Abiha Rehman Roll No.17855 Submitted To Shangoul Sajjad Subject: Essential of Biology
Abiha Rehman Roll No.17855 Submitted To Shangoul Sajjad Subject: Essential of Biology
Abiha Rehman Roll No.17855 Submitted To Shangoul Sajjad Subject: Essential of Biology
Roll No.17855
Submitted to
Shangoul Sajjad
Essential of biology
The complex of living organisms, their physical environment, and all their inter relationship
in a particular unit of space.
Abiotic components
Biotic components
(Minerals, climate, soil, water, sunlight) etc
(All living organism)
Producers (green plants)
Macro consumers (usually animals)
Micro consumers (decomposers)
(Organism like bacteria, fungi)
The living components of an ecosystem.
The non-living thing components of an ecosystem.
Man-made Manufactured, created or constructed by human begins (specially. Synthetic, man-
made fibres)
Human use natural things to create something better that makes our lives usefulness and
meaningful. People have the expertise, intellect, experience, and use technology to turn a
natural recourse into useful and beneficial things and they become a resources themselves.
Human use woods, metals, sand. Cement and solar energy to make houses, machinery, cars,
etc. These are man-made things.
But on the other hand, there are many effects on ecosystem. The effect of human activities on
the ecosystem including, the water, air, land and the life that we share the world with, are
almost im-measure-able.
These impact on environment includes changes to biophysical environment and ecosystems,
biodiversity and natural resources caused directly or indirectly by human, including.
Global warming environmental degradation (such as ocean, acidification), mass
exemption and biodiversity loss, ecological crisis, and ecological coupes.
Global warming:
A gradual increase in overall temp of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to green
house effect cause by increased level of CO2, CFC’s and other pollutants.
Greenhouse effect
Warming of the lover atmosphere of the earth that occurs when radiation from the sun is
absorbed by the earth.
Enviroment degradation:
Mass Extinction:
It is a wide spread and rapid decrease in the bio diversity on earth.a mass extinction can be
defined as a time period in which a large percentage of asll known living species go
extinct.there arer several causes fir man extintion , such as climate chsnge , geologic
catastrophes(e.g) numerous volcantc eru[tions, or even meteor rtrickes on to earth surface.
Causes of biodiversity:
Invasive species
Population growth and ocer consumption.
Global climate change
Specie in extinction
Illegal world wide trade
Effect of biodiversity:
With biodiversity , the varitey of plants insreases.this leads to more opportinities , especially
for frames , since they are able to plant a greater varitey of crops and thus use their land more
Ecological crisis:
An ecological crisis occur when change to the enviorment of the speice or population
destabilize its continuous survival.
Degradation of an abiotic ecological factor. Increse pressure for predation.
Due to increse in ecoogical crisis vast number of species are being annihiliated.every year
about 17000 to 1 lac speies vanish from plant.the loss of view specie from an ecosystem will
eventually effect on living creature.
Ecological collapse:
It refers to a situation where an ecosystrm suffers a drastic , possibilty permenant reduction in
carrying capacity for all organism. It is precipitated by a disastrous event occuring on a short
time scale.
It casuese mass extonction biodiversity.