Sarthak Physics 2
Sarthak Physics 2
Sarthak Physics 2
What is transformer
Structure and working principle
Construction of transformer
Losses in transformer
Ideal v/s practical transformer
Uses and application of transformer
• A transformer is a device that changes ac electric power
at one voltage level to ac electric power at another
voltage level through the action of a magnetic field.
• There are two or more stationary electric circuits that are
coupled magnetically.
• It involves interchange of electric energy between two or
more electric systems
• Transformers provide much needed capability of
changing the voltage and current levels easily.
– They are used to step-up generator voltage to an
appropriate voltage level for power transfer.
– Stepping down the transmission voltage at various
levels for distribution and power utilization.
What is transformer
• Copper losses :
It is due to power wasted in the form of I2Rdue to
resistance of primary and secondary. The magnitude of
copper losses depend upon the current flowing through
these coils.
The iron losses depend on the supply voltage while the copper
depend on the current .the losses are not dependent on the
phase angle between current and voltage .hence the rating of
the transformer is expressed as a product o f voltage and
current called VA rating of transformer. It is not expressed in
watts or kilowatts. Most of the timer, is rating is expressed in
Hysteresis loss :
During magnetization and demagnetization ,due to
hysteresis effect some energy losses in the core called
hysteresis loss
Eddy current loss :
The leakage magnetic flux generates the E.M.F in the
core produces current is called of eddy current loss.
Ideal and practical transformer