Intramurals - Liturgy
Intramurals - Liturgy
Intramurals - Liturgy
Intramurals 2021
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be still and spend moments of silence. Open your heart to God who knocks at the door of your heart. Ask for
His grace, the abundant gift of the Holy Spirit, to enlighten your hearts and mind to create a space of encounter
with Him.
We spend few moments in gratitude and thank the Almighty God for one or two blessings, big or small, that
you have received this day.
Imagine yourself in front of our God. He looks at us kindly and stretches His hand to us. Slowly, He held our
hands as if wanting to give something that is precious. Relish that moment. In silence, receive that gift with a
joyful heart.
Now, open your hands and see what are the gifts that you have received from God? Look at these gifts -your
talents and skills – and how they have transformed your lives as cooperators of God in creating this world
wonderful and rich in beauty.
In silence, allow God to teach you once more on how to make use of these gifts for His greater glory and for the
greater service of others.
Leader: As one community, let us gather our intentions, the prayers whispered by our hearts, and offer
them to our God. Let us ask for His grace that we may use our gifts wisely in doing good works
in every moment we live in this world. Relying in His guidance, we beseech Him:
Lord, our hearts are on fire for you.
Reader 1: We hold in our hands our sports attire that bears our names and identification. May they remind
us of our real identity as children of Light and heirs of the Kingdom so that me may give
ourselves generously at the service of others. We pray for the strength and courage to realize our
mission as gifted givers all the days of our lives…
Reader 2: We carry in our hands the water we drink every time we are consumed by the activities and
works that we do. May we always remember that You are the Source of Life from which gushes
forth all the graces that sustains us in our earthly journey. We pray that everyone of us remain
safe in Your loving protection and providence…
Reader 3: We bear with us the sports equipment that we use as we do recreation. May these instruments
that brings us enjoyment help us to realize that the real joy in life is found in doing Your will.
We pray that You inspire us to live for Your with greater fervor…
Reader 4: We bring ourselves before You this day. May our senses be oriented to You; that we may see
You in our brethren, that we may learn to listen to one another, that we may speak of Your truth,
that we may carry out your work with zeal and enthusiasm. We pray that You will make us like
beautiful gems that are tested by time and, in the end, shine for You…
Reader 5: We offer our hearts and minds to Your divine majesty. Make them pure and always innocent that
they may only possess things that are pleasing and acceptable to You. We pray that You will
deliver us from all that would harm us in mind, body, and spirit….
In silence, let us offer to God our individual petitions…
Leader: Lord Jesus Christ,
we are confident that as we lift up our thoughts to You, You are indeed with us.
We ask You to pour out Your blessing on us as we begin our Intramurals.
Give each one of us the courage to play the game in a manner, which by our words and our
actions, is pleasing to You.
Let us enter into the competition in a spirit of sportsmanship and with respect for one another.
Keep us under Your protection that everything we will do during this event may reflect Your
presence among us and within us.
May all our actions give glory to Your name and promote peace and love to the world.
We pray this in Your most holy name.
Assembly: Amen.
Leader: Together, as we begin this week of enjoyment and camaraderie, let us praise the mighty name of
the Lord.
I Will Sing Forever
Leader: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Assembly: As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Assembly: Amen.