BRTC Rate 2018

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Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Civil Engineering

Committed to Quality Assurance for Better Bangladesh
Rates include VAT and effective from Octobor 2018
Department of Civil Engineering reserves the right to change the rates at any time without any prior notice
Contact Phone No.: 031-714948, +88-01765596552
BRTC Office Time: Sunday to Thursday => 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sl. No. Name of Test Rate (BDT) Sl. No. Name of Test Rate (BDT)

Aggregate Brick & Paving Block

1 Specific Gravity 3500 1 Absorption 3000
2 Absorption Capacity 3500 2 Crushing Strength(ASTM) 6000
3 Aggregate crushing value (ACV) 6500 3 Efflorescence 4500
4 Aggregate Impact value (AIV) 5000 4 Size & shape 3000
5 Angularity number( Including S.g.) 8000 5 Unit Weight(ASTM) 5000
6 Bulking of sand 6000 6 Salinity 3000
7 CBR of Base/Sub-base material(soaked/unsoaked) 50000 7 Acid Resistance (Vitriol) 7000
8 Clay lump & friable particles 5500 8 T-Test/Field Test 2500
9 Coal & lignite 4000
10 Elongation Index (EI) 6500 TILES Rate (BDT)
11 Flakiness Index (FI) 7500 1 Absorption 3000
12 L.A. Abrasion 7000 2 Crushing Strength 4500
13 Mica Content 10000 3 Bending Test 3500
14 Organic impurities 3500 4 Size & shape 2500
15 Effect of organic impurities 16000
16 Standard Proctor test of aggregate (MDD) 20000 Bitumen Rate (BDT)
17 Modified Proctor test of aggregate (MDD) 35000 1 Bitumen content 14000
18 Sulphate/Salt content 3500 2 Design of A.C. mixes 120000
19 Sieve analysis (CA) 6000 3 Ductility 4500
20 Sieve analysis (FA)/Gradation 3500 4 Flash & fire points 5000
21 Soundness with Na2SO4 17000 5 Float test 4500
22 Soundness with Mg2SO4 17000 6 Loss-on heating 5500
23 Ten percent fines (10% fines) 10000 7 Softening point (R&B) 5000
24 Unit weight (CA) 4000 8 Solubility 4500
25 Unit weight of aggregate(FA) 4000 9 Specific gravity 4000
26 Void Ratio 6000 10 Standard penetration 4000
27 Acid Resistance 4500 11 Viscosity (S.F.) 7000
28 Fineness factor 4000 12 Viscosity (Kinematic) 10000
29 Hydrophilic Factor 4500 13 Water Content 9000
30 Co-efficient of Sand (d10) 3500 14 Distillation 9000
31 Co-efficient of Sand (d10)/Effective Size 3500 15 Any test on residue 6000
32 Foreign material content 14000 16 Theoretical Max. Sp. Gr. 6000
33 Deleterious substance 14000 17 Marshall Stability& Flow test 6000
Water Sensitivity retains tensile strength (Resistance to Compacted HMA to Moisture
Cement Rate (BDT) 18 Induced damage) 50000
1 Compressive strength (ASTM/EN) 9000/35000
2 Fineness 3000
3 Normal Consistency + Setting time 7000
4 Tensile Strength (3 & 7 days) + 28 days 10000
5 Soundness 8000 MANHOLE COVERS Rate (BDT)
6 Chemical test 35000
1 Load & Wt. test on Manhole Cover (<18'' dia.) 7500
7 Density/Sp. Gravity 4000
Compressive strength of Grouting Cement
8 4500
(Casting & testing)
2 Load & Wt. test on Manhole Cover (>18'' dia.) 8500
Compressive strength of Grouting Cement
9 3000

Sl. No. Name of Test Rate (BDT) Sl. No. Name of Test Rate (BDT)


1 Concrete Cylinders (100x200mm) 2500 1 CBR of soils 30000
2 Concrete Cylinders (150x300mm) 3500 2 Field Density per spot 8000
3 Concrete Cylinders (casting & testing) 25000 3 Sp. Gr. 2300
4 Split Cylinder 4500
4 Hydrometer, sieve analysis & sp. Gr. 6500
5 Concrete beam in flexure 8500
6 Design of concrete mixes (ACI/BS) without admixture [upto 25 MPa] 65000 5 Linear shrinkage 2200
7 Design of concrete mixes (ACI/BS) without admixture[>25 MPa] 70000 6 Shrinkage limit 2000
8 Design of concrete mix using Admixture [upto 25 MPa] 70000 7 Liquid limit 3000
9 Design of concrete mix using Admixture[>25 MPa] 78000 8 Plastic limit 3000
10 Cubes (below 200mmx200mm) 3500 9 Standard Proctor 12000
11 Cubes (200mmx200mm-300mmx300mm) 3500 10 Modified Proctor 14000
12 Cubes (>300mmx300mm) 7000 11 Unit weight (wet & dry) 2200
13 Core cutting & testing (with scanning) 20000* 12 Void ratio 3500
In-Situ Scanning (Quick & Image) per
spot/Location (For 02 Scan) 12000+* 13 Moisture content 1000
15 Core testing 3000 14 Organic matter content 3500
16 Rebound Impact hammer 6500* 15 Loss on ignition 3500
17 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) 6500* 16 Alkalinity (CO3) 3000
18 Half Cell Potential 6500* 17 SiO2 3000
18 Sand equivalent test/Friction Angle 5000
ROD Rate (BDT) 19 Permeability (Cohesive) 20000
1 Tension (Including Elongation) ( Upto 25 mm) 2500 20 Permeability (Non-cohesive sample) 8000
2 Tension (Including Elongation) ( >25 mm) 3700 21 One dimensional consolidation 20000
3 Bend test (upto 25 mm) 1200 22 Consolidated drained test (Direct Shear Test) 12000
4 Rebend test (upto 25 mm) 1700 23 Consolidated drained triaxial Test 45000
5 Bend test (above 25 mm) 1300 24 Percent compaction (Standard Proctor) 13000
6 Rebend test (above 25 mm) 1900 25 Percent compaction (Modified Proctor) 15000
7 Elongation at Maxm Force 2000 26 Consolidated quick test (Direct Shear Test) 8000
8 Shear Test 4500 27 Con. Undrained triaxial test with pore pressure 40000
9 Hardness (Rockwell) 4000 28 Con.undrained triaxial test without pore pressure 40000
10 Impact 4000 29 Unconfined compression 7000
11 Stress-strain curves 10000 30 Unconsolidated quick test (Direct Shear Test) 8000
12 Spring test 3000 31 Wash sieve analysis 4000
13 Tension (Weir) 6000 32
14 Tension (Eye-hooks, anchor bolt, Nut Bolt) 6000
15 Angle/Flat Bar 5000 AGRICULTURE USE Rate (BDT)
16 Unit weight 1500 1 Boron (B) 2500
17 Actual Dia 1500 2 Electrical conductivity (EC) 700
18 Physical test 1500 3 Magnesium Density (Mg) 3500
19 Bearing Capacity of Pipe 7000 4 Sodium (Na) Density (SAR) 4500


Drinking water
(pH, colour, turbidity, T hardness, Chloride, 11000
1 TDS, Mn, As, Fe, TC, FC) 1 Biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD) 5 days 2000
2 PH/Hydrogen ion Density 400 2 Chemical Oxygen demand (COD) 2000
3 Color (Filtered) 500 3 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 600
4 Carbon dioxide (CO2) 300 4 Sulphate (SO4) 700
5 Chloride (CI) 800
6 Fluoride (F) 600
7 Iron (Fe) 2000
8 Manganese (Mn) 2500
9 Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N) 700
10 Total Alkalinity 700
11 Total Hardness 1000
12 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 1000
13 Arsenic (As) 190+10/- forchem.) 1700
14 Turbidity 400
15 Salt Content 1000 Sl. No. Name of Test Rate (BDT)

Concreting: pH Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids, Chloride,Alkalinity. Organic Matter,

1 Inorganic Matter, SO4 8000
Sl. No. Name of Test Rate (BDT)

MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETER Swimming Pool: pH, Alkalinity, Colour, Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids, Chloride, TC, FC,
2 Fe, NO3, PO4 9000
1 Acidity 800
2 Carbonate (CO3) 1200 Textile (only Dyeing): pH, Alkalinity, Colour, turbidity, Hardness,Chemical Oxygen Demand
3 (COD), Total Chlorine, NO3, NO2, Fe, 9000
3 Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N) 1200
4 Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO2-N) 800 Textile (Boller): pH, Alkalinity, Colour, Turbidity, Hardness,Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),
4 Total chlorine, Ca, Fe, Mn, SiO2, 9000
5 Aluminum (Al) 4200
6 Arsenic (As) 1700
5 Tanning: pH, Alkalinity, Colour, Turbidity, Hardness, Fe, Mn 6000
7 Bromine content (Br) 700
8 Total Chlorine content, Cl2 700
6 Cooling: pH, Hardness, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids, Fe, Mn, COD (KMnO4, PO4) 7000
9 Free Chlorine content, Cl2 700
10 Break Point Chlorination 8500 Paper and Pulp (Ground wood): pH, Alkalinity, Colour, Turbidity,Hardness, Total Dissolved
7 Solids, Chloride, Fe, Mn, SiO2, CO2 7000
11 Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) 900
12 Iodine content (I) 700 Boller Feed Water: pH, Alkalinity, Colour, P-Alkalinity, MAlkalinity,Turbidity, Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids,
8 total Suspended Solids. Dissolved Oxygen, Oil & Grease Contents, Fe, Mn, SiO2, PO2 8000
13 Mercury (Hg) 4500
14 Phosphate content (PO4) 1000
15 Sulphite (SO3) 800 GAUGES (CALIBRATION) Rate (BDT)
16 Silica-content (SiO2) 1200 1 Pressure Gauge 5500
17 B/Ba/Ca/Cr/Ca/Cd/K/Na/Ni/Pb/Zn 2000 2 Hydraulic Jack without Pressure Gauge 20000
18 Oil and grease content in water 1500 3 Hydraulic Jack with Pressure Gauge upto 300 ton 30000
19 Organic Matter 2400 4 Hydraulic Jack with Pressure Gauge upto 1000 ton 50000
20 Fecal Coliform (FC) 1400 5 Deflection dial 3500
21 Total Coliform (TC) 1400 6 Proving ring <100 kN 5500
22 Total Solids (TS) 1000 7 Proving ring 100-500 kN 6500
23 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 1500 8 Proving ring >500 kN 7500
24 Pb or Cd release of Tableware 2000 9 Compression Machine* 15000
25 Extraction charge for oil 2400 10 Dynamometer 10000
26 Extraction charge for salt 2400 11 Balance (upto 20 kg) 10000
12 Baching Plant* 120000
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OF SOIL Rate (BDT) 13 Digital Thermometer 3600
1 pH 600 14 Measuring Jar (0.25Lit) 3000
2 Boron (B) 3500 15 Vicat Needle apparatus with Plunger 7500
3 Electrical conductivity (EC) 1200 16 Steel Scale 2000
4 Organic Matter (Dry Combustion Method) 3000 17 Hydro Meter 4500
5 Organic Matter (Wet Combustion Method) 3500 18 Sand replacement apparatus 4500
6 Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N) 1400 19 Digital pH meter 4500
7 Phosphate content (PO4) 3000 20 Electronic weight balance (Up to 200kg) 18000
8 Exchangeable Sodium (Na) 3000 21 Flakiness Gauge 9000
9 Aluminum (AI) 4000 22 Elongation Gauge 9000
10 Arsenic (As) 3400 23 Standard Proctor compaction app with hammer 18000
11 Mercury (Hg) 5400 24 Screw Gauge (0-25x0.01mm) 2400
12 Sulphate (SO4) 3500 25 Vernier Calipers (0-150x0.05mm) 2400
13 Ca, Cd, Cl, K, Mg, Na, Pb 2500 26 Electronic Stop Watch 2400
14 Other Metals 3000 27 Measurement Tap (3m, 30m) 3500, 6500
28 Thermometer 3500
GAUGES (CALIBRATION) Rate (BDT) 29 Oven 6000
37 Digital Platform Scale (Packer) 20000 30 Standard Sand 4500
38 Muffle Furnace with digital temp. display 20000 31 Stop Watch 2400
32 Cement Mould 6000
33 Cylinder Mould 6000
34 March Cone 6000
35 Slump Cone 6000
36 Seive Set 14000

Sl. No. Name of Test Rate (BDT)

1 Dimension of PV C/Roboscreen 3500
Rate (BDT)
Sl. No. Name of Test 2 Dimension of Tube well
SAMPLING VISIT 3 Pressure test 6500
1 Sampling for Bacteriological Analysis 10000* 4 Acetone test 2000
2 Sampling for physical and chemical Analysis 10000* 5 Impact test 8000
6 Diameter 2000
GEOTEXTILES Rate (BDT) 7 Tubewell design 40000
1 Apparent/ Effective Opening size or Pore Size 4500 8 Tubewell design revised 15000
2 Burst Test Index 3500
3 Grab Tensile Test 4500 Soil Boring (Including relevant tests & Report) Rate (BDT)
4 Thickness 1400 Soil Boring per bore
5 Tearing Strength 5000
(i) Within (Chittagong Metropolitan Area )-upto 60'
6 Unit weight 2500 70000
7 Tensile Elongation 5000
(i) Within (Chittagong Metropolitan Area )-upto 100'
8 Index Puncture Resistance or CBR puncture 3500 1 90000
9 Cone penetration test 3500
(i) Within (Chittagong Metropolitan Area )-upto 120'
RUBBER/PLASTIC/PVC MATERIALS Rate (BDT) (iv) Outside (Chittagong Metropolitan)-Consult with BRTC
1 Tension, for a set of 5 samples 3500 office) ---
2 Flexural, for a set of 5 samples 4000 Soil exploration, Liquefaction and Amplification analysis 250000
3 Compression set, for 1 sample 4000 Soil exploration and Liquefaction assessment 200000
4 Compression stiffness, for 1 sample 5500 Note: Minimum 3 borings for a particular site ; Guidelines: up to 3 katha -3nos, 3-5
5 Water Stopper (Tension, Dim.; LC 500/=) 6500 katha-5nos, 6 to 10 katha-8nos.

Elastomeric Bearings Rate (BDT) Consultancy on Pile Integrity

Per pile (See condition a,b,c)
Vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic elastomer in tension and
(a) Min. total fees: within Chittagong City- 75000/-, Outside
1 elongation at break, ASTM D412 (set of 3)
6000 Chittagong City 115000/-, Near Districts 150000/- and Farthest
Districts 175000/- 2500+*
(b) Integrity tests be done on all piles for a structure
Short duration compression test on plain and steel laminated
(c) Pile load test be done on at least 1% 0f piles selected on basis
2 elastomeric bearings for bridges, ASTM D4014 (set of 1)
6000 of integrity results

Long duration compression test on plain and steel laminated LOAD TEST Rate (BDT)
3 elastomeric bearings for bridges, ASTM D4014 (set of 1)
1 Pile Load Test 120000
4 Determination of shear modulus, ASTM D4014 (set of 3) 8500
5 Test for compression set, ASTM D395 (set of 4) 8500
2 Plate Load Test 100000
6 Dimension Test 4000
Test for rubber durability-deterioration in an air
7 4500
oven, ASTM D573 (set of 3) SURVEY EQUIPMENT Rate (BDT)
Test for determining the adhesion on rigid 1 Theodolite 15000
8 4500
substrates, ASTM D429 (set of 1) 2 Level 12000
Dimensional test (external and internal) giving number &
9 thickness of steel plates, elastomer parallelism, elastomer 2500
hickness, ASTM D4014 (set of 1) Note: * Field visit fee;Chittagong Metropolitan Area & around 10 km of CUET = Tk.
50,000; Greater Chittagong = Tk.60,000; other Districts = Tk. 80,000] [* Field visit fee
10 Ash content 4500
for Rebound Hammer/Core Cutter/Scanner/Load Cell etc. are needed.] [Transport,
11 Heat Resistence test at 100 C for 72 hours 5000
local hospitalities, accommodation (in+ Tk. 8,000 if case of overnight stay) etc. are to
12 After ageing 10000
be provided by the client]
Aggreates (Sample preparation Charge TK. 2000 Per Sample)
Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Sieve Analysis (CA)/ Gradation/FM(CA) 6800
2 Sieve Analysis (CA)/ Gradation (Base/Subbase) 10600
3 Sieve Analysis (CA)/ Gradation (Ballest) 8700
4 Sieve Analysis (CA)/ Gradation (Ballest)/Specified Sieve Size 11500
5 Sieve Analysis (FA)/FM 3800
6 % Finer thsn # 200 Sieve/Fine Content/ Silt Content 3800
7 Aggreate Crushing Value(ACV)/Compressive Strength 7700
8 Aggerate Impact Value(AIV) 5700
9 Ten Percent Fine Value(TFV) 11500
10 Angularity Numder (Including Sp.Gr.) 9600
11 Elongation Index (EI)/ Shape Test 8700
12 Flakiness Index (FI) 8000
13 L.A. Abrasion Of CA 7700
14 L.A. Abrasion Of Ballast 8000
15 Unit Weight of Aggregate(CA) 5000
16 Unit Weight of Aggregate(FA) 4500
17 Soundness With Na2so4 (4000/= for Chem.) 19200
18 Soundness With Mg2so4 (6000/= for Chem.) 19200
19 Absorption and Specific Gravity/ Density (for Ballast) 6800
20 Clay Lumps & Friable Particles 5700
21 Moisture Content 2900
22 Percentage of Uncrushed Particle (Fractured Face) 8700
23 Mica Content of Fine Sand Using Microscope 26200
24 Mica Content of Fine Sand /CA by Visual Ovservation 16600
25 Effect of Organic Impurities (1300/= for Chem) 19200
26 Organic Impurities/Salt Content/Sulphate Content/Salinity 3000+500
27 Bulking of Sand 5500/15000
28 Void Ratio/Porosity/Moh. Hardness 7700
29 CBR OF Base or Sub -base Material 59800
30 Standard Proctore test of Aggregate (MDD) 24100
31 Modified Proctor or Vibrating Hammer 39500

Bricks (Bricks needed for ASTM =5 Nos, BS=10 Nos.)

Absortion (ASTM/ BS Standard) 2400/4600
2 Crushing strength (ASTM/BS Stand,300/400/-Capping mat.) 4800/7900
3 Size & Shape (ASTM/BS Standard) 3100/3100
4 Unit Weight (ASTM/BS Standard),200/300 for LC. 4300/5700
5 Unit weight & Absorption (ASTM/BS Standard),200/300 for LC.
6 Efforescence (Needed 10 additional Bricks) 4800
Hollow/ Special Bricks Block/ Kerb (Set of 3 Nos.)
7 Comp. strength of Hollow bricks, Paving/ Concrete blocks etc. 3600
8 Compressive Strength of Road Kerb Stone 4400
9 Absorption 2400
10 Unit Weight 4300
11 Comp. strength of Hollow bricks, Paving blocd incl. unit wt. 6100

Bitumen (Sample preparation Charge TK. 3000 Per Sample)

Sl. No. Name Of Test Test Rate(TK.)
1 Specific Gravity/ Sp. Gr./ Density 5200
2 Penetration/ Grading 5200
3 Naphta Xylene Equivalent 22200
4 Flash & Fire Points 5200
5 Solubillity (300/= for Chem.) 5000
6 Ductillity (300/= for Chem.) 5000
7 Softening Point (R&B) (300/= for Chem.) 5000
8 Thin Film Oven/ loss-on-heating 6400
9 Flot Test 5200
10 Foaming Test 5200
11 Spot Test 5200
12 Viscosity (Saybolt Furol, S.F.) 9600
13 Viscosity (Kinematic) 12600
14 Viscosity (Absolute/ Dynamic) 19200
15 Ash Content/ Inorganic Matter 9600
16 Any test on residue from Loss- on -heating test/if TFOT/LOH included separately 9600
16(a)Any test on residue from Loss- on -heating test/if TFOT/LOH not included separately 16100
17 Any test on residue from Thin Flim Oven test 15400
18 Coating & Stripping test with/without Anti-Stripping Agent/Dose 7300
19 Asphalt Concrete Mix Design (Marshall) 81500
20 Particle Charge Test of Bitumen Emulison 6100

Asphalt or Bituminous Material /Pavement Core (Sample preparation

Charge TK. 3000 Per Sample)
Sl. No. Name Of Test Test Rate(TK.)
21 Bitumen Content (4000/= for Chem.) 15400
22 Water Content 11500
23 Theoretical Max. Sp. Gr. 7700
24 Density 3800
25 Marshall Stabillity and Flow Test 6800
26 In- Situ per core cutting 11500+Field Visit
27 Job Mix Formula & Marshall Test 131000
28 TSR (Tensile strength ratio) Test 81500

R.C.C Pipes
Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Pipes (Dia Up to 600mm) 7200
2 Pipes (Dia above to 600mm and up to 900mm) 7900
3 Pipes (Dia above to 900mm and up to 1200mm) 10200
4 Pipes (Dia above to 1200mm and up to 1524mm) 13000
5 In- situ pipe testing 8700+*

Manhole Covers
Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Load & wt. test on manhole covers ( <18 inch or 450mm dia) 7900
2 Load & wt. test on manhole covers ( >18 inch or 450mm dia) 8700

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Initial Rate of Absorption/Suction for Brick 3400
2 Alkali- Silica Reactivity for Stone/Sand 16500

Note: + Pipe specimens & manhole covers have to be taken away by the client, immediately after the test is performed.
Notes: [* Field visit fee; Inside Dhaka City = Tk. 14000; outside Dhaka City ( No overnight stay)= Tk. 24000;
Near Districts= Tk.37000 without overnight stay and Tk. 30000; per day for overnight stayl Farthest District
TK.50000 without overnight stay and= Tk. 38000; per day for overnight stay , Remote Areas with overnight
stay= TK. 44000; per day][*& Transport, local hospitalities, accommondation (in case of overnight stay)
etc. are to be proveded by the Client]

Cement Concrete
Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Concrete Cylinders (100x200mm), for a set of 3 nos. 2200
2 Concrete Cylinders (100x200mm), for a set of 3 nos. 3900
3 Cubes (<200mm),for a set of 3 nos. 3400
4 Cubes ( 200mm-300mm), for a set of 3 nos. 4000
5 Cubes ( 300mm), each core cutting and testing (300/=for fuel) 6800+300
6 Concrete Spun, for a set of 3 nos. 3400
7 Concrete beam in flexure, for a set of 3 nos. 8400
8 Concrete Slab in flexure, for a set of 3 nos. 11700

Concrete Mix Designs

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
9 Concrete mix design without admixture (22000+44000)[upto 25Mpa] 66000
10 Concrete mix design using admixture (24000+48000)[upto 25Mpa] 72000
11 Concrete mix design without admixture (24000+48000)[ >25Mpa] 72000
12 Concrete mix design using admixture (26500+53500)[> 25Mpa] 80000

Destructive and NDT Tests

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
13 In- Situ per cutting & testing (without scanning) 6200+200+*
14 In- Situ per cutting & testing (with quick scanning) 12900+400+*
15 In- Situ Hammer Test - per spot/ location (min. 3 tests) 6700+*
16 In- Situ winsor pin Test - per spot/ location (min. 3 tests) 6100+*
17 In- Situ scanning (quick & image) pin Test - per spot/ location (for 2 scans) 12000+*
18 In- Lab Block/ Kerb per core cutting & testing (300/=L.C) 6700+300
19 In- Lab Supplied Core Testing (Per Core)(300/=L.C) 2400+300

1 Pressure Gauge/Dial Gauge 5400
2 Hydraulic Jack (Calibration range up to 300 ton) without Pressure Gauge 33100
Hydraulic Jack (Calibration range up to 1000 ton) without Pressure Gauge 60000
3 Deflection dial 3700
4 Proving ring <100 kN 6000
5 Proving ring 100-500 kN 7000
6 Proving ring >500 kN 8500
10 Dynamometer 10700
9 Compression / Tension Testing Machine (with one dial) 17500
12 Calibration of Concrete Mix Baching Plant 317000

Balance and Weight

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
11 Electric Balance up to 20kg/Platform Scale/ Balance 9700
12 CA Measuring potabde fara/ Measuring cub 5000
13 Schmidt Hammer (Rebound) 12700
14 Weight <2kg/ Load Cell (weight Box 178000) 9700
15 Balance up to 300kg 14400
16 Balance avobe 300kg to 1000kg 18700
17 Balance avobe 1000kg 28800

Cement Testing Apparatus

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
18 Mixture Machine (Mortar cube & setting) 9700
19 Blaine Apparatus/Jolting tabke/Vibrating Machine 15000
20 Vicat Apparatus 7600
21 Cement Autoclave Machine 9700
22 Cylinder Mould Calibration 2900
23 Curing Tank 6100
24 PH Meter/ Stop Watch 2400

Survey Equipment
Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
25 Thedolite 15700
26 Level 12100
27 Total Station 43100

Miscellaneous Equipment/ Devices

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
28 Vernear Scale /Micro meter 2200
29 Steel Scale 2200
30 Thermometer 3400
31 Sieve 3700
32 Tacheometer 15700

Outside Laboratory/ In-situ Calibration

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
33 Compression/Tension Testing Machine (with one dial) 17500+*
34 Protable Weighing Bridge 16500

Cement (ASTM/AASHTO Standard)

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Compressive strength 3,7 & 28 days (700/= ottowa Sand) 9200+700
2 Setting time 4300
3 Fineness 3100
4 Setting time (only) 4800
5 Normal Consistency(only) 2900
6 Density/ sp.Gr. 4300
7 Weight of cement Bag 800

Cement (EN Standard)

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Compressive strength 3 & 28 days 28800+500
2 Compressive strength 3,7 & 28 days 36400+600
A. Rod (Set Of 3 Nos.)
Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
1 Tension test including wt. & elongation (up to 25mm) 2500
2 Tension test including wt. & elongation (avobe 25mm & up to 32mm) 3700
3 Tension test including wt. & elongation (avobe 32mm & up to 50mm) (L.C 4500/=) 4500+4500
4 Tension test including wt. & elongation (avobe 50mm ) (L.C 6000/=) 4800+6000
5 Bend Test (up to 25mm) 1200
6 Bend Test (above 25mm) 1300
7 Re- bend Test (up to 25mm) 1700
8 Re- bend Test (above 25mm) 1900
9 Deformation Measurement 3000
10 Elongation at 5D as per Iso 6935-2 per set 2000
11 Stress- strain Curves (mod. Of elasricity) (for sand: 9600/=) 10000
12 Share Test for Rod (L.C. as per rod dia 1200/=---2000) 2500+
13 Shaft Rod<30mm 3500
14 Shaft Rod>30mm<50mm (L.C 3500/=) 4000+3500
15 Shaft Rod >50mm. (L.C. 4000/=) 4500+4000
16 H.T. Wire, Tension Test 8000
17 Strand/ Cabke Tension Test 14400
18 Welded MS Bar Tension Test (as per MS Bar Rate x 2 times)
19 Coupler up to 32mm, for a set of 1 Nos. 2600
20 Coupler above 32mm, for a set of 1 Nos. 3200

B. Boult, Angle and Plate (Set of 3 Nos.)

Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
21 Ancore Bolt/ Hooks Tension Test (up to 25mm)(L.C.1000) (If required) 4100+1000
22 Ancore Bolt/ Hooks Tension Test (above 25mm)(L.C.1000) (If required) 5200+1000
23 Bolt Tension Test (up to 25mm) 3500
24 Bolt Tension Test ( 25mm) (L.C. 1000/=) 5000+1000
25 Anchor Boult/ Bolt/ Hooks Share Test (up to 25mm) 2600
26 Anchor Boult/ Bolt/ Hooks Share Test (above 25mm) (L.C. 2000/=) 3500+2000
27 Angle/ Plate/Sheet Pole /Joist Tension Test (up to 16mm) (L.C. 1500/=) 3100+1500
28 Angle/ Plate/Sheet Pole /Joist Tension Test (above 16mm up to 30mm) (L.C. 2000/=) 3600+2000
29 Angle/ Plate/Sheet Pole /Joist Tension Test (above 30mm) (L.C. 2500/=) 3600+2500
30 Sheet Pile/ Joist wt. per meter & T hickness (L.C. 1000/=) 2000+1000
31 Sheet Pile/Joist Section Modulus/ Moment of Inertia (L.C. 2000/= 15700+2000
32 Hardness Test (Rockwell) (L.C. 1000/=) 3000+1000
33 Impact Test, for a set of 3 Nos. (L.C. 1000/=) 3000+1000

C. Rod (Miscellaneous)
Sl. No. Name Of Tests Test Rate(Tk.)
34 Scaffolding/ Steel Props/ Jog (for a set of 1 No.) 13000
35 Steel Sleeper (for a set of 1 No.) (L.C 800/=) 5700+800
36 Transvers Breaking Load of Rail (for a set of 1 No.) 24100
37 Fiber Glass Stainers/Pipes Tension Test (for a set of 3 Nos) 4800
38 Fiber Glass Compression test (for a set of 1 No.) 2200
39 Spring Test (for a set of 1 Nos.) 3300
40 Aluminium Column Compressive Test (L.C. 2000/=) 8500+2000
41 Dog Spike 7800
42 Bond/ Weld Test of Rod Lapping Test 5500
43 MS Box Welding Compressive Strength (L.C 3000/=) 7500+3000
44 Butt Welded Joint 7200
45 Prestressing 12 wire Anchorage Test (46000+69000) 115000
46 Prestressing 19 wire Anchorage Test (50000+77000)(For Retest of 127000

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