GC/MS Characterization of Liquids Generated From Low-Temperature Pyrolysis of Wood

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3190 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2003, 42, 3190-3202


GC/MS Characterization of Liquids Generated from

Low-Temperature Pyrolysis of Wood
Carmen Branca, Paola Giudicianni, and Colomba Di Blasi*
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Universitá degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”P.le V. Tecchio,
80125 Napoli, Italy

Conventional pyrolysis of beech wood has been carried out for heating temperatures in the range
600-900 K, reproducing conditions of interest in countercurrent fixed-bed gasification. The yields
of liquids (water and tars) increase with the heating temperature from about 40 to 55% of dry
wood mass, confirming results previously obtained with a laboratory-scale gasifier. Apart from
qualitative identification of ∼90 species, GC/MS techniques have been applied to quantify 40-
43% of tars (40 species, with major contributions from acetic acid, hydroxypropanone, hydroxy-
acetaldehyde, levoglucosan, formic acid, syringol, and 2-furaldehyde). Decomposition of holo-
cellulose leads to the formation of furan derivatives and carbohydrates, with a temperature-
dominated selectivity toward hydroxyacetaldehyde against levoglucosan. Syringols and guaiacols,
originating from primary degradation of lignin, present a maximum for heating temperatures
of about 750-800 K whereas, owing to secondary degradation, phenols continuously increase.
A comparison is also provided with fast pyrolysis liquids obtained from four commercial plants.

Introduction gasifiers, appear to be less reactive than the larger

amounts of light tars produced under low-temperature
Fixed-bed gasification technologies1-3 are based on and slow-heating rate (conventional) pyrolysis, such as
two configurations, the concurrent (downdraft) and the in the case of updraft gasification.
countercurrent (updraft) modes. Downdraft gasification A quantitative chemical characterization is needed to
technology is reliable only for relatively dry, coarse, low- evaluate the reactivity of tars derived from updraft
ash feedstocks and, because of scaling difficulties, for gasification of wood, in view of their destruction or
capacities up to 500 kWe. On the contrary, in principle, exploitation of of the related energetic content. However,
there is no scaling limitation for updraft gasifiers, which the literature on this issue is very scarce apart from
also present a higher feedstock flexibility (moisture the qualitative analysis provided by Evans and Mil-
contents up to 50 against 30%), lower emissions after ne.10,11 From a chemical point of view, they included
burning, simple automation (unmanned operation for oxygenated compounds, such as furan derivatives, car-
about 96-98%), lower maintenance costs, and very high boxylic acids, alcohols, dihydroxyphenols, and dimethoxy-
thermal efficiency.1-5 phenols. Thus, they are qualitatively similar to fast
The main drawback of the updraft gasification tech- pyrolysis liquids, whose chemicophysical characteriza-
nology lies in the very high yields of condensates,1-3,6 tion has received significant attention10-29 given their
which should be separated from the gas and disposed strategic importance as substitute fuel oil or for chemi-
of. For this reason, it is generally considered not suited cal production.30-33
for electricity production. However, two important
The majority of the fast pyrolysis studies10,11,16,18,22,23,29
industrial applications of updraft gasification for elec-
examine the chemical composition only for optimal con-
tricity production are under optimization in Europe,
ditions (maximum liquid yield), and the temperature de-
using catalytic tar cracking (Wellman Process Engi-
pendence of only a few species is reported.12-15,17,19,21,24,27
neering Limited7) or a combination of in situ tar oxida-
The number of species identified is of the order of 300,23
tion and liquid collection, through an electrostatic pre-
but only a few of them are listed by all the authors23
cipitator, and utilization (Babcock & Wilcox Volund).8
(formic, acetic and propanoic acids, levoglucosan, glu-
It is also suggested9 that it might be easier to remove cose, xylose, methylcyclopentenone, methanol, phenol,
updraftsthan downdraftsgasification tars from the gas 2-furaldehyde). The round-robin testing recently pub-
stream. Indeed, these compounds present different lished29 also evidences very large quantitative differ-
chemical structure and different cracking/oxidation ences between different laboratories. On the other hand,
characteristics in dependence of the different reaction studies on cellulose and other model compounds34-42
conditions where they originated. More precisely, con- have clarified the role played by temperature and
densed aromatics (heavy tars), produced under high inorganics on the relative yields of two major liquid
thermal severity to favor cracking as in the downdraft components, that is, levoglucosan and hydroxyacetal-
dehyde. Significant insight has also been gained on the
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.:39-081- evolution of phenolics during vacuum pyrolysis of
7682232. Fax: 39-081-2391800. E-mail: diblasi@unina.it. wood.43,44
10.1021/ie030066d CCC: $25.00 © 2003 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 06/11/2003
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003 3191

This study applies gas chromatographic/mass spec- conditions of the pyrolysis zone in continuous updraft
trometry (GC/MS) techniques for the chemical charac- gasification.6 In all cases, the nitrogen fed at ambient
terization of wood pyrolysis liquids. The aim of the study temperature is 2 × 103 cm3/min, resulting in nominal
is to determine the yields of a significant number (40) residence times of vapors along the isothermal reactor
of compounds on dependence of the reaction tempera- zone of 14 s.
ture and heating rate, in the view of formulating Nitrogen and volatile pyrolysis products pass through
detailed reaction schems and developing chemical reac- a condensation train consisting of two water-cooled
tors. More specifically, the effects of the first parameter condensers (with a catch pot, where the liquids are
(range 600-900 K) are investigated for conventional collected for chemical characterization), a wet scrubber,
pyrolysis. Given the moderate heating rates of the two cotton wool traps, and a silica gel bed (all connected
process, the results are useful for the optimization of in series). Gas sampling and analysis are carried out
updraft gasification plants and the exploitation of the at selected times during the duration of the tests (15-
liquids produced. The effects of heating rate on the 18 samples). Steady global mass balances over the
liquid composition are also investigated by comparing system allow the exit volumetric flow rate and mass of
conventional and fast pyrolysis samples. Again this each gaseous species to be determined.46
information can be useful for the selection of the most Details about the gasification system and results for
appropriate configuration and operating conditions of beech wood have been already presented,6 so that only
chemical reactors on dependence of the desired composi- the chief information on the process is listed here. The
tion and yields of the products. The fulfillment of these laboratory-scale updraft gasifier is a cylindrical steel
objectives represents a significant advancement with shaft 63 cm high above the grate and 10 cm around
respect to the current state of the art because, as pointed (internal diameter). Biomass is continuously fed at the
out above, the majority of studies on pyrolysis liquids top (feed rates 1.6-2.3 kg/h) and air at the bottom. For
are only qualitative whereas quantification is limited a steady-state operation, biomass moves across a region
to a few species for the optimal conditions of fast of increasing temperature and solid consumption. In the
pyrolysis (reaction temperatures of ∼800 K correspond- first region, close to the feed, preheating and drying of
ing to maximum yields of liquid products). the biomass take place, as a consequence of convective
heat transfer from the hot stream. This is followed by
Experimental Section the pyrolysis zone, where the volatile content of the
The liquids being characterized are derived from biomass is made available, the char gasification zone,
beech wood by means of laboratory-scale tests using a with the production of carbon monoxide and hydrogen,
fixed-bed pyrolyzer and an updraft gasifier (conven- and the char combustion zone. This supplies heat for
tional pyrolysis). Fast pyrolysis liquids, obtained from the other endothermic processes stratified along the
wood mixtures by four different commercial systems, are reactor axis.
also examined. The experimental conditions established The gas stream enters two condensers (20 tubes with
in the different tests and the technique of chemical 1.4-cm-i.d. and a total exchange surface of 4500 cm2 for
analysis are given below. each unit), where steam and tars are condensed and
Conventional Pyrolysis. The characteristics of the collected at the bottom for chemical analysis. The gas
pyrolysis reactor (6.3-cm internal diameter and 45-cm is further purged through a closed water tank and a
length) have already been described,45 so only the chief packed-bed filter.
information is provided here. Nitrogen, fed through a Tests were executed6 for air-to-fuel ratios (kg/kg) in
jacket (internal diameter 8.9 cm) at the reactor top, is the range 1.27-1.05 with composition of the gas repro-
heated by an electrical furnace and distributed by a per- ducing that established at industrial scale (29-30% CO,
forated steel plate, which also supports the bed. Tem- 5.5-7% CO2, 7% H2, 2% CH4, and small amounts of C2
perature profiles along the reactor axis are measured hydrocarbons, apart from nitrogen, with gas heating
by seven thermocouples (chromel-alumel type, 500- values of 5.35-5.5 MJ/N‚m3). Temperature profiles
µm diameter), with their tips exiting from a protective indicate that pyrolysis takes place over a wide portion
steel tube, at chosen distances from the flow distributor. of the bed with slow heating rates (0.5-1.5 K/s) and
The lower reactor zone (∼15 cm) is isothermal at a maximum temperatures, Tmax, in the range 725-852 K.
temperature determined by a proper set point of the The total condensate (tars plus water) yields, evaluated
furnace (PID controller), but gradients in the upper part by weighing (before and after the tests) the water and
are high. Thus, vapor condensation is avoided and the ash filters and collecting the liquids at the exit of the
activity of secondary reactions is limited. condensers, are in the range 34-53% (by weight of dry
Beech wood particles present the same characteristics wood), again corresponding to those reported for indus-
as in the updraft gasification tests already discussed.6 trial-scale updraft wood gasification.47 Liquids collected
They are cut in parallelepipeds 5 mm thick (90%, the for the optimal gasification conditions, with R ) 1.11
largest dimension comprised in the range 5-20 mm) and 1.05 and maximum pyrolysis temperatures of 831
and predried (at least 6 h at 376 K), resulting in bed and 852 K (total liquid yields of 43 and 53% of dry wood,
densities of 350 kg/m3. Then they (∼180 g) are placed respectively), are examined here.
in the feeder, and after nitrogen flushing, when the Fast Pyrolysis. The fast pyrolysis liquids have been
desired reactor temperature is achieved, the feeding provided by the network PyNe.48 They were obtained
valve is opened, so that they are dropped inside the hot by four commercial systems (used in the following to
reactor (in ∼30 s). Based on the reactor diameter and indicate the sample) and are the same already used in
the bulk density, the initial length of the packed bed is the round-robin testing carried out by 12 European
estimated to be ∼15 cm. Hence, the particles are laboratories.29 They were produced in a rotating cone
positioned within the isothermal reactor zone. The range reactor at 773 K (BTG) and a bubbling fluid-bed reactor
of temperatures along the isothermal region, indicated at 733 K (Dynamotive) from softwood mixtures, in a
in the following as reactor (or heating) temperature, Tr, transported bed reactor (Ensyn) from hardwood mix-
is varied between 600 and 900 K, reproducing the tures, and in a vacuum pyrolysis reactor at 783 K
3192 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003

(Pyrovac) from softwood barks. Other details can be

found in ref 29.
GC/MS Analysis. The pyrolysis liquids are stored at
a temperature of 277 K with no light exposure. Before
analysis, filtration is made with 0.45-µm microfilters
(Millex-Gx). Chemical analysis is performed by GC/MS
(Fison GC 8000/MD 800 system) with a quadrupole
detector and a DB-1701 capillary column (60 m × 0.25
mm i.d., 0.25-mm film thickness). Helium (99.9999%)
is used as carrier gas with a constant flow of 1.0 mL/
min. The oven temperature is programmed from 318 (4
min) to 508 K at a heating rate of 3 K/min and held at
508 K for 13 min. The injector (Fison SSL 71) and the
GC/MS interface are kept at a constant temperature of
523 and 508 K, respectively. A sample volume of 1 mL
(4.5% of pyrolysis liquid in acetone) is injected.
The MS is operated in electron ionization mode, and
a m/z range from 30 to 300 is scanned. Standard mass
spectra with 70-eV ionization energy are recorded. Qual-
itative analysis uses the total ion chromatograms (TICs)
obtained from a full-scan acquisition method, using a
voltage applied to the photomultiplier detector of 350
V (cycle time of 0.1 s). The identification of the peaks is
based on computer matching of the mass spectra with
the NIST library or on the retention times of known
species injected in the chromatographic column. Figure 1. (A) Temperature dynamics, measured along the axis
For quantitative analysis, selected ion recording chro- of the fixed-bed reactor at several distances, z, from the flow
distributor for reactor temperatures, Tr, of 600 and 900 K. (B)
matograms, obtained by monitoring only three masses Dynamics of gaseous species release, measured at the exit of the
corresponding to the three major fragments of each fixed-bed reactor for reactor temperatures, Tr, of 600 and 900 K.
compound, are employed in order to decrease the
duration of each scan (cycle time of 0.02 s), so improving
peak definition. The voltage applied to the photomul- in panels A and B of Figure 1, respectively, for Tr )
tiplier detector is again 350 V, except for the quantifica- 600 K and Tr ) 900 K. The process dynamics show the
tion of acetic acid, hydroxypropanone, and hydroxyac- same qualitative trends, independently of the heating
etaldehyde. In this case, to avoid detector overload, conditions. Owing to the addition of a cold feed, a sudden
which would cause deformation of peaks and spectra, decrease of the temperature appears (minima of about
the applied voltage is lowered to 280 V. Forty com- 465 and 685 K for the two cases under examination).
pounds are quantified by the internal standard method, The delays in the gas release (with respect to the feeding
using fluoranthene as internal standard.22 For each of time assumed as t ) 0) are, however, relatively short,
the quantified compounds, calibration lines are prepared possibly as a consequence of high spatial gradients
by injection of at least four standard solutions. The across the packed bed. On the other hand, the temper-
concentrations range is determined by successive ap- ature registered can be considered an average value
proximations, until it becomes relatively narrow and between gas and solid (that is, the particle surface for
comprises the quantified value. Injections of the liquid distances less than 15 cm above the perforated plate)
samples are made at least in triplicate, showing devia- or volatiles (higher distances). Shrinkage of the bed may
tions between 0.01 and 5% of the quantified values also play an important role in this issue.
(averaged values are provided in the following). Gas and vapor release takes place under tempera-
Water Content. The water content of the pyrolysis tures slowly increasing toward the initial bed value, and
liquid is determined by means of Karl-Fisher titration especially for the higher temperatures, pyrolysis is
(Crison Compact tritator) according to the standard test completed well before steady-state conditions are again
method ASTM E203-96. established. Hence, even for the lowest temperature,
pyrolysis occurs under dynamic conditions with average
reaction temperatures increasing with the reactor tem-
The dependence of the product yields (gas, char, perature. The actual temperature and heating rate of
liquids) and gas and liquid composition of the conven- the particles during degradation are difficult to deter-
tional pyrolysis tests on the external temperature is mine. However, it is worth noting that accurate mea-
discussed first. Then the composition of liquids obtained surements49,50 and numerical simulation51 show that
from updraft gasification and fast pyrolysis is examined. pyrolysis temperatures are barely above 725 K, and
Conventional Pyrolysis and Updraft Gasifica- even for the conditions of fast pyrolysis, the maximum
tion. As anticipated, the conventional pyrolysis tests heating rates at the particle center do not exceed 80-
have been executed for reactor temperatures in the 20 K/s. A rough evaluation for the tests under study,
range 600-900 K. As feeding takes only a few seconds, made with reference to the time needed to reach 90%
it can be assumed that the packed bed of particles is of the reactor temperature, gives figures below 1 K/s,
suddenly exposed to high temperature, in this way which compare well with those obtained for updraft
simulating the conditions of continuous updraft gasifi- gasification.6 In contrast with fast pyrolysis processes,
cation for different air-to-fuel ratios.6 heating rates slower by at least 1 or 2 orders of
Examples of the temperature dynamics along the magnitude achieved in this case are typical of the so-
reactor axis and gas concentration at the exit are shown called conventional pyrolysis.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003 3193

vary from about 40 to 55% of dry wood, again reproduc-

ing the figures obtained for the updraft gasification
As widely discussed in the literature,35,54,55 the ther-
mal analysis of wood reflects the sum of the thermal
response of its three main components (cellulose, hemi-
cellulose, lignin), which degrade over relatively narrow
and overlapping ranges of temperature. In accordance
with the reaction mechanism of cellulose pyrolysis
usually indicated as Broido-Shafizadeh54 and the analy-
sis of fast pyrolysis of cellulose carried out by means of
fluidized-bed reactors,39,40 initially a competition occurs
between the low-temperature charring reactions (forma-
Figure 2. Product yields, expressed as percent of the initial dry tion of char, steam, carbon monoxide, and carbon
wood mass (wt), as functions of the reactor temperature (conven- dioxide) and a high-temperature depolymerization pro-
tional pyrolysis tests). cess followed by the formation of volatile species. The
reactions (and products) of hemicellulose pyrolysis are
qualitatively similar35 to those of cellulose, though
The duration of the process can be associated with
quantitative differences are significant (higher yields of
gas evolution and, as expected, is dramatically affected char). Due to the complex structure, highly cross-linked,
by the reactor temperature. Indeed, it varies from about the mechanism for the thermal degradation of lignin is
60 (Tr ) 600 K) to 20 min (Tr ) 900 K). not well understood. It is postulated that depolymeri-
The yields of char, total liquids, water, and gas zation is associated with significant homolysis of the
reported, on the basis of the initial dry wood mass (w), backbone and cleavage of ether and C-C bonds56,57
as functions of the reactor temperature in Figure 2 show again accompanied by a competition between charring
that mass closure is very good (95.5-99%) (the water and devolatilization reactions. The selectivity for the
yield is determined for the liquid collected after con- latter is favored by temperature,58 though the yields of
densation, which corresponds to 84-88% of the total char always remain high.
liquid). The temperature dependence is in agreement In accordance with these findings, the results of
with previous studies conducted for thick particles52,53 Figure 2 show that, by increasing the reactor temper-
and, from the qualitative point of view, also for small ature, the final char yield decreases with a correspond-
particles undergoing fluid-bed pyrolysis (for instance, ing increase in the liquid and gas yields. For Tr values
see refs 12-15, 21, and 24). The yields of total liquid of 800-900 K, the liquid yields are leveled around the

Figure 3. Total ion chromatogram registered for the conventional pyrolysis liquid (Tr ) 800 K). IS indicates the internal standard peak.
The peak assignment corresponds to the retention time of some species listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Pyrolysis Liquid Compounds Identified by GC/MS with Retention Times Reported in Figure 3a

no. compound formula MW origin (min) ref no. compound formula MW origin (min) ref
1 furan (i) C4H4O 68 6.938 C 10, 23, 41 45 guaiacol (i) C 7H 8O 2 124 36.286 L-G 10, 22, 23,
27, 29, 62
2 methyl acetate C3H6O2 74 7.317 C 10, 27 46 3-ethylciclopenten-2- C7H10O 110 36.686 C 27
3 2-propen-1-ol C3H6O 58 8.924 C 27 47 o-cresol (i) C 7H 8O 108 37.658 L-H 10, 22, 23, 27,
29, 41, 62
4 ethyl acetate (i) C4H8O2 88 9.101 C 48 2-cyclopenten-1-one, C7H10O2 126 38.142 C
5 2-butanone C4H8O 72 9.334 C 10, 23, 27, 41 49 2,6-dimethylphenol (i) C8H10O 122 38.369 L-H 23
6 propionic acid C4H8O2 88 9.567 C 50 p-cresol (i) C 7H 8O 108 39.337 L-H 10, 22, 23, 27,
methyl ester 29, 41, 62
7 3-pentanone C5H10O 86 9.784 C 27 51 m-cresol (i) C 7H 8O 108 39.412 L-H 10, 22, 23,
29, 41, 62
8 benzene (i) C6H6 78 10.069 C 41 52 3-methyl guaiacol C8H10O 122 39.510 L-G
9 hydroxyacetaldehyde (i) C2H4O2 60 10.801 C 10, 22, 23, 27, 53 4-methyl guaiacol (i) C8H10O 122 41.237 L-G 10, 22, 23,
29, 40, 41 27, 29, 62
10 isobutanol (i) C4H4O 68 10.823 C 54 2-ethylphenol C8H10O 122 41.426 L-H 10, 23, 27
11 formic acid (i) CH2O2 46 11.534 C 10, 22, 23, 27, 55 2,5 + 2,4-dimethylphenol C8H10O 122 41.549 L-H 22, 23, 27, 62
29, 40, 41
12 3-buten-2-one, 3-methyl C5H8O 84 11.667 C 41 56 2,4,6-trimethylphenol C9H10O 134 42.552 L-H
13 acetic acid (i) C2H4O2 60 12.351 C 10, 22, 23, 27, 57 3-ethylphenol C8H10O 122 43.590 L-H 10
29, 40, 41
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003

14 2-pentanone (i) C5H10O 86 12.527 C 58 3-ethyl guaiacol C9H10O2 152 43.590 L-G 62
15 2,3-pentanedione C5H8O2 100 13.051 C 10, 23, 27, 41 59 3,4-dimethyphenol (i) C8H10O 122 44.623 L-H
16 hydroxypropanone (i) C3H6O2 74 14.084 C 10, 22, 23, 27, 60 4-ethyl guaiacol C9H12O2 152 45.104 L-G 22, 23, 27,
29, 40 29, 62
17 propionic acid (i) C3H8O 60 17.268 C 10, 23, 27, 29 61 1,4-3,6-dianhydro- C 6H 8O 4 144 46.553 C 41
18 acrylic acid C3H4O2 72 18.820 C 10, 27, 29 62 3-methoxy catechol C 7H 8O 3 140 47.469 L-G
19 cyclopentanone C5H8O 84 18.953 C 10, 27, 23 63 2-methoxy-4-vinyl- C9H10O2 151 47.671 L-G 10, 22, 27, 62
20 1-hydroxy-2-butanone C4H8O2 88 19.218 C 10, 22, 27, 64 3-methoxyphenol (i) C 7H 8O 2 124 48.036 L-G
29, 41
21 hydroxy propanal C3H6O2 74 19.335 C 10, 22, 41 65 eugenol (i) C10H10O2 162 48.645 L-H 10, 22, 23,
29, 62
22 furantetrahydro-2,5- C6H12O3 132 20.570 C 22 66 2-methoxy-4-propyl- C10H14O2 166 48.762 L-G 22, 23, 27
dimethoxy (cis) (i) phenol
23 butanedial C7H14O 114 21.668 C 22 67 5-hydroxymethyl-2- C 6H 6O 3 126 49.237 C 22, 27, 29, 41
24 styrene C8H8 104 21.785 P 68 catechol C 6H 6O 2 110 49.603 L-H 10, 23, 27,
41, 29, 62
25 furantetrahydro-2,5- C6H12O3 132 22.421 C 22 69 syringol (i) C8H10O2 138 49.938 L-S 10, 22, 23,
dimethoxy (trans) (i) 29, 62
26 2-furaldehyde (i) C5H4O2 96 22.635 C 10, 22, 23, 27, 70 1,2,3-trimethoxy-5- C10H14O3 182 50.020 L-S
29, 41 methylbenzene
27 cyclohesanone (i) C6H10O 98 24.735 C 71 isoeugenol (cis) (i) C10H12O2 164 51.012 L-G 10, 22, 23,
27, 29, 62
28 R-angelicalactone (i) C5H6O2 98 24.787 C 10, 22, 27 72 3-methyl catechol (i) C 7H 8O 2 124 51.215 L-H 27, 62
29 furfuryl alcohol (i) C5H5O2 97 24.971 C 10, 22, 23, 27 73 4-methyl catechol (i) C 7H 8O 2 124 52.885 L-H 27, 62
30 acetoxyacetone (i) C5H8O3 116 25.385 C 10, 22, 27 74 isoeugenol (trans) (i) C10H12O2 164 53.238 L-G 10, 22, 23,
27, 29, 62
31 2-methyl-2-cyclo- C6H8O 96 25.636 C 10, 27, 41 75 4-methyl syringol (i) C9H12O3 168 53.738 L-S 10, 22, 23, 29
pentenone (i)
32 2-acetylfuran (i) C6H6O2 110 26.522 C 22, 41 76 vanillin (i) C 8H 8O 3 152 54.196 L-G 10, 22, 23,
27, 29, 62
33 benzaldehyde C7H7O 107 28.565 C 41 77 hydroquinone (i) C 6H 6O 2 110 54.196 L-H 10, 23
34 2,5-hexanedione C6H10O2 114 29.169 C - 78 acetoguaiacone C9H10O3 166 57.388 L-G 10, 22, 62
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003 3195

a Abbreviations: i, identification by injection of standard samples; M , molecular weight; RT, retention time; C, carbohydrate; L-H, hydroxyphenyl lignin; L-G, guaiacyl lignin; L-S, syringyl
10, 22, 23, 27, 29, 40, 62

10, 22, 23, 62

22, 29, 62

10, 22, 23

10, 22, 23

10, 22, 62






Figure 4. Yields of major carbohydrates, minor carbohydrates,







furans, guiacols, syringols, and phenols (definitions in Table 2),

expressed as percent of the initial dry wood mass (wt), as functions
of the reactor temperature (conventional pyrolysis tests).










4-acetone guaiacol (i)

4-propenyl syringol

4-propenyl syringol

syringaldehyde (i)

acetosyringone (i)

syringol acetone
levoglucosan (i)
4-allyl syringol

(trans) (i)
(cis) (i)

Figure 5. Yields of major carbohydrates, expressed as percent

of the initial dry wood mass (wt), as functions of the reactor
temperature (conventional pyrolysis tests).







maximum whereas the yields of chars are still decreas-

ing, indicating an enhancement of both primary wood
devolatilization and secondary decomposition of primary
10, 22, 23, 27,
10, 23, 27, 41

vapor-phase products. As already reported in previous

10, 22, 27,

29, 41, 62

studies,12-15,17-19,21,46,52,53 gas consists mainly of carbon

10, 27

29, 41

dioxide (contributions up to 13 wt %), carbon monoxide





(8 wt %), and methane (1.5 wt %) with lower amounts

of hydrogen and C2 hydrocarbons.
Chemical characterization of the liquid is made again




in relation to the samples collected at the conclusion of

the condensation process, corresponding to 84-88% of
the total liquid yields. An example of the TICs (Tr )






800 K) is shown in Figure 3 and the compounds

identified are listed in Table 1. These are the same as
reported for fast pyrolysis liquids10-24,26-29 and include
carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, sugars.








and phenolic compounds. Following the mild severity

of the thermal treatment undergone by wood, the liquid

components can be classified as “primary vapors”.2,9








Pyrolysis products are qualitatively similar35 to both

cellulose and hemicellulose (more precisely, for xylan,
the main constituent of hardwood hemicellulose), which
are indicated as carbohydrates (C). The hydroxypheno-
5-methyl-2-furaldehyde (i)




lics (L-H), guaiacols (L-G), and syringols (S-L) are



derived from the lignin building blocks.57

(5H)-furan-2-one (i)


Forty compounds of the pyrolysis liquids have been

Table 1. (Continued)

quantified. They have been grouped as major carbohy-

pentenone (i)

drates, minor carbohydrates, furans, guialcols, syrin-


phenol (i)

gols, and phenols, as summarized in Table 2 (apart from

benzene, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which are present
only in ppm,18,19 have not been examined). Figure 4
provides the trends for the lumped component classes,

whereas the details are given in Figures 5-10 (yields








always expressed as percent of the dry wood mass). All

3196 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003

Table 2. Lumped Classes of Pyrolysis Liquid Compounds, Quantified by GC/MS and the Internal Standard Method
major carbohydrates minor carbohydrates furans
hydroxyacetaldehyde 3-ethyl-2-hydroxy-2-cyclopentenone 2-acetylfuran
hydroxypropanone acetoxyacetone 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde
acetic acid propionic acid 2-furaldehyde
levoglucosan 3-methyl-2-cyclopentenone furantetrahydro-2,5-dimethoxy cis
2-methyl-2-cyclopentenone furantetrahydro-2,5-dimethoxy trans
1-hydroxy-2-butanone furfuryl alcohol
formic acid 2(5H)-furanone

phenols guaiacols syringols

phenol guaiacol syringol
o-cresol 4-acetoneguaiacol syringaldehyde
p-cresol 4-ethylguaiacol acetosyringone
m-cresol 4-methylguaiacol 4-methylsyringol
2-methyl-4-propylphenol isoeugenol cis
3,4-dimethylphenol isoeugenol trans
2,5+2,4-dimethylphenol eugenol
2-ethylphenol vanillin

Figure 6. Yields of minor carbohydrates, expressed as percent Figure 8. Yields of guaiacols, expressed as percent of the initial
of the initial dry wood mass (wt), as functions of the reactor dry wood mass (wt), as functions of the reactor temperature
temperature (conventional pyrolysis tests). (conventional pyrolysis tests).

Figure 7. Yields of furans, expressed as percent of the initial Figure 9. Yields of syringols, expressed as percent of the initial
dry wood mass (wt), as functions of the reactor temperature dry wood mass (wt), as functions of the reactor temperature
(conventional pyrolysis tests). (conventional pyrolysis tests).

the lumped product classes present an initial increase developed for fast pyrolysis liquids,59 the amount of
with temperature, reflecting the primary degradation liquid not quantified by GC/MS is presumably consti-
of wood components, that is, holocellulose (cellulose and tuted of nonvolatile compounds (∼15% of the total liquid
hemicellulose) and lignin. Secondary reactions in the in the case of fast pyrolysis), to be characterized by high-
vapor phase also take place, as indicated by the maxi- performance liquid chromatography, and pyrolytic lig-
mums shown by furans, guaiacols, and syringols. The nin (∼25% of the total liquid again for fast pyrolysis),
most abundant species are acetic acid (4.8-5.5%), to be determined by water extraction.
hydroxypropanone (1.1-1.6%), hydroxyacetaldehyde In accordance with previous literature,35-37,44 the
(0.7-2.3%), levoglucosan (0.2-0.8%), formic acid (0.4- increase in the yields of furans and their derivatives
0.6%), syringol (0.3-0.4%), and 2-furaldehyde (0.3- observed at low temperatures can be attributed mainly
0.35%). to hemicellulose decomposition. Together with these
The 40 chemical compounds quantified by GC/MS and compounds, other species are formed44 such as low
water correspond to 62-65% of the total liquid (or, with molecular weight carboxylic acids, ketones, carbon
reference to dry liquid (tars), to 40-43%, with a monoxide, carbon dioxide, and steam. It can be observed
contribution from major carbohydrates of 25-30%). that, for some species (i.e., acetoxyacetone, 3-ethyl-2-
According to the methods for chemical characterization hydroxy-2-cyclopentenone, furfuryl alcohol, and 5-meth-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003 3197

volatile formation from primary degradation reactions.

Then, as the temperature is increased, a weak thermal
stability and secondary vapor-phase degradation may
cause a decrease in the amounts of these products (i.e.,
furfuryl alcohol and 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde).
The continuous increase in the yields of hydroxyac-
etaldehyde and levoglucosan with temperature confirm
that both are products of primary decomposition of
depolymerized holocellulose (secondary decomposition
does not appear to prevail for the mild thermal condi-
tions examined). In fact, a competition has been postu-
lated between ring fragmentation to yield hydroxyace-
taldehyde38 and depolymerization by transglycosylation
Figure 10. Yields of phenols, expressed as percent of the initial
to yield levoglucosan.35-37 Higher temperatures are
dry wood mass (wt), as functions of the reactor temperature
(conventional pyrolysis tests). confirmed to favor the hydroxyacetaldehyde-forming
pathway38-40 a feature that, in kinetic analysis, would
yl-2-furaldehyde), a maximum at low temperatures is appear as a higher activation energy of the correspond-
attained, attributable to an increase in the rate of ing global reaction. The selectivity between the two
Table 3. Yields of Liquid Compounds, Expressed as Percent of the Initial Dry Wood Mass (wt), for Conventional
Pyrolysis (for Two Reactor Temperatures, Tr) and Updraft Gasification (for Two Air-to-Fuel Ratios, R, and Maximum
Pyrolysis Temperatures, Tmax)
conventional pyrolysis R ) 1.11 kg/kg R ) 1.05 kg/kg
Tr ) 800 K Tr ) 900 K Tmax ) 831 K Tmax ) 842 K
compound (wt % mf) (wt % mf) (wt % mf) (wt % mf)
water 21.00 22.26 21.44 24.91
hydroxyacetaldehyde 1.831 2.291 1.112 2.024
acetic acid 5.307 5.521 4.774 6.544
hydroxypropanone 1.531 1.547 1.056 1.470
levoglucosan 0.660 0.776 0.430 0.644
total major carbohydrates 9.329 10.135 7.373 10.683
propionic acid 0.220 0.234 0.218 0.213
1-hydroxy-2-butanone 0.222 0.187 0.267 0.229
formic acid 0.667 0.594 0.535 0.718
2-methyl-2-cyclopentenone 0.069 0.068 0.039 0.037
3-methyl-2-cyclopentenone 0.114 0.097 0.080 0.069
3-ethyl-2-hydroxy-2-cyclo- 0.053 0.046 0.035 0.038
acetoxyacetone 0.154 0.154 0.087 0.088
total minor carbohydrates 1.498 1.379 1.263 1.391
2-furaldehyde 0.363 0.327 0.214 0.240
furfuryl alcohol 0.064 0.049 0.027 0.031
furantetrahydro-2,5-dimethoxy 0.130 0.073 0.047 0.050
(cis + trans)
2-acetylfuran 0.025 0.022 0.019 0.019
5-methyl-2-furaldehyde 0.068 0.066 0.042 0.040
(5H)-furan-2-one 0.262 0.234 0.205 0.235
total furans 0.913 0.772 0.554 0.615
phenol 0.053 0.095 0.078 0.076
cresol (m + o + p) 0.063 0.116 0.071 0.069
2-ethylphenol 0.002 0.006 0.001 0.001
2,5+2,4-dimethylphenol 0.025 0.047 0.020 0.019
3,4-dimethylphenol 0.004 0.006 0.005 0.005
hydroquinone 0.154 0.134 0.082 0.096
2-methyl-4-propylphenol 0.012 0.005 0.007 0.006
total phenols 0.313 0.409 0.263 0.271
guaiacol 0.201 0.102 0.174 0.166
4-methylguaiacol 0.237 0.101 0.205 0.203
eugenol 0.086 0.044 0.054 0.058
4-ethylguaiacol 0.122 0.042 0.103 0.100
isoeugenolo (cis + trans) 0.426 0.258 0.226 0.233
vanillin 0.101 0.103 0.056 0.067
4-acetoneguaiacol 0.046 0.030 0.043 0.050
total guaiacols 1.219 0.680 0.861 0.876
syringol 0.739 0.365 0.685 0.737
4-methylsyringol 0.226 0.127 0.202 0.212
syringaldehyde 0.286 0.175 0.145 0.206
acetosyringone 0.079 0.053 0.052 0.071
total syringols 1.330 0.721 1.084 1.227
benzene 0.0012 0.001 0.001 0.001
total 35.601 36.356 32.835 39.973
3198 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003

Table 4. Yields of Liquid Compounds, Expressed as Percent of the Total Liquid Mass, for Conventional Pyrolysis (for
One Reactor Temperature, Tr) and Fast Pyrolysis (Samples Are Indicated by the Name of Producer and the Water
Content is Derived from Ref 29)
pyrolysis fast pyrolysis
Tr ) 800 K BTG Dynamotive Ensyn Pyrovac
compound (% liquid) (% liquid) (% liquid) (% liquid) (% liquid)
water 38.100 30.400 21.100 20.300 15.700
hydroxyacetaldehyde 3.322 6.645 5.645 3.690 2.535
acetic acid 9.631 3.180 2.458 4.733 2.247
hydroxypropanone 2.778 2.815 3.905 1.630 1.095
levoglucosan 1.197 2.960 4.480 3.705 3.715
total major carbohydrates 16.928 15.600 16.488 13.758 9.592
propionic acid 0.398 0.280 0.325 0.655 0.295
1-hydroxy-2-butanone 0.376 0.070 0.205 0.090 0.100
formic acid 0.666 0.190 0.128 0.122 0.069
2-methyl-2-cyclopentenone 0.124 0.060 0.165 0.140 0.525
3-methyl-2-cyclopentenone 0.207 0.105 0.160 0.225 0.205
3-ethyl-2-hydroxy-2-cyclo- 0.096 0.037 0.045 0.039 0.090
acetoxyacetone 0.279 0.145 0.215 0.215 0.110
total minor carbohydrates 2.147 0.887 1.243 1.486 1.394
2-furaldehyde 0.660 0.350 0.530 0.530 0.300
furfuryl alcohol 0.117 0.074 0.080 0.080 0.085
furantetrahydro-2,5- 0.236 0.037 0.060 0.005 0.000
dimethoxy (cis + trans)
2-acetylfuran 0.045 0.025 0.030 0.045 0.030
5-methyl-2-furaldehyde 0.123 0.055 0.145 0.075 0.120
(5H)-furan-2-one 0.476 0.535 0.615 0.500 0.510
total furans 1.656 1.076 1.460 1.235 1.045
phenol 0.096 0.075 0.095 0.225 0.315
cresol (m + o + p) 0.108 0.095 0.110 0.170 0.360
2-ethylphenol 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.021
2,5- + 2,4-dimethylphenol 0.045 0.020 0.050 0.065 0.220
3,4-dimethylphenol 0.008 0.000 0.010 0.010 0.020
hydroquinone 0.280 0.170 0.300 0.325 0.470
2-methyl-4-propylphenol 0.022 0.022 0.085 0.010 0.031
total phenols 0.563 0.384 0.655 0.813 1.437
guaiacol 0.364 0.355 0.530 0.210 0.325
4-methyl guaiacol 0.431 0.650 1.225 0.230 0.405
eugenol 0.157 0.415 0.710 1.795 0.240
4-ethyl guaiacol 0.222 0.120 0.365 0.075 0.125
isoeugenolo (cis + trans) 0.772 1.412 2.798 0.492 1.175
vanillin 0.183 0.815 0.290 0.080 0.245
4-acetoneguaiacol 0.083 0.095 0.140 0.065 0.110
total guaiacols 2.213 3.862 6.058 2.947 2.625
syringol 1.341 0.160 0.140 0.605 0.210
4-methyl syringol 0.411 0.130 0.120 0.220 0.150
syringaldehyde 0.520 0.040 0.000 1.155 0.065
acetosyringone 0.143 0.010 0.000 0.205 0.015
total syringols 2.414 0.340 0.260 2.185 0.440
benzene 0.0021 0 0 0.008 0

reaction paths has also been reported to be highly genol. However, guaiacols and syringols are intermedi-
dominated by salts and metal ions35-36,60 and thus by ate species, given their decline at high temperature. On
feed pretreatments (hot water or acid washing), which the contrary, phenols continuously increase, indicating
reduce the ash content. More specifically, the large that they are also formed from secondary degradation.44
increase in the levoglucosan yield following these pre- It is worth pointing out that other species, such as acetic
treatments is associated with a corresponding decrease acid and permanent gases,35,63 are also formed from the
in the yield of hydroxyacetaldehyde. These two major degradation of lignin components.
reaction pathways are preceded and accompanied by The TICs registered for the liquid collected from the
dehydration and elimination reactions35,36,39,40 leading updraft gasification tests for the two conditions listed
to formation of other components quantitatively impor- above (Tmax of 831 and 842 K) are qualitatively similar
tant, such as the above-mentioned furans, acetic and to those obtained from the conventional pyrolysis tests.
formic acids, and hydroxypropanone. The compound yields are listed in Table 3 together with
Syringols, guaiacols, and phenols originate from lignin those obtained for conventional pyrolysis and compa-
degradation.44,56,57,61-63 The total yield attains a maxi- rable maximum temperatures (Tr ) 800-900 K). It can
mum of ∼2.9% (of dry wood) for Tr ) 800 K with major be seen that the figures are roughly the same, so that
contributions from syringol, syringaldehyde, and isoeu- the findings obtained for conventional pyrolysis can be
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003 3199

Table 5. Yields of Liquid Compounds, Expressed as Percent of the Total Liquid Mass, for Fast Pyrolysis (Samples Are
Indicated by the Name of the Producer) As Determined in This Study and the Round Robin Testing of Ref 29
BTG Dynamotive Ensyn Pyrovac
(wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %)
this round this round this round this round
compound study robin study robin study robin study robin
hydroxyacetaldehyde 6.645 6.89-11.1 5.645 3.32-7.7 3.690 1.81-3.34 2.535 1.09-3.2
acetic acid 3.171 3.23-8.98 2.458 2.7-7.84 4.733 3.9-11.2 2.247 2.05-5.26
hydroxypropanone 2.815 3.28-7.3 3.905 2.07-7.82 1.630 1.48-3.65 1.095 0.84-3.17
propionic acid 0.280 0.21-0.64 0.325 0.17-0.63 0.655 0.26-0.31 0.295 0.19-0.35
1-hydroxy-2-butanone 0.070 0.27 0.205 0.31 0.090 0.17 0.100 0.17
furantetrahydro-2,5- 0.030 0.050 0.000 0.000
dimethoxy (cis)
furantetrahydro-2,5- 0.010 0.20-0.54 0.010 0.20-0.81 0.005 0.16-0.65 0.000 0.15-0.47
dimethoxy (trans)
2-furaldehyde 0.350 0.530 0.530 0.300
furfuryl alcohol 0.074 0.080 0.080 0.085
acetoxyacetone 0.145 0.215 0.215 0.110
2-methyl-2-cyclo- 0.060 0.165 0.140 0.525
2-acetylfuran 0.025 0.030 0.045 0.030
5-methyl-2-furaldehyde 0.055 0.145 0.075 0.120
3-methyl-2-cyclo- 0.105 0.160 0.225 0.205
(5H)-furan-2-one 0.535 0.54 0.615 0.6 0.500 0.32 0.510 0.53
3-ethyl-2-hydroxy-2- 0.037 0.045 0.039 0.090
4-hydroxybenzaldehyde 0.011 0.010 0.015 0.033
levoglucosan 2.960 3.31-5.5 4.480 3.98-7.5 3.705 2.9-4.41 3.715 3.06-8.4
formic acid 0.190 0.9-13.55 0.126 0.29-9.35 0.122 0.52-11.32 0.069 0.48-8.26
phenol 0.075 0.04-0.15 0.095 0.07-0.10 0.225 0.10-0.26 0.315 0.16-0.44
cresol (m + o + p) 0.095 0.04-0.2 0.110 0.04-0.2 0.170 0.13-0.32 0.360 0.49-0.75
2-ethylphenol 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.021
2,5+2,4-dimethylphenol 0.020 0.050 0.065 0.220
3,4-dimethylphenol 0.000 0.010 0.010 0.020
2-methyl-4-propylphenol 0.022 0.085 0.010 0.031
hydroquinone 0.170 0.300 0.325 0.470
eugenol 0.415 0.03-0.21 0.710 0.06-0.29 1.795 0-0.07 0.240 0.02-0.12
guaiacol 0.355 0.11-0.51 0.530 0.16-0.54 0.210 0.05-0.18 0.325 0.17-0.37
4-methyl guaiacol 0.650 0.48-0.59 1.225 0.8-0.83 0.230 0.13-0.18 0.405 0.36-0.61
4-ethyl guaiacol 0.120 0.11-0.12 0.365 0.24 0.075 0.05-0.08 0.125 0.14-0.15
isoeugenol (cis + trans) 1.412 0.34-0.36 2.798 0.54-0.79 0.492 0.05-0.07 1.175 0.07-0.5
vanillin 0.815 0.16-0.33 0.290 0.23-0.34 0.080 0.07-0.32 0.245 0.17-0.19
4-acetone guaiacol 0.095 0.140 0.065 0.110
syringol 0.160 0.09 0.140 0.13 0.605 0-1.81 0.210 0-0.58
4-methyl syringol 0.130 0.120 0.220 0.150
syringaldehyde 0.040 0.000 1.155 0.065
acetosyringone 0.010 0.000 0.205 0.015
total 22.154 20.23-50.98 26.171 15.91-46.02 22.439 12.10-38.59 16.567 10.14-33.52

extended to pyrolysis liquids generated from updraft two fractions: a low-volatility organic fraction, which
gasification. was provided for the analyses, and the water- and
Fast Pyrolysis. The TICs registered for the fast volatile-rich fraction. In this case, much lower amounts
pyrolysis liquids are also qualitatively similar to those of major carbohydrates (hydroxyacetaldehyde, acetic
obtained from conventional pyrolysis tests. A quantita- acid, hydroxypropanone) and furans (in particular,
tive comparison is provided through Table 4 (conven- 2-furaldehyde) are produced. On the contrary, the yields
tional pyrolysis results for Tr ) 800 K, a temperature of phenolics are roughly 2-4 times higher.
close to those of the fast pyrolysis tests, are included).
Some differences between the fast pyrolysis liquids
In this case, the yields are expressed as percent of the
derived from wood can be explained by the different
total liquid, given that the exact amounts of product
classes (liquid, char, gas) produced for the fast pyrolysis nature of the lignin components. In fact, the yields of
tests were not available. Though the different conver- lignin-derived products are known to be dependent on
sion technology (vacuum versus atmospheric) may be the wood category.62 Softwood lignins typically degrade
an important issue, it is believed that feedstock char- to guaiacyl products, whereas hardwood lignin typically
acteristics and method of liquid collection are the main gives rise to both guaiacyl and syringyl products. Hence,
causes for the very large differences shown by the in accordance with the different lignin structures, the
Pyrovac sample with respect to the other fast pyrolysis yields of guiacols are higher for the softwood liquids
liquids. The entire amount of liquid collected was (BTG and Dynamotive samples), whereas the hardwood
provided by BTG and Dynamotive and presumably by liquids (Ensyn sample) show much higher contents of
Ensyn, whose collection method also included water syringols. Also, it can be noted that the lignin-derived
scrubbing. For the Pyrovac technology, apart from the products are higher for the Dynamotive and Ensyn
use of bark (versus wood), the liquid was collected into liquids (7 and 6%, respectively, versus 4.6% of the BTG
3200 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 14, 2003

sample), in accordance with the higher percent of C in formation of furans and carbohydrates and the latter
the elemental composition.29 to phenolics. The high number of liquid compounds
As shown by the data listed in Table 5, the quantifi- quantified represents a significant advancement with
cations determined here for the fast pyrolysis liquids respect the current state of the art, for improving both
are comprised in the range of values given by Oasmaa reactor development/optimization and formulation of
and Meier in ref 29. On the other hand, these authors detailed reaction mechanisms.
pointed out that the differences between the results of Furan derivatives first attain a maximum at very low
the different laboratories are high, so that they suggest heating temperatures (∼650 K), as a consequence of
a calibration of the gas and liquid chromatographic primary degradation, and then slightly decrease, plau-
systems with (common) standard solutions. As stated sibly due to secondary, vapor-phase reactions (the most
above, to improve the accuracy of the quantification, in abundant product is 2-furaldehyde, which attains yields
this study, calibration curves have been constructed up to ∼0.35% of dry wood). Major contributions to
with the use of at least four standard solutions. Fur- carbohydrates are given by acetic acid, hydroxypro-
thermore, in some cases, it has been necessary to recon- panone, hydroxyacetaldehyde, levoglucosan, and formic
struct the calibration curves by adequate selection of acid (maxima of 5.5, 1.6, 2.3, 0.8, and 0.6% of dry wood,
the standard values. Indeed, extrapolations outside the respectively). The mild thermal conditions examined do
calibration range resulted in significant over- or under- no affect significantly the yields of acetic acid, formic
estimations of the concentrations to be determined. acid, and hydroxypropanone, whereas both hydroxyac-
In addition to thermal conditions (heating rate and etaldehyde and levoglucosan continuously increase with
temperature) and feedstock properties, the different temperature, supporting a common origin from primary
scale of the process, also in relation to the collection decomposition reactions. In this way, the existence of
systems, between conventional and fast pyrolysis (labo- two main routes already postulated in the fast pyrolysis
ratory versus commercial plants) introduces a further of cellulose is also confirmed for slow heating rates. The
difference. So the comparison should be considered only first (transglycosylation) leads to levoglucosan forma-
as preliminary. With reference to the wood-derived tion, the second (fragmentation and partial recombina-
liquids, conventional pyrolysis produces lower yields of tion) gives hydroxyacetaldehyde, hydroxypropanone,
levoglucosan and hydroxyacetaldehyde (up to factors of acetic acid, and other minor species.
4 and 2, respectively). On the contrary, the yields of Syringols, guaiacols, and phenols, originating from
acetic acid, formic acid, and 2-furadehyde are higher (up lignin degradation, attain a maximum of ∼2.9% of dry
to factors of 4, 5.5, and 2, respectively). Furthermore, wood with major contributions from syringol, syringal-
the water content is also higher. It can be postulated dehyde, and isoeugenol. Decomposition of guaiacols and
that the slower heating rates, which result in lower syringols already becomes important for heating tem-
reaction temperatures, may enhance dehydration and peratures of ∼800 K, whereas phenols continuously
elimination reactions with respect to transglycosylation. increase.
Furthermore, as already observed for cellulose pyroly- In the second part of the study, the influence of the
sis,35,36 low yields of hydroxyacetaldehyde are associated heating rate on the yields of 40 compounds of the
with high yields of char (these are ∼20-25% for pyrolysis liquids, not reported by previous literature,
conventional pyrolysis versus ∼10% for fast pyrolysis, has also been investigated. Heating rates of conven-
percentages referred to dry wood). The distribution and tional pyrolysis are at least 1 or 2 orders of magnitude
yields of lignin-derived products do not appear to be slower than those typically achieved in fast pyrolysis.
significantly affected by the heating conditions, while Results obtained for conventional pyrolysis (laboratory
the importance of the wood category is confirmed with scale) and fast pyrolysis (four commercial-scale plants)
a close similarity between the results obtained for indicate that faster heating rates enhance the formation
hardwoods (conventional pyrolysis and Ensyn liquids). of levoglucosan and hydroxyacetaldehyde with a dimi-
nution in the yields of carboxylic acids.
The first part of this study investigates the depen-
dence on the heating temperature of the composition, The experimental tests were carried out in the
determined by means of GC/MS, of liquids derived from framework of a R&D project partially funded by the
wood pyrolysis. The experimental tests have been European Commission. The kindness of the producers
executed under conditions reproducing those of the of the fast pyrolysis liquids (BTG in The Netherlands
pyrolysis section in updraft gasifiers, by feeding wood and Dynamotive, Ensyn, and Pyrovac in Canada), who
particles to a preheated reactor (temperatures in the made samples available through the European network
range 600-900 K). PyNe, is greatly appreciated. C.D.B. also thanks the
Identification of liquid components confirms previous PyNe group, in particular Stefan Czernik, Tony Bridg-
findings. That is, liquids obtained from updraft gasifica- water, Dietrich Meier, Anja Oasmaa, Jan Piskorz, and
tion (conventional pyrolysis) and fast pyrolysis are Wolter Prins, for many useful discussions during the
qualitatively the same. Indeed, for both cases, the years on the subject of this paper.
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