White MY40 MY60 Operator Manual
White MY40 MY60 Operator Manual
White MY40 MY60 Operator Manual
an. -
Fig. 1-1.
1-1. SCOPE
lift truck are made in respect to the normal direction of
1-2. This manual provides instructions on the operation travel, which is forward.
maintenance and overhaul of the MY Series Lift Trucks.
Most of the instructions apply to both the MY 40 and the 1-6. The trucks can be equipped with either a gasoline
MY 60. Where there are differences, it will be noted or LP gas engine. The MY 40 has a capacity of 4000
either in the text or the paragraph heading. pounds, the MY 60 a capacity of 6000 pounds, both at
a 24 inch load center.
1-3. It is strongly recommended that all personnel con-
cerned with the various phases of this manual have a 1-7. The lift truck is a completely self-contained vehicle;
thorough knowledge and understanding of the equipment its power train consisting of a four-cylinder gasoline engine,
and the instructions pertaining thereof, before performing a hydraulic torque converter, and a multiple disc clutch and
any procedure with the equipment. power shaft type transmission. All these assemblies are in-
tegrally mounted together, forming one compact unit, which
1-4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION in turn drives the front axle differential and the front drive
wheels. A gear-type pump, driven from the engine cam-
1-5. Due to its design and intended purpose, the equip- shaft, supplies pressure to the hydraulic system. Electrical
ment will be referred to as "lift truck" throughout this components of the lift truck utilize the current supplied
manual. Reference to either the right or left sides of the from one 12-volt battery.
1-8. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 1-12. INCHING SYSTEM. The inching system is con-
trolled by the combination inching - braking pedal.
1-9. ENGINE. The engine (figure 1-2) is a four-cylinder, (figure 1-7). The pedal actuates a valve which suppiles
four-cycle gasoline or LP-Gas operated, valve-in-head a restricted pressure to the clutch. The clutch is thus
type. Its normal speed with no load is 1750 rpm. One allowed to slip, thereby delivering only partial power to
complete stroke is required for intake, compression; power, the drive wheels, with a resultant slow ground speed.
and exhaust, thereby providing one power stroke per cylin-
der for each two revolutions of the crankshaft. 1-13. DIFFERENTIAL AND DRIVE AXLE. See figure
1-2. Coupled to, and driven by the transmission pinion
1-10. TORQUE CONVERTER. The torque converter shaft (output), is the conventional type automotive
(2, figure 1-2) is a compact, complete, sealed unit con- differential. The assembly is provided with an internal
sisting of an impeller, turbine, and single-stage stator. gear reduction at the axle end, which forms an offset in
The charging pump is coupled to the engine flywheel the axle and allows a lower center of gravity for the lift
through the impeller hub. The oil from the pump charges truck. A common lubricant is used for the transuil*an„
the converter, and the torque is multiplied by the stator. differential, and axles. n"
The turbine is splined to the input shaft in the transmission.
1-14. STEER AXLE. The rear e ',ne lift truck is
supported by a heavy-duty axle casting which embodies
1-11. TRANSMISSION. The transmission (figure 1-2) the conventional wheel spindles, steering arms, tie rods,
is a power shaft gear box equipped with two pairs of and drag link which in turn is connected to the hydraulic
hydraulically actuated multiple disc clutches. One set steering booster.
of clutches is mounted on the input shaft and controls
the forward and reverse movement of the lift truck. 1-15. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. The hydraulic tank is an
The other set is mounted on the output shaft, and deter- integral part of the main frame, on the right hand side.
mines either high or , low range. The control valve re- A gear type pump draws fluid from the tank, to a control
ceives pressure from an engine-driven hydraulic pump valve, and to the hydraulic steering booster. Fluid under
mounted on the transmission cover. The valve is con- pressure is available on demand at each of these compon-
trolled by the hand levers mounted on the steering column. ents when the engine is running. Return lines complete
An "inching" valve, incorporated into the control valve the circuit when the cylinders or booster are not in use.
supplies only partial pressure to the clutches, when it is Extra valves are available for operating attachments. The
activated by the inching pedal. This feature provides system is controlled by hand levers located conveniently
very slow ground speeds at full engine speed. to the right of the operator.
1. Engine 3. Transmission
2. Torque converter 4. Differential
lift truck is accomplished by an 18-inch diameter steering
wheel, which is mounted on an automotive-type steering a. The heavy duty type service brake uses two identical
column. A hydraulic steering booster is incorporated into brake shoes which are anchored against individual anchor
tke drag link. As the steering wheel is turned, a valve in pins mounted in a spider fastened to the axle. Individual
, he booster opens, and hydraulic pressure from the hy- shoe return springs, each hooked between an anchor pin
' Clraulic system assists in turning the rear wheels. and the underside of its shoe table, hold the shoes anchored.
A brake backing plate, mounted behind the spider, supports
1-17. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. The electrical system con- the brake wheel cylinder and provides three shoe support pads
sists of a 12-volt battery, generator, voltage regulator, for each shoe against which the shoes rest. Shoes are loosely
starter, coil, and distributor. The battery is the basic held on the backing plate by hold -down pins and spring
"f electrical current; the generator maintains the clips, two being used on the secondary shoe, one on the
batter) barged condition; and the voltage regulator primary shoe. Opposite the anchor, brake shoes are linked
governs , f voltage output into the electrical by a floating star wheel adjuster and a single retracting
system. Head al :ughts are available as optional spring hooked between the shoe ribs so that it engages and
equipment. locks the star wheel. The star wheel is reached through a
slot in the backing plate and is used to expand the shoes
1-18. LIFT AND TILT ASSEMBLY. The lift and tilt as required to adjust lining clearance. The star wheel link
assembly consists of an upright forks, a lift cylinder, and causes the shoes to function as a single compound unit. In
two tilt cylinders. The lift and tilt mechanism is con- operation, one shoe, depending upon drum rotation, leaves
trolled by hand levers located at the right of the opera- its anchor. (The "primary" shoe is dragged from its anchor
tor's seat. The truck is capable of lifting its rated load by forward drum rotation while the "secondary" shoe re-
from ground level up to a specified height, depending on mains anchored. In reverse drum rotation, the "secondary"
the mast assembly on the truck. The upright can be shoe is the one leaving the anchor.)
tilted from 6" forward of vertical to 12 ° aft of vertical
(other degrees of tilt optional). A restrictor valve in b. The same brake shoes are utilized in a cable operated
the system provides that the load will not drop at a rate of parking brake. A toggle lever, pinned to the rib of the
more than 80 feet per minute in case of hydraulic failure secondary shoe, engages a connecting link, pinned to the
or damage to the lines. primary shoe rib. The parking brake cable is connected
Release handle
Fig. 1-4. Servicing Accessibility
Bore and stroke 3-3/4 x 5 in.
Number of cylinders 4
Displacement 220 cu. in.
Ft./lb. torque 1800 rpm 170
Ft. /lb. torque peak @ 1200 rpm 189
Material drop forged steel, heat treated
Bearings 3 precision
Front and intermediate 2-3/4 in. dia. x 1-5/8 in.
Rear 3 in. dia. x 2-3/16 in.
Cast in pairs
Material special alloy cast iron
Style Drop-forged steel, heat-treated section
Bearings 2-5/8 in. x 1-1/4 in.
PISTONS Aluminum Alloy
Rings 4
Compression two 3/32 in. wide
Oil two 5/32 in. wide
PINS full floating
Bearing (in rod) 1 in. x 1-3/8 in.
Number of bearings 3
Drive Helical gears
Tappets barrel ported
Intake valves alloy steel, 1-1/4 in. dia.
Exhaust valves alloy steel, 1-11/64 in. dia. port.
Exhaust valve seat inserts stellite
Gas and LP gas 1 12-volt battery
Spark Plugs 18 mm
Generator capacity 20 amps
Regulator capacity 20 amps
LUBRICATION Pressure points to rod, main and camshaft bearings,
timing gears, valve mechanism
Pump gear
Location submerged in sump
Capacity 6 gpm at 30 psi
Filter full flow with replaceable spin-on element
Crankcase capacity 7 qts.
Oil level gauge bayonet
Pressure gauge ..... on instrument panel
Pump centrifugal V-belt drive
Capacity 40 gpm at 1800 rpm
Fan 18 in. dia--6 blade
Radiator capacity 5-1/2 gals.
Core flat tube and fin type
1 -5
MY 40 MY 60
2-1. SERVICE UPON DELIVERY. c. Give the battery a booster charge after it has been
filled and dated. Fast charge for at least 10 minutes at
a. UNLOADING. Since the lift truck may be shipped the rate of 30 to 40 amps; or slow charge for at least 30
from the factory in a number of ways, no attempt will minutes at 10 amps. See paragraphs 3-7, 3-8, and 3-9
be made to cover all methods of unloading procedures. for battery service procedures and data.
The trucks were shipped from the factory in accordance d. If any electrolyte spilled on the battery, flush it off
with standard shipping procedures, and should be unloaded with clean water. Dry the battery before installing.
from their carriers in a safe, logical manner.
2-4. SERVICE PRIOR TO USE. The following procedures e. The battery has a negative ground. Install it with
are to be accomplished before operation of the lift truck: the negative terminal toward the front of the truck.
Install the clamp and cables.
2-6. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. Inspect wiring and con-
a. The battery is shipped without electrolyte. Raise nections. Actuate light switch and inspect the lights for
the left hand section of the hood, remove the battery proper response. Place ignition switch "ON" and test for
from the lift truck, and discard any vent plug seals.
electrical current to that component. With switcl% -
Fill all cells to the proper level with electrolyte. Allow test horn.
the battery to stand for about 20 minutes after filling.
2-7. FUEL SYSTEM (GASOLINE). Open the fill cover
WARNING of the fuel tank located on the left side of the lift truck;
fill as necessary with a good grade of regular gasoline.
Electrolyte can burn or damage the eyes, Close the tank cover, and padlock if desired. Wipe the
skin, or clothing. Wear safety glasses to tank free of dirt or fuel hose leakage, and inspect fuel
prevent damage to the eyes due to splashed
line and engine-mounted accessories for signs of fuel
electrolyte. If electrolyte is spilled on the
leakage at their connections. Open shut-off valve located
skin or clothing, flush off immediately with on fuel tank-to-fuel pump line.
a solution of baking soda and water, or some
other neutralizing agent, then flush off with 2-8. FUEL SYSTEM (LP-GAS). Open the valve on the
clean water. fuel supply tank. Check all connections in the fuel line
for evidence of leaks. A leak will result in a formation
b. Code date the battery according to the month and of frost at the point of the leak.
year. Stamp the code on the intercell connector nearest
the negative terminal of the battery. The first number 2-9. WHEELS AND TIRES., Inflate front tires to 85
of the code indicates the month (1-January, 2-February, pounds and rear tires to 80 pounds pressure. Inspect
etc.), and the second number indicates the year (1-1961, tires very closely for nails, glass, or any other foreign
2-1962, etc.). particles that may impair tire life.
2-10'. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. Remove the breather cap 2-12. LIFT TRUCK BODY. Inspect all sheet metal
from the hydraulic tank located on the right side of the and fabricated parts for distortion or damage. Tighten
lift truck. Fill as necessary in accordance with the lub- all screws and nuts, particularly those of the steering
rication instructions given in figure 1-10. The capacity wheel column, instrument panel components, and brake
of the system with a duplex cylinder is 12 gallons; with and accelerator pedals.
a simplex cylinder, 11 gallons. With the mast fully
raised and oil in the lines and cylinders, the oil should 2-13. COOLING SYSTEM. Remove the engine radiator
be up to the "Full" mark on the dipstick. cap and inspect the coolant level. If weather is above
freezing temperatures, add clean water until it covers
2-11. LUBRICATION. The lift trucks are completely the radiator core as seen through the fill cap opening.
For operation in sub-freezing temperatures, provide the
serviced prior to delivery with lubricants specified for 13.5 quart capacity cooling system with a good grade
the ambient factory temperatures, and should require no permanent anti -freeze solution. Inspect for coolant
further lubrication at point of delivery unless temper- leakage at all connections.
atures differ greatly from those at the factory. If such
is the case, service the lift truck according to the lubri-
cation chart, figure 1-10.
2-19. CHANGING LP-GAS TANKS. To change LP tanks, c. Constantly check for personnel and obstacles in path
close the fuel valve. Disconnect the quick coupler, and of both lift truck and load; keep lifting forks in driver's
release the Clamps. Lift the tank out of the bracket. In- view whenever possible.
stall the new tank, secure it with the clamps, and connect
the quick coupler. d. Transport load at lowest practical level, for maximum
stability and visibility. Avoid sudden stops, sharp turns
in either direction, and excessive speed.
ACCORDANCE WITH ICC AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. e. Never leave the lift truck unattended with engine
running or load elevated. Lower forks to bottom of mast
and apply parking brakes before leaving lift truck.
f. Strap or otherwise secure load to carriage when des-
2-21. The following safety precautions must always,be cending grades steeper than 10 degrees from horizontal
observed: in a forward direction. Do not attempt operation of
loaded lift truck on ascents or descents greater than 20
a. Driver should be thoroughly familar with the lift degrees.
truck, its capabilities and its limitations, before at-
tempting its operation. Never attempt operation of a g. Do not attempt to lift or transport loads that exceed
lift truck known to be faulty. the rated capacity of the truck.
b. Provide adequate ventilation in operational area; h. Always secure forks in position with lock levers.
avoid prolonged operation in enclosed areas.
i. Close the tank valve on an LP-Gas unit when leaving
the truck unattended.
Section III.
2-25. IGNITION SWITCH. The ignition switch a. Gasoline. The fuel gage (8, figure 1-8) electrically
(11, figure 1-8) is a means of opening and closing the senses and indicates the amount of fuel in the lift truck
ignition circuit; the engine is inoperative unless the fuel tank.
switch is turned "ON".
b. LP-Gas. The gage (1, figure 1-9) indicates the
2-26. STARTER SWITCH. Depressing the starter switch amount of LP-Gas in the tank.
(10, figure 1-8) with ignition switch "ON", energizes the
starting motor which in turn drives the engine flywheel 2-31. CHOKE CONTROL. (Gasoline only). The choke
ring gear until combustion takes place in the engine. control button (5, figure 1-7) is cable connected to the
choke disc in the carburetor assembly. Pulling forward
2-27. AMMETER. The ammeter (9, figure 1-8) indicates on the choke button closes the choke disc, thereby en-
the activity of the electrical system. If the needle in- riching the air and gasoline mixture and providing quicker
starting of a cold engine. Push the choke button in as the spark plugs produces a continuous source of driving energy
engine warms up to operating temperature; if all carburetor for the crankshaft. The transmission is inter-connected
settings are correct, the resulting fuel mixture will be cor- to the engine by a torque converter and plate arrange-
rect for proper engine operation. ment, and a series of multiple disc clutches in the trans-
mission allows the operator a selection of two speeds in
2-32. LIGHTING SYSTEM (OPTIONAL). Pulling out- either forward or reverse direction, and also a neutral
wardly on the light button (4, figure 1-8) closes the position when no travel is desired. The transmission is
circuit to the lights, thereby energizing them from the in turn geared to the differential of the drive axle by
current supplied by the battery. Returning button in- means of a bevel pinion and ring gear. Shifting of the
wardly toward the panel opens the circuit, and renders levers results in rotating the axle shafts in a clockwise or
the lights inoperative. counterclockwise movement, depending upon which gears
are engaged within the transmission housing.
With the ignition switch in the "ON" position, actuation 2-34. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. The hydraulic pump pro-
of the various components is achieved in the following vides a constant flow of hydraulic fluid under pressure
sequence: Depressing the starter button energizes the when the engine is running. The control levers direct the
starting motor which is pinion meshed with the engine flow to the lift or tilt cylinders or to the hydraulically
flywheel ring gear teeth. As the ring gear is rotated by actuated attachments. Fluid is also supplied directly from
the starting motor, the crankshaft is forced to rotate. the pump to the hydraulic steering booster. Return passages
It is at this point that fuel vapors enter the piston cham- in the system provide a complete circuit for the fluid when
bers and are ignited by the electrical impulse delivered the cylinders are not being utilized.
by the spark plugs. The synchronized firing order of the
Section I. Lubrication
a. The lubrication chart (figurel-10)illustrates lubrica- d. Apply only the grade of lubricant specified for
tion points of the lift truck and prescribes approved operation under the temperature ranges indicated.
lubricants, recommended intervals, and application
procedures. e. It is recommended automotive practice to operate
the lift truck immediately after a complete lubrication
b. In order that the lubricants can accomplish the pro- change in order to distribute the lubricant most effec-
tection for which they were intended, they must be kept tively.
free from dust, dirt, water, or other forms of contaminants.
f. Special or detailed instructions for servicing the
c. Wipe each lubrication fitting clean with a cloth before lift truck components are outlined in the lubrication
applying lubricants. chart under "NOTES".
3-2. PERIODIC IN-SERVICE MAINTENANCE. able, use clean rain water or regular drinking water that
is low in mineral content. Since the water and the
3-3. GENERAL. The instructions contained in this electrolyte in the battery will not mix until charged by
section are intended to aid the operator in maintaining the generator current, make a practice of operating the
the lift truck in an efficient, trouble-free condition. engine for a minimum of one hour after filling if the
It is the purpose of this section to acquaint the operator danger of freezing exists.
with the possibilities of equipment malfunction, the
indications of malfunction, and the corrective measures
to be taken. Thorough understanding of the instructions WARNING
by the operator is required to prevent minor malfunc-
tions from going unnoticed until a part or a system is If the battery electrolyte is accidently
damaged beyond repair, resulting in removing the lift spilled or comes in contact with skin or
truck from service for extended periods. clothing, immediately apply baking soda
or a similar neutralizing agent.
tools are required by operating personnel to maintain 3-8. Use an accurate hydrometer to check the elec-
the lift truck in serviceable condition. Standard tools, trolyte specific gravity. When fully charged, the read-
commonly used by automotive mechanics, should be ing should be 1.240 to 1.260 at a liquid temperature of
`made available to the operator. 80° F. Wide variations from this reading between the
cells indicates a faulty battery, and requires replace-
3-5. MAINTENANCE CHARTS. In addition to, and ment with a new battery.
summarizing the procedures of this section, Table I is
presented in chart form to provide the operator with a WARNING
ready reference as to typical troubles, the probable Since the batteries release highly flammable
cause, and remedy procedures required. hydrogen gas when being charged, keep all
forms of sparks or flame away from lift truck.
3-9. Wash batteries clean with solution 1/2 pound baking
NOTE soda mixed with 1 quart of water, apply with a brush, and
flush with clear water. Prevent solution from entering
Disconnect battery ground cable before vent holes; make sure holes are open after cleaning. Ap-
working on electrical components. ply a light film of petroleum jelly to the battery terminals
and cable clamps to retard corrosion.
3-7. BATTERY. Battery "life" depends entirely upon
proper care and thorough periodic inspections. The 3-10. GENERATOR. In addition to maintaining the
most important service in maintaining the battery, is generator (1, figure 1-17) in a clean condition at all times,
to inspect the electrolyte (liquid) level daily. Add a more detailed inspection of the brushes and commuta-
distilled water until the tops of the plates are covered tor is required every 500 hours of operation. With the
approximately 1/8 inch. If distilled water is not avail- generator mounted on the engine, remove the commuta -
Hours listed in "APPLICATION SCHEDULE" refer to *HYDRAULIC OIL TANK. Check daily and maintain
actual hours of machine operation. Bracketed ( ) level at "Full" mark on dipstick, with mast fully
numbers indicate similar lubrication points requiring raised. Use ATF Type A Suffix A AQATF 696A (Tex-
lubrication. An asterisk *, indicates detailed lubrica- aco) oil. Drain, clean, and refill every 2000 hours.
tion instructions as follows:
*RADIATOR. Check daily. Refill as required. Add
*AIR CLEANER. Service air cleaner every 40 operating permanent type anti-freeze when air temperature is
hours or oftener as required. Remove and empty oil 32° F. or lower.
cup. Scrape out sediment and wash cup thoroughly.
Refill cup to level mark with same grade oil as used
in engine. *FUEL PUMP. Clean bowl and screen.
*STEERING GEAR. Check oil level every 40 operating *TRANSMISSION. ATF Type A Suffix A AQATF 696A
hours. Keep reservoir filled with SAE 90 gear lube.
(Texaco) oil. Change oil and filter every 500 op-
Use a high grade straight mineral oil. erating hours. Drain transmission, change filter,
and clean suction strainer in transmission case after
first 40 hours. Check oil level daily.
level every 40 hours. Keep filled to within 1/4" from
top. Keep vent hole in filler cap open at all times.
*DIFFERENTIAL. The lubricant used in the differential
*GENERATOR. Every .60 operating hours, add 8 to 10 is common to the transmission; therefore, checking
drops SAE lOW engine oil to the respective oil cups. and changing are the same.
*STARTER. Place 8 to 10 drops SAE lOW oil in oil cup TORQUE CONVERTER. The lubricant used in the con-
every 300 operating hours. verter is common to the transmission and differential.
Drain at the time of the transmission oil change. Ro-
*ENGINE OIL. The crankcase capacity is 6 U.S. quarts; tate converter until drain plug is visible in hole in
the filter holds an additional quart. Check twice daily, bottom of housing. Converter will recharge itself with
drain and refill every 200 operating hours and change engine running. Recheck transmission oil level after
filter every 400 operating hours under normal service. charging converter.
*DISTRIBUTOR. Each 300 operating hours place 3 or 4
drops SAE 10W oil on wick under rotor. Remove plug BREATHERS. Check and clean the breathers for the
at side of housing and fill with SAE 20 oil each 300 crankcase, hydraulic system, and the differential
operating hours. Apply a trace of high quality ball each 60 operating hours. Clean the breather caps
bearing lubricant to the breaker cam every 300 operat-
in solvent, dip in clean engine oil, then shake out
ing hours. the excess oil.
wires from the motor, remove the large lock bolt that 3-15. OIL PUMP. With the engine running at full
secures the starting motor to the engine, and withdraw governed speed and normal operating temperature,
the motor from the engine flywheel housing. Wash the the dash panel-mounted oil pressure gage should reg-
pinion and shaft of the motor with clean kerosene, dry ister between 25 to 35 pounds.. Erratic action, flick-
completely, and re-install on engine being sure that the ering, or a sudden lowering in the pressure is not al--
lock bolt engages the upper hole in the starting motor ways an indication of oil pump malfunction: check
housing. Clean the lead wire terminals and make proper the crankcase oil level, test for a faulty gage by dis-
connections of the motor leads and the negative lead of connecting the oil gage tube at the engine connection
the battery. If starting motor still fails to operate, install and turn the engine over with the starting motor. If
a new assembly in its place; tag the faulty motor for a steady stream of oil comes out of the fitting in the
overhaul. crankcase, the gage is faulty and not the pump. If
no oil comes out of the fitting, or the stream is broken
3-13 SPARK PLUGS. Whenever engine performance is and weak, it indicates a plugged oil intake passage or
unsatisfactory, fuel consumption is excessively high, or a plugged float screen. Clean the oil passage. Re-
idling is rough, it is an indication that the most logical move the cover from the lower right side of the engine
component to check first is the spark plugs. Using a 7/8 after draining the crankcase oil, remove the cotter
inch deep socket wrench, loosen the plugs two full turns, pin (1, figure 1-12) that secures the float to the connector
blow all dirt away from the ports, and then remove the tube, and withdraw the float and screen assembly.
plugs. Clean the plugs with a sand blast cleaner if Thoroughly clean the screen using clean kerosene, dry
available, clean plug threads with a wire bristle brush, completely, inspect for damage, and re-install it in
and restore damaged threads in the head ports with a its original position. Unscrew the oil filter located at
suitable size tap. Clean the sparking surfaces to a bright the rear right side of the engine and discard it. Install
smoothness with a fine point file. Reset the plug gap to new filter. An oil pressure regulator (figure 1-13) is in-
0.023 to 0.028 inch for gasoline engines; 0.014 to 0.016 stalled on the left side of the oil pump housing. To ad-
inch for LP-Gas engines. Set gap by bending the ground just the oil pressure on the pressure gage, loosen the lock
or outside electrode, and test with a wire type feeler gage. nut of the regulator and rotate the setscrew clockwise
Using new copper gaskets, install the new or cleaned plugs, to increase pressure, and counterclockwise to decrease
and tighten them to 34 foot-pounds torque. If no torque oil pressure. When the gage indicates low oil pressure
wrench is available, install finger tight, and then tighten and no further adjustment of the regulator setscrew is
an additional 3/4 turn with the deep socket wrench. possible, it indicates that the oil pump gears have too
much end clearance or are worn beyond serviceable
3-14. DISTRIBUTOR. Remove the distributor (2, figure limits, or that the regulator spring has collapsed or is
1-17) cap; wipe it clean with a cloth, and inspect it close- broken. Drain the crankcase oil, remove the attaching
ly for cracks (usually very thin). Inspect the cap and parts that secure the pump to the crankcase, and with-
draw the pump assembly. Inspect the gears and spring; and then adjust the shaft pin on the carburetor control rod
remove and replace as necessary. Do not remove the until the pin is 1/16-inch past the upper hole in the gov-
oil pump drive shaft as that would also require removal ernor arm. Insert the pin in the fork shaft and secure it
of the entire distributor assembly which in turn involves with washers and a cotter pin. Lock pin in position with
re-timing of the engine. This should only be done in the lock nut. Move the hand throttle control to the idle
the shop. Install and check for drive gear end clearance position and connect the adjusting rod spring to the lower
as outlined in the oil pump overhaul procedures of Chapter 4. hole in the governor fork shaft, making certain that the
adjusting rod plunger is in proper alignment with the
lever for the fork shaft. If the plunger is not in align-
ment, reposition the adjusting rod guide so that the
plunger is centered on the lever. Thread the plunger in
or out until it contacts the edge of the fork shaft, insur-
ing a positive idle position, and then secure with the
lock nut. To check the governed speed, move the throttle
linkage to the wide open position, and adjust the jam nuts
in the direction necessary to obtain the desired governed
speed. Tighten the nuts against each other after obtain-
ing setting.
1. Cotter pin
2. Float
f. Turn out the idle adjusting needle until the engine c. FILTER. The filter element needs very little service.
speed drops from an over-lean gas mixture. Then, turn Generally speaking, it should be cleaned or changed only
the needle in Until the engine runs smoothly and steadily. if a loss of power is noted which can be traced to no other
cause. The element is located in the relief valve assem-
bly. See figure 1-9.
d. LP tank. It is recommended that the tank be removed
when the truck is out of service, such as over-night. Store
the tank in a safety rack.
3-20. The cooling system plays an important role in
the life and efficiency of an internal combustion en-
gine. Overheating not only causes the engine to knock
and lose power, but also results in damage to bearings
and other moving parts of the engine.
3-21. Overcooling, although less sudden in effect
than overheating, may be equally dangerous to the
Fig. 1-15. Carburetor engine. Low engine temperatures cause the forma-
tion of sludge which interferes with proper lubrication;
1. Block drains it also creates harmful acids Which attack engine parts.
2. Idle speed stop screw
3. Idle adjusting needle WARNING
Be careful when removing radiator cap when
engine is hot. Turn cap slowly until it reaches
3-18. LP-GAS SYSTEM. vent position then allow steam pressure to escape
before removing.
a. Power adjustment. Set the pointer (not the slot) on
the power adjustment screw between 2 and 3. Warm the 3-22. A pressure -type cooling system raises the boil-
engine up to normal operating temperature. Turn ad- ing point of the coolant and permits the engine to
justing screw clockwise to enrich mixture, counterclock- operate at higher temperatures without coolant loss.
wise for leaner mixture. A pressure-type system will not function properly un-
less it is absolutely airtight; consequently, the system
b. Idle adjustment. Set the idle speed stop screw to obtain must be kept in good condition. Air in the system
an idle speed of 450 to 500 rpm. Set the idle screw for the will also force coolant out of the overflow pipe, re-
smoothest idle (approximately three full turns out). duce the rate of heat transfer, and accelerate rusting
within the system.
3-23. The cooling system has 3 drains--the radiator
drain, located at the lower side of the bottom tank; and
a drain for each engine block (1, figure 1-15). When
ever the system is drained, it should be done at the
end of a day's run when any foreign material is in
suspension and will be removed with the coolant. To
insure complete draining, open all drains and remove the
radiator cap.
3-24. The type of coolant used in the radiator (1,
figure 2-14) depends on climatic conditions. If there
is no danger of freezing, use a solution of clean, soft
water and rust inhibitor; however, if the truck will be
exposed to freezing temperatures, use a permanent
type anti-freeze.
3-25. _Avoid the use of water having a high mineral
Fig. 1-16. LP-Gas Carburetor content or containing other impurities. Water con-
taining minerals or other foreign material will form
1. Power adjustment deposits throughout the codling system. These de-
2. Idle speed stop screw posits, in addition to restricting the proper flow of
3. Idle adjusting screw coolant, act as an insulator to prevent the effective
transfer of heat. Clean rain water and a rust inhibitor 3-28. After the anti-freeze solution is drained in the
is a good coolant solution. spring, it is recommended that the cooling system be
flushed thoroughly, cleaned if necessary, and a suit-
3-26. If the danger of freezing exists, fill the cooling able rust inhibitor added to a summer filling of fresh
system with a permanent type anti-freeze solution. water. In areas where anti-freeze is not required, add
Follow the recommendation of the anti-freeze manu- rust inhibitor to a fresh filling of water both spring and
facturer to obtain a solution that will give the desired fall.
protection for the lowest anticipated temperatures.
After filling the radiator, run the engine until it reaches NOTE
normal operating temperature and the thermostat opens.
This will establish circulation through the radiator and Flush the system thoroughly before and after
engine blocks to insure proper mixing of the anti-freeze the use of anti-freeze solutions.
and water. If the solution is not thoroughly mixed, slush
ice may form. Slush ice will stop circulation, causing 3-29. Efficient operation of the cooling system re-
overheating and subsequent loss of coolant. Another quires an occasional cleaning--particularly at seasonal
reason for running the engine is to release any air trapped changes when anti -freeze solution is added or drained.
in the engine water jacket by the closed thermostat. The proper method of cleaning depends on the condition
When the thermostat opens, the trapped air is released of the system. The exterior of the radiator should also
and the water passages fill with coolant. Eliminating
trapped air lowers the coolant level of the radiator, and
more water must be added to fill it to the proper level.
3-27. As mentioned previously, rust inhibitors should
always be used in a radiator to protect it against cor-
rosion. Most high-quality anti-freeze solutions are
compounded with a rust inhibitor or' corrosion deterrent.
Do not add a rust inhibitor to these solutions as the
chemical reaction may damage the system. Maintain
full strength corrosion protection in the coolant system
at all times. Corrosion inhibitors tend to lose their
effectiveness with use, and we recommend draining
the system and renewing the inhibitor every 6 months.
In a system that was clean originally, the appearance
of rust in the radiator, or in the solution, is an indica-
tion that the inhibitor is weakened or exhausted com-
pletely. Whenever the cooling system shows signs of Fig. 1-19. Checking Thermostat
rust, the coolant should be drained, the system flushed,
and the radiator refilled with fresh coolant containing 1. Thermostat
an inhibitor. 2. Thermometer
be cleaned regularly. Dirt, insects, or other foreign 3-32. ENGINE TIMING. (See figure 1-20). To check
material will clog the radiator fins and reduce cooling the timing, connect a 12-volt timing light to the spark
efficiency. Clean the fins with forced air or water. plug for the number 1 cylinder (the one closest to the
Straighten any bent fins noticed during the cleaning radiator end of the engine). Set the accelerator to ob-
operation, but be careful not to injure the tubes or tain an engine speed of 1750 rpm. Allow the engine to
break the bond between fins and tubes. warm up to normal operating temperature. Direct the
timing light at the timing pointer (2, figure 1-20) and
3-30. To check the thermostat, first clean it, and the crankshaft sheave. As the light flashes, the timing
then suspend it in a container of clean water along with mark (1, figure 1-20) on the sheave should line up with
a thermometer. Heat the water and check the opening the pointer. If the mark does not line up with the point-
and closing temperatures. If the valve fails to open er, loosen the distributor lock nuts, and rotate the dis-
at 10° or more above the rated opening temperature (180°), tributor body to correct the timing. Tighten the lock
or fails to close at 10° to 15° below this temperature, nuts.
the thermostat should be replaced.
3-31. TIRES. Tires are an integral and expensive part
of the lift truck. It is important that they be kept in 3-34. If the lift truck is to be stored for an extended
the best possible condition as follows: period of time, the following steps should be taken to
prevent unnecessary deterioration and to insure top per-
a. Tires should always be kept inflated to the recom- formance when the lift truck is returned to service.
mended pressure.
a. Drain the crankcase, filter, and transmission. Flush
b. The lift truck should never be driven at high speed the units with kerosene or diesel fuel, install new filters,
over rocky or rough ground. and refill the units with the specified grade of fresh oil.
c. When the lift truck is not in use, it should be kept b. Thoroughly lubricate the lift truck, and service the
out of the sun as much as possible. Sunlight causes air cleaner and breathers according to the instructions
surface checking of the tires. given in this manual. Drive the lift truck for a short
distance to distribute the fresh lubricants.
d.. The lift truck should not be parked on oily or
greasy floors. Oil and grease deteriorate rubber and c. Drain and flush the cooling system. Leave the rad-
shorten tire life. iator and block drains open to prevent the collection of
e. Tire damage should be repaired immediately.
Small breaks or cuts allow dirt and moisture to enter d. Drain the gasoline tank, filter, and carburetor. Make
and cause fabric rot. certain the system is completely drained as any fuel re-
maining in the system will oxidize and form gummy de-
f. If the lift truck is to be out of service for any length posits. Leave the shut-off valve and the carburetor drain
of time, it should be blocked up to take the weight off open. Clean the fuel filter. If the truck has an LP-Gas
the tires. If this is not possible, check the tires regu- system, close the fuel valve, remove the tank, and store
larly and keep them inflated to the recommended it in a safety rack.
pressure. e. Remove the valve covers and flush the valves, rocker
arms, and push rods with heavy oil (SAE 30) to prevent
f. Remove the spark plugs and pour a liberal amount of
engine oil into each cylinder. Turn the engine over
several times to distribute a protective oil film on the
pistons and cylinder walls.
(figure 1-10). Operate the hydraulic controls for several ignition system is at fault. Of course, faulty valve action
minutes to distribute the new fluid throughout the system. or an inadequate fuel supply can also cause an engine to
Contract the. cylinders during storage. miss. However, if the engine had a faulty valve action,
the missing would usually be evident at all times instead
i. Thoroughly clean the lift truck. Check for worn or of occurring only when the engine is under heavy load.
damaged parts, and make any necessary repairs, replace- An inadequate fuel supply can also be dismissed if the
ments or adjustments. Touch up any areas where the engine does not show a lack of power under a steady pull
paint has worn or rubbed off. with an average load.
j. Block up the lift truck to take the weight off the tires. 3-38. The first step in trouble shooting the ignition
If the weight is left on the tires, they may take a "set" system is to check the spark output from the ends of the
and become permanently damaged. spark plug wires. Check each wire by holding it 1/16-
inch away from the engine block while cranking the
k. Store the lift truck in a dry building; however, if it engine with the ignition switch turned on. If each wire
cannot be stored inside, cover it with a tarpaulin. shows a good spark, it indicates that the ignition system
from the ends of the spark plug wires back to the battery
3-35. TROUBLE SHOOTING. is satisfactory. Thus, nothing would be gained by check-
ing the distributor, battery, battery cables, ignition switch,
3-36. Trouble shooting involves taking the proper steps etc. By this one test, it has been established that the
to locate the source of a trouble, and then correcting ignition system is delivering a satisfactory spark to each
the trouble. Do not confuse trouble shooting with an spark plug. Since the rest of the ignition system has been
engine tune up. In an engine tune up, all parts of the eliminated, it is logical to assume that faulty spark plugs
system where the trouble is occurring are checked.. For are responsible for the trouble.
example, in an ignition tune up, the battery, which is
the source of electrical energy, is tested first; then the 3-39. Trouble shooting can be applied to any part of the
battery cable connections are inspected, etc. This check- lift truck that is not functioning properly and follows the
ing and testing is continued in successive steps until each same pattern:
portion of the system that can have an influence on other
portions is thoroughly tested and any abnormalities cor- a. First confirm the suspected condition before proceed-
rected. ing with any tests.
3-37. In trouble shooting, the serviceman wishes to iso- b. Next determine and recognize the possible causes.
late the part responsible for the trouble by quickly elimin-
ating all other parts. For example, suppose the engine c. Finally isolate the cause (or causes) by performing a
misses (misfires) under a heavy load. In about 85 per cent series of quick tests to eliminate the others.
of the engines with this trouble, it will be found that the
ENGINE IS HARD TO START No fuel in carburetor. Make sure fuel shut-off valve is open.
OR FAILS TO START Check fuel lines and filter.
ENGINE STARTS, BUT FAILS Insufficient fuel supply. Check fuel supply at carburetor. Make sure
TO KEEP RUNNING fuel shut-off valve is open. Check fuel
lines and filter.
ENGINE BACKFIRES, BUT Moisture on ignition parts. Wipe all dirt and moisture from coil, spark
WILL NOT START plugs, spark plug leads, and from interior of
distributor cap.
ENGINE MISFIRES AT HIGH Spark plug gap too wide. Check plug gap.
Weak spring on distributor Alter spring tension or install new points.
breaker point.
ENGINE MISFIRES UNDER Engine overheating or pre- Check cooling system, ignition timing, and
LOAD (CONT) ignition. spark plugs. Remove carbon deposits in
combustion chambers.
HIGH FUEL CONSUMPTION Leak in fuel system. Check fuel lines and connections.
Restricted air intake. Check for high oil level in air cleaner cup.
Clean and service air cleaner.
Improper oil viscosity. Drain crankcase and fill with oil of recom-
mended viscosity.
ENGINE LACKS POWER Carburetor throttle disc does Check throttle linkage and throttle shaft.
not open fully.
ENGINE LACKS POWER (CONT) Restricted exhaust. Clean soot and foreign material from ex-
haust passages.
Improper oil viscosity. Drain crankcase and fill with oil of recom-
mended viscosity.
Faulty governor action. Check linkage, Adjust governor to obtain
recommended rpm.
Poor-quality fuel. Drain fuel system and refill with fresh fuel.
Restricted air intake. Check for high oil level in air cleaner cup.
Clean and service air cleaner.
ENGINE OVERHEATS Low coolant level. Add coolant and check for leaks.
Fuel mixture too lean. Clean and adjust carburetor. Tighten all
HIGH OIL CONSUMPTION Improper oil viscosity. Drain crankcase and fill with oil of recom-
mended viscosity.
Oil pressure too high. Adjust oil pressure regulator screw to ob-
tain recommended pressure.
1 -23
HIGH OR LOW OIL PRES- , Plugged or leaking oil lines. Clean, tighten, or replace lines.
Dirty intake screen on oil Clean screen.
SYSTEM WILL NOT LIFT. Leaks in system. Tighten loose connections. Replace
LIFTS TOO SLOWLY, OR damaged component.
Defective control valve. Replace valve.
SERVICE BRAKES NOT Worn brake lining. Adjust brakes or replace linings.
Insufficient brake fluid. Add fluid as specified in lubrication chart.
Section I. General
4-12. GASOLINE FUEL TANK, LINES, AND FITTINGS. 4-22. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-26.) Removal and
(see figure 2-11.) The tank is an integral part of the disassembly are accomplished at the same time as
lift truck frame and cannot be removed. follows:
a. Disconnect battery ground wire. Disconnect horn d. Unscrew socket plug (31) enough to remove front
button wire at horn relay. end of drag link from steering arm. To further dis-
assemble drag link, unscrew plug completely. Pull
b. Press and turn horn cover (36) to release button (37), remaining parts from socket on drag link.
contact cup (38), horn button spring (39), and contact
cap (40). 4-29. REPAIR.
c. Remove screws holding base plate (44) and pull wire, a. Discard oil seals which show signs of leakage.
plate, and parts out of steering column.
b. Discard bearings which show excessive wear.
4-23. DISASSEMBLY. Disassembly has been accom-
plished with completion of removal steps. c. Discard bent steering tube or steering linkage, or
other damaged components.
4-24. REPAIR.
4-30. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-26 or 2-26A.)
a. Clean and inspect parts. Check wire and insulating Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly.
ferrule. Replace if damaged or defective. Check horn
button spring compression. Spring must prevent button a. Replace all gaskets and oil seals.
from making contact unless pressed.
b. Clean all parts in solvent.
4-25. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-26.). Reassemble
in reverse order of disassembly. c. Use just enough shims (16) to obtain a slight drag
when steering shaft is turned, before cross shaft is in-
4-27. REMOVAL (see figure 2-26 or 2-26A.) d. Install cross shaft at center of its travel, and install
steering arm centered between stops. See figure 1-21.
a. Disconnect the accelerator pedal and linkage and
remove the front section of the floor plate. e. To adjust cross shaft end play, turn adjusting screw
(21) in tight, then back off 1/4 turn.
b. Drive out the roll pin through the hand lever arm
(38, figure 2-20) at the lower end of the control lever f. Adjust stop bolts (1, figure 1-21) to stop steering arm
shaft. Loosen the hand lever clamp (3'7, figure 2-20) in each direction, before stops on steering axle make
at the lower end of the shaft tube. contact.
c. Remove the horn button assembly (paragraph 4-22)
and remove the steering wheel.
a. Remove side cover (20). Press cross shaft (17) out 1. Stop bolts
of housing. Remove bushings (3) and oil seal (2). 2. Steering arm
c. Remove all parts enclosed in jacket tube (10). a. Disconnect battery ground wire.
b. Disconnect lead wires to lamps and remove lamps. b. Disconnect battery ground wire.
4-33. DISASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-16.) c. Remove bolts holding instrument panel (1) to front
shroud. Lift out panel.
a. Remove front head lamp molding screw and mold-
ing (13). Pull sealed beam unit out of lamp head. d. Disconnect wires from instruments.
b. Remove lens retainer (20) and remove lens (18). 4-38. DISASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-17.) Disassembly
is complete upon removing switches and gages from the
4-34. REPAIR. Inspect and replace all defective parts. instrument panel.
4-35. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-16.) Reassemble 4-29. REPAIR. Repair is limited to checking condition
in reverse order of disassembly. and performance of switches, gages, and components.
Inspect wiring for broken connections, corrosion, and
4-36. INSTRUMENT PANEL, SWITCHES, AND GAGES. damaged insulation. Discard all defective parts and
replace with new parts.
4-37. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-17.)
4-40. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-17.)
a. Remove the clamp holding the steering post to the
instrument panel. a. Install gages and switches on instrument panel.
[0 + 12V
Fig. 1-22. Sheet 2 of 2
4-41. RADIATOR, HOSES AND THERMOSTAT. c. Remove front section of floor plate (8, figure 2-28).
4-42. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-14.) d. Remove cross shaft (2) and pedal (1).
a. Remove radiator cap and open radiator drain valve 4-52. DISASSEMBLY. Disassembly is accomplished
and block drains (1, figure 1-15). when throttle controls are removed.
c. Disconnect clamps and remove upper and lower a. Clean parts in solvent and inspect.
hoses. Thermostat (16) is located in upper hose.
b. Replace parts with excessive wear.
d. Remove 4 radiator mounting bolts.
4-54. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-9.) Reassemble
4-43. DISASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-14.) in reverse order of disassembly.
a. Remove radiator drain valve. a. Lubricate control rod ends and cross shaft where it
moves in support and foot pedal hinge. Install front
4-44. REPAIR. section of floor plate.
a. Inspect radiator, thermostat, and hoses. Test b. Use new cotter pins.
thermostat as outlined in Chapter 3. Discard defective
radiator and hoses. Repair minor ruptures in radiator 4-55. WATER PUMP AND FAN ASSEMBLY.
if accessible. Discard radiator if damage is excessive. 4-56. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-12.)
4-45. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-14.) a. Drain cooling system. Loosen fan belt and remove
fan and water pump assembly. Remove tube from engine
a. Install drain valve and attach radiator to mounting. block.
b. Attach hoses and thermostat, using proper clamps 4-57. DISASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-12.)
as in figure 2-14. Tighten clamps securely.
a. Remove fan (15) from hub (8).
c. Close radiator drain valve. Refill radiator as des-
cribed in Chapter 3. Check connections for leaks. b. Press fan hub off shaft, remove pulley (7).
4-46. MUFFLER. c. Remove lock spring (4) and press at fan hub end to
remove shaft and bearing assembly from the housing.
4-47. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-5). Removal and
disassembly is complete upon disconnecting all clamps. d. Remove impeller (6), seal (5), and slinger ring (3)
from shaft.
4-48. REPAIR.
4-58. REPAIR.
a. Inspect and discard all parts that show excessive
rust and deterioration. Replace with new parts. a. Clean parts and inspect. Discard excessively worn
parts and replace with corresponding new part. Replace
4-49. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-5). Reassemble "0" ring seals on tube.
in reverse order of disassembly.
4-59. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-12.)
a. Lubricate threads on bolts, clamps, and connecting
surface of muffler and pipe. a. Press seal into housing, using suitable tool, or piece
of pipe, that contacts only the seal flange, NOT the
b. Align muffler and pipe so they cannot contact other carbon ring.
parts of lift truck. Tighten nuts and bolts securely.
b. Slip oil slinger on shaft and insert shaft in housing
4-50. THROTTLE CONTROLS. from fan hub end. Align grooves in bearing and hous-
ing and install the lock wire.
4-51. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-9.) Disassembly of
throttle control linkage is accomplished as follows: c. Press impeller on shaft with .005 inch clearance
between impeller and housing.
a. Disconnect spring (6).
d. Press pulley and fan hub on shaft until end of shaft
b. Remove cotter pins and linkage. extends out of hub 21/32 inch.
e. Insert tube with new "0" rings into engine block e. Clean and inspect the ball bearings.
and install water pump assembly.
f. Inspect the field coils for worn or frayed insulation,
f. Refill cooling system as described in Chapter 3. broken leads, loose or corroded terminals, or other
damage; replace if damaged.
4-60. GENERATOR. (See figure 2-16.)
g. Using a test probe set consisting of a lamp in series
4-61. REMOVAL. with two test points and connected to a 110-volt light-
ing circuit, check the field coils and pole pieces in
a. Disconnect battery ground wire and generator to the field frame; secure with two pole screws.
voltage regulator wires.
h. Position the field coils, insulation and pole pieces
b. Remove drive belt tension adjustment arm screw at in the field frame; secure with the two pole screws.
top of generator and remove belt.
i. Check for grounds by touching one test probe to
c. Remove generator from mounting bracket. the field lead and the other probe to the frame. If the
lamp lights, the field coils are grounded. Replace a
4-62. DISASSEMBLY. grounded field assembly.
a. Remove generator brush cover band nut and screw. j. Touch the probes to the two leads of each coil. If
Remove cover band. the lamp fails to light, the coil is open. Replace the
field assembly if any coil is open.
b. Remove the two thru bolts and lockwashers.
k. Inspect the armature assembly to make sure all
c. Tap off commutator end frame assembly. Tap off windings are properly pressed into the coil slots and
the drive end frame assembly and slide armature out are properly soldered to the commutator risers. Re-
of field frame. Remove nut, washer and pull off drive place the armature if windings are loose or unsoldered
pulley. Remove drive end frame and components. Re- at the commutator.
move the three screws and lockwashers holding the ball
bearing and retainer parts. 1. Inspect the armature core for wear; replace the
armature assembly if worn or scored.
d. Remove the screws securing the brush leads and re-
move screws holding the ground and insulated brush m. Inspect the commutator for wear, roughness, and
parts. out-of-round; place the armature in V -blocks and check
the concentricity of the commutator with a dial indi-
e. Remove the arm terminal stud nut, washers and cator. If the commutator is rough, or worn, or if
stud. Remove the terminal to brush stud nut, washers eccentricity is greater than 0.001 inch, turn down.
and stud.
n. Inspect the bearing seats on the armature shaft; re-
f. Remove the two screws holding the pole shoes, in- place the armature assembly if seat wear is evident.
sulation and field coils.
o. Check the armature for grounds, open circuits, and
4-63. REPAIR. shorts as follows: Check for grounds by touching one
end of the probes of the test set to the shaft or core and
a. Clean the field coils with a cloth dampened with an the other probe to each of the commutator risers in turn.
approved cleaning solvent. Do not soak in solvent. Dry Do not touch probes to brush or bearing surfaces. If the
the assembly with clean, dry, compressed air, taking lamp lights, the armature is grounded and must be re-
care not to damage insulation or leads. placed.
b. Blow all loose dirt from the armature assembly p. Check for an open armature circuit by touching the
with clean, dry, compressed air. Wipe off with a probes to the risers on a pair of adjacent commutator
cloth dampened with an approved cleaning solvent; dry bars. If the lamp does not light the circuit is open.
thoroughly. Sand the commutator with a No. 00 flint Repeat this test on each pair of adjacent commutator
paper. Clean out dirt from the commutator bars, but bars. Replace an open armature.
do not damage or scratch the bars or the mica.
q. Test for a shorted armature by placing the arma-
c. Clean the brush arms with a cloth dampened with ture on a growler and holding a thin strip of steel above
an approved cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly. the core. Turn the armature slowly. If the armature
is shorted, the armature will set up a magnetic field,
d. Clean the cover band, the commutator end cover, causing the steel strip to vibrate. If the armature is
the thru bolts, the drive end cover, and the bearing re- shorted, inspect the commutator bars and risers for
tainer plate, and all nuts, bolts, screws, and lock- copper chips or solder that may be shorting between
washers with an approved cleaning solvent. bars. If the short cannot be located and corrected, re-
r. Inspect the commutator end head and drive end a. Remove magnetic switch, brush cover band and
head for cracks, distortion, or other damage; replace thru bolts with washers.
if damaged.
b. Remove brush lead screws and brushes. Tap com-
s. Inspect the brushes for wear, oil saturation, chips mutator end cover and remove. Tap drive housing
or other damage; replace if damaged or worn to less and remove. Slide armature out of field housing from
than 3/8 inch. drive end.
t. Inspect the cover band for fit on the generator c. Remove screws and lockwashers on brush ground
frame, cracks, and other damage; replace the band if leads. Remove brush attaching screws, holders, springs
it cannot be straightened out to provide a snug fit, or and brushes. Remove brush jumper lead screw, lock-
if it is otherwise damaged. washer and lead. Remove terminal stud nut, washers
and terminal stud.
u. Inspect all parts for wear, cracks, breaks, distor-
tion or other damage; replace damaged parts. d. Remove pole shoe screws, field coils and pole shoes.
4-64. REASSEMBLY. e. Remove motor drive dowel pin and motor drive.
a. Install the arm terminal stud, washers and nut in 4-68. REPAIR.
proper sequence with field coil lead attached.
a. Cleaning and inspection of starting motor parts is
b. Install the terminal to brush stud, washers and nut the same as cleaning and inspection of "GENERATOR".
in proper sequence with field coil lead attached. Refer to paragraph 4-63a through paragraph 4-63u.
c. Install ground and insulated brush packages. b. Inspect the brushes for wear, oil soaked condition,
or other damage. If the brushes are damaged or worn
d. Place the assembled commutator frame end on the to less than 5/16 inch, discard them and replace with
assembled armature. Reassemble the felt washer, new ones.
washer retainer, ball bearing, space washer, gasket
and bearing retainer plate to drive end frame and se- c. Test the insulated brush holder hinge pins on com-
cure with screws and lockwashers. mutator end frame assembly for grounds by touching
one probe of a test set to each of the hinge pins. Touch
e. Assemble the commutator end frame, armature, the other test probe to ground on the commutator end
field frame and drive end frame. Secure with thru frame assembly. Replace the commutator end frame
bolts and washers. assembly if any of the pins are grounded.
f. Insert brushes and attach brush leads. Check brush d. Reassemble brush holders and springs to commutator
seating. and springs to commutator end frame. Place the arma-
ture in a padded vise and install the commutator end
g. Install cover band and secure with nut and screw. space washer and the commutator end frame assembly
on the armature shaft. Install a grounded brush or a
h. Slip space collar over shaft and insert Woodruff spare brush in the brush holder. Replace the commuta-
key. Install drive pulley and secure with lockwasher tor end frame assembly if the brush does not slide freely
and nut. in the holder, or if the brush edges are not in perfect
alignment with the commutator segments.
i. Install generator on engine and attach drive belt.
e. Check the brush spring tension. If the brush spring
j. Connect battery ground wire. tension is not within the proper limits, replace the
brush spring.
k. Polarize generator by -momentarily connecting
jumper wire from "B" terminal of regulator to "A" f. Feel for side play of the commutator end frame
terminal of generator. assembly on the armature shaft. Replace the commuta-
tor end frame assembly if side play can be felt.
g. Inspect the motor drive for broken springs, stripped
4-66. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-16). Removal is screws, broken lockwashers, broken pinion teeth, or
accomplished by disconnecting battery , ground wire and other damage. Discard motor drive and replace if
wires to magnetic switch. Remove lock nut and set needed.
screw from flywheel housing. Starter motor pulls out.
h. Check center bearing plate bushing fit on armature
4-67. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-16.) Disassembly shaft. Replace bushing with new one if too loose.
i. Check motor drive fit on armature shaft. Replace 4-72. DISASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-15.)
motor drive if too loose.
a. Lift rotor from shaft and remove housing cover.
4-69. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-16.) Remove screws holding condenser and breaker points.
Remove nuts, washers, bushing and terminal stud. Re-
a. Apply a light coat of oil to the armature shaft bear- move screws, lockwashers, securing spring clips and
ing surfaces. Remove all excess oil, making sure oil breaker plate.
does not reach commutator, brushes, field and frame
assembly, or armature. b. Drive out coupling to shaft pin and pull coupling from
shaft. Remove space and shim washers. Pull distribu-
b. Install the spacer washer on the end of the shaft, tor shaft assembly and weight plate from housing.
slide the commutator end frame and pin assembly
on the shaft; replace the center bearing plate. c. Remove nuts and lockwashers securing weight hold
down plate. Remove weight springs and hold down
c. Insert the assembled motor drive and spacer wash- plate. Remove cam and weights.
er into the drive housing.
4-73. REPAIR.
d. Position the assembled drive housing over the as- a. Clean parts in solvent and dry carefully.
sembled armature and frame assembly, secure to the
commutator end frame and pin assembly with the two b. Inspect all parts for excessive wear, corrosion or
thru bolts and lockwashers. deterioration. Replace defective parts with new ones,
particularly the points, condenser, rotor or distributor
e. Check the end play in the end of the drive housing cap.
by mounting a dial indicator on the cranking motor
with the plunger against the end of the armature shaft. 4-74. REASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-15.) Reassemble
Move the armature to its two extreme positions and distributor in the reverse order of disassembly.
read the total indicator reading. End play must be
between 0.005 inch and 0.062 inch. If end play is a. Assemble cam and weights to distributor shaft and
excessive, install additional spacer washers. weight plate.
f. Seat the brushes to the commutator by wrapping a b. Slide space washer under weight plate and insert
strip of No. 00 sandpaper around the commutator and shaft in distributor housing. Align breaker plate with
turning the armature slowly in the direction of rota- distributor housing. Install breaker plate, spring clips,
tion (clockwise as viewed from the drive end). Allow spring support, and locator in breaker housing. Secure
one brush at a time to contact the sandpaper until the with screws and lockwashers.
surface assumes the curvature of the commutator. A
few rotations will be sufficient to seat each brush. c. Install terminal stud, inside bushing, outside wash-
Blow all dust and sand from the cranking motor with er and nut. Attach condenser and breaker points. At-
clean, dry, compressed air. tach breaker spring to terminal stud and secure with
g. Install the cover band and clamp securely with the
cover band screw and nut. Attach magnetic switch. d. Slide coupling spacer washer and shim on to bottom
end of distributor shaft. Align coupling with hole in
h. Align upper hole in starting motor drive housing shaft and press coupling on to shaft. Insert pin. Check
with lock bolt hole. Install lock nut and bolt engaging end play in shaft. There should be .005 clearance be-
top hole in starting motor drive housing. Draw bolt tween coupling and end of housing. Use other shims
up snug and tighten lock nut. if needed.
i. Connect wires to magnetic switch. e. Install housing cover and rotor.
4-70. DISTRIBUTOR. f. Assemble distributor to crankcase, aligning coupling
with mating gear so rotor returns to approximate spot
4-71. REMOVAL. (see figure 2 - 15.) marked on housing. Attach clamps. distributor cap
and all wires in proper order.
a. Disconnect battery ground wire. Disconnect high
tension lead wire and low tension lead. Disconnect g. Adjust point gap to .018 inch, with breaker lever
spark plug wires. on high point of cam lobe. Retime ignition according
to paragraph 3-32, in Chapter 3.
b. Remove distributor cap. Note position of rotor and
mark distributor housing with spot of bluing so cam can 4-75. VOLTAGE REGULATOR. (See figure 2-16.)
be re-installed with rotor in same position on reassem-
bly. Remove distributor hold down clamp screws, wash- 4-76. REMOVAL. Disconnect wires and remove reg-
ers and clamps. Withdraw distributor from -crankcase. ulator from mounting bracket.
a. Remove cover and gasket. i. Current regulator setting - connect ammeter from
"BAT" terminal in series with battery. Place load a-
b. It is advisable to make the repairs and adjustments cross battery about equal to current regulator setting
listed in paragraph 4-78, before completely disassembl- (load may be a carbon pile or bank of lights). Operate
ing the regulator, and then remove only the faulty com- engine at governed speed and normal operating temper-
ponents. ature. Adjust current regulator setting between 18.5
and 21.5 amperes, with adjusting screw.
4-78. REPAIR.
j. Cutout relay setting - connect voltmeter between
a. Mechanical checks and adjustments (air gaps, point "GEN" terminal and ground. Operate engine at govern-
opening) must be made with battery disconnected and
ed speed and normal operating temperature. Adjust
regulator preferably off the lift truck.
closing voltage to 11.8 to 13.5 volts, with adjusting
CAUTION screw.
The cutout relay cutout points must never be clos- 4-79. REASSEMBLY. Reassemble in reverse order of
ed by hand with the battery connected to the regu- disassembly.
lator. This would cause a high current to flow
through the units and would seriously damage them. 4-80. WHEELS.
b. Electrical settings must be checked and adjusted with 4-81. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-25.)
the regulator mounted in the operating position and at
operating temperature. Run the engine for at least 15 a. Jack up lift truck. Remove wheel center bolts (9)
minutes, with no electrical load other than ignition, to and remove drive wheel and tire assembly.
reach operating temperature.
b. Remove wheel and tire assembly from steer axle
c. The engine must be operated at governed speed, and hub (1).
generator voltage must be kept high enough to insure
sufficient current output, for testing and adjusting. 4-82. DISASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-25.)
h. Voltage regulator setting - connect 1/4 ohm fixed 4-85. STEERING AXLE (MY 40).
resistor (not less than 25 watts) at "BAT" terminal of
regulator in series with battery. Connect voltmeter 4-86. REMOVAL. (See figure 2-21.)
from "BAT" terminal to ground. Operate engine at
governed speed and operating temperature. Adjust a. Jack up rear of lift truck. Disconnect rear section of
voltage regulator closing voltage to 13.8 to 14.8 volts, drag link from steering housing (11).
1 34
b. Remove bolts from front and rear pivot bearings (8). 4-90. STEERING AXLE (MY 60)
Roll axle assembly out from under lift truck.
4-91. REMOVAL. (See figure 2-21A).
4-87. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-21.)
a. Jack up rear of lift truck.
a. Remove wheels and tires as explained in paragraph
4-81. b. Remove rear end of drag link from center steering
arm (15).
b. Remove bearings (8) and bushings (9) from shaft (10).
Remove lock screw and remove shaft from axle (1). c. Remove bolts from axle support shafts (41). Roll
entire axle assembly away from lift truck.
c. Remove tie rod assembly (16, 17, 18, and 19).
4-92. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-21A)
d. Remove expansion plugs. Remove lock screw from
spindles (3 and 4), and remove pins (5). Remove thrust a. Remove wheels and tires as explained in paragraph
bearings (6) and needle bearings (2). 4-81.
e. Remove the slotted nut and lock pin (13) from pin
b. Remove hub cap (39). Remove cotter key and
(12). Remove bearing cups (15) and cones (14).
spindle bearing nut (37). Pull hub assembly (31) from
steering knuckle (7, 8).
4-88. REPAIR. (See figure 2-21.) Replace any worn
or damaged parts, especially bushings, bearings, and c. Remove seal (36) , cones (34 and 35), and cups
seals. (32 and 33) from hub.
4-89. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-21.) Reassemble d. Remove nuts (26) and remove tie rod assembly.
in reverse order of disassembly. Loosen tie rod clamps (28) and remove tie rod ends
(23 and 24) from sleeve (27).
a. Apply Loc-Tite sealant, type "A", or equal to pin
(12) before installing bearings. e. Remove draw key (12), drive out pin (14) and plugs
(11). Remove bearings (3 and 9).
b. Adjust pre-load on bearings (14) to 25 to 40 inch
pounds, by means of slotted nut. Secure nut with cotter f. Remove grease cap (18) and nut (16). Pull steering
key through the nearest slot. arm assembly (15) off shaft (2). Remove cones (19),
cups (20), seal (21), and cups (22).
c. If the entire steering axle has been disassembled,
the steering system must be reset. Place the rear wheels 4-93. REPAIR. (See figure 2-21A).
and steering housing in neutral (straight-ahead steering
condition). a. Replace any worn or damaged parts, especially
bushings and bearings.
d. Close the hydraulic steering booster completely and
then extend the rod 5 inches. b. Replace seals (21 and 36).
e. Adjust the rear section of drag link and the tie rods c. Replace tie rod end covers (25) if they are damaged
to fit without moving the steering housing from the or deteriorated.
straight-ahead position.
4-94. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-21A). Reassemble in
f. Adjust stop bolts (1, figure 1-21) to allow 71 degree reverse order of disassembly.
angle of inside wheel with frame (inside wheel in rela-
tion to direction of turn). Adjust stops against arm for a. Draw up wheel bearings (34 and 35) with slotted nut
both directions. Secure stop bolts with the jam nuts. (37) to approximately 50 foot-pounds torque. Back off
the nut 1/4 turn, then secure with cotter key.
g. Adjust stop bolts (1A, figure 2-21) on axle to 1/16
inch clearance from arm on spindle when steering arm b. Adjust bearings (19) with nut (16) in the same man-
(2, figure 1-21) is against stop bolt. Adjust stops for ner as in 4-94a above.
both directions. Secure stop bolts with jam nuts. The
axle stops must not contact the spindle arm before the c. Tighten bolts (5) as follows: Dry threads - 95 foot-
steering arm contacts its stops. The axle stops are de- pounds; oiled threads - 75 foot-pounds.
signed to prevent damage to the system if the wheels
deflect when they hit an obstruction. d. If the entire steering axle has been disassembled,
the steering system must be reset. Place the rear wheels
h. Make any minor adjustments on tie rods or rear sec- and steering arm (15) in neutral (straight-ahead steering
tion of drag link as necessary. condition).
play is very important. It allows for expansion of the necessary that they be marked before disassembly, so
hydraulic fluid in the lines, thus permitting the plunger they can be reassembled in their original positions.
in the inching' cylinder to return to a fully unloaded Remove the nuts from cage bolts (23). Disassemble
position when the inching pedal is released. ring gear (27) and cages (22 and 22A), bevel gears
(28), and pinion (30) and shaft (32) assemblies. Re-
move from differential case.
h. Remove pinions and bushings (31) from shaft.
4-102. REPAIR. (see figure 2-22.)
c. Remove mounting bolts which hold differential to g. Adjust lock nut (12) to obtain 30 to 40 inch pounds
transmission. pre-load on bearings (14 and 16).
d. Remove bolts from support clamp (7, figure 2-28.) 4-104. CONTROL LEVERS, CONTROL VALVE, AND
4-101. DISASSEMBLY. (see figure 2-22.)
4-105. REMOVAL. (see figure 2-20).
a. Remove the bolts holding the wheel shaft housings
(8). a. Remove control levers and shafts as explained in
paragraph 4-27.
b. Remove lock nut (12), and washer (13), from wheel
shaft (10). b. Remove links (48).
c. Remove gear (11), and wheel shaft (10). c. Disconnect valve body (3) and porting block (1) from
transmission case.
d. Remove cones (14 and 16), cups (15 and 17), oil
seal (18), and sleeve (19). e. Remove priority valve (items 12 thru 16, figure 2-18)
and relief valve (items 3 thru 6, figure 2-18), and com-
e. Remove bearing retainer (7). Using puller, pull ponents.
axle (4) out of assembly.
f. Remove oil filter assembly (49).
f. Remove drive axle housing (1).
4-106. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-20).
g. Cages (22 and 22A) and the ring gear (27) are
assembled and line reamed. For this reason it is a. Remove cover bolt (56) from oil filter cover (54)
and remove cartridge (52) and parts from oil filter b. Discard damaged hose and tubing.
body (50).
c. Discard broken or weak springs.
b. Remove valve body (3) from porting block (1).
Items (6) and (8) can now be removed. d. Discard marred or blemished valve spools. If the
polished surfaces inside the valve body are marred, dis-
c. Remove inching cylinder (23) from valve body (3). card the entire assembly.
d. Remove snap ring (32). Remove internal parts from e. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent.
inching cylinder.
4-108. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-20). Reassemble
e. Remove snap ring (12) and remove inching spool (18) in the reverse order of disassembly.
and components.
a. Screw elbow (67) with "0" ring (68) into valve body
f. Remove snap ring (12) and remove pressure regulator before attaching body to porting block.
spool (13) and components.
b. Install control spools (5) in body. Then slip oil seals
g. Remove snap ring (12) and remove both control lever (9) over spool; do not push spools through seals. Place
spools (5) and components. lip end of inner seal in; lip end of outer seal out.
h. Remove snap ring (12), blow through elbow (67) to c. Torque mounting bolts (1, through 10, figure 1-24)
remove plug (11). Remove relief valve (15) and compo- to 30 foot pounds in the order shown. Then torque the
nents. bolts to 60 foot pounds in same order.
i. Remove remaining components. d. Torque socket head bolt (11, figure 1-24) to 15 foot
4-107. REPAIR.
e. Replace oil filter cartridge (52).
a. Discard "0" rings, oil seals, and gaskets which show
signs of leakage. f. Adjust rods (2, figure 1-25) for desired lever position.
g. Place control levers in high range and reverse posi-
tions respectively. Adjust stop bolts (1, figure 1-25) to
prevent spools being forced past detent position.
a. Remove differential assembly as described in 4-95 4-113. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-18). Reassemble
above. in the reverse order of disassembly.
b. Remove control valve, priority valve, and relief a. Install all new gaskets and seals.
valve from side of transmission case (paragraph 4-100).
b. Align gears and spline shafts per paragraph 4-118.
c. Remove bolts holding converter drive plate to engine
flywheel. Turn engine over to remove each bolt in turn, c. Install between engine and differential. Adjust back-
through opening and notch. See figure 1-26. lash per paragraph 4-103 e.
4-111. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-18). b. Remove components from output pinion shaft (2) in
same order as on input shaft, remove reverse gear (39)
a. Remove dipstick (10) and dipstick sleeve (11). and idler shaft (44) with bearings and components.
b. Remove drive plate (39), converter (38), and bell 4-117. REPAIR.
housing (32).
a. Clean all parts in solvent and inspect for damage and
c. Remove pump (35) from cover (17). excessive wear. Interchange all defective parts with
new replacement parts.
d. Remove filter mounting flange (26), gasket (27), 4-118. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-19). Reassembly
and filter (28 and 29). is accomplished in reverse order of disassembly. The
housings (4) are stamped with an "I", for input (upper),
e. Unscrew attaching parts and remove manifold (22) and an "0", for output (lower). Be sure to reinstall
from cover (17). the pistons and other components in the housings from
which they were removed. Wipe each part with a
f. Remove reverse idler gears cover (30) from side of clean, oil-soaked cloth.
a. Reassemble pistons and components on shafts and
g. Remove nuts (37, figure 2-19), and washer (38, into housings in proper sequence. Install pistons (6 and
figure 2-19) from pinion shaft (2, figure 2-19) and re-
move cover (17). Support the shaft to prevent damage 7) in each housing with oil relief holes 180° apart for
proper balance. A spot of grease will hold balls (8)
while the cover is being removed.
in place during reassembly of pistons to housings.
4-112. REPAIR. (See figure 2-18).
b. Reassemble carrier assemblies and components to
a. Discard all gaskets and "O" rings. shafts. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE OIL HOLES
b. Discard gears with broken teeth and those that show WITH THE SERIES OF FOUR SMALL IN LINE OIL HOLES
c. Discard defective converter and pump. PROPER OPERATION. Coat quad rings (3A) with Lubri-
plate to protect them during assembly. Stake retainer
d. Clean filter screen (29). (25C) to groove in shaft. Seat all lock and retaining
rings properly. Use new oil seals and "0" rings. Fit m. Pressures given above cannot be regulated. If gage
parts properly; avoid scratching or burring finishes. readings do not fall in specified range, remove and clean
valve and related parts, and reinstall. If readings still
c. Do not use Permatex on any gaskets. are not correct, install new components.
d. Adjust taper roller bearings on pinion shaft to 10- 4-119. FUEL PUMP AND FUEL FILTER.
15 inch pounds net rolling torque pre-load.
4-120. REMOVAL. (See figure 2-6).
e. Torque bolts as follows: 5/16 inch, 20 foot pounds;
3/8 inch, 40 foot pounds; 1/2 inch, 60 foot pounds, and a. Disconnect fuel lines from pump and fuel filter.
all 5/8 inch bolts to 150 to 160 foot pounds.
b. Remove the 2 capscrews that secure the pump to the
f. Torque converter must turn freely with transmission engine side cover.
bolted to crankcase, but before bolting the drive plate
to the flywheel. 4-121. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-6).
g. End play of clutch pack on the input and output shafts a. Loosen the bail nut (16), swing the bail to one side,
is to be 0.012 to 0.024 inch between bearings. and withdraw the bowl (13).
h. End play on the idler shaft is to be 0.006 inch mini- b. With retainers (8) removed, tap out arm pin (7).
mum. Pull clip (22), press out pin (21), and withdraw link (20).
i. After assembly is complete, check converter charg- c. Remove cover and lift out remaining components
ing pressure by installing a gage in opening of plug (2, within the body.
figure 1-27).
j. Check HIGH and LOW shifting charging pressure at 4-122. REPAIR. Repair of the fuel pump is limited to
points of plugs (1, figure 1-27). Gage should read 95 to discarding damaged, bent, or ruptured (diaphragm)
105 PSI. parts. Wash all parts in solvent and blow dry with com-
pressed air. Check the spring for quick return action,
k. Check FORWARD and REVERSE shifting charging when compressed and released.
pressure at plugs (4, figure 1-27). Pressure should be 95
to 105 PSI. 4-123. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-6). Reassemble
the fuel pump and filter in essentially the same order
1. Check pump charging pressure at plug hole (3, figure as disassembly, except that care must be taken not to
1-27) on top of transmission. Reading is to be 100 to 140 damage or distort the diaphragm by not aligning the cover
PSI. holes properly. Using a new gasket (23), secure the
assembly to the engine, and connect the fuel lines.
4-125. REMOVAL. (See figure 2-7).
a. Loosen screw (39), remove clip (36), and pull the
choke control cable out of the swivel (38).
b. Remove the air intake hose and the fuel line. Re-
move the two capscrews that secure the carburetor to
the manifold casting.
4-126. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-7).
a. Disassembly of the carburetor is complete upon re-
moval of all attaching parts of each component. The
following steps outline the various troubles and which
components cause them.
b. Some factors other than faulty operation of the
Fig. 1-27. Pressure Testing Ports carburetor that could contribute to improper operation
of the engine are as follows: faulty ignition system,
incorrect timing, air cleaner abnormally restricted, or
1. HIGH and LOW check ports air leaks. Check for and correct any of these conditions
2. Converter charging check port that may exist.
3. Pump charging check port
4. FORWARD and REVERSE check ports c. If the engine is not idling properly, check the gas-
ket between the manifold and cylinder head and also the 4-131. DISASSEMBLY AND REPAIR (CARBURETOR).
gasket between the carburetor and manifold. Air leaks
at these points will cause erratic idling. a. Remove main cover and diaphragm, clean thoroughly
with solvent, blow dry with air hose, inspect for damage
d. The principal parts subject to wear in the carburetor or wear. Clean inside carburetor, using small brush for
are the throttle shaft (2), the float valve and seat (15). orifice. Check for air leaks around outer edge of dia-
phragm, carburetor to manifold gasket, and vacuum pick-
d. Wear of the throttle shaft results in more air enter- up openings in flange.
ing the carburetor than is necessary. This condition
results in too lean alas mixture when the engine is id- b. To replace diaphragm only, cut old diaphragm to
ling. To compensate for the increased air supply, it is remove from assembly. Carefully stretch new diaphragm
usually necessary to enrich the idle gas mixture; this in over one back-up plate; the diaphragm should float freely
turn, affects fuel economy. In addition, this excess air between the two plates.
is unfiltered and could cause serious damage to the en-
f. Excessive wear of the float valve and seat will result a. Remove cover assembly. Check "power ram" oper-
in too high a fuel level in the carburetor bowl. This high ation by sucking on vacuum line connecting port. Turn
fuel level causes excessive fuel consumption, crankcase and remove main vaporizer diaphragm assembly. Check
dilution, and difficulty in maintaining satisfactory ad- seal in diaphragm stem. Clean or replace liquid seal
justment of the carburetor,, pad. Clean chamber thoroughly. Remove lever assem-
bly, check seat (there is a spare seat on the lever arm),
g. If the fuel level is too low, the engine will not check for bent lever or wear at the connecting slot. When
respond quickly, and it will be very difficult to main- replacing vaporizer seat, it is recommended to replace
tain a satisfactory carburetor adjustment. A sticking complete lever arm assembly.
float valve or float arm could cause a low fuel level. 4-133. REASSEMBLY.
a. Inspect all parts taken from the carburetor. Replace b. When installing diaphragm assembly in carburetor,
any damaged or excessively worn parts. Discard all be sure to allow sufficient slack in diaphragm so the
gaskets, the choke-shaft packing, and the throttle-shaft fuel and air valve can move freely. Use guide pins if
seal. possible.
b. Using a cleaning solution, thoroughly clean the c. In vaporizer, to reconnect diaphragm assembly to
throttle body (1), the carburetor bowl (10), and all lever: with liquid seal pad and cover installed, insert
parts being used again. screw driver to hold neat in closed position, place
diaphragm tab at 90 , rotate to position, check for
4-128. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-7). connection.
4-134. OIL PUMP.
a. Assemble the carburetor in the numerical sequence
as shown, with the following exception: 4-135. REMOVAL (See figure 2-13). To remove the
oil pump, first drain the crankcase oil. Remove the
b. The float (13) controls the fuel level in the carbure- four stud nuts and the cap screw which secure the oil
tor bowl. Turn the throttle body (1) upside down, and pump body (1) to the crankcase, and then remove the
measure the distance between the float and the milled oil pump.
surface of the throttle body. This distance should be
5/16 inch. If necessary, bend the float arms in either 4-136. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-13).
direction to obtain the correct dimension.
a. Remove the gear (14) on the drive shaft, and the
c. Secure carburetor to exhaust manifold and make hose, Woodruff keys.
tube, and cable connections.
b. Before removing the drive shaft for the oil pump,
it will be necessary to remove the distributor. The
4-129. LP-GAS EQUIPMENT. drive shaft for the oil pump affects the engine timing.
Turn the engine over until the No. 1 piston is at the top
4-130. REMOVAL. (See figure 2-10). dead center of its compression stroke and the rotor is
pointing toward the post for the No. 1 cylinder.
a. Close fuel valve on tank.
c. Mark the position of the distributor rotor and the
b. Disconnect all hoses, wires, and linkage and remove distributor body. Notice that the slot in the distributor
the carburetor and vaporizer from the engine. drive coupling is off-center.
d. To remove the drive shaft for the oil pump, loosen that all the oil is off the pump body and gears.
the lock nut, and back out the setscrew. Remove the This is necessary as Plastigage will dissolve in
oil pump drive shaft. oil.
e. Check the condition of the bushings (17) for the oil e. When reassembling, be sure to align the coupling
pump drive shaft. Use a screw-type extractor to remove on the distributor and on the oil pump drive shaft. If
these bushings if they are damaged. Press the lower bush- the engine was not turned over while the drive shaft
ing in the crankcase until it is flush with the bottom of was removed, the parts can be installed in their origi-
the crankcase. The upper bushing should be flush with nal position and the engine timing-will be correct.
the top of the bushing hole. These bushings are line- However, be sure to check the timing, after reassembl-
bored. The correct inside diameter of these bushings ing, using a neon timing light.
after they are line-bored is 0.625 to 0.626 inch.
4-139. ENGINE
f. To replace the grooved bushing (18), drive out the
coupling roll pin, and slip both parts off the shaft. 4-140. REMOVAL. Many of the overhaul procedures
described below can be accomplished without removing
g. Remove the check valve and the pressure regulator the engine from the vehicle. For any major overhaul,
screw (8). however, such as replacing the camshaft or crankshaft,
the engine must be removed. Remove the overhead
4-137. REPAIR. (See figure 2-13). guard. Remove the engine hood sections. Disconnect
a. Check the condition of the drive shaft (15), the all wiring, tubing, hoses, linkages, etc., that are
coupling for the drive shaft, the grooved bushing, and connected from the engine to the frame or other com-
the pinion (16). Replace any excessively worn or ponents. Remove the radiator as described in paragraph
damaged parts. 4-42. Remove the battery and box. Remove the bolts
from the engine mount (6, figure 2-28) and the bolts from
b. If any of the springs are broken or have taken a the torque converter drive plate (see figure 1-26) and con-
"set", install new ones. verter housing. When all parts are free, move the engine
directly to the rear and raise the engine completely up
c. Check the condition of the oil pump gears. Re- and out. Lower the engine onto a suitable support, using
place them if they are chipped, cracked, or worn ex- wood blocks to avoid damage to the assembly.
4-138. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-13).
a. Remove the cylinder head cover (18, figure 2-2),
a. Insert the oil pump drive shaft assembly in the and the adapter (16). Remove the side cover (27,
crankcase. Make certain the slot in the coupling and figure 2-1) as an assembly.
the largest section of the coupling on the distributor
are in alignment. After installing the oil pump drive b. Disconnect the rocker arm oil line and the rocker
shaft, turn the setscrew all the way in and secure the arm assembly.
lock nut.
c. Remove all cylinder head stud nuts. Withdraw push Lion. After thoroughly soaking the pistons, clean all
rods (28, figure 2-3), and remove the heads. the carbon from the top of the piston with a suitable
scraper. Clean the carbon from the ring grooves with
d. To replace the camshaft, first turn the engine over a ring groove cleaner or a broken section of a ring.
until the timing mark on the crankshaft throw lines up If using a broken ring, file one end of it to a sharp,
with the mark on the camshaft gear. See figure 1 -28. square edge. Clean metal should be evident over the
entire area of the ring groove. Use care to avoid re-
e. Remove the cap screws from the camshaft bearing moving metal from the bottom of the ring groove.
caps (figure 1-29). Remove the screws holding the oil Carefully clean the oil return holes in the oil ring
lines to the crankshaft bearing caps. The center and the groove, using a drill of the proper size held in a tap
front bearing caps are not interchangeable. Before re- wrench. Never use a steel buffing brush to clean the
moving the center and the front bearing caps, be sure ring lands or skirt of a piston. After thoroughly clean-
they are marked with a center punch. Remove the bear- ing the pistons, carefully examine each piston. Be
ing caps, and keep them in their original order. Remove sure there are no cracks in the head or skirt of any of
the camshaft. Keep the tappets in their original order. the pistons, and check the rings lands to be sure they
are not bent or broken. Replace the piston if any of
these defects are found.
tain a pattern with the cross-hatching, intersecting at about out-of-round bearing surfaces, fatigue, corrosion, and
60°. Clean the loose abrasives from the hone with a incorrect methods of engine operation (including over-
clean cloth before using the hone in the next cylinder. loading). Check for, and correct any of these causes
Repeat the de-glazing procedure in each cylinder. After which could have contributed to bearing failure before
honing, wipe as much as possible of the abrasive deposits reassembling the engine.
from the cylinder walls. Swab each cylinder with clean
No. 10 oil. Carefully wipe each cylinder with a clean r. It is extremely important to check the crankshaft
cloth. One swabbing-wiping operating is not sufficient. for scored rod-bearing journals or main-bearing
Continue the swabbing-wiping operation until a clean, journals. If the journals show evidence of scoring, it
white cotton cloth remains absolutely unsoiled when rub- will be necessary to replace the crankshaft. Using a
bing it on the cylinder wall. micrometer, measure each rod-bearing journal and
each main -bearing journal at various places around
NOTE the journal to be sure it is not tapered or out-of-round.
If the taper or out-of-round of any journal exceeds
Do not use gasoline or kerosene to clean the 0.003 inch, replace the crankshaft.
cylinders after de-glazing them. Solvents of
this nature will not remove the grit from the NOTE
When re-using a crankshaft which has slightly
n. The recommended clearance between the cylinder tapered or out-of-round journals (less then
walls and the skirt of pistons is 0.003 inch. To check 0.003 inch), be sure to fit the bearing to the
this clearance, place a long 0.003-inch feeler strip
1/2-inch wide between the side of the piston and the maximum diameter of the journal. If the
bearing is fitted to the minimum diameter of
cylinder wall, in line with the pin. The piston should a slightly out-of-round or tapered journal,
enter the bore with this feeler in place, but should not
do so when using a 0.004-inch feeler strip. interference between the bearing and journal
will result in rapid bearing failure.
o. Carefully check the rods to make certain they are s. Remove the flywheel (19, figure 2-4). Remove the rear
straight. A bent rod is likely to make the piston oper- oil-seal retainer, and the pilot-bearing retainer. Remove
ate so the ring faces are not parallel to the surface of the bolts which secure the rear main -bearing housing to
the cylinder wall; a bent rod will also cause premature the crankcase. Remove the front main-bearing cap and
bearing failure. Accurate alignment of connecting rods the center main-bearing cap. Notice that the center
is necessary for correct ring and bearing operation. To main-bearing cap and the front main-bearing cap have
check the rod for twist or parallelism, place it in a different identification marks and are not interchangeable.
fixture. Using an aligning tool, make any adjustments Using a bearing removal plug, roll the inner inserts out of
necessary. Install a new rod if the old rod cannot be the crankcase (lip end of insert first). Turn the crankshaft
properly aligned. so the number 2 and the number 3 rod journals are to the
outside. If the rod and piston assemblies are in the engine,
p. Always check the end gap of each ring in the cylin- push them up out of the way. Using a lead hammer, or a
der. Insert the ring in the bore, and push the ring down wood block and a hammer, drive the crankshaft toward
with the top of the piston. This squares the ring in re- the rear of the engine until the rear bearing housing is
lation to the cylinder bore. Push the rings down to the out of the crankcase. Use extreme care to prevent dam-
bottom section of the cylinder just below the normal again any of the rods or crankshaft journals while re-
travel distance of the rings. When checking the end moving the crankshaft.
gap of new rings in a new cylinder, the rings should
have an end gap of 0.010 to 0.020 inch. The end t. Remove one of the long dowel pins from the end of the
gap of the rings may vary somewhat from these clear- crankshaft. Remove the top half of the rear-main bearing,
ances, depending upon the amount of cylinder wear. and remove the insert from the lower section. Position the
rear-bearing housing in relation to the dowel pin. Notice
q. While disassembling, be sure to mark any parts that the open section of the bearing housing is opposite the
being used again. During the original time the engine remaining long dowel pin. Move the open section of the
was run, each engine part works into its mating part housing out and over the end of the crankshaft.
and becomes especially suited for its own particular
position in the engine. In addition to normal engine u. Remove the crankshaft (1, figure 2-4) from the crank-
wear, other factors contribute to bearing failure. case through the side cover opening in the crankcase. Re-
Therefore, during disassembly of an engine and before move and clean the oil strainer. Clean out all the oil
reassembling it, try to determine, analyze, and correct passageways and the oil tubes in the crankcase.
the original cause of bearing failure. It is just as im-
portant to correct the cause of bearing failure as it is 4-142. REASSEMBLY.
to replace the worn bearings. Some other factors
which could cause bearing failure in addition to normal a. When reassembling, do not install the rear main-
wear are as follows: dirt, misalignment (including rods bearing inserts until the crankshaft is in the crankcase
and caps), incorrect assembly, lubrication failure, and rear main-bearing housing is on the shaft. Install
i. Check the amount of crankshaft end play. With a m. Adjust valves as follows: Cold---intake .010 inch;
small pry bar, move the shaft toward the rear of the exhaust .018 inch. At operating temperature---intake
engine. Using a feeler gage, check the amount of .008 inch; exhaust .010 inch.
clearance between the thrust surface of the crankshaft
4-143. HYDRAULIC PUMP (MY 40).
and the thrust surface of the bearing. The correct crank-
shaft end clearance is 0.002 to 0.006 inch. 4-144. REMOVAL. (See figure 2-30).
j. Before installing the oil pump drive shaft, make a. Drain the hydraulic tank. Remove the suction
certain that the DC-1 mark on the flywheel is center-
strainer (43).
ed in the timing opening (figure 1-32), and that the
number one piston is at the top dead center of its com-
b. Remove the hoses from the pump (1) and remove the
pression stroke. pump from the engine side cover.
k. Make certain the surfaces of the crankcase and blocks 4-145. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-30).
are absolutely clean before reinstalling the block. Use
new gaskets when reinstalling the blocks. Tighten the a. Remove helical gear (35). Remove socket head
block mounting bolts to 75 to 80 foot-pounds. After screws, and remove bearing adapter (9).
reassembling, be sure to correctly torque the heads and
adjust the valves as explained below.
b. Remove drive shaft (5). Remove snap rings (8) and
bearing (7).
Fig. 1-34. Head Torque Sequence b. Disconnect the hoses and tubing from the pump
(1). Loosen the set screw in the coupling (29), remove 4-153. HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE.
the pump mounting bolts, and remove the pump (1)
from the support (30). 4-154. REMOVAL. Remove all tubing and hoses from
the control valve. Remove the control valve from the
4-150. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-30A.) mounting.
a. Remove the four socket head screws from the flow 4-155. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-31).
divider assembly (18) and remove the flow divider from
the cover (3). a. Remove ball check plug (11), "0" ring (12), and
check valve plunger (13).
b. Mark the gear plate (10) and cover (3) so they can
be reassembled in the same relative position. Remove b. Remove cap (20), gasket (21), shims and washers
the six cover-to-body bolts and separate the cover, (19 and 19A), spring and guide (16 and 17). Remove
gear plate, and body (2), and their components. Note ball (18). Remove valve seat (14), "0" ring (15),
the position of the idler gear (9). The gear is symmet- and plunger (13).
rical, but any amount of wear requires that it be reas-
sembled in the same position for proper mating with c. Remove rubber bonnet (10), snap ring (9), and
the drive shaft gear (5). disk (8).
c. Remove the retainer (6), oil seal (7), and "0" d. Remove bolt (6), lock washer (7), and stop collar
ring (8). (5), centering spring (3), and stop washer (4).
d. If there is evidence of bearing damage, remove e. Disconnect handles from spools by removing the
the bearings (4) from the body and cover. cotter pin and handle pin.
e. Remove plug (21) and "0" ring (22), and withdraw f. Push spool into housing from front of valve (control
piston (19) and spring (20). handle end) until front seal (2) is exposed, then remove
front seal. Pull spool out of housing from front end,
f. Remove plug (26), and withdraw shims (25), spring being very careful that neither spool nor bore is damaged
(24), and valve (23). in any way. Remove rear seal (2).
4-151. REPAIR. 4-156. REPAIR.
a. Replace wear plates (12 and 13). a. Thoroughly clean the seal grooves.
b. Replace oil seal (7); all "0" rings (8, 17, 22 and b. Install new seals, "0" rings, and gasket (21).
27); and seals (14 and 15).
c. Examine all parts carefully and rejlace any damaged
c. Examine all remaining parts carefully for wear Or or faulty components. If a spool or the valve is damaged
damage. Discard any faulty components. the entire assembly must be replaced.
4-152. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-30A.) 4-157. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-31). Reassemble
in reverse order of disassembly.
a. Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly. Keep a. Wash all parts thoroughly in an approved solvent.
all parts immaculately clean during reassembly. Dip
seals and "0" rings in clean hydraulic oil before in- b. The spools must be installed in the ports from which
stalling. they were removed (the spool with 2 grooves must be in-
b. The wear plates (12 and 13) are not identical. They stalled in the port nearest the inlet side of the valve).
must be installed as shown in figure 5-37, with the Install the spool from the front of the valve, until the
plate with the slots toward the pump body (2) side of the spool end reaches the rear seal groove.
gear plate (10).
c. Dip new seal in hydraulic fluid and place seal in rear
c. The idler gear (9) must be installed in its original groove, with the "U" cup of the seal toward the valve
position. See 4-150b above. body. Straighten the seal by running a smooth rod around
the exposed surface of the seal until it fits perfectly.
d. Torque the cover-to-body and flow divider attach-
ing bolts to 190 to 210 inch pounds. d. Push the spool further into the housing, with a rotating
movement, to ease the spool through the rear seal. Push
e. Add or remove shims (25) to obtain relief pressure the spool just far enough in to expose the front seal groove.
of 1250 PSI. Install gage in power steering pressure Dip new seal in hydraulic fluid and install front seal with
line and turn rear wheels against wall or other solid the "U" cup toward the valve body and straighten seal as
object to activate relief valve. explained previously.
e. Gently push spool forward with a rotating motion, to f. With slotted nut (33) removed from ball stud (31),
ease the spool through the front seal. Position spool with remove dust seal cover (42) and dust seal (41).
1/4-inch of polished surface of the spool exposed at front
of valve. g. Straighten out the 2 staked places and remove end
cap (43). Remove lock pin (38) and unscrew adjusting
f. Install new rubber bonnets. plug (37). From inside plug, remove washer (36) and
spring (35). Remove outer ball seat (34) and ball stud
g. Install check valve assembly with new "0" ring (12). (31).
Tighten plug (11) to 30 foot pounds.
h. Unscrew lubricator fitting (44). Pull out ball socket
h. Install relief valve assembly, with new "0" ring (15). housing (40) and remove 2 steel balls (32).
Tighten valve seat (14) securely. Install ball (18), guide
(17), spring (16). Use sufficient washers (19) or shims i. The valve sub-assembly - items 21 through 30 in-
(19A), or both, to obtain relief pressure of 1250 PSI for clusive, and shell (39) - can now be removed. Use
the MY 40; 1750 PSI for the MY 60. Each washer (19) care to avoid damage to the threads inside the end of
affects the pressure approximately 500 PSI; each shim the cylinder housing when pulling out this assembly.
(19A) affects the pressure approximately 50 PSI. Test The 4 small "0" rings . (20) may or may not remain in
the pressure at either plug opening (1, figure 1-35). their counterbores. If not, they should be found on the
face of the cylinder head.
i. Install new gasket (21). Tighten cap (20) to 45 foot
pounds. j. To simplify disassembly of flexure rod (29), socket
shell (39), and valve body and spool sub-assembly, re-
assemble ball stud (31) against inner ball seat (34), in-
stall outer ball seat (34), and screw in adjusting plug
(37) as tight as possible. This will tend to keep flexure
rod (29) from turning when unscrewing elastic stop nut
Fig. 1-35. Hydraulic Pressure Lines 1. Remove by-pass valve assembly (26, 27, and 28). The
plug (28) is a fairly tight fit, but can be removed.
1. Testing ports
4-161. REPAIR. (See figure 2-27),.
a. Replace all oil seals and "0" rings.
4-159. REMOVAL. Disconnect the hoses. Disconnect
the drag link from the hydraulic steering booster. Re- b. Wash all parts in an approved solvent.
move the booster and the rear section of the drag link.
c. Examine all parts carefully for scratches or nicks. If
4-160. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-27). any of the polished surfaces are marred, discard the
faulty component.
a. Remove the rear section of drag link from the booster.
4-162. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-27).
b. Drain the oil from the booster by moving the piston
rod in and out from one extreme of travel to the other. a. Place "0" ring (25) in spool and insert spool in valve
body from ball stud end.
c. Remove slotted nut (18), cushion retainers (17), and
cushions (16) and locator. Remove end plate (15). b. Drop ball (27) into hole, place spring (26) over plug
stem (28), and press in hole until flush with face of valve
d. Remove retainer ring (11). Pull back sharply on body.
piston rod to blow out seals and rings (8, 9, 10, 12,
and 13). c. Place flexure rod (29) in socket shell (39), insert
inner ball seat (34), ball stud (31), outer ball seat (34),
e. Remove retainer ring (14) and bearing (5). Remove and adjusting plug (37). Tighten securely. Place this
ring (7) and "0" ring (6). Remove the piston and rod assembly in vise, holding at threaded end. of socket
assembly (1). shell.
DO NOT DAMAGE THE SHELL BY CLAMPING a. Drain cylinder by moving rod back and forth.
b. Unscrew threaded washer (16).
d. Slide valve body and spool assembly over flexure rod
(end of valve body with 4 holes counterbored for small c. Pull piston rod (8) and remaining parts out of shell
"0" rings must be up). (2).
e. Assemble washer (22), spring (21), washer (22A), d. Remove nut (9). Pull remaining components off
"0" ring (23), another washer (22A), and retainer washer rod.
(24). Press carefully into valve body until elastic nut
(30) can be started on flexure rod. Using box wrench, 4-166. REPAIR. (See figure 2-33).
push down on top of washer (24), at same time rotating
valve body (19) back and forth until "0" ring (23) and a. Replace all "0" ring seals and packing assembly
outer washer (22A) enter valve body completely. (7 and 13).
f. Tighten elastic nut (12) to 10-12 foot-pounds. b. Replace nylon rider (6). Replace back-up ring (15).
g. Remove ball stud, seats, and adjusting plug from c. Replace wiper ring (18).
socket shell. 4-167. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-33).
h. Assemble 4 "0" rings (20) to valve body. Slide valve a. Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly. Lubricate
body into cylinder housing. Roll pin assembly in valve all "0" rings with clean hydraulic fluid to facilitate in-
body must fit in center hole in face of cylinder head. stallation. Install all parts from piston end of rod.
i. Assemble socket housing (40) over shell (39), aligning b. If a new cylinder is installed, retract the tilt cylinders.
slotted opening in housing with rectangular opening in Loosen bolt in rod end (1, figure 1-36), place a punch
cylinder housing. Align socket shell with openings. In- through the hole (2, figure 1-36) in the rod, and align
stall inner ball seat (34). the new cylinder with the other to square up the mast.
j. Place small amount of heavy grease in small holes
in socket shell, and install steel balls (32).
a. Remove retainer (7), "0" ring (8), wiper ring (9), move spring, washer, and spacer (15, 16 and 17, figure
and garter spring (10). Pull out intermediate tube 2-34).
(3) and components.
c. Remove nuts from anchor stud (20) to disconnect chain.
b. Remove retainer (11), "0" ring (12), and wiper ring Remove cap screws holding cylinder flange to cross brace
(13). Remove sheave support as described in paragraph on outer rail assembly (1).
d. Remove nuts from piston rod guides (27). Lift the
c. Remove snap rings (17 and 20), washers (16 and 19), cylinder up and out of the guide hole in the base of the
and packing (15 and 18). Remove pin (21) and piston outer rail assembly.
4-175. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-34).
d. Remove threaded washer (29) and wiper ring (31).
Remove retainer (22), "0" ring (23), and ring (24), and a. Remove plunger retainer (18). Remove "0" ring (19),
intermediate tube (4). Remove snap ring (34) and bushing wiper ring (20), and garter spring (21). Pull plunger
(33). assembly (3) out of shell (2).
e. Remove items 25 through 28, inclusive, from piston b. Remove roll pin (5), and remove spacer (6), and
retainer (22). piston retainer (4). Remove snap ring (14) and remove
piston (7) from retainer (4).
f. Remove straight fitting and "0" ring at base of
cylinder, and remove spacer (37), spring (35), and c. Remove "0" ring (12) and back-up ring (13). Re-
washer (36). move packing assembly (8). Packing assembly (8)
consists of V-rings (9); packing set (10); and adapter (11).
4-171. REPAIR.
d. Items 15, 16, and 17 have been removed previously
a. Replace all "0" rings, packings, wiper rings, and in step 4-174b.
back-up rings.
4-176, REPAIR.
b. Wash all parts in an approved solvent. Examine for
wear, scratches, or blemishes. Discard faulty components. a. Replace entire packing assembly (8). Replace
both "0" rings (12 and 19). Replace wiper ring (28).
4-172. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-35). Assemble in
reverse order of disassembly. b. Examine all parts carefully for scratches, wear or
other damage.
a. Dip "0" rings and packing in hydraulic fluid to 4-177. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 2-34). Reassemble in
facilitate assembly to prevent damaging these parts. reverse order of disassembly.
b. Install "0" rings, packing, back-up rings to piston a. Dip new "0" rings and packing in clean hydraulic
(14) and retainer (22) sub-assemblies. fluid to facilitate assembly and to prevent damage to
these parts.
c. Install lift cylinder on mast assembly, with locating
pin on bottom of cylinder in small hole in bottom plate b. Assemble piston (7), packing (8), "0" ring (12),
of outer rail assembly. Connect hose to fitting. Install back-up ring (13), to retainer (4), and secure with
chains and adjust as explained in paragraph 4-182. snap ring (14).
d. Check fluid level in tank and replenish as necessary, c. Install lift cylinder on mast assembly, with lower
according to lubrication instructions (figure 1-10). Start end of cylinder in guide hole in base of outer rail
the engine and operate at an idle speed. Pull back on assembly. Attach flange and piston head assembly
lift control lever to fill the cylinder. Operate cylinder (23, figure 2-37) to rails. Connect upper and lower
several times, raising and lowering mast. With engine tubes with spring, washer, and spacer (15, 16, and 17)
running at idle speed, loosen bleed screw (5) on top of in place as shown. Install chains and adjust as
cylinder, and pull back on lift control lever. Tighten explained in paragraph 4-182.
screw when fluid with no bubbles runs out of bleed hole.
d. Check hydraulic fluid level in tank and replenish
4-173. LIFT CYLINDER (SIMPLEX). See figure 2-34. as necessary, according to lubrication instructions
(figure 1-10). Start the engine and operate at an idle
4-174. REMOVAL. (See figure 2-37). speed. Pull back on the lift control lever to fill the
cylinder. Operate the cylinder several times, raising
a. Lower forks to floor. Disconnect tubing from upper and lowering the mast assembly.
end of cylinder.
e. Bleed the system as follows: Jack up the forks enough
b. Disconnect tube from lower end of cylinder. Re- to gain access to the lower tube; crack the flared nut on
this tube to allow the air in the cylinder to escape; start ends of fork bar and lower forks until lift cylinder is
the engine and, move the lift control lever slowly to the completely collapsed. Adjusting is to be done with no
rear. When pure fluid (with no bubbles) is being forced load on forks. Set the upright in a vertical position.
out around the nut, tighten the nut.
d. Turn the chain anchor rods into chain anchors as far as
4-178. MAST AND RELATED PARTS. The simplex and threads will allow (at 1, figure 1 37).
This catalog contains a complete list of parts for the MY 40 and MY 60 Lift Trucks. To assist
in determining the part numbers and descriptions, the parts in this catalog are grouped accord-
ing to their location on the Lift Truck. Reference numbers only are shown in each illustration.
These numbers correspond to those in the reference number column in the list of parts which
precedes each "exploded view."
To further assist in locating repair parts, the part numbers are arranged in numerical sequence
and indexed on pages 87 - 95.
Component parts of assemblies are listed following the assembly itself and are identified as being
part of the assembly by this notation following the description:
Consists of the following part:
When in need of repair parts always order the parts from your Mobilift dealer or from the branch
house nearest you. All parts orders should plainly specify your name, post office address and
whether shipment is to go by parcel post, express or freight.
Before returning repair parts it is necessary to secure written permission from the company
authorizing the return of such parts. In the returning of repair parts be sure the package is tagged
with your name and address. Prepay transportation charges.
Claims of shortage or breakage should be made to the transportation company on receipt of
It is the policy of Minneapolis-Moline, Inc. to improve its products whenever it is possible
and practical to do so. We reserve the right to make changes or add improvements in the design
or construction of ;parts at any time without incurring the obligation to install such changes on
products previously delivered.
Air Cleaner 12
Battery Box and Cables 28
Brakes 46-48-50
Breather 5
Camshaft 8
Carburetor 14
Coil, ignition 26
Connecting rods 10
Control Valve, hydraulic 68-70
Control Valve, transmission .. 36
Converter, transmission case 32
Counterweight 60
Crankcase 4
Crankshaft 10
Cylinder Block 6
Cylinder Head 6
Oil Filler 4
Oil Filter, engine 22
Oil Filter, hydraulic 64
Oil Pump 22
Overhead Guard 60
Radiator 24
Reel and Hoses . 72
Rocker Arms 8
Seat 62
Spark Plugs . 26
Starting Motor 28
Steering Axle 40-42
Steering Gear 54-56
Tappets . 8
Tail L amps 28
Thermostat 24
Throttle Controls 17
Tilt Cylinder 72
Transmission 34
Transmission Case 32
Valves 8
Voltage Regulator 28
Water Pump 21
Wheels, Front and Rear 52
Wiring Harness 30
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-1
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-2
1 10A14043 Camshaft 1
2 10A16945 Gear - timing, 60 teeth 1
3 10A 6402 Gear - oil pump drive, 16 teeth 1
GM103906 - Key, Woodruff, No. 8 2
4 10A 63 92 Washer - gear retainer 1
5 GM179839 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 1" 1
6 10A 6350 Arm - rocker, front intake and rear exhaust 4
7 10A6351 Arm - rocker, front exhaust and rear intake 4
8 10A13679 Screw - adjusting rocker arms 8
GM114494 - Nut, hex. jam, 3/8"-24 8
9 10B6973 Shaft - rocker arms, with rubber plugs 1
Includes the following part:
GM103385 - Pin, cotter, 1/8" x 1" 2
10 10A7207 Plug - rubber, 1/2" dia . 2
12 10A7206 Spring - rocker arms, 1-9/16" long 2
13 10A7205 Spring - rocker arms, 2-9/16" long 1
14 10A5915 Bracket - rocker arms 4
15 10A5946 Stud - rocker arm bracket, 3/8" x 5" 4
GM102635 - Nut, hex., 3/8"-16 4
GM114503 - Nut, hex., jam, 3/8"-16 4
16 10A7202 Tube - oil rocker arms 1
17 10A6010 Pipe - supply, oil tube 1
18 10A6016 Nut - oil supply pipe 1
50A2041 - Washer - plain, 1/2" 1
19 10A6015 Seal - oil supply pipe 1
10A10040 Cup - seal retainer 1
20 10A 6429 Valve - intake 4
21 10A6397 Valve - exhaust 4
22 10A 6435 Spring - valve 8
23 10A 6408 Seat - valve spring 4
24 10A2040 Rotocap - exhaust valve 4
25 10A 6440 Lock - valve spring seat 16
26 10A 5844 Insert - exhaust valve 4
27 10A5988 Guide - valve 8
28 10A 6479 Push Rod 8
29 10A5966 Tappet (valve lifter) 8
10R972 Gasket Set - valve grinding overhaul 1
Fig. 2-3
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-4
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
24 38
Fig. 2 7-
Fig. 2-8
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-10
Fig. 2-11
Ref. No. • Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-13
Fig. 2-14
• Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs:
Fig. 2-15
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-16
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
1 35A2699 Panel - instrument
GM155343 - Screw, round head, 1/4"-20 x 5/8"
GM120375 - Nut, hex., 1/4"-20
2 35A 214 Gauge - ammeter
35A 1068 Wire - ammeter to ignition switch, 5" long
35A411 Gauge - engine temperature
35A 1068 Wire - temperature gauge to oil gauge, 5" long
4 35A 996 Unit - temperature sending
5 35A 412 Gauge - oil pressure
6 35A 988 Unit - sending, oil pressure
6A 36A1762 Support - oil pressure, sending unit
GM187394 - Coupling, pipe, 1/8"
GM9402680 - Connector, 1/8" N.P.T. to 7/16"-20
35A 1759 Tube - extension, sending unit support
7 35A212 Gauge - fuel
35A 1067 Wire - fuel gauge to temperature gauge
8 35A 408 Switch - light
35A 1068 Wire - oil gauge to light switch, 5" long
35A 3004 Wire - with fuse, light switch, 36" long •
9 10A 1677 Switch - ignition
10 10R71 Key - ignition switch, set of 2
35A 1068 Wire - ignition switch to starting switch, 5" long
11 35A406 Switch - starting motor
35A 2891 Hour Meter, MY 60
12 35A2890 Hour Meter, MY 40
13 10A 3436 Dampener - vibration, hour meter
GM100737 - Screw, round head, No. 6-32 x 3/8"
14 35A210 Light-warning
15 35A 57 Plate - warning light
16 35A 309 Unit - transmission, warning light
35A 1765 Choke Rod - with tube and knob, 28" long
GM124925 - Nut, hex. jam, 3/8"-24
17 10A2296 Switch - pressure
18 GM105404 - Nipple, pipe, close, 1/8"
19 GM105416 - Tee, pipe, 1/8"
35A2694 Harness - wiring, upper
35A 2 693 Harness - wiring, lower
35A 1102 Wire - lower wiring harness to coil
20 35A 56 Plate - brake warning
GM107837 - Screw, drive, No. 6 x 3/8"
21 35A 1757 Switch - neutral, starting
GM132664 - Screw, round head, No. 4-40 x 1"
22 35A2496 Bracket - mounting neutral switch
23 35A 1754 Cover - switch bracket
GM132900 - Screw, round head, No. 10-32 x 3/8"
24 35P525 *Switch - oil pressure
25 35P531 *Tee - mounting, oil pressure switch
35P528 *Wire - oil pressure switch, 22" long
35P526 *Wire - oil pressure switch, 51" long
26 35P530 *Plug - snap, panel opening
*NOTE: Used on lift trucks equipped for using LP gas.
Fig. 2-17
Ref . No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-19
Fig. 2-20
Fig. 2-20
- 7-20 6- 00 DD
Fig. 2-21
15A 26
Fig, 2-21A
Ref . No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-22
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-23
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-24
Fig. 2-24
Fig. 2-25
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
35A 532
Gear - steering, with arm 1
Includes the following 21 parts:
1 35P79
Housing - with oil seal, bushing and end cover
2 35P86 1
Seal - oil, cross shaft
3 1
35P89 Bushing - cross shaft
35P87 2
4 Cover - end, lower section
5 35P80
Cam and Tube
6 30P559
Cup - ball
7 2
GM145631 - Ball, steel, 5/16" dia. 22
8 30P560 Ring - retainer
9 35P51 2
Nut - steering wheel
10 35P84 1
Tube - jacket, with bearing
11 35P373
Bearing - jacket tube
12 35P47
Spring - bearing 1
13 35P48 Seat - spring
14 35P49
Clamp - assembly, jacket tube 1
GM181347 - Bolt, hex., 5/16"-18 x 2" 1
GM103025 - Nut, hex., 5/16" -18
GM115548 - Washer, lock, int. and ext., 5/16"
35P83 Cover - upper 1
GM179816 - Bolt, upper cover, 5/16" -18 x 3/4" •
GM103340 - Washer, plain, 11/32" 3
16 VT223 Shim - upper cover, .002 Var.
16 VT224 Shim - upper cover, .003 Var.
16 VT225 Shim - upper cover, .010 Var.
17 35P81 Shaft - cross, with nut
18 GM114499 - Nut, hex. jam, 3/4"-16 1
19 GM131046 - Washer, lock, 3/4" 1
20 35P82 Cover - side, with adjusting screw 1
21 35P88 Screw - adjusting 1
22 GM114496 - Nut, lock, adjusting screw 1
GM179818 - Bolt, hex., 5/16" -18 x 1" 4
GM103340 - Washer, plain, 11/32" 4
23 30P566 Gasket - side cover 1
24 35A3001 Arm - steering
25 35A182 Wheel - steering
GM180479 - Bolt, hex., gear to support, 1/2"-13 x 1-3/4" cad. 2
GM120378 - Nut, hex., 1/2"-13 2
26 36A569 Drag Link, front, 42-1/2" long 1
Includes the following 5 parts:
27 35P241 Bearing - ball socket 2
28 35P240 Seat - spring 1
29 35P238 Spring - socket 1
30 35P239 Bumper - spring 1
31 35P242 Plug - socket 1
32 35A1040 Drag Link, rear, 12-5/16" long 1
33 35P302 Seal - dust, rubber 1
34 35A 535 Clamp - rear drag link
GM180183 - Bolt, clamp, 1/2"-13 x 2-1/4" cad. 1
GM120378 - Nut, hex., 1/2"-13 cad. 1
GM271285 - Fitting, lubricator, 1/8"-27 straight 3
35A2514 Washer - drag link to booster, 45/64" I.D., 2-1/8" 0 D 2
Fig. 2-26
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
35A811 Gear - steering, less arm 1
Includes the following 21 parts:
1 35P79 Housing - with seal, bushings and cover 1
2 35P86 Seal - oil, cross shaft 1
3 35P89 Bushing - cross shaft 2
4 35P87 Cover - end, lower section 1
5 35P298 Cam and Tube 1
6 30P559 Cup - ball 2
7 GM145631 - Ball, steel, 5/16" dia
. 22
8 30P560 Ring - retainer 2
9 35P51 Nut - steering wheel 1
10 35P84 Tube - jacket, with bearing 1
11 30P562 Bearing - jacket tube 1
12 35P47 Spring - bearing 1
13 35P48 Seat - spring 1
14 35P49 Clamp - assembly, jacket tube 1
GM181347 - Bolt, hex., 5/16" -18 x 2" 1
GM103025 - Nut, hex., 5/16" -18 1
GM115548 - Washer, lock, ext. & int. 5/16" 1
15 35P83 Cover - upper 1
GM179816 - Bolt, upper cover, 5/16 11 -18 x 3/4" 3
16 VT223 Shim - upper cover, .002 Var.
16 VT224 Shim - upper cover, .003 Var.
16 VT225 Shim - upper cover, .010 Var.
17 35P81 Shaft - cross, with nut 1
18 GM114499 - Nut, hex. jam, 3/4" -16 1
19 GM131046 - Washer, lock, 3/4" 1
20 35P82 Cover - side, with adjusting screw 1
21 35P88 Screw - adjusting 1
22 GM114496 - Nut, lock, adjusting screw 1
GM179818 - Bolt, hex., 5/16" -18 x 1" 4
23 30P566 Gasket - side cover 1
24 35A3001 Arm - steering 1
25 35A182 Wheel - steering 1
26 36A812 Drag Link - front 1
Includes the following 5 parts:
27 35P241 Bearing - ball socket 2
28 35P240 Seat - spring 1
29 35P238 Spring - socket 1
30 35P239 Bumper - spring 1
31 35P242 Plug - socket 1
32 35A814 Drag Link - rear 1
Includes the following 6 parts:
33 35P367 Bearing - ball socket 2
34 35P368 Seat - spring 1
35 35P369 Spring - socket 1
36 35P370 Bumper - spring 1
37 35P371 Plug - socket 1
38 10P1345 Clamp - rear drag link 1
GM271284 - Fitting, lubrication, 1/8" x 67-1/2" front drag link 1
GM271285 - Fitting - lubrication, 1/8" x 90", rear drag link 1
35A2514 Washer - drag link to booster, 45/64" I.D., 2-1/8" O.D. 2
Fig. 2-26A
3 `
Fig. 2-27
4zg rl
1 36A2925 Frame - main, with fuel and hyd. fluid compartments, MY 40 single drive
wheels 1
36A2515 Frame - main, with fuel and hyd. fluid compartment, MY 40 Dual drive
wheels 1
36A 40 65 Frame - main, with fuel and hyd. fluid compartment, MY 60 single drive
wheels 1
36A4275 Frame - main, with fuel and hyd. fluid compartment, MY 60 Dual drive
2 GM444879 - Plug, pipe, 3/4" drain
3 36A476 Breather - with dipstick, hydraulic fluid tank
4 36A 537 Guard - overhead, assembly, MY 40
36A832 Guard - overhead, assembly, MY 60
GM180123 - Bolt, hex., 3/8" -16 x 1-1/8" cad.
5 35A152 Pad - fabreeka, frame to engine
50A942 - Bolt, hex., 5/8"-11 x 1-1/2", Nylock
36A 463 Bracket - frame to engine, MY 40
35A802 Bracket - frame to engine, MY 60
GM180191 - Bolt, hex., 1/2"-13 x 3-1/4" cad.
GM435507 - Nut, lock, 1/2" -13
7 35A475 Support - differential case to frame, MY 40
7 35A803 Support - differential case to frame, MY 60
GM271731 - Bolt, hex., 5/8"-11 x 4"
GM121574 - Washer, lock, 5/8"
7A 35A2181 Block - clamp', MY 40
7A 35A2181 Block - clamp, MY 60
35A 588 Bushing - mast pivot, MY 60
GM180185 - Bolt, hex., 1/2" -13 x 2-1/2"
35A1832 Plate - floor, front, MY 40
35A1815 Plate - floor, front, MY 60
GM18.0120 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 3/4" cad.
9 36A1831 Plate - floor, rear, MY 40
36A820 Plate - floor, rear, MY 60
GM180122 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 1", cad. .... .
10 35A483 Clip - floor plate, on front bar
35A 501 Safety Walk, on rear floor plate, 12" x 24", MY 40
35A 502 Safety Walk, on R.H. fender step, 6" x 8", MY 40
35A 503 Safety Walk, on L.H. fender step, 6" x 8", MY 40
35A 504 Safety Walk, on frame, R.H. 8" x 12", MY 40
35A 505 Safety Walk, on frame, L.H. 8" x 12", MY 40
35A 827 Safety Walk, on floor plate, MY 60
35A 830 Safety Walk, on frame, MY 60
11 35A2145 Counterweight, MY 40
GM273148 - Bolt, hex., head, 3/4"-16 x 6", MY 40
GM446257 - Washer, plain, 13/16", MY 40
GM426099 - Nut, hex., 3/4"-16, MY 40
35A2415 Counterweight - MY 60
GM271731 - Bolt, hex., 5/8"-11 x 4", MY 60
50A2602 - Washer, plain, 21/32", MY 60
GM124589 - Nut, hex., 5/8" -11, MY 60
12 35A 752 Pin - hitch
50A2846 - Pin, roll, 3/16" x 1-3/4"
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-28
36A3300 Hood - MY 40
36A 3372 Hood - front section, MY 60
35A3373 Hood - rear section, MY 60
GM180120 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 3/4"
GM120377 - Nut, hex., 3/8"-16
2 35A2237 Insulation - center hood section
3 10A 15467 Grommet - rubber, center hood section
4 36A3325 Panel - side, right hand, MY 40
36A 3375 Panel - side, right hand, MY 60
5 36A3298 Panel - side, left hand, MY 40
36A3374 Panel - side, left hand, MY 60
GM180120 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 3/4"
GM120374 - Nut, square, 3/8"-16
GM120394 - Washer, plain, 13/32"
6 35A2178 Support - rear, hood, right hand, MY 40
7 35A2179 Support - rear, hood, left hand, MY 40
36A825 Frame - angle, rear, MY 60
8 36A3368 Panel - drain, MY 40
36A824 Panel - drain, MY 60
GM180118 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 5/8"
GM120377 - Nut, hex., 3/8"-16
9 35A 498 Hinge - hood
10 35A 499 Pin - hood hinge, 3/8" x 2-1/4"
11 35A497 Bracket - hood hinge, MY 40
GM180192 - Bolt, hex., 1/2"-13 x 3-1/2"
GM120378 - Nut, hex., 1/2" -1 3
12 35A1484 Spacer - between hinge brackets, 1-1/8" long, MY 40
13 35A3297 Rod - side panel support, 3/8" x 17-1/2" long
GM120394 - Washer, plain, 13/32"
GM103373 - Pin, cotter, 3/32" x 3/4"
14 35A2176 Bracket - side panel rod, 1-1/2" x 3-1/2", MY 40
15 36A2175 Clip - for panel support rod, left hand side, MY 40
16 35A1814 Shroud - front
GM180124 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 1-1/4"
GM180128 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 1-3/4"
17 35A481 Support - steering column
GM180121 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 7/8"
18 35A 482 Clamp - steering column to support
GM180121 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 7/8"
GM120377 - Nut, hex., 3/8"-16
19 36A2697 Support - hood, front, MY 40
36A2743 Support - hood, front, MY 60
35A 1758 Cover - hood support, MY 60 .
GM180122 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 1" 9
GM120377 - Nut, hex., 3/8"-16 9
20 36A490 Brace - angle, 28" long, MY 40 1
36A2223 Brace - angle, 35-3/8" long, MY 60 1
21 30A 1807 Catch - on support, for panels 2
GM180016 - Bolt, hex., 1/4"-20 x 1/2" 2
GM120375 - Nut, hex., 1/4" -20 2
35A1485 Seat - complete with cushions 1
Includes the following 7 parts:
GM103025 - Nut, hex., 5/16"-24 4
22 35P491 Frame 1
23 35P492 Cushion - back rest 1
24 35P493 Cushion - seat 1
25 35P494 Hinge — back rest 2
26 35P497 Button - end, frame, rail 2
27 35P496 Slide - seat frame, right hand 1
28 35P495 Slide - seat frame, left hand 1
Fig. 2-29
1 35A867 Pump - hydraulic, with flow divider
Includes the following 32 parts:
2 35P269 Body - pump, with bearings 1
3 35P270 Cover - pump, with bearings 1
4 35P297 Bearing - needle, Torrington No. B1416 4
5 35P273 Shaft - drive 1
6 35P280 Gear - drive shaft 1
7 35P278 Bearing - ball, drive shaft, New Dep. No. 3206 1
8 35P279 Ring - bearing retainer, Truarc No. 5100-118 2
9 35P275 Adapter - bearing 1
GM147105 - Screw, adapter, hex. socket, No. 8132 x 1" 2
10 35P277 Seal - "0" ring, adapter, 3-1/4" I.D
. 1
11 35P276 Washer - thrust, bearing, 2" I.D., 3-3/16" 0 D 1
12 35P288 Retainer - with oil seal 1
13 10P1772 Seal - oil, Chicago Rawhide No. 501391 1
Screw - retainer, pan. hd. thd. cutting, 10-24 x 3/8" 4
14 35P286 Seal - "0" ring, retainer, 1-3/4" I.D., 1-15/16" O. D 1
15 35P274 Gear - idler 1
16 35P271 Plate - gear, 1-7/64" thick 1
17 35P272 Pin - dowel, gear plate, 5/16" x 1-3/4" 2
GM179829 - Bolt, hex. hd., 5/16" -18 x 2-3/4" 6
18 35P285 Plate - wear, pump body 1
19 35P282 Plate - wear, pump cover 1
20 35P283 Seal - wear plate, outer, rubber 2
21 35P284 Seal - wear plate, inner, rubber 2
22 35P281 Ring - backup, wear plate seal, ivory 2
23 35P287 Seal - "0" ring, 5/8" I.D., 3/4" 0 D 2
24 35P295 Flow Divider - assembly 1
25 35P289 Piston 1
26 10P1595 Spring - piston, 32 coils 1
27 10P1595 Plug - piston and spring, 3/4"-16 N. F 1
28 35P294 Seal - "0" ring, plug, 7/8" 0 D 1
29 35P290 Valve 1
30 35P291 Spring - valve, 9 coils 1
31 35P293 Shim - valve spring as req.
32 35P292 Plug - valve, 1/2" -20 N.F. 1
33 35P296 Seal - "0" ring, flow divider to pump 2
GM138226 - Screw, hex socket, 5/16" -18 x 2" 4
34 GM127792 - Elbow, pump inlet, 1" -90° 1
35 10A16952 Gear - helical, on pump shaft 1
36 10A5648 Key - gear 1
37 11A5647 Washer - lock, gear to shaft 1
GM179846 - Bolt, lockwasher, 6/16" -18 x 3/4" 1
50A446 - Bolt, pump to housing, 3/8" -16 x 5-1/4" ..... 2
38 10A10224 Washer - pump bolt 2
39 35A705 Gasket - pump to side cover 1
40 35A1285 Hose - suction strainer to pump 1
41 GM105478 - Clamp, hose, 1-3/4" 4
42 35A2524 Nipple - pipe, 1" x 2" 2
43 35A 698 Strainer - suction 1
44 36A699 Flange - mounting, on hyd. oil tank 1
GM180121 - Bolt, hex., 3/8" -16 x 7/8" cad. 6
45 GM127793 - Elbow, pipe, 1", 90 ° 1
46 35A 700 Gasket - flange to tank 1
Fig. 2-30
Ref.No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
34 33
27 20
Fig. 2-30A
Fig. 2-31
Fig. 2-32
Fig. 2-33
Fig. 2-34
Ref. No. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Fig. 2-36
Fig. 2-37
Fig. 2-38
36A1486 60-1/2 36A2832 60-1/2 36A1546 60-1/2 35A2655 22-1/4 35A1675 44-3/4 35A2638 57 42-3/4
36A1487 62 36A2833 62 36A1547 62 35A2656 23 35A1676 46-1/4 35A2639 59 44-1/4
36A1488 63-1/2 36A2834 63-1/2 36A1548 63-1/2 35A2657 23-3/4 35A1677 47-3/4 35A2640 61 45-3/4
36A1489 65 36A2835 65 36A1549 65 35A2658 24-1/2 35A1678 49-1/4 35A2641 63 47-1/4
36A1490 66-1/2 36A2836 66-1/2 36A1550 66-1/2 35A2659 25-1/4 35A1679 50-3/4 35A2642 65 48-3/4
36A1491 68 36A2837 68 36A1551 68 35A2660 26 35A1680 52-1/4 35A2643 67 50-1/4
36A1492 69-1/2 36A2838 69-1/2 36A1552 69-1/2 35A2661 26-3/4 35A1681 53-3/4 35A2644 69 51-3/4
36A1493 71 36A2839 71 36A1553 71 35A2662 27-1/2 35A1682 55-1/4 35A2645 71 53-1/4
36A1494 72 - 1/2 36A2840 72-1/2 36A1554 72-1/2 35A2663 28-1/4 35A1683 56-3/4 35A2646 73 54-3/4
36A1495 74 36A2841 74 36A1555 74 35A2664 29 35A1684 58-1/4 35A2647 75 56-1/4
36A1496 75-1/2 36A2842 75-1/2 36A1556 75-1/2 35A2665 29-3/4 35A1685 59-3/4 35A2648 77 57-3/4
36A1497 77 36A2843 77 36A1557 77 35A2666 30-1/2 35A1686 61-1/4 35A2649 79 59-1/4
36A1498 78-1/2 36A2844 78-1/2 36A1558 78-1/2 35A2667 31-1/4 35A1687 62-3/4 35A2650 81 60-3/4
36A1499 80 36A2845 80 36A1559 80 35A2668 32 35A1688 64-1/4 35A2651 83 62-1/4
36A1500 81-1/2, 36A2846 81-1/2 36A1560 81-1/2 35A2669 32-3/4 35A1689 65-3/4 35A2652 85 63-3/4
36A1501 83 36A2847 83 36A1561 83 35A2670 33-1/2 35A1690 67-1/4 35A2653 87 65-1/4
36A1502 84-1/2 36A2848 84-1/2 36A1562 84-1/2 35A2671 34-1/4 35A1691 68-3/4 35A2654 89 66-3/4
36A1503 86 36A2849 86 36A1563 86 35A2672 35 35A1692 70-1/4 35A1705 91 68-1/4
36A1504 87-1/2 36A2850 87-1/2 36A1564 87-1/2 35A2673 35-3/4 35A1693 71-3/4 35A1706 93 69-3/4
36A1505 89-1/2 36A2851 90 36A1565 89-1/2 35A2674 36-1/2 35A1694 73-1/4 35A1707 95 71-1/4
36A2813 90 36A2852 91-1/2 36A1566 91 • 35A2675 37-1/4 35A1695 74-3/4 35A1708 97 72-3/4
36A1506 91 36A2853 93 36A1567 922r1/2 35A2 76 38 35A1696 76-1/4 35A1709 99 74-1/4
36A2814 91-1/2 36A2854 94-1/2 36A1568 94' 35A2 77 38-3/4 35A1697 77-3/4 35A1710 101 75-3/4
36A1507 92-1/2 36A2855 96 36A1569 95-1/2 35A2678 39-1/2 35A1698 79-1/4 35A1711 103 77-1/4
36A2815 93 36A2856 98-1/2 36A1570 97-1/2 35A2679 40-1/4 35A1699 80-3/4 35A1712 105 78-3/4
36A150S 94 36A2857 100 36A1571 99 35A2680 41 35A1700 82-1/4 35A1713 107 80-1/4
36A2816 94-1/2 36A2858 101-1/2 36A1572 100-1/2 35A2681 41-3/4 35A1701 83-3/4 35A1714 109 81-3/4
36A1509 95-1/2 36A2859 103 36A1573 102 35A2682 42-1/2 35A1702 85-1/4 35A1715 111 83-1/4
36A2817 96 36A2860 104-1/2 36A1574 103-1/2 35A2683 43-1/4 35A1703 86-3/4 35A1716 113 84-3/4
36A1510 97-1/2 36A2861 107 36A1575 105-1/2 35A2684 44 35A1704 88-114 35A1717 115 86-1/4
36A2818 98-1/2 36A2862 108-1/2 35A2685 44-3/4 35A1718 117 87-3/4
36A1511 99 36A2863 110 35A2686 45-1/2 35A1719 119 89-1/4
36A2819 100 ' 36A2864 111-1/2 35A2687 46-1/4 35A1720 121 90-3/4
36A1512 100-1/2 36A2865 113 35A2688 47 35A1721 123 92-1/4
36A2820 101-1/2 36A2866 115-1/2 35A2689 47-3/4 35A1722 125 93-3/4
36A1513 102 36A2867 117 35A2690 48-1/2 35A1723 127 95-1/4
36A2821 103 36A2868 118-1/2 35A2691 49-1/4 35A1724 129 96-3/4
36A1514 103-1/2 36A2869 120 35A2692 50 35A1725 131 98-1/4
36A2822 104-1/2 35A1726 133 99-3/4
36A1515 105-1/2 35A1727 135 100-1/i
36A2823 107 35A1728 137 102-3,/4
36A2824 108-1/2 35A1729 139 104-1/,
36A2825 110 35A1730 141 105-3/ ,
36A2826 111-1/2 35A1731 143 107-1/ ,
36A2827 113 35A1732 145 108-3/,
36A2828 115-1/2 35A1733 147 110-1/,
36A2829 117 35A1734 149 111-3/1
36A2830 118-1/2
36A2831 120
Max. Overall
Height" Lowered" Part No. Length" Part No. Length" Part No. Stroke" Part No. Pitches Length"
Part No. Width Part No. Width Part No. Length Part No. Length
Part No . Page Part No . Page Part No . Page Part No. Page
843S 48 10A 5935 6 10A 6479 8 10A10343 16
10A 5936 6 10A 6505 26 10A10401 5
D 297 78-80 10A 5937 6 10A 6581 5 10A10444 16
D 313 78 10A 5946 6-8 10A 6587 4 10A10445 16
D 316 78 10A 5956 6-21 1OA 6588 4 10A10471 44
D 317 78-80 10A 5966 8 10A 6712 44 10A10601 17
D 322 78 10A 5969 6 10A 6849 4-13 10A10688 24
D 467 78-80 10A 5988 8 10A 6958 4 10A10689 24
476 78-80 10A 6005 6 10A 6959 28 10A10699 28
1186 18 10A 6006 21 10A 6999 4 10A10700 28
10A 6009 6 10A 7183 21 10A10749 17
RE 1748 4 10A 6010 8 10A 7201 21 10A10758 6
10A 6015 8 10A 7202 8 10A10804 6
R T 886D 38-71 10A 6016 8 10A 7203 21 10A11489 44
10A 6018 16 10A 7205 8 10A11543 32-33
VT 223 54-56 10A 6020 4 10A 7206 8 10A12012 38-68
VT 224 54-56 10A 6025 4-16 10A 7207 8 10A12051 4
VT 225 54-56 10A 6285 70 10A 7213 12 10A12198 16
VT 897 42 1OA 6329 32-36 10A 7252 6 10A12342 26
VT 924 42-52 10A 6330 36 10A 7302 22 10A12699 4
1OA 6350 8 10A 7313 4 10A12906 21
1OA 256 44 10A 6351 8 1OA 7447 12 10A13490 4
10A 307 17 10A 6376 4-22 10A 7484 4 10A13491 4
10A 405 44 10A 6376 4 10A 7537 10 10A13667 6
10A 525 22 10A 6380 4-22 10A 7581 28 10A13679 8
10A 574 52 10A 6381 4 10A 7695 12 10A13726 10
10A 693 42-52 10A 6383 22 10A 7723 12 10A13922 26
10A 781 44 10A 6385 22 10A 7894 21 10A13923 28
10A 1173 22 10A 6386 22 10A 7896 21 10A14043 8
10A 1504 44 10A 6387 22 10A 7931 12 10A14373 22
10A 1677 30 10A 6392 8 10A 8745 28 10A14720 70
10A 1697 44 10A 6395 26 10A 8853 36 10A14877 16
10A 2015 4 10A 6397 8 10A 8973 22 10A14878 16
10A 2040 8 10A 6398 26 10A 9020 6 10A15467 62
10A 2296 30 10A 6400 22 10A 9025 4-16 10A15485 16
10A 2297 32 10A 6402 8 10A 9027 12 10A15577 24
10A 2382 48 10A 6403 6 10A 9072 4 10A15639 34
10A 3046 21 10A 6405 26 10A 9146 28 10A15697 22
10A 3397 22-33 10A 6406 22 10A 9161 4 10A15752 36
10A 3436 30 1OA 6408 8 10A 9227 12 10A16003 5
10A 3978 50 10A 6412 22-26 10A 9304 4 10A16123 21
10A 4538 4-36 10A 6413 22 10A 9758 28 10A16285 70
10A 4859 10 10A 6414 22 10A 9808 32 10A16297 28
10A 4861 10 10A 6415 22 10A 9818 20 10A16321 28
10A 4865 10 10A 6417 4 10A 9835 5 10A16329 36
10A 5097 4 10A 6418 4 10A 9838 4 10A16338 28
10A 5285 4-10 10A 6423 10 10A 9850 4 10A16387 24
1OA 5560 44 10A 6425 6 10A 9851 5 10A16405 70 - 71
10A 5648 64 10A 6427 26 10A10007 6 10A16423 21
10A 5844 8 10A 6429 8 10A10040 8 10A16469 24
1OA 5912 10 10A 6431 22 10A10045 6 10A16487 68
10A 5915 8 10A 6435 8 10A10202 4 10A16489 68
10A 5916 21 10A 6440 8 10A10224 64 10A16490 68
10A 5929 12 10A 6448 40-42 1 0A10329 24 10A16576 71
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page
10A16577 70 10P 763 14 10P 1803 14 11A16837 5
10A16587 16 101D 764 14 10P 1872 12 11A16913 13
10A16654 10 10P 765 14 10P 1873 12 11A16927 4
10A16815 4 10P 766 14 10P 1874 12 11A17475 10
10A16816 26 10P 767 14 10P 1875 13 11A17476 10
10A16817 26 10P 768 14 10P 1876 13
10A16836 6 10P 769 14 10P 1877 13 11B 3 26
10A16838 13 10P 770 14 10P 1878 13 118 6421 4
10A16840 5 10P 771 14 10P 1879 13 116 6500 4
10A16842 5 10P 772 14 10P 1880 13 11616863 10
10A16868 4 10P 773 14 10P 1881 13
10A16890 5 10P 774 14 10P 1882 U 15A10703 40
10A16891 5 10P 776 14 10P 1883 13 15A12647 52
10A16902 14 10P 778 14 10P 1884 13 15A12648 52
10A16904 12' 10P 1033 58 10P 1885 13 15A13908 70
10A16909 22 10P 1345 56 10P 1886 13 15A14814 38
10A16945 8 10P 1552 28 10P 1887 13 15A15557 28
10A16952 64 10P 1553 28 10P 1888 13
10A16953 10 10P 1592 66 10P 1889 13 15P 23 13
10A16978 5 10P 1595 64-66 10P 1890 14 15P 24 13
10A17477 10 10P 1597 58 10P 1891 14 15P 652 68
10A17879 22 10P 1598 58 10P 1892 14 15P 654 68
10P 1599 58 10P 1893 14 15P 655 68
10B 420 10 10P 1600 58 15P 656 68
106 421 10 10P 1606 58 1OR 71 30 15P 657 68
108 422 10 10P 1607 58 lOR 385 26 15P 660 68
106 423 10 10P 1608 58 lOR 826 6 15P 663 68
108 424 10 10P 1609 58 lOR 972 8
10B 6032 10 10P 1613 58 lOR 973 4 20H 4700 40
106 6973 8 10P 1614 58 lOR 986 21
108 9198 26 10P 1615 58 1OR 992 10 30A 1807 62
10811839 22 10P 1617 58 1OR 993 10
10P 1618 58 lOR 994 10 30P 559 54-56
10P 68 14 10P 1619 58 30P 560 54-56
10P 347 13 10P 1620 58 11A 4860 10 30P 562 56
10P 472 58 10P 1621 58 11A 5559 44 30P 566 54-56
10P 519 58 10P 1622 58 11A 5647 64
10P 635 26 10P 1623 58 11A 5851A 6 35A 3 32
10P 636 26 10P 1624 58 11A 5980 4-10 35A 6 38
10P 744 14 10P 1635 16 11A 5981 10 35A 7 36
10P 746 14 10P 1636 16 11A 5982 10 35A 9 36
10P 747 14 10P 1637 16 11A 5983 10 35A 10 36
10P 748 14 10P 1638 16 11A 5984 10 35A 28 78
10P 749 14 10P 1641 16 11A 6416 4 35A 31 78
10P 750 14 10P 1642 16 11A 6870 4-10 35A 56 30
10P 751 14 10P 1650 68 11A 6871 10 35A 56 61
10P 752 14 10P 1652 68 11A 6872 10 35A 57 30
10P 754 14 101, 1738 58 11A 6873 10 35A 95 80-82
10P 755 14 10P 1747 14 11A 6874 10 35A 96 80-82
10P 756 14 10P 1772 64-66 11A 7253 21 35A 100 80-82
10P 759 14 10P 1798 14 11A 7890 21 35A 103 33
10P 760 14 1013 1799 14 11A13662 6 35A 105 32
10P 761 14 10P 1800 14 11A15555 10 35A 152 60
10P 762 14 10P 1801 14 11A16004 4 35A 178 20
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No . Page
35A 182 54-56 35A 358 34 35A 573 36 35A 827 60
35A 185 50 35A 359 34 35A 574 36 35A 830 60
35A 189 50 35A 363 34 35A 577 36 35A 837 78-80
35A 190 50 35A 365 34 35A 582 38 35A 839 52
35A 191 50 35A 366 34 35A 583 36 35A 846 70
35A 200 48 35A 367 34 35A 585 38 35A 849 34
35A 201 48 35- A 368 34 35A 586 38 35A 851 32
35A 202 48 • 35A 369 34 35A 587 36 35A 852 32
35A 203 48 35A 372 36 35A 588 78 35A 862 38
35A 210 30 35A 373 36 35A 588 60 35A 866 66
35A 212 30 35A 374 36 35A 609 78 35A 867 64
35A 214 30 35A 375 36 35A 622 78-80 35A 869 44
35A 226 44 35A 376 36 35A 623 78-80 35A 873 32
35A 227 44 35A 377 36 35A 626 61 35A 886 40
35A 230 44 35A 379 36 35A 627 61 35A 887 40
35A 231 44 35A 382 61 35A 632 28 35 909 28
35A 236 44 35A 384 61 35A 639 52 35 A, 920 80
35A 237 44 35A 387 28-50 35A 641 28 35A 933 78-80
35A 238 44 35A 388 50 35A 644 78-80 35A 934 78-80
35A 239 44 35A 389 32 35A 652 52' 35A 980 34
35A 242 44 35A 390 32 35A 667 78-80 35A 981 34
35A 244 44 35A 391 32 35A 668 78-80 35A 988 30
35A 278 36 35A 392 32 35A 669 78°80 35A 993 34
35A 283 36 35A 405 28 35A 676 34 35A 996 30
35A 309 30 35A 406 30 35A 683 33-44 35A 1012 52
35A 310 32 35A 408 30 35A 688 36 35A 1020 50
35A 311 33 35A 411 30 35A 689 36 35A 1040 54
35A 312 33 35A 412 30 35A 690 36 35A 1059 20
35A 314 33 35A 417 80-82 35A 691 36 35A 1065 20
35A 317 32 35A 419 52 35A 692 36 35A 1066 55
35A 318 32 35A 420 44 35A 693 36 35A 1067 30
35A 321 32 35A 421 44 35A 694 36 35A 1068 30
35A 322 33 35A 425 44 35A 695 36 35A 1102 30
35A 327 34 35A 475 60 35A 696 36 35A 1241 46
35A 330 34 35A 481 62 35A 697 36 35A 1242 46
35A 331 34 35A 482 62 35A 698 64-66 35A 1247 24
35A 332 34 35A 483 60 35A 700 64-66 35A 1248 32
35A 333 34 35A 497 62 35A 705 64 35A 1249 32
35A 334 34 35A 498 62 35A 708 78-80 35A 1250 32
35A 335 34 35A 499 62 35A 709 32 35A 1252 44
35A 336 34 35A 501 60 35A 735 82 35A 1257 70
35A 337 34 35A 502 60 35A 736 82 35A 1271 50
35A 339 34 35A 503 60 35A 738 82 35A 1272 50
35A 341 34 35A 504 60 35A 739 82 35A 1275 17
35A 342 34 35A 505 60 35A 752 60 35A 1276 17
35A 346 34 35A 522 17 35A 754 42 35A 1280 17
35A 347 34 35A 532 54 35A 757 52 35A 1282 38
35A 348 34 35A 535 54 35A 758 52 35A 1283 38
35A 349 34 35A 551 40 35A 802/ 60 35A 1284 38
35A 350 34 35A 555 52 35A 803 60 35A 1285 64
35A 351 34 35A 556 52 35A 804 66 35A 1286 70
35A 353 34 35A 558 52 35A 810 24 35A 1287 71
35A 355 34 35A 564 40 35A 811 56 35A 1288 70
357 34 35A 565 40 35A 814 56 35A 1289 7Q
Part No. Page Part No . Page Part No . Page Part No. Page
35A 1291 70 35A 1702 84-85 35A 1770 36 35A 2087 85
35A 1292 70 35A 1703 84-85 35A 1771 36 35A 2088 85
35A 1293 70 35A 1704 84-85 35A 1779 50 35A 2089 85
35A 1294 70 35A 1705 84 35A 1780 50 35A 2090 85
35A 1295 70 35A 1706 84 35A 1795 40 35A 2091 85
35A 1297 70 35A 1707 84 35A 1796 40 35A 2092 85
35A 1299 52 35A 1708 84 35A 1797 40 35A 2107 61
35A 1300 52 35A 1709 84 35A 1798 52 35A 2108 26
35A 1426 20 35A 1710 84 35A 1799 40 35A 2109 28
35A 1427 44 35A 1711 84 35A 1800 40 35A 2112 44
35A 1433 71 35A 1712 84 35A 1801 40 35A 2120 48
35A 1435 12 35A 1713 84 35A 1802 40 35A 2120 48
35A 1448 32 35A 1714 84 35A 1803 40-52 35A 2133 34
35A 1449 66 35A 1715 84 35A 1810 48 35A 2136 58
35A 1452 70 35A 1716 84 35A 1811 48 35A 2145 60
35A 1463 80-82 35A 1717 84 35A 1812 48 35A 2151 78
35A 1464 80-82 35A 1718 84 35A 1814 62 35A 2153 44
35A 1466 52 35A 1719 84 35A 1815 60 35A 2154 44
35A 1467 32 35A 1720 84 35A 1832 60 35A 2155 44
35A 1469 72 35A 1721 84 35A 1834 50 35A 2156 44
35A 1474 72 35A 1722 84 35A 1845 36 35A 2157 44
35A 1477 72 35A 1723 84 35A 1847 40 35A 2158 44
35A 1479 72 35A 1724 84 35A 1848 44 35A 2159 44
35A 1482 72 35A 1725 84 35A 1850 44 35A 2167 44
35A 1483 40 35A 1726 84 35A 1855 50 35A 2168 32
35A 1484 62 35A 1727 84 35A 1860 50 35A 2176 62
35A 1485 62 35A 1728 84 35A 1861 50 35A 2178 62
35A 1675 84-85 35A 1729 84 35A 1862 50 35A 2179 62
35A 1676 84-85 35A 1730 84 35A 1864 70 35A 2181 60
35A 1677 84-85 35A 1731 84 35A 1879 82 35A 2231 28
35A 1678 84-85 35A 1732 84 35A 2063 85 35A 2234 12
35A 1679 84-85 35A 1733 84 35A 2064 85 35A 2237 62
35A 1680 84-85 35A 1734 84 35A 2065 85 35A 2242 48
35A 1681 84-85 35A 1735 86 35A 2066 85 35A 2245 48
35A 1682 84-85 35A 1736 86 35A 2067 85 35A 2246 48
35A 1683 84-85 35A 1737 86 35A 2068 85 35A 2247 48
35A 1684 84-85 35A 1738 86 35A 2069 85 35A 2248 48
35A 1685 84-85 35A 1739 86 35A 2070 85 35A 2250 48
35A 1686 84-85 35A 1740 86 35A 2071 85 35A 2251 48
35A 1687 84-85 35A 1741 86 35A 2072 85 35A 2252 48
35A 1688 84-85 35A 1742 86 35A 2073 85 35A 2253 48
35A 1689 84-85 35A 1743 86 35A 2074 85 35A 2258 12
35A 1690 8 4- 85 35A 1744 86 35A 2015 85 35A 2384 48
35A 1691 84-85 35A 1745 86 35A 2076 85 35A 2385 48
35A 1692 84-85 35A 1746 86 35A 2077 85 35A 2392 12
35A 1693 84-85 35A 174 / 86 35A 2078 85 35A 2393 12
35A 1694 84-85 35A 1749 28 35A 2079 85 35A 2398 12
35A 1695 84-85 35A 1750 44 35A 2080 85 35A 2400 12
"45A 1696 84-85 35A 1751 44 35A 2081 85 35A 2415 60
35A 1697 84-85 35A 1754 30 35A 2082 85 35A 2419 32
35A 1698 84-85 35A 1757 30 35A 2083 85 35A 2461 50
35A 1699 84 - 85 35A 1758 62 35A 2084 85 35A 2468 50
35A 1700 84-85 35A 1759 30 35A 2085 85 35A 2496 30
35A 1701 84-85 35A 1765 30 35A 2086 85 35A 2514 54-56
'art No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page
35A 2520 52 35A 2690 84 35A 3032 68 35P 17 42
35A 2524 64-66 35A 2691 84 35A 3033 68 35P 23 42
35A 2638 84 35A 2692 84 35A 3034 68 35P 24 42
35A 2639 84 35A 2693 30 35A 3039 70 35P 25 42
35A 2640 84 35A 2694 30 35A 3078 68 35P 26 42
35A 2641 84 35A 2699 30 35A 3079 86 35P 31 38
35A 2642 84 35A 2742 24 35A 3080 86 35P 32 38
35A 2643 84 35A 2746 72 35A 3081 86 35P 33 38
35A 2644 84 35A 2775 52 35A 3082 86 35P 34 38
35A 2645 84 35A 2776 86 35A 3083 86 35P 35 38
35A 2646 84 35A 2777 86 35A 3084 86 35P 36 38
35A 2647 84 35A 2778 86 35A 3085 86 35P 37 ---- 38
35A 264 8 84 35A 2779 86 35A 3086 86 35P 38 38
35A 2649 84 35A 2780 86 35A 3087 86 35P 39 24
35A 2650 84 35A 2781 86 35A 3088 86 35p 47 54-56
35A 2651 84 35A 2782 86 35A 3089 86 35P 48 54-56
35A 2652 84 35A 2783 86 35A 3090 86 35p 49 54-56
35A 2653 84 35A 2784 86 35A 3091 86 35P 49 58
35A 2654 84 35A 2785 86 35A 3092 86 35P 51 54-56
35A 2655 84 35A 2786 86 35A 3093 86 35P 55 20
35A 2656 84 35A 2787 86 35A 3096 86 35P 56 20
35A 2657 84 35A 2788 86 35A 3099 86 35p 57 20
35A 2658 84 35A 2789 86 35A 3102 86 35P 58 20
35A 2659 84 35A 2790 86 35A 3103 86 35p 59 20
35A 2660 84 35A 2791 86 35A 3104 86 35P 60 20
35A 2661 84 35A 2792 86 35A 3106 86 35P 79 54-56
35A 2662 84 35A 2793 86 35A 3117 70 35P 80 54
35A 2663 84 35A 2794 86 35A 3118 70 35P 81 54-56
35A 2664 84 35A 2795 86 35A 3119 70 35P 82 54-56
35A 2665 84 35A 2796 86 35A 3120 70 35P 83 54-56
35A 2666 84 35A 2797 86 35A 3181 72 35P 84 54-56
35A 2667 84 35A 2798 86 35A 3182 72 35P 86 54-56
35A 2668 84 35A 2799 86 35A 3183 72 35P 87 54-56
35A 2669 84 35A 2800 86 35A 3184 72 35P 88 54-56
35A 2670 84 35A 2801 86 35A 3244 72 35P 89 54-56
35A 2671 84 35A 2802 86 35A 3265 50 35P 108 42-52
35A 2672 84 35A 2803 86 35A 3266 50 35P 109 42
35A 2673 84 35A 2804 86 35A 3267 50 35P 110 42
35A 2674 84 35A 2805 86 35A 3268 32 35P 111 42
35A 2675 84 35A 2890 30 35A 3282 78 35P 112 42
35A 2676 84 35A 2891 30 35A 3297 62 35P 113 42
35A 2677 84 35A 2907 44 35A 3301 28 35P 114 42
35A 2678 84 35A 2909 44 35A 3302 28 35P 115 42
35A 2679 84 35A 2934 24 35A 3303 28 35P 116 42
35A 2680 84 35A 2935 5 35A 3367 86 35P 117 42
35A 2681 84 35A 2995 42 35A 3373 62 35P 118 42
35A 2682 84 35A 3001 54-56 35A 3383 28 35P 119 42
35A 2683 84 35A 3004 28 - 30 35A 3506 70 35P 120 42
35A 2684 84 35A 3006 28 35A 3513 /8-80 35P 121 42
35A 2685 84 35A 3007 28 35A 3719 70 35P 122 42
35A 2686 84 35A 3008 28 35A 4076 70 35P 123 42-52
35A 2681 84 35A 3009 28 35P 124 42-52
35A 2688 84 35A 3010 70 35B 243 34-44 35P 125 42-52
35A 2689 84 35A 3031 28 35P 126 42-52
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page
35P 127 42-52 35P 241 54-56 35P 324 46 35P 450 55
35P 128 42-52 35P 242 54-56 35P 325 46 35P 451 55
35P 129 42-52 35P 269 64 35P 326 46 35P 452 55
35P 135 72 35P 270 64 35P 327 46 35P 453 55
35P 143 76 35P 271 64-66 35P 328 46 35P 454 55
35P 147 74-76 35P 272 64-66 35P 329 46 35P 455 55
35P 148 76 35P 273 64 35P 330 46 35P 467 20
35P 149 76 35P 274 64-66 35P 331 46 35P 468 20
35P 150 76 35P 275 64 35P 332 46 35P 469 20
35P 152 76 35P 276 64 35P 333 46 35P 470 55
35P 153 76 35P 277 64 35P 334 46 35P 471 76
35P 154 76 35P 278 64 35P 335 46 35P 472 76
35P 156 76 35P 279 64 35P 336 46 35P 473 76
35P 157 76 35P 280 64 35P 337 46 35P 474 76
35P 158 76 35P 281 64-66 35P 338 46 35P 475 76
35P 160 76 35P 282 64-66 35P 339 46 35P 476 76
35P 161 76 35P 283 64-66 35P 340 46 35P 477 76
35P 162 76 35P 284 64-66 35P 341 46 35P 478 76
35P 164 76 35P 285 64-66 35P 342 46 35P 479 76
35P 165 76 35P 286 64-66 35P 343 46 35P 480 76
35P 166 76 35P 287 64-66 35P 344 46 35P 481 76
35P 172 74 35P 288 64-66 35P 345 46 35P 482 76
35P 173 74 35P 289 64-66 35P 350 58 35P 483 76
35P 174 74 35P 290 64-66 35P 351 58 35P 484 76
35P 175 74 35P 291 64-66 35P 352 58 35P 485 74
35P 176 74 35P 292 64-66 35P 353 58 35P 486 74
35P 177 74 35P 293 64-66 35P 354 58 35P 487 74
35P 178 74 35P 294 64-66 35P 355 58 35P 488 72
35P 179 74 35P 295 64-66 35P 356 58 35P 491 62
35P 180 74 35P 296 64-66 35P 357 58 35P 492 62
35P 181 74 35P 297 64-66 35P 358 58 35P 493 62
35P 182 74 35P 298 56 35P 359 58 35P 494 62
35P 183 74 35P 299 66 35P 360 58 35P 495 62
35P 198 58 35P 300 66 35P 361 58 35P 496 62
35P 199 58 35P 301 66 35P 362 58 35P 497 62
35P 200 58 35P 302 54 35P 363 28 35P 506 18
35P 204 72 35P 305 72 35P 364 28 35P 507 18
35P 208 72 35P 306 72 35P 365 28 35P 508 18
35P 209 72 35P 307 72 35P 366 28 35P 509 18
35P 210 72 35P 308 72 35P 367 56 35P 510 18
35P 211 72 35p 309 72 35P 368 56 35P 511 18
35P 212 72 35p 310 72 35P 369 56 35P 512 18
35P 2i3 68 35P 311 72 35P 370 56 35P 513 18
35P 215 68 35P 313 72 35P 371 56 35P 514 18
35P 216 68 35P 314 72 35P 372 52 35P 515 18
35P 217 68 35P 315 72 35P 373 54 35P 516 18
35P 218 68 35P 316 72 35P 374 74 35P 517 18
35P 220 68 35P 317 46 35P 375 74 35P 518 18
35P 221 68 35P 318 46 35P 376 50 35P 519 13
35P 222 68 35P 319 46 35P 387 50 35P 520 18
35P 225 68 35P 320 46 35P 446 55 35P 523 18
35P 238 54-56 35P 321 46 35P 447 55 35P 524 18
35P 239 54-56 35P 322 46 35P 448 55 35P 525 30
35P 240 54-56 35P 323 46 35P 449 55 35P 526 30
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page
35P 527 18 36A 1491 84 36A 1575 84 36A 1926 85
35P 528 30 36A 1492 84 36A 1636 86 36A 1927 85
35P 529 18 36A 1493 84 36A 1637 86 36A 1928 85
35P 530 30 36A 1494 84 36A 1638 86 36A 1929 85
35P 531 30 36A 1495 84 36A 1639 86 36A 1930 85
35P 541 18 36A 1496 84 36A 1640 86 6A 1 931 85
35P 542 42 36A 1497 84 36A 1641 86 36A 1932 85
36A 1498 84 36A 1642 86 36A 1933 85
36A 4 32 36A 1499 84 36A 1643 86 36A 1934 85
36A 29 78 36A 1500 84 36A 1644 86 36A 1935 85
36A 102 32 36A 1501 84 36A 1645 86 36A 1936 85
36A 235 44 36A 1502 84 36A 1646 86 36A 1937 85
36A 319 32 36A 1503 84 36A 1647 86 36A 1938 85
36A 324 32 36A 1504 84 36A 1648 86 36A 1939 85
36A 328 34 36A 1505 84 36A 1762 30 36A 1940
36A 338 34 36A 1506 84 36A 1813 48 36A 1941 85
36A 343 34 36A 1507 84 36A 1831 60 36A 1942 85
36A 352 34 36A 1508 84 36A 1844 '36 36A 1943 85
36A 356 34 36A 1509 84 36A 1877 82 36A 1944 85
36A 360 34 36A 1510 84 36A 1881 82 36A 1945
36A 364 34 36A 1511 84 36A 1882 85 _36A 1946 85
36A 463 60 36A 1512 64 36A 1883 85 36A 1947 85
36A 476 60 36A 1513 84 36A 1884 85 36A 1948 :15
36A 490 62 36A 1514 84 36A 1885 85 36A 1949 85
36A 523 17 36A 1515 84 36A 1886 85 36A 1950 5
36A 537 60 36A 1546 84 36A 1887 85 36A 1951 85
36A 549 40 36A 1547 84 36A 1888 85 36A 2012 86
36A 569 54 36A 1548 84 36A 1889 85 36A 2013 86
36A 571 36 36A 1549 84 36A 1890 85 36A 2014 86
36A 575 36 36A 1550 84 36A 1891 85 36A 2015 82-86
36A 578 36 36A 1551 84 36A 1892 85 36A 2016
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page
36A 2516 44 36A 2863 84 50A 282 7 48
36A 2697 62 36A 2864 84 50A 162 44 50A 2832 22-78
36A 2700 44 36A 2865 84 50A 193 20 50A 2836 48
36A 2743 62 36A 2866 84 50A 196 36 50A 2843 22-26
36A 2813 84 36A 2867 84 50A 197 78-80 50A 2846 60
36A 2814 84 36A 2868 84 50A 232 78 50A 2859 58
36A 2815 84 36A 2869 84 50A 245 78 50A 2862 34
36A 2816 84 36A 2870 86 50A 446 32-64 50A 3602 36
36A 2817 84 36A 2871 86 50A 577 78-80
36A 2818 84 36A 2872 86 50A 578 78-80 GM 100659 13
36A 2819 84 36A 2873 86 50A 581 44 GM 100675 14
36A 2820 84 36A 2874 86 50A 582 52 GM 100714 14
36A 2821 84 36A 2875 86 50A 594 46 GM 100737 30
36A 2822 84 36A 2876 86 50A 595 50 GM 102396 22
36A 2823 84 36A 2877 86 50A 596 48 GM 102584 78
36A 2824 84 36A 2878 86 50A 599 50 GM 102586 80 - 82
36A 2825 84 36A 2879 86 50A 600 38 GM 102634 21-26
36A 2826 84 36A 2880 86 50A 647 78-80 GM 102635 8-12
36A 2827 84 36A 2881 86 50A 648 78-80 GM 102649 42-58
36A 2828 84 36A 2882 86 50A 765 12 GM 102735 22
36A 2829 84 36A 2925 60 50A 766 34 GM 103025 54-56
36A 2830 84 36A 3026 86 50A 767 34 GM 103026 42
36A 2831 84 36A 3027 86 50A 768 34 GM 103028 6-58
36A 2832 84 36A 3028 86 50A 824 4 GM 103319 58
36A 2833 84 36A 3029 86 50A 934 50 GM 103320 13-33
36A 2834 84 36A 3030 86 50A 935 50 GM 103329 78-80
36A 2835 84 36A 3053 86 50A 936 50 GM 103340 16-21
36A 2836 84 36A 3054 86 50A 937 50 GM 103362 70
36A 2837 84 36A 3055 86 50A 940 50 GM 103372 16-80
36A 2838 84 36A 3056 86 50A 941 50 GM 103373 16-38
36A 2839 84 36A 3057 86 50A 942 60 GM 103385 8-38
36A 2840 84 36A 3058 86 50A 946 70 GM 103388 42
36A 2841 84 36A 3065 86 50A 948 70 GM 103406 48
36A 2842 84 36A 3066 86 50A 1000 12 GM 103409 17-40
36A 2843 84 36A 3067 86 50A 1008 12 GM 103647 6-24
36A 2844 84 36A 3068 86 50A 1041 22 GM 103865 13-32
36A 2845 84 36A 3069 86 50A 1043 58 GM 103877 50
36A 2846 84 36A 3070 86 50A 1156 71 GM 103881 20
36A 2847 84 36A 3298 62 50A 1370 44 GM 103905 22
36A 2848 84 36A 3300 62 50A 1371 44 GM 103906 8
36A 2849 84 36A 3307 28 50A 1666 70 GM 105404 30
36A 2850 84 36A 3321 70 50A 1858 36 GM 105416 30
36A 2851 84 36A 3322 0 50A 20-24 48 GM 105475 70
36A 2852 84 36A 3323 70 50A 2032 36-38 GM 105478 24-64
36A 2853 84 36A 3325 62 50A 2041 8 GM 105479 24-66
36A 2854 84 36A 3326 10 2143 40 GM 105480 24
36A 2855 84 36A 3327 70 50A 2330 70 GM 105481 24
36A 2856 84 36A 3329 70 50A 2473 22 GM 105482 12
36 A 2 857 84 36A 3368 62 50A 2480 70 GM 106267 10
36A 2858 84 36A 3372 62 50A 2481 13-20 GM 106749 36
36A 2859 84 36A 3374 62 50A 2602 60 GM 106751 10
36A 2860 84 36A 3375 62 50A 2823 36 GM 107837 30-61
36A 2861 84 36A 4065 60 50A 2825 78 GM 108579 80
36A 2862 84 36A 4275 60 50A 2826 80-82 GM 109084 18
Part No . Page Part No . Page Part No . Page Part No . Page
GM 110094 40 GM 132046 36 GM 179833 4 GM 219758 78
GM 111296 42-78 GM 132056 36 GM 179837 42-52 GM 223092 34
GM 113625 14 GM 132664 30 GM 179839 8-12 GM 225857 44
GM 113902 20 GM 132900 30 GM 179840 26 GM 271284 56
GM 113955 4 GM 133053 80-82 GM 179841 22-26 GM 271285 54-56
GM 114492 16 GM 137422 13 GM 179845 4-6 GM 271501 80
GM 114494 8 GM 137634 42 GM 179846 64 GM 271505 42
GM 114496 54-56 GM 138202 36 GM 179883 22 GM 271506 44
GM 114499 54-56 GM 138226 64-66 GM 179885 4 GM 271546 66-78
GM 114503 6-8 GM 138290 78-80 GM 179888 6 GM 271548 82
GM 114507 28 GM 138357 82 GM 179896 6 GM 271560 10
GM 114640 4 GM 138652 76 GM 180016 32-62 GM 271566 42
GM 114981 14 GM 139502 40 GM 180020 17 GM 271723 33-42
GM 115548 54-56 GM 140381 13 GM 180024 70 GM 271731 60
GM 116391 4 GM 140585 32 GM 180073 44-80 GM 272120 42
GM 116566 6 GM 141539 4 GM 180077 17-66 GM 272123 48
GM 119254 44 GM 142427 13 GM 180078 32-36 GM 273148 60
GM 119931 71 GM 143162 21 GM 180079 32 GM 273352 48
GM 120013 26 GM 144113 70 GM 180080 33 GM 274563 48
GM 120214 78 GM 144138 66 GM 180081 71 GM 426099 60
GM 120217 36 GM 144244 48 GM 180087 50 GM 427590 61
GM 120238 28-40 GM 144315 18 GM 180088 38 GM 427640 40
GM 120240 12 GM 144355 18 GM 180116 32 GM 431508 26
GM 120368 38 GM 144801 66 GM 180118 62 GM 431509 26
GM 120369 48 GM 145619 71 GM 180120 52-60 GM 435507 60
GM 120372 38 GM 145629 58 GM 180121 62-64 GM 442720 0
— a
'age 22 Change 10A17879 hose (ref. # 30) quantity from 2 to 1 and length to 14"
Add to follow:
10A5063 Hose - with coupling, 12-5/8" long 1
?age 24 Add single asterisk to parts listed under Hoses and Thermostat
*NOTE: Used on MY40 Lift Truck to No. 20100250, Inc.
*NOTE: Used on MY60 Lift Truck to No. 20200123, Inc.
Add the following:
35A 5078 **Hose - inlet 1
"GM105480 - Clamp, hose, 2" 2
10A10689 **Hose - outlet 1
"GM105480 - Clamp, hose, 2" . 2
10A5738 **Thermostat - 170° 1
10A 6810 **Housing - thermostat ... 1
**GM179841 - Bolt, hex., 3/8"-16 x 1-1/4" 3
10A 6829 **Gasket - housing 1
10A19452 **Support - housing 1
"GM179816 - Bolt, hex., 5/16"-18x3/4" 1
"GM179826 - Bolt, hex., 5/16"-18 x 2" 1
"GM103340 - Washer, plain, 11/32" I.D., 11/16" O.D. 1
10A10758 **Stud - in adapter for support 1
**NOTE: Used on MY40 Lift Truck No. 20100251 and after.
**NOTE: Used on MY60 Lift Truck No. 20200123 and after.
Page 38 Change quantity on 35A586 link (ref. #4.8) from 1 to 2 and add note to
follow, 2 used when neutral starting switch is mounted in control valve
Change 36A2495 link (ref. #48A) to 36A5772 link, used on earlier lift trucks
on which neutral starting switch is not mounted in control valve housing.
Add a single asterisk (*) to 35A1282, 35A1283 and 35A1284
*NOTE: Used on MY40 lift trucks.
35A1443 **Tube - filter to transmission case 1
35A1444 **Tube - filter to cooler inlet 1
35A1445 **Tube - filter to transmission case 1
**NOTE: Used on MY60 lift trucks.
Change GM9410977 elbow (ref. #61) to GM9410203 connector.
Change quantity on GM9410977 (ref. #67) from 1 to 2.
Page 46 Change the description on the following parts from right hand to left hand:
35A1241, 35P318, 35P332 and 35P335.
Change the description on the following parts from left hand to right hand:
35A1242, 35P317, 35P331 and 35P334.
Add to follow 35A1242:
35A5665 Screw - cap (special), 9/16"-12 x 1-3/8" 10
Change quantity on 50A594 screw from 14 to 4.
Page 52 Add to follow GM180120 bolt, GM181694 Bolt, hex., 1/2"-20 x 7/8". 16
Add to follow GM120377 nut, GM120371 Nut, hex., 1/2"-20. 16
Add to follow ref. #7, 35A558 cap.
*Tire and Tube, 6:00 - 6:90 x 9", 10 ply, MY40 2
Add to follow 35P123 cap:
**Tire and Tube, 7:50 x 10, 10 ply, MY60 2
Change 35A1466 bolt (ref. #9) to 35A6399.
Add to follow 35A1300 stud, ref. #12 hardware:
*Tire and Tube, 7:50 x 15, 12 ply, MY40 2
*Tire and Tube, 8:25 x 15, 12 ply, MY60 2
Change 35A419 center to 35A5145.
Change 35A1466 bolt to 35A6399.
Change 35A1300 stud to 36A2700.
Add to follow 35A1012 spacer:
**Tire and Tube, 7:50 x 15, 12 ply, MY40 and MY60 4
Page 54 Change description on 35A.532 to Gear - steering, less arm and change
includes the following 23 parts:
Omit GM114496 nut (ref. #22) and use:
10P2061 Nut - lock, adjusting screw 1
10P2060 Washer - lead, lock nut 1
Change 35A3001 arm (ref. #24) to 35A2998.
Add to description on 36A569 (ref. #26) booster stud to steering arm.
Change 35A1040 drag link (ref. #32) to 35A6492 and add to description
booster rod to axle housing.
Change 35P302 seal (ref. #33) to 10P1331 and add:
GM102648 - Nut, hex., slotted, 9/16"-18 1
Page 70 Change 50A948 nipple (ref. #13) to GM128067 and size to 1-1/2".
Change 10A14720 elbow (ref. #19) to 10A12470.
Change 35A3039 hose (ref. #23) to 35A5865.
Change 10A6285 "0" ring (ref. #28) to 10A16285.
Add to follow 10A16405 "0" ring, ref. #42:
50A 603 - Clip, hose, on upright pin 1
35A6306 Clip - hose, tilt cylinder, left hand
Group III
Used on MY40 Lift Trucks to No. 20100175 inc.
4. 2
Page 82 Add a single cross (+) to D297 pin, 50A647 screw and GM138290 screw
+NOTE: Used on MY 60 Lift Trucks to No. 20200098 Inc.
14 35A5317 ++Roller - thrust, 1-1/4" I.D., 3-1/4" O.D. 4
15 35A5755 ++Pin - thrust roller, 1-1/4" x 2-1/16" long 4
++GM102594 - Set Screw, hex. socket, 3/8"-16 x 5/8" 2
++NOTE: Used on MY 60 Lift Trucks No. 20200099 and after.
35A5039 Link - connecting, 10 links with 2 pins
35A 5040 Link - connecting, 4 links with 2 pins
Page 84 Add new duplex outer rails chain anchor rod and vent hose for MY 40 Lift
Trucks starting with No. 20100176 and after
36A6607 - 60-1/2" 36A5666 - 60-1/2" 35A5232 - 33" 35A5780 - 14" 35A7327 - 16" 91"
36A6608 - 62" 36A5667 - 62" 35A5233 - 33" 35A5780 - 14" 35A7327 -1.6" 94"
36A6609 - 63-1/2" 36A5668 - 63-1/2" 35A5234 - 33" 35A5780 - 14" 35A7327 - 16" 97"
36A6610 - 65" 36A5669 - 65" 35A5235 - 33" 35A5780 - 14" 35A7327 - 16" 100"
36A6611 - 66-1/2" 36A5670 - 66-1/2" 35A5236 - 35-1/2" 35A5781 - 16-1/2" 35A7328 - 19" 103"
36A6612 - 68" 36A5671 - 68" 35A5237 - 35-1/2" 35A5781 - 16-1/2" 35A7328 - 19" 106"
36A6613 - 69-1/2" 36A5672 - 69-1/2" 35A5238 - 35-1/2" 35A5781 - 16-1/2" 35A7328 - 19" 109"
36A6614 - 71" 36A5673 - 71" 35A5239 - 38" 35A5782 - 18" 35A7329 - 21-1/2" 112"
36A 6615 - 72-1/2" 36A5674 - 72-1/2" 35A5240 - 38" 35A5782 - 18" 35A7329 - 21-1/2" 115"
36A 6616 - 74" 36A5675 - 74" 35A5241 - 38" 35A5782 - 18" 35A7329 - 21-1/2" 118"
36A 6617 - 75-1/2" 36A5676 - 75-1/2" 35A5242 - 38" 35A5782 - 18" 35A7329 - 21-1/2" 121"
36A 6618 - 77" 36A56711 - 77" 35A5243 - 40-1/2" 35A5783 - 21" 35A7330 - 24" 124"
36A6619 - 78-1/2" 36A5678 - 78-1/2" 35A5244 - 40-1/2" 35A5783 - 21" 35A7330 - 24" 127"
36A6620 - 80" 36A5679 - 80" 35A5245 - 40-1/2" 35A5783 - 21" 35A7330 - 24" 130"
36A6621 - 81-1/2" 36A5680 - 81-1/2" 35A5246 - 44" 35A5784 - 24" 35A7331 - 26-1/2" 133"
36A6622 - 83" 36A5681 - 83" 35A5247 - 44" 35A5784 - 24" 35A7331 - 26-1/2" 136"
36A6623 - 84-1/2" 36A5682 - 84-1/2" 35A5248 - 44" 35A5784 - 24" 35A7331 - 26-1/2" 139"
36A6624 - 86" 36A5683 - 86" 35A5249 - 44" 35A5784 - 24" 35A7331 - 26-1/2" 142"
36A6625 - 87-1/2" 36A5684 - 87-1/2" 35A5250 - 44" 35A5784 - 24" 35A7331 - 26-1/2" 145"
36A6626 - 89-1/2" 36A5685 - 89-1/2" 35A5251 - 47" 35A5785 - 28" 35A7332 - 30" 148"
36A6627 - 91" 36A5686 - 91" 35A5252 - 47" 35A5785 - 28" 35A7332 - 30" 151"
36A6628 - 92 - 1/2" 36A5687 - 92-1/2" 35A5253 - 47" 35A5785 - 28" 35A7332 - 30" 154"
36A6629 - 94" 36A5688 - 94" 35A5254 - 47" 35A5785 - 28" 35A7332 - 30" 157"
36A6630 - 95-1/2" 36A5689 - 95-1/2" 35A5255 - 50" 35A5786 - 31-1/2" 35A7333 - 33" 160"
36A6631 - 97-1/2" 36A5690 - 97-1/2" 35A5256 - 50" 35A5786 - 31-1/2" 35A7333 - 33" 163"
36A6632 - 99" 36A5691 - 99" 35A5257 - 50" 35A5786 - 31-1/2" 35A7333 - 33" 166"
36A6633 - 100-1/2" 36A5692 - 100-1/2" 35A5258 - 50" 35A5786 - 31-1/2" 35A7333 - 33" 169"
36A6634 - 102" 36A5693 - 102" 35A5259 - 53" 35A5787 - 33-1/2" 35A7334 - 36" 172"
36A6635 - 103-1/2" 36A5694 - 103-1/2" 35A5260 - 53" 35A5'787 - 33-1/2" 35A7334 - 36" 175"
36A6636 - 105-1/2" 36A5695 - 105-1/2" 35A5261 - 53" 35A5787 - 33-1/2" 35A7334 - 36" 178"
Ref . NO. Part No. DESCRIPTION No. Pcs.
Page 85 Add a single asterisk to Inner Rails starting with 36A 1922 thru 36A1951
Add new listing for inner rails and add double asterisk (**)
36A7532 - 65 36A7545 - 84-1/2 36A7558 - 105
36A7533 66-1/2 36A7546 - 86 36A7559 - 106-1/ 2
36A7534 - 68 36A7547 - 87-1/2 36A7560 - 108
36A7535 - 69-1/2 36A7548 - 89 36A7561 - 110
36A7536 - 71 36A7549 - 90-1/2
36A7537 - 72-1/2 36A7550 - 92
36A7538 - 74 36A7551 - 94
36A7539 - 75-1/2 36A7552 - 95-1/2
36A7540 - 77 36A7553 - 97
36A7541 - 78-1/2 36A7554 - 98-1/2
36A7542 - 80 36A7555 - 100
36A7543 - 81-1/2 36A7556 - 102
36A7544 - 83 36A7557 - 103-1/2