Right of Way Survey
Right of Way Survey
Right of Way Survey
Table of Contents
10.1 Policy ............................................................................................................. 5
10.2 General Information ................................................................................. 7
10.3 Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 9
10.4 Initiation and Planning of a Right of Way Survey ................................ 13
10.5 Research ................................................................................................... 15
10.5-1 Record Data Search ......................................................................... 15
10.5-2 Sources of Record Data ................................................................... 15
10.5-3 Research - Sources of Record Data ............................................... 16
10.6 Field Review................................................. ............................................ 17
10.7 Notice of Intent to Survey / Right of Entry ............................................ 19
10.8 The Survey Request .................................................................................. 23
10.8-1 Field Package .................................................................................... 24
10.9 Right of Way Survey Fieldwork ............................................................... 25
10.9-1 Project Meeting ................................................................................. 25
10.9-2 Reconnaissance ................................................................................ 26
10.9-3 Marking the Search Map(s) ............................................................. 27
10.9-4 Right of Way Survey Methods .......................................................... 28
10.9-5 Accuracy ............................................................................................ 32
10.10 Survey Documentation ........................................................................... 33
10.10-1 Right of Way Survey Narrative Report ........................................ 33
10.10-2 Right of Way Survey Field Notes .................................................. 34
10.10-3 Monuments Search ....................................................................... 34
10.10-4 Monument Preservation and Pre-construction Corner Record(s)
10.10-5 Monument Preservation on Project Plans .................................. 38
10.10-6 Adjusted Field Observations and Final Survey Values ............. 38
10.11 Field Surveys Deliverable ........................................................................ 39
10.12 Utilities ........................................................................................................ 41
10.13 Boundary Analysis and Retracement of the Land-Net...................... 43
10. 13-1 Corner Records and/or Records of Survey ................................ 43
10.14 Right of Way Flagging and Staking....................................................... 45
© 2019 California Department of Transportation CALTRANS • SURVEYS MANUAL
The R/W surveys specifications in this chapter are to be used for all
Caltrans-involved transportation improvement projects, including
special-funded projects. All surveyors performing Caltrans R/W
surveying tasks shall use them. The surveyor in responsible charge
will adhere to all relevant processes, workflows, and specifications
stated in this chapter. Questions about this chapter should be
directed to the Project Surveyor or their functional manager. Any
deviation from this model requires advance written approval from
the Functional Manager 2. 1F
1A land-net survey is a cadastral survey of existing property rights. It includes evidence of rights
such as fee title lines and recorded, prescriptive, blanket or floating easements. It also may
identify conflicts between title lines, or between title lines and lines of occupation.
2 See Chapter 1.5, Project Management for the role of the functional manager.
10.1 Policy
Caltrans policy regarding R/W surveys, as defined by this chapter,
is to provide, in a timely manner, complete and accurate R/W
boundary information.
It is also Caltrans policy that all R/W surveys shall be based upon
and conform to the other requirements in the Caltrans Surveys
Manual, and Chapter 6 of the Caltrans Right of Way Manual. It is
Caltrans policy to adhere to all laws pertaining to land surveying.
The retracement of the land net may be used for the following:
• Creation of appraisal maps
• Legal descriptions and deed preparation
• Negotiation purposes
• Condemnation purposes
• R/W flagging and R/W staking
• Monumentation
• Land net and control-net perpetuation
• Encroachment and trespass resolution
• Help establish project limits
• Tort cases
R/W surveys are an integral element of Caltrans acquisition and
disposal of property rights.
10.3 Responsibilities
Teamwork is vital for a successful R/W survey project and requires
close cooperation between the Project Surveyor, the Design
Engineer, Land Surveys (Surveys and Right of Way Engineering), the
Party Chief, and Right of Way. Each party must maintain the lines of
communication with others throughout the project to ensure timely
It is the responsibility of all involved in a R/W Survey project to
adhere to all relevant laws and policies.
Project Surveyor
For the purpose of this chapter, the term “Project Surveyor” refers to
that person in responsible charge of preparing, signing and sealing
any record of survey or corner records depicting the project land-
net. The project surveyor, in conjunction with the project engineer
and party chief, is responsible for the preservation, referencing, or
replacement 4 of all survey monuments within the project limits.
• Create and maintain a R/W survey project file that will contain all
data related to a R/W survey
• Identify properties that are likely to be affected based on
approximate R/W requirements obtained from the Design
• Perform or oversee a record data search that will adequately
cover the extent of R/W required for the project
• Submit survey requests to Surveys for R/W survey fieldwork
• Coordinate with other functional units as necessary
• Ensure, in conjunction with R/W, that adjacent owners have been
notified of Caltrans’ intent to survey the area.
• Review the R/W survey data for completeness
Party Chief
The Party Chief directs the work of a survey field crew.
It is the responsibility of the Party Chief to:
Project Engineer
R/W surveys should establish or re-establish all property rights and
titles that could affect existing Caltrans rights of way and establish a
sufficient land-net for the determination of future rights of way lines.
The planning for R/W surveys should include all phases of the R/W
survey, from initial research through final monumentation and the
filing of all maps required by law and Caltrans policy.
10.5 Research
The Project Surveyor will coordinate a thorough review of all
pertinent land and survey records. Thorough research of relevant
real property and land survey records forms the foundation of a
R/W survey. Overall survey efficiency and quality of deliverables
will in part be determined by the quality of the research. During the
planning phase of the project, the Project Surveyor will meet with
assigned staff to discuss the overall scope of the project and
specific project requirements.
Local Agencies: County, City, other County Surveyor’s Office: Tract, Parcel and Record of
local districts. The County Agencies Survey maps, Rancho maps, Certificates of Corrections,
(County Surveyor’s Office, Corner Records, Lot Line Adjustments, Control, County
Recorder’s Office, etc.) are the Survey tie/alignment notes, private surveyor notes,
official repositories for the majority City/County boundary information and Assessor’s maps
of land ownership records. and rolls, and unrecorded maps.
Flood and Planning department’s records: The County
Surveyor’s office may also maintain land and survey
records from Federal, State and other local agencies,
utility companies, railroads, etc., that lie within their
County Recorder’s Office: - Assessor’s maps and rolls,
deeds, historical records.
Utilities Utilities: Maps, deeds, field notes, and franchise
Private Civil Engineering and Land Companies maintain research folders, maps and field
Surveying Companies notes pertaining to projects done by them. This is a
good place to go when you find a tagged monument
with no record of it having been set. They may also
have records of current and past survey work done by
other surveyors.
Title Companies Maps, deeds and records affecting title and its history.
This is another source for deed information other than
the county recorder’s office.
If the field review is not performed prior to the field survey, the
Project Surveyor should accompany the survey party when the
Party Chief performs the site reconnaissance (See 10-9.2). The field
review should include:
A Land Surveyor has the legal right of access and entry upon real
property to perform a survey. This right is vested in Section 8774 of
The PLS Act and Section 846.5 of the Civil Code.
Civil Code Section 846.5 : (a) The right of entry upon or to real
property to investigate and utilize boundary evidence, and to
perform surveys, is a right of persons legally authorized to practice
land surveying and it shall be the responsibility of the owner or
tenant who owns or controls property to provide reasonable access
without undue delay. The right of entry is not contingent upon the
provision of prior notice to the owner or tenant. However, the owner
or tenant shall be notified of the proposed time of entry where
practicable 6.5F
The party chief will make a reasonable effort to contact the owner
or tenant of any property before entering to conduct any field
surveys. If the owner/tenant requires special conditions for entry, the
party chief will make a reasonable effort to comply with the
6 PLS Act §8774 uses the same language as Civil Code §846.5(a)
10.9-2 Reconnaissance
The Party Chief will perform an initial reconnaissance of the
project. This effort shall be performed in a diligent and thorough
manner to ensure that any existing monuments are recovered and
that the land-net can be retraced.
The Party chief may use total station or GNNS methods to conduct
a R/W Survey. The surveying method shall adhere to the
requirements in other chapters of this manual including:
8 See Chapter 11
Y = (Distance)÷√(A² + B²)
Figure 10-1
Figure 10-2
10.9-5 Accuracy
The accuracy of the R/W survey shall conform to the requirements
stated in Chapter 5, “Accuracy Classifications and Standards”
along with the criteria for PPK produced values stated in Section
10.10-4. In no case will surveys be performed at less than 1:10,000
relative accuracy and 0.07 foot (2 cm) local positional accuracy,
according to Chapter 5 of this manual.
• Project name
• Survey limits
• Purpose
• Date
• Datum, datum tag, epochs, and units
• The control held for the survey
• Personnel
• Equipment used
• The surveying methods used
• Problems encountered
• Signature and Seal of the Party Chief
• Any other pertinent information
The R/W survey field notes shall contain the following information
on monuments not found:
The Party Chief will place in the R/W survey job file the marked
map(s). The map(s) shall be clear and legible and show all
monuments searched for whether found or not.
A control file showing the control held for the R/W survey.
The R/W survey job file will meet the following criteria:
After the R/W survey job file is completed, the job file will be
delivered to the Project Surveyor. It should be delivered as an
electronic file when feasible.
10.12 Utilities
Right of Way, Design, or others may request that utilities be located
with respect to Caltrans R/W for the purposes of writing legal
descriptions, identifying easements, or for the planning or
estimating the relocation of utility facilities. When utilities need to
be located for these purposes, all relevant sections in this chapter
will be followed.
It must be kept in mind that the purpose of the right of way survey
is to determine the limits of existing and proposed rights of way. It is
not necessary to survey all of the existing land net, just that needed
to establish the state right of way. See PLS Act §8764(g).
The Party Chief will keep a record of all monuments set and deliver
a copy of all field notes to the project surveyor to complete the
record of survey
The party chief will also stake the position with swing ties of any
survey monuments shown in Caltrans Standard Plans A74, or
equivalent. The contractor will set the actual monument, and the
party chief will then stamp the brass marker disk using the swing
The Party Chief shall survey the R/W monuments to the accuracy
of 0.07’(2 cm.) local accuracy, or third order, as described in
Chapter 5, Classification and Accuracy Standards.