DellaVentura p739-744 02
DellaVentura p739-744 02
DellaVentura p739-744 02
Ciprianiite and mottanaite-(Ce), two new minerals of the hellandite group from Latium (Italy)
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università della Calabria, I-87030 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Firenze, I-50121 Firenze, Italy
CNR-CS per la Cristallochimica e la Cristallografia (CSCC), via Ferrata 1, I-27100 Pavia, Italy
Two new minerals of the hellandite group were found within alkali-syenitic ejecta enclosed in
pyroclastic formations of the Roman Comagmatic Province (Latium, Italy). Mottanaite-(Ce) [ide-
ally XCa4Y(CeCa)ZAlTBe2(Si4B4O22)WO2] and ciprianiite [ideally XCa4Y[(Th,U)(REE)]ZAlT■ 2(Si4B4O22)
(OH, F)2] occur as transparent, brown-colored, tabular euhedral crystals in miarolitic cavities and
voids of the ejecta, which consist mainly of sanidine and plagioclase (An ranging from 20 to 80%),
with minor amounts of feldspathoid, clinopyroxene and/or clinoamphibole, magnetite, titanite, and
zircon. Locally, accessory minerals include britholite-(Ce), baddeleyite, phosphate to silico-phos-
phate phases close in composition to the brabantite-cheralite series, thorite, fluorite, danburite, and
vonsenite. The genesis of the new hellandite end-members can be related to late-stage post mag-
matic hydrothermal fluids enriched in Zr, Ti, REEs, and actinide elements.
Both mottanaite-(Ce) and ciprianiite have a vitreous luster and are non-fluorescent. Cleavage is
absent in mottanaite-(Ce), fair to good in ciprianiite, {100}. Twinning is frequently observed in
ciprianiite. Due to the strong intra-crystalline chemical zoning and twinning, physical properties
could be measured only for mottanaite-(Ce). Dmeas is 3.61(4) g/cm3, Dcalc is 3.88 g/cm3. Mottanaite-
(Ce) is biaxial negative, with a = 1.680(5), b = 1.694(2), g = 1.708(5); 2Vmeas ~90∞.
Both minerals are monoclinic, space group P2/a, Z = 2. Unit-cell parameters for the crystals
studied are: a = 19.032(9) Å, b = 4.746(3) Å, c = 10.248(5) Å, b = 110.97(5)∞, V = 864.3(8) Å3 for
mottanaite-(Ce), and a = 19.059(5) Å, b = 4.729(1) Å, c = 10.291(4) Å, b = 111.33(2)∞, V = 864.0(5)
Å3 for ciprianiite. Single-crystal structure refinement confirmed the presence of a further distorted
tetrahedral site which was first detected in a hellandite-(Ce) sample from Latium (Oberti et al.
1999). This site is occupied by Be (±Li) in stoichiometric mottanaite-(REE), whereas it mainly
hosts hydrogen (bonded to the O5 oxygen atom) in ciprianiite and hellandite-(REE); solid solution
between the end-members is possible, as shown by the studied samples. The chemical composition
of the refined crystals was obtained by combining EMPA (for medium-Z elements) and SIMS analyses
(for low- and high-Z elements); their results are in excellent agreement with the chemical informa-
tion obtained from the structure refinements. The crystal-chemical formulae of the crystals studied,
recalculated on the basis of 24 anions, are M3,4Ca 4M2[REE 1.45 Ca 0.37(Th,U) 40 +.17Y 0.01] S=2M1 (Al 0.50
Fe30+.38Mg0.03Ti40+.07)S=0.99T(Be1.18Li0.02■ 0.37)B3.99Si3.98O22O5(O21–.04F0.53OH0.43)S=2 for mottanaite-(Ce); and
Ca 4M2 [REE 30+.72 (Th,U) 40+.66Ca 0.60Y 0.02] S=2M1(Al 0.48Fe 30+.38 Ti 40+.10Mg 0.05Mn 30+.02) S=1.03T(Be 0.82■ 0.60Li 0.04)
B4.00Si4.00O22O5(O20–.97OH0.54F0.49)S=2 for ciprianiite.
Names (CNMMN) of the IMA. Roma Tre). Mottanaite-(Ce) occurs in miarolitic cavities and
The name ciprianiite is after Curzio Cipriani, Professor of voids (Fig. 1c) where it is frequently intergrown with britholite-
Mineralogy and Head of the Museum of Mineralogy, later of (Ce) (Fig. 1d), as in the case of hellandite-(Ce) from Capranica
Natural History, at the Università di Firenze (Italy), in recogni- (Della Ventura et al. 1999b).
tion of his contribution to mineral systematics. Holotype mate- Ciprianiite occurs within a syenitic ejectum collected at Tre
rial for ciprianiite has been deposited at the Museo di Storia Croci, close to Vetralla (Viterbo province) within a pyroclastic
Naturale, Università di Firenze (Department of Mineralogy) formation belonging to the Vico volcanic complex (Bernabè
under the catalogue number 2771/RI. 1987). The host rock is composed of sanidine, plagioclase (An
The name mottanaite is after Annibale Mottana, Professor ranging from 20 to 80%), hornblende, and magnetite. Acces-
of Mineralogy at the University of Roma Tre (Italy), in recog- sory phases include titanite and zircon. Ciprianiite occurs in
nition of his leadership and support of investigations and cata- miarolitic cavities associated with danburite, thorite, fluorite,
loguing of the Latium minerals, during which the mottanaite- tourmaline, and a cancrinite-group mineral.
(Ce) sample was found (a Levinson modifier is added accord- Both mottanaite-(Ce) and ciprianiite occur as small (<0.5
ing to the new guidelines for the hellandite group). Holotype mm) tabular ({010} dominant) crystals, brown to pale brown
material for mottanaite-(Ce) has been deposited at Museo di in color, translucent to transparent, with vitreous luster. Streak
Mineralogia, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” under the cata- is white. Fluorescence was not observed. Both minerals are
logue number 30023/1. brittle, with conchoidal fracture. Cleavage {100} is fair to good
in ciprianiite, but absent in mottanaite-(Ce). Ciprianiite is fre-
Mottanaite-(Ce) occurs within a feldspathoid-bearing alkali- In both minerals, as well as in the other studied hellandite-
syenitic ejectum sampled from the “lower pyroclastic flow” of group samples from Latium (Oberti et al. 2002), large inter-
the Sabatini volcanic complex (De Rita et al. 1983), outcrop- and intra-crystalline chemical variations are observed. These
ping at Monte Cavalluccio, Sacrofano, north of Rome. The host variations are always crystal-chemically related, and should thus
rock (“type-A” ejectum, Della Ventura et al. 1992) is composed be ascribed to the composition of the fluid from which the crys-
of predominant sanidine and plagioclase (An ranging from 20 tals grew. For this reason, and considering that hellandite oc-
to 80%) with minor nepheline. Microscopically the rock shows curs as rare crystals typically intergrown with britholite or other
a hornfels-like texture consisting of a skeleton of large platy REE bearing phases (e.g., Della Ventura et al. 1999b), the de-
K-feldspar crystals with clinopyroxene (aegirine-augite), termination of the optical and physical properties is often very
titanian andradite, magnetite, biotite, and nepheline as minor difficult or impossible. In the case of ciprianiite, twinning makes
phases. Several accessory phases including zircon, titanite, optical measurements more difficult. These data could be deter-
baddeleyite (Fig. 1a), and silico-phosphates of Th, U, and REEs mined only for mottanaite-(Ce); due to the similarity in structure
close in composition to cheralite-brabantite (Fig. 1b) were iden- and composition, they can also be used, with a reasonable degree
tified by SEM-EDX (Philips XL30 microscope, equipped with of confidence, for ciprianiite and hellandite-(Ce).
a solid-state super-UTW EDX detector, at LIME: Laboratorio Density and the optical properties for mottanaite-(Ce) were
Interdipartimentale di Microscopia Elettronica, University of determined on a second grain, hand-picked from the same rock
specimen as the crystal used for structure refinement and mi- were collected for the monoclinic-equivalent pairs (hkl and
crochemical analysis. Dmeas, determined at room temperature hkl ) in the range 2 < q < 30∞, and corrected for absorption,
by suspension in Clerici solution, is 3.61(4) g/cm3, and can be Lorentz, and polarization effects; equivalent reflections were
compared with Dcalc = 3.88 g/cm3. Optically, mottanaite-(Ce) is then merged and structure factors were calculated. Structure-
non-pleochroic, biaxial negative, with a = 1.680(5), b = refinement procedures on the reflections with I ≥ 3 s(I) were
1.694(2), g = 1.708(5); 2V ~90∞. When using the density value as described in Oberti et al. (1999).
measured on the same crystal used for the optical measure- For ciprianiite, diffraction data were collected on an Enraf
ments (D = 3.61), 1 – (KP/KC) = –0.021, and the compatibility Nonius CAD4 single-crystal diffractometer working with
(Gladstone-Dale, calculated according to Mandarino 1981) is graphite-monochromatized MoKa X-radiation. Unit-cell di-
excellent. When using the density value calculated from the mensions were calculated by least-squares refinement using
structure refinement (thus on a different crystal from the same 25 reflections (17 < q < 26∞). Intensity data were collected for
rock sample, D = 3.88), 1 – (KP/KC) = –0.089, and the compat- the monoclinic-equivalent pairs (hkl and hkl ) in the range 2 <
ibility is poor. This behavior is consistent with the strong com- q < 35∞. Intensities were then corrected for absorption, Lorentz,
positional variation discussed above. and polarization effects; equivalent reflections were averaged
and reduced to structure factors. Structure refinement was per-
X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND IR SPECTROSCOPY formed using the program SHELXL93 (Sheldrick 1993). As
Diffraction data for mottanaite-(Ce) were collected on a with mottanaite-(Ce), scattering curves for fully ionized chemi-
Philips PW-1100 four-circle diffractometer working with graph- cal species were used at sites where chemical substitutions oc-
ite-monochromatized MoKa X-radiation. Unit-cell dimensions cur.
were calculated from least-squares refinement of the d values Selected crystal data are provided in Table 1, atomic coor-
obtained from 50 rows of the reciprocal lattice by measuring dinates, equivalent isotropic atom displacement parameters
the centroid of gravity of each reflection and of the correspond- (adp), and refined site-scattering (ss) values are provided in
ing antireflection in the range –30 < q < 30∞. Intensity data Table 2, selected geometric parameters in Table 3. Tables 4
and 5, containing the observed and calculated structure factors
and the anisotropic components of the adps, respectively, have
TABLE 1. Unit-cell dimensions and crystal-structure information been deposited1. The calculated X-ray powder patterns are pro-
mottanaite-(Ce) ciprianiite vided in Table 6.
a (Å) 19.032(9) 19.059(5)
b (Å) 4.746(3) 4.729(1)
c (Å) 10.248(5) 10.291(4)
b (∞) 110.97(5) 111.33(2) 1
V (Å 3) 864.3(8) 864.0(5) For a copy of Tables 4 and 5, document item AM-02-010,
Space group P2/a P2/a contact the Business Office of the Mineralogical Society of
q range (∞) 2–30 2–35 America (see inside front cover of recent issue) for price infor-
no. all 2819 3806 mation. Deposit items may also be available on the American
no. obs 1994 2809
Rsym (%) 1.6 3.1 Mineralogist web site at
Rall (%) 7.6 5.5
Robs (%) 6.2 3.2
TABLE 2. Atom fractional coordinates, equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) and refined site-scattering (ss; epfu) for mottanaite-
(Ce) and ciprianiite
mottanaite-(Ce) ciprianiite
ss x/a y/a z/c B eq ss x/a y/a z/c Beq
B1 10.0 0.1732(7) 0.5316(25) 0.4513(11) 0.56(26) 10.0 0.1733(2) 0.5268(8) 0.4515(4) 0.75(5)
B2 10.0 0.2542(6) 0.4670(26) 0.1331(11) 0.44(25) 10.0 0.2529(2) 0.4618(8) 0.1329(4) 0.71(5)
Si1 28.0 0.1039(1) 0.4834(8) 0.6508(3) 0.50(6) 28.0 0.1039(1) 0.4849(2) 0.6501(1) 0.64(2)
Si2 28.0 0.1126(2) 0.4992(8) 0.1612(3) 0.55(6) 28.0 0.1127(1) 0.4975(2) 0.1616(1) 0.71(2)
T 2..2 0.0393(5) 0.5424(20) 0.8668(10) 0.92(42) 2.5 0.038(1) 0.535(4) 0.869(2) 1.41(20)
M1 18.4 0 0 0 0.74(7) 18.2 0 0 0 0.73(2)
M2 110.0 0.0424(1) 0.0149(1) 0.3612(1) 0.56(2) 115.7 0.0429(1) 0.0175(1) 0.3598(1) 0.66(1)
M3 41.7 0.2471(1) 0.0032(5) 0.6614(2) 0.72(5) 41.9 0.2476(1) 0.0017(1) 0.6611(1) 0.88(2)
M4 43.3 0.1570(1) -0.0285(5) 0.9314(2) 0.85(5) 53.7 0.1564(1) 0.9652(1) 0.9312(1) 0.85(1)
H 0.5 0.04(1) 0.42(4) 0.90(2) 1.6
O1 0.0443(4) 0.2410(19) 0.5674(8) 0.73(20) 0.0444(1) 0.2441(5) 0.5673(3) 0.85(4)
O2 0.1778(4) 0.3191(18) 0.7546(8) 0.70(20) 0.1786(1) 0.3179(5) 0.7584(3) 0.87(4)
O3 0.0697(5) –0.3100(20) 0.7410(10) 1.52(25) 0.0715(1) 0.6991(6) 0.7351(3) 1.32(4)
O4 0.1320(5) –0.3296(19) 0.5416(9) 0.75(21) 0.1331(1) 0.6672(5) 0.5411(3) 0.94(4)
O5 16.36 0.0367(5) 0.1967(20) 0.8716(9) 1.12(22) 16.3 0.0370(1) 0.1935(5) 0.8700(3) 1.13(4)
O6 0.2466(5) –0.2416(19) 0.8582(9) 0.97(23) 0.2471(1) 0.7583(5) 0.8585(3) 0.82(3)
O7 0.1666(4) 0.2332(18) 0.4443(8) 0.59(19) 0.1680(1) 0.2285(5) 0.4464(3) 0.80(3)
O8 0.1324(5) 0.6756(20) 0.3071(9) 1.05(22) 0.1330(1) 0.6707(5) 0.3090(3) 1.02(4)
O9 0.1861(5) 0.3259(20) 0.1584(9) 0.85(22) 0.1864(1) 0.3260(5) 0.1581(3) 0.97(4)
O10 0.0852(5) 0.7237(22) 0.0369(10) 1.55(25) 0.0847(1) 0.7297(6) 0.0395(3) 1.31(4)
O11 0.0506(5) 0.2608(25) 0.1566(10) 1.69(26) 0.0520(1) 0.2556(6) 0.1558(3) 1.30(4)
O12 1/4 0.3369(22) 0 0.59(28) 1/4 0.3353(7) 0 0.91(5)
O13 1/4 0.6495(22) 1/2 0.62(28) 1/4 0.6481(7) 1/2 0.84(5)
TABLE 3. Selected interatomic distances (Å) and geometrical de- TABLE 6. Powder diffraction patterns (reflections with I / I0 > 15,
scribers for mottanaite-(Ce) and ciprianiite 2q CuKa < 60∞) calculated for mottanaite-(Ce) and
mottanaite-(Ce) ciprianiite mottanaite-(Ce) ciprianiite ciprianiite on the basis of the refined structural model
B1-O4 1.557(14) 1.547(4) B2-O2 1.557(14) 1.535(4) mottanaite-(Ce) ciprianiite
B1-O7 1.421(16) 1.414(4) B2-O6 1.386(16) 1.405(4) h k l d spacing I/I0 d spacing I/I0
B1-O8 1.560(14) 1.544(5) B2-O9 1.563(15) 1.525(4) 0 0 1 9.569 30 9.586 22
B1-O13 1.475(13) 1.478(4) B2-O12 1.473(12) 1.475(4) 2 0 0 8.886 51 8.877 52
<B1-O> 1.503 1.496 <B2-O> 1.495 1.485 2 0 1 5.590 28 5.580 38
TAV 36.9 40.3 TAV 55.3 43.1 0 1 0 4.746 52 4.729 72
TQE 1.0087 1.00092 TQE 1.0129 1.0096 2 1 0 4.186 41 4.174 46
2 1 1 3.618 17 3.608 18
Si1-O1 1.627(9) 1.614(3) Si2-O8 1.635(10) 1.642(3) 4 0 1 3.571 18 3.564 28
Si1-O2 1.626(9) 1.655(3) Si2-O9 1.630(9) 1.634(3) –2 1 2 3.452 67 3.454 79
Si1-O3 1.635(10) 1.602(3) Si2-O10 1.598(11) 1.607(3) –2 0 3 3.416 17 3.430 16
Si1-O4 1.659(9) 1.663(3) Si2-O11 1.624(11) 1.613(3) 4 1 0 3.243 80 3.236 68
<Si1-O> 1.637 1.633 <Si2-O> 1.622 1.624 –4 0 3 3.187 22 3.204 27
TAV 5.7 6.9 TAV 10.9 14.0 0 0 3 3.190 19 3.195 23
TQE 1.0016 1.0017 TQE 1.0027 1.0035 –6 0 1 3.168 16 3.171 23
–4 1 2 3.085 85 3.089 86
M1-O5 1.937(9) 1.952(3) M2-O1 2.359(8) 2.380(3) 2 1 2 2.916 86 2.911 74
M1-O10 2.013(11) 1.982(3) M2-O1 2.366(9) 2.402(3) 4 1 1 2.854 100 2.846 100
M1-O11 1.982(11) 1.964(3) M2-O3 2.453(10) 2.440(3) –4 1 3 2.646 86 2.653 80
<M1-O> 1.977 1.966 M2-O4 2.596(9) 2.617(3) 0 1 3 2.647 84 2.648 79
OAV 25.0 18.3 M2-O5 2.529(9) 2.508(3) –6 1 1 2.635 84 2.634 84
OQE 1.0075 1.0051 M2-O7 2.437(8) 2.435(3) 0 0 4 2.392 21 2.397 21
M2-O8 2.552(10) 2.562(3) –8 0 2 2.364 22 2.369 22
M3-O2 2.410(9) 2.434(3) M2-O11 2.453(9) 2.443(3) 0 2 0 2.373 18 2.365 19
M3-O4 2.622(9) 2.613(3) <M2-O> 2.468 2.473 –3 1 4 2.252 20
M3-O6 2.331(9) 2.338(3) 7 1 0 2.239 21
M3-O7 2.460(9) 2.428(3) M4-O2 2.583(9) 2.583(3) 6 0 2 2.192 23 2.187 23
M3-O7 2.516(9) 2.501(3) M4-O4 2.456(10) 2.429(3) 3 1 3 2.187 20
M3-O8 2.692(10) 2.686(3) M4-O5 2.399(9) 2.387(3) –7 1 3 2.185 18
M3-O9 2.386(9) 2.386(3) M4-O6 2.325(9) 2.334(3) 6 1 2 1.990 18 1.985 16
M3-O13 2.371(9) 2.367(3) M4-O6 2.490(9) 2.476(3) 4 2 1 1.976 32 1.970 29
<M3-O> 2.473 2.469 M4-O9 2.762(9) 2.778(3) –4 2 3 1.903 42 1.903 34
M4-O10 2.341(10) 2.336(3) 0 2 3 1.904 36 1.901 31
T-O3 1.738(29) 1.884(17) M4-O12 2.396(9) 2.414(3) –6 2 1 1.899 39 1.896 35
T-O5 1.643(32) 1.615(18) <M4-O> 2.469 2.467 8 0 2 1.786 16
T-O10 1.858(32) 1.893(18) 4 1 4 1.722 18 1.720 16
T-O11 1.887(33) 1.916(18) H-O5 1.11 –4 0 6 1.708 20 1.715 17
<T-O> 1.781 1.827 0 2 4 1.685 17
–6 2 4 1.655 16
–8 2 2 1.647 21 1.674 16
10 1 0 1.664 23 1.662 21
The structures of mottanaite-(Ce) and ciprianiite are very –10 1 4 1.650 27 1.655 24
–4 1 6 1.607 35 1.612 30
similar to the structure of hellandite-(Ce) described by Oberti 6 2 2 1.610 32 1.606 24
et al. (1999). As discussed in detail by Oberti et al. (1999, 2002),
REE and actinides have a marked site preference (M2 >> M4
> M3); in particular, actinides and HREE strongly order at the beamsplitter. As in the case of hellandite-(Ce) (Oberti et al.
M2 site. The presence of a further tetrahedral site in hellandite 1999), the spectra show a single broad absorption feature cen-
(with respect to the structure determined by Mellini and Merlino tered around 3450 cm–1, thus suggesting a single type of strongly
1977), which was first reported by Oberti et al. (1999) for hydrogen-bonded OH in the structure. At closer inspection, the
hellandite-(Ce), is confirmed also in both crystals studied here. broad absorption band is the sum of several (at least three) over-
This site is strongly distorted, and is occupied by Be and Li in lapping components, as suggested by the presence of defined
various proportions. The H atom bonded to the O5 oxygen atom shoulders at 3490 and 3400 cm–1. This is consistent with a wide
also protrudes into this cavity at ~ 1.0 Å from the O atom. Thus variety of OH environments due to local short-range disorder
the cavity may host Li and Be at the center, H in an off-cen- at the next-nearest-neighbor cation sites bonded to O5 (i.e.,
tered position, and may also be vacant. The root-name M1, M2, and M4), and to intra-crystalline chemical variations
mottanaite defines the hellandite-group samples in which this (see below).
site is more than half occupied by Li and Be. Accordingly, the Analogies can be found between the local environment of
sample from Monte Cavalluccio has 1.18 Be + 0.025 Li apfu. the OH group in hellandite and that in hydrogarnets, and the
Significant amounts of [4](Be,Li) are also present in ciprianiite O-H vibrational frequency of hellandites is close to that mea-
from Tre Croci, as well as in all the other hellandite occur- sured (3432 cm –1 ) for henritermierite, a Mn 3+-bearing
rences analyzed by Oberti et al. (2002). hydrogarnet. The spectrum of henritermierite, collected at room
Infrared spectra in the OH-stretching region were measured temperature also shows a very broad band that is resolved into
at room temperature with unpolarized light on doubly polished several overlapping components at 80 K; these are assigned to
fragments of mottanaite-(Ce). They were acquired (at the Uni- stretching modes of OH groups involved in enhanced hydro-
versity of Roma Tre) with a Nicolet NicPlan microscope gen bonding with the surrounding oxygen atoms (Armbruster
equipped with a nitrogen-cooled MCT detector and a KBr et al. 2001).
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND RELATIONS TO OTHER ses (calculated group-site scattering in Table 7) testifies to the
HELLANDITE-GROUP MINERALS accuracy of the procedure used to determine the cation site-
The crystals used for the single-crystal X-ray study were populations and the OH content. In particular, the SIMS analy-
mounted in epoxy and then analyzed by electron- and ion-mi- ses for light elements confirmed the structural constraint OH £
croprobes. WDS-EMP analyses were done with an ARL mi- (2 – Li – Be – F) (Oberti et al. 1999, 2002).
croprobe. Analytical conditions were 15 kV and 20 nA beam The ideal structural formula of mottanaite-(Ce) is M3,4Ca4
current. Natural minerals were used as standards: fluorite (FKa), (R3+Ca)M1AlTBe2Si4B4O22O5O2, where R3+ = Y + REE, and Ce
clinopyroxene KH1 (SiKa, CaKa), microcline BH1 (KKa), il- dominates over REE. The occupancy of the additional tetrahe-
menite BH7 (FeKa, TiKa), and spessartine BH5 (MnKa). The dral site is balanced by lower contents of trivalent cations at
data were processed with the program PROBE 5.2 (Donovan the M2, M3 and M4 sites with respect to hellandite [M3,4(Ca3R3+)
and Rivers 1990), after Phi-Rho-Z correction following M2
(R3+)2M1AlT■ 2Si4B4O22O5(OH)2]; the low hydrogen contents in
Armstrong (1988). mottanaite is correlated with full occupancy of the T site. Be-
SIMS analyses were done with a Cameca IMS 4f ion mi- cause the M2 site is more than half-occupied by REE, a modi-
croprobe. The strong spectral interferences in the REE region fier is added to the root-name to specify the dominant REE
were treated as described by Ottolini and Oberti (2000), in (Bayliss and Levinson 1988; Oberti et al. 2002).
which the reader can find the listing of the various standards The ideal structural formula of ciprianiite is: M3,4Ca 4
used and of the procedures followed for elemental quantifica- [(Th,U)REE]M1AlT2Si4B4O22O5(OH,F)2. In this formula, the
tion from the collected signals. The oxide weight percentages tetrahedrally coordinated T site is vacant, and the heterovalent
resulting from EMP and SIMS analyses were then used to cal- exchange relating ciprianiite to hellandite is M3,4CaM2(Th,U)
culate the unit formulae on the basis of 24 (O + F) atoms (cf. REE–1M2REE–1 (Oberti et al. 2002).
Oberti et al. 1999 for discussion of the stoichiometric constraints The chondrite-normalized (Cn) patterns for Y, REE, Th, and
in hellandite). Due to the strong intra-crystalline compositional U of mottanaiite-(Ce) and ciprianiite (normalization-factor C1
variations, the analyses reported in Table 7 were obtained by of Anders and Ebihara 1982) are broadly similar to the pattern
averaging a number of analytical points (2 to 4) selected to reported by Oberti et al. (1999) for hellandite-(Ce) from the
best fit the average crystal composition obtained by the struc- same volcanic region. They decrease linearly from LREE to-
ture refinements. The excellent agreement between chemical ward HREE with a negative Eu anomaly (Fig. 2). Ciprianiite
information obtained from the structure refinement (site scat- shows a slightly concave pattern at the LREE-side, with an
tering values in Table 2) and the results of the chemical analy- increase from La to Ce, a flat trend from Ce to Pr, then a linear
TABLE 7. Microchemical analysis and formula unit [on the basis of 24 (OH + F)] for the refined crystals of mottanaiite-(Ce) and ciprianiite
mottanaite-(Ce) ciprianiite
Oxides wt % Formula Oxides wt % Formula
SiO2 23.85 Si 3.978 SiO2 22.94 Si 4.007
B 2O 3 13.85 B 3.987 B 2O 3 13.28 B 4.003
BeO 2.94 Be 1.180 BeO 1.95 Be 0.818
Li2O 0.037 Li 0.025 Li2O 0.053 Li 0.037
TiO2 0.560 S [4] sites 9.169 TiO2 0.730 S [4] sites 8.865
Al2O3 2.53 Ti 0.070 Al2O3 2.33 Ti 0.096
Fe2O3 3.06 Al 0.497 Fe2O3 2.87 Al 0.479
Cr2O3 0.00 Fe3+ 0.384 Cr2O3 0.015 Fe3+ 0.377
Mn2O3 0.00 Cr 0.000 Mn2O3 0.371 Cr3+ 0.002
MgO 0.140 Mn3+ 0.000 MgO 0.180 Mn3+ 0.016
Na2O 0.00 Mg 0.035 Na2O 0.00 Mg 0.047
CaO 24.46 S M1 0.986 CaO 24.60 S M1 1.017
BaO 0.002 Na 0.000 BaO 0.002 Na 0.000
La2O3 7.42 Ca 4.371 La2O3 1.39 Ca 4.603
Ce2O3 12.63 Ba 0.000 Ce2O3 5.48 Ba 0.000
Y 2O 3 0.073 La 0.456 Y 2O 3 0.185 La 0.090
Pr2O3 1.103 Ce 0.771 Pr2O3 0.863 Ce 0.351
Nd2O3 2.36 Y 0.006 Nd2O3 3.03 Y 0.017
Sm2O3 0.137 Pr 0.067 Sm2O3 0.332 Pr 0.055
Eu2O3 0.020 Nd 0.141 Eu2O3 0.051 Nd 0.189
Gd2O3 0.094 Sm 0.008 Gd2O3 0.139 Sm 0.020
Dy2O3 0.024 Eu 0.001 Dy2O3 0.049 Eu 0.003
Er2O3 0.005 Gd 0.005 Er2O3 0.012 Gd 0.008
Yb2O3 0.002 Dy 0.001 Yb2O3 0.006 Dy 0.003
ThO2 4.01 Er 0.000 ThO2 15.80 Er 0.001
UO2 0.430 Yb 0.000 UO2 0.872 Yb 0.000
H 2O 0.390 Th 0.152 H 2O 0.465 Th 0.628
F 1.00 U 0.016 F 0.89 U 0.034
O=F 0.421 SM2,3,4 5.997 O=F 0.370 SM2,3,4 6.000
TOTAL 100.71 F 0.527 TOTAL 98.50 F 0.490
OH 0.434
ss at M1 cal 18.4 S O5 0.962 ss at M1 19.2 OH 0.543
ss at M2, 3, 4 cal 183.0 S (O5, T) 2.166 ss at M2, 3, 4 cal 191.3 S O5 1.033
ss at O5 cal 16.5 ss at O5 cal 16.5 S (O5, T) 1.888