7-13 (1) Soil Series in Mir Pur

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Dahar et al., 2014. Sci. Tech. and Dev.

33 (1): 7-13


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Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, Sindh, Pakistan.
Plant Introduction Centre, PARC, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
Crop Disease Research Institute, PARC, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

Thirty soil samples from six important soil series, i.e., Lalian, Miani, Pacca, Rustam, Shahadra
and Sultanpur, were collected for determination of micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) and some
physico-chemical properties around Tando Jam, Sindh, to establish micronutrients status and to
deliberate their adequacy for different crops. The results revealed that soil samples of all soil series
were heavy in texture, non-saline and had low organic matter content. All the soil series were low to
moderate alkaline in reaction (pH > 7.0) and moderately calcareous in nature. Copper contents
ranged from 0.22-4.68, Iron 4.45-12.71, Manganese 0.73-4.65 and Zinc had values of 0.07-5.48 mg
kg-1, respectively. It is concluded that soils around Tando Jam were generally adequate in Cu, Fe and
Mn, while 40% soil samples were found Zinc deficient. Keeping in view the low content of Zn in
soils, Zn fertilisation is suggested for better crop production.
Keywords: Micronutrients, Physico-chemical properties, Soil series, Soil profile, Tando Jam,

Introduction (Cakmak, 2002). Boron deficiency has also been

Soil is an important medium on which plants reported in over 80 countries and on 132 crops
grow and obtain nutrients for their growth and (Shorrocks, 1997). In Pakistan, different researchers
development. For optimal growth and development, analysed micronutrients status in different areas of
16 essential elements are required by agricultural the country, such as, Zn deficiencies are more
crops. The nutrients taken-up by the plants in higher widespread; more than 60% soils are deficient of Zn
concentrations are categorised as macronutrients, (Chaudhry et al., 2007). There is a little problem
while micronutrients are the one needed in smaller with Cu and Mn deficiencies in the alkaline soils of
quantities. Out of 16 plant nutrients, Zinc, Copper, Pakistan (Rashid, 1996; Shafiq et al., 2005). A large
Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Chlorine and Boron number of soil analysis indicated that 50% of the
are referred as micronutrients (Nazif et al., 2006). soils were deficient in B, 21% in Fe and 57% in Zn
The importance of these micronutrients for different in Punjab. Similarly, in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa 60%
physiological processes in plant life is well soil samples were deficient in B, 14% in Fe and 37%
understood, as they are required in smaller quantities. in Zn. Soil samples from Sindh, Balochistan and
Therefore, when a nutrient becomes deficient in soil, Azad Jammu and Kashmir areas were also tested and
the plant growth may suffer and the situation results were found deficient in micronutrients (Ismail et al.,
into crop failure or loss of yield (Mengel et al., 2001; 1994; Anon., 2002).
Gupta, 2003; Nazakat et al., 2012). Micronutrients Soils that are developed from different processes
often act as cofactors in enzyme systems and and their sources of formation are grouped
participate in redox reactions, in addition to having individually. Each of the great soil group is divided
several other vital functions in plants (Memon et al., into series. All the members of any series have, in
2012). Most importantly, micronutrients are involved addition to a common mode and source of origin,
in the key physiological processes of photosynthesis similarity in topography, drainage, depth, color,
and respiration (Mengel et al., 2001; Gao et al., structure and reaction of their A and B horizon. The
2008) and their deficiency can impede these vital series’ name is usually that of the locality in which
physiological processes thus limiting yield gain the soil was first recognised and mapped as a
(Patil et al., 2008) . For example, for rice (Oryza separate entity (Oad et al., 2003).
sativa L.), Zinc deficiency is a major yield-limiting
factor in several Asian countries (Wissuwa et al., In view of diversity of factors, such as, parent
2006; Rehman et al., 2012). material, precipitation, temperature, soil physico-
chemical characteristics, land use and soil
On the world scale, it is estimated that Fe and management, micronutrient’s status in various soil
Zn deficiencies are widespread occurring in about series is likely to vary to a great extent (Chaudhari
30% and 50% of cultivated soils, respectively
8 Dahar et al., 2014. Sci. Tech. and Dev. 33 (1): 7-13

et al., 2012). Keeping in view, the importance of chemical properties of the soil and it has as
micronutrients in agricultural crop production, a significant role in the productivity of the soil. It
study was planned in order to find out their status affects the nutrient holding capacity, nutrient
and to deliberate their adequacy for crops in different availability, internal drainage, tillage, water and wind
soil series around Tando Jam, Sindh, Pakistan. erosion, infiltration rate, root penetration and many
Materials and Methods other properties of the soil (Hamarashid et al., 2010).
The clay has high cation exchange capacity and
Soil sampling better potential to supply nutrients for growing
In order to determine the distribution of plants. Textural categories of soil series showed that
micronutrients and to check the phyico-chemical most soil samples were heavy to medium in texture.
properties in different soil series around Tando Jam, The assessment of findings showed that soil samples
Sindh, Pakistan, thirty soil samples were obtained were dominant in silty clay and silty clay loam and
with the help of soil augar at depths of 0-20, 20-40, varied from clay loam to sandy loam. These results
40-60, 60-80 and 80-100 cm.. are supported by the findings of Ghafoor et al.
Preparation of soil samples (2004), who found that the soils of lower Indus Plain
contain more clay.
Soil samples were brought to the laboratory of
Electrical conductivity (EC)
Soil Science Department at Sindh Agriculture
According to the Jackson classification, the
University, Tando Jam, air dried, ground and passed
results depicted that Sultanpur soil series had the
through a 2 mm sieve and kept in polyethylene bags
highest 0.47 dS m-1 in EC values, whereas, Lalian
for analysis of micronutrients alongwith some
soil series was lowest 0.10 dS m-1 in EC value than
physico-chemical properties.
all other soil series (Table 1). The data showed that
Analytical methods topsoil as well as subsoil of all selected soil series at
Particle size distribution of the soil samples was both sites was free from salinity problem. All the
determined by hydrometer method (Bouyoucos, soils had EC values within the normal range (< 4 dS
1962). Soil pH and EC were measured in soil-water m-1) and there was no salinity hazard in the soils.
extract (1:5) using digital pH and EC meters, There was a small difference between the EC values
respectively. Lime content (%) was determined by of surface soil and subsoil, it could be due to the
acid neutralisation method as described in Practical reason that the surface soil had very little amount of
Agriculture Chemistry by Kanwar and Chopra salts to leach down in the sub-surface soil. The
(1959). Organic matter was determined by Walkley- assessment of findings showed that all soil series
Black method (Jackson, 1962). Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn were found non-saline in nature. These results are in
contents were determined by extraction with AB- agreement with the findings of Oad et al. (2003),
DTPA (Ammonium bicarbonate - diethylene who stated that soil samples, collected around Tando
triamine pentacetic acid) method (Soltanpour and Jam district Hyderabad, were non-saline in nature. In
Schawab, 1977), using Atomic Absorption another study Memon et al., (2010) reported that soil
Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu AA-640). analyses of the Banana sites in Hyderabad district
were found to be non-saline.
Results and Discussion Soil
Texture has an important bearing on physico-

Soil reaction (pH) Shahadra had the lowest pH values (7.1) at the
The results showed that the mean pH values depths of 60-80 and 80-100 cm, respectively. It may
were found to be the highest, i.e., 7.5 in Lalian, be concluded from these results that the soil samples
Miani and Rustam soil series, while, Shahadra, were slightly and moderately alkaline in nature.
Pacca and Sultanpur soil series had mean pH values These results are in conformity with the findings of
of 7.4 (Table 2). It was further noted that the highest Memon (2005), who concluded that soils of Taluka
pH values (8.0) were found at the depth of 0-20 cm Hala, district Hyderabad, were moderately alkaline
of Lalian soil series only, whereas, Rustam and in reaction.

Organic matter further noted that the maximum value (1.28%) of

The analytical results regarding organic matter organic matter was found in Sultanpur at 0-20 cm
content depicted that the mean values of organic depth, whereas, minimum value (0.07%) was found
matter were the highest in Sultanpur soil series, i.e. in Pacca soil series at profile depth of 80-100 cm.
0.67%, while, Shahadra soil series had the lowest During these findings, it was indicated that all the
mean value of 0.32% than all other soil samples soil samples were low in organic matter content
collected from different soil series (Table 3). It was except Sultanpur soil series. It was further observed
Dahar et al., 2014. Sci. Tech. and Dev. 33 (1): 7-13 9

that the organic matter content was found more at cropping, no crop residue recycling or green
upper surface layer than lower surface layers of the manuring and inadequate fertiliser use have led to
profile. With an increase in soil depth, the organic the reduced content of soil organic matter content
matter content also decreased. Top soil loss with (Rashid and Qayyum, 1990; Shaheen et al., 2008).
water erosion, nutrient mining with centuries old

Lime content
The mean value of CaCO3 was found the
highest, i.e., 8.7% in Lalian soil series (Table 4),
while, Rustam soil series had the lowest mean value
of 7.3%. It was further noted that the maximum lime
content was found in Lalian soil series at the profile
depth of 80-100 cm, whereas, Rustam soil series had
the lowest lime content of 7.3% at the depth of 40-60
cm. These findings indicated that all soil samples
were moderately calcareous in nature. It was also
found that irregular lime content was recorded as soil
profile depth was increased (Table 4). The soils of
Pakistan are predominantly derived from alluvium
and loess material, alkaline in pH, calcareous and
low in organic matter and are low in many essential
plant nutrients (Chaudhry et al., 2007). The results
are in conformity with the findings that the soils of
Hyderabad, Pakistan, are calcareous in nature
(Sherazi et al., 2006).
It is evident from the data shown in (Table 5)
that AB-DTPA mean extractable Cu value in Miani
soil series was the highest, i.e., 2.98 mg kg -1 and in
Shahadra soil series was the lowest, i.e., 0.56 mg kg -
1. Other soil series under observation were
intermediate in Cu content. The findings depicted
that all soil series were adequate in Cu content. It
was further noted that there was the highest (4.68 mg
kg-1) Cu concentration at 0-20 cm in Pacca soil
series, whereas, Shahadra soil series had minimum
Cu (0.22 mg kg-1) at 80-100 depth cm. These
findings showed that, generally, all soil samples
were adequate in Cu content. It is clear from the
results that as the soil depth increases the
concentration of available Cu decreases (Haq et al.,
2005). While, Soltanpour (1985) observed that AB-
DTPA Cu concentrations above 0.5 mg kg-1 could be
considered adequate. Tunio (2001) reported Cu
concentration range of 2.16-2.75 mg kg-i in soils of ranged from 4.59-21.08 in soil samples collected at Latif
Experimental Farm, Sindh Agriculture a depth of 0-30 cm from agriculturally fertile soils University (SAU),
Tando Jam, while, Nazif et al., of District Bhimber, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. (2006) found AB-DTPA
extractable Manganese
Table 4. Lime content (%).
Soil depth (cm) Lalian Miani Pacca Rustam Shahadra Sultanpur
0-20 7.7 7.8 7.4 7.7 8.6 8.3
20-40 8.2 8.0 7.4 7.9 9.0 8.4
40-60 9.0 7.9 8.4 6.6 8.1 8.3
60-80 9.2 8.2 8.0 7.2 7.8 9.0
80-100 9.4 9.2 8.1 7.3 8.3 9.0
Mean 8.7 8.3 7.8 7.3 8.3 8.6
Category: Non-calcareous = < 0% Slightly calcareous = 0-3% Moderately calcareous = 3-15% Strongly
calcareous= >15%
Source: Govt. of Pakistan, 1972.
Table 5. Copper (mg Kg-1).
Soil depth (cm) Lalian Miani Pacca Rustam Shahadra Sultanpur
0-20 2.55 3.84 4.68 3.09 2.08 4.42
20-40 1.08 3.56 2.19 2.89 1.70 2.69
40-60 1.60 3.40 1.83 2.05 0.96 2.20
60-80 1.03 2.64 1.80 1.79 1.00 1.90
80-100 0.99 1.44 1.71 1.70 0.22 1.88
Mean 1.45 2.98 2.44 2.30 1.19 2.61
Category: Low = < 0.2; Medium = 0.2 - 0.5; Adequate = > 0.5
Source: Soltanpour, 1985.

Iron Sultanpur soil series had the lowest Fe (4.45 mg kg -1)

The mean AB-DTPA extractable Fe value was at the depth of 80-100 cm. The assessment of the
maximum 9.22 mg kg-1 in Miani soil series and findings indicated that generally all soil samples
minimum 5.77 mg kg-1 in Rustam soil series than were in adequate in Fe content. Nazakat et al. (2012)
other soil series (Table 6). The remaining soil series mentioned that on an average 1% of field crops
under study were intermediate in Fe content. The grown in Sindh province were diagnosed as iron
findings depicted that all soil series were adequate in deficient. They further categorised iron deficiency at
Fe content. It was further noted that there was the lesser extent as compared to Zinc, while, Memon
highest Fe concentration (12.71 mg kg -1) at the depth (1985) reported an adequate amount of Fe in soils of
of 0-20 cm, in Pacca soil series, whereas, Hyderabad, Sindh.

The analytical results of AB-DTPA extractable
Mn indicated that the mean value of Mn
concentration in Sultanpur soil series was the
highest, i.e., 2.87 mg kg-1 and Lalian soil series was
the lowest, i.e., 1.60 mg kg-1 than other soil series
(Table 7), whereas, other soil series under
observations were intermediate in Mn content. The
findings depicted that all soil series were adequate in
Mn content. It was further noted that the maximum
Mn concentrations (4.65 mg kg-1) were found at 0-20
cm depth in Pacca soil series, whereas Rustam soil
series had minimum (0.73 mg kg-1) at the depth of
80-100 cm. These findings showed that all the soil
samples contained adequate amount of Mn.
According to Kabata and Pendias (1984), the
common characteristic of Cu distribution in soil
profile is its accumulation in the top horizons. Azhar
et al. (2007) reported average extractable Cu of 4.99,
3.31, 2.16, and 2.18 ug g-1, at 0-20, 20-40, 40-60 and
60-100 cm soil depth of Mango orchards in
Hyderabad district of Pakistan.
Zinc samples were adequate and medium, while 40% of
It is evident from the data presented in Table 8 soil samples were low in available Zn content. It is
that the AB-DTPA mean extractable Zn value was observed that as the depth of soil increases the
the highest in Miani soil series, i.e., 2.02 mg kg -1 and concentration of available Zn decreases. Zn
the lowest, i.e., 0.56 mg kg -1 in Shahadra soil series solubility is highly pH dependent and decreased as
than other soil series. Other soil series were pH increased (Rashid, 1996; Parveen et al., 2006;
intermediate in Zn content. The findings depicted Shaheen et al., 2008). The findings of the present
that Pacca, Lalian and Shahadra were low in Zn, study are in agreement with those reported by Khan
whereas, Sultanpur and Rustam were medium but et al. (2012), who stated that soils of Pakistan are
Miani soil series was adequate in Zn content. It was generally alkaline in reaction and calcareous in
further noted that the highest (5.48 mg kg-1) Zn nature. Such soils usually contain low amount of
concentration was at the depth of 0-20 cm in Miani available micronutrients, particularly Zinc and the
soil series, while, Lalian soil series had minimum Zn main soil factors of low soil Zn contents are high pH,
content (0.07 mg kg-1) at the depth of 80-100 cm. high lime and low organic matter contents (Donner
These results further indicated that some soil et al., 2010).

Conclusion Theory and digest of agronomy. Kalyani

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