College Automation System
College Automation System
College Automation System
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In the College Automation System, management of student admission
is a key part. Which ensures systematic particulars of every student joined in
the college i.e., Date of Joining, Fee Paid, Course taken etc. This
information facilitates management to maintain the proper records course
wise and also provides information about the student bio-data.
i. Problem Definition.
ii. Feasibility Analysis
i. Table Description.
ii. Normalization.
iii. Data Flow Diagrams.
iii. Developer 2000
Problem Definition:
Existing System:
Feasibility Study:
The importance of the feasibility study is to determine that the
system requested by the client is feasible or not. The aspects in the
feasibility study are
Technical Feasibility.
Economical Feasibility.
Operational Feasibility.
Technical Feasibility:
Technical Feasibility determines whether the organization has the
technology and skills necessary to carryout the project and how this should
be obtained. The system “College Automation System” can be technically
feasible because of the following grounds.
All necessary technology exists to develop the system.
The existing resources are capable and can hold all the necessary data.
The system is too flexible and it can be expanded further.
The system can give guarantees of accuracy, ease of use, reliability,
and the data security.
The system can give instant responses to inquiries.
Operational Feasibility:
Operational feasibility determines if the proposed system satisfied
user objectives and can be fitted into the current system operation. The
present system “The College Automation System” can be justified as
operationally feasible based on the following grounds.
The method of processing and presentation are completely accepted to
the clients since they can meet all the user requirements.
The clients have been involved in the planning and development of
the system.
The proposed system will not cause any problem under any
The proposed system will certainly the user objectives and it will also
enhance their capability. The proposed system can be best fitted into
current operation. Also there is no need to replace any existing staff.
Economical Feasibility:
It determines whether the project goal can be with in the resource
limits that are allocated to it after conducting cost, benefit analysis. It reveals
that the objective proposed system can be achieved with in allocated
resources. Proposed system requires no extra manpower cost almost nil.
Also the cost invested to implement the propose system can be easily
recovered. The present system “The College Automation System” can be
justified as economically feasible based on the following grounds.
The system reduces the manpower required during the admission
Initially implementation cost would be high. Since it requires
expensive software and hardware.
As the system is considered over a long run the cost is affordable
when compared to the cost of man power.
So, the Proposed System “The College Automation System” is
economically feasible.
The purpose of this document is to describe all external requirements
for the College Automation System. It also describes the interfaces of the
system. It is having all the requirements specified by the user. And it is
represented in a language understandable to the client, user and the
This document is only describes the requirements. This is prepared by
the developers, the means for validating the final system. After accepting
this document neither the developer nor the client has nay authority for
making changes in the problem specifications.
General Description:
The project can be placed in any PC having Developer 2000 and
Oracle and ODBC connections. The software is developed using Developer
2000 as the front end and ORACLE as back end.
Hardware Specifications:
The Hardware specifications for the project at the server side are as follows:
The Hardware specifications for the project at the client side are as follows:
Software Specifications:
The Software requirements at the Server side and Client side are as
Developer 2000
Oracle 7.3
ODBS Drivers
Database Design:
The rules are used for evaluating RDBMS product. Out of the 12
rules, a RDBMS should at least satisfy 6 Rules plus Rule 0 must be satisfied.
Courses Group
STUDENT Automatio
Request n System
The database is an organized collection of related information. The
organized information of database serves as a base from which desired
information can be retrieved, many meaningful conclusions can be drawn of
decisions made, further reorganizing or processing this data. This
interrelated data values are of such a nature that they might be represented as
a number of files but not a single file depending upon the nature of the
DBMS. These files may be integrated permanently into a single connected
structure or integrated temporarily for each interrogation, known as a query
in its most technical sense the word database implies that any of the data
may be used the word often means any accessible collection of information,
and in that case only a limited set of data values may be used to specify
Data Abstraction:
A major of a database is to provide users with an abstract view of the
data. This system hides certain details of how the data is stored and
maintained. However, in order for the system to be usable, data must be
retrieved efficiently. The efficiency leads the design of complex data
structures for the representation of data on the database. Certain complexity
must be hidden from database system users. This is accomplished by
defining several levels of abstraction at which the database may viewed.
Physical Level:
This is the lowest level of abstraction at which one describes how the
data are actually stored. At the physical level, complete low level data
structures are described in detail.
View Level:
This is highest level of abstraction at which one describes only part of
the entire database. Despite the use of the simple structures at conceptual
level, there remains a form of complexity resulting from the large size of
database. Many users of system will not be concerned with all of its
information. Instead, some users need only a part of the database. To
simplify the interaction of such user with the system, the view level of
abstraction is define.
Data Models:
In order to describe the structure of a database, we need to define the
concept of a data model. A data made is a collection of conceptual tools for
describing data relationships, data semantics and data constraints. The data
models are divided into three different groups.
• Physical Data Model
• Record Based Logical Model
• Object Based Logical Model
Database Architecture:
Architecture of system indicated the model through which it
accomplishes its functions. Database Architecture indicated the function of
security, integrity, consistency, salability etc., are accomplished. The
popular models are:
• Hierarchical Model
• Network Model
• Relational Model
Hierarchical Model:
In this model, the detailed data records of a master are linked through
forward and backward pointers to its next and previous records respectively.
All the master records are again linked to one another in the same fashion. In
hierarchical model, each of the detailed record is linked to only one master
Network Model:
This model is an extension to Hierarchical Model where the master
and detail records are connected to one or more master records and vice-
versa. The main disadvantage of Network Model is data representation,
which is very complex resulting in complexity of DML.
Relational Model:
In relational model all the data is assumed to be organized in the form
of two-dimensional tables. The rows and columns present in the table
represent the record and fields respectively.
In Relational Database Systems, data is organized and presented in
tables. Tables are simply a collection of Related Rows and Columns.
Rows are the horizontal components of a table. They are unnamed and
unordered. This means that there is no way to specify a particular table by its
position in table. Rows are accessed by data values only.
Columns are the vertical components of the table. Unlike rows,
columns are named and ordered. Every table column has a unique name
within the table and a data attribute for it.
Field refers to the specific data values stored in a table for a particular
intersection of row and column. A field is the smallest unit of data in SQL.
A null field denotes absence of data values for that particular field.
Advantages of RDBMS:
Redundancy can be reduced.
In a non-database system, each application has its own private files.
This often leads to considerable redundancy in stored data with
resultant wastage in storage space.
There will be some occasions on which two entries do not agree. This
is called inconsistency. It can be avoided in a database by propagating
Data can be shared. It means that not only the existing application can
share the data in a database but also new applications can be
Standards can be enforced. With central control of data, certain
standards like Industrial, National, and International can be enforced.
Security restrictions can be applied.
Having complete control of data, we can ensure that the only means of
accessing data is through proper channel.
Integrity can be maintained. The problem of integrity is problem of
ensuring the data in the database is accurate. It can be ensured that by
defining validation procedures whenever updating operation is to be
carried out.
Conflicting requirements can be balanced.
Database can be structured to provide an over all service.
Disadvantages of RDBMS:
Major disadvantage is that it can be expensive.
DBMS can occupy much more main memory that additional
memory must be purchase, thus forcing user to upgrade to a
more powerful computer.
Large amounts of data in different formats can be interrelated in
the database. Database system and application programs must
be able to process this structure.
Back up and recovery are more difficult in the database
environment because several users often process database
Centralization increases vulnerability failure in one component
often integrated system can stop the entire system.
SQL is Structure Query Language. When the user has no idea of
programming works on the computer and performs the work with database,
he uses a language to manipulate/extract from stored database. The language
design for this purpose is simple and easy to use. The standard language for
accessing the database is SQL. It enables the user to create and operate on
RDBMS. The sets of related information may be in the form of tables having
rows and columns. SQL allows the user to deal with a set of commands like
Create, Retrieve etc.
SQL unifies the tasks in one consistent language.
Querying data.
Inserting updating, deleting rows in a table.
Creating, replacing, altering and dropping Objects.
Controlling access to the database and its Objects.
Guaranteeing database consistency and integrity.
Data Definition Language (DDL):
The Data Definition Language is to create an Object, alter the
structure of an object and also to drop the object created. A table is a unit of
storage, which holds data in the form of rows and columns.
CREATE Table Command: This command is used to create a table
in the database. The syntax is…
Create table <table name> (column definition1, column definition2,…);
Insert: This command is used to insert one or more rows into the
table. The data can be inserted in two ways. They are sending through
single record or multiple records. The syntax is…
Insert into <table name> values (field1,field2…);
Select: This command is used to select a particular field of a
particular table or all the fields of a table. It selects only one table at a
time. This is used to perform a query. This is the most common
database operation. The syntax is…
Select field1,field2… from <table name>;
Update: This command is used to update the rows in a table. The
syntax is…
Update <table name> set field = value where <condition>;
Delete: This command is used to delete record/records from a table.
The syntax is…
Delete from <table name> where <condition>;
Data Control Language (DCL):
Right click the mouse on Data Model Editor. Then data model
editor will be displayed on screen.
Click the mouse on SQL button present on that screen. Place the
query SQL object on work area of report or drop and drag it on work
Again click on SQL button present in the screen and drag and drop in
work area. SQL query statement dialogue box will be displayed for
both, then click on OK.
Make a link between the query master and group master with the help
of Gone key field.
Click on layout editor, which is available in editor from and select
master detail and OK.
Click on File Compile to compile report.
Click on File Run to run a report. Then the output will be displayed
on the screen.
Software Testing:
Testing is a process of executing a program with intent of finding an
error. Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and
represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The
increasing visibility of software as a system element and the attendant costs
associated with a software failure are motivating forces for well planned,
through testing.
Types of Testing:
There are two types of testing. They are.
White Box Testing.
Black Box Testing.
White Box Testing:
White Box Testing, some times called Glass Box Testing is a test case
design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to
derive test cases. Using White Box Testing methods, the software engineer
can derive test case that,
Guarantee that all independent paths with in a module have been
exercised at least once.
Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operation bound.
Exercise internal data structure to assure their validity.
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