and
detailed engineering design/construction work to be completed by Transco and existing
or potential Users of the Total System.
Operational planning to optimise plant and equipment Outages to ensure a secure and
efficient System is covered in the Operating Code OC2, Operational Planning.
Security and reliability issues are covered in the Connection Conditions and in the Operating
Codes OC2 and OC3.
PC.2 Objective
The objectives of the Planning Code are to define the roles and responsibilities of Transco,
PWP and Users to enable;
the exchange of information and interaction between Transco, PWP and Users
concerning any proposed development of User Systems that are to be Directly
Connected to the Transmission System, or that may impact on the performance of the
Transmission System;
any proposed development by a User that may impact on the performance of the
Transmission System to be carried out in a manner that will allow Transco to meet its
obligations as defined in the Transmission Licence;
the supply of information to allow PWP and Transco to undertake their planning duties as
set down in their Licences and the Sector Law; and
the supply of information to allow PWP to meet its Licence requirements to plan adequate
Capacity to meet forecast Demand and the Generation Security Planning Standard.
PC.3 Scope
In addition to Transco and PWP, the Planning Code applies to the following Users;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Licensed Suppliers;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties;
Internally Interconnected Parties; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
(b) on transmission lines or other facilities which join that Connection Site to the
remainder of the Transmission System; and
(c) on transmission lines or other Plant at or between locations remote from that
Connection Site.
Transco’s Licence requires it to produce an annual statement (The Five Year Statement)
setting out for each of the five succeeding Operational Years, guidance to PWP and other
Users to assess the opportunities for Connecting to and using the Transmission System.
Appendix A shows an information flow chart and timetable for the planning process.
For the purposes of the Planning Code, data is considered in two parts, Standard Planning
Data and Detailed Planning Data.
Standard Planning Data covers basic Demand data from Licensed Suppliers and Licensed
Distributors and basic Genset data from Power Producers that allows Transco to carry out
Load flow and short circuit studies to determine any requirements to reinforce the
Transmission System and allow preliminary assessment of the need for stability studies.
These data requirements are given in Appendix B.
Detailed Planning Data covers additional data to allow detailed stability studies to be carried
out as necessary. These data requirements are given in Appendix C.
cover each of the five succeeding Operational Years (and in certain instances, the current
Operational Years also). The timetable is shown in Appendix A.
Where, from the date of one submission to another, there is no change in the data (or in
some of the data) to be submitted, a User may submit a written statement stating that there
has been no change from the data (or in some of the data) submitted previously and only
detail the changes to data.
By end October of each Operational Year PWP shall provide Transco with a forecast
Demand for Total System for the five succeeding Operational Years.
The Regulatory Authority may consent to a timescale longer than the 14 weeks normally
allowed on application from either Transco or the User.
Licensed Distributors submit Power Producers submit All other Users submit PWP provides to
Demand and Energy forecasts required planning data in required planning data in Transco forecast of Total
to Transco in accordance with accordance with accordance with System Demand
Appendices B & C Appendices B & C Appendices B & C
(Note that following data are summaries only and reference should be made to Planning Code for full details.)
B.1.1 Introduction
Each User that is Directly Connected to the Transmission System and has Demand shall
provide Transco with the Demand data. Data shall be supplied for each of the next five
Operational Years by;
each Licensed Distributor/Licensed Supplier in relation to Demand and Active Energy
requirements on its Distribution System;
each Directly Connected Consumer in relation to its Demand and Active Energy
requirements; and
each Power Producer in relation to the Demand of each Production Facility Directly
Connected to the Transmission System.
The data provided should be that remaining after any deductions considered appropriate by
the User to take account of the output profile of all Embedded non-CDGensets
B.1.2 User Total System Demand (Active Power) and Active Energy
B.2.1 Introduction
Each Power Producer or potential Power Producer with CDGensets Directly Connected, or to
be Directly Connected, to the Transmission System and/or with existing, or proposed, large
Embedded CDGensets, shall provide Transco and PWP with data relating to each CDGenset
as specified in B.2.2 and B.2.3.
Each Power Producer or potential Power Producer with small Embedded Gensets shall
provide the following information only for each Genset;
Registered Capacity (MW);
Available Capacity (MW) on a monthly basis; and
Name plate data for all equipment.
Data shall be supplied for each of the next five Operational Years.
B.3.1 Introduction
Each User shall provide Transco with data of its User System which relating to each
Connection Site and/or which may have an Operational Effect on the performance of the
Transmission System.
All data must include the effect of any third party Connected to its User System.
infeed to the Transmission System. The User is required to provide data calculated in
accordance with Good Industry Practice.
The data should be provided for the condition of maximum infeed from that User System with
all Gensets Synchronised and all HV motors Connected to that User System. The User
should ensure that the System Connections reflect credible System operating arrangements.
The following data shall be provided;
symmetrical three-phase short circuit current infeed at the instant of fault;
symmetrical three-phase short circuit current after the sub-transient fault current
contribution has substantially delayed);
the zero sequence source resistance and reactance values of the User System as seen
from the Connection Point, consistent with the maximum infeed above; and
the positive sequence X/R ratio at an instant of fault.
Where the Demand from one User could be supplied from more than one Connection Point,
the User may request Transco to take this into account in designing the Connection Site. In
these cases the following information must be supplied;
the alternative Connection Point(s);
the Demand which may be transferred under the loss of the most critical circuit from or to
each alternative Connection Point (to the nearest 1MW/1Mvar); and
the arrangements for transfer (e.g. manual or automatic) together with the time required
to effect transfer.
B.3.6 Switchgear
The following information must be provided for all switchgear (including circuit breakers,
switch disconnectors and isolators) on all circuits Connected to the Connection Point
including those at Production Facilities;
rated voltage (kV);
operating voltage (kV);
rated current (A);
rated short-circuit breaking current, 3-phase (kA) and 1-phase (kA);
rated Load-breaking current, 3-phase (kA) and 1-phase (kA); and
rated peak short-circuit making current, 3-phase (kA) and 1-phase (kA).
C.1.1 Demand
For each CDGenset which has an associated Genset transformer, the value of the Demand
supplied through this transformer when the CDGenset is at Capacity output shall be
Where the Production Facility has Demand in addition to that supplied through the Genset
transformer and which is supplied from either the Transmission System or the Power
Producer User System, the Power Producer shall supply forecasts for each Production
Facility of;
the maximum Demand that could be imposed on the Transmission System;
the Demand at the time of the peak Demand on the Transmission System; and
the Demand at the time of minimum Demand on the Transmission System.
The following CDGenset and Production Facility data should be supplied for each CDGenset;
d) Genset Parameters
o rated MVA;
o rated MW;
o rated field current (amps) at rated MW and Mvar output and at rated terminal
voltage; and
o field current (amps) open circuit stator curve for CDGenset terminal voltages
ranging from 50% to 120% of rated value in 10% steps as derived from the
manufacturers test certificates.
C.2.1 Introduction
Each User, whether Connected Directly to the Transmission System through an existing
Connection Point or seeking such a Direct Connection, shall provide Transco with data on its
User System associated with the Connection Site containing the existing and proposed
Connection Points.
positive sequence resistance and reactance (max, min and nominal tap);
zero sequence reactance;
tap changer range and step size;
tap changer type: on Load or off Load;
Earthing method: direct, resistance or reactance; and
Transformer cooling arrangements.
the most probable fault clearance times for electrical faults on each part of the
User System Directly Connected to the Transmission System.
CC.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2
CC.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 2
CC.3 Scope......................................................................................................................... 2
CC.4 Procedure .................................................................................................................. 2
CC.5 Connection................................................................................................................. 3
CC.6 Technical, design and operational criteria ................................................................. 3
CC.6.1 Transmission System performance characteristics.................................. 3
CC.6.2 Plant relating to User/Transco Connection Site ....................................... 4
CC.6.3 CDGenset requirements .......................................................................... 8
CC.6.4 Communications equipment................................................................... 10
CC.6.5 System monitoring ................................................................................. 11
CC.7 Site related conditions ............................................................................................. 11
CC.7.1 Responsibilities for Safety ...................................................................... 11
CC.7.2 Connection Site Schedules .................................................................... 11
CC.7.3 Operation and Gas (SF6 ] Zone Diagrams ............................................. 12
CC.7.4 Site Common Drawings ......................................................................... 13
CC.7.5 Access.................................................................................................... 14
CC.7.6 Maintenance standards .......................................................................... 14
CC.7.7 Site operational procedures ................................................................... 14
CC.2 Objective
The objective of the Connection Conditions Code is to ensure that by specifying minimum
technical, design and operational criteria the basic rules for Connection to the Transmission
System and to a User's System are similar for all Users of an equivalent category and will
enable Transco to comply with the Sector Law and its Licence obligations in a non-
discriminatory way.
CC.3 Scope
The Connection Conditions Code applies to Transco and to Users, including;
Power Producers Directly Connected to the Transmission System;
Potential Power Producers seeking to be Directly Connected to the Transmission
Power Producers with large Embedded CDGensets;
Licensed Distributors;
Licensed Suppliers;
Directly Connected Consumers;
PWP (in its role in procuring New Capacity);
Internally Interconnected Parties;
International Interconnected Parties; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
CC.4 Procedure
The ECA/ECUOSAs contain provisions relating to the procedure for Connection to the
Transmission System or, in the case of Embedded CDGensets, include provisions relating to
certain conditions to be complied with by Users prior to Transco notifying the User that it has
the right to become operational.
CC.5 Connection
The provisions relating to Connecting to the Transmission System are contained in each
ECA/ECUOSA with a User and include provisions relating to the submission of information
and reports relating to compliance with the relevant Connection Conditions for that User,
Safety Rules, commissioning programmes, Operation Diagrams and approval to Connect.
Prior to the Completion Date under the ECA/ECUOSA, the following information is to be
submitted by the User;
(a) updated Planning Code data with any estimated values assumed for planning
purposes confirmed or, where practical, replaced by validated actual values and by
updated estimates for the future and by updated forecasts for items such as Demand;
(b) details of the Protection arrangements and settings;
(c) copies of all Safety Rules and Local Safety Instructions applicable at Users’ sites
which shall be used at the Transco/User interface;
(d) information to enable Transco to prepare Site Responsibility Schedules on the basis
of the provisions set out in Appendix A;
(e) an Operation Diagram for all HV Plant on the User side of the Connection Point;
(f) the proposed name of the User site (which shall not be the same as, or confusingly
similar to, the name of any Transco site or of any other User site);
(g) a list of Safety Coordinators;
(h) a list of the telephone numbers for joint System Incidents at which senior
management representatives nominated for the purpose can be contacted and
confirmation that they are fully authorised to make binding decisions on behalf of the
(i) a list of managers who have been duly authorised to sign Site Responsibility
Schedules on behalf of the User;
(j) information to enable Transco to prepare Site Common Drawings; and
(k) Metering System Registration Data.
Each User shall, prior to Connection to the System of the User Plant notify Transco of its
telephone number or numbers, and shall notify Transco of any changes.
Prior to Connection to the System of the User Plant Transco shall notify each User of the
telephone number or numbers of its facsimile machine or machines and shall notify any
CC.7.3.3 Preparation of Operation and Gas (SF6] Zone Diagrams for User Sites
In the case of a User site, the User shall prepare and submit to Transco, an Operation
Diagram for all HV Plant on the User side of the Connection Point and Transco shall provide
the User with an Operation Diagram for all HV Plant on the Transco side of the Connection
The User shall then prepare, produce and distribute, using the information submitted on the
User Operation Diagram and the Transco Operation Diagram, a composite Operation
Diagram for the complete Connection Site.
CC.7.3.4 Preparation of Operation and Gas (SF6] Zone Diagrams for Transco Sites
In the case of a Transco site, the User shall prepare and submit to Transco an Operation
Diagram for all HV Plant on the User side of the Connection Point. Transco shall then
prepare, produce and distribute, using the information submitted on the User Operation
Diagram, a composite Operation Diagram for the complete Connection Site.
CC.7.3.5 Validity
The composite Operation Diagram prepared by Transco or the User shall be the definitive
Operation Diagram for all operational and planning activities associated with the Connection
Site. If a dispute arises as to the accuracy of the composite Operation Diagram, a meeting
shall be held at the Connection Site, as soon as reasonably practicable, between Transco
and the User, to endeavour to resolve the matters in dispute.
CC.7.4.3 Validity
The Site Common Drawings for the complete Connection Site prepared by the User or
Transco, as the case may be, shall be the definitive Site Common Drawings for all
operational and planning activities associated with the Connection Site. If a dispute arises as
to the accuracy of the Site Common Drawings, a meeting shall be held at the site, as soon as
reasonably practicable, between Transco and the User, to endeavour to resolve the matters
in dispute.
CC.7.5 Access
The provisions relating to access to Transco sites by Users, and to User sites by Transco,
are set out in each ECA/ECUOSA with Transco and each User. In addition to those
provisions, where a Transco site contains exposed HV conductors, unaccompanied access
shall only be granted to individuals holding appropriate authorisation.
Each set of Connection Site Schedules for a Connection Site shall be prepared by Transco in
consultation with other Users and be agreed at least 2 weeks prior to the Completion Date
under the ECA/ECUOSA for that Connection Site (which may form part of a Complex). Each
User shall, in accordance with the timing requirements of the ECA/ECUOSA, provide
information to Transco to enable it to prepare the Site Responsibility Schedule.
Each set of Connection Site Schedules shall be subdivided to take account of any separate
Connection Sites on that Complex.
Each Site Responsibility Schedule, (a) (iv) above, shall detail for each item of Plant;
i) Plant ownership;
ii) Safety (applicable Safety Rules and Control Person or other responsible Person
(Safety Coordinator), or such other Person who is responsible for safety);
iii) Operations (applicable operational procedures and control engineer);
iv) Responsibility for statutory inspections;
v) Maintenance and fault investigation;
vi) Responsibility for site security; and
vii) Access.
The Site Responsibility Schedule shall be prepared in accordance with the attachment to this
Appendix unless otherwise agreed in writing with Transco and shall include, for each
Connection Site, lines and cables emanating from the Connection Site.
Every page of each Connection Site Schedule shall bear the date of issue and the issue
Following preparation of a set of Connection Site Schedules, Transco shall send it to the
Users involved for confirmation of its accuracy.
The Connection Site Schedules shall be signed on behalf of Transco by the representative
responsible for the area in which the Complex is situated and on behalf of each User involved
by the manager nominated in accordance with A.3 of this Appendix, by way of written
confirmation of its accuracy. Once signed, Transco shall distribute two copies, not less than
two weeks prior to its implementation date, to each User that is a party on the Connection
Site Schedule, accompanied by a note indicating the issue number and the date of
Attachment to Appendix A
Proforma for Site Responsibility Schedule
for Connection Point
Connection Site:. …………………………………………………………………
Company: ………………………………………………………………………
Safety Rules 1 Access 3 4
Item of Equipment Safety Co- Operational Control Party Responsible Security Comments
Equipment Owner ordinator 2 Procedures Responsibility for Statutory Responsibility
Maintenance and
Fault Investigations
MHEW Safety Rules were formerly referred to as the MEW Safety Rules, as changed from time to time in accordance with the Grid Code.
At all interfaces Transco and the User must co-ordinate activities but the Transco authorized Person has overall responsibility.
Access applies to authorised subcontractors of the Transco and the User also.
Access to the Transco compound is with the Transco’s approval, exercised by the site security officer.
Version 1.000
Circuit Breaker
Circuit Breaker
Earth Switch
Bus 1
Bus 2
Double Busbar with Selection
2 Winding Transformer
Earthing Resistance
Surge Arrester
A. C. Generator
M Motor
Overhead Line
Current Transformer
Voltage Transformer
Version 1.000
Version 1.000
Version 1.000
Version 1.000
Version 1.000
OC1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................2
OC1.2 Objective ................................................................................................................2
OC1.3 Scope .....................................................................................................................3
OC1.4 Data required by Transco .......................................................................................3
OC1.4.1 Operational Planning Phase..................................................................3
OC1.4.2 Programming Phase..............................................................................4
OC1.4.3 Control Phase........................................................................................4
OC1.4.4 Post Control Phase................................................................................5
OC1.5 Transco forecasts ...................................................................................................5
OC1.1 Introduction
OC1 outlines the obligations on Transco and Users regarding the preparation of forecasts of
both Active Demand and Reactive Demand on the Transmission System. OC1 sets out the
timescales within which Users shall provide forecasts of both Active Demand and Reactive
Demand to Transco, and the timescales within which Transco shall provide forecasts to
Users. The demand forecasts referred to in OC1 are required for certain operational
purposes, specifically;
the Operational Planning Phase requires annual forecasts of both Active Demand and
Reactive Demand on the Transmission System for each of the succeeding 5 years;
the Programming Phase requires weekly forecasts of both Active Demand and Reactive
Demand on the Transmission System for the period 1 to 8 weeks ahead; and
the Control Phase requires daily forecasts of Demand Control data on the Transmission
System for the day ahead.
OC1 also deals with the provision of Demand Control data (as described in OC4) in
timescales consistent with the Operational Planning Phase, the Programming Phase, and the
Control Phase.
OC1.2 Objective
The objectives of OC1 are as follows;
to specify the requirement for Transco and Users to provide unbiased forecasts of both
Active Demand and Reactive Demand on the Transmission System within specified
timescales. These forecasts are used by Transco for Operational Planning purposes, and
in the Programming Phase, and the Control Phase;
to describe information to be provided by Users to Transco in the post Control Phase;
to describe certain factors to be taken into account by Transco and Users when preparing
forecasts of both Active Demand and Reactive Demand on the Transmission System.
OC1.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC1 applies to the following Users;
Licensed Distributors;
Power Producers;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
PWP; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
No later than the end of October each year, Transco shall notify each User in writing of the
forecast information listed below for each of the following 5 Operational Years;
the date and time of the forecast annual peak Active Demand and Reactive Demand on
the Transmission System at annual maximum Demand conditions 1 ; and
the date and time of the forecast annual minimum Active Demand and Reactive Demand
on the Transmission System at average minimum Demand conditions 1 .
By the end of January of each year, each User shall provide to Transco in writing, the
forecast information listed below for each of the succeeding 5 Operational Years;
each Licensed Distributor (summed over all Bulk Supply Points) and each Directly
Connected Consumer (at the Connection Point), shall provide forecast profiles of hourly
Active Power Demand for the day of that User’s maximum Demand and for the day
specified by Transco as the day of forecast annual peak Demand. These forecasts to
reflect annual maximum Demand conditions;
each Licensed Distributor (summated over all Bulk Supply Points) and each Directly
Connected Consumer (at the Connection Point), shall provide forecasts of their annual
Active Demand requirements for Average Conditions subdivided into the following
categories of Consumer;
− residential;
− commercial;
− industrial;
There will be a need for Transco to develop forecast methodologies based on normalised demands, e.g.
Average Maximum Demand and Average Conditions
User forecasts of both Active Demand and Reactive Demand on the Transmission System
provided to Transco in accordance with OC1 must reflect the User’s best estimates of its
forecast requirements.
Transco will use the information supplied to it to prepare forecasts of both Active Demand
and Reactive Demand on the Transmission System for use in the Operational Planning
The Users identified below shall provide Transco in writing by 10:00 hours each Saturday
forecasts of Demand for Active Power and Reactive Power on the Transmission System for
the period of 1 to 8 weeks ahead;
Licensed Distributors shall supply hourly profiles of Demand for Active Power and
Reactive Power at each Bulk Supply Point and the amount and duration of their proposed
use of Demand Control which may result in a Demand change of 1 MW or more on an
hourly basis at each Bulk Supply Point; and
each Directly Connected Consumer shall supply hourly MW profiles of Demand for Active
Power and Reactive Power at a Connection Point.
Transco will use the information supplied to it in preparing its forecasts of Demand for Active
Power and Reactive Power on the Transmission System for the purposes of the
Programming Phase.
In accordance with SDC1 each Licensed Distributor, User, and Directly Connected
Consumer shall notify Transco by 10:00hours each day of any Demand Control procedures
that may result in a Demand Change of 1 MW or more averaged over any hour on any Bulk
Transco will use the information supplied to it when preparing its forecasts of both Active
Demand and Reactive Demand on the Transmission System for use in Control Phase
studies. Transco shall issue to all Users the forecasts used in the Control Phase by
15:00hours each day.
The Users identified below will provide Transco in writing by 10:00 hours each day certain
information regarding Active Power data and Reactive Power data for the previous day; 2
each Licensed Distributor shall supply hourly MW profiles for each Bulk Supply Point for
the previous day showing the amount and duration of Demand reduction achieved from
the use of Demand Control of 1 MW or more averaged over any hour on any Bulk Supply
each Directly Connected Consumer shall supply MW profiles for the previous day in
relation to its Demand and Active Energy requirements,
each Power Producer shall supply details of hourly Active Power and Reactive Power
output sent out to the Transmission System by its Gensets during the previous calendar
Transco is responsible for the forecasts of both Active Demand and Reactive Demand on the
Transmission System used for planning and operational purposes. However, Transco is
required by the terms of its Transmission and Dispatch Licence to ensure that the forecasts
of Active Demand used in the Operational Planning Phase are consistent with the forecasts
of Active Demand prepared and published by the PWP (in its Statement of Future Capacity
When preparing forecasts of both Active Demand and Reactive Demand on the
Transmission System to be used in the Planning Phase and the Control Phase, Transco shall
take account of the following;
historic Demand data
Transmission System losses
weather forecasts and the current and historic weather conditions
the incidence of major events or activities which are known to Transco in advance
Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule
Demand Control of 1 MW or more proposed to be exercised by Licensed Distributors and
of which Transco has been informed
other information supplied by Users.
Users are only required to supply the data in 1.4.4 until Transco can obtain it from the SCADA system, The Grid
Code Review panel will then need to review this paragraph.
OC2.2 Objective
The objective of this code is to ensure, as far as possible, that Transco co-ordinates
and approves Outages of CDGensets, taking into account Demand forecasts,
desalination requirements, Transmission System Outages and Distribution System
Outages in order to minimise the overall costs of Total System Operation and in
order to ensure that forecast Demand plus the Operating Margin is met in
accordance with the Transmission Security Standards.
OC2.3 Scope
In addition to Transco and PWP, OC2 applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
WD-MHEW; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
OC2.4 Procedures
The procedures in this code cover details of the data required and the time at which
the data needs to be provided to Transco to allow co-ordination of Outages. An
overall timetable for the Operational Planning process is presented in Appendix A.
During this period Transco may, as appropriate, contact each User which has
supplied information to seek clarification of information received or such additional
relevant information as is reasonable.
Transco will on the basis of (i) the maximum Generating Capacity required each
week (ii) the Proposed Station Outage Schedules and (iii) the total Available Capacity
develop a Proposed System Outage Schedule.
The Final Station Outage Schedule provided by the Power Producer will reflect only
changes to the Proposed System Outage Schedule if the Power Producer has had to
respond to changed circumstances. The Power Producer will have to provide
sufficient evidence of such changed circumstances.
The Final Station Outage Schedule will contain the following information in relation to
each proposed Planned Outage;
(a) identity of the CDGensets concerned
(b) MW concerned (ie MW which will not be Available as a result of the Outage
and that which will, not withstanding the Outage, still be Available,)
(c) whether the Outage is a Flexible Outage or an Inflexible Outage
(d) start date and start time
(e) if it is a Flexible Outage;
the period for which the Outage could be deferred at the request of
Transco, which period shall be not less than 30 days in length
the period for which the Outage could be advanced at the request of
Transco, which period shall be not less than 10 days in length.
The Power Producer must provide Transco with such evidence as it may reasonably
require in order to substantiate the declaration as an Inflexible Outage and, if the
Power Producer fails to establish to Transco’s reasonable satisfaction that the
Outage is required to be an Inflexible Outage, the Outage shall be deemed to have
been submitted as a Flexible Outage with an attendant Flexible Outage period of 10
days for advancement and 30 days for deferment.
full details of any restrictions or risk of trip of a CDGenset and/or the Plant caused
by the problem associated with the Short Notice Outage.
On receipt of a request notice for a Short Notice Outage, Transco shall consider the
request and shall having discussed the position with the Power Producer (and Users
in the case of an Embedded CDGenset), reply in writing indicating;
acceptance of the request, confirming the requested start time and duration of the
Short Notice Outage;
proposals for the advancement or deferment of the Short Notice Outage if taken,
indicating alternative start time and duration; or
rejection of the request.
If Transco has accepted the request, the Short Notice Outage, if taken, must be
taken by the Power Producer in accordance with Transco’s requirements.
If Transco has indicated an alternative start time and/or duration, Transco and the
Power Producer must discuss the alternative and any other options which may arise
during the discussions. If agreement is reached, then the Short Notice Outage, if
taken, must be taken by the Power Producer in accordance with Transco’s
If Transco refuses the request or if agreement is not reached then the Short Notice
Outage may not be taken by the Power Producer.
If, in respect of a particular CDGenset, Transco has rejected requests on two
successive occasions, which were not less than 7 days apart, Transco may not reject
a third request. However, Transco may require that such Outage, if it is to be during
the Summer Period, be deferred if, in Transco’s reasonable opinion, were the Short
Notice Outage not to be deferred;
the Transmission Security Standards might not be met; or
there would otherwise be insufficient Generating Capacity to meet forecast
Demand and the Operating Margin.
Any such deferral shall be for so long as the above circumstances exist, but shall not
be beyond the end of the month following the end of the Summer Period.
In the event that a Short Notice Outage is scheduled pursuant to this subsection,
Transco shall by notice in writing and copy to PWP confirm the details thereof within
one day after the details of the Short Notice Outage have been settled. Such notice
shall contain the following information;
the identity and Capacity of the CDGenset(s) concerned;
full details of the problem;
maximum allowed duration of the Outage; and
the start date and start time.
The Power Producer shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the
CDGenset is repaired and restored to its full level of availability as soon as possible
and in accordance with Good Industry Practice.
service and the Power Producer’s best estimate of the date and time at which the
CDGenset will return to service.
A Power Producer must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that, in respect of
each Planned Outage of the its CDGensets, the Outage as included in the Final
System Outage Schedule (or as moved in accordance with this code) is followed.
Before returning from any Outage other than a Planned Outage, a Power Producer
must inform Transco and PWP, as far in advance as reasonably possible that its
CDGenset is returning to service. The Power Producer must, in addition, provide an
Availability Notice in accordance with the Scheduling and Dispatch Code 1 on the
day prior to the Schedule Day on which the CDGenset is to return to service.
If at any time during an Outage the Power Producer becomes aware that its
CDGenset will not be Available by the expiry of the period specified for the duration
of the Outage in the Final System Outage Programme or as otherwise notified in the
case of Outages other than Planned Outages, the Power Producer shall notify
Transco and PWP immediately in writing stating the reason for the delay and the
Power Producer’s best estimate of the date and time by which the CDGenset will
actually have been maintained, repaired or restored to be Available in accordance
with the Scheduling and Dispatch Code.
In Operational year 0 January Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept
Planning for Operational Year 2
Each Power Producer Proposed
will provide Transco and Station Outage
PWP in writing with - Schedule for
Op Yr 2 (1)
Transco will provide - Forecast of maximum Capacity required from each Genset for each week
of Op Yr 2 (2)
Transco will prepare and send to PWP and affected Users draft Transmission System Outage plan
Transco will provide Proposed System
PWP, each Power Outage Schedule
Producer and Other for each week of
Users in writing with - Op Yr 2
PWP, Power Producers Any objections to
and Other Users will be raised and
raise any objections to resolved with
Proposed System Transco
Outage Schedule
Transco will determine - Proposed System Outage
Schedule No.1
In Operational year 0 January Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept
Planning for Operational Year 1 - Proposed System Outage Schedule No.1 forms basis for OP 1 planning
Each Power Producer Final Station
will provide Transco & Outage
PWP in writing with - Schedule for
Op Yr 1 (3)
Transco will provide Draft Final System
PWP, each Power Outage Schedule
Producer and Other for each week of
Users in writing with - Op Yr 1 (2)(4)
PWP, Power Producers Any objections to be
and Other Users will raised and resolved
raise any objections to with Transco (as in
Draft Final System OC2.5.1)
Outage Schedule
Transco, after Final System
considerations, will Outage Schedule
issue schedule -
In Operational year 0 January Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept
Planning for Operational Year 1 - Transmission System Outage plan
Transco will update draft Transmission System Outage plan Send to PWP and
affected Users
PWP and Other Users Any objections
will raise any objections to be raised and
to Draft Transmission resolved with
System Outage Plan Transco
Transco, after Final
considerations, will Transmission
issue plan System Outage
Op Yr 1 – Operational Year 1
Op Yr 2 – Operational Year 2
The following notes are summaries only of actions and reference should be made to OC2 for full details
1 Data from Power Producers will Identity of CDGenset/Desalination Unit
MW Available/not Available
Required duration of outage
Preferred start date/time or range
Flexible/Inflexible outage
If flexible, scope for change
Proposed timing of Winter downtime
2 Transco forecast will be based on Demands forecasts
Transco estimate of Demand Management
Operating Margins as set by Transco
Transmission & Distribution System constraints
Transmission & Distribution System outages
Transmission System losses
Forecast imports/exports from Internally/International Connected Parties
3 The Final Station Outage Schedule produced by Power Producers will reflect changes to Proposed Station Outage Schedule
only if Power Producer has had to respond to changed circumstances for which sufficient evidence must be provided
4 Draft Final System Outage Schedule Flexible outages may have moved to coordinate all outage proposals
may differ from Final Station Outage
A flexible outage may have been re-designated as an inflexible outage
Schedule due to;
Timing of a Winter outage may have changed
In addition, where in the opinion of A flexible or an inflexible outage originally shown may be excluded from the Final
Transco, the License requirements System Outage Schedule.
could not be met Transco may
An inflexible outage in the Proposed System Outage Schedule may be re-designated
provide to PWP and the Power
as flexible or its start date moved.
Producer a written request that;
Appendix B Format for Submission of Proposed Station Outage Schedules from Power Producers
CDGenset Registered Unavailable Outage duration Preferred start date or Flexible If outage flexible. Period outage
No Capacity Capacity range of start dates outage or not could be
MW MW deferred advanced
Theoretical Heating
stability limit * Practical stability limit
100 calculated allowing a
4% margin at full
load, a 12% margin
at no load and
proportional margins
at intermediate loads.
OC3.2 Objective
The objectives are to state clearly the types of reserve provided over various
timescales that make up the Operating Margin, and to describe the factors which will
govern the issue of Dispatch Instructions for reserve.
OC3.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC3 applies to;
Power Producers; and
Users offering Demand Control as an Ancillary Service.
the magnitude and number of the largest Active Power infeeds from CDGensets,
International Interconnections, Internal Interconnections and over single
transmission feeders within the Transmission System;
the predicted Frequency drop following loss of the largest infeed as may be
determined through simulation using a dynamic model of the Total System;
the extent to which Demand Control can be implemented;
significant events that may justify provision of additional Operating Reserve;
the cost of providing Operating Reserve at any point in time;
ambient weather conditions, insofar as they may affect (directly or indirectly)
CDGenset and/or Transmission System reliability; and
agreements in place with International Interconnected Parties.
Transco shall keep records of the Operating Reserve policy and of significant
alterations to it as determined by the above and any other factors.
OC4.1 Introduction
Operating Code OC4 is concerned with Demand Control measures and procedures for
implementing such measures. The term “Demand Control” in OC4 refers to measures that
allow Transco to secure a reduction in Demand in situations of insufficient Generation
Capacity or where severe operating difficulties pose a threat to the stability of the Total
OC4 deals with the following aspects of Demand Control;
Consumer Demand management initiated by Transco;
Planned manual de-energisation or emergency manual de-energisation of Demand initiated
by Transco;
Consumer Demand management initiated by Licensed Distributors;
De-energisation of Demand by automatic Demand shedding equipment and automatic
relays to preserve Total System security;
Procedures for issuing and complying with Demand Control instructions; and
Demand Control Imminent Warnings and Red warnings.
OC4.2 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC4 applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Licensed Suppliers;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
PWP (for information exchange); and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
OC4.3 Objective
The objectives of OC4 are as follows;
to identify different methods of Demand Control and the procedures governing their
implementation; and
to clarify the obligations of Transco, Users and Directly Connected Consumers as regards
the development of procedures, and exchange of information, required for the
implementation of Demand Control.
OC4 requires Transco to ensure that all parties affected by Demand Control are treated
equitably and that Demand Control is used as a last resort and only after all other means of
securing System security have been exhausted.
Page 2 of 11 F - OC4 Demand Control Version 1.000
Version 1.000
(a) each Licensed Distributor shall make arrangements that allow it to comply with an
instruction from Transco to manually de-energise Consumers on its Distribution
System under Emergency Conditions irrespective of Frequency within 30 minutes. It
must be possible to manually de-energise a proportion of Demand as determined by
(b) each Licensed Distributor shall implement the instructions of Transco regarding
manual de-energisation without delay, and the manual de-energisation must be
achieved as soon as possible after the instruction is given by Transco. The
instruction may relate to an individual Connection Point and/or groups of Connection
(c) once manual de-energisation has been applied by a Licensed Distributor in
accordance with an instruction from Transco, that Licensed Distributor shall not re-
energise the manually de-energised Demand until Transco instructs it to do so and
the process of re-energisation must begin within 2 minutes of the instruction being
given by Transco; and
(d) each Licensed Distributor shall provide Transco in writing by the end of October in
each calendar year, in respect of the next following Operational Year, on a
Connection Point basis, with the following information as set out in Appendix A;
its total annual maximum Demand;
the percentage value of the total annual maximum Demand that can be manually
de-energised within timescales of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes, at least 40%
of total Demand must disconectable; and
confirm that a minimum of 20% of total Demand can be manually de-energised in
the first 5 minutes following instruction from Transco.
Transco will notify a Licensed Distributor who was issued with an instruction requiring
manual de-energisation of the events on the Transmission System that necessitated the
instruction. In circumstances of protracted shortage of Generation Capacity or where a
statutory instruction has been given and when a reduction in Demand is envisaged by
Transco to be prolonged, Transco will notify the Licensed Distributor of the expected
duration of the de-energisation.
If Transco determines that Emergency Manual Demand Shedding is inadequate,
Transco may itself manually de-energise and re-energise a Licensed Distributor as part
of a Demand Control requirement under Emergency Conditions.
To ensure Directly Connected Consumers and other Users can implement an instruction
from Transco requiring manual de-energisation;
(a) each Directly Connected Consumer and User shall make arrangements that allow it
to comply with an instruction from Transco to manually de-energise under
Emergency Conditions irrespective of Frequency within 30 minutes. It must be
possible to apply the manual de-energisations to individual Connection Points, as
determined by Transco;
(b) each Directly Connected Consumer and User shall implement the instructions of
Transco with regard to manual de-energisation without delay, and the manual de-
energisation must be achieved as soon as possible after the instruction being given
by Transco. The instruction may relate to an individual Connection Point and/or
groups of Connection Points;
(c) once a manual de-energisation has been applied by a Directly Connected Consumer
or User at the instruction of Transco, the Directly Connected Consumer or User shall
not re-energise until Transco instructs it to do so and the process of re-energisation
must begin within 2 minutes of the instruction being given by Transco; and
(d) each Directly Connected Consumer and User shall provide Transco in writing by the
end of October in each calendar year, in respect of the next Operational Year, on a
Connection Point basis, with the following information as set out in Appendix A;
its total annual maximum Demand;
the percentage value of the total annual maximum Demand that can be manually
de-energised within timescales of 5, 15, and 30 minutes.
Transco will notify a Directly Connected Consumer or User who has been issued with an
instruction requiring manual de-energisation of the events on the Transmission System that
necessitated the instruction. In circumstances of protracted shortage of Generation Capacity
or where a statutory instruction has been given and when a reduction in Demand is
envisaged by Transco to be prolonged, Transco will notify the Directly Connected Consumer
or User of the expected duration of the de-energisation.
If Transco determines that Emergency Manual Demand Shedding is inadequate, Transco
may itself manually de-energise and re-energise Directly Connected Consumers and Users
as part of a Demand Control requirement under Emergency Conditions.
In the event of a sustained period of shortfall in the Generation Capacity and Demand
balance, either for the Transmission System as a whole or for significant parts of the System,
manual de-energisation of Demand will be implemented on a rota basis.
Transco shall develop Demand shedding rotas in consultation with Licensed Distributors,
Directly Connected Consumers and other Users. Planned Rota Demand Shedding shall
ensure that Available power is shared among affected parties on an equitable basis; groups
of Consumers can be de-energised for periods of up to 1 hour, after which their supplies shall
be re-energised and another group of Consumers de-energised.
Transco shall amend any Planned Rota Demand Shedding prior to implementation if, in
Transco’s opinion, operational considerations require it to do so. Transco shall notify each
User of the total amount of Demand that shall be de-energised at different times.
issue. The exception is a Demand Control Imminent Warning that will automatically lapse
after 2 hours unless renewed by Transco.
Following the issue of a Demand Control warning, no Demand Control measures shall be
implemented unless Transco so issues an instruction.
Transco will issue a Demand Control Imminent Warning to Licensed Distributors, Directly
Connected Consumers and Users who may subsequently receive instruction requiring
Emergency Manual Demand Shedding.
A Demand Control Imminent Warning need not be preceded by any other warning and will be
issued when Transco expects to issue an instruction requiring Emergency Manual Demand
Shedding within the following 30 minutes.
A Demand Control Imminent Warning will automatically lapse if not reissued by Transco
within 2 hours of the time of issue.
Transco will issue a Demand Control Red Warning by 16:00 hours on the day ahead to
Licensed Distributors, Directly Connected Consumers and Users who may receive
instructions on the day ahead concerning Emergency Manual Demand Shedding or Planned
Rota Demand Shedding. A Demand Control Red Warning will also be issued to Power
Producers with CDGensets that may be affected by such instructions.
A Demand Control Red Warning will specify the period during which Demand shedding may
be required and the part of the Transmission System to which it may apply, the percentage of
Demand reduction that Transco may require and any other matters.
restorations the notification shall include an estimate of the amount of Demand restored and
the time at which the restoration was achieved.
All Users shall provided further details to Transco of the timings, amount of Demand
reduction and/or restoration actually achieved. This reporting shall be implemented for each
Demand Control instruction and should be completed within 24 hours of the events.
5 10 15 20 25 30
Notes: Data to be provided annually by the end of October to cover the following
OC5.1 Introduction 2
OC5.2 Objective 2
OC5.3 Scope 3
OC5.4 Notice of Operations 3
OC5.4.1 Operations on the Transmission System ..............................................3
OC5.4.2 Operations on a User System ...............................................................3
OC5.4.3 Form of notice of Operations.................................................................3
OC5.4.4 Timing....................................................................................................4
OC5.5 Notification of Incidents 4
OC5.5.1 Incidents on the Transmission System..................................................4
OC5.5.2 Incidents on a User System ..................................................................4
OC5.5.3 Form of notification................................................................................5
OC5.5.4 Timing....................................................................................................5
OC5.6 Significant Incident reporting 5
OC5.6.1 Timing of Significant Incident reporting .................................................6
OC5.6.2 Written reporting of Significant Incidents by Transco to Users..............6
OC5.6.3 Written reporting of Significant Incidents by Users to Transco..............6
OC5.6.4 Form of Significant Incident report ........................................................6
OC5.7 Evaluation of Significant Incidents 7
OC5.8 Alerts 7
OC5.9 Operational Logs 8
OC5.10 Loss of Communication 8
Appendix A Significant Incident Report 9
OC5.1 Introduction
Operating Code OC5, Notice of Operations and Incidents, and Significant Incident reporting,
requires Transco and Users to issue notices of all Operations and Incidents on their
respective Systems that have or may have implications for the Transmission System or a
User’s System.
Transco may determine that an Incident shall be classified as a Significant Incident. OC5
sets out the procedures for reporting and subsequent assessment of Significant Incidents.
OC5 requires Transco or a User to prepare;
a preliminary written Significant Incident report within 2 hours of Transco determining an
Incident as a Significant Incident; and
a full written Significant Incident report within 1 Business Day of Transco determining an
Incident as a Significant Incident.
In addition, OC5 contains requirements governing the content of Significant Incident reports,
the circulation of Significant Incident reports, and their subsequent assessment and review
by the Grid Code Review Panel.
OC5.2 Objective
The objectives of OC5 are;
to specify the obligations on Transco and Users regarding the issue of notices of
Operations and Incidents on their respective Systems;
to ensure notices of Operations and Incidents provide sufficient detail to allow recipients
of such notices to fully assess the likely implications and risks and take the necessary
actions required to maintain the security and stability of the Transmission System or a
User’s System;
to specify the arrangements for reporting Incidents that Transco has determined to be a
Significant Incident; and
to provide for the review of all Significant Incident reports by the Grid Code Review Panel
to assess the effectiveness of policies adopted in accordance with this Grid Code.
OC5.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC5 applies to;
Power and Water Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
International Interconnected Parties;
PWP (copy recipient of Significant Incident reports); and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
OC5.4.4 Timing
A notification will be given as far in advance as possible. Notification of future Operations
shall be given in sufficient time as will reasonably allow the recipient to consider and assess
the implications and risks arising from the Operation.
In the case of an Incident on the System of a User, which has had or may have an
Operational Effect on the Transmission System, the User will notify Transco. Following
notification by the User, Transco will notify any other Users whose Systems will be, are, or
have been affected.
OC5.5.4 Timing
An Incident notification will be given as soon after the Incident as possible to allow the
recipient to consider and assess the implications and risks arising from the Incident.
In the case of an Incident that has been reported by Transco to a User, and subsequently
determined by Transco to be a Significant Incident, Transco will provide a full written
Significant Incident report to the User and the Regulatory Authority. The User shall not pass
the report to other affected Users but;
if the User is a Licensed Distributor, it may use the information contained therein in
preparing a written report to a Power Producer with a CDGenset Connected to its System
or to a Licensed Supplier of Consumers Connected to its Licensed Distribution System.
The Significant Incident report may be used in connection with the reporting of Significant
Incidents under the Distribution Code; and
if the User is a Power Producer, it may use the information contained therein in preparing
a written report to PWP or to another Power Producer with a Genset Connected to its
System or to a Licensed Distributor Connected to its System in accordance with
requirements for reporting Significant Incidents on its System.
OC5.8 Alerts
Whenever Transco becomes aware of any factors likely to give rise to an Emergency
Condition or to unusual Operating conditions, Transco shall send an Alert to all Users who
may be adversely affected by such disturbances or unusual Operating conditions.
The Alert will indicate the likely reason for the disturbance, the severity and duration of the
disturbance and duration of the Alert period. An Alert shall take the following form;
Statement “This is an Alert timed at (xx:xx) hours;
A disturbance caused by (………), is probable at (yy:yy) hours;
The likely effect of the disturbance is ( ……. );
The disturbance is likely to last (zz:zz) hours;
This Alert shall be considered cancelled automatically in 2 hours time unless renewed
before that time.”
The following conditions are those that as a minimum should be considered to give rise to an
1. Tripping of any 220 kV, 132 kV or any multiple tripping of 66kV or 33kV Plant;
2. Tripping of a CDGenset;
3. Condition where the Operating Margin is below the agreed standard;
4. The voltage or Frequency going outside operational limits;
5. Important events (e.g., National Day celebrations);
6. Major testing;
7. Accidents;
The Alert may be delivered by telephone but must be confirmed in writing.
All parties receiving the Alert shall acknowledge receipt in writing and shall report any
resulting events in accordance with the procedures set down in this Code OC5.
OC6.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................2
OC6.2 Objective ................................................................................................................2
OC6.3 Scope .....................................................................................................................2
OC6.4 Terms .....................................................................................................................2
OC6.5 The Safety Rules ....................................................................................................3
OC6.6 Safety at the interface.............................................................................................3
OC6.1 Introduction
OC6 requires Transco (and its agents), PWP (and its agents) and Users (and their agents) to
operate in accordance with approved Safety Rules, in order to ensure safe working
conditions for personnel working on or in close proximity to Transmission System electrical
Plant and for personnel who may have to work or use Transmission System electrical Plant
at an Interface.
In the event of a conflict between this Operating Code OC6 - Safety Coordination and any
other section of the Grid Code, OC6 shall take precedence.
OC6.2 Objective
The objective of OC6 is to allow work and/or testing on the Transmission System or HV Plant
that is Directly Connected to the Transmission System to be carried out safely.
OC6.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC6 applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
International Interconnected Parties;
RAEC if Connected to the Total System;
all contractors/agents working on the Transmission System; and
OC6.4 Terms
The following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them below for the purposes of OC6;
"Isolation" means the disconnection of Plant from the remainder of the System in which that
Plant is situated by either of the following;
(a) an Isolating Device maintained in an isolating position. The isolating position must
be maintained and/or secured by a method that accords with Safety Rules approved
by Transco; or
(b) an adequate physical separation which must be in accordance with, and maintained
in accordance with Safety Rules approved by Transco. If it is required by the
approved Safety Rules a Caution Notice must be placed at the point of separation.
"Earthing" means a way of providing a connection between conductors and general mass of
earth by an Earthing Device which is maintained and/or secured in position in accordance
with Safety Rules approved by Transco.
All Users Connecting to the Transmission System must approve Designated Operators that
are deemed by the relevant User to be competent to carry out the procedures in the agreed
Operational Instructions. The approvals must be in writing and copies must be sent to
Transco in consultation with Users shall develop for each User site a Site Responsibility
Schedule (referred to in Connection Conditions, clause CC.7.2). The Site Responsibility
Schedule shall detail the demarcation of responsibility for the safety of Transco personnel
and Designated Operators carrying our work or testing at the User’s Connection Site and on
circuits that cross the User’s site at any point.
Transco shall issue operational procedures for each User site. The operational procedures
shall include, but are not limited to;
In the event of a modification or change in operational practices, which has or may have an
operational effect at a User site, Transco and the User shall review the adequacy of overall
site safety.
Adequate means of Isolation shall be provided at the interface to allow work to be carried out
safely at the interface or either side of the interface by Transco and each User.
Where necessary adequate facilities for earthing Plant shall be provided at either side of the
interface to allow work to be carried out safely at the interface or on either side of the
OC7.1 Introduction 2
OC7.2 Objective 2
OC7.3 Scope 2
OC7.4 Terms 3
OC7.5 System Normalisation strategy 3
OC7.6 System Normalisation Procedures 4
OC7.6.1 User responsibilities 4
OC7.6.2 Black Start procedure 4
OC7.6.3 Re-Synchronisation procedures 6
OC7.7 System Incident procedures 6
OC7.7.1 System Incident communications 7
OC7.7.2 System Alerts/Warnings 7
OC7.1 Introduction
Operating Code OC7, Contingency Planning, requires Transco to develop a strategy to be
implemented in Emergency Conditions such as a Total System Shutdown or Partial System
Shutdown and in response to other major System Incidents.
A Total System Shutdown or Partial System Shutdown can have widespread implications for
electricity Supply and it is imperative that Transco has arrangements in place to deal with
such situations. It is also important that Users are aware of the procedures, and cooperate
fully in the implementation of the procedures, through which Transco can return the
Transmission System to normal operating conditions.
OC7.2 Objective
The objectives of OC7 are;
to require Transco to develop a general restoration strategy to adopt in the event of Total
System Shutdown or Partial System Shutdown;
to require Transco to produce and maintain comprehensive System Normalisation
Procedures covering Total System Shutdowns and Partial System Shutdowns;
to provide for the cooperation of Users with the formation and execution of System
Normalisation Procedures;
to provide for the development and implementation of communications between Transco
and Users when dealing with a System Incident; and
to ensure Transco and User personnel who will be involved with the implementation of
System Normalisation Procedures, are adequately trained and familiar with the relevant
details of the procedures.
OC7.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC7 applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties; and
Internally Interconnected Parties.
OC7.4 Terms
For the purposes of this section of the Grid Code, the term;
Incident Centre means a centre established as determined by Transco following a
Significant Incident to provide a focal point for communication and the dissemination of
information between Transco and senior management representatives of relevant Users;
Power Island means a group of Production Facilities together with complementary local
Demand, disconnected from any other power source or the Total System. (A group may
only contain a single Production Facility);
System Normalisation Strategy means the strategy setting out the procedures for the
restoration of the System following a major Incident;
System Incident Communications procedures are procedures agreed between
Transco and Users to ensure secure communications during System Incidents.
Interconnected Parties during the preparation of the System Normalisation Procedures and
incorporate their services wherever practicable.
Each User shall follow Transco’s instructions during a System Incident and restoration
process, subject to safety of personnel, Transco and the User’s Plant.
It shall be the responsibility of the User to ensure that any of its personnel who may
reasonably be expected to be involved in System Normalisation Procedures are familiar with,
and are adequately trained and experienced in their standing instructions and other
obligations so as to be able to implement the procedures notified by Transco.
The procedure for a Black Start situation will be that specified by Transco at the time of the
Black Start situation. Users shall abide by Transco instructions during a Black Start provided
that the instructions are to operate within the Operating Parameters of each CDGenset.
Transco may issue instructions to;
Where there is neither a Total System Shutdown nor a Partial System Shutdown but parts of
the Transmission System are out of Synchronism with each other, Transco will instruct Users
to regulate Generation output or Demand to enable the separate parts to be re-
Synchronised. Transco will inform the relevant Users when re-Synchronisation has taken
Transco shall issue whatever revised Despatch Instruction are required to enable re-
Synchronisation and to return the Transmission System to normal Operation.
Transco and all Users will maintain lists of telephone contact numbers at which, or through
which, senior management representatives nominated for this purpose and who are fully
authorised to make binding decisions on behalf of Transco or the relevant User can be
contacted day or night.
The lists of telephone contact numbers shall be provided in writing prior to the time that a
User Connects to the Transmission System and must be up-dated and circulated to all
relevant parties (in writing) whenever the information changes.
Notifications and responses will be made normally by telephone but must be confirmed in
writing within 5 minutes.
All communications between the senior management representatives of the relevant parties
with regard to Transco’s role in the System Incident shall be made via the Incident Centre if
such a centre has been established.
OC8.1 Introduction......................................................................................................2
OC8.2 Objective..........................................................................................................2
OC8.3 Scope ..............................................................................................................2
OC8.4 Terms ..............................................................................................................2
OC8.5 General requirement........................................................................................3
OC8.6 Procedure ........................................................................................................3
OC8.6.1 Transco HV Plant on a User Site ...................................................3
OC8.6.2 User HV Plant on Transco Sites ....................................................4
OC8.6.3 User HV Plant on a Transco installation on a User Site.................4
OC8.6.4 Changes to existing numbering or nomenclature...........................4
OC8.6.5 Labelling.........................................................................................5
OC8.1 Introduction
Operating Code OC8 - Numbering and nomenclature of High Voltage (HV) Plant - sets out
the requirements for the numbering and nomenclature of;
Transco HV Plant on Transco Sites;
Transco HV Plant on User’s Sites; and
User HV Plant on Transco Sites.
OC8 requires the numbering and nomenclature of Users’ HV Plant to be distinguishable and
different from the numbering and nomenclature of HV Plant used by Transco.
OC8.2 Objective
The objectives of OC8 are as follows;
to provide for the application of consistent and distinct numbering and nomenclature of
HV Plant to ensure that User’s Plant at a Connection Point or a Supply Point cannot be
confused with Transco Plant; and
to reduce the risk of incidents and events attributable to human error regarding the
identification of HV Plant.
OC8.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC8 applies to the following Users;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
International Interconnected Parties; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System
OC8.4 Terms
For the purposes of this section of the Grid Code, the term;
User Site means a site owned (or occupied pursuant to a lease, licence or other
agreement) by a User in which there is a Connection Point; and
Transco Site means a site owned (or occupied pursuant to a lease, licence or other
agreement) by Transco in which there may be a Connection Point.
OC8.6 Procedure
The numbering and nomenclature of each item of HV Plant shall be included in the Operation
Diagram prepared for each Transco Site or User Site. The requirements for an Operation
Diagram are set down in the Connection Conditions Code and that code requires that the
Operation Diagram shall be updated for every change to Plant or its labelling.
OC8.6.5 Labelling
All HV Plant shall be provided with clear and unambiguous labelling showing the numbering
and nomenclature.
Transco and Users are each responsible for the provision and erection of labelling on their
own HV Plant.
Where there is a requirement for the numbering and nomenclature of HV Plant to be
changed, Transco and Users shall each be responsible for providing and erecting the labels
on their own Plant by the required date.
OC9.1 Introduction......................................................................................................2
OC9.2 Objective .........................................................................................................2
OC9.3 Scope ..............................................................................................................2
OC9.4 Terms ..............................................................................................................2
OC9.5 Categories of tests ..........................................................................................3
OC9.6 Authorisation and test procedures...................................................................4
OC9.6.1 Test requests..................................................................................4
OC9.6.2 Test Panel ......................................................................................5
OC9.6.3 Post test reporting requirements ....................................................6
OC9.7 Operational tests .............................................................................................6
OC9.7.1 Operational tests required by Transco ...........................................6
OC9.7.2 Operational tests required by Users...............................................7
OC9.7.3 Operational tests at Production Facilities .......................................7
OC9.7.4 Other operational tests ...................................................................7
OC9.8 Site Investigation tests ....................................................................................8
OC9.9 Other tests.......................................................................................................8
OC9.1 Introduction
Operating Code OC9 sets out the authorization required and the procedures to be followed
by Transco, PWP and Users wishing to conduct Operational Tests or Site Investigations
involving Plant that is Connected to or part of the Transmission System.
OC9 stipulates that prior authorisation from Transco is required before conducting
Operational Tests or Site Investigations.
OC9.2 Objective
The objectives of OC9 are to ensure that Operational Tests and Site Investigations;
are authorized by Transco and are carried out in accordance with appropriate
are carried out in a coordinated manner to avoid unnecessary risk or damage to Plant
and to minimise costs to Transco, PWP, and affected Users;
do not threaten the safety of personnel or the general public;
do not threaten the security or stability of the Transmission System; and
are properly evaluated on completion and, where appropriate, subject to certain reporting
A further objective of OC9 is to allow sufficient tests to be conducted to enable predictive
fault finding.
OC9.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, OC9 applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
International Interconnected Parties; and
PWP (with regard to tests carried out under PPAs/PWPAs)
OC9.4 Terms
For the purposes of this section of the Grid Code, the term;
“Site Investigation Tests” are tests conducted in relation to Plant and operational
procedures at Production Facilities and User sites or to monitor and assess the
characteristics of Plant;
“Test Document” means the document prepared by the Test Panel setting out all
aspects for the management and implementation of a test;
“Test Panel” means a panel established to prepare a detailed programme for the
conduct of an Operational Test or Site Investigation and to prepare a formal Test
Document; and
“Test Request” means a document setting out the detailed proposal for an Operational
Test or Site Investigation.
Transco shall not withhold approval of a Test Request unless it considers it has reasonable
grounds for doing so. If a User is not satisfied that a Test Request was rejected on
reasonable grounds it can refer the matter to the Regulatory Authority for determination.
Transco shall not disclose any information received as part of a Test Request application
without the consent of the User who submitted the Test Request if it reasonably believes the
information to be commercially sensitive or otherwise potentially sensitive.
Affected Users may contact Transco to request additional time or information to consider the
impact of the Operational Test on their Systems and shall respond to Transco within 2 weeks
of receipt of Transco’s notice of the test.
Where an Operational Test requires a Dispatch Instruction that is outside the currently
declared Operating Parameters, then Transco may so Dispatch the Genset for the period
required for the Operational Test.
Transco shall inform other Users of the scheduled time and nature of the test, if in the
opinion of Transco those Users will or may be affected by the test.
The Operational Test shall proceed in accordance with normal operational practices but with
particularly close communication between the control engineer and the test manager. Where
the Operational Test is complex or time consuming, Transco shall provide additional support
at the Control Centre, if necessary.
SDC1.1. Introduction 2
SDC1.2. Objective 2
SDC1.3. Scope 3
SDC1.4. Procedures 3
SDC1.4.1. Data provided to Transco and PWP by Power Producers 3
SDC1.4.2. Distribution and User System data provided to Transco 4
SDC1.4.3. Directly Connected Consumer data provided to Transco 5
SDC1.4.4. Data provided to Transco by Internally Interconnected Parties 5
SDC1.4.5. Data provided to Transco by International Interconnected Parties 6
SDC1.4.6. Data provided to Transco by WD-MHEW 6
SDC1.4.7. Data provided to Transco by PWP 6
SDC1.4.8. Compilation of the Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule 6
Appendix A. Timescale diagram for main actions from Scheduling and Dispatch Code 1 8
Appendix B. Daily Status Form 11
Appendix C. Pro-Forma for Demand and Import/Export profiles 16
Appendix D. Requirements for voltage control & Reactive Power reserves 19
SDC1.3. Scope
In addition to Transco and PWP, SDC1 applies to the following Users;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
International Interconnected Parties;
WD-MHEW; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
SDC1.4. Procedures
A timetable for the main actions stipulated in this code is provided in Appendix A.
Where information in this code is required to be provided in writing, subject to Transco giving its
prior written approval facsimile transmission or other electronic means may be used. All written
communication shall be in the English language.
Transco in writing (copied to PWP) by submitting a Daily Status Form showing the changed data
only and the time submitted.
(v) Failure to submit
Failure to submit a Daily Status Form in accordance with SDC1.4.1 shall result in the following;
Transco shall endeavour to contact the Power Producer to see if a Daily Status Form was sent
and not received. If this is the case the Daily Status Form shall be resent immediately;
If no Daily Status Form is received by 12:00 hours Transco shall, for the purposes of
Scheduling and Dispatch, use the data provided in the previous day’s Daily Status Form
received from that Power Producer. Transco will send in writing the data so used to the Power
Producer, copied to PWP, on a form entitled “Daily Status Form – Transco Assumed Data”
within 5 minutes; and
If no Daily Status Form is received on two or more consecutive days, Transco shall alert PWP
who shall notify the Regulatory Authority for persistent offences.
Transco shall produce the Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedules taking due
consideration of the following factors;
(a) forecast Demand for electricity and the geographical distribution of forecast demand;
(b) forecast requirements for Desalination production;
(c) declared CDGenset Active Power capabilities;
(d) declared CDGenset Ancillary Service capabilities;
(e) declared Operating Parameters;
(f) declared CDGenset inflexibilities;
(g) Licensed Distributor System constraints;
(h) output of Embedded CDGensets;
(i) System Operating Reserve requirements;
(j) Transmission System stability issues;
(k) System Frequency control;
(l) Operating Margin;
(m) Transmission System constraints together with relevant standards and other constraints;
(n) Transmission System losses;
(o) relevant information on International Interconnections;
(p) relevant information on other Users;
(q) Ancillary Service requirements; and
(r) other factors as may be reasonably considered by Transco to be relevant.
Transco shall provide copies of the Unconstrained and Constrained Schedules to PWP by 15:00
hours each day. The schedules will be made available to other Users following requests to
Transco shall issue Provisional Running Orders for each hour of the Schedule Day based upon the
Constrained Schedule to each Power Producer for each of its CDGensets and Desalination Units
by 16:00 hours on the day preceding the relevant Schedule Day.
The Provisional Running Orders issued to each Power Producer by Transco shall contain
information relating to the CDGenset(s) of that Power Producer only and shall indicate, for each of
its CDGensets, the planned loading pattern for the Schedule Day.
Provisional Running Orders are indicative only, and are provided as a guide to the expected output
requirements from Power Producers and are not Dispatch Instructions.
Appendix A. Timescale diagram for main actions from Scheduling and Dispatch Code 1
(Note that following are summaries only and reference should be made to Scheduling and Dispatch Codes for full details.)
Operating day 1
Data to be provided for Operating day 0
By 10:00 hours By 12:00 hours By 15:00 hours By 16:00 hours
All Power Producers notify Transco in writing (copied
to PWP) (see note 1)
Availability Notice (SDC1 Appendix B, Table 1 & 2)
Any revisions to Operating Parameters
(SDC1 Appendix B, Table 1 & 2)
Operating day 1
Data to be provided for Operating day 0
By 10:00 hours By 12:00 hours By 15:00 hours By 16:00 hours
Internally Interconnected Parties and International
Interconnected Parties notify Transco in writing
(see note 1)
Operating day 1
Data to be provided for Operating day 0
By 10:00 hours By 12:00 hours By 15:00 hours By 16:00 hours
Transco produces the Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule for day 0 Forecast demand and
by 15.00 hours after considering - geographic demand distribution
Declared Genset MW
Declared Water production
Declared Genset Ancillary
Service capabilities
Declared Operating Parameters
Other relevant data
Transco issues provisional running orders for each Genset & Desalination Unit by 16.00 hours (see note 2)
Information only provided
to relevant Power
1 If at any time after submission of the Daily Status form, all parties shall promptly inform Transco of any changes to values submitted
2 Provisional running orders are indicative only and are not dispatch instructions.
TABLE 1 CDGensets
Temperature basis of availability declaration C
Sheet 2 of 5
Sheet 3 of 5
TABLE 3 Detail any special factors or temporary changes that may affect
CDGenset or Desalination Unit outputs.
Date-Schedule Day:
Sheet 4 of 5
Genset Operating Parameter codes
1 Minimum Generation MW MG
At full load
2 Maximum lagging Mvar Mvar Flvarlag
3 Maximum leading Mvar Mvar Flvarlead
At minimum load
4 Maximum lagging Mvar Mvar Mlvarlag
5 Maximum leading Mvar Mvar Mlvarlead
6 Maximum emergency Generation MW MEG
7 Minimum on-time Hours/mins Minon
8 Minimum off-time Hours/mins Minoff
9 Notice to synchronise/start up Hours/mins NSS
10 Synchronising block load MW SBL
11 Time between starting/ synchronising Gensets Hours/mins TbeSynch
12 Time between stopping/ Desynchronising Hours/mins TbeStop
13 Maximum water production Cu mtr/hr Max Prod
14 Minimum water production Cu mtr/hr MinProd
15 Change to Ancillary Service Capability ■ ASC
16 Governor not in frequency mode ■ NFM
17 Change to Primary Response characteristics ■ PrimResp
18 Change to Secondary Response characteristics ■ SecResp
19 Change to Tertiary Reserve characteristics ■ TertResp
20 Abnormal loading rate ■ ALR
21 Special factor ■ SF
22 Temporary change ■ TC
23 Risk of Trip ■ RoT
24 Restriction of gas supplies ■ GasRes
Sheet 5 of 5
General notes
Power Producers when making the daily submissions of Availability to Transco and PWP will
address the following factors. Most regular issues will be covered by responses in Table 1 using
heading codes from Table 4. All other issues will be tabulated on a CDGenset/ Desalination Unit
basis in Table 3.
01:00 13:00
02:00 14:00
03:00 15:00
04:00 16:00
05:00 17:00
06:00 18:00
07:00 19:00
08:00 20:00
09:00 21:00
10:00 22:00
11:00 23:00
12:00 24:00
01:00 13:00
02:00 14:00
03:00 15:00
04:00 16:00
05:00 17:00
06:00 18:00
07:00 19:00
08:00 20:00
09:00 21:00
10:00 22:00
11:00 23:00
12:00 24:00
01:00 13:00
02:00 14:00
03:00 15:00
04:00 16:00
05:00 17:00
06:00 18:00
07:00 19:00
08:00 20:00
09:00 21:00
10:00 22:00
11:00 23:00
12:00 24:00
This table should only be completed where requirements are necessary, otherwise a nil return
should be shown. A separate form should be used for each Connection Point.
Connection Point
Voltage limits
This table should only be completed where requirements are necessary, otherwise a nil
return should be shown. A separate form should be used for each Connection Point.
Connection point
Voltage limits
This table should only be completed where requirements are necessary, otherwise a nil
return should be shown. A separate form should be used for each Connection Point.
Connection point
Voltage limits
SDC2.1 Introduction 2
SDC2.2 Objective 2
SDC2.3 Scope 2
SDC2.4 Procedures 3
SDC2.4.1 Data 3
SDC2.4.2 Dispatch Instructions to Power Producers 3
SDC2.4.3 Generation Synchronising and De-synchronising times 3
SDC2.4.4 Additional instructions to CDGensets 4
SDC2.5 Action required from the Power Producer 6
SDC2.6 Synchronisation/De-synchronisation 6
SDC2.7 Instructions following Operating Parameter changes 6
SDC2.8 Request for Operation under Risk of Trip 6
SDC2.9 Instructions to Users 7
SDC2.10 Communications with Users 7
Appendix A. Dispatch Instructions 8
SDC2.1 Introduction
SDC2 sets out the procedures for the issue of Dispatch Instructions by Transco
In the order to meet Demand at minimum cost and with an appropriate margin of reserve, whilst
maintaining the security and quality of electricity Supply and provision of Desalinated water and
taking account of operational constraints, Transco needs to;
• re-optimise Generation Schedules and Desalination Schedules as required;
• issue instructions to CDGensets and Desalination Units;
• manage power flows with International Interconnected Parties;
• issue instructions to Users with respect to Ancillary Services; and
• exchange information with PWP.
SDC2.2 Objective
The objective of SDC2 is to clarify procedures for the issue of Dispatch Instructions by Transco
• meet Demand and Desalinated water requirements at minimum cost, taking account of
operational constraints whilst maintaining the integrity of Total System security and the
quality of electricity Supply; and
• enable Transco to comply with its statutory obligations, the requirements of its
Transmission and Dispatch Licence, and the Grid Code.
SDC2.3 Scope
In addition to Transco, SDC2 applies to;
• Power Producers with CDGensets and Desalination Units;
• Users;
• Directly Connected Consumers;
• International Interconnected Parties;
• Ancillary Service Providers;
• Internally Interconnected Parties;
• RAEC if Connected to the Total System; and
• PWP (for information).
SDC2.4 Procedures
Where information in this Code is required to be provided in writing, subject to Transco giving its
prior written approval facsimile transmission or other electronic means may be used. All written
communication shall be in the English language.
The format for issuing Dispatch Instructions is given in Appendix A.
SDC2.4.1 Data
Transco shall, when assessing which CDGensets and Desalination Units to Dispatch, review;
• the Constrained Schedule;
• the declared Availability (Daily Status Form) of each CDGenset and Desalination Unit; and
• other relevant data in respect of each CDGenset and Desalination Unit, as determined by
The Operating Parameters used in the Dispatch phase shall be those used by Transco to compile
the Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule as described in SDC1.4.
In the event that two or more CDGensets have equivalent costs, Transco will first Dispatch the
CDGenset that will give the highest reduction in overall Total System costs.
When Transco issues a Dispatch Instruction for a CDGenset to a Power Producer not in
accordance with the data submitted on Daily Status Form, the Power Producer must immediately
contact Transco to indicate the error. Transco will take immediate steps to amend the Dispatch
Voltages on the 220kV and 132kV parts of the Transco Transmission System at each
Connection Point with a User will normally remain within the limits ±10% of the nominal
value unless abnormal conditions prevail. Under fault conditions, voltage may collapse
transiently to zero at the point of fault until the fault is cleared
c). Maximum Reactive Power output ("maximum excitation") Under certain conditions,
such as low System voltage, an instruction to maximum Reactive Power output at
instructed Active Power output ("maximum excitation") may be given, and a Power
Producer should take appropriate actions to maximise Reactive Power Generation unless
constrained by plant operational limits or safety grounds (relating to Persons or Plant).
d). Maximum Reactive Power absorption ("minimum excitation") Under certain
conditions, such as high System voltage, an instruction to maximum Reactive Power
absorption at instructed Active Power output ("minimum excitation") may be given, and a
Power Producer should take appropriate actions to maximise Reactive Power absorption
unless constrained by Operating Parameter limits or safety grounds (relating to Persons or
In addition;
• Transco may issue Dispatch Instructions for Active Power and Reactive Power at any
point on or within boundaries of the Generator Performance Chart as modified by any
temporary changes submitted in the Daily Status Form. Any failure of a Power Producer to
achieve these instructions within the agreed times shall be reported by Transco in writing
to PWP as a failure to meet the terms of the PPA;
• The issue of Dispatch Instructions for Active Power at the CDGenset’s Connection Point
will be made with due regard to any resulting change in Reactive Power capability and
may include instruction for reduction in Active Power Generation to enable an increase in
Reactive Power capability;
• The excitation system, unless otherwise agreed with Transco, must be operated only in its
constant terminal voltage mode of Operation with Var limiters in service. Any constant
Reactive Power output control mode or constant Power Factor output control mode must
always be disabled, unless agreed otherwise with Transco. In the event of any change in
the System voltage, a Power Producer must not take any action to override automatic
Reactive Power response that is produced as a result of constant terminal voltage mode
of Operation unless instructed otherwise by Transco or unless immediate action is
necessary to comply with stability limits or unless constrained by Operating Parameter
limits or safety grounds (relating to Persons or Plant);
• A Dispatch Instruction relating to Reactive Power will be implemented without delay and
shall be achieved not later than 2 minutes after the instruction time, or such longer period
as Transco may instruct;
• On receiving a new Dispatch Instruction for Active Power, no tap changing or CDGenset
terminal voltage adjustment shall be carried out to change the Reactive Power output
unless there is a new Dispatch Instruction for Reactive Power;
• Where a Dispatch Instruction to Synchronise is given, or where a CDGenset is
Synchronised and a Dispatch Instruction for Active Power is given, a Dispatch Instruction
for Reactive Power consistent with the CDGenset relevant Operating Parameters may be
given. In the absence of a Dispatch Instruction for Reactive Power with a Dispatch
Instruction to Synchronise, the Reactive Power output shall be 0 Mvar; and
• Where a Dispatch Instruction to De-synchronise is given, a Dispatch Instruction for
Reactive Power, compatible with shutdown, may be given prior to De-synchronisation
being achieved. In the absence of a separate Dispatch Instruction for Reactive Power, it is
implicit in the instruction to De-synchronise that Reactive Power output shall be reduced
to 0 Mvar by the time of De-synchronisation.
SDC2.6 Synchronisation/De-synchronisation
Power Producers will only Synchronise or De-synchronise CDGensets in response to a Dispatch
Instruction from Transco. De-synchronisation may take place without Transco's prior agreement if
it occurs automatically as a result of CDGenset or Transmission protection operations or it is done
purely on safety grounds.
3 CDGenset Synchronising
When issuing instructions, Transco will always have due regard for the time of Notice
to Synchronise declared to Transco by the Power Producer.
The instruction will follow the form;
“Genset 1 Synchronise at 16:00 hours, instruction timed at 13:00 hours.”
Unless a loading programme is also given at the same time it will be assumed that
the CDGensets are to be brought to Minimum Generation and 0 Mvar output.
Transco will issue a further Dispatch Instruction when the Power Producer
reports that the CDGenset has Synchronised.
If it should be necessary for a Dispatch Instruction for a CDGenset to Synchronise to
be cancelled before the Genset or CCGT Module is Synchronised, the instruction
shall be given by telephone and will be confirmed in writing within 5 minutes and will
follow the form;
“Genset I cancel Synchronising instruction, instruction timed at 14:00 hours.”
4 CDGenset De-Synchronising
The instruction will follow the form;
“Genset 1 Shutdown instruction timed at 13:00 hours.”
If the instruction De-Synchronising time is for 14:00 hours, it will follow the form;
“Genset 1 Shutdown at 14:00 hours, instruction timed at 13:00 hours.”
Both of the above instructions assume a run-down rate at declared Operating
Unless a separate Reactive Power Dispatch Instruction is given, the CDGenset will
be brought to 0 Mvar (at the point of synchronism) prior to De-synchronisation.
6 Frequency control
All Dispatch Instructions will be deemed to refer to target output at the instructed
Target Frequency when the CDGenset is in the Frequency Sensitive Mode.
CDGensets are required to operate in Frequency Sensitive Mode in the combinations
set out in the relevant PPA/PWPA.
Frequency control instructions may be issued in conjunction with or separate from
Dispatch Instruction for Active Power output.
7 Tertiary Reserve
Tertiary Reserve will be specifically instructed as required and will normally be given
with the Dispatch Instruction as an additional item in the form, for example;
“Genset I to 40MW and 5MW Tertiary Reserve, instruction timed at 14:00 hours.”
8 Black Start
The instruction will normally follow the form.
“Initiate Black Start procedure, instruction timed at 19:00 hours.”
9 Emergency instruction
All such instructions will be prefixed with the words;
"This is an Emergency Instruction".
It may be in a pre-arranged format and normally would follow the form;
“This is an Emergency Instruction. Reduce output to (X) MW in (Y) minutes,
instruction timed at 20:00 hours.”
SDC3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 2
SDC3.2 Objective ............................................................................................................... 2
SDC3.3 Scope .................................................................................................................... 2
SDC3.4 Response from CDGensets .................................................................................. 2
SDC3.4.1 Capability ........................................................................................... 2
SDC3.4.2 Frequency Sensitive Mode ................................................................ 2
SDC3.4.3 Transco Dispatch Instructions ........................................................... 3
SDC3.4.4 Low Frequency initiated response from Gensets............................... 3
SDC3.5 Low Frequency initiated response from Users ...................................................... 3
SDC3.6 Actions to be undertaken by International Interconnected Parties ........................ 3
SDC3.7 Actions to be undertaken by Internally Interconnected Parties ............................. 4
SDC3.8 Action to be undertaken during sustained abnormal Frequency conditions.......... 4
SDC3.8.1 Actions during sustained low Frequency conditions .......................... 4
SDC3.8.2 Actions during sustained high Frequency conditions......................... 4
SDC3.9 Electric time........................................................................................................... 5
SDC3.2 Objective
The objective of SCD3 is to clarify the Frequency control procedures required by Transco to
maintain the security and quality of electricity Supply from the Total System and (as far as
possible) to maintain the Electric Time in accordance with the limits specified in this code.
SDC3.3 Scope
In addition to Transco and PWP, SDC3 applies to;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Directly Connected Consumers;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
International Interconnected Parties;
RAEC if Connected to the Total System; and
PWP (for information).
ASC 1 Introduction................................................................................................... 2
ASC 2 Objectives..................................................................................................... 2
ASC 3 Scope ........................................................................................................... 3
ASC 4 Requirement for Ancillary Services .............................................................. 3
ASC4.1 Regulation of System Frequency ................................................. 3
ASC4.2 Reactive Power and voltage control............................................. 4
ASC4.3 System restoration ....................................................................... 4
ASC 5 Ancillary Service contractual arrangements ................................................. 4
ASC 6 Ancillary Services provided by Power Producers ......................................... 5
ASC 7 Ancillary Services provided by Users ........................................................... 5
ASC 8 Transco instructions to Users ....................................................................... 6
ASC 1 Introduction
Ancillary Services are services ancillary to the transmission of electricity that Transco
requires to operate the Transmission System in accordance with its statutory obligations.
Transco has a number of specific obligations regarding Ancillary Services;
Transco is required to ensure sufficient Ancillary Services will be available on the day
ahead when preparing the Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule (see
SCD1); and
Transco is required by the terms of the Transmission and Dispatch Licence to
cooperate with PWP in determining which Ancillary Services should be procured by
the PWP from Production Facilities.
This Ancillary Services Code (ASC) lists the Ancillary Services required by Transco, the
contractual arrangements governing the provision of such services and details of the
Ancillary Services to be provided by Power Producers and other Users. This code also
sets down the form of instruction that will be used by Transco to implement the
requirements for Ancillary Services.
ASC 2 Objectives
The objectives of the ASC are as follows;
to list the Ancillary Services that Transco requires to operate the Transmission
System in accordance with statutory requirements;
to clarify the contractual arrangements governing the purchase of Ancillary Services
from Power Producers and Users; and
to clarify the process for scheduling and instructing the requirements for the use of
Ancillary Services.
ASC 3 Scope
In addition to Transco, ASC applies to;
PWP (as the purchaser of Ancillary Services from Power Producers);
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Licensed Suppliers;
Directly Connected Consumers;
International Interconnected Parties;
Internally Interconnected Parties; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
ASC 4 Requirement for Ancillary Services
The requirements for Ancillary Services can be categorised as follows;
Regulation of System Frequency;
Reactive Power and voltage control; and
Black Start capability for System Restoration.
Transco is required to maintain voltage control within certain limits. The voltage on the
220kV and 132kV parts of the Transmission System at each Connection Site with a User
will remain within the limits of a minimum voltage of -10% and a maximum voltage of
The voltage on the 33kV and 11kV sides of Transmission transformers at Connection
Sites with Users will normally remain within the limits +/-6% of the nominal value unless
abnormal conditions prevail.
During some System Disturbances such as where short circuits occur, the voltage may
collapse transiently to zero at the point of fault until the fault is cleared.
Voltage regulation requires both Active and Reactive Power flows across the
Transmission System to be carefully controlled. The physical characteristics of the Plant
of the Transmission System also give rise to the Generation and absorption of Reactive
Power. Reactive Power flows across the System can give rise to substantial voltage
differences and it is therefore necessary to maintain Reactive Power balances between
sources of Capacity and demand on a “zonal” basis.
Unlike Frequency, which is consistent across an interconnected Transmission System,
voltages at different points on an interconnected System are determined by the local
sources of demand and Capacity, by the prevailing network configuration and by the
Reactive Power flows across the network. The voltages at different points on a
interconnected System thus form a “voltage profile’.
The management of voltage requires control of Reactive Power and this can be provided
by CDGensets, Autogenerators, or by means of synchronous or static
Black Start is an Ancillary Service required to restore the Total System following a Partial
Shutdown or Total Shutdown of the System. System Restoration Procedures and the
procedures to be followed in Black Start situations are dealt with in section OC7 of the
Grid Code.
Black Start capability would normally be Available as required from certain Power
Producers in accordance with the terms of a PPA or PWPA. Autogenerators may also
have Black Start capability.
MDEC.2 Objectives
The objectives of the Metering and Data Exchange Code are to establish;
The standards to be met in the provision, location, installation, operation and
maintenance of Metering Systems;
The standards to be met by those bound by MDEC in relation to all matters
associated with Metering Systems;
The responsibilities of each Person bound by MDEC in relation to ownership and
management of Metering Systems and Meters and the provision and use of
Meter data; and
The responsibilities of all Persons bound by MDEC in relation to the storage of
Meter data.
It is important that all relevant Persons may prepare, calculate, assess and validate
invoices between such Persons with a view to their prompt settlement, having
available to them all necessary Meter data of reliable quality and accuracy for those
purposes at the times at which they require the same.
MDEC.3 Scope
The Metering and Data Exchange Code applies to Transco and;
Power Producers;
Licensed Distributors;
Licensed Suppliers;
International Interconnected Parties;
Internally Interconnected Parties;
Directly Connected Consumers; and
RAEC if Connected to the Total System.
MDEC is concerned with the Metering Systems and related Meters and Meter data
associated with Production Facilities, the Systems of Licensed Transmission System
Operators, Distribution System Operators, and Meters to final Consumers.
MDEC.4 General
Metering Systems and Meters shall be established, metering shall take place and
Meter data shall be recorded, checked and exchanged between Persons bound by
this code and then stored, sufficient to ensure that all such Persons are able to
prepare and calculate, assess and validate and, keep appropriate records concerning
and where appropriate, challenge, invoices as listed below, on a prompt,
comprehensive and accurate basis.
Meter data shall be permanently recorded and stored for these purposes in
accordance with other provisions of MDEC. If a contract between relevant Persons
has additional requirements for Metering Systems or in relation to Meters, those
requirements shall, so long as they do not prevent compliance with MDEC, apply in
addition to MDEC.
At each Electrical and Water Delivery Point, Meters and/or Metering Systems shall
be installed, operated and maintained and metering shall take place sufficient for all
purposes of this code. The Delivery Points shall be at the ownership boundary and
shall be set out in each Connection Agreement.
Transco, Licensed Distributors, Licensed Suppliers and Users shall each respectively
take all reasonable steps to ensure that each relevant Metering System is located as
close as is reasonably practicable to the Delivery Point at each Connection Point,
particularly where Metering Systems are required for settlement purposes or other
purposes set out in MDEC.
The actual location of a Metering System is referred to as the “Actual Metering Point”.
This may be different from the Delivery Point established pursuant to the relevant
Connection Agreement. Where the Actual Metering Point is not coincident with the
Delivery Point, compensation shall be provided for power transformer and/or line
losses so that the overall accuracy requirement at the Delivery Point is met.
Each CDGenset shall have a Metering System to measure Capacity and Output.
Each Production Facility that produces water shall have a Metering System to
measure the Capacity and Output of water production units at the Production Facility.
− The substation site owner shall have overall responsibility for the
specification, maintenance, calibration and testing of the Metering
Systems on the site;
For Metering Systems that meter electricity flows between Licensed Distributors,
the owner of the Metering System shall be the owner of the site or site on which
the Measurement Transformers are located; and
The ownership and responsibility for Metering Systems between Transco or
Licensed Distributors and Consumers shall be as determined in the Connection
Agreement or other agreement between the parties.
MEDC. Meters
For Connections greater than or equal to 20 MVA, Metering Systems shall include
main and check Meter equipment both having the same levels of accuracy and
Main Meters and check Meters shall be installed, operated and maintained so as to
comply at all relevant times with the standards and accuracy classes indicated in
Appendix A.
For Connections to consumers, Metering Systems shall be in accordance with
Appendix B.
For each Delivery Point, a Metering System shall be installed, operated and
maintained to measure the following parameters;
i) Entry and exit Active Energy; and
ii) Entry and exit Reactive Energy
The Meter Owner shall configure active Energy Meters such that the number of
measuring elements is equal to or one less than the number of primary system
conductors. These include the neutral and/or earth conductor where system
configurations enable the flow of energy in such conductors.
All Meters shall be labelled by the Meter Owner or otherwise be readily identifiable in
accordance with Appendix C.
The Metering Systems shall meter quantities on a continuous basis and the
information shall be displayed on a non-volatile Meter Register. The Meter Registers
shall not pass through zero more than once within the normal meter reading cycle.
Where main Meters and check Meters are provided with Outstations, the Outstations
shall provide two outputs per measured quantity. The Outstations shall enable Meter
data to be interrogated locally and at a later date for Meter data to be provided
remotely over communications channels.
Where Meters provide Meter data to Outstations external to the Meter, the
Outstations shall provide two outputs per measured quantity.
The Meter Owner shall provide Test terminals for main Meters and check Meters to
facilitate on-site tests. These terminals shall be in close proximity to the Meters and
shall be capable of providing suitable means for accessing current and voltage
signals, injecting test quantities, connecting test Meters, and replacing Meters without
a circuit outage.
The additional Burden shall not be modified without prior argument from the relevant
parties and evidence of the value of such additional Burden shall be available for
inspection by the relevant parties. The total Burden on each voltage transformer
shall not exceed the rated Burden of such voltage transformer.
Voltage transformer test certificates showing errors at the overall working Burden or
at Burdens that allow the error at working Burden to be calculated shall, wherever
possible, be available by the Plant Owner for inspection by relevant parties.
Separately fused voltage transformer supplies shall be provided by the Plant Owner
for the main Meter, the check Meter, and any additional Burden. The fuses shall be
located as close to the voltage transformer as possible.
The Grid Code Review Panel will issue Meter Certificates to PWP, the relevant Meter
Owner and the Regulatory Authority in accordance with Good Industry Practice to
confirm that Meters and Metering Systems comply with the requirements of this code.
Meter Owners shall provide certification and other documentation as required to the
Grid Code Review Panel to enable the Grid Code Review Panel to carry out this
responsibility. Meter Certificates shall be issued for specified time spans and the
duration may differ for different Meter types.
MDEC.5.3.2. Commissioning
Commissioning tests shall be carried out on all new Metering Systems providing
Meter data before the Connection is made live and in accordance with Good Industry
Practice. Commissioning tests shall also be carried out before reconnection where a
replacement Metering System is fitted as part of an existing Metering System. No
Connection or reconnection shall be permitted unless the tests are passed.
Following commissioning, the Meter Owner shall provide such evidence that relevant
parties may require to confirm that a Metering System meets the requirements of this
All Meters, current transformers and voltage transformers shall be tested by the
respective Owner for accuracy in accordance with Good Industry Practice at initial
commissioning before the Connection is made live, as indicated in Appendix D.
Appendix D sets out the tests and checks that as a minimum shall be included in a
commissioning programme.
MEDC. General
Periodic Calibration of Metering Systems shall be undertaken by the Meter Owners to
ensure that the requirements of this code are met at all relevant times.
Periodic calibration of Meters shall be performed in a recognised test facility
(including any Meter manufacturer’s works) or by competent persons using standard
Meters certified by a recognised authority. Accuracy Tests shall be performed in
accordance with the relevant IEC standards and shall confirm that Meter accuracy is
within the limits stated in Appendix A. The calibration record shall be uniquely
identifiable, retained in a safe place and the significant details (Identification Number,
date, names and status of authorised testing persons and accuracy results) recorded
in the Meter Registration System.
Periodic Calibration of all Meters other than Active Energy class 0.2S may be
performed on site provided that the percentage error limits associated with the
accuracy classes given in Appendix A are met.
Periodic Calibration of class 0.2S Active Energy Meters and other Meters not
meeting the error limits as described above, shall be performed in a recognised test
facility (including any Meter manufacturer’s works).
Meters shall also be tested outside of the prescribed intervals stated in MEDC.
below if the main Meters and check Meters diverge by more than 1.5 times the
prescribed limit of error associated with the accuracy classes given in Appendix A.
Complete and accurate records of Accuracy Tests, work carried out and pertinent
data to confirm successful testing/calibration in accordance with the requirements of
this code shall be kept by the Meter Owner and promptly registered in the Meter
Registration System where appropriate.
Where only a main Active Energy Meter is employed on a circuit, on-site Accuracy
Tests shall be performed at intervals not exceeding five years.
Where only a main Reactive Energy Meter is employed, on-site Accuracy Tests shall
be performed at intervals not exceeding ten years.
Periodic testing of Measurement Transformers is not required.
The testing intervals may be modified by the Metering and Data Exchange Code
Review Panel.
Neither party shall tamper or otherwise interfere with any part of the Metering System
in any way. Where it is established that the Metering System has been tampered or
interfered with, then until such tampering or interference has been rectified either;
(a) the quantity measured or recorded shall be that measured or recorded by
any other relevant installed Metering System; or
(b) if there is no other relevant Metering System or it is established to have
been tampered or interfered with, the quantity shall be agreed by the
parties, or, in the absence of such agreement, either party shall be entitled
to refer the matter to an Expert for determination.
If the Meter Owner is not the Person who owns or controls the land on which the
Meter or Metering System is situated, that Person (if bound by this code) shall grant
the Meter Owner and all other Persons who require the same for the purposes of this
code sufficient rights of access for metering purposes and for the purposes of testing
calibration, operation and maintenance and replacement of the Meter and Metering
Where any Person requires right of access or to deal in some other way with a Meter
or Metering System for the purposes of this code, all such necessary rights shall be
granted by the Person with the power to grant them if that Person is bound by this
code. All such rights shall be set down in the relevant Connection Agreement where
this is practicable.
The right of access provided for in this code includes the right to bring onto such a
party’s property any vehicles, plant, machinery and maintenance or other materials
as shall be reasonably necessary for the purposes of performance of obligations
under this code.
Each party shall ensure that all reasonable arrangements and provisions are made
and/or revised from time to time as and when necessary or desirable in accordance
with Good Industry Practice to facilitate the safe exercise of any right of access.
All Water Meters and/or Water Metering Systems shall comply with the technical
requirements specified in Appendix F.
Water Metering Systems shall meter the quantities on a continuous basis and the
information shall be displayed on a non-volatile Meter Register. The Meter Registers
shall not pass through to zero more than once within the normal reading cycle.
The Water Meter Owner shall provide Water Metering Systems with Outstations that
shall provide two outputs per measured quantity. The Outstations shall enable Water
Meter data to be interrogated locally and at a later date for Water Meter data to be
provided remotely over communications channels.
certified status. No Person bound by this code shall break the seal unless properly
authorised to do so. The Water Meter Owner is responsible for ensuring that Meter
certification is carried out for compliance with the provisions of this code.
Water Meters removed from service must be re-certified before reconnection for use
under this code.
MDEC.6.3.2. Commissioning
Commissioning tests shall be carried out on all new Water Metering Systems to
ensure Meter data can be provided before the Connection is placed into service and
in accordance with Good Industry Practice. Commissioning tests shall also be
carried out before reconnection where a replacement Water Metering System is fitted
as part of an existing Water Metering System. No Connection or reconnection shall
be permitted unless the tests are passed.
Following commissioning, the Water Meter Owner shall provide such evidence that
the relevant parties may require to confirm that the Water Metering System meets the
requirements of this code.
MEDC. General
Periodic Calibration of all Water Meters shall be undertaken by the Meter Owners to
ensure that the requirements of this code are met at all relevant times. The
calibration of Meters shall be performed in a recognised test facility (including any
Meter manufacturer’s works). The tests shall be performed in accordance with the
relevant ISO standards and shall confirm that Meter accuracy is within the limits
stated in MDEC.6.2.1. The calibration record shall be uniquely identifiable, retained
in a safe place and the significant details (Identification Number, date, names and
status of authorised testing persons and accuracy results) recorded in the Meter
Registration System.
Meter Owners shall test in accordance with Good Industry Practice all Water Meters
at specified intervals for accuracy to verify that operation is within the limits of
accuracy given in MDEC.6.2.1.
The testing intervals are shown in MDEC. below but may be modified by the
Water Metering System Review Panel. Water Meters shall also be tested if the main
Water Meter and check Water Meter in a Water Metering System diverge by more
than 1.5 times the limit of error associated with the accuracy given in MDEC.6.2.1.
Complete and accurate records of tests, work carried out and pertinent data to
confirm successful testing/calibration in accordance with the requirements of this
Code shall be kept by the Water Meter Owner and promptly registered in the Water
Meter Registration System where appropriate in accordance with Good Industry
Water Meter is found to be operating within the prescribed limits of error, otherwise
the cost of the test shall be borne by the Water Meter Owner. All affected parties
shall be given 24 hours notice of such tests and be invited to witness the tests.
Accuracy Test results shall be made available promptly and in writing to the affected
Certified test equipment and reference standards (all traceable to recognised national
or international standards) shall be used in such tests and if, by agreement, it is
deemed necessary, an approved independent laboratory may be employed.
Where a Accuracy Test indicates that an error exceeds the limits of error associated
with the accuracy given in this code, then these errors shall be recorded before
promptly adjusting, repairing or renewing the Water Metering System (or part thereof)
or replacing defective components. In such cases substitute Meter data shall be
provided in accordance with procedures agreed by the Metering and Data Exchange
Code Review Panel.
The Water Metering System shall be restored to service and proved to be operating
within the prescribed limits of accuracy as soon as is reasonably practicable. Upon
the completion, examination, maintenance, repair, recalibration or replacement of
any component in the Water Metering System in accordance with Good Industry
Practice, the Water Metering System shall be sealed.
for the purposes of this code sufficient rights of access for Water Metering System
purposes and for the purposes of testing calibration, operation and maintenance,
replacement, etc. of the Water Meter and Water Metering System.
Where any Person requires right of access or to deal in some other way with a Water
Meter or Water Metering System for the purposes of this code, all such necessary
rights shall be granted by the Person with the power to grant them if that Person is
bound by this code. All such rights shall be set down in the relevant Water
Connection Agreement where this is practicable.
Each party shall ensure that all reasonable arrangements and provisions are made
and/or revised from time to time as and when necessary or desirable in accordance
with Good Industry Practice to facilitate the safe exercise of any right of access.
Remote Instations shall be capable of collecting all Meter data by daily interrogation
or other time interval to be specified. It should however, be possible to repeat
collections of Meter data at any time throughout the Local Outstation data storage
One pair of Remote Instations shall be located at the LDC to communicate directly
with all Local Outstations. Such Remote Instations at the LDC shall interface with the
LDC computers to enable required calculations to be carried out and data to be
presented within LDC.
MDEC.7.4.3. Communications
All data communications equipment shall conform to the relevant International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) standards and recommendations for data
transmission over telecommunications systems.
Interrogation of Local Outstations shall be possible using any of the following media,
as specified by relevant parties;
public switched telephone networks;
radio data networks;
private network of a Licensed Transmission System Operator;
mains signalling / power line carrier channels/fibre optic channels; and
low power radio.
In addition the relevant parties may specify other media and the format and protocol
of any Meter data provided that such other media is consistent with the requirements
of this code.
Error checking facilities shall be included in all communication facilities between
Local Outstations and Remote Instations.
MDEC.7.5.2. Storage
Any Local Outstations provided shall have the capability to store all Meter data
collected by the respective Meters including alarms and other functions for relevant
parties for two (2) complete calender months.
All Users responsible for providing Meter data in accordance with this code shall
retain a copy of the data in electronic format in accordance with Table 7.1. The
format of data to be stored shall be agreed by the Metering and Data Exchange
Code Review Panel but shall include the following essential parameters; time period,
Meter Indentification number and Meter readings.
Transco shall maintain a log in the form of electronic storage of digital data of all data
from all Metering Systems and Local Outstations and the associated data received
from relevant parties for at least ten (10)] complete operational years other than the
Meter data for sales between Licensed Suppliers and final Consumers.
Transco and Users shall ensure that back-up copies of data in electronic format are
made in accordance with Table 7.1. All back up copies shall be made promptly at the
end of the period or immediately following completion of the data set.
Table 7.1 Data storage by Transco and Users
Data Frequency of Place of storage Retained for Comment
back up
Current day’s End of each On site; One complete Each day’s
working data; working day; week; back up stored
(1) separately;
Current week’s Each Thursday One copy at User One complete Each week’s
working data; at the end of site; month; back up stored
(1) working day; One copy at separately;
another site;
Current Each month at One copy at User One complete
month’s the end of the site; year;
working data; last working One copy at
(1) day; Transco;
Each month of First working One copy at User Five Financial Finalised
finalised data; day of following site; Years; means all
month; One copy at settlements
Transco; agreed;
MEDC. Membership
The Panel shall consist of;
i) a Chairman and up to 2 members appointed by Transco;
ii) 1 Person appointed by the Regulatory Authority;
iii) 1 Person representing each Licensed Distributor;
iv) 1 Person representing each Licensed Supplier;
v) 1 Person appointed by PWP;
vi) 1 Person (rotated between Power Producers) representing all Power
Producers each having Power Facilities with a total Registered
Capacity of 100 MW or less;
vii) 1 Person (rotated between Power Producers) representing Power
Producers each having Power Facilities with a total Registered
Capacity exceeding 100 MW;
viii) 1 Person representing Internally Connected parties; and
MEDC. Rules
The Metering and Data Exchange Code Review Panel shall establish its own rules
and procedures relating to the conduct of its business and shall comply with them at
all times. The rules shall be submitted to the Grid Code Review Panel for review and
then to the Regulatory Authority for approval.
MEDC. Membership
The Panel shall consist of;
i) a Chairman and one other person appointed by PWP;
MEDC. Rules
The Water Metering System Review Panel shall establish its own rules and
procedures relating to the conduct of its business and shall comply with them at all
times. The rules shall be submitted to the Metering and Data Exchange Code
Review Panel for review and then to the Regulatory Authority for approval.
MEDC. Amendments
Relevant parties shall submit all proposed amendments and comments those parts of
the Metering and Data Exchange Code that refer to Water Metering Systems or
Water Meters to PWP for consideration by the Water Metering Systems Review
Panel. PWP shall also notify in writing all Users that are likely to be materially
affected by proposed amendments to those parts of the Metering and Data Exchange
Code that refer to Water Metering Systems or Water Meters.
All proposed relevant amendments to the Metering and Data Exchange Code must
be reviewed by the Water Metering Systems Review Panel and shall be submitted to
the Grid Code Review Panel for review and then to the Regulatory Authority for
The Metering Systems shall be in accordance with the requirements of the MDEC.5
except as determined by the conditions in Table C1 and those that follow;
i)Local Outstations (internal or external) shall be provided for category 1
Connections only;
ii) Separate test terminals for accessing current and voltage signals,
injecting test quantities and connecting test Meters shall be provided
for categories 1 and 2 Connections only;
iii) Meters for category 5 Connections may be accepted based on sample
inspection and certification by manufacturers;
iv) Meters for category 5 Connections shall be re-Calibrated at least once
every ten years; and
v) The requirements of MDEC.6 for access, sealing and Registration
shall be met for all categories of Connections.
The Licensed Distributor companies’ Consumer representatives shall provide
appropriate summaries of the Metering requirements applicable to Consumer
The appropriateness of the size categories need confirmation by MHEW
Meters or Meter Registers for registering entry Reactive Energy shall be labelled
“Entry” and those for registering exit Reactive Energy shall be labelled “Exit”.
D.3 Metering
7. Confirm that the local interrogation facility (Meter or Outstation) and local display
etc operate correctly.
F.2 Flowmeters
Each flow Metering System shall comply with BS EN ISO 6817 and comprise a flow
sensor mounted in the pipeline and a separate signal converter.
Where electromagnetic flow Meters are used, they shall be of the pulsed dc type with
automatic zero error averaging and low power consumption.
The system accuracy over the normal operating range shall not be more than ±0.2% of
full-scale reading.
Flow sensors shall comprise a Meter tube assembly containing all necessary
electrodes, housing and terminations. Water Meter tubes shall be made from a non-
magnetic material lined with an inert substance suitable for the medium and flanged.
The lining material shall extend from the bore of the tube to fully cover the raised face
of the tube flanges. There shall be no protruding parts to restrict the flow.
Water Meter tubes installed in areas susceptible to flooding shall be environmentally
protected to IP 68 and shall be suitable for continual submergence at the likely depth of
any flood water. Where potting compounds are use to achieve this performance it
shall not prevent disconnection of the sensor cabling.
The flow Meter converter shall provide the following facilities;
• adjustment of flow range according to size of flow sensor
• independent 4 to 20 mA output proportional to flow rate and a 24 V dc pulse output
suitable for an integration counter drive
• manual adjustment of pulsed and current output response time
• failure of the flow Meter shall cause the output to be driven down scale
• means of testing the converter electronics shall be an integral part of the converter
Grid Code
A Ampere
AC Alternating current
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulation
CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CD Centrally Dispatched / Central Dispatch
CT Current Transformer
DC Direct Current
DSM Demand Side Management
ECA/ECUOSA Connection Agreement or Electrical Connection and Use of System
G Giga or 109
GC General Conditions
GWh Giga Watt Hour
HP High Pressure
HV High Voltage
Hz Hertz
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
ITU International Telecommunications Union
k Kilo or 103
kV Kilo-Volt
LV Low Voltage
M Mega or 106
MHEW Ministry of Housing Electricity and Water, Sultanate of Oman
ms milli second
MVA Mega-Volt-Ampere
Mvar Mega-Volt-Ampere Reactive / Mega-var (Reactive Power)
Mvarh Mega-var- hour (Reactive Energy)
MW Mega-Watt (Active Power)
The following definitions identify the meanings of words used in the Grid Code. Plurals of the
words and variations of tense are deemed to have similar meanings;
Accuracy Test
A test to determine the percentage error of any item of a Metering System;
Active Energy
The electrical energy produced during a time interval measured in units of watt-hours or
standard multiples thereof. Where the term Energy is used without any modifier, this will
have the same meaning;
Active Power
The product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current measured in units
of watts or multiples thereof. When the term Power is used without any modifier, this will
have the same meaning;
A warning issued by Transco to inform Users of potential Emergency Conditions on the
Ancillary Services
The services which (1) Licensed Generators, Licensed Generators/Desalinators or other
Persons Connected to a Transmission System may be required to provide from time to time
in connection with the security and stability of such Transmission System or the Total
System; and (2) are provided for in either (i) an agreement between a Licensed Transmission
System Operator or a Licensed Distribution System Operator and any Person or (ii) an
agreement between a Licensed Generator or a Licensed Generator/Desalinator and the
A Person that Generates electricity primarily for the purposes of self-supply;
The MW Capacity of a CDGenset declared Available to Transco and/or PWP by a Power
Producer and Available shall be construed accordingly;
Availability Notice
A notice issued by a Power Producer, in the form set out in SDC1, stating the Availability of a
Genset to apply for the following Schedule Day;
Back-Up Protection
Protection equipment or system that is intended to operate when a System fault is not
cleared because of a failure of the Main Protection to operate;
Black Start
The procedure necessary for the recovery from a Partial System Shutdown or a Total System
Bulk Supply
Bulk Supply means the Bulk Supply by the PWP of (1) electricity to any Licensed Supplier or
(2) Desalinated water to the Ministry of Housing, Electricity and Water;
Burden is the electrical Load, measured in VA, connected to current and/or voltage
transformers for the purposes of Metering, protection or measurement;
Business Day
A day on which banks in Oman are open for business purposes;
The procedure whereby the relevant percentage errors of any item of Metering Systems are
determined and, where appropriate, modified;
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Version 1.000
The capacity of any Plant to produce, deliver or receive electricity, as the case may be,
stated in MW at an assumed or agreed Power Factor or in MVA;
Caution Notice
A notice issued in accordance with Safety Rules approved by Transco and placed at a point
of adequate physical separation which must be in accordance with, and maintained in
accordance with Safety Rules to allow safe working;
CCGT Module
A group of Gensets, comprising one or more Gas Turbine Gensets (or other gas based
engine set) and one or more Steam Turbine Gensets where, under normal Operation, the
waste heat from the gas turbines, is used to drive the steam turbine(s) and the component
sets within the CCGT Module are designed to Operate together for increased efficiency and
are registered as a CCGT Module under this Code;
Check Meter
A device where required, that duplicates and provides back up to the Main Meter for
measuring and recording units of Active Power, Active Energy, Reactive Power or Reactive
Energy or other electrical quantities;
Code Notices
A notice served under or for the purposes of the Grid Code;
A situation in which a Genset has been shut down for more than forty-eight (48) hours if the
Genset is in combined cycle configuration and more than twenty-four (24) hours if the Genset
is in open cycle configuration;
The data relating to the proposed User development at the time of acceptance of an offer for
a Connection Agreement and the subsequent data required by Transco;
Completion Date
Has the meaning set out in the Connection Agreement with each User, or in the absence of a
definition, it shall mean the date when a User is expected to Connect to or start using
Transco’s Transmission System;
One or more Connection Sites together with the associated Production Facility, Transmission
substation and/or Distribution substation and/or associated Plant, as appropriate;
In relation to any Premises, Production Facility or System, the presence of a physical
connection between those Premises, Production Facility or System and the System of a
Licensed Transmission System Operator or Licensed Distribution System Operator other
than a System owned or Operated by the Rural Areas Electricity Company and Connect and
Connected shall be construed accordingly;
Connection Offer
The terms and conditions offered by Transco to a User for Connection of a User’s System to
the Transmission System as a result of application for Connection of Plant made in
accordance with Transco’s Licence;
Connection Point
The point on the Transmission System to which a User Connects its System to the
Transmission System;
Connection Site
The physical site belonging to Transco or a User where a Connection Point is located;
Constrained Schedule
A Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule produced by Transco that takes account
of limits on the Total System and that is developed in accordance with the Scheduling and
Dispatch Code SDC1.4.9;
A Person who is Supplied with electricity at Premises for consumption at those Premises;
Contingency Reserve
The margin of Available Generation Capacity over forecast Demand that is required in the
period from 24 hours ahead down to real time to cover against uncertainties in Genset
Availability and against Demand forecast errors;
Control Centre
The centre from where Scheduling, Dispatch and Operational Instructions are given to other
control rooms or Plant operators. The term is used to any such centre which may be a fully
fitted control centre, an operational room or a Person designated with such responsibilities;
Control Phase
The phase from the issue of the Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule on the day
ahead (D-1) to real time Operation;
The condition under which a CDGenset has reduced or is not delivering Active Power to the
System to which it is Synchronised;
The demand for Active Power or Reactive Power;
Demand Control
Desalination Unit
A unit forming part of the Production Facility and which is capable of producing Desalinated
Designated Operator
The operator approved in writing by the relevant User as competent to carry out the
procedures in agreed Operational Instructions;
The act of taking a Genset off a System to which it has been Synchronised by opening any
connecting circuit breaker;
Directly Connected
A Consumer or User which imports and/or exports electricity directly from/to the
Transmission System and Direct Connected shall be construed accordingly;
The general process by which instructions are determined and the issuing of those
instructions, to (1) Licensed Generator and/or Licensed Generator/Desalinator as to the
Operation or cessation of Operation of their Production Facilities and (2) other Persons
whose facilities are Connected and Dispatch Instructions shall be construed accordingly;
Distribution System
A System which; (i) is not a Transmission System; (ii) is used to transport electricity; (iii)
consists (wholly or mainly) Electric Lines and Electric Plant (namely, Electric Lines and
Electric Plant with voltage levels of less than a nominal 132kV) and (iv) which is used wholly
or mainly for the transport of electricity to Premises;
Any sudden significant change to the Total System caused by a sudden loss of a Genset, or
the interruption of Demand, or the failure of Plant;
Earthing Device
A means of providing a connection between a conductor and the general mass of earth,
being adequate to allow the flow of the maximum prospective earth fault current, at that point
on the Total System and Earthing shall be construed accordingly;
Economic Purchase
The purchase on the best economic terms reasonably obtainable, having regard to quality,
quantity, the nature of the things to be purchased, the available manner of delivery and the
future security, reliability and diversity of supply of the things to be purchased;
Electric Lines
Any line, whether underground or overground, which is used for carrying electricity for any
purpose and includes, unless the context otherwise requires;
(a) any support for any such line, including, without limitation, any structure, pole,
pylon or other thing in, on, by or from which any such line is or may be supported,
carried or suspended;
(b) any Plant Connected to any such line for the purpose of carrying electricity; and
(c) any wire, cable, tube, pipe or other similar thing (including its casing, insulator or
coating) which surrounds or supports, or is surrounded or supported by, or is
installed in close proximity to, or is supported, carried or suspended, in
association with, any such line;
Electric Plant
Any plant, apparatus, equipment or appliance used for, or for purposes connected with, the
Generation, Transmission, Dispatch, Distribution or Supply of electricity, other than;
(a) an Electric Line;
(b) a Meter used for ascertaining the quantity of electricity supplied to any Premises;
(c) an electrical appliance under the control of a Consumer;
and Plant shall be construed accordingly;
Electric Time
The time shown on an electric clock connected to the Total System;
Embedded Genset
Gensets that are Connected to a Distribution System or the System of any other User, such
Connection being either a Direct Connection or a Connection via the busbar of another User
but with no Direct Connection to the Transmission System, where
Large Embedded Gensets are deemed to be those with a Registered Capacity of greater
than 5MW; and
Small Embedded Gensets are deemed to be those with Registered Capacity of less than
or equal to 5MW;
Emergency Conditions
Abnormal System conditions that require automatic or rapid manual action to prevent or limit
loss of Transmission facilities, Distribution facilities or Generation Capacity that could
adversely affect the reliability of the Transmission System;
Emergency Instructions
A Dispatch Instruction issued by Transco that may require an action or response that is
outside the limits implied by a Daily Status Form submitted by a CDGenset or instructions
issued by Transco to prevent or limit abnormal System conditions;
A Person with appropriate educational and practical experience to provide relevant advice to
the subject in question and who should have no direct involvement with any of the parties;
In relation to electricity, electricity which is Generated in Oman and which is transported from
Oman and Export shall be construed accordingly;
The Outage schedule for Operational Year 1 produced by Transco in accordance with the
provisions of OC 2, specifying for each CD Genset and Desalination Unit in the Total System
the proposed timing for Outages and Winter Downtime;
Five-Year Statement
A statement, prepared by Transco, in accordance with the terms of the Transmission Licence
showing for each of the 5 succeeding Operational Years, amongst other matters, the forecast
Demands and Power flows on the Transmission System;
Flexible Outage
A Planned Outage that, at the request of Transco, can be deferred or advanced by a period;
Forced Outage
An Outage for which no timely notice can be provided by the User to Transco;
The number of alternating current cycles per second (expressed in Hertz) at which a Total
System is running;
together with the associated stop valves and SF6 gas monitors required for the safe
Operation of the Transmission System or the User System;
Any Plant which produces electricity (including a (single) Genset and its associated prime
mover, within a CCGT Module);
The rate at which a Genset can decrease its output of Active Power from Maximum
Generation to Minimum Generation. The Genset De-loading Rate for each Genset will be as
detailed in the Operating Parameters;
Means the production of electricity by any means and "Generate" and "Generated" shall be
construed accordingly;
The Government of the Sultanate of Oman;
Grid Code
Means the Grid Code prepared pursuant to Condition 3 of Transco's Transmission Licence;
The panel with the functions set out in GC.4 of the General Conditions;
When referring to a Genset, it means a Genset that has been shut down for less than eight
(8) hours if the Genset is in combined cycle configuration and less than two (2) hours after
such Genset has been shut down if the Genset is in open cycle configuration;
Import/Export Contract
A contract entered into in accordance with Article [(85)(2)] of the Sector Law for the Import or
Export of electricity;
In relation to electricity, electricity that is Generated outside Oman and which is transported
into Oman and Import shall be construed accordingly;
An unscheduled or unplanned occurrence on, or relating to, a System (including Embedded
Gensets) including, faults, events and breakdowns and adverse weather conditions being
Inflexible Outage
A Planned Outage that cannot be deferred or advanced by a period at the request of
Transco, under OC2;
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Equipment located within Transco Premises that receives and stores Metering Data from
Interconnection Agreement
An agreement made between Transco, a Licensed Distributor or RAEC and a Person
external to the Sultanate of Oman, relating to the transfer of Power and or Active
Energy/Reactive Energy and or Ancillary Services across an Interconnector;
A facility that Connects two Systems;
Interface Agreement
An agreement between a User and Transco containing provisions for dealing with the
consequences of a User owning or Operating Plant which is sited on another User's land
and/or for the sharing of facilities and/or the provision of services at or near a Connection
Internal Interconnection
A Connection that facilitates the transfer of electricity to or from Transco’s Transmission
System, the Distribution System of a Licensed Distributor or a User System into or out of
another System located within Oman. A single Internal Interconnection may comprise several
circuits Operating in parallel;
International Interconnection
An Interconnector that Connects a System that exists within Oman with a System that exists
outside Oman and International Interconnection shall be construed accordingly;
Following a Total System Disturbance, a situation in which parts of the System with its
Connected Production Facilities become detached from the rest of the Total System;
Isolating Device
A device used for achieving electrical isolation;
The disconnection of HV Plant from the remainder of the System in which that HV Plant is
situated in accordance with OC8;
An authorisation to undertake a Regulated Activity issued by the Regulatory Authority
pursuant to the Sector Law;
Licensed Generator
A Person who is the holder of a Generation Licence;
Licensed Generator/Desalinator
A Person who is the holder of a Generation and Desalination Licence;
Licensed Supplier
A Person who is the holder of a Supply Licence;
The Active or Reactive Power, as the context requires, Generated, Transmitted or
Low Voltage or LV
An alternating voltage less than one kilovolt;
Main Meter
The primary Meter for measuring and recording electrical quantities;
Main Protection
Protection equipment or system expected to have priority in initiating fault clearance or an
action to alleviate an abnormal condition on the Total System;
Measurement Transformers
Voltage and/or current transformers or combinations thereof used in Metering Systems;
A Person who is a member of the Grid Code Review Panel;
Merit Order
An order for ranking Available Production Facilities which order shall aim to optimise Total
System economy, security, stability and reliability; and shall otherwise be determined by
Transco and each other Licensed Transmission System Operator in accordance with its
Transmission Licence;
A device for measuring and recording units of Active Power, Active Energy, Reactive Power
or Reactive Energy or other electrical and water quantities;
Meter Certificate
The statement issued by the Grid Code Review Panel confirming that a Meter or Metering
System complies with the requirements of the Metering and Data Exchange Code;
Meter Owner
The Person responsible for ensuring the procurement, installation, testing, commissioning
and operation and maintenance of Meters;
Meter Register
A device associated with a Meter, from which it is possible to obtain a visual reading of the
quantities that have passed the Meter;
The activity of measuring and recording units of Active Power, Active Energy, Reactive
Power or Reactive Energy or other electrical and water quantities using a Metering System or
a Meter;
The system of communications between Meters, Local Outstations and Remote Instations;
Metering System
The group of equipment including Meters, time switches, Measurement Transformers,
metering protection and isolation equipment including alarms, circuitry, associated data
storage and data communications equipment that are part of the Active Energy, Reactive
Energy and Demand measuring equipment at or relating to a Connection Site;
Notice to Synchronise
The amount of time (in minutes) that is declared by a Power Producer for a CDGenset to
enable it to be Synchronised following receipt of a Dispatch Instruction from Transco;
pursuant to the Sector Law and including any such new standards as may be established,
reviewed or modified from time to time pursuant to the Sector Law;
Operating Margin
Operating Parameters
The technical capabilities, flexibilities and limitations of a Genset, taking into account
changes due to Site Rating, registered in the Operational Planning Code, OC2 and notified
under the Scheduling and Dispatch Code through the Daily Status Form, as amended in
accordance with these Codes;
Operating Reserve
The additional output from Gensets or the reduction in Demand that can be realised in real
time Operation to contribute to containing or correcting a Frequency deviation to an
acceptable level following a sudden change in Demand or Generation;
A planned, scheduled or erroneous action relating to the Operation of part of the Total
System and Operate will be construed accordingly;
Operation Diagram
A diagram that is a schematic representation of the HV Plant and the Connections to all
external circuits and a Connection Site, incorporating its numbering, nomenclature and
Operational Effect
Any effect on the Operation of another System that causes the Transmission System or the
User’s System to Operate (or be materially at increased risk of Operating) differently to the
way in which they would or may have normally Operated in the absence of that effect;
Operational Instructions
Instructions and procedures issued in Connection with the actual Operation of Plant;
Operational Log
The period from 8 weeks to the end of the 2nd Operational Year ahead and Operational
Planning shall be construed accordingly;
Operational Test
A test carried out in order to acquire information in respect of Plant under pre-determined
System conditions;
Operational Year
The year running 1 April to 31 March where Operational Year 0 means the current
Operational Year, Operational Year 1 means the following Operational Year, etc.;
In relation to a Genset or Desalination Unit, an event, which affects a Power Producer’s
ability to make Capacity Available. In relation to Transco, or a Licensed Distributor, the
removal of any part of the Transmission or Distribution Systems for repair or maintenance, or
as a result of failure or breakdown;
On-site equipment which receives data from local equipment and may perform some
processing of data before transmitting the data to an Instation or SCADA system or
downloading to a Local Interrogation Unit on request.
When used with Metering Systems the Outstation will store data from a Meter(s) and may
perform some processing of data. These functions may be facilitated in one or more
separate units or may be integral with the Meter;
An individual, partnership, company, firm, trust, body corporate, government, government
body, authority, emanation, agency, instrumentality, unincorporated body or an association;
Planned Outage
An Outage planned at least seven days in advance of the event;
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Planning Margin
The margin by which electricity Generation Capacity must exceed forecast Demand in the
planning years to ensure that the Generation Security Planning Standard is met;
Plant Owner
The Person responsible for ensuring the procurement, installation, testing, commissioning
and Operation and maintenance of Plant;
That point of the Transmission System electrically nearest to the User installation at which
more than one User is Connected;
Power Factor
The cosine of the phase angle between the Volt-Amperes and the Active Power component;
Power Producer
Any Person that Generates electricity and/or which Operates one or more Genset(s), which
Connect to the Transmission System, or Distribution System and Operate Synchronously
with that Transmission System or Distribution System. This includes a Person that Operates
a Desalination Unit;
The Person of this name performing the functions assigned to it under the Sector Law;
Any land, building or structure occupied or used by a Person;
Primary Control
A CDGenset operating mode which will result in Active Power output changing in response to
a change in Frequency in a direction which assists to stabilise the Frequency at any level by
operating so as to provide Primary Response and/or Secondary Response proportional to
the difference between the speed/Frequency Target value and the measured
speed/Frequency value;
Primary Response
The automatic increase in Active Power output of a CDGenset or a decrease in the Demand
for Active Power in response to a fall in the Frequency of the Total System. The response
will be fully Available within 5 seconds from the time of the Frequency fall;
Production Capacity
The electricity Generation Capacity or the combined electricity Generation and water
Desalination Capacity of a Production Facility, as the context so requires;
Production Facility
Plant which is used for the Generation of electricity or the combined Generation of electricity
and Desalination of water and includes, as applicable, all associated Electric Lines, Electric
Plant and water equipment;
Programming Phase
The period from 8 weeks down to the issue of the Generation Schedule and Desalination
Schedule on the day ahead (D-1);
The provision for the detection of fault conditions on the Total System and the automatic or
manual initiation of fault clearance action, including audible and visual alarms, indications
and data logging;
Reactive Energy
The integral with respect to Reactive Power, measured in units of voltampere reactive hours
(Varh) and standard multiples thereof;
Reactive Power
The product of alternating voltage and current and the sine of the phase angle between them
measured in units of voltamperes reactive (vars) and standard multiples thereof.
Reactive Power Generation or output is an export onto the System and is referred to as
lagging Reactive Power or lagging Mvar, and Reactive Power absorption is an import from
the System and is referred to as leading Reactive Power or leading Mvar;
Red Warning
A warning that will be issued by Transco by 16:00 hours on the day ahead to those Licensed
Distributors and Directly Connected Customers who will or may subsequently receive
instructions under the Operating Code OC4;
Reference Conditions
Reference ambient conditions, the lower heating value of natural gas, and Frequency and
Genset Power Factor as specified in the PPA and PWPA;
Registered Capacity
In relation to a Genset and/or a Desalination Unit that does not form part of a CCGT Module,
the Production Capacity of that Genset taking into account changes due to site rating as
registered with Transco and, as amended from time to time in accordance with the Grid
Code. In the case of a CCGT Module, the Production Capacity of the CCGT Module taking
into account changes due to site rating, as declared by the Power Producer and amended
from time to time in accordance with the Grid Code;
Registered Data
Data submitted to Transco by Users describing the parameters of their Plant and Systems,
including the Operating Parameters of Gensets and Standard and Detailed Planning Data
and which is maintained by Transco as a continuing record that can be changed by formal
Regulatory Authority
The body established pursuant to Article [(38)] of the Sector Law;
Remote Instations
Computer-based systems operated by Transco that may collect or receive Metering data on
a routine basis from Outstations;
Risk of Trip
The Operation of a Genset when the failure of any single piece of auxiliary equipment could
result in the loss of the Genset’s Active Power and/or Reactive Power output;
Safety Coordinator
A Person nominated by a User to be responsible for the coordination of Safety Precautions at
a Connection Point and/or a Bulk Supply Point when work which includes testing is to be
carried out on a System which necessitates the provision of Safety Precautions on HV Plant
and Safety Coordination shall be construed accordingly;
Safety Earthing
The connection to the general mass of earth of HV conductors by an Earthing Device in
accordance with OC8;
Safety Permits
Safety documents issued under the Safety Rules relating to safe conditions for working on
Safety Precautions
The Isolation and or Earthing of HV Plant, posting of safety tags, use of safety equipment
and other measures to ensure safety;
Safety Rules
The rules of Transco or a User that establish a safe system of working on HV Plant;
Schedule Day
The 24 hour period starting at 0000 hrs (midnight) of the day concerned. Schedule Days are
designated SD0, SD1, SD2 etc, where SD0 is today in real time;
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Version 1.000
The process of compiling a Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule in accordance
with SDC1 and Schedule will be construed accordingly;
Secondary Response
The automatic increase in Active Power output of a CDGenset or a decrease in the Demand
for Active Power in response to a fall in the Frequency of the Total System;
Sector Law
The Law Governing the Privatisation and Regulation of the Electricity Sector, Sultani Decree
No. [ /2003];
Significant Incident
An Incident that Transco has determined shall be defined as significant in the context of
reporting in OC5;
The mechanical and/or electrical equipment used to control the rotational speed of a Genset
rotor according to a speed droop characteristic;
Energy supplied to the Total System after some captive on-site Demand has been met;
Spill Contract
A contract between a Licensed Supplier and an Autogenerator, entered into in accordance
with Article (35)(7) of the Sector Law and Condition 3 of the PWP Licence for the purchase
by the Power and Water Procurer of Production Capacity and/or Output;
Spinning Reserve
Those Gensets, which form part of the Operating Reserve, that are Synchronised to the Total
Summer Period
The period commencing 00:00 on 1 April in a Gregorian Calendar Year and ending at 24:00
on 30 September in the same Gregorian Calendar Year;
In relation to electricity, the Supply of electricity to any Premises and Supplied and Supplies
shall be construed accordingly;
The condition where a Genset, or a System, is Connected to the busbars of another System
or Total System, so that the Frequencies and phase relationships of that Genset or System
are identical (within operational tolerances) to those of the other System or Total System and
Synchronise and Synchronisation will be construed accordingly;
A Distribution System or a Transmission System, as the context requires;
System Separation
A situation where following an Incident parts of the Transmission System are out of
synchronism with each other;
Target Frequency
That Frequency determined by Transco as the desired Frequency of the Total System. This
will normally be 50.00 Hz plus or minus 0.05Hz except in exceptional circumstances as
determined by Transco;
Tertiary Reserve
The component of the Operating Reserve that would be Available as a result of Emergency
Instructions to Synchronise and Dispatch other CDGensets;
Total System
The entire interconnected electricity Systems of Licensees in Oman, including all Production
Facilities and all Transmission Systems and Distribution Systems, as the same may be
developed or modified from time to time and includes any such System which interconnects
with any System which is outside Oman;
The Oman Electricity Transmission Company SAOC established pursuant to Article (6), of
the Sector Law;
Means, in relation to electricity, the transport of electricity by means of a Transmission
System, and Transmit shall be construed accordingly;
Transmission Licence
A Licence to Transmit electricity;
Transmission System
A System for the transport of electricity, which System consists (wholly or mainly) of High
Voltage Electric Lines and Electric Plant (namely, Electric Lines and Electric Plant with a
nominal voltage equal to or greater than 132kV) and which is used for transporting electricity
from a Production Facility to a sub-station, from one Production Facility to another, from one
sub-station to another or to or from any Interconnector, Premises, or Distribution System and
any Electric Plant used for the purposes of Dispatch;
Charges made by Transco for the use of the Transmission System determined in accordance
with the Transmission Licence;
Any control device that is provided to govern the turbine output according to set values
(speed control, power control, extraction flow control, temperature limitation control, etc.);
Unconstrained Schedule
A Generation Schedule and Desalination Schedule produced by Transco that does not take
account of any limits on the Total System imposed by the Transmission System and as
described in SDC 1.4.9;
A term used to refer to Persons using the Transmission System including all Power
Producers having CDGensets, all Internally Interconnected Parties and International
Interconnected Parties Connected to the Transmission System, Licensed Distributors and all
Directly Connected Consumers. In some instances, this term means any Person to whom
the Grid Code applies;
Voltage Control
The process of regulation of System voltages to maintain them within specified limits;
When referring to a Genset, it means a Genset that has been shut down for more than eight
(8) hours but not more than forty-eight (48) hours if the Genset is in combined cycle
configuration and more than two (2) hours but not more than twenty four (24) hours after
such Genset has been shut down if the Genset is in open cycle configuration;
Water Delivery Point
The point at the boundary of the Production Facility at which Desalinated water is delivered in
accordance with PWPAs and by reference to which the Desalinated water flow is measured;
Water Meter
A device for measuring and recording water quantities;
Winter Downtime
In respect of a CDGenset or Desalination Unit, those hours of the Winter Period where the
availability of the respective CD Genset or Desalination Unit is not affected by an outage and
for which no Dispatch Instruction will be given nor Capacity payments will be made; and
Winter Period
The period commencing 00:00 on 1 October in a Gregorian calendar year and ending at
24:00 on 31 March in the following Gregorian calendar year;