2 Sump Pump TP Model O&M

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TP Series


This manual is intended to provide basic INSPECTION:
installation and start-up guidance. It is to be read
and thoroughly studied prior to attempting to Upon arrival of pump shipment carefully unpack
install or operate any of the equipment supplied. all components and compare with shipping and
Equipment damage, which occurs by not purchase order documents to ensure that the
following these instructions will void the order is complete. Also inspect equipment for
warranty. any damage that might have occurred in
shipment. If any problems are detected contact
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: an authorized Homa Pump Technology
Representative immediately.
Only trained qualified personnel shall be utilized
for installation and start-up. TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE
The following is a general list of safety PROCEDURE:
precautions that should be followed when
installation starting-up or servicing the pump. Always lift the pump by its lifting bail or eye.
The pump station owner or operator is Never lift the pump by its power cable!
ultimately responsible for ensuring that all Pumps should be stored in an upright position,
equipment is installed, started up and taking extreme care to protect the power cable
operated in a safe manner. and control cables from crushing, nicks or tears
which would permit water intrusion.
• Do not work alone. Power cable ends must be protected from
• Double check to make sure that all lifting immersion in water as well as moisture intrusion.
equipment is in good working order and that The cable will wick water into the pump if it is not
it has adequate lifting capacity for the weight protected properly. Power cable leads should be
that it will handle. covered with shrink tubing or suitable sealing
• Wear safety helmet, goggles and protective material.
shoes, or appropriate safety materials
required. Short Term Storage: Short term storage is
• Before working on the pump make sure that defined as any time less than six months. We
the power is disconnected and cannot be recommend that pump and accessories be
energized by others. Lockout and tag the stored in their original shipping container in a
control panel circuit breaker. dry, temperature controlled area. If climate
• Do not stand under suspended loads! controlled storage is not possible, all exposed
• Never enter or work within a wet well without parts should be inspected before storage and all
first checking to make sure sufficient oxygen surfaces that have the paint scratched, damaged
is present and that there are no explosive or or worn should be re-coated with an air dry
poisonous gases present. enamel paint.
• All personnel, who work with sewage
pumping equipment and systems shall be Long Term Storage: Any storage time
vaccinated against diseases that can occur., exceeding six months is considered long term. In
If there are any questions or doubts in this addition to the safeguards specified above, the
area it is strongly suggested that the local impeller should be rotated once a month to
health agency be contacted. prevent the mechanical seals from being
• For Hazardous Area Classifications, only use damaged, and the pump should be inspected.
pumps with suitable Explosion Proof Rating. The oil in the mechanical seal chamber should
be drained and replaced prior to commissioning.

Pg. 2

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
GENERAL GUIDELINES switches configured for external control. Pumps
All electrical work shall be carried out under the with external thermal switch connections must
supervision of an authorized, licensed be wired by a current regulated control circuit in
electrician. The present state adopted edition accordance with the NEC. Identify thermal
of the National Electrical Code as well as all switch leads marked T1 and T3 in the power or
local codes and regulations shall be control cable. The resistance across these leads
complied with. will be .5O. These leads must be connected to
the thermal overload relay located in the control
VERIFICATION OF POWER SUPPLY panel. Thermal switch leads must be connected
Prior to making any electrical connections or to validate warranty.
applying power to the pump, compare the power
supply available at the pump station to the data
on the unit's nameplate. Confirm that both
The mechanical seal leak detector probe utilized
voltage and phase match between pump and
in the pump is a conductive probe which is
control panel. The voltage supplied at the pump
normally open. The intrusion of water into the
shall be plus or minus 10% of the nameplate
seal chamber completes the electrical circuit.
value, frequency shall be plus or minus 5% of
Control panel provisions will sense this circuit
the nameplate value, the voltage phase balance
closure, and will provide indication or alarm
shall be within 1% and the maximum corrected
functions depending on the panel design.
power factor shall be 1.0.
Either single or dual wire systems may be
provided. Single wire systems utilize one
energizing conductor, and the pump casing and
HOMA TP Series pumps may be provided with 1
neutral lead as the ground or return portion of
or more cables, depending on motor horsepower
the circuit. The dual wire systems utilize two
and operating voltage. Power leads L1, L2, & L3
separate conductors for each leg of the circuit.
may be provided as single conductor, or as two
With either system, the seal probe leads must be
conductor. Two conductor configuration may
wired into a control circuit provided in the control
use leads from two separate cables, or may use
panel. This control circuit must energize the
two conductors within one cable. Please refer to
probe with a regulated power source, and sense
wiring diagram in the appendix for specific
the closed circuit in event of water intrusion.
connection details. The pump must be
Indication and alarm functions must also be
connected electrically through a motor starter
provided in the control circuit. Please see
with proper circuit breaker protection in order to
control panel wiring diagram for seal probe
validate warranty. Do not splice cables.
connection points. IMPORTANT: For
THERMAL SWITCH WIRING : Hazardous Area Classification Pumps, leak
Pumps are equipped with thermal switches detector circuit must be in conformance with
embedded in the stator windings which are applicable NEC codes and regulations.
normally closed, automatically resetting
switches. Switches will open when the internal
All single phase motors require start and/or run
temperature rises above the design temperature,
capacitors to operate. Refer to the wiring
and will close when the temperature returns to
schematics in the appendix. Capacitors and
normal. Smaller TP pumps have internally
relays must be sized for the specific motor.
connected thermal switches. These units will not
Please refer to nameplate for verification of
have cable leads marked T1 & T3. Larger TP
capacitor sizing.
pumps, and all Explosion Proof pumps will have
the thermal
Pg. 3

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
locating and securing the anchor bolts that the
MECHANICAL INSTALLATION: base will align properly with the access cover at
the top elevation of the station.(Refer to outline
PUMPS WITH AUTOCOUPLING drawing in appendix). Place the base in position,
SYSTEMS and level the base. If base is not level, proper
sealing of the pump to base may not occur!
In the AutoCoupling installation mode the pump
is installed on a stationary component and Fully tighten all anchor and mounting bolts, and
operates completely or partially submerged verify that the profile seal is in position .
(min. 8” above volute) in the pumping media.
Place the guides rails in to the rings of the base
The HOMA AutoCoupling kit base, guide claw and cut them to a length that will allow the rails
flange, upper guide rail bracket, profile seal and to be secured at the top of the pump station with
base anchor bolts. Refer to dimensional drawing the upper guide bar bracket and to extend down
for details. to the sump floor. Loosen bracket mounting
bolts, install guide pipes into bracket and tighten
For TP Series pumps, attach the guide claw mounting bolts. For stations exceeding ten feet
flange to the pump discharge flange as follows: in depth intermediate guide bar brackets are
1. Inspect threaded assemblies for damage. recommended. One bracket is recommended for
2. Clean threaded portions of pump discharge each additional 10 feet of station depth.
flange and guide claw flange.
3. Apply hardening thread sealer (for example Check that the guide system is properly installed
Loctite thread locker 242) to pump discharge in the vertical orientation by using levels and a
threads. plumb line. Connect the station riser piping to the
4. Thread guide claw flange on to pump outlet flange of the base.
discharge fully. DISCHARGE THREADS ARE
NOT NPT. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN. Before lowering the pump verify the direction of
5. Loosen guide claw flange full turn to expose impeller rotation (refer to start-up section for
some threads. procedure). Also it is recommended that the
6. Re-apply sealant on exposed threads . stationary fitting be visible before lowering the
7. Tighten guide claw flange until the claw is in unit. If this is not possible, ensure all debris is
upright (horizontal) position. removed from wet well.
For Flanged Discharge TP Series pumps, attach Make sure to use lifting equipment that has
the guide claw flange to the pump discharge adequate capacity for the pump that will be
flange with the fasteners and gaskets handled. Before installing pump, check to be
recommended in the accessory fastener certain the profile seal (rubber ring) is properly
selection table. Use tightening torque’s indicated positioned in the guide claw flange. Lift, then
in the table. position pump so the guides on the discharge
flange engage the rails. Slowly lower the pump
Install suitable lifting chain of an adequate size along the guide rail. Once the pump reaches its
and length to permit proper lowering and raising bottom location it will automatically connect to
of the pump. Lower the pump into the area the base.
where it is required.

Install upper guide bar bracket as shown on

outline drawing located in the appendix. Do not
tighten mounting bolts completely at this point.
Properly locate the base anchor bolts into the
floor of the pump station Make sure when Pg. 4

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
INSTALLATION OF PUMPS WITH For three phase motors, if the starting jerk is in
RING STANDS: the clockwise direction, open the circuit breaker
to isolate power and interchange two of the three
The ring stand design allows for simple phase leads inside the control panel.
economical installation or to be transportable
from one installation to another. It is intended to Wet Well Applications
operate completely or partially submerged in the
pumping liquid. Pump is designed to be installed If the above checks prove satisfactory the pump
as a free standing unit. is ready for operation. Lower the pump into
position . (Refer to Mechanical installation
Install the ring stand to the underside of the section of this manual.)
volute with the supplied fasteners identified in
the accessory fastener selection table. Use Open discharge valve, and verify that all check
tightening torque’s indicated in the table. valves operate freely. It is very common for
discharge check valves to be jammed shut (or
Install suitable lifting chain of an adequate length open) after sitting for a period of time. Once all
to ensure proper lowering and raising valves are open and free, start the pump and
capabilities. Lower the pump into the area where allow it to stabilize for several minutes prior to
it is required. Properly position power cable and recording any test data.
chain so they stay above pump and cannot enter
the pump suction. Listen for any unusual noise and be on the
lookout for unusual vibration This is generally
detectable on guide rails for AutoCoupling
START-UP installations and on discharge piping for ring
stand installations. Also for AutoCoupling
Prior To Applying Power installations, look for any blow by from the
Prior to applying power to the pump; double discharge connection.
check all wiring and verify that the power
(Voltage, Phase) that will be supplied to the unit Perform all remaining electrical , operational,
matches the nameplate specified values. and performance tests specified on start-up
Measure resistance of cable and pump motor checklist. Record and provide details on the
resistance of ground circuit between control checklist to validate warranty.
panel and outside of pump. Perform MEG ohm
check of motor insulation. Record all data on
start-up checklist which is included with this

Prior To Installation:
Before lowering the pump into position check the
direction of rotation. The impeller will rotate
clockwise as viewed from above, therefore the
pump will try to move in the counter clockwise
direction as the impeller rotates. "Bump the
Motor" by closing the pump circuit breaker and
push the pump start button and look for the
direction of movement specified above.

Pg. 5

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
Installation / Startup Troubleshooting: Listing of Possible Causes:

Only authorized service personnel who are 1. Incorrect or no power supplied to motor.
trained professionals shall troubleshoot and 2. Power cable cut.
repair pumps that are experiencing operational 3. Short to ground in cable or motor winding.
or performance difficulties. 4. Control panel circuit breaker open.
5. Actual system head is higher than
All HOMA pumps are factory tested, yet calculated or specified.
startup difficulties can occur with any 6. Incorrect impeller rotation direction.
mechanical equipment. Please note that our 7. Sump liquid level is below pump's minimum
technical support staff stands ready to assist submergence requirement.
you with any problem or difficulty you might 8. Closed discharge valve or jammed check
encounter with our equipment. valve.
9. Wear ring (s) worn. (If Applicable).
The following is a tabulation of common 10. Vortex at pump's suction.
start-up problems and possible causes. 11. Discharge valve partially closed.
12. Insufficient NPSHA (Dry Pit Application).
Symptom 13. Actual system head is lower than specified
Possible Causes resulting in over pumping condition.
14. Voltage supply to motor is lower than
Pump will not start ` required by motor.
1, 2, 3, 4, 27 15. Damaged bearings
16. High system head causing pump to operate
Little or zero discharge at extremely reduced capacity.
5, 6, 7, 8, 16 17. Object stuck inside impeller.
18. Motor not receiving proper voltage on all
Insufficient discharge flow/pressure three phases.
5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 26 19. Phase/currents unbalanced or too high.
20. Insulation between phases and earth
Excessive power consumption ground,<1M-ohm.
6, 9, 13 21. Density of the pumping media too high.
22. Defective level sensor.
Excessive current draw 23. Hand/Off/Auto switch not in Auto Position.
6, 13, 14, 15, 19 24. Defective H/O/A switch , relay or contactor
Excessive pump vibration/noise 25. Air Captured in Cooling Jacket
12, 15, 16, 25, 26 26. Pump not properly seated on AutoCoupling
27. Water intrusion through junction box
Pumps runs & motor protection trips
17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Pumps runs manually, but not automatically If you need additional help,
22, 23, 24
please call us at:
Pump runs hot 1 (800) 452 - HOMA
7, 19,

Pg. 6

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
Check the condition of the oil to see if any water
Regular preventive maintenance will help ensure leakage has occurred. Remove the oil fill plug.
longer pump life and more reliable operation. It is Drain the oil from the seal chamber into a
recommended that pumps in intermittent transparent container. Check for impurities and
operation be inspected twice a year and pumps emulsification.(Oil is cream-like.) If water
in continuous operation be inspected every intrusion has occurred check lower mechanical
1,000 hours. The following is a listing of required seal and replace if necessary. Refill seal
inspection and maintenance items. (Refer to chamber with fresh oil. Refer to shop manual for
shop manual for disassembly and reassembly type and quantity of oil.
If any of the problems described in the Periodically inspect impeller by turning pump on
following list exists stop operating the pump its side, remove suction strainer nuts and
to avoid damage or personal injury. strainer to expose impeller and relocate position
of adjusting plate (suction cover) as needed.
1. CABLE ENTRY Replace the impeller if it is damaged or severely
Make sure that the cable entry flange and strain worn.
relief clamp are tight. If the cable entry is
showing signs of leakage remove cable from SPARE PARTS
entry, remove grommet, cut a piece of cable off In order to obtain spare parts identify the
so that the grommet seats on a new portion of required parts by looking at the enclosed cross
the cable, replace grommet, and reinstall cable sectional drawing and listing, and contact
assembly, into the top of the motor. authorized HOMA PUMP TECHNOLOGY
Note: Explosion Proof cables are sealed with a representative with the parts required and the
Factory Mutual Approved potting compound. pump serial number. Authentic Homa Pump
Please consult factory for instruction. Technology parts shall be used to maintain
Note: Explosion Proof pumps must be identified
2. CABLES as such, and the pump serial number must be
Inspect the cable for cuts, scrapes or sharp referenced for proper parts identification.
bends. If the outer jacket is damaged, replace
the cable. Do not attempt splices within wetwells
In addition to ordinary, standard tools, ensure
Megger the insulation between the phases and
that complete set of metric socket wrenches,
between any phase and ground. Resistance
complete set of Allen wrenches, metric triangular
values should be greater than 1 M ohm. If
wrench set, dead blow hammer, impeller puller,
abnormal readings are obtained contact
loctite 242 (Blue), petroleum jelly and anti- seize
authorized service center immediately.
compound are on hand.
Make sure that all screws, bolts and nuts are
tight. Check the condition of pump lifting eyes
and replace if damaged or worn, Replace any
external part that appears worn or damaged.

Pg. 7

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
TP28 - 30 Series
TP50 Series (1.6 or 2.4 motors)
1 Phase Connection Diagram

Note: TP Pumps ( except XP) pumps have internally

wired thermal switches. These pumps use 4 conductor cable. Ground Lug - For auxiliary
grounding to earth or grounding grid.

4 Conductor Cable

7 Conductor Cable

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series

Capacitor Sizing Chart

Pump Pump
Model Volts Capacitor Model Volts Capacitor
TP 28 115V 80uf @ 370V TP50/16 115V 80uf @ 370V
TP 28 230V 25uf @ 370V TP50/16 230V 20uf @ 370V
TP 30/16 115V 80uf @ 370V TP50/24 115V 80uf @ 370V
TP 30/16 230V 20uf @ 370V TP50/24 230V 25uf @ 370V
TP 30/24 115V 80uf @ 370V
TP 30/24 230V 25uf @ 370V
Note: See Three Phase connection diagram for seal probe wiring. Pg. 8

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
TP 50 & 70 Series
Single Phase Connection Diagram

Note: TP 50 Series (except XP) pumps have internally

wired thermal switches. These pumps use 4 conductor cable. Ground Lug - For auxiliary
grounding to earth or grounding grid.
4 Conductor Cable

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
7 Conductor Cable

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
TP 50/38/2/1 40 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 80 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor
TP 50/54/2/1 60 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 150 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor
TP 70M20/4/1 40 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 80 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor
TP 70V20/4/1 40 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 80 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor
Note1: See Three Phase Connection Diagram for Seal Probe wiring. Pg. 9

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
TP Series
3 Phase Connection Diagram

Note: TP 28,30 and 50 Series pumps( except XP) pumps have internally
wired thermal switches. These pumps use 4 conductor cable. Ground Lug - For auxiliary
grounding to earth or grounding grid.

4 Conductor Cable

7 Conductor Cable

Seal Probe Connections

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series

Pg. 10

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
This report is designed to insure the customer that customer service and a quality product are the number one priority with Homa
Pump Technology Inc. Please answer the following questions completely and as accurately as possible. Mail this form to:



Receipt of completed report will initiate operational warranty.

Reports that are not returned can delay or void warranty.

1.) Pump User's Name: ______________________________________________________________

Site Location: ___________________________________________________________________
Site Contract: ___________________________________________________________________
Unit Supplied By: ________________________________________________________________

2.) Homa Pumps Model__________________________________Serial No.____________________

Voltage____________ Phase_________________ Hertz____________ Horsepower__________
Method Used to Check Rotation (viewed from bottom) ___________________________________
Does Impeller Turn Freely By Hand: YES___________ NO _____________

3.) Condition of Equipment: EXCELLENT_____________ GOOD ____________ AVERAGE___________

Condition of Cable Jacket : EXCELLENT___________GOOD ____________ AVERAGE___________
Resistance of Cable and Pump Motor (measured at pump control)
U - V________________ Ohms V - W ________________Ohms U -W ________________Ohms
Resistance of Ground Circuit Between Control Panel and Outside of Pump______________Ohms
MEG Ohm Check of Insulation:
U to Ground _______________ V to Ground _______________ W to Ground ________________

4.) Condition of Equipment at Start-Up: Dry __________ Wet _____________ Muddy______________

Was Equipment Stored:______________________ Length of Storage ______________________
Describe Station Layout ___________________________________________________________

5.) Liquid Level Controls: Model_____________________________ Type ______________________

Is Control Installed Away From Turbulence?____________________________________________
Tip lowest float (stop float), all pumps should remain off.
Tip second float (and stop float), one pump comes on
Tip third float (and stop float ), both pumps on (alarm on simplex).
Tip fourth float (and stop float), high level alarm on (omit on simplex ).

6.) Electrical Readings :

Single Phase:
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump Off, L1,L2 _______L2-L3______L3-L1__________
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump On,L1,L2 ________L2-L3_______ L3-L1______
Amperage: Load Connection, Pump On ,L1________________L2_______________L3__________

Three Phase:
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump Off, L1-L2_________ L2-L3 _______L3- L1______
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump On, L1-L2_________L2-L3________L-3-L1______
Amperage Load Connection, Pump On, L1___________ L2___________ L3_______________

Pg. 11

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

TP Series
7.) Final Check :
Is Pump Seated On Discharge Properly?______________Check For Leaks?________________
Does Check Valves Operate Properly ?____________________________________________
Flow: Does Station Appear To Operate At Proper Rate__________________________________
Vibration Level :Measured ______________________ Observed__________________________


8.) Equipment Difficulties During Start-Up:_______________________________________________


9.) I Certify this Report to be accurate.

Authorized Homa Service Representative



Pump Station Owner/ Operator

DATE _______________________

Form# TPIOM Rev. 5 Pg. 12

Created by Digital Media Consulting

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

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