Jimena Cucurella, Claudio Canut de Bon, María Eugenia CISTERNAS
Jimena Cucurella, Claudio Canut de Bon, María Eugenia CISTERNAS
Jimena Cucurella, Claudio Canut de Bon, María Eugenia CISTERNAS
A b s t r a c t . In recent years, hydrocarbons have been observed in some stratabound copper deposits in
the Cretaceous volcanic-sedimentary sequences in north and central Chile. At the “21 de Mayo” and
“Socavon 2001” mines in the Talcuna district in north-central Chile (29°30’–29°45’ S/70°45’–71°00’ W),
pyrobitumen is associated with ore minerals in Lower Cretaceous rocks. In this district, recent investigations
demonstrate that the ore mineralization, traditionally regarded to be of stratabound (manto) type, has both
structural and lithological controls. Paragenetic relations reflect a hydrothermal emplacement of both
the pyrobitumen and the ore and gangue minerals, while isotopic analyses suggest an organic marine
provenance of the former. Reflectivity 2.0–2.4% indicates the maturity of the pyrobitumen. Its occurrence is
spatially related to sulphide mineralization (chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite) and to barren zones, especially
in the walls of fractures and faults that were channels for post-ore diorite dikes. Organic matter was probably
hydrothermally mobilized from limestones of the Arqueros Formation and precipitated first in the ore zones
and then in fractured post-ore dikes. Hydrothermal fluids sealed in calcite and barite related to the
pyrobitumen reveal homogenization temperatures ranging from 180 to 320°C and salinities from 6.5 to
21 wt.% NaCl equivalent. These data characterize the mineralization as a moderate- to low-temperature
event involving fluids of considerable salinity.
The presence of bitumen and its metallogenic connection with Cu-Ag mineralization
in Early Cretaceous stratified units were recently described in Chile. Bitumen deposits
occur both in sedimentary rocks, e.g., at Uchumí in Coquimbo (Wilson, Zentilli 1997),
and in volcanic sequences, e.g., at El Soldado in central Chile (Zentilli et al. 1994, 1997;
Wilson, Zentilli 1997) and in the Copiapo district (Cisternas et al. 1999).
The present study is focused on the characteristics of the pyrobitumen found in two
mines in the volcanic-clastic continental sequence of the Quebrada Marquesa For-
email: mcistern@udec.cl
mation (QMF): “21 de Mayo” and “Socavon 2001”, located in the Talcuna district, Co-
quimbo. In these mines, copper mineralization, mainly comprising bornite, chalcopyrite
and chalcocite, is both vein type and manto type. The geology of the district was described
by Boric (1985) and Camus (1986). The physico-chemical conditions of the hydrothermal
mineralization have been inferred by the authors from a study of fluid inclusions in
gangue minerals that are associated with the ore minerals and the pyrobitumen.
At the “21 de Mayo” and “Socavon 2001” mines, mineralization occurs in banded
and brecciated (hydraulic and collapse) veins with copper, lead and silver sulphides.
The mined ore contains 1–2% Cu, 0.1–0.5% Pb and 15–30 ppm Ag. There are two main
mineralization controls: NNW trending normal faults that were the feeder channels for
the mineralizing fluids, and a stratigraphic-lithologic position that confines the econo-
mic zones to the intervals where these feeder channels intersect the most “receptive”
units, e.g., the lapilli tuffs.
The upper limit of the mineralization is an iron-manganese bed that acted as a barrier
to the circulating fluids. The manto- and the vein-type mineralized zones are cut by an
NE-NNE system of dextral-normal faults and displaced as a result at 10–100 m.
Pyrobitumen was found both in mineralized and barren zones. In the mineralized
zones, it is associated with the sulphide minerals and intergrown with calcite, barite
and zeolites. In the barren zones, bitumen is mainly located in the dikes and at vein
Pyrobitumen related to ore zones. Thin and polished sections were used in morpho-
logical observations and helped interpret the paragenetic sequence. The pyrobitumen is
black, amorphous (isotropic), brittle, exhibits vitreous lustre and displays conchoidal
fracture. It occurs in angular fragments, small veins and irregular masses among the
sulphides (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Intergrowths of chalcopyrite (grey), calcite (white) and pyrobitumen (black) in a brecciated vein.
Magn. 40x
In the brecciated veins, the pyrobitumen is fractured and forms irregular masses. In
the banded veins, it is attached to their walls or intergrown with the ore minerals.
In both cases, it coexists in simple intergrowths with bornite and chalcopyrite, and with
chalcocite that replaces other sulphide minerals, but is also of hydrothermal origin.
The pyrobitumen is also intergrown with barite, calcite and zeolites that occur in
veins, fractures and vugs in the mineralized zones. These gangue minerals fill con-
traction cracks that developed in the bitumen during its solidification (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Stilbite (white) in the solidification contraction cracks of pyrobitumen (black). Magn. 40x
Pyrobitumen related to barren zones. Fine particles of this pyrobitumen mostly occur as
masses in open fractures. They can be found mainly at the intersections of the NNE
trending dikes with stratified rocks, both in their walls and in small feather veins.
Reflectance of pyrobitumen
Isotope data. The isotopic determinations were conducted at Actlabs Ltd., Canada.
The average d13C value for the bitumen is –28.8‰. As marine organisms that utilize
carbon dioxide rather than HCO3– to build their cellular material produce a significant
deficiency in d13C due to photosynthesis (Hunt 1979), d13C values between –25 and
–30‰ strongly suggest a photosynthetic origin of the organic matter studied. The-
refore, this value is consistent with an organic marine origin for the carbon and
the supposition that the bitumen was formed by the maturation and destruction of
hydrocarbons which had migrated into the rock fractures.
In addition, a d34S value of –18.4‰ determined in bornite is compatible with
bacterial sulphate reduction that provided the sulphidic sulphur.
Trace elements. The analyses were made using ICP/MS (Total Digestion method) at
Actlabs Ltd., Canada. The most significant trace element in the pyrobitumen (Table 2) is
sulphur (~0.5%). The copper content (149 ppm) is consistent with the close association
between the pyrobitumen and the copper sulphides, while the high silver content
(6.0 ppm) can be explained by the fact that native silver is found filling open spaces.
The analyses also reveal high barium contents (1990 ppm), reflecting a close relation
between the pyrobitumen and barite veins.
The pyrobitumen contains 34 ppm of vanadium. Although this is not a very high
value, it can be related to copper lead vanadate (mottramite) associated with oxide
copper minerals found nearby (1.5 km to the NE). Domeyko noted the presence of this
vanadate in 1845 in his “Elements of Mineralogy” (Domeyko 1903). The pyrobitumen
also contains appreciable amounts of lead, zinc and arsenic.
Fluid inclusions were examined in calcite and barite, the gangue minerals present in
the veins. The calcite samples were collected from the Mercedes Vein in the “21 de
Mayo” mine and the Anita Vein in the “Socavon 2001” mine, while the barite samples
from the Vein No. 5 in the “21 de Mayo” mine and the Vein No. 2 in the “Socavon 2001”
mine (Figs 3, 4).
Fluid inclusions in calcite. Only the biphase primary inclusions (L+V) were studied.
They exhibit regular, oblong to rounded shapes.
The homogenization temperatures measured in calcite inclusions from the “21 de
Mayo” mine give a mean value of 233°C with a minimum of 146°C, a maximum of
360°C (Table 3) and a mode of 200°C. The salinity values range between 5.26 and
9.21 wt.% NaCl equivalent with a mean value of 7.17 and a mode of 7.5.
In calcite from the “Socavon 2001” mine (Table 4), the homogenization temperatures
measured give a mean value of 178°C with a minimum of 115°C, a maximum of 311°C
and a mode of 200°C. Salinities range between 5.71 and 23.05 wt.% NaCl equivalent
with a mean value of 18.24 and a mode of 21.0.
Fluid inclusions in barite. Only primary biphase inclusions (L+V) were measured
in the samples from two mines in question. In the Vein No. 5 (“21 de Mayo” mine)
and Vein No. 2 (“Socavon 2001” mine), the inclusions are isolated with irregular
Fig. 4. Distribution of salinities of fluid inclusions in gangue minerals in the “21 de Mayo” and “Socavon
2001” mines
A. Mercedes Vein — calcite; B. Anita Vein — calcite; C. Vein No. 5 — barite; D. Vein No. 2 — barite
Tc Te Tf Th Salinity Size
[°C] [°C] [°C] [°C] [wt.% NaCl eq.] [µm]
Mean –49.43 0.73 –4.52 233.80 7.17 5.43
Standard dev. 1.89 3.42 0.80 63.58 1.13 3.20
Minimum –53.60 –33.70 –6.00 146.30 5.26 2.50
Maximum –44.60 –13.00 –3.20 360.00 9.21 12.50
Median –49.65 –20.95 –4.70 212.15 7.45 5.00
Number of measurements
24 22 24 24 24 24
Tc Te Tf Th Salinity Size
[°C] [°C] [°C] [°C] [ wt.% NaCl eq.] [µm]
Mean –66.40 –43.32 –16.46 178.27 18.24 10.78
Standard dev. 11.01 9.85 5.42 39.86 4.90 3.82
Minimum –84.50 –53.40 –23.80 115.00 5.71 5.00
Maximum –38.00 –20.00 –3.50 311.00 23.05 20.00
Median –70.00 –47.20 –18.15 183.65 20.30 10.00
Number of measurements
28 27 28 28 23 28
Tc Te Tf Th Salinity Size
[°C] [°C] [°C] [°C] [wt.% NaCl eq.] [µm]
Mean –64.83 –35.33 –12.10 321.33 15.84 3.75
Standard dev. 6.15 3.28 3.47 37.39 2.97 1.03
Minimum –77.00 –42.00 –19.00 258.00 13.62 2.50
Maximum –60.00 –33.50 –9.70 375.00 21.68 5.00
Median –62.65 –34.10 –10.95 322.50 14.92 3.50
Number of measurements
6 6 6 6 6 6
Tc Te Tf Th Salinity Size
[°C] [°C] [°C] [°C] [wt.% NaCl eq.] [µm]
Number of measurements
7 7 7 7 7 7
Acknowledgements. This study was supported by DIULS No 020-2-10, a University de La Serena (Chile)
project and is part of a larger study of the paragenesis of the Talcuna mine district. The authors want to thank
the San Geronimo Mining Company, especially its chief geologist A. Moreno, for access to mine galleries
and for information. The kind comments and support of our colleagues, J. Oyarzun and P. Valenzuela,
are gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks are due to Prof. Dr. Andrzej Paulo for his text comments and
to Prof. Padhraig Kennan for improving the English of the text.
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