UAS Inggris Bisnis 1 + Jawaban
UAS Inggris Bisnis 1 + Jawaban
UAS Inggris Bisnis 1 + Jawaban
Petunjuk :
Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah saudara mengikuti ujian ini.
Berhati-hati dalam membaca soal dan memilih jawaban.
Jawab di lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
Dilarang menyontek, bekerja sama, dan membuka kamus.
Lembaran soal dikembalikan kepada pengawas ujian.
2. This part of business letter contains the message or information which the writer
wants to communicate.
a. salutation c. complimentary close
b. inside address d. body of the letter
3. These followings are included into information that we can get from inquiry letter,
a. purchase order c. price-list
b. sample of products d. method of transport
7. Ref. EW/KS/D9
The KS in reference line above is the initial of
a. the filing number c. the signer
b. the filing system d. the typist
10. This part of business letter shows the address of the recipient
a. salutation c. inside address
b. subject line d. body of letter
11. In which part of the business letter that you have to put specific time to know when
the letter is mailed?
a. reference line c. signature
b. the date of the letter d. letter head
12. Dear Sir, Dear Madame, Dear Mrs., Dear Mr., are the examples of
a. heading c. inside address
b. salutation d. body of the letter
14. What part of business letter which inform the matters discuss in the letter?
a. Reference line c. Enclosure
b. Attention line d. Subject line
15. What style of business letter which saves energy and time in typing, because all texts
are typed flush left?
a. Indented style c. Hanging indentation style
b. Modified Block style d. Full block style
16. Which of the following is the correct salutation in British style?
a. Dear sir, c. Dear sir:
b. Dear sir; d. Dear sir.
18. The followings are the things that can be found in inquiry letter, except
a. Sample of products c. Terms of payment
b. Quotation d. Purchase order
25. Thank you for your letter of ....... inquirying about our catalogues, price-list and terms
of payment. The sentence can be found in
a. inquiry letter c. order letter
b. complaining letter d. replying to inquiry letter
26. These are included into the styles of business letters, except
a. Indented block style c. semi block style
b. Full block style d. simplified style
33. A is a written list that describes your education and the jobs you have
a. memo c. message
b. fax d. resume
34. We have received your quotation of ............ and please send the following goods as
soon as possible.
The sentence above can be found in
a. order letter c. inquiry letter
b. application letter d. complaining letter
37. What will you do if you receive a product which has different quality from the
a. Write a reply of order c. Write an order letter
b. Write an inquiry letter d. Write a complaint letter
39. We are sorry to report that one of the cases we received last week was badly
damaged. The sentence can be found in complaining letter because of
a. delivering goods which is not on time c. receiving the wrong products
b. receiving damaged products d. receiving the incorrect invoice
40. Which one is the correct sentence that can be found in closing paragraph of
application letter?
a. I would like to apply for the post of....... in your company.
b. I would be glad to meet you for an interview and look forward to having your
c. We look forward to having your comments by return.
d. We look forward to hearing that the replacement will be sent by return.
Good Luck