Right of Way Survey

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10 Right of Way Survey


Table of Contents
10.1 Policy ............................................................................................................. 5
10.2 General Information ................................................................................. 7
10.3 Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 9
10.4 Initiation and Planning of a Right of Way Survey ................................ 13
10.5 Research ................................................................................................... 15
10.5-1 Record Data Search ......................................................................... 15
10.5-2 Sources of Record Data ................................................................... 15
10.5-3 Research - Sources of Record Data ............................................... 16
10.6 Field Review................................................. ............................................ 17
10.7 Notice of Intent to Survey / Right of Entry ............................................ 19
10.8 The Survey Request .................................................................................. 23
10.8-1 Field Package .................................................................................... 24
10.9 Right of Way Survey Fieldwork ............................................................... 25
10.9-1 Project Meeting ................................................................................. 25
10.9-2 Reconnaissance ................................................................................ 26
10.9-3 Marking the Search Map(s) ............................................................. 27
10.9-4 Right of Way Survey Methods .......................................................... 28
10.9-5 Accuracy ............................................................................................ 32
10.10 Survey Documentation ........................................................................... 33
10.10-1 Right of Way Survey Narrative Report ........................................ 33
10.10-2 Right of Way Survey Field Notes .................................................. 34
10.10-3 Monuments Search ....................................................................... 34
10.10-4 Monument Preservation and Pre-construction Corner Record(s)
10.10-5 Monument Preservation on Project Plans .................................. 38
10.10-6 Adjusted Field Observations and Final Survey Values ............. 38
10.11 Field Surveys Deliverable ........................................................................ 39
10.12 Utilities ........................................................................................................ 41
10.13 Boundary Analysis and Retracement of the Land-Net...................... 43
10. 13-1 Corner Records and/or Records of Survey ................................ 43
10.14 Right of Way Flagging and Staking....................................................... 45
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10.14-1 Right of Way Flagging – Types of Lines ....................................... 45

10.14-2 Right of Way Flagging Procedures ............................................. 46
10.15 Right of Way Monumentation ............................................................... 47
10.15-1 Final Monumentation of Right of Way ........................................ 47
10.15-2 R/W Monumentation Procedures ............................................... 48
10.15-3 Monumentation Map (Record of Survey) ................................. 49
10.15-4 Monument Renewal or Restoration ............................................ 51
10.16 Requests by Adjoiners for Monumentation of Caltrans Right of Way Lines
10.16-1 Assignment of Cost ........................................................................ 54
10.17 Monumentation of the Intersection of an Adjoiner’s line with Caltrans’
R/W ……………………………………………………………………………………57
Appendix 10A: Glossary ...................................................................................... 58

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10 Right of Way Surveys

Right of Way (R/W) surveys are performed to gather data on

existing property rights that affect the state highway system. This
includes monuments, roadways, fencing, utilities, and any other
evidence that make up the land-net 1. This information, in

conjunction with existing land records and right of way

requirements, is used to determine, delineate, appraise, acquire,
demarcate, monument, and map Caltrans’ rights of way.

The R/W surveys specifications in this chapter are to be used for all
Caltrans-involved transportation improvement projects, including
special-funded projects. All surveyors performing Caltrans R/W
surveying tasks shall use them. The surveyor in responsible charge
will adhere to all relevant processes, workflows, and specifications
stated in this chapter. Questions about this chapter should be
directed to the Project Surveyor or their functional manager. Any
deviation from this model requires advance written approval from
the Functional Manager 2. 1F

This chapter provides policies, general information, and procedures

regarding the R/W surveys process. It is intended to describe a
statewide model of responsibilities and workflow. It is not an
instruction manual for the preparation of records of survey, corner
records, or other land surveys products prepared by Caltrans. The
project surveyor in responsible charge must be knowledgeable in
the appropriate laws and regulations concerning their preparation.

The policies and procedures for acquiring and disposing of real

property rights, such as the preparation of deeds and Right of Way
Appraisal, Record, Relinquishment, and Vacation maps, are
covered in Chapter 6 of the Caltrans Right of Way Manual, and are
not addressed in this chapter.

1A land-net survey is a cadastral survey of existing property rights. It includes evidence of rights
such as fee title lines and recorded, prescriptive, blanket or floating easements. It also may
identify conflicts between title lines, or between title lines and lines of occupation.
2 See Chapter 1.5, Project Management for the role of the functional manager.

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10.1 Policy
Caltrans policy regarding R/W surveys, as defined by this chapter,
is to provide, in a timely manner, complete and accurate R/W
boundary information.

It is also Caltrans policy that all R/W surveys shall be based upon
and conform to the other requirements in the Caltrans Surveys
Manual, and Chapter 6 of the Caltrans Right of Way Manual. It is
Caltrans policy to adhere to all laws pertaining to land surveying.

These laws 3 include, but are not limited to:


• The Business and Professions Code §§ 8700 – 8805 (The

Professional Land Surveyors Act)
• The Public Resources Code §§ 8801 - 8902
• The Civil Code §§ 846.5, 1066 – 1073, 1092 – 1093, 1104 –
• The Government Code §§ 6103, 66124, 66428, 66246.5
• The Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 1230.010 – 1230.070,
• The Streets and Highways Code §§ 73, 83, 128, 732.5, et
• The Harbors and Navigation Code §§ 100 – 107
• California Code of Regulations §§ 400 – 474.5 (The
Board Rules for Professional Engineers and Land

3 California laws can be found at: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov

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10.2 General Information

R/W surveys are used to help define and demarcate the
boundaries of the Caltrans R/W in relation to existing property
boundaries. R/W surveys are not intended to monument
boundaries of the adjoining property owners, other than the
common boundary between Caltrans R/W and the adjoining
property.; There may be situations where it is necessary to define
the adjoining owners’ property line for internal purposes, such as
determining the intersection of the adjoiner’s property line with
existing R/W, establishing boundaries for the purpose of preparing
legal descriptions, or determining the area of adjoining property.

The primary purpose of a R/W survey is to provide sufficient survey

data necessary for the proper retracement of the land net.

The retracement of the land net may be used for the following:
• Creation of appraisal maps
• Legal descriptions and deed preparation
• Negotiation purposes
• Condemnation purposes
• R/W flagging and R/W staking
• Monumentation
• Land net and control-net perpetuation
• Encroachment and trespass resolution
• Help establish project limits
• Tort cases
R/W surveys are an integral element of Caltrans acquisition and
disposal of property rights.

These property rights may include:

• Parcels and/or interest in parcels acquired for Caltrans
transportation facilities, including off-site parcels such as mitigation
• Street or highway operating R/W to be relinquished
• Superseded R/W to be vacated
• Lands that have been declared “excess” (no longer needed by

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10.3 Responsibilities
Teamwork is vital for a successful R/W survey project and requires
close cooperation between the Project Surveyor, the Design
Engineer, Land Surveys (Surveys and Right of Way Engineering), the
Party Chief, and Right of Way. Each party must maintain the lines of
communication with others throughout the project to ensure timely
It is the responsibility of all involved in a R/W Survey project to
adhere to all relevant laws and policies.

Project Surveyor
For the purpose of this chapter, the term “Project Surveyor” refers to
that person in responsible charge of preparing, signing and sealing
any record of survey or corner records depicting the project land-
net. The project surveyor, in conjunction with the project engineer
and party chief, is responsible for the preservation, referencing, or
replacement 4 of all survey monuments within the project limits.

It is the responsibility of the Project Surveyor to:

• Create and maintain a R/W survey project file that will contain all
data related to a R/W survey
• Identify properties that are likely to be affected based on
approximate R/W requirements obtained from the Design
• Perform or oversee a record data search that will adequately
cover the extent of R/W required for the project
• Submit survey requests to Surveys for R/W survey fieldwork
• Coordinate with other functional units as necessary
• Ensure, in conjunction with R/W, that adjacent owners have been
notified of Caltrans’ intent to survey the area.
• Review the R/W survey data for completeness

4 Street & Highways Code §732.5

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• To identify to the Design Engineer the existing monuments that will

be preserved or replaced, and new monuments to be set, for
inclusion in the contract plans
• Perform boundary analysis to reconcile field data with the record
data for final land-net values
• Prepare and submit to the County Surveyor, in the counties in
which the project lies, all mapping required by the PLS Act.
• Ensure that all maps, deeds, field notes, and adjustments of field
data are permanently documented or preserved at the
completion of each project

Party Chief
The Party Chief directs the work of a survey field crew.
It is the responsibility of the Party Chief to:

• Search, recover, locate, describe, and document land-net

• Ensure that the accuracy standards stated in Section 10.9-4 -
Right of Way Surveys Methods - of this chapter and Chapter 5,
“Accuracy Classifications and Standards” are met.
• Prepare survey field notes for documentation of the R/W survey
• Identify monuments that need to be preserved, referenced, or
replaced per PLS Act §8771.
• Flag existing and proposed rights of way for preliminary
environmental and engineering studies, or to aid in property
appraisals and acquisitions. 5

• Set monuments required for new rights of way.

5 See Section 10-14

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Project Engineer

The Project Engineer is in responsible charge of preparation of the

project plans and specifications.

It is the responsibility of the Project Engineer to:

• Communicate with Surveys as early in the project as possible

• Verify that all engineering plans are prepared using the same
datum as the control, topographic, and right of way surveys
prepared for the project, according to Chapter 4 of this manual
and Appendix QQ of the Project Development Procedures
• Verify that all monuments that have been identified by Surveys as
needing to be set, preserved or replaced are identified on the
project contract plans per P.E. Act 6730.2(c) and PLS Act

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10.4 Initiation and Planning of a Right of Way Survey

R/W surveys should establish or re-establish all property rights and
titles that could affect existing Caltrans rights of way and establish a
sufficient land-net for the determination of future rights of way lines.

The planning for R/W surveys should include all phases of the R/W
survey, from initial research through final monumentation and the
filing of all maps required by law and Caltrans policy.

Key steps in the R/W Surveys process are:

• Research the existing horizontal control networks.
• Research Record land-net data.
• Field Surveys, including safety considerations.
• Preparation of pre-construction Corner Records or Record of
• Support for R/W appraisals and acquisitions.
• Monument preservation and setting new monuments.
• Final Corner Records or Record of Survey.

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10.5 Research
The Project Surveyor will coordinate a thorough review of all
pertinent land and survey records. Thorough research of relevant
real property and land survey records forms the foundation of a
R/W survey. Overall survey efficiency and quality of deliverables
will in part be determined by the quality of the research. During the
planning phase of the project, the Project Surveyor will meet with
assigned staff to discuss the overall scope of the project and
specific project requirements.

10.5-1 Record Data Search

The record data search is the first action taken in the monument
recovery process and provides the necessary survey and land
ownership data required for the field survey and for analysis and
mapping of the recovered land-net information. The search should
begin as early in a R/W survey project as possible. The goal of the
record data search is to meet three primary objectives:

• Recover geodetic control-net information.

• Recover record land-net information.
• Recover all other information necessary for the R/W survey.

10.5-2 Sources of Record Data

Real Property and land survey records are available in Caltrans files,
and from other government agencies, utility companies, title
companies, and other public/private entities. The research for a
R/W survey should be part of the research for the overall
transportation improvement project.

The Project Surveyor should maintain a record of contacts for

property research efforts. Each record in the file should contain the
name of the agency or company, address, phone numbers, e-mail
addresses, and the names of the contacts, as needed.

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10.5-3 Research - Sources of Record Data

Source of Records Record Type
Federal Agencies: including but not Federal land boundaries, current and historical land
limited to, United States Bureau of ownership and transaction records, survey data on
Land Management, Bureau of patented lands (plat maps and field notes) and control
Indian Affairs, United States Forest data.
Service, The National Geodetic
Survey, and United States
Geological Survey.
State of California Agencies: Field-notes / field-ties, aerial photographs,
including but not limited to, Monumentation Maps, Record of Survey maps, State
Caltrans, State Lands Commission, Highway maps, Relinquishment & Vacation maps, Right
Department of Water Resources, of Way Record maps, Survey Control maps, and Control
High Speed Rail Authority, data.
Department of Parks and
Recreation, and Department of
Forestry and Fire Protection.

Local Agencies: County, City, other County Surveyor’s Office: Tract, Parcel and Record of
local districts. The County Agencies Survey maps, Rancho maps, Certificates of Corrections,
(County Surveyor’s Office, Corner Records, Lot Line Adjustments, Control, County
Recorder’s Office, etc.) are the Survey tie/alignment notes, private surveyor notes,
official repositories for the majority City/County boundary information and Assessor’s maps
of land ownership records. and rolls, and unrecorded maps.
Flood and Planning department’s records: The County
Surveyor’s office may also maintain land and survey
records from Federal, State and other local agencies,
utility companies, railroads, etc., that lie within their
County Recorder’s Office: - Assessor’s maps and rolls,
deeds, historical records.
Utilities Utilities: Maps, deeds, field notes, and franchise
Private Civil Engineering and Land Companies maintain research folders, maps and field
Surveying Companies notes pertaining to projects done by them. This is a
good place to go when you find a tagged monument
with no record of it having been set. They may also
have records of current and past survey work done by
other surveyors.
Title Companies Maps, deeds and records affecting title and its history.
This is another source for deed information other than
the county recorder’s office.

Railroads Railroad maps, survey notes and deeds pertaining to

railroad right of ways and adjoiners.
Historical Societies Historical maps and documents pertaining to long past

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10.6 Field Review

It is recommended that the Project Surveyor field review the
project site in order to have an overview of the project area and
an understanding of the terrain and other issues that could affect
the field work. This enables the Project Surveyor to have a clear
idea of the potential R/W survey issues for the project. The field
review should be conducted with at least one other staff member
for safety.

If the field review is not performed prior to the field survey, the
Project Surveyor should accompany the survey party when the
Party Chief performs the site reconnaissance (See 10-9.2). The field
review should include:

• Visual review of the project area.

• Evaluating potential access problems.
• Evaluating potentially affected parcels and easements.
• Evaluating potentially affected utilities.
• Conducting an initial search of record land-net monuments.
• Evaluating which monuments may be destroyed.
• Determining areas where unwritten rights may exist (i.e., water
• Evaluating the project area for safety concerns.
• Any other factors that may affect the R/W survey.

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10.7 Notice of Intent to Survey / Right of Entry

It is Caltrans policy that owners and tenants of property will be
notified of Caltrans intent to perform a survey in advance. This will
be accomplished by mailing Survey Notification Cards (Exhibit 10A)
and/or by placing Survey Notification Door Hangers (Exhibit 10B) on
the front door of the main structure on the property.

A Land Surveyor has the legal right of access and entry upon real
property to perform a survey. This right is vested in Section 8774 of
The PLS Act and Section 846.5 of the Civil Code.

Civil Code Section 846.5 : (a) The right of entry upon or to real
property to investigate and utilize boundary evidence, and to
perform surveys, is a right of persons legally authorized to practice
land surveying and it shall be the responsibility of the owner or
tenant who owns or controls property to provide reasonable access
without undue delay. The right of entry is not contingent upon the
provision of prior notice to the owner or tenant. However, the owner
or tenant shall be notified of the proposed time of entry where
practicable 6.5F

(b) The requirements of subdivision (a) do not apply to monuments

within access-controlled portions of freeways.

(c) When required for a property survey, monuments within a

freeway right-of-way shall be referenced to usable points outside
the access control line by the agency having jurisdiction over the
freeway when requested in writing by the registered civil engineer
or licensed land surveyor who is to perform the property survey. The
work shall be done within a reasonable time period by the agency
in direct cooperation with the engineer or surveyor and at no
charge to him.

The party chief will make a reasonable effort to contact the owner
or tenant of any property before entering to conduct any field
surveys. If the owner/tenant requires special conditions for entry, the
party chief will make a reasonable effort to comply with the

6 PLS Act §8774 uses the same language as Civil Code §846.5(a)

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Survey Notification Card – Exhibit 10A

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Survey Notification Door Hanger – Exhibit 10B

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10.8 The Survey Request

After performing the initial research, the Project Surveyor will
prepare a survey request for field work. The request will include:

• Copies of existing right of way maps, with approximate

project limits.

• A list of search monuments, with descriptions and map

references. Coordinates provided as needed. Alternate
monuments should be identified if a preferred monument is
not recovered.

• Copies of all recorded maps within project limits, including

records of surveys, subdivision maps, corner records,
assessor’s maps, and county surveyor field notes. The
monuments on the search list will be identified on the
appropriate record map.

• When recorded maps have substantial differences in the

bearings or distances of common lines, the project surveyor
may prepare a search map, which rotates the recorded
maps to a common datum to help establish search
coordinates. This map is recommended where terrain or
distances make simple searches difficult.

• A written explanation of important monuments and

preferred alternates.

• The Project Surveyor will keep a duplicate file of the survey

request and attachments.

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10.8-1 Field Package

The survey request and additional materials will then be assembled
into a field package. The field package will be used by the Party
Chief to successfully complete a R/W survey project

A typical field package for a R/W survey includes:

• The Survey Request and accompanying materials

• A copy of Project Control Form 4.1 –see

http://cefs2.dot.ca.gov/ Form SUR-41

• A list of monuments previously located as part of Control or

Engineering surveys 7, including coordinates, corner records

or other monument descriptions, and copies of field notes

• List of search monuments by number, with coordinates as


• Right of entry information, conditions and permits, and

accompanying materials.

A completed field package should be well organized and

arranged in a manner that is most advantageous for use by the
Party Chief. It is important that the data and records be clearly
labeled and easy to find. The Party Chief will perform a thorough
review of the field package and determine if it is clear and

7 See Chapter 9.4-3 and 9.4-4.

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10.9 Right of Way Survey Fieldwork

The R/W survey fieldwork should be coordinated with other project
surveying activities. These activities include performing control,
photogrammetry, design, and construction surveys.

Scheduling R/W survey fieldwork to occur early in the process and

synchronizing it with other transportation improvement project
survey activities allows for the early referencing of control-net and
land-net corners, so that they can be preserved, referenced, or
replaced as needed. The practical advantage of coordinating all
transportation improvement project land surveying activities is to
save time by minimizing the number of trips to the field and to
allow for an adjustment of the majority of survey data at one time.

10.9-1 Project Meeting

The Project Surveyor shall meet with the Party Chief to review the
R/W survey and the field package. The primary objective of this
meeting is to acquaint the field staff with the overall scope and
purpose of the R/W survey. The field package shall be thoroughly
reviewed with emphasis placed on specific land-net corners to
recover and preserve. This meeting will also serve to establish the
lines of communication for the R/W survey project.

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10.9-2 Reconnaissance
The Party Chief will perform an initial reconnaissance of the
project. This effort shall be performed in a diligent and thorough
manner to ensure that any existing monuments are recovered and
that the land-net can be retraced.

The reconnaissance effort shall include:

• Evaluating the overall safety considerations of the
project site, monument accessibility concerns, traffic
control needs, and free space (see Chapter 2.6-1).
• Noting monuments that may require traffic control to
be safely accessed.
• Marking the location, condition, and description of the
existing control-net.
• Evaluating the need for supplemental survey control
monuments for making field ties and for other survey work
associated with the overall transportation improvement

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10.9-3 Marking the Search Map(s)

The Party Chief shall mark the appropriate record or search map(s)
with complete information to show the results of the recon effort
including areas where unwritten rights may exist. This information
shall be placed on the appropriate map(s) in a clear and legible
manner. Note: The search map(s) augment but are not a substitute
for the R/W survey field notes.

The following are abbreviations for marking the search map:

BLC Block Corner PN Pavement Nail

CC Closing Corner PRH Project Control
CLH Center Line Monument QC Quarter Corner
CHC Concrete Pin Monument RNCH Rancho Corner
DIS Disturbed REB Rebar
FD Found Monument REFR Reference Point
FE Fence RR Rail Road Spike
FRLC Fractional Lot Corner RW R/W Monument
HH Hand Hole Monument RWH Redwood Hub
IP Iron Pipe SC Section Corner
LOT Lot Corner SNF Searched – Not Found
MC Meander Corner SUH Supplemental Control
PKN PK Nail TC Township Corner
PLS PLS Corner, Other TRC Tract Corner
PMC Parcel Corner WC Witness Corner

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10.9-4 Right of Way Survey Methods

The Party Chief will conduct the surveying of the existing rights of
way and land-net. The survey must be based on project and
supplemental control monuments set according to Chapter 9.4 of
this manual, and use the same datum, datum tag, and epoch as
used for the project control monuments and engineering surveys.

All found monuments must be included in a final network

adjustment. Monuments must be tied to at least two other
monuments when using total stations, or must be occupied at least
twice when using GNSS equipment.

It is highly recommended that right of way surveys be conducted

simultaneously with control and engineering surveys (see Chapters
9 and 11). Including land-net monuments in the control network
ensures that all surveys are based on the same project
coordinates. It allows for the accurate calculation of existing rights
of way for projects that may not have new acquisitions and
establishes coordinate values for future search efforts. It also results
in a more densified network of supplemental control monuments.
During engineering surveys, found monuments and topographical
features can be accurately mapped together, and the
relationship noted on the field notes.

If monuments that are recovered appear to conflict with features

such as fences, driveways, or drainage structures, the Party Chief
will note the issues. If the conflicting topographical features have
not been located by prior surveys, the survey party will locate them
using the standards for engineering surveys 8.7F

The Party chief may use total station or GNNS methods to conduct
a R/W Survey. The surveying method shall adhere to the
requirements in other chapters of this manual including:

• Chapter 7 “Total Station Survey System (TSSS) Survey


8 See Chapter 11

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• Chapter 6 “Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey


Total station field ties of the recovered monuments can be made

in the form of either a “direct” or “indirect” retracement. (See
Figures 10-1 & 10-2 and Appendix 10-A “Glossary”) The direct
retracement and indirect retracement methods can both be used
in the same total station R/W survey.

GNSS field ties of the recovered monuments can be made by

using static, fast static, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) methods as
specified in Chapter 6, GNSS Survey Specifications. A real time
network (RTN) may be used if the procedures are followed for an
RTK survey as shown in Chapter 6.

For R/W Surveys using RTK/PPK methods the following additional

specification is required:

• Each monument must be occupied twice, each occupation

using a different base station.

• Monuments must be occupied at least two hours apart to

establish a different satellite geometry. If observed on
different days, the second observation must begin at least
two hours different from the time of the original.

For adjacent monuments with coordinates produced from RTK

methods, the combined positional accuracy of the two
monuments shall meet or exceed the Third Order precisional ratio
of 1:10,000. In this instance, the precisional ratio is calculated from
the 95% positional accuracies of each of the monument’s resultant
RTK produced coordinates and the distance between the
monuments by the equation:

Y = (Distance)÷√(A² + B²)

Where A is the positional accuracy at the first station and B is the

positional accuracy at the second station.

1:Y is the resultant precisional ratio, where Y shall be greater than

or equal to 10,000.

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Figure 10-1

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Figure 10-2

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10.9-5 Accuracy
The accuracy of the R/W survey shall conform to the requirements
stated in Chapter 5, “Accuracy Classifications and Standards”
along with the criteria for PPK produced values stated in Section
10.10-4. In no case will surveys be performed at less than 1:10,000
relative accuracy and 0.07 foot (2 cm) local positional accuracy,
according to Chapter 5 of this manual.

Areas where unwritten rights may exist will be surveyed to properly

locate conspicuous features and their limits. These areas will be
surveyed to General Order standards as defined in Chapter 5 of
this manual.

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10.10 Survey Documentation

Documentation of the R/W Survey is accomplished by proper and
timely completion of the R/W survey job file.

The following shall be included in the R/W survey job file:

•R/W survey narrative report

• R/W survey field notes
• Monument descriptions and marked search map(s)
• All Corner Records and/or Records of Survey
• The adjusted field observations
• The final survey values
10.10-1 Right of Way Survey Narrative Report
The R/W survey narrative report is an overall description of the
project and project surveying related issues. It should be written in
a manner that will allow for a subsequent surveyor to easily
determine the reason for the survey, how the survey was
conducted, the control that was held, and any problems

The Party Chief shall complete a R/W survey narrative. The

narrative report shall contain:

• Project name
• Survey limits
• Purpose
• Date
• Datum, datum tag, epochs, and units
• The control held for the survey
• Personnel
• Equipment used
• The surveying methods used
• Problems encountered
• Signature and Seal of the Party Chief
• Any other pertinent information

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10.10-2 Right of Way Survey Field Notes

The Party Chief shall produce field notes that are a combination of
electronically recorded measurement data and hand-written or
computer-generated notes that together represent an accurate,
clear, complete, and concise record of the R/W survey. The final
quality of all record maps and documents depends on the quality
of the information and data contained in these notes. The Party
Chief should keep in mind that survey field notes are of such vital
importance that they are at times called into review by courts.
Field notes should include all evidence, even if it may disagree
with record data.

The field notes shall contain the following:

• A Project Location Sketch that contains the location of the R/W

survey site relative to major roadways and/or landmarks and
the approximate location of control-net relative to the project
• Monument location drawings showing the monument point
names, numbers, description, character and any ties or
• A Recovery List summarizing all monuments found, not found, or
set. The list should include point names, numbers, and
• Hard copies of raw survey data.

10.10-3 Monuments Search

When searching for monuments, the survey party should use all
available evidence - record, physical, and sometimes testimonial.
Most record monuments may be located by their relationship to
topographical features. Street intersections, curve points, and
fence corners are the most likely location of survey monuments.
Many monuments can be readily found by searching these
locations with a magnetic locator and shovel. If the magnetic field
is disturbed by local ferrous materials (fence posts, street signs,
etc.) then search coordinates or measuring from known points will
give a reasonable search area. Often the local residents will know
where monuments can be found.

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B&P Code §8771 requires that all monuments that may be

disturbed must be replaced, referenced, or preserved. This
includes monuments that are not of record. Monuments listed in
the survey request are only the known record monuments within
the project area. Within the project limits, all property corners
should be searched for, whether or not there are any records of
one being set.

Monument searches should be performed with a minimum of

disturbance to the surroundings. Once a monument is tied, the
area should be restored to its original condition as much as

The field notes will also contain information related to describing

both monuments found, and searched for but not found. If a
found monument appears damaged or disturbed, or its condition
or orientation do not agree with record data, the Party Chief shall
describe the condition and provide a monumentation location
drawing and/or a digital photograph.

The description of each found monument will include but is not

limited to the following:

• Monument type and size: Pipe sizes are measured by the

nominal inside diameter in inches. Iron pins and rods by the
external diameter.
• Type of Marker (Brass disk, Plastic Cap, etc.) Iron pins and
rods should be excavated 3 to 6 inches below the top of the
monument to determine if a tag has been wired to them.
• Monument markings: License Number, Agency, etc.
• Depth or height relative to the surface.
• Monument pedigree (i.e., SW Cor. Par. C, 17-PM-92)
• Monument condition: New, old, bent, damaged, remains,
• Reference points to the monument (witness corners or swing
• All collateral evidence related to the monument.
• Digital photos and/or rubbings of the monument and its
accessories, if any.

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• Description of any surrounding physical features that may be

related to the corner and/or corner location (e.g. fence
lines, building corners, etc.).

The R/W survey field notes shall contain the following information
on monuments not found:

• Location, including the coordinate (if provided) of the

center of the search area, radius, and depth of the area
• Reason, if known, as to why it was not found. For example, it
was destroyed by construction, plowed under during
farming, etc.
• Effort/Diligence/Extent of search, including the search
method (coordinates, magnetic locator, digging) used to
find the monument.

The Party Chief will place in the R/W survey job file the marked
map(s). The map(s) shall be clear and legible and show all
monuments searched for whether found or not.

10.10-4 Monument Preservation and Pre-construction Corner Record(s)

Monuments that may be destroyed during transportation
improvement or maintenance projects are legally required to be
perpetuated, as defined in Section 8771(b) of the PLS Act. This
includes horizontal and vertical control, as well as land-net
monuments. The monuments shall be perpetuated according to
the requirements set forth in The PLS Act, the Board Rules, and any
other applicable law. If a monument requires traffic control in order
to be surveyed, swing ties, line points, or other accessories should
be set, and a corner record filed, in order to limit the number of
times that the monument will need to be occupied later.

Per Government Code §27581: “All monuments located in public

highways shall be placed with the top not less than 12 inches below the
surface of the ground…”

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When a surveyor finds a monument that does not meet the

requirements of G.C. 27581, it will be noted by the Party Chief, and
the Project Engineer notified that the monument must be replaced
as a contract item on the project plans. A pre-construction Corner
Record will be filed by the Party Chief per B&P § 8771(c).

To perpetuate monuments, a Record of Survey or Corner Record(s)

must be filed at the County Surveyor’s office in the county where
the survey occurred. A Record(s) of Survey may be preferred over
multiple C.R.’s when a large number of monuments need to be
perpetuated for the project.

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10.10-5 Monument Preservation on Project Plans

The Party Chief shall identify in the field notes the number and type
of monuments that will likely be destroyed during the
transportation improvement project. The Project Surveyor will
determine which monuments need to be preserved, referenced,
or replaced, and communicate to the Project Engineer this
information so that the Engineer can include the replacement
monumentation in the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E).
Monuments that will be set within the paved portion of any streets
and highways will be Types A or D described on Standard Plan
A74, or equivalent.

10.10-6 Adjusted Field Observations and Final Survey Values

All documents produced during the adjustment of the survey
observations will be included in the R/W survey job file.

The adjustment documents shall include:

A control file showing the control held for the R/W survey.

• A file showing the weights on the field observations.

• The covariance files.
• A file showing the adjusted observations and the
amount that the observations were adjusted.
• A statistics file showing the resultant statistics of the
• A document showing the final values of the adjustment
and the statistical error of the final values.

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10.11 Field Surveys Deliverable

The final Surveys deliverable to the Project Surveyor is the R/W
survey job file.

The R/W survey job file should be checked to ensure that it is

correct and complete.

The R/W survey job file will meet the following criteria:

• Recovery of sufficient monumentation to retrace the

• Neat, complete, legible, accurate and uncluttered field
• The original search map marked with clear and legible
• Clear, complete, and accurate found monument
descriptions, which may include sketches, rubbings, and
digital photos of monuments.
• Field observation adjustment documentation.
• Party Chief narrative report

After the R/W survey job file is completed, the job file will be
delivered to the Project Surveyor. It should be delivered as an
electronic file when feasible.

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10.12 Utilities
Right of Way, Design, or others may request that utilities be located
with respect to Caltrans R/W for the purposes of writing legal
descriptions, identifying easements, or for the planning or
estimating the relocation of utility facilities. When utilities need to
be located for these purposes, all relevant sections in this chapter
will be followed.

Note: Chapter 11, “Engineering Surveys” has additional

information on surveying utilities.

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10.13 Boundary Analysis and Retracement of the Land-Net

The Project Surveyor shall review the completed R/W survey job file
for completeness. The boundary analysis and retracement of the
land-net will then be performed in accordance with accepted
professional land surveying practices and laws. If it is found that
sufficient monumentation was not recovered and/or surveyed to
accurately retrace the land-net, then a meeting will be set up with
all appropriate personnel to determine if additional R/W survey
field work is needed and what that work might entail.

It must be kept in mind that the purpose of the right of way survey
is to determine the limits of existing and proposed rights of way. It is
not necessary to survey all of the existing land net, just that needed
to establish the state right of way. See PLS Act §8764(g).

10. 13-1 Corner Records and/or Records of Survey

Monuments that will be disturbed by construction must be
preserved by filing a corner record or record of survey prior to
construction. The decision to file one or the other is based on an
analysis by the project surveyor, reviewing the number of
monuments, need for a survey when writing new legal descriptions,
and expected project timeline. The longer time between the initial
survey and the final record of survey 9, the greater need for a

record of survey to preserve the existing land net between initial

survey and project completion.

All Corner Records and Records of Survey shall be produced in

accordance with the PLS Act and the Board Rules, and copies of
the recorded documents included in the R/W survey job file.

9 See Section 10.15

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10.14 Right of Way Flagging and Staking

R/W flagging is a temporary, limited, and usually less accurate
substitute for final R/W staking. One of its uses is to demarcate
approximate property and R/W lines that will be viewed during
appraisal, acquisition, disposal of land, or utility relocation planning
and estimating. Other uses may be for legal purposes or anytime
the Caltrans’s R/W needs to be generally viewed for any purpose.

Typically, Right of Way will initiate a R/W flagging request via a

survey request form. See Chapter 11, “Engineering Surveys” for an
example of a survey request form.

R/W flagging is performed for Caltrans rights of way and

easements only. The property lines of adjoiners are not flagged,
except as required in Chapter 10.16. R/W flagging is requested
before and after project construction through a survey request.
During construction, flagging the R/W is construction contract

10.14-1 Right of Way Flagging – Types of Lines

The R/W lines that may be requested to be flagged include but
are not limited to:

• Existing Right of Way Lines are flagged for utility surveys,

suspected encroachments, legal tort claims, or inverse

• Proposed Right of Way Lines are flagged for appraisals,

acquisition, utility relocation, and excess land sales.

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10.14-2 Right of Way Flagging Procedures

The following requirements will be employed for R/W flagging:

Accuracy: The tolerance of R/W flagging is the same as fence line

staking in Chapter 12.5-4.

Line Points: Ground stakes placed along the requested line

witnessed by lath, or lath alone if requested. On the lath mark
“Approx. R/W line”. Temporary paint markings are sufficient for
areas covered by pavement or concrete.

Spacing of Points: Unless specified otherwise in the survey request,

the spacing of R/W flagging points is at the discretion of the Party
Chief. R/W flagging points shall be set to reasonably ensure
intervisibility between successive points adequate for laypersons to
determine the location of R/W lines demarcated by the flagging
points. At a minimum, flagging points are set at angle points,
intersections with improvements, and at abrupt changes in the

Flagging: White/Yellow flagging to be placed on the lath.

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10.15 Right of Way Monumentation

Survey monuments are placed on, within, or near Caltrans R/W to
locate the limits of Caltrans R/W. This effort is documented on
monumentation maps (Record of Survey) and/or Corner Records
that are filed at the local county offices.

A transportation improvement project is not complete until

Caltrans R/W is monumented and the appropriate documentation
filed. The monumentation effort shall comply with current laws.

The current laws include but may not be limited to:

• The PLS Act, Section 8762-8765.

• The PLS Act, Section 8771.
• The PLS Act, Section 8773.
• Board Rule Section 464.
• Board Rule 465.
10.15-1 Final Monumentation of Right of Way
The final stage of a transportation improvement project for Land
Surveys is the monumentation of the new R/W and filing of a
Record of Survey Map. The Project Surveyor is responsible for
determining which R/W points are to be set and will provide the
final coordinates and alignments of all angle points, and beginning
and ending of curve points in the Caltrans’s R/W for the project.

The Party Chief is responsible for setting the points as requested. If

any monument cannot be set as requested, an alternate
reference monument will be set.

The R/W may be monumented by any of the following lines or any

combination of them:

• R/W lines: All new right of way lines are to be

monumented when possible. When construction
activities that may disturb monuments are complete, an
area can be monumented.

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• Centerlines: Construction centerline points do not need

to be set, except when they are also part of the existing
land-net, such as USPLSS corners.
• Offset points to the R/W or land-net corners within the
access-controlled right of way. In some cases,
centerline monuments can be used as offset points to
the right of way. This is not recommended for freeways
or highways with high traffic volumes.

The Party Chief will keep a record of all monuments set and deliver
a copy of all field notes to the project surveyor to complete the
record of survey

10.15-2 R/W Monumentation Procedures

Caltrans will set R/W monuments at the following locations:

• Primary points: R/W monuments set at all angle points,

and beginning and end of curves. Note: Monument the
State’s final boundary along facilities to be relinquished,
such as between a freeway and frontage road.
• Supplemental points: Additional R/W monuments set
along tangents and along curves to assure intervisibility
and/or at a maximum of 1000 feet.
• Reference points: R/W monuments set to reference
existing monuments that cannot be safely accessed.
Monuments set per Section 8771 of the PLS Act.

The Party Chief shall establish durable, permanent monuments at

the requested locations. The monuments must be tagged
according to PLS Act §8772. The Party Chief may set the
monuments at an alternate location if the requested location is
not practical, it is impossible to set a monument, or the location
has safety considerations. These alternate locations may be set
within or as near the R/W as practical. If a monument to be set or
reset by a contractor cannot be set in its planned location, the
party chief will notify the resident engineer.

The character of the monuments may be any of the following:

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• 1” galvanized steel pipe 24” to 30” long with a brass

tag, cap or a yellow plastic plug.
• 2” galvanized steel pipe 24” to 30” long with a brass disk
or tag.
• Metal disk or tag cemented in a rock mass, bridge
abutment, sidewalk, or other permanent location with
epoxy or anchoring cement (Pour Stone®, Rockite®,

The party chief will also stake the position with swing ties of any
survey monuments shown in Caltrans Standard Plans A74, or
equivalent. The contractor will set the actual monument, and the
party chief will then stamp the brass marker disk using the swing


The Party Chief shall survey the R/W monuments to the accuracy
of 0.07’(2 cm.) local accuracy, or third order, as described in
Chapter 5, Classification and Accuracy Standards.

When setting monuments using RTK techniques, adjoining

monuments must be spaced far enough apart to meet the third
order accuracy standards as described in Chapters 10.9-4, 5.7,
and Figure 5.5 of this manual. Set monuments must be checked
with a second observation performed at least 2 hours’ time
difference from the original observation.

When using total station surveys, monuments must be set and

checked by measuring between adjoining monuments or setting
and checking using two separate control monuments. The
measurements must meet third order accuracy standards
(1:10,000), or 0.02 feet, whichever is greater.

10.15-3 Monumentation Map (Record of Survey)

Monumentation maps are prepared to legally document Caltrans
R/W and related monuments. The maps are filed with the County
Surveyor and become part of the public record. A project is not
considered complete until perpetuation of monuments is

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accomplished, and a record of survey or corner record is filed. The

map will be filed within 12 months of the contract acceptance

Monumentation maps will be prepared and filed as Records of

Survey, as defined by The PLS Act §§ 8762 - 8771. The PLS Act §
8765 (a) provides for a map other than a Record of Survey to be
filed; however, since the requirements for such a map are identical
to a Record of Survey except for the County Recorder’s signature,
a Record of Survey will be filed whenever possible. Corner Record
map(s) may be filed in lieu of a record of survey if the requirements
of PLS Act § 8765(d) are met.

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10.15-4 Monument Renewal or Restoration

According to Streets and Highways Code §732.5, “Survey
monuments shall be preserved, referenced, or replaced pursuant
to Section 8771 of the Business and Professions Code.”

Section 8771 of the Business and Professions Code reads in part:

(b) When monuments exist that control the location of subdivisions,

tracts, boundaries, roads, streets, or highways, or provide horizontal or
vertical survey control, the monuments shall be located and
referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or
licensed civil engineer legally authorized to practice land surveying
prior to the time when any streets, highways, other rights-of-way, or
easements are improved, constructed, reconstructed, maintained,
resurfaced, or relocated, and a corner record or record of survey of
the references shall be filed with the county surveyor.

(c) A permanent monument shall be reset in the surface of the new

construction or a witness monument or monuments set to perpetuate
the location if any monument could be destroyed, damaged,
covered, disturbed, or otherwise obliterated, and a corner record or
record of survey shall be filed with the county surveyor prior to the
recording of a certificate of completion for the project. Sufficient
controlling monuments shall be retained or replaced in their original
positions to enable property, right-of-way and easement lines,
property corners, and subdivision and tract boundaries to be
reestablished without devious surveys necessarily originating on
monuments differing from those that currently control the area.

(f) The decision to file either a corner record or a record of survey

as required by subdivision (b) or (c) shall be at the election of the
licensed land surveyor … submitting the document.

Existing monument will be preserved when practicable.

If a monument will be destroyed by new construction, and it is not

critical to the surrounding land-net, it may be referenced by filing a
record of survey or corner record that shows its relationship to
adjoining monuments that will remain.

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During a R/W Survey, monuments may be found to be in poor

physical condition or they may be obliterated or lost as defined by
“The Manual of Surveying Instructions 2009”. When a USPLSS
monument is found to be in poor physical condition it may need to
be renewed and when a monument is obliterated or lost it may
need to be restored.

Caltrans’ policy on monument renewal and restoration is:

• Follow all laws pertaining to monumentation.

• Renew deteriorating or missing monuments or their
accessories that were established by an original public
lands or rancho survey.
• Restore obliterated monuments.
• Restore lost monuments whenever re-established .
The following are examples of renewing a monument:

• Rebuilding rock mounds, in remote areas, where the

corner location is still marked by an existing stake, pipe,
or by the stones themselves.
• Placing metal or synthetic material posts as protectors
and as witness markers.
• Pouring concrete collars around existing pipes.
• Establishing additional accessories to a monument.
The following is information related to restoring a monument:

• Set permanent monuments that are protected, if

possible, and well defined as to the exact corner. The
minimum standard for USPLSS corners is a 2” X 24” iron
pipe, with a 2-1/4" brass cap stamped according to
BLM standards.
• Place monuments in secure locations.
• Accessories: Should be different and distinct from the
monument referenced. Examples could be lead and
tacks in concrete surfaces referencing centerline pipes.
• Restoration of monuments in good condition is not

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10.16 Requests by Adjoiners for Monumentation of Caltrans Right

of Way Lines
Occasionally, an adjoining landowner will request that Caltrans
monument existing R/W lines. In this circumstance the request is for
the monumentation of the Caltrans R/W and not the intersection
of the adjoiner’s property line with the Caltrans R/W. The adjoiner
or their agent must file a written request with Caltrans.

An adjoiner may request action from Caltrans when:

• The adjoiner has a need for additional identification of

R/W lines to facilitate a property survey.
• The adjoiner has plans for improvements on or near the
R/W line.
• The adjoiner has concerns about the possible
encroachment of a Caltrans facility.
• The adjoiner doubts Caltrans’ limits of ownership.
• The adjoiner is concerned about liability issues.
• The R/W has not been monumented.
• The R/W monumentation is within access-control lines.
• Caltrans adopted an unmonumented road from a local
• Monumentation has been destroyed by vandalism,
construction or by other actions.

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10.16-1 Assignment of Cost

The adjoiner may establish a R/W line at no expense to the State.
The owner will be responsible for all field and office work,
placement of monuments, and preparing and filing all maps and
legal descriptions required. Caltrans may provide any existing
maps and documents to relate the position of the R/W lines to
local survey monuments of record.

Caltrans will bear the cost of additional surveying activities related

to monumenting the R/W that have been requested by an
adjoiner where at least one of the following conditions exist:

1. Sufficient R/W monumentation exists but is within “access

controlled” areas.
Procedure: Adjoiners will be provided reference points
outside “access controlled” areas to establish R/W line
Accuracy: See Chapter 5, Classification and Accuracy

2. Project R/W monumentation is incomplete or has been

Procedure: Caltrans will complete the deferred R/W
monumentation or locate the requested R/W line from
local existing monumentation and deed descriptions of
Accuracy: See Chapter 5 of this manual.

The adjoiner will bear the cost for monumentation of Caltrans’

R/W where the following conditions exist:
• Sufficient monumentation exists outside “access controlled
• Sufficient monumentation exists on conventional highways
and is within or outside the R/W or fence lines.
• When Caltrans has adopted a local road as a state
highway, and existing monumentation is insufficient or
records of monumented R/W are not available.

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• Where the R/W has been acquired by prescription or by

implied dedication.
• Pre-1959 R/W lines that are not readily surveyable.

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10.17 Monumentation of the Intersection of an Adjoiner’s

line with Caltrans’ R/W
This section applies to transportation improvement projects where
property rights are acquired from an adjoiner for the project. The
monumentation of the intersection of an adjoiner’s property line
with Caltrans’ R/W will be performed only when the intersection is a
R/W monument Caltrans will set per Section 10.15, “Right of Way
Monumentation” or the property line is a USPLSS Rancho, Section
or 1/4 Section line.

If in the course of a R/W survey it is discovered that an adjoiner has

a monument that may be destroyed by a transportation
improvement project, the Project Surveyor will notify R/W of the

Any request by an adjoiner for Caltrans to monument the

intersection will be handled on a case by case basis by Right of
Way in the acquisition process.

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Appendix 10A: Glossary

Acquisition - The act of becoming the owner of certain
property; the act by which one acquires or procures the
Adjoiner - Adjoin means to be in contact with; hence the
adjoiner is the land in contact with the subject property, as
distinguished from being merely close to or adjacent.
Appraisal - Usually a written statement of the market value, or
value as defined by the appraiser, of an adequately
described parcel of property as of a specific date.
Assessor’s Map - A map created for the County Assessor for
tax purposes, maps may not accurately indicate
conveyance rights.
Basis of Bearing - Is the determination for the orientation of
angular relationships of lines in a legal description or on a
map. A record of survey map must have a note which
states the specific line upon which the bearings have been
Condemnation - The process by which property is acquired
through legal proceedings under the power of eminent
Control - In general, coordinated and correlated position
data forming a framework to which detailed surveys are
adjusted, may be horizontal and/or vertical. Should be
executed with greater precision and accuracy than is
required for dependent surveys.
Control-Net - The control-net is the survey control monuments
as described in Chapter 9, “Control Surveys”.
Corner – The common end of two survey lines or an angle
point made by two boundary lines. This is not the same as
monument, which is the physical evidence of the corner’s
location on the ground.
Corner Monument – An original monument that once set,
remains fixed in position, even disregarding technical
errors. Original USPLSS monuments are an example of
corner monuments.

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Corner Record - An official record of a corner establishment

or restoration. Section 8873 of the PLS act defines the
requirements for Corner Records.
Deed - An instrument in writing which, when executed and
delivered, conveys an estate in real property or interest
Direct Retracement: A direct retracement is where the
recovered land-net corners or R/W monuments are tied to
the control network in the form of directly measuring the
lengths and directions of property lines, landlines, and R/W
lines from a beginning and ending azimuth and
intermediate ties, where possible. See figure 10-1.
Epoch Date - A particular instant of time from which a datum
tag for NAD83 adjustments is calculated.
Horizontal Datum - The position on the spheroid of reference
assigned to the horizontal control of an area defined by 1)
the position of one selected station in the area, and 2) the
azimuth from the selected station to an adjoining station.
The horizontal datum prescribed by Caltrans is the North
American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).
Indirect Retracement: An indirect retracement is where the
recovered land-net corners or R/W monuments are tied to
without measuring along the property lines, landlines, or
R/W lines. An indirect retracement is characterized by
double tying the land-net monuments as shown in Figure
Land-Net - The land-net is a cadastral survey of existing
property rights. It includes rights such as fee title lines and
recorded, prescriptive, blanket or floating easements. It
also may identify conflicts between title lines, or between
title lines and lines of occupation.
Legal Description - A description recognized by law which
definitely locates property by reference to government surveys,
coordinate systems or recorded maps or deeds; a description
which is sufficient to locate and identify the property without
oral testimony.

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Lines of Occupation – Physical features that indicate

possession, control, tenure, or use. Where a person
exercises physical control over land such as a fence line.
Lost Corner - Is one whose position cannot be determined by
substantial evidence, either from traces of the original
marks or from acceptable evidence or reliable testimony
that bears upon the original marks or from acceptable
evidence or reliable testimony that bears upon the original
position, and whose location can be restored only by
reference to one or more Interdependent corners.
Monument - A natural or artificial object that is fixed
permanently in land and referred to in a legal description
or map identifying the land, marking the location of a
boundary, corner or other survey point. (See “Corner” for
Monumentation Map - A Record of Survey depicting the
existing land net and all monuments found or set.
Obliterated Corner - Is an existent corner where, at the
corner's original position, there are no remaining traces of
the original monument or its accessories but whose
location may be perpetuated, or the point for which may
be recovered, by substantial evidence from the acts or
reliable testimony of the interested landowners,
competent surveyors, or other qualified local authorities, or
witnesses, or by some acceptable record.
Parcel - A single region of land described in a single
description in a deed, or as one of a number of lots on a
plat, separately owned, either publicly or privately, and
transferable separately.
Party Chief - Is assigned by Surveys and oversees the work of
a survey field crew.
Perpetuate - To make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely.
Project Engineer – Person in responsible charge of the design
of transportation improvements.
Public Land - That portion of the domain (U.S.) to which title is
still vested in the Federal Government.
Rancho – In Spanish and Mexican law, formerly prevailing in
© 2019 California Department of Transportation CALTRANS • SURVEYS MANUAL

California, the term signifies a tract of land granted by

those governments to individuals. Together with missions
and pueblos, these land rights are considered senior to
subsequent land divisions.
Record of Survey - An official record of a survey. See the PLS
Act for requirements governing Records of Survey.
Relinquish - To abandon, to give up, to surrender, to
renounce some right or thing. Used in this chapter to refer
to the transfer of a transportation facility from Caltrans to a
local agency.
Retracement – A survey that is made for the purpose of
verifying the direction and length of lines, and identifying
the monuments and other marks of an established prior
survey. (Following in the footsteps of the original or previous
Right of Entry - The right to go into another’s property for a
special purpose without committing trespass.
Right of Way – (a) The right to pass over the land of another,
(b) The strip of land subject to a right of way easement,
( c) Land Caltrans owns in fee for operational
transportation purposes
Search Map – A map usually created by office surveyors for
field surveyors to help locate monuments and/or corners of
interest. It provides an overall picture of the R/W Survey.
The United States Public Land Survey System (USPLSS): The
USPLSS is the cadastral surveys that mark the basic
“rectangular” system of public lands, and the boundaries
of ranchos. Generally, the monuments in this system are
corner monuments.
Tract – A lot, piece or parcel of land, of greater or less size,
though the term generally refers to a large piece of land.
Witness Monument – Is a monument placed at a known
distance and direction from a property corner or control

© 2019 California Department of Transportation CALTRANS • SURVEYS MANUAL


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