It is morally obligated for HR professions to be aware of certain measurement issues regarding established
selection criteria and means of assessment in order to effectuate ethical consideration and standardized, objective
and consistent procedures to minimize and obviate the distraction and distortion surrounding measurement
methods as well as to ensure that candidates are evaluated based on merits, fairness and equity with desired
knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the job. Additionally, there stands ethical liability to candidate’s
emotional wellbeing engraved in the delivery and outcomes of recruitment process. By neglecting the probable
flaws in measurement, by not giving all candidates a fair chance to compete, we are deemed to strip away people’s
chances to pursue their passions, grow themselves and advance their careers. This can generate sadness,
frustration, or more severely, depression. In parallel, as a result of incompetent measurement system, unqualified
candidates are assigned to jobs that they don’t obtain sufficient knowledge and skills to accomplish, which
eventually produces stresses and job insecurity, with which negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and burnout
are usually associated (Dekker and Schaufeli 1995).
On the other hand, the overall objective of recruitment and selection is to provide the most suitable and
compatible personnel in both quantitative and qualitative manner at a minimal expensive (Ofori &
Aryeetey, 2011) to support organization in achieving its strategic goals. This holds HR staffs ethically and
professionally accountable to fulfill. Deficits in the presentation of fairness and objectiveness in
candidates’ evaluation can push company towards potential risk of legal liability and damage to its
reputation as a whole, not to mention the unnecessary cost of training and induction in case of
underperformed employees. False reflection of candidates’ true abilities can also directly result in decrease in
business performance or degrade in provided services, which will indirectly cause damage to shareholders’
benefits and devastate customers’
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HRM, HRD, and OD. Human Resource Management, 43(1), 49– 66.
Ofori, D. & Aryeetey, M. (2011). Recruitment and Selection Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises: Perspectives
from Ghana. International Journal of Business Administration, 3(3), 45-60