Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
P. Purushothama Raj
Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur
Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu
Questions 77
Exercise Problems 78
4. Compaction of Soils 81
Chapter Highlights
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Principles of Compaction 81
4.3 Compactive Effort 82
4.4 Laboratory compaction 82
4.5 Field Compaction and Equipment 84
4.6 Compaction Specification and Control 87
4.7 Factors Affecting Compaction 89
4.8 Effect of Compaction on Soil Structure 92
4.9 Compaction Behaviour of Sand 93
4.10 California Bearing Ratio Test 93
Worked Examples 94
Points to Remember 99
Questions 100
Exercise Problems 101
6. Seepage 137
Chapter Highlights
6.1 Introduction 137
6.2 Seepage Forces 137
6.3 General Flow Equation 139
Popularity of this book amongst the undergraduate students and practising engineers has
made the author to revive the book with updated materials.
The second edition of the book comprises 24 chapters dealing with four components,
viz. Basic Principles of Soil Mechanics, Laboratory Determination of Soil Parameters Under
Different Field Conditions, Earth Pressure Problems Including Foundations and Advanced
Topics on Soil Mechanics Applications.
Chapters 1–9 deal with Basic Principles of Soil Mechanics. Chapter 1 deals with soil
formation and composition, highlighting the types of weathering, soil formation in nature
and major soil deposits of India. Chapters 2 and 3 explain the methods of identification
and classification of soil including Bureau of Indian Standards, with the background
knowledge of the index properties of soils. The basic properties of soils are compaction,
permeability, consolidation and shear strength. Chapters 4–9 detail these properties. Prin-
ciples of compaction and field compactions are explained in Chapter 4. Flow through
porous medium and its applications are dealt within Chapters 5 and 6. Stresses in nature
and applied stresses cause consolidation and failure due to shear. These aspects are dealt
with at length in Chapters 7, 8 and 9. Chapter 7 details the different types of loading and
the methods of computing stresses. Chapter 8 explains the basic theory of consolidation
followed by computation of settlements while Chapter 9 explains the methods of deter-
mining shear strength of different types of soils under different loading and drainage
Chapter 10 discusses the basic techniques of testing of soils as per the Bureau of Indian
Standards. Further, it includes methods of material collection, data presentation, com-
putation and presentation of results and discussion. Necessary diagrams and standard
values are included in the chapter.
Chapters 11–19 explain the principles of earth pressure and its applications in the
design of earth-retaining structures, stability of slopes and foundations. Principles of
earth pressure theories, in particular, the classical earth pressure theories of Coulomb
and Rankine, and other modern theories are dealt with in Chapter 11. Chapter 12 gives
the design concepts of retaining walls, including sheet piles and cuts, for both active
and passive cases with different backfill conditions. Stability of slopes for different soil
conditions, seepage conditions and pure pressure conditions are dealt with in detail in
Chapter 13 with different methods of analysis.
Chapter 14 deals with the bearing capacity of soils and the connected theories for various
ground conditions. Determination of safe bearing capacity and allowable soil pressure for
different loading conditions are presented in Chapter 14. Chapters 15–17 cover the subjects
on foundation engineering viz. shallow foundations, pile foundations drilled and caisson
foundations. The subject matter has been dealt with in depth so as to introduce the student
to the field of foundation engineering such that he/she will gain the ability to investigate
and select the most suitable type of foundation. A foundation engineer or a student can select
the best foundation, provided he/she knows the subsoil conditions and methods of ground
improvements. These aspects are dealt with in Chapters 18 and 19. The latest methods of
ground investigation and soil improvement techniques are explained in these chapters.
Advanced topics on Soil Mechanics Applications viz. Embankment Dams, Dynamic
Loading of Soils, Environmental Geotechnology and Introductory Rock Mechanics are
explained in Chapters 20–23. Chapter 24 on Highway Pavements, an application of soil
mechanics, has been added in this second edition. Chapter 20 on Embankment Dams covers
both homogeneous and non-homogeneous dams, including rock-fill dams. Theory of vibra-
tions, theory of machine and machine foundations and design requirements are explained
in Chapter 21. Chapter 22 gives a brief account of Environmental Geotechnology. An intro-
duction on rock mechanics has been given in Chapter 23 which explains the index proper-
ties of rocks, classification and in situ stresses.
The second edition would not have been possible but for the excellent encouragement
given by M/S Pearson Education for which the author expresses his gratitude.
January 2013 P. Purushothama Raj
Origin of soils – Types of rocks – Effects of weathering – Soil formation –
Major soil deposits of India – Components of soils – Size and shape of
soil particles – Inter-particle forces – Soil minerals – Soil–water system – Soil
Soil is an unconsolidated material that has resulted from the disintegration of rocks. It
includes sediments and deposits beneath rivers and seas and on land along with all
organic and inorganic materials overlying the bedrock. It, thus, constitutes the earth’s
surface both on land and beneath water.
The type and characteristics of soil depend largely on its origin. Transportation
causes the sizes and shapes of the particles to alter and sort into sizes. Cementation due
to carbonates, oxides, or organic matter provides additional particle binding. Thus, the
engineering properties, viz., permeability, consolidation, and shear strength, of a soil
deposit are governed by the mode of formation, stress history, groundwater condition,
and physico-chemical characteristics of the parent material.
Soil deposits constitute an assemblage of solid particles resulting in the formation of
certain voids or pore spaces. These voids are in turn filled with a gas or liquid or both.
These components, viz., solid particle, gas, and liquid, play a significant role in the fun-
damental behaviour of soil. Thus, we can visualize the soil deposit as a particulate system
comprising three phases, viz., the solid phase, the liquid phase, and the gaseous phase.
This chapter deals with the geological aspects of the formation of several types of
soil deposits. The composition of such soil deposits has been treated as a three-phase
system. The factors contributing to the behaviour of each phase and to the soil
structure formation are dealt with in this chapter.
Particle sizes: *sand, 0.075 to 2 mm; **gravel, 2 to 4.75 mm; ***clay, < 0.002 mm; +silt, 0.002 to 0.075 mm.
Erosion and
ea an
th i o i ng nd
er os er a
g Er ath tion
we pac tion
m ta
Co men
sand, mud,
Completely Weathered
Rock Zone (Virtually Zone III
all Soil Material)
Highly Weathered
Rock Zone (Mostly Zone IV
Soil Material)
Moderately Weathered
Rock Zone (Distintegrated Zone V
Slightly Weathered
Rock Zone Zone VI
Unweathered Rock
with Fissures and Zone VII
Fractures in Upper
form a very large group of transported soils. A glacier moves extremely slowly but deforms
and scours the surface and the bedrock over which it passes. Melting of a glacier causes
deposition of all the materials, and such a deposit is referred to as till. The land form or
topographic surface after a glacier has receded is called a ground moraine or till plain. Till
deposits which have been overrun by glaciers contain coarser particles and form good
construction material.
Soils deposited by the surface and sub-surface glacial rivers that remain in the form of
long-winding ridges are called eskers. They may vary from about 10 to 30 m in height and
about 0.5 km to several kilometres in length. Isolated mounds of glacial debris varying from
about 10 to 70 m in height and 200 to 800 m in length are called drumlins. Large boulders
picked up by a glacier, transported to a new location, and dropped are called erratics.
Glacial deposits provide a poor to excellent foundation. In many locations it is often found
that the material is dense and contains considerable sand and gravel. It is believed that glaciers
covered a large portion of the land during the ice age. Northern USA, Northern Europe, and
Canada were subjected to continent glaciers. Now glaciers cover approximately 10% of the
earth’s surface. Almost all glaciers are now concentrated in Greenland and Antarctica.
Wind-transported Soils. Like water, wind can erode, transport, and deposit fine-grained
soils. Soils carried by wind are subsequently deposited as aeolian deposits. Dunes are formed
due to the accumulation of such wind-deposited sands. Dunes are a rather common
occurrence in the desert areas of Africa, Asia, and the USA. Sands from dunes may be used
to a limited extent for construction purposes.
Fine-grained soils such as silts and clays can be transported by wind in arid regions.
Wind-blown silts and clays deposited with some cementing minerals in a loose, stable
condition are classified as loess. Loess deposits have low density, high compressibility, and
poor bearing resistance when wet. Loess is a clastic sediment comprising a uniformly sorted
mixture of silt, fine sand, and clay-size particles. The structure of a loess deposit is susceptible
to collapse on saturation.
Gravity Deposits. Gravity can transport materials only for a short distance. As the
movement is limited, there is no appreciable change in the materials moved. Gravity depos-
its are termed talus. They include the material at the base of cliff and landslide deposits. The
talus material at the cliff is formed due to the disintegration and subsequent failure of the
cliff face. These fragments are generally loose and porous.
Swamp and Marsh Deposits. In water-stagnated areas where the water table is fluctuating
and vegetational growth is possible, swamp and marsh deposits develop. Soils transported
and deposited under this environment are soft, high in organic content, and unpleasant in
odour. Accumulation of partially or fully decomposed aquatic plants in swamps or marshes
is termed muck or peat. Muck is a fully decomposed material, spongy, light in weight, highly
compressible, and not suitable for construction purposes.
Under field conditions, desiccation may take place whenever the surface of the soil is not
permanently flooded. Due to periodic desiccation, even fine-grained silty sands show
apparent cohesion.* As the apparent cohesion is very large, even rains of long duration
cannot completely remove the cohesion. This phenomenon of desiccation is very much
pronounced in soils of semi-arid and arid regions. Such soils are quite often mistaken for soft
rocks. In the case of soft clays, the desiccation proceeds very slowly from the exposed surface
and forms a thick crust, and the thickness grows with age.
x x xx
x x x xx x x x
x x x xx x x x x x x
x x x xx x x x xx x x
x x x xx x x x xx x x
x x x xx x x x x
28˚ x x x xx x x x xx x x x
xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x 28˚
xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x
x x x x xx x xx x x x xx x x x x xxxx
x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x xx x x x
x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x xx x x x
x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x xx x x x
x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x
x x x xx x x x xx x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x
x x x xx x x x xx x x x x x x x x xx x x x xx x x x x xx x x x xx x x x x
x x x xx x x x xx x x x x xxxx x xx x x x x
24˚ x x x xx x x x xx x
x x x xx x x x x
x x x x xx x x x xx
xx x x x xx x x x xx
xx x x x xx x x x xx
x xx
xxx xx x x
xxx xx x x
x xx x x xx x x
x xx x x xxx
x x x xx x x
x x x xx x x
x x x xx x x
20˚ 20˚
16˚ 16˚
Marine deposits
Fig. 1.3 Map of India showing approximate extent of major regional deposits (Source:
Katti et al., 1975)
rock, removal of silica and bases, and accumulation of aluminium and iron sesquioxides.
The red, pink, or brown colour of laterites is essentially due to the presence of iron oxide. If
about 90% of the material contains coarse grains, then this is called laterite; instead, if rela-
tively fine grains are present, it is referred to as lateritic soil. In India, lateritic soils spread
over an area of 100,000 km2. Indian laterites are mostly residual soils.
The characteristic property of this type of soil is high strength when it is cut and dried in
the sun. The specific reason for such a behaviour has been attributed to the dehydration of
iron oxides and the presence of halloysite type of clay mineral. Some of the laterites show
extremely high strength comparable to that of burnt bricks. After hardening, the strength
gained is not affected when it comes in contact with water. Rao and Raymahashay (1981)
studied the mineralogy of Calicut and Rajahmundry laterites. Calicut laterites were found
to be rich in halloysite and crystalline goethite, whereas Rajahmundry laterites showed the
presence of crystalline kaolinite and metahalloysite. The reason for the difference has been
attributed to the geological environment of the areas.
The formation of sesquioxides in the top layers during laterization and weathering of
the bottom layers present serious problems for civil engineers in the assessment of lateral
stresses in lateritic profiles (Iyer and Pillai, 1972). Further road cuts in such deposits pose a
serious stability problem.
Gaseous Gaseous
phase phase
phase Liquid
Solid phase
Primary Rock Minerals. These are rock fragments from the parent rock, formed due to
weathering. In general, they are relatively large in size and rounded or angular in shape.
When such particles form a major part of the soil minerals (as in gravels and sands), the
engineering properties will be governed by the gradation and packing of the grains. The
shape and texture of such particles (discussed in the next section) may have some bearing
on the properties.
Clay Minerals. These are secondary minerals formed by chemical weathering, and the
particle size is less than 2 μm. The particles commonly occur in the form of flat plates and
are flaky in shape. The main characteristic of such particles is their large surface areas. A
detailed treatment of clay minerals is presented in the next section.
Cementing and Organic Materials. Due to the decomposition of minerals by leaching
or due to the presence of dissolved salts, certain cementing materials (such as calcite, iron
oxide, or silica) may be deposited on the surface of the soil particles. Such materials improve
the engineering properties of soils.
Organic matter in the soil has originated from plant or animal remains. It generally occurs
in the top soil up to a depth of 0.5 m. Muck or peat deposits are primarily organic in nature
and occur at considerable depths. Organic matter absorbs more water, compresses consider-
ably under a load, fails due to low bearing resistance, and affects the setting of foundation
concrete. Thus, organic materials have many undesirable properties harmful for engineering
The minor features of a particle surface are defined as the surface texture of a soil. This
is independent of the size, shape, or degree of roundness of a particle. Dull, polished,
smooth, rough, striated, frosted, etched, or pitted are terms used to define the surface texture
of a particle.
electron in its shell. It can take one electron from another element to form an anion or
can lose its electron to another element to form a proton. Thus, under certain conditions,
if a hydrogen atom is attracted by two atoms instead of one, then the bond formed is
called a hydrogen bond. The hydrogen bond is weaker than the ionic bond, and only two
atoms can be bonded by the hydrogen ion. Fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and chlorine form
hydrogen bonds.
Electrical or electromagnetic attraction between molecules is referred to as van der Waals
forces. In a molecule, the centre of gravity of the positive and negative charges may not
coincide, thus developing an electric moment. This system is referred to as polar. Thus, in
such a system van der Waals forces develop depending on the orientation of the particle.
The relative magnitudes of these bonds are given below (Leonards, 1962):
Silicon Aluminium
Oxygen Hydroxyl
sheet. These units may be stacked one on top of the other to form a lattice of the mineral
(Fig. 1.7a). The bondage between the basic kaolinite units is due to hydrogen bonding and
secondary valence forces. Kaolinite minerals are thus very stable and do not permit water to
enter the lattice and hence do not expand when saturated. Kaolinite is the most abundant
constituent of residual clay deposits. Isomorphous substitution (replacement of one kind of
atom with another) is quite common during the formation of sheet silicate minerals. In
kaolinite minerals, the amount of isomorphous substitution is negligible. Other clay minerals
with two-layer sheets are serpentine (brucite silica sheet combination, Fig. 1.7b) and hallosite
(similar to kaolinite except for the presence of water between the sheets).
Among three-layer sheet minerals, montmorillonite and illite clay minerals are the most
common. Basic three-layer sheet units are formed by keeping one silica sheet on the top and
one at the bottom of a gibbsite sheet. Figure 1.8a shows the unit and lattice of the
G – Gibbsite B – Brucite
sheet sheet
Loosely held
G water and G K+ – Potassium ions
metallic ions
G G G – Gibbsite
double layer
Particle surface
+ – –
+ –
Net negative charge
+ + –
– + –
+ –
+ +
+ – +
+ –
+ –
Rigid Diffuse layer
Ion concentration (+)
Zeta potential is the electric potential developed at the solid–liquid interface in response
to movement of colloidal particles. The magnitude of the zeta potential depends on the
thickness of the double layer. Zeta potential depends on ion types, temperature, adsorption,
particle size, shape of particles, and pH value.
3. Presence of water molecules with different densities from the solid surfaces.
4. Soil–water interaction as a complex phenomenon comprising ion-exchange, leaching,
osmotic hydration, adsorption, heat-of-wetting, and oxidation–reduction reactions.
Soil equilibrium conditions differ depending on liquid water and water vapour. Even at the
same water contact, the structure and physico-chemical properties of a soil–water system may
differ considerably. This may depend on the flow path from which this moisture content has
been attained.
Soil–water interaction is a complex phenomenon, which may be still more complicated
if polluted water is involved. Polluted water may be gravity water or environmental water.
Gravity water depends on the dissolved ions and molecules. Environmental water depends
on pore fluid character, temperature, and pressure.
Pore Silt
grain Pore
inter-particle forces acting between small basic units. Clusters group together to form peds,
which are macroscopic.
Clay deposits which exhibit no visible variation in macrostructure are said to be uni-
form or intact. Many clays are layered or stratified, with predominant bedding planes. Clay
deposits formed in glacial melt-water lakes exhibit thin layers of silt, fine sand and clay,
and such deposits are referred to as varved clays. Stiff clays exist in thin natural states with a
network of hair cracks, joints, or fissures; such clay deposits are called fissured. The fissures
are formed due to stress release of highly stressed clays, past earth movements, or volume
changes caused by desiccation.
A well-defined macrostructue significantly influences the engineering behaviour of clay
deposits. Presence of fissures in a clay indicate planes of weakness and hence low strength
along the planes, compared to a clay deposit which is intact. Apart from low strength, fis-
sured clays or laminated clays show higher seepage than an intact clay, due to the preferen-
tial drainage path formed along the silt-filled fissures or bedding planes.
1.1 Rocks are of three types, viz., igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic, which
constitute the earth’s crust along with weathered rock (as soil).
1.2 Soil is a particulate material resulting from disintegration of rocks and depends
largely on its origin.
1.3 Type of soil developed is based on the rock type, its mineral constituents, and the
climatic regime of the area.
1.4 Coarse-grained soils like gravelly and sandy soils are formed due to decomposition of
rocks containing quartz or orthoclause minerals with high silica content.
1.5 Fine-grained soils like silts and clays are formed from rocks which contain iron,
magnesium, calcium, or sodium minerals with little silica.
1.6 Clays are not fragments of primary minerals but secondary minerals formed by
decomposition of primary minerals.
1.7 Physical weathering and chemical weathering are the two types which cause
disintegration of rock.
1.8 Major formations of soils are residual soils, transported soils, and desiccated soils.
1.9 Major soil deposits of India are marine deposits, black cotton soils, laterite and lateritic
soils, alluvial deposits, and desert soils.
1.10 Natural soils may be broadly grouped into three components or phases, viz., solid
phase, liquid phase, and gaseous phase.
1.11 Inter-particle forces acting between particles depend on the surface area, its character
and environment.
1.12 In soil minerals, two types of bonds are of interest, viz., primary or high-energy bonds
and secondary valence or weak bonds.
1.13 Soil minerals may be a framework of silicate minerals or two-layer/three-layer sheet
minerals. The three important clay minerals are kaolinite (two-layer sheet mineral),
illite, and montmorillonite (three-layer sheet mineral).
1.14 Mass-derived forces are responsible for the formation of soil structure in coarse-
grained soils. Surface-derived forces contribute to the formation of soil structure in
fine-grained soils.
1.15 Water in clay leads to the attractive and repulsive forces on the particles, resulting in
the formation of the electric double layer. Electric double layer (or diffused double
layer) contributes to the formation of a particular type of structure.
1.16 Flocculated structure and dispersed structure are the two basic structures in clays.
1.17 Natural clays may be uniform or varied with cracks, joints, or fissures.
Objective Questions
1.1 Glaciers are formed by
(a) Compaction and recrystallization of snow
(b) Continuous freezing of water
(a) 1 3 2 4
(b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 4 3 2 1
Descriptive Questions
1.11 What are the different types of land forms associated with igneous rocks?
1.12 Distinguish between mechanical weathering and chemical weathering.
1.13 Which sedimentary deposits are of concern to civil engineers? Give examples.
1.14 What are loess soils, and what is the potential danger to loss of stability in loess soils?
1.15 Describe briefly the origin of soils and bring out the factors which control their formation.
1.16 Describe briefly the physical properties of residual and transported soils.
1.17 Name the parent rocks from which the following soils are derived: clay, sand, laterite,
black cotton soil, and loess.
1.18 Explain the significance of the structure of clay minerals as constituents of engineer-
ing soils.
1.19 Explain why electrical surface forces are important for fine-grained soils but have
little effect on coarse-grained soils.
1.20 What effect does the structure of clay have on the physical properties of soils?
1.21 From an engineering point of view, explain the properties of clay minerals.
1.22 Explain some of the stronger influences that are continually breaking rock into grains
of soil.
1.23 What is degradation? Explain.
1.24 What influences can produce chemical changes in rock rather than mechanical break-
1.25 How does clay absorb water? Explain.
1.26 What soil types would be expected in a river or stream delta?
1.27 Explain the potential danger to stability in areas where the land is formed from marine
1.28 Distinguish between the shape and size of clay particles with silts and sands.
1.29 What is a hydrogen bond? Explain its role in the physico-chemical behaviour of clays.
1.30 How does the modern concept of clay structure contrast with that given by Casagrande?
Three-phase system – Definition and applications of void ratio, porosity,
degree of saturation, air void ratio, specific gravity of soil solids, moisture
content, density, and density index – Particle-size analysis – Grain-size dis-
tribution curves – Consistency limits and indices of soils – Activity of clays
Bulk soil, as it exists in nature, is a more or less random assembly of soil particles, water,
and air. The properties of soils are complex and variable. Every civil engineering work
involves the determination of soil type and its associated engineering application; certain
properties are more significant than others. The common problems faced by civil engineers
are related to the bearing capacity and compressibility of soil and the seepage through the
soil. The possible solution to these problems is arrived at based on a study of the physical
and index properties of the soil. A knowledge of these properties with value-oriented
judgement gives a complete solution to such problems. The phase concept for soils intro-
duced in the previous chapter is of great assistance in understanding these properties.
In dry and saturated soils, the three-phase system reduces to two phases, viz., soil solids
and air, and soil solids and water, respectively (Fig. 2.2). Thus, soil exists in either the two-
phase or three-phase state. The following are the basic relations.
The detailed procedure for determining specific gravity is given in Chapter 10. Typical
values of specific gravity are given in Table 2.1(a).
Specific gravity is relatively important as far as the qualitative behaviour of the soil is
concerned. It is determined in a majority of testing programmes. The specific gravity of most
soils falls within a narrow range and thus it is not used in the identification or classification
of soils as it is in the identification of minerals.
Vw ρw
Vs ρs
Sand 2.65–2.67
Silty sand 2.67–2.70
Inorganic clay 2.70–2.80
Soil with mica or iron 2.75–3.00
Organic soils Variable but may be under 2.00
(Vw Vv ) ρw
= (2.9)
(Vs Vv ) ρs
Sr ρw
(1 / e )ρw G
Sr e
w= (2.10)
This is represented as a percentage. The water content for a dry soil is zero. The natural
water content for most soils is around 60%, but it can be as high as 400%.
The water content is obtained by weighing a moist sample of the soil, drying it in a tem-
perature-controlled oven at 105ºC for 24 hours, and then re-weighing. The detailed proce-
dure is given in Chapter 10.
The dry soil mass is a function of the absolute magnitude of certain soil parameters, such
as field moisture content and consistency limits (discussed elsewhere), and is used in the
determination of void ratio and the degree of saturation.
The dry mass of a soil is not a definite quantity. It can be arbitrarily, but conveniently,
defined as that mass which is obtained at 105ºC (Lambe, 1949). It is believed that drying at
105ºC for 24 hours completely removes the free water and some of the adsorbed water which
forms part of the effective soil grain. For certain organic soils (like peat), for soils containing
an appreciable amount of gypsum or some other mineral, and for some tropical soils, the
conventional oven temperature of 105ºC may be high. At this high temperature, the loosely
bound water of hydration or molecular water may be lost, resulting in a change in the soil
characteristics, such as the consistency limit. For such soils, the Indian Standards (IS: 2720 –
Part 2, 1973) recommends a low oven temperature of 60 to 80°C.
For certain field controls (such as compaction), moisture content results are needed imme-
diately. The conventional oven-drying method of measuring moisture content is so slow that
results will not be available in time to make corrections in the field where deficiencies exist.
Hence, rapid methods of testing are resorted to (this is discussed under compaction control
in Chapter 4).
Saturated Density (ρsat). It is the ratio of the total saturated soil mass to the total volume
(Fig. 2.2b); that is,
M Ms + M w
ρsat = =
V Vs + Vv
Ms Vs + Mw Vs ρs + (Vw ρw ) Vs
= =
1 + Vv Vs 1+ e
⎛ V ⎞
ρsat = ⎜⎜Gρw + v ρw ⎟⎟⎟ (1 + e ) (Since VW = VV)
⎜⎝ Vs ⎟⎠
(G + e)
ρsat = ρw (2.12)
1+ e
Submerged Density or Bouyant Density (ρ′). It is the effective mass per unit volume
when submerged. When a unit volume of soil is submerged in water, it displaces an equal
volume of water, and the density is only (ρsat – ρw). Thus,
⎡G + e ⎤
ρ ′ = ρsat − ρw = ⎢ ⎥ ρ − ρw
⎢⎣ 1 + e ⎥⎦ w
⎡ G − 1⎤
ρ′ = ⎢ ⎥ρ (2.13)
⎢⎣ 1 + e ⎥⎦ w
Bulk Density or Total Density. It is the ratio of the total soil mass to the total volume:
M Ms + M w + Ma
ρ= =
V Vs + Vv
M V + Mw Vs
= s s (Since Ma = 0)
1 + Vv Vs
Dry density of the in situ soil is usually measured using the core cutter and sand replace-
ment methods.
The core cutter method consists of a cylindrical cutter with dolly and a rammer to drive
the cutter into the soil. The cutter containing soil is then carefully dug out and excess soil
on the ends trimmed off. The mass and volume (from the dimensions of the core) of the soil
within are found and the wet density calculated. Dry density of the soil is found after deter-
mining the water content.
In the sand replacement method, a hole about 100 mm in diameter is dug with suitable
tools at the selected location. The mass of the soil removed is weighed and a specimen sam-
ple taken for determination of water content. The mass of sand required to fill the conical
portion, and hence of the sand filling the hole, is determined. The volume of sand required
to fill the hole is obtained from the mass of sand filling the hole and the bulk density of the
sand. The bulk density of sand is calibrated by filling a can of known volume under similar
conditions. From the mass of the soil and volume of the hole, the wet density and, hence, the
dry density are determined. Details of both procedures are given in Chapter 10.
Knowing the dry density and specific gravity of soil solids, the in situ void ratio is obtained
from the expression
e= −1 (2.16)
Sl. No. Bulk unit weight (γ) Sl. No. Dry unit weight (γd) Sl. No. Saturated unit weight (γsat)
1. w, G, e (1 + w)Gγ w 1. γ, w γ 1. G, e (G + e) γ w
1+ e 1+ w 1+ e
γsat, e eγ w γ d, e ⎛ e ⎞⎟
6. 6. γd + ⎜⎜ γ
γ sat −
1+ e ⎜⎝ 1 + e ⎟⎟⎠ w
7. γsat, n γ sat − nγ w 7. γ d, n γd + nγ w
(γ sat − γ w )G ⎛ ⎞
8. γsat, G 8. γ d, s ⎜⎜1 − 1 ⎟⎟ γd + γ w
(G − t) ⎜⎝ G ⎟⎠
9. γd, wsat γd (1 + wsat )
ρd max ρd − ρd min
ID = × × 100 (2.23)
ρd ρd max − ρd min
where emax is the void ratio of soil in the loosest state, emin is the void ratio of soil in the densest
state, e is the void ratio of soil in the in situ state, ρd max the dry density of soil in the densest state,
ρd min the dry density of soil in the loosest state, and ρd the in situ dry density of the deposit.
Figure 2.4 shows the three density conditions. Density index is a measure of the degree of
compaction, and the stability of a stratum is indirectly reflected in the compactness. Table 2.2
presents designations associated with the density index for granular soils.
Simple practical methods may be adopted for determination of the maximum and mini-
mum void ratios of granular soils (Whitlow, 1983). Minimum void ratio is determined by
placing a soil in three layers in a mould of known volume, the mould being placed under
water. Each layer is compacted thoroughly using a vibratory hammer or tamping rod. The
collar of the mould is removed, the soil is levelled, and the mass of the soil, M, in the mould
is found. Then, maximum saturated density is given as
M G + e min
ρsat max = = ρw
V 1 + e min
Gρw − ρsat max
emin =
ρsat max − ρw
Designation ID (%)
To determine emax, the mould is placed under water, and the soil is poured quickly into it
just from the top. Knowing the mass and volume, the minimum saturated density is found
and, hence,
G ρw − ρsat min
e max =
ρsat min − ρw
The in situ void ratio is found as explained earlier. Hence, the density index can be com-
puted. A simple laboratory procedure for the determination of ID, for granular soils is given
in Chapter 10.
D2 (γ s γ w )
v= (2.24)
where D is the diameter of the particle (m), γs the unit weight of grains of particles (kN/m3),
γw the unit weight of suspension fluid (usually water; kN/m3), and ηw the viscosity of the
suspension fluid (kN s/m2). Then,
18ηw He
D= (2.25)
( s w) t
γ − γ
where He is the height of the distance fallen (in metres) by the particles in time (seconds).
Equation 2.25 is valid for particles larger than 0.002 mm because smaller-sized particles will
be influenced by Brownian movement. The size of the particle is taken to be that of an equiv-
alent sphere which will have the same settling velocity as that of the particle.
In this method, the soil is placed as a suspension in distilled water. To ensure independent
settling of particles, a deflocculating agent is added to the suspension. The soil particles in the
suspension are allowed to settle out. A sample at a depth He below the surface, after allowing
the suspension to settle for time t, will contain no particles of size larger than D. All particles
smaller than D will be present in the sample in the same proportion as at the beginning of the
test. Thus, the effect is the same as if the sample had been separated on a sieve of mesh size D.
The concentration of particles remaining in the suspension at any level at any time may
be determined by adopting any one of the following methods.
Pipette Method. The sample of suspension is drawn off with a pipette (Fig. 2.5) at the
specified depth from the surface. The sample will contain only particles smaller than the
size D. Similarly, samples are taken at the specified depth at times corresponding to other
chosen particle sizes. The samples are dried, and the weight of the solid residue is recorded.
If Mb is the mass of the soil sample taken for sedimentation analysis after pre-treatment and
M′i is the mass of material (of specific sizes of particles) in the entire suspension from cor-
responding samplings, then the percentage of finer particles N is given as
N= × 100
Now considering D (in mm), H (in cm), t (in min), and ηw (in poise) (1 poise = 10–4 kN s/m2)
and substituting the respective units in Eq. 2.25 we get
30ηw He
D= (2.26)
980 (ρs − ρw ) t
The diameter of the particle at every specified depth is obtained from Eq. 2.26. Then, the
grain-size distribution is obtained.
Hydrometer Method. This method measures the specific gravity of the suspension
using a special hydrometer (Fig. 2.6). The specific gravity of the solution decreases as the
settling starts. Specific gravity readings from the hydrometer at different time intervals
provide information about the size of the particles that have settled down and the mass of
soil remaining in solution.
A number of corrections are made for the hydrometer reading: (i) the meniscus correction
(cm), which is necessary as the suspension is opaque and the lower meniscus cannot be seen
clearly; (ii) the correction for the expansion of the hydrometer bulb due to increase in tem-
perature (°C); and (iii) the correction due to the addition of a dispersing agent. The first two
factors lead to a lower reading (note the hydrometer is graduated in increasing order from
top to bottom), and hence the corrections are positive. The third factor increases the density
of the suspension, and hence the correction is negative. The methods of determining these
corrections are explained in Chapter 10. A calibration curve is drawn between the hydrom-
eter reading corrected for meniscus correction (Rb) and the height of fall of the particle (H).
The calibration procedure is given in Chapter 10. Thus, the diameter of the particle at time t
after the starting of sedimentation is obtained from Eq. 2.26.
To obtain the percentage of finer particles corresponding to each hydrometer reading,
the density of suspension at that particular depth is required. Let M be the mass of the
pre-treated soil used in suspension of volume V. Before the start of the test; that is, at time
t = 0, the density of the suspension is uniform and the mass of solids in a unit volume of
the suspension is Mb/V.
Thus, the volume of solids Vs in unit volume of suspension at time t = 0 and at any depth
He is
⎛ ⎞
Vs = b =
Mb ⎜⎜Since G = ρs ⎟⎟
V ρs VG ρw ⎜
⎝ ρw ⎟⎟⎠
Therefore, the volume of water in unit volume of suspension (at t = 0) is
⎡ M b ⎤⎥
Vw = (1 − Vs ) = ⎢1 −
⎢ VGρ ⎥
⎣ w⎦
where ρw is the density of water at 4°C and is 1 g/cm3, and ρwT is the density of water at test
temperature, T°C.
The density of suspension after time t and at temperature T°C can be written in a form
similar to the above expression for ρi as
MD ⎛⎜ MD ⎞⎟
ρf = + ⎜⎜1 − ⎟ρ
V ⎜⎝ VGρw ⎟⎟⎠ wT
where MD/V is the mass of particles of diameter smaller than D in unit volume of suspen-
sion at depth He, after time t. Substituing ρwT = GwT ρw, we have
MD ⎛⎜ MD ⎞⎟
ρf = + ⎜⎜1 − ⎟G ρ
V ⎜⎝ VGρw ⎟⎟⎠ wT w
N =
V ρw ⎛⎜ G ⎞⎟
N% = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟(r h − GwT ) × 100
M b ⎜⎝ G − GwT ⎟⎠
From the data for D and the corresponding percentage of finer particles after each instant
of time, the grain-size distribution curve is obtained.
The sedimentation method is not absolutely correct as this is based on Stokes’ assump-
tion that (i) the particles are spherical, (ii) the flow around the particles is laminar, and
(iii) the particles are much larger than the molecular size. Assumptions (i) and (iii) are not
valid for fine-grained soils. Departure from spherical shape and molecular influence cause
the particles to settle slowly. The dispersion of particles may be incomplete, and viscosity is
not constant but varies due to changes in temperature.
However, this method has been in wide use and is more applicable to silts than to clays.
The gradation curve is not used for evaluation of the engineering properties of fine-grained
soils, and hence, a slight variation is insignificant.
Procedures for conducting pipette and hydrometer analyses are described in Chapter 10.
very narrow range of particles (also called uniform soil) or the sample is deficient in certain
intermediate grain sizes (also called gap graded).
We can obtain a numerical measure of the gradation by defining the uniformity coefficient
Cu and the curvature coefficient Cz:
Uniformity coefficient:
Cu = 60 (2.28)
Curvature coefficient:
Cz = (2.29)
D60 × D10
Soils with Cu < 4 are said to be uniform, and soils with Cu > 4 (6 for sands) are well graded
as long as the grain-size distribution curve is smooth and symmetrical.
The curvature coefficient Cz is a measure of the symmetry and shape of the gradation curve.
For a well-graded soil, Cz will be around 1. For Cz much smaller or much greater than 1, the
soil is viewed as poorly graded.
The uniformity coefficient and curvature coefficient are used as part of the Unified and
Indian soil classification systems.
is noted down and the corresponding water content determined. The test is repeated for a
variety of water contents, and the water content corresponding to a penetration of 25 mm
is taken as the liquid limit of the soil. The test is quicker, and the results are accurate and
reproducible. This has several advantages over the mechanical method. Therefore, it has
been recognized as a standard method by Indian Standards.
The plastic limit of a soil is the water content, expressed as a percentage of the weight of
oven-dried soil, at the boundary between the plastic and semi-solid states of consistency of
the soil (IS: 2720 – Part 5, 1970). The plastic limit is determined by rolling a pat of soil into
a thread, and the water content at which the soil shows signs of crumbling at a diameter of
3 mm is the plastic limit. The detailed procedure is given in Chapter 10.
The plastic limit for different soils has a narrow range of numerical values. Sand has no
plastic stage, but very fine sand exhibits slight plasticity. The plastic limit is an important soil
property. Earth roads are easily usable at this water content. Excavation work and agricul-
tural cultivation can be carried out with the least effort with soils at the plastic limit.
Soil is said to be in the plastic range when it possesses water content in the range between
wL and wp. The range of the plastic state is given by the difference between wL and wp and is
defined as the plasticity index. That is,
I p = wL − w p (2.30)
The plasticity index represents the range of water content over which a soil is plastic. The
greater the plasticity index, higher will be the attraction between the particles of the soil
and greater the plasticity of the soil. Based on the plasticity index, the soils are classified by
Atterberg as follows:
0 Non-plastic
<7 Low plastic
7–7 Medium plastic
>17 High plastic
The plasticity index is used in soil classification and in various correlations with other soil
properties as a basic soil characteristic.
The shrinkage limit is the maximum water content expressed as a percentage of oven-
dried weight at which any further reduction in water content will not cause a decrease in
volume of the soil mass, the soil mass being prepared initially from remoulded soil (IS: 2720 –
Part 6, 1972). Based on the above definition, the shrinkage limit is determined by completely
drying out a lump of soil and measuring its final volume and mass. Thus, referring to the
phase diagram in Fig. 2.11, the shrinkage limit is given as
( M − M0 ) − (V − V0 ) ρw
ws = × 100 (2.31)
where M is the initial wet mass of soil, M0 the final dry mass of soil, V the initial volume of
soil, and V0 the final volume of dry soil mass.
The shrinkage limit test can also be performed on undisturbed soil; in that case, the nota-
tion wsu is used.
The finer the particles of the soil, the greater is the amount of shrinkage. Soils that contain
montmorillonite clay mineral shrink more. Such soils shrink heterogeneously during sum-
mer, as a result of which cracks develop on the surface. Further, these soils imbibe more and
more water during the monsoon and swell. Soils that shrink and swell are categorized as
expansive soils. Indian black cotton soils belong to this group.
A detailed test procedure for determination of the shrinkage limit is given in Chapter 10.
The relationship between different limits of consistency and natural or in situ water con-
tent is given below (IS: 2720 – Part 5, 1970):
1. The liquidity index or water plasticity ratio (IL) is the ratio expressed as a percentage of
the natural water content (wn) of a soil minus its plastic limit to its plasticity index. That is,
wn − wp
IL = (2.32)
The in situ state of a soil is represented by the liquidity index: when IL < 0, the soil is
in the semi-solid state; when IL = 0, the soil is in the stiff state; when 0 > IL < 1, the soil
is in the plastic state, when IL = 1, the soil is in a very soft state; and when IL > 1, the soil is
in the liquid state.
2. The consistency index (Ic) of a soil is the ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural
water content to its plasticity index. That is,
wL − w n
Ic = (2.33)
Similar to the liquidity index, the consistency index also represents the in situ state of a
soil. When the consistency index is equal to 1.0, the water content is at the boundary between
the semi-solid and solid states. If the consistency index is negative, it represents the state
where the soil flows and is unsuitable for foundation purposes. Consistency index can have
a value greater than 1.0. For a fair load-bearing condition, the soil should have a value of
Ic = 0.5, which indicates the boundary between the soft and stiff plastic states.
3. The flow index (If) of a soil is the slope of the flow curve obtained from a liquid limit
test, expressed as the difference in water content at 10 blows (N1) and at 100 blows (N2):
w1 − w2
If = (2.34)
log10 ( N 2 N1 )
where w1 and w2 are the water contents corresponding to N1 and N2 drops, respectively.
Slopes of flow curves distinguish between the degree of cohesiveness and the shear
strength of various soils. Two soils with the same plasticity index but different liquid limits
will have different flow indices. The one with a steeper flow curve indicates soil of low shear
4. The toughness index (IT) of a soil is the ratio of the plasticity index to the flow index
IT = (2.35)
The shear strength of a fine-grained soil at a water content close to the plastic limit is a
measure of its toughness. The toughness of two fine-grained soils with the same plasticity
index is inversely proportional to the flow indices. For clay, the toughness index is generally
less than 3.
The concept of analysing various states in a soil based on water content is a sound one.
The limits have been fixed arbitrarily and cannot be accepted as fundamental properties.
Thus, not much significance should be attached to their accurate values.
Plasticity index
Percentage by weight of particlles finer than 2 μm
The activity of clay A gives a qualitative measure of the behaviour of the soil as active,
normal, or inactive. Skempton (1953) has classified the clay as inactive if A < 0.75, normal
if A is 0.75–1.25, and active if A > 1.25. Table 2.3 shows typical values of liquid limit, plastic
limit, and activity.
Example 2.1 Adopting a routine laboratory procedure, the specific gravity of a river sand
was determined. The mass of dry sand was 198.6 g. The mass of the calibrated flask filled
with water was 1508.2 g. The masses of the flask, water, and sand were 1632.6 g. Determine
the particle specific gravity of the soil.
If the true specific gravity was 2.72 and an error was made in recording the mass of dry
sand, what is the correct mass of dry soil? The other two observations are correct.
Mass of dry soil = 198.6 g
Mass of an equal volume of water = (1508.2 – 1632.6) + 198.6 = 74.2 g
Mass of dry soil
Specific gravity of soil solids, G =
Mass of an equal volume of water
= = 2.68
Because of wrong recording of the mass of dry sand, both the numerator and denominator
are affected. Let Ms be the true mass of dry sand. Therefore,
2.72 =
(1508.2 − 1632.6) + Ms
Solving for Ms, the true mass of dry sand is 196.73 g.
Example 2.2 An attempt was made to determine the water content of a given moist soil of
known specific gravity, using a pycnometer. The usual laboratory procedure for specific
gravity determination of dry soil is used for the wet soil.
The following are the observations:
Mass of pycnometer (M1) = 545 g
Mass of pycnometer with moist soil (M2) = 790 g
Mass of pycnometer with soil and water (M3) = 1,540 g
⎛ G ⎞⎟
That is, Ms = ( M3 − M4 )⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝⎜ G − 1⎟⎠
Substituting the respective values,
Ms = (1540 − 1415) = 199.85 g
2.67 − 1
( M2 − M1 ) − Ms
w= × 100
(790 − 545) − 199.85
w= × 100 = 22.6%
Fig. 2.12
Example 2.3 A sample of soil, extracted in its natural state using a sampling tube of volume
0.001 m3, was found to have a mass of 1,730 g, the degree of saturation being 61.6%. The
oven-dried mass of soil was 1,440 g. Determine (i) the natural water content, (ii) the specific
gravity of soil solids, (iii) the void ratio, (iv) the bulk density, (v) the saturated density, and
(vi) the submerged density.
1730 − 1440
1. Natural water content w = × 100 = 20.14%
Dry density ρd = = 1.44 g cm 3
0.001×100 3
Gρw Gρw ⎛ ⎞
ρd = = ⎜⎜since e = wG ⎟⎟
1 + e 1 + (wG Sr ) ⎜⎝ Sr ⎟⎟⎠
G× 1 G
1.44 = =
1 + (20.14 61.6) G 1 + 0.3279
2. G = 2.72
wG 20.14 × 2.72
3. e = = × 2.72 = 0.89
Sr 100 × (61.6 100)
⎛ 20.14 ⎞⎟
4. Bulk density ρt = ρd (1 + w) = 1.44 ⎜⎜⎜1 + ⎟ = 1.73 g cm
⎝ 100 ⎟⎠
⎛ e⎞
5. Saturated density ρsat = ρd ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟⎟ (Sr = 100%)
⎜⎝ G⎠
⎛ 0.89 ⎞⎟
= 1.44 ⎜⎜⎜1 + ⎟ = 1.91 g cm
⎝ 2.72 ⎟⎠
6. Submerged density ρ ′ = ρsat − ρw = 1.91 − 1.0 = 0.91 g cm 3
Example 2.4 A saturated specimen of undisturbed clay has a volume of 22.5 m3 and mass
of 35 g. After oven drying, the mass reduces to 20 g. Find its moisture content, specific gravity
of solids, void ratio, and dry density.
Mw 35 − 20
Moisture content w = = × 100 = 75%
Ms 20
M 20
Dry density ρd = s = = 0.898 g cm 3
V 22.5
ρd =
Rearranging, 1 + wG
ρd 0.89
G= = = 2.697 (since rw = 1.0)
1 − ρd w 1 − 0.89 × 0.75
Therefore, the void ratio e = wG = × 2.697 = 2.02
Example 2.5 A wet soil sample weighs 3.46 N. After drying at 5°C, its weight is 2.84 N. The
bulk unit weight of the soil is 18.6 kN/m3. The specific gravity of the solid particles is 2.7.
Determine (i) the water content, (ii) the void ratio, (iii) the degree of saturation, and (iv) the
3.46 − 2.84
1. Water content w = × 100 = 21.83%
γt 18.6
Dry unit weight γd = = = 15.27 kN m 3
1 + w 1 + (21.83 100)
Gγ w 2.7 × 9.81
2. Void ratio e = −1 = − 1 = 0.735
γd 15.27
wG 21.83 2.7
3. Degree of saturation Sr = = × × 100 = 80.19%
e 100 0.735
e 0.735
4. Porosity n = = × 100 = 42.36%
1 + e 1 + 0.75
Example 2.6 The bulk unit weight of a soil is 19.10 kN/m3, the water content is 12.5%, and
the specific gravity of soil solids is 2.67. Determine the dry unit weight, void ratio, porosity,
and degree of saturation.
γ 19.1
1. γd = = = 16.98 kN m 3
1 + w 1 + (12.5 100)
Gγ w
γd =
1+ e
Gγ w 2.67 × 9.81
2. e = −1 = − 1 = 0.54
γd 16.98
e 0.54
3. n = × 100 = × 100 = 35.07%
1+ e 1 + 0.54
wG 12.5 2.67
4. Sr = × 100 = × × 100 = 61.8%
e 100 0.54
Example 2.7 A soil sample has a porosity of 40%. The specific gravity of solids is 2.7. Cal-
culate the (i) void ratio, (ii) dry density, (iii) unit weight if the soil is 50% saturated, and
(iv) unit weight if the soil is completely saturated.
n 0.40
1. Void ratio e = = = 0.67
1 − n 1 − 0.40
Gρw 2.7 × 1
2. Dry density ρd = = = 1.62 g cm 3
1 + e 1 + 0.67
G + eSr 2.7 + 0.67 × 0.5
3. Wet unit weight γ t = γw = × 9.81
1+ e 1 + 0.67
= 17.82 kN m 3
Example 2.8 How many cubic metres of fill can be constructed at a void ratio of 0.65 from
2,21,000 m3 of borrow material that has a void ratio of 1.25?
Let eb and ef be the void ratios of the borrow material and the fill, respectively. Also, let Vvb
and Vvf be the volume of voids in the borrow and the fill, respectively. The volume of soil
solids is the same in both the cases. From Fig. 2.13,
Fig. 2.13
Vvb V
eb = and ef = vf
Vs Vs
Vvb = e bVs and Vvf = ef Vs
Total volume of soil in the borrow is Vb = Vvb + Vs.
Vb 1 + 0.65
Vf = ( 1 + e f ) = × 221000 = 162066.7 m3
1+e b 1 + 1.25
Example 2.9 For a stable packing of regular spheres at the minimum density, find the void
ratio and the dry unit weight. Unit weight of soil solids is 25 kN/m3.
Refer to Fig. 2.14.
Let D be the diameter of each sphere.
Volume of each sphere =
For the arrangement in Fig. 2.14, the density will be minimum.
Volume = 2D × 2D × D = 4D3
4D3 − 4 × πD3 / 6 1− π / 6 6 − π
Therefore, e = = = = 0.91
4 × πD3 / 6 π/ 6 π
Ms Vγ 4 × πD3 / 6 × γ s πγ s π × 25
γd = g= s s = = =
V V 4D 3 6 6
That is, γd = 13.09 kN/m
Fig. 2.14
Example 2.10 A fully saturated soil sample was extracted during an oil well drilling. The
wet mass of the sample was 3.15 kg, and the volume of the sampling tube was 0.001664 m3.
After analysis, the soil sample was found to contain 28.2% of the liquid as kerosene and had
a dry mass of 2.67 kg. The specific gravity of soil grains was 2.68. Determine the bulk density,
void ratio and water content of the sample.
Bulk density = = 1893 kg/m 3 = 1.89 Mg/m 3
Volume of soil grains = = 0.000996 m 3
2.68 × 1000
Volume of voids = 0.001664 − 0.000996 = 0.000668 m 3
e= = 0.67
As the soil was fully saturated,
Volume of liquid = volume of voids = 0.000668 m 3
Volume of water = (1 − 0.282) × 0.000668 = 0.00048 m 3
Mass of water = 0.48 kg
Water content = × 100 = 17.89%
Example 2.11 A mass of soil is coated with a thin layer of paraffin wax. The paraffin wax
weighs 6.906 g, and the soil alone weighs 443 g. When the sample is immersed in water, it
displaces 346 ml of water. The specific gravity of the soil solids is 2.67, and that of wax is 0.89.
Find the void ratio and degree of saturation, if the water content is 17.2%.
Mp 6.906
Volume of paraffin wax Vp = = = 7.76 cm 3
Gpρw 0.89 × 1
Ms 443
Volume of soil solids Vs = = = 167.17 cm 3
Gs ρw 2.65 × 1
Volume of soil V = 346 − 7.76 = 338.24 cm 3
wG 17.2 2.65
Degree of saturation Sr = = × × 100
e 100 1.02
= 44.69%
That is, 0.75 = −1
Vs = = 112.2 cm 3
Weight of soil Ms = ρ sVs = Gρ wVs = 2.69 × 1× 112.2
Weight of water Mw = w Ms = × 301.8 = 45.27 g
Example 2.13 A test of the density of the soil in place was performed by digging a small
hole in the soil, weighing the extracted soil, and measuring the volume of the hole. The soil
(moist) weighed 8.95 N; the volume of the hole was 426 cm3. After drying, the sample
weighed 7.78 N. Of the dried soil, 4 N was poured into a vessel in a very loose state. Its vol-
ume was subsequently determined to be 276 cm3. That same 4 N was then vibrated and
tamped to a volume of 212 cm3. The specific gravity of the solid particles is 2.7. Find the
relative density of the soil.
Natural density ρd = = 0.0183 N/cm 3
Loose density ρd min = = 0.0145 N/cm 3
Maximum density ρd max = = 0.01887 N/cm 3
Example 2.14 In order to determine the in-place density of a highway sub-grade, a sand
bottle method was adopted. The mass of soil extracted from a hole at the surface was 4.87 kg.
The hole was then filled with sand from the sand bottle and found to have a mass of 3.86 kg.
While calibrating the sand bottle, to fill a container of volume 0.0048 m3, a mass of 6.82 kg of
sand was needed. In a moisture content determination, 28.26 g of the moist soil weighed
22.2 g after oven drying. If the specific gravity of the soil was 2.67, determine the bulk and
dry densities and the degree of saturation of the soil.
Density of sand in the sand bottle = = 1420.8 kg/m 3
= 1.42 Mg/m 3
Volume of the hole = = 0.00272 m 3
Bulk density = = 1790.4 kg/m 3 = 1.79 Mg/m 3
28.26 − 22.2
Water content = × 100 = 27.3%
Dry density = = 1406.4 kg/m 3 = 1.41 Mg/m 3
1 + (27.3 100)
Example 2.15 A relative density test conducted on a sandy soil yielded the following
results: maximum void ratio = 1.23, minimum void ratio = 0.48, relative density = 42%, and
G = 2.67.
Find the dry density of the soil in the present state. If a 3 m thickness of this stratum is
densified to a relative density of 62%, how much will the soil reduce in thickness? What will
be the new density in dry and saturated conditions?
Solution emax − e
ID = ×100
emax − emin
1.23 − e
0.42 = × 100
1.23 − 0.48
(1.23 − e ) = 0.42(1.23 − 0.48)
e = 0.915
Gρw 2.67 × 1
ρd = = = 1.37 g/cm 3
1 + e 1 + 0.915
Vv V − Vs
e= =
Vs Vs
3 −Vs
0.915 =
Vs = 1.57 m 3
For 62% relative density, the void ratio to which the soil has to be compacted is obtained from
1.23 − e
0.62 = × 100
1.23 − 0.48
e = 0.765
V − 1.57
0.765 =
V = 0.765 × 1.57 + 1.57 = 2.77
Therefore, the reduction in thickness is 0.23 m.
Example 2.16 From the results of a sieve analysis given below, plot a grain-size distribu-
tion curve and then determine (i) the effective size, (ii) the uniformity coefficient, and (iii) the
coefficient of gradation. Mass of soil taken for sieve analysis was 500 g.
480 3.8
240 32.2
120 52.8
60 38.7
30 122.5
15 15
8 26.4
D30 2 0.212
Coefficient of gradation Cz = = = 1.47
D60 × D10 0.43 × 0.07
Fig. 2.15
Example 2.18 In a pipette analysis, 25 g of soil was dispersed in water, and the suspension
was made to a volume of 1,000 ml. The viscosity of water is 0.0012 SI units. Thirty minutes
after the commencement of sedimentation, 20 ml of the suspension was taken at a depth of
100 mm. The sampled soil was dried and found to have a mass of 0.076 g and G of 2.71.
Compute (i) the largest size of particles remaining in suspension 30 minutes after the com-
mencement of sedimentation at a depth of 100 mm and (ii) the percentage of finer particles.
We know that
18ηw He
(ρs − ρw ) t
18 × 0.0012 100
D= × 1000 mm
(2710 − 1000)9.81 1000 × 30 × 60
D = 0.00846 mm
Mass of soil material in suspension = × 100 = 15.2%
Fig. 2.16
Example 2.19 The liquid limit and plastic limit of a soil are 65% and 31%, respectively. The
natural water content is 25%. Find the liquidity index and activity number. Comment on the
consistency of the soil.
Plasticity index Ip = wL – wp = 65 – 31 = 34%
wn − wp 25 − 31
Liquidity index I L = = = − 0.176
Ip 34
Ip 34
Activity number A = = = 1.42
% Particle less than 2 μm 24
The consistency of the soil is very stiff as the liquidity index is negative. The soil is highly
plastic as the plasticity index is greater than 17%. The soil is active as the activity number is
greater than 1.25.
Example 2.20 The shrinkage limit of a clay is 22%, its natural moisture content 34.7%, and
its specific gravity 2.65. Calculate the percentage decrease to be expected in a unit volume of
clay if the moisture content is reduced by evaporation to 18.2%.
Volume of soil at natural saturated condition = Vs + volume of water
= Vs + Ms = Vs + 0.347 Ms
Example 2.20 A soil sample collected from the field was found to have a mass of 475 g and
its oven dry mass is 415.8 g. The soil was found to have a void ratio of 0.86 and the specific
gravity as 2.66. Determine the moist and dry densities. Moreover, find the mass of water, in
kilograms, to be added per cubic metre of soil in the field for saturation.
μω 475 − 415.8
ω= = ×100 = 12.46%
μλ 475
Example 2.21 A fully saturated clay sample has specific gravity of 1.98 at 25% water con-
tact. After oven-drying, the mass specific gravity reduces to 1.63. Find the specific gravity of
the clay and the shrinkage limit.
As the clay is fully saturated void ratio, e} = ωG = 0.25 G
⎛ G + e ⎞⎟
ρsat = ⎜⎜ ρ
⎜⎝ 1 + e ⎟⎟⎠ ω
We know
ρsat G + e
i.e., =
ρω 1+ e
G + 0.25G 1.25G
i.e., 1.98 = = .
1 + 0.25G 1 + 0.25G
By rearranging, we get
1.98 + 1.98 × 0.25G = 1.25G
1.98 + 0.495G = 1.25G
∴ G = 2.62
As the soil is allowed to dry gradually in an oven, the dry mass specific gravity is at the
shrinkage limit stage. Then the water contact at this stage is the shrinkage limit, ωs
ρω 1 ⎛⎜ 1 1 ⎞⎟
i.e., ωs = − =⎜ − ⎟ × 100
ρd G ⎜⎝ 1.63 2.62 ⎟⎠
= 23.2%.
Hence shrinkage limit = 23.2%.
2.1 Soil deposits are particulate systems of three distinct phases, viz., soil solids, water,
and air. This is referred to as the three-phase system. Dry soil (absence of water phase)
and fully saturated soil (absence of air phase) constitute the two-phase systems.
2.2 Void ratio is an important parameter which governs the permeability, settlement, and
stability problems of soil. Values of void ratio may range from 0.50 to 1.50 in soils.
2.3 Water content and degree of saturation represent the amount of water present in a
soil. The behaviour of dry and saturated soils is easy to assess compared to partially
saturated soils. Control of compaction is governed by moisture content.
2.4 Specific gravity of soil solids has a narrow range of variation (2.65–3.00), and the pres-
ence of organic material reduces the specific gravity.
2.5 The density of a soil (dry, saturated, or submerged) is a function of void ratio and
moisture content and has a major role to play in all stability problems.
2.6 Grain-size distribution curves (obtained from sieve and sedimentation analyses)
reflect the range of particle sizes present. The flatter the curve, the larger is the range
of size of particles, and the steeper the curve, the smaller the range.
2.7 A numerical measure of the gradation of a soil is obtained by defining the uniformity
coefficient and curvature coefficient and is also used in soil classification.
2.8 Selective particle sizes are used in the classification (D60 and D10) design of filters
(D50, D85, and D15).
2.9 Consistency of a soil refers to the texture and firmness of a soil and is denoted as soft,
medium stiff, and stiff.
2.10 Consistency limits or Atterberg limits, viz., liquid limit, plastic limit, and shrinkage
limit, are the water contents at the changes of states from liquid to plastic, plastic to
semi-solid, and semi-solid to solid, respectively.
2.11 Liquidity index and consistency index represent the in situ firmness condition of a
Objective Questions
2.1 Choose the correct statement from the following:
(i) The porosity of a soil can be greater than 100%.
(ii) The water content of a soil cannot be greater than 100%.
(iii) The natural water content of a soil cannot exceed the liquid limit.
(iv) The consistency index of a soil can be negative.
2.2 Void ratios of a micaceous sand sample in the densest and the loosest conditions are
0.4 and 1.2, respectively. The relative density of the soil for the in-place void ratio of
0.6 will be
(a) 60% (b) 75% (c) 65% (d) 80%
2.3 Consistency, in general, is that property of a soil which is manifested by its resistance
(a) Impact (b) Rolling (c) Flow (d) None of the above
2.4 A clay is identified as a normal clay if the activity range is between
(a) 0.25 and 0.75 (b) 0.75 and 1.25 (c) 1.25 and 3.00 (d) 0.15 and 0.25
2.5 Swelling of clayey soil directly depends on the
(a) Percentage of clay fraction (b) Plasticity index of the soil
(c) Type of clay mineral (d) Liquid limit of the soil
2.6 Sand-bath method of determining water content is not suitable for
(a) Inorganic silts (b) Fine sands
(c) Soils with a high percentage of organic matter
(d) Soils with particle size ranging from 0.02 to 0.075 mm
2.7 For soils containing soluble salts, the specific gravity is determined using
(a) Salt water (b) De-aired water
(b) White spirit (d) Benzene
2.8 For a fine-grained soil with a plasticity index of 15 to 40%, the degree of plasticity is
referred to as
(a) Non-plastic (b) Moderately plastic
(c) Plastic (d) Highly plastic
2.9 Identify the incorrect statement. A semi-log plot is used for grain-size distribution so that
(a) A wide range of grain size can be accommodated
(b) Equal emphasis can be given to all grain sizes
(c) Comparison can be made between two or more soils
(d) An S-type curve can be obtained
2.10 Assertion A: Uniformity of a soil is reflected by the grain-size distribution curve.
Reason R: Uniformity coefficients indicate gradations of grain sizes in a soil sample.
Select the correct code.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
Descriptive Questions
2.11 What is a unit phase diagram? Explain with examples.
2.12 Two soils of similar mineralogy have extreme percentage of clay content. How might
the plasticity indices of the soil vary?
2.13 Give reasons for determining the grain-size distribution of a soil mass. Why is the
study generally confined to coarse-grained soils?
2.14 Two clayey silty sands have identical particle sizes with 20% fines. When exposed to
air, one dries out easily while the other does not. Why? Explain.
2.15 It is said that consistency index of a fine-grained soil and density index of a coarse-
grained soil are synonymous. Explain.
2.1 The following data are obtained from a pycnometer test of a soil sample:
Mass of pycnometer full of water = 2770.6 g.
Mass of pycnometer with soil and water = 2948.8 g.
Mass of moist soil = 315.5 g.
Specific gravity of soil solids = 2.67.
Find the water content of the soil.
2.2 A fully saturated clay has a moisture content of 42.4% and specific mass gravity (or
bulk density) of 1.78 g/cm3. Determine from first principles the void ratio and specific
gravity of the soil grains.
2.3 Derive an expression for water content from first principles in terms of the unit weight of dry
soil, the unit weight of water, the degree of saturation, and the specific gravity of soil solids.
2.4 The volume of soil taken from a field is 450 cm3. The weight of soil mass is 760 g,
and the dry weight is 620 g. Taking G = 2.7, find the (i) water content, (ii) void ratio,
(iii) porosity, (iv) degree of saturation, and (v) mass specific gravity.
2.5 In a research project on synthetic soils, a soil with dry unit weight γd is mixed with
organic matter of unit weight γ0 to have varied organic content Oc. Organic content
is defined as the ratio of the dry organic matter to the total dry weight of the sample.
Derive an expression for the unit weight of the synthetic soil in terms of γd, γ0, and Oc.
2.6 An undisturbed sample was extracted using a sampling tube of volume 1,200 cm3.
The mass of the clay sample and tube was 5.00 kg, and the same sample after oven
drying was 4.31 kg. The mass of the empty tube was 2.12 kg. Determine the water con-
tent, wet density, and dry density of the sample. The specific gravity of the soil solids
was found to be 2.69. Find the void ratio and degree of saturation of the clay.
2.7 The porosity of a soil sample is 35%, and specific gravity of its particle is 2.70. Calcu-
late its void ratio, dry density, saturated density, and submerged density.
2.8 A clayey soil has moisture content of 15.8%. The specific gravity is 2.72, and the sat-
uration percentage is 70.8%. The soil is allowed to absorb water. After some time, the
saturation increased to 90.8%. Find the water content in the latter case.
2.9 A dry soil sample of volume 280 cm3 weighs 450 g. Determine the water content at
100% saturation without any change in volume. What will be the water content when
the volume is allowed to increase by 12% of the original dry volume?
2.10 A 1,000-cm3 container was filled with a sand first in its loosest possible state and then
in its densest possible state, and the weight of the sand was 1,520 g and 1,830 g, respec-
tively. The sand, in situ, had a void ratio of 0.64. If the specific gravity of the sand
particles is 2.65, determine the limiting void ratios and the relative density in situ.
2.11 A soil sample has 80% of particles (by weight) finer than 0.1 mm, 7.5% finer than 0.01 mm,
and 4% finer than 0.001 mm. Draw the grain-size curve and determine the percentage of
total weight in each of the various size ranges, the effective size, and the uniformity coef-
ficient of the soil.
2.12 Draw the grain-size distribution curve for the soil with the following data:
2.15 In a liquid limit test, a soil sample showed water contents of 48%, 40%, 38.8%, and
37.1% against 12, 26, 28, and 31 blows, respectively. The plastic limit of the clay is
18.2%, and the natural water content is 34.5%. Find the liquid limit, plasticity index,
liquidity index, relative consistency, flow index, and toughness index of the soil.
2.16 The liquid limit of a soil is 86%, and its plastic limit is 34%. If the natural water content
is 48%, what is the state of consistency of the soil? What is the shrinkage limit of the
soil if the void ratio at the shrinkage limit state is 0.89? Take G=2.68.
2.17 A saturated specimen was immersed in mercury, and its displaced volume was 20.8
cm3. The weight of the sample was 0.312 N. After oven drying for 48 hours, the weight
reduced to 0.196 N, while the volume came down to 10.2 cm3. Find the shrinkage
limit, void ratio, specific gravity, and shrinkage ratio of the soil.
2.18 In a big project, the Atterberg limits and natural water contents of three soils are
determined as given below:
Determine the consistency of the natural soil and the liquidity indices.
2.19 An undisturbed saturated specimen of clay has a volume of 18.9 cm3 and a mass
of 30.2 g. In oven drying, the mass reduces to 18.0 g. Assuming the volume of dry
specimen to be 9.9 cm3, determine the shrinkage limit, shrinkage ratio, and volumetric
2.20 The Atterberg limits for a clay soil used for an earth dam are liquid limit 60%, plastic
limit 40%, and shrinkage limit 25%. If a specimen of the soil of volume 10 cm3 at the
liquid limit has a volume of 6.5 cm3 when dried, what would be the specific gravity of
the soil particles?
Field identification of soils – Engineering classification of soils: Purpose
of classification, Unified soil classification system, Indian soil classifica-
tion system, AASHTO soil classification system, Textural soil classification
It is necessary to have a standard language for a careful description and classification of
a soil. In principle, soil description is different from soil classification.
A soil description should include the material characteristics (viz., primary characteristics:
particle size distribution and plasticity; secondary characteristics: colour, shape, texture,
and composition) and the in situ soil mass (viz., firmness or strength, bedding planes,
discontinuities, weathering, etc.). On the other hand, soil classification is the arrangement
of soils into various groups or sub-groups so as to express briefly the primary material
characteristics (viz., particle size distribution and plasticity) without detailed descriptions.
Generally, soils have various constituents in different proportions. The soil is denoted
by the major constituent, and the minor constituents are indicated by adjectives. Further,
the colour and density or stiffness and moisture conditions are added to fully describe
the field condition of a soil, e.g., brownish red loose to medium dense silty sand.
In this chapter, field identification tests for soils and different engineering classifica-
tion of soils are presented.
Organic clay contains clay-size particles and finely divided organic material. Highly
organic soils such as peat consists predominantly of plant remains, usually dark brown or
black in colour and with a distinctive odour.
- -
- -
Boundary classifications: Soils possessing characteristics of two groups are designated by
combinations of group symbols,
Fig. 3.1 Plasticity chart (Unified soil classification) (Source: A. Casagrande, 1948)
Fig. 3.2 Plasticity chart (Indian soil classification) (Source: IS: 1498, 1970)
Division Sub-division Group Hatching Mapping Typical names Field identification procedures Information required for
letter colour (excluding particles larger than describing soils
symbol 80 mm and using fractions of
estimated weights)
M03_PURU1773_01_SE_C03.indd 71
Identification and Classification of Soils
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Table 3.2 Contd. 72
Division Sub-division Group Hatching Mapping Typical names Field identification procedures Information required for
letter colour (excluding particles larger than describing soils
symbol 80 mm and using fractions of
estimated weights)
M03_PURU1773_01_SE_C03.indd 72
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
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Identification and Classification of Soils 73
M03_PURU1773_01_SE_C03.indd 74
General Granular materials Silt–clay materials
classification (35% or less passing 0.075 mm) (>35% passing 0.075 mm)
Characteristics of
fraction passing
No. 40 (0.425 mm)
Liquid limit 40 max 41 max 40 max 41 max 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min
Plasticity index 6 max NP 10 max 10 max 11 max 11 max 10 max 10 max 11 max 11 min
Usual types of Stone fragments, Fine Silty or clayey gravel and sand Silty soils Clayey soils
significant constitu- gravel, and sand sand
ent materials
General rating as Excellent to good Fair to
sub-grade poor
Note: A-8, peat or muck is by visual classification and is not shown in the table. NP, non-plastic.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
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Identification and Classification of Soils 75
This is a simple classification system widely used in the fields of agriculture and highway
engineering. This classification depends on the grain-size distribution and does not reveal
any other property of the soil.
0.75 32
The liquid limit is 41% and plastic limit 33%. Classify the soil as per the AASHTO system.
Percentage of soil particles less than 0.075 mm = 32.
As per Eq. 3.1,
GI = 0.2a + 0.005ac + 0.01bd
a = 32 – 35 = –3 = 0
b = 32 – 15 = 17
c = 41 – 40 = 1
d = 8 – 10 = – 1 = 0
GI = 0.02 × 0 + 0.005 × 0 × 1 + 0.01 × 17 × 0
From Table 3.3, on the basis of percentage of fine-grained soil, liquid limit, and plasticity
index values, the soil is classified as A–2–5 (0).
Example 3.3 The sieve analysis of a sample of a soil gave the following details. Classify the
soil as per the Textural soil classification system.
Sand = 36%
Silt = 42%
Clay = 22%
Using the above values, the triangular chart is entered, and the soil is fit to be classified as
clay loam.
3.1 Coarse-grained soils are mineral fragments which are easily identified in the field by
the naked eye on the basis of grain size. The major coarse-grained materials are gravel
and sand.
3.2 Fine-grained soils are silts and clays which are classified as inorganic or organic soils
depending on the amount of organic material present.
3.3 Field identification tests for fine-grained inorganic soils are dry strength test, dilat-
ancy test, plasticity test, and dispersion test.
3.4 Field identification of fine-grained organic soils can be made by the presence of dis-
integrated plant roots and other vegetable matter, a distinctive odour, and often dark
brown, dark grey, or bluish grey.
3.5 The aim of a classification system is to establish a set of conditions which will allow
useful comparisons to be made between soils.
3.6 In the Unified soil classification system, the grain-size characteristics have been used as
the basis for grouping the soil particles into gravel, silt, or clay. Further, Atterberg limits
are used as an additional criterion for identifying the compressibility or plasticity of
fine-grained soils.
3.7 The Indian soil classification system is basically the same as the Unified soil classifica-
tion system but for a slight modification in the plasticity chart.
3.8 The AASHTO soil classification system was developed by the US Bureau of Public
Roads. The system is based on both the particle size and the plasticity characteristics.
According to the system, the soils are classified into eight groups, viz., A-1 to A-7,
with an additional group A-8, for peat or muck.
3.9 Group index (GI) is obtained from the empirical formula GI = 0.2 a + 0.005 ac + 0.01 bd,
where a and b depend on a certain percentage of particles and c and d depend on
the liquid limit and plasticity index. GI is adopted in the AASHTO soil classification
3.10 In the Textural soil classification system, soil fractions as per the US Bureau of Soils
and Chemistry are adopted. This system provides a triangular chart to classify the
soil as sand, silt, clay, or loam. This system is widely followed by agriculturists and
highway engineers.
Objective Questions
3.1 Choose the correct statements
1. A gravel with a significant percentage of clay has to be categorized as gravelly clay.
2. In a dilatancy test, the appearance of a shiny film of water on the surface of the soil
part signifies silt.
3. Plasticity chart used in the Unified soil classification system is the same as in the
Indian soil classification system.
4. The AASHTO soil classification system is based on particle size, shape, and rough-
ness only.
3.2 The strength of a soil in the dry state is an indication of a high amount of ____:
(a) Sand (b) Silt (c) Clay (d) Gravel
3.3 Silt particle size as per Unified soil classification system is
(a) 0.075 to 4.75 mm (b) 0.002 to 0.075 mm
(c) > 4.75 mm (d) <0.002 mm
3.4 As per the plasticity chart of Indian soil classification system, the soil is of medium
compressibility when the liquid limit is
(a) < 35% (b) 35% to 50 %
(c) >50% (d) 25% to 34 %
3.5 A loam is a mixture of
(a) Gravel and sand (b) Sand and silt
(c) Sand, silt, and clay (d) Sand and clay
3.6 In the AASHTO soil classification system, the group classification A-4 to A-7 signifies
the sub-grade as
(a) Excellent to good (b) Good to fair
(c) Fair to poor (d) Poor to very poor
Descriptive Questions
3.7 Explain briefly the object of classifying soils for engineering purposes.
3.8 Discuss the physical properties and factors which are considered in any particular
system of soil classification.
3.9 Explain the tests to be conducted to identify the soils in the field.
3.10 List different systems of engineering classification of soils. Discuss the merits and
demerits of each system.
3.11 How is the plasticity chart useful for classifying fine-grained soils?
3.12 Explain the Indian soil classification system.
3.13 What are the advantages in using a triangular chart?
3.14 How is suitability of sub-grade soils assessed by the AASHTO soil classification
3.1 The following data were obtained from a laboratory test on a soil:
Percentage of particles finer than 4.75 mm = 100
Percentage of particles finer than 75 μm = 96.9
Coefficient of uniformity = 1.40
Test no. Mass of cup (g) Mass of cup + Mass of cup + Number
wet soil (g) dry soil (g) of blows
Determine the plasticity index and classify the soil as per BIS plasticity chart.
3.3 The sieve analysis of a soil revealed that 58% of the particles are finer than 75 μm.
The liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil were 61% and 27%, respectively. Classify the
soil as per the AASHTO system.
3.4 The following results were obtained from a laboratory test on three soil samples. Clas-
sify the soil as per Indian soil classification system.
Principles of compaction – Compactive effort – Laboratory compaction:
Standard Proctor test, Modified Proctor test, BIS Light Compaction Test, BIS
Heavy Compaction Test – Field compaction and equipment – Compaction
specification and control – Factors affecting compaction – Compaction of sand
Compaction may be defined as the process of increasing the density of a soil using force
to pack the particles closer together, with a reduction in air voids without any significant
change in the volume of water in the soil.
The reduction in air voids is deliberately brought about by some mechanical means
during a construction process in the field or in the preparation of a sample in the labo-
ratory. The higher the compaction, the lower will be the compressibility of the soil and
higher the shear strength.
Typical examples are the construction of fills, embankments, and earth dams and
strengthening of sub-grades of highways and runways.
content termed the optimum moisture content at which a maximum dry density is attained for a
given amount of compaction. Addition of water to dry soil results in adsorbed water around
particles. When the water content is low, the soil is stiff and difficult to compress, and this
results in a low dry density. As the adsorbed water films increase in thickness and act as a
lubricant and bring the particles more closely together, they increase the dry density by reduc-
ing the air content. After a certain point, the effect of lubrication stops and the adsorbed water
pushes the particles away, and any further increase in moisture decreases the dry density.
Thus the maximum dry density occurs at an optimum moisture content.
G ρw
ρd =
1+ wG
and the dry density for any particular degree of saturation can be computed from
G(1 − Av )ρw
ρd =
1 + wG
Theoretical curves for 0%, 5%, and 10% air voids are shown in Fig. 4.1.
The other test procedure is the same, and the moisture content–dry density relationship
is obtained as discussed earlier.
It may be observed that the Indian compaction test is not significantly different from the
Proctor tests.
Saud or sand–gravel SW, SP, GW, GP Good Vibratory drum roller, vibratory
mixtures (no silt or clay) rubber tyre, pneumatic tyre
Sand or sand–gravel SM, GM Good Vibratory drum roller, vibratory
with silt rubber tyre, pneumatic tyre
Sand or sand–gravel SC, GC Good to fair Pneumatic tyre, vibratory rubber tyre,
with clay vibratory sheep’s foot
Silt ML Good to poor Pneumatic tyre, vibratory rubber tyre,
vibratory sheep’s foot
MH Fair to poor Pneumatic tyre, vibratory rubber tyre,
vibratory sheep’s foot, sheep’s foot
{ CL
Good to fair
Fair to poor
Pneumatic tyre, sheep’s foot, vibratory
Sheep’s foot and rubber tyre
Organic soil OL, OH, PT Not recommended for structural earthfills
determine the moisture content in the field, the wet soil from the rolling yard is compacted
into a mould under conditions similar to laboratory conditions. For this compacted soil, using
the Proctor needle, the penetration resistance is read off. Then, from the laboratory curve, the
moisture content corresponding to this penetration resistance is obtained. This method is suf-
ficiently fast and accurate for fine-grained soils.
The nuclear moisture gauge is a modern instrument which is rapid and gives precise
results. When using this, a source of fast neutrons is placed in the soil, and the neutrons
move randomly and collide with atoms in the soil and rebound as slow neutrons. A coun-
ter is provided to record the counts of these slow neutrons. The quantity of hydrogen
atoms in a soil is due to the presence of water, and hence such a count may be used to indi-
cate the amount of water at the location of the source of fast neutrons. A radium–beryllium
mixture is commonly used as the source of fast neutrons.
The wet density of the compacted soil in the field is determined using a core-cutter
method or sand replacement method.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (IS: 10379, 1982) recommends three methods for
non-gravelly soils and one method for soils containing gravels and rockfills. As per the first
method for non-gravelly soils, the in-place density is determined using conventional meth-
ods such as the sand replacement method, core-cutter method, or rubber balloon method
(IS: 2720 – Part 34, 1972). The moisture content is obtained using any of the rapid methods of
water content determination such as the calcium carbide method, torsion balance method,
sand bath method, or alcohol method (IS: 2720 – Part 2, 1973). Further, it is recommended
that control tests be performed after removing the top 5 cm layer of earth. In the second
method, Hilf’s method for compaction control may be adopted (IS: 2720 – Part 38, 1977). This
method suggests a relationship between the field moisture content, dry density, and labora-
tory optimum conditions determined without measurement of the water content. The third
method is intended for certain weathered soils. For such soils, a test embankment under
identical field conditions is used to determine the field moisture content and dry density.
In soils containing gravels and rockfills, the total density of the soil increases and the moisture
content decreases with increasing gravel per cent up to 60% to 75%, beyond which the density
again decreases. For soils with 30% gravel, the use of conventional light or heavy compaction
methods (IS: 2720 – Parts 7 and 8, 1974, 1983) on the soil fraction passing a 40 mm IS sieve is rec-
ommended. The field density may preferably be determined using the ring and water replace-
ment method (IS: 2720 – Part 33, 1971) or alternatively using the sand replacement method.
High compactive
(rd)max effort
Compacted density
(OMC)H (OMC)L compactive
Moulding water content
Fig. 4.5 Dry density versus moisture content for two grades of sands
Fig. 4.6 Typical curves for different soils at the same compactive effort
of the dynamic-impact type. Dry unit weight–moisture curves (Turnbull, 1950) for the
same soil subjected to different methods of compaction are given in Fig. 4.7. It can be seen
that Curves 3 to 6 approximately give the same maximum dry density although the meth-
ods of compaction are different. Further, it may be reasoned out that the Standard AASHO
test is the best fit to simulate the field moisture–unit weight relationship.
static compaction
1 (13.8 MN/m2)
Dry unit weight (kN/m3)
Modified AASHO
16 Standard AASHO
Fig. 4.7 Dry unit weight–moisture content curves for different methods of compaction
(Source: Lambe and Whitman, 1979)
Table 4.2 Comparison of properties of cohesive soil on dry and wet sides of OMC
Property Comparison
(i) Particle arrangement Dry side more randomly oriented (flocculated)
(ii) Water deficiency Dry side more deficient, takes more water, swells more;
low pore water pressure
(iii) Permanence Dry side susceptible to change
(i) Quantity Dry side more permeable
(ii) Permanence Dry side permeability may decrease
(i) Quantity Wet side more compressible in low-pressure range
Dry side compressible only in high-pressure range
(ii) Rate Dry side rapidly compressible
As moulded
(i) Undrained Dry side very high
(ii) Drained Dry side somewhat high
At saturation
(i) Undrained Dry side somewhat higher if swelling prevented
Wet side can be higher if swelling is permitted
(ii) Drained Dry side almost the same or slightly higher
Pore pressure at failure Wet side higher
Stress–strain modulus Dry side much greater
Sensitivity Dry side more sensitive
Example 4.1 A laboratory compaction test conducted on a sample of soil gave the following
2.06 12.85
2.13 14.28
2.15 15.65
2.16 16.86
2.14 17.89
w (%) 14 15 16 17 18
Va = 0 1.98 1.94 1.90 1.87 1.83
Va = 5% 1.88 1.84 1.80 1.78 1.74
Example 4.2 As per the compaction specification, a highway fill has to be compacted to
95% of Standard Proctor Compaction test density. A borrow area available near the project
site has a dry density of 1.65 g/cm3 at 100% compaction and a natural void ratio of 0.61.
The specific gravity of the soil solids is 2.65. Compute the volume of borrow material needed
Zero air
voids line
5% air
1.90 voids line
Dry density, rd (g/cc)
12 14 16 18
Moisture content (%)
Fig. 4.9 Compaction curve and zero and 5% air void lines.
to construct a highway fill of heigh 5 m and length 1 km with side slopes of 1:1.5. The top
width of the fill is 8 m.
Example 4.3 The undisturbed soil at a given borrow pit is found to have a water content
of 16.8%, a void ratio of 0.62 and G of 2.70. The soil from the borrow pit is to be used to
construct a rolled fill having a finished volume of 4,800 m3. The soil is excavated and
dumped in trucks. In the construction process, the trucks dump their loads on the fill, and
the material is spread and broken up after which water is added until the water content
is 18.2%. The soil and water are thoroughly mixed and compacted until the wet density is
1.85 Mg/m3.
1. How many truck loads of soils were transferred if each truck load is 15 m3? Assume the
void ratios of the excavated soil and the soil loaded in the truck are the same.
2. If the fill should become saturated at some time subsequent to construction and does not
change volume appreciably, what will the saturation moisture content be?
3. What will the saturation moisture content be if the soil swells to increase its original
volume by 15.8%?
Dry density of fill ρd = = 1.57 g /cm 3
1 + 0.182
Void ratio in fill ef = − 1 = 0.72
⎛ 1 + e b ⎞⎟
Volume of soil taken from borrow Vb = ⎜⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ 1 + e ⎟⎠⎟Vf
1 + 0.62
= × 48000 = 45, 209 m 3
1 + 0.72
1. Number of truck loads required = = 3 , 014
eS 0.72×100
2. Saturation moisture content, w = r = = 26.67%
G 2.70
3. Increased volume = 48000 (1 + 0.158) = 55,584 m3
Void ratio in the swelled condition = (1 + e b ) − 1
= (1 + 0.62 ) − 1 = 0.99
eSr 0.99×100
4. Saturation moisture content, w = = = 36.73%
G 2.70
Example 4.4 A sub grade soil of G = 2.67 and dry density 1.53 Mg/m3 is available. With this
soil an aggregate of the same specific gravity in a proportion of 75% of aggregate to 25% soil
is mixed. The mixture is then compacted to a dry density of 1.84 Mg/m3. At 100% saturation,
the aggregate has a moisture content of 3%. What is the saturation moisture content for the
soil in the compacted mixture?
Vs of soil grains = = 0.143 m 3
2.67 ×1
Vs of aggregate = = 0.546 m 3
2.67 ×1
Soil grains fill the voids formed by the aggregate, and the balance volume of the voids is
filled by soil grains = 1 − 0.546 − 0.143 = 0.311 m3.
Void ratio e = = 0.45
0.546 + 0.143
At saturation of the compacted mixture, w = ×100 = 16.91%
Of the water, 3% is for aggregate saturation.
Therefore, the total water content at 100% saturation of mixture = 19.91%
Example 4.5 Some soil has been dumped loosely from a scraper. It has a unit weight of
16 kN/m3, a water content of 10.5%, and a specific gravity of solids of 2.68. Find the void
ratio, porosity, density, and unit weight of the soil in the loose condition.
To make the compaction process more workable, an optimum water content of 15% is
necessary. How much of water should be added in litres per cubic metre of soil to raise the
water content to the optimum?
The soil is compacted with the optimum water content until it is 95% saturated. Find the
new void ratio, porosity, dry density, and dry unit weight.
1. In loose condition
Dry unit weight γd = = 14.40 kN / m3
1 + 0.105
Gγ w 2.68 × 9.81
Void ratio e = −1 = − 1 = 0.826
γd 14.40
γd 14.40
Dry density ρd = = = 1.468 g / cm3
g 9.81
e 0.826 ×100
Porosity n = ×100 = = 45.2%
1+ e 1 + 0.826
2. Water to be added
Volume of soil in fill Vf = (1 + ef) Vs
Hence in an unit volume of fill,
Vf 1
Vs = = = 0.548 m 3
1 + ef 1 + 0.826
Water to be added per cubic metre of fill is given as
15 − 10.5 Mw M Mw
= = w =
100 Ms ρsVs 2.68 ×1000 × 5.48
That is, Mw = × 2.68 ×1000 × 0.548 = 51.4 kg.
Therefore, water to be added per cubic metre of fill = 51.4 litres.
Example 4.6 In the construction of a levee, the compaction specification required was 95%
of Proctor maximum dry density at a field moisture content within 2% of the optimum mois-
ture content.
The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content obtained in the laboratory
from the Proctor test were 1.94 Mg/m3 and 13.5%, respectively. A field supervisor conducted
sand-cone tests at two locations and obtained the results presented below. The sand in the
sand bottle was found to have a density of 1.87 Mg/m3. Check whether the specification was
3738 − 3221
Water content = ×100 = 16.05%
Dry density ρd = = 1.86 g / cm 3
1 + 0.1605
Therefore, the density requirement is satisfied, but the moisture content requirement is
not satisfied.
Example 4.7 An airfield sub-grade is compacted with a thickness of 350 mm. The rammer
used for compaction has a foot area 0.06 m2 and imparts an energy of 50 kg m. Find the num-
ber of passes required to develop a compactive energy of 30,000 kg fm/m3.
Compactive energy imparted by rammer per cubic metre of the soil =
0.06 × 350 ×10−3
= 2380.95 kg fm/m3
No. of passes required = = 12.6 , say 13
4.1 Soil compaction is the process of increasing the density of the soil by applying some
mechanical energy and thereby reducing air voids.
4.2 The compactive effort is the energy input to a soil for compacting it. The compactive
effort can be varied in the laboratory and in the field. Increasing the compactive effort
increases the dry density and decreases the optimum moisture content.
4.3 For most soils, the Standard Proctor test (BIS Light Compaction Test) is applicable.
In situations where a heavy load is anticipated, the BIS Heavy Compaction Test is
adopted. The compactive effort used in the Modified Proctor test is 4.5 times that of
the Standard Proctor test.
4.4 Field compaction equipment consists of excavating and handling equipment, rock
separation equipment, spreading equipment, discs, harrows, watering equipment,
rollers, vibrators, and other special compacting equipment.
4.5 Smooth wheel rollers are suitable for rolling of sub grades and for finishing construc-
tion fills of sandy or clayey soils. Rubber-tyred rollers are effective for a wide range of
soils from clean sand to silty clay. Sheep’s foot rollers are effective for a wide range of
soils from clean sand to silty clay.
4.6 Field control of compaction is the process of checking the density and moisture con-
tent during compaction by rollers or other compacting equipment. The most impor-
tant aspect of construction control is the speed with which the moisture and density
are determined and rectified if needed.
4.7 Factors affecting the compaction of a soil are the moisture content, compactive effort,
and method of compaction.
4.8 For compaction on the dry side of optimum, the soil structure is flocculated and dis-
persed in the wet side of optimum.
4.9 The permeability, swelling, undrained strength, and sensitivity are high on the soil
compacted dry of optimum.
4.10 The moisture-density curves for non-plastic soils, like sand, are not the same as those for
plastic soils. The curve for a non-plastic soil shows a trough at a low moisture content
and a peak at a high moisture content. Increasing the compactive effort in sand causes
no significant change in the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content.
Objective Questions
4.1 Choose the correct statements from the following:
1. The compactive effort in the laboratory can be varied only by varying the height of
2. It is not feasible to expel air completely by compaction.
3. In field compaction, the effect of compaction is more with a small lift thickness.
4. The conventional method of measuring the moisture content is used in field control
of moisture content.
4.2 In the light compaction test, the number of blows used per layer is
(a) 15 (b) 25 (c) 30 (d) 35
4.3 In the nuclear moisture gauge a source of ______ is used.
(a) Slow protons (b) Slow neutrons
(c) Fast protons (d) Fast neutrons
4.4 An increase in the compactive effort in laboratory compaction causes the OMC to
(a) Remain the same (b) Decrease
(c) Increase by 5% (d) Decrease by 5%
4.5 The soil structure at the dry side of optimum is
(a) Partially flocculated (b) Fully flocculated
(c) Fully dispersed (d) None of the above
4.6 Assertion A: The process of compaction is accompanied by the expulsion of air.
Reason R: The degree of compaction of a soil is charactenzed by its dry density.
Select the correct code:
(a) Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are correct, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
4.7 A zero-air void density can
(a) Be obtained with a high compactive effort
(b) Be obtained with a low compactive effort
(c) Be obtained using static compaction
(d) Not be obtained in practice
Descriptive Questions
4.11 Distinguish between the Standard Proctor and Modified Proctor tests.
4.12 How do you differentiate between the compactive effort imparted in the laboratory
and that in the field.
4.13 How is the required compactive effort for a particular soil to attain a desired dry
density assessed in the field?
4.14 What effect does increased compaction have on the properties of a granular soil?
4.15 What is the ratio of the compactive energy of the IS heavy compaction test and the IS
light compaction test?
4.16 With illustrative compaction curves, discuss various factors which influence the com-
paction of a cohesive soil of high compressibility.
4.17 Explain the methods of finding the placement density of a compacted fill. Name the
method which is suitable for all types of soils.
4.18 How can the Standard Proctor test be modified to suit the compacting machinery
used at the site for compacting a cohesive soil?
4.1 The following data refer to a compaction test as per Indian Standards using light com-
Plot the compaction curve and obtain the maximum dry unit weight and optimum
moisture content. Also plot the 80% saturation line. Take G = 2.7 and the volume of
the mould = 1,000 cm3.
4.2 A laboratory compaction test conducted on a 900 ml volume of mould yielded the
following results:
Plot the moisture–dry density curve and find the maximum dry density and optimum
moisture content. Find the void ratio at OMC and at 5% of OMC. Take G = 2.65.
4.3 In an embankment filling, the field density of the dry soil is 19.2 kN/m3 and the
maximum dry density (Proctor’s density) of the soil is 20.0 kN/m3. Calculate the
percentage compaction.
4.4 The bulk unit weight and the moisture content of a borrow area are 16.85 kN/m3 and
12.8%, respectively. It is intended to construct an embankment of 5 m height and, 10 m
top width with 1:1.5 side slopes and 2 km length with a finished dry unit weight of
19.50 kN/m3. Specific gravity of soil = 2.67.
1. Determine the quantity of soil required from the borrow pit for construction of 1 m
of the embankment.
2. If the construction is to be made with a moisture content of 15.2%, estimate the
amount of water to be added.
4.5 The details of two borrow areas identified for the construction of an embankment are
given below:
Borrow area Bulk density (g/cc) Moisture content (%) Specific gravity
The borrow areas are approximately at the same distance. The embankment is of
length 1 km, top width 8 m, height 6 m, and side slopes 1:1.6.
Which of the above two borrow areas would you recommend? Reason out your
4.6 A sand replacement test was conducted on a compacted field soil. The following are
the observations made:
Bulk density of sand used for the test = 1.5 g/cm3
Mass of soil excavated from the pit = 980 g
Mass of sand filling the pit = 720 g
Moisture content of compacted fill = 14.8%
Specific gravity of soil solids = 2.68%
Compute the wet density, dry density, void ratio, and degree of saturation of the
compacted fill.
4.7 A core cutter of 10 cm diameter and 18 cm height is used in an in-place density
determination of a compacted fill. The following are the other observations made:
Mass of empty core cutter = 2,330 g
Mass of soil + core cutter = 5,020 g
Mass of wet soil sample for
water content determination = 54.8 g
Mass of oven-dried sample = 50.2 g
Specific gravity of soil solids = 2.68
Compute the field dry density, void ratio, and degree of saturation.
Water flow – Darcy’s law – Validity of Darcy’s law – Laboratory and field
permeability tests – Permeability of stratified soils – Values of permeability –
Factors affecting permeability – Capillary phenomenon in soils – Shrinkage
and swelling of soils
The amount, distribution, and movement of water in soil have an important bearing on
the properties and behaviour of soil. The engineer should know the principles of fluid
flow, as groundwater conditions are frequently encountered on construction projects.
Water pressure is always measured relative to atmospheric pressure, and water table is
the level at which the pressure is atmospheric. Soil mass is divided into two zones with
respect to the water table: (i) below the water table (a saturated zone with 100% degree
of saturation) and (ii) just above the water table (called the capillary zone with degree
of saturation ≤100%). Below the water table, the pore water may be static or seeping
through the soil under hydraulic potential. This chapter and the next have been devoted
to give an accurate and complete knowledge of the water condition in the soil.
As per Bernoulli’s equation, the total head consists of three components, viz., position or
elevation head (z), pressure head due to water pressure, uw (hw = uw /γw), and velocity head
(hv = v2/2g, where v is the velocity). Seepage velocities in soils are normally small, and hence
the velocity head is ignored. Thus, the total head causing the flow of water in soil is
h= +z (5.1)
The movement of water through a pipe or pore may take on either of the two char-
acteristic states of motion, viz., laminar or turbulent. Laminar flow indicates that each
water particle follows a definite path and never crosses the path of another particle. This
is an orderly and steady flow with no mixing. Turbulent flow indicates a random path of
irregular and twisted movement. This is a disorderly and unsteady flow with more mix-
ing. The velocity of flow depends directly on the nature of motion. Because of small pores
in most soils, the flow of water is steady and laminar except in a few cases, such as flow in
very coarse-grained soils and high velocities causing internal soil erosion (Taylor, 1948).
In general, for flow in the laminar range, energy losses are proportional to the first power
of velocity.
h2 are the pressure heads (m), L = length of specimen (mm), and the rate of flow, q (m3/s) is
given as
q = k iA (5.4)
where A is the cross–sectional area.
The velocity v is the overall velocity, also called discharge velocity, Darcian velocity, or
superficial velocity. This velocity is different from the velocity inside the soil pores, which is
known as the seepage velocity, vs. As the flow is continuous, q must be the same throughout
the system. Thus,
q = Av = Av vs
where Av is the cross-sectional area of the voids.
⎛A⎞ ⎛k ⎞
v s = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟v = = k i / n = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ i = k p i
⎝ v⎠⎟ n ⎜⎝ n ⎠
This shows that the seepage velocity is greater than the superficial velocity, since Av< A
and vs > v, to keep the flow constant. In soil flow problems, it is more convenient to use the
total cross-sectional area of flow rather than the area of voids.
Microscopically, the flow follows a tortuous path, but macroscopically it may be
presumed to be orderly and in a straight line.
v D γw
Rn = (5.6)
ηw g
where D is the average diameter of the soil particle.
It has been accepted that Darcy’s law is valid and flow will be laminar as long as Reynold’s
number is equal to one. For Rn = 1, the corresponding value of D = 0.5 mm, which is in the
coarse-sand range. This appears to be the upper limit of particle size beyond which the flow
Table 5.1 Realm of validity for Darcy’s flow of water in granular soils
D10 (mm) 76.2 25.4 9.52 2.0 0.59 0.25 0.074 0.02
Realm of Practically always Darcy’s laminar flow only for Always laminar
flow of turbulent flow i less than about 0.2 to 0.3 flow for the
water for the loose state and range of i
0.3 to 0.5 for the dense state found in nature
may be turbulent. It has been shown by several authors that the flow is laminar in fine-
grained soils for the range of gradients found in nature.
Darcian linear relationship between velocity and gradient deviates faster in very fine
sands than in coarser sands with respect to gradient. In coarse materials, the pores are wider,
and therefore, the turbulence may begin at lower values of gradient than in fine sands. Bur-
mister (1954), based on experiments in granular soils, fixed a certain range for gradients,
which is presented in Table 5.1.
In dense clays and heavy loams, in which the water is of molecularly bound nature, seep-
age starts only when the gradient exceeds a certain value, i0 , called the initial or threshold
gradient. This gradient represents the gradient required to overcome the maximum binding
energy of mobile pore water. For dense clays, i0 may attain values from 20 to 30.
However, for a wide range of soils (silts through medium sands) for which the range of
gradients usually met with in nature, Darcy’s law stands valid. This is also true for clays
under steady state of flow.
k= (5.7)
h2 t2
dh Ak
−a ∫
L ∫t
= dt
h1 t2
dh Ak
L ∫t
= dt
aL h
k= log e 1
A(t2 − t1 ) h2
Let (t2 – t1) be t, then
aL h
k = 2.303 log10 1 (5.8)
At h2
Tests should be repeated using different values of h1 and h2. The permeability of fine-
grained soils can also be found from the consolidation test (Chapter 8).
Generally, the tests are carried out in boreholes where sub-surface explorations are carried
out. These tests can be done effectively up to a depth of 30 m and give the most reliable
results. The tests may be either pumping in or pumping out type. Pumping in test can be
conducted irrespective of the position of the water table in a stratum, while pumping out
test is suited for tests below the water table. The water table (or phreatic surface) is the level
to which undergroundwater will rise in a soil and will be at atmospheric pressure.
The pumping in test is suitable for low permeability and thin strata where adequate yield
may not be available for pump out test. By this test, permeability of the soil at the bottom of
the borehole is obtained. Thus, this is recommended for permeability determination of strat-
ified deposits and, hence, to check the effectiveness of grouting in such deposits. This test
is economical since it does not require an elaborate test arrangement as in pump out tests.
The types of pumping in tests as recommended in IS: 5529 – Part 1 (1985) are constant head
method, falling head method, and slug method. The constant head method is recommended
in highly permeable strata. The falling head method is more suitable for tests below the
water table. Further, this method is applicable for strata with low permeability and where
the soil below the casing pipe can stand without collapsing. The slug method is conducted
in artesian aquifers with small to moderate permeabilities. The reader may refer to IS: 5529 –
Part 1 (1985) for details of these methods.
The pumping out test is a more general and accurate method for permeability determination
below the water table. This method is most suitable for all groundwater problems. There are
basically two conditions of flow; accordingly, the pump out tests may be grouped as uncon-
fined flow (or gravity well) test or confined flow (or artesian well) test. In IS: 5529 – Part 1 (1985),
three methods are given, viz., unsteady-state, steady-state, and Bailer methods. Of these meth-
ods, the steady-state method, also known as Theim’s steady state or equilibrium method, is the
most accurate. The steady-state method for two flow conditions is explained below.
water table position is considered horizontal, and the hydraulic gradient is assumed to be
constant at any given radius.
One large-diameter perforated casing is sunk up to the impervious stratum or to a consid-
erable depth, and this well is used as the main or test well. Two additional small-diameter
perforated casings are sunk at some distance from the test well. Water is pumped from the
main well at a constant rate. The draw-down of the water table takes place, and the steady-
state water table in each of the nearby observation wells is recorded.
The steady state is established when the water level in the main well and the observation
wells becomes constant.
Assume that the water is flowing into the well in a horizontal and radial direction. Con-
sider an elementary cylinder of soil having radius r, thickness dr, and height h. Let the water
level fall in the observation wells at the rate of dh. At the steady state, the rate of discharge,
q, due to pumping is
q = k iA
i≈ (this is referred to as Dupit’s assumption)
A = 2πrh
q=k 2πrh
Rearranging and integrating
r2 h2
dr 2πk
∫ r
q ∫
h dh
r1 h 1
2.303 q log10 (r2 / r1 )
k= (5.10)
π ( h22 − h12 )
2.303 q log10 (r2 / r1 )
k= (5.13)
2π Hc ( h2 − h1 )
Let q1 and q2 be the rates of flow through unit thickness of the stratum. Let q be the total
rate of flow and kH be the effective coefficient of permeability i in the horizontal direction.
q = q1 + q2
kH i A = k1 i1A1 + k2i2A2
kH A = k1 A1 + k2A2 (Since i = i1 = i2)
kH (Ht × 1) = k1 (H1 × 1) + k2 (H2 × 1)
k1 H1 + k 2 H 2
kH = (5.16)
kH Ht = k1H1+k2H2 (5.17)
If there are m layers, then
∑ kj Hj
j =1
kH = m
∑ Hj
j =1
m m
kH ∑ H j = ∑ k j H j (5.19)
j =1 j =1
Let h1 and h2 be the loss in heads in the first and second layers, respectively. Let kV be the
effective coefficient of permeability in the vertical direction. Now,
h1 h h
i1 = , i 2 = 2 , and i =
H1 H2 Hi
kv i A = k1 i1 A = k2 i2A
kV = k1i1
⎛ h + h2 ⎞⎟
k V ⎜⎜⎜ 1 ⎟ = k1i1
⎜⎝ H t ⎟⎟⎠
⎛i H + i H ⎞
k V ⎜⎜⎜ 1 1 2 2 ⎟⎟⎟ = k1i1
⎜⎝ Ht ⎟⎠
H t k1 i1
kV =
i1 H1 + i2 H 2
Dividing by k1i1,
kV = (Since k1i1 = k 2 i2 )
i1 H1 / k1i1 + i2 H 2 / k 2 i2
kV = (5.20)
H1 / k1 + H 2 / k 2
Ht H1 H2
= + (5.21)
kV k1 k2
For m layers,
∑ Hj
j =1
kV = m H
j =1 j
∑ Hj m Hj
j =1
=∑ (5.23)
kV j =1 kj
The above equations are valid only when one-dimensional flow takes place in the hori-
zontal or vertical direction.
γw e3
k = Ds2 Cs (5.24)
ηw 1 + e
where Ds is the effective particle diameter and Cs the composite shape factor.
Particle Size. Equation 5.24 considers only particle size and void ratio among the soil
characteristics. This shows that permeability may be empirically related to the square of
some representative particle diameter. Such estimations may be true only in coarse-grained
soils, like silts and sands. Hazen (1911) proposed an expression for k for filter sands as
k = C D10 (mm / s) (5.25)
⎛ 1 ⎞⎟
Sand (one or more applies) Cs ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ mm ⎟⎠
(i) Very fine, well graded or with appreciable fines (≤75-μm size) 4–8
(ii) Medium, coarse, very poorly graded, clean, coarse but well graded 8–12
(iii) Very coarse, very poorly graded, gravelly, clean 12–15
where D10 is the effective size (mm) and C the experimental coefficient dependent on the
nature of the soil. Values of Hazen’s coefficient are given in Table 5.3.
Several correlations have been reported in literature utilizing some characteristic grain size.
Void Ratio. Different linear relationships have been attempted, relating void ratio and
permeability, viz., k ∝ e3(1 + e), k ∝ e2, and log k ∝ e. These relationships have been found to
indicate a straight-line relationship in non-cohesive soils but not in fine-grained soils. But e
versus log k is always close to a straight line for nearly all soils (Lambe and Whitman, 1979;
Taylor, 1948).
Composition. The effect of soil composition is more predominant in clayey soils than in
silts and sands. Depending on the type of clay mineral and the exchangeable cation present
in the clay, the permeability varies from 10−6 to 10−10 m/s, and accordingly the variation of
void ratio is from 16 to 1. The effect of exchangeable ion on permeability is less for low ion
exchange capacity of a soil. An increase in the thickness of the diffuse double layer (effect by
cation exchange capacity and cation valency) decreases its permeability, as the pore path is
reduced by the thickness of water held onto the soil particles.
Fabric. The permeability of a soil deposit is greatly influenced by the in-place micro- and
macrostructure. Clays are very significantly affected by the fabric component of a structure.
At similar void ratios in a clay, the permeability has been shown to be many times greater in
a flocculated state than in a dispersed state (Lambe, 1955). The above discussion is confined
to microstructural changes. The significance of macrostructure is extremely important, e.g.,
the effect of stratification. Variation in the permeabilities of layered soils contributes more
to the effective coefficient of permeability parallel to stratification than to the coefficient of
permeability perpendicular to stratification.
The variables of water, i.e., γw and ηw , may be eliminated by defining another permeabil-
ity term as specific or absolute permeability, i.e.,
k ηw
K= (5.27)
and K will have units of length square. Michaels and Lin (1954) conducted permeability
studies on kaolinite with permeants of different polarity and observed marked variation in
permeability. Thus, apart from viscosity and unit weight of the permeant, a factor represent-
ing polarity should be included in Eq. 5.24 (Lambe and Whitman, 1979).
Degree of Saturation. The degree of saturation has an important bearing on permeability.
In general, the higher the degree of saturation, the higher is the permeability. As the degree
of saturation increases, there is an increase in the flow channels for water and, hence, high
10 20 30 40
Upward force due to surface tension acting around the periphery = (2πr) × Ts cos α
Downward pull due to gravity on the column of water = (πr2) × hc × γw
where r is the radius of the capillary tube (m), Ts the surface tension of water (N/m), α the
contact angle (pore water makes zero contact angle with glass), and hc the capillary rise (m).
2πrTs cos α = π r2hcγw
2Ts 4Ts
hc = = (5.28)
r γw d γw
where d is the diameter of the capillary tube.
The surface tension Ts is temperature dependent (Fig. 5.10). The height of the capillary
rise is not affected by the variations in the shape and size of tubes at levels below the menis-
cus. The capillary pore water pressure (negative) is given as
uc = hc rw (5.29)
This is a measure of the suction exerted on the pore water by the soil.
This expression shows that decrease in the effective grain size causes a decrease in the
void ratio and an increase in the capillary rise in soils.
Equation 5.28 indicates that the effect of molecular attraction will be near the water table,
and hence, irrespective of the void space, all the pores will be filled. At a distance from the water
table, only smaller voids would be filled with water. Thus, the capillary zone may be divided
into three zones of arbitrary boundaries. The zone just above the water table is called the zone of
capillary saturation (with almost 100% saturation). Above the zone of capillary saturation is the
zone of partial saturation wherein only small pores are filled with water and the large ones with
air; evidently, here the degree of saturation is less than 100%. The third zone near the ground
surface contains water surrounding the particles at contact points, but there is no continuity.
This zone is referred to as the zone of contact water (Fig. 5.11). Water may also reach this zone
from the ground surface by percolation and may be held in suspension by the capillary forces.
Capillarity of a dry soil is its capacity to draw up water to elevations above the phreatic line
and also to retain the water above the phreatic line in a draining soil. The height of water that
a soil can support is generally called the capillary head. So far, only the first aspect is considered.
Figure 5.12a represents a column of cohesionless soil. The maximum capillary rise, hcr,
and the minimum capillary head, hcn (for the maximum degree of saturation) are identified
and represented in Fig. 5.12b.
Let us consider a situation where the same soil has been saturated up to a height h above
the water table and allowed to drain. Then, the moisture will be as shown in Fig. 5.12c. Point
“a” represents the highest elevation up to which there exists a continuous water path above
the phreatic line. This distance is referred to as the maximum capillary head, hcm. Point “b”
shows the point up to which the soil is fully saturated, and this height is called the saturation
capillary head, hcs.
Thus, any capillary head associated with drainage has a maximum value of hcm, and that
with capillary rise has a maximum value of hcr. There is more possiblity of bridging effect of
surface water on large voids during draining than the pulling effect during rising. Accord-
ingly, it is reasonable to expect that hcs > hcn and hcm > hcr. Many capillary heads might exist
between the two extremes hcm and hcn. Table 5.4 shows the range of capillary heads for cohe-
sive soils (Lane and Washburn, 1946).
In certain practical problems, the time necessary for the attainment of maximum capillary
rise is more. The term indicating the rate of capillary rise is called the capillary conductivity
or capillary permeability. Factors which influence capillary conductivity are pore size, water
content, and temperature of the soil. The rate of capillary conductivity is low in fine-grained
soils and high in coarse-grained soils.
The degree of shrinking depends on the initial water content, the type and amount of clay
content, and the mode and environment of geological deposition. The presence of sand and
silt-size particles in a clay deposit reduces the total shrinkage. Shrinkage occurs horizon-
tally as well as vertically, causing vertical shrinkage cracks. In highly compressible clays, the
cracks may be as high as 0.5 m wide and 5 m deep.
Some soils (expansive soils like the black cotton soils of India) not only shrink on drying
but also swell when they come in contact with water. Swelling is caused mainly by repulsive
forces which separate the clay particles causing volume increase. The mechanism causing
swelling is more complex, and the factors which contribute to it are
1. the elastic rebound of soil grains,
2. the clay mineral’s affinity for water,
3. the cation exchange capacity and electrical repulsive forces, and
4. the expansion of entrapped air.
Free swell of a soil is defined as the increase in the volume of a soil, without any external
constraints, on submergence in water (IS: 2720, 1977). In general, the free swell ceases when
the moisture reaches the plastic limit, i.e., at a water plasticity ratio of about 0.25.
Clay soils with high montmorillonite clay mineral show an almost reversible swelling
and shrinking on rewetting and redrying. Clay soils with illite or kaolinite show a large ini-
tial volume decrease on drying, with only a limited swelling on rewetting. Holtz and Gibbs
(1956) have given an indication of the potential volume change based on shrinkage limit and
plasticity index (Table 5.5).
Volume change is a serious problem in shrinkage-susceptible soils present in arid or semi-
arid areas.
Example 5.1 A sand sample of 25 cm length was subjected to a constant head permeability
in a permeameter having an area of 30 m2. A discharge of 100 cm3 was obtained in a period
of 1 minute under a head of 39 cm. Mass of dry sand in the sample was 1,350 g. The specific
gravity of the sand particles was 2.67. Determine (i) the coefficient of permeability, (ii) the
superficial velocity, and (iii) the seepage velocity.
From Eq. 5.7,
qL ⎛ 100 ⎞⎟ 25
(i) k= = ⎜⎜ ⎟ = 0.0356 cm / s.
Ah ⎜⎝ 60 ⎟⎠ 30 × 39
Dry density ρd = G ρw/(1 + e). That is,
e= −1
2.67 ×1
= −1
1350 /( 30 × 25 )
= 1.483 – 1
= 0.483
e 0.483 0.483
Porosity n = = = = 0.326.
1 + e 1 + 0.483 1.483
q 100
(ii) Superficial velocity vs = = = 0.056 cm / s.
A 60 × 30
(iii) Seepage velocity v = vsn = 0.056 × 0.326
= 0.0183 cm/s.
Example 5.2 A soil sample has a length of 3.5 m and a cross-sectional area of 2 m2. If water
flows through such a soil sample and the fluid energy lost is 1,650 N-m for every cubic metre
flow of water, estimate Darcy’s velocity and permeability. The time of flow for 1 m3 of water
is 26 hours. Find also the seepage velocity if the void ratio of the sample is 0.58.
Q 1
q= = = 1.068 ×10−5 m 3 / s.
t 26 × 60 × 60
q 1.068
Darcy’s velocity v = = ×10−5 = 5.34 ×10−6 m / s.
A 2
Total energy loss
Loss of head h =
Energy loss per unit length
Total energy loss
Volume × Unit weight of water
= = 0.168 m
1× 9810
h 0.168
i= = = 0.048
L 3.5
v 5.34
k= = ×10−6 = 1.11×10−4 m / s
i 0.048
v (1 + e ) (1 + 0.58)
Seepage velocity vs = = 5.34 ×10−6
e 0.58
= 1.46 × 10−5 m/s.
Example 5.3 In a falling head permeability test, the time taken for the head to fall from h1
to h2 is t. If the test is repeated with the same initial head, what would be the final head in a
time interval of t/2?
Let h’ be the head after the lapse of time t/2.
Now, the time taken for the head to fall from h1 to h′ and from h′ to h2 is the same. Thus,
for a given soil sample,
⎛ 2.303 aL ⎞⎟ h1
k1 = ⎜⎜ ⎟ log
⎜⎝ At / 2 ⎟⎠ 10 h ′
⎛ 2.303 aL ⎞⎟ h′
k 2 = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ log10
⎜⎝ At / 2 ⎠ h2
As the test is performed on the same sample on the same permeameter, k1 = k2. Therefore,
h1 h′
log10 = log10
h′ h2
That is,
(h′)2 = h1h2
h ′ = h1 / h2
Example 5.4 In a falling head permeability test, the head causing flow was initially 500 mm,
and it drops 20 mm in 5 minutes. How much time is required for the head to fall to 250 mm?
From Eq. 5.8, the coefficient of permeability
aL h
k = 2.303 log10 1
At h2
2.303 aL h
t= log10 1
kA h2
Therefore, the values in the bracket are constant for a given permeameter and the soil at a
particular void ratio.
⎡ h ⎤ ⎡ 500 ⎤
t1 = (c) ⎢ log10 1 ⎥ = (c) ⎢ log10 ⎥
⎢ h ⎥ ⎢
⎣ 20 ⎥⎦
⎣ 2 ⎦1
⎡ h ⎤ ⎡ 500 ⎤
t2 = (c) ⎢ log10 1 ⎥ = (c) ⎢ log10 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
h2 ⎦ 2 ⎢⎣ 250 ⎥⎦
t1 ⎡ 500 ⎤ ⎡ 500 ⎤
= ⎢ log10 ⎥ ⎢log10 ⎥
t2 ⎣⎢ ⎥ ⎢
20 ⎦ ⎣ 250 ⎥⎦
= 5 [log102]/[log1025]
= 5×
= 2.15 minutes
Example 5.5 A falling head permeameter contains a soil sample 8 cm high and 60 cm3 in
cross-sectional area. The permeability of the sample is expected to be 1 × 10−4 cm/s. If it is
desired that the head in the standpipe should fall from 30 to 10 cm in 40 minutes, determine
the size of the standpipe which should be used.
From Eq. 5.8,
aL h
k = 2.303 log10 1
At h2
k At
2.303 × L log10 h1 / h2
1×10−4 × 60 × 40 × 60
2.303 × 8 × log10 30 / 10
1×10−4 × 60 × 40 × 60
2.303 × 8 × 0.477
= 1.64 cm2
Example 5.6 A permeameter of 80 mm diameter with a sample length of 300 mm has been
used for constant head and falling head tests. While conducting a constant head test, the loss
of head was 1,150 mm for a length of 250 mm and the rate of flow was 2,700 mm3/s. Find the
coefficient of permeability (in mm/s).
If a falling head test were then performed on the same sample at the same void ratio, find
the time taken for the head to fall from 900 to 450 mm. The diameter of the standpipe in the
falling head test was 25 mm.
Constant head test:
h 1150
Gradient i = = = 4.6
L 250
⎛ 80 2 ⎞⎟
Area of sample A = π ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ = 5026.6 mm 2
⎜⎝ 4 ⎟⎟⎠
Rearranging Eq. 5.4,
q 2700
k= = = 0.117 m / s.
iA 4.6 × 5026.6
Falling head test:
⎛ 252 ⎞⎟
Area of standpipe a = π ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ = 490.9 mm 2
⎜⎝ 4 ⎟⎟⎠
Rearranging Eq. 5.8,
2.303 aL h
t= log10 1
kA h2
2.303 × 490.9× 300 900
t= log10
5026.6 × 0.117 450
= 173.6 seconds
Example 5.7 Prove that for stratified deposits of soils, the average permeability in the
horizontal direction is greater than the average permeability in the vertical direction.
Consider two layers of thicknesses H1 and H2 with coefficients of permeability k1 and k2 in
the first and second layers, respectively.
From, Eqs. 5.16 and 5.20,
k H + k2 H 2
kH = 1 1
kV =
( H1 / k1 ) + ( H 2 / k 2 )
kH (k1 H1 + k 2 H 2 )/ H t
kV H t /[( H1 / k1 ) + ( H 2 / k 2 )]
(k1 – k2)2 ≥ 0
k12 + k 22 ≥ 2 k1 k 2
k12 + k 22
k1 k 2
Only when k1 = k2 the ratio is equal to 2, otherwise it is greater than 2. Here, k1 ≠ k2.
Therefore, in kH/kV, the numerator is greater than the denominator.
Therefore, kH > kV
Hence, the average coefficient of permeability in the horizontal direction is greater than the
average coefficient of permeability in the vertical direction.
Example 5.8 A horizontal stratified soil deposit consists of three layers, each uniform in
itself. The permeabilities of the layers are 4 × 10−4, 25 × 10−4 and 7.5 × 10−4 mm/s; their
thicknesses are 6, 3, and 12 m, respectively. Find the effective average permeability of the
deposits in the horizontal and vertical directions.
From Eq. 5.19,
∑ kjHj
j =1
kH = m
∑ Hj
j =1
= = 9×10−4 mm / s
(6 + 3 + 12)1000 ×10−4 21
kV = =
[(6 / 4) + (3 / 25) + (12 / 7.5)]×1000 3.22
kV = 6.5 × 10−4 mm/s
Example 5.9 In a falling head permeameter, the sample was 18 cm long with cross-
sectional area of 22 cm2. Calculate the time required for the drop of head from 25 to 10 cm if
the cross-sectional area of the standpipe was 2 cm2. The sample of soil was heterogeneous,
with a coefficient of permeability of 3 × 10−4 cm/s for the first 6 cm, 4 × 10−4 cm/s for the
second 6 cm, and 6 × 10−4 cm/s for the last 6 cm of thickness. Assume the flow taking place
perpendicular to the bedding planes.
From Eq. 5.20, the effective vertical coefficient of permeability
∑ kjHj
j =1
kV = m
∑ Hj /kj
j =1
(6 + 6 + 6) 18
kV = ×10−4 = ×10−4
[(6 / 3) + (6 / 4) + (6 / 6)] 4.5
kV = 4 × 10−4 cm/s
Rearranging Eq. 5.8,
2.303 a L h
t= log10 1
kA h2
2.303 × 2×18 1 25
t= −4
× log10
4 ×10 × 22 60 10
t= × 0.398 = 62.5 minutes
Example 5.10 In a falling head permeability test on a soil of length l1, the head of water in the
stand pipe takes 5 seconds to fall from 900 to 135 mm above the tail water level. When another
soil of length 60 mm is placed on the first soil, the time taken for the head to fall between the
same limits is 150 seconds. The permeameter has a cross-sectional area of 4,560 mm2 and a
standpipe area of 130 mm2. Calculate the permeability of the second soil.
Refer to Fig. 5.13 for a two-layer system.
From Eq. 5.21, we have
l l l
= 1 + 2
k V k1 k 2
l1 At1 4560 × 50
= =
k1 2.303 a log10 ( h1 / h2 ) 2.303 ×130 × log10 (900 / 135)
= 924.31 seconds
l At2 4560 ×150
= =
k V 2.303 a log10 ( h1 / h2 ) 2.303 ×130 × log10 (900 / 135)
= 2772.93 seconds
Fig. 5.13
l2 l l
= − 1 = 2772.93 − 924.31
k 2 k V k1
= 1848.62 seconds
l2 60
k2 = = = 0.0325 mm / s
1848.62 1848.62
Example 5.11 A sand deposit of 12 m thickness overlies a clay layer. The water table is 3 m
below the ground surface. In a field permeability pump out test, the water is pumped out at a
rate of 540 litres/min when steady-state conditions are reached. Two observation wells are
located at 18 m and 36 m from the centre of the test well. The depths of the draw-down curve
are 1.8 m and 1.5 m, respectively, for these two wells. Determine the coefficient of permeability.
This is an unconfined aquifer, hence k is given by Eq. 5.10. That is,
2.303 q log10 (r2 / r1 )
π( h22 − h12 )
Here, R = 50 m, r = 0.5 m, s = 10 m, H0 = 8 m
q = 0.45 m3/min
From Eq. (5.12),
2.303 q log10 (R / r0 )
π[( H − S)2 − H02 ] 1 + [0.3 + (10 rc / H )]sin
H }
Substituting the above values,
k = 1.95 × 10−3 m/min = 0.0326 mm/s
Example 5.13 A glass capillary tube is 0.2 mm in diameter. What is the theoretical maxi-
mum height of capillary rise for a tube of this size? The surface tension is 0.0735 N/m.
Estimate the pressure in the capillary water just under the meniscus.
From Eq. 5.28,
4Ts 4 × 0.0735
hc = =
dγ w (0.20 / 1000)× 9.81×10 3
hc = 0.15 m
From Eq. 5.29
uc = hcγw = 0.15 × 9.81 = 1.47 kN/m2
Example 5.14 A silt deposit has a series of clay seams of about 5 mm thick at an average
vertical spacing of about 1.65 m. Permeability of silt deposit is about 120 times as that of clay
seam. Find the ratio of equivalent horizontal permeability to vertical permeability.
Naturally, alternate layers are found in silt and clay; therefore it is enough to find the ratio
only for the two adjacent layers.
Height of silt layer, H1 = 1.65 m.
Height of clay seam, H2 = 0.005 m.
Permeability of silt, k1 = 120 times k2, where k2 is permeability of clay.
1.65k1 + 0.005 (k 2 )
Horizontal flow, kh =
= 119.64 k2
Vertical flow, kv = ⎜ 1.65 ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ 0.005 ⎞⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ k1 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ k 2 ⎟⎠
(0.0825 + 0.005)
= 19.94 k2
k h 119.64 k 2
= = 6.0.
kv 19.94 k 2
5.1 Permeability of a soil is its capacity to permit water to pass through its inter-connected
void spaces.
5.2 Potential or total head causing flow of water through soil consists of position or eleva-
tion head, pressure head due to water pressure, and velocity head. As seepage veloci-
ties are small in soil, the velocity head is ignored.
5.3 Darcy’s law (velocity proportional to gradient) is valid as long as the flow is laminar,
the soil is fully saturated, no volume change occurs during flow, and the continuity
condition is present. Further, Darcy’s law is valid for Reynold’s number equal to unity.
5.4 Constant head permeameter is preferred for coarse-grained soils, whereas falling
head permeameter is suitable for fine-grained soils.
5.5 In a layered soil, the average coefficient of permeability in the horizontal direction is
greater than the average coefficient of permeability in the vertical direction.
5.6 Pumping out test is suitable for tests below the water table, whereas pumping in test
can be conducted irrespective of the position of the water table for finding field k.
5.7 Factors affecting permeability are soil characteristics, viz., particle size, void ratio,
composition, and fabric, and pore fluid characteristics, viz., pore fluid and degree of
5.8 Water table is the level of water in a soil stratum at which the pressure is atmospheric.
Soil below the water table is called saturated zone (sr = 100%), while soil above is
called capillary zone (sr ≤ 100%)
5.9 In capillaries, the water surface is tightly stretched due to intermolecular attraction of
forces, which is referred to as surface tension.
5.10 Capillary rise is the phenomenon of water rise in the pores of soils above the water
table against the gravitational pull.
5.11 Shrinkage of soil depends on the initial water content, the type and amount of clay
content, and the mode and environment of geological deposition. The presence of
sand and silt-size particles in clays reduces the shrinkage.
5.12 Clayey soils with montmorillonite clay mineral show reversible swelling and shrink-
ing, whereas kaolinite and illite show less swelling than shrinking.
Objective Questions
5.1 State whether the following are true or false:
(i) Coefficient of permeability is greater for coarse-grained soils than for fine-
grained soils.
(ii) The constant head permeability test is the most reliable and accurate for clayey
(iii) Moisture rises above the groundwater table as a result of capillary tension.
(iv) In sandy soils, the seepage velocity is equal to Darcy’s flow velocity.
(v) The capillary pressure in a soil may be more than 5 m head of water.
5.2 Coefficient of permeability of a fine-grained soil increases with
(a) Increase in temperature of the pore fluid
(b) Increase in viscosity of the pore fluid
(c) Increase in density of soil
(d) None of the above
5.3 Select the correct range of permeability (m/s) of a soil whose degree of permeability
is low:
(a) 10−8 to 10−9 (b) 10−3 to 10−5 (c) 10−5 to 10−7 (d) 10−1 to 10−3
5.4 Artesian conditions are said to exist when the piezometric surface lies
(a) Below ground level
(b) Between ground level and the aquifer
(c) Above ground level
(d) Below groundwater level
5.5 The pressure on a phreatic surface is
(a) Less than atmospheric pressure
(b) Equal to atmospheric pressure
(c) Greater than atmospheric pressure
(d) Not related to atmospheric pressure
5.6 Compacted well-graded, gravelly sands with little or no fines will be
(a) Impervious (b) Semi-pervious to pervious
(c) Semi-pervious (d) Pervious
5.7 Identify the wrong factor. The following three major characteristics influence perme-
ability of clays:
(a) Fabric (b) Composition
(c) Degree of saturation (d) Particle shape
5.8 In a sedimentary soil deposit, the permeability
(a) Is uniform in all directions
(b) Is greater in the horizontal direction than in the vertical direction
(c) Is lesser in the horizontal direction than in the vertical direction
(d) Is double in the vertical direction of that in the horizontal direction
Descriptive Questions
5.11 Two fluids with extreme viscosities are to be passed through a porous material. Reason
out the condition for which the coefficient of permeability will be the greatest.
5.12 In fine-grained soils, what effects does the presence of adsorbed water have on the
coefficient of permeability?
5.13 In what condition is the capillary system if the angle of wetting is zero?
5.14 Explain the ways by which the capillary water and the effect of capillarity can be
removed from soil.
5.15 Capillary rise is greater for fine-grained soils than for coarse-grained soils. Substanti-
ate this statement.
5.16 What are the applications of the capillary tube theory to soil engineering?
5.1 A constant head permeability test was conducted on a sand sample of 250 mm length
and 2,000 mm2 area. The head loss was 500 mm, and the discharge was found to be
260 ml in 130 seconds. Determine the coefficient of permeability of the sand sample.
Find the superficial and seepage velocities if the dry unit weight and specific gravity
of the samples were 17.98 kN/m3 and 2.62, respectively.
5.2 Three soil samples, x, y, z, with coefficients of permeability 1 × 10−1, 2 × 10−2 and
5 × 10−3 m/s are placed in a tube of cross-section 100 mm × 100 mm, as shown in
Fig. 5.14. Water is supplied through the apparatus such that the head difference is
maintained at 300 mm. Find the rate of supply in litres per hour.
5.3 The changes caused by a rise in temperature in viscosity and unit weight of a pore
fluid are 82.5% and 97.8%, respectively. Compute the percent change in the coefficient
of permeability assuming other factors to remain constant.
5.4 A variable head permeability test is conducted on a 100 mm long specimen. The
diameter of the standpipe is 1/10th that of the specimen. The test took 900 sec-
onds to fall from a height of 300 to 100 mm. Determine the permeability of the
Fig. 5.14
5.5 A field pumping test was performed for a horizontal stratum of sandy soil 4 m thick,
sandwiched between two impermeable strata. After the steady-state flow equilib-
rium, the rate of flow was 90 litres/hour. The elevation of water level in a borehole
3 m away from the test well was 2.1 m, and in a borehole 6 m away, it was 2.7 m above
the top of the lower impermeable stratum. Estimate the coefficient of permeability of
the soil.
5.6 In a falling head permeameter test, the initial head at t = 0 was 600 mm. The head
dropped 30 mm in a time of 40 seconds. Find the time required to run the test to a final
head of 200 mm.
5.7 A sand sample at a void ratio of 0.52 has a permeability of 0.4 × 10−3 m/s. Assuming
a reasonable relationship between void ratio and permeability for this soil, estimate
the permeability at a void ratio of 0.65.
5.8 During a falling head permeability test, the sample on close investigation was found
to be in two layers 60 and 40 mm thick. The routine falling head test on this sample
yielded the following results: diameter of standpipe, 4 mm; sample diameter, 80 mm;
length of sample 100 mm; initial head, 1,100 mm; final head, 420 mm, and time for
fall in head, 6 minutes. After the test, independent tests were made on each soil; the
permeabilities were found to be 5 × 10−4 and 17 × 10−4 mm/s, respectively. Check
the average permeability through the sample in the laboratory test with the estimated
value considering the layer effect. Also, estimate the average permeability in a direc-
tion at right angles to sampling. Comment on the results.
5.9 A graded filter has to be constructed with four soils of different layer thicknesses.
The layer thicknesses are 350, 250, 200, and 100 mm and are to be placed at different
compacted densities such that the permeabilities are 2 × 10−2, 3 × 10−1, 6.8 × 10−1, and
1.5 mm/s, respectively. Calculate the average coefficients of permeability in directions
parallel and orthogonal to the layers.
5.10 Three layers of soil represent the soil profile beneath a reservoir. The depth of water
in the reservoir is 15 m and the area of spread is 4,500 m2. The permeability and thick-
ness of each layer are given below:
A sand layer lies below this profile. The sand has horizontal drainage. Assuming ver-
tical flow through the layers, compute the water loss in a period of 30 days from the
5.11 The rise in a capillary tube is 520 mm above the free water surface. Determine the
surface tension if the radius of the tube is 0.03 mm.
5.12 A sand sample has a porosity of 32.4%, and Hazen’s effective grain size is 0.056 mm.
Estimate the capillary rise in the soil sample.
Seepage forces – General flow equation – Significance of Laplace’s equation –
Properties and applications of flow nets – Construction of flow nets: boundary
conditions, construction methods, flow nets for sheet piles and dams – Aniso-
tropic soil conditions – Non-homogeneous soil conditions – Piping –Design of
Groundwater is frequently encountered in construction projects. The movement of
water through soil is referred to as seepage, and such movement leads to several groups
of problems in civil engineering. Seepage of water has a bearing on three major types of
problems, viz., (i) loss of stored water through an earth dam or foundation, (ii) instabil-
ity of slopes and foundations of hydraulic structures due to the force exerted by the
percolating water, and (iii) settlement of structures founded on or above compressible
layers due to explusion of water from the voids caused by load applications.
Theoretical solutions based on simple assumptions in problems related to stability
and settlement have been successful. But hydraulic problems do not lead to simple solu-
tions because of adverse field conditions. This chapter discusses some of the techniques
used for analysing seepage flow.
Saturated soil
Consider the column of soil shown in Fig. 6.1a. If the height h of the water surface in the
reservoir is raised, the water pressure at the bottom of the soil sample is increased and the
drag force on the soil particle becomes greater. The drag force and the buoyant weight of
the particles are in balance at a critical height h = hc, and an increase in height will cause
the soil particles to be washed out of the container. At this critical condition, the force acting
on the bottom of the soil sample will just equal the weight of the soil and water mass in the
Now, consider the upward and the downward forces at the bottom of the soil mass
(Fig. 6.1b).
⎛ G + 1⎞⎟
Downward force, W = ⎜⎜ γ AL
⎜⎝ 1 + e ⎟⎟⎠ w
that is,
hc G − 1
ic = = (6.1)
L 1+ e
where ic is the critical hydraulic gradient.
This condition also occurs when individual soil particles are freely suspended in flowing
water. The equilibrium of forces is shown in Fig. 6.1c for such a condition.
G γw
Ws = AL = weight of soil particles acting downwards
1+ e
B = γwVs = force due to buoyancy acting upwards
SF = seepage force on particles
For equilibrium,
Ws = SF + B
G γ w AL G γ w AL
or SF = Ws − B = − γ wVs = − γ w (1 − n)AL
1+ e 1+ e
⎛G γ γ ⎞
or SF = ⎜⎜ w − w ⎟⎟⎟ AL
⎜⎝ 1 + e 1 + e ⎠
or SF = ic γ wV (6.2)
The seepage force expressed per unit volume is referred to as the seepage pressure. If h is
less than hc, the seepage force is proportionately less than icγwV.
This critical condition described above is responsible for the phenomenon of boil in soils,
usually referred to as quicksand. The quicksand condition is likely to occur at hydraulic gra-
dients of about 1.0 in non-cohesive soils. Contrary to common belief, quicksand is not a type
of sand but a phenomenon caused due to the flow condition. In cohesive soils, the cohesive
strength of soil must be overcome before soil particles are washed out of the soil mass.
Vz + ∂Vz dz Vy + ∂Vy dy
∂z ∂y
Vx + ∂Vx dx
Vz + ∂Vz dz
∂x ∂z
dz Vx + ∂Vx dx
Vx Vx ∂x
Vy dx dx
(a) Flow in three dimensions (b) Flow in two dimensions
⎛ ∂vx ∂vz ⎞⎟
⎜⎜ + ⎟ dx dy dz = 0
∂z ⎟⎠
⎜⎝ ∂x (6.3)
∂vx ∂vz
+ =0 (6.4)
∂x ∂z
Equation 6.4 is referred to as the equation of continuity in two dimensions.* Now, based
on Darcy’s law,
∂h ⎪⎫
vx = kix = k ⎪⎪
∂x ⎪
⎬ (6.5)
∂h ⎪
vz = kiz = k ⎪⎪
∂z ⎪⎪⎭
The partial derivatives in Eq. 6.5 suggest a potential function of the form φ(x, z), such that
∂φ ∂φ
vx = and vz = (6.6)
∂x ∂z
Substituting Eq. 6.6 in Eq. 6.4, we obtain
∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ
+ =0 (6.7)
∂x 2 ∂ z 2
Equation 6.7 is the Laplace equation which presents the two-dimensional steady flow
of an incompressible fluid through an incompressible isotropic porous medium. In simple
terms, it represents the balancing of gradient changes in the x and z directions when the
volume is constant.
* For an element which experiences volume change, the continuity equation becomes [(∂vx / ∂x ) +
(∂vz / ∂z )]dx dy dz = (dv / dt ), the volume change per unit time (refer to Chapter 8).
∂ψ ∂ψ
dψ = dx + dz
∂x ∂z
= −vz dx + vx dz
Thus, the curves of constant φ are normal to curves of constant ψ since the product of their
gradients is –1. The form of the curve depends on the boundary conditions of the problem.
h1 b Flo
h2 wc
h3 nel
hn nel
Equipotential lines
The entire pattern of flow lines and equipotential lines is referred to as a flow net. Thus,
a flow net is a graphical representation of the head and direction of seepage at every point.
Seepage losses and their related flow pattern, the uplift pressure, and pore pressures are
frequently estimated using flow nets.
C h2
R1 Q R
P1 I
S1 Q2 R2
P2 S2
Choose P1Q1R1S1 and P2Q2R2S2, the figures formed between two pairs of flow and equipotential
lines in two different channels, and P′Q′R′S′, an auxiliary figure bounded by the same pair of
flow lines of the first figure and by the same pair of potential lines of the second figure.
Flow through any one channel may be given as
Δh h
Δq = ki ( h ×1) = kih = k h = kΔh
l l
Considering the three figures, the discharge equation for each case is given as
h1 ⎫⎪
Δq 1 = k Δh 1 (Fig. P1 Q 1 R 1 S 1 ) ⎪⎪
l1 ⎪⎪
h2 ⎪
Δq 2 = k Δh 2 (Fig. P2 Q 2 R 2 S 2 )⎬ (6.12)
l2 ⎪⎪
h’ ⎪
Δq ’ = k Δh ’ (Fig. P ’Q ’R ’S ’) ⎪⎪
l’ ⎪⎪⎭
where Δh1, Δh2 and Δh′ are the potential drops considering two successive equipotential
If all the figures in the flow net are drawn as squares, then
h1 = l1 , h2 = l2 , and h ’ = l ’
The auxiliary square and the first square have the same flow boundaries; thus Δq′ = Δq1,
and they have the same equipotential boundaries as the second square, and thus Δh′ = Δh2.
Δq1 = Δq2 and Δh1 = Δh2 (6.13)
Thus, it is shown that when all the figures are squares, there must be the same quantity
of flow in each channel and the same potential drop in crossing each figure. To have these
conditions, it is just sufficient if the ratio h/l is maintained the same, but drawing square
figures is far more convenient than drawing rectangular figures.
From the above discussion for a flow net with square figures, the properties of flow nets
can be summarized as
1. Flow lines and equipotential lines intersect or meet orthogonally.
2. The quantity of water flowing through each channel is the same.
3. The potential drop between any two successive equipotential lines is the same.
4. The velocity of flow is more (because of high gradients) in figures of small dimensions so
that the discharge remains the same.
5. Flow lines and equipotential lines are smooth continuous curves, being either elliptical or
parabolic in shape.
6.5.2 Applications
Seepage Quantity. We have shown that in a flow net with square figures the flow through
one channel is
Δq = kΔh (6.14)
Δh = (6.15)
Therefore, H
Δq = k (6.16)
Let Nf be the number of flow channels.
The total discharge through the complete flow net per unit length is given as
q = Nf Δq = k Nf
that is, q=kH (6.17)
The ratio Nf/Nd is independent of k and H and is characteristic of the flow net. This is
called the shape factor of the flow net.
Seepage Pressure. Let nd be the number of potential drops (each of vale Δh) lost by a
water particle before reaching point J, the point where the seepage pressure is needed. Let hl
be the net potential at point J, that is,
hl = H − nd Δh (6.18)
Hence, the seepage pressure ps = hl γw
ps = ( H − nd Δh)γ w (6.19)
This pressure acts in the direction of the flow.
Uplift Pressure. The uplift pressure uw (also called hydrostatic pressure) at any point
within the soil mass is given by
uw = hw γ w (6.20)
where hw is the piezometric head = h1 − z , where z is the position head of the point.
The downstream water level is usually considered as the datum, and all points above the
datum are considered as positive.
Exit Gradient. The maximum hydraulic gradient at the downstream end of the flow lines
is termed the exit gradient. This is given as
ie = (6.21)
where l is the length of the smallest square in the last field.
1. A–B, D–E, P–Q, and S–T are permeable boundaries. These surfaces have a constant head
and hence are equipotential lines.
2. F–G, B–C–D, and P–T are impermeable boundaries. Further, there is no flow across these
boundaries; i.e., ∂ht/∂z=0 and ψ is constant. Thus, these are flow lines.
3. R–S is a seepage surface, and along this surface the pore pressure is zero, and if Δφ is
constant the equipontential lines meet the seepage surface at constant vertical intervals.
4. Q–R is the piezometric surface or a free surface, and the pore pressure is zero and since ψ
is constant it is a flow line (Whitlow, 1983).
The following hints suggested by A. Casagrande (1937) are valuable for a beginner in
flow net construction.
1. Use every opportunity to study the appearance of well-constructed flow nets; when the
picture is sufficiently absorbed in your mind, try to draw the same flow net without look-
ing at the available solution; repeat this until you are able to sketch this flow net in a
satisfactory manner.
2. Four or five flow channels are usually sufficient for the first attempt; the use of too many
flow channels may distract the attention from essential features.
3. Always watch the appearance of the entire flow net. Do not try to adjust details before the
entire flow net is approximately correct.
4. The beginner usually makes the mistake of drawing overly sharp transitions between
the straight and curved sections of flow lines or equipotential lines. Keep in mind that
all transitions are smooth, of elliptical or parabolic shape. The size of the squares in each
channel will change gradually.
Typical flow nets for flows below sheet pile walls and dams are shown in Figs. 6.6 and 6.7.
Electrical Analogy Method. Laplace equation not only governs a steady-state flow of
ground-water but is also encountered in a steady flow of electric current through a conduc-
tor and the flow of heat through a plate. The correspondence between water and current
flows is reflected from the following comparison:
Thus, the flow domain of a porous medium has to be transferred into an electrical con-
ductor field with similar configuration and boundary conditions (Fig. 6.8). The methodology
is to obtain the locus of the lines of equal voltage drop which is in correspondence to the
location of equipotential lines for the given flow domain.
A typical electrical analogy set-up is shown in Fig. 6.9. The flow domain is simulated with
different conducting materials such as various metal sheets, heavy paper coated with graph-
ite, dilute copper sulphate solution, salt water, and gelatins. The inflow face is at a potential
V1 and the outflow surface at a potential V2. Points of equal voltage drop are found using the
probe. Alternatively, the voltages at different pre-defined nodal points may be found. Then
the contours of equal voltage may be sketched by hand after transferring the voltage values
of nodal points on a separate sheet of paper with pre-drawn boundaries.
It should be noted that the electrical analogue simply provides only the equipotential
lines. To get the complete flow net, flow lines are drawn orthogonal to the equipotential lines
conforming to the boundary conditions. However, direct determination of flow lines is pos-
sible by interchanging the locations of metal bars and insulators.
Sheet pile
Flow line
Equipotential line
Sheet pile
Sheet piles
Fig. 6.6 Flow net for (a) sheet pile with level ground surface, (b) sheet pile with varied ground
surface, and (c) double sheet piles
Other Methods. Flow tanks and viscous flow models have also been in use for construct-
ing flow nets. In the flow tank model, the scale model of the prototype is used with sand
as the porous medium. In the viscous flow model, a viscous fluid like glycerine is used for
the medium. In both the cases, coloured dyes are injected at the upstream boundary which
traces the path of flow lines. The equipotential lines are estimated later.
Sheet pile
Sheet pile cut-off
Sheet pile cut-off
Fig. 6.7 Flow net for flow under dam with (a) upstream sheet pile cut-off, (b) downstream sheet
pile cut-off, and (c) double sheet pile cut-off
Switch Battery
Resistor A
The solution to the Laplace’s equation may also be obtained with the help of computers
using analytical methods such as the finite difference method, finite element methods, and
complex variable methods.
Construction of flow nets for flow through earth dams is discussed in Chapter 20.
kx ∂ 2 h ∂ 2 h
+ =0
k z ∂x 2 ∂z 2
∂2 h ∂2 h
+ =0
⎛ x ⎞2 ∂z 2
∂ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟
∂2 h ∂2 h
+ =0
∂xl2 ∂z 2
x k
xl = =x z
a kx
Equation 6.24 satifies Laplace’s condition for an isotropic soil in an xl–z plane. Trans-
form an anisotropic flow region into a fictitious isotropic flow region by transferring
all x dimensions as xl (Fig. 6.10b). Now construct an artificial flow net by the usual
method which will satisfy all the requirements of seepage. Redraw this flow net on the
true scale by multiplying each x dimension (measured from some arbitrary baseline,
such as the centre line of the dam) by a, while keeping the z dimension the same. This
flow net on the true scale may consist of parallelograms and rectangles but not squares
(Fig. 6.10a).
Figure 6.11 shows one flow field in natural and transformed scales. The quantity of flow
ΔqN and ΔqT through these sections may be expressed as
Δh b
ΔqN = k x
b kx / kz
ΔqT = ke b
b (6.25)
where ke is the effective coefficient of permeability.
ΔqT = ΔqN
(a) Flow net for actual section
A′ P′ B′
(b) Flow net for transformed section
z z
b k x /k z b
Flow Flow
b b
(a) Natural scale (b) Transformed scale
ke Δh = k x
kx / kz
that is
ke = k x k z
q = ke H
tan α1 = and tan α2 =
k1 k2
tan α1 tan α2
k1 tan α1
= (6.28)
k 2 tan α2
When k2 ≥ 10 k1, the second soil offers no resistance and hence may be treated as an open
drain and no deflection correction is needed.
Because of local instability caused by a high hydraulic gradient at the exit face of a percolating
soil mass, soil grains are dislodged and eroded. Such erosions gradually cause a pipe-shaped
discharge channel. The width of the channel and the hydraulic gradient will increase with
time and lead to a failure of the structure constructed on or with the soil. Such a mode of
failure is called failure by piping.
Failures by piping may be due to scour or sub-surface erosion starting downstream and
propagating inwards, causing an ultimate failure. Such a piping failure is called failure by
sub-surface erosion, and no theoretical approach is possible. Piping failure is also initiated
when the upward seepage pressure at the toe becomes greater than the effective weight of
the soil (i.e., due to a quick condition). Such a piping failure is referred to as failure by heave.
The mechanics of failure by piping due to heave is discussed below.
It has been found that the failure due to piping takes place within a distance of D/2 from
the sheet pile, where D is the depth of the sheet pile (Fig. 6.13).
Consider prism of soil ABB′A′ with width A′B′ = ½AA′ at the exit end of the structure
shown in Fig. 6.13. The effective vertical pressure at the time of failure on any horizontal sec-
tion through the prism is approximately equal to zero. Thus piping occurs when the seepage
force on the base of the prism (U) becomes equal to the effective weight of the overlying sand
(W). Let the hydraulic potential at A and B be hA and hB, Then,
U = ½ D γ w ( hA + hB )
(a) Flow net with location of piping
A′ B′
Equipotential lines
(b) Equilibrium of forces
W = ½ D2 γ ’
hA + hB
ha =
Therefore, factor of safety with respect to piping,
W Dγ ′
Fp = =
U ha γ w
( hA + hB )/ 2 − ( hA + hB′ )/ 2
iav =
D (6.29)
where h′A and h′B are the hydraulic potentials at A′ and B′.
Fp = ic / iw
where Fp = factor of safety against failure by piping, and ic = (G – 1)/(1 + e) and is normally
greater that 3 or 4. In cohesive soils, because of cohesion this method gives conservative values.
If the factor of safety against failure by piping is small, this may be increased by providing
inverted filters. If the weight of the filter is Wf over the prism, then the increased factor of safety
Fp′ = (W + Wf )/U
The filter material should satisfy the condition explained in the next section.
D15 (filter)
> 4 to 5
D15 (protected soil)
The second requirement is that the D15 size of the filter soil should not be more than four
or five times the D15 size of the protected soil.
The US Corps of Engineers have recommended that
D50 (filter)
≤ 25
D50 (protected soil)
Based on this criterion the D50 size of the filter should be less than or equal to 25 times the
D50 size of the protected soil.
Generally, the filter is not of one material but of different materials placed in layers. Each
of these layers satisfies the requirements with respect to the preceding layer. Further, as
a rough guideline, the grain-size distribution curves of the fine- and coarse-grained soils
should be roughly parallel.
Example 6.1 At the toe of a dam, the foundation soil has a void ratio of 0.72. The specific
gravity of the soil solids is 2.65. To ensure safety against piping, the upward gradient must
not exceed 30% of the critical gradient at which quicksand conditions occur. Estimate the
maximum permissible upward gradient.
G − 1 2.65 − 1
Critical gradient ic = = = 0.959
1 + e 1 + 0.72
The permissible upward gradient is 30% of the critical gradient.
Maximum permissible upward gradient = 0.959× = 0.288
Example 6.2 A concrete gravity dam, 150 m long and 90 m wide, lies on a permeable soil
with a coefficient of permeability of 30 × 10–3 mm/s. The head of water is maintained at
30 mm upstream and zero at the tail-end. The soil is underlain by an impervious stratum.
The depth from the base of the dam to the impervious stratum is 40 m. A flow net con-
structed for this condition yielded 7 flow channels and 16 equipotential drops. What is the
seepage loss per day under the dam, considering a two-dimensional flow. Estimate also the
approximate seepage loss under the dam using Darcy’s law directly.
For a two-dimensional flow,
3 ×10−3 7
q= × 30 × × 60 × 60 × 24 = 3.40 m 3 / day / m
1000 16
For the entire length of the dam, q = 3.402 × 150 = 510.3 m3/day.
Using Darcy’s law (one-dimensional flow) directly,
q= kiA
3 ×10−3 30
= × ×( 40 ×150)× 60 × 60 × 24
1000 90
= 518.4 m 3 / day
Example. 6.3 For the dam of Fig. 6.14, draw the flow net and determine the following:
1. the quantity of flow,
2. the seepage pressure in the middle of square B,
3. the uplift pressure at point B, and
4. the exit gradient at point A.
The coefficient of permeability is 4.0 × 10–2 mm/s.
The flow net is drawn as in Fig. 6.14. Number of flow channels, Nf = 5
10 m
20 m
Sheet pile cut-off
II I 16
1 15
2 12 15 m
10 11
3 7 8
V 5 6
Fig. 6.14
4.0 ×10−2 5
q= ×10 × = 1.25×10−4 m 3 / s / m length
1000 16
3. The uplift pressure head hw = ht – z. Consider the downstream water level as the datum
hw = 5.94 + 11.6 = 17.54 m
and uplift pressure head uw = 17.54 × 9.81 = 172.07 kN / m
Δ h 0.625
4. Exit gradient ie = = = 1.04
l 0.60
Example 6.4 A masonry dam 50 m long and overlying an impermeable soil is founded on
a soil with anisotropy in permeability. The upstream water level is 9.6 m, and the tail water
level is 0.6 m above the ground level. The vertical permeability of the soil is 1.39 m/day and
the horizontal permeability is six times the vertical permeability. The flow net drawn on a
transformed section yields five flow channels and eight equipotential lines. Determine the
seepage flow per day.
The horizontal permeability = 6 ×139 = 8.34 m/day
Effective coefficient of permeability ke = k x k z
ke = 1.39× 8.34 = 3.4 m/day
Seepage flow per day = ke × H × ×(length of dam)
= 3.4 × 9.0 × × 50 = 9556.25 m 3/ day
Example 6.5 A section through a dam is shown in Fig. 6.15. Plot the distribution of the
uplift pressure on the base of the dam.
11.5 m
10.2 m Datum
1 2 3 4 5 6
50 6
15 m kN/m2 5
100 3 4
1 2
0 3 6 9
Fig. 6.15
The flow net is drawn as shown in Fig. 6.15.
Potential drop Δh = = 1.438 m
For point 1, the potential head ht = H − nd Δh
ht = 11.5 − 1×1.438 = 10.06 m
Example 6.6 Find the factor of safety against piping for the sheet pile wall shown in
Fig. 6.16. The saturated density of the sand is 20.1 kN/m3.
Sheet pile
10 m
A′ B′
12.5 m
25 m
0 5 10
Fig. 6.16
The flow net is drawn as shown in Fig. 6.16.
Potential drop
Δh = = 1.25 m
Pressure head at A
hA = 10 − 4 ×1.25 = 5.0 m
Pressure head at B
hB = 10 − 5.9×1.25 = 2.63 m
5 + 2.63
ha = = 3.82 m
Therefore, 2
Example 6.7 A filter is required to be provided at the downstream side of a weir. A sieve
analysis conducted on the soil to be protected is as follows.
The grain-size distribution curve of the soil is plotted as shown in Fig. 6.17. From the plot the
following grain sizes are taken.
(D15 )s = 0.12 mm Therefore (D15 )f > 4 × 0.12, i.e., 0.48 mm
(D50 )s = 0.21 mm Therefore (D15 )f < 4 × 0.21, i.e., 5.25 mm
(D85 )s = 0.40 mm Therefore (D15 )f < 5× 0.4 , i.e., 0.48 mm
The grain-size distribution range for the filter is shown in Fig. 6.17.
Grain-size distribution
100 range for filter
Grain-size distribution of
Percentage finer
protected soil
100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01
Particle size (mm)
Fig. 6.17
6.1 Quicksand is not a type of sand but a phenomenon caused due to a flow condition.
Quicksand condition is likely to occur at hydraulic gradients of about 1.0.
6.2 The general flow equation for soils is based on the assumptions that the soil medium
is saturated, incompressible, and homogeneous; has isotropic permeability; the flow
is laminar; and the fluid is incompressible.
6.3 Solution of the Laplace equations yields two sets of curves: flow lines which represent the
trajectories of seepage and equipotential lines which represent the lines of equal head.
6.4 The entire pattern of flow lines and equipotential lines is referred to as the flow net.
Thus, a flow net is a graphical representation of the head and direction of seepage at
every point.
6.5 The properties of a flow net are as follows: (i) the flow lines and equipotential lines meet
orthogonally, (ii) the quantity of flow through each channel is the same, and (iii) the
head loss (potential drop) between any two successive equipotential lines is the same.
6.6 The uplift pressure uw, also called the hydrostatic pressure, at any point within a soil
mass is the pressure caused by the piezometric head at that point (i.e., the total head
minus the position head).
6.7 Piping is caused by a high hydraulic gradient at the exit face of the percolating soil
mass. Failures by piping may be due to scour or sub-surface erosion starting down-
stream and propogating inwards, causing an ultimate failure.
6.8 Filter or drain materials are used for preventing piping. Apart from providing weight,
the filters should satisfy two grain-size requirements.
Objective Questions
6.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
(1) In practically all seepage problems, velocity heads are disregarded.
(2) In a flow through a porous medium, lines connecting points of equal total energy
head are termed equipotential lines.
(3) The uplift pressure at any point within a soil mass is independent of the position
of the point.
(4) The flow of water through a soil specimen in a laboratory constant head perme-
ability test is under two-dimensional flow conditions.
(5) The seepage loss through an anisotropic soil medium is less than in an isotropic
6.2 For a flow under a concrete dam founded on a homogeneous isotropic porous
medium, will the flow net alter (answer yes or no)
(a) If the horizontal permeability is altered?
(b) If the difference in head is changed?
(c) If the shape factor of the net is increased?
(d) If the width of the dam is reduced?
6.3 Piping in soils occur when
(a) The effective pressure becomes zero
(b) A sudden change of permeability takes place
(c) The soil is fissured and cracked
(d) The soil is highly porous
6.4 The seepage taking place beneath a long masonry dam founded on pervious soils is
often considered as a _________ flow.
(a) Three-dimensional
(b) One-dimensional
(c) Two-dimensional
(d) Radial
6.5 Seepage flow in a porous medium is determined by the absolute value of
(a) Nf
(b) Nd
(c) Nf / Nd
(d) Nd / Nf
6.6 The velocity potential defined in the Laplace equation is a
(a) Scalar function of space (b) Vector function of space
(c) Scalar function of space and time (d) Vector function of space and time
6.7 The quantity of seepage depends on
(1) The coefficient of permeability (2) The length of the flow path
(3) The differential head across the flow path (4) The number of flow paths
Of these statements,
(a) 1, 2, and 3 are correct (c) 2, 3, and 4 are correct
(b) 3, 4, and 1 are correct (d) All are correct
6.8 Identify the incorrect flow net property
(a) Flow lines and equipotential lines intersect orthogonally.
(b) The quantity of water flowing through each channel is the same.
(c) The potential drop between any two successive equipotential lines is different.
(d) Flow lines and equipotential lines are smooth curves.
6.9 In order to prevent piping, the exit gradient should be
(a) Equal to the critical gradient (c) Greater than the critical gradient
(b) Much less than the critical gradient (d) Not a function of the critical gradient
6.10 Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
(1) Piping A progressive failure
(2) Piping ratio A filter criterion
(3) Graded filter Material provided to prevent seepage
(4) Quicksand condition When the pore pressure equals the total pressure
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1, 2, and 3 (b) 2, 4, and 1
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 1
Descriptive Questions
6.11 What do you understand by the mechanism of piping? Explain the methods that are
adopted to increase the factor of safety against piping.
6.12 What constitutes a flow net? State any four methods of obtaining flow net in any given
6.13 State reasons for the quantity of seepage between two successive flow lines being
6.14 Give reasons for limiting the size of particles used in constructing drainage filters.
6.15 What soil conditions in the foundations are vulnerable to the problem of piping
6.16 Explain how weighted filters are useful in seepage problems for improving the
6.17 What methods do you suggest to reduce the exit gradient in the case of flows under
concrete dams?
6.18 Distinguish between seepage pressure and uplift pressure. Which one should be
considered in the design of a masonry weir? Why?
6.19 Discuss the effects of anisotropy and non-homogeneity of a soil on the seepage loss.
6.1 A sandy soil collected from an excavation showed void ratios of 0.48 and 0.97 in its
densest and loosest states, respectively. The range of critical hydraulic gradients at
which quicksand conditions might occur is needed to decide the depth of excavation.
Take G = 2.65 and estimate the range.
6.2 Explain the phenomenon of quicksand. What hydraulic head is required to create a
quicksand condition in a non-cohesive soil sample of length = 6 m, void ratio = 0.65,
G =2.65?
6.3 In a vertically upward flow of groundwater (an artesian condition) the hydraulic gra-
dient in a sand mass is 0.95. Check whether a condition for quicksand or erosion could
6.4 From the flow net shown in Fig. 6.18 find
1. the flow rate through the soil,
2. the water pressure in the middle of square X,
3. the seepage force per unit volume at X, and
4. the factor of safety against piping.
17 m
28 m
10 m
Fig. 6.18
15 m 0.5 m
1.5 m
4.5 m
Sheet pile cut-off
12 m
Fig. 6.19
40 m 70 m
Impervious shale
Fig. 6.20
2m 2m
Sheet pile cut-off
Bed rock
Fig. 6.21
6.8 The cross section of a dam is shown in Fig. 6.22. Make a flow net and determine the
quantity of seepage under the weir. Also plot the distribution of the uplift pressure on
the base of the dam. The coefficient of permeability of the soil is 2.8 × 10–5 m/s.
6.9 A single-row vertical sheet piling penetrates 6 m into a soil of 15 m thickness overly-
ing an impermeable rock. The coefficients of permeability of the soil in the vertical
and horizontal directions are 2 ×10–2 and 4 ×10–2 mm/s, respectively. The depth of
water on one side of the piling is 9 m and on the other side 2 m. Draw a neat sketch of
a flow net and estimate the quantity of seepage in m3/day/m run of piling. Re-plot
the flow net from the transformed section to the natural section.
18 m
12 m
0.6 m
7m 7m
Sheet pile cut-off
14 m
Bed rock
Fig. 6.22
6.10 For the dam section shown in Fig. 6.23, construct a flow net if the coefficients of per-
meability in the horizontal and vertical directions are 3.8 ×10–3 and 32.4 ×10–3 mm/s,
respectively. Compute the seepage loss per linear metre of the dam. Compare this
value with the seepage loss beneath the same dam if the soil is assumed to have an
isotropic permeability of 11.6×10–3 mm/s.
10.5 m
27 m
15 m Sheet pile cut-off
Bed rock
Fig. 6.23
6.11 In a tidal estuary, during low tide, the depth of water in front of a sheet pile wall is
5 m and the water table behind the wall lags 3 m behind the tidal level (Fig. 6.24). Plot
the net distribution of water pressure on the piling.
Sheet pile
Water table
4.5 m
15 m
Fig. 6.24
Stresses at a point – Mohr’s circle – Stress paths – Stress concepts: total stress,
neutral stress, effective stress – Geostatic stresses – Different positions of water
table – Stresses due to surface loads: elastic half space, Boussinesq’s theory,
pressure distribution diagrams, Westergaard equation, types of surface loads,
Newmark’s influence chart, approximate solutions – Contact pressure
Internal stress develops in a soil mass by the weight of the overburden and due to
external loadings caused by the construction of structures. It is impossible to keep track
of forces acting at different points of a soil mass because of its heterogenic nature, and
thus stress developed over a zone is used. A stress-induced soil is associated with defor-
mation (may be settlement or heave). Depending on the method of application of a load
and the mode of distribution of stresses, the stress developed might strengthen the soil
by expelling pore water pressure or induce a soil mass failure by actuating the stresses.
This chapter and Chapters 8 and 9 discuss the predication of stress and the associated
volume change and strength of soil.
tzy txz
tyz sx
sy x
sl s3
1 Unit
s1 cos q cos q tn B
s3 sin q cos q
A q
s1 cos q sin q s1 cos q s3 sin q sin q
s3 sin q sin q
Consider an incremental element and the stresses acting on the planes to represent
the stress conditions at a point as shown in Fig. 7.1a. Here, σx, σy, and σz are the normal
stresses and τxy, τyz, and τzx are the shear stresses. To satisfy the rotational movement
equilibrium condition, the shear stress acting on orthogonal planes should be zero (i.e.,
τ xy = τ yx , τ yz = τ zy and τ xz = τ zx ).
Now consider all the planes passing through the point and locate the planes on which
there are no shear stresses. Such planes also mutually maintain orthogonality and are repre-
sented in Fig. 7.1b.
These normal stresses are called principal stresses and the planes, principal planes. These
three principal stresses are termed the major principal stress, σ1 (the largest stress), the inter-
mediate principal stress, σ2, and minor principal stress, σ3 (the smallest stress). The respective
strains in these three directions may be taken as ε1, ε2 , and ε3. In many practical geotechnical
problems in soils, the principal stresses act vertically and horizontally, e.g., the stress condi-
tion below a horizontal ground surface.
It is convenient to assume one of the principal stresses or principal strains to be zero and
convert the problem to one in a two-dimensional state. These two-dimensional states are
called (i) plane stress (ignoring strain, ε2) or (ii) plane strain (ignoring stress, σ2). Many geo-
technical problems are plane strain problems. Further, compression is considered as positive
and tension as negative, and a shear stress causing a counter-clockwise torque about the
centre of a free body is considered positive.
Now consider the cut element ABC as shown in Fig. 7.1c. Let the plane AB be 1 unit in
length; then AC = cos θ and CB = sin θ. The normal and shear stresses on plane AB can be
determined by resolving the forces parallel and normal to plane AB as
σn = σ1 cos 2 θ + σ3 sin 2 θ
Op q tn
s1 + s3
2 s
the state of stress on the plane inclined at θ with the major principal plane. Points E and F
represent the major and minor principal stresses, respectively.
The Mohr diagram is an excellent visualization of the orientations of various planes. If,
through the coordinates of σn and τn on the Mohr circle, a line is drawn parallel to the plane
on which these stresses act, this line intersects the Mohr circle at a unique point. If parallels
are drawn from E(σ1, 0) and F(σ3, 0) to the respective planes, these planes pass through the
same unique point. This point is referred to as the origin of planes or pole, Op. Thus, any line
drawn from the pole, parallel to a plane (on which the stresses are needed), intersects the
circle at a point, the coordinates of which represent the normal and shear stresses acting on
that plane.
Stress s1 + s3
E q q = Constant
path E 2
D s1 = Constant
Shear stress
C s3 = Constant
B C 1 1
A B 1 1
A s s1 = s3 s
It is convenient to plot only the point of maximum shear stress, and if needed the complete
circle can be reconstructed using such a point. Thus, the locus of points (Fig. 7.3b) on the
Mohr diagram whose coordinates represent the maximum shear stress and the associated
principal stress for the entire stress history is defined as a stress path (Lambe, 1967). For given
principal stresses σ1 and σ3, the coordinates of a point on the stress path are
σ1 + σ3 σ1 − σ3
p= and q =
2 2
Ground surface
B B′
s = s¢
z Grains
A Soil
A+ grains
(a) (b)
This total normal stress acting on section AA′ has two components, one of which acts on
the pore water and the other on the soil skeleton. The component on the water acts equally
in all directions and does not cause any change in the mechanical properties of the soil and
is known as the neutral stress or pore water pressure, uw.
The remaining part
σ ′ = σ − uw (7.6)
is that component of the total stress which rests entirely on the soil skeleton of the soil. Thus,
only this component of the total stress will cause a change in the mechanical properties and,
hence, is known as the effective stress.
This classical equation was put forth by Terzaghi (1925, 1943).
σ ′ = γ sat z − uw
σ ′ = γ sat z − zγ w
= z(γ sat − γ w )
σ ′ = zγ ′ (7.7)
Water surface
B B′
1 s = s¢+uw
uw s¢
(a) (b)
Let A be the total area (Fig. 7.5 b), Aw the area of water in contact with the total area minus
the mineral contact area), and Ac the mineral contact area. Then
Aw + Ac = A
Aw Ac
+ =1
aw + ac = 1 (7.8)
where aw = Aw /A is the ratio of area of water contact to the total area and ac = Ac/A the ratio
of area of mineral contact to the total area.
Actually, the pore water pressure acts only on aw, rather than on the complete area.
σ ′ = σ − aw uw
σ ′ = σ − (1 − ac ) uw
It has been widely accepted that ac is negligible (Lambe and Whitman, 1979; Reosenqvist, 1959).
ac = 0 and σ ′ = σ − uw
The above relationship is generally valid. This expression indirectly assumes that no other
stresses except the external applied stress, σ, and the pore water pressure, uw, exist within
the system. Further, the attractive and repulsive forces between particles are not accounted
for in this expression.
B B′
s =s ′+u*
Air uw s′
A′ Grains
A contact
u* = ua aa + uw uw
table (a) (b)
ac + aa + aw = 1 (7.10)
Bishop (1959) based on his intuition replaced aw in the above expression by an empirical
parameter χ, and thus
σ ′ = σ − [ua − χ(ua − uw )] (7.13b)
σ ′ = σ ac + ua aa + uw aw + R′ − A′ (7.13c)
That is,
σ ′ = σ ac + u * +R′ − A′ (7.13d)
where σ is the mineral–mineral contact stress, R′ the total inter-particle repulsion divided
by total inter-particle area, and A′ the total inter-particle attraction divided by total inter-
particle area.
From Eq. 7.13d the conventional effective stress, σ′, can be written as
σ ′ = σ − u* = σ ac + R′ − A′ (7.13e)
The above expression shows an increase in effective stress with an increase in the repul-
sive forces and a decrease in the attractive forces. This is contrary to the general physical
behaviour in a particulate soil system.
Having found the anomaly in the above expression, Sridharan (1968) rewrote Lambe’s
equation in the following manner.
c = σ ac = σ − uw − ua − R′ + A′ (7.13f)
where c is the effective contact stress, uw the effective pore water pressure, and ua the
effective pore air pressure.
c = σ ′ + σ ′′ (7.13g)
σ ′ = conventional effective stress
= σ − u* = σ − u a − u w
= σ − uw (for saturated soil)
σ″ = intrinsic effective stress
= A ′ − R′
The effective contact stress, c , has been defined as the modified effective stress. Equation 7.13f
agrees with the general behaviour of a soil system showing an increase in the effective stress
with an increase in the attractive forces and a decrease in the repulsive forces. The applica-
tion of this expression to predicting the volume change and shear strength behaviour of clays
has been hypothesized by Sridharan and Venkatappa Rao (1973, 1979). In a soil system with
low A′ – R′ forces, such as in granular soils, the expression for c tends to σ′, the conventional
effective stress.
σv = γ z (7.14)
Layer 1
z z Layer 2
g1z1 + g2z2
Layer 3
Yz g1z1 + g2z2+ g3z3
As the ground surface is horizontal, there are no shear stresses upon the horizontal or
vertical planes. The vertical stress increases with depth.* If the soil stratum is layered with
different total unit weights, then the vertical stress at a depth z will be equal to the total
weight of the individual soil layers (Fig. 7.7b); that is,
σ v = γ1 z1 + γ 2 z2 + γ 3 z3 = Σγ z (7.15)
The situation will be different depending on the groundwater position. In general, five
situations may be recognized for the static water condition, and they are explained below.
uw = 0 (7.17)
σ′v = σ v (7.18)
where σ′v is the effective vertical stress due to overburden. The total, neutral, and effective
stress variations up to a depth z are shown in Fig. 7.8a.
σv = γ z (7.19)
uw = 0 (7.20)
σ v′ = σ v (7.21)
*But the unit weight is not constant. It generally increases with depth. Under such conditions, σv is
given as σ v = ∫ γ dz .
gdH gdH
z Dr y soil
gd =
gdz O gdz
sv uw s¢
(b) G.S.
gH gH
Moist soil
(G + eSr) gw
g =
gz O gz
sv uw s v′
(c) G.S.
Submerged H
gsat H gw H g ′H
G+e g
gsat = w
G–e g
g¢= w
gsat z gw z g ′z
Saturated soil gsat H
(by capillary action) gw z + g ′ H
z gw (z − H)
Water G+e g
table gsat = w
1+e g ′z
gsat z gsat z
sv uw s v′
Fig. 7.8 Vertical stress distribution in (a) dry soil, (b) moist soil, (c) submerged soil, and (d) saturated
Ggw Dr y
gd = H gdH
1+e soil gwHc
sv uw s v¢
uw = γ w z (7.23)
σ v′ = σ v − uw = (γ sat − γ w )z
σ v′ = γ ′ z (7.24)
uw = −γ w z (7.26)
σ ′ v = σ v− u w = γ w z (7.27)
σ v = γ sat z (7.28)
uw = 0 (7.29)
σ ′ v = σ v− u w = γ sat z (7.30)
The condition shows that the soil at the ground surface is under stress (Fig. 7.8d). This
situation also explains why damp sand, as on a beach, is hard and dry sand loose on the
σ v = γd H (7.31)
uw = −γ w Hc (7.32)
σ ′ v = σ v− u w = γ d H − (−γ w Hc ) (7.33)
σ ′ v = γ d H + γ w Hc
That is, the stresses at a depth z from the ground surface are given as
σ v = γd H + γ sat Hc (7.34)
uw = 0 (7.35)
σ ′ v = σ v− u w = γ d H + γ sat Hc (7.36)
The stress distributions for the conditions explained above are given in Fig. 7.8e.
For calculation of the stresses below the water table in Cases 4 and 5, Case 3 is combined
with Case 1.
In the design of structures, such as retaining walls, sheeting, and pile foundations, the
geostatic stresses acting in the horizontal direction are needed. The horizontal stress, σh, is
a function of the vertical stress at the point under consideration. The ratio of the horizontal
or lateral stress to the vertical stress is represented by a coefficient K, termed the coefficient of
lateral pressure, that is,
K= (7.37)
σh = Kσ v (7.38)
Depending on the stress history of the soil medium, K has a wide range of values.
A detailed discussion of the parameter K is given in Chapter 11.
Ei Er
1 1
Deviator stress
Table 7.1 Typical range of values for stress–strain modulus, Es for soils
Very soft 2–15
Soft 5–25
Medium 15–50
Hard 50–100
Sandy 25–250
Glacial till
Loose 10–153
Dense 144–720
Very dense 478–1,440
Loess sand
Silty 7–21
Loose 10–24
Dense 48–81
Sand and gravel
Loose 48–144
Dense 96–192
Shale 144–14,400
Silt 2–20
Soil ν
Soil does not completely fulfil the basic assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy made
in the elastic half-space concept. However, the civil engineer has to apply the results of this
theory with judgement.
due to the surface load, viz., the vertical stress, σz, radial stress, σr, circumferential stress, σθ,
and shear stress, τrz, are given as (using polar coordinates, r, θ, and z),
3Q ⎡ 1 ⎤ 5/ 2
σz = ⎢ ⎥ (7.39)
2πz 2 ⎢ 1 + ( r / z )2 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Q ⎡⎢ 3 r 2 z 1 − 2ν ⎤
σr = − (7.40)
2π ⎢⎣ (r 2 / z 2 )5/ 2 r 2 + z 2 + z(r 2 + z 2 )1/ 2 ⎥⎦
⎡ ⎤
(1 − 2ν) ⎢⎢ 2 2 3 / 2 − ⎥
Q z 1
σθ = ⎥ (7.41)
2π ⎢ (r / z ) 2 2 2 2 ⎥
r + z + z (r + z ) ⎦
3Q ⎡⎢ rz 2 ⎤
τ rz = (7.42)
2π ⎢⎣ 1 + (r / z)5/ 2 ⎥⎦
Equation 7.39 is most frequently used in practice. This equation represents a high stress
beneath the point of load application (z = 0) and a decrease in stress with increase in depth.
Further, the stress decreases with increasing distance from the point of load application.
It should also be observed that it does not depend on the elastic or other properties of the
soil, i.e., it is independent of the material content of the medium (i.e., clay or sand). This
equation can be written in terms of an influence factor, called Boussinesq’s vertical stress
coefficient, NB , when
3Q ⎡⎢ 1 ⎤ 5/ 2
NB = ⎥ (7.43)
2π ⎢⎣ 1 + (r 2 / z 2 ) ⎥⎦
σz = 2 N B (7.44)
NB 0.3
Nw Nw
sz = N Q2
Equation 7.44 shows that the vertical stress is (i) directly proportional to the load,
(ii) inversely proportional to the depth squared, and (iii) proportional to some function of
the ratio r/z.
The solid line in Fig. 7.11 shows a variation of NB with the ratio r/z. Table 7.3 presents
Boussinesq’s vertical stress coefficients.
0.00 0.4775 0.34 0.2733 84 0.0844 1.35 0.0251 1.85 0.0085 2.35 0.0034
0.01 0.4773 0.35 0.2679 85 0.0823 1.36 0.0245 1.86 0.0084 2.36 0.0033
0.03 0.4764 0.37 0.2571 87 0.0783 1.38 0.0234 1.88 0.0081 2.38 0.0032
0.04 0.4756 0.38 0.2518 88 0.0764 1.39 0.0229 1.89 0.0079 2.39 0.0032
0.05 0.4756 0.39 0.2466 89 0.0744 1.40 0.0224 1.90 0.0078 2.40 0.0031
0.06 0.4723 0.40 0.2414 90 0.0727 1.41 0.0219 1.91 0.0076 2.41 0.0031
0.07 0.4717 0.41 0.2363 91 0.0709 1.42 0.0214 1.92 0.0075 2.42 0.0030
0.08 0.4699 0.42 0.2313 92 0.0691 1.43 0.0209 1.93 0.0073 2.43 0.0030
0.09 0.4679 0.43 0.2263 93 0.0674 1.44 0.0204 1.94 0.0072 2.44 0.0029
0.10 0.4657 0.44 0.2214 94 0.0658 1.45 0.0200 1.95 0.0070 2.45 0.0029
0.11 0.4633 0.45 0.2165 95 0.0641 1.46 0.0195 1.96 0.0069 2.46 0.0028
0.12 0.4607 0.46 0.2117 96 0.0626 1.47 0.0191 1.97 0.0068 2.47 0.0028
0.13 0.4579 0.47 0.2070 97 0.0610 1.48 0.0187 1.98 0.0066 2.48 0.0027
0.14 0.4548 0.48 0.2040 98 0.0595 1.49 0.0183 1.99 0.0065 2.49 0.0027
0.15 0.4516 0.49 0.1978 99 0.0581 1.50 0.0171 2.00 0.0064 2.50 0.0026
0.16 0.4482 0.50 0.1934 1.00 0.0567 1.51 0.0171 2.01 0.0063 2.51 0.0026
0.17 0.446 0.51 0.1889 1.01 0.0553 1.52 0.0171 2.02 0.0062 2.52 0.0025
0.18 0.4409 0.52 0.1846 1.02 0.0539 1.53 0.0167 2.03 0.0060 2.53 0.0025
0.19 0.4370 0.53 0.1804 1.03 0.0526 1.54 0.0163 2.04 0.0059 2.54 0.0025
0.20 0.4329 0.54 0.1762 1.04 0.0513 1.55 0.0160 2.05 0.0058 2.55 0.0024
0.21 0.4286 0.55 0.1721 1.05 0.0501 1.56 0.0157 2.06 0.0057 … …
0.22 0.4242 0.56 0.1681 1.06 0.0489 1.57 0.0153 2.07 0.0056 2.57 0.0023
0.23 0.4197 0.57 0.1641 1.07 0.0477 1.58 0.0150 2.08 0.0055 … …
0.24 0.4151 0.58 0.1603 1.08 0.0466 1.59 0.0147 2.09 0.0054 2.59 0.0023
0.25 0.4103 0.59 0.1565 1.09 0.0454 1.60 0.0144 2.10 0.0053 … …
0.26 0.4054 0.60 0.1527 1.10 0.443 1.61 0.0141 2.11 0.0052 2.61 0.0022
0.27 0.4004 0.61 0.1491 1.12 0.0433 1.62 0.0138 2.12 0.0051 … …
0.28 0.3954 0.62 0.1455 1.13 0.0422 1.63 0.0135 2.13 0.0050 2.63 0.0021
0.29 0.3902 0.63 0.1420 1.14 0.0412 1.64 0.0132 2.14 0.0049 … …
0.30 0.3849 0.64 0.1386 1.15 0.0402 1.65 0.0129 2.15 0.0048 2.65 0.0021
0.31 0.3796 0.65 0.1353 1.16 0.0393 1.66 0.0126 2.16 0.0047 … …
0.32 0.3742 0.66 0.1320 1.17 0.0384 1.67 0.0124 2.17 0.0047 2.67 0.0019
0.33 0.3687 0.67 0.1288 1.18 0.0374 1.68 0.0121 2.18 0.0046 … …
0.34 0.3632 0.68 0.1257 1.19 0.0365 1.69 0.0119 2.19 0.0045 2.69 0.0017
0.35 0.3577 0.69 0.1226 1.20 0.0357 1.70 0.0116 2.20 0.0044 … …
0.36 0.3521 0.70 0.1196 1.21 0.0348 1.71 0.0114 2.21 0.0043 2.71 0.0015
0.37 0.3465 0.71 0.1166 1.22 0.0340 1.72 0.0112 2.22 0.0043 … …
0.38 0.3408 0.72 0.1138 1.23 0.0332 1.73 0.0109 2.23 0.0042 2.73 0.0013
0.39 0.3351 0.73 0.1110 1.24 0.0324 1.74 0.0107 2.24 0.0041 … …
0.40 0.3294 0.74 0.1083 1.25 0.0317 1.75 0.0105 2.25 0.0040 2.75 0.0011
0.41 0.3238 0.75 0.1057 1.26 0.0309 1.76 0.0103 2.26 0.0040 … …
0.42 0.3181 0.76 0.1031 1.27 0.0302 1.77 0.0101 2.27 0.0039 2.77 0.0009
0.43 0.3124 0.77 0.1005 1.28 0.0295 1.78 0.0099 2.28 0.0038 … …
0.44 0.3068 0.78 0.0981 1.29 0.0288 1.79 0.0097 2.29 0.0038 2.79 0.0007
0.45 0.3011 0.79 0.0956 1.30 0.0282 1.80 0.0095 2.30 0.0037 … …
0.46 0.2955 0.80 0.0933 1.31 0.0275 1.81 0.0093 2.31 0.0036 2.81 0.0005
0.47 0.2899 0.81 0.0910 1.32 0.0269 1.82 0.0091 2.32 0.0036 … …
0.48 0.2843 0.82 0.0887 1.33 0.0263 1.83 0.0089 2.33 0.0035 2.83 0.0003
0.49 0.2788 0.83 0.0865 1.34 0.0257 1.84 0.0087 2.34 0.0034 … …
2.85 0.0001
6.15 0.0001
Vertical stress
Vertical stress z1 distribution
distribution on
with depth
a horizontal
plane z2
The stress isobar is a stress contour connecting all points of equal stress below the ground
surface. There are many isobars for a given load system. The stress isobar is also referred to
as bulb of pressure or pressure bulb. The soil mass bounded within a pressure bulb furnishes
the support power of a footing.
The vertical stress distribution on a horizontal plane at a depth z1 from the ground
surface is obtained by varying r. The magnitude of the vertical stress along the load-line
decreases with an increase in depth and this is reflected in the distribution diagram at a
depth z2 (Fig. 7.12).
The vertical stress distribution on a vertical plane at a distance r from the load points is
obtained by varying z. The diagram represents a maximum value at a depth nearer to the
ground surface, which decreases with depth. The magnitude of the maximum value will
decrease with increasing distance from the load point (Fig. 7.12).
Q (1 − 2ν)
σz = 2
1/ 2π 3/2
z (2 − 2ν)/ ⎡⎢(1 − 2ν)/(2 − 2ν) + (r / z)2 ⎤⎥
⎣ ⎦
Westergaard further considered obtaining a maximum by letting ν = 0; hence, Eq. 7.45
reduces to
Q 1/ π
σz = (7.46)
z ⎡1 + 2(r / z)2 ⎤ 3 / 2
⎣⎢ ⎦⎥
This expression resembles Eq. 7.44 of Boussinesq and a comparison of Nw is made with NB
in Fig. 7.11. The stresses given by Westergaard’s solution range down to two-thirds of those
of Boussinesq’s solution.
2q z3
σz = (7.48)
π ( x + z 2 )2
2q x z2
τ rz = (7.49)
π ( x 2 + z 2 )2
The lateral pressure on earth-retaining structures caused by a line load (e.g., a railway) on
the surface of the backfill may be computed using Eq. 7.48.
sx sz
a b sz
sx A
Strip Area Carrying Uniform Pressure. A strip of width B and infinite length, loaded
with a uniform pressure, is shown in Fig. 7.14 (similar to the pressure of a wall footing). The
stresses at point A are given as
σz = [α + sin α cos(α + 2β )] (7.50)
τ rz = [sin α sin(α + 2β )] (7.51)
A plot of contours of equal vertical stresses is shown in Fig. 7.15 for different stress ratios.
As explained earlier, this enables one to fix the depth of the stress influence. The distribution
of stress beneath an uniform strip load is important in estimating settlements.
Strip Area of Triangular Shape. A triangular strip area carrying a linearly increasing
pressure over width B and of infinite length is shown in Fig. 7.16a. The vertical stress at a
point A due to such a surface load is
q⎛x 1 ⎞
σ z = ⎜⎜⎜ α − sin 2β ⎟⎟⎟ (7.52)
π ⎝B 2 ⎠
B q
0.80q 1q
0.40q 0.10q
0.30q 0.20q
q q
G.S. G.S.
R1 z
R1 z
a a
sz sz
(a) (b)
sx A
The vertical stress beneath the vertical face (Fig. 7.16b) is obtained by making β = 0 and
x = B; thus,
σz = α (7.53)
The shear stress is given as
q⎛ z ⎞
τ xz = ⎜⎜⎜1 + cos 2β − 2 α⎟⎟⎟ (7.54)
π⎝ B ⎠
For a symmertrically distributed triangular load (Fig. 7.17a), the stresses are
2q ⎡⎢ B R R ⎤
σz = ⎢ (α1 + α2 ) + x(α1 − α2 ) − 2 z log e 1 2 2 ⎥⎥ (7.55)
πB ⎢⎣ 2 R0 ⎥⎦
B/2 B/2
b/2 b/2
B/2 B/2
q = q1 + q2
Q q2
G.S. G.S.
R′1 R′0
R ′1 R ′2
R1 R2
z R1 a a′2 R2
a1 a2 1 a2
(a) (b)
B /2 B /2
B /2
0.5q 0.1q
τ rz = (α1 − α2 ) (7.56)
q + (b / a)q
(σ z )1 = (α1 + α2 ) (7.57)
a b b q
q q b q
a b b
a2 z
a2 z z
a1 a1 + a2
(a) A
(b) A
⎡ q + (b / a)q bq ⎤
σ z = (σ z )1 − (σ z )2 = ⎢ (α1 + α2 ) − α2 ⎥ (7.59)
⎢⎣ π aπ ⎥⎦
q ⎡⎛ a + b ⎞⎟ b ⎤
σz = ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (α1 + α2 ) − α2 ⎥ (7.60)
π⎣ a⎜
⎝ ⎠ a ⎥⎦
or sz = NEq, where
1 ⎡⎛⎜ a + b ⎞⎟ b ⎤
NE = ⎢⎜ ⎟ (α + α ) − α2 ⎥ (7.61)
π ⎢⎣⎜⎝ a ⎟⎠ a ⎥⎦
1 2
1 ⎛a b⎞
= f ⎜⎜⎜ , ⎟⎟⎟ (7.62)
π ⎝z z⎠
The values of the influence factor for various a/z and b/z are given in Fig. 7.20
(Osterberg, 1957).
0.50 3.0
0.45 1.4
0.40 0.9
0.30 0.5
0.10 0.1
b/z = 0
0.001 0.01 0.1 10
Circular Area Carrying Uniform Pressure. Two cases of stresses due to a uniform pres-
sure on a circular area are available, viz., (i) stresses under the centre of the circular area and
(ii) stresses at any point on the soil.
The vertical stress at a depth z under the centre of a circular area of diameter 2 a is (Fig. 7.21)
⎡ ⎧⎪ ⎫⎪⎪3 /2 ⎤⎥
σz = q ⎢⎢ 1 − ⎪⎨
1 (7.63)
2⎬ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎪⎪⎩ (1 + a /z ) ⎪⎪⎭ ⎥⎦
= q Ncc (7.64)
⎡ ⎧⎪ ⎫⎪3 / 2 ⎤⎥
⎢ ⎪ 1 ⎪⎬
Ncc = ⎢1 − ⎨ ⎥ (7.65)
⎢ ⎪⎪⎩ (1 + a / z)2 ⎪⎪⎭ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
The value of the influence factor Ncc is given in Fig. 7.22. Equation 7.63 is valid only for
the stress along the centre line. Foster and Ahlvin (1954) have given a chart for finding σz at
any point lying under as well as outside the loaded area (Fig. 7.23).
0 2 4 6 8
Fig. 7.22 Influence chart for vertical stress under centre of circular area
q dA = db dl
a db
l dl
Fig. 7.23 Vertical stress at any point due to uniformly loaded circular area
σ z = q N CA (m, n) (7.67)
This chart (Fig. 7.24) is based on the assumption that Poission’s ratio ν = 0.5. This is
applicable to points under the centre as well as at all points away from the centre. The pressure
bulbs for a uniform circular load are given in Fig. 7.25.
0 1.25
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0
1 3.0 0.25
4.0 0.5
2 5.0 0.75
Depth ratio m = z/a
3 6.0
4 n = x/a
6 10.0
0.1 1.0 10 100
Nca , %
Fig. 7.24 Influence chart for vertical stress at any point due to uniformly loaded circular area
(Source: Foster and Ahlvin, 1954)
2a q = Maximum applied
Diameter pressure
0.90q 0.80q
a 0.70q
0.30q 0.40q
Rectangular Area Carrying Uniform Pressure. The vertical stress beneath the corner of a
uniformly loaded rectangular area can be expressed as (Fig. 7.26)
q ⎡⎢ 2mn(m2 + n2 + 1)1/ 2 m2 + n2 + 2 2 2
−1 2mn( m + n + 1)
1/ 2 ⎤
σz = . + tan (7.68)
4π ⎢⎣ m2 + n2 + m2 n2 + 1 m2 + n2 + 1 m2 + n2 + 1 − m2 n2 ⎥⎦
Here the width, B, and length, L, of the rectangle are given as mz and nz, where z is the
depth under consideration. Equation 7.68 can be written as
σ z = qNR (7.69)
1 ⎢⎡ 2mn(m2 + n2 + 1)1/ 2 m2 + n2 + 2 2 2
−1 2mn( m + n + 1)
1/ 2 ⎤
NR = . + tan (7.70)
4π ⎢⎣ m + n + m n + 1 m + n + 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
m + n + 1 − m n2 ⎥⎦
2 2 2
Figure 7.27 shows the variation of NR with m and n (Fadum, 1948). The factors m and n
in the chart are interchangeable. This chart can be adopted for any area based on rectangles
under any point within or outside the area to be obtained by the method of superposition.
nz q
Fig. 7.26 Vertical stress under corner of uniformly loaded rectangular area
mz n
0.26 nz q
0.24 1.4
0.22 sz
sz = qNR 0.8
Na 0.14
0.10 0.3
0.04 0.1
0.1 1 10
Fig. 7.27 Influence chart for vertical stress under corner of uniformly loaded rectangular area
(Source: Fadum, 1948)
Newmark’s Influence Chart. The preceding sections outline the stress distributions due
to loaded areas of regular geometry and cannot be applied without error to irregularly
shaped areas. Newmark (1942) devised a graphical procedure based on the expression for
the vertical stress under the centre of a loaded circular area (Fig. 7.21).
Equation 7.63 for a circular loaded area can be rewritten in the form
⎡ ⎫⎪3 / 2 ⎤⎥
σ z ⎢ ⎧⎪⎪ 1 ⎪⎬
= ⎢1 − ⎨ ⎥
q ⎢ ⎪⎪⎩ 1 + ( a / z)2 ⎪⎪⎭ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
For different values σz/q, the values of the ratio are calculated. The a/z values for σz /q
varying from 0 to 1.0 are given in Table 7.4.
A suitable depth scale is chosen and all the radii for nine circles are calculated and drawn
(Fig. 7.28); e.g., the first circle, with σz /q = 0.10, will have a radius a = 0.27z. If the depth z
(in metres) is represented by the length AB (in mm), then the radius a (in mm) = 0.27AB.
0 0 0.60 0.92
0.10 0.27 0.70 1.11
0.20 0.40 0.80 1.39
0.30 0.52 0.90 1.91
0.40 0.64 1.00 ∞
0.50 0.77
a = 1.
z a = 1.39
Depth unit = z
Influence value = 0.005
Fig. 7.28 Newmark influence chart for vertical stress at any depth z = AB
(Source: Newmark, 1942)
Now, divide each circular ring into 20 convenient parts (i.e., 200 influence units). The stress
transferred by one annular ring is 0.10, which is divided into 20 parts. Thus, the influence
value for one block (irrespective of size) is
NN = = 0.005 (7.71)
The stress at a depth z for a specifc point is
To use this chart, the loaded surface is drawn to a scale such that the distance AB equals
the depth of the point in question. The point beneath the loaded area for which the vertical
stress is sought is then located over the centre of the chart. The plotted area covers a number
of influence blocks, and the number of influence units are counted. Thus, the vertical stress
is found from Eq. 7.72.
Figure 7.29 shows Newmark’s influence chart for the vertical stress based on Wester-
gaard’s theory.
Approximate Soultion of Vertical Stress. Approximate estimates of vertical stress at a
depth z due to a uniformly loaded circular or rectangular area can be obtained by the 60°
distribution (Fig. 7.30) or a 2:1 distribution (about 63°) assumption (Fig. 7.30b). This method
a = 2.2
Influence value = 0.005
n = 0.0
Fig. 7.29 Influence chart for vertical stress based on Westergaard theory
(Source: Bowles, 1982)
q q
z 2
sz sz
B + 1.5z B +z
(a) 30° distribution (b) 2:1 distribution
predicts values nearer to those obtained from elastic solutions when z/B is in the range
1.5 < z/B < 5. For smaller depths this approach yields lower values (i.e., z/B < 1.5) and
higher values at greater depth (i.e., z/B > 5.0). However, this method may be used for the
determination of σz for a preliminary analysis.
For a retangular area of dimensions B×L, the vertical stress is given below. For a 30° slope
(or distribution),
⎡ BL ⎤
σz = q ⎢ ⎥ (7.73)
⎢ (B +1.5z)(L +1.5z) ⎥
⎣ ⎦
For a 2:1 slope,
⎡ BL ⎤
σz = q ⎢ ⎥ (7.74)
⎢ (B + z)(L + z) ⎥
⎣ ⎦
q q
qmax = q
qmax Uniform
qmin settlement
qmax > q > qmin
settlement profile
(a) Flexible footing on cohesive soil (b) Rigid footing on cohesive soil
qmax = q qmax
qmax = q Uniform
(c) Flexible footing on (d) Rigid footing on cohesionless soil
cohesionless soil
For a flexible foundation resting on a non-cohesive soil, the distribution of contact pressure
is uniform, but the edges of the foundation experience a large settlement. Because of the lack
of confining pressure at the edges, the foundation settles more (Fig. 7.31c).
The settlement of a rigid footing on a sand layer is uniform and the contact pressure
increases from zero at the edge to a maximum at the centre (Fig. 7.31d).
In actual practice, no foundation is perfectly flexible or infinitely rigid, and hence the
actual distribution of the contact pressure is somewhere between the extreme values. Suffi-
cient accuracy in the calculation of stresses and displacements can be obtained by assuming
a uniform distribution of the contact pressure.
Example 7.1 Three soil samples are tested with the state of stresses shown in Fig. 7.32.
s1 = 600 kN/m2
k N/m
s2 = 100 kN/m2 00
s3 = 100
s1 = 600 =6 2
kN/m2 s 1 N/m
Fig. 7.32
tn = 220 30°
tn = 220
Op 30°
O O Op
sn = 500
s1 = 600 sn = 500
100 tn = 200
Fig. 7.33
Example 7.2 In the process of an excavation for a wall footing, the water table level was
lowered from a depth of 1.2 m to a depth of 4.5 m in a clayey sand deposit. Considering that the
soil above the water table remains saturated at a water content of 28%, compute the following:
1. The effective stress at a depth of 4 m after the lowering of the water table. Take G = 2.68.
2. The increase in effective stress at a depth of 5 m.
G+e G + wG
γ sat = γw = γw
1+ e 1 + wG
2.638 + 0.28 × 2.68
= × 9.807 = 19.2 kN / m 2
1 + 0.28 × 2.68
–11.77 kN / m2 11.77 kN / m2
1.2 m
23.04 kN / m2 23.04 kN / m2
96 kN / m2 37.27 kN / m2 58.73 kN / m2
s uw s¢
–44.13 kN / m2 44.13 kN / m2
1.2 m
4.5 m
5.0 m
4.9 kN / m2
76.8 kN / m2 81.7 kN / m2
96 kN / m2 4.9 kN / m2 91.1 kN / m2
s uw s¢
Fig. 7.34
Example 7.3 An overhead water tank is supported at a depth of 3 m by four isolated square
footing of sides 2 m each placed in a square pattern with a centre-to-centre spacing of 8 m
(Fig. 7.35). Compute the vertical stress at the foundation level (i) at the centre of the four
footings and (ii) at the centre of one footing. Adopt Boussinesq’s point load approximation.
The load on each footing is 700 kN.
+ +
8m .3
+ +
Fig 7.35
Boussinesq vertical stress
3 Q ⎡ 1 ⎤ 5/ 2
σz = ⎢ ⎥
2π z 2 ⎢ 1 + ( r / z )2 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
⎡ ⎪⎫⎪ ⎤⎥
5/ 2
⎢ 3 700 ⎪⎧⎪ 1
The stress at the centre = 4 ⎢ × 2 ⎨ ⎬ ⎥
⎢ 2π 3 ⎪⎪⎩ 1 + (5.655 / 3)2 ⎪⎪⎭ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
⎡ 700 ⎤
= 4⎢ × 0.0226⎥ = 3.36 kN / m 2
⎢⎣ 6π ⎥⎦
Example 7.4 Two railway wagon lines in a harbour yard are located at 6 m centre-to-centre.
The average loads per metre run in the lines are 100 and 80 kN/m. Find the vertical stress
induced by this loading at a depth of 2 m beneath each load and halfway between them. If a
100 kN crane is installed exactly midway between the lines, what additional stress is caused
below the crane at the same depth.
Consider the railway wagon load as a line load of infinite extent. The vertical stress is given as
2qz 3
σz =
π( x 2 + z 2 )2
2×100 ⎡⎢ 23 ⎤ 2× 80 ⎡
⎥+ ⎢ 23 ⎤
= ⎢ 2 2⎥ ⎢ 2 2⎥
π ⎣ (0 + 2 ) ⎦
π ⎣ (6 + 2 ) ⎦
2× 80 ⎡⎢ 23 ⎤ 2×100 ⎡
⎥+ ⎢ 23 ⎤
= ⎢ 2 2⎥ ⎢ 2 2⎥
π ⎣ (0 + 2 ) ⎦
π ⎣ (6 + 2 ) ⎦
= 25.78 kN / m 2
2×100 ⎡⎢ 23 ⎤ 2× 80 ⎡
⎥+ ⎢ 23 ⎤
= ⎢ 2 2⎥ ⎢ 2 2⎥
π ⎣ (3 + 2 ) ⎦
π ⎣ (3 + 2 ) ⎦
= 5.42 kN / m 2
The additional stress below the crane, considering the crane load as a vertical concentrated
load, is given as
3Q ⎡ 1 ⎤ 5/ 2
σz = ⎢ ⎥
2 π z2 ⎢ 1 + ( r / z )2 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
3 ×100 ⎢ ⎡ 1 ⎤ 5/ 2
= ⎥ = 11.94 kN / m 2
2 ⎢ 2⎥
2 × π × 2 ⎣ 1 + ( 0 / 2) ⎦
Q¢ Q R
6m 6m
Fig. 7.36
Example 7.6 Calculate the stress in a soil mass below the centre of a uniformly loaded cir-
cular area of radius 1.5 m with a pressure of 60 kN/m2 and thus obtain the exact depth at
which the stress reduces to 10% of the applied stress.
The vertical stress at a depth z under the centre of a circular area of diameter 2a is given as
⎡ ⎪⎧ ⎪⎫⎪ ⎤⎥
⎢ ⎪ 1
σ z = q ⎢1 − ⎨ ⎬ ⎥
⎢ ⎪⎪⎩ 1 + ( a / z)2 ⎪⎪⎭ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
= 0.90
{1 + (1.5 / z)2 }
or z2 = 2.25/0.075 = 30, or z = 5.48 m. Therefore, the depth at which the stress is 10% of the
applied stress is 5.48 m.
Example 7.7 A total load of 900 kN is uniformly distributed over a rectangular footing of
size 2 m × 3 m. Find the vertical stress at a depth of 2.5 m below the footing at point C, under
one corner, and D, under the centre. If another footing of size 1 m × 3 m with a total load of
450 kN is constructed adjoining the previous footing, what is the additional vertical stress at
the point C at the same depth due to the construction of the second footing.
Refer to Fig. 7.37.
q= = 150 kN / m 2
2× 3
For the stress under corner C,
3 2
m= = 1.2 and n = = 0.8
2.5 2.5
3m 1m
Fig. 7.37
1.5 1
m= = 0.6 and n = = 0.4
2.5 2.5
3 1
m= = 1.2 and n = = 0.4
2.5 2.5
From Fig. 7.27, NR = 0.105. The additional stress at corner C, due to the construction of the
second footing = 150×0.105 = 15.8 kN/m2.
Example 7.8 A foundation is constructed to take a stress of 150 kN/m2 and is flush with
another existing foundation (Fig. 7.38) taking a load of 100 kN/m2. Find the vertical stress at
a depth of 2 m below the point D. Use the Newmark’s chart given in Fig. 7.39 with an influ-
ence value of 0.002.
Considering the depth scale AB = 2 m, draw the loaded area to this scale with D at the centre
of the chart. This is drawn and shown in Fig. 7.39.
The number of stress blocks occupied by areas ABCD and EFGH are separately counted
and given as
No. of blocks in ABCD = N1 = 72
No. of blocks in EFGH = N2 = 50
Stress under point D = q1 × N N × n1 + q2 × N N × n2
= N N (q1 n1 + q2 n2 )
6 kN / m 2
= 0.002 (150 ×72 + 100 × 50) = 31.6
1m 1m
150 100
2m kN/m2 kN/m2
Fig. 7.38
Fig. 7.39
Example 7.9 A shallow pond of 1 m depth has a 4.5 m thick layer of silty fine sand below
the bottom of the pond with a total unit weight of 17.8 km/m3. This is underlain by a layer
of medium sand. It has been found that the sand layer is subjected to an artesian pressure
throughout the year as given below.
Medium sand
7.1 Principal planes are those where only normal stresses act and no shear stresses exist.
Such a normal stress is called a principal stress. Three principal stresses act on three
mutually orthogonal planes, viz., the major principal stress (the largest stress), the
intermediate principal stress, and the minor principal stress (the smallest stress).
7.2 The graphical representation of the state of the normal and shear stresses acting on
different planes in a lucid form is known as the Mohr’s circle.
7.3 The locus of points on the Mohr diagram whose coordinates represent the maximum
shear stress and the associated principal stress for the entire stress history is defined
as a stress path.
7.4 In a saturated soil, the total stress (σ) has two stress components. The stress compo-
nent on the water, which does not cause any change in the mechanical properties of
the soil, is known as the neutral stress or pore water pressure (uw). The other compo-
nent of total stress which rests entirely on the soil skeleton of the soil is responsible for
changes in the properties of the soil.
7.5 The elastic half-space is an idealized soil medium which is homogeneous, isotropic,
and elastic. The behaviour of the medium is governed by the stress–strain modulus,
E, and Poisson’s ratio, ν.
7.6 Boussinesq’s theory assumes a weightless, elastic half-space, and gives components
of stresses caused by a vertical point surface load.
7.7 The stress isobar or pressure bulb is a stress contour connecting all points of equal
stress below the ground surface. The soil bounded within a pressure bulb furnishes
the support power of a footing.
7.8 Westergaard assumed an elastic half-space medium in which there is no lateral strain
and the medium suits the condition of a sedimentary soil.
7.9 Newmark’s chart is a graphical procedure for determining the vertical stress due to a
surface load of any shape. The chart is based on the expression for the vertical stress
under the centre of a loaded circular area.
7.10 The contact pressure is the pressure transmitted from the base of a foundation of the
soil and depends on the rigidity of the foundation structure and the nature of the soil.
Objective Questions
7.1 State which of the following statements are true or false:
1. In several situations the effective stress will be greater than the total applied stress.
2. The effective stress in a soil mass is always the actual grain-to-grain contact stress.
3. Application of Boussinesq’s vertical stress overestimates the settlement.
4. The effective stress of a soil is not affected by the type of pore fluid.
5. Westergaard’s expression for the vertical stress considers the weight of the soil
7.2 The contact pressure distribution under a rigid footing on saturated clay and dense
sand is _______ and ________ , respectively.
(a) Uniform
(b) Concave parabolic
(c) Convex parabolic
7.3 For a vertical concentrated load acting on the surface of a semi-infinite elastic soil
mass, the vertical normal stress at depth z is
(a) Directly proportional to z (b) Inversely proportional to z
(c) Directly proportional to z2 (d) Inversely proportional to z2
7.4 The approximate depth at which the effective vertical pressure is equal to 100 kN/m2
in a typical deposit of submerged soil is
(a) 5 m (b) 10 m
(c) 20 m (d) 100 m
7.5 If the entire semi-infinite mass is loaded with a load intensity of q at the surface, the
vertical stress at any depth is
(a) 0.2q (b) q
(c) Zero (d) Infinity
7.6 A rise in the groundwater table up to the capillary zone results in
(a) A decrease in the degree of saturation (b) An increase in the effective stress
(c) A decrease in the effective stress (d) No change in the pore water pressure
7.7 Assertion A: The effective stress is that part of the load which is transmitted by the
particles divided by the gross area.
Reason R: The effective stress is not a stress that can be measured directly but a com-
puted value.
Select the correct code.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
7.8 The diameter of the Mohr’s circle for plane stress conditions is the
(a) Octahedral stress (b) Shear stress
(c) Deviator stress (d) Principal stress ratio
7.9 Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
1. Westergaard’s theory — For soils with a thin layer of coarse materials only
2. Newmark’s chart — Graphical procedure based on circular loaded area
3. Boussinesq’s theory — For vertical stress only
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 1 and 3 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 2 alone is correct
7.10 As the depth of the stress isobar increases, the intensity of stress
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant (d) Initially decreases and then increases
Descriptive Questions
7.11 Discuss the essential differences between Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s theories.
For which condition do both these theories yield approximately the same value of
vertical stress?
7.12 How far is it justifiable to adopt Boussinesq’s theory for predicting the vertical stress
in sand deposits?
7.13 What is the basic principle involved in the development of Newmark’s chart?
7.14 Explain why the effective stress evaluation in a partially saturated clay is very complex.
7.15 Discuss the limitations of Lambe’s effective stress expression.
7.1 A sample is subjected to the following principal stresses: σ1 = 700 N / m and σ3
= −200 N / m 2 . Draw the Mohr’s circle and locate the origin of planes. Find σn and
τn on a plane making an angle 50° with the major principal plane. Also find the maxi-
mum shear stress.
7.2 The normal stresses acting on two mutually perpendicular planes are 150 and 60 kN/m2
and the shear stress on each plane is 110 kN/m2. Draw Mohr’s circle and find
1. The principal stresses and the planes
2. The possibility of tension occurring on any plane for this stress condition
3. The shear and normal stresses acting on a plane making an angle of 70° with the
major principal stress
7.3 An impervious, saturated clay layer of 12.5 m thickness lies over a sand aquifer. Piezom-
eters inserted into the sand layer show an artesian pressure condition with the piezo-
metric surface 3.5 m above the surface of the clay. Determine the effective stress at the
top of the sand layer. The parameters of the clay layer are e = 1.26 and G = 2.72. How
deep an excavation can be made in the clay layer without the danger of a bottom heave?
7.4 The soil conditions shown in Fig. 7.40 are revealed during a boring operation.
Represent by diagrams the variation with depth of the total vertical overburden pres-
sure, the pore water pressure, and the effective overburden pressure. Assume the top
1 m is dry. Compute the total and effective overburden pressure at the bottom of the
clay layer immediately after the lowering of the water table, if the water level in the
gravel layer is suddently lowered by 2.1 m.
Before lowering After lowering
2.1 m
5m g = 19.6 kN/m3
gd = 15.7 kN/m3
Fig. 7.40
7.5 In a fine sand deposit, the water table is located at 4 m from the ground surface. Due to cap-
illary action only 1 m depth of sand above the water table is saturated and the remaining
is dry. The dry and saturated unit weights of sand are, respectively, 19.2 and 21.6 kN/m3.
Estimate the effective vertical stress in the sand at a depth of 10 m below the surface.
7.6 A boring log indicates the presence of 5 m of silty sand from the ground surface followed
by 3 m of coarse sand, which in turn rests on a deep deposit of gravel. The groundwater
table is located at the top of the sand layer. The soil characteristics are as given below:
120 kN/m
90 kN/m
150 kN/m
Fig. 7.41
7.11 A uniformly distributed load of infinite extent in both lateral directions, when applied
at the surface of a natural soil formation, produces an increase of 75 kN/m 2 in the ver-
tical stress at a depth of 3 m. Find the stress increment at a depth of 5 m.
7.12 Show that the vertical stress, σ’z, at depth z, for a long strip area with a triangular dis-
tributed load (Fig. 7.42) is
a b
Fig. 7.42
q ⎡a+b+r r ⎤
σz = ⎢ β − α⎥
π ⎢⎣ b a ⎥⎦
7.13 A very long embankment is to be built with a top width of 10 m and side slopes of
1:1½. The height of the embankment is 10 m. Compute the vertical stresses at a depth
of 5 m from the base at the following points: (i) below the toe, (ii) below the central
line, and (iii) below a point midway on the slope. Assume γ = 21 kN/m3.
7.14 A circular area is loaded with a uniform load intensity of 100 kN/m2 at the ground
surface. Calculate the vertical pressure at point A, so situated on the vertical line
through the center of the loaded area that the area subtends an angle of 90° at it.
7.15 A circular ring footing for an overhead water tank carries a load of 1,000 kN whose
outer diameter is 3 m and inner diameter is 1.5 m. Assume the surface pressure to
be uniform over the area. Determine the vertical stress at depths of 2 m and at radial
distances of 2 and 4 m from the center. Use Newmark’s chart with an influence value
of 0.005.
7.16 A square footing of 3 m×3 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 200 kN/m2.
Find the vertical stress at 3 m below the footing and under a point (i) 1.2 m away
from the corner and in line with the side, (ii) 1.2 m inside the corner and in line with
the side.
7.17 A wheel load of 1,200 kN is applied at the surface of a road. What will be the total load
on the crest of a culvert situated at 2.5 m below the surface? Assume that an area of
2 m×3 m at the crest level is transferring the load. Use Boussinesq’s stress coefficients
for a uniformly loaded rectangular area.
7.18 The ground surface of a building is lowered 2 m below the existing surface. A 1.2 m
square footing carrying a load of 200 kN/m2 is then constructed at the level of the new
surface. Estimate the net increase in stress in the soil mass 1.2 m below the center of
the foundation. Take the unit weight of soil to be 18 kN/m3.
7.19 Construct a Newmark’s chart for vertical stresses based on Boussinesq’s theory with
an influence value of 0.0025. Using this chart, determine the vertical stress induced
at a depth of 8 m below the circumference of a uniformly loaded circular area of 6 m
diameter, with an intensity of 120 kN/m2.
7.20 A continuous strip footing of 3 m width carries a uniformly distributed load of 110
kN/m2. Plot the vertical stress distribution on a plane situated at 2 m from the surface.
Compare the vertical stress distribution with that of the 60° approximation.
Rheological models of soil – Compressibility of soils – One-dimensional con-
solidation – Consolidation test – Compressibility characteristics – Types of
clay deposits – Prediction of pre-consolidation pressure – Terzaghi’s theory
of one-dimensional consolidation, time factor, coefficient of consolidation,
fitting methods – Secondary compression – Consolidation settlement and its
rates – Acceleration of consolidation – Compressibility of sands
When a soil layer is subjected to compressive stress due to construction activities, or
otherwise, it undergoes compression. The compression may be caused by rearrange-
ment of particles, seepage of water, crushing of particles, and elastic distortions. The
compression may be progressive and cumulative, dependent on the type, magnitude,
and duration of load and on the properties of the materials. Although the stresses
induced may not cause a failure, the civil engineer is concerned with them as the
magnitude of the compression may be detrimental for some special structures or block
the normal function of conventional structures. Compressibility is one of the three fun-
damental principles of geotechnical engineering to be understood by a civil engineer.
Although the mass is heterogeneous and does not have simple predictable charac-
teristics, the engineer is compelled to provide a safe and economical design. Thus, the
stress change – compression behaviour – may be dealt with by idealizing the soil mate-
rial as elastic for certain conditions and treating the soil as a mathematical model.
Settlement of a structure has to be analysed for three reasons: appearance of the
structure, utility of the structure, and damage to the structure. The aesthetic view of
a structure may be spoiled due to the presence of cracks or tilt of the structure caused
by settlement. Settlement caused to a structure may damage some of the utilities like
cranes, drains, pumps, electrical lines, etc. Further settlement can cause a structure to fail
structurally and collapse.
Settlement is the combination of time-independent (e.g., immediate compression) and
time-dependent compression (called consolidation). The engineer is interested in assessing
the magnitude and rate of compression, as well as the total and relative or differential settle-
ment of a structure.
This chapter deals with the process of consolidation and the methods of evaluating
consolidation settlement for different field conditions.
(a) Spring model (b) Dashpot model (c) Yield stress model
(uw)1 Piezometer
σ Datum
σ σ
c ks
(uw)1 ks
Initial Final
(Δuw)0 = Δs
(Δuw)t = 0
Permeable layer (sand)
s,u (Δuw)t = 0
(Δuw)0 = Δs ∞
Δs ′ = 0 Δσ ′ = Δ σ
(Δs ′)t1
t=0 t = t1 t=∞ Time
(b) Stress–time curve
Once the consolidation process starts by gradual squeezing of water from the soil pores,
the excess pore water pressure decreases, and the effective stress also increases [(Δσ ′)t1] by
the same amount such that the total stress always remains equal to Δσ at t = t1. That is,
This fact is represented in Fig. 8.2b. At t = ∞, the excess pore water pressure at all depths
of the clay layer will be dissipated completely such that
Δu w = (Δu w )t∞ = 0
This is the stage at which consolidation is said to be completed. In fact, only the primary
consolidation is over, and secondary consolidation may be on.
Terzaghi (1925, 1943) postulated a rigorous mathematical solution to the process of
consolidation, with a piston-spring rheological model (Fig. 8.1f) to explain the load transfer
Δσ ′
Water e0
Water e1
H1 V1
Soil Soil
solids 1 1
where Δe is the change in void ratio and e0 is the original void ratio. Rearranging,
ΔH = H (8.7)
1 + e0
This relationship is very general in nature and independent of the degree of saturation of
soil and the mechanism causing volume change.
Load Compression
Confining dial
Each pressure is normally maintained for a period of 24 hours, compression readings being
observed at suitable intervals during this period. The effective stress in the specimen is equal
to the applied pressure at the end of the load increment period. The expansion of the specimen
due to the successive decrease in applied pressure may be measured.
The above test procedure is referred to as the conventional procedure. Based on a detailed
study of this procedure, Leonards and Ramiah (1959) have reported that the void ratio and
effective stress relationship was not significantly affected by
1. moderate variations in room temperature,
2. variations in specimen size (the diameter to height ratio of about 2.75 or more), and
3. variations in the duration of load increment (provided primary consolidation is complete
and secondary compression is not important).
The void ratio at the end of each increment is obtained from the difference in dial gauge
readings and dry weight of the specimen at the end of the test. The method of calculation is
as follows (Fig. 8.5):
Mass of sample measured at the end of test = Ms
Thickness at the end of any increment period = H1
Area of specimen =A
Equivalent thickness of soil solids, Hs =
Void ratio e1 corresponding to pressure p1 is calculated as follows:
H1 − H s H
e1 = = 1 −1 (8.8)
Hs Hs
In the same way, void ratios at the end of each increment period are calculated.
H H1
solids Hs
Virgin curve
1.3 1.3
A B curve
1.2 1.2
Void ratio
Void ratio
1.1 1.1
curve C
1.0 1.0
0.9 Rebound D
Rebound curve
curve E
0.8 0.8
0 400 800 1,200 10 100 1,000
Vertical effective Vertical effective
stress, kN/m2 stress, kN/m2
(a) Arithmetic plot (b) Logarithmic plot
(e –p curve) (e–log p curve)
1 ⎛⎜ e0 − e1 ⎞⎟ 1 ⎛⎜ Δe ⎞⎟
mv = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟⎟ (8.11)
1 + e0 ⎜⎝ p1 − p0 ⎟⎠ 1 + e0 ⎜⎜⎝ Δp ⎟⎠
1 ⎛⎜ H − H1 ⎞⎟ 1 ⎛⎜ ΔH ⎞⎟
mv = ⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟⎟ (8.12a)
H ⎜⎜⎝ p1 − p0 ⎟⎠ H ⎜⎜⎝ Δp ⎟⎠
The coefficient of volume compressibility is numerically related to the coefficient of
compressibility as
mv = (8.12b)
1 + e0
The value of mv for a particular soil is not constant but depends on the stress range
(uw) i
p0 p p1
pressure above (uw)0 due to increase in pressure, and uw the pore water pressure at any time
in excess of (uw)0 then,
p1 = p0 + (uw )i = p + uw
(uw )i − uw u
Uz = = 1− w (8.15)
(uw )t (uw )t
Virgin curve
Disturbed sample
e sample
log p
pre-consolidation pressure (pc) is equal to the effective overburden pressure (p0). This is
not the case in the deposits which are subjected to thixotropic, secondary compression,
or cementation effects (Leonards, 1962). Thus, the in situ (or unsampled) compression
curve, called virgin curve, may be taken as line CD in Fig. 8.6b. Values of mv or Cc have
to be obtained from the virgin curve and used in the computation of the settlement.
Terzaghi and Peck (1967), based on Skempton’s earlier concept, proposed an empirical
equation for Cc, as Cc = 0.009(wL−10%). Indian Standard (IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976) suggests
Cc = 0.30(e0 − 0.27).
Range of pc
e0 G
Most probable value of pc
G′ Beginning of straight
line portion of curve
0.42e0 F
p0 log p
Net pressure
p p0
Effect of
overburden Total
Effect of in void ratio
log p
B a /2
a /2
e T
pc log p
qin = vz dx dy (8.16a)
⎛ ∂v ⎞
qout = ⎜⎜vz + z dz⎟⎟⎟ dx dy (8.16b)
⎜⎝ ∂z ⎠
As the soil is fully saturated and solid particles and water are incompressible, the law of
conservation of matter requires that qout − qin = change in volume of the element per unit
time. That is,
Δq = (8.17)
∂V ∂vz
= dx dy dz (8.18)
∂t ∂z
V = Vs (1 + e0 ) = dx dy dz (8.19)
∂V ∂e
= Vs (8.20)
∂t ∂t
dx dy
Clay layer
Substituting for
dx dy dz
Vs =
1 + e0
∂V dx dy dz ∂e
= (8.21)
∂t 1 + e0 ∂t
dx dy dz ∂e ∂vt
= dx dy dz
1 + e0 ∂t ∂t
∂e ∂v
= (1 + e0 ) z (8.22)
∂t ∂z
The hydraulic gradient i = ∂h/∂z
1 ∂uw ⎛ ⎞
i= ⎜⎜∵ , h = uw ⎟⎟
γ w ∂z ⎜⎜⎝ ⎟
γ w ⎟⎠
k ∂uw
vz = ki =
γ w ∂z
∂vz k ∂ 2 uw
∂z γ w ∂z 2
∂e (1 + e0 ) k ∂ 2 uw
∂t γw ∂z 2
Since ∂e = av∂uw
∂e ∂u
= av w
∂t ∂t
∂uw ⎛ k ⎞ ∂ 2 uw
av = (1 + e0 )⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟
∂t ⎜⎝ γ w ⎟⎠ ∂z 2
∂uw ⎛⎜ 1 + e0 ⎞⎟⎛⎜ k ⎞⎟ ∂ 2 uw
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
∂t ⎜⎝ av ⎟⎟⎠⎜⎜⎝ γ w ⎟⎟⎠ ∂z 2
∂uw ∂ 2 uw
= cv (8.23)
∂t ∂z 2
k ⎛⎜ 1 + e0 ⎞⎟
cv = ⎜ ⎟⎟ (8.24)
γ w ⎜⎜⎝ av ⎟⎠
Equation 8.23 is the Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation equation, where cv is called
the coefficient of consolidation (m2/year).
As consolidation proceeds, k, e, and av all decrease with time, but the ratio cv remains
approximately constant. The main limitations of Terzaghi’s theory (apart from its one-
dimensional nature) is the non-linearity of the void ratio–pressure relationship.
2(u )
uw = ∑ [sin ( Mz
w 0
/ d)]
exp(−M 2 Tv ) (8.25)
m= 0
where M = (π/2)(2m+1), m = any integer (0, 1, 2, 3), and d = length of the longest drainage path.
Now, time factor
cv t
Tv = (8.26)
This is a dimensionless factor containing the physical constants of a soil stratum influenc-
ing its time rate of consolidation.
⎪⎧ u ⎪⎫
U z = ⎪⎨1 − w ⎪⎬×100 (8.27)
⎪⎪⎩ (uw )i ⎪⎪⎭
Combining Eqs. 8.25 and 8.26, a basic Uz versus Tv relationship can be developed; thus,
2 ⎛⎜ Mz ⎞⎟
Uz = 1− ∑ ⎜⎜⎝sin
⎟⎟ exp(−M Tv ) (8.28)
m= 0 M d ⎠
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Time factor, Tv
The above numerical relationship is not valid for other types of distributions (e.g.,
rectangular, sinusoidal, and trapezoidal) except constant initial excess hydrostatic pressure.
However, since the variation is very small, Fig. 8.13 may be used with reasonable accuracy
(Taylor, 1948).
Two empirical equations instead of Eq. 8.28 are in use, viz.,
Tv = (U z / 100)2 when U z ≤ 60% (8.29)
⎛ U ⎞
Tv = −0.933 log10 ⎜⎜1 − z ⎟⎟⎟ − 0.0851 when U z > 60% (8.30)
⎜⎝ 100 ⎠
AB=0.9 π = 0.7976
0 Corrected
AC = 0.849 = 0.9209 zero point
1 Corrected factor
0.9209 20
= = 1.15
4 40
U z% π U z%
60 curve
A a B C
100 1.15a
Root time t min t 90
(a) Theoretical curve (b) Experimental curve
times the abscissa of the previous line at a given dial reading. The observed zero reading
and the points of coincidence of the two straight lines will not be the same, but the latter will
usually lie below. This point is called the corrected zero point. The point of intersection of
the second straight line and the laboratory curve corresponds to 90% consolidation, and the
time is designated as t90. Therefore,
cv t90
(Tv )90 = (8.31)
Finding (Tv)90 and deciding the drainage path, d, which is equal to half the thickness of
the layer for double drainage and full thickness for single drainage, we have
0.848 d 2
cv = (8.32)
The Logarithm of Time Fitting Method. The intersection of the tangent and the asymp-
tote to the theoretical consolidation curve is at 100% consolidation (Fig. 8.15a). As the shapes
of the theoretical curve (Uz versus log Tv) and the laboratory compression dial versus log t
curve resemble one another, Casagrande (1936b) suggested that the 100% consolidation
point be obtained by drawing tangents to the straight line portions of the primary consoli-
dation curve.
The early portion of the curve approximates a parabola. The corrected zero point may be
located by taking the difference in ordinates (z0) between two points corresponding to time
t and 4 t on the early portion of the curve and laying off this value (z0) above the curve at
point t (Fig. 8.15b).
As the dial reading corresponding to zero and 100% primary consolidation is known, the
time for 50% consolidation (t50) can be obtained; thus,
cv t50
(Tv )50 = (8.33)
Uz% 50
80 Asymptote
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 2
Log T
(a) Theoretical curve
t 4t
Log time (log t )
(b) Experimental curve
0.196 d 2
cv = (8.34)
In general, both fitting methods show good agreement.
Hyperbola Method. The following procedure is adopted for the determination of Cv:
1. From laboratory consolidation test, the time (t) and the specimen deformation (ΔH) are
2. A graph of t/ΔH against t is drawn in (Fig. 8.16).
3. The straight line portion bc is projected back to point d. The intercept D is determined.
4. The slope m of the line bc is determined.
5. Then coefficient of consolidation, Cv is calculated as
⎛ mH 2 ⎞⎟
Cv = 0.3 ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟.
⎜⎝ D ⎟⎟⎠
b 1
a Time, t
As the unit of D is time/length and the unit of m is (time/length)/time = 1/length, the unit
of Cv is (length)2/time.
The hyperbola method is fairly simple to use, and it gives good results for U = 60%–90%.
Start of
End of secondary compression
primary compression
Cα 10 years
tlog = tα
Log time
Types of soil Cα
S = Si + Sc + Ss
compression = Sc
Secondary compression
= Ss
Period of Period of
Primary compression Secondary Actual
ti ≈ C t100
In this section, only the consolidation settlement is discussed, and immediate settlement
component is considered in Chapter 15.
Compression index from the field e–log p curve is given in Eq. 8.9 as
Cc =
log ( p1 / p0 )
Δe = Cc log
Sc = H C log p1 (8.39)
1 + e0 c p0
For over-consolidated clays, Cc has to be determined from the line GG’ or G’F (Fig. 8.9)
depending on the present pressure.
From the laboratory e–log p curve, plot the field e–p curve taking corresponding e and p
values. From such a curve, find av corresponding to the pressure range; then,
av =
Δe = av Δp
Sc = mv HΔp (8.41)
ΔV = e0 − e1
V 1 + e0
dSc e0 − e1
dz 1 + e0
⎛ e − e1 ⎞⎟⎛ p1 − p0 ⎞⎟ a
dSc = ⎜⎜ 0 ⎜ dz = v Δp dz
⎜⎝ p1 − p0 ⎟⎟⎠⎜⎜⎝ 1 + e0 ⎟⎟⎠ 1 + e0
p0 Δp mv mv Δp
Sc = Area
dSc = mv Δp dz (8.42)
Sc = ∫ mv Δp dz (8.43)
Effect of
Actual construction period
0 Load
P tc /2
εav = U z εf (8.46)
εf = (8.47)
where εav is the average strain in the clay layer, Sc the total calculated consolidation
settlement, H the height of the field clay layer, and
εav = (8.48)
where St is the settlement of field layer at time t.
The degree of consolidation for the full clay layer is
Uz = (8.49)
St = U z Sc (8.50)
Settlement of clay layer, St, and the time for consolidation are computed for Uz varying
from 10% to 100%. The time values are calculated from Eq. 8.45 and the settlement values
from Eq. 8.50.
For very thick clay layers, to determine cv, several tests on undisturbed samples have to
be made. If variation in cv for each layer is not wide, an arithmetical average may be taken.
q Horizontal sand
Vertical sand drains
Clay Ar rw
z Impermeable base
Vz + ΔVz
Vr + ΔVr Control line of
Δz sand drain
Δr r rw
(b) Element A
k v (1 + e0 )
cv =
γ w av
is the coefficient of vertical consolidation (as previously defined, Eq. 8.24) and
k h (1 + e0 )
ch = (8.52)
γ w av
is the coefficient of radial and horizontal consolidation, where kv and kh are referred to as
vertical and horizontal permeabilities, respectively.
Equation 8.51 is the governing differential equation for three-dimensional consolidation
and may be considered to consist of two parts:
One-dimensional flow:
∂ 2 uw ∂uw
cv =
∂z 2 ∂t
Radial flow:
∂ 2 uw ∂u ∂u
ch +1 w = w (8.53)
∂r 2 r ∂r ∂t
A solution to Eq. 8.51 has been considered by Carilo (1942) as a combination of solutions
of Eqs. 8.23 and 8.53, and accordingly we have
consolidation Ur
5 0 3
0.3 0 4
0 6 Hexagonal arrangement
0 1
0.4 00
(re = 0.525)
Sand drains
0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
Time factor, Tr
(1 − U ) = (1 − U z )(1 − Ur ) (8.54)
where U is the degree of consolidation for three-dimensional flow, Uz the degree of consoli-
dation for one-dimensional flow,and Ur the degree of consolidation for radial flow
The time factor Tr for radial flow is
Ch t
Tr = (8.55)
(2re )2
where re is the radius of influence (Fig. 8.21a). The time factor Tv for one-dimensional con-
solidation is as given by Eq. 8.25.
The solution to Eq. 8.23 is already discussed, and the solution for Eq. 8.53 was given by
Rendulic (1935) for free-strain condition and by Barron (1948) for equal-strain condition.
It has been reported by Richart (1957) for values of n(= re/rw) greater than 5 that both the
solutions give closer values. Hence, for all practical purposes, Fig. 8.22 (Barron, 1948) may
be used regardless of the imposed boundary strain condition.
During drilling operation, a zone of soil surrounding the drain, called smear zone, is
formed due to re-moulding of the clay, which causes a reduction in horizontal permeability.
This factor has to be considered while selecting the diameter of the drain.
Example 8.1 The dial readings recorded during a consolidation test at a certain load are as
The initial thickness of the sample is 25 mm. Compute the coefficient of consolidation by
square root of time and logarithm of time-fitting methods.
Dial reading Time Dial reading Time
(mm×10−5) (mm×10−5)
( min ) ( min )
240 0 622 3.873
318 0.316 738 5.477
340 0.500 842 7.746
360 0.707 930 11.832
385 1.000 975 15.492
415 1.414 1,070 34.641
464 2.000 1,090 40.249
530 2.828
t90 = 7.2 min
t90 = 51.84 min.
Dial reading, mm × 10–5
1,100 1.15a
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Root time, min
Fig. 8.23
Dial reading versus Time is plotted as shown in Fig. 8.23. The Time for 90% consoli-
dation is read from the graph as
t90 = 7.2 min
t90 = 51.84 min
(1090 − 240)×10−5
Average thickness of the sample = 25 − = 24.96 min
Length of drainage path d = 24.96 = 12.48 mm
Dial reading
Zero point = 310
Z0 100% consolidation = 930
50% consolidation = 620
Dial reading, mm × 10−3
t0 = 15 min
0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000
Log time, minutes
Fig. 8.24
Dial reading Vs log t is plotted as shown in Fig. 8.24. The time for 50% consolidation is
read from the graph as
t50 = 15 min
Example 8.2 A large highway interchange fill was built over a 15 m thick soil structure. The
initial void ratio was 0.78. After 70% settlement, the void ratio was 0.69. Estimate the total
anticipated settlement.
From Eq. 8.13,
e 0 − et
Uz =
e0 − ef
That is,
0.78 − 0.69
0.70 =
0.78 − ef
ef = 0.65
ΔH = H Δe
1 + e0
(0.78 − 0.65)
ΔH = 15× = 1.096 m
1 + 0.78
Example 8.3 A layer of clay of 8 m thickness is located between two sand layers. The coef-
ficient of consolidation of the clay is 5×10−2 m2/s. The fill material was placed over a very
large area above the top sand layer. After 3 years, what percentage of the additional pressure
due to the fill material will be carried by the soil grains at the middle of the clay layer?
From Eq. 8.26,
cv t
Tv =
That is,
Tv = 5×10−2 × 3 × 365× 24 × 60 × 60 = 0.296
1000 ×1000 (8 / 2)2
That is,
⎛U ⎞
U v = π ⎜⎜ z ⎟⎟⎟
4 ⎜⎝ 100 ⎠
That is,
= 2× 0.296 = 0.434
100 π
U z = 43.4%
Additional pressure due to fill material carried by the soil grains is 43.4%.
Example 8.4 A laboratory specimen of clay 20 mm thick, drained at the top and bottom,
has taken 360 seconds to reach 50% consolidation when the pressure was increased from
75 to 150 kN/m2. The initial void ratio was 0.80, and the final void ratio due to the increment
of load was 0.45. Determine the coefficient of permeability of the clay.
For 50% consolidation, Tv = 0.196. From Eq. 8.26,
Tv d 2
cv =
That is,
( )
cv = 0.196 × 20 = 5.44 ×10−8 m 2/s
360 100 × 2
That is,
cv av γ w 5.44 ×10−8 × 4.67 ×10−3 × 9.81
k= =
1 + e0 1 + 0.80
k = 1.39×10−9 m / s
Example 8.5 A soil has a compression index, Cc, of 0.28. At a stress of 120 kN/m2, the void
ratio was 1.02. Calculate (i) the void ratio if the stress on the soil is increased to 180 kN/m2
and (ii) the total settlement of the stratum of 6 m thickness.
e0 − e1
Cc =
log10 ( p1 / p0 )
1.02 − e1
0.28 =
log10 (180 / 120)
e1 = 1.02 − 0.28 log10 180 = 0.971
Sc = H C log p1
1 + e0 c 10
Example 8.6 A soil profile at a certain location is as shown in Fig. 8.25. A rigid circular foun-
dation of 5 m diameter rests on the sand. The contact pressure at the underside of the foun-
dation is 250 kN/m2. The average coefficient of compressibility of the clay is 0.606×10−3 m2/kN
for the stress range encountered. Estimate the ultimate settlement of the foundation assuming
a 30° load distribution.
Consider that there is no capillary rise of water in sand. Thus,
Gγ w 2.65× 9.807
γd = = = 16.9 kN / m 3
1+ e 1 + 0.54
( )
γ sat = G + e γ w = 2.65 + 0.54 9.807 = 20.3 kN / m 3
1+ e 1 + 0.54
( )
γ sat = 2.7 + 1.2 9.807 = 17.4 kN / m 3
1 + 1.2
The initial effective stress at the centre line of the clay layer
250 kN/m2
e = 1.20
G = 2.70 Clay
Fig. 8.25
π× 52 4
p1 = 93 + 250 × ×
4 π(5× 2× 4.75)2
= 122.7 kN / m 2
av 0.606 ×10−3
mv = = = 0.275×10−3 m 2/ kN
1 + e0 1 + 1.2
Sc = mv HΔp
= 0.275×10−3 × 9×1000(122.7 − 93.0)
= 73.5 mm
Example 8.7 In an oedometer test, a clay specimen initially 25 mm thick attains 90%
consolidation in 10 minutes. In the field, the clay stratum from which the specimen was
obtained has a thickness of 6 m and is sandwiched between two sand layers. A structure
constructed on this clay experienced an ultimate settlement of 200 mm. Estimate the
settlement at the end of 100 days after construction.
Tv d 2
cv =
For the oedometer test for 90% consolidation, Tv is 0.848. Therefore,
0.848 ⎛⎜ 25 ⎞⎟
cv = ⎜ ⎟ = 0.221 mm 2/ s
10 × 60 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
0.221×100 × 24 × 60 × 60
Tv = = 0.212
3000 2
For Uz ≤ 60%, the maximum Tv value is 0.283. Therefore, the expression for Tv to be used is
⎛ π ⎞⎛ U ⎞2
Tv = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟⎜⎜ z ⎟⎟⎟
⎝ 4 ⎠⎜⎝ 100 ⎠
⎛ π ⎞⎛ U ⎞2
0.212 = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟⎜⎜⎜ z ⎟⎟⎟
⎝ 4 ⎠⎝ 100 ⎠
0.212× 4 ×1002
Uz = = 51.96%
U z Sc 51.96 × 200
St = = = 103.9 mm
100 100
Example 8.8 A 2 m thick layer of compressible soil with an average void ratio of 1.02 is
subjected to a total overburden pressure of 150 kN/m2. Laboratory consolidation tests show
that the equation for the e–log p curve is
e = e0 − 0.125 log10
A large structure at the ground surface increases the pressure in the compressible layer
by 70 kN/m2.
1. Find the change in volume per unit volume of the compressible layer.
2. If the soil is laterally confined so that all the volume change results in change in height,
calculate the settlement that would result due to the increased load.
After an increased pressure of 70 kN/m2,
150 + 70
e = 1.02 − 0.125 log10 = 0.999
1 (1.02 − 0.999)
mv = = 1.49×10−4 m 2/ kN
1 + 1.02 70
Example 8.9 A normally consolidated clay layer of 10 m thickness has a unit weight of
20 kN/m3 and specific gravity of 2.72. The liquid limit of the clay is 58%. A structure
constructed on the clay increases the overburden pressure by 10%. Estimate the ultimate
consolidation settlement. There is no secondary compression.
For normally consolidated clays,
Cc = 0.009(wL − 10%)
= 0.009(58 − 10) = 0.432
That is,
2.72 + e0
20 = 9.81
1 + e0
Solving, e0 = 0.656. From Eq. 8.39, the consolidation settlement
H p
Sc = Cc log 1
1 + e0 p0
10 p + 0.1p0
= × 0.432 × log 0 × 100
1 + 0.656 p0
That is,
Sc = 10.8 cm
Example 8.10 The overburden pressure on a normally consolidated 5 m thick clay struc-
ture is 250 kN/m2. A laboratory consolidation test followed by a suitable correction gave
two points on the field curve:
e1 = 1.12 p1 = 150 kN / m 2
e2 = 1.02 p2 = 450 kN / m 2
How much settlement does the clay layer experience due to an additional load intensity
of 150 kN/m2?
Overburden pressure = 250 kN/m2
e1 = 1.12 p1 = 150 kN / m 2
e2 = 1.02 p2 = 450 kN / m 2
That is,
⎛ π ⎞⎛ 35.07 ⎞⎟2
(Tv )1 = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ = 0.0966
⎝ 4 ⎠⎝ 100 ⎟⎠
Uz = ×100 = 71.4%
That is,
⎛ 71.4 ⎞⎟
(Tv )2 = −0.933 log10 ⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟ − 0.0851 = 0.422
⎝ 100 ⎟⎠
The additional time for the average settlement to attain 220 mm is 8.73 years.
Example 8.12 In a consolidation test, the pressure on a sample was increased from 150 to
300 kN/m2. The void ratio after 100% consolidation under 150 kN/m2 was 0.945, and that
under 300 kN/m2 was 0.812. The coefficient of permeability of the soil was 25×10−6 mm/s,
and the initial height of the sample was 20 mm. Determine (i) the coefficient of compress-
ibility, (ii) the coefficient of volume compressibility, (iii) the coefficient of consolidation, and
(iv) the time taken in days for 90% consolidation of the layer of this clay, 0.5 mm thick in the
field and sandwiched between an impervious layer beneath and the pervious layer on top.
Δe = 0.945 − 0.812 = 0.133
Δe 0.133
av = = = 8.87 ×10−4 m 2/ kN
Δp 150
av 8.87 ×10−4
mv = = = 4.56 ×10−4 m 2/ kN
1 + e0 1 + 0.945
k 25×10−6 1
cv = = × = 5.59×10−6 m 2/ s
γ w 1000 × 9.807 4.56 ×10−4
t= Tv
52 × 0.848
t= = 43.9 days
5.59×10−6 × 60 × 60 × 24
Example 8.13 A clay deposit of 5 m thick is covered with coarse sand at top and bottom
and has a permeability of 0.025 m/yr. It is additionally loaded by a pressure of 65 kpa. Labo-
ratory tests on the field specimen indicate that the consolidation in the field will be only 50%
in a six-month period. Find the settlement of the clay deposit in one year.
Coefficient of consolidation Cv = Tr d
= 0.197 × 2.5 = 2.463 w2/y
Example 8.14 Two clay specimens, P and Q, whose initial void ratios at equilibrium under
a pressure of 1 km/m2 are 0.56 and 0.65, respectively, decrease to 0.51 and 0.63, respectively,
when the pressure is increased to 1.5 km/m2. The thickness of specimens initially was 35 and
25 mm for P and Q, respectively. The time taken by specimen P to reach 50% consolidation
is 30% of that required by specimen Q for reaching the same degree of consolidation of per-
meability of P and Q.
Δe 1
mv = .
1 + e0 Δσ ′
Hence for specimen P:
tP ( hP ) (Cv )Q
Now, tQ ( h )2 (Cv )P
⎛ 35 ⎞⎟2
⎜⎜ ⎟
300 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ( C v )Q
i.e., = ×
100 ⎛ 25 ⎞ ( C v ) P
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
( C v )Q ( 17.5 ) 2 1
= × = 6.53.
( v )P ( 12.5 )
C 2
0 .30
We know, Cv =
mr γ ω
kP ( C v )P ( m v )P × γω
∴ =
k Q ( C v )Q ( m v )Q × γ ω
= 6.53 × 2.64
= 17.25.
8.1 A soil mass subjected to a change in the stress system resulting in a volume decrease is
termed the compressibility or compression of soil. The compression may be immediate
and/or time dependent.
8.2 The time-dependent volume decrease is attributed to compression of soil matter,
compression of water and air within the voids, and escape of water or air from the voids.
8.3 One-dimensional consolidation is based on the following considerations: (i) the
displacements are vertical, (ii) there are no lateral strains, (iii) flow of water from the
soil layer is in a vertical direction only, and (iv) the change in void ratio is a direct
function of the vertical component of effective stress.
8.4 The pressure (σ′)–void ratio (e) curve, obtained from a consolidation test, depicts the
consolidation history of the soil. The initial flatter portion of the pressure–void ratio
curve is called the recompression curve, and the steeper portion after the break in the
curve is called the virgin compression curve.
8.5 The pre-consolidation pressure (pc), the maximum stress ever experienced by the soil,
is reflected by the point of transition in the first loading portion of the pressure–void
ratio curve.
8.6 Compression index (Cc), a dimensionless parameter, is the slope of the linear portion
of the pressure–void ratio curve on a semi-log plot.
8.7 Coefficient of compressibility (av) is the second slope for a given pressure increment
of the pressure–void ratio curve.
8.8 Coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) is the compression of a soil layer per unit
of original thickness due to a given increase in pressure.
8.9 Degree of consolidation (Uz) is the ratio expressed as a percentage of the amount of
consolidation at a given time within a soil mass to the total amount of consolidation
obtainable under a given stress condition.
8.10 If the present effective overburden pressure in a deposit is the maximum pressure to
which the deposit has ever been consolidated at any time in the past, such a deposit is
called a normally consolidated clay deposit.
8.11 A clay deposit that has been fully consolidated under a pressure pc, in the past, longer
than the present overburden pressure p0 is called an over-consolidated (pre-consoli-
dated or pre-compressed) clay deposit.
8.12 Rapid natural deposition or deposits under recent fillings may not be fully consolidated
under the present overburden pressure; such a clay deposit is called under-consoli-
dated clay deposit.
8.13 Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation theory predicts the time rate of consolida-
tion, i.e., it predicts the water pressure at any elapsed time and at any location in a soil
8.14 Time factor is a dimensionless factor containing the physical constants of a soil stratum
influencing its time rate of consolidation.
8.15 Methods used to determine the coefficient of consolidation are called time-fitting
methods. They are time -fitting and log(time)-fitting methods.
8.16 Consolidation does not cease even after dissipation of excess pore water pressure but
continues. This continued time-dependent compression is referred to as the secondary
8.17 Total settlement is a combination of immediate settlement (Si), settlement due to
consolidation (Sc), and settlement due to secondary compression (Ss).
8.18 Settlement in coarse-grained soils occurs immediately, which is attributed to the
volume changes caused by lateral yielding or shear strain which occur in the soil.
Objective Questions
8.1 Identify the true and false statements from the following:
1. The coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) of a soil is always less than its
coefficient of compressibility (av).
2. For an intensive normally consolidated soil, the compression index can also be
found from remoulded samples.
3. Settlement resulting from the dissipation of the excess pore water pressure is
referred to as primary consolidation.
4. The rate of consolidation for a given soil deposit is a constant.
5. The time factor is a non-dimensional parameter and is independent of the degree
of consolidation.
8.2 When consolidation of saturated soil sample takes place, the degree of saturation
(a) Decreases (b) Increases
(c) Remains constant (d) Decreases initially and then increases
8.3 The liquid limit of a saturated normally consolidated soil is 50%. The compression
index of the soil for the virgin compression curve will be
(a) 0.36 (b) 0.505
(c) 0.605 (d) 0.705
8.4 Consolidation time
(a) Increases with increasing compressibility
(b) Increases rapidly with decreasing size of soil mass
(c) Decreases with increasing permeability
(d) Is dependent on the magnitude of the stress change
8.5 The value of volume compressibility is not constant but varies with the
(a) Thickness of the compressible layer (b) Level of effective areas
(c) Coefficient of permeability (d) Time factor
8.6 Which soil parameter is considered as a measure of the degree of over-consolidation?
(a) Pre-consolidation pressure (b) Compression index
(c) Over-consolidation ratio (d) Coefficient of consolidation
8.7 Compression in saturated soils may be caused by
1. Rearrangement of particles 2. Seepage of water
3. Crushing of particles 4. Elastic distortions
Of these statements,
(a) 1, 2, and 3 are correct (b) 2, 3, and 4 are correct
(c) All are correct (d) 3, 4, and 1 are correct
8.8 Indicate the incorrect statement. In a conventional consolidation test, the following
factors do not significantly affect the result:
(a) Moderate variation in room temperature
(b) Variation in pore fluid properties
(c) Variation in specimen size
(d) Variation in duration of load increment
8.9 Assertion A: Both mv and av decrease with increasing stress.
Reason R: Both mv and av are influenced by the stress history.
Choose the correct codes.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
Descriptive Questions
8.11 Explain why the measured values of time and rate of settlement do not agree with the
predicted values.
8.12 How do you estimate the field e–p curve of an over-consolidated clay ?
8.13 Briefly explain the physical meaning of the coefficient of consolidation cv.
8.14 Settlements computed are normally higher than the actual settlements. Discuss this
statement critically.
8.15 Explain why there is a significant time lag in the settlement of clay soils but not in
sandy soils.
8.16 Why does it take infinite time for complete consolidation to occur?
8.17 Explain in sequence the occurrences that take place when a saturated clay deposit
undergoes consolidation.
8.18 The water table in a lake has been lowered by 20 m. Will this cause consolidation
settlement of the lake-bed sediments? Explain.
8.1 An oedometer test was made on a sample of saturated marine clay. The dial readings
corresponding to the final equilibrium condition under each load are given below:
Pressure (kN/m2) 13.3 26.6 53.3 106.4 213.0 426.0 852.0
Dial reading (mm×10−3) 275 540 965 1,880 3,340 5,000 6,600
The diameter and initial thickness of the sample were 60 and 38 mm, respectively. The
final water content of the sample was 35.2% and G = 2.72.
1. Compute the void ratio and plot the e–log p curve.
2. Estimate the maximum overburden pressure by the Casagrande method.
3. Draw the field curve and determine the compression index.
8.2 Compute the compression index of the soil from the following experimental data:
Load (kN/m2) 0 10 50 100 200 400 0
Δh (mm) 0 −0.7 −2.18 −0.70 −0.72 −0.85 +0.75
The initial thickness of the sample was 0.20 mm, the specific gravity of soil particles
2.70, and the final water content of the soil 38.2%. Also determine the pre-consolida-
tion pressure of the soil.
8.3 The thickness of a saturated specimen of clay under a consolidation pressure of
100 kN/m2 is 22.12 mm, and its water content is 20%. On increase of the consolidation
pressure to 200 kN/m2, the specimen’s thickness decreases by 1.28 mm. Determine
the compression index for the soil. G = 2.7.
8.4 A clay stratum 2.5 m thick lies over a sandy stratum and has drainage on both sides.
Calculate the values of the pore water pressure and the effective stress in the middle
of the clay stratum when 60% of consolidation has taken place under an increment of
load from 500 to 2,500 kN/m2.
8.5 A layer of soft clay is 6 m thick and lies under a newly constructed building. The pres-
sure due to the sand overlying the clay layer is 250 kN/m2, and the new construction
increases the overburden by 100 kN/m2. If the compression index is 0.5, compute the
settlement taking the natural water content of the clay layer to be 45% and the specific
gravity of soil grains to be 2.7.
8.6 A clay layer whose settlement under a given loading is expected to be 16 cm settles
4 cm at the end of 2 months. How many months will be required to reach a settlement
of 8 cm? How much settlement will occur in 10 months?
8.7 The following are the time dial readings in a consolidation test on a clay sample when
the load is increased from 100 to 200 kN/m2. The thickness of the sample at the start
of the load increment is 23 mm, and the void ratio is 0.95.
The final water content was 30.1% and G = 2.75. Plot a graph of void ratio versus
effective pressure, and from the curve find the coefficient of compressibility when the
pressure is 300 kN/m2. If the coefficient of permeability is 20×10−6 mm/s, find the
coefficient of consolidation of the soil.
8.9 A consolidation test on a sample of clay gave the following results:
The layer of clay from which the consolidation sample was taken has a thickness of
1.2 m and is overlaid by 6 m of sand. The porosity and specific gravity of the sand
layer are 40% and 2.65, respectively. There is another sand layer present beneath the
clay layer. The groundwater table is 2 m above the top of the clay. The clay layer has
a specific gravity surface, which is estimated to increase the pressure by 110 kN/m2
at the top and by 75 kN/m2 at the bottom of the clay layer. Compute the settlement of
the structure due to the consolidation of the clay layer.
If the coefficient of permeability of the clay layer is 25 x 10−6 mm/s, how long will
it take for 50% of the settlement to take place?
8.10 In a consolidation test on a soil, the void ratio of the sample decreases from 1.24 to 1.12
when the pressure is increased from 200 to 400 kN/m2. Calculate the coefficient of
consolidation (in m2/year) given that the coefficient of permeability of the soil during
this pressure increment is 8.5×10−8 cm/s.
8.11 The time to reach 60% consolidation is 35 seconds for a sample of 1.2 cm thickness
tested in the laboratory under the conditions of double drainage. How long will the
corresponding layer in nature require to reach the same degree of consolidation if it is
11 m thick and drained on one side only?
8.12 A clay layer has a drainage arrangement as shown in Fig. 8.26. The coefficient
of consolidation of the soil is 10−1mm2/s. A fill is placed on the soil, which induces a
pressure of 50 kN/m2 at the surface.
1. Make a neat drawing showing
(a) The distribution of pore pressure before the fill is placed
(b) The distribution of pore pressure immediately after the fill is placed
2. How long will it take for the average consolidation of the layer to exceed 90%?
W.T. 2m
γ ′ = 11.2 kN/m3
Sand 6m
G = 2.65
γ ′ = 10.0 kN/m
G = 2.70 8m
Hard shale
Fig. 8.26
Stress–strain curve – Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion – Peak and residual
shear strength – Strain- and stress-controlled tests – Laboratory measurement
of shear strength: drainage condition, direct shear, triaxial shear, unconfined
compression, ring shear tests, choice of rate of deformation – Field measure-
ment of shear strength: vane shear test, bore hole shear device – Shear strength
of saturated cohesive soil – Pore pressure coefficients – Sensitivity of cohesive
soils – Shear strength of granular soils
The capability of a soil to support a loading from a structure, or to support its own
overburden, or to sustain a slope in equilibrium is governed by its shear strength.
The shear strength of a soil is of prime importance for foundation design, earth and
rockfill dam design, highway and airfield design, stability of slopes and cuts, and lat-
eral earth pressure problems. It is highly complex because of various factors involved
in it, viz., the heterogeneous nature of the soil, the water table location, the drainage
facility, the type and nature of construction, the stress history, time, chemical action, or
environmental conditions.
The shearing strength and related deformations of a foundation or a construction soil
can be obtained from carefully extracted field samples. Field situations may demand
an in situ determination of shear strength for reasons of expediency and economy. This
chapter encompasses both theoretical and experimental approaches for determination
of shear strengths.
Point of failure
= tf
Shear stress
= tr
shear stress is low, the soil behaves like an elastic material depicting a linear stress–strain
curve. An increase in shear stress causes an increase in shear strain, and at a particular stress
level, significant plastic shear strain starts to develop, and that point is referred to as yield.
The shearing resistance of the soil increases with the plastic shear strain, and the material is
said to work hardening or strain hardening. The strain hardening can only increase the resis-
tance to a particular maximum shear stress, and that maximum resistance is called the peak
shear strength or simply the shear strength of the soil (τf), i.e., the shear strength of a soil is the
maximum shear stress that can be resisted by the soil. This yield level is considered to be
unstable, and the soil is said to fail. In some soils, the maximum shearing resistance decreases
after this point, and the soil is said to be strain softening or work softening. After a continued
large strain, the shearing resistance attains a constant level, and the corresponding shearing
resistance is called the residual shear strength or simply the residual strength (τr).
constants for a given soil but depend on many factors such as void ratio, initial structure,
and pore pressure, and hence these parameters are referred to the type of test and conditions
under which they were measured. Equations 9.1 and 9.2 are referred to as Coulomb’s failure
envelopes or Coulomb’s failure loci.
The state of stresses in a soil mass at the time of failure may be represented in terms of the
effective major and minor principal stresses. Figure 9.2 represents three Mohr circles for three
sets of stresses at the time of failure in a soil mass. A tangent drawn to these circles is termed
Mohr’s envelope, and this satisfies Eq. 9.1. Any combination of stresses that falls within this
envelope represents a stable condition. A state of stresses plotting above the failure envelope
cannot exist. Thus, another way of stating Coulomb’s failure condition is that if the Mohr
circle for a state of stresses at a point is tangential to Coulomb failure loci, then that point is
said to be in a state of failure. This is generally known as the Mohr–Coulomb failure crite-
rion, and the failure loci are called Mohr–Coulomb failure envelopes. Because of its simplic-
ity, the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is widely used. In reality, the failure envelope may
not be a straight line but for the range of normal stresses involved in soil, the straight line
approximation is justified, and the shear strength parameters are determined for that stage.
*The processes that cause a gradual reduction in strength to the residual value are termed progressive
Peak f¢
tr f ¢r
Normally consolidated
Shear strength
Shear strength
tf f′
tr f¢r
resistance, and further, at large strains the residual strength stage is attained. Hence, peak
and residual strength parameters can be expressed as
τ f = c ′ + σn′ tan φ ′ (9.3)
IB = 0.1
Shear stress
IB = 0.6
tleness of the clay. Figure 9.4 represents three typical stress–displacement curves. Bishop
(1967) introduced a factor called brittleness index* IB relating the peak and residual strengths as
τf − τr
IB =
In Fig. 9.4, Curve a represents a plastic non-brittle clay, whereas Curve b represents a
highly brittle clay. Skempton and Hutchinson (1969) showed that the shape of the stress–
displacement curve is also significant since two different stress–displacement curves yield
the same brittleness index (e.g., Curves b and c). This anomaly may be taken into account
by considering the energy parameter introduced by Bishop (1967), which is expressed as the
ratio of the work done in shearing from peak to residual to the work done if the clay contin-
ued shearing at peak strength.
In over-consolidated clay slopes, Skempton (1964) observed that field shear strength
(τ ), associated with a slip, lies somewhere between τf and τr. Skempton (1964) related these
strengths by a factor called residual factor, R:
τf − τ
τf − τr
In physical terms, R is the proportion of the total slip surface in the clay along which
its strength has fallen to the residual value. A value of R = 0 signifies no reduction in
strength to have occurred, and R = 1 represents a complete reduction to residual strength.
Although it is known that R increases with time, no method is yet available to determine
the same.
The peak shear strength parameters depend on factors such as per cent clay content,
drainage condition, type of loading, consolidation history, stress level, anisotropy, and other
environmental factors. The residual shear strength is independent of many of the factors
listed above, but φ′r decreases with increasing clay content.
This is equal to (1 – λR), where λR is Haefeli’s residual coefficient (Haefeli, 1965).
Normal load
Forced shear plane Proving ring
Displacement T
Displacement guage T
(b) Stress-controlled
Dial gauge
to measure
Dial gauge Loading plate volume change
to measure
shearing displacement
Porous stone Shearing
force, S
Soil specimen Shearing plane
Porous stone
The upper half of the apparatus is then moved laterally, forcing the sample to shear across
the plane between the two halves of the apparatus. The magnitude of the shearing force
is measured. Changes in sample thickness that occur during the shearing process are also
recorded so that volume change versus shearing stress or shearing strain can be studied. The
test is repeated on three or four specimens taken from the same soil sample. The detailed test
procedure and typical results are given in Chapter 10.
Test Curves. Typical shear stress–displacement and volume change–displacement curves
are shown in Fig. 9.7. The slope of the curve is the stress–strain modulus of the soil Es. This
modulus is an indication of the stiffness or resistance to deformation of the material. The higher
the value of Es, the stiffer or stronger is the soil. The failure stress is represented by the maxi-
mum shear stress value (i.e., peak value) if the stress–displacement curve is of work-softening
type. Otherwise, the shear stress corresponding to 20% strain is taken as the shear strength.
Failure Envelope. Normal and shear stresses are calculated and plotted in Fig. 9.8. A best
possible straight line is fitted to these points and this line is Coulomb’s failure envelope. The
shear strength parameters c′ and φ′ are measured.
Shear stress, kN/m2
Shear stress–
displacement curve
sn = 150 kN/m2
1 2 3 4 5 6
Displacement, mm
Volume change–
displacement curve
Fig. 9.7 Typical shear stress and volume change curves for direct shear test
f′ = 24°
c ′ = 20 kN/m2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Normal stress, kN/m2
Fig. 9.8 Coulomb’s failure envelope from direct shear test results
Shear stress, kN/m2
Mohr Stress Circle. For one normal stress, the Mohr circle is plotted in Fig. 9.9, and the
pole, the major and minor principal stresses, and planes are shown.
Merits. The following are some of the merits of direct shear test: (i) as the draining time
is relatively less, consolidated–undrained and consolidated–drained tests may be con-
ducted even on soils of low permeability; (ii) this is the only test wherein both the shear-
ing stress and the normal stress on the plane of failure are measured directly; (iii) volume
changes during the test can be measured easily; (iv) the shear strength parameters c and
φ obtained from this test are as reliable as triaxial values; (v) using a reversing technique,
the residual shear strength of the soil can be determined; (vi) the direct shear test appara-
tus is much more adaptable to electronic read-out equipments, and hence, a long duration
test can be done conveniently; and (vii) as the displacements in a direct shear test take
place in two directions, vertically and parallel to the direction of shear, this test is also
referred to as plane strain test. This condition is similar to the strains developed in many
field problems such as very long foundations or long embankments representing a two-
dimensional case.
Demerits. The following are the demerits of direct shear test: (i) the shear–stress distribu-
tion over the plane of failure is non-uniform and (ii) the drainage cannot be controlled, and
so the pore pressure behaviour cannot be obtained from the test.
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Displacement, mm
Proving ring
Air release valve
Loading ram
Valve Valve
Cell pressure
To pore pressure measurement
The soil specimen is covered by a thin membrane which extends over a top cap and a
bottom pedestal. The perspex cell is filled with water, and the required cell or confining
pressure (σ3) is applied. This confining pressure acts horizontally on the cylindrical surface
of the sample and vertically on the top of the specimen. An additional vertical stress called
deviator stress (σ1− σ3) is then applied and steadily increased until failure of the specimen
occurs. The test procedure is repeated on different specimens taken from the same sample
for different confining pressures and the corresponding deviator stresses calculated.
Detailed test procedures for undrained, consolidated–undrained, and drained tests are
given in Chapter 10.
Typical Stress–Strain Curve. Figure 9.12 shows typical stress–strain curves for undrained,
consolidated–undrained, and drained shear tests.
Over-consolidated clay –
CU test
Normally consolidated clay –
CD test
Stress, s1 – s3
Strain, %
Failure Envelope. Mohr’s circle for each test is plotted. The tangent to the resulting circles
gives Mohr’s envelope (Fig. 9.13). The shear parameters are measured from the plot.
Mohr’s Stress Circle. Mohr’s circle representing the state of stress for one specimen is
shown in Fig. 9.14. Point P represents the stress condition at the time of failure on a failure
plane inclined at an angle θf from the plane on which the major principal stress acts.
The radius of Mohr’s circle is (σ′1 – σ′3)/2, and its centre is located at a distance of (σ′1 + σ′3)/2
from the origin. From Fig. 9.14,
CD envelope
f d′
CU envelope
Shear stress
UU envelope
fu = 0°
Fig. 9.13 Typical strength envelops for CD, CU, and UU tests on clay
s3′ s3′
Shear stress
principal plane
s1′ – s3′
tf f′ =
Failure Major
c′ plane principal plane
f′ Op qf
Q O s3′ s1′ + s3′ S s1′
c′ cot f′ Principal stress
1/ 2(σ1′ − σ 3′ )
Rearranging, sin φ ′ = (9.7)
c ′ cot φ ′ + 1/ 2(σ1′ + σ3′ )
The pole and the major and minor principal planes and stresses are shown in Fig. 9.14.
Modified Failure Envelope. Any state of stress can also be represented by a stress point
instead of a Mohr circle, the point being represented by 1 (σ′1− σ′3) and 1 (σ′1 + σ′3). Such
2 2
a plot is shown in Fig. 9.15 for the Mohr circles represented in Fig. 9.2. A modified failure
envelope is obtained with the equation of the form
(σ1′ − σ3′ ) = c∗+ 12 (σ1′ + σ3′ ) tan φ∗ (9.13)
where c∗ and φ∗ are the modified shear strength parameters. The parameters c′ and φ′ are
then given by
failure envelope
– s3′)
(s1′)3 + (s3′)3
2 Stress
(s1′)2 + (s3′)2 point
– (s1′
(s1′)1 + (s3′)12
(s1′)3 – (s3′)3
f°(s ′) – (s ′) (s1′)2 – (s3′)2 2
1 1 3 1 2
c′ 2
45° 45°
(s3′)3 1
– (s1′ + s3′)
c′ = (9.15)
cos φ ′
Lines drawn from the stress point at angles of 45° (as shown in Fig. 9.15) intersect the
horizontal axis at σ′3 and σ′1.
Types of Failure. The diameter of the sample increases due to the shortening of the sample
under load, and the middle of the sample bulges. Certain specimens fail with predominant
failure planes, while in others, multiple parallel shear planes of the type shown in Fig. 9.16
are formed. In some saturated specimens of low shear strength, no shear planes are formed,
but the sample shortens, bulges, and has the appearance of a barrel. In such cases, because of
the continued increase of area, no definite pronounced peak will appear in the stress–strain
curve, and the deviator stress corresponding to 20% strain is taken as the deviator stress at
Triaxial Test for Residual Strength. In general, the triaxial test is to be preferred
for measuring shear strength along discontinuities, as here the kinematic restraints are
minimal (Skempton and Petley, 1967). But the limited maximum strain which can be
applied to the specimen in the triaxial test is usually too small to permit the determi-
nation of residual strength in an originally intact clay. But where a pre-existing fissure
surface is to be tested, or where an inclined plane has been made in the clay specimen,
the triaxial test can be used, provided the effects of horizontal components of the load are
taken into account.
Merits. The following are the merits of triaxial shear test: (i) pore pressure may be controlled
and measured accurately in the test; (ii) suitable confining pressures can be applied (isotro-
pic, anisotropic, or cyclic) to initially consolidate the sample to some pre-determined state;
and (iii) special strain tests, such as increasing (compression) or decreasing (extension) axial
load can be performed.
Demerits. The following are the demerits of triaxial shear test: (i) preparation of sand
specimen and soft clay is cumbersome and (ii) testing requires a skilled person.
P(1 − ε)
σ1 = (9.16)
where ε is the longitudinal strain and A0 the original cross-sectional area of the specimen.
This test is one of the easiest and simplest for determining the shear strength of cohesive
soils. It can be used for both undisturbed and re-moulded samples. The detailed test proce-
dure is given in Chapter 10.
Test Curves. The stress–strain curve for an undisturbed specimen and the curve after re-
moulding are shown in Fig. 9.18. The ratio of undisturbed strength to re-moulded strength
is called the sensitivity of the soil (discussed in Section 9.9).
Lead screw
Adjustable arm
Compressive stress
Axial strain, %
Fig. 9.18 Typical stress-strain curve for undisturbed and re-moulded insensitive clay
Failure Envelope and Mohr Stress Circle. The Mohr envelope is shown in Fig. 9.19. Since
σ3 = 0, only one circle can be drawn. The pole and the major and minor principal stresses
and planes are also shown in Fig. 9.19. This test is applicable only for saturated unfissured
clays. The shear strength τf = cu. If the failure occurs along a well-defined shear plane, the
angle θf is measured, and then φ and c are calculated as shown below.
θf = 45° + φ / 2
s3 = 0 s3 = 0
s principal plane
t f = cu = 1
principal plane
Op s1 = qu Principal stress
φ = 2 θf − 90° (9.17)
c = σ1 / 2 tan θf
Merits. The following are the merits of the unconfined compression test: (i) this is the
simplest test for determining the undrained shear strength of soil and (ii) a quick test and
field apparatus gives fast determination of undrained strength.
Demerits. The following are the demerits of unconfined compression test: (i) fissured
samples may not give reliable results because there is no confining pressure to close the fis-
sures and (ii) samples with high sand content give unreliable results.
s n′
Shear stress
Shear deformation
Fig. 9.21 Typical shear stress and shear deformation curve from ring shear test
test, the percentage of strain varies from 0.5 to 2 per minute in triaxial and unconfined
compression tests, and the strain rate is about 1.5 mm/min in direct shear test. In the
consolidated–undrained triaxial tests with pore water pressure measurements, the rate of
strain ranges from 0.05 to 0.1% per minute. Drained tests have to be conducted still at a slow
rate such that during the entire test, no excess pore water pressure develops. The conven-
tional strain rate is about 0.01 to 0.2 mm/min.
Although suitable rates for carrying out drained tests may be found by a process of trial
and error, they can be estimated from the consolidation data of the soil. The time required for
failure (tf) when 95% dissipation is ensured may be obtained from the expression
b2 20 h 2
tf = =
nd cv (1 − U z ) nd cv
2 h = initial thickness or height of the specimen
nd = a constant for drainage
= 0.75 – drainage from one end only
= 3.00 – drainage from both ends
= 32 – drainage from radial boundary only
= 35 – drainage from both ends and radial boundary
cv = coefficient of consolidation
Uz = degree of consolidation
From a knowledge of time to failure, the rate of strain for the test may be calculated.
torque rod Uniform
side shear
d Vane
blades h
Gear bracket
Lead screw handle Torque applicator handle
Support pillar Slow-motion bevel and work gears
Gear bracket clamp screw
Torque spring
Strain indicating pointer
Nut Maximum pointer
Locating pins
Lead screw Vane fixing screw
Shear vane
Fig. 9.23 Laboratory vane shear apparatus (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 30, 1980)
Ph Ph
Ground at hole
provides reaction
to develop the
equivalent of P h of
direct shear test
Pv is produced using
compressed air and
hydraulic cyclinder
compression Effective stress Failure envelope
test circle
The undrained shear strength of in situ samples can be obtained from the unconfined
compression test if the clay is intact and if fissured undrained triaxial test can be used.
In such cases, the in situ samples should have the same void ratio. In fissured clays, the
failure envelope is curved at low values of all-round pressure. However, at large pressures,
the fissures close and behave like an intact sample. Proper judgement should be exercised
in using such undrained strength results of fissured clays in practical problems. Figure 9.26
shows failure envelopes for normally consolidated and over-consolidated intact soils. For
sampling in sensitive clays, thin-walled tube samplers can be used. For extra-sensitive and
quick clays, in situ vane shear tests are highly desirable.
In uniform, normally consolidated clays, the undrained shear strength increases approxi-
mately linearly with depth. That is, the ratio of undrained strength, cu, to the effective over-
burden pressure, po, is approximately constant. Skempton (1957) proposed a correlation
between the ratio cu/po and the plasticity index as
= 0.11 + 0.0037 I p (for Ip > 10% and scatter of ± 0.05) (9.19a)
= 0.45wL (for wL > 0.4 and scatter of ± 0.10) (9.19b)
Equations 9.19a and b may be used to estimate the value of cu for normally consolidated clays.
Based on the nature of deposition and the subsequent consolidation, clay particles in
cohesive soils have a tendency to orient in a direction perpendicular to the major principal
stress. Such orientations may cause the cohesive soil to show varied strength in different direc-
tions, or in other words, the clay may be anisotropic with respect to strength. A Casagrande
and Carrillo (1944) proposed an expression (Eq. 9.20) for the directional variation of the und-
rained shear strength as
where (cu)i is the undrained shear strength of a specimen whose axis is inclined at an angle
i with the horizontal, (cu)H the undrained shear strength of a specimen taken horizontally
(i = 0°), and (cu)V the undrained shear strength of a specimen taken vertically(i = 90°).
Failure envelope
Envelope for for
fissured clay over-consolidated clay
The ratio of (cu)V and (cu)H is called coefficient of anisotropy. For natural deposits, this
coefficient varies from 0.75 to 2.0.
A classification of saturated clays based on the undrained shear strength obtained from
unconfined compressive strength is presented in Table 9.1 (Lambe, 1951).
ccu f′
(uw)1 (uw)2 s ′, s
Fig. 9.27 Effective and total CU shear test plots for saturated clays
ccu c¢cu
s, s ¢ s, s ¢
Consolidation pressure Consolidation pressure
sc (a) sc (b)
Fig. 9.28 Effective and total stress CU test plots for NC and OC clays
The consolidated–undrained shear tests in terms of total and effective stresses for normally
and over-consolidated clays are shown in Fig. 9.28, and the corresponding deviator stress and
pore water pressure variations with strain are shown in Fig. 9.29. In normally consolidated
clays, as a result of positive excess pore water pressure during shear (with no drainage), σ1
and σ3 are greater than σ′1 and σ′3, respectively, and hence, φ′cu > φcu. However, (σ1 – σ3) and
(σ′1 – σ′3) are equal; hence, the Mohr circles have the same diameter, but the effective stress
circles are shifted to the left, reflecting higher φ′cu than φcu. In the over-consolidated case,
because of negative pore water pressure, the effective stress circles are shifted to the right.
In this case, φcu may be slightly greater or lesser than φ′cu but ccu, is always greater than c′cu .
In situ clays have been consolidated anisotropically, i.e., the effective vertical and horizon-
tal pressures are unequal. In the laboratory test, the consolidation is effected isotropically.
s1 – s3
s1 – s3 s1 – s3
Normally consolidated
clay Over-consolidated
uw uw clay
s1 – s3
over-consolidation ratio
Axial strain, % Axial strain, %
(a) (b)
Fig. 9.29 Deviator stress and pore water pressure variation with strain from CU test on NC and OC clays
This isotropic consolidation leads to a lower void ratio than the in situ one, and hence, the
laboratory undrained strength overestimates the field value. As this is an unsafe situation,
the specimen should be anisotropically reconsolidated in the laboratory.
f′d or f′ f′cu
f′d or f′ and f′cu
c′d or c ′ or c ′cu
(a) s′ (b) s′
ΔV over-consolidation ratio
Strain, % Strain, %
(a) (b)
Fig. 9.31 Deviator stress and volume change variation with strain from drained test on NC
and OC clays
Δσ 3′ = Δσ3 −Δuw
Consider an element of soil mass (Fig. 9.32). And let ε1, ε2, and ε3 be the principal strains. Then,
ε1 = [Δσ1′ − v(Δσ2′ + Δσ3′ )]
ε2 = [Δσ2′ − v(Δσ1′ + Δσ3′ )] (9.22)
ε3 = [Δσ3′ − v(Δσ1′ + Δσ2′ )]
Considering small strains,
= ε1 + ε2 + ε3 (9.23)
Δs 1
Δs 3
Δs 2
ΔV 1 − 2v
= (Δσ1′ + Δσ2′ + Δσ3′ ) (9.24)
Let the compressibility of soil skeleton be Cs and be represented as
3(1 − 2v)
Cs = (9.25)
Now representing the change in effective stresses in terms of the change in total stresses and
pore water pressure, we have
ΔV ⎛ Δσ + Δσ2 + Δσ3 ⎞
= Cs ⎜⎜ 1 −Δuw ⎟⎟⎟ (9.26)
V ⎜
⎝ 3 ⎠
As only change in volume causes consequent change in pore water pressure, the compress-
ibility of the pore fluid Cf is given as
1 ΔVw
Cf = (9.27)
Vw Δuw
1 ΔV
Cf = (9.28)
nV Δuw
= Cf nΔuw (9.29)
Equating Eq. 9.26 and Eq. 9.29, we have
⎛ Δσ + Δσ2 + Δσ3 ⎞
Cs ⎜⎜⎜ 1 −Δuw ⎟⎟⎟ = Cf nΔuw (9.30)
⎝ 3 ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞⎟⎛ Δσ1 + Δσ2 + Δσ3 ⎞
Δuw = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎟ (9.31)
⎜⎝ nCf / Cs + 1⎟⎟⎠⎜⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠
Equation 9.31 represents the change in pore water pressure, Δuw, due to changes in the
total principal stresses for undrained conditions. In a triaxial test, it is customary to take
Δσ2 = Δσ3 and, hence, Eq. 9.31 reduces to
1 ⎛ Δσ1 + 2Δσ3 ⎞⎟
Δuw = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
(nCf / Cs ) + 1 ⎜⎝ 3 ⎠
1 ⎛ Δσ1 −Δσ3 + 3Δσ3 ⎞⎟
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
(nCf / Cs ) + 1 ⎜⎝ 3 ⎠
1 ⎡ 1 ⎤
Δuw = ⎢Δσ3 + (Δσ1 −Δσ3 )⎥ (9.32)
(nCf / Cs ) + 1 ⎢⎣ 3 ⎥⎦
As the soil mass is not an elastic and isotropic material, the coefficients have been replaced
by two parameters, A and B, referred to as pore pressure coefficients by Skempton (1954).
Δuw = B[Δσ3 + A(Δσ1 −Δσ3 )] (9.33)
The change in pore water pressure, Δuw, is due to an isotropic stress increase Δσ3 together
with an axial stress increase (Δσ1 − Δσ3), as happens in a conventional triaxial test.
An overall coefficient B can be obtained by dividing Eq. 9.33 by Δσ1. Thus,
⎡ ⎛ Δσ3 ⎞⎟⎤
= B ⎢⎢1 − (1 − A)⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ Δσ1 ⎟⎟⎠⎥⎥⎦
⎡ ⎛ Δσ3 ⎞⎟⎤
B = B ⎢⎢1 − (1 − A)⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎥ (9.34)
⎢⎣ ⎝ Δσ1 ⎟⎟⎠⎥⎥⎦
B= (9.35)
(nCf / Cs ) + 1
Water is an incompressible pore fluid, and hence, in a saturated soil Cf Cs. Hence,
B ≈ 1.0. Thus, for a saturated soil, a uniform increase in total stress results in an equal rise in
pore water pressure, and the effective stress remains unchanged. That is, Δuw = Δσ3 during
application of all-round pressure and Δuw = (Δσ1 − Δσ3) during application of deviator stress.
The presence of air in the voids increases the compressibility of the pore fluid in partially
saturated soils. Thus, Cf Cs, and hence, B<1.0. Figure 9.33 shows a typical variation of B
with the degree of saturation.
The pore pressure coefficient A is not a constant but depends on the stress history, stress
level, strain level, strain rate, and mode of application of stress (viz., increasing or decreas-
ing). The value of A at the time of shear failure is denoted as Af and is often quoted as a guide
value. Values of Af for different soils are shown in Table 9.2.
Soil type Af
is closed and a deviator stress is applied. The pore water pressure change (Δuw) resulting
from the change in the principal stress difference (Δσ1 − Δσ3) is measured; then,
(Δσ1 −Δσ3 )
Description Sensitivity, St
Insensitive <2
Medium sensitive 2–4
Sensitive 4–8
Very sensitive 8–16
Slightly quick 16–32
Medium quick 32–64
Quick >64
Compressive stress
Compressive stress
St = 8.8
St = 2.2
qu (undisturbed)
St =
qu (remolded)
qu (undisturbed) Initial
qu (remolded) strength
Strenght after
Fig. 9.35 Behaviour of (a) thixotropic material; (b) partially thixotropic material
and φ′ is influenced slightly by the presence of water. Only the drained strength of a granular
soil is useful in practice because of high permeability. Undrained strength is insignificant
except during an earthquake.
The relevant shear strength parameter (Eq. 9.36) may be obtained from the results of direct
shear tests or drained triaxial tests. The characteristics of dry and saturated granular soils are
the same, provided all are under effective stress conditions and in the case of saturated soils
no excess pore water pressure exists.
The principal difficulty is in the evaluation of σ′n. Because of shear strains in granular
soils, significant volume change occurs under drained and undrained shear conditions. The
volume change mechanism is complex and is associated with random displacements of soil
particles in the shear zone (Leonards, 1962).
Typical stress–strain curves and the respective volume change diagrams with different
initial void ratios are shown in Fig. 9.36. Such relationships between shear stress and shear
displacement under the same confining pressure can be obtained. The dense sample shows
a definite peak in the stress–strain curve, followed by a decrease in the deviator stress with
increase in strain until it levels out to a residual value. The loose sample does not have a
peak point, and the failure criterion is governed by the strength at 20% strain, while at large
strains the curve merges with the dense sample.
In dense samples there will be a considerable inter-locking between particles. Before
complete shear failure can take place, the inter-locking must be overcome in addition to
the frictional resistance at the points of contact. The degree of inter-locking decreases after
the peak, and the shear stress necessary to continue shear displacement is correspondingly
reduced. In a loose sample, there is no inter-locking, and hence, after the peak, the shear
stress necessary to continue the shear displacement remains unchanged.
In a loose sample the void decreases rapidly at first and then attains a minimum value.
It then increases slightly until the peak stress is reached and continues to show less or no
change in volume. In a dense sample after an initial adjustment, there is a rapid increase in
void ratio, which then gradually decreases and approaches a constant value. At sufficiently
large strains, a void ratio is reached at which continued shear deformations will occur at
constant volume. This void ratio has been referred to as critical void ratio, ecr . This shows
Loose Critical
void ratio
Shear stress
Loose Dense
Void ratio
sn – Constant sn – Constant
Deformation Deformation
(a) (b)
Fig. 9.36 Typical stress–strain and volume change for granular soils
that if the initial void ratio (e0) of a sample is at the critical void ratio, the shear deformation
would take place at constant volume; if e0 is higher than ecr, then volume reduction would
occur; and if e0 is lower than ecr, then volume increase would occur.
The appropriate strength envelope (peak or residual) for a given problem depends on the
field conditions that are to be simulated. In most practical situations, large strains cannot be
tolerated and the peak stress is used to define failure. Typical values of the effective angle of
shearing resistance, φ′, for granular soils are given in Table 9.4.
It is very rare to test undisturbed non-cohesive samples using direct or triaxial shear tests. As
the direct shear test is simple and rapid, it is preferred for tests on sand. Further, it is believed
that the direct shear test is a plane strain test. Both triaxial and direct shear tests give values of
φ′ as 2° to 8° smaller than those given by the plane strain test. Lade and Lee (1976) related the
angles of shearing resistance of coarse-grained soils from the plane strain test, φ′ps , as
′ = 1.5φtr′ − 17°
φps (φtr′ > 34°)
′ = φtr′
φps (φtr′ ≤ 34°)
Soil φ′°
Example 9.1 The following results were obtained from a direct shear test on a sandy
clay sample:
360 13
720 19
1,080 26
1,440 26
If the shear box is 60 mm square and the proving ring constant is 20 N per division, esti-
mate the shear strength parameters of the soil. Would failure occur on a plane within this
soil at a point where the normal stress is 320 kN/m2 and the corresponding shear stress is
138 kN/m2?
Normal load Normal stress PR dial reading Shear stress
(N) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
c = 34 kN/m2
f = 20°
Shear stress, kN/m2
(320, 138)
c = 34 kN/m2
0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640
Normal stress, kN/m2
Fig. 9.37
The shear stresses are plotted against the corresponding normal stresses as shown in
Fig. 9.37. The straight line having the best fit to the plotted points is drawn. The shear
strength parameters taken from the plot are given as
c = 34 kN / m 2 φ = 20°
The stress state τn = 138 kN/m2 and σn = 320 kN/m2 plots below the failure envelope and
therefore would not produce failure.
Example 9.2 A specimen of fine dry sand, when subjected to a triaxial compression test,
failed at a deviator stress of 400 kN/m2. It failed with a pronounced failure plane with an
angle of 24° to the axis of the sample. Compute the lateral pressure to which the specimen
would have been subjected.
The failure angle θf = 90° – 24° = 66°. From Eq. 9.8,
σ1 = σ3 tan 2θf + 2c tan θf
Example 9.3 Samples of a dry sand are to be tested in triaxial and direct shear tests. In the
triaxial test the sample fails when the major and minor principal stresses are 980 and
280 kN/m2, respectively. What shear strength would be expected in the direct shear test
when the normal stress is 240 kN/m2?
The relationship between σ1 and σ3 is given as
σ1 = σ3 tan 2 θf + 2c tan θf
As the soil is dry sand, c = 0. Therefore,
980 = 280 tan 2 θf
θf = 45° + φ / 2 = 61.88°
φ = (61.88°− 45°)× 2 = 33.83°
Example 9.4 A boring log reveals that a thin layer of silty clay exists at a depth of 15 m
below the natural ground surface. The soil above this layer is a silt having γd = 15.5 kN/m3
and w = 28%. The groundwater table is found to exist approximately near the ground sur-
face. Triaxial shear tests on the undisturbed silty clay samples give the following results:
ccu = 48.3 kN / m 2 , φcu = 13° and cd′ = 41.4 kN / m 2 , φd′ = 23°
Estimate the shearing resistance of the silty clay on a horizontal plane (i) when the shear
stress builds up rapidly and (ii) when the shear stress builds up very slowly.
Total unit weight of silt γ sat = γd (1 + w)
⎛ 28 ⎞⎟
= 15.5 ⎜⎜⎜1 + ⎟ = 19.84 kN/m
⎝ 100 ⎟⎠
Example 9.5 Triaxial compression tests were conducted on a specimen from a large sample
of undisturbed clay. Tests 1 to 4 were run slowly, permitting complete drainage, and Tests
5 to 8 were run without permitting drainage. Plot Mohr’s modified strength envelope, and
determine the shear strength parameters for both kinds of tests.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(σ1− σ3) at failure (kN/m ) 447 167 95 37 331 155 133 119
σ3 (kN/m2) 246 89 36 6 481 231 131 53
Compute the points for plotting modified Mohr envelope as shown in the table below:
Test no. (σ1 – σ3) σ′3 σ′1 (σ′1 – σ′3)/2 (σ′1 + σ′3)/2
Mohr’s modified strength envelopes are plotted as shown in Figs. 9.38 and 9.39 for Tests
1 to 4 and Tests 5 to 8, respectively.
From Fig. 9.38, the modified parameters are obtained as
c∗ = 10 kN / m 2 and φ∗ = 23°
c∗ = 10 kN/m2
(s′1 – s′3)/2, kN/m2 f∗ = 23°
Fig. 9.38
c∗ = 30 kN/m2
f∗ = 10°
(s 1′ – s 3′ )/2, kN/m2
100 10°
Fig. 9.39
c∗ = 30 kN / m 2 and φ∗ = 10°
cu = 30 /cos(10.16°) = 30.48 kN / m 2
Example 9.6 A vane of 80 mm diameter and 160 mm height has been pushed into an in situ
soft clay at the bottom of a bore hole. The torque required to rotate the vane was 76 N-m.
Determine the undrained shear strength of the clay. After the test, the vane was rotated several
times, and the ultimate torque was found to be 50 N-m. Estimate the sensitivity of the clay.
Rearranging Eq. 9.18,
cu =
π(1/ 2bd + 1/ 6 d 3 )
76 ×10−3
= = 40.5 kN / m 2
π ⎢⎡1/ 2× 0.160 ×(0.08)2 + 1/ 6(0.08)3 ⎤⎥
⎣ ⎦
Therefore, the undisturbed undrained strength = 40.5 kN/m2.
After re-moulding, the undrained shear strength is obtained as
50 ×10−3
cu = = 26.65 kN / m 2
π ⎡⎢1/ 2× 0.160 ×(0.08)2 + 1/ 6(0.08)3 ⎤⎥
⎣ ⎦
Therefore, the re-moulded undrained strength = 26.65 kN/m2
Undisturbed undrained strength 40.50
Sensitivity St = = = 1.52
Re-moulded undrained strength 26.65
Example 9.8 A triaxial sample was subjected to an ambient pressure of 200 kN/m2, and the
pore pressure recorded was 50 kN/m2. In this state, the sample was found to be fully satu-
rated. Then, the cell pressure was raised to 300 kN/m2. What would be the value of pore
pressure? Then, a deviator stress of 150 kN/m2 was applied to the sample. Assuming the
pore pressure parameter A to be 0.50, determine the pore pressure value.
Change in cell pressure Δσ3 = 300 – 200 = 100 kN/m2
We know that the pore pressure parameter B is given as
As the soil is saturated, B = 1. Therefore,
uw = Δσ3 = 100 kN / m 2
Pore pressure after increase of cell pressure = uw
= (uw )0 + Δuw
= 50 + 100 = 150 kN / m 2
The pore pressure change due to deviator stress change is given as
= 150 + 75 = 225 kN / m 2
Example 9.9 A sample of stiff clay was tested in a triaxial shear test and found to have a
cohesion c of 200 kN/m2 and angle of shearing resistance of 37°. What will be its effective
compressive strength if a horizontal hole is made with zero confining stress and a water
pressure of 220 kN/m2?
Plot the Coulomb envelope taking c = 200 kN/m2 and φ = 37°, as shown in Fig. 9.40.
From the origin, draw a line with angle θf = 45° + φ/2(63.5°) to intersect the envelope
at D.
At D, erect a perpendicular to cut the x-axis at E. With E as centre and ED as radius, draw
a circle which will pass through the origin and intersect the x-axis at F. Point F represents the
total compressive stress.
From the plot, σ1 = 760 kN/m2. The pore water pressure uw = 220 kN/m2. Therefore,
Effective compressive strength = σ′1 = σ1 – uw
c = 200
kN/m2 qf E F
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Normal stress, kN/m2
Fig. 9.40
Example 9.10 In a triaxial test on a saturated clay, the sample was consolidated under a cell
pressure of 160 kN/m2. After consolidation, the cell pressure was increased to 350 kN/m2,
and the sample was then failed under undrained condition. If the shear strength parameters
of the soil are c′ = 15.2 kN/m2, φ′ = 26°, B = 1, and Af = 0.27, determine the effective major
and minor principal stresses at the time of failure of the sample.
Pore pressure at the time of failure (uw)f = (uw)0 + Δuw.
Pore pressure soon after increase in cell pressure
= BΔσ3 = 1×(350 − 160) = 190 kN / m 2
(uw )f = 190 + A(σ1 − σ3 )
= 190 + 0.27(σ1 − σ3 )
σ3′ = σ3 − (uw )f = 350 − 190 − 0.27(σ1 − σ3 )
Since σ1− σ3 = σ′1− σ′3
σ3′ = 160 − 0.27(σ1′ − σ3′ ) = 160 − 0.27σ1′ + 0.27σ3′
160 − 0.27 σ1′
σ3′ = = 219.2 − 0.37 σ1′
1 − 0.27
We know from Eq. 7.8 that
σ1′ = σ3′ tan 2 θf + 2c ′ tan θf
φ′ 26°
θf = 45 + = 45° + = 58°
2 2
σ1′ = (219.2 − 0.37 σ1′ ) tan 2 58° + 2×15.2 tan 58°
σ1′ = 312.8 kN / m 2
σ3′ = 219.2 − 0.37 × 312.8 = 34.96 kN / m 2
Example 9.11 Coulomb failure envelope of soil is τf = c′ + σ′ tan φ′. For the same soil, the
modified failure envelope in a q′ − p′ plot can be expressed as q′ = m + p′ tan α. Express α as
a function of φ′ and m as a function of c′ and φ′.
From Fig. 9.41
(σ1′ − σ3′ )
sin φ ′ = = =
c ′cotφ ′+
(σ1′ + σ3′ )
t f = c⬘ + σ⬘ tanf⬘
s1⬘ − s3⬘
C f
O s3⬘ A s1⬘ Normal stress
c⬘ cotf⬘ s1⬘ + s3⬘
Fig. 9.41
9.1 Peak shear strength of a soil is the maximum shear stress that can be resisted by the
9.2 In a strain-hardening soil the peak shear strength is referred to the point at which
significant shear strain starts. In a strain-softening soil the peak shear strength is
well defined and after a continued large strain, the shearing resistance attains a
constant level, and the corresponding shearing resistance is called the residual shear
9.3 Coulomb suggested a simple linear relationship of shear strength (τf = c′ + σ′ tan φ′)
controlled by the shear strength parameters c′ (cohesion intercept) and φ′ (angle of
shearing resistance). These parameters, c′ and φ′, are not constants for a given soil but
depend on factors like void ratio, initial stress, pore pressure, drainage conditions,
and type of test.
9.4 Coulomb’s failure condition is stated in another form – that if the Mohr’s circle for a
state of stress at a point is tangential to Coulomb’s failure loci, then that point is said
to be in a state of failure. This is known as Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion, and the
failure loci is called Mohr–Coulomb failure envelope.
9.5 Peak shear strength parameters depend on per cent clay contact, drainage condition,
type of loading, consolidation history, stress level, anisotropy, and other environmental
factors. Residual shear strength is independent of many of the above factors, but φ′r
decreases with increasing clay content and c′r is almost zero.
9.6 Shear strength parameters are designated, based on the drainage conditions of the
test: (i) when no drainage is allowed during both the stages (i.e., consolidation stage
and shear stage) of the test, then the parametres are referred to as undrained shear
strength parameters (cu and φu); (ii) drainage is allowed during the consolidation
stage and no drainage during the shear stage and the parameters are referred to as
consolidated–undrained shear strength parameters cu and φu; and (iii) drainage is
allowed during both the stages, and the shear strength parameters are effective or
drained shear strength parameters c′d and φ′d.
9.7 Undrained shear strength parameters may be applied in field problems where
the change in total stress is immediately compensated by a change in pore water
pressure. The consolidated–undrained total stress parameters may be taken as a
rough guide to the undrained shear strength of the soil. Whenever pore water pres-
sure can change independently of the total stresses, effective shear strength param-
eters should be used.
9.8 Change in pore water pressure resulting from changes in the state of stress (which
occurs in many practical problems involving deformation of soil masses) are esti-
mated using Skempton’s pore pressure parameters A and B.
9.9 Changes in stress and environment with time may result in cohesive soil having
a higher strength in the undisturbed state than in the re-moulded state. The term
sensitivity of cohesive soils is used to describe this difference in strength, which is given
by the ratio of the undisturbed strength to the re-moulded strength.
9.10 Shear strength of granular soils depends on particle shape, orientation, surface rough-
ness, grain-size distribution, initial void ratio, and effective stresses. Only the drained
strength parameter (φ′d) is useful in practice because of high permeability. Undrained
strength is insignificant except during an earthquake.
Objective Questions
9.1 State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your choice.
1. Pore pressure parameter B is a function of strain at failure.
2. In a partially saturated soil, the χ-parameter is always greater than unity.
3. Mohr’s failure theory does not consider the effect of intermediate principal stress.
4. The shear strength of granular material is affected largely by the initial void ratio.
5. Consolidated–undrained and drained tests on normally consolidated clays show
zero cohesion.
9.2 When a saturated soil mass is loaded under undrained conditions, the load according
to Terzaghi’s concept is
(a) Borne entirely by water
(b) Borne entirely by soil solids
(c) Shared equally by soil solids
(d) Shared between soil solids and water proportional to their volumes
9.3 The unconsolidated–undrained strength of an intact saturated clay does not depend on
(a) Major principal stress (b) Maximum shear stress
(c) Minor principal stress (d) Maximum prinicipal stress ratio
9.4 Cohesionless soils whose natural void ratios are above the critical will ______ in
volume during shear.
(a) Decrease (b) Remain constant
(c) Increase (d) Initially increase and then remain constant
9.5 For a very heavily over-consolidated clay sample, the probable value of pore pressure
parameter A at failure is likely to be
(a) 0.85 (b) 0.35
(c) 0.0 (d) 0.20
9.6 Consider the following statements.
1. Volume change is considered usually as three-dimensional effect.
2. Plastic flow is the mass movement of soil laterally.
3. Shear failure occurs where part of the soil mass moves as a single unit along a
defined surface of rupture.
Of these statements,
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 2 and 3 are correct
(c) 3 and 1 are correct (d) 1 alone is correct
9.7 The Mohr theory of rupture implies that there is no influence on failure by
(a) Minor principal stress (σ3) (b) Intermediate principal stress (σ2)
(c) Major principal stress (σ1) (d) Principal stress difference (σ1− σ3)
9.8 Identify the incorrect statement. Effective stress shear parameters of a clay can be
obtained from
(a) Drained triaxial shear test
(b) Drained direct shear test
(c) Consolidated–undrained triaxial shear test with pore water pressure measure-
(d) Unconsolidated–undrained triaxial shear test with pore water pressure measure-
9.9 Both the shear stress and the normal stress on the plane of failure are measured
directly in
(a) Triaxial shear test (b) Vane shear test
(c) Direct shear test (d) Unconfined compression test
9.10 The unconfined compression test is a special type of
(a) Vane shear test
(b) Unconsolidated–undrained triaxial test
(c) Unconsolidated–undrained direct shear test
(d) Drained triaxial test
Descriptive Questions
9.11 Explain why the angle of shearing resistance of a soil is not always the same as the
angle of internal friction.
9.12 Discuss the type of laboratory triaxial test you would recommend to be carried out for
the following field problems:
1. The initial stability of a foundation on saturated clay
2. The stability of a clay foundation of an embankment, the rate of construction being
such that some consolidation of the clay occurs
3. The long term-stability of a slope in stiff fissured clay
9.13 Explain why the angle of the failure plane observed in a shear test might differ more
often from that predicted from a Mohr diagram at failure.
9.14 Define critical void ratio. Explain the shear behaviour of a soil whose void ratio is less
than the critical void ratio.
9.15 An undrained triaxial shear test is conducted on a fully saturated cohesionless soil
specimen. How does this shearing resistance compare with that from a drained test if
the initial condition of the specimen was dense?
9.16 How are the drainage conditions adopted in a triaxial shear test realized in the field?
9.17 Explain how a negative pore water pressure develops in a consolidated–undrained
test on a over-consolidated clay.
9.18 Discuss at least three factors which govern the shear strength of cohesionless soils.
9.1 Describe the state of samples A to D when the Mohr circles describing their state of
stresses are as follows: For A the Mohr circle is a dot on the normal stress axis, for B
the Mohr circle is too small to touch the failure envelope, and for C the Mohr circle is
so large that part of the circle is above the failure envelope.
9.2 The following observations were taken in a series of tests in a 60 mm×60 mm direct
shear box.
100 150
200 230
300 308
400 380
Compute the values of c and φ for the soil. Also, find the orientation of principal
planes for Test 1.
9.3 A soil sample taken from a sand deposit is tested in a direct shear test and found to
have an angle of shearing resistance of 32° at a unit weight of 19.8 kN/m3. Estimate
the shear strength of the soil in a horizontal plane, at a depth of 4.5 m below the
ground surface. A structure proposed to be built on the site will cause the vertical and
shear stresses to increase by 65 and 50 kN/m2, respectively, at the same depth. Check
whether the shearing stress exceeds the shear strength of the soil at that depth. Will
the structure be stable if the groundwater rises to the ground surface?
9.4 A clay stratum of 10 m depth is just sheared due to an adjacent structure leaning
against it. The lateral pressure at 10 m depth is estimated to be 115 kN/m2. If the clay
is completely saturated and the failure might be under undrained condition, what is
the shear strength of the clay? The saturated unit weight of the clay is 22.5 kN/m3.
9.5 A series of unconsolidated–undrained triaxial tests on saturated clay yielded the fol-
lowing results:
9.7 Two consolidated–undrained triaxial tests are performed on undisturbed silty clay
samples. One sample is consolidated under an all-round pressure of 170 kN/m2, and
when subjected to shear, it fails at an added axial stress of 124 kN/m2. The pore water
pressure at the time of failure is found to have a positive value of 110 kN/m2. The sec-
ond sample is consolidated under a pressure of 430 kN/m2 and fails at an added axial
stress of 310 kN/m2. The corresponding pore water pressure at the time of failure is
270 kN/m2. Find the total and effective shear strength parameters of the soil. Also,
compute the pore pressure parameter A at the time of failure. Take B = 1.
9.8 The following results were obtained during a consolidated–undrained triaxial test
with pore pressure measure:
50 40
100 70
Determine the shear strength parameters. If an undrained triaxial test was conducted
on the same soil and at the same density and water content with a cell pressure of
75 kN/m2, estimate the deviator stress at failure.
9.11 An undisturbed sample with a unit weight of 16 kN/m3 has been extracted from a
depth of 7 m below the ground surface for shear testing in the laboratory. What stress
condition would you apply to the specimen prepared from this sample in (i) the direct
shear apparatus and (ii) the triaxial equipment before shearing the specimen to simu-
late the conditions in the ground? During sampling, no groundwater table is encoun-
tered but the groundwater rises to the ground surface during the rainy season.
9.12 A sample of dense sand is tested in the following tests:
1. Direct shear with a normal stress of 150 kN/m2
2. Triaxial shear with a confining pressure of 150 kN/m2
Find the maximum shear stress at failure in both the cases if the angle of internal
friction of the sand is 36°. Explain your results with the Mohr–Coulomb envelope.
9.13 A 7 m high embankment is constructed with a soil whose effective shear strength
parameters are c′ = 62 kN/m2, φ′ = 22°, and γ = 15.8 kN/m3. The pore pressure
parameters as determined from triaxial tests are A = 0.39 and B = 0.94. Find the shear
strength of the soil at the base of the embankment just after the fill has been raised
from 7 to 10 m. Assume that the dissipation of pore water pressure during this stage
of construction is negligible and that the lateral pressure at any point is held at half the
vertical pressure.
9.14 A soil specimen measuring 85 mm in length and 40 mm in diameter fails at a load of
90 N when subjected to the unconfined compression test. The axial deformation at the
time of failure is found to be 6 mm. What is the shear strength of the soil sample?
9.15 In an unconfined compression test on a saturated clay, the unconfined compressive
strength was found to be 160 kN/m2, It is known that the same soil showed an angle
of shearing resistance of 10° in a consolidated–undrained test. What is the percentage
of error, and is it conservative or unconservative to use cu = qu/2? Give reasons.
9.16 A vane shear test was performed on a uniform normally consolidated clay at a certain
depth and the following data obtained:
T = 65 N-m d = 65 mm b = 110 mm
wL = 68.4 % wp = 34.1%
Preparation of dry soil samples – Specific gravity of soil solids: density bot-
tle method, pycnometer or gas jar method – Water content – In-place density:
core-cutter method, sand replacement method – Grain-size distribution: sieve
analysis, pipette method and hydrometer method – Liquid limit – Plastic limit
– Shrinkage factors – Linear shrinkage – Permeability: constant head, falling
head – Free swell – Proctor compaction – Density index – Consolidation –
Unconfined compression – Direct shear – Triaxial shear – California Bearing
Ratio (CBR)
All geotechnical engineering problems in civil engineering are solved by a combination
of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge of the geology and history of the site
under consideration and of the knowledge of geotechnical properties of the soil or rock
obtained from laboratory and field tests. The problems associated with the construction
of structures may have different aspects, such as settlement predictions, strength
requirements, stability, and effects of groundwater. The data needed to evaluate the
salient features are obtained from a site investigation and testing programme and are
interrelated. Quite often pilot site investigations, involving sampling, are carried out to
establish the type and characteristics of the soil to be studied. From such a pilot investi-
gation, a laboratory or field testing programme is then decided upon, which considers
the size of samples, the quality of samples, and the frequency of sampling with respect
to variations in the soil. After deciding the appropriate laboratory or field tests, the
major site investigation is undertaken with the distinct purpose of fulfilling a considered
test programme. It is the responsibility of the engineer in charge to present the test results
and findings in a report form with all relevant details in a sensible and concise way.
In this chapter, the essentials of laboratory testing of soils, including methods of sample
collection, sample preparation, testing methods, data collection, and presentation of results,
are given in a lucid form. The testing techniques explained in this chapter follow quite
closely the Indian Standards for testing soils, and the relevant facilities are found in most
institutions in India. Further, only testing methods which are relevant to an undergraduate
course in geotechnical engineering are dealt with. However, reference has been made to
certain tests which have some bearing on the main tests.
Sl. no. Name of test Type of Amount of soil sample Degree of pulverization
drying required for test (passing IS sieve size)
Note: All oven drying is done for 24 hours at 110 ± 5°C except for tests 1, 2, 8, 9, and 16, which are
dried at 105°C to 110°C.
Source: IS: 2720 – Part 1, (1983).
6. Add some water to the gas jar, allow the soil to settle, and then fill the jar up to the brim
with more water.
7. Place the slip cover on the top, taking care not to trap any air under the plate.
8. Carefully dry the outside of the jar and weigh the jar and contents along with the slip
cover to the nearest 0.2 g (M3).
9. Clean the gas jar, fill completely with water up to the brim, place the slip cover, dry the
outside, and weigh to the nearest 0.2 g (M4).
10. Repeat Steps 2 to 9 for two more samples.
Specific gravity at T°C,
M2 − M1
( M4 − M1 ) − ( M3 − M2 )
If a liquid other than water is used, then the specific gravity is calculated as follows:
GL ( M2 − M1 )
( M4 − M1 ) − ( M3 − M2 )
The mean value based on three samples is reported to the nearest 0.01. Tests are repeated
if the results differ by more than 0.03 from the mean value.
Typical observations of data and test results of specific gravity from the density bottle
method are shown in Table 10.2.
The major source of error is the complete removal of air from the sample. To ensure accurate
results, the soil should be left in vacuum for several hours. Soils often contain a substantial
Table 10.2 Data and results of specific gravity test from density bottle method
proportion of heavy or light particles. Such soils may give erratic values of specific gravity,
and the tests have to be repeated a sufficient number of times to obtain a reasonable average.
Presence of organic matter may decrease the specific gravity.
For soils containing soluble salts, kerosene or white spirit may be preferred in place of
water. Conventionally, oven-dried soil is used. If there is a possibility of loss of water of
hydration at the oven temperature, the soil may be dried at a temperature less than 80°C
(IS: 2720 – Part 3/Sec 1, 2, 1980, 1981).
The factors which are essential for accurate determination of water content are the mass of
the wet representative sample, and the temperature and duration of the drying of sample.
As per IS recommendations (IS: 2720 – Part 2, 1973), the following masses of soil have to
be used to provide reasonable results.
425 μm IS sieve 25
2 mm IS sieve 50
4.75 mm IS sieve 200
10 mm IS sieve 300
20 mm IS sieve 500
40 mm IS sieve 1,000
100 Corner rounded off
6 108
900 approx.
25 mm solid
mild steel staff
Mild steel foot
75 All dimensions in mm
10 100 Hardened
106 cutting edge 1400
(a) Cutter (b) Rammer
Fig. 10.1 Apparatus for core-cutter method (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 29, 1975)
5. Dig the soil around the cutter using a spade or pickaxe and bodily remove the cutter
with soil allowing some soil to project from the lower end of the cutter. Trim the top and
bottom of the cutter by means of a palette knife and straight edge.
6. Weigh the cutter with soil, and without dolly (Msc).
7. Remove the soil from the cutter and determine the water content of the soil.
The bulk density ρ is given as
Msc − Mc
ρ= g / cc
γd = 9.807ρd kN/m3
The dry density (in g/cc) and the dry unit weight (in kN/m3) of the soil are reported to the
second decimal place and the water content of the soil (per cent) to two significant figures.
A knowledge of the specific gravity of the soil-solids of the soil will enable us to find the void
ratio and the degree of saturation of the soil. A typical data sheet with relevant results is
shown in Table 10.4.
The core-cutter method is convenient and quick; it works best on fine-grained soils but cannot
be used on stony or non-cohesive soils. For the purpose of this test, a soil is a fine-grained soil
if not less than 90% of it passes a 4.75 mm IS sieve. The Indian Standards (IS: 2720 – Part 29,
1975) recommend repeat determinations (at least three) and averaging out of results. Further,
the number of determinations should be such that an additional test will not alter the average
significantly. This method is less accurate than the sand replacement method.
For determination of the bearing capacity of soils, for calculation of the overburden pressure
in settlement computations, and for stability analysis of natural slopes, the in- place den-
sity of natural soil is needed. In all earth dam and embankment projects, the in-place
density is used to check the compaction criterion, and hence this test is usually referred to
as the control test.
115 200
Handle Flat
100 surface
Shutter cover
plate 5
380 13
85 75
115 5
(a) Sand pouring cylinder (b) Calibration can
Fig. 10.2 Apparatus for sand replacement method (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 28, 1974)
Metal tray with hole – 300 mm2, 40 mm deep, with a 100 mm hole in the centre
Clean and closely graded natural sand passing the 1 mm IS sieve but retained on the 600 μm
IS sieve
Apparatus for water content determination
1. Fill the pouring cylinder with clean sand till the level of sand is about 10 mm from
the top, and weigh (M1). Maintain this mass constant throughout the test, for which
the pouring cylinder has to be calibrated.
2. Place the pouring cylinder on a glass plate and close the tap when the conical portion has
been filled.
3. Collect the sand on a glass plate carefully and weigh the sand. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 at least
three times and take the average mass of sand filling the cone (M2).
4. Measure the internal dimensions of the calibration can and find its volume. Fill the can
with water up to the brim and find the mass. From this mass of water, find the volume
and check the previous value obtained based on the measurement of internal dimen-
sions. Let the volume be V.
5. Place the pouring cylinder concentrically on top of the calibration can with initial mass
M1. Open the shutter and allow the sand to fill it. Tap the cylinder to ensure that the can
and the conical portion are completely filled with sand. Weigh the cylinder.
6. Repeat Step 5 at least thrice and record the average mass M3 of the cylinder after filling
the cone and the can.
7. Clean and level an area of 450 mm2 of the soil to be tested.
8. Place the square tray with a central hole on the prepared surface, excavate a circular hole
of 100 mm diameter and 150 mm depth. Carefully collect all the excavated soil, and find
its mass (Ms). In fine-grained soils push a core-cutter into the soil until its edge is flush
with the levelled surface. Remove the soil within the core-cutter approximately up to a
depth of 100 mm and collect and weigh the soil (Ms). Keep the core-cutter in position
during the rest of the test procedure.
Bulk density of sand ρsd = g / cc
Mass of sand required to fill the excavated hole Mb = (M1 – M4 – M2) g
Bulk density of soil ρ = (Ms/Mb) × ρsd g/cc
Bulk unit weight γ = 9.807ρ kN/m3
⎛ ρ ⎞⎟
Dry density of soil ρd = ⎜⎜ ⎟ g / cc
⎜⎝ 1 + (w / 100) ⎟⎟⎠
(a) Calibration
Mass of pouring cylinder with sand before pouring (M1) 11,686 g
Average mass of sand filling cone only (M2) 1,093 g
Volume of calibration can (V) 1,178 ml
Average mass of pouring cylinder and sand after filling can and cone (M3) 8,850 g
Mass of sand filling calibration can (Ma = M1 – M3 – M2) g 1,743 g
Ma 1.48 g/cc
Bulk density of sand ρsd =
(b) Measurement of soil density
Mass of excavated soil from the hole (Ms) 2,807 g
Mass of pouring cylinder and sand after filling hole and cone (M4) 8,245 g
Mass of sand required to fill the excavated hole Mb = (M1 – M4 – M2) 2,348 g
Ms 1.77 g/cc
Bulk density of soil ρ = × ρsd
Bulk unit weight, γ = 9.807ρ 17.35 kN/m3
Moisture cup No. 18
Mass of cup 16.95 g
Mass of cup and wet soil 29.96 g
Mass of cup and dry soil 29.30 g
Water content 5.34% (wt.)
⎛ ρ ⎞⎟
Dry density of soil ρd = ⎜⎜ 1.68 g/cc
⎜⎝ 1 + ( w + 100 ) ⎟⎟⎠
To determine the grain-size distribution of a soil by sieve analysis
Balance of 0.1 g sensitivity
Sieves – 100 mm, 63 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.4 mm, 1.2 mm, 600 μm, 300 μm, 150 μm,
and 75 μm IS sieves
Oven with accurate temperature control in the range from 105 to 110°C
Trays and buckets
Brushes for cleaning sieves
Mortar with a rubber-covered pestle
Mechanical sieve shaker
Reagents – sodium hexametaphosphate or a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium car-
bonate, or any other dispersing agent
1. Prepare the soil sample received from the field, as suggested in Test No. 1.
2. Take a certain quantity of soil* (IS: 2720 – Part 4, 1975) and separate the soil fraction
passing and retained on the 4.75 mm sieve.
3. Conduct a separate sieve analysis test for each fraction.
4. Sieve the soil retained on the 4.75 mm sieve by hand sieving through the following set of
sieves: 100 mm, 63 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm, and 4.75 mm. Agitate the sieve while sieving such
that the soil sample rolls in an irregular motion over the sieve. Rub the sample with a rub-
ber pestle, if necessary, and re-sieve to ensure that only individual particles are retained.
80 60
40 25
25 13
20 6.5
12.5 3.5
10 1.5
6.3 0.75
4.75 0.40
5. Record the mass of material retained on each sieve. If the soil contains more than about
20% of gravel particles with cohesive particles adhering to them, then wash the gravel on
the 4.75 mm sieve with sodium hexametaphosphate solution and record the correct mass
of soil retained on the 4.75 mm sieve, and thereby record the correct mass of soil passing
the 4.75 mm sieve.
6. Sieve the soil passing the 4.75 mm sieve through the following sieves: 2 mm, 1 mm, 600 μm,
300 μm, 150 μm, and 75 μm. Arrange the sieves in descending order of sieve openings with
the 2 mm sieve at the top. Place the cover and a receiver at the top and bottom of the sieves,
respectively. Keep the entire set of sieves on a sieve shaker and allow the sample to be sieved
for a minimum period of 10 minutes.
7. Record the mass of material retained on each sieve.
Mass of soil retained
1. Percentage retained on any sieve = ×100
Total soil mass
2. Cumulative percentage retained on any sieve = sum of percentages retained on all coarser
3. Percentage finer N = 100 – (cumulative percentage retained)
*If more than 500 g of soil passes the 4.75 mm sieve, take about 500 g of soil and calculate the combined
percentage finer (N) for the second sieve analysis from the relation N = N′ × (M2/M1), where N′ is the
percentage finer for the second sieve analysis based on the soil taken for the second sieve test, M1 is the
mass of soil taken for the entire sieve analysis (as taken in Step 2), and M2 is the mass of soil passing
4.75 mm sieve.
The grain-size distribution curve is plotted by taking the percentage finer on the arithmetic
scale and the sieve opening on the logarithmic scale. Typical test results are presented in
Table 10.6, and the grain-size distribution curve is given in Fig. 10.3.
A wet sieve analysis has to be performed if the material passing the 4.75 mm sieve contains
more clay-size particles. For this, the soil is soaked in a dispersing agent. The dispersing
agent is prepared by mixing 2 g of sodium hexametaphosphate or 1 g of sodium hydroxide
with 1 g of sodium carbonate in 1 litre of water. The soaked soil specimen is washed through
the nest of sieves. The collected material in each sieve is dried and weighed.
Sampling pipette – as illustrated in Fig. 2.5 with a capacity of approximately 10 ml and fit
enough to arrange to a required depth as shown in Fig. 10.4
Glass sedimentation tubes – 50 mm in diameter, 350 mm long, marked at 500 ml volume,
with rubber bungs to fit a minimum of two numbers
Weighing bottles – fitted with round stoppers or crucibles with suitable lids, approximately
25 mm in diameter and 50 mm high. Mass of bottles is found to the nearest 0.001 g
Constant temperature bath – capable of being maintained at 27 ± 0.1°C with provision to
immerse the tube up to the 500 ml mark
Stirring apparatus – mechanical stirrer with a speed of 8,000 to 10,000 rpm when loaded and
with dispersion cups with baffle rod
Sieves – 2 mm, 425 μm, 75 μm IS sieves
Balance of 0.001 g sensitivity
Oven with an accurate temperature control in the range from 105 to 110°C
Evaporating dish
Conical beaker – 650 ml or 1 litre capacity
Funnel – Buchner or Hirch about 70 mm in diameter
Filter flask – 500 ml capacity
Measuring cylinder – 100 ml capacity
Pipette – 25 ml capacity
Glass filter funnel – about 100 mm in diameter
Wash bottle
Filter paper
Blue litmus paper
Glass rod – 4 to 5 mm in diameter and 150 to 200 mm long
Thermometer – 0 to 50°C, accurate to 0.5°C
Reagents – hydrogen peroxide – 20 volume solution
Percentage finer
100 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001
Diameter of particle, mm
Scale graduated
in cm and mm
A and B
A and B – 125-ml bulb
G funnel with stopcock
C – Safety bulb suction
Sliding inlet tube
D –Safety bulb
H E –Three–way stopcock
F –Outlet tube
Constant G –Sampling pipette
temperature H –Sedimentation tube
Note: D, F, and G are
jointed to three-way
stopcock E.
8. Add 50 ml of distilled water and gently boil the soil suspension till the volume is reduced
to about 40 ml. Add 75 ml of hydrogen peroxide and allow the sample to stand overnight
covered with a cover glass.
9. Heat the sample gently, taking care to avoid frothing over. Agitate frequently either by
stirring or by shaking the beaker. When vigorous frothing has subsided on addition of
fresh hydrogen peroxide, reduce the volume to 30 ml by boiling.
10. If the soil contains calcium carbonate, add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid after cooling the
solution obtained in Step 9. Stir the solution with a glass rod for a few minutes and allow
it to stand for about 1 hour or for longer periods. Continue the treatment till the solution
gives an acid reaction to litmus.
11. Filter the solution, pre-treated with peroxide and acid alone, using the Buchner of Hirch
funnel and wash with warm water until the filtrate shows no acid reaction to litmus.
Transfer the wet soil to an evaporating dish and wash the funnel and filter paper with
minimum water. Dry the contents of the evaporating dish, cool in a desiccator, and
weigh accurately. Record the mass of soil remaining after pre-treatment (Mb).
12. Omit pre-treatment of the soil if it does not contain calcium compounds or soluble solids
and has a low (less than 2%) organic content.
13. Add about 25 ml of sodium hexametaphosphate solution to the mixture, warm gently
for about 10 minutes, and then transfer the mixture to the cup of a mechanical stirrer
using a jet of water.
14. Stir the soil suspension for 15 minutes.
15. Transfer the suspension through a 75 μm IS sieve placed on a receiver and wash off all
traces of suspension adhering to the dispersion cup.
(d) Sedimentation
16. Transfer the suspension, that has passed through the sieve, to a sedimentation tube and
make the volume to 500 ml by adding distilled water.
17. Add 25 ml of sodium hexametaphosphate solution in a 500 ml sedimentation tube
(comparison tube), and add water to make the level exactly 500 ml.
18. Immerse the sedimentation tube with soil suspension in a constant temperature bath (if
used) and note down the temperature of the bath. Fix a rubber bung on the mouth of the
sedimentation tube and allow the suspension to attain the temperature of the bath.
19. Remove the sedimentation tube from the constant temperature bath and shake it
thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times. Replace the tube in its position in the
apparatus and remove the rubber bung carefully without disturbing the tubes.
20. Keep tap E closed and lower the pipette vertically into the suspension until the end is
100 ± 1 mm below the surface of the suspension. Take care to lower the pipette into the
suspension about 15 seconds before collecting the sample.
21. Open tap E and draw up a sample (Vp ml) into the pipette till the pipette and the bore
in the tap E are filled and then close tap E. Complete this operation within a time of
10 seconds.
22. Withdraw the pipette and wash with distilled water the surplus suspension drawn
above the bore of the tap E through the outlet tube F, by opening the tap E in such a way
as to connect D and F. Allow distilled water to run from bulb funnel A into D and out
through F until no solution remains in the suspension. Repeat this operation during each
time of sampling.
23. Keep a tared weighing bottle under the end of the pipette and open the tap E so that the
contents of the pipette are delivered into the bottle. Wash the inner walls by allowing
distilled water to run from bulb A, through E, into the pipette.
24. Repeat Steps 17 to 20 after expiry of a particular time approximately corresponding to
particle diameters 0.02 mm, 0.06 mm, 0.002 mm, and 0.001 mm. Take the time of settling
to a depth of 100 mm of particles of various diameters for a given temperature from
Table 10.7.
25. Place the weighing bottles along with the contents in the oven. After drying, cool in a
desiccator and weigh to the nearest 0.001 g. Find the mass of the solid materials in the
sample (M1, M2, M3, and M4 for each respective sampling time).
26. Also take a sample of volume Vp from the comparison tube and find the mass of the solid
material (Ms) in the sample tube.
27. Determine the specific gravity of soil solids from Test No. 2.
1. Loss in mass after pre-treatment is given as
M b (100 + w)
P = 100 −
where P is the loss in mass in percentage, Mb the mass of soil after pre-treatment, w the
air-dry moisture content of the soil taken for analysis, and Ma the mass of air-dry soil.
2. The diameter of the particle is given as
30ηw He
980(ρs − ρw ) t
3. The mass of solid material in 500 ml of suspension for each sampling time is given as
Mi or Ms
Mi′ or Ms′ = × 500
where M′i is the mass of material in 500 ml from respective samplings (e.g., M′1, M′2 M′3,
etc.), M′s the mass of sodium hexametaphosphate in 500 ml of solution, Mi the mass of
material in Vp ml from respective samplings (e.g., M′1, M′2, M′3, etc.), and Ms the mass of
sodium hexametaphosphate in Vp ml of suspension.
4. Percentage finer is given as N′ = (M′i – M′s)/Mb ×100
5. Combined gradation may be calculated based on the total soil sample taken for analysis.
Typical test results are presented in Table 10.8 and the gradation curve is shown in Fig. 10.5.
Diameter (mm)
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.01
M10_PURU1773_01_SE_C10.indd 327
Temp. (°C) (Time for a fall of 100 mm)
Hours Minutes Seconds
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
10 40.80 10.90 4.53 2.55 98.0 68.0 53.0 38.3 30.2 24.5 367 163 92 59 40.8 31.8 22.9 18.1 14.7
11 39.64 9.91 4.40 2.48 95.2 66.47 51.5 37.2 29.3 23.8 357 158 89 57 39.6 30.9 22.3 17.6 14.3
12 38.55 9.63 4.28 2.41 92.6 64.2 53.1 36.1 28.5 23.1 347 154 87 55 38.5 30.0 21.7 17.1 13.9
13 37.48 9.37 4.16 2.34 90.0 62.5 48.7 35.1 27.7 22.5 337 150 84 54 37.5 29.2 21.1 16.7 13.5
14 36.39 9.10 4.04 2.28 87.6 60.8 47.3 34.2 27.0 21.9 328 146 82 52 36.4 28.4 20.5 16.2 13.1
15 35.45 8.86 3.93 2.22 85.1 59.2 46.1 33.3 26.2 21.3 319 142 80 51 35.4 27.6 19.9 15.8 12.5
Laboratory Measurement of Soil Properties
16 34.49 8.62 3.83 2.16 82.8 57.6 44.9 32.4 25.5 20.7 310 138 78 50 34.5 26.9 19.4 15.3 12.4
17 33.64 8.41 3.73 2.10 80.8 56.1 43.7 31.5 24.9 20.2 302 134 76 48 33.6 26.2 18.9 14.8 12.1
18 32.73 8.18 3.64 2.04 78.6 54.6 42.5 30.7 24.2 19.6 294 131 74 47 32.7 25.5 18.4 14.5 11.8
19 31.89 7.98 3.54 1.99 76.6 53.2 41.4 29.9 23.6 19.1 287 127 72 46 31.9 24.8 17.9 14.1 11.5
20 31.10 7.77 3.45 1.94 74.6 51.8 40.4 29.1 23.0 18.6 280 124 70 45 31.1 24.2 17.5 13.8 11.5
21 30.28 7.57 3.36 1.89 72.7 50.6 39.4 28.4 22.4 18.2 273 121 68 44 30.3 23.6 17.0 13.4 10.9
22 29.55 7.38 3.28 1.85 70.9 49.3 38.4 27.7 21.8 17.7 266 118 66 42 29.5 23.0 16.6 13.1 10.6
23 28.81 7.21 3.20 1.80 69.2 48.1 37.5 27.0 21.3 17.3 259 115 65 41 28.8 22.4 16.2 12.8 10.4
24 28.12 7.03 3.12 1.76 67.5 46.9 36.6 26.4 20.8 16.9 253 113 63 40 28.1 21.9 15.8 12.5 10.1
25 27.78 6.86 3.05 1.72 65.9 45.8 35.7 25.8 20.3 16.5 243 110 62 39 27.8 21.4 15.5 12.2 9.9
26 26.81 6.71 2.98 1.68 64.4 44.7 34.8 25.2 19.8 16.1 241 107 60 39 26.8 20.9 15.1 11.9 9.6
27 26.19 6.54 2.91 1.64 62.9 43.7 34.0 24.6 19.4 15.7 236 105 59 38 26.2 20.4 14.7 11.6 9.4
28 25.6 6.40 2.84 1.60 61.4 42.7 33.2 24.0 19.0 15.4 231 102 58 37 25.6 19.9 14.4 11.4 9.2
29 25.04 6.25 2.78 1.56 60.1 41.7 32.5 23.4 18.5 15.0 226 100 56 36 25.0 19.4 14.1 11.1 9.0
30 24.46 6.12 2.72 1.53 58.8 40.8 31.8 22.9 18.1 14.9 221 98 55 35 24.5 19.0 13.8 10.8 8.8
31 23.95 5.98 2.66 1.50 57.5 39.9 31.1 22.4 17.7 14.4 216 96 54 34 23.9 18.6 13.5 10.6 8.6
32 23.44 5.86 2.60 1.47 56.3 39.1 30.4 21.9 17.3 14.1 211 94 53 34 23.4 18.2 13.2 10.4 8.5
33 22.95 5.74 2.55 1.44 55.1 38.3 29.8 21.5 17.0 13.8 206 92 52 33 22.9 17.8 12.9 10.2 8.4
34 22.50 5.62 2.56 1.41 54.0 37.5 29.2 21.1 16.6 13.5 202 90 51 32 22.5 17.5 12.6 10.1 8.1
35 20.01 5.50 2.45 1.38 52.9 36.7 28.6 20.7 16.3 13.2 198 89 50 32 22.0 17.2 12.4 9.8 7.9
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328 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Temperature 20°C
Percentage finer
This method is not recommended if less than 10% of the material passes the 75 μm IS sieve.
If a constant temperature bath is not available, the test may be performed at room temperature.
Note down the temperature and incorporate necessary corrections in the expression for
determining the diameter of the particle.
Hydrometer – range 0.995 to 1.03 with an accuracy of 0.0005
Glass measuring cylinders – two of 1,000 ml capacity, 70 mm diameter, and 330 mm height
Thermometer – 0 to 50°C with an accuracy of 5°C
Water bath – maintained at constant temperature
Stirring apparatus
Balance of 0.01 g sensitivity
Oven with accurate temperature control in the range from 105 to 110°C
Evaporating dishes
Wide-mouth conical flask or conical beaker of 1,000 ml capacity
Buchner or Hirch funnel – 100 mm diameter filter flask
Measuring cylinder – 100 ml capacity wash bottle with distilled water
Filter papers
Reagents – hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid, sodium hexametaphosphate
Blue litmus paper
(a) Calibration of hydrometer
1. Immerse the hydrometer in a graduated jar and note down the increase in volume as
read on the graduation, or weigh the hydrometer to the nearest 0.1 g and record the mass
in grams as the volume of the hydrometer (Vh) in millilitres.
2. Obtain the cross-sectional area of the jar (Af) by dividing the volume between two
calibration marks by the distance between the same two marks.
3. Record the distance from the lowest calibration mark on the stem of the hydrometer to
each of the major calibration marks [Rh = 1000(rh – 1), where rh is the actual reading on
the hydrometer stem].
4. Record the distance from the neck of the bulb to the nearest calibration mark.
5. Compute the distance H1 corresponding to a reading Rh as the sum of the distances
measured in Steps 3 and 4.
6. Record the distance (h) from the neck to the bottom of the bulb.
7. Compute the effective depth He corresponding to each of the major calibration marks Rh
from the expression
He = He′ −
2 Af
He′ = H1 +
8. Obtain a graphical relationship between He and Rh by plotting a smooth curve between
them. Use this calibration curve for readings beyond 4 minutes. For readings at timings
of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 minutes, use the expression H′e = H1 + h/2 to obtain the calibration
9. Insert the hydrometer in a 1,000 ml measuring cylinder with 700 ml water and note the
readings corresponding to the upper and lower limits of the meniscus. Record the differ-
ence between the two readings as the meniscus correction Cm.
1. Compute the loss in mass in pre-treatment (as in Test No. 7).
2. The diameter of the particles in the suspension, at any time t, is given as
30ηw He
980 (ρs − ρw ) t
where t is the time elapsed between the beginning of sedimentation and the taking of the
hydrometer reading, in minutes.
The hydrometer reading corrected for the meniscus is given as
Rh = Rh′ + Cm
where R′h is the hydrometer reading at the upper rim of the meniscus.
3. The percentage finer N′, based on the mass Mb, is given as
100 G
N′ = Rh
M b (G − 1)
where Rh = Rh + C .
The results of the grain-size analysis are presented in a graph by taking the diameter of the
particle in a log scale and the percentage finer in an arithmetic scale. Details of calibration
data and calibration curve are shown in Table 10.9 and Fig. 10.6, respectively. Test data and
results are given in Table 10.10, and the graduation curve is presented in Fig. 10.7.
As per Indian Standards, this method is considered as a subsidiary method. It is not
recommended if less than 10% of the material passes the 75 μm IS sieve.
The hydrometer and pipette methods give fairly accurate results, but both are time-
consuming. A new device called the plummet balance is in use in different laboratories
(Malhotra and Chandra, 1982). A plummet balance is nothing but a specific gravity balance.
It is based on the principle that the depth of immersion of a plummet in a suspension is
No immersion 20
He or He'
He' = H1 + h/2
With immersion 10
6 He = He' –
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Rh = 1000 (rh – 1)
Lapsed time Hydrometer R′ = 1000 (r′h – 1) Temperature Rh = R′h + Cm C H′e or He D (mm) Rh = rh + C Percent
(min) reading (r′h) (°C) (cm) finer, N′
Laboratory Measurement of Soil Properties
0.25 1.00925 9.25 27.5 9.75 –0.55 7.6 0.0686 9.20 73.9
0.50 1.00875 8.75 27.5 9.25 –0.55 7.8 0.0491 8.70 69.9
1.00 1.00725 7.25 27.5 7.75 –0.55 8.4 0.0361 7.20 57.8
2.00 1.00600 6.00 27.5 6.50 –0.55 9.0 0.0264 5.95 47.8
4.00 1.00500 5.00 27.5 5.50 –0.55 9.6 0.0193 4.95 39.8
8.00 1.00300 3.00 27.5 3.50 –0.55 10.2 0.0103 2.95 23.7
15.00 1.00150 1.50 27.5 2.00 –0.55 10.2 0.0103 1.45 10.0
30.00 1.00100 1.00 28.0 1.50 –0.55 10.4 0.0073 0.95 7.6
60.00 1.00075 0.75 28.0 1.25 –0.55 10.5 0.0052 0.70 5.6
75.00 1.00050 0.50 28.0 1.00 –0.55 10.7 0.0018 0.45 3.6
140.00 1.00025 0.25 27.5 0.75 –0.55 10.8 0.0011 0.20 1.6
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334 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Percentage finer
countered by the movement of a needle-shaped beam on a graduated scale, and the reading
of the beam on the scale represents the percentage fraction of a particular size in a given time
of fall (Marshall, 1956). Malhotra and Chandra (1982) used this apparatus on six different
fine-grained soils and found it more suitable in clayey soils. This method has the advantage
of being quick, but it is yet to be standardized.
Clamping nuts
Screw adjustment between
10 mm clear with cup in cam and follower
rigid position Brass cup
28 mm 45 mm
51 mm Rubber Base 51 mm
150 mm 125 mm
15 (a) Liquid limit apparatus
20 30 All dimensions in mm
11 10 53
40 59
Type A Type B Type C (b) Grooving tools
Fig. 10.8 Liquid limit device and tool (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 5, 1970)
1. Clean and check the liquid limit device to see that it is in working order. Also clean the
grooving tools.
2. Use a gauge or the handle of the grooving tool and the adjusting plate of the liquid
limit device such that the cup falls exactly 10 mm for one revolution of the handle.
After adjustment, secure the plate by tightening the screw.
3. Weigh about 120 g of the soil sample passing the 425 μm IS sieve and transfer it to an
evaporating dish or on to the flat glass plate.
4. Mix the soil with distilled water to form an uniform paste.
5. Take a portion of the paste in the cup (of the liquid limit device) above the spot where
the cup rests on the base, squeeze down, spread into position, and level to a depth of
10 mm at the point of maximum thickness.
6. Divide the soil in the cup by firmly running the grooving tool (Type A) diametrically
such that a sharp groove is formed. Use Type B or C grooving tools for non-adhesive
7. Turn the crank at the rate of two revolutions per second until the two parts of the soil
come in contact with the bottom of the groove along a distance of about 12 mm and
record the number of drops needed.
8. Add a small quantity of soil from the evaporating dish, mix it thoroughly, and repeat
Steps 6 and 7 until two consecutive runs give the same number of drops for closure of
the groove.
9. Take a representative slice of the soil sample, about the width of the spatula, at right
angles to the groove, including that portion of the groove in which the soil flowed
together, for water content determination.
10. Transfer the remaining soil to the evaporation dish and add more water or soil to change
the consistency of the paste. Repeat Steps 5 to 9. Repeat the test 4 to 5 times and record
the number of drops required to close the groove in the range of 15 to 35.
Computations and results
Plot the number of drops on a logarithmic scale and water content on an arithmetical scale
and join them by a straight line. Such a curve is called a flow curve. Read the moisture content
corresponding to 25 drops from the curve and report it to the nearest whole number as the
liquid limit (wL of the soil).
Extend the flow curve on either side and find the slope of the line as the difference in
water content at N2 and N1 drops and report it as the flow index If, thus
w1 − w2
If =
log10 ( N 2 / N1 )
where w1 is the water content corresponding to N1 drops and w2 the water content corre-
sponding to N2 drops.
Typical test data and results are shown in Table 10.11 and Fig. 10.9.
In general, natural soils used for liquid and plastic limit tests (given elsewhere) should not
be oven dried. Drying causes the particles to sub-divide and also causes the removal of
absorbed water. It is reported (Lambe, 1951) that oven-dried organic soils tend to show a
lower wL value than those of soils that have not been dried.
Thus, sometimes natural soils are directly used for a test without oven drying if all the
particles are less than 425 μm in size. In case some stones are present, the wet soil is rubbed
through the 425 μm IS sieve till a sufficient quantity of soil is collected to run the test.
A soil with a low clay content has to be tested immediately after thorough mixing with
water. In case of tearing of the sides of the groove or slipping of the soil, the groove may be
cut in stages. Instead of flowing, some soils tend to slide; in such cases discard the result and
report that the liquid limit could not be obtained (IS: 2720 – Part 5, 1970).
Another method of finding the liquid limit is the use of the cone penetrometer method,
which was discussed in Chapter 2. The mechanical liquid limit device has been recognized as
a routine test. The cone penetrometer has been reported to have more advantages compared
with the mechanical device (IS: 2720 – Part 5, 1970); yet it has not been accepted as a routine test.
Determination no. 1 2 3 4 5
Number of drops 16 19 22 27 31
Moisture cup no. 36 63 54 90 81
Mass of cup (g) 17.33 17.82 15.06 17.40 15.71
Mass of cup with wet soil (g) 23.40 24.83 21.13 22.96 22.40
Mass of cup with dry soil (g) 21.45 22.67 19.29 21.38 20.62
Water content (%) 47.33 44.54 43.50 39.70 36.25
Liquid limit from plot (%) 4
Flow index from plot 32.6
If = = 32.6%
log 35
Water content, % 44
1 10 100
Number of drops
Determination no. 1 2 3
3. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 to obtain two more determinations of the plastic limit. Also, find the
natural water content of the soil (wn).
Computations and results
The mean water content obtained from three trials is the plastic limit of the soil (wp). The
indices (as discussed in Chapter 2) are calculated.
For sandy soils, first determine the plastic limit; if it cannot be determined, report the
plasticity index as Np (non-plastic). When the plastic limit is equal to or greater than the
liquid limit, the plasticity index is reported as zero.
Typical data and results of a plastic limit test are shown in Table 10.12.
2. Take about 30 g of soil, passing the 425 μm IS sieve, in an evaporating dish and thoroughly
mix with water of an amount slightly greater than the liquid limit. The soil–water mixture
should be capable of flowing if allowed to drop.
3. Coat the inside of the shrinkage dish with a thin layer of grease and fill one-third of the
dish with soil–water mixture. Tap the dish on a firm surface, cushioned by several layers
of blotting paper, rubber sheet, or similar material. In three operations, completely fill the
dish. Strike off the excess soil paste with a straight edge, clean the outside surface, and
weigh (M2).
4. Dry the soil pat in air until the colour changes from dark to light, and then dry it in a
temperature-controlled oven. After drying, cool it in air and weigh the shrinkage dish and
dry the soil pat (M3).
5. Fill the glass cup with mercury and remove the excess mercury by pressing the glass plate
with three prongs firmly over the top of the cup.
6. Place the glass cup with mercury in a large evaporating dish and place the dry soil pat on
the surface of the mercury.
7. Force the soil pat under the mercury carefully by means of the glass plate with the prongs,
so that the soil pat is completely submerged in mercury (Fig. 10.10). Collect the displaced
mercury, weigh it, and find its volume, which is the volume of the dry soil pat (V0).
Moisture content of wet soil pat
M − M0
w= ×100
M = M2 − M1
M0 = M3 − M1
Shrinkage limit (re-moulded soil)
⎡ ⎛ V − V0 ⎞⎟ ⎤
ws = ⎢⎢ w − ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟×100⎥ %
⎢⎣ ⎜⎝ M0 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦
Fig. 10.10 Liner shrinkage mould (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 20, 1966)
Shrinkage index
I S = I p − ws
Shrinkage ratio
Vs = (w1 − ws )R
where w1 is the given moisture content in percent.
Shrinkage limit of re-moulded soil when the specific gravity is known,
⎛1 1⎞
ws = ⎜⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟⎟×100
⎝R G⎠
Shrinkage limit (re-moulded soil) tests are repeated at least three times, and the average
value is reported, and if any test shows a variation of 2% against the mean, the test is
repeated. The shrinkage limit for a typical re-moulded soil is given in Table 10.13.
In order to determine the shrinkage limit of undisturbed soils, prepare a wet soil pat of
dimensions 45 mm diameter and 15 mm height and round off its edges to prevent the
entrapment of air during mercury displacement (IS: 2720 – Part 6, 1972). Air-dry and then
Determination no. 1 2 3
oven-dry the pat; cool it and weigh it (M0s). Using the mercury displacement procedure, find
the volume of the pat (V0s). Then shrinkage limit of undisturbed soil,
⎛v 1⎞
wsu = ⎜⎜⎜ 0s − ⎟⎟⎟×100%
⎜⎝ M0s G ⎟⎠
The shrinkage limit test is useful in obtaining a quantitative indication of how much
volume change can occur with changes in the water content.
25 mm
40 mm
125 mm
140 mm 12.5 mm
20 mm
Fig. 10.11 Liner shrinkage mould (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 20, 1966)
Determination no. 1 2 3
7. Level the soil along the top mould with the palette knife.
8. Dry the mould in three stages, viz., in air, in the oven at a controlled temperature of 60 to
65°C and finally in the oven at a controlled temperature of 105 to 110°C. The time needed
to dry during each stage depends on the type of soil. However, as a general guide,
24 hours may be allowed during each stage.
9. Remove the mould from the oven, cool, and measure the mean length of the soil bar (Ld);
if the specimen has curved, measure along the mean arc.
10. Repeat the test for two more specimens.
The linear shrinkage of the soil is given as
⎛ Length of oven − dry specimen ⎞⎟
⎜⎜1− ⎟⎟×100%
⎜⎜⎝ Initial length of the specimen ⎟⎠
The liner shrinkage of the soil is represented as a percentage to the nearest whole number.
Test data and results are shown in Table 10.14 for a typical case.
Soil of low plasticity may not show cracks when subjected to rapid drying and in such soils
the drying may be done directly at 110°C. For a highly colloidal clay, the drying process may
have to be slowed down to prevent cracking. In soils of varying particles size, segregation of
larger particles to the bottom of the mould may be avoided by reducing the soil–water
wetness (IS: 2720 – Part 20, 1966).
Water inlet
Glass stand pipes
Soil sample
Set of stand pipes – glass stand pipes of diameter 5 to 20 mm, suitably mounted on stand
(Fig. 10.12)
Miscellaneous apparatus – IS sieves, mixing tray, graduated cylinder, metric scale, stopwatch,
75-gauge wire, thermometer, and source of water
1. Take 2.5 kg of sample (as suggested in the standard compaction test) and the desired water
content (may be field water content or optimum moisture content depending on the dry
density requirement), spread uniformly, and allow moisture equilibrium to be attained.
2. Weigh the empty permeameter. Attach the extension collar, grease the inside of the
mould and collar, and keep the assembly on a firm base.
3. Choose the type of compaction and compactive effort to suit the field condition, and
complete the compaction process.
4. Remove the collar, level the soil, detach the base plate, and weigh.
5. Assemble the mould, drainage base, and cap along with porous discs (saturate the
porous discs before use).
6. Saturate the specimen, by allowing water to flow with a sufficient head through it or by
immersion for a high-permeability specimen and by subjecting it to a high head (for a
day or two) for permeable specimen.
(a) Falling head test
7. Connect the specimen through the top inlet to a selected stand pipe of inside area (a).
Open the bottom outlet and note down the interval (t) required for the water level to fall
from the initial head (h1) to a known final head (h2), the heads being measured above the
centre of the outlet.
8. Fill the reservoir again to a higher h1 and note the time taken for the water level to fall to
h1 h2 and then to h2 again.
9. The time taken to fall from h1 to h1 h2 and then from h1 h2 to h2 should be the same.
Otherwise, repeat the test after re-filling the stand pipe.
10. Report the test and take three observations.
(b) Constant head test
11. Connect the specimen through the top inlet to the constant head water reservoir. Open
the bottom outlet and ascertain that the flow has attained a steady state.
12. Collect the quantity of flow for a convenient time interval (t) and repeat this for the same
time interval thrice.
13. Find the mass of wet soil in the mould.
14. Keep samples for water content determination.
The coefficient of permeability (k) for
1. The falling head test,
2.303 aL h
k= log10 1
At h2
The coefficient of permeability is reported in mm/s or m/s at 27°C. Typical test results are
given in Tables 10.15 and 10.16 for falling and constant head permeabilities, respectively. The
void ratio, degree of saturation, and dry density are presented in Table 10.17.
Sl. no. Initial head, h1 Final head, h2 Time, t log10(h1/h2) kT (mm/s) k27 (mm/s)
(mm) (mm) (seconds)
Sl. no. Time, t (s) Head, h Hydraulic Quantity, Q3 q = Q/t kT (mm/s) k27 (mm/s)
(mm) gradient, h/L (mm3) (mm3/s)
Permeability tests can also be conducted on undisturbed specimens. Prepare carefully a
specimen 85 mm in diameter and 127 mm in height to suit the permeameter. Place the spec-
imen centrally over the porous disc and fill the annular gap with a cement slurry or benton-
ite sand mix in the ratio 1:9. Fix the drainage cap. Now a falling or constant head test may be
conducted, depending on the type of soil.
The constant head test is usually preferred for sandy soils and the variable head test for
silty and clayey soils. A separate constant head method for granular soils has been recom-
mended by Indian Standards (IS: 2720 – Part 36, 1975). This method is suitable for disturbed
granular soils containing less than 10% soil passing 75 μm IS sieve. This range of particle
sizes is used for construction of embankments and base courses under pavements. Granular
soils with a particle size up to 20 mm can be tested using this method under laminar flow
Although these two laboratory methods are routinely used in various laboratories, they
do not provide a reliable value for the following reasons:
1. A soil specimen in the laboratory is always disturbed to some extent and does not exist in
the same state as in the field.
2. A laboratory specimen does not simulate the orientation of an in situ stratum to the flow
of water.
3. Boundary conditions are not the same as simulated in the laboratory, e.g., smooth walls of
the mould do not exist in the field.
4. There is a difference between the field and laboratory hydraulic gradients.
5. Complete saturation conditions are not possible in a laboratory sample, and the effect of
entrap-ped air bubbles on the coefficient of permeability may be severe.
6. Prediction of the behaviour of a large formation in situ from the test results for a small
sample is highly unreliable.
It is apparent that the laboratory determined k is not representative and is hence not reli-
able. But tests on undisturbed samples might improve this situation.
Graduated glass cylinders of 100 ml capacity
Sieve – 425 μm IS sieve
1. Take 10 g of oven-dry soil passing through the 425 μm sieve and pour it into a 100 ml
graduated jar. Similarly, prepare another cylinder with the same weight of soil.
2. Fill one with kerosene oil and the other with distilled water up to the 100 ml mark.
3. Remove the entrapped air from both the cylinders by shaking and/or stirring with a glass rod.
4. Allow both the cylinders to settle down for 24 hours.
5. Read out the level of the soil in the kerosene-filled graduated jar (Vk). Kerosene, being a
non-polar liquid, does not cause swelling of the soil.
6. Also read out the level of soil in the distilled water-filled graduated jar (Vd).
The free swell index of the soil can be calculated from the expression
Vd − Vk
Free swell index = ×100%
The free swell index is expressed as a percentage to two significant figures. Typical data and
results are given in Table 10.18.
Table 10.18 Data and results from a free swell index test
To get accurate results for highly swelling soils, the quantity of sample taken may be reduced
to 5 g or the volume of cylinder may be increased to 250 ml (IS: 2720 – Part 40, 1977).
120 mm Removable
Three lugs
brazed on
60 mm
10 mm
5 mm 10 mm
Three pins to form
Catch for Extension
127.3 mm
Two lugs
brazed on
base plate
10 mm
150 mm
180 mm
Fig. 10.13 Mould for compaction (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 7, 1974)
27 20
6 ,4
Guide Rammer adjusted
length to have a total
of travel 335 weight of 2.6 kg
361.5 rammer
310 mm 25
12 Holes
1.5 thick
25 rubber gasket
25 50
13 All dimensions
52 in mm
60 50
(a) Sleeve (b) Metal rammer
Fig. 10.14 Metal rammer and sleeve (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 7, 1974;)
8. Remove the collar and carefully level off to the top of the mould by means of a straight
edge. Weigh the mould (M).
9. Eject the soil from the mould, cut at the middle, and take representative samples for
water content determination.
10. Repeat Steps 7 to 9 for 5 or 6 samples, using a fresh part of the soil specimen each time,
after adding a higher water content than in the preceding specimen, so that at least two
readings, one below and above the optimum moisture content, are available.
Compute the volume (Vm) of the mould from its height and diameter.
⎛ M − Mm ⎞⎟
Bulk density ρ = ⎜⎜ ⎟ g / cc
⎜⎝ Vm ⎟⎟⎠
⎛ ρ ⎞⎟
Dry density ρd = ⎜⎜
⎜⎝ 1 + w/ 100 ⎟⎟⎠
g / cc
⎛ Gρ ⎞
Void ratio e = ⎜⎜⎜ w − 1⎟⎟⎟
⎜⎝ ρd ⎟⎠
⎛ ρ ⎞
Porosity n = ⎜⎜⎜1 − d ⎟⎟⎟×100%
⎜⎝ Gρw ⎟⎠
Plot a curve of water content versus dry density. The dry density (rounded to two decimal
places) corresponding to the maximum point of the curve and the corresponding mois-
ture content (rounded to the first decimal place) shall be reported as the maximum dry
density (ρd max) and the optimum moisture content (OMC), respectively. A typical test
results on a soil is presented in Table 10.19. The moisture content–dry density curve is
plotted in Fig. 10.15.
Instead of a 1,000 ml capacity mould, the Indian Standards (IS: 2720 – Part 7, 1974) also rec-
ommend a 2,250 ml mould to be used; in that case, for each layer 56 blows are given with the
standard hammer. The Standard/Proctor Test is also termed a light compaction test.
As the material retained on the 20 mm IS sieve has been rejected for the test, a correction
is applied to get the corrected maximum dry density and OMC.
ρ0 ×ρd max
Corrected maximum dry density =
n1ρd max + n2 ρ0
Corrected OMC = n1A0 + n2w0
where ρ0 is the density of over-size particles (i.e., G0ρw, where G0 is the specific gravity of
the over-size particles), ρd max the maximum dry density obtained in the test, in g/cc, n1
the fraction by weight of over-size particles in the total soil expressed as a ratio, n2 the
fraction by weight of portion passing 20 mm IS sieve (or 4.75 mm IS sieve) expressed as a
fraction of the total soil, A0 the water absorption capacity of over-size material, if any,
Determination no. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mass of mould (M) (g) 6,245 6,245 6,245 6,245 6,245 6,245
Mass of mould with 8,130 8,211 8,260 8,279 8,268 8,220
compacted soil (Mm) (g)
Mass of compacted soil (Mm – M) (g) 1,885 1,966 2,015 2,034 2,023 1,955
Wet density ρ = ( Mm − M ) / Vm 1.885 1.966 2.015 2.034 2.023 1.995
Moisture cup no. 9 18 27 45 54 36
Mass of cup and wet soil (g) 41.20 37.12 40.47 40.35 39.46 40.48
Mass of cup and dry soil (g) 39.35 35.18 38.18 37.89 36.82 37.71
Mass of cup (g) 22.67 20.74 22.84 22.65 21.84 22.37
ρ 1.697 1.733 1.753 1.751 1.720 1.690
Dry density ρd = ( g / cc )
1 + w / 100
⎛ Gρ ⎞ 0.562 0.529 0.512 0.513 0.541 0.568
Void ratio e = ⎜⎜⎜ w − 1⎟⎟⎟
⎜⎝ ρd ⎠⎟
⎛ ρ ⎞
Porosity n = ⎜⎜⎜1 − d ⎟⎟⎟× 100 36.0 34.6 33.9 33.9 35.1 36.2
⎜⎝ Gρw ⎟⎠
expressed as the percentage of water absorbed, and W0 the OMC obtained in the test in
per cent.
This formula is based on the assumption that the volume of the compacted portion
passing the 20 mm IS sieve (or 4.75 mm IS sieve) is sufficient to fill the voids between the
over-size particles (IS: 2720 –Part 7, 1974).
With field compacting equipment becoming heavier and more efficient, it has become
necessary to increase the amount of compacting energy in the laboratory test, and hence a
standard test for heavier compaction (Modified Proctor Test) has been suggested (IS: 2720 –
Part 8, 1983).
The procedure for conducting the test with heavier compaction is similar to that of light
compaction, but with slightly modified equipment. In this case, a rammer with a mass of
4.89 kg and a fall of 450 mm is used.
The soil is compacted in five layers, with each layer being given 25 blows for a 1,000 ml
mould or 56 blows for a 2,250 ml mould.
ρd max
Dry density, g/cc 1.74
10 12 14 16 18 20
Moisture content, %
Another method which uses a constant weight of soil is available for determination of the
moisture–density relation for the soil passing through the 4.75 mm IS sieve (IS: 2720 – Part
9, 1971). This is a rapid method which can be used as a field control method. It may also be
used as a rapid laboratory test. However, it cannot be used as a substitute for the standard
tests discussed earlier.
The compaction tests (both standard and modified) are satisfactory for cohesive soils.
Clean sands and gravels which are displaced easily during the rammer blows do not indi-
cate proper compaction characteristics. A knowledge of the maximum dry density and OMC
obtained from this test suggests that the maximum density is obtainable in the field using a
suitable roller and adopting a moulding water content almost equal to the OMC. A check can
be made on the field-compacted soil by adopting field control tests.
1. Fill the graduate cylinder up to 50% of its capacity.
2. Place the large funnel on the top of the graduated cylinder such that the tip of the funnel
is in the water.
3. Take a known mass of dry sand and slowly pour it into the cylinder through the funnel
such that every particle settles down independently.
4. Stop pouring sand when the cylinder is two-thirds full and note down the volume (V1)
and the mass of sand added (M1).
5. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 three times and use the minimum value of M1/V1.
6. Take sufficient sand to fill the compaction mould and add sufficient water to saturate it
7. Fill the compaction mould one-thirds full and compact with the wooden hammer such
that the voids are minimum. Use a needle vibrator to obtain the required condition.
8. Place more soil and repeat Step 6 such that the mould is filled and about 50% of the collar
is full.
9. Remove the collar and level the soil with a straight edge.
10. Find the mass of wet sand (M2) and the volume of the compaction mould (V2).
11. Keep a certain quantity of soil for water content determination.
12. Repeat Steps 6 to 10 three times and use the maximum value of M2/V2.
13. Find the filled density of the soil using the sand replacement method.
14. Find the field void ratio e from the field density, knowing the specific gravity of soil solids.
Minimum dry density
ρd min =
Density index
emax − e
Dr = ×100%
emax − emin
The density index is expressed as a percentage. Typical observations and test results are
given in Table 10.20.
Determination no. 1 2 3
This procedure is just sufficient for obtaining a fairly accurate value, provided the loosest
density is obtained carefully (Prakash, 1969). A more comprehensive method has been given
in IS: 2720 – Part 14 (1983).
Consolidation ring – a rigid ring with a smooth and polished inner surface and provided
with a cutting edge to facilitate preparation of specimens. The minimum diameter of the ring
should be 60 mm with a diameter–height ratio of 3.0 (Fig. 10.16)
Porous stone – shall be of silicon carbide, aluminium oxide, or other porous materials with
high porosity such that free drainage is assured throughout the test. The diameter of the
porous stone is 0.2 to 0.5 mm less than that of the inside diameter of the ring. The stone size
varies depending on the type of ring (Fig. 10.16)
Consolidation cell – a container to house the consolidation ring has a provision to hold water
and allow measurement of the change in height of the specimen at its central axis
Dial gauge – has a length of travel of 50% of the specimen height with an accuracy of at least
0.001% of the specimen height
Loading device – capable of taking axial loads in suitable increments with a suitable lever
ratio and of maintaining this for a large duration of time with an admissible variation of
±1% of the applied load (Fig. 10.17). There should be no significant impact during load
application. It should be located in an area free from vibrations
Sample extruder
Trimming equipment
Equipment for water content determination
Balance of 0.01 g sensitivity
Stopwatch with least count of 1 second
Increase in pore
water pressure
Friction Ring Friction
Drain tap
Dial gauge Reservoir
Loading frame
Weight hanger
Counter- Weights
1. Find the mass of the empty consolidation ring (M1).
2. Coat the inside surface with silicone grease or oil. Trim a sample carefully to fit the con-
solidation ring and weigh the mass along with the ring (M2). Keep a small quantity of
the soil from the trimmings for water content determination.
3. Record the thickness of the specimen. In case of difficulties in measuring the thickness,
take the thickness of the ring as the initial thickness.
4. Depending on the type of ring (fixed or floating), choose the correct size of the porous
stone. Place the ring and the specimen centrally on the saturated bottom porous stone
and place the upper saturated porous stone, followed by the loading cap.
5. Place the consolidometer in the loading device and attach the dial gauge. Fill the
consolidometer with water, apply a seating load of 5 kN/m2, and allow it to reach
moisture equilibrium in 24 hours.
6. Apply the first load increment and simultaneously take deformation readings at elapsed
times of 0.25, 0.50, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, and 60 minutes and 2, 4, 8, and 24 hours.
7. After 24 hours apply the increment load, keeping mind the fact that the applied pres-
sure at any loading stage should be double that at the preceding stage. Apply the
following loading sequence: 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 kN/m2. Each time repeat Step 6.
8. On completion of the final loading, unload the specimen with pressure decrements which
decrease the load to one-fourth the previous load. Take dial gauge readings during each
stage of unloading. If desired, the same time interval as adopted during loading may be
adopted. Keep the last unloading at a pressure of 5 kN/m2 for 24 hours to minimize the
swelling during disassembly.
9. Remove the ring, wipe the water on the outside of the ring, and find the mass (M3).
10. After drying, weigh the specimen with the ring and find the mass (M4).
(a) Coefficient of consolidation
Plot dial gauge reading versus t or versus log t for each load increment, and find the coef-
ficient of consolidation from the following expressions.
(i) Square root of time method:
0.848 ( Hav / 2)2
Cv =
(ii) Logarithm of time method:
0.197 ( Hav / 2)2
Cv =
where Hav is the average thickness of the specimen for that load increment.
(b) Coefficient of compressibility
Volume of solids, Vs =
where Ms = M4 − M1.
av =
Cc =
log ( p2 / p1 )
where p2 and p1 are the successive values of pressure and Δe is the change in the void ratio
over the above range of pressures.
The consolidation test results are presented in the form of the following curves:
1. e versus log p
2. Dial reading versus log t for different stress ranges
3. Dial reading versus t for different stress ranges
4. av versus log p
5. cv versus log p
Some typical test results are presented in Tables 10.21 to 10.23, and the corresponding
plots are given in Figs. 10.18 and 10.19.
As the effects of sample preparation are the same for any size of sample, larger samples pro-
vided more reliable results. The floating ring reduces the frictional loss along the sides of the
sample between the soil and ring, and hence, the test rate is about four times faster. The fixed
ring has the advantage of measuring the k value of the sample as it is tested. The curve fitting
methods are discussed in Chapter 6. Other details of the test can be obtained from IS: 2720
– Part 15 (1986).
Table 10.22 Dial gauge reading versus time for three loadings
195.0 0 20 0.560 0 0 0 20 – –
175.4 0.196 18.80 0.547 0.013 10 1.30 × 10–3 19.90 17.64 4.76
150.6 0.248 19.55 0.548 0.019 10 1.90 × 10–3 19.68 12.25 6.70
123.0 0.276 19.27 0.506 0.022 10 2.20 × 10–3 19.41 10.24 7.80
Time (minutes)½
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
t 90 = 4.2
0–10 kN/m2
t 90 = 3.5
10–20 kN/m2
Dial gauge reading
t 90 = 3.2
128 a
Cc = 0.0664
Void ratio
Δe = 0.02
p1 = 15 kN/m2 p2 = 30 kN/m2
1 10 100
Pressure, kN/m2
Stress–strain values are calculated as
Axial strain ε =
where ΔL is the the change in the specimen length (mm) and L0 the initial length of the
specimen (in mm).
The average cross-section area A at a particular strain is given by
1− ε
Compressive stress σ1 =
where P is the compressive force.
Plot σ1 versus ε and obtain the maximum stress which gives the unconfined compressive
strength qu. In case no pronounced peak is observed, take the strength corresponding to 20%
strain as the unconfined compressive strength.
For φ = 0 condition, the shear strength or cohesion of the soil may be taken to be equal to
half the unconfined compressive strength.
Table 10.24 Data and test results from unconfined compression test
Type of specimen (undisturbed, compacted, or compacted and re-moulded)
Initial length (L0) = 83 mm
Initial diameter (D0) = 38 mm
Initial area (A0) = 1,134 mm2
Initial mass of specimen = 75.8 g
Initial density = 1.76 g/cc
Initial water content = 15.5%
Rate of strain adopted = 1.27 mm/min
Sl. no. Elapsed time Load (N) Deformation (mm) Strain (%) Area A = A0/(1 – ε) Stress
(minutes) (mm2) (N/mm2)
These three factors have been properly taken care of in modern triaxial shear equipment
(discussed elsewhere).
The unconfined compressive strength test is a quick test and gives the approximate shear
strength of a cohesive soil. Another advantage of the unconfined compression test is that the
failure occurs along the weakest portion of the clay and hence provides a conservative shear
strength value. Keeping in view the deficiencies of the test, a reasonable interpretation has
to be made. The unconfined compression test gives misleading results with heterogeneous
soils because of the boundary condition (IS: 2720 – Part 10, 1973).
Base plate
U arm
Container for
shear box
Fig. 10.20 Assembly of shear box and container (Source: IS: 2720 – Part 13, 1972)
3. For re-moulded non-cohesive soils, place the soil in the shear itself and tamp it till the
required density is reached. Use a porous stone, if necessary, depending on the type of test.
4. Weigh the cut or trimmed specimen and record the mass of soil used in the case of a non-
cohesive soil to find the bulk density of the specimen.
(b) Shear tests
(i) Undrained test
5. Keep plain grid plates, one on either side of the specimen (with serrations of grid plates
at right angles to the direction of shear), and place the specimen with grid plates on the
base plate.
6. Place the loading pad on the top grid plate and add water in the shear box container so
as to prevent drying of the specimen. Apply the required normal stress, depending on
the field condition or design requirement.
7. Choose a suitable strain rate such that no drainage takes place during the test. Raise the
upper part of shear box such that a gap of about 1 mm is left between the two parts of
the box.
8. Apply the shear load at the chosen strain rate till failure or to 20% longitudinal displace-
ment, whichever occurs first.
9. Record the shear load reading and longitudinal displacement. Ensure that no drainage
has taken place by noting the vertical compression dial.
10. Remove the soil specimen and keep it in the oven for water content determination.
11. Repeat the test on three more separate specimens with the same initial conditions.
(ii) Consolidated undrained test
12. Follow Step 5 but use perforated grid plates and saturated porous stones at the top and
bottom of the specimen.
13. Follow Step 6 and record the vertical compression (caused due to consolidation) and the
time elapsed. Ensure that the consolidation is complete.
14. Follow Steps 7 to 11.
(iii) Consolidated drained test
15. Follow Steps 12 and 13.
16. Adopt a slow rate of strain during load application such that complete drainage occurs
with 95% pore pressure dissipation.
17. Follow Steps 10 and 11.
Calculate the proving ring constant and hence the load at different displacements. Calculate
the shear stress using the corrected area, which is given as
⎛ δ⎞
Corrected area = A0 ⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟⎟
⎝ 3⎠
where A0 is the initial area of specimen and δ the displacement.
Plot the shear stress versus the longitudinal displacement readings and note down the
maximum shear stress and the corresponding longitudinal displacement for the particular
normal stress. Plot the normal stress versus the maximum shear stress and obtain the shear
strength parameters, c and φ.
For the consolidated undrained and consolidated drained tests, report the consolida-
tion pressure and the consolidation characteristics. Typical data and results are shown in
Tables 10.25 to 10.28. Figures 10.21 and 10.22 represent the shear stress–displacement and
Coulomb’s strength envelope, respectively.
The procedure outlined above is for soils with particle size not greater than 4.75 mm (IS: 2720 –
Part 13, 1972). For a test procedure for soils containing gravel, the reader may refer to IS:
2720 – Part 39/Sec. 1 (1977).
Failure in direct shear may be considered to occur at maximum shear stress or at maxi-
mum obliquity of the Mohr failure envelope. The angle of shearing resistance obtained con-
sidering the maximum shear stress is less than the other one, and the error is on the safe side.
The error involved is much more important in sands than in clays.
0 0 0 25.0
15 20 20 24.8
30 23 3 24.77
1 00 24 1 24.76
1 30 27 3 24.73
2 00 30 3 24.70
2 30 32 2 24.68
3 00 36 4 24.64
3 30 37 1 24.63
4 00 38 1 24.62
5 00 38 0 24.62
6 00 38 0 24.62
7 00 38 0 24.62
1 0.04 0.0397
2 0.06 0.0510 0.018 28
3 0.08 0.0590
4 0.12 0.0810
Shear stress, N/mm2
0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28
Displacement, cm
Shear stress, N/mm2
φ = 28°
Load frame
Constant cell
Null indicator
Split mould
Trimming knife
Apparatus for water content determination
(a) Preparation of specimen
(i) Cohesive soil
1. Undisturbed, compacted, or re-moulded cohesive soil specimens may be prepared as
explained for the unconfined compression test (Test no. 18).
(ii) Non-cohesive soil
2. Attach a rubber membrane to the base platen (Fig. 10.24) using rubber O-rings. Place a
porous stone on the base of the platen.
3. Take a known mass of dry sand so that the sample density can be obtained and approxi-
mately duplicated for successive tests.
4. Place a split mould around the membrane and fold the top portion of it over the mould.
5. Carefully transfer the sand to the membrane in two or three layers and tamp each layer
with a glass rod to obtain the shape and density. If the test is to be conducted under satu-
rated conditions, the sand may be placed in water and then transferred to the membrane.
6. Place a porous stone on the top of the sample and then place the top platen. Apply
silicone grease to the sides of the platen to obtain a better leak-proof seal. Roll the mem-
brane on to the top platen and seal it with rubber O-rings.
7. Attach a tube from the top platen to the vacuum outlet and apply a vacuum of 200 to 250
mm of mercury to the sample, or if the test is to be carried out in a saturated condition,
attach a tube to the base, connect it to the U-tube manometer of the pore pressure appa-
ratus, and apply a small negative pore water pressure to keep the specimen straight.
8. Remove the split mould and check for holes and leaks.
9. Take the average height and diameter to obtain the density.
Glass rod
Metal or plastic
split mould
Porous stone
Base of cell
18. Unload the specimen and drain off the cell fluid. Dismantle the cell and carefully remove
the membrane and note down the mode of failure.
19. Weigh the specimen and take representative water content samples from the failure zone
of the specimen.
20. Repeat the test on three or more identical specimens under increased cell pressures.
21. Follow Steps 1 to 10. Place the specimen over a saturated porous stone which in turn is
placed on top of the specimen, and then place a loading cap with a drainage outlet.
22. To quicken the process of consolidation of the specimen, place a series of small threads
or a strip of filter paper around the surface of the specimen. Now insert the rubber mem-
brane and fix the O-rings, one at the bottom and another at the top.
23. Follow Step 13. Connect the drainage valve to a volume-measuring device or to a burette.
Fill the cell with water and apply the pre-determined chamber pressure.
24. Open the drainage valve and note the volume change during consolidation. Ascertain
the completion of the volume change by noting down the constant water level in the
burette or volume change device. Close the drainage valve.
25. If the pore water pressure is to be measured, connect a pressure transducer or a null
pressure indicator device to the saturation line.
26. Adjust the null-indicator to the initial position or the transducer output to the initial
reading. Adjust the deformation and proving ring dials to zero and apply the axial load
at a slow rate such that the pore pressure readings can be taken conveniently.
27. Record the force, deformation and pore pressure readings at suitable intervals with a
closer spacing during the initial stages of the test.
28. Follow Steps 17 to 20.
2. The average cross-sectional area A at a particular strain is calculated as done in the uncon-
fined compression test.
3. The deviator stress
Δσ =
Plot the deviator stress versus the strain and obtain the stress at the peak point unless the
stress at 20% strain occurs first. Compute the major principal stress for each test as
σ1 = σ3 + Δσ
Also compute the pore water pressure corresponding to the maximum deviator stress.
Compute the effective major and minor principal stresses as
σ3′ = σ3 − uw and σ1′ = σ1 − uw
M10_PURU1773_01_SE_C10.indd 370
deformation (m3 × 10–3) reading (PRR) PRR × PRC (kN/m2)
(mm × 0.01) Δσ =
Sample 1 0 0 0.1 1.134 0 0 140.0
σ3′ = 140 kN / m 2 38 0.005 0.995 1.140 116 318.5 458.5
143 0.019 0.981 1.156 220 595.7 735.7
287 0.038 0.962 1.179 247 655.7 795.7
430 0.057 0.943 1.202 250 651.0 791.0
776 0.102 0.898 1.263 258 639.4 779.4
1,346 0.177 0.823 1.378 265 601.9 741.9
1,742 0.229 0.771 1.471 272 578.8 718.8
Sample 2 0 0 1 1.134 0 0 210.0
σ3′ = 210 kN / m 2 73 0.010 0.990 1.145 199 544.0 754.0
238 0.031 0.969 1.170 256 684.9 894.9
412 0.054 0.946 1.200 333 868.6 1078.6
500 0.066 0.934 1.214 342 881.8 1091.8
685 0.090 0.910 1.246 352 884.2 1094.2
1,082 0.142 0.858 1.322 355 840.5 1050.5
1,515 0.199 0.801 1.416 360 795.8 1005.8
Sample 3 0 0 1 1.134 0 0 280.0
σ3′ = 280 kN / m 2 88 0.012 0.988 1.147 311 848.7 1128.7
272 0.036 0.964 1.176 369 982.1 1262.1
472 0.062 0.938 1.209 402 1040.7 1320.7
572 0.075 0.925 1.226 410 1046.7 1326.7
772 0.102 0.898 1.262 421 1044.2 1324.2
1,215 0.160 0.840 1.350 425 985.4 1265.4
1,447 0.190 0.810 1.401 433 967.4 1247.4
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Laboratory Measurement of Soil Properties 371
Plot Mohr’s circles for both the total and effective principal stresses and obtain the shear
strength parameters (c, φ and c′cu, φ′cu).
The results are presented in the form of a stress–strain curve, strain–volume change curve,
stress–pore pressure curve, and Mohr–Coulomb plot. Some typical test results are presented
in Tables 10.29 and 10.30 and in Figs. 10.25 to 10.27.
For certain special field conditions, the samples have to be consolidated anisotropically. This
is done using a dead-load frame and applying vertical pressure in conjunction with the cell
pressure σ3 to develop the desired stress ratio
σ h′
σ v′
Pore pressure and volume measuring devices should be perfectly de-aired before use
to obtain accurate results. Pore pressure measurements can be performed using a pressure
transducer. In such cases, connect the pressure transducer to the saturation line and in turn
connect the output of the transducer to a voltmeter. Pressure transducers should be very
Table 10.30 Data and test results for dry non-cohesive soil from the triaxial test
Length of specimen = 76 mm
Diameter of specimen = 38 mm
PRC 1 div = 3.13 × 10–3 kN
σ3′ kN/m2
Deviator stress, kN/m2
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Axial strain, %
φ ′=35°
50 kN/m2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Effective principal stress, kN/m2
Effective minor
principal stress, σ 3′
Pore water
pressure, uw
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Axial strain, %
sensitive, even to small volume displacements. Special-type loading rams have to be used
for testing sensitive clays.
For more details of the triaxial equipment and procedure, the reader may refer to IS: 2720 –
Part 11 (1971), Part 12 (1981), and Part 35 (1974).
Other special tests which can be performed using the triaxial apparatus are the extension
test, the decreasing σ3 test, the constant volume test, etc. (Bishop and Henkel, 1962).
(i) Place a filter paper over the specimen and the adjustable stem. Place the perforated
plate on the compacted soil specimen in the mould.
(ii) Place weights on the compacted soil specimen to produce a surcharge equal to the
weight of the base material and pavement to the nearest 2.5 kg.
(iii) Immerse the whole mould and weights in a tank of water allowing free access of water
to the top and bottom of the specimen.
(iv) Mount the tripod of the expansion mounting device on the edge of the mould and
record the initial dial gauge reading.
(v) Keep the set-up for 96 hours without disturbance and note the readings every day
against the time of reading. Maintain a constant water level throughout the period.
(vi) At the end of the soaking period, note the change in the dial gauge reading and remove
the tripod and the mould from the water tank.
(vii) Allow the specimen to drain for 15 minutes downwards.
(viii) Remove the weights, the perforated plate, and the filter plate.
(ix) Weigh the mould with the soaked soil specimen.
(i) Place the mould containing the specimen, with the base plate in position and the top
face exposed, on the lower plate of the testing machine (Fig. 10.28).
(ii) Place on the specimen the required number of surcharge weights to simulate the inten-
sity of loading equivalent to the base material and pavement.
(iii) In order to prevent upheaval of soil into the holes of the surcharge weights, place 2.5
kg of annular weights on the surface prior to seating the penetration plunger and then
the balance surcharge weights.
(iv) Apply a seating load of 4 kg so that free contact is established between the surface of
the specimen and the plunger.
(v) Set the load and deformation gauges to zero.
(vi) Apply the load on the plunger into the soil at a rate of 1.25 mm/min.
(vii) Note the readings of the load at penetrations of 0.5, 1.0,1 .5, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0,
and 12.5 mm.
(viii) Note the maximum load and penetration if the maximum load occurs at a penetration
less than 12.5 mm.
(ix) Raise the plunger and detach the mould from the loading machine.
(x) Determine the water content of the soil sample taken from the top 30 mm layer of the
(xi) Find also the average water content of the specimen by taking samples from the entire
depth of the specimen.
(xii) In case of undisturbed specimens from the field, carefully examine the presence of any
oversize soil particles which may affect the results if they happen to be located directly
below the penetration plunger.
(xiii) As a check, the penetration test may be repeated on the rear side of the specimen.
where df is the final dial gauge reading in mm, ds the initial dial gauge reading in mm, and h
the initial height of the specimen in mm.
The expansion ratio is used to identify qualitatively the potential expansiveness of the
Load applied
Proving ring for
measuring load
Dial gauge for
50 mm penetration
plunger Surcharge
125 mm
Soil specimen
where PT is the corrected unit (or total) test load corresponding to the chosen penetration
from the load–penetration curve and Ps the unit (or total) standard load for the soil depth of
penetration as for PT taken from the table given in Fig. 10.29.
Generally, the CBR value at 2.5 mm penetration will be greater than that at 5.0 mm pen-
etration and in such a case, the former shall be taken as the CBR value for design purposes.
If the CBR value corresponding to a penetration of 5.0 mm exceeds that for 2.5 mm, the test
shall be repeated. If identical results follow, the CBR corresponding to 5.0 mm penetration
shall be taken for the design.
(g) Presentation of results
(i) Weight of mould with base plate = 7,445 g
(ii) Weight of mould with base plate + wet soil = 12,495 g
(iii) Weight of wet soil = 5,050 g
(iv) Weight of mould + wet soil after soaking = 12,820 g
(v) Weight of water absorbed = 325 g
(vi) Percentage of water absorbed = 6.44%
(vii) Moisture content = 15.90%
No correction
Load on piston, kg/cm2
Corrected 5.0 mm
Corrected 2.5 mm
Corrected for concave
upward shape
0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5
Penetration, mm
Penetration values versus load on plunger is given in Table 10.31 and presented in
Fig. 10.30.
From Fig. 10.30, the load on plunger at 2.5 mm = 155 kg
5.0 mm = 255 kg
CBR value at 2.5 mm penetration = ×100 = 11.3
CBR value at 5.0 mm penetration = ×100 = 12.4
The CBR value at 5.0 mm penetration is greater than the CBR at 2.5 mm penetration. As per
rule, the test has to be repeated. Since the difference between the two values is small for all
practical purposes a CBR value of 12.0 may be taken.
The CBR test is an empirical one and not based on any mathematical reasoning. It is
only of use when the data available show the results of a known intensity of traffic on a
It has been reported that CBR values are higher when the compacted densities are high
and when the clay content, liquid limit, and plasticity index are low. Further, the results of
the penetration test on both compacted and soaked specimens show that the results are not
CBR values are extremely sensitive to changes in moulding water content and density.
The presence of gravel and coarse particles in undisturbed specimens influence greatly the
CBR value.
CBR values cannot be accurately related to any other fundamental property of soil. How-
ever, the deformation of a soil specimen is predominantly shear deformation, and the CBR
values can be regarded as an indirect measure of the shearing strength.
1 0.64 55
2 1.27 100
3 1.91 125
4 2.54 150
5 5.08 250
6 7.62 350
7 10.16 400
8 12.17 450
Load, kg
10.1 Dry soil samples have to be prepared for laboratory tests whenever needed. Drying
may be done in air or oven as the case may be. Oven drying is generally done for 24
hours at 110 ± 5°C.
10.2 The density bottle method is a laboratory method for determination of the G of
fine-grained soils. The pycnometer or gas jar method is used for all soils. In the
test the major source of error is the complete removal of air from the sample. For
soils containing soluble salts, kerosene or white spirit may be preferred in place of
10.3 The factors which are essential for accurate determination of water content are the
mass of the wet representative sample, the temperature, and the duration of drying of
the sample. The ovendrying method of water content determination is recommended
by Indian Standards as the standard method.
10.4 The in-place density determined by the core-cutter method is convenient and quick
and suitable for fine-grained soils. Sand replacement method is relatively slow but
can be used for any type of soil.
10.5 Sieve analysis is suitable for coarse-grained soils. A wet sieve analysis has to
be preferred if the material passing the 4.75 mm sieve contains more clay-size
10.6 Sedimentation methods and the pipette and hydrometer methods are suitable for
fine-grained soils. These methods are not recommended if less than 10% of the mate-
rial passes the 75 mm IS sieve. Both the methods give fairly accurate results, but both
are time consuming.
10.7 The mechanical liquid limit device has been recognized as usable in a routine test.
For accurate results, natural soils have to be used and should not be oven dried. Soils
with low clay content have to be tested immediately after thorough mixing with
10.8 Plastic limit test should be conducted on natural soils for accurate results. If the plas-
tic limit cannot be conducted on some soils like sandy soils, then the plasticity index
is reported as non-plastic soil (Np). When the plastic limit is greater than or equal to
liquid limit, Ip is reported as zero.
10.9 The shrinkage limit indicates the extent of volume change which can occur with
changes in water content.
10.10 The constant head permeability test is usually preferred for coarse-grained soils, and
the variable head permeability is preferred for silts and clays. Laboratory k determina-
tion does not represent the real field conditions and hence is not reliable. But silts on
undisturbed samples might give better results.
10.11 Compaction tests (both standard and modified) are satisfactory for cohesive soils.
A knowledge of the maximum dry density is obtainable in the field using a suitable
roller and adopting a moulding water content almost equal to the OMC.
10.12 In a consolidation test, a floating ring reduces the frictional loss along the sides and
the test is faster. A fixed ring has the advantage of providing the k value of the sample.
Larger samples provide more reliable results.
10.13 The unconfined compressive strength test is a quick test and gives the approximate
shear strength of a cohesive soil. Further, in the test, failure occurs along the weakest
portion and hence provides a conservative shear strength value.
10.14 Failure in a direct shear test may be considered to occur at the maximum shear
stress or at the maximum obliquity of the Mohr failure envelope. The φ angle
obtained considering the maximum shear stress is less than the others, which is on
the safe side.
10.15 In order to obtain accurate results from the triaxial test, the pore pressure and volume
measuring devices should be perfectly air dried. A special type of loading ram has to
be used for testing sensitive clays. For certain field conditions, the samples have to be
consolidated anisotropically.
10.16 The CBR is expressed as the percentage of the force per unit area required to penetrate
a soil mass with a standard plunger compared with that required for the correspond-
ing penetration in a standard material.
Objective Questions
10.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
(1) The size of particles smaller than 0.075 mm is generally obtained from a wet
mechanical analysis.
(2) The rate of secondary compression is dependent on the specimen thickness.
(3) Changes in the laboratory temperature affects the permeability, which in turn
affects the coefficient of consolidation.
(4) The vane shear test cannot be used where the apparent angle of internal friction
(φu) is not equal to zero.
(5) In an unconfined compression test, the inclination of the failure plane is always 45°.
10.2 Increase in permeability of a soil results due to change from
(a) Large to small size particles for the same void ratio
(b) High to a low viscous fluid at the same temperature
(c) Dry side of optimum to wet side in a compacted specimen at the same porosity
(d) Flocculated to dispersed structure at the same dry density
10.3 For a highly fissured clay the best method of finding the undrained shear strength is
(a) The direct shear test
(b) The triaxial shear test with σ3 = 0
(c) The field vane shear test
(d) The unconfined compression test
10.4 The effective shear strength parameters of a sand can be obtained by conducting
(a) Consolidated undrained tests on saturated samples in triaxial shear
(b) Unconsolidated undrained tests on saturated specimens with pore water pressure
measurement in triaxial shear
(c) The field vane shear test with the a low rate of loading
(d) Consolidated undrained tests on dry sand in direct shear
10.5 In a laboratory consolidation test, will the coefficient of consolidation alter (answer
yes or no)
(a) If the pore fluid is replaced by salt water?
(b) If the rate of loading is changed?
(c) If the room temperature is increased?
(d) If the load duration is reduced?
Descriptive Questions
10.6 State the maximum and minimum sizes of particles which may be determined by
hydrometer analysis and give reasons for these limitations.
10.7 What are the inherent errors in using Stokes law to determine the grain-size distribu-
tion of fine-grained soils?
10.8 Explain the reasons for plotting a grain-size distribution curve on a semi-logarithmic
plot rather than on an arithmetic scale.
10.9 Why should only distilled water be used in running the tests for limits?
10.10 In an Atterberg limit test, the drop of the cup was found to be 0.95 cm. If the liquid
limit as obtained was 72%, is the true liquid limit is greater or lesser than 72%?
10.11 During the determination of the volume of a soil pat, a certain quantity of air was
entrapped between the plate and the pat. How will this affect the shrinkage limit
10.12 Explain why the dry density is used instead of the wet density in describing the den-
sity of a soil mass.
10.13 How are we justified in using laboratory methods for determining the coefficient of
permeability of soils?
10.14 How do you ensure that saturation is complete in a variable head permeability test
10.15 What are the effects of the friction on the loading ram in a triaxial test on the shear
strength of a soil? How will you eliminate the friction on the loading ram?
10.16 How will you ensure when failure occurs in a soil specimen tested in the direct or
triaxial shear apparatus?
10.17 Explain the reasons for the loss in strength of clay as a result of re-moulding.
10.18 Explain the influence of the end restraint on the triaxial shear test on saturated
10.19 It is always preferable to obtain samples for the consolidation test from strata under-
lying a building site. Why?
10.20 In conventional laboratory compression testing, what is the cause of soil volume
Limit analysis and limit equilibrium methods – Earth pressure at rest –
Rankine’s states of plastic equilibrium – Rankine’s earth pressure theory –
Coulomb’s earth pressure theory – Culmann’s graphical method – Poncelet’s
graphical method
In the field of civil engineering there are many problems associated with lateral earth
pressure. Some of the structures which require an estimation of lateral pressure for their
design are retaining walls, sheet pile walls, buried pipes, basement walls, braced exca-
vations, cofferdams, thrust blocks, and others.
Lateral pressures most typically develop against structures supporting soil or water.
While designing retaining structures for waterfront facilities, such as cofferdams, quay
walls, etc., one must consider the effects of both soil and water pressure. Lateral pres-
sure depends on several factors, such as physical and time-dependent behaviour of soil,
soil deformation, surface roughness of wall, and movement of retaining structure and
imposed loading.
The state of stress in the backfill of a retaining structure depends on the movement
of structure with reference to the backfill. The backfill material is said to be in a state
of elastic equilibrium when the stress involved and the corresponding strain are within
elastic limits. This generally occurs for no or very little movement of the wall. Fur-
ther increase in stresses develops shear stresses at some point in the body, reaching the
shear strength of the soil. Subsequent increase in stresses causes a substantial increase
in strain, producing a condition known as plastic flow. The soil mass prior to the onset
of the plastic flow condition is said to be in a state of plastic equilibrium, and the load
or stress in this condition is referred to as the collapse load. The determination of the collapse
load, adopting plasticity theory, is rather complex. However, plasticity theory also provides
simplified analyses (as discussed below).
restrained due to formation of all-round lateral stress of equal magnitude. With time, the
vertical compression and lateral creep strains become zero, and a stable state of stress is cre-
ated. Because of zero strain, a situation of effective vertical and horizontal stresses is attained.
This state of equilibrium is called the at-rest condition or K0-condition.
Consider an element of soil in such a homogeneous and isotropic soil bounded by a level
ground surface. The effective horizontal and vertical stresses are shown in Fig. 11.1a. For the
at-rest condition, the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress is called the coefficient of lateral stress
at rest or lateral stress ratio at rest or coefficient of earth pressure at rest, K0, that is,
σ h′ 0
K0 = (11.1)
σ v′
σ v′ = γ z (11.2)
and σ h′ 0 is the effective lateral stress for the at-rest condition; that is,
σ h′ 0 = K0 σ v′ (11.3)
Homogeneous and
z isotropic soil
σ v′= g z
σh = K0 σ v′
At plastic
Failure envelope
σh0 = K0 σ v′ condition
σ ′v = g z
These stresses are represented by a Mohr’s circle along with the shear strength envelope
in Fig. 11.1b. The location of Mohr’s circle well below the failure envelope indicates a stable
equilibrium condition. An increase in stresses would still keep the soil in an elastic equilib-
rium until the stresses are increased further to cause a failure, and the soil is then said to be at
plastic or limiting equilibrium. Mohr circles for these two conditions are shown in Fig. 11.1b.
In general, for many situations, K0 < 1, except in over-consolidated clays (OCC) where K0
may be as high as 3.0. For normally consolidated clays (NCC), K0 < 1, and for sand deposits,
K0 varies from 0.40 to 0.50.
It is impossible to determine K0 by measuring σ h′ 0 in situ. Therefore, certain correlations
have been suggested. Brooker and Ireland (1965) have suggested correlations (Eqs. 11.4 to
11.6) for K0 in terms of the plasticity index Ip and effective friction angle φ′; that is,
K0 = M − sin φ ′ (11.4)
M = 1 for NCC and non-cohesive soils
= 0.95 for OCC for over-consolidation ratio (OCR) > 2
For NCC, K0 is also given as
K0 = a + b I p (11.5)
a = 0.40 and b = 0.007 for 0% < Ip < 40%
a = 0.64 and b = 0.001 for 40% < Ip < 80%
and for OCC,
εh = σ h′ − ν (σ h′ + σ v′ )⎤⎦⎥ (11.7)
E ⎣⎢
For the no lateral strain condition, εh = 0 and σ h′ = σ h′ 0. Then,
σ h′ 0 ν
K0 = = (11.8)
σ v′ 1− ν
Suppose a rigid, frictionless, infinite wall, backfilled with a dry non-cohesive soil, is
allowed to move a slight distance away from the retained soil mass (Fig. 11.2a). The soil
starts to expand or stretch in the direction following the movement of the wall, resulting
in the decrease of horizontal stress from the initial at-rest condition. When adequate lateral
movement has occurred, the horizontal stress is decreased to a certain magnitude such that
the full shear strength of the soil is mobilized. There is no possibility for a further reduction
in the horizontal stress, and such a stress condition is called the active stress, σ h′ a , and the ratio
Direction of
wall movement
σ ′v z
σ h′
Expanded configuration
Original configuration
Failure envelope
Shear stress
At active stage
Slip plane At-rest conditon
φ′ θf
σ ′3 = σh′ Effective normal stress
σ ′3 = σh′
σ 1′ = σ v′
(b) Mohr’s circle related to the active state
θf θ f = 45° + φ /2
of horizontal to vertical stress is referred to as the coefficient of active stress or coefficient of active
earth pressure, Ka.
σ h′ a
Ka = (11.9)
σ v′
We know that
⎛ φ′ ⎞ ⎛ φ′ ⎞
σ3′ = σ1′ tan 2 ⎜⎜ 45°− ⎟⎟⎟ − 2c ′ tan ⎜⎜ 45°− ⎟⎟⎟ (11.10)
⎜⎝ 2⎠ ⎜⎝ 2⎠
The horizontal displacement required to attain the active state is substantially less than
that required to obtain the passive state.
The active state is a condition of loosening strains, where the frictional resistance is mobi-
lized to reduce the force necessary to hold the soil in position. As the soil cannot stretch
Direction of Heave
wall movement
σ ′v configuration z
σ h′ p
Failure envelope
Shear stress
At passive state
At rest
Slip plane
f′ θf
σ ′3 = σh′ 0 Effective normal stress
σ ′3 = σ v′
σ ′1 =σ h′ p
(b) Mohr’s circle related to the passive state
θ f = 45°– f/2
more, the magnitude of this strain is less. On the other hand, a passive state is a condition of
densifying the soil by a lateral strain, where the frictional resistance is mobilized to increase
the force to cause more strain. Figure 11.4 illustrates the relative movements and the order
of magnitude of lateral earth pressure coefficients. For example, when φ ′ = 30°, K a = 0.333,
and K p = 3.0; then K P = 10 Ka .
At rest
0.4–0.6 0.4–0.6
Active 0.33–0.22 1–0.5
Fig. 11.4 Relative wall movements and earth pressure coefficients (Source: Bowles, 1982)
The concept of Rankine’s state of plastic equilibrium can be applied to evaluate the lateral
earth pressure that acts against various retaining structures. Rankine’s theory (1857) is based
on the assumptions that (i) a conjugate relationship exists between the vertical and lateral
pressures, (ii) the mass of soil is homogeneous and isotropic, (iii) the soil is dry and non-
cohesive, and (iv) the wall is vertical and smooth.
Let us consider the general case of a sloping, dry, non-cohesive backfill behind a smooth
vertical wall. The element of soil in Fig. 11.5a depicts this condition. It is evident that these
are conjugate stresses acting on conjugate planes where these planes are not principal planes
(Fig. 11.5b).
Consider Mohr’s circle in Fig. 11.5c for the active condition. Draw a line passing through
the origin with an inclination i, the slope angle, which cuts the Mohr circle at A and C. Now
OC and OA represent the vertical and lateral stresses, respectively. Drop a perpendicular DB
to the slope line from the centre D of the Mohr circle.
= (11.14)
OB = OD cos i
r = OD sin φ ′
BD = OD sin i
AB = r 2 − BD 2 = (OD sin φ ′)2 − (OD sin i)2
OC = γz cos i
i >φ
45° + φ /2
σ v′ = γ z cos i
90° + φ
H τ
σ h′ τ = γ z ′ sin i cos i
τ φ′
C i
0 σ h′
σh′ cos i D
σv′ cos i
(c) Mohr’s circle for active state–sloping backfill
Fig. 11.5 Lateral pressure and slip planes in granular sloping backfill
we have
OA ⎢ cos i − 1 − cos φ ′ − 1 + cos
2 2
i ⎤⎥
=⎢ ⎥
OC ⎢ cos i + 1 − cos 2 φ ′ − 1 + cos 2 i ⎥⎦
⎡ ⎤
OA ⎢ cos i − cos i − cos φ ′ ⎥
2 2
=⎢ ⎥ (11.16)
OC ⎢ cos i + cos 2 i − cos 2 φ ′ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
⎡ cos i − cos 2 i − cos 2 φ ′ ⎤
σ h′ a = ⎢⎢ ⎥ γ z cos i
⎥ (11.17)
⎢ cos i + cos 2 i − cos 2 φ ′ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Let pa = σ h′ a ; then,
pa = Ka γ z (11.18a)
⎡ cos ⎤
i − cos 2 i − cos 2 φ ′ ⎥
Ka = cos i ⎢⎢ ⎥ (11.18b)
⎢ cos i + cos 2 i − cos 2 φ ′ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Pa = ½γ H 2 Ka (11.19)
For the passive case,
pp = K p γ z (11.20a)
⎡ ⎤
⎢ cos i + cos i − cos φ ′ ⎥
2 2
K p = cos i ⎢ ⎥ (11.20b)
⎢ cos i − cos 2 i − cos 2 φ ′ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Pp = ½γ H 2 K p (11.21)
Equations 11.19 and 11.21 are Rankine’s expressions for the lateral pressures for a wall of
height H with a backfill of unit weight γ for the active and passive cases. These forces act at
a height of H/3 from the base inclined at an angle i to the normal of the wall.
Pa = ½γ H 2 Ka (11.24)
Pp = ½γ H K p (11.25)
where Ka and Kp are taken from Eqs. 11.22 and 11.23, respectively. The pressure distribution
and the point of application of the forces are shown in Fig. 11.7.
Further discussions are confined to a level backfill surface but with different backfill
materials and loading conditions.
σ 2′
σ 1′–
σ3′ = sa σ′
σ1′ = σ v′
H Kγ z 1 γ H 2K
H/3 { P = Pa or Pp
K = Ka or Kp
Surcharge Backfill
q Kq
σ v′ = γz +q z z
H Kq + = P
{ P = Pa or Pp
K = Ka or Kp x
Kq KγH Kq + Kγ H
Thus the lateral pressure is increased by an amount Kaq or Kpq as the case may be. There-
fore, for the active case,
pa = Ka γ z + Ka q (11.27)
and for passive case,
Q − Line load
Parallel to φ -line
Parallel to failure
a surface
Failure surface
φ -line
Q − Line load
a Parallel to φ -line
Failure surface
b φ
Fig. 11.9 Procedure for estimating the line of action of the resultant active thrust Pa caused by a
line load (Source: Dunn et al., 1980)
pp = K p γ z + K p q (11.28)
This shows that the lateral pressure varies linearly with depth due to unit weight and
remains constant with depth due to surcharge load. Figure 11.8b illustrates the pressure dis-
tribution. The area of the entire diagram gives the active thrust, Pa, or the passive resistance,
Pp on the wall. The line of action of Pa and Pp can be determined by considering the moments
of the individual and total areas about the base.
Concentrated surcharge loads Q (Fig. 11.9) running parallel to the wall may be induced
on the backfill (e.g., continuous footing, railroad tracks, etc.). Increased stresses on the wall
due to concentrated surcharge may be computed based on Boussinesq’s equation. It is
a laborious procedure and generally not recommended. However, graphical methods
(discussed elsewhere) are more expedient for this purpose (refer Example 11.8).
The point of action of active thrust or passive resistance is obtained by following the
procedure detailed below. The failure surface is located using any graphical method. The
concentrated load may lie within or away from the failure wedge. If the concentrated load is
within the failure wedge, then lines Db and Da are drawn parallel to the failure surface and
the φ′ line, respectively (Fig. 11.9a), and points a and b are located. If the concentrated load
is away from the failure wedge (Fig. 11.9b), then the heel represents point b, and point a is
located as explained earlier. Then, the point of application of the active thrust is at a distance
of ab/3 from point a.
Pp = K p γ ′z + K w γ w z (11.30)
Pa = Ka γ ′z + γ w z (11.31)
Pp = K p γ ′z + γ w z (11.32)
The pressure distribution is shown in Fig. 11.10. As before, Pa and Pp can be determined
from the area of the diagrams.
H + =
Kγ ′z Kγ ′z−γw z
{ P = Pa–Pp
K = Ka–Kp
Kγ ′H γwH Kγ ′H γw H
Fig. 11.10 Pressure distribution when the water table is at the surface
Let us consider a partial submergence now. Let the water table be at a depth of H1 from
the level surface (Fig. 11.11). Since the soil is non-cohesive, it is reasonable to assume that the
pore pressure above the water table is everywhere zero. The dry unit weight is considered
for soil above the water table and submerged unit weight below. Below the water table the
unit weight of water is also taken into account. Thus,
pa = Ka γd z ⎪⎫⎪
⎬ for (0 < z ≤ H1 ) (11.33)
pp = K p γd z⎪⎪
pa = Ka γ ′z + γ w z + K a γd H1 ⎫⎪⎪
⎬ for [H1 ≤ z ≤ ( H1 + H 2 )] (11.34)
pp = K p γ ′z + γ w z + K p γd H1 ⎪⎪
The problem may also be solved by assuming the first layer to act as a surcharge load,
q (q = γd H1 ), on the second layer. The pressure diagram is drawn for the retaining wall with
height H1. The second layer is treated separately, as if loaded by a surcharge load q and the
water table at the surface, the height of the retaining wall being H2. The pressure distribution
is shown in Fig. 11.11. Values of Pa and Pp are obtained from the area of the diagrams.
Kγ ′z
H KγdH1 z Kγ ′z γw z
H2 + + = P
P=Pa orPp
K=Ka orKp
Kγd H1 Kγ ′H2 γw H2 KγdH1 Kγ ′H2 γw H2
f1′, g1
H1 First layer K1 g1 H1 K1 g1 H1
K1 =Ka1 or Kp1
H f2′, g2
H2 P
Second layer + =
K2 = Ka2 or Kp2 x
P = Pa or Pp K2g1H1
K2g2 H2 K2g1 H1+K2g2 H2
(a) Layered soils when f1′ > f2′
f1′, g1
H1 K1 g1 H1
First layer
H f2′, g2 K2g1 H1
H2 P
Second layer
K2 = Ka2 or Kp2 x
P = Pa or Pp
K1g1 H1 +K2g2 H2
(b) Layered soils when f1′ < f2′
1 − sin φ ′ 1 − sin φ ′
σ3′ = σ1′ − 2c ′ (11.38)
1 + sin φ ′ 1 + sin φ ′
For the active condition, σ h′ a = σ3′ , σ v′ = σ1′ , and
1 − sin φ ′
Ka =
1 + sin φ ′
σ h′ a = σ v′ Ka − 2c ′ Ka
σ h′ p = σ v′ K p + 2c ′ K p
p p = K p γ z + 2c ′ K p (11.40)
The pressure diagrams for these two cases are shown in Fig. 11.13a and b. In the active
case, there exists a tension up to a depth of z = z0, where the active pressure pa = 0. Further,
at the surface (z = 0), the active pressure has a value of pa = − 2c ′ K a .
The soil up to a depth of z0 will be in a state of tension and will neither impart any pres-
sure on the wall nor provide support. When the tension is released, tension cracks will
develop from the surface up to a depth of z0. From a practical point of view, the tension zone
is ignored, and the active thrust is calculated only for the height (H–z0) from the base (the
pertinent area is shown shaded in Fig. 11.13a); that is, let pa = pa′ at z = H ; then,
pa′ = Ka γ H − 2c ′ K a (11.41)
Pa = 12 pa′ ( H − z0 ) (11.42)
is acting at a height of (H – z0)/3 from the base.
The depth of the tension zone, z0, is obtained by setting pa = 0 with z = z0 in Eq. 11.39:
2c ′
z0 = (11.43)
γ Ka
2c Ka
Unit weight Cohesion
z z = z0
H 2c Ka
– =
Ka γ z H –z0
H –z0
Ks γ H 2c Ka Ka γ H – 2c Ka
(a) Active case p′a
2c Kp
+ =
Kp γ z
Fig. 11.13 Active and passive pressure distributions: c–φ′ soil as backfill
The existence of a tension zone in c–φ soils suggests that an unsupported excavation
would be theoretically possible. The maximum unsupported depth of excavation, Hc, may
be theoretically taken as 2 z0, where the tensile stress is equal to the cohesive strength.
4c ′
H c = 2 z0 = (11.44)
γ Ka
The application of this theoretical depth in practice should be done more cautiously.
Any factor which reduces the cohesion (e.g., the possibility of water entering the crack and
causing a reduction in shear strength) may affect the estimation drastically. However, such
depths may be adopted for short-duration works.
For many reasons, a cohesive backfill is not recommended in practice since changes in
water content may significantly alter the performance of a retaining wall due to frequent
swelling and shrinking of the soil. Further, placing, densifying, and maintaining a cohesive
backfill is extremely difficult.
Analytical solutions (for both active and passive conditions) based on Rankine’s theory
have been given by Babu Shankar (1980) for a c–φ soil sloping backfill with surcharge. These
general expressions readily reduce to a particular case depending on the problem.
Pa mass
c2 c0
A Failure surface
d R
H/3 Pa θ−φ′
b qf R
(a) Active case
resistance c c1
Pp min c3 c2 0
Failure surface
W τ
W φ f + φ′
H φ′
N b-d
H/3 qf Pp
(b) Passive case
H Pp
Gravel 27–30
Coarse sand 20–28
Fine sand 15–25
Stiff clay 15–20
Silty clay 12–16
C2 C
C1 Slip surface
B i
Tangent D
parallel to AD
F3 F4 Culmann’s
F curve
F1 W4
Pa W2
β φ′ θ f
ψ X
Pressure line
11. Draw FW parallel to AE. The magnitude of FW, based on the selected scale, represents
the active thrust Pa. If several tangents to the curve are possible, the largest of them
becomes the value of Pa.
12. The failure surface is AFC and is inclined at θf to the horizontal.
Culmann’s procedure for the determination of passive resistance Pp is similar to that for
the active case, with some notable differences (Fig. 11.17): (i) line AD makes an angle φ below
Culmann’s curve
F2 F4
Tangent F F3
parallel to AD
Slip surface c2 c c1
H Pp
β θf
A φ′ X
ψ W1 W2 W W3 W4
Pressure line
the horizontal and (ii) the pressure line makes an angle ψ (= β + δ) with line AD. Parallel
lines to AE are drawn from these points to meet the assumed slip surface. A Culmann line
is drawn connecting these intersection points. A tangent parallel to AD is drawn to the Cul-
mann curve with the passive resistance being the scaled value of line FW.
Surcharge loads and irregular backfills can be included in the procedure as discussed ear-
lier. Worked examples are given at the end of the chapter to further clarify these conditions.
δ K
β θf
A ψ
Pressure line
Slip plane
B i
H/3 δ
A φ′
Pressure line
When the slope of the backfill surface i and the angle of shearing resistance φ′ are equal
or nearly equal, slight modifications are made in the procedure. The modifications are high-
lighted in the worked examples.
Poncelet’s procedure for the determination of passive resistance Pp is similar to that for
the active condition, with some notable differences (Fig. 11.19): (i) line AD makes an angle
φ′ below the horizontal and is projected backwards to meet the extended backfill surface at
D and (ii) the pressure line makes an angle ψ (= β + δ) with line AD. Other steps are similar
to those followed for the active case. For all angles of φ′ and i, the procedure is the same, as
these lines are the converging ones, and hence no modification is needed.
z slip
+ Δsz f
ΔW = g BΔsz
Consider the equilibrium of the yielding slice of width B and unit length; then,
B [σ z + Δσ z ] = Bσ z + ΔW − 2Δ z τ f
Substituting for
ΔW = γ BΔz
τ f = c ′ + σ x tan φ ′
σx = Kσz
When c ′ = q = 0
Bγ ⎡1 − e(−2 Kz/B) tan φ ′ ⎤
σz =
2 K tan φ ⎢⎣
′ ⎥⎦
For a cohesionless soil c = 0, and for the no surcharge condition q = 0; the above equation
gives the intensity of vertical pressure on the yielding strip, considering that the mobiliza-
tion of shearing resistance takes place along the full length of the surface z.
For the condition of z = ∞, σz becomes constant and independent of z; that is,
σ z =∞ =
2 K ′ tan φ ′
It has been reported in the literature that at distances of more than 2.5 B in sand, the yield-
ing of the strip has no effect on the state of stress in sand.
Example 11.1 Compute the total lateral force acting against a 10 m high, vertical, smooth,
unyielding wall, which retains a normally consolidated clay. The soil parameters are
γ = 21kN m 3, I p = 35%. The water table is at the ground surface.
Since the soil is normally consolidated, the coefficient of earth pressure at rest, K0, is obtained
from Eq. 11.5. Thus,
K 0 = a + bI p
Example 11.2 An 8 m high vertical, smooth retaining wall above the water table supports
a 15° soil slope. The retained backfill has a unit weight of 18.6 kN/m3, and the shear strength
parameters are c’ = 0 and φ′ = 35°. Compute the total active thrust on the wall, and also find
the directions of the two sets of failure planes relative to the horizontal.
Draw the failure envelope and the backfill slope inclined at 15° to the origin (Fig. 11.21).
The vertical stress at a depth of 8 m = σ z′ = γ z cos i
σ z′ = 18.6 × 8 × cos 15°
= 143.7 kN m 2
OC = 143.7 kN/m2
35° 60°
15° 65°
O σ n′
45 kN
Fig. 11.21
Choose a stress of 1 mm = 1.5 kN and set off this stress (distance OC) along the 15° line.
Draw a Mohr circle passing through this point C and tangential to the failure envelope. Then
measure the distance OA or OA′, which represents the active pressure to scale. Therefore,
pa = 45 kN m 2
Pa = ½ pa H = ½ × 45× 8 = 180 kN m
The failure planes are parallel to AE and AE′. The directions of these lines are measured as
60° and 65° (= 90° + φ′ = 90° + 35° = 125°).
Example 11.3 For the retaining wall shown in Fig. 11.22, make a sketch of the distribution
of active pressure on the wall, giving the principal values. Compute the thrust per metre
length of the wall neglecting cohesive and frictional forces on the back of the wall.
This is the same condition as given in Fig. 11.12b.
For the sand layer:
1 − sin 25°
Ka1 = = 0.406
1 + sin 25°
Sand layer:
p1 = K a1 γ1 H1 = 0.406 ×18.2× 3 = 22.17 kN m 2
p1′ = K a2 γ1 H1 = 0.353 ×18.2× 3 = 19.27 kN m 2
22.17 kN/m2
3 m c1 = 0
φ′1 = 25° 22.17
γ ′1 = 18.2 kN/m3 p1
p1′ 19.27
8m Gravel kN/m2
c2 = 0
5m + =
φ′2 = 33° 225.8 kN/m
γ ′2 = 21.8 kN/m3
Fig. 11.22
Gravel layer:
Example 11.4 An 8 m high retaining wall supports a 5.5 m deep sand ( γd = 18.5 kN/m3,
φ = 34°) overlying a saturated sandy clay (γ sat = 20.3 kN / m , φ = 28°, c = 17 kPa). The
groundwater level is located at the interface of two layers. Sketch the lateral stress distribu-
tion up to a depth of 8 m for an active condition.
For the sand layer:
1 − sin 34°
Ka1 = = 0.283
1 + sin 34°
Sand layer:
p1 = K a1 γd H1 − 2c Ka1
p1 = 0.283 ×18.5× 5.5 − 0 = 28.8 kN m 2
p1′ = K a 2 γd H1 = 0.361×18.5× 5.5 = 36.73 kN m 2
p2 = Ka2 γ ′H 2 + γ w H 2 − 2c Ka2
p2 = 0.361(20.3 − 9.8107 ) 2.5 + 9.807 × 2.5 − 2×17 × 0.361
= 9.47 + 24.53 − 20.43 = 13.57 kN m 2
( a) ( b) (c )
The components of p2, i.e., (a), (b), and (c), are shown in Fig. 11.23.
Resultant pressure at the ground surface = 0 kN/m2
Resultant pressure at the bottom of the first layer = 28.8 kN/m2
Resultant pressure at the top of the second layer is
5.5 m
γ =18.5 kN/m3
φ′1 =34° 22.8
kN/m2 28.8
a b c
p1 kN/m2
Sandy p1′ 16.3
2.5 m kN/m2
c =17 kPa + + – =
γsat =20.3 kN/m3
φ 2′ = 28°
Fig. 11.23
Bottom layer
1 − sin 10°
Ka2 = = 0.704
1 + sin 10°
pa = Ka γ z − 2c Ka
24 kN/m2
1.41 m
5 m P1 – P2
61 kN/m2
Fig. 11.24
Pressure distribution after the development of the tension crack is shown in Fig. 11.24b.
2c1 2×12
z0 = = = 1.41 m
γ Ka1 17 ×1
Example 11.6 A vertical smooth-faced 8 m high retaining wall yields when rotated about
the bottom. Estimate the movement at the top of the retaining wall required to establish an
active case. The soil retained is a dry sand with angle of internal friction equal to 37°.
Figure 11.25 shows the active zone that would develop if the retaining wall AB yields by
rotating about the bottom to a position A′B.
Slip surface
θ f = 45° + φ ′/2
Fig. 11.25
The required yield (Δ) at the top of the wall is specified in terms of the width (L) of the
active zone at the top of the wall. Therefore,
Yield strain ε =
Based on triaxial shear tests, the yield strain required to establish the active case is approx-
imately 0.005. Now,
φ′ 37°
θf = 45° + = 45° + = 63.5°
2 2
L = H tan(90°− θf° ) = 8 × tan(90°− 63.5°)
L = 3.99 m
Example 11.7 A retaining wall of 6 m vertical height has the pressure face inclined at 85° to
the horizontal and has a 20° angle of wall friction. The backfill is sloping at 15° to the hori-
zontal and has the following properties: c = 0, φ′ = 37°, γ = 17.2 kN/m3. Compute Coulomb’s
active force per unit length of the wall.
For the given problem, β = 85°, δ = 20°, φ′ = 37°, and γ = 17.2 kN/m3 and H = 6 m. The
active earth pressure coefficient is obtained from
sin 2 (β + φ ′)
Ka = 2
⎛ sin (φ ′ + δ ) sin (φ ′ − 1) ⎞⎟⎟
sin β sin (β − δ )⎜1 +
⎝ sin (β − δ ) sin (i + β ) ⎟⎟⎟⎠
Example 11.8 For the retaining wall shown in Fig. 11.25a, determine the active thrust on
the wall by Culmann’s construction. What will be the change in lateral thrust and the line of
action (i) if a line load of 100 kN/m acts at a distance of 2.9 m from the face of the wall and
(ii) a uniform surcharge of 36 kN/m2acts on the surface?
The retaining wall is drawn to a scale of 1mm = 100 mm.
No surcharge load. Different trial wedges are taken and their weights are computed and
tabulated in Column 2 in the following table:
Taking a force scale of 1 mm = 10 kN, the weights of the wedges are represented (as AW1,
AW2, etc.) on the φ-line. Establish points to plot the Culmann curve. This is shown in Fig.
11.26a by a solid line. Draw a tangent to the curve and measure the active thrust represented
by FW.
Active thrust Pa1 = (FW × Force scale)
Pa1 = 17 ×10 = 170 kN m
With line load. Locate the line load position. The weight of the line load, q, will be acting on
all the wedges, and the revised weights of the wedges are shown in Column 3 of the table.
Represent the weights of the wedges (as AW′1, AW′2, etc.) with the same scale. Again, plot
the Culmann curve (shown by broken lines), and find the active thrust represented by F′W′.
Active thrust on the wall with a line load on the backfill
= Pa2 = 23 ×10 = 230 kN m
Q = 100 kN/m
2.9 m
C1 C2 C C3 C4
Culmann curve – no Q
plane No Q Culmann curve with Q
P1=230 kN ′
F3′ F4
F2′ F3
8m F
F1′ F3 F3 F2 No line load Pa1=170 kN/m
Pa1 = 170 b F2 x1=2.67 m
x2 = 5.2 m kN F 1
W3 With line load Pa2=230 kN/m
W2 x2=5.20 m
x1=2.67 m
β = 90° W 1
θ f = 53° φ = 30° δ = 20° Scale:
1 mm = 10 kN
F4 Culmann curve
Slip plane
F2 W4
8m W3
F1 W2
x 3 = 3.33 m
θ f = 52°
A φ = 30°
70 (b) Construction with uniform surcharge
Fig. 11.26
As the line load is left of the slip plane, establish the line of action following the procedure
given in Fig. 11.9a. Thus, x2 is obtained as
x2 = 5.2 m
Example 11.9 The pressure surface of a retaining wall slopes up and away from the backfill
with a batter of 1 in 10. The backfill is a non-cohesive soil with a density of 19.2 kN/m3 and
angle of internal friction 35°. The angle of surcharge is 4°, the angle of wall friction is esti-
mated to be 20°, and the vertical height of the wall is 12 m. Compute the maximum active
thrust on the wall. Adopt Poncelet’s graphical method.
A linear scale of 1 mm = 200 mm is chosen, and the retaining wall along with the surcharge
is drawn, as shown in Fig. 11.27.
Here, γ = 19.2 kN/m3, φ = 35°, i = 4°, and δ = 20°.
β = 90°− tan−1 (1 2) = 85.24°
ψ = β − δ = 85.24°− 20° = 65.24°
Slip plane
32 mm
10° J
12 m mm
4m θf
β1 φ ′= 35°
A ψ = 65.24°
600 mm
Fig. 11.27
200 200
Area of triangle JKC = 12 × 36 × 32× × = 23.04 m 2
1000 1000
Active thrust Pa = (Area of ΔJKC) × γ = 23.04 × 19.2 = 442.4 kN/m
Indication of failure plane θf = 62°
Example 11.10 Rework Example 11.9 for the case of a vertical wall with (i) i = 25° and
(ii) i = 35°.
B 25°
Slip plane
K 39
12 m
B´ J′
F′ 35° 55°
A 70°
B 35° m
12 m 52
A 78°
(b) E
Fig. 11.28
Case I: For such cases, the backfill slope and φ-line may not meet within the space avail-
able on the paper. In such cases, choose an arbitrary point B′ on the pressure face, consider-
ing AB′ as the wall, and proceed. Establish point J’ (similar to J in Example 11.9).
Join B′J′ and draw a line BJ parallel to B′J′. From J, draw JC parrallel to AE. Make JC = JK.
Join C and K. Find the area of ΔJKC (as shown in Fig. 11.28a). Therefore,
Pa = (Area of ΔJKC)× γ
200 200
Pa = 12 × 39× 39× × ×19.2 = 584 kN m
1000 1000
Pa = (Area of ΔJKC)× γ
200 200
Pa = 12 × 52× 48 × × ×19.2 = 958.5 kN m
1000 1000
11.1 Lateral pressures develop against structures supporting soil or water. They depend
on several factors, such as physical and time-dependent behaviour of the soil, soil
deformation, surface roughness, and movement of retaining structures and imposed
11.2 The backfill material is said to be in a state of elastic equilibrium when the stress
involved and the corresponding strain are within elastic limits. Subsequent increase
in stresses causes a substantial increase in strain, producing a condition known as
plastic flow. The soil mass prior to the onset of the plastic flow condition is said to be
in a state of plastic equilibrium.
11.3 When vertical compression and lateral creep strains become zero, a state of stable
equilibrium is attained, which is called the at-rest condition or K0 condition.
11.4 Suppose every part of a semi-infinite mass at K0-condition is brought on the verge of
failure either by stretching or by compressing, then such a state is called the general
state of plastic equilibrium.
11.5 When adequate lateral movement (stretching of backfill material) occurs, the horizon-
tal stress decreases to a certain magnitude such that the full shear strength of the soil
is mobilized. This horizontal stress condition is called Rankine’s active state, and the
stress is referred to as the active stress.
11.6 When sufficient lateral movement (compression of backfill material) occurs, then the
maximum shear strength of the soil is mobilized and the horizontal stress is at a maxi-
mum. This state of failure is called Rankine’s passive state, and the horizontal stress is
called the passive stress.
11.7 The ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress in the active state is referred to as the
coefficient of active stress or coefficient of active earth pressure, Ka. The ratio of hori-
zontal stress to vertical stress in the passive state is called the coefficient of passive
stress or coefficient of passive earth pressure, Kp. The earth pressure coefficients may
vary from 0.14 to 14 from active to passive condition in cohesionless soils and 0.5 to 2
in cohesive soils.
11.8 Rankine’s theory assumes that (i) there is a conjugate relationship between vertical
and lateral pressures, (ii) the soil is homogeneous and isotropic, (iii) the soil is dry and
non-cohesive, and (iv) the wall is vertical and smooth.
11.9 The maximum unsupported depth of excavation, Hc, may be theoretically taken as
twice the depth of the tension zone (i.e., Hc = 2z0), where the tensile stresses equal
the cohesive strength. The application of this depth in practice should be done very
11.10 Coulomb’s earth pressure theory includes the effect of friction between the backfill
and the wall, and a dry non-cohesive inclined backfill. The lateral earth pressure
required to maintain the equilibrium of a sliding wedge with a plane slip surface is
Objective Questions
11.1 The lateral earth pressure coefficients Ka and Kp refer to
(a) Effective stresses (b) Total stresses
(c) Neutral stresses (d) None of the above
11.2 The active earth pressure caused by a cohesionless backfill on a smooth vertical sur-
face may be reduced by
(a) Saturating the backfill soil with water
(b) Compacting the backfill soil
(c) Reducing the effective stress of the backfill
(d) Providing surcharge load on the backfill
11.3 If for an inclined backfill, with the angle of backfill inclination i and angle of shearing
resistance φ are equal, then for the Rankine condition the active earth pressure coef-
ficient is
Descriptive Questions
11.11 Explain with reasons the use of the at-rest lateral soil pressure condition for the design
of basement walls.
11.12 Explain the possible consequences of the over-compaction of a backfill material.
11.13 Give a critical comparison of the Coulomb and Rankine earth pressure theories.
11.14 Comment on the influence of wall friction on the passive earth pressure using
Coulomb’s method for granular soils.
11.15 How do tension cracks influence the distribution of active earth pressure in pure
cohesive soils?
11.16 State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your choice with sup-
porting arguments.
(i) Rankine’s earth pressure analysis considers neither strains nor displacements.
(ii) “K0-condition” is when no lateral deformations occur in the soil mass.
(iii) The critical height for open cuts for brittle clay soil is directly proportional to the
unit weight and inversely proportional to the unconfined compressive strength.
(iv) The active earth pressure is decreased, while the passive earth pressure is
increased, due to the application of a uniform surcharge load.
(v) The lateral stress under the passive condition is due to compression of the backfill.
11.1 A retaining wall 6.5 m high supports an over-consolidated clay backfill with a plastic-
ity index of 32% and an over-consolidation ratio of 2.3. Determine the lateral force per
unit length of wall and the location if the yield of the wall is completely prevented.
The unit weight of the soil is 17.6 kN/m3.
11.2 A 4 m high smooth vertical wall retains a mass of dry loose sand. Compute the total
lateral force per metre acting against the wall if the wall is prevented from yielding.
The sand has a 30° angle of internal friction and unit weight of 14.8 kN/m3. Also, esti-
mate the lateral force per metre run of the wall if sufficient yield of the wall is permit-
ted so as to develop the active Rankine state.
11.3 A vertical frictionless pressure face of an 8 m high retaining wall supports a non-
cohesive 5° sloping backfill. The unit weight of the soil is 18 kN/m3, and the angle of
shearing resistance is 32°. Draw a Mohr circle representing the state of stresses, and
hence, compute the lateral passive resistance per linear length of the wall.
11.4 A wall 15 m high has to be designed so as to retain dry sand. Under loose condition
the sand has a void ratio of 0.65 and φ′ of 32°, and under dense condition the void
ratio and φ′ are 0.41 and 43°, respectively, and G = 2.65. Compute the resultant lateral
pressures for active and passive cases for both the density conditions. Recommend a
suitable resultant lateral force if the wall has to be designed for (i) the active case and
(ii) the passive case.
11.5 A dockside retaining wall 10 m high retains a non-cohesive backfill with a horizontal
surface level with the top of the wall. The properties of the backfill material are, G = 2.65,
e = 0.55, and φ = 32°. An additional superimposed load of 20 kN/m2 is induced at the
surface of the backfill due to construction of warehouses and dockyard traffic. Compute
the lateral thrust on the wall when the water table is (i) 2 m below the level surface, (ii) 5 m
below the level surface, and (iii) at the bottom of the wall. Neglect wall friction.
11.6 A dry granular level backfill of a 6.3 m high retaining wall weighs 16.2 kN/m3. The
active thrust on the wall is believed to be 75 kN/m length of the wall. It is intended
to increase the height of the wall and, at the same time, to keep the force on the wall
within permissible limits. The backfill to a depth of 2.8 m from the top is removed. The
removed portion is replaced by a material such as cinder with γ = 8.2 kN/m3. If the
portion of the additional height is also to be filled with cinder, estimate the additional
height of the wall without increasing the initial active thrust. Neglect the wall friction,
and assume that both the backfill soil and the cinder have the same friction angle.
11.7 Figure 11.29 represents a backfill behind a smooth vertical retaining wall. Estimate the
magnitude and line of action of the lateral active force per metre length of the wall.
What would be the reduction in the lateral force if drainage facility is provided to
lower the water table to the base of the wall?
q = 25 kN/m2
Saturated clay
4.5 m
γsat = 20.2 kN/m3, φu = 0
Unconfined comp, strength = 25 kPa
Saturated sand
γ sat = 19.8 kN/m3, φ = 30°
0.9 m
Fig. 11.29
11.8 A vertical wall 10 m high retains two horizontal layers of a saturated cohesive backfill
with a level surface. The top 4 m of the backfill has an undrained cohesion of 18.2 kPa and
a bulk unit weight of 18.6 kN/m3. The bottom clay layer has a bulk unit weight and an
undrained cohesion of 22 kN/m3 and 23.6 kPa, respectively. Estimate the likely depth
of the tension zone behind the wall. Compute the total active force if tension cracks
develop, and also locate the application of the resultant lateral force.
11.9 A 9.5 m high vertical, smooth retaining wall is supporting three layers of soil with the
following details:
Layer no. Depth Total unit weight Cohesion Angle of shearing
(m) (kN/m3) (kPa) resistance (°)
Compute the active thrust per metre run of the wall if the water table is located at the
interface of the top and middle layers.
11.10 It is intended to excavate a vertical unsupported cut of depth 5 m. The natural soil has
a unit weight of 17.5 kN/m3 and the shear strength parameters are c′ = 30 kPa and
φ = 6°. The groundwater table is deeper than the cut. Determine (i) the stress at the
top and bottom of the cut, (ii) the maximum depth of the potential tension crack, and
(iii) the maximum unsupported excavation depth.
11.11 A vertical retaining wall of height 6.5 m retains a non-cohesive level backfill weighing
19.2 kN/m3, with the angle of friction being 18°. Compute the total thrust on the wall
adopting Culmann’s graphical method. Later, it is planned to place a piece of machin-
ery weighing 30 kN on the surface, parallel to the crest of the wall. Find the minimum
horizontal distance from the back of the wall at which the machinery could be placed
without increasing the pressure on the wall. Take φ = 30°.
11.12 The front of a retaining wall slopes at an angle of 80° to the horizontal. The depth of
soil in front of the wall is 2.5 m. The soil surface is horizontal and the soil dry. The
other properties of the soil are c′ = 0, φ′ = 32°, δ = 18°, and γ = 18.2 kN/m3. Estimate
the total passive resistance developed at the front of the wall.
11.13 For the retaining wall shown in Fig. 11.30, determine the active lateral force per metre
length of the wall.
25 kN
2m 2m
φ = 32°
δ = 20°
γ = 19.2 kN/m3
Fig. 11.30
11.14 For the retaining wall shown in Fig. 11.31, compute the lateral active force per metre
length of the wall using Poncelet’s graphical construction. Check the value using
Culmann’s graphical method.
φ = 25°
γ = 18.2 kN/m3
Fig. 11.31
Gravity-type retaining walls: proportioning, earth pressure consideration,
stability requirements, backfill materials and drainage, joints – Sheet pile walls:
cantilever types, anchored types, wales, tie-rods and anchorages – Braced
excavations: earth pressure distribution, heave and stability
In Chapter 11, the two basic earth pressure theories were discussed at length. These
theories are applied to the design of earth-retaining structures. In general, earth-
retaining structures are constructed when abrupt changes in the ground surface
elevation are needed to protect unstable slopes. The typical structures are various types
of retaining walls, sheet piles, braced sheeting of excavations, bulkheads or abutments,
basement or pit walls, etc. These may be self-supporting (e.g., gravity- or cantilever-
type walls) or they may be laterally supported by means of bracing of anchorages. The
retaining materials may be soil and water, coal or ore piles and water.
Often with
20 mm Backfill
20 mm min min
H Stem
1m 1m
Df < 0.6 m Df < 0.6 m
0.1H 0.1H
dimensions to those of cantilever walls. The counterforts are 0.3 m thick and are spaced at
centre-to-centre distances of 0.3 to 0.7H, where H is the height of the retaining wall.
C φ1
X2 H1
Pv Pa
Df Pp B
D pmin
pmax c2
Key φ2
B γ2
Pp = 12 K p γ 2 Df2 + 2c2 K p Df
where c2, φ2, γ2, and Kp are the parameters related to the soil in the wall and the foundation.
The active thrust, Pa, is determined by applying Rankine’s theory on the vertical surface
AB. The weight of the wall (Wc) and the weight of the soil above the heel (Ws) are calculated.
It is generally assumed that if overturning were to occur, it would do so about the toe of
the wall. Thus, the factor of safety against overturning is defined as the ratio of resisting to
disturbing moments about the toe.
Let Ph and Pv be the components of the active force Pa, then, the sum of disturbing
moments (∑Md) is given as
⎛H ⎞
∑ Md = Ph ⎜⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟⎟ (12.1)
⎝ 3 ⎠
where Ph = Pa cos i.
The sum of stabilizing moments (∑Mr) is given as
⎛D ⎞
∑ Mr = Wc x1 + Ws x2 + Pv x3 + Pp ⎜⎜⎜ f ⎟⎟⎟ (12.2)
⎝ 3⎠
∑ Mr
FOT = (12.3)
∑ Md
where FOT is the factor of safety against overturning. This should not be less than 2.0.
Check for Sliding. The factor of safety against sliding along the base is defined as the
ratio of the resisting forces to the sum of the horizontal disturbing forces.
The only horizontal force causing the sliding is Ph, hence, the sum of driving forces (∑Fd)
is given as
∑Fd = Ph = Pa cos i (12.4)
The resisting forces (∑Fr) are the shearing resistance developed at the base (Sh = (∑V)tan
φ2 + Bc2) and the passive resistance (Pp)
∑ Fr
FSL = (12.6)
∑ Fd
A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is generally provided against shear. As discussed earlier
in many cases, the passive resistance is ignored. If adequate factor of safety is not achieved,
a key may be incorporated in the base (shown hatched in Fig. 12.3).
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure. The base pressure at the toe of the wall must not
exceed the allowable bearing capacity of the soil. The position of the resultant force R is
determined by dividing the algebraic sum of the moments of all forces about any point on
the base by the vertical component ∑V (Fig. 12.4).
∑V H1
D1 Pp
D E pmin
pmax c2
eb I γ2
B/2 B/2
In order to keep the base pressure compressive over the entire base width, the resultant R
must act within the middle third of the base, that is, the eccentricity (eb) of the base resultant
must not exceed B/6. Adequate safety against overturning of the wall will be ensured when
the resultant falls within the middle third of the base. Considering a linear variation of the
base pressure, the maximum and minimum pressures on the base are computed:
∑ V ⎛⎜ 6 e b ⎞⎟
pmax = ⎜1 + ⎟ (12.7)
B ⎜⎝ B ⎟⎠
∑ V ⎛⎜ 6 e b ⎞⎟
pmin = ⎜1 − ⎟ (12.8)
B ⎜⎝ B ⎟⎠
The value of pmax should be less than the allowable bearing capacity of the soil. The allowable
soil pressure considers both the safety against shear failure and the permissible settlement.
Generally, a factor of 3 is provided against shear failure.
The value of pmin becomes negative when eccentricity eb exceeds B/6. This should be
completely avoided as the tensile strength of the soil is very small.
Check Against Overall Stability. Apart from safety of the retaining wall against the three
factors explained above, the wall should also be safe against overall stability. Because of the
presence of a weak layer at an immediate depth below the base in cohesive soils, there is a
possibility of the entire soil slipping along with the wall due to inadequate strength, excess
pore water pressure, removal of resistance near the toe, etc. Some of the possible failures are
shown in Fig. 12.5. The factor of safety against the overall stability should not be less than 1.50.
Probable slip
Centre of
Centre of rotation
Weak layer
Slip surface
Rigid base
(a) Shallow shear failure (b) Deep shear failure
In general, granular materials make the best type of backfill since they maintain an
indefinite active state of stress and have free drainage. Clay backfills tend to creep and have
a very low permeability. They should be avoided as climatic changes are likely to cause
successive swelling and shrinkage of the soil. Swelling imposes unpredictable pressures on
the wall and its movements, and subsequent shrinkage may result in the formation of cracks
in the backfill surface.
Poorly graded to well-graded sands and gravels form an excellent backfill because of
their free-draining characteristics. Silty/clayey sand and gravels function as good backfill
materials provided they are kept dry or are provided with adequate drainage arrangement.
Low to high plastic clays and silts can be graded as poor backfill material. Organic silts
and clays and peat should not be used as backfill because of the swelling and shrinking
behaviour of such soils.
An important consideration is the control of the water table in the backfill. The easiest
way to control groundwater is to provide a free-draining backfill. Further, as a result of rain-
fall, or other reasons, the backfill may get saturated and increase the pressure on the wall,
creating an unstable condition. Weep holes and/or perforated drainage pipes are provided
to drain away such water and reduce the development of pore water pressure. Weep holes
should have a minimum diameter of 0.1 m and should be spaced adequately. Filter materials
are provided behind the weep holes and around the drainage pipes to prevent the possible
washing out of backfill materials into weep holes or drains (Fig. 12.6).
The backfill material has to be compacted to attain maximum strength and, hence, mini-
mum active thrust on the wall. However, over-compaction has to be avoided and sufficient
care taken not to disturb the wall while compacting the backfill.
Coarse filter
Weep hole
Filter fabric
Filter fabric
Coarse filter
(c) Lateral drain with filter (d) Lateral drain with drainage blanket
Wall Wall
Contraction Joints. These are vertical grooves or joints, 8 mm wide and 12 to 16 mm deep,
provided in the face of the wall (from the top of the base slab to the top of the wall). These
joints allow the concrete to shrink within permissible limits without harming it.
Expansion Joints. These joints are provided to withstand the effects of expansion due to
temperature changes. These are vertical joints extending from the base to the top of the wall
and are filled with flexible joint fillers.
Anchor Deadman
Sheet pile Sheet pile rod
Anchor piles
(c) Anchored bulk head (d) Braced sheeting
p1 = γ z1Ka (12.9)
p2 = (γ z1 + γ′z2)Ka (12.10)
At the dredge line the hydrostatic pressures on either side of the wall cancel each
Sand Sand
line Active state
Passive Active
state state Sand Sand
Active O Passive state
z1 Sand
γ, φ
p1 C
γ sat, φ
Dredge R
z3 Sand
E z Mmax
p3 B p4
(a) Net pressure distribution (b) Moment diagram
In order to determine the net lateral pressure below the dredge line and at the point of
zero pressure, consider any depth z from the dredge level. Again, hydrostatic pressures can-
cel each other, and the active passive pressure at depth z may be given as
pa = p2 + γ′zKa (12.11)
pp = γ′zKp (12.12)
The net lateral pressure, pz, is obtained as
pz = pa − pp = p2 + γ′zKa − γ′zKp
pz = p2 + γ′z(Ka − Kp)
At depth z = z3 , pz = 0
p2 + γ′z3(Ka − Kp) = 0
p2 p
z3 = = 2 (12.13)
γ ′(K p − Ka ) γ ′K ′
where K′ = Kp − Ka.
From similar triangles,
p3 p
= 2
z4 z3
p3 = z 4 = z 4 γ ′K ′ (12.14)
At the bottom of the sheet pile wall, the passive pressure acts from right to left and the
active pressure from left to right; hence,
pp = (γ z1 + γ ′z2 + γ ′D)K p (12.15)
pa = γ ′DKa (12.16)
pp − pa = p4 = (γ z1 + γ ′z2 )K p + γ ′DK ′ (12.17)
D = z3 + z4 (12.18)
Considering the equilibrium of all horizontal forces,
R − 12 p3 z4 + 12 z5 ( p3 + p4 ) = 0 (12.19)
where R is the area of the pressure diagram ACDE.
Considering the equilibrium of all the moments about the point B,
⎛z ⎞ ⎛z ⎞
R( z4 + z ) − ( 12 z4 p3 )⎜⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟⎟ + 12 z5 ( p3 + p4 )⎜⎜ 5 ⎟⎟⎟ = 0 (12.20)
⎝3⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎠
From Eq. 12.19,
p3 z 4 − 2 R
z5 = (12.21)
p3 + p 4
On substituting Eq. 12.21 in Eq. 12.20 and rearranging, a fourth-order equation in z4 is
z44 + c1 z43 + c2 z42 + c3 z4 + c4 = 0 (12.22)
where p0 ⎪⎫⎪
c1 = ⎪⎪
γ ′K ′ ⎪⎪
8R ⎪⎪
c2 = ⎪⎪
γ ′K ′ ⎪⎪
6 R ⎡⎣ 2 z γ ′K ′ + p0 ⎤⎦ ⎪⎪
c3 = − ⎬ (12.23)
( γ ′K ′ ) 2 ⎪⎪
R(6 zp0 + 4 R) ⎪⎪
c4 = −
( γ ′ K ′ )2 ⎪⎪⎪
p0 = (γ z1 + γ ′z2 )K p + γ ′z3 k ′⎪⎪⎪
A trial-and-error solution may be adopted to solve the equation for z4, whereby D is
obtained. The factor of safety is applied either by arbitrarily increasing the depth by 20 to
40% or reducing the Kp term by a factor (about 1.5 to 2.0). Generally, the former method is
preferred. Thus, the design depth
Dd = 1.2 to 1.4 D (12.24)
The variation of the bending moment with depth is shown in Fig. 12.10 b. The point of
zero shear corresponds to the point of maximum bending moment. Let z′ be the point of zero
shear from the point E. Then,
R = 12 ( z ′)2 k ′γ ′ (12.25)
z′ = (12.26)
K ′γ ′
The maximum bending moment is obtained as
⎛ z′ ⎞
Mmax = R( z + z ′) − 12 γ ′K ′( z ′)2 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ (12.27)
⎜⎝ 2 ⎠
The section modulus S of the sheet pile wall is
z1 γ, φ
z2 R
z Sand
E γ sat , φ
p5 p2 D
z Clay
D γ , c,φ = 0
B p6
Fig. 12.11 Cantilever sheet piling in cohesive soil with granular backfill
same as those determined by Eqs. 12.9 and 12.10. The net pressure below the dredge line is
calculated from pa and pp. At a depth z from the dredge line,
pa = [γ z1 + γ ′z2 + γ sc zK ac − 2c K ac ] (12.29)
where γsc is the saturated unit weight of clay and Kac is the active earth pressure coefficient
for clay (as φ = 0°, Kac = 1). Similarly,
pp = γ sc zK pc + 2c K pc (12.30)
where Kpc is the passive earth pressure coefficient for clay (as φ = 0°, γpc = 1). Thus, the net
pressure, p5, is given as
At the bottom of the sheet pile, the passive resistance from right to left is
pp = (γ z1 + γ ′z2 + γ sc D) + 2c (12.32)
Similarly, the active pressure from left to right is
pa = γ sc D − 2c (12.33)
Hence, the net pressure
p6 = pp − pa = 4c + (γ z1 + γ ′z2 ) (12.34)
Considering the equilibrium of horizontal forces,
R − [4c − (γ z1 + γ ′z2 )]D + 12 z4 [4c − (γ z1 + γ ′z2 ) + 4c + (γ z1 + γ ′z2 )] = 0 (12.35)
where R is the area of the pressure diagram ACDE.
D[4c − (γ z1 + γ ′z2 )] − R
z4 = (12.36)
Considering the equilibrium of moments about the point B,
D 1 ⎛z ⎞
R(D + z ) − [4c − (γ z1 + z2 )] + z4 (8c)⎜⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟⎟ = 0 (12.37)
2 2 ⎝3⎠
Combining Eqs. 12.36 and 12.37, we get
R(R + 12cz )
D2 [4c − (γ z1 + γ ′z2 )] − 2DR − =0 (12.38)
(γ z1 + γ ′z2 ) + 2c
Equation 12.38 is solved for D. This is increased by 20 to 40%, hence
Dd = 1.2 to 1.4 D (12.39)
The maximum bending moment occurs at a depth z′ from the dredge line, which is obtained as
R − p5 z ′ = 0
z′ = (12.40)
Mmax = R( z ′ + z ) − 5 (12.41)
The section modulus is found from Eq. 12.28.
Cantilever Sheet Piling in Cohesive Soil with Cohesive Backfill. Sheet piling with cohe-
sive backfill is treated in the same way as granular backfill. However, additional consideration
with regard to consolidation of the clay layer, formation of tension crack, and the effect of
shrinking on stability is required. Because of the uncertainty of clay backfill, granular backfills
are generally preferred. Here, as both the soils are clay, φ = 0° and Kac = Kpc = 1.
The pressure diagram is given in Fig. 12.12. Now,
z0 = (12.42)
γ ′ Kac
′ z2 − 2c Kac = Kac (γ sc z1 + γ sc
p2 = Kac γ z1 + Kac γ sc ′ z2 ) − 2c K ac
′ z2 − 2c
p2 = γ z1 + γ sc (12.43)
z1 z0
γ , c, φ = 0
C sat
z2 R
γ , c,φ = 0
E sat
p5 p2 D
z4 γ , c, φ = 0
B p6
where γ′sc is the submerged unit weight of clay. Other treatments are similar to that given to
granular soils, and p5 is modified as
′ z + 2c) − (γ z1 + γ sc
p5 = (γ sc ′ z2 − 2c) − γ sc z
′ z2 )
p5 = 4c − (γ z1 + γ sc (12.44)
Moment Moment
Fig. 12.13 Deflection and moment diagrams for anchored sheet piles
increased by 20% to 40% to arrive at the design depth or Kp may be reduced prior to the
computation of embedment depth.
The fixed earth support method considers the lowest section of the sheeting to be fixed
in the earth. In this case, the depth of embedment is considered more, and hence, the base
of the wall is assumed to be entirely restrained from rotation by the passive resistance of the
soil behind it. This passive resistance is in addition to the pressures considered in the free
earth support method (Fig. 12.13b). Since failure by forward movement of the toe is unlikely
in a wall designed in this way, no factor of safety is applied to the passive resistance of the
soil in front of the wall.
Free Earth Support Method for Penetration of Sandy Soil. The assumed pressure
diagrams and details of other terms are illustrated in Fig. 12.14. The values of p1 and p2 are
given as
p1 = γ z1 Ka (12.45)
p2 = (γ z2 + γ ′z2 )Ka (12.46)
The value of z3 is given by Eq. 12.13 as
z3 =
γ ′K ′
p3 = γ ′K ′z4 (12.47)
y1 F
z1 Sand
z0 y2 γ, φ
p1 C
Anchor rod
z γ ,φ
z D
E γ ,φ
D z4
F p3
where R is the area of the pressure diagram ACDE and Fa is the tension in the rod per unit
length of the wall. Or
R − 12 p3 z4 − Fa = 0
Fa = R − 12 p3 z4 (12.48b)
Taking the moment about the anchor rod,
−R[( H + z3 ) − ( z + y1 )] + 12 p3 z42 ( y 2 + z2 + z3 + 32 z4 ) = 0
3 R[( H + z3 ) − ( z + y1 )]
z43 + 1.5 z42 ( y 2 + z2 + z3 ) − =0 (12.49)
γ ′K ′
The solution for Eq. 12.49 is obtained by the trial-and-error method. The theoretical depth of
D = z3 + z4
The design depth
Dd = 1.2D to 1.4D (12.50)
The point of zero shear, z, from the ground surface is obtained from
p1 z1 − Fa + p1 ( z − z1 ) + 12 Ka γ ′( z − z1 )2 = 0 (12.51)
y1 Anchor rod
Water level z1
y2 Sand
γ, φ
p1 C
z2 R
Dredge line Sand
γ ,φ
Clay p2 D
D γ ,φ
under undrained condition (i.e., φ = 0). The pressure distribution diagram and the values of
p1 and p2 are the same as in the previous case. The net pressure distribution diagram below
the dredge line (i.e., z = H to H + D) can be given as
p3 = 4c − (γ z1 + γ ′z2 ) (12.52)
Considering static equilibrium in the horizontal direction,
Fa = R − p3 D (12.53)
where R is the area of the pressure diagram above the dredge line. Taking the moment about
the anchor rod,
⎛ D⎞
R( H − y1 − z ) − p3 D ⎜⎜⎜ y 2 + z2 + ⎟⎟⎟ = 0
⎝ 2⎠
p3 D2 + 2 p3 D( H − y1 ) − 2R( H − y1 − z ) = 0 (12.54)
From the above equation, the theoretical depth D is determined. This depth is increased,
and the design depth is determined as
Dd = 1.2 to 1.4D (12.55)
In this case, the maximum bending moment will occur at a depth of z1 < z < H, and hence,
the maximum bending moment is determined.
Rowe’s Moment Reduction Method. The hydrostatic earth pressure distribution is valid
only for rigid walls. As the sheet pile walls are flexible in nature, the conventional pressure
distribution is affected, and hence, the bending moment differs. Generally, this reduces the
bending moment. Thus the bending moment calculated based on the free earth support
method gives conservative results. Rowe (1952, 1957) proposed a method for reducing the
moments and thus suggested a more realistic design.
The factors on which Rowe’s charts are based are as follows:
1. The relative flexibility of the piling expressed in terms of the flexibility number
⎛ H ′ 4 ⎞⎟
⎜ ⎟⎟
ρ = 10.91×10−7 ⎜⎜
⎜⎝ Ep l ⎟⎟⎠ (12.56)
where H′ is the total depth of the sheet pile (m), E is the modulus of elasticity of the pile
material (MN/m2), and I is the moment of inertia of the pile section per metre of the wall
(m4/m of the wall).
2. The relative height of piling
H +D
Ha =
3. For cohesive soils the stability number Sn = [1.25c/(γz1 + γ′z2)] and for non-cohesive soils
relative density are considered.
Figure 12.16 represents the moment reduction curves for non-cohesive soils. The reduced
design moment Mr is obtained by noting down the values corresponding to the particular
1.0 Loose
0.8 H
Mr 0.6
Dense sand
and gravel
–4.0 –3.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0
Log ρ
(a) Sheet piles penetrating sand
log ρ and density for cohesionless soil and Ha, Sn, and log ρ for cohesive soil. Suitable inter-
polations may be made wherever necessary.
Fixed Earth Support Method for Penetration of Sandy Soil. As discussed earlier, the toe
of the pile is restrained (Fig. 12.13b). The assumed pressure distribution moment diagram
and identification of terms are illustrated in Fig. 12.17. Point C in the moment diagram is
the point of contraflexure. The pile may be assumed to be hinged at this point C. Thus,
the portion of the piling above the point C can be considered as a beam resisting the net
earth pressures through the anchor force and the shear force P. This is termed the equivalent
y1 Fa Fa
Sand γ ,φ
p1 D p1
E γsat,φ p2
z5 C p2 z5
z3 C P
z4 Sand D z3–z5
P′ γsat,φ
J z4
F′ P′
p2 ′′ = γ ′ (Kp − Ka) [z4]
Fig. 12.17 Fixed earth support method: sheet pile wall penetrating sand
20 25 30 35 40
Angle of friction φ
beam method (Blum, 1931). Blum provided a chart (Fig. 12.18) relating the angle of shearing
resistance and the distance from the point of contraflexure to the dredge line, z5, as shown
in Fig. 12.17.
The knowledge of φ and H enables the determination of z5. Now, as discussed above,
the portion above point C is treated as a beam, and the shear force P is calculated using the
moments about the anchor rod. With P known, considering the moment equilibrium about
Sheet piling
Tie rod
the base yields an expression where the only unknown, D, can be determined. The depth is
increased by 20% to 40%, and hence the design depth Dd = 1.2 to 1.4D. The force Fa on the
anchor rod may be determined using the moments about the point of contraflexure, C. With
the value of design depth known, the calculation of the bending moment and, subsequently,
the selection of the section can be done.
struts across the excavation. A variety of materials, methods, and procedures have been in
use. The choices are influenced by factors such as subsurface condition, excavation depth,
working space, climate and season, equipment, and labour available.
Two common techniques adopted for lateral bracing are illustrated in Fig. 12.21. In the
first method, generally referred to as lagging, wooden or steel soldier beams are driven into the
ground before excavation. As the excavation progresses, horizontal wooden sheeting or steel
plates (called laggings) are placed between the solider beams. When excavation reaches the
desired depth, wales and struts are carefully installed.
Wale Wale
Strut Strut
In the second method, interlocking sheet piles are driven to a depth greater than the antici-
pated depth of the excavation. As the excavation progresses, wales are installed horizontally
along the excavation at intermittent depths. These wales are supported by struts placed
horizontally at the required spacings.
δ δ δ
(a) Retaining wall (b) Braced cut – lagging (c) Braced cut – sheet pile
0.25H 0.25H
H H H 0.50H
pa pa pa
0.25γ H
0.2H 0.25H
0.375γ H
0.3γ H
0.5γ H 0.5γ H
Sand Medium clay Stiff clay
(permanent support) (temporary support)
(b) Lateral pressure diagrams (Source: Tshebotarioff, 1949)
This factor of safety of braced excavation against bottom heave can be computed based on
Terzaghi’s (1943) analysis. Figure 12.24 shows the failure pattern of the bottom of the excava-
tion, in which surfaces CD and CF are arcs of the circles.
Consider the vertical load per unit length of the cut at the level of the bottom of the cut
along the line BD and AF as
Q = γ HB ′ − cu H (12.57)
The above equation is based on the assumption that the clay layer is homogeneous and
extends at least up to a depth of 0.7B below the bottom of the cut. If a hard rock or a hard
material is located at a depth D < 0.7B, the failure surface will make a tangent with that
surface. In such a case, Eq. 12.59 is modified as
1 ⎛⎜ 5.7 cu ⎞⎟
Fh = ⎜ ⎟⎟
H ⎜⎜⎝ γ − (cu / D) ⎟⎠
cu cu
B′ B B′
F A 45° 45° B D
0.7 B
Flow of water
Fig. 12.25 Flow of water through the bottom of the cut in sand
0.8 m
c1= 0
φ1 = 36°
γ 1 = 18.1 kN/m3
δ = 23°
δ = 23°
10° – Pa cos 33°
2 3 0.5 m
1.5 m
0.4 m
4 0.9 m 0.75 m
0.7 c2 = 35 kN/m2 φ 2 = 25°
3.5 m
γ = 19.0 kN/m3
Fig. 12.26
Based on the details given in Fig. 12.2 for proportioning the wall, the dimensions of the
retaining wall for a height of 6 m are shown in Fig. 12.26.
As the back of the wall and the soil surface are both inclined and there is wall friction,
Coulomb’s theory can be applied to get Ka from Eq. 12.45. Here, β = 80°, δ = 23°, i = 20°, and
φ = 36°. Thus,
sin 2 (80° + 36°)
Ka = = 0.42
⎡ sin( 36 ° + 23 °) sin( 36 °− 20 °) ⎤
sin 80° sin(80°− 23°) ⎢⎢1 +
2 ⎥
⎢⎣ sin(80°− 23°) sin(20° + 80°) ⎥⎥⎦
Pa = 12 K a γ1 H 2 = 12 × 0.42×18.1× 6 2 = 13.87 kN/m
Based on Rankine’s theory, the passive resistance can be computed as the wall friction in
the front face equals zero. Therefore,
1 + sin 25°
Kp = = 2.47
1 − sin 25°
Pp = 12 (2.47 )(19)(1.5)2 + 2(35)( 2.47 )(1.5)
Pp = 52.80 + 165.02 = 217.8
8 kN/m
Details Force per metre (kN) Moment arm (m) Moment (kN-m)
Wall (Section 2) 0.8 × 5.25 × 23.5 = 98.7 0.4 + 0.4 + 0.7 = 1.50 148.1
⎛H⎞ ⎛H⎞
Overturning moment ∑ Md = Ph ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = Pa cos 33° ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠
∑ Mr 657
For = = = 2.87 > 2
∑ Md 229.3
Example 12.2 For the cantilever retaining wall shown in Fig. 12.27, determine the maxi-
mum and minimum pressures under the base of the cantilever. The relevant shear strength
parameters of the backfill and foundation soil are c′ = 0, φ = 35°, and unit weight of the soil
γ = 17.5 kN/m3. The unit weight of the wall material is 23.5 kN/m3. Find also the factor of
safety against sliding, considering the reduced value of base friction as 2/3φ°.
Considering the vertical face A′B′, Rankine’s theory can be applied to determine the active
earth pressure. Thus, Ka is obtained from Eq. 11.18b:
0.5 m
10° 4
7.9 m
7m 1 3 Pa
1m 2.63 m
0.7 m 2
c1 4.8 m B′
Fig. 12.27
Details Force per metre (kN) Moment arm (m) Moment (kN-m)
Soil (Section 3) 3.3 × 6.3 × 17.5 = 363.83 3.3/2 + 1.5 = 2.6 946.0
Soil (Section 4) 1
× 3.3 × 0.9 × 17.5 = 25.99 3
× 3.3 + 1.5 = 3.7 95.8
⎛H ⎞ 7.9
Overturning moment ∑ Md = Ph ⎜⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟⎟ = 150.58 × = 396.5 kN-m
⎝ 3 ⎠ 3
∑ V ⎛⎜ e ⎞ 569.07 ⎛⎜ 6 × 0.55 ⎞⎟
Pressure at heel pmin = ⎜⎜⎝1 − 6 ⎟⎟⎟⎠ = ⎜⎜⎝1 + ⎟
B B 4.8 4.8 ⎟⎠
pmin = 37.05 kN/m 2
Example 12.3 A cantilever sheet pile wall with a simplified pressure distribution is shown
in Fig. 12.28. Determine the depth of penetration, considering a factor of safety of 2 against
passive resistance.
Since wall friction is zero, Rankine’s theory can be applied. Thus,
1 − sin 38° 1
Ka = = 0.24 and K p = = 4.2
1 + sin 38° Ka
Kp 4.2
Reduced coefficient K p′ = = = 2.1
F 2
Pa = 1
× 0.24 ×19(D + 2)(D + 2) = 2.28 (D + 2)2
Pp = (2.1×19× D)× 12 × D = 19.95D2
Taking moments about B,
c ′= 0
H=2 m φ ′= 38°
γ = 19 kN/m3
δ = 0°
H′ Pa
D Pp /F
H ′/3
Fig. 12.28
D ⎛ D + 2 ⎞⎟
19.95D2 × = 2.28(D + 2)2 ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟
3 ⎝ 3 ⎟⎠
D3 = 0.114(D + 2)3
⎛ D ⎞⎟3
⎜⎜ = 0.114
⎜⎝ D + 2 ⎟⎟⎠
D = 1.18 m
This simplified distribution does not give the exact distribution of pressure near the base,
and the calculated driving depth may be increased by 20% in addition to the reduction made
in the passive resistance. Therefore,
Embedment depth Dd = 1.20 × 1.18 = 2.26 m
Example 12.4 A cantilever sheet pile is to retain 3.5 m of sand. Water table is at 0.5 m from
the top of the backfill. For the sand γ = 19 kN/m3, γ1 = 12.2 kN/m3, Ka = 0.2 and Kp = 5. Find
the depth of penetration for a factor of safety of 1.4.
Figure 12.10 is redrawn (Fig. 12.29) with the following data: z1 = 0.5 m, z2 = 1.5 m, Ka = 0.2,
Kp = 5, γ = 19 kN/m3 and γ′ = 12.2 kN/m3.
p1 = Kaγz1 = 0.2 × 19.0 × 0.5 = 1.9 kN/m2
p2 = Ka(γz1 + γ′z2) = 0.2(19.0 × 0.5 + 12.2 × 3) = 9.22 kN/m2
From Eq. 12.12,
p2 9.22
z3 = = = 0.158 m
γ (K p − Ka ) 12.2(5 − 0.2)
(1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4)
R = 12 p1 × z1 + p1 × z2 + 12 ( p2 − p1 )z 2 + 12 p2 × z3
0.5 m 1
H = 3.5 m
R = 17.88 kN
2 3
p2 4 z = 1.95 m
p3 p4
Fig. 12.29
(9.22 − 1.9)× 3 1
= 12 ×1.9× 0.5 + 1.9× 3 + + 2 × 9.22× 0.158
= 0.475 + 5.7 + 10.98 + 0.728 = 17.88 kN
0.475 ( 31 × 0.5 + 3.0 + 0.158) + {5.7 ×( 32 + 0.158) + 10.98 ×( 32 + 0.158)} + 0.728 × 32 × 0.158
1.58 + 33.15 + 0.077
z= = 1.95 m
K ′ = K p − Ka = 5 − 0.2 = 4.8 and γ ′K ′ = 58.56 kN/m 3
p0 = (γ z1 + γ ′z2 ) K p + K ′γ ′z3
= (19× 0.5×12.2× 3)5 + 58.56 × 0.158 = 239.75 kN / m 2
p0 239.75
c1 = = = 4.09
γ ′K ′ 58.56
−8 R −8 ×17.88
c2 = = = −2.44
γ ′K ′ 58.56
−6 R(2 z γ ′K ′ + p0 ) −8 ×17.88(2×1.95× 58.56 + 239.75)
c3 = =
( γ ′ K ′ )2 (58.56)2
= −14.65
R(6 zp0 + 4 R) 17.88 (6 ×1.95× 239.75 + 4 ×17.88)
c4 = =
( γ ′ K ′ )2 (58.56)2
= −14.96
z44 + 4.09 z43 − 2.44 z42 − 14.63 z4 − 14.96 = 0
Example 12.5 An anchored sheet pile wall is constructed by driving a line of piling into a
saturated cohesive soil with shear strength parameters c = 20 kN/m2 and φ = 0°. Granular
backfill is placed behind the pile up to a depth of 5 m, with a saturated unit weight of
20 kN/m3 and a unit weight of 17 kN/m3, above the water table. The shear strength param-
eters are c′ = 0 and φ′ = 33°. Anchor rods are placed 1.0 m below the surface of the backfill.
The water levels in front of the pile as well as behind it are both 3 m below the surface of the
backfill. Determine the design depth of penetration of the piling. Also, find the tension in the
anchor rod. Use the free earth support method.
Figure 12.15 is redrawn (Fig. 12.30) with the following given data: H = 5 m, z1 = 2 m, z2 = 3 m,
y1 = 1 m, and y2 = 1 m.
1 − sin 33°
Ka = = 0.835
1 + sin 33°
y1 = 1 m Fa
z1 = 2 m
R = 151.9 kN
2 3 z– = 1.8 m
Fig. 12.30
The design depth Dd = 1.2 × 3.7 = 4.44 m. Force on anchor rod Fa = 151.9 − 15.43 × 3.7
= 94.81 kN.
Example 12.6 The cross-section of an anchored sheet pile is shown in Fig. 12.31a. Deter-
mine the design depth of penetration. Use the fixed earth support method.
1 − sin 30°
Ka = = 0.33 ; K p = 3 ; K ′ = K p − K a = 2.67
1 + sin 30°
γ′ = 21 − 9.81 = 11.2 kN/m3, y1 = 1.5 m, y2 = 1 m
p1 = γz1Ka = 17.2 × 2.5 × 0.33 = 14.19 kN/m
p2 = (γz1 + γ′z2)Ka = (17.2 × 2.5 + 11.20 × 3.5)0.33 = 27.13 kN/m2
p2 27.13
z3 = = = 0.91 m
γ ′K ′ 11.2× 2.67
z5/H for φ = 30° is obtained from Fig. 12.18 as z5/H = 0.08. Or
z5 = 0.080 × 6.0 = 0.48 m
p2 ( z3 − z5 ) 27.13(0.91 − 0.45)
p2′ = = = 13.71 kN / m 2
z3 0.91
To determine the unknown force P, taking moment of the pressure diagram ADEE′C
about the anchor rod,
1.5 m Fa
2.5 m 1
γ = 17.2 kN/m3, φ = 30° p1 D
3.5 m c=0 2 3
φ = 30°
γsat = 21.0 kN/m3 E
z5 4 5
C p ′ P
2 E′
c=0 C P
φ = 30° z5 E′
D γsat = 21.0 kN/m3
J p2 ′′ J′
(a) (b)
Fig. 12.31
⎛1 ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎡ ⎤
⎜⎜ × p1 × z1 ⎟⎟×⎜⎜ y 2 − z1 ⎟⎟ + ( p1 × z2 )×⎜⎜ z2 + y 2 ⎟⎟ + ⎢ 1 ×( p2 − p1 )× z2 ⎥
⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟
⎠ ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠⎟ ⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
⎛ z ⎞ ⎛z ⎞ ⎡1 ⎤
×⎜⎜⎜ z2 × y 2 − 2 ⎟⎟⎟ + ( p2′ × z5 )×⎜⎜ 5 + z2 + y 2 ⎟⎟⎟ + ⎢ ( p2 − p2′ ) z5 ⎥
⎝ 3⎠ ⎜
⎝2 ⎠ ⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
⎛z ⎞
×⎜⎜ 5 + z2 + y 2 ⎟⎟⎟ − P ×( z5 + z2 + y 2 ) = 0
⎜⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛1 ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎜⎜ × 14.19 × 2.5⎟⎟×⎜⎜1 − 2.5 ⎟⎟ + (14.19 × 3.5)×⎜⎜ 3.5 + 1⎟⎟
⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎟ ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
⎡1 ⎤ ⎛ 3.5 ⎟⎞ ⎛ 0.48 ⎞
+ ⎢ ×(27.13 − 14.19)× 3.5⎥ ×⎜⎜3.5 + 1 − ⎟ + (13.71× 0.48)×⎜⎜⎜ + 3.5 + 1⎟⎟⎟
⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
⎡1 ⎤ ⎛ 0.48 ⎞
+ ⎢ (27.13 − 13.71)× 0.448⎥ ×⎜⎜ + 3.5 + 1⎟⎟⎟ − P (0.48 + 3.5 + 1) = 0
⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎠
2.96 + 136.58 + 75.48 + 31.19 + 15.01 − 4.98P = 0
P= = 52.45 kN
p2″ = γ ′ K ′ z4 = 11.2 × 2.67 z = 29.9 z4 kN/m 2
Example 12.7 It is proposed to construct a 5 m deep trench in a stiff clay with c = 40 kN/m2,
φ = 0°, and γ = 18.5 kN/m3 and to timber it with horizontal struts at 1, 2.5, and 4 m below
the top. Draw the earth pressure envelope and make reasonable assumptions to estimate the
load that each strut can carry per metre run of excavation.
γH 18.5× 5
= = 2.3 < 4
c 40
Hence, the earth pressure distribution suggested by Peck (1969) for stiff clay (Fig. 12.23a)
is considered. The earth pressure envelope along with the strut positions are shown in
Fig. 12.32a.
pa = 0.30γH = 0.3 × 18.5 × 5 = 27.75 kN/m2
Assuming hinges at the reaction points, the entire pressure distribution and the same in
split forms are shown in Fig. 12.32b and c. Taking the moments of the forces about R′2
⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ 1.25
R1 ×1.5 = ⎜⎜⎜ ×1.25× 27.75⎟⎟⎟×⎜⎜⎜ ×1.25 + 1.25⎟⎟⎟ + (1.25× 27.75)×
⎝2 ⎠ ⎝3 ⎠ 2
R1 = 33.76 kN/m run on the top strut
R2′ = 17.34 + 34.69 − 33.76 = 18.27 kN
⎛ 1.25 ⎞ ⎛ 27.75 + 22.9 ⎞ 0.25
R2′′×1.5 = (1.25× 27.75)×⎜⎜⎜ ×1.25 − 1.0⎟⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜⎜ × 0.25⎟⎟⎟×
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
R2′′ = 20.76 kN
R3′ = 34.69 + 6.33 − 20.76 = 20.26 kN
Therefore, the force on the central strut = R2′ + R2′′ = 18.27 + 20.7 = 38.97 kN / m run. Taking
moment about R4,
R3′′×1 = 12 ×1× 22.9× 32 ×1
R3′′ = 7.63 kN
The total force on the lower strut = R3′ + R3′′ = 20.26 + 7.63 = 27.89 kN / m run.
Reaction R4 = 12 (5 + 2.5)× 27.75 − 33.76 − 38.97 − 27.89
R4 = 3.44 kN/m
The reaction R4 is assumed to be provided by the soil.
Example 12.8 A long 5 m wide and 8 m high vertical channel has to be constructed in a
deep cohesive soil with c = 36 kN/m2 and γ = 18 kN/m3. Before protecting the sides using
sheet piles, it is intended to check the safety of the bottom of the channel against heave.
Consider the excavation to be completed rapidly and find the factor of safety against heave.
What will be the change in the factor of safety if a hard material is present at 2.5 m from the
bottom of the channel?
1.5 m Assumed
as hinges pa = 0.3γ H
1.5 m
1m 0.25H
1m 1.25 m
1.5 m
1.25 m
1.25 m
1.5 m
R3′′ 1.25 m
R4 (c)
Fig. 12.32
The vertical load affecting the stability is acting on a width
B′ = 0.7B = 0.7 × 5 = 3.5 m
Since the excavation is to be done rapidly, the φ = 0 condition prevails. Therefore,
φ = γ HB ′ − cu H
= 18 × 8 × 3.5 − 36 × 8 = 216 kN
The net bearing pressure for a long footing for the φ = 0 condition is given as
qn = cuNc = 5.7 × 36 = 205.2 kN/m2
Net bearing load = qn(B′ × 1) = 205.2 × 3.5 × 1 = 718.2 kN
Example 12.9 A 11.2 m thick layer of stiff saturated clay is underlain by a 2.3 m thick layer
of sand. The saturated clay has a saturated density of 1940 kg/m3 and the sand as 1825 kg/m3.
The sand layer is at a artesian pressure head of 6.2 m. Find the maximum depth of cut that
can be made in the clay.
1940 × 9.81
γsat of clay = 1,940 kg/m3 = = 19.03 kN/m3.
Let the depth of cut be H, at that point the bottom of excavation will heave.
The stability of a point A, as the interface of both the layers is considered.
From Fig. 12.33 σA = (11.2 − H)γsat
uA = 6.2 γω.
For heave to occur σ A′ should be zero.
Clay 11.2 m
Sand 2.3 m
Fig. 12.33
12.1 Gravity-retaining walls provide slope and soil retention by their weight, which may
consist of masonry, concrete, concrete in combination with soil weight, or the weight
of earth mass alone. Cantilever wall is a type of gravity wall which is economical as
the backfill is designed to provide the most of the required dead weight.
12.2 Cantilever and gravity walls are both liable to rotational and translational movements,
and hence, Rankine’s and Coulomb’s theories may be used for the calculation of
lateral pressure.
12.3 Retaining walls have to satisfy the following stability requirements: (i) safety against
overturning, (ii) safety against sliding, (iii) safety against bearing capacity failures,
and (iv) safety against overall stability.
12.4 Backfill materials for retaining structures should have high long-term strength, free
drainage and impact, and less lateral pressure. Poorly graded to well-graded sands
and gravels form excellent backfill material.
12.5 Sheet pile walls are flexible structures compared to gravity-type retaining walls and
are widely used for both small and large water front structures. Sheet pile walls
are made out of wood, precast, concrete, or steel. The two types are cantilever and
anchored sheet pile walls.
12.6 A sheet pile wall may fail in any one of the following ways: (i) forward movement of
the base due to inadequate passive resistance in front of the wall, (ii) failure by bend-
ing, and (iii) failure of anchors. Depending on the type of failure, the earth pressure
distribution varies, and it does not follow the conventional distribution adopted in
rigid walls.
12.7 Wales, tie rods, and anchorages are provided to keep a sheet pile in the required
position for the expected lifetime. Wales are longitudinal members of a rolled channel
section usually provided back to back along the sheet pile length. A cable or a steel
rod, threaded to allow vertical alignment and tension adjustments, acts as a tie rod.
Anchors may be of tie-back or deadman type.
12.8 Sheeting for braced excavations basically consists of a sheet piling to support the
sides of the excavation, with stability being maintained by means of strut across the
12.9 Failure of the soil of a braced excavation may occur due to deformation changes with
depth or heave of the bottom of a cut or due to upward seepage of water.
Objective Questions
12.1 State whether the following are true or false.
1. Structures that are restrained from yielding should be designed to resist at-rest
lateral pressures.
2. Stability analysis of retaining walls based on Rankine’s theory results in unconser-
vative wall design.
3. For free-standing retaining walls, active or passive pressures can develop only by
translation of the wall.
4. The free earth support method considers the lowest section of sheeting to be fixed
in the earth.
5. The spacing of the rods in anchored bulkheads depends on the forces taken by
each rod.
12.2 Rowe’s method for reducing the moment in anchored sheet piling basically depends
on the
(a) Depth of fixity of wall at the base
(b) Modulus of rigidity of the wall material
(c) Relative flexibility of the piling
(d) Area of cross-section of the pile
12.3 For the design of braced excavation, the earth pressure distribution is based on
(a) Rankine’s hydrostatic distribution
(b) Coulomb’s distribution in the classical form
(c) Apparent pressure envelopes based on field studies
(d) None of the above
12.4 Failure of braced excavation in clay due to bottom heave may be avoided by
(a) Reducing the flexibility of the wall system
(b) Increasing the time for installation of struts or anchors
(c) Loading the ground surface with some surcharge
(d) Increasing the γH/c value to be >8
12.5 The qualities required for a material to cause minimum earth pressure with the least
movement are
(a) Free draining, rigid, and light in weight
(b) Rigid, free draining, and with high angle of internal friction
(c) Free draining, light in weight, and with low angle of internal friction
(d) Free draining, loose, and light in weight
12.6 It is a general practice to provide the face of a cantilever retaining wall with a small
batter to compensate for the
(a) Forward tilting
(b) Lateral sliding
(c) Overturning
(d) Forward sliding
Descriptive Questions
12.11 In a sheet pile wall, supporting and penetrating clay, how is the thrust likely to alter
when the clay swells or consolidates?
12.12 Explain why the hydrostatic-type linear earth pressure distribution is not valid in a
strutted excavation?
12.13 What are the possible signs of distress of masonry retaining walls? Suggest a few
remedial measures.
12.14 Explain why weep holes are provided in retaining walls.
12.15 Explain why only granular materials are preferred for the backfill of a retaining wall.
12.16 What is the necessity to remove weak natural soil behind a bulkhead prior to place-
ment of a granular fill? Explain.
12.17 How will you design a deadman-type anchor. What factors would you consider in
deciding the location of a deadman?
12.18 What do you understand by repeated yielding? How can you counter this effect on a
12.19 How will you decide the location of a railway line on top of a cohesive backfill of a
rough-surfaced vertical retaining wall?
12.1 Check the stability of the concrete retaining wall shown in Fig. 12.34. The backfill
material is a mixture of sand and gravel with the following properties: γ = 19.6 kN/
m3 and φ = 33°. The tangent of the coefficient of friction between the concrete and the
soil is 0.48. The unit weight of concrete is 2.5 kN/m3. The retaining wall is placed on
a very dense gravelly bed with an allowable soil pressure of 380 kN/m2.
1m 15 kN/m2
0.5 m 0.5 m
Fig. 12.34
12.2 Estimate the minimum and maximum pressures under the base of a cantilever retaining
wall shown in Fig. 12.35. Also, check the stability against overturning and sliding. The
properties of the backfill material are γ = 18.2 kN/m3 and φ = 38°. The friction angle at
the base of the wall is given as 27°, and the unit weight of concrete is 23.5 kN/m3.
12.3 Determine the minimum safe width of a gravity-retaining wall, supporting 5 m of a gran-
ular fill having a dry unit weight of 18.5 kN/m3 and an angle of friction 32°. The pressure
surface of the retaining wall has a batter of 1:6. The backfill is sloped with an angle of incli-
nation of 15°. The base of the wall is located at a depth of 2 m from the ground surface.
The properties of the foundation soil are c = 15 kN/m2, φ = 25°, and γ = 19.0 kN/m3.
12.4 For the sheet pile wall system shown in Fig. 12.36, determine the depth of penetration
considering the sheet pile as a cantilever type. What will be the percentage of reduc-
tion in the depth if tie rods are placed at 1.5 m from the top and 3 m from the centres?
12.5 It is intended to design a cantilever sheet pile wall to support a varved clay as detailed
in Fig. 12.37. Compute the depth required considering a factor of safety of 2.5 against
0.5 m 4.5 m
0.7 m
Fig. 12.35
φ = 32°
5m γ = 17 kN/m3
γ ′ = 12.2 kN/m3
cu = 45 kN/m2
Dd= ? φu = 0⬚
γ ′ = 12.0 kN/m3
FS = 3.5
Fig. 12.36
cu = 10 kN/m , φ u = 5°
2m 2
γ =18.2 kN/m
cu = 20 kN/m , φ u = 0°
1.5 m γ =18.4 kN/m
cu = 22 kN/m , φ u = 2°
1.6 m γ sat =19.0 kN/m
3.7 m cu = 20 kN/m3, φ u = 5°
1.4 m γ =18.9 kN/m3
0.7 m cu = 25 kN/m3, φ u = 0°
γ sat = 19.2 kN/m
Dd = ? cu = 80 kN/m2
Fig. 12.37
passive resistance. What will be the change in depth of embedment if the top two
soft layers are replaced with sand with the following properties: φ = 30° and γ =
18 kN/m3? Consider the same factor of safety.
12.6 A sheet pile wall is driven 7 m into an estuarine clay which has the following proper-
ties: cu = 18 kN/m2, φu = 0°, and γsat = 20 kN/m3. The original groundwater is located
at 1.5 m from the ground surface. Excavation has been carried out on one side of the
wall up to a depth of 4 m. Check the adequacy of the depth of penetration of the piling
below the bottom of the excavation, to give a factor of safety of 2.0 with respect to
passive resistance.
12.7 Compute the embedment depth for a 6 m high cantilever pile supporting 4 m high
water above the dredge line. The soil of the backfill and that below the dredge line are
the same, having the following properties: γsat = 22 kN/m3 and φ = 30°. It is decided
at a later date to convert the sheet pile into a closed sheet pile by providing a tie rod at
1.5 m from the top. Determine the revised design depth of embedment (with a safety
factor of 1.4) and the force on the tie rod.
12.8 For a shipping channel, an anchored sheet pile is used to support a fill. The height
of the sheet pile above the bottom of the channel is 10 m, and it supports a 8 m
head of water in the channel. The backfill soil and the soil beneath the channel are
both granular and have an average bulk and submerged unit weights of 18.6 and
12.8 kN/m3, respectively, and an average angle of friction of 32°. The anchor rod
is positioned at 1.5 m from the top of the backfill and 2.5 m centre to centre. Using
the free earth support method, find the depth of embedment and the force on
the anchor rod. The design depth may be taken as 30% more than the theoretical
12.9 For the anchored sheet pile system in granular soil shown in Fig. 12.38, determine the
depth of embedment and the force on the rod. Tie rods are placed at 3.5 m centre to
centre horizontally. A safety factor of 2.0 is applied to the passive resistance.
1m Ta=?
2m φ = 25°
6m γ = 17.5 kN/m
3m φ = 38°
γ =18.6 kN/m
Dd = ? φ = 40°
γ ′ = 12.1 kN/m
Fig. 12.38
12.10 An anchored sheet pile wall supports 5 m of fully saturated soil having the following
relevant properties: c = 5 kN/m2, φ = 32°, and γsat = 20 kN/m3. The groundwater is
0.5 m below the top of the wall. Horizontal anchors are installed at depths of 1.2 and
2.5 m from the centre. Use the free earth support method and determine the mini-
mum safe driving depth, adopting a factor of safety of 1.50. Also, estimate the force
transmitted by each anchor rod.
12.11 In a river bank protection scheme, an anchored sheet pile wall is driven to support
sand up to a depth of 4.5 m. Anchor rods are provided at 1.0 m below the top and at
3 m centre to centre. The sand has a friction angle of 32°. The surface of the retained
material is to be horizontal and level with the top of the wall. During heavy rains the
water level rises to a level of 0.5 m below the top of the wall. Neglecting cohesion
and friction on the surface of the piles, use the fixed earth support method to find the
design depth of the pile. It is required to provide a factor of safety of 1.5 against the
depth of penetration. Determine the force and diameter of the anchor rod if the tensile
strength of the material of the rod is 90 × 103 kN/m2.
12.12 An anchored sheet pile wall is constructed by driving a line of piling as shown in
Fig. 12.39. The rods are spaced at 2.5 m centre to centre, 1.5 m below the surface of the
backfill. The water level in front of the wall and the water table behind the wall are
both 3 m below the surface of the backfill. Determine the design depth considering
a factor of safety of 2.0 with respect to passive resistance. Also, find the force on the
anchor rod. Adopt the fixed earth support method.
1.5 m Fa = ?
c ′ = 17.2 kN/m
2 φ ′ = 26°
3m γ
= 20.5 kN/m3
c ′= 0 φ ′ = 43°
Fig. 12.39
12.13 A 3.2 m wide and 6.5 m deep cut is proposed to be made in a moist deposit of sand
with shear strength parameters c = 0 and φ = 30°. Find the total load on the timber
sheeting if γ = 19.5 kN/m3.
12.14 The sides of an excavation 5 m deep in stiff clay are to be supported temporarily by
timber. The struts are placed at 1, 2.5, and 4 m below the top. Assuming a suitable
pressure distribution, estimate the load that each strut can carry per metre run of
excavation. The relevant properties of the soil are γsat = 21 kN/m3, unconfined com-
pressive strength qu = 200 kN/m2, and φ = 0°.
12.15 A strutted excavation 1.5 m wide is executed in a saturated plastic clay with a unit
weight of 18 kN/m3. The bottom of the excavation yields when the height reaches
10 m. Estimate the approximate shear strength of the soil that prevailed during failure.
12.16 A strutted excavation 4 m × 8 m in plan is to be taken up for the installation of a
machinery. The depth of the excavation is 5 m in a saturated stiff clay which has an
undrained strength of 40 kN/m2 and a unit weight of 19 kN/m3. There is another
supporting machinery to be placed on the surface of the ground in line with the ver-
tical face of the excavation. This machinery will be inducing an overall surcharge of
15 kN/m2. Estimate the factor of safety against base failure.
Causes of slope failures – Short- and long-term failures – Types of land slides
and slope movements – Factor of safety – Infinite and finite slopes – Analysis
of infinite slopes – Analysis of finite slopes: planar and circular failure surfaces:
φu = 0 analysis, friction circle method, Fellenius method of slices, Bishop’s
simplified method – Taylor’s stability chart – Location of critical circle
Landslides are the downward and outward movements of slope materials because of
exhaustion of required shear strength. The slope materials may be composed of natural
rock and soil, artificial fills, or combinations thereof. Potential landslides in natural
slopes may be identified either by aerial photographs or by ground reconnaissance.
Slides also occur in man-made structures such as embankments and earth dams. Suffi-
cient care has to be taken to choose the correct construction material and to adopt a
suitable construction procedure to avoid sliding of the slope during or after construc-
tion. Further, the stability of foundations and earth-retaining walls against ground
break or rupture of soil is also important. One of the causes of ground break is insuffi-
cient depth of the embedment of the foundation or the retaining wall combined with
low shear strength. In principle, the analysis consists of determining the factor of the
slopes against shear failure so as to ascertain the stability of natural slopes, cuts, embank-
ments, earth dams, and ground break.
Internal causes are those that lead to a slide without any change in surface conditions
which involve unaltered shearing stresses in the slope material. Some of these conditions are
the decrease in shearing resistance brought about by excess pore water pressure, leaching
of salts, softening, breakage of cementation bonds, and ion exchange. Intermediate between
landslides due to external and internal causes are those due to rapid draw-down, to sur-
face erosion, and to spontaneous liquefaction. Terzaghi (1950) reviewed the processes which
cause landslides by several modes of action of agents and represented them in a lucid form,
as shown in Fig. 13.1. As an example, some of the activities which may provoke or improve
a landslide are shown in Fig. 13.2.
unlined canal
from a new
Beginning of erosion of
construction operation
Factor of safety
Gradual softening of 2
stiff fissured clay
Heavy rainfall
Slope failure Exceptionally rapid draw-down
during construction
0 10 20 30
Time (years)
Fig. 13.1 Variations in the factor of safety of different slopes of recent origin (Source: Terzaghi, 1950)
Excavation of head
Excavation at toe–
removes resistance Removes part of
driving force
(a) Toe excavation – provokes slide (b) Head excavation – increases stability
Existing landslide
Drainage blocked – drainage intercepts
shearing resistance water headed for
reduced cracks and fissures Seepage
Seepage decreased dro
(c) Drainage blocked – provokes slide (d) Drainage improved – increases stability
Fig. 13.2 Activities that decrease or increase the probabilities of slides (Source: Woods, 1950)
Rotational Translational
slips Multiple retrogressive slips
Fig. 13.3 Types of mass movements on clay slopes (Source: Skempton and Hutchinson, 1969)
Factor of
safety 2
Slide-producing agent Time
starts to act
Downhill displacement
of failure and on the type of clay. Skempton and Hutchinson (1969) confirmed this from
several field examples. Some techniques of measuring pre-failure movements in slopes are
discussed by Terzaghi and Peck (1967).
Movements During Slide. During the first phase of the slide, the sliding mass advances
at an accelerated rate, as shown by the upper part of the curve ab. The maximum velocity of
the movement depends on the average slope angle of the surface of sliding, the resistance
available, and the nature of stratification. For a clay with a perfectly plastic stress–strain
curve after failure, the downslope movement is slow and attains a stable position with a fac-
tor of safety 1. In clays, such as over-consolidated fissured clays, which show a pronounced
peak, the slide accelerates and is carried past the stable position by its own momentum,
coming to rest with a factor of safety higher than 1 on the residual strength. But quick clays
experience the fastest movement, and the decrease in shearing resistance may be of the order
of 90%. In contrast, slides in more or less homogeneous masses of residual soil, or clay with
low sensitivity, seldom attain a velocity of more than 0.3 m/min.
Post-failure Movement. After the descent (Fig. 13.4, Point b), the movement passes into a
slow creep unless the slide has radically altered the physical properties of the sliding mass.
In the majority of clays, the shear strength on the slip surface after failure may be at or very
close to the residual strength. Heavily over-consolidated clays experience post-failure move-
ments, and the speed of movement ranges from 0 to 6 m/year. Slides in normally consoli-
dated or quick clays generally exhibit no post-failure movements. Steps in the trend of the
line bc in Fig. 13.4 correspond to creep with seasonal effects.
the available strength (τf) of the soil, then the slope is said to be stable. Thus, the factor of
safety may be defined, in a form most convenient and acceptable to practical engineers, as
the ratio of the shearing resistance available along a slip surface to the total mobilized shear-
ing resistance; that is,
F= f
In other words, F measures the factor by which the shear strength will have to be reduced
(τ = τf / F) to bring the structure to a state of imminent collapse.
If in the mobilization process, both cohesion and friction contribute in equal proportion,
then the factor of safety is referred to as the factor of safety with respect to strength; that is,
Available shear strength
Fs =
Mobilized shear strength
c ′ + σn′ tan φ ′
Fs = (13.3)
c ′ σn′ tan φ ′
τ= +
Fs Fs
FH = (13.6)
τ= + σn′ tan φ ′ (13.7)
The safety factors defined above are simply standards of comparison and have no physi-
cal meaning beyond that given by their respective definitions.
Nature never provides such an idealized condition, but from a practical standpoint, such a
simplification is enough. The usual plane of failure for such slopes is planar parallel to the
surface and along a weak layer. Generally, a typical column is taken as representative of the
soil mass, and the forces causing the flow are analysed (refer Section 13.8).
The term finite slope is given to any slope of finite extent (i.e., with limited height), e.g.,
slopes of embankments, dams, cuts, canals, etc. While analysing, the entire mass of soil
above a slip surface is considered and analysed along with the forces causing the flow.
The stability of infinite and finite slopes is related to earth pressure problems. A small
movement along the slope makes the upper portion of the slope to stretch. This movement
is sufficient to bring in the active state and causes tension cracks (Fig. 13.5). The lower por-
tion resists the movement and evidently attains the passive state. As the shear strength on
the slope surface of the upper portion fully mobilizes, the lower portion is no longer in a
position to support the weight of the material above it, and the passive state is fully reached,
resulting in the failure of the material.
Earth structures always have their lengths parallel to the bases of the slope, much greater
than their width or height. It is feasible to find the extent of soil mass parallel to the base.
Although some resistance is available at the ends of the slide, it is not easy to evaluate the
same. Hence, only the resistance available at the lower boundary of the slip is considered,
Active 2c
z0 =
zone g√Ka
Passive zone H
z0 =
Full expansion
Passive zone expansion
ignoring the end effects. This allows the analysis to be treated as a plane strain problem. The
analysis is made adopting either a limit equilibrium technique or a limit analysis technique.
The limit equilibrium method is used commonly in stability analysis. This method does
not consider the stress–strain relationship of the soil but concentrates only on the equilib-
rium and yield conditions. Some researchers in geotechnical engineering have approached
the problem by using the limit analysis method (e.g., Chen, 1969; Ramiah et al., 1972, etc.)
The methods explained in the subsequent sections are based on limit equilibrium analysis.
That is,
T W = g Hb = R
N N = W cos i
i T = W sin i
R F1 = F2
T γ bH sin i
τ= =
b / cos i b / cos i
τ = γ H sin i cos i (13.9)
Rearranging Eq. 13.10, an expression for critical depth H = Hc for clay stratum is given as
cm ⎡ sec 2 i ⎤
Hc = ⎢ ⎥ (13.11)
γ ⎢ tan i − tan φ ⎥
⎢⎣ m ⎥⎦
The strength envelope for a cohesive soil is represented by the line ABC (Fig. 13.7), and
line ODC is the line parallel to the slope. The shear strength corresponding to the normal
stress OF is BF, which is larger than the mobilized shear strength on the slip represented by
FD. Hence, under such stress conditions, no sliding occurs. But sliding would occur when
the normal stress is OE, and under this condition there is an increase in shear stress and
complete mobilization has taken place. The depth, H, at which the shear stress on the slip
plane equals the shear strength of the soil is referred to as the critical depth, Hc . Any depth
greater than this will not be stable, and sliding would occur. The factor of safety F can be
represented as
c′ tan φ ′
F= + (13.12)
γ H sin i cos i tan i
Mohr's envelope
O F E sn
σn′ = (γ − γ w )H cos 2 i
σ n′ = γ ′H cos 2 i (13.13)
τ = γ H sin i cos i (13.14)
But the mobilized shear strength is
τ = cm + σn′ tan φm
τ = cm + γ ′H cos 2 i tan φm (13.15)
cm sec 2 i
Hc = (13.17)
γ tan i − γ ′ tan φm
c′ ⎛ γ ′ ⎞ tan φ ′
F= + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ (13.18)
γ H sin i cos i ⎜⎝ γ ⎟⎠ tan i
i g H cos i
g H cos i sin i
g H cos2 i
γ ′H cos 2 i tan φ ′
γ H sin i cos i
⎛ γ ′ ⎞⎛ tan φ ′ ⎞⎟
F = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ (13.20)
⎜⎝ γ ⎟⎠⎜⎝ tan i ⎟⎟⎠
tan i = tan φm
i = φm (13.21)
So the maximum angle that could be maintained by a dry slope in a cohesionless soil is the
angle of shearing resistance of the soil.
The factor of safety is
γ H cos 2 i tan φ ′
γ H sin i cos i
tan φ ′
F= (13.22)
tan i
along a plane parallel to the strata. In embankment dams with sloping cores, planes of weak-
ness within the bank consist of two or three planar surfaces.
Culmann, in 1866, considered a simple failure mechanism of a slope of homogeneous soil
with the plane failure surface passing through the toe of the slope.
Figure 13.9 shows a typical slope with a plane failure surface. The weight of the wedge is
given as
W = 12 hLγ (13.23)
An expression for b can obtained from geometry as
h H
AB = =
sin (i − θ ) sin i
H sin(i − θ )
h= (13.24)
sin i
sin (i − θ)
= 12 Lγ H (13.25)
sin i
The force due to shear strength along plane AC is
S = c ′L + W cos θ tan φ ′
The weight component parallel to the plane AC is W sin θ. Thus, the factor of safety is
c ′L + W cos θ tan φ ′
W sin θ
That is,
c ′ + 12 γ H[sin(i − θ ) sin i] cos θ tan φ ′
F= (13.26)
2 γ H[sin (i − θ)/sin i] sin θ
C b
H fm
f -line
A i
Now, referring to the force polygon (Fig. 13.10) and using Fig. 13.10, the sine rule is
cm L W
sin(θ − φm ) cos φm
cm ⎡ sin (θ − φm ) sin(i − θ) ⎤
= 12 ⎢ ⎥ (13.27)
γH ⎢ sin i cos φ ⎥
⎣ m ⎦
where cm/γ, known as the stability number. Thus for failure to occur the stability number
has to be at a maximum. Thus, differentiating Eq. 13.27 with respect to θ, making φm = φ′ and
equating it to zero, we get
cos (θ − φ ′) sin(i − φ)− sin(θ − φ ′) cos(i − θ) = 0
tan(θ − φ ′) = tan(i − θ)
(θ − φ ′) = (i − θ )
Representing θ = θf,
θf = 12 (i + φ ′) (13.28)
c mL
90° – q
q – fm
which is the expression for the angle of inclination of the critical slip plane. This method is
suitable for very steep slopes.
This factor of safety is not comparable with the one defined previously.
AB = L
W AB = L
A trial slip circle with radius r is shown in Fig. 13.11. The disturbing force is the weight
(W) of the segment of soil within the arc (taking the full weight, both above the water level
and that submerged below). This force causes an instability due to the moment of the weight
(W); that is,
Disturbing moment = W x
where x is the moment arm.
This force produces the resisting moment, which is the strength along the surface and is given as
Resisting moment = cu Lr
The factor of safety is given as
Resisting moment
Fc = (13.29)
Disturbing moment
cu Lr
Fc =
W x
Alternatively, let cm be the mobilized shearing strength of the soil along the slip surface nec-
essary for equilibrium; then,
W x = cm Lr
cm =
Available cohesion c
Fc = = u (13.30)
or Mobilized cohesion cm
cu Lr
Fc =
W x
Both definitions (Eqs. 13.29 & 13.30) give to the formula as the centre of rotation is the
same for the assumed slip surface.
If the minimum factor of safety is less than unity, the slope is considered unstable. The
minimum factor of safety should be generally equal to or greater than 1.5.
In cohesive soils, due to stretching of the upper portion of the slope, tension cracks are
formed, and the development of the slip circle is terminated at the tension crack depth (Fig.
13.12). The depth of the tension crack is given as z0 = 2cu/γ, where γ is the unit weight of
the soil. No shear strength mobilization is possible along this length; instead, if the crack is
filled with water, the disturbing moment due to water pressure has to be taken into account.
If Pw (= 12 γ w z02 ) is the force due to water pressure, then the disturbing moment is Pw y; thus,
c L r
Fc = u AG (13.31)
W x + Pw y
crack y Hydrostatic
r B
r 2cu
z0 = g
D gw z0
t W
r sin fm
Radius DR R
= r sin fm Tension
Friction or crack B
f -circle
r D r W D
dl Cm
cm dl + sn tan fm
sn dl
A fm A
This method can be extended for multi-layered soils (under undrained condition) and for
submerged slopes.
Friction Circle Method. In this method, which is based on total stress analysis, both cohe-
sion and the angle of internal friction are taken into account. A circular failure arc from a trial
centre is shown in Fig. 13.13.
Consider an element of length dl on the trial slip circle ADB. The reaction φR on the
elemental length is directed against the direction of motion of the sliding wedge and inclined
at an angle φm to the normal, at the point of ΔR. Thus, ΔR is tangent to a concentric circle of
radius r sin φm. This smaller circle of radius r sin φm is known as the friction circle or φ-circle.
The forces acting on the element dl are
1. the shearing force due to cohesion, cm dl;
2. the shearing force due to friction, σn tan φm dl; and
3. the normal force, σn dl.
The reaction ΔR is the vector sum of the forces σn tan φm dl and σn dl. Consider the sum
of all the forces cm dl along the arc AD. Resolve the forces parallel and perpendicular to
chord AD. The sum of forces parallel to chord AD is given as
Cm = cm L
where L is the chord length of AD and the sum of components normal to AD is zero. Take the
moment of the forces cm dl about the centre, and equating it to the moment due to resultant
force Cm, we have
Cm r1 = cm rL
where L is the arc length of AD, or
cm Lr1 = cm rL
r1 = (13.32)
That is, the resultant mobilized cohesive force Cm acts at a distance r1 and parallel to the
chord. The equilibrium of the wedge is analysed by considering the following four vectors
(Fig. 13.14): the weight W, a resultant cohesive force Cm, the reaction R, and the force due to
hydrostatic pressure of water in the tension crack Pw.
The weight vector is equal to the area of the wedge times the unit weight of the soil. It
acts vertically downwards through the centroid of the wedge. This vector can be drawn to
a suitable scale. The force Pw = 12 γ w z02 . This acts horizontally at a height of 32 z0 from the top
ground surface.
Let Q be the resultant of W and Pw. Thus, the direction and magnitude of Q are known.
The direction of Cm is known, but the magnitude and/or direction of R should be fixed to
draw the force polygon.
If Fφ is assumed, the friction circle for φm equal to tan–1(tan φ/Fφ) can be drawn. Hence,
the direction of R is fixed if we assume that the resultant reaction also makes a tangent with
the φ-circle. This is not strictly true, and the resultant R actually makes a tangent with a fric-
tion circle with a slightly larger radius (say, Kr sin φ). The error involved in the assumption
is only 20% for deep-seated circles. The value of K may be read out from Fig. 13.15 for a
particular central angle.
With the knowledge of the directions of the forces Cm and R, the force polygon is com-
pleted and the required Cm is measured (Fig. 13.14). The factor of safety with respect to
cohesion, Fc = C / Cm = cL / Cm, is then computed with the assumed, Fφ. The value obtained
for Fc is compared with the assumed Fφ . If Fc ≠ Fφ , the analysis is repeated until Fc = Fφ.
Coefficient K
1.16 b°
0 40 80 120
Central angle, b °
Alternatively, a series of Fc values for assumed Fφ values are obtained, and the same are plot-
ted versus assumed Fφ values. A 45° line drawn from the origin intersects the curve at a point
whose projection on both the axes gives the value F = Fc = Fφ (Fig. 13.16). This value of F is
nothing but the factor of safety with respect to strength, Fs.
The friction circle method is limited to homogeneous soils and a total stress analysis. This
can be extended for problems considering effective stress also; however, the method of slices
(discussed in the next section) is more adaptable for such problems.
Taylor’s Stability Chart. Taylor (1937, 1948) proposed stability coefficients for the analysis
of homogeneous slopes in terms of total stress based on the friction circle method. Neglect-
ing tension cracks, consider two slopes of different heights with similar slope and failure
surfaces (Fig. 13.17). For such geometrically similar failure surfaces, the force diagrams are
similar. This shows that the ratio Cm /W is a constant.
But Cm = cL / Fc and W = (Area)× γ .
The factor L and area are functions of height of slope H. So
Cm ∝ and W ∝ Η 2 γ
Cm cH / Fc
W H 2γ
Ff = Fc Fs = Fc = Ff
45∞ Fc = Ff
W2 C m2
R1 Cm2
C m1
W1 W1
c c
= m = Sn (13.33)
Fc γ H γ H
This coefficient Sn, which is non-dimensional and depends only on the geometry of the
embankment, is referred to as Taylor’s stability number.
Values of Sn and slope angle i are related for different values of φm and the depth factor
D, as shown in Fig. 13.18a and b. This chart can be used to find safety factors with respect to
cohesion, friction, or strength.
As Taylor’s stability numbers were determined from total stress analysis, the use of these
charts for effective stress conditions may lead to a serious error. These charts are applicable
at the end of construction and under short-term stability conditions. The curves are often uti-
lized to determine the safe inclination for a given height or the maximum or critical height
for a given inclination.
Thus, for the Fφ = 1 condition, if Hc is the critical height for the given slope and soil prop-
erties and Ha is the actual height, then the factor of safety with respect to height may be
calculated as
FH = Hc / Ha
Hc = Ns
where Ns is a stability factor depending on φ and i. Keeping in view the non-possibility of a
base failure unless φ < 3°, a chart (Fig. 13.19) is available (based on Taylor’s data) to determine
the critical height (Terzaghi and Peck, 1967). Evidently, all the points on the curve corres-
pond to failure along the circles. The stability factor Ns is the reciprocal of Taylor’s stability
number for a particular case of Fc = Fφ = 1.0.
0.35 0.19
i = 53°
0.25 0.16
Stability number, cm/gH
Stability number, cm/γH
0.20 fm =0, D = ∞ 0.14
2 °
15 0.13 n dH
0.15 25 0° H DH
0.10 0.11
1 2 3 4
0 Depth factor D
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 (b) Chart of stability numbers for the case of
Slope angle zero friction angle and limited depth
(a) Chart of stability numbers
g Hc
Values of stability factor NS =
0° NS = 5.52
f= 5.3
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Values of slope angle (degrees)
Fig. 13.19 Relation between slope angle and stability factor (Source: Terzaghi and Peck, 1967)
Location of Critical Circle for Total Stress Analysis. Fellenius, in 1936, proposed a
simple method of finding the centre P of a critical toe circle for a homogeneous slope with
φ = 0° condition. This point P is located with the help of directional angles α1 and α2 as
given in Table 13.1 (Fig. 13.20). Jumikis (1962) extended this for c–φ soils and gave a method
of locating the locus on which the probable centre of a toe circle may lie. P is a point on the
straight line PQ, the locus of the centre of critical slip circles. The point Q has its coordinates
H downwards from the toe and 4.5H horizontally away.
After obtaining the line PQ, trial centres are taken on PQ, and the factor of safety
corresponding to each centre is calculated. These factors of safety are plotted as shown in
Fig. 13.21. The point on the extended line PQ corresponding to the lowest factor of safety is
thus the critical centre. This method is applicable only to homogeneous soils and provides
an approximate location of the critical centre for use in an iterative method.
Taylor’s analysis also provides the data necessary to locate the critical centre of the circle
for relatively steep slopes (refer Taylor, 1948).
0.58:1 60 29 40
1:1 45 28 37
1.5:1 30.8 26 35
2:1 26.6 25 35
3:1 18.4 25 35
5:1 11.3 25 35
2b a2
Fig. 13.20 Location of critical centre for the φ = 0 case (Source: Fellenius, 1936)
P (F c
m in
Curve of Fc
Trial centres
Slip circle
Critical centre O
D corresponding to
for f = 0° critical centre for f > 0°
Critical a
centre for f > 0° a1
Locus of centre of
critical slip circle
Slip circle (passing through toe)
H corresponding to critical
centre for f > 0°
R 4.5H
Method of Slices – Fellenius Method. The method of slices is a more generalized analysis
suitable for different soils and pore water pressure conditions. This method is quite often
referred to as effective stress analysis. This method was pioneered by Swedish engineers and
more particularly by Fellenius (1936) and Petterson (1955).
The soil profile inside the assumed slip circle is divided into a convenient number of
vertical strips or slices, as shown in Fig. 13.22. The base of each slice is assumed to be a
planar surface, and other dimensions of a slice are shown in Fig. 13.22b.
The factor of safety is defined with respect to strength. Mutual support between slices
comes by way of inter-slice forces.
r sin a
Xn + 1
D Xn En + 1 dh
r C En
a dN′
dN dU
B dl
(a) (b)
Considering a unit dimension normal to the section, the forces acting on a slice will be as
dW Weight of each slice including any external boundary forces
dN Total normal force at the base of slice = σn dl
dU Force due to water pressure at the base of slice = uw dl
dN′ Effective normal force at the base of slice = dN − dU = σ′n dl
dT Shear force induced along the base = dW sin α = τ dl
α Angle of inclination of base of slice
Also, En and En + 1 are the inter-slice normal forces on the nth and (n + 1)th faces, and X n
and Xn + 1 are the inter-slice shear forces on the nth and (n + 1)th faces. An assumption for
(En − En + 1) and (Xn − X n + 1) has to be made to remove the statical indeterminacy of the
Considering the moment of forces dT and dW about the centre of rotation,
∑ dT r = ∑ dW r sin α (13.34)
∑ τ dl r = ∑ dW r sin α
τ f dl
∑ = ∑ dW sin α
∑ τ f dl
Fs =
∑ dW sin α
∑(c ′ dl + σ n′ dl tan φ ′)
Fs =
∑ dW sin α
∑(c ′ dl + dN ′ tan φ ′)
Fs = (13.35)
∑ dW sin α
A proper estimation of dN′ in each slice will yield the factor of safety Fs for a given failure arc.
In the Fellenius method, the inter-slice forces are assumed to be equal and opposite, i.e.,
(En – En + 1) = 0 and (Xn – Xn + 1) = 0. An estimation of dN′ can be obtained by resolving the
forces normal to the base; that is,
dN ′ = dW cos α − uw dl (13.36)
From the α values for each slice, dW sin α and dW cos α are determined. A minimum
factor of safety is obtained by choosing different slip surfaces. This method in general gives
conservative values with an error of about 5% to 20% in comparison with more exact meth-
ods. For φu = 0, the factor of safety reduces to the same Eq. 13.31 for the φ = 0 analysis.
Method of Slices – Bishop’s Simplified Method. In the Fellenius approach, the omission
of side forces violates the equilibrium requirements with respect to translation. Bishop (1955)
suggested a method considering all the equilibrium equations. In the exact method, both the
inter-slice forces were considered along with the moment equilibrium. He presented a sim-
plified form of the exact method by assuming (Xn – Xn + 1) = 0 but En ≠ En + 1.
Resolving the forces parallel to the base of the slice,
dT = (c ′ dl + dN ′ tan φ ′)
Resolving the forces in the vertical direction,
c ′dl dN ′
dW = dN ′ cos α + uw dl cos α + sin α + tan φ ′ sin α
Fs Fs
⎛ c ′ dl ⎞ ⎛ tan φ ′ sin α ⎞⎟
dN ′ = ⎜⎜⎜dW − sin α − uw dl cos α⎟⎟⎟/⎜⎜⎜cos α + ⎟⎟ (13.38)
⎜⎝ Fs ⎟⎠ ⎝⎜ Fs ⎟⎠
Substituting for dl = db sec α and substituting for dN′ from Eq. 13.38 in Eq. 13.35, we have
1 ⎡ sec α ⎤
Fs = ∑ ⎢{c ′ db + (dW − uw db) tan φ ′} ⎥
∑ dW sin α ⎢⎣ 1 + tan φ ′ tan α / Fs ⎥⎦
Fs =
∑ [{c ′ db + (dW − uw db)tan φ ′}1/ mα ] (13.39)
∑ dW sin α
⎡ 1+ tan φ ′ tan α ⎤
mα = cos α ⎢ ⎥ (13.40)
⎢ Fs ⎥
⎣ ⎦
The pore pressure can be taken as a function of the overburden pressure at any point by
means of a non-dimensional pore pressure ratio,
ru = (13.41)
γ dh
Fs =
∑ [{c ′ db + dW (1 − ru )tan φ ′}1/ mα ] (13.42)
∑ dW sin α
As the factor of safety appears on both sides of Eq. 13.42, an iterative procedure has to be
adopted to arrive at its value. For manual use of the equation, the value of mα may be read
from Fig. 13.23 for an assumed Fs value, and a new Fs value can be obtained. Similarly, for a
different Fs value on the RHS, the corresponding Fs value on the LHS can be found. From a
plot of (Fs)RHS and (Fs)LHS, the value of Fs can be determined. This method does not satisfy
the force equilibrium condition fully, and the error involved in Fs is insignificant. The simpli-
fied method errs on the conservative side (about 3%) with reference to the exact method, and
the two methods may not lead to the same critical circle. Because of the repetitive nature of
the calculation, the method is more suitable for solution by a computer.
Effective Stress Stability Charts. Bishop and Morgenstern (1960) have presented stability
coefficients similar to Taylor’s coefficients in principle. These coefficients are based on effec-
tive stress and the pore pressure ratios. A simple expression for factor of safety, in terms of
two stability coefficients, has been suggested; that is,
Fs = m − nru (13.43)
where m and n are the stability coefficients and ru is the pore pressure ratio. The coefficients
m and n, and in turn Fs , depend on (i) the slope angle, i; (ii) the angle of shearing resistance,
φ′; (iii) the depth factor, D; and (iv) the non-dimensional parameter, c′/γ H. Charts are
Note:g is + when slope of failure arc
is in the same quadrant as ground slope 1.0
1.2 0.6
Values of ma
tan f′ 0.4
1.0 Fs
8 0.6 .4 0.2 0
tan f′
-40° -30° -20° -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60°
Values of ma
Fig. 13.23 Graph for determination of mα (Source: Lambe and Whitman, 1978)
available for three depth factors, viz., D = 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5 (refer Bishop and Morgenstern,
1960). It has been reported that the factor of safety is not very sensitive to changes in the
value of the depth factor.
Cousins (1978, 1980) developed stability charts considering homogeneous soil with
constant pore pressure ratio, effective shear strength parameters, and tension crack. They
are based on the friction circle method. Cousins’ stability number is the reciprocal of Taylor’s
stability number, but in terms of effective cohesion,
γ HFs
NF = (13.44)
Cousins defined another term, λ cφ , to group the soil properties and slope height, where
γ H tan φ ′
λ cφ = (13.45)
Charts are provided for different slope angles and pore pressure ratios, with and without
tension cracks and water in tension cracks (refer Cousins, 1978, 1980).
Cousins also provided separate charts to locate the coordinates X and Y for the centre
of the critical slip circle for different pore pressure ratios and c–φ values (refer Cousins,
1978, 1980).
It has been shown by Cousins (1980) that a tension crack tends to reduce the factor of
safety by 8% to 10%, and the presence of water in the tension crack further reduces the factor
of safety by 10%.
Relatively Relatively
Rough rigid boundary Frictionless rigid stronger weaker layer
plane of maximum boundary plane of layer
shear zero shear
(i) Foundation of infinite depth (ii) Effect of extreme discontinuities (iii) Effect of moderate discontinuities
(a) Homogeneous dam and foundation (Source: Bennett, 1951)
(i) Effect of weak foundation (ii) Effect of types of bank material (iii) Effect of drainage blanket
(b) Non-homogeneous dam and foundation (Source: Morgenstern and Price, 1965)
as the ratio of the passive pressure of the retaining body necessary for the maintenance of
equilibrium to the available passive pressure.
Janbu (1954) was the first to present a stability analysis with a general shape for the slip
surface, adopting the requirement of the sum of horizontal forces to be equal to zero as the
stability criterion in finding the factor of safety for a given surface. Janbu’s solution may
be applied safely to elongated shallow slip surfaces, but it errs when applied to deep slip
Nonveiller’s (1965) method is an extension of Bishop’s exact method but with a general
shape for the slip surface and an arbitrary point as the moment centre. This method needs a
justifiable X n and En distribution.
Morgenstern and Price (1965, 1967) presented a method of slice analysis with a general
shape for the slip surface. Two different equations have been formed, one satisfying the
no-rotation condition of the slice about its mid-point and the other satisfying the Cou-
lomb–Mohr failure criterion for effective stress. The solutions of these equations have to
be obtained by suitable inter-slice force distributions. It is mandatory to use computers to
obtain the solution.
In general, a stability analysis problem can be made determinate only when the unknown
normal stress is explored by suitable assumptions. Except for the Fellenius (1936) method, all
methods were based on the equilibrium equation and thereby placed the burden of indeter-
minacy on the internal forces. In these methods (based on the method of slices with circular
or non-circular slip surfaces), different distributive assumptions for the internal forces have
been made. Such distributions in no way consider the actual or approximately real normal
stress distribution. Taylor (1937) and Brown and King (1966) stressed the necessity for the
assumption of a normal stress distribution rather than an internal force distribution. A solu-
tion of Kotter’s (1903) equation with a suitable shear strength law as a function of normal
stress may yield a justifiable normal stress distribution. Such an equation was proposed by
Brinch Hansen (1953), but its application in stability analysis resulted in complex equations
(Purushothama Raj, 1967). The author adopted a polynomial of the form
where dl is the elemental length on the slip surface and p a distribution factor. The unknown
constants V1, V2, V3, and V4 and the factor of safety Fs are determined from three equilibrium
equations and two boundary conditions.
For the limited slopes analysed, the method yielded very close values with Bishop’s
method for circular surfaces and Morgenstern and Price’s method for non-circular surfaces.
The method is very simple in operation and has been shown to fit well with finite element
analysis (Narain et al., 1971).
soil Removed soil
Revised Modified
slope slope Benched
fill Critical
slip circle
Zone susceptible
to erosion (wave
action, etc.) if no protection
(b) Berm provided at toe (c) Protection against erosion provided at toe
Collector drains
(perforated pipe in
gravel-filter envelope). Instal driven piles
Collected water can be close to the slope
Lowered first and back piles
discharged below the
water table last, to reduce the
toe by utilizing man-
holes connected to effects of driving
transverse drains on the slope's stability
(d) Lowering of groundwater table (e) Use of driven or cast-in-place piles
to reduce pore pressures in the slope
General location
Soil added/removed for piling
if wall is utilized Building Basement
Fig. 13.25 Methods to improve and protect slope stability (Source: McCarthy, 1982)
Example 13.1 An infinitely long slope having an inclination of 26° in an area is underlain
by firm cohesive soil (G = 2.72 and e = 0.50). There is a thin, weak layer of soil 6 m below and
parallel to the slope surface (c = 25 kN/m2, φ′ = 16°). Compute the factor of safety when the
slope is dry. If groundwater flow could occur parallel to the slope on the ground surface,
what factor of safety would result?
When the slope is dry, the factor of safety can be obtained from Eq. 13.12; that is,
c′ tan φ ′
F= +
γd H sin i cos i tan i
Gγ w 2.72× 9.807
γd = = = 17.8 kN / m 3
1+ e 1 + 0.5
25 tan 16°
F= + = 1.18
17.8 × 6 × sin 26° cos 26° tan 26°
When there is seepage of water, the factor of safety can be obtained from Eq. 13.18; that is,
c′ ⎛ γ ′ ⎞ tan φ ′
F= + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟
γ H sin i cos i ⎜⎝ γ ⎟⎠ tan i
G+e 2.72 + 0.5
γ= γw = × 9.807 = 21.05 kN / m 3
1+ e 1 + 0.5
γ ′ = 21.05 − 9.807 = 11.24 kN / m 3
25 ⎛ 11.24 ⎞⎟ tan 16°
F= + ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ = 0.816
21.05× 6 × sin 26° cos 26° ⎝ 21.05 ⎟⎠ tan 26°
Example 13.2 A finite slope has an inclination of 48° with a horizontal ground surface.
The height of the slope is 15 m, and the details of the soil are c = 26 kPa, φ = 18°, and γ =
17.2 kN/m3. Compute the factor of safety assuming a plane rupture surface. Adopt
Culmann’s method.
Here, i = 0 as the ground is horizontal (Fig. 13.9). The angle of the inclination of the critical
slip surface is given as
θf = 12 (i + φ) = 12 ( 48° + 18°) = 33°
H 15
L= = = 27.54 m
sin θf sin 33°
H sin(i − θf ) 15 sin( 48°− 33°)
b= = = 5.22 m
sin i sin 48°
W = 12 bLγ = 12 × 5.22× 27.54 ×17.2 = 1236.3 kN
Example 13.3 A 12 m deep cut with 1:1 slope is made in a layered clay deposit with the
following details:
Assume the average unit weight of the three layers to be 18 kN/m3. Compute the factor of
safety against sliding corresponding to the rotation centre shown in Fig. 13.26.
7m 75° 16°
Very soft clay
8 5m
7 c1 = 10 kPa
Fig. 13.26
As a hard surface is available near the toe of the slope, a base failure should be anticipated.
The slip surface is drawn tangential to the rock base.
In order to calculate the overall moment produced by the sliding mass, the mass of soil
above the slip surface is divided into slices and the moments of individual slices is taken
about the rotation centre.
l2 = rθ2 = 21.6 × 9°× = 3.39 m
l3 = rθ3 = 21.6 ×75°× = 28.27 m
Therefore, the resisting moment = 21.6 (10 × 6.03 + 50 × 3.39 + 100 × 28.27) = 66026.88 kN m
Resisting moment
Driving moment
F= = 2.23
Example 13.4 The bank of a canal is 9.4 m in height and has a face inclination of 30°. The
material is homogeneous silty clay of unit weight 20 kN/m3, cohesion 30 kPa, and angle of
shearing resistance 20°. For the trial slip circle shown in Fig. 13.27, find the factor of safety
with respect to cohesion by using the friction circle method, if Fφ = 1.50.
3.07m R
r = 13 m
r1 = 14.42 m 9.4 m
W R 200 kN
Fig. 13.27
⎛ tan φ ′ ⎞⎟ ⎛ ⎞
φm = tan−1 ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = tan−1 ⎜⎜ tan 20° ⎟⎟ = 13.64°
⎜⎝ Fφ ⎟⎠ ⎟ ⎝ 1.50 ⎟⎠
Cm 125
cm = = = 6.94 kPa
L ×1 18 ×1
c 30
Fc = = = 4.32
cm 6.94
Example 13.5 A 60° sloping embankment has a height of 6.5 m. The embankment soil
possesses the following properties: γ = 18 kN/m3, φ = 28°, and c = 20 kPa. Determine the
factor of safety with respect to strength. Use Taylor’s chart.
Mobilized friction
⎛ tan φ ⎞⎟
φm = tan−1 ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜⎝ Fφ ⎟⎟⎠
Assuming Fφ = 1.6,
⎛ tan 28° ⎞⎟
φm = tan−1 ⎜⎜ ⎟ = 18.4°
⎜⎝ 1.6 ⎟⎠
From Fig. 13.18a, for i = 60° and φm = 18.4°, the value of cm/γH is obtained by interpolation
as 0.1007. Therefore,
cm = 0.1007 ×18 × 6.5 = 11.78 kPa
c 20
Fc = = = 1.698
cm 11.78
Now take Fφ = 1.65, then
⎛ tan 28° ⎞⎟
φm = tan−1 ⎜⎜ ⎟ = 17.86°
⎜⎝ 1.65 ⎟⎠
Fc = = 1.68
Fφ = 1.67 , φm = 17.66°, and = 0.1022
Trying again with cm = 0.1022 × 18 6.5 = 11.96 kPa,
Fc = = 1.672
Fc = Fφ = 1.671
Solution c c
Stability number, Sn = m =
γ H Fc γ H
Substituting the values, we have
Sn = = 0.0737
1.5×17 ×10
13.1 Causes of failure of slopes may be external or internal. External causes are those
which produce an increase in the shearing stresses at unaltered shearing resistance
of the material. Internal causes are those which lead to a slide without any change in
surface conditions which involve unaltered shearing stresses in the slope material.
13.2 The short-term instability of a slope is due to non-availability of sufficient time for the
dissipation of pore water pressure. The long-term condition of a slope is one in which
the pore water pressure gradually adjusts itself in the long run and shows values
corresponding to a certain groundwater condition.
13.3 Types of land slides may be falls, rotational slides, compound slides, translational
slides, flows, and multiple and complex slides. Rates of landslides are recognized as
creep, pre-failure movements, movements during slide, and post-failure movements.
13.4 Factor of safety of a slope is defined as the ratio of shearing strength available along a
slip surface to the total mobilized shearing strength. Factor of safety is also defined in
certain cases with respect to cohesion, friction, or height of a slope.
13.5 Any slope of great extent with uniform soil conditions at any given depth below the
surface is termed as infinite slope. Any slope of finite extent, i.e., with limited height,
is termed as finite slope. All natural slopes are infinite slopes: slopes of embankments,
dams, cuts, canals, etc., are finite slopes.
13.6 Slip surfaces are generally curved, deep-seated, somewhat flatter at the ends, and
sharper at the centre. Analysis with general shape as the slip surface is cumbersome.
For all practical purposes, most of the analyses use a circular slip surface.
13.7 φu = 0 analysis is a total stress analysis which may be applied to the case of a newly
constructed slope or a cut in a fully saturated condition.
13.8 Friction circle method (assumes a circular slip surface) is based on total stress analysis;
both cohesion and the angle of internal friction are considered with friction completely
mobilized. Then, the factor of safety is defined with respect to cohesion.
13.9 Fellenius’ method of slices (assumes a circular slip surface) is a more generalized
analysis suitable for different soils and pore water pressure conditions and based on
effective stresses.
13.10 Bishop’s method of slices (assumes a circular slip surface) considers all equilibrium
conditions, including side forces on slices.
13.11 Taylor’s stability chart for homogeneous soil is based on the friction circle method
and total stresses and provides a factor of safety for a given slope angle and mobilized
friction angle.
Objective Questions
13.1 State whether the following are true or false:
1. The maximum possible slope angle in a granular soil is equal to the friction angle
of the soil.
2. Gravitational forces tend to cause instability in natural slopes.
3. The term infinite slopes is given to earth masses of varying inclinations and
non-uniform soil conditions of unlimited extent.
4. Tension cracks do not significantly affect the safety factor of a slope.
5. The most critical circle is the one along which failure is most likely.
13.2 Total stress method of stability analysis may be applied to find the factor of safety in
the case of a newly cut slope in
(a) Fissured over-consolidated saturated clay
(b) Non-fissured over-consolidated saturated clay
(c) Normally consolidated saturated clay
(d) Partially saturated expansive clay
13.3 Total stress method of stability analysis may be applied to find the factor of safety of
an embankment dam under end-of-construction condition
(a) Method of slices with φ > 0° condition
(b) φu = 0° analysis
(c) Friction circle method (ignoring the effect of tension cracks)
(d) Friction circle method with tension crack
13.4 In stability analysis, mobilized shear strength is referred to as
(a) Maximum shear stress
(b) Applied shear stress
(c) Developed cohesion only
(d) Developed friction only
13.5 Bishop’s simplified method of slices satisfies
(a) All the statical equilibrium conditions
(b) Only the vertical force equilibrium condition
(c) Only the moment equilibrium condition
(d) All the conditions except the horizontal force equilibrium conditions
13.6 Inclination of a clay slope
(a) Can be greater than the angle of shearing resistance
(b) Cannot be greater than the angle of shearing resistance
Descriptive Questions
13.11 Derive an equation for the factor of safety of an infinite slope in a cohesionless soil,
assuming that seepage is
1. emerging from the slope at an angle α, which is less than the slope angle i, or
2. flowing parallel to the slope at a certain depth from the surface.
13.12 Explain the various causes of the failure of earth slopes.
13.13 Explain why a high factor of safety of 2.5 to 3 for shallow foundations and a low factor
of safety of 1.1 to 1.5 for stability of slopes are adopted.
13.14 It is often stated that refinements in stability analysis by using different methods
is generally not as significant as the correct use of the shear parameters of the soil.
Discuss the validity of this statement.
13.15 Discuss the different investigations needed to effect corrective measures in a landslide
13.16 Distinguish between the total and effective stress approaches of stability analysis.
Indicate the advantages and shortcomings of the total stress approach.
13.17 Explain the various types of failures of finite slopes indicating the situations in which
they are likely to occur.
13.1 A 21° infinite slope consists of an uniform 5 m thick layer of sandy clay. At 5 m depth,
a shale ledge runs parallel to the surface. A laboratory investigation on the sandy clay
revealed the following properties: c = 20 kPa, φ = 15°, γ = 18 kN/m3. Compute the
factor of safety against sliding on the shale and ledge if (i) no water exists at the top of
the shale and (ii) the water level is at the surface of the slope.
13.2 A sub-surface investigation on a 12° natural slope revealed the presence of bedding
planes dipping toward the slope at an angle of 40°. A 60° cut slope is to be excavated to
a depth of 8 m as shown in Fig. 13.28. Estimate the factor of safety of the slope. The shear
strength parameters of the soil in the bedding plane are, c = 15 kN/m2 and φ = 28°. The
average unit weight of the soil, on the bedding plane and above, is 18.5 kN/m3.
Bedding plane
Fig. 13.28
13.3 A 45° cut was made in a clayey silt soil with c′ = 12 kPa, φ = 30°, and γ = 19.5 kN/m3.
A sub-surface exploration revealed the presence of a thin soft clay with c = 13 kPa and
φ = 0°, at a depth of 18 m from the ground surface. Estimate the factor of safety of the
slope against sliding along the composite slip surface, as shown in Fig. 13.29.
18 m
Clayey silt
15 m
45° 6m D
Soft clay 6m
Fig. 13.29
13.4 A cutting in clayey soil is shown in Fig. 13.30. The undrained shear strength param-
eters are cu = 48 kN/m2 and φu = 0°. The unit weight of the soil is 20 kN/m3. Compute
the factor of safety against the slip surface shown when (i) no tension crack is formed,
(ii) a tension crack exists with no water in the crack, and (iii) the tension crack is com-
pletely filled with water.
r z0
10 m
Fig. 13.30
1. Compute the factor of safety with respect to base failure assuming the centre of failure
circle to be above the mid-point of the slope. Also, verify by various centres and radii.
2. Check the results, using Taylor’s stability chart for an average cohesion.
13.6 Determine the factor of safety for the trial as shown in Fig. 13.31, using the friction
circle method. The soil parameters are γ = 16 kN/m3, c = 15 kPa, and φ = 28°.
14 m
1 8m
Fig. 13.31
13.7 An embankment is made of soil having a cohesion of 50 kPa, an angle of internal fric-
tion of 22°, and a unit weight of 19 kN/m3. Locate the centre of rotation (for φ = 0)
by the Fellenius method and determine the factor of safety along a slip circle passing
through the toe. Use the friction circle method.
13.8 A 15 m high clay embankment with a 45° slope has the following parameters: c =
22 kPa, φ = 0°, and γ = 18.2 kN/m3. What will be the factor of safety of this slope if a
rock stratum exists 15 m beneath the toe elevation?
13.9 An excavation has to be made with an inclination of 35° in a soil with c′ = 28 kPa, φ′ =
26°, and γ = 18 kN/m3. What is the maximum height to which the excavation can be
made if Fc = 1.25?
13.10 A canal is excavated to a depth of 5 m below the ground level through a soil stratum
having the shear strength τ = c + σn tan 15°, c = 16 kN/m2, void ratio e0 = 0.72, and
specific gravity G = 2.70. The bank of the canal has a slope of 1:1. Compute the factor
of safety of the slope with respect to cohesion when the canal runs full. If it is sud-
denly and completely drawn down, what will be the change in the factor of safety?
13.11 A 10 m deep silty clay cut has an inclination of 45° and the following soil parameters:
cu = 30 kPa, φu = 10°, and γ = 18 kN/m3. Estimate the critical height of the slope in
this soil.
13.12 A proposed cutting in a c – φ soil will be 15 m deep with a slope of 1V:2.5H. The soil
has an average unit weight of 18.6 kN/m3 and an average pore pressure ratio ru of
0.45. The shear strength parameters of the soil under different conditions are
cu = 85 kN / m 2 , φu = 0°
c ′ = 12 kN / m 2 , φ ′ = 26°
Estimate the factor of safety against (i) immediate shear failure and (ii) long-term
shear failure.
13.13 For the soil slope and trial slip surface shown in Fig. 13.32, estimate the factor of safety
adopting Bishop’s simplified method. A preliminary approximate calculation for the
slip surface, based on the Fellenius method, gave a factor of safety of 2.
Rotation centre
5.4 m
Soil 1
c ′=15 kN/m2
g =17.5 kN/m3 15 m
Soil 2
c′ = 0 45°
f′ = 34°
g = 19.2 kN/m3 Slip surface
Fig. 13.32
Modes of failure – Bearing capacity theories: Terzaghi’s bearing capacity
theory – Effect of soil compressibility – Effect of water table – Foundation
pressures – Special loading and ground conditions: eccentric load, inclined
load, stratified soils, partially saturated soils and desiccated soils – Other
bearing capacity theories: Modified bearing capacity formulae, Skempton’s
bearing capacity theory, Meyerhof’s bearing capacity theory, Brinch
Hansen’s bearing capacity theory – Bearing capacity from building codes –
Permissible settlements – Allowable bearing pressure – Bearing capacity from
field tests – Bearing capacity from building codes – Factors affecting bearing
A foundation is that part of the structure which is in direct contact with the ground and
transmits the load of the structure to the ground. It includes the soil or rock of the earth’s
crust or any special part of the structure which serves to transmit the loads into the soil
or rock. The main purpose of the transmissions of load can be satisfied by a particular
type of foundation that takes into account the properties of the supporting soil. A foun-
dation functions properly only if the supporting soil performs properly. Consequently,
the structural support is actually being provided by a soil–foundation system. This
combination of soil and foundation (now referred to as soil–structure interaction) can-
not be separated. Although engineers are aware of this relationship, it is common prac-
tice to consider the structure to be sound and to attribute the failure of the foundation to
the failure of the supporting soil.
Foundations may be grouped as shallow or deep foundation depending on the depth
of installation of foundation.
and the lateral displacement. Subsequent loading leads to excessive deformation and
ultimate shear failure of the soil stratum. This pressure which has caused a shear failure of
the supporting soil is usually referred to as the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation.
Figure 14.1 typifies a load–settlement relationship for the case of a footing on a hypothetical
stratum. Different types of soils with varied conditions show wide variation in load–
settlement relationships.
Three principal modes of shear failure have been identified, based on the model tests of
strip footings on sand (Vesic, 1973).
Theoretical failure
d Strain Stress
controlled controlled
d Test at
greater depth
(c) Punching shear test
Punching Local General
shear shear shear
of foundation Dr/B
Relative depth
4 Dr
0 20 40 60 80 100
Density index of sand, Dr %
B∗ = B for a square or circular footing
B∗ = 2BL/(B + L) for rectangular footing
Fig. 14.3 Density index versus relative depth of foundation (Source: Vesic, 1973)
1. Footings on the surface or at shallow depths in very dense sand. General shear failure
2. Footings on saturated and normally consolidated clay under General shear failure
undrained loading.
3. Footings at deeper depth in dense sand. Punching shear failure
4. Footings on the surface or at shallow depths in loose sand. Punching shear failure
5. Footings on very dense sand loaded by transient dynamic Punching shear failure
6. Footings on very dense sand underlain by loose sand or soft Punching shear failure
7. Footings on saturated and normally consolidated clay under Punching/local shear failure
drained loading.
qc a
f a b
1 b b
3 a
2 d Straight line
e 2b
Logarithmic spiral
Zone I – abd – Zone of active state
Zone II – ade – Zone of plastic state
Zone lII – aef – Zone of passive state
Zone I is assumed to remain intact and at plastic state. The load is transmitted through
this soil-wedge of Zone I. In Zone II, plastic flow develops with the formation of slip planes,
as shown by broken lines in Fig. 14.4. Zone III is at passive state with plane slip surface.
The penetrating wedge (Zone I) pushes aside Zones II and III, and the shearing residence
mobilizes along the logarithmic spiral and straight line segment. Based on this premise, the
ultimate bearing capacity for a surface footing*
For the general case, it is necessary to consider the overburden pressure as surcharge q,
otherwise when c = 0, the bearing capacity of the weightless soil would be zero. Ressner
(1924) extended Prandtl’s work by including the condition that the bearing area is located
below the surface of the soil and the overburden is represented by a surcharge equation for
ultimate bearing capacity given as
In order to consider the effect of the self-weight of the soil, an additional term must be
Terzaghi (1943) applied the developments of Prandtl–Ressner to soil foundation prob-
lems. He identified a foundation as shallow if the depth Df of the foundation is less than or
equal to the width B of the foundation. The assumed failure mechanism is shown in Fig. 14.5.
Terzaghi assumed a strip footing with a rough base placed at the depth Df on a homo-
geneous and isotropic soil medium. In the analysis, the shearing resistance of the soil
above the base (ab and a′b′ in Fig. 14.5) of the footing is not considered, but the effect of
soil-weight above the base is considered by superimposing an equivalent surcharge inten-
sity q = γDf. The development of the failure surface in the soil is governed by the general
shear failure.
The soil immediately beneath the foundation forms a wedge (Zone I) which moves down-
wards (Fig. 14.5). The movement of the wedge forces the soil aside and produces two zones
of shear (Zones II and III) consisting of radial shear zone (Zone II) immediately adjacent to
b b′
qr q = gDr
a 45°–f/2 45°–f/2 C f I f C
45°–f/2 45°–f/2 a′
*This is defined as the ultimate beating capacity less overburden pressure, γDf, i.e., qf − γDf, where Df
is the depth of footing.
the wedge and linear shear (Zone III) beyond the radial. Here, Zone I is considered to be
at Rankine active state, Zone II under radial shear, and Zone III at Rankine’s passive state.
This situation can be compared with the passive case of a retaining wall. The penetrat-
ing wedge is in equilibrium when the downward load is resisted by forces on the inclined
faces of the wedge. Cohesion and the resultant passive pressures contribute to the resistance
along the inclined faces. For equilibrium in the vertical direction, at the verge of failure,
∑V = 0, thus,
substituting AD = B / 2 cos φ ,
The value of Pp has been represented as the vector sum of three components, viz., (i) cohe-
sion, (ii) surcharge, and (iii) weight of the soil. Terzaghi assumed the method of superposi-
tion to be valid and presented the unit ultimate bearing capacity
qf = cNc + qN q + 12 γ BN γ (14.4)
where Nc, Nq, and Nγ are non-dimensional bearing capacity factors and functions only for
the angle of shearing resistance φ,
Nc = cot φ [N q − 1] (14.5)
exp[2(3π/4 − φ / 2) tan φ]
Nq = (14.6)
2 cos 2 [π/4+(φ / 2)]
⎛ Kp ⎞⎟
tan φ ⎜⎜⎜
Nγ = − 1⎟⎟ (14.7)
2 ⎜⎝ cos φ
2 ⎟⎠
Table 14.1b Bearing capacity factors from Terzaghi’s theory and the Bureau of
Indian Standards
φ (°) Nc Nq Ng
φ (°) Nc Nq Ng
Other notable contributions are made by Meyerhof (1951), Hansen (1970), and Vesic
(1973). Meyerhof (1951) considered the effects of shearing resistance within the soil above
foundation level, the shape and roughness of foundation. Hansen (1970) proposed a more
generalized equation with shape and depth of foundation and the inclination of the load.
Vesic (1973) reviewed different theories and showed that Meyerhof’s and Hanzen’s theories
give almost same Nc and Nq values. Although Nγ value of Meyerhof’s has been in use, Vesic
(1973) suggested that Nγ is best represented by Eq. 14.8.
N γ = 2( N q + 1) tan φ (14.8)
Based on these facts, Indian Standards recommended Vesic’s values of bearing capacity
factors, as given in Table 14.1. Plotted values are shown in Fig. 14.6.
Terzaghi’s expression is valid for simplified conditions but can be modified, as discussed
below, to adopt to different field conditions.
200 Ng
0 10 20 30 40 50
Friction angle, f
For obtaining values of Nc′ , N q′ , and N γ′ , φl is calculated as φl = tan−1 (0.67 tan φ). Then,
Nc, Nq, and Nγ (IS recommended values) are read from Table 14.1 corresponding to the value
of φl instead of φ, which are values of Nc′ , N q′ , and N γ′ , respectively (IS: 6403, 1981).
Vesic (1973) suggested that in sands the effect of relative density may be combined with
the reduction factor ( 23 + D r − 43 D r2 ) for the range 0 < Dr < 67%. But from a practical point of
view foundations will never be laid on loose sand without proper densification.
Effect of Water Table. The general equation is based on the assumption that the water
table is located well below the foundation. Some modifications are necessary depending
on the location of the water table. In the general equation, there are two terms which are
affected by water table movement: (i) the soil-weight component, (½)γBNγ and (ii) the
surcharge component, γDfNq.
Let us consider three locations of water table.
Case I: When the water table is well below the foundation, i.e., dw ≥ B. For this case, no
correction is needed for both the components (Fig. 14.7).
Qf ′ = 0.5 m
d ′w
= 0
Rw = 0.5 m Df
= 1
Df d w /B = 0
dw B
B R w′ = 1.0 m
dw /B = 1
Rw = 1.0
Case II: When the water table is anywhere from the base of the footing to a level well
below the foundation, i.e., 0 ≤ dw ≤ B. In this case, only the soil-weight component is
affected. This aspect can be considered by substituting an equivalent unit weight γe in
place of γ, i.e.,
dw γ + (B − dw )γ ′
γe =
γe = γ ′ + ( γ − γ ′) (14.10)
The surcharge component is not affected.
Case III: When the water table is anywhere between the ground surface and the base of the
′ ≤ Df . In this case, both the components are affected. For the surcharge
footing, i.e., 0 ≤ dw
component, the required substitution is
′ γ + (Df − dw
q = dw ′ )γ ′ (14.11)
For the soil-weight component, the required substitution is γ′ in place of γ in the term
γ BN γ .
Teng (1962) suggested water table correction factors, assuming the submerged unit weight
of soil as 50% of the bulk unit weight of soil. Considering Case III, when the water table
′ / Df = 0 and γ = γ′, and at the base of the footing, dw
is at the ground surface, dw ′ / Df = 1
and γ = γsat. This suggests a correction factor to have a value of 0.5 at d′w/Df = 0 and 1.0 at
d′w/Df = 1, and such a factor may be Rw ′ = (1/ 2)(1 + dw
′ / Df ) . For any intermediate point, a
linear interpolation is made.
Considering Case II for dw/B = 0, the correction factor should have a value of 0.5 when
water table is at the base and for dw/B = 1.0, the correction factor should be 1.0, such a
factor may be Rw = (1/ 2)(1 + dw / B) . For any intermediate point, a linear interpolation is
Thus, the general expression can be written with modification for water table as
′ qN q + 12 Rw γ BN γ
qf = cNc + Rw (14.12)
The variations of Rw and Rw′ are also shown in Fig. 14.7. For Case I, both Rw and Rw
′ have a
′ = 1.0 and Rw = 0.50.
value of 1. When the water table is at the base of the footing, Rw
qn = qg − γ Df (14.13a)
qnf = qf − γ Df (14.13b)
Usually, a factor of safety of 3.0 is adopted against shear failure, and hence qn may be
called the net bearing pressure qns such that qns = qnf/F. This leads to another definition of a
term called gross safe pressure (qs). That is,
qs = qns + q
qs = nf + q
F (14.16)
1⎡ 1 ⎤
qs = ⎢ cNc + q( N q − 1) + γ BN γ ⎥ + q
F ⎣⎢ 2 ⎥⎦
When the value of φ is relatively high there is no appreciable difference between the
values of F defined in terms of net and gross pressures. The safe pressure defined above is
based on shear failure only and need not be minimum.*
Q ⎛⎜ 6 e y ⎞⎟
qmax = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ (14.18)
BL ⎜⎝ B ⎟⎠
Q ⎛⎜ 6 e y ⎞⎟
qmin = ⎜1 − ⎟⎟
BL ⎜⎜⎝ B ⎟⎠
B′ = B – 2ey
B ey
L′ = L–2ex
B ′ = B – 2ey
B ey
For ey = B/6, qmin is zero, and for any condition where ey > B/6, tension will develop.
As soil cannot take tension, this has to be avoided; otherwise, there will be separation
between the foundation and the soil.
If the eccentricity is in both the directions, ex and ey (Fig. 14.9) then the pressure is
given as
Q ⎛⎜ 6e 6 e y ⎞⎟
q= ⎜⎜1 ± x ± ⎟⎟ (14.19)
BL ⎜⎝ L B ⎟⎠
Here again, a negative value of q indicates tension between the soil and the bottom of
footing. The footing has to be sufficiently weighted down by surcharge loads so as to rely on
a proper bonding between the soil and the footing.
The concept of useful width was introduced by Meyerhof (1953) for the determination of
the ultimate bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded footing and is also adopted in IS: 6403
(1981). The effective footing dimensions are
Effective length L′ = L − 2ex
Effective width B′ = B − 2ey
Effective footing area = A′ = B′ × L′
By this concept, the area of the footing which is symmetrical about the load is taken as
useful. The other portion is assumed to be excess. It is evident that the bearing capacity will
decrease with increase in eccentricity. Meyerhof (1953) suggested a reduction factor to obtain
the ultimate bearing capacity, as determined in the conventional way, considering the load
is acting at the centroid of the footing. This bearing pressure is reduced by a reduction factor
Re. Thus, the reduced bearing pressure (qf)e is
(qf )e = qf Re (14.20)
where Re = 1 − 2(ey/B) for the cohesive soil and Re = 1 − (ey/B)1/2 for non-cohesive soils (for
the range 0 < ey/B < 0.3). The reduction factor can also be read from Fig. 14.10.
Cohesive soil
Reduction factor, Ri
Granular soil
Fig. 14.10 Bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded footing (Source: AREA, 1958)
(qf )i = qf Ri (14.21)
f Q
300 Dt
200 Nr B Qh
50 (Area = A)
Nc Nq
20 Qv + Nh Qh
= Ncc + NqgDr + 1 NgB
10 2
5 Nq Nh Qh cannot exceed Qv tan f
2 c = Cohesion
0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 f = Angle of internal friction
Fig. 14.11 Bearing capacity charts for inclined loads (Source: Jambu, 1957)
Figure 14.11 shows the bearing capacity factors to use in the above equation. Modified
bearing capacity formula (Eqs. 14.29 and 14.30) can also be used.
The bearing capacity factors Ncq and Nγq depend on the slope of the ground and the
relative position of the ground, in addition to the angle of shearing resistance of the soil.
Footing should not be placed on unsafe slopes. Before construction, the stability of the
slope has to be checked. The construction of footing should not provoke a slide and the
aspect has to be analysed. Further, if the slope material is under slow creep, the construction
of footing on such slopes has to be avoided.
qf = c1 Nc (14.24)
where Nc is the bearing capacity factor depending on c2/c1 ratio and the ratio of the thickness
of the top layer to the width of footing. Figure 14.12 (Button, 1953) shows the variation of Nc
with d/B and c2/c1. It is observed that when the upper layer is harder than the lower, the
bearing capacity increases with the thickness of the top layer, and when the upper layer is
softer, the bearing capacity decreases as its thickness increases. In this approach c1 and c2 are
isotropic within their respective layers. This chart has been included in IS: 6403 (1981).
Button’s solution was extended by Siva Reddy and Srinivasan (1967) for anisotropic soils,
defined by a coefficient of anisotropy as
K = qv / qh (14.25)
where qv is the vertical shear strength and qh the horizontal shear strength.
Charts for various K values are available.
Different model analyses for two-layer systems were also attempted by Yamaguchi (1963),
Meyerhof (1974), and Hanna and Meyerhof (1980). In these model analyses, some curves for
estimating the capacity of sand overlying clay were presented.
Nc 6 1.0
b Top layer
1.5 c1
1.0 B d
0.5 =
Fig. 14.12 Bearing capacity factors for layered cohesive soil deposits (Source: IS: 6403, 1981)
A detailed bearing capacity for a more general case with both c and φ was presented by
Purushothama Raj et al. (1974) based on the upper bound limit theorem. Bearing capacity
charts for varying cohesion with constant angle resistance were provided by them.
Purushothama Raj et al. (1975) also extended Button’s solution for concentrically loaded
footing to eccentrically loaded footing on an isotropic two-layer cohesive soil system based
on upper bound limit theorem. Bearing capacity charts for different depth–width ratios
(d/B), cohesion ratios (c2/c1), and eccentricity–width ratios (ey/B) for conventional and tri-
angular foundation–soil contact conditions were presented.
0.0 5.7
0.2 5.0
0.3 4.5
0.6 4.0
0.7 3.6
1.0 3.2
ground surface c1 can be obtained from borehole data. A set of values relating 8λB/qnf and
qnf/c1 are presented in Table 14.3. For a given footing width B, by trial and error qnf can be
estimated by matching qnf/c1 and 8λB/qnf (IS: 6403, 1981), or a plot can be made between
(8λB/c1) = (8λB/qnf × qnf/c1), and (qnf/c1) using the values from Table 14.3, and with the
knowledge of (8λB/c1), (qnf/c1) can be read from the plot.
Hence, from this value qnf is obtained.
Massive crystalline bed rock, including granite, diorite, gneiss, trap rock 10,000
Foliated rocks such as schist or slate in sound condition 4,000
Bedded limestone in sound condition 4,000
Sedimentary rock, including hard shales and sandstone 2,500
Soft or broken bed rock (excluding shale) and soft limestone 1,000
Soft shale 400
checked before the final design. Further, net bearing pressure is also recommended based
on rock mass rating (RMR) for different rocks (Table 14.5). The RMR values obtained up to a
depth equal to width of the foundation should be used. The recommended values consider
a limiting settlement of 12 mm.
Evaluation Based on Core Strength. For a rock mass with favourable bedding planes
(i.e., rock surface parallel to the base of the foundation) and the walls of discontinuities
closed, the safe bearing pressure is given as
qs = q0 N j (14.26)
where q0 is the average uniaxial compressive strength of rock cores and Nj the empirical coef-
ficient depending on the spacing of discontinuities (Table 14.6) given as
3 + s / Bf
Nj =
10 1 + 300 δ / s
where δ is the thickness of discontinuities (cm), s the spacing of discontinuities (cm), and Bf
the footing width (cm).
The above relationship is valid for a rock mass with spacing greater than 0.3 m, opening
of discontinuities less than 10 mm, and a foundation width greater than 0.3 m.
Evaluation Based on Plate Load Test. It is recommended that plate load test be con-
ducted on poor rocks with safe bearing pressure less than 1,000 kN/m2. From the plate load
testing, the settlement of plate is computed from the formula as follows:
1. For massive or sound rock, Sp = Si (14.27)
300 0.40
100–300 0.25
30–100 0.10
⎡ B ⎛ B + 0.3 ⎞⎤ 2
p⎜ ⎟⎟⎥
2. For laminated or poor rocks, Sp = Si ⎢⎢ ⎜⎜ f ⎟⎟⎥ (14.28)
B ⎜
⎢⎣ f ⎝ p
B + 0. 3 ⎟⎠⎥
where Sp is the settlement of plate (mm), Si the settlement of footing (mm), Bp the width of
plate (m), and Bf the width of footing (m).
From the pressure–settlement curve, the safe bearing pressure is read for the calculated
settlement of plate. It is further recommended to conduct at least three tests with different
sizes of plates to check the results.
where sc, sq, and sγ are shape factor corrections (values are given in Table 14.7), dc, dq, and dγ
are depth factor corrections (to be applied only when the backfilling is done with proper
compaction) calculated as follows:
dc = 1 + 0.2Df / B Nφ
dq = dγ = 1 for φ < 10°
dq = dγ = 1 + 0.1Df / B Nφ for φ > 10°
Nφ = tan ( 45° + φ / 2)
and ic, iq, and iγ are load inclination factor corrections given as
⎛ α⎞
ic = iq = ⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟⎟
⎝ 90 ⎠
⎛ α ⎞2
iγ = ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟⎟
⎜⎝ φ ⎟⎠
Values of Nc may be obtained from Fig. 14.13 or from the following expression:
10 Circle or square
B/L =1
Intermediate values
8 by interpolation
Strip B/L = 1
0 1 2 3 4 5
B⎞ ⎡ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎤
1/ 2
Nc = 5.14 ⎜⎜⎜1 + 0.2 ⎟⎟⎟ ⎢⎢1 + ⎜⎜⎜0.053 f ⎟⎟⎟ ⎥⎥ (14.32)
⎝ L ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ B ⎠ ⎥⎦
The limiting maximum values (Df/B) are
when B/L = 0, i.e., for strip footing, Nc ⬎ 7
when B/L = 1, i.e., for circular or square footing, Nc ⬎ 9
where c is the unit cohesion, Nc, Nq, Nγ are the bearing capacity factors for a strip foundation,
dc, dq, dγ the depth factors, sc, sq, sγ the shape factors, ic, iq, iγ the inclination factors for the
load inclined at an angle α (degrees) to the vertical, γ the effective unit weight of soil above
base level of foundation, γ the effective unit weight of soil below foundation base, and D the
depth of foundation.
The depth, shape, and inclination factors are given in Table 14.8.
N q = eπ tan φ Nφ ⎪⎫⎪
⎬ (14.34a)
Nc = ( N q − 1) cot φ⎪⎪
N γ = ( N q − 1) tan(1.4φ) (14.34b)
Equation 14.34a is the same as per Prandtl (1920), whereas Eq. 14.34b is proposed by
Meyerhof (1961).
Strip (D < B)
Square (D < B)
Bearing capacity factors - Nc , Nq , Ng
0° 10° 20° 30° 40°
Fig. 14.14 Bearing capacity factors for spread and pile foundations (Source: Meyerhof, 1963).
Figure 14.14 gives the N factors for strip and square foundations. For rectangular
foundations, the N factors have to be interpolated. The N′ factors given in the same figure
applies to point bearing capacity of pile foundation. At φ = 0°, Nc = 5.14 for strip foundation
and Nc = 6.2 for square foundation.
Depth Factors. The simple bearing capacity factors in Eq. 14.34 do not take into account
the resistance of the soil above the foundation level which increases the bearing capacity. If
the soil above the foundation level is quite compact, the effect of this on the bearing capacity
may be considered by means of depth factors given in Table 14.8. The increase of bearing
capacity can be estimated from depth factors by which the individual bearing capacity
factors have to be multiplied. As the depth of the foundation increases, the depth factors
increase at a decreasing rate and approach a maximum value which can be used for an
estimate of the point resistance of piles.
Shape Factors. The bearing capacity factors given in Eq. 14.34 is for a strip foundation.
The bearing capacity factors for rectangular foundations can be obtained by multiplying the
individual N factors in Eq. 14.34 of the corresponding shape factors given in Table 14.8.
Eccentric Loading. If the foundations are subjected to eccentric loads, vertical or inclined,
the effective width B′ of the foundation has to be used in Eq. 14.34.
qd = cNc Ac + γ DN q Aq + 12 γ BN γ Aγ (14.35)
Ac = dc sc ic bc gc
Aq = dq s q iq bc g q
Aγ = dγ sγ iγ bγ g γ
γ is the effective unit weight of soil above the base, γ the effective unit weight of soil below
the base, dc, dq, dγ are depth factors, sc, sq, sγ are shape factors, ic, iq, iγ are load inclination
factors, bc, bq, bγ are base inclination factors, and gc, gq, gγ are ground surface inclination
factors. The other factors are the same as given earlier. The equations for the various factors
are given below:
1. N-factor
N q = eπ tan φ Nφ
Nc = ( N q − 1) cot φ Meyerhof’s factors (14.36)
N γ = 1.5( N q − 1) tan φ
(a) 250 Qv
60 Qh
Bearing capacity factors - Nc , Nq , Ng
30 Qv
(c) D
16 Qh
10 a°
Nq Q
4 b
3 Ng
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Angle of shearing resistance f, degrees
Fig. 14.15 Bearing capacity factors and the definition of Qv, Qh, α0 , and β. (a) Bearing capacity
factors, Nc, Nq, Nγ. (b) Definition of Qv and Qh. (c) Definition of α° and β. (d) Definition
of ground inclination factor (Source: Hansen, 1970)
2. Depth factors
Equation Limiting value of D/B Limiting value of φ
3. Shape factors
⎛ N q B ⎞⎟
sc = ⎜⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ for φ >0
⎝⎜ Nc L ⎟⎠
sc = 0.2 for φ =0
sc =1 for strip foundation
sq = 1 + tan φ
sγ = 1 − 0.4
4. Load inclination factors for horizontal base
1 − iq
ic = iq − for φ > 0°
Nq − 1
ic = 0.5 − 0.5 1 − for φ=0°
Af ca
⎛ 0.5Qh ⎞⎟5
iq = ⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟
⎜⎝ Qv + Af ca cot φ ⎟⎟⎠
⎛ 0.7Qh ⎞⎟5
iγ = ⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟
⎜⎝ Qv + Af ca cot φ ⎟⎟⎠
If the eccentricity is in two directions for a rectangular foundation of width B and length
L, then the effective widths in each direction are
B ′ = B − 2e x
L ′ = L − 2e y
Af′ = B ′L ′
where ex and ey are the eccentricities in the B and L directions, respectively, and Af′ the effective
area. If qd is found out from Eq. 14.35 for an effective width of B′, then the ultimate load is
Qd = Af′ × qd (14.37)
For footings on a slope, g factors are used to reduce the bearing capacity, however, these factors
should be used cautiously as there is little experimental data available to confirm this factor.
1. Rocks without lamination and defects, 3,240 (330)
e.g., granite, trap, diorite
2. Laminated rocks, e.g., sandstone and 1,620 (165)
limestone, in sound condition
Table 14.9 Contd.
18. Fills or made-up ground See notes b and d
To be determined
after investigation
d d1
d1 d2
d = d2 – d1 d = d2 – d1
Angular distortion = d Angular distortion = d
l l
(a) Uniform settlement (b) Tilt (c) Non-uniform settlement
M14_PURU1773_01_SE_C14.indd 543
Bearing Capacity of Soils
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
(i) For steel structures 50 0.0033L 1/300 50 0.0033L 1/300 75 0.0033L 1/300 100 0.0033L 1/300
(ii) For reinforced 50 0.0015L 1/666 75 0.0015L 1/666 75 0.0021L 1/500 100 0.002L 1/500
concrete structures
(iii) For multi-storeyed
(a) Reinforced concrete 60 0.002L 1/500 75 0.002L 1/500 75 0.0025L 1/400 125 0.0033L 1/300
or steel framed
buildings with
panel walls
(b) For loading
bearing walls
1. L/H = 2a 60 0.0002L 1/5,000 60 0.0002L 1/5,000 } Not likely to be encountered
2. L/H = 7a 60 0.0004L 1/2,500 60 0.0004L 1/2,500
(iv) For water towers and 50 0.0015L 1/666 75 0.0015L 1/666 100 0.0025L 1/400 125 0.0025L 1/400
2/12/2013 7:55:12 AM
544 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Non-uniform settlement can result from (IS: 1904, 1986) (i) non-homogeneous subsoil
condition, (ii) non-uniform pressure distribution on soil due to unequal loading, (iii) vari-
ation of water regime at the construction site, (iv) overstressing of adjacent site due to heavy
structures and interference of pressure distribution, (v) unequal expansion of the soil due to
excavation, (vi) non-uniform development of extrusion settlements, and (vii) non-uniform
structural disruptions or volume changes due to freezing and thawing, shrinkage and
swelling, etc.
Generally, the amount of uniform settlement is not a critical factor, but it is only a ques-
tion of convenience. In practice, the settlement is often non-uniform and is of concern in the
design of a foundation. Estimation of uniform settlement is much more simpler than that of
differential settlement. On important jobs, it is essential to investigate and identify stronger
and weaker subsoils and accordingly estimate the movements. On jobs of less importance, an
empirical relationship between total and differential settlements is enough (e.g., 75% of total
settlement may be taken as differential settlement).
The total and differential settlements should not exceed the permissible values. The per-
missible values of settlement for different types of structures are given in Table 14.10 (IS:
1904, 1986). The permissible differential settlement is obtained by taking the difference of
maximum and minimum settlements. Tilt is computed by dividing the differential settle-
ment by the distance between the points of related maximum and minimum settlements.
qB < qs qB > qs
qa = qB qa = qs Soil pressure
qB qf
SB < Ss
SB > Ss
Thus, every foundation has to satisfy two independent conditions. The first condition is
that there should be adequate factor of safety against shear failure of foundation. Second,
the settlement of the structure should not be great enough to damage the structure. Out of
these two conditions, whichever gives a lower value of load intensity is referred to as the
allowable soil pressure.
Let us consider the load–settlement curve of a foundation (Fig. 14.17). Let qf be the ultim-
ate bearing capacity, F the factor of safety, qs = qf/F the safe soil pressure with respect to
shear failure, Ss the settlement corresponding to qs, SB the permissible settlement of the foun-
dation, qB the intensity of pressure corresponding to SB, and qa the allowable soil pressure.
Now we can identify two conditions:
1. If the settlement Ss corresponding to safe soil pressure is less than the permissible settle-
ment SB, the pressure qB corresponding to SB is greater than qs. That is, the settlement
criterion is satisfied but the shear failure criterion is violated. Hence, the allowable soil
pressure is governed by the lesser pressure qs. That is,
SB > Ss
qa = qs (since qB > qs)
2. If the settlement Ss is greater than SB, the settlement criterion will be violated when qs is
adopted. Hence, the allowable soil pressure is governed by the lesser pressure qB. That is,
SB < Ss
qa = qB (since qB < qs)
In general, the allowable soil pressures in sands, gravelly sands, and silty sands are
governed only by the settlement considerations, except in narrow footings on loose sand.
In many situations, the permissible settlement is reached at a pressure for which the factor of
safety against shear failure is greater than 3.0. Settlement in sands occurs rapidly and about
80% to 90% of settlement takes place during construction.
The allowable soil pressure for clays, silty clays, and sandy clays is generally determined
con-sidering a factor of safety of 3.0 with respect to shear failure. However, in certain cases
the settlement criterion may predominate, for example, in normally consolidated clays. For
homogeneous clays with less permeability, the factor of safety has to be checked immedi-
ately after construction, adopting the undrained shear strength. But in case of fissured clays,
the permeability will be very high and the undrained shear strength condition may be very
much on the conservative side.
The most important soils intermediate between sand and clay are silt and loess which
have different characters. Loose silts behave worse than soft clays and are unsuitable for
supporting footings. Medium or dense silts are those which have characteristics of a rock
flour, or which have a certain plasticity. The allowable pressure on silts of the rock flour type
may be computed roughly by adopting the procedure for sand, and that on plastic silts by
the methods used for clay. No general rules can be established for silts in determining soil
Max. settlement 25mm
Allowable bearing pressure, kN/m2
Standard penetration resistance
500 50
400 40
300 30
200 20
100 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Width of footing, m
Fig. 14.18 Allowable soil pressure based on N values (Source: Terzaghi and Peck, 1967)
where B is given in metres. Meyerhof (1956) suggested a correlation as given in Eqs. 14.39
and 14.40
⎛ 0.305B + 1⎞⎟2
qna = 8 N ⎜⎜⎜ 2
⎟ (kN/m ) for B > 1.22 m (14.40)
⎝ 0.305B ⎟⎠
where qna is the net allowable soil pressure for a permissible settlement of 25 mm.
The correlations given in the chart generally give conservative values. These values were
so intended that the largest footing should not settle more than 25 mm even if it were situated
on the most compressible pocket of sand. In general, the soil pressure for any settlement is
′ =
qna qna
′ is the net allowable soil pressure (in kPa) corresponding to the settlement S′ (in
where qna
mm) and Sa = 25 mm.
Peck et al. (1974) revised the Terzaghi and Peck curves, accounting for water table loca-
tion, based on research and observational data as
′ = Cw (0.41)NS ′
qna (14.41)
where Cw is the water table correction factor (0.5 < Cw < 1.0) and
Cw = 0.5 + 0.5 w
df + B
Terzaghi and Peck curves and the correlations for qna are primarily intended for non-
cohesive soils like sand and gravel and may be used for silts with judgements.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (IS: 6403, 1981) recommends to find the angle of shearing
resistance φ from the corrected N values and to compute Nq and Nγ (from Table 14.1) to in
turn evaluate the net ultimate bearing capacity.
These formulae are based on the approximate rule that the N-value is one-quarter of the
static cone resistance.
The value of qcs obtained using the above equations should be reduced by 50% if the sand
within the stressed zone is submerged. Meyerhof further suggests that the values have to be
doubled for raft or pier foundation.
Schmertmann (1975) gave a method of calculating the allowable soil pressure indirectly
from the cone penetration test. He related Nγ with qcs as
Nγ = (kPa) (14.44)
With Nγ, one may work back to compute φ and then in turn Nq. Any standard theory may
be used to calculate the bearing capacity with Nq and Nγ values in silts and sands. Thorn-
burn (1971) has presented a correlation between qcs and N for particle range from 0.006 to 6
mm (Fig. 14.19). From a knowledge of qcs and the average particle size, we can find N and
hence the net allowable soil pressure. No standard correlation is yet available for clays using
cone penetration test.
Standarad penetration resistance N
Static cone resistance, kN/m2
Ratio of
Particle size, mm
Fig. 14.19 Relationship between static cone resistance and standard penetration resistance
(Source: Tomlinson, 1986)
qcs 0.1250
0.0625 B
For cohesionless soils, the Indian Standards code (IS: 6403, 1981) provides a chart relating
qnf/qcs and of footing B (Fig. 14.20). Knowing the depth and width of footing, the value of
qnf/qcs is obtained and hence the net ultimate bearing capacity.
As required
(a) Gravity loading platform
Load truss
Test pit
Fig. 14.21 Typical set-up for loading (Source: IS: 1888, 1982)
In order to load the soil to the required level a suitable loading device is needed. Three
types of loading devices (Fig. 14.21) are recommended (IS: 1888, 1982), viz., gravity loading,
reaction loading, and loading truss. The load is measured using a pressure gauge, proving
ring or a cell. Settlements are recorded using dial gauges. Circular or square plates of size 300
to 750 mm are used. A Plate size of 300 mm is used for dense soils and 450 mm for loose soils.
Site for load test is located based on exploratory borings. A test pit of width equal to five
times the size of plate is made at the proposed foundation level.
After placing the plate over a thin layer of sand at the bottom of the pit a seating pressure
(70 g/cm2) is applied. The load is applied in equal load increments with each increment not
exceeding one-fifth of the estimated ultimate bearing capacity or 100 kN/m2, whichever is
less. The settlement is observed for each load increment.
A load–settlement curve in arithmetic scale is plotted. In dense or stiff soils, the failure is
well-defined (Fig. 14.22), whereas in loose or soft soils the failure is not pronounced. In such
cases, a plot of load and settlement, both being taken in logarithmic scales, gives two straight
lines the intersection of which is taken as the yield value of soil.
The safe bearing pressure is calculated from the ultimate bearing capacity after allowing
a certain factor of safety. In case of sandy soils, the plate settlement (Sp) corresponding to
safe soil pressure from the graph is found. The footing settlement (St) is computed from Eq.
14.32b. If the settlement St is less than the permissible settlement, then the safe soil pressure
computed above is the allowable soil pressure. Otherwise St is made equal to permissible
settlement and plate settlement Sp is computed back from Eq. 14.32b. Then, the soil pressure
corresponding to this Sp in the load–settlement curve is the allowable soil pressure.
The plate load test is adequate for light or less important structures under normal condi-
tions. However, in the case of unusual soil types and for all heavy and special structures
the plate load test results have to be supplemented with additional laboratory tests or field
tests. In order to arrive at a reasonable value for settlement and allowable soil pressure, tests
at different depths and with different sizes of plates have to be done. This is expensive and
time-consuming. However, plate load tests are best suited in weak-jointed rocks or soils
containing large gravel or boulders.
Housel (1929) suggested an entirely different procedure, but based on the results from
plate load test, for determining the load bearing capacity of shallow foundations considering
settlement criterion. That is, it is required to find the dimensions of a foundation that has to
carry a load Q with a tolerable settlement SB.
To obtain the relevant parameters, two plate load tests are conducted with different sizes
of plates. From the load–settlement curves for equal settlement, the loads Q1 and Q2 are
obtained. Then, the load is related to the area, perimeter, bearing pressure, and perimeter
shear. That is,
Q1 = A1 m + P1 n (14.45)
Q2 = A2 m + P2 n (14.46)
where A1 and A2 are the areas of plates No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, P1 and P2 are the perim-
eters of plates No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, m the constant corresponding to bearing pres-
sure, and n the constant corresponding to perimeter shear.
The constants m and n are obtained by solving the above equations. Then, for a given load
Q of the foundation, the area (A) and perimeter (P), and hence the dimensions are obtained
Q = Am + Pn
Example 14.1 In a mass-housing complex scheme over a vast area, two types of soils were
encountered. One of which is a partially saturated silty clay with cu = 5.8 kN/m2, φu = 25°,
and γ = 18.5 kN/m3 and extends over most of the area. The other, predominantly clay hav-
ing cu = 55 kN/m2 spreads to a lesser extent. The water table is at a greater depth. As per the
design, strip footings of the building have to be placed at 1 m depth. Compute the width of
the footing required in each type of soil if the load intensity is 150 kN/m run. Adopt a factor
of safety of 2.5 in both the soils, and only shear failure need to be considered. For φ = 25°,
take Nc = 20.7, Nq = 10.7, Nγ = 10.8.
If there is a possibility of the water table rising to the ground surface, what should be the
change in the width of footing in both areas. The submerged unit weight of the silty clay is
11.2 kN/m3.
For partially saturated silty clay, the net safe bearing pressure
1⎡ 1 ⎤
qns = ⎢ cNc + q( N q − 1) + γ BN γ ⎥
F⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
or 150 1 ⎡ 1 ⎤
= ⎢ 5.8 × 20.7 + 18.5×1(10.7 − 1) + ×18.5× B×10.8⎥
B×1 2.5 ⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
or 150
= 119.8 + 39.96B
qns = [cNc ]
150 1
= [55× 5.7 ]
B×1 2.5
150 × 2.5
B= = 1.2 m
55× 5.7
1⎡ 1 ⎤
qns = ⎢ cNc + γ ′Df ( N q − 1) + γ ′BN γ ⎥
F ⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
150 1 ⎡ 1 ⎤
= ⎢ 5.8 × 20.7 + 11.21(10.7 − 1) + ×11.2× B×10.8⎥
B×1 2.5 ⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
= 91.48 + 24.19B
B2 + 3.78B − 6.2 = 0
−3.78 ± (3.78)2 + 4 ×1× 6.2 −3.78 ± 6.25
B= = = 1.24
2 ×1 2
Hence a width of 1.24 m has to be provided for footings on silty clay.
Example 14.2 A 1 m wide long footing is located at a depth of 1.5 m from the ground sur-
′ = 30 kN/m 2
face. The supporting soil is compressible and has shear strength parameters, ccu
and φcu′ = 25° . The total unit weight of the soil, γ = 18.3 kN/m . The water table is at a
greater depth. Compute the safe load that can be carried by the long footing per metre length
of the wall. Adopt a factor of safety of 3.0.
As the soil is compressible, the reduced shear strength parameters and bearing capacity
factors corresponding to the local shear condition are used.
′ = 32 × 30 = 20 kN/m 2
cl = 32 ccu
tan φl = 2
tan φcu
φl = tan−1 [ 2
tan 25°] = 17.3°
qs = cl Nc′ + q( N q′ − 1) + 12 γ BN γ′ ⎤⎥ + q
F ⎣⎢ ⎦
qs = 31 [30 ×13.91 + 18.3 ×(5.17 − 1) + 12 ×18.3 ×1× 4.02] + 18.3 ×1.5
qs = 31 [429.45] + 27.45 = 170.6 kN/m 2
Qs = qs × B = 170.6 × 1 = 170.6 kN
Safe load that can be carried by the wall = 170.6 kN/m.
Example 14.3 The construction of a strip footing is undertaken during a summer period
and the water table is observed at 2.5 m from the ground surface (Fig. 14.23). During monsoon
the water table rises to the ground surface. The relevant soil parameters are γ = 19.2 kN/m3
and φ = 32°. Determine the gross safe bearing capacity in both the cases for a factor of safety
of 2.5. Use Teng’s water table correction factors.
For the summer condition,
qns = ′ q( N q − 1) + 12 Rw γ BN γ ⎤⎥ + Rw
Rw ′ γ Df
F ⎢⎣ ⎦
For φ = 32°, the bearing capacity factors are Nq = 23.2 and Nγ = 30.2.
Rw is obtained from the expression for dw = 0.5 m.
That is,
⎛ d ⎞ 1⎛ 0.5 ⎞⎟
Rw = 12 ⎜⎜1 + w ⎟⎟⎟ = ⎜1 +
2⎜ ⎟ = 0.58
⎜⎝ B⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠
′ = 1.0
1 ⎡
qns = 1×19.2× 2(23.2 − 1) + 12 × 0.58 ×19.2× 3 × 30.2⎤⎦ + 1×19.2× 2
2.5 ⎣
= 542.8 + 38.4 = 581.2 kN/m 2
For the monsoon condition,
1 ⎡
qs = 0.5×19.2× 2(23.2 − 1) + 12 × 0.5×19.2× 3 × 30.2⎤⎦ + 0.5×19.2× 2
2.5 ⎣
= 344.45 + 19.2 = 363.7 kN/m 2
qns Monsoon
2.0 m
0.5 m Summer
Fig. 14.23
Example 14.4 In a warehouse building, two unequally loaded columns are combined by a
rectangular combined footing. It is proposed to place the footings at a depth of 1.5 m on a
saturated clay with the following soil properties: cu = 72 kN/m2, φu = 0°, γ = 17.8 kN/m3.
The loads on the columns are 720 and 1,170 kN, with a spacing of 5 m, and the centre of the
720 kN column is placed at a distance of 0.8 m from the property line (Fig. 14.24). Neglecting
the weight of the footing, estimate the dimension of the footing. Adopt a factor of safety of 3.
The general expression (Eq. 14.13) for net bearing capacity can be written as
qnf = sc cu Nc + sq q( N q − 1) + 12 sγ γ BN γ
⎛ B⎞
qnf = ⎜⎜⎜1 + 0.2 ⎟⎟⎟× 5.7 cu
⎝ L⎠
⎛ B⎞
= ⎜⎜⎜1 + 0.2 ⎟⎟⎟× 5.7 ×72
Assume L/B = 4, then ⎝ L⎠
⎛ 0.2 ⎞⎟
qnf = ⎜⎜⎜1 + ⎟× 5.7 ×72 = 430.92 kN/m
⎝ 4.0 ⎟⎠
q 430.92
qns = nf = = 143.64 kN/m 2
F 3
1,170 kN 720 kN
5m 0.8
Property line
Fig. 14.24
The width B and length L can be obtained by satisfying ∑V = 0 and the centre of gravity
Equating the upward force with the downward force, or qns × footing area = column loads,
143.64 × B × L = 720 + 1170
B× L = = 13.16 m 2
The centres of gravity of the footing pressure and the loading should be in one line. Tak-
ing moment about the property line
720 × 0.8 + 1170 × 5.8 = 1890 × x
= 3.9 m
Therefore, L/2 = 3.9 m or L = 7.8 m. That is,
13.16 L
B= = 1.69 m and = 4.6
7.8 B
L and B are modified such that L/B = 4.
Hence, L = 7.25 m and B = 1.82 m.
Example 14.5 A circular concrete pier of 3 m diameter carries a gross load of 3,500 kN.
The supporting soil is a clayey sand having the following properties: c = 5 kN/m2, φ = 30°,
and γ = 18.5 kN/m3. Find the depth at which the pier is to be located such that a factor of
safety of 3.0 is assured. The bearing capacity factors for φ = 30° are Nc = 30.1, Nq = 18.4,
and Nγ = 22.4.
The gross safe bearing pressure is given as
qs = 1.3 Nc + q( N q − 1) + 0.6 γ BN γ ⎤⎥ + q
F ⎢⎣ ⎦
= 31 [1.3 × 5× 30.1 + 18.5× Df (18.4 − 1) + 0.6 ×18.5× 3.0 × 22.4] + 18.5Df
495.2 = 313.86 + 107.3Df + 18.5Df
495.2 − 313.86
Df = = 1.44 m
107.3 + 18.5
Thus, depth of the location of pier = 1.44 m.
Example 14.6 The weight of a heavy machinery is 7,600 kN and the base dimensions are
5.5 m × 3.5 m. The machinery has to be installed on a stiff clay soil with a cohesion of
150 kN/m2, at a depth of 0.8 m below the ground surface. The total unit weight of the soil is
19.2 kN/m3. Determine the size of the foundation required if the minimum factor of safety
is 3.0. Assume the load to be rapidly applied so that undrained condition prevails (φ = 0).
Neglect the weight of the foundation.
Since the loading is made rapidly and the stratum is clay, Skempton’s bearing capacity equa-
tion (Eq. 14.15) may be used. Thus,
qf = Cu Nc + γ Df
Provide an all-round clearance of 0.25 m then the length and width of footing may be
taken as 6 and 4 m, respectively. For the condition, Nc may be computed from Eq. 14.16.
B ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ 0.053Df ⎞⎟ ⎤⎥
1/ 2
Nc = 5.14 ⎜⎜⎜1 + 0.2 ⎟⎟⎟ ⎢⎢1 + ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎝ L ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ B ⎠ ⎥⎦
4⎞⎡ ⎛ 0.8 ⎞ ⎤
1/ 2
= 5.14 ⎜⎜⎜1 + 0.2× ⎟⎟⎟ ⎢⎢1 + ⎜⎜⎜0.053 × ⎟⎟⎟ ⎥⎥
⎝ 6 ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎥⎦
Example 14.7 An eccentrically loaded rectangular footing of size 2.5 m × 3.5 m is placed at
a depth of 1 m on a stiff saturated clay. The eccentricity is 0.2 m in each direction. The footing
is loaded rapidly and the soil properties are c = 105 kN/m2 and γ = 17.8 kN/m3. Compute
the safe net allowable bearing load on the footing if the factor of safety is 3.0 and the settle-
ment is negligible.
Based on the useful width concept, the width and length of the footing are given as
L ′ = L − 2e x = 3.5 − 2× 0.2 = 3.1 m
B ′ = B − 2e y = 2.5 − 2× 0.2 = 2.1 m
The net safe soil pressure for strip footing is given by Eq. 14.19 as
qnf 1
qns = = ⎡⎢ cu Nc + q( N q − 1) + 12 γ BN γ ⎤⎥
F F⎣ ⎦
Modifying the above equation with shape factor correction and taking Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1.0,
and Nγ = 0, we have
1 ⎡⎢⎛⎜ B′ ⎞ ⎤
qns = ⎜1 + 0.2 ⎟⎟⎟ cu Nc ⎥
F ⎢⎣⎜⎝ L′ ⎠ ⎥
⎡⎛ 2.1⎞ ⎤
= 31 ⎢⎜⎜⎜1 + 0.2× ⎟⎟⎟×105× 5.7 ⎥ = 226.5 kN/m 2
⎢⎣⎝ 3.1⎠ ⎥⎦
As the settlement is negligible, the net safe soil pressure with respect to shear strength is
the net allowable soil pressure also.
Therefore, the net allowable load,
Qna = (qns )(useful area) = 226.5× 2.1× 3.1 = 1474.5 kN
Example 14.8 The corrected blow count from standard penetration test in a medium sand,
observed at an average depth of 2.5 m was 22 blows per 305 mm. Laboratory tests conducted
on the sample revealed the following physical properties: c = 0, φ = 30°, and γ = 18.5 kN/m3.
The water table was located at 4.5 m from the ground surface. It is planned to place a 2 m
wide square footing at a depth of 2 m. Estimate the allowable gross bearing pressure for the
soil if the factor of safety against shear failure is 2.5 and the limiting total settlement is 25 mm.
For limiting settlement, the net bearing pressure is given by Eq. 14.41 as
′ = Cw (0.41)NS ′
dw′ 4.5
Cw = 0.5 + 0.5 = 0.5 + 0.5× = 1.063
Df + B 2+2
Example 14.9 Two plate load tests with square plates were performed on a soil deposit. For
a 30 mm settlement, the following loads were obtained.
300 38.2
600 118.5
Determine the width of a square footing which would carry a net load of 1,500 kN for a lim-
iting settlement of 30 mm.
Plate No. 1: 38.2 = (0.3)2m + 4 × 0.3n (a)
Plate No. 2: 118.5 = (0.6)2m + 4 × 0.6n (b)
Solving by elimination, we get,
(a) × 0.36 → 0.032m + 0.43n = 13.75
(b) × 0.09 → 0.032m + 0.22n = 10.67
13.75 − 10.67
n= = 14.37 kN/m
0.43 − 0.22
13.75 − 0.43 ×14.67
m= = 232.6 kN/m 2
Example 14.10 Plate load test data are given below. Plot the load–settlement curve and find
the ultimate bearing capacity.
Width of plate = 300 mm
Least count of dial gauge = 0.01 mm
Settlements are calculated by multiplying average values of dial gauge readings and the
least count of dial gauges. The load–settlement curve is plotted as shown in Fig. 14.25. The
ultimate bearing capacity is read from graph as 242 kN/m2.
Settlement, mm
Fig. 14.25
14.1 General shear failure, usually associated with dense stiff soils of relatively low
compress-ibility, is said to occur when a continuously well-defined slip surface devel-
ops on both sides of a footing and extends from the edge of the footing to the soil surface.
14.2 In case of local shear failure, usually associated with medium dense or medium stiff
soils, the slip surfaces extend from the edges of the footings to a certain length only
and do not reach the ground surface.
14.3 Punching shear failure, usually associated with loose or soft soils, is said to occur
when there is compression beneath the footing accompanied by shearing in the ver-
tical direction around the edges of the footing.
14.4 Prandtl’s theory considers the deformation or penetration effects of hard objects on
soft materials which is considered as the basic principle adopted in different bearing
capacity theories.
14.5 Nc, Nq, and Nγ are the bearing capacity factors which depend on angle of internal
friction only.
14.6 Effect of soil compressibility is taken into account by considering the failure as a local
shear failure and the corresponding bearing capacity factors, Nc′ , N q′ , and N γ′ , for the
reduced friction angle φl = tan−1[2/3(tan φ)]. The cohesion is also reduced as cl = 2/3c.
14.7 Effect of water table is accounted by considering submerged unit weight in place of
total unit weight depending on the location of water table.
14.8 Effect of different shapes of foundation are taken in to account by appropriate shape
factors sc, sq, and sγ .
14.9 The total pressure on the soil due to the weight of the structure is called the gross
foundation pressure. The net foundation pressure is the foundation pressure in
excess of the pressure caused by the surrounding soil. Thus, the net ultimate bearing
capacity is the net foundation pressure at the time of failure.
14.10 Settlements may be classified as uniform (or total) settlement, tilt, and non-uniform
settlement. The total and differential settlements should not exceed the permissi-
ble values which are denoted as permissible settlements. Permissible settlements
depend on the type of structure and type of soil.
14.11 Allowable soil pressure is one which gives the lowest value based on the two condi-
tions, viz., adequate factor of safety against shear failure and settlement should be
less than permissible settlement.
Objective Questions
14.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
(1) The bearing capacity factors for a clayey soil will depend on cohesion, shape, and
size of the footing.
(2) Greater the width of foundation, greater is the settlement for the same pressure
(3) The safe bearing capacity of a surface strip footing on a saturated clay is
approximately equal to the unconfined compressive strength.
(4) The correction factors to account for the effect of shapes are based on sound theo-
retical analysis.
14.2 The total settlement of a soil layer under any given loading is
(a) Proportional to the thickness of the layer
(b) Proportional to the square of the thickness of the layer
(c) Dependent on the length of the drainage path
(d) Dependent on factors other than the above
14.3 The ultimate bearing capacity of a footing on strip footing is reduced by 50% when the
position of water table is at
(a) The base of the footing
(b) The ground surface
(c) A depth equal to 1.5 times the depth of foundation
(d) A depth equal to 0.5 times the depth of foundation
14.4 Two strip surface footings of equal lengths are placed on dry sand and the width of
footing A is equal to half the width of footing B? Then the ratio of the load carrying
capacities of A and B (i.e., qA/qB) is
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/4 (c) 2 (d) 1
14.5 Bearing capacity of a footing consists of the following components:
(1) The cohesion and friction of a weightless material carrying no surcharge
(2) The friction of a weightless material upon addition of a surcharge on the ground
(3) The friction of a material possessing weight and carrying no surcharge
Of these statements,
(a) 1, 2, and 3 are correct
(b) 1 and 2 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct
(d) 3 and 1 are correct
14.6 Identify the incorrect statement. Bearing capacity of a footing on sand depends on
(a) Depth of footing
(b) Width of footing
(c) Position of water table
(d) Undrained shear strength
14.7 Plate load test results reflect only the character of the soil located within a depth
______ the width of the bearing plate. Choose the correct statement.
(a) Equal to
(b) Less than twice
(c) Equal to 2.5 times
(d) More than twice
14.8 The technique of reducing the net load on a soil by excavating soil up to a certain
depth is called
(a) Load relief
(b) Buoyancy method
(c) Flotation
(d) Load reduction
14.9 Identify the incorrect statement. Meyerhof’s bearing capacity equation includes
(a) Shape factor
(b) Width factor
(c) Depth factor
(d) Inclination factor
Descriptive Questions
14.10 What factors determine whether a foundation type is shallow or deep?
14.11 Explain why bearing capacity equations for clay usually employ the undrained shear
14.12 How will you proportion footings for equal settlements?
(i) at 5 m from the ground surface, (ii) at 1.5 m from the base of the footing, and (iii) at
1.2 m from the ground surface.
14.7 The depth of a wall footing to be constructed on a saturated clay is 1 m. The soil
parameters are cu = 65 kPa, φu = 0°, and γ = 17.5 kN/m3. The wall imposes a load of
170 kN/m of wall length. Estimate the width of the footing to be provided so as to
have a factor of safety of 3.0.
14.8 The load on a reinforced cement concrete column is 1,000 kN. The supporting soil is
a dry, dense sand with the angle of friction of 41° and a unit weight of 18.2 kN/m3.
Find the size of the square footing for the following conditions considering a factor of
safety of 3.0:
(a) if it is placed on the ground surface
(b) if it is placed at 1.5 m below the ground surface
(c) if water table rises to the ground surface for the case (b) above, the saturated unit
weight is 21.3 kN/m3.
14.9 A square column transfers a load of 1,650 kN on a c–φ soil and rests on a soil which
weighs 19 kN/m3 and has shear strength parameters as c = 10 kN/m2 and φ = 36°.
Considering a factor of safety of 2.5, find the size of the footing if it is placed at the
ground surface. Examine whether it would be cheaper to lower the footing if the col-
umn is 450 mm2 and the footing is 500 mm thick than to place it at the ground surface.
The cost of con-crete and the cost of excavation for hard soil at a site are Rs. 4,600/m3
and Rs. 60/m3, respectively.
14.10 Calculate the minimum depth of footing required below ground level in a clay stra-
tum if the footing is to be safe
(i) For a continuous wall footing with a contact pressure of 65 kN/m2 and width 1.6 m.
(ii) For a square footing with a contact pressure of 65 kN/m2 and side width 1.6 m.
The undrained shear strength parameters are cu = 25 kN/m2, φu = 0°, and γ =
16 kN/m3. Adopt a factor of safety of 3.0. Discuss the effect of footing shape on
the depth of footing.
14.11 During a sub-surface exploration programme, two cohesive layers are encountered.
One forms the top layer of finite thickness 3 m, which is stiff clay and the bottom
one is soft and showed undrained shear strengths of 135 and 50 kN/m2, and the
respective unit weights are 17.2 and 16.7 kN/m3. It is intended to design a foundation
1.5 m from the ground surface. Compute the gross load for the foundation with a
factor of safety of 2.5. If the layered system is assumed as homogeneous and isotropic
with average values of cohesion and unit weights of both the layers, what is the per-
centage error involved?
14.12 Determine the safe load which can be imposed normal to the base of a strip footing
which is 1.2 m wide and has its base inclined at 12° from the horizontal. One corner
of the footing is located at 1.2 m from the ground surface. The footing rests on a satu-
rated cohesive soil with a cohesion of 75 kN/m2 and unit weight 18.2 kN/m3.
14.13 A load bearing wall of an industrial building is to be located close to the edge of a
slope as shown in Fig. 14.26. The shear strength parameters of the soil are cu = 45 kN/
m2, φu = 0°, and the unit weight of soil γ = 18.2 kN/m3. Suggest a suitable width of
strip footing for the given condition.
Q = 100 kN/m
1.5 m
10 m
Saturated clay
c = 45 kN/m2
fu = 0°
g = 18.2 kN/m3
Fig. 14.26
14.14 A standard penetration test conducted at 2 m depth and a subsequent laboratory test
revealed the soil at a location as medium dense sand with a blow count of 29 blows
and a moist unit weight of 18 kN/m3. It is planned to design a square footing on this
sand to carry a load of 3,500 kN. As per the design requirement, the footing has to be
designed for settlement criterion and the maximum total settlement should be lim-
ited to 25 mm. The water table is at 6 m from the ground surface. Find the size of the
14.15 A square footing of 4 m width and 0.8 m thickness is supported by a sand having an
average N-value of 30. The top of the footing is 1 m below the ground surface, and the
water table is 1.2 m below the base of the footing. Determine the maximum load that
the footing can carry if the settlement is not to exceed 15 mm.
14.16 The results of a plate load test conducted on a 300 mm square plate at a depth of 1 m
on a dry sand is given below.
50 3
100 5
150 9.8
200 13.0
250 19.0
275 22.0
300 28.0
325 39.0
350 65.0
Determine (i) the ultimate bearing pressure, (ii) the safe bearing pressure if the factor of
safety is 3.0, (iii) the size of a square footing to be placed at the same depth and to carry
a load of 2,500 kN, considering the safe bearing pressure obtained in (ii), and (iv) the
settlement of the footing.
14.17 In a plate load test using a 305 mm square plate on a sandy soil under a pressure
of 150 kN/m2, a settlement of 8 mm was recorded: (i) estimate the settlement of a
600 mm square plate at the same contact pressure and (ii) what should be the size
of a square footing if the settlement is to be restricted to 25 mm?
14.18 Develop an allowable bearing pressure chart for square footing on sand. The aver-
age corrected N-value from 2 to 10 m is 25, and the groundwater was encountered at
a 15 m depth during sub-surface exploration. The depth of footing is 2 m. The other
properties of the soil are φ′ = 35°, γ = 18.5 kN/m3. Adopt a safety factor of 2.5 against
shear failure and a limiting total settlement of 25 mm.
Design criteria – Types of shallow foundations – Selection of type of founda-
tion – Location and depth of foundation – Settlement of shallow foundation
– Design considerations for a shallow foundation – Proportioning of combined
footing – Mat foundation
Structural foundations may be grouped under two broad categories – shallow founda-
tions and deep foundations. This classification indicates the depth of foundation instal-
lation. A shallow foundation is one which is placed on a firm soil near the ground, and
beneath the lowest part of the superstructure. A deep foundation is one which is placed
on a soil that is not firm, and which is considerably below the lowest part of the super-
structure. There is no exact definition which distinguishes one from the other.
occurs if the shear strength of the soil is inadequate to support the applied load. This
requirement makes it essential to have a complete knowledge of the geotechnical proper-
ties of the soils and rocks involved.
3. Tolerable foundation settlement involves keeping a check on the excessive settlement of a
structure. Excessive settlement is caused due to the distortion of the soil mass as a result of
the applied shear stresses and due to the consolidation of the supporting soil. This again
requires a complete knowledge of the geotechnical properties of the soil to assess the
anticipated settlement of the structure and the time required for completion of the same.
Column Q Q Column
Column Q
(a) Spread footings Q2
Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
Property line
Rectangular Trapezoidal
Q Q Strap
(b) Combined footings
Wall Elevations
Section-XX Section-XX X
(c) Continuous footings X
Upper 1
Upper 1 footing 2
footing 2
Old footing
30° B1
S is larger of B1 and B2
New footing on average soil
Fig. 15.2 Footings at different levels for (a) granular soil, (b) clay soil, and (c) footings for old and
new structures (Source: IS: 1904, 1980)
1. The footing should be placed at least at a distance S from the edge of the existing footing
where S is the width of the larger footing.
2. The line from the edge of the new footing to the edge of the existing footing should make
an angle of 45° or less.
3. When a new footing is placed lower than an old footing, the excavation for the founda-
tion must be carefully done with a suitable bracing system so as to prevent damage to the
existing structure.
Special care must be taken in placing a footing at or near a property line, so as to avoid
encroachment of the footing into the adjacent property.
15.5.3 Groundwater
For several reasons, the presence of groundwater within the soil immediately around a
footing is not desirable. The following points need consideration:
1. Construction of a footing below the groundwater level is difficult and expensive because
the area must be dried prior to construction.
2. Existence of groundwater around a footing may reduce the bearing capacity of the soil,
particularly in sands.
3. Excess groundwater around a footing may cause hydrostatic uplift problems.
4. In areas of sub-zero temperatures, frost action may predominate.
5. Existence of groundwater below a floor may add to waterproofing problems.
For the above reasons, as far as possible, footings should be placed above the groundwater
of the foundation, mine subsidence, and catastrophic settlement are not dealt with. The
methods of estimating immediate settlement are discussed below.
Depth factor
6 L=∝
L = 1 B
B 2
8 B
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Values of lf
Fig. 15.3 Steinbrenner’s chart for the influence factor (Source: IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976)
The above discussion has centred on foundations located at the ground surface.
For foundations located at a certain depth, a depth factor correction has been suggested
(IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976). The depth factor can be read from Fig. 15.4 for different L/B ratios.
0 L/B = 100
D B×L 9
LB 0.6
D 9
0.2 25
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Depth factor
Fig. 15.4 Fox’s correction curves for settlements of flexible rectangular footings (Source: IS: 8009 –
Part 1, 1976)
μ0 μ1 qB (1 − v 2 )
Si = (15.3)
The values of μ0 and μ1 are given in Fig. 15.5. In the case of a thin layer (of thickness
Ht) existing immediately below the foundation (Fig. 15.6), we obtain a value of μ1(t) cor-
responding to the thickness Ht and similarly find a value of μ1(b) corresponding to the
thickness Hb. Then, the immediate settlement due to the thin layer is computed by taking
μ1 = μ1( b) − μ1( t ) .
Improved relationship for estimating the immediate settlement of shallow foundation
has been presented by Mayne and Poulos (1999). This improved relationship considers the
1. the rigidity of the foundation,
2. the depth of embedment of the foundation,
3. the increase in the modulus of elasticity of the soil with depth, and
4. the location of rigid layer at limited depth.
Figure 15.4a shows the improved relationship for the immediate settlement. Hence, Be is
an equivalent diameter of a rectangular foundation, which is as follows:
4BL .
Be =
df Ef E0 Es
Compressible soil
Es , μs Es = E0 + kz
In the above equation, B and L are the width and length of the foundation. For a circular
foundation, Be is equal to the diameter B of the foundation.
Hence Ef is the modulus of elasticity of the foundation, df is the thickness of the founda-
tion, and Df is the depth of the foundation below the ground surface. A rigid layer is located
at a depth h below the bottom of the foundation.
Then, modulus of elasticity of the compressible soil, Es, is given as:
Es = Eo + kz,
Now, the improved expression for the immediate settlement is given as follows:
⎛ 1 − v 2 ⎞⎟
(Si )i = q Be ⎜⎜⎜ s ⎟
⎟I I I ,
⎜⎝ Eo ⎟⎠ G F E
where, IG = influence factor for the variation of Es with the depth, which is a function of
Eo, k, Be, and h.
IF = foundation rigidity correction factor.
IE = foundation embedded correction factor.
Figure 15.4b shows the variation of IG with β = Eo/k Be and h/Be.
The foundation rigidity correction factor IF is given as:
h/Be = 0.2
0.01 2 4 6 8 0.1 1 10 100
Ef 3
KF =
( E0 +
) ( ) 2t
0.001 2 4 6 8 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
Fig. 15.4c Variation of the rigidity correction factor IF with the flexibility factor Kf (Source:
Mayne and Poulos, 1999)
π 1
IF = +
4 ⎛ ⎞⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎛ 2d ⎞3
⎜ Ef ⎟⎟⎜⎜ f ⎟⎟
4.6 + 10 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜⎜ Be
⎜⎝ Eo + k ⎟⎟⎝ Be ⎠
2 ⎠
us = 0.5
0.85 0.4
0.75 0
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 15.4d Variation of the embedded correction factor IE (Source: Mayne and poulos, 1999)
μ0 0.8
L/B 1.2 510 20 50
1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 1000
D/B Log scale
q 100
2.5 D 50
L/B = ∝
H B 20
2.0 L-Length
qB 10
Si (1–n 2)
μ1 1.5 E(u) 5
1.0 2
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 1000
Log scale
Fig. 15.5 Coefficients for immediate settlement under a flexible foundation (Source: Janbu et al.,
Uniform-load = q
Ht B
Sc′ = μc Sc
where μc is a factor related to the pore pressure parameter A and the ratio Ht/B.
This settlement coefficient chart (Fig. 15.7) suggested by Skempton and Bjerrum has been
adopted in the Indian Standards (IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976). In the absence of data for the
parameter A, μc values from Table 15.2 may be used.
Values on curves are
Settlement coefficient μm
0.25 B
0.6 4
0.5 Clay
Fig. 15.7 Settlement coefficients for circular and strip footings (Source: IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976)
Type of clay μc
Very sensitive clays (soft alluvial, estuarine, and marine clays) 1.0–1.2
Normally consolidated clays 0.7–1.0
Over-consolidated clays 0.5–0.7
Heavily over-consolidated clays 0.2–0.5
into strata or layers with constant qcs for each layer. The settlement for each layer due to the
foundation load is calculated from Eq. 15.4. Then, the settlements corresponding to all the
layers are added to get the total settlement (S)
Ht ⎡ p + Δp ⎤
S cs = 2.303 log10 ⎢ 0 ⎥ (15.4)
C ⎢ p ⎥
⎣ 0 ⎦
3 qcs
2 p0
Ht is the thickness of each layer and p0 the initial effective pressure at mid-height of the layer.
Hence, S = ∑Scs.
Indian Standards (IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976) also provides a chart for dry cohesionless soils
relating settlement of a footing of width B under unit intensity of pressure for different N
values (Fig. 15.9). For a given pressure on the footings, the settlement is proportional to
the intensity of pressure. If the water table is located at a shallow depth from beneath the
footing base the correction factor Rw is found and the settlement obtained from Fig. 15.9 is
multiplied by Rw.
Cone resistance
C kd
Layer l
Layer IIl
Layer IV
Fig. 15.8 Static cone penetration resistance diagram (Source: IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976)
Settlement (metre per unit pressure) (1 kg/cm2)
N = 10
N = 15
N = 20
N = 25
10–2 N = 30
N = 40
N = 50
N = 60
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Width 'B' of footing m
Fig. 15.9 Settlement per unit pressure from standard penetration resistance (Source: IS: 8009 – Part
1, 1976)
The settlement can also be estimated from the plate load test (IS: 8009 – Part 1, 1976)
data. The test details are explained in Chapter 14. The plate load test (IS: 1888, 1982) is con-
ducted at the required depth and the settlement (St) of the proposed foundation is found
from Eq. 15.5.
⎡ Bf (Bp + 0.3) ⎤ 2
St = Sp ⎢⎢ ⎥
⎥ (15.5)
⎢⎣ Bp (Bf + 0.3) ⎥⎦
The water table correction factor can also be applied, if necessary, as explained in the
previous paragraph.
qd = Lc / A
service load
proportioned area of footing =
5. Compute the area of footing supporting the column with the lowest live load to dead load
A = (Ll+d )/ qs
6. Decide the length and width of footing and check for permissible settlement and alter
width if needed.
C. G. of base
Property line
Pe R Pi
– –
S.F. diagram
B.M. diagram
By taking moments about the property line or left edge and simplifying,
2B1 + B2 3⎡ 2Pi L ⎤⎥
= ⎢ e1 +
B1 + B2 ⎢
L⎣ Pe + Pi ⎥⎦
C.G. of base
(area A)
B2 B1
Plan Pi
R Pe > Pi
– –
S.F. diagram
+ +
B.M. diagram
B1 and B2 may be obtained from the above two equations. That is,
2 A ⎛⎜ 3 x ⎞ 2A
B1 = ⎜⎜⎝ − 1⎟⎟⎟⎠ and B2 = − B1
The other design procedure is the same as that for the rectangular combined footing.
P1 P2
P1 P2
q q
R1 R2
e R
3. With a knowledge of the safe soil pressure, the tentative footing areas are computed.
4. Knowing the footing areas, e is calculated.
5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated till the e value is identical to the final one.
6. The footings are designed as a simple spread footing subjected to uniform soil pressure.
7. Shear and bending moments are computed and the strap beam is designed.
Based on the above design procedure, the centre of gravity of the two footing areas will
coincide with the resultant of the column loads Q1 and Q2.
Section Section
at A – A at A – A
Plan Plan
(a) (b)
Section at A – A
at A – A
Plan Plan
(c) (d)
A suitable factor of safety, varying from 1.75 to 3, is used. For mats on clay, the factor of
safety should not be less than 3 under dead load and maximum live load. Also, for mats on
sand, again, the factor of safety should not be less than 3. On no account should the factor
of safety be less than 1.75. In general, under normal working conditions, the factor of safety
against bearing capacity failure of mats on sand is very large. On granular deposits, the net
ultimate bearing capacity may be found based on Standard Penetration Resistance numbers.
Generally, the settlement permissible is about double that for spread footing, for the rea-
son that the depth of the zone of influence is likely to be much larger than that of the spread
footing. For this reason, the loose soil pockets under a mat may be evenly distributed, result-
ing in a smaller differential settlement. Generally, the permissible total settlement is 50 mm
and differential settlement is 19 mm.
Example 15.1 The circular foundation of a ground-level oil tank of 20 m diameter, trans-
mits to the soil a uniform contact pressure of 250 kN/m2 at a 3 m depth. Determine the
immediate settlement under the centre of the foundation. The properties of the soil are as
follows: Eu = 60 MN/m2, v = 0.45, and γ = 22 kN/m3.
As the foundation is for an oil tank, consider it to be a flexible one. From Table 15.1 for circu-
lar flexible footings, the value of If at the centre is 1.0
qB(1 − v 2 )
Si = If
H 10
and = =5
B 2
For H/B = 5 and L/B = 2.0, μ1 = 0.84. Therefore,
Si = μ0 μ1 (1 − υ 2 )
0.78 × 0.84 × 200 × 2(1 − 0.52 )10 3
= = 4.1 mm
48 ×10 3
From Eq. 15.3, the immediate settlement for flexible footing on saturated clay underlain by
a hard stratum is given as
qB(1 − ν 2 )
Si = μ0 μ1
From Eq. 15.3 for L/B = 2 and D/B = 2/1.5 = 1.33, μ0 = 0.85. For L/B = 2 and H/B = 6/1.5 = 4,
μ1 = 0.80. Therefore,
1.5(1 − 0.422 )
Si = 0.85× 0.80 × 230 × = 4.03 mm
45×10 3
Example 15.4 Settlement of a square footing of dimensions 1.2 m × 1.2 m carrying a load
of 220 kN/m2 is 30 mm. What would be the settlement of a footing measuring 3 m × 3 m
carrying a load of 160 kN/m2 ? The subsoil conditions are identical in both the footings.
Consider the immediate settlement equation
⎛ 1 − ν 2 ⎞⎟
Si = qB ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟I
⎜⎝ Eu ⎟⎟⎠ f
⎛ 1 − ν 2 ⎞⎟
where X = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ Eu ⎟⎟⎠
⎛ 30 ⎞⎟
Therefore, X = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ 220 ×1.2× 0.62 ⎟⎠
⎛ 30 ⎞⎟
Si = 160 × 3 × 0.84 ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ = 73.9 mm
⎝ 220 ×1.2× 0.62 ⎟⎠
Example 15.5 A combined footing has to be proportioned for the two columns detailed
The distance between the columns is 5.0 m. The footing should not be beyond 0.5 m from
the face of the column.
The soil pressures to be considered are:
For dead load (DL) + reduced live load (LL) = 160 kN/m2
For dead load + live load = 230 kN/m2
Width B = = 1.66 m say 1.70 m
160 ×7.00
2. Uniform soil pressure under DL + LL condition
Let y be the distance of a resultant from column C1
1500 × 5.0
y= = 3.06 m
From column C1 to the centre of gravity of footing is the eccentricity, e = 3.06 − 3.00 =
0.06 m
2450 ⎛⎜ 6 × 0.06 ⎞⎟ 2 2
qmax = ⎜⎜⎝1 + ⎟⎟ = 216.5 kN/m < 230 kN/m
7.0 ×1.70 7.0 ⎠
2450 ⎛⎜ 6 × 0.06 ⎞⎟ 2
qmin = ⎜1 − ⎟ = 195.3 kN/m
7.0 ×1.70 ⎜⎝ 7.0 ⎟⎠
The size of the footing is 7.0 × 1.70 mm.
Example 15.6 Proportion a trapezoidal combined footing for two columns 300 mm × 300 mm
carrying column loads of 800 kN and 1200 kN if the spacing between the columns is 4.5 m. Take
the allowable soil pressure as 250 kN/m2 and the length of the footing as 5 m.
Let A and B be columns of loads 800 kN and 1,200 kN, respectively.
Length of the footing L = 5 m
Let the projection of footing beyond the column face be 0.5 m
Then, distance from centre to centre of the column, L′ = 5 – 2 × 0.5 = 4 m.
Total area required
800 + 1200
A= = 8 m2
Let x be the distance of the resultant column from the left edge = 2.4 + 0.5 = 2.9 m.
Let B1 be the longer width and B2 be the shorter width. B1 near to load of 1,200 kN and B2
near to 800 kN. Therefore,
2 A ⎛⎜ 3 x ⎞ 2× 8 ⎛ 3 × 2.9 ⎞⎟
B1 = ⎜ − 1⎟⎟⎟⎠ = ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ = 1.73 m
L ⎜⎝ L 5 ⎜⎝ 5 ⎠
2A 2× 8
B2 = − B1 = − 1.73 = 3.2 − 1.73 = 1.47 m
L 5
15.1 Shallow foundations are those placed on a firm soil near the ground and beneath the
lowest part of the superstructure.
15.2 A shallow foundation for a given loading system must meet three design require-
ments, regarding (i) foundation placement, (ii) safety against bearing capacity failure,
and (iii) safety against permissible settlement.
15.3 The types of shallow foundations are spread footings, combined footings, continuous
footings, and mat foundations.
15.4 Settlement of a shallow foundation could be of two types: immediate settlement and
consolidation settlement. Immediate settlement is computed by idealizing the soil as
an elastic material and using the results from the mathematical theory of elasticity.
Consolidation settlement is due to drainage.
15.5 Combined footings are used for combining two or more columns into one footing.
If the loading on the columns is not very much different, a rectangular footing may be
used. If the difference in column loads is more, a trapezoidal footing is preferred.
15.6 The pressure transmitted from the base of a foundation to the soil is termed the contact
pressure. This depends on the rigidity of the foundation structure and the nature of
the soil.
Objective Questions
15.1 Ultimate settlement of footings on cohesive soils is best estimated from the data from
(a) Plate load test
(b) Consolidation test
Descriptive Questions
15.10 Indicate the circumstances under which combined footings are adopted.
15.11 What precautions are to be taken while locating a footing (i) on a slope and (ii) adjacent
to an existing structure?
15.12 What are the different types of settlements which are to be considered in the design of
a shallow foundation?
15.1 Determine the dimensions of a rectangular combined footing for the data given below:
Average allowable soil pressure is 250 kN/m2. Distance between centre to centre of
column is 4.6 m. The projection beyond column A should not exceed 0.4 m.
15.2 It is decided to provide a strap footing for two columns A and B as detailed below:
Column loads: load on A = 1,500 kN; load on B = 1,450 kN.
Size of column = 0.5 m.
Centre to centre of columns = 5.8 m.
Allowable soil pressure = 370 kN/m2.
Determine the size of the footing for columns A and B.
15.3 Column loads on columns A and B are 1,920 kN and 1,500 kN, respectively. Column
B is a boundary column. Proportion a trapezoidal footing. The allowable soil pressure
is 200 kPa.
Classification of piles: material composition, installation methods, ground
effects, function as foundation – Pile-driving equipment – Bearing capacity of
single pile: statistical methods, pile-driving formulae, wave equation, based on
SPT values, pile load test – Negative skin friction – Under reamed piles – Pile
groups: group capacity, group in filled ground – Group settlement – Pile cap
The design and construction of deep foundations for transferring the weight of the
superstructure through soft or weak soils, to deep load-bearing strata is a challenging
job for a civil engineer. Piles, piers, and caissons are the most common types of deep
foundations. The mechanism for deriving support from the soil or rock below and adja-
cent to the foundations is similar for any system. Each system differs in its method of
construction. Piles are slender structural members normally installed by driving with
hammer or by vibrating, and occasionally by auguering. Pre-drilling or other proce-
dures may be necessary to permit penetration to the desired depth.
Butt diameter
300-500 mm
Pile may be treated
with wood preservation
Splicing by welding
Tip diameter
150–250 mm Splicing by welding
Cross- Splicing by
section riveting
(a) Timber pile (b) Steel pile
300–600 f m
D concrete
300–600 mm
2D filled
trunks that have had their branches carefully trimmed off. The maximum length of a pile is
about 20 m. The timber should be straight, sound and without any defects (Fig. 16.1a). Timber
piles are installed by driving. Overdriving of timber piles may result in splitting, crushing,
and/or shearing of piles. Timber piles have a long life if prevented from alternative wetting
and drying. A plain timber pile permanently below water will not decay. The life of timber
piles may be increased by treating them with preservatives. Preservative protection treat-
ment is required to protect timber piles from marine borers (if for a marine environment), or
from wood-infesting insects, such as termites, or from decay (wet rot) if the pile is embedded
in soil above water table. Timber piles find extensive use for compaction of soils, for support-
ing structures, and for protecting water-front structures. As per Indian Standards (IS: 2911,
Part 2, 1980), piles are classified as Class A or Class B depending on the use. Piles used for
railway and highway bridges, trestles, docks, and wharves are categorized as Class A. These
piles shall have butt diameter or the sides of square not less than 30 cm. Piles used for founda-
tion work and other temporary works are categorized as Class B. Such piles may have diam-
eters less than 30 cm. For compaction piles, usually a 10 cm diameter is recommended.
Steel piles generally used are either pipe piles or rolled steel H-section piles. Pipe piles
are normally filled with concrete. Steel piles are spliced by welding or riveting. The steel
piles may be provided with driving points or shoes – for driving through dense materials.
Because of the high strength of steel, these piles withstand driving pressures. Strength, rela-
tive ease of splicing, and economy are some of the advantages of steel piles (Fig. 16.1b). Steel
piles are affected by corrosive agents such as salt, acid, moisture, and oxygen. To account for
corrosion, an additional thickness of steel is generally recommended. Protection from corro-
sion is effected by applying epoxy coatings on the pile surface before driving, or by concrete
encasement in most corrosive zones of the steel pile.
Concrete piles are cast to specified lengths and shapes of circular, square, or octagonal
cross-sections with reinforcement. The reinforcement is provided to enable the pile to resist
the bending moment developed during lifting and transportation (Fig. 16.1c).
Piles can also be pre-stressed using high tensile steel cables. The cables are pre-tensioned
up to about 1,300 MN/m2 before pouring concrete around them. After curing, the cables are
cut, thus producing a compressive force on the pile section. Concrete piles are frequently
used in marine environment. These piles are limited to a length of 25 m and the diameter is
generally less than 0.5 m. Concrete piles may be of precast or in-place type. The installation
process of cast-in-place piles are discussed in the next section.
For cast in situ concrete piles the reinforcing cage depends on the installation condition, the
nature of the subsoil, and the nature of load transmission is 0.4% of the sectional area. The mini-
mum cover for main reinforcement should not be less than 50 mm. The lateral reinforcement
imparts adequate rigidity. The minimum diameter and spacing of links or spirals are 6 and
150 mm, respectively (IS: 2911, Sections 1 and 3, 1979). The area of main reinforcement for pre-
cast piles shall not be less than the following percentages of the cross-sectional area of the piles:
1. Pile length < 30 times the least width: 1.25%
2. Pile length 30 to 40 times the least width: 1.5%
3. Pile length > 40 times the least width: 2%
The lateral reinforcement resists the driving stresses induced in the piles and should be in
the form of hoops or links of diameter not less than 6 mm. The volume of lateral reinforce-
ment shall not be less than the following:
1. At each end of the pile for a distance of about three times the least width – not less than
0.6% of the gross volume of piles and
2. In the body of the pile – not less than 0.2% of the gross volume of piles.
Close spacing is provided near the ends and the maximum spacing over a length of three
times the least width of the pile (IS: 2911 – Part 1/Section 3). The cover of concrete is not less
than 40 mm, and in places where corrosion is anticipated, the cover should be at least 50 mm.
Materials and method of manufacture for cement concrete are based on IS: 456. Consistency
of concrete for cast in situ piles shall be suitable to the method of installation of piles. The mini-
mum grade of concrete to be used is M15. The grade of concrete for driven piles is as follows:
1. For hard driving (where driving stress is more than 1,000 kN/m2) Grade not less than M20
2. For easy driving (where driving stress is less than 1,000 kN/m2) Grade not less than M15
Clean water, free from acids and other impurities, shall be used in the manufacture of
concrete (IS: 2911 – Part 1, 1979).
Upper and lower portions of composite piles are made of different materials. Composite
piles may be of steel and concrete or timber and concrete. Steel and concrete piles consist
of a lower portion of steel and an upper portion of cast-in-place concrete (Fig. 16.1d). Tim-
ber and concrete piles usually have their lower portion as timber and their upper portion
above water table as concrete. It is extremely difficult to give proper connection between two
different materials. Hence, these types of piles are not widely used.
(a) Step taper (b) Pipe (c) Raymond (d) Uncased (e) Bulb type
Bridge pier bed level
Zone of
bed level
Soft material
Soft soil Soft soil carrying
Hard stratum carrying
Tie rod
Uplift piles
(d) Uplift piles (e) Batter piles (f) Batter pile as anchor pile
Fender pile
Transmission towers, offshore platforms, and basement mats are subjected to uplift forces
and piles are used to resist the uplift forces, which are called uplift piles or tension piles. Some
of the water- and earth-retaining structures are subjected to horizontal and inclined forces.
Such forces are better resisted by providing piles in inclined position; such piles are referred
to as batter piles (Fig. 16.4d and e).
Flexible earth-retaining structures are tied at the top by anchor rods supported by a dead-
man. The deadman is in turn supported by piles. These piles function as anchorage against
horizontal pull from the sheet pile walls or other pulling forces; such piles are called anchor
piles. In order to protect water front structures against impact from ships or other floating
objects, fender piles and dolphins are used (Fig. 16.4f and g).
Backward rake 1 in 5
Forward rake 1 in 25
Tubular struts
9.0 m
Hand winch
Wide flange beam
Three wheel base
3 m × 3.5 m
Exhaust Exhaust
Cylinder and
Hammer intake
cushion Intake
Ram Ram
Pile cap
Pile cushion Hammer
Pile cushion
Static weight
Hammer Pile
cushion Anvil Clamp
60 strokes per minute. These hammers have to rely on the mass of ram. For effective driving,
the mass of hammer ram should be equal or greater than the mass of pile.
Double-acting hammers use steam or compressed air to raise the ram to the driving posi-
tion and also to accelerate the ram’s downward thrust. This increases the impact velocity of
the ram. The rate of driving varies from 300 blows per minute for light types to 100 blows
per minute for heavier types. The weight of the hammer ram is in the range of 0.9 to 23 kN.
The major advantage of the double-acting hammer over single-acting hammer is its tremen-
dous operating speed. Special maintenance is required for efficient functioning. These ham-
mers are used mainly for sheet pile driving.
Diesel pile hammers provide an efficient means of pile driving in favourable ground con-
ditions. These are self-contained and have self-activated units. They essentially consist of a
ram, an anvil block, and a fuel injection system. The ram is mechanically raised to the top of
the cylinder and released. A fuel mixture is injected into the cylinder and compressed by the
falling ram. The fuel is detonated and the resulting explosion imparts an additional impact
to the pile, which is already moving downwards under the effect of the hammer blow. The
explosion also raises the ram, keeping it ready for the next downstroke. Diesel hammers
work well under hard driving conditions. In soft or yielding soils, the downward movement
of the pile is large compared to the upward movement of the ram. This upward distance cov-
ered may not be sufficient to ignite the air–fuel system unless the ram is lifted up manually.
Vibratory methods of driving sheet piles or bearing piles are best suited to sandy or grav-
elly soils. Pile-driving vibrators consist of two counter-rotating masses, which produce a
75 mm diameter
M.S. pipe
50 mm diameter
dynamic vertical force on the pile and move the pile downwards. Driving steel piles in loose
to medium dense sands is easy by this method but difficult in dense sands. Vibrators are
rarely used in stiff clays. Vibrators are also used for extracting piles, and in large-diameter
bored and cast in situ piling works, for sinking and extracting of pile casings.
Water jetting is a technique used to aid the penetration of pile into a sand or sandy gravel
stratum. In this technique, water is discharged at the pile point to wash and loosen the sand
and gravel. Jetting should be cut off at least 1 m above the required level and the pile is driven
for the balance length. It is sometimes a difficult problem to dispose of the large quantity of
water and sand flowing at ground level from around the piles (Fig. 16.7).
Each pile is provided with a cap or helmet at the top of the pile. The purpose of the helmet
is to hold the resilient dolly and packing, which are provided between the hammer and the
pile to prevent shattering of the pile head. A cushion may be used between the pile and the
cap. This has the effect of evening out the hammer impulses. Longer dollies or followers
are used when driving piles below the level of the bottom of the leaders.
f f L
or bearing capacity of a single pile indicates the load at which the settlement of the pile
increases continuously with no further increase in load.
Therefore, the ultimate bearing capacity of a pile Qu is given as
Qu = Qf + Qp (16.1)
where Qf is the resistance due to skin friction and Qp the resistance due to point bearing. That is,
Qu = fAs + qp Ap (16.2)
where As is the effective surface area of the pile in contact with soil along the embedded shaft
length, Ap the bearing area of pile tip, f the average unit skin friction or adhesion between
soil and pile surface, and qp the bearing pressure of soil at the tip.
Depending on the type of soil penetrated, Qf and Qp are evaluated. For simplicity, the anal-
ysis for piles in sand and clay are discussed below. However, the analysis can be extended
for layered soils by computing the skin friction for the appropriate layer.
f = σh′ tan δ
f = Kσ v′ tan δ
where σh′ is the horizontal soil pressure acting at any depth z in a soil mass, σ v′ the effective
over-burden pressure acting at the same depth within a soil mass, K the lateral earth pres-
sure coefficient, and tan δ the coefficient of friction between soil and the pile surface.
Values of coefficient of friction depend on the type of soil and pile material. McCarthy
(1982) reports values varying from 0.20 to 0.45 depending on the roughness of pile surface.
Indian Standards (IS: 2911 – Part 1, 1979) recommends δ = φ.
The earth pressure is approximately equal to the passive condition at the top of the pile
and may be near to the at-rest-condition at the pile tip. Further, the method of installation
also influences the earth pressure coefficient. The following values of K (Table 16.1) are
recommended by Das (1990).
Direction of movement
under loading of Qu
Soil Area sh= ks¢y
surrounding pile =1 d Area=1
Resultant of sh and f
\ f = sh tan d
Hence, the total skin friction acting along the embedded length of the pile is computed
considering an average effective vertical overburden pressure. Thus,
Qf = fAs = [K (σ v′ )a tan δ ]As (16.3)
Qp = 0.5γ dp N γ + σ v′ Nq (16.4)
where Nq is the bearing capacity factor for pile foundation (Fig. 16.10), Nγ the bearing capac-
ity factor for shallow foundations, and dp the pile tip diameter or width.
Pile K
Bored or jetted piles K0 = 1− sin φ
Low-displacement-driven piles K0−1.4 K0
High-displacement-driven piles K0−1.4 K0
(also) Indian standards
150 IS : 2911
d= 0
20 L/ 2
15 d =
10 =
8 /d
20∞ 25∞ 30∞ 35∞ 40∞ 45∞
Angle of shearing resistance, f¢
Fig. 16.10 Values of Nq for pile formulae (Source: Berezantzev et al., 1961)
In most of the driven piles, the first term of Eq. 16.4 is small compared to the second term
because of limited dp dimensions. Thus, for practical considerations, the point-bearing resis-
tance can be written as
Qp = (σ v′ Nq )Ap (16.5)
Various theoretical analyses for the point-bearing pressure have been attempted and
among them the Berezantzev et al. (1961) value for Nq have been in use for commonly
encountered soil conditions (Fig. 16.10). Nq curve as recommended by Indian Standards
(IS: 2911 – Part 1, 1979) is also presented in Fig. 16.10. For design purposes, σ v′ = γ L is
considered. Thus, the ultimate bearing capacity of driven piles in sand is given as
In saturated clays, pile driving causes the re-moulding of soil in the vicinity of the pile
because of displacement and disturbance. But the strength is regained with time, and the
rate of strength gain depends on the consolidation and thixotropic characteristics of the clay.
Presently, there are several approaches available for obtaining the unit skin friction.
Two of the approaches adopt effective stresses in the analysis (Burland, 1973; Vijayvergiya
and Focht, 1972) and the other one uses an empirical adhesion factor. Burland’s method,
commonly referred to as the β-method, is widely used.
The common approach is to use undrained cohesion on the presumption that the dis-
sipation of pore water pressure takes much more time. But recent studies have shown that
dissipation of excess pore pressure takes place fairly quickly, and at the time of the final
loading of pile, the soil is almost at the drained condition. Thus, the unit skin friction based
on Burland’s approach is
f = β (σ v′ )a (16.7)
′ = drained friction angle of re-moulded clay.
′ and φre
where β = K tan φre
K = K 0 = 1 − sin φre for normally consolidated clays (16.8a)
′ ) OCR
K = K0 OCR = (1 − sin φre for over-consolidated clays (16.8b)
Qf = [β (σ v′ )a ]As (16.9)
Indian Standards (IS: 2911 – Part 1, 1979) recommends Eq. 16.1 taking into account the
adhesion factor
Qf = α cs As (16.10)
where α is the adhesion (or reduction) factor as given in Table 16.2 and cs the average
undrained cohesion along pile shaft.
The end bearing is related only to the undrained strength of clay. For φ = 0° and Nq = 1,
the contribution by end bearing is very small. So the point bearing resistance is expressed as
a function of cp and Nc, i.e.,
Qp = (cp Nc )Ap (16.11)
where cp is the average undrained cohesion at pile tip and Nc is 9.0 for intact clays (Skemp-
ton, 1951 and IS: 2911 – Part 1, 1979) and Nc is 6.75 for fissured clays (Skempton, 1951).
Thus, the ultimate bearing capacity of a pile in clay is
In both the cases, a factor of safety (F) of 2.5 is adopted to arrive at the allowable bearing
capacity, Qa, as
Qa = (16.13)
Consistency Value of α
Soft to very soft 1.0
Medium 0.7
Stiff 0.4
Stiff to hard 0.3
Source: IS: 2911 – Part1 (1979).
16.4.2 Pile Capacity from Statical Methods for Cast In Situ or Bored Piles
For such piles in relatively homogeneous soils, the ultimate capacity is due to end-bearing
and skin friction, as considered in driven piles. Because of the disturbance caused by
construction, there will be a possibility of the loss of strength at the bottom of the pile for a
depth of 2 m. Similarly, there is an equal possibility of disturbance and loss of strength occur-
ring in the surface zone of soil for a depth of about 2 m. Thus, for computing skin friction, a
depth of 4 m has to be omitted in the evaluation of skin friction. This is more important in
clayey soils.
The ultimate capacity of the cast in situ pile in sand is similar to that of driven piles in sand
(Eq. 16.6); that is,
Qu = [k(σ v′ )a tan δ ]As + (σ v′ Nq )Ap
Here, (σ v′ )a is the effective average vertical pressure considering the limits imposed for
effective depth L′ (i.e., L′ = L − 4) where L is in metres.
As no effective stress approach is made yet for bored piles, the ultimate pile capacity in
clay is obtained from Eq. 16.12b; that is,
Qu = α cs As + cp Nc Ap
Sometimes, bored piles may be provided with an enlarged base, and in such cases the
values of f for belled foundation has to be used. The value of Ap in such cases is evaluated
for the foundation base. The values may be adopted as discussed for driven piles.
E = RS + EL (16.14)
where E is the driving energy, R the pile resistance, S the pile penetration per blow, and EL
the loss of energy, including loss in impact, in driving cap, in pile, and in soil. If EL is assumed
to be proportionate to the pile resistance, it can be written as
where C is the empirical constant.
According to the ENR formula, the pile resistance is the ultimate load Qu. Then
E = Qu S + Qu C (16.15)
Qu = (16.16)
The average value obtained from the last few driving blows is taken as the pile penetra-
tion S (m). Recommended values of C are
where W is the weight of ram or hammer (kN), h the height of free fall of the ram (m), η the
hammer efficiency, and HE the rated energy of single or double acting hammer (kN-m).
A factor of safety, F = 6.0, has been used to estimate the allowable pile capacity. The ENR
formula has been modified by Hiley and is given as
ηWhη b
Qu = (16.18)
S + C /2
where η is the hammer efficiency as given in Table 16.3, S the final set or penetration per
blow (m), C the sum of the temporary elastic compressions of the pile (m) = C1 + C2 + C3,
where C1 is the temporary compression of dolly and packing, C2 the temporary compression
of pile, C3 the temporary compression of ground, and ηb the efficiency of the blow, represent-
ing the ratio of energy after impact to the striking energy of ram
W + Per2
= , where W ≥ Per
W +P
W + Per2 W − Per2
= − , where W < Per
W +P W +P
where P is the weight of pile, anvil, helmet, and follower, if any (kN), and er the coefficient
of restitution of the materials under impact.
The factor ηb is given for the condition that pile is driven into the penetrable ground. If the
pile finds refusal in rock, 0.5P has to be adopted in place of P in the expression for ηb.
The coefficient of restitution, er, of the material under impact are given in Table 16.4.
A factor of safety of 2 to 2.5 may be adopted to obtain the allowable load-bearing capacity
of a pile.
The dynamic formulae discussed above are based on the premise that the soil resistance
remains constant during and after the driving operation. In coarse-grained soils, this con-
dition is fulfilled because of high permeability. In fine-grained soils, water cannot escape
readily during driving, and thus, the excess water tends to reduce the frictional resistance
along the periphery of the pile. Further, the driving operation reduces the shear strength of
the surrounding soil. But because of thixotropic effect, the soil regains its strength rapidly.
Thus, dynamic formulae are not dependable for the determination of pile capacity in soils
containing more fines. Dynamic formulae give varying results even in coarse-grained soils.
The dynamic formulae can be only applied to small jobs in granular soils, localities of known
soil conditions, and to terminate the driving of a pile based on the data from a test pile.
Ram W1
Cap block K1
Pile cap W2
Cushion K2
Spring K3
K4 Dash pot
Pile K6
Side friction
Point resistance
Actual system Idealized system
Fig. 16.11 Pile representation for wave equation analysis (Source: Smith, 1962)
gauge support
outside zone of
Reaction pile
Test pile Reaction pile Test
adopted (Fig. 16.12). The reaction may be obtained from (i) a kentledge placed on a platform
supported clear of the test pile with the centre of gravity of the kentledge passing through the
axis of the pile or (ii) anchor piles installed at a distance not less than three times the test pile
shaft diameter or 1.5 m, whichever is greater. The reaction for the test should be 25% more
than the proposed final test load. Measurement of pile movements is related to a fixed refer-
ence mark. Reference marks would be supported on objects located outside the soil zone.
The pile head is made level by chipping off to natural horizontal plane and finished
smooth and level with plaster of Paris. A bearing plate is placed before seating the hydraulic
jack. Datum bar is set on immovable supports beyond a distance of 1.5 m from the edge of
the pile. At least two dial gauges are fixed to the datum bar. A series of vertical downward
increment of loads with intensity of 20% of the safe load on the pile are applied. Settlement
readings are taken for each load increment till the rate of displacement is 0.003 mm/min.
The test is continued till the maximum load is 1.5 times the working load or the maximum
settlement of the test not exceeding 12 mm.
Pile load settlement curve is drawn and the safe load is obtained as the least of the follow-
ing (IS: 2911 – Part 4, 1985):
1. The straight portions of the curve are extended and the ultimate load is found. A factor of
safety is adopted and the safe load against shear failure is determined.
2. Two-thirds of the final load at which the total displacement attains a value of 12 mm.
3. Fifty percent of the load at which the total displacement equals 10% of the pile diameter
in case of uniform diameter piles or 7.5% of bulb diameter in case of under-reamed piles
(discussed in next section).
Typical test data and a load–settlement curve are given in Worked Example 16.5.
If soil conditions are uniform, a relatively low factor of safety of 1.5 to 2.0 may be enough.
But in non-uniform deposits, being reflected by varying load test results, a higher factor of
safety (about 3) is justified.
In addition to assessing the design load, the pile test may be used to establish the construc-
tion driving criteria. A comparison can be made with pile-driving records and the measured
ultimate load, with dynamic pile-driving formulae, or with the wave equation to establish
the driving specification. The skin friction and end-bearing components of the pile support
capacity can be separated by running a tension test or a cyclic-load test on the pile (refer IS:
2911 – Part 4, 1985).
1. A cohesive fill is placed over a non-cohesive soil layer and a pile is driven into such a
medium. The cohesive fill consolidates, and during the process of consolidation the fill
imparts a downward drag on the pile.
2. A non-cohesive fill is placed over a soft cohesive layer and a pile installed in such a
medium. Due to the overburden pressure, the cohesive fill consolidates and during the
process imparts a downward drag on the pile.
3. In a saturated soil, lowering of the groundwater increases the vertical effective stresses in
the soil medium. This induces settlement, and a pile driven in such a medium is subjected
to a downward drag force.
The negative skin friction is computed for cohesive and non-cohesive fills as follows:
Cohesive Fill Overlying Non-Cohesive Soil. Based on β-method (as discussed earlier for
piles in non-cohesive soils), the unit negative skin friction can be given as
f n = Kσ v′ tan δ (16.22)
Lf fn fn Lf
Clay fill Sand fill
L L L Neutral plane
fn fn
Sand Clay
where K = K 0 = 1 − sin Pre′ , σ v′ = γ fz = vertical effective stress (0 < z < Lf), δ = soil–pile
friction angle = 0.5 − 0.7 fre′ , and γf = unit weight of fill.
Hence, the total downward drag force, Qn, is given as
Qn = ∫ πd(K γ f tan δ )z dz
(L − Lf ) ⎡ L − Lf γ f′Lf ⎤ 2γ f′Lf
L1 = ⎢ + ⎥− (16.24)
L1 ⎢⎣ 2 γ ′ ⎥⎦ γ′
where γ f′ and γ ′ are submerged unit weights of the fill and the underlying cohesive layer,
Hence, the total drag force
L1 L1
Qn = ∫ πdf n dz = ∫ πdK (γ f′Lf + γ ′z) tan δ dz
. 0 0
L21πdK γ ′ tan δ
Qn = (πdK γ f′Lf tan δ )L1 + (16.25)
If the soil and the fill are above the water table, the submerged unit weights should be
replaced by moist unit weights.
The under-reamed pile should satisfy all the design requirements for a conventional
pile. In addition to these, in deep deposits of expansive soils, the minimum length of piles
(irrespective of any other factors) should be 3 to 5 m below ground level. In poor bearing
stratum or in recently filled-up grounds, the pile should pass through such soils and be
seated in good bearing strata (IS: 2911 – Part 3, 1980).
The bulb diameter is taken two to three times the diameter of the shaft. For 30 cm diameter
piles, the recommended spacing between the bulbs should not exceed 1.5 times the diameter
of bulb and for greater diameter piles, the spacing is reduced to 1.25 times the stem diam-
eter. The position of the top most bulb should be at a minimum depth of two times the bulb
diameter, and for expansive soil, the minimum depth is 1.75 m from ground level. Further,
the minimum clearance below the underside of pile cap and the bulb should be a minimum
of 1.5 times the bulb diameter. Indian Standards (IS: 2911 – Part 3, 1980) recommends only
two bulbs. Typical details of single and double under-reamed piles are shown in Fig. 16.14.
The bearing capacity of a single under-reamed pile (Fig. 16.15a) may be given based on
static formula. Thus,
Qu = Qf + Qp
Qu = fAs + qb ( Ab − Ash ) + qsh Ash (16.26)
where As is the surface area of the embedded shaft of the pile above and below the bulb, Ab
the cross-sectional area of the bulb (= πdu2 / 4 ), Ash the cross-sectional area of the shaft
2du min or
1750 for
First bulb
Bring level
for making
first bulb
1.25 to
1.5 du
Second /last
Bucket length
φ1 φ1
φ1 φ2
+ 0.55
d d Bucket length
Cover 75 to 100 du
φ1 = 45° φ2 = 30° – 45° du = 2.5 d (normally)
Approx Approx
(a) Single under-reamed pile (b) Double under-reamed pile
Fig. 16.14 Typical details of under-reamed piles (Source: IS: 2911 – Part 3, 1980)
Qu Qu
f f f
d d
f 1.25 du to 1.5 du
f f
A′ A′
du du
( = πd 2 / 4 ), f the unit skin friction on the shaft above and below the bulb, qb the bearing
pressure of the soil at the under-ream section, qsh the bearing pressure of the soil at the pile
base, du the diameter of under-ream, and d the diameter of the shaft.
The values of f, qsb, and qb are determined following the procedure suggested under stati-
cal methods.
In order to increase the pile capacity, more than one under-ream may be provided
(Fig. 16.15b) for double or multi under-reamed piles (with bulbs suitably spaced), the soil
between the bulbs tends to act as part of the pile. Thus, on the surfaces AA′ full soil resis-
tance mobilizes. Mohan et al. (1967, 1969) have confirmed this behaviour from model and
field tests. The bearing capacity of a double under-ream is given in Eq. 16.27:
where f is the unit skin friction between soil to soil (along the cylindrical surface AA′) and
As the surface area of the cylinder bounded by the diameter of the bulb and the distance
between the centres of the extreme bulbs.
Indian Standards (IS: 2911 – Part 3, 1980) suggests separate equations for clay and sand.
However, Eqs. 16.26 and 16.27 can be effectively used depending on the type of soil and
water table position as dealt for conventional piles using static methods. The bearing capac-
ity of an under-reamed pile can also be determined by load test. Approximate safe loads on
under-reamed piles are also provided in the code (IS: 2911 – Part 3, 1980).
Chellis (1962) compared several formulae and found wide variation in ηg values. The most
widely used approach in clays is the one suggested by Terzaghi and Peck (1967). As per their
approach, the group capacity is analysed based on the following two conditions and the
lesser value is considered as the design load:
1. The sum of ultimate capacity of the individual piles in the group
2. The bearing capacity for block failure of the group (Fig. 16.16). That is,
Qus = npQu (16.30)
Qub = fAsg + qApg (16.31)
where Qus is the sum of individual pile capacity, Qub the ultimate load capacity of block,
and Asg the surface area of the group, that is,
Asg = 2(B1 + B2 )L
B1 = (n1 − 1)s + d
B2 = (n2 − 1)s + d
Apg = B1 × B2
s s
B1 = (n1–1)s + d
L s B1 B (n –1)s + d
2= 2
s s B2
(a) Sectional elevation (b) Sectional plan – AA
1 1 1
= 2 2+ 2 (16.32)
Qug npQu Qub
Equation 16.32 may be re-expressed as
2 2
1 npQu
= 1+ 2 (16.33)
ηg Qub
Comparative study of De Mello (1969) on efficiency of groups in clays showed that higher
efficiency factors occur for
1. piles with smaller length–diameter ratios,
2. larger spacings, and
3. smaller number of piles in the group.
For spacing commonly used in practice, the efficiency factor is of the order of 0.70 to 0.85
in clays.
Only limited information is available for free-standing pile groups in sand. It has been
established that the group efficiency in sands may often be greater than one (Poulos and
Davis, 1980). But practical considerations limit the spacing to approximately 3d or the spac-
ing corresponding to ηg = 1 (i.e., Qug = nQu).
Piled Foundations. In piled foundations, the pile group has the cap cast on or beneath
the surface of the soil. For such cases in clays, Poulos and Davis (1980) suggested to take the
lower value of ultimate load-bearing capacity from the following:
1. The ultimate load capacity based on block failure (Eq.16.31) plus the ultimate load capac-
ity of that portion of the cap outside the perimeter of the block.
2. The individual pile capacity of cap and piles. That is,
Qug = np (α cu As + ApCp Nc ) + Ncc Cc (B1 × B2 − npπ d 2 / 4) (16.34)
where cp is the undrained cohesion at the level of pile tip, cc the undrained cohesion
beneath pile cap, Ncc the bearing capacity factor for rectangular cap = 5.14(1 + 0.2B1/B2)
for B1 > B2 (Skempton, 1951), and Nc the bearing capacity factor (Skempton’s values).
The first value applies to close pile spacing while the second for wider spacing (when
individual action of piles occur). Model studies on piled foundations by Whitaker (1957)
showed good agreement between the model test results and the predicted efficiency from
the block-failure criterion.
In sands, it has been reported (Vesic, 1969) that the pile cap contributes significantly to the
group capacity. For practical purposes, the contribution of the cap can be taken as equivalent
to the bearing capacity of a strip footing with a half-width equal to the distance from the
edge of the cap to the outside of the pile (Poulos and Davis, 1980).
the additional load causing the drag down is due to the entire compressible soil located
within the periphery. Thus, the total load on the pile group is
where γ f′ is the submerged unit weight of fill and Lf′ the depth of fill over which the move-
ment is sufficient to cause a drag down.
For the second case (Fig. 16.17b), the total load on the pile group at the level of bearing
stratum is
Qug = (working load) + B1 × B2 × γ f′Lf′ + B1 × B2 × γ n Ls′ (16.36)
where γ f′ is the submerged unit weight of soft stratum and Lf′ the depth of soft stratum over
which movement is sufficient to cause a drag down.
However, the total load on the pile group will not exceed the ultimate skin friction on
piles from fill and soft clay, that is,
Qug > (working load) + f ′As′ + f ′As′′
where As′ is the sum of surface areas of piles embedded in fill, As′′ the sum of surface areas of
piles embedded in soft clay, f ′ the skin friction between fill and piles, and f″ the skin friction
between soft clay and piles.
Group settlement is computed considering both the working load and the load trans-
ferred by the fill. Thus, there is no increase in the weight of soft stratum which should cause
additional loading on the bearing stratum (Fig. 16.17b). Again, only the working load and
the weight of the fill are causing settlement of the bearing stratum. The above approach
assumes that the fill has been recently placed and has not had time to cause appreciable
consolidation of the underlying strata.
The above-mentioned negative skin-friction problem will not occur if the piles are taken
through the fill on to an incompressible stratum, such as bedrock or very compact sand and
Qug Qug
Filling L′f
L′s compressible
L layer
B1 × B2 B1 × B2
(a) (b)
0.92q B1l
S= (16.37)
where q = Qg /(B1 × B2 ) (kN / m ), N′ is the corrected SPT value within the seat of settlement
(≈ B1 deep below the tip of the pile), l the influence factor (= 1 − L / B, B1 ≥ 0.5 ), Qg the allow-
able load on the pile group (kN), and L the length of the embedment of pile (m).
Qug Qug
Dense Soft clay
bearing stratum L
Puu = ca As + Wp
where Wp is the weight of pile and ca the average adhesion along pile shaft.
For piles of uniform diameter in sand, the ultimate uplift capacity may be calculated as
the sum of the shaft resistance plus the weight of the pile. Only a few data are available
about the skin friction for upward loading.
For piles of uniform diameter in c–φ soils, Meyerhof and Adams (1968) suggest the fol-
lowing formulae for ultimate uplift load capacity.
1. Shallow depths (L < db)
Puu = πcdb L + s γ db L2 K u tan φ + W
2. Great depths (L > H)
Puu = πcdb H + s γ db (2L − H )KK u tan φ + W
where s is the shape factor ( = 1 + mL/db) with a max value of 1 + mH/db, Ku the earth
pressure coefficient (approximately 0.90 to 0.95 for φ values between 25° and 40°), m the
coefficient depending on φ, H the limiting height of failure surface above base, and W the
weight of soil (buoyant or total) and pile in cylinder above base.
The upper limit of the uplift capacity is the sum of the net bearing capacity of the base, the
side adhesion of the shaft, and the weight of the pile, that is,
π 2
(Puu )max = ′ Nq ) + As fs + W
(db − d 2 )(cNc + σ vb
′ the
where Nc, Nq are bearing-capacity factors, fs the ultimate shaft shear resistance, and σ vb
effective vertical stress at the level of pile base.
Meyerhof and Adams (1968) suggest that the values of Nc and Nq for downward load
can be used in this case also. Values of H/db, m, and s for various values of φ are given in
Table 16.5.
φ° 20 25 30 35 40 45 48
H/db 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0
m 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.60
s 1.12 1.30 1.60 2.25 3.45 5.50 7.60
Source: Meyerhof and Adams (1968).
concept of coefficient of sub-grade reaction. The ratio between the lateral pressure, P and the
deflection, y produced at a particular point is called the coefficient of sub-grade reaction, a
modulus of sub-grade reaction, or simply as the soil modulus, k (= p/y).
1. For a stiff preconsolidated clay with a constant soil modulus with depth, stiffness factor,
⎛ EI ⎞1 / 4
R = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ .
⎝ KB ⎠
2. For cohesionless soils and most of the normally consolidated clays with soil modulus
⎛ EI ⎞1 / 5
assumed to increase linearly with depth, then stiffness factor, T = ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ .
⎜⎝ n ⎟⎠h
In the above equation, where E = modulus of elasticity of the pile material, I = moment of
inertia of the pile section, and nh = coefficient of modulus variation (force/L3).
A laterally loaded pile is delineated as short or long based on the non-dimensional factor
L/R or L/T as illustrated in Table 16.6.
References may be made to Kaviraj (1988) and Das (2002) for design charts for lateral
resistance and deflection.
2. The pile cap should be rigid enough to distribute the imposed load on the piles in
a group equitably.
3. The overhang of the pile cap should normally be 100 to 150 mm.
4. The pile should project 50 mm into the cap concrete.
5. The cap is cast over a levelling course of thickness of 75 mm.
6. In the case of large cap, where differential settlement may be imposed between piles
under the same cap, due consideration for the consequential movement should be given.
Example 16.1 For a waterfront structure, round concrete piles are planned for use as founda-
tion. The soil at the site is a medium-dense to dense sand having φ = 39°, γ = 19.7 kN/m3,
γ′ = 10.5 kN/m3. The water table is located at a depth of 3.0 m from the ground surface. As
per the design requirement, driven piles of 300 mm diameter and 8 m length have to be
used. Determine the design load considering a factor of safety of 2.0. Assume K = 3.0, tan
δ = 0.45.
Here, static formula can be used. Thus,
Qu = Qf + Qp
f = Kσ v′ tan δ
Because of the presence of water table, the effective overburden pressure should be sepa-
rately calculated.
Hence, resistance due to skin friction
Qf = fAs = (σ v′ )K tan δ As
= [(σ v′ )1 L1 + (σ v′ )2 L2 ] tan δπd
⎡ 0 + 3 ×19.7 ⎛ 3 ×19.7 + 5×10.5 ⎞⎟ ⎤
=⎢ × 3 + ⎜⎜⎜3 ×19.7 + ⎟⎟× 5⎥ ×(3.0 × 0.45×π× 0.30)
⎢⎣ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦
= (88.65 + 426.75)×(3 × 0.45×π× 0.30) = 655.8 kN
Point bearing resistance
0.3 2
Qp = qAp = (σ v′ Nq )Ap = (3 ×19.7 + 5×10.5)Nq ×π×
From Fig. 16.10, for φ = 39°, Nq = 108. Therefore,
0.3 2
Qp = (3 ×19.7 + 5×10.5)×108 ×π× = 852.0 kN
Qu = 655.8 + 852 = 1507.8 kN
Qu 1507.8
Qa = = = 754 kN
F 2.0
Example 16.2 In a two-layered cohesive soil, bored piles of 400 mm are installed. The top
layer has a thickness of 5 m and the bottom one is of considerable depth. The shear strength
of the top clay layer is 45 kN/m2 and that of the bottom is 100 kN/m2. Determine the length
of the bored pile required to carry a safe load of 380 kN, allowing a factor of safety of 2.0.
Consider an adhesion factor, α = 0.50.
Let L1 and L2 be the depths of embedment of pile in top and bottom layers, respectively. Then,
Qa = u
Qu = Qa × F = 380 × 2 = 760 kN
Qa = α (Cu )1 π dL1 + α (Cu )2 π dL2 + (Cp )2 Nc
0.4 2
760 = 0.5× 45×π× 0.4 × 5 + 0.5×100 ×π× 0.4 L2 + 100 × 9×π
760 = 254.5 + 62.8 × L2
760 − 254.5
L2 = =8m
Therefore, the length of the pipe is as given below:
L1 + L2 = 5 + 8 = 13 m
Example 16.3 A 12 m long 300 mm2 square pre-cast concrete pile is driven into a sand stra-
tum by a single-acting steam hammer. The weight of the CI hammer ram is 14 kN and the
stroke is 750 mm. The pile showed a driving resistance of 5 blows/25 mm penetration. Esti-
mate the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile based on the Hiley formula. Take C = 0.00508 m.
For a single-acting steam hammer, the hammer efficiency can be taken as 80% (from Table 16.3).
The coefficient of restitution for CI hammer and pile can be taken as 0.45 (from Table 16.4).
Weight of pile, Wp = 0.3 × 0.3 ×12× 23.5 = 25.38 kN
25 1
Penetration per blow = × = 0.005 m
5 1000
Per = 25.38 × 0.45 = 11.4 kN
That is, W > Per. Therefore,
ηWh W + er2 p
Qu = ×
S + (C / 2) W + p
0.80 ×14 × 0.75 14 + 0.452 × 25.38
= ×
0.005 + 0.00254 14 + 25.38
Qu = 541.5 kN
Example 16.4 A 6 m thick layer of medium dense sand overlies a deep dense gravel. Series of
standard penetration tests were undertaken and the sand stratum showed an average N-value
of 21. From the tests on gravel, the N-value at the interface has been interpolated as 42. A round
pile of 250 mm diameter is to be driven down through the sand gravel to give adequate end
bearing. Taking a factor of safety of 3, determine the allowable load that the pile can carry.
As suggested by Meyerhof (1976), the ultimate bearing capacity is given as (Eq. 16.21)
Qu = fAs + qAp
The lower value of q obtained from Eq. (a) or (b) is to be taken. Now,
q = 40 N kN / m 2 (a)
or d
q = 400 N kN / m 2 (b)
From (a)
q = 40 × 42
= 40 , 320 kN / m 2
From (b)
q = 400 × 42 = 16 , 800 kN/m 2
Qu = 2× 21×π× 0.25× 6 + 16, 800 ×
= 197.8 + 824.3
= 1022.1 kN
Allowable load,
Qa = = 340.7 kN
Example 16.5 A pile load test is made on a 300 mm diameter test pile and the following
data are obtained.
Load (kN) Settlement (mm)
0 0.00
300 1.25
600 3.75
900 7.50
1,200 13.75
1,500 23.75
1,800 36.75
Determine the design load on the pile considering the settlement and shear criteria.
Adopt a factor of safety of 2.0.
The load–settlement curve is plotted as shown in Fig. 16.19 and the tangents are drawn from
the two straight portions. The ultimate load is read from the graph as
Qu = 1050 kN
(Qa )1 = = 350 kN
Based on the settlement criterion, the safe load is least of the following (IS: 2911 – Part4, 1985):
1. 2/3 of the final load corresponding to 12 mm settlement
2. 50% of the final load corresponding to 10% of the pile diameter (= 0.10 × 300 = 30 mm)
Qa = 350 kN
Load on pile, kN
300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,100
Settlement, mm
Fig. 16.19
Q u = f As + q Ap
πd u2
= α(c u )1 πd L + (c u )2 N c
= 0.3× 114 ×π× 1× 16 + 178 × 9 ×π×
= 13 , 043 kN
Q 13 , 043
Qa = u = = 6 , 522 kN
F 2
Qug = ηg × npQu = 0.71×12× 400 = 3408 kN
Example 16.8 A group of concrete piles is square in plan and consists of 9 piles each 12 m
long and 500 mm diameter. The piles are bored piles and installed at a spacing of 3 d in a
deep clay deposit having an unconfined compressive strength of 62.4 kN/m2.
At the tip of the pile and below, the undrained shear strength cu = 45 kN/m2. The average
unit weight of the soil and concrete are 19.2 and 22.5 kN/m3, respectively. Estimate the total
ultimate load of the pile group.
Since the piles are bored piles, the difference between the weight of concrete and the exca-
vated earth has to be considered.
The general equation for a single pile is written as
⎛ 62 ⎞ 1 ⎡ π×(0.5)2 ⎤
Qu = 0.5×⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ π× 0.50 ×12 + 9× 45×π×(0.5)2 × ⎢⎢− ×12(23.5 − 19.2)⎥⎥
⎝2⎠ 4⎣ 4 ⎦
Qu = 292.2 + 79.5 − 10.1 = 361.6 kN
For a block failure, the skin friction development is predominantly between soil to soil,
hence the adhesion factor can be taken as 1.0.
npQu < Qug
16.1 Pile is a type of deep foundation used for transferring the weight of the superstructure
through soft of weak soils, to deep load-bearing strata. They are slender structural members
normally installed by driving, by hammer or by vibrating, and occasionally by auguering.
16.2 Piles are classified based on material composition, installation methods, ground
effects, and function as foundation.
16.3 Pile-driving equipment consist mainly of pile frames, pile winches, and pile hammers.
16.4 Bearing capacity of a single pile depends on the structural strength of the pile and the
supporting strength of the soil, and the smaller of the two controls the design load.
16.5 Bearing capacity of a single pile may be found theoretically by statistical methods,
pile-driving formulae, and wave equation.
16.6 Bearing capacity of a single pile may be found from field tests, viz., pile load test and
SPT values.
16.7 Pile-driving formula is based on the qualitative principle that a pile is capable of sus-
taining a greater load if it exerts a greater resistance against driving.
16.8 Commonly used dynamic formula is the Engineering News Record (ENR) formula
which is derived on the basis of the work–energy theory.
16.9 Pile capacity from wave equation is a model based on the propagation of an elas-
tic wave through a long rod. The model considers the complete pile-driving opera-
tion, including pile-driving accessories, soil–pile interaction and the time-dependent
nature of the elastic pile deformation.
16.10 Pile load test is the most reliable method of determining the capacity of a pile. The test
necessitates a careful record to be maintained during installation and during load test.
16.11 Negative skin friction is a downward drag acting on the pile due to relative move-
ment between the piles and the surrounding soil. The effect of negative skin friction
is to increase the axial load in the pile and the pile settlement.
16.12 Piles are always used in a group. Bearing capacity and settlement of pile groups are
needed for the design of a deep foundation.
Objective Questions
16.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. The term composite pile is applied to a cross-section with more than one material.
2. Closely spaced piles embedded in clay often behaves like a group acting as a single
large unit.
3. Dynamic formulae are generally used to establish pile-driving criteria for pile
4. The development of skin friction along the shaft of a pile requires no shear strain in
the soil adjacent to the pile.
5. In friction piles, the load is transmitted to the soil through the adhesion or frictional
resistance along the shaft of the piles.
16.2 The negative skin friction or down-drag of a pile is a phenomenon which occurs
(a) A compressible organic soil is found at the pile tip
(b) A soil layer surrounding a portion of the pile shaft settles more than the pile
(c) The groundwater table suddenly rises from the tip of the pile to ground surface
(d) A long pile is driven next to the short pile under consideration
16.3 Load tests on piles in clays are not carried out immediately but sufficient time is
allowed for the soil to
(a) Come in contact with the pile surface
(b) Develop skin friction
(c) Regain its thixotropic strength
(d) Re-distribute the initial weight of pile
16.4 The action of driven piles in sands increases the relative density and thus the effi-
ciency of a pile group may be
(a) Equal to 100% (b) Greater than 100%
(c) Approximately equal to 100% (d) Well below 100%
16.5 The point bearing and average skin frictional resistance of bored piles in cohesionless
soil are ______ that for driven piles.
(a) Less than (b) Greater than
(c) Equal to (d) About 80% of
16.6 Indicate the incorrect statement. High group efficiency of pile can be obtained in a
clayey stratum for
(a) Piles having smaller length-to-diameter ratio
(b) Larger spacing
(c) Small number of piles in a group
(d) Closer spacing
16.7 Assertion A: Longer pile groups should settle more than smaller groups for the same
pile loads.
Reason R: This is due to the overlapping effect of stresses below the pile point from the
additional piles.
Choose the correct statement.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
16.8 Consider the following statements:
1. The pile cap is in contact with the ground.
2. The piles are vertical.
3. Load is applied at the centre of the pile group.
4. The pile group is symmetrical and the cap is very thick.
The assumption that each pile in a group carries equal load may be correct when the
criteria in statements
(a) 1 and 2 are met (b) 1, 2, and 3 are met
(c) 1, 3, and 4 are met (d) All are met
Descriptive Questions
16.11 Does the choice of a pile hammer have any relevance to the type of pile? If so, give reasons.
16.12 While driving large number of displacement piles for a foundation, how would you pro-
ceed: centre to out, outside to centre, or progressively from one side to the other? Explain.
16.13 In a pile group, what are the geometrical properties that are to be considered in bring-
ing out a proper spacing of piles to ensure that they carry equal load?
16.14 List the circumstances under which a pile foundation becomes necessary.
16.15 What are the factors to be considered in the selection of pile hammer?
16.16 What type of piles would you recommend for the following types of soil and site con-
1. The subsoil is a weak underlain by a hard rock
2. For a multi-storeyed building in the central part of a city surrounded by existing
3. For a harbour structure
16.17 Why do deep foundation units have typically long slender members?
16.1 A tapered 10 m long wooden pile with a 200 m diameter at the tip and a 350 mm diam-
eter at the butt is driven into a dry sand φ = 28°, and dry unit weight, γ = 17.2 kN/m3.
Compute the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile.
16.2 A single test pile of 0.25 m × 0.25 m square cross-section is driven through a stratum
up to a depth of 10 m. It is observed that the undrained cohesive strength is varying
from 12.4 kN/m2 at its surface to 65.3 kN/m2 at the depth of 10 m. Determine the safe
load the pile can carry if the factor of safety is 2.5.
16.3 A pre-stressed concrete pile of 350 mm diameter is to be driven into a layered deposit
of intact clay. The deposit consists of a normally consolidated clay up to a depth of
8 m from the ground surface, with cu = 30 kPa, φre ′ = 15ο, and γ = 16 kN/m3 followed
by 7 m of over-consolidated clay having cu = 100 kPa, γ = 19.6 kN/m3, and an over-
consolidation ratio of three. If the piles are driven to a depth of 12 m, estimate the total
skin friction expected to develop.
16.4 A drilled, dry straight pile foundation is to be constructed in a layered clay stratum.
The boring log and subsequent laboratory tests furnished the following details:
0–8 m depth cu = 45 kPa γ = 16.6 kN/m3
8–15 m depth cu = 80 kPa γ = 18.2 kN/m3
16.5 A sub-surface investigation at a site revealed the soil profile as shown in Fig. 16.20.
A clock tower is to be constructed on the site over a pile foundation. As per the design
requirement, piles of 300 mm diameter are to be driven to a depth of 14 m. Estimate
the ultimate pile capacity of one single pile.
Fig. 16.20
16.6 Compute the safe bearing of a 500 mm diameter and 12.5 m long concrete pile driven
into a granular medium by a hammer with a 30 kN ram and 900 mm stroke. The set is
observed to be 12 mm per blow and the constant C = 25 mm. The hammer efficiency
is 85% and coefficient of restitution is 0.50. Allow a factor of safety of 3.
16.7 In a multi-storeyed building site, soil boring revealed the presence of fine to coarse
sand The standard penetration test information obtained from the boring log is as
Compute the length and diameter of driven single pile to take a design load of 450 kN,
considering a factor of safety of 2.0.
16.8 On a project, a pile load of 600 kN was desired. A pile load test was conducted and the
results are given below.
Determine the adequacy of the test pile. Also, mention the criterion adopted to specify
the adequacy.
16.9 A two-bulb under-reamed pile is in a medium stiff clay having an average undrained
cohesion of 78 kN/m2 obtained from a triaxial test. The length of the shaft from the
ground surface up to the centre of the first bulb is 8 m, and the centre-to-centre of bulb
is 1.2 times the diameter of the bulb. The diameter of the shaft is 800 mm and that of
the bulb is 2,000 mm. Determine the allowable load on the pile, allowing a factor of
safety 2.0.
16.10 An eight-pile group consists of 300 mm diameter circular piles with centre-to-centre
spacing of 900 mm both ways. The piles are driven to a depth of 20 m into a clay which
has an unconfined compressive strength of 20 kPa and a unit weight of 17.5 kN/m3.
Also, the clay stratum is very deep. Determine the allowable load for the group, con-
sidering a factor of safety of 3.
16.11 It is proposed to transfer the total load of 3,000 kN of a structure through 10 m long
bored piles in a deep deposit of clay having an average undrained shear strength
of 90 kN/m2. The design diameter of the pile is 400 mm. Estimate the number of
piles required, considering a factor of safety of 2.5. Also, suggest the arrangement
of piles.
16.12 A nine-pile group is placed in a square pattern with centre-to-centre spacing of 0.9 m.
The diameter and length of the pile are 300 mm and 11.5 m, respectively. The piles
are driven into a sand deposit having f = 32° and g = 18.5 kN/m3. The sand deposit
extends to a depth of 12.5 m followed by a 5 m depth of clay having e0 = 0.85 and
Cc = 0.32. Determine the pile group efficiency and the settlement of the group if the
pile group carries a safe load of 4,500 kN. Allow a factor of safety of 2.0.
16.13 Forty RCC piles of 300 mm diameter are needed to carry a structural load of 1,650 kN
from a column on a deep soft clay deposit. The undrained cohesion of the deposit
is 22 kPa and the unit weight is 18.2 kN/m2. Estimate the length and spacing of the
piles such that the group has an efficiency of 100%. The adhesion factor can be taken
as 0.75 and the factor of safety against shear is 2.5.
Drilled piers: uses and types of drilled piers, bearing capacity and settlement
of drilled piers, construction methods – Caissons: types of caissons, bearing
capacity and settlement of caissons – Construction procedures – Well founda-
tions: types of wells, components of well foundations, design of wells, stability
analysis, construction of well foundations – Shifts and tilts in well sinking
Drilled piers and caissons provide a solid massive foundation for heavy loads and high
horizontal thrusts. Drilled piers are structural members of relatively large-diameter mas-
sive struts constructed and placed in a pre-excavated hole. They are referred to variously by
civil engineers as bored piles, large-diameter piles, foundation piers, sub-piers, and drilled
caissons. The shafts can be enlarged at the base, resulting in belled or under-reamed piers.
Caissons or well foundations are structural boxes or chambers that are sunk in place through
the ground or water by systematically excavating below the bottom of the unit, which
thereby descends to the final depth. These have a cross-sectional area and hence provide
high bearing capacity, which is much larger than what may be offered by a cluster of piles.
3. Equipment used in the construction of drilled piers produces less noise and, hence, is
quite suitable for areas near hospitals and similar institutions.
4. There is a possibility of inspection and physical testing of the soil or rock conditions at the
bottom of the pier.
5. In the construction of piers, there is no displacement of volume of soil, and the problems
of shifting and lifting are eliminated.
6. Drilled piers generally require light construction equipment.
7. They can resist high lateral stresses.
(a) Straight-shafted pier (b) Belled pier (c) Pier socketed into rock
instances, the drilled piers are designed as a compression member subjected to a load on top
and an equal reaction at the bottom, neglecting the skin friction.
The ultimate load-bearing capacity of drilled piers can be computed as for piles as
Qu = Qf + Qp
Piers in Cohesive Soils. The skin resistance for the shaft in cohesive soils is computed as
Qf = α cAs (17.1)
where As is the surface area of the shaft, α is the empirical adhesion factor ( 0.35 to 0.40), and
the load-bearing capacity for a circular base is
Qp = Ap (cNc + q ′N q + 0.3γ Db N γ ) (17.2)
where Nc , N q , and N γ are the bearing capacity factors for a deep foundation and q′ is the
vertical effective stress at the level of the bottom of the pier. Also, Db is the diameter of the
base and Ap is the area of the base = πDb2 /4 . The last term is generally considered only for
short piles and is neglected in other cases. Thus,
Qp = Ap (cNc + q ′N q ) (17.3)
The net ultimate bearing capacity (Qp)n at the base can be approximated as
(Qp )n = Ap (cNc + q ′N q − q ′)
(Qp )n = Ap [cNc + q ′( N q −1)] (17.4)
(Qp )n = cu Nc Ap (17.5)
Skempton’s value of N q = 9 for L/Db ≥ 4 is widely used, where L is the length of the pier.
(Qp )n = 9 cu Ap (17.6)
Piers in Non-cohesive Soils. For piers in non-cohesive soils, Berezantzev (1965) proposed
the net allowable load (Qp)a at the base limiting relative settlement (ΔH/Db) to be about 0.20.
(Qp )a = [γ Db (Bk )]Ap (17.7)
Figure 17.2 presents values of Bk for several selected L/Db ratios. For piers in non-
cohesive soils, Eq. 17.4 may be written in terms of net base bearing pressure as
As the piers are invariably drilled and placed, compared to piles which are driven, a
lower bound value of N q , as suggested by Vesic (1963), may be adopted (Fig. 17.3).
1,400 20
1,000 14
800 10 L /D
Bk b
400 4
24 28 32 36 40 44
Friction angle, deg
Allowing a suitable factor of safety to Eq. 17.8 and comparing it with Eq. 17.7, the lower
value may be taken as the net safe base pressure, (Qp)ns.
The expression for skin resistance may be computed in the same manner as that for piles;
that is,
Qf = ∫ f πDsb dz (17.9)
Nq 60
25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Friction angle, deg
For piers with casing, K < K 0, and for uncased piers, K = K 0. The value of δ is taken as
that of soil and casing in the first case and is equal to φ in the second case. For a uniform soil
Applying the same factor of safety for skin friction, the net safe skin friction is given as
(Qf )s = (17.11)
where F is the factor of safety. Thus, the net allowable load on piers is
In granular soils, the value of φ depends on the confining pressure, and hence, a careful
assessment of φ has to be made.
In some conditions, the negative skin friction can occur as discussed for piles. As many
uncertain factors are involved, detailed estimates for skin friction are not very realistic.
In many circumstances, it can be ignored. However, a rough estimate may be made based
on the value of skin friction suggested by Terzaghi and Peck (1967), as given in Table 17.1.
When drilled caissons are sunk through sand, it is loosened by grabbing and surges into
the dredging wells. This effect is not considered, as the reconsolidation of sand is rapid and
the negative skin friction is again a relatively short-term effect.
firm stratum, long-term settlement may not occur at all. However, immediate settlement of
piers on saturated clays may be computed using the Burland et al. (1966) expression as
S = Db (I B ) (17.13)
⎡ ⎛ γ ′L ⎞⎟⎤⎥
I B = ε1 ⎢⎢ 0.295 ⎜⎜⎜9 + ⎟⎟ (17.14)
⎢⎣ ⎜⎝ cu ⎟⎠⎥⎥⎦
where ε1 is the axial strain at a deviator stress of one-third to half of the peak value and
q = γ ′Db Bk .
then the bell of the pier is excavated. The hole is filled with concrete after completion of
the excavation. In the Gow method (Fig. 17.4a(ii)) the excavation is done by hand, and the
telescopic metal shells are used to maintain the shaft. The shells are removed, as concreting
progresses piers up to a depth of 30 m can be constructed by this method.
Caisson shafts may be excavated more efficiently by utilizing mechanical devices such
as an angle, a bucket, a chopping bit, or a chopping bucket. Open-helix auger is a common
excavation tool that is attached to a shaft referred to as the kelly and pushed in to the soil
and rotated. The augered soil is taken out, and an under-reaming tool is inserted into the
hole to shape the bell. When boulders or hard stratum is encountered, the caisson is usually
excavated by a chopping bucket or a chopping bit.
The sequence of operation of a vertical drilled shaft without a bell using mechanical
device (O’Neill and Reese, 1999) is shown in Fig. 17.4 (a(iii)–(vi)).
The dry method is adopted in soils and rocks that are above the water table and will not
cave in during the time of drilling the hole.
(i) As in the case of dry method of construction, the excavation procedure is initiated
(Fig. 17.4b(i)).
(ii) In the case of casing, if caving is met with bentonite slurry is pumped into the
borehole (Fig. 17.4b(ii)). Drilling is continued until the excavation goes past the caving
soil and a firm impermeable soil or rock is reached.
(iii) After this stage, a casing is introduced into the hole (Fig. 17.4b(iii)).
(iv) Using a submersible pump the slurry is bailed out of the casing (Fig. 17.4b(iv)).
(v) Then a small drill that can pass through the casing is introduced into the hole and the
excavation is continued (Fig. 17.4b(v)).
(vi) If an enlarged base or bell is needed, an under-reamer is introduced (Fig. 17.4b(vi)).
(vii) If a reinforcing steel is needed, it is inserted up to the full length of the excavation.
Concrete is then poured into the excavation and the casing is gradually pulled out
(Fig. 17.4(vii)).
(viii) The completed view of the drilled pier is shown in Fig. 17.4 b(viii).
(i) Along with the slurry the excavation is continued to the entire depth (Fig. 17.4 c(i)).
(ii) The reinforcement cage is placed, if needed (Fig. 17.4c(ii)).
casing, if
Competent, Competent,
noncaving soil noncaving soil
Drop chute
(iii) (iv)
noncaving soil
Competent, Surface
noncaving soil casing, if
(v) (vi)
Fig. 17.4 (a) (iii–vi) Dry methods of construction (Source: O’Neill and Reese, 1999)
(iii) Then the concrete is placed in the drill hole, displacing the volume of slurry
(Fig 17.4c(iii)).
(iv) The completed view of a shaft without a bell is shown in Fig. 17.4c(iv).
This method is also called as slurry displacement method.
A drilled caisson is usually inspected before the placement of concrete to ascertain
1. the correctness of alignment and dimensions,
2. the condition of the load-bearing stratum,
3. the risk of loss of ground and settlement of the adjacent area, and
4. the complete removal of the loose material.
Generally, the permissible misalignment is about 75 mm from the required location and
1% of the height or depth of the pier for verticality.
of fluid
Drilling fluid Competent soil
forced from
space between
casing and soil
Caving soil
Competent soil Competent soil Competent soil
Competent soil
Caving soil Caving soil Caving soil
Figure 17.4(b) Casing method of construction (Source: O’Neill and Reese, 1999)
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650 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Cohesive soil slurry Cohesive soil
(i) (ii)
Cohesive soil
Caving soil
Cohesive soil Sump
Caving soil
(iii) (iv)
Figure 17.4c Slurry method of construction and Methods of construction of drilled shafts
(Source: O’Neill and Reese, 1999)
17.3.1 Uses
Caissons are generally used for major foundation works because of the high construction
cost. In general, a caisson foundation is recommended and found to be advantageous when
(i) large-size boulders are encountered and (ii) a massive sub-structure is required to with-
stand large lateral stresses. Caisson foundation is used for the following works:
1. Structures for shore protection
2. Docks, wharfs, and quay walls
3. Water front structures, such as large pump houses subjected to heavy vertical and
horizontal loads
4. Bridge piers and abutments in rivers, lakes, etc.
Structures on land are generally founded on piles or drilled caissons, but for structures
in water, in particular if the bearing stratum is 15 m below the water level, caissons are
generally less expensive.
Air locks
Air staft
Dredged bed
(c) Box caisson (d) Pneumatic caisson
Fig. 17.5 Types of caissons (Source: Thomlinson, 1986)
Open caissons and monoliths are provided with a cutting edge at the bottom, forming the
lowermost portion of the shoe. The shoe has vertical outer steel skin plates (Fig. 17.6) and
sloping inner steel haunch plates. Steel trusses are used in both directions for proper brac-
ing. Trusses prevent the distortion of the shoe during fabrication, during towing to site, and
during the early stages of sinking. After initial sinking, the space between the skin plates is
filled with concrete (called steining). Over this rigid shoe, the steining is extended by placing
reinforced concrete between form-work. Now the caisson sinks under its own weight while
the soil is being excavated from the dredging wells. As the sinking operation progresses,
additional lifts are successively installed. When the required foundation level is reached,
the bottom of the caisson is plugged by a concrete seal by depositing under water a layer
High water level
Shoe in steel
construction Outer skin
Cutting edge Elevation Haunch plates
Outer skin
plates Dredging
Fig. 17.6 Details of an open caisson (Source: Tomlinson, 1986)
of concrete in the bottom of the wells. The wells are then pumped dry and more concrete is
placed. Caissons can be further filled with concrete or sand depending on the condition fol-
lowed, by a top concrete seal. During the process of grabbing under water in loose and soft
materials, there is a possibility of surging and inflow of materials beneath the cutting edge.
Further, as the sealing is done under water, open caissons have the disadvantage that the soil
or rock at foundation level cannot usually be inspected before placing the sealing concrete.
Open caissons are suitable in soft clays, silts, or gravels since excavation by grabbing will
be easiest.
Monoliths are unsuitable for sinking in deep soft deposits because of their weight. They
are usually used in quay walls where their heavy weight is favourable for resisting lateral
and impact forces.
Reinforced cement concrete is used for making box caissons. They are constructed on
land and floated to position after the concrete has strengthened. A box caisson during float-
ing should be sufficiently safe against the danger of tipping or capsizing. The stability of a
floating caisson can be analysed using the principles of hydrostatics. Box caissons can also
be floated in horizontal or inverted positions and placed at the required location in a normal
position. They can be founded on dredged gravel or rock formation, on crushed rock blanket
over rock surface, or on piled raft. Box caissons are not suitable in sites where erosion can
undermine the foundations. Figure 17.7 shows certain methods of founding box caissons.
Pneumatic caissons are used in situations where the soil flow into the excavated area
is faster than it can be removed. They are also used in varying soil conditions. Pneumatic
caissons have several advantages over open or box-type caissons. For instance, excavations
can be carried out by hand in a dry working chamber, soil condition can be inspected at the
foundation level, and foundation concrete can be placed under ideal conditions. Compared
to open caissons, the process of sinking is slow and needs elaborate equipment.
A pneumatic caisson requires airlocking devices, a decompression chamber, a working
chamber, and a means for the workers to get to the chamber. There should be a provision
to remove the excavated material and sufficient continuous power to maintain constant air
pressure. The essential features of a pneumatic caisson are shown in Fig. 17.8. Since a pneu-
matic construction is expensive, the construction should start with the open method and con-
tinue as deep as practicable. When the condition requires a pneumatic operation, air shafts
are introduced and the roof of the working chamber is formed either by concrete or by steel
Hoisting rope
Muck lock
Man lock
Air supply
Skin plating
Air shaft
Caisson shoe
Working chamber
Cutting edge
Fig. 17.8 General arrangement of a pneumatic caisson (Source: Tomlinson, 1986)
diaphragm. Then, water from the working chamber is removed by applying compressed
air, followed by pumping if necessary. The excavation proceeds and the excavated material
is removed from the air shaft by bucket devices or liquefied if feasible and pumped out,
or if the soil is loose and sandy, it can be blown out using air pressure. As the excavation
progresses, additional sections of shafts should be added, and the skin friction can be over-
come by installing jets on the shaft walls. If sinking stops due to build-up of skin friction,
it can be revoked by a process known as “blowing down”. In this process, the air pressure
is reduced to increase the effective weight of the caisson, thus increasing the sinking effect.
When sinking reaches the required depth, concrete is placed to fill any base defects and also
the remainder of the working chamber. The space between the roof of the working chamber
and the concrete is filled with high-pressure grout. The rest of the procedure is similar to
that for the open caisson. During the whole operation, the chamber pressure is maintained
around 100 kN/m2 above the atmospheric pressure. When chamber pressure of about 300
kN/m2 is required, the workers should not be allowed to stay for more than 1½ to 2 hours.
All dimensions
in millimetres
2,130 2,130
(a) Circular (b) Twin circular (c) Double D
of well is used with advantage when the sinking depth is less and hard foundation material
is available.
Double-D Wells. This type is commonly adopted for deep foundations and major bridges
with multiple land/line traffic (Fig. 17.9c). The length of the well is restricted to twice its
width. Because of the presence of two wide dredge holes, casting and sinking are done more
efficiently. In large-depth wells, the possibility of cracks is more due to the large bending
moment. Further, dredging of the comers of the wells also poses some problem.
Pier cap
Well cap
Top plug
Bond rod
Sand filling
Bottom plug
Well curb
Cutting edge
several factors like flood discharge, the angle of attack of the flow, flow obstruction, etc. It is
generally assumed that the flow at the high stage of the river is straight. The most common
method is Lacey’s formula, which is given as
Ds = 0.473 (17.15)
where Ds is the scour depth (m), q the design discharge (m3/s), sf the silt factor (= 1.76Dm),
and Dm the diameter of sand in the river bed (mm).
Grip of Foundation. The foundation should be taken well below the scour level to pro-
tect it from any movement due to the force of the stream flow and other external forces. The
Indian Road Congress (IRC) method (reported by Ponnuswamy, 1986) recommends a grip
of foundation (grip length) D equal to 1/3Ds below the maximum scour level. However, the
adequacy of the depth has to be checked and found stable against transverse/longitudinal
forces by developing sufficient skin friction and passive earth resistance.
The depth of the foundation can be reduced if rock is met with. In a majority of the cases,
wells are constructed on rocks and keyed to a minimum depth of 30 cm. If rock is available at
a shallow depth and the mass of the well is not adequate to withstand the effect of longitudi-
nal/transverse forces, the well is anchored down using mild steel (MS) rods or high-tensile
wires. In soft rocks, the well is taken in the strata up to a sufficient depth.
Size of the Well. The practice of the Indian Railways is to design the wells based on
point bearing resistance, whereas the IRC’s practice is to consider both the skin friction and
the point resistance. As the major portion of the load is transmitted by bearing, the size is
decided based on point resistance only. Further, the well has to feasibly accommodate the
pier with less cantilevering.
Safe bearing pressure for rocks can be found, as given in Chapters 15 and 23, based
on either the field tests or the laboratory compression tests. A factor of safety of 6 to 8 is
adopted. For disintegrated rocks and various soft varieties of rocks (where the recovery
ratio is less than 35%), the safe bearing capacity is computed considering such rocks as soils.
For bearing capacity and settlement of caissons, the procedure followed for piers can be
adopted. Instead, the generalized bearing capacity formula (Eqs. 15.13 and 15.14) for base
resistance may be used. The minimum factor of safety to be adopted for well foundations
on soils is 2.0.
The size of the dredge hole of a well varies. In small and shallow wells, the minimum
diameter of the dredge hole should be 1.8 m. In larger wells, where dredgers and chisels of
large sizes are involved or pneumatic sinking is resorted to, the minimum size of the dredge
hole should be 3 m. The final size is decided after satisfying the lateral stability condition of
the wells.
Steining. This is subjected to different types of stresses. At the sinking it is subjected to
water and earth pressure. At the dredging stage, inside surface is subjected to water pressure
while outside surface to the earth pressure. The net pressure diagram for design requirement
is shown in Fig. 17.11a.
Steining walls are subjected to vertical compressive forces. In situations where the stein-
ing is passing through a stiff clay followed by a soft stratum, there is a possibility of the bot-
tom portion of the well getting dropped at the soft layer interface due to inadequate tensile
strength of the well. Such dangers may be avoided by providing adequate bonding roads or,
alternatively, the well should be reinforced. Some of the thumb rules recommended by the
IRC for fixing the thickness of the steining are given below:
1. Cement concrete steining
(i) For circular and dumbbell-shaped wells
k = 1.1 for sandy, silty, and soft clayey strata
= 1.25 for hard strata including hard clay, boulders, kankar, shale, etc.
DH = height of the well
De = external diameter of the well
(ii) For rectangular and double-D wells
T = k(0.01DH + 0.12) (17.17)
Bed level
Water level h
h H
q O
g h¢ De – external diameter
k (g h + g h¢ ) D i – internal diameter
(a) Pressure distribution on steining (b) Force acting on curb
Fig. 17.11 Pressure distribution on well steining and curb (Source: Ponnuswamy, 1986)
k = 1.0 for sandy strata
= 1.1 for soft clay
= 1.15 for clay
= 1.20 for boulders, shale, kankar, etc.
2. Brick steining
⎛D D ⎞
T = k ⎜⎜ e + H ⎟⎟⎟ (17.18)
⎜⎝ 8 40 ⎠
k = 1.0 for sand
= 1.1 for soft clay
= 1.25 for hard clay
In order to keep on sinking continuously, the mass of the well should be greater than the
skin friction. Otherwise, the well will reach a floating condition, and continued scooping
may induce blowing of sand. This can be avoided by loading the wells with kentledges at
the top to assist in sinking.
For a light structure, brick steining is used. In heavier and deeper structures, reinforced
cement concrete or plain cement concrete with suitable bond rods is provided. It has been
reported (Ponnuswamy, 1986) that M10 or M15 concrete wherever used is normally ade-
Curb. The curb of a well transfers all the superimposed loads to the soil through the cut-
ting edge while sinking. The material used for curbs may be timber or reinforced concrete.
The present-day practice recommends heavy RCC well curbs with steel cutting edges for
any type of well. Hoop tension is caused in the well curb due to bearing pressure, and suit-
able reinforcement has to be provided to withstand the same. The forces acting on the well
are shown in Fig. 17.11b.
The total horizontal force on the well curb on both sides is
De + Di
W cot θ
where Di is the internal diameter of the well, W the weight of the well and curb per unit
length along the centre line of the steining, and θ the internal angle of the well. The force act-
ing on the well curb on one side is half of the above.
Well curbs should be reinforced to resist these forces. A typical arrangement line of rein-
forcement in a well curb is shown in Fig. 17.12.
Cutting Edge. The cutting edge is provided at the bottom of the well below the curb to cut
through the soil during sinking. It is generally made of steel and welded to an angle iron to
fit the outer dimensions of the well steining.
During routine sinking in sand or clay, only very little stress is induced. But while rest-
ing on rock or pushing through boulders or cutting through logs of wood, high stresses are
induced. The height he of cutting edge is given as
qu t
he = (17.19)
fc tan θ
Cover Cover
Bond rod
Circumferential rods
Single-edged stirrups
MS plate Diaphragm
MS plate
MS angle
where qu is the crushing strength of rock, t the thickness of the cutting edge, and fc the safe
compressive stress of concrete.
The value of θ is usually taken as 30°. The choice of this angle has been proved to be suit-
able for easy access to the cutting edge. The thickness of the outer plate should not be less
than 12 to 18 mm depending on the size of the well. Further, the unsupported plate height
is limited to 7.5 to 10 cm.
Bottom Plug. After final grounding of the well to the required foundation level, a con-
crete plug is provided (Fig. 17.13). The bottom plug transfers the entire load, viz., the weight
of the steining, the superimposed load, and the weight of saturated sand filled in the well, to
the ground. The bottom plug functions as an inverted dome supported along the periphery
Bottom Bottom
plug plug
Small-diameter wells
Filled with concrete
(b) Dressing bottom before plugging bottom
Anchor rods
Well cap
Top plug
Sand filling
PV Pier
Direction of
flow of water
Scour line
Resolving all the forces in the vertical direction, one resultant force is obtained, PV. Simi-
larly, resolving the forces in two horizontal directions across and along the pier, two resul-
tant horizontal forces, PB and PL, respectively, are obtained (Fig. 17.15).
The critical force system to be considered for stability analysis is the one in the direction
perpendicular to the water flow (i.e., in the direction of transverse axis of the pier). Thus, the
resultant vertical force PV and the resultant horizontal force PB are considered for analysis.
Considering a state of plastic equilibrium, the forces and the earth pressure distributions
acting on the well are shown in Fig. 17.16.
Pressure at any depth z below the scour level is
p = γ z (K p − Ka ) = γ zK ′ (17.20)
z = DPD = γ DK ′ (17.21)
The well is assumed to fail as soon as the soil reaction at the bottom is equal to PD. For
equilibrium at that instant,
(PB )max = resultant of total pressure per unit length
= area of ΔAEF − area of ΔBCF
= 12 γ D2 K ′ − 12 2γ DK ′D1
(PB )max = 12 γ DK ′(D − 2D1 ) (17.22)
r2 F
PD = g DK′ PD = gDK ′
Substituting Eq. 17.23 in Eq 17.22, an expression in depth D is obtained. This is the grip
length required to sustain the maximum horizontal force.
A safe depth can be obtained by reducing PD by a factor of safety, F, i.e., considering PD/F.
This theory is based on the further considerations that (i) the well is treated as a light bulk
head, (ii) Kp and Ka are Rankine’s earth pressure coefficients, and (iii) there is no friction at
base and wall. Omission of these frictional forces yields a conservative (PB)max .
If ρ1 and ρ2 are the horizontal displacements, then the angular deflection of the centre line
of the well, δ, is given as
tan δ = (ρ1 − ρ2 ) (17.24)
The above analysis may be applied to the force system of a well provided the movements
due to side friction and the resultant base reaction are ignored. This omission is on the safe
side. The possible vibrations due to traffic over the bridge and water currents may minimize
the side friction. Further, the deflection of a heavy well may be small, and thus the passive
resistance will also be less. Thus, Rankine’s coefficient of earth pressure is justifiable as it
gives a conservative result. Equation 17.22 represents the maximum equivalent resisting
force per unit length of well due to earth pressure.
In the case of a heavy well embedded in cohesionless soil, the well is assumed to invariably
rotate about its base, and the assumed pressure distribution is given in Fig. 17.17a. Taking
the moments about the base, the value of (PB)max is obtained as
1 D3
(PB )max = γ ′(K p − K a )
6 H +D
Normally, around the well, scouring takes place. Beyond the well surroundings, the
uncovered soil acts as a surcharge. The surcharge depth D2 is very difficult to assess and
may be assumed to be equal to half the normal depth of scour. The pressure distribution is
shown in Fig. 17.17b. The equivalent maximum resistance force is then given as
1 D2 (D + D2 )
(PB )max = γ ′K ′
6 ( H + D)
If d is the diameter or length of the well, the total resisting force after allowing a factor of
safety, F, is given as
(PB )max d
Pa =
H Bed
Max. scour level
y Scour level D2
1/2 g¢(Kp–Ka)g ¢D 2
D/3 D/3
friction (Kp–Ka)g¢D R (Kp–Ka)g ¢(D + D2)
(a) Tiliting of a heavy well about base in (b) Effect of surcharge on a well tilting about
cohesionless soil its base
where W is the net direct load on the well base, after making allowance for buoyancy and
skin friction; A is the area of the well base; and z is the section modulus of the well base.
This maximum foundation pressure should be kept within the safe bearing capacity of the
soil, assuming no tension occurs at the base.
The maximum moment on the steining occurs where the resultant shear force is zero.
If the shear force is zero at a depth y below the maximum level, then
γ ′K ′y 2 d
Pa =
That is,
2 FPa
γ ′K ′d
Manual grabbing and removal of earth can be resorted to only for small depths. For
greater depths and where subsoil water is encountered, dredgers have to be resorted to.
The most commonly used dredger is the bells dredger. The dredgers are lowered into the
well from overhead derricks or winches through pulley blocks are to be adopted. For the
purpose of hoisting the grab and removing the material, different types of derricks are used.
For minor jobs, timber Scotch Derrick is used. The dredging operation is stopped when the
required height less the minimum free board is attained. The steining height is raised up to
the free board level and then concreted.
The sinking process may be hastened by temporarily reducing the skin friction. The
outer surface of the steining is finished smooth. The surface may also be coated with coal
tar or bentonite solution. Alternatively, air or water jets may be used, which is an effective
method of reducing skin friction.
The rate of sinking has to be monitored, and an advance work chart should be available
for this purpose. The following rates of sinking (cm/day) have been recommended by
Ponnuswamy (1986):
Medium-sized well through sandy strata: 60 to 90 cm/day
Medium-sized well through clayey strata: 40 to 50 cm/day
Large-sized well through sandy strata: 50 to 60 cm/day
Large-sized well through clayey strata: 30 to 40 cm/day
Large-sized well through rocky/hard strata
by driving: 10 to 15 cm/day
by pneumatic sinking: 15 to 25 cm/day
After the required foundation level is reached, the bottom of the well has to be dressed
and treated before plugging. Figure 17.13a shows the condition of the well sunk in sandy
strata. When sinking is done by de-watering or by a pneumatic process, the bottom can be
dressed by sending men down to the bottom. Shallow wells and those just resting on rock
may be anchored with the help of mild steel dowels fixed to the rock before plugging. In case
there is difficulty in keying in the rock, the arrangement shown in Fig. 17.13b and c may be
After curing of the bottom plug, the well is filled with sand or water; the top plug is pro-
vided followed by the well cap as discussed earlier.
1. Regulation of dredging: The dredging is made at the higher side of the well. This may be
done manually after de-watering. If the well has sunk to a great depth, this method will
not be effective.
2. Eccentric loading: In this case, a bracket is provided at the top of the well on the higher side,
and sand bags or other heavy materials are placed on the bracket. This causes eccentric
loading, and minor tilts are rectified.
3. Blocking and hooking: Sometimes a wooden piece is placed temporarily under the cut-
ting edge of the lower side to avoid further tilt while other methods of rectification are
attempted at the higher side. Instead of a timber piece, the cutting edge on the lower edge
may be hooked, and the hook is pulled of with the help of a winch if necessary.
4. Pulling the well: This technique is effective only during the initial stages of sinking. This is
done by putting one or more steel ropes round the well and pulling it towards the higher
side. Alternatively, the well may be pushed from the lower side using hydraulic jacks.
5. Water jetting and excavation: This method may be resorted to at the high side to reduce
skin friction. This technique alone can be effective unless supported by other correction
methods. Skin friction can be reduced by releasing the earth pressure on the higher side
by making an open excavation.
17.1 Drilled piers are structural members of relatively large-diameter massive struts con-
structed of concrete placed in a pre-excavated hole.
17.2 Caissons or well foundations are structural boxes or chambers that are sunk in place
through ground or water by simultaneously excavating below the bottom of the
unit, which thereby descends to the final depth.
17.3 Types of drilled piers are straight shafted pier, belled pier, and pier socked into rock.
17.4 Drilled piers and caissons derive supporting power from both skin friction and bot-
tom bearing as in a pile. The contribution by end bearing capacity is much more than
by skin friction.
17.5 Settlement of piers and caissons in sands and gravels is mostly immediate, but in
clays the settlement may be immediate or long term.
17.6 Types of caissons are open caisson, box caisson, and pneumatic caisson.
17.7 Caisson, in the Indian context, is a type of well foundation and it is distinct owing to
the method of commencing construction. Well foundations have all the advantages
of open caissons.
17.8 Types of wells are circular wells, twin circular wells, and double-D wells.
17.9 Components of a well foundation are cutting edge, well curb, bottom plug, staining,
top plug, and well cap.
17.10 Design of a well foundation involves the following factors: (i) depth of scour, (ii) grip
of foundation, (iii) size of the well, (iv) steining, (v) curb, (vi) cutting edge, (vii) bot-
tom plug, (viii) sand filling, (ix) top plug, and (x) well cap.
Objective Questions
17.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. The drilled pier derives its maximum supporting power from the end bearing.
2. Monolith is a type of open caisson with less mass concrete or masonry.
3. Sinking of a pneumatic caisson is slow and requires elaborate equipment.
4. Steining is subjected to water and earth pressure during the sinking stage.
5. Wells located in earthquake areas are completely filled with sand and compacted
so that the well is made heavy.
17.2 Machine-excavated piers are designated as
(a) Chicago caisson (b) Gow caisson
(c) Drilled caisson (d) Open caisson
17.3 The critical force system to be considered for stability of a well foundation is the one
in the
(a) Vertical direction
(b) Direction perpendicular to the water flow
(c) Direction parallel to the water flow
(d) Horizontal direction
17.4 The stability of a floating caisson can be analysed by the principle of
(a) Hydrodynamics
(b) Hydrolysis
(c) Hydrostatics
(d) Hydromechanics
17.5 Pneumatic caissons are preferred in situations where the soil flow into the excavated
area is ______ than it can be removed.
(a) Faster
(b) Slower
(c) Initially faster
(d) Initially slower
17.6 Identify the wrong choice:
A cast-in-place broad pile with diameter greater than 75 cm is called a
(a) Caisson (b) Drilled shaft (c) Drilled pier (d) Short column
17.7 Assertion A: Unlike a driven pile, a drilled caisson does not compact the surrounding
Reason R: Skin friction along the shaft of a drilled caisson is relatively small.
Select the correct code:
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
Descriptive Questions
17.9 Describe the method of analysis of a heavy well as right bulk head.
17.10 Briefly explain the procedure adopted in well sinking and bring out the problems that
are encountered in open sinking.
17.11 Discuss in detail the methods to correct tilts and shifts of wells during sinking.
17.12 Explain briefly the method of assessing the load-carrying capacity of a well founda-
tion in a saturated stiff clay.
17.1 A bridge pier is to be founded at 5 m below the bed level of a river. The 8.5 m diam-
eter pier has a gross load of 28,000 kN. The mean high and low water levels are
8.5 and 3.2 m above the bed level, respectively. The saturated unit weight of the clay is
21.2 kN/m3. Adhesion between the clay and the surface of the pier is estimated as
36 kN/m2, and this is effective for a depth of 3.5 m from the base of the pier. Compute
the factor of safety against general shear failure at low and high water levels of the
river. Use a value of Nc = 7.5.
17.2 A reinforced concrete floating caisson has outside dimensions of 5.5 m × 5.5 m × 5.5 m.
The thickness of the well and the bottom is 400 mm. Examine whether this can provide
stable flotation in fresh water.
17.3 An open caisson has an inside diameter of 3.5 m and a length of 15 m. The caisson is
made of concrete, and it is intended to sink it by its own weight. Determine the stein-
ing thickness necessary.
Planning the ground investigation programme – Types of samples – Indirect
methods: geophysical methods, sounding methods – Semi-direct methods:
wash boring, rotary drilling, auger boring – Direct methods: sampling process,
sample disturbance, types of samples, accessible explorations, undisturbed
sampling – Routine field tests – Recording of field data – Location, spacing,
and depth of borings
Before undertaking any civil engineering work, a thorough investigation of the ground
is essential. Ground investigation refers to the methodology of determining surface and
sub-surface features in the proposed construction area.
Information on surface conditions is necessary for planning the accessibility of the site,
for deciding the disposal of removed material (particularly in urban areas), for removal
of surface water in water-logged areas, for movement of construction equipment, and
other factors that could affect construction procedures.
Information on sub-surface conditions is a more critical requirement in planning and
designing the foundations of structures, de-watering systems, shoring or bracing of
excavations, the materials to be used in construction, and site improvement methods.
The above information will enable a civil engineer to plan, design, and execute a
construction project. In a nutshell, the purpose of a ground investigation is to
1. determine the geological conditions of rock and soil formation,
2. establish groundwater level,
3. select the type and depth of foundation,
4. determine the bearing capacity of the site,
samples, are not a true representation of the material found at the bottom of the borehole.
These samples are unsuitable for identification and laboratory tests.
Representative Samples. These samples consist of constituent minerals from each layer
and are not mixed with material from other layers. The structure and water content of the
sample are seriously altered. The soil samples are suitable for identification and classifica-
tion purposes but not suitable for major laboratory tests. These samples are also referred to
as dry samples but the samples do contain some moisture.
Undisturbed Samples. These are the types of samples in which the material has experi-
enced so little disturbance that it is suitable for all laboratory tests. Thus, these samples may
be used for permeability, consolidation, and strength tests. The term undisturbed is mislead-
ing to some extent, and hence, it is appropriate to replace it with undistorted (Hvorselv, 1984).
Current flow a
Station points
The resistivity (ρ) of the soil or rock between the two electrodes with spacing a is given as
ρ = 2π aV / I (18.1)
Two different field procedures, viz., electrical profiling and electrical sounding, are in use for
obtaining information about surface conditions. The first method is suitable for establishing
boundaries between different underground materials, and has practical applications in the
study of variation of sub-surface condition with depth and in detecting layered deposits and
water-bearing strata.
In the electrical profiling method, four electrodes are kept at a constant spacing and
moved across the area, and resistivity measurements are made. The information resulting
from a profile line can be plotted with station points as the horizontal axis and resistivity
along the vertical axis. A change in the plotted curve indicates a change in the underground
materials (Fig. 18.2). From the series of profile lines, boundaries of areas underlain by differ-
ent materials can be established on a map of the area.
In the electrical sounding method, the electrode spacing a is progressively increased to
pick up changes in resistivity with depth. For homogeneous materials, half the electric cur-
rent flows to a depth of a to 1.5a and half to a greater depth. On the basis of field measure-
ments, the resistivity depth curves are plotted with resistivity along the horizontal axis and a
along the vertical axis (Fig. 18.3). Since the depth is directly related to electrode spacing, the
series of resistivity data obtained will indicate changes of resistivity with depth, and hence
provide information about the layering of material.
Average resistivity values for various rocks and minerals are given in Table 18.1 (IS: 1892, 1979).
Seismic Refraction Method. This is based on the fact that the velocity of a longitudinal
or compression wave in a material is a function of the modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio,
and density of the material. The method of seismic refraction comprises generating a sound
wave by exploding a small charge of high velocity dynamite (a sledge hammer or a falling
weight may also be used) and then recording its reception at a series of geophones located
at various distances from the shot point (Fig. 18.4). The geophones transform the vibrations
into an electric current and transmit them to a recording unit or oscillograph equipped with
a timing mechanism. Only the arrival time of the initial impulse at each geophone is utilized.
The direct waves travelling with velocity, VT, in the top layer arrive first at the geophones
nearer to the shot point. The waves with the higher velocity, VB, reach the farther detectors
Electrode spacing a
sand- Hard
Shooting distance
Direct waves
arrive first Refracted waves arrive first
Shot Seismometers
point x y (Geophones)
top soil
Stiff clay
wa 1/V T
t wave
ir = f r acted
D ope R e
S l
1/V B
first by travelling downwards in the lower velocity material (say top layer), horizontally in
the higher velocity material, and then return to the surface.
The first arrival times are plotted against distance from the shot point (Fig. 18.5). This
gives two time/distance straight lines with slopes 1/VT and 1/VB. Let the distance of the
intersection point from the shot point be x; then, the thickness of the top layer is given by
1 ⎡ V − VT ⎤ 1/ 2
hT = ( x ) ⎢ B ⎥ (18.2)
2 ⎢V + V ⎥
⎣ B T⎦
This method can only be used when the wave velocity is successively higher in each layer.
Complications may be encountered when there is no sharp contrast in the velocities of the lay-
ers. In such cases, the travel–time diagram will be a curve. When inclined strata are encountered,
only the average depth can be determined. However, if the positions of shot point and detectors
are reserved, the actual depth and dip of the strata can be found. Further, in a multilayered series
of strata a blind layer may occur when its wave velocity is less than that in the overlying layer.
The range of velocities for different materials is given in Table 18.2 (IS: 1892, 1979).
4 legs of pipe
Pump Tub
Fig. 18.6 Typical arrangement for wash boring (Source: IS: 1892, 1979)
through the hollow rod, which then passes through narrow holes in the bit (Fig. 18.7). The
drilling fluid cools and lubricates the drilling tool, and, as in wash boring, the loose debris
are carried to the surface. The drilling mud also stabilizes the sides of the uncased borehole.
Tower mast
Stand pipe
Suction hose
Base plate
Return flow ditch
Fig. 18.7 Typical arrangement for rotary drilling (Source: IS: 1892, 1979)
Open-hole drilling and core drilling are the two types of rotary drilling. Open-hole
drilling is used in soils and weak rocks, and in other circumstances, as explained above.
In core drilling, which is used in rocks and stiff clays, the bit cuts an annular hole in the
material and an intact core is removed as a sample.
Rotary drilling is best suited for boring of diameter more than 100 mm. The rate of
progress is greater in soils and rocks, and a uniform, clean hole with less disturbance of the
soil is generally produced. This method is not suitable for coarse gravel, boulders, and badly
fissured rocks.
boring, shafts, drifts, etc., are grouped under direct methods. These accessible explorations
allow direct examination of strata in situ.
De2 − Di2
Ar = ×100% (18.3)
where De is the external diameter of the sampler and Di the internal diameter.
To reduce sample disturbance, this ratio should be as low as possible (generally, <10%)
but, at the same time, maintaining sufficient strength in the wall of the tube. Further friction
between the soil and inside tube wall would compress the sample. On the other hand,
the presence of large stones, roots, and other materials may tear the sample, causing it to
lengthen. A measure of such a disturbance is the recovery ratio (Lr), which is given as
Length recovered
Lr = (18.4)
Length pushed
Lr < 1.0 indicates compression and Lr > 1 shows expansion. Samples with a recovery ratio
much different from 1.0 are substantially disturbed. Thus, the use of an appropriate type of
sampler may reduce the sample disturbance to a great extent.
Drill rod
Air release
Drill rod
Ball check valve
Sampler head
Set screens
Sampling tube
Split-Spoon Sampler. It consists of a longitudinally split tube or barrel fitted with a shoe
and a sampler head with provision for air release (IS: 9640, 1980). The splitting aspect of the
sampler permits it to be opened for a sample examination and for onward transmission in
sample containers to laboratories (Fig. 18.11). Samples obtained using this sampler are rated
Coupling Head Split Liner Cutting
body shoe
12 56 23 20
55 100 25
as representative. This sampler is suited for sands and is used only in the standard penetration
test (SPT). Split-soon samplers may be provided with a liner, which is a thin metal or plastic
tube fitted within the split spoon, in which case it is called a composite sampler. The purpose
of the liner is to protect the sampler during handling, shipping, and storage.
Piston Sampler. For very soft alluvial silts and clays, piston samplers are quite useful.
These consist of a thin-walled tube which includes a piston device that serves to push the
thin-walled tube into the undisturbed soil from the bottom of the boring (IS: 10108, 1982).
The piston is locked in the lower position and the sampler is lowered to the bottom of the
borehole. The piston is provided with a seal which prevents the entry of water and debris.
When it is unlocked, the tube is driven down into the soil to the full length of travel of the
piston. The whole assembly is withdrawn to the surface after locking the piston at the top
of the tube (Fig. 18.12). The sampler is separated from the sample head and the piston. It is
then sealed at both ends.
Connection between
rod and head of
sample by piston
rod lock
Piston rod
Sampling tube
Piston in
Fig. 18.12 Schematic diagram explaining principle of operation of piston sampler (Source: IS:
10108, 1982)
Original ground
150 mm × 150 mm stud frames
to be spaced as nature of
ground requires
non-cohesive soil
Fig. 18.13 Arrangement for protecting test pits (Source: IS: 4453, 1980)
hand from the sides or bottom. Trial pits are suitable for all types of soils, and permit a most
detailed examination of the soil formation for the entire depth.
Deeper pits have to be sheeted and braced (Fig. 18.13) or cribbed to prevent collapses
(IS: 4453, 1980). Ventilation of deep test pits is necessary to prevent accumulation of dead air.
This is done by providing pipes starting slightly above the floor and extending about 1 m
above the top of the pit. Special precautions have to be exercised if the presence of obnoxious
gases is anticipated (IS: 3764, 1966). A de-watering system has to be used if pits are to extend
below the water table.
Trenches. These are similar to test pits. They provide a long continuous exposure of the
surface of the ground along a desired line or section. They are best suited for exploration on
slopes. Necessary safety precautions have to be taken, as in deep test pits.
Drifts or Tunnels. These are employed to find the nature of strata and the structure of
particular geological formations. They are used to estimate the minimum excavation limits
to reach fresh and sound rock. Further, tunnels are helpful in loading buried channels, faults,
and other zones of weakness. Drifts are also used for conducting some in situ tests, such as
plate bearing test, jack and shear tests, etc. Drifts are usually provided with a low outward
slope for easy draining.
Generally, a rectangular section with minimum dimensions of 1.5 m width by 2 m height
is followed in hard rock (IS: 4453, 1980). An arched roof may be provided in soft rock. Neces-
sary supports should be provided wherever the ground is unstable (Fig. 18.14). Rock bolts
may be used to hold together the joined blocks of rocks. As the excavation in rocks is slow
and costly, this is resorted to only in major works. Ventilation by air from a compressor or
a blower may be provided for removing foul air or blast gases. Adequate lighting arrange-
ments are also provided for examination of the stratum.
Y 1500 Y
X Section-XX
Over break Drift 1500 × 2100
All dimensions in mm
Fig. 18.14 Typical method of supporting weak zones in drift (Source: IS: 4453, 1980)
Shafts and Headings. Shafts or deep pits are advanced by hand excavation with suitable
sheeting. Headings or adits are horizontally excavated from the bottom of shafts, from the
surface of steeply sloped grounds, or from quarry faces. Shafts and heading are not exca-
vated from below the water table. These are very costly and used only in special investiga-
tions, such as pilot tunnels, mineral exploration surveys, etc.
Shafts may be circular (or rectangular) in section with minimum dimensions of 2.4 m ×
2.4 m diameter, so as to provide ample room for movement of men and machinery (IS: 4453,
1980). As in deep open pits, dead air or blast gases may be removed by stove pipes starting
above the floor and extending 1 m into open air above the mouth of the shaft. Air from a
compressor or blower may also be used. A pumping system should be used when water is
Drill rod
Sampler head Ball check
Air vent
Pressure Water under
cylinder pressure
Hollow Water return
piston rod circulation
Hole in
piston rod
Fixed piston
Soil sample
Fig. 18.15 Diagrammatic sketch of hydraulically operated piston (Source: IS: 10108, 1982)
its bottom without causing any shock to the sample. In very loose sandy silt and silty sands,
particularly below the water table, a core catcher (Fig. 18.16) may be used to avoid loss of
samples while lifting.
Undisturbed Sampling of Sands. Cohesionless soils are always problematic as far as
undisturbed sampling is concerned. Thus, in situ tests are preferred in cohesionless soils.
Under favourable conditions, freezing is supposed to be the best method. By freezing,
the lower part of the sample is solidified, which makes it easier to retain in the sampler.
This is a very expensive technique. Two other methods of undisturbed sampling in unce-
mented sands are stationary piston sampling with drilling fluid circulation and compressed
Sampling tube
Core catcher
Cutting edge
Fig. 18.16 Core catcher fixed inside the cutting edge of the sampler (Source: IS: 10108, 1982)
air technique (IS: 8763, 1978). However, the sample obtained may be considered only as
relatively undisturbed. These samples are normally used to determine the in situ density.
The first method works on the same principle as explained in the previous section but
with an additional provision for circulation of the drilling fluid. In this method, a partial
vacuum is created above the sample while withdrawing. The reader may refer to IS: 8763
(1978) for details.
The second method is important as it is suitable for sampling of sand below the water
table. Compressed air is used in this technique and keeps the groundwater separated from
the sample. This is necessary to avoid dispersion of sampled sand (Fig. 18.17). In a bore-
hole, the sampler is pushed into the soil at the required depth with the help of a drill rod,
a spacer block, and a shackle arrangement. The spacer block located above the bell pre-
vents over-driving and allows the correct sample length. Now compressed air is forced into
the bell, which in turn closes the diaphragm check valve and hence an excess pressure of
140 kN/m2 is maintained inside the bell. This enables the water to be expelled from the bell.
After the complete expulsion of water, the sampler along with the soil is withdrawn into the
bell. The complete assembly is raised to the surface by means of a cable. During the process
of withdrawal, water is continuously poured to keep the drill hole full and the air pump is
also kept working. The spacer block is removed, the sampler is pushed out of the bell, and
Lifting cable
air line Lowering peg
Adapter rod, 38 mm
Air Shackle
Socket block
Guide rod
Removable spacer
Sealing ring (anus type)
Bronze bushing
Steel weight
Relief valve
Water exit port
Rubber diaphragm
Set screw
Sampling tube
63 mm OD, 1.7 mm thick
Compressed air bell
Casing pipe 152 mm
All dimensions in mm
Fig. 18.17 General layout of sand sampler with auxiliary bell for compressed air (Source:
IS: 8763, 1978)
the sampling tube is disconnected. A filter plug is placed at the lower end, the suction is
released, and the undisturbed sample obtained.
Undisturbed Sampling from Accessible Explorations. Undisturbed samples may be
obtained from accessible explorations, particularly from open pits and trenches. For this
purpose, a pillar of dimensions 40 cm × 40 cm may be left if the sample is strong and undis-
turbed at the centre of the pit to extract the undisturbed sample of required size. If the sam-
ple is weak or to be transported to a far-off place, additional protection is required. A box
with open ends is placed around the sample with a gap of about 25 mm all around, and the
gap is filled with paraffin wax. The sample and the box are removed and additional wax is
poured on the top and bottom, which prevents evaporation of moisture from the sample.
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
Correction factor
Fig. 18.18 Correction chart for N-value in cohesionless soil for overburden (Source: IS: 2131, 1981)
the results. In cohesionless soils, an increase in depth increases the overburden pressure;
consequently, the number of blows needed to drive the sampler increases for a cohesionless
soil of the same relative density. Hence, the N value has to be corrected for overburden pres-
sure in cohesionless soils. The corrected N value (N′) is given as
The correction factor is given in Fig. 18.18, which is as per IS: 2131 (1981). The value obtained
has to be further corrected for dilatancy. If the stratum consists of fine sand and silt below
the water table, the revised N′ value (N″) is given as
N ′′ = 15 + 12 ( N ′ − 15) (18.6)
Square threads of
'A' rod coupling 32
40 mm
45° to 60°
60° ± 15′
50 ± 005 mm
Threaded cone
65 kg hammer
1750 mm
Guide rod
Driving head
Driving rod A
for keeping
rod vertical
Cone adopter
Fig. 18.20 Typical assembly of equipment for cone penetration test (Source: IS: 4968 – Part 1, 1976)
arrive at a correlation between dynamic cone penetration and standard penetration, a wider
cone of 62.5 mm with use of bentonite slurry has been suggested (IS: 4968 – Part 2, 1976).
Among the sounding tests, the static cone test is the best and can give more reliable values
in locations below the water table and where SPT fails. Basically, the test consists of pushing
the cone first and then the cone and friction jacket, thus finding the frictional resistance. Tolia
(1978) reviewed the factors affecting the static cone and the influence of overburden pressure
on static CPT values.
consistency. This is more suitable for soils which are fissured or highly susceptible to
sampling disturbance.
The height of the vane is twice its diameter. The overall diameter of the vane should be
37.5, 50, 65, 75, or 100 mm. The area ratio (Ar) of the vane is given as
8t(D − d) + πd 2
Ar = ×100% (18.7)
where t is the thickness of the vane blade (mm), D the overall diameter of the vane (mm),
and d the diameter of central vane rod (mm).
As per Indian Standards (IS: 4434, 1978) the area ratio shall not exceed 18% for the 37.5
mm vane and 12% for the 50, 65, 75, and 100 mm diameter vanes.
The instrument should be capable of applying a torque to the vane and measuring the
same. The torque applicator should be capable of controlling the speed at the rate of 0.1° per
There are two methods of testing, viz., testing from the bottom of a borehole and direct
penetration from the ground surface. The first test method is explained below.
An arrangement (diagrammatic) for testing from the bottom of the borehole is shown
in Fig. 18.21. About 5 minutes after insertion of vane, the torque is applied. The maximum
torque applied is noted. Just after this, the vane is rotated through a minimum of 10 revo-
lutions. After about a minute the remoulded strength is determined. The shear strength is
computed from Eq. 9.18.
Torque measuring
Ground level
Intermediate guides
at 5 m intervals
Bottom guide
Vane rod
as required Vane rod sleeve
(5 × DIA of
borehole min)
Fig. 18.21 Diagrammatic vane test arrangement (for test from bottom of borehole) (Source: IS:
4434, 1978)
Observations are repeated till a satisfactory estimate of the location of the stabilized
groundwater level has been made.
Pore water pressures may be determined directly by sinking open piezometers or a stand
pipe. In an unconfined aquifer, knowing the height (h) of water in the stand pipe, the pore water
pressure (uw) can be determined from uw = γwh. In a confined aquifer, the water level auto-
matically rises to a level corresponding to the piezometric surface, representing the pore water
pressure in the confined aquifer. For soils of low permeability or where a more rapid response
is required, closed piezometers like hydraulic or pressure transducer piezometers are used.
Stabilized ground- Dw
water level
Water level above
a given datum
D2 D
Estimated ground- 1
water level above t3
t2 D0
the datum Water level
in borehole t1
at time t0
Elapsed time t1 – t0 = t2 – t1 = t3 – t2
(a) (b)
After the completion of laboratory tests, the information obtained from the field is assem-
bled and summarized to obtain the details of a soil profile, which is termed a boring log. A
typical boring log of a deposit in Calcutta (Som, 1975) is shown in Fig. 18.23.
Water Cohesion,
N Values content, w, % c, kN/m2
15 35 55 75
0 10 20 30 40 25 45 65 0 24 48 72 96
Soft to firm
2 brownish grey
clayey silt
Soft to firm bluish
6 80
grey clayey silt
Peat 8.3 – 9.0 m
10 Soft to firm bluish
Depth, metres
grey silty clay
14 changes to stiff
beyond 10.60
Med. dense clayey 81 20 m
18 sandy silt with 65 21.5 m
traces of mica
22 Yellowish brown 65 25 m
medium to fine
Fig. 18.23 Boring log for a deposit in Calcutta (Source: Som, 1975)
18.1 Ground investigation consists of four phases, viz., collection of available information,
reconnaissance, preliminary investigation, and detailed investigation.
18.2 Non-representative samples comprise mixtures of materials from various soil or rock
layers. Representative samples consist of constituent minerals from each layer and
are not mixed with the materials from other layers. Undisturbed samples are types
of samples in which the material has experienced such little disturbance that they are
suitable for all laboratory tests.
18.3 In indirect methods (geophysical and sounding methods) depths to principal strata
are established, based on some physical properties of the material, and the measure-
ments are made on the ground surface.
18.4 In semi-direct methods (borings and rotary drilling) the depths of different layers are
ascertained by the rate of advancement of boring tools or by means of non-representative
samples obtained in the course of boring operations.
18.5 Direct methods include boring and sampling methods, which continuously provide
representative or undisturbed samples.
18.6 Sample disturbance is caused due to the sample thickness, method of driving the
samples, and rotation of samples during removal.
18.7 Accessible explorations permit a direct visual examination of the subsoil and afford
the most complete information of the ground.
18.8 Routine field tests include the standard penetration test, cone penetration test, vane
shear test, and groundwater observations.
Objective Questions
18.1 State whether the following are true or false:
1. In the electrical resistivity method, differences in the electrical potential of the
strata are detected.
2. Non-representative samples comprise mixtures of materials from various soil or
rock layers.
3. A value of recovery ratio greater than one indicates compression and less than one,
4. The cone penetration test is another important sampling method.
5. The field vane shear test is most suitable for saturated soft clays.
18.2 The actual planning of a sub-surface exploration programme includes
(1) Collection of all available information
(2) Reconnaissance of the area
(3) Preliminary site investigation
(4) Detailed site investigation
Of these statements,
(a) 1, 2, 3, and 4, are correct
(b) 1 and 2 are correct
(c) 3 and 4 are correct
(d) 2, 3, and 4 are correct
18.3 The basic requirement in a seismic refraction method is that the wave velocity in the
upper layer must be ______ that in the lower layer.
(a) Less than
(b) Greater than
(c) Equal to
(d) Twice
18.4 The standard penetration test is most frequently used to measure the
(a) Shear strength of soft clays
(b) Undrained strength of fissured clays
(c) Relative density of granular soils
(d) Consistency of clays
18.5 Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
1. Wash boring Can be conveniently used even below the water table
2. Percussion boring Only method suitable for drilling base holes in bouldery
and gravelly strata
3. Auger boring Samples recovered have high value
4. Rotary boring Useful only for sands and clays
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 4 and 1
18.6 The degree of disturbance for a soil sample is usually expressed by
(a) Void ratio (b) Area ratio
(c) Recovery ratio (d) Consolidation ratio
18.7 Identify the incorrect statement. Undisturbed samples are obtained from
(a) Thin-walled tube samplers (b) Piston samplers
(c) Split-spoon samplers (d) Hand-trimmed samplers
18.8 Samples of highly fissured soils can be obtained from
(a) Accessible explorations (b) Open-drive sampling
(c) Split-spoon sampling (d) Thin-walled sampling
Descriptive Questions
18.9 What sort of expertise would be needed to choose the borehole depth and number in
a ground investigation?
18.10 How do you analyse the samples obtained after sampling for strength if they are fine
sand, over-consolidated clay, and soft sandstone?
18.11 Explain the basic differences in explorations for foundations (including abutments)
and construction materials.
18.12 Discuss the various stages of sample disturbance.
18.13 Discuss the factors which are relevant to the planning of a well-balanced exploration
18.14 Compare soil boring and sampling methods with test pits.
18.15 Explain the following terms which are used in subsoil exploration.
1. Area ratio
2. Recovery ratio
3. Non-representative sample
4. Representative sample
5. Undisturbed sample
18.16 Briefly describe the types of sub-surface information that seismic refraction studies
can provide.
18.17 If you are in charge of subsoil exploration of important structures, how do you decide
the depth of exploration. List the factors you will consider and their importance.
18.18 Discuss briefly the methods of taking undisturbed samples in (i) non-cohesive soils
and (ii) cohesive soils.
18.19 What steps will you take to economically investigate a site which is suspected to be
erratic in nature?
18.20 If a thin-walled sampler is pushed fast into the following soils, what will be the effect
of the disturbance: (i) sensitive clay, (ii) sandy silt, and (iii) sandy clay.
18.1 An open drive sampler has an outside diameter of 76 mm and an inside diameter of
72 mm. What is the area ratio of the sampler?
18.2 During a sampling operation, the open-drive sampler is advanced 600 mm and the
length of the recovered sample is 525 mm. What is the recovery ratio of the sample?
18.3 In a standard penetration test, the following observations were taken at a depth of 4 m
below the ground level:
First 15 cm 31 blows
Second 15 cm 32 blows
Third 15 cm 23 blows
Fourth 15 cm 36 blows
Estimate the corrected SPT value for overburden if the average unit weight of the soil
at 4 m depth is 20 kN/m2.
Soil improvement techniques – Surface compaction – Drainage methods: well-
point systems, deep-well drainage, vacuum de-watering system, de-watering
by electro-osmosis – Vibration methods: vibro-compaction, vibro-displacement
compaction – Pre-compression and consolidation – Grouting and injection –
Chemical stabilization – Soil reinforcement – Geotextiles and geomembranes –
Other methods
In situ soil characteristics of a construction site are different from those desired and,
almost always, far from ideal for a designated need. With increased urban develop-
ment, sites with favourable foundation conditions became rare. At times, the civil engi-
neer has been forced to construct structures at sites selected for reasons other than soil
conditions. Thus, it is increasingly important for the engineer to know the degree to
which soil properties may be improved or if there is an alternative that can be thought
of for the construction of an intended structure at the stipulated site.
If unsuitable soil conditions are encountered at the site of a proposed structure, one
of the following four procedures may be adopted to ensure satisfactory performance of
the structure (Mitchell, 1976):
1. Bypass the unsuitable soil by means of deep foundations extending to a suitable
bearing material.
2. Redesign the structure and its foundations for support by the poor soil, a procedure
that may not be either feasible or economical.
3. Remove the poor material and either treat it to improve and replace it, or substitute
it by a suitable material.
4. Treat the soil in place to improve its properties.
The field engineer can vary the content, amount of compaction, and type of compaction
to attain the required density. The usual surface compaction devices are rollers, tampers, and
rammers. All conventional rollers like smooth wheel, rubber-tyred, sheeps-foot, vibratory,
and grid rollers can be used (as discussed in Chapter 4). A particular type of roller has to
be chosen to suit a particular job. In order to achieve the required density, only the required
number of passes should be allowed. Mere increase in the number of passes will not increase
the density beyond a certain depth. For all practical purposes, granular soils can be surface
compacted using vibratory rollers up to a depth of about 2 m.
In cohesive soils, the required percentage compaction can be obtained using any of the
rollers and tampers, but vibrations are not effective. In the cases of sub-grades and base
courses for heavy duty roads and airfields, the heavy rubber-tyred rollers may be used with
advantage. In order to efficiently bond each layer for water-retaining structures a sheeps-foot
roller may be used.
Header Connection Pump suction level
Riser pipe
Lowered water level
If the site is accessible and the water-bearing strata to be drained are not too deep, the
well-point system will be the most suitable method. The equipment is reasonably simple
and cheap and can be installed rapidly. Well points are generally used where the water
table does not have to be lowered too much. In the case of large excavations or where the
depth of excavation below the water table is more than 10 m or there is artesian pressure,
deep wells and turbine pumps have to be adopted. The added advantage with the well-point
system is that the water is filtered as it is removed from the ground and carries few little or
no particles with it.
A single well point of 50 mm has a capacity of about 10 l/min. Permeability of the soil
and the time available to effect the drawdown are the factors that govern the spacing of well
points. In a highly permeable gravel medium, the spacing is about 0.3 m, whereas in fine
to coarse sands, a spacing of about 0.75 to 1 m is satisfactory. In low permeability mediums
like sandy silts, the spacing may be of the order of 1.5 m. A well-point equipment of nor-
mal size comprises 50 to 60 points to a single 150 or 200 mm pump with a separate 100 mm
jetting pump.
Discharge pipe
Header main
Lowered water
Rising main
Inner casing
Soil backfill
well casing
Graded filter
Lowered water level
Mesh filter
Submersible pump
Soil backfill
Soil collected
in sump
required. Graded gravel filter material is placed between the well casing and the outer bore-
hole casing over the length to be de-watered. The outer casing is withdrawn in stages as the
filter material is placed. The space above the screen is backfilled with any available material.
The details of the completed installation are shown in Fig. 19.3. Deep wells are spaced at 10
to 100 m intervals depending on the situation.
Header pressure
Original Seal
water level
Clayey silt
Sandy silt filter
Silty sand
porosity of the soil and the electric potential. A comparison of electro-osmotic flow with
hydraulic flow through a single capillary is shown in Fig. 19.5.
The general layout of the electrodes depends upon the purpose for which they are
intended. Figure 19.6 shows electrode arrangements for two field situations. Sheet piles
of any shape and old pipes of 25 to 50 mm diameter can be used as anodes. Since the
+ + +
Moving force
Free Moving force
water Free water
Velocity Velocity
+ + +
D 2D 3D
Iron pipe 2D 3D
as anode
anodes corrode considerably in the course of a few weeks of electro-osmotic treatment, they
should be replaced as soon as the current drops to less than 30% of the initial consumption.
Perforated tubes form cathodes and the cathode wells are connected to a pumping system.
Electro-osmosis is resorted to only to remedy a difficult situation where other methods
have failed. This method has a high cost of installation and initial running cost. But the
power consumption, and hence running cost, decreases considerably after the ground is
or wood is placed against the charge of the explosives to protect it from misfire. The casing is
withdrawn, and in order to obtain the full force of the blast, the hole is backfilled with sand.
The electrical circuit is closed and the charge is fired. The surface settlements are measured
by taking levels or from screw plates embedded at certain depths below the ground surface.
The correct amount of charge has to be used so that it is just enough to shatter the soil
particles uniformly and at the same time prevent the formation of craters. Layman (1942) has
suggested an empirical formula which can be taken as a rough guide.
W ≈ 164 CR3
where W is the weight of explosive (N), C the coefficient (=0.0025 for 60% dynamite), and R
the radius of the sphere of influence (m).
To avoid cratering, the minimum depth of charge should be greater than R. Charge
spacings less than 3 m should be avoided; values of 3 to 8 m are typical. The centre of charges
should be located at a depth of two-thirds the thickness of the layer to be densified. It is found
that repeated blasts of small charges are more efficient than a single large blast (Hall, 1962).
If the depth of the deposits to be densified is 10 m or less, compaction is carried out in single
tier only; for deeper deposits, more tiers need to be used. Charges should be exploded from
the bottom-most tier in an upward direction in a uniform manner. The uppermost portion of
the stratum is always loosened and can be compacted by any surface compaction device. The
typical grid spacing and firing pattern as suggested by Mitchell (1970) is given in Fig. 19.8.
The blasting technique is less expensive and involves less time, labour, and equipment.
Although blasting is one of the most economical stabilization methods, it suffers from the
disadvantages of non-uniformity, potential adverse effects on adjacent structures, and the
dangers associated with the use of explosives in populated areas.
Vibrating Probe. Vibrating probe, also known as Terra-probe, is a patented process used
to densify loose sands. A 760 mm open-ended tubular probe is vibrated into the ground from
a vibratory pile driver operating at 15 Hz. Vibrations of 10 to 25 mm amplitude are made in a
6 3
12 9
10 11
First blast
8 Second blast
5 4 Third blast
5m Settlement stakes
(a) Grid spacing (b) Firing pattern
Fig. 19.8 Typical charge spacing and firing (Source: Mitchell, 1970)
vertical mode. After reaching the planned penetration depth, the probe is withdrawn slowly
while vibrations continue. Effective treatment can be obtained between depths of 4 m below
the ground surface and about 20 m. The operation is most efficient where groundwater is
within 2 to 3 m of the surface. Water jets can be attached to the probe, or ponding of the sur-
face can be done to assist the penetration and densification.
Test sections of the order of 10 to 20 m on a side are desirable to evaluate the effectiveness
and to determine the required spacing in any given case. A square pattern is often used, with
a fifth probe at the centre of each square giving more effectively increased densification than
a reduced spacing. The density achieved by this process is generally lower. Since the proce-
dure does not require a sand fill, it can be applied effectively for offshore sites.
It is essential that lift thickness, soil type, and roller type be matched. If lift thickness is
too great, then low-density layers will form alternately between high-density layers. If lift
thickness is too small, then much of the effort is lost through repeated over-compaction of
near-surface layers.
Power supply
Water pump
Follow- A
up pipe Cylinder of
compacted material,
Vibrating added from the surface to
unit compensate for the loss of
volume caused by the inc-
rease of density of the
A compacted soil
Cylinder of compacted
B material, produced by a
single vibrofloat compaction
techniques are being adopted (Baumann and Bauer, 1974; Datye and Nagaraju, 1977; Ranjan
and Rao, 1983). But most of the granular piles are installed adopting the vibration technique
through a vibroflot (discussed in the next section). A comprehensive review and adoptability
of stone columns in ground improvement are presented by Ranjan (1989).
Vibroflotation. Vibroflotation is a technique for densifying in situ non-cohesive soils with
simultaneous vibration and saturation. This principle of densification was first published
in 1936 by Steuerman in a Russian journal and later applied in Germany during 1939 for
improvement of foundation soils for buildings.
The equipment required for vibroflotation involves a vibroflot probe, accompanying
power supply, water pump, crane, and front-end loader (Fig. 19.9). The vibroflot probe is an
essential piece of equipment consisting of a cylindrical penetrator, about 0.38 m in diameter
and about 2 m in length, with an eccentric weight inside the cylinder developing a horizon-
tal centrifugal force of about 100 kN at 1,800 rpm. A typical vibroflot consists of two parts.
The lower part is the horizontal vibrating unit which connects to the upper part of the follow
up pipe, the length of which can be varied depending on the compaction depth (Fig. 19.10).
The water pump provides water to jet the vibroflot into the ground as the vibroflot is low-
ered with the crane. The front-end loader is used to supply the backfill material even as the
in situ soils are densified.
The probe is freely suspended from a crane. Each compaction sequence has four basic
steps (as suggested by Brown, 1976, and Vibroflotation Foundation Co., USA) (Fig. 19.11).
They are as follows:
Outside jets
Follow-up pipe
Universal joint
connecting rod
1.5 m
Flexible hose
Motor (electric or
3.5 m Outside jets
Eccentric shaft pipe with
2m universal
1. The vibroflot is positioned over the spot to be compacted and its lower jet is then fully
2. Water is pumped in faster than it can drain away into the subsoil. This creates a momen-
tary “quick” condition beneath the jet, which permits the vibroflot to settle due to its own
weight and vibration.
3. Water is switched from the lower to the top jets and the pressure is reduced enough to
allow water to be returned to surface, eliminating any arching of backfill material and
facilitating the continuous feed of backfill.
4. Compaction takes place during the 0.3 m per minute lifts, which return the vibroflot to
the surface. First, the vibrator is allowed to operate at the bottom of the crater. As the par-
ticles densify, they assume their most compact form. By raising the vibrator step by step
and simultaneously backfilling with sand, the entire depth of the soil is compacted into a
hard core.
Most vibroflotation applications have been to depths less than 20 m, although depths of
30 m have been attained successfully. The maximum depth appears limited mainly by the
ability of the crane to pull the vibroflot out of the ground. The factors contributing to suc-
cessful densification are
1. Equipment capacity
2. Probe spacing and pattern
3. In situ soil
4. Vibroflot withdrawal procedure
5. Backfill material
6. Workmanship
The two most important factors are the grain-size distribution of the soil and the nature
of backfill material used. The range of the grain-size distribution of in situ soils suitable for
vibroflotation (Brown, 1976) is shown in Fig. 19.12. The technique is best suited for den-
sifying very loose sands below the water table that have grain-size distributions falling
Percentage finer
10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001
Grain size, mm
entirely within Zone B. Layered clays, fine particles, cementation, and organics in the in
situ soil pose a variety of difficulties for compaction by this technique. Soils with the grain-
size distribution entirely within Zone C are very difficult to compact by vibroflotation. In
general, the densities achieved and the zone of compaction decrease with increasing silt
and clay contents. The fines and organics apparently damp out vibrations, stick the sand
particles together between particles, and thus restrict the relative movement of particles
necessary for densification.
Clay layers present in in situ soil also reduce the zone of compaction. Gravel, dense sand,
and cemented sands are represented by Zone A. These soils have a reduced rate of probe
penetration and the effect becomes still less when the water table is located at a greater
depth. Hence, under these conditions, vibroflotation might prove to be uneconomical in the
long run.
The suitability of backfill material depends on the gradation. Brown (1976) has developed
a rating system to judge the suitability of the backfill material. The rating system is based on
a suitability number defined as
3 1 1
Suitability number = 1.7 2
+ 2
(D50 ) (D20 ) (D10 )2
where D10, D20, and D50 are the particle sizes corresponding to 10%, 20%, and 50% finer.
Table 19.1 gives the rating description. The withdrawal of the probe is also affected by the
quality of the backfill material.
With conventional vibroflotation equipment, minimum relative densities in excess of 70%
can be obtained for spacings up to about 2 m. Continuous square or triangular patterns are
often used. Typical patterns for spread footings for allowable soil pressures up to 300 kN/m2
are shown in Fig. 19.13.
Heavy Tamping. The most basic and simplest way of compacting loose soil is by repeated
dropping of a weight on to the ground. Although this technique was used long ago, it has
undergone rapid development after 1975 (Menard and Broise, 1975). The method, also
known as deep dynamic compaction or deep dynamic consolidation, consists of allowing
a very heavy weight (up to 400 kN) to fall freely on the ground surface from a height of 15
to 40 m. This leaves an impression on the ground. The tamping is then repeated either at
the same location or over other parts of the area to be stabilized. In the case of non-cohesive
0–10 Excellent
10–20 Good
20–30 Fair
30–50 Poor
>50 Unsuitable
1.83 m 2.3 m
1.37 m + + 1.83 m to
+ + 1.68 m 1.88 m 2.13 m
1.83 m
2.13 m
+ + + +
2.13 m 3.05 m to
1.83 m 2.13 m
2.9 m 3.5 m
+ + + +
Fig. 19.13 Typical vibroflotation patterns for footings (Source: Brown, 1976)
soils, the impact energy causes liquefaction, followed by settlement as water drains. Fissures
formed around the impact points sometimes facilitate drainage in some soils. This method
has been successfully used to treat various types of soils and fill deposits up to 20 m thick.
This method can be adopted for densifying soils both above and below the water table. This
technique produces equal settlements faster than if a static load is applied.
Since the variables involved are many, no satisfactory ideal rigorous model is available
yet to understand the behaviour of dynamic consolidation. Only empirical information is
available with regard to the depth of penetration of the compaction. Dobson and Slocombe
(1982) have given an expression for the range of the effective depth in terms of the energy
of impact as
where D is the effective depth (m), w the weight being dropped (kN), and h the height of
drop (m).
As the analytical understanding of this process is in the formative stage, it is recom-
mended to have a small test section at the site under consideration for necessary prelimi-
nary field evaluation (Koerner, 1985). Because of high-amplitude, low-frequency vibrations,
a sufficient minimum distance should be maintained depending on the type of structure or
and surcharge fill together cause a given amount of settlement in a shorter time than can
the permanent fill alone, and hence the time required for stabilization is drastically reduced.
Conventional consolidation theories can be followed to estimate the time required for consol-
idation. Both the primary consolidation and most of the secondary compression settlements
can be taken out in advance by surcharge fills. Secondary compression settlements may be
the major part of the total settlement of highly organic deposits or old sanitary landfill sites.
The rate of pre-load and surcharge fill placement has to be controlled depending on the
bearing capacity of the soil. If the bearing capacity of the soil is inadequate, layers of fill can
be placed only after a sufficient gain in shear strength is obtained. Geotechnical analyses can
be carried out for predictions of the rates of consolidation, strength, and strength gain. The
predicted values have to be checked from field measurements like piezometer readings and
in situ strength tests.
The two main requirements for pre-loading are enough space and availability of fill mate-
rial. Heaping of fill is the most common method of pre-loading although pre-loading can be
successfully effected by the weight of water or by lowering the water table. Among the fill
materials, granular soil is the most desirable because it does not turn into mud during rains.
Ores and industrial products are generally satisfactory, but clayey soils are less desirable.
Pre-loading has been used successfully on virtually every type of naturally laid or man-
made soil. Natural soils include loose sands and silts, soft silty clays, organic silts, and
erratic alluvial deposits, whereas man-made fills may be miscellaneous depositions such
as uncompacted dredged materials, industrial wastes, and rubbish sites previously used as
urban dumps. Deposits to be handled with care are thick homogeneous layers of plastic clay
and sanitary land fills.
The main advantage in the pre-loading is that the construction equipment needed is the
same as that for simple earth-moving jobs. The additional equipment required for follow-
up of pre-loading are relatively simple and inexpensive. By measuring ground movements,
the effect of pre-loading can be immediately assessed. Pre-loading ensures uniformity of
improvement because it eliminates local inhomogenities and it reduces considerably the
danger of liquefaction by earthquake in sands. Compared with other methods of improv-
ing ground support, pre-loading costs much less (about 10% to 20% and about 20% to 40%
with vertical drains). A detailed treatment of this subject can be found in Stamatopoulos and
Kotzias (1985) where several field examples are given.
successfully in several installations in India (Dastidar et al., 1969; Som, 1975). Another type
of drain called rope drain has been developed and used in several projects by the Central
Buildings Research Institute (Mohan et al., 1977; Sengupta et al., 1980). The rope material
consists of natural fibres such as coir. In such drains, the drainage capacity is the major con-
Until about 1950, most installed vertical drains were sand drains. Since 1980, fabricated
drains have become popular because they cost less and can be installed quickly. In the
technically advanced countries, it has been reported that the cost of pre-fabricated drains
is about one-third the cost of sand drains. However, in India, only sand drains have been
widely used (Datye and Nagaraju, 1975, 1976). Figure 19.14 shows a typical arrangement of
vertical drains with drainage blanket and surcharge fill.
The holes required for installing sand drains are guarded against collapse by pipes or
mandrels which are inserted by jetting, driving, rotating, or vibrating. The soil that origi-
nally occupied the space where the hole is being made is excavated by washing or augering
(referred to as non-displacement drains) or, alternatively displaced downwards or sideways
by driving closed bottom pipes (referred to as displacement drains). Under Indian conditions,
displacement drains up to 400 mm in diameter can be installed by the equipment commonly
used for driven cast in place of concrete piles (Datye, 1982). Adopting a modified technique,
Datye (1982) reported that over 10,000 drains 200 mm in diameter have been successfully
installed. The usual installation consists of 200 to 450 mm diameter sand drains installed
at spacings of 2 to 5 m. Displacement drains are less expensive than augered or bored non-
displacement drains.
In the installation of sand drains, the soil adjacent to the well is disturbed, causing a
reduction in permeability. This effect is referred to as smear. Methods are available to account
for smear effects based on the permeability and thickness of the smear zone.
Vertical drains are ineffective in fibrous organic deposits and in clay deposits with abun-
dant pervious inclusions. Also, in sensitive clays, especially when drain installation is by
the displacement methods, soil disturbance may result in high initial pore water pressures
Flow drain Lower boundary
lines compressible sand
Section AA
r4 = Equivalent radius
A 60
60° A
and a zone of low permeability around the drain. However, it is certainly true that in many
instances vertical drains have shortened the time required for soil stabilization.
(D15 ) formation
GR = > 20
(D85 ) grout
where GR is the groutability ratio, D15 the particle size corresponding to 15% finer of the
formation, and D85 the particle size corresponding to 85% finer of the grout.
The criterion basically limits the use of suspension grouting to permeation of sands and
gravels. Other considerations that must be taken into account in grouting design are the
grout’s setting time and its stability.
Grouting with Soil. Soil itself can be used to fill up some of the volumes in coarse-grained
deposits. Even fine sands and silts used for this purpose settle down quite quickly after
injection. The soil to be used as a grout should be a very fine-grained soil. Bentonite clay is
the commonly used material. Viscosity, strength, and flow properties of a bentonite clay can
be adjusted to suit the situation.
No flow of soil-grout occurs when the water-to-soil ratio is kept very low. Pressure is then
exerted by the grout against the soil mass from the outlet of the grout pipe. This causes the
densification and movement of the grout to adjacent areas. This technique was originally
known as mudjacking and quite often used to raise pavement slabs or to underpin shallow
building foundations.
To prevent a blow-out during grouting, the grouting pressure is generally limited to about
20 kN/m2 per metre of depth. Higher pressures are used when grouting under heavy struc-
tures or in other situations where greater confinement exists. Sometimes, higher grouting
pressure can be used by working from the outside of the area to be treated. In certain cases,
high pressures are deliberately applied to widen or increase the fracture, thus providing
added channels through which the grout can flow.
Grouting with Soil–Cement Mixes. Soil in combination with a stabilizing material, e.g.,
cement, would do better than soil alone. Grouts may have different properties depending
on the amount and type of soil, cement, and water they contain. The viscosity of a grout
depends on solid-to-water ratios and different cement-to-soil ratios.
In soil–cement systems, volumes of soil between four and six times the loose volume of
cement are common. The volume of mixing water varies from about three-fourth to twice
the volume of clay per bag of cement in cement–clay grouts, and from about one-third the
loose volume of sand per bag of cement to an equal volume of the same in cement–sand
grouts. Water–cement ratios in the range of 0.5:1 to 5:1 have been in use. The lower this ratio,
the less likely cement segregation and filtering will be, but injection will be more difficult
and the friction losses in the pumping system will be greater.
High viscosity systems with very low water content can be used as displacement grouts.
The advantage of these soil-cement mixes over soil alone is the permanence of the grout but
their dis-advantage is an increase in cost. The other factors, such as equipment, pressure,
and pumping rates, however, are roughly the same.
Grouting with Cement. Cement grouting has been widely used, more often in seepage
cut off beneath dams, but also in groundwater control in certain cases. Cement grouts are
usually made from Portland cement and water. Sometimes the cement particles come out
of the suspension before complete curing of the grout has occurred. This phenomenon is
referred to as bleeding. This behaviour is more pronounced when water content and fluidity
of the grout are greater.
When selecting a particular cement grout for use, one would obviously like to know its
final strength, flow rate, set time, shrinkage, permeability, and durability. Other ingredients
that are sometimes used in cement mixes are fine sand, clay (as discussed in the previous
section), fly ash, fluidizers, accelerators, and retarders or expansion additives.
Grouting with Lime. Grouting with lime is a special form of grouting – pressure injected
lime has been increasingly applied, especially for the stabilization of expansive soils for foun-
dations of light structures. In this process, a lime slurry, containing 3 to 4 N weight of lime per
litre of water plus a surfactant, is injected under high pressure (350 to 1,400 kN/m2). Treat-
ment locations may be spaced at 1 to 2 m laterally and 0.3 to 0.5 m vertically up to the depth
of seasonal moisture variation. Pumping of the grout is continued at each depth until refusal,
or until the slurry runs out at the ground surface. About 120 litres of grout per metre depth
is quite usual.
The method is best suited for expansive soils with cracks, fissures, slickensides, fractures,
and root holes. These passages, in conjunction with channels formed by hydraulic fracturing
under higher injection pressure, provide channels for the slurry throughout the soil. Lime
reacts with the soil adjacent to the cracks forming moisture barriers to protect the unre-
acted soil blocks against volume change. Free penetration of grout into soil pores is difficult
because of the large lime particle size and small bore size.
Displacement Grouting. Displacement or compaction grouting is a specialized technique
used for controlled densification of in situ soils at depth. This technique is not the same as
conventional grout filling within a soil mass by penetrating it with a cementing material.
The basic concept of compaction grouting is that of injecting a growing “bulb” of grout that
Growing bulb of
Radial densification
of soil particles
acts as a radial hydraulic jack, displacing the surrounding soil particles and thus radially
compacting the soil from the point of injection (Fig. 19.15).
Most displacement grouts are composed of a cement–sandy-loam mixture containing
three to five sacks of cement per cubic metre of soil. After thorough mixing, the materi-
als are pumped using a mud jack. Equipments are available to pump a zero slump grout
up to 30 m depth under a high pressure of 2,700 kN/m2. Most applications of a displace-
ment grout are for correction of differential settlements. This technique is more suitable in
partially saturated cohesive or organic soil masses, silts, sands, and soils containing void
pockets (Mitchell, 1970).
Bridge structure
(b) Embankment reinforced to produce stability
(a) Bridge abutment and support
to bankseat Reinforcement
(c) Reinforced tank foundation
(d) Stepped highway structure (e) Cutting formed using soil nailing
Top granular soil
Clear Turbid
water water
Shell Core Shell
Surcharge Retaining
Drain pipe
either cross-plane, when functioning primarily as a filter, or in-plane, when water is transmitted
within the geotextile structure itself. In the latter case, a bulky geotextile or a composite system
is needed. Figure 19.19 represents typical cases of application of geotextiles as drain.
Both the filtration and drainage systems have the following advantages: (i) faster
installation, (ii) less soil to excavate and dispose of, (iii) less load, and (iv) greater system
Geotextiles as Reinforcement. Since the tensile strength of soil is less, geotextiles, which
have high tensile strengths, can contribute to the load-bearing capacity of the soil. Thus,
geotextiles perform the function of reinforcement in soils. This application has solved
many construction problems on soft and compressible soils. The most important use has
been in road construction on soft sub-grades. Geotextiles are also used to reinforce walls
and embankments. Figure 19.20 represents some of the applications of geotextiles as
General Applications of Geotextiles. Geotextiles can also be used in the following situ-
ations (Zanten, 1986):
1. Bank and bed protection: In this application, the geotextile protects the underlying mate-
rial against excess pore water pressure. The filtering material is water permeable during
its life time. This construction functions in a subsidiary way as a separating sheet and
19.10.2 Geomembranes
Geomembranes are thin materials with very low permeability. They are flexible and are
manufactured from synthetic or bituminous products. They may be strengthened, if neces-
sary, with a fabric or film. Geomembranes differ from geotextiles with reference to the rate
of permeability. The permeability is high (as in sand) in geotextiles and very low in geomem-
branes (as in bentonite or colloidal clay). For all practical purposes, geomembranes may be
considered to be impermeable to both gases and fluids. This makes them ideal for construct-
ing waterproof or gasproof barriers between adjacent bodies of soil, or soil and fluid.
Geomembranes are used in the following situations (Zanten, 1986):
1. Sealing against fluid percolation – e.g., on sea coasts, river banks, shipping canals and
locks, reservoirs, terrain bunding, etc. The function of geomembranes in these cases is to
form a barrier between the water and the surroundings and to ensure that water transport
is reduced to a minimum.
2. Buffers against pollutants – e.g., permanent or temporary storage of waste products,
waste-water treatment plants, basins for use in emergencies, roads in areas used for
extraction of groundwater, etc. In these cases, the function of the geomembrane is to cre-
ate a barrier between two media and prevent any mixing of these media.
As stated above, geomembranes are manufactured from synthetic (thermoplastic) or
bituminous products. Some of the synthetic materials used are high-density polyethylene,
low-density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc.
Ground freezing appears to be gaining popularity in recent years. Frozen soil is far
stronger and less pervious than unfrozen ground. Stabilizing soils by freezing has the fol-
lowing advantages: (i) high strength of stabilized soil, (ii) low permeability in the stabilized
soil, (iii) barrier to seepage flow, (iv) protection from soil deformation, (v) noiseless opera-
tion, and (vi) applicability to a wide range of soils. Ground freezing is accomplished by
bringing a refrigerant into the proximity of soil pore water. The pore water may be stationary
or moving with a velocity of 2 m per day. The pore water around the refrigerant pipes freeze,
and continued freezing yields a continuous wall of ice.
Ground freezing has applications in temporary underpinning and excavation stabiliza-
tion. Other applications are in backfreezing of soil around pile foundations in permafrost
and in maintenance of frozen soil under heated buildings on permafrost. Design on frozen
ground involves properties of the frozen ground, heat flow, transfer of water to ice, and
design of a refrigeration system.
19.11.3 Pre-wetting
One technique for the stabilization of expansive soils that can be effective under light struc-
tures, such as dwellings, is to flood the area prior to construction. Successful ponding is facil-
itated initially by the natural soil. After successful pre-wetting, the soil has a water content
closer to that to be attained after construction; hence, subsequent volume changes are small.
Lime treatment of the surface layer to a depth of 0.3 to 0.5 m after ponding may be ben-
eficial. This treatment provides a working platform for construction and an impermeable
moisture barrier to retard subsequent desiccation of the pre-wetted soil.
19.1 Soil improvement in its broadest sense is the alteration of any property of a soil to
improve its engineering performance. This may be either a temporary process or a
permanent measure to improve the performance of the completed facility.
19.2 Surface compaction is one of the most widely used techniques and is also one of the
oldest techniques of soil densification.
19.3 Drainage methods like well-point systems, deep-well drainage, etc. are adopted to
control the groundwater entry into the construction site, as a temporary or permanent
measure, thereby ensuring a safe and economical construction scheme.
19.4 Vibration techniques produce shock waves which cause liquefaction followed by den-
sification and settlement accompanying the dissipation of excess pore water pressure.
These methods will be effective only in coarse-grained soils with less fines.
19.5 Compression of fine-grained soils is effectively done by pre-loading and surcharge
fills, by installing vertical drains, and by dynamic consolidation.
19.6 Grouting is a process whereby stabilizers, either in the form of suspension or solution,
are injected into sub-surface soil or rock fissures to control groundwater intrusion,
prevent settlement, increase the strength of soil, etc.
19.7 Chemical stabilization uses lime, cement, fly ash, and a combination of the above for
soil stabilization.
19.8 Geotextiles are porous fabrics manufactured from synthetic materials which are
nowadays used for four major functions, viz., soil separation, filtration, drainage, and
19.9 Geomembranes are flexible materials with very low permeability, which are manufac-
tured from synthetic or bituminous products. They are used for sealing against fluid
percolation and as buffers against pollutants.
Objective Questions
19.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Well points are generally recommended where the water table needs to be lowered
only by a small depth.
2. When an electrical gradient is applied in a saturated soil, water moves towards the
3. Fine particles reduce the permeability of a material which is a prime factor for
4. Vibratory rollers are the best and most economical for attaining high density in
cohesionless soils.
5. Suitability of a backfill material in vibroflotation is independent of the gradation of
the material.
Descriptive Questions
19.9 Compare the use of sheep’s foot and vibratory rollers in the surface compaction of
granular soils.
19.10 In electro-osmotic stabilization, what are the different types of anodes used? What
types of electrodes are used in the marine environment?
19.11 Why is cratering undesirable in the process of densifying granular soils by blasting
with explosives?
19.12 How does deep dynamic compaction densify granular soils? Describe the influence of
water content in the process.
19.13 Evaluate the technique of vibroflotation, compaction piles, and terraprobe with
reference to equipment, time for compaction, and the maximum density achievable.
19.14 Considering the groutability of various types of soils, what method do you recom-
mend to grout fine-grained soils?
19.15 Discuss the advantages of using fly ash in cement grouting over naturally available
19.16 Describe with illustrations the differences between geotextiles and geomembranes.
19.17 Discuss the various methods used to control groundwater in excavations of soft clays.
Indicate their relative suitability.
19.18 Describe a method suitable to stabilize a highway foundation in hilly terrain with
high rainfall.
19.19 Two earth dams, each 100 m high, are to be constructed, on foundations whose soil
properties are shown below. Discuss and suggest a foundation stabilizing technique
in each case.
Dam A B
19.20 How can the horizontal spacing of reinforcing strips be designed for the material in a
retaining wall?
19.21 A highway alignment passes through a region where the subsoil is a highly compressible
clay. Describe any one technique by which the consolidation of this clay can be has-
tened so that the construction of the road can be completed early.
19.1 A grain-size analysis of a backfill material for a vibroflotation work yielded the
following characteristic grain sizes: D10 = 0.10 mm, D20 = 0.18 mm, and D50 = 0.55 mm.
Find the suitability number and give the rating of the material.
19.2 A surcharge fill has a volume of 6,000 m3 and is placed at a dry unit weight of 20.0 kN/m3.
The borrow source for the fill has a dry unit weight of 15.6 kN/m3 and G = 2.68. Estimate
the volume of material required from the borrow to make the surcharge fill.
Types of embankment dams – Components of embankment dams – Other
embankment details – Flow nets for earth dams – Design criteria for earth
dams: safety against over-topping – Control of seepage and pressure in earth
dams – Stability of upstream and downstream slopes – Selection of dam sec-
tion: Earth dams – Rockfill dams
Embankment dams are water impounding structures. These are flexible structures
which can deform slightly to conform to the deflection of the foundation. Embankment
dams are primarily made out of earth and rock fragments. Thus, the term embankment
encompasses both earth and rockfill dams. These dams are also referred to as dykes or
simply embankments or banks. Earth dams that are used to confine flood waters are
called levees or guide banks. Dams that are both safe and economical can be constructed
at a given site with the available materials.
Since the dawn of history, man has built dams of earth and rocks. Numerous tanks of
reservoirs found in South India are over 2,000 years old. With modern technology earth
dams of varying heights have been constructed in different parts of India, such as Ram
Ganga Dam, Kishan Dam, Kothar Dam, Nagarjuna Sagar Dam. It is often said that the
largest structure ever built by man is an earth dam.
compacted. Materials needed for construction are invariably procured from the construction
sites, known as borrow areas. Materials from borrow areas are transferred to the embankment
location and spread to the required thickness; the proper amount of water is added and then the
material is compacted by power-operated rollers. The materials used are unprocessed natural
Some small quantities of specific materials required for drains, filters, etc. are transported
to the site or processed by screening or otherwise at the site.
In hydraulic fill dams the embankment materials are suspended in water. The soil–water
suspension (generally with about 85% water) is pumped to the required site and allowed
to settle. With proper control of the suspension and the settling process, a fairly uniform
construction can be achieved. However, because of segregation problems for coarse materials
this method may not be suitable. The placed earthfill type is widely used.
Embankment dams are of three types, viz., diaphragm, homogeneous, and zoned.
constraint on the height of the dam and the zoned type will invariably yield a more economical
section. If the major part of the dam is composed of rock, it is classified as a rockfill dam.
20.3.1 Foundation
The foundation of a dam is the sole supporting medium resisting the vertical and horizontal
forces. Depending on the foundation material, i.e., whether it is soil or rock, the foundation
may allow or resist the flow of water. Rocks form the best foundation material provided they
are free from faults, joints, or seams of soft shale or clay, etc. Sands and gravels also provide
good support for dams, but adequate steps should be taken to control the seepage. Fine
sands with relative densities less than about 65% should be compacted by vibration so as to
avoid liquefaction. Clay foundations pose serious stability and settlement problems unless
measures are taken to accelerate the consolidation. Because of their low shear strength they
require a flat slope.
20.3.2 Casing
As pointed out earlier, the shell imparts stability and protects the core. All relatively pervi-
ous materials which are not prone to cracking under normal atmospheric conditions are
suitable for casing. Table 20.1 shows (IS: 8826, 1978; 1498, 1970) the suitability of different
soils for use as shell and core.
Transition filter
Transition filter
Wave protection rip-rap Sod or rip-rap for
Upstream erosion protection
blanket Free board Relief
Internal drain
Top Down- Filter wells
Upstream stream Toe drain
shell Toe
Impervious stratum
Note : Not all of the above ordinarily would be incorporated in any one dam
Core Casing
Very suitable GC GC SW, GW GC
Suitable CL, CI CL, CI GM CL, CI
Fairly suitable SP, SM, CH GM, SM, SC, CH SP, GP CH, SM, SC
Poor – ML, MI, MH – –
Not suitable – OL, OI, OH, Pt – –
The upstream and downstream slopes of a casing have to be decided based on availability
of material, foundation condition, height, and type of dam. The upstream ranges from 2:1 to
4:1 for stability requirements, and a flat one is chosen for material with low permeability. The
usual downstream slope varies from 2:1 to 2.5:1. Goel et al. (1980), based on statistical shear
strength data, have recommended design slopes for dams (up to 15 m high) which confirm
the slope ranges given above.
20.3.3 Core
The core acts as an impermeable barrier and prevents the free seepage of water through the
body of the dam. Soils with high degrees of compressibility, swelling, shrinking, and organic
content are not suitable for cores. The Indian Standards’ recommendation for cores are listed
in Table 20.1.
Based on the availability of material, topography of the site, and diversion considerations,
the core may be positioned either centrally or inclined upstream. The top level of the core
should be fixed at 1 m above the maximum water level. This condition is imposed to prevent
seepage by capillary syphoning. The minimum top width of the core should be 3 m and
the final thickness has to be decided based on the practical considerations given below (as
suggested by IS: 8826, 1978): (i) availability of suitable impervious material; (ii) resistance
to piping; (iii) permissible seepage through the dam; (iv) availability of other materials for
casing, filter, etc.
Fetch is the distance over which the wind can act on a body of water.
The downstream slope is protected by providing rip rap or sod (turfing). The conventional
practice is to provide the entire downstream slope with turfing, which prevents the slopes
from rain cuts. In certain cases, even paving is resorted to, but it is more expensive. Sometimes
berms are employed on the downstream face to accommodate access for maintenance. This
also forms a break in the slope to reduce the rain wash. For design details of slope protection
refer to IS: 8237 (1976).
Upstream Blanket. The horizontal upstream impervious blanket is provided to increase
the path of seepage when full cut-off is not practicable on pervious foundations. The blanket
is connected to the core of the dam and may or may not be provided with a partial cut-off. The
permeability of the blanket material should be far less than that of the foundation material.
Table 20.1 gives Indian Standards recommendations. For design details refer to IS: 8414 (1977).
Relief Wells. These are vertical or nearly vertical holes arranged in one or more lines or
in a pattern so as to reduce the internal pressure and collect the seepage. Relief wells are also
used as a corrective device in completed dams that later develop unforeseen seepage pres-
sures. These wells may be installed either downstream or inside the structure.
Over-topping 30
Seepage through foundations 25
Upstream and downstream slope slides 15
Conduit leakage 13
Slope paving 5
Miscellaneous 7
Unknown 5
In a broader sense, the above failures may be grouped under three main classes, viz.,
hydraulic failures (40%), seepage failures (30%), and structural failures (30%).
Based on the knowledge gained from the studies of failures of old and new dams, the fol-
lowing design criteria are laid out:
1. There should be no danger of over-topping of the dam.
2. The seepage flow through the dam and foundations should be controlled.
3. There should be no free passage of water from the upstream to the downstream face.
4. The upstream and the downstream slopes should be safe against sliding.
5. The crest and upstream and downstream faces should be protected from wave action,
rain, and frost action.
principles of hydrology. Generally, for a 30 m dam a 100-year flood and for dams higher than
30 m a 250-year flood may be considered. The free-board requirements have already been
Phreatic line
Upper flow boundary
Flow line Impervious
Fig. 20.2 Boundary conditions and flow net for a homogeneous dam
Phreatic line
Phreatic line
Horizontal drain
Phreatic line
Coarse soil
Phreatic line
Phreatic line
Coarse soil
Phreatic line
b < 90°
Phreatic line
Coarse Soil
b = 90°
(b) b = 90°
Phreatic line
Coarse Soil
b > 90°
Fig. 20.4 Phreatic line details at entry to seepage zone (Source: Whitlow, 1983)
The theoretical parabola may have to be modified at the downstream or exit surface
also, depending on the conditions at the toe. No correction to the basic parabola is needed
when the downstream exit is a horizontal filter. When the toe filter is angular with α < 180º
(Fig. 20.5), a correction is made to relocate the phreatic line (as proposed by Casagrande,
1937). If the basic parabola cuts the downstream slope at S and the exit surface intersects the
base at F, the correct point is located at R, adopting the ratio (Fig. 20.6). In case no
a + Δa
toe filter is provided and the base is impermeable, the phreatic line makes a tangent with the
downstream face while exiting. This point can be corrected and relocated adopting
ratio (Fig. 20.7). a + Δa
Now, let us consider the properties of a parabola. The parabola is the locus of all points
equi-distant from a fixed point, called the focus, and a line, called the directrix (Fig. 20.8).
By definition, FA = AB, FD = DC, and FO = OE, taking the vertex O as the origin and x
and z as coordinates:
DC = + x
or 2
⎛ p⎞
(FD)2 = z 2 + ⎜⎜ x − ⎟⎟⎟
⎜⎝ 2⎠
⎛p ⎞2 ⎛ ⎞2
⎜⎜ + x ⎟⎟ = z 2 + ⎜⎜x − p ⎟⎟ (Therefore, DC = FD)
⎜⎝ 2 ⎠⎟ ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
Simplifying, the equation of the parabola is given as
z 2 = 2 px (20.4)
where 2p is the parameter of the parabola.
Horizontal Under-drainage. Figure 20.9 represents the condition of discharging into a
horizontal toe filter. Draw the dam and its appurtenances to a suitable scale. Assume the
focus point F as the inner end of the filter. Locate point D taking DC = 0.3BC. Locate the
directrix by extending BC and cutting by an arc with D as centre and DF as radius; i.e., make
DF = DE. Draw a vertical tangent EH to get the directrix. As all the points on the parabola
are equidistant from the focus and directrix, from any point N if a vertical is drawn at X,
then FX = XX′. Similarly establish other points. After constructing the parabola, draw a
normal at C and join C to C′ by a smooth curve such that at the entry point the phreatic line
is perpendicular.
After establishing the phreatic line, the rest of the flow lines and equipotential lines are
drawn. Then,
q = kH f
Sloping Discharge Faces. In Fig. 20.5 several conditions of discharging at the down-
stream portions of an earth dam are shown. In all cases, the intersection point of the bottom
flow line with the discharge face is considered as the focus F.
After deciding the focus point F, the parabola as described earlier is developed. Consider-
ing Fig. 20.4a, point D and the point on the directrix E are found. The parabola is drawn as
before. Let S be the point of intersection of the parabola with the downstream face. Now FS,
Phreatic line
S Δa Directrix
R a
a = 60°
p/2 p/2
Phreatic line
(a) a = 60°
S Directrix
a a = 90°
Phreatic line p/2 p/2
(b) a = 90°
S Directrix
R Δa
a = 135°
p/2 p/2
(c) a = 135°
Fig. 20.5 Phreatic line details at exit from seepage zone (Source: Cernica, 1982)
a + Δa
30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180°
Slope of discharge face a
Phreatic line
0.3 BC
C Directrix
Δa a K
A a FO E
p/2 p/2
p/2 p/2
X X′
J K Filter
a = 180° p/2 p/2
which is equal to a + Δa is measured. α is found and from Fig. 20.6 Δa /( a + Δa) is read.
Knowing a + Δa a and hence the break out point R are found. The transition section between
R and the parabola can be sketched by eye.
After drawing the phreatic line, the flow net can be completed and the discharge
For the condition α > 30°, if the constructed flow net looks like confocal parabolae, the
discharge may be calculated theoretically. We know that
q = kiA = k
Considering unit thickness of the dam, A = z × 1 = z.
From Eq. 20.4, z2 = 2px, or z = 2 px , or A = 2 px .
⎛ p ⎞⎟
q = k ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟( 2 px )= kp
⎜⎝ 2 px ⎟⎟⎠
q = k h 2 + m2 − m (20.5)
Control of Quantity of Seepage. Excess seepage may be caused due to highly permeable
dam material, short seepage paths, and defects, such as fissures and cracks brought in by
uneven settlements. The seepage of reservoir water through the body of the dam, apart from
causing excessive water loss (IS: 9429, 1980), creates the following problems:
1. Finer particles migrate and clog soil structure, thus preventing seepage and causing
sloughing and weakening of soil strength.
2. Finer particles move through coarser particles or contacts and start internal erosion or
3. Seepage flow causes pore pressures and reduces the effective strength of the soil.
Similar effects are also experienced due to flow beneath a dam. Although the control of
seepage through and underneath embankments may be treated separately, it should be real-
ized that an effective treatment of seepage requires that we consider the embankment, its
foundation, and the abutting or adjoining structures as a unit (IS: 8414, 1977).
The discharge is reduced by using a low permeable material for the dam, providing a core
in the earth structure and cut-offs in the foundations, and by increasing the seepage path by
the inclusion of an impervious upstream blanket.
Keeping in mind the guidelines given in Table 20.1, a low permeability material has to
be chosen depending on the availability of material in the field. If a suitable material is not
available, then by proper selection and by mixing different soils available at the site, it is
often possible to obtain a composite soil with sufficiently low permeability.
An effective way of reducing leakage through an embankment is by providing a rela-
tively impervious core (Fig. 20.10a). The impervious core may be made of wood, steel,
concrete, masonry, or soil and should remain intact and impervious throughout the life of
the structure. Generally, clay cores are preferred. A core may be placed near the upstream
(called the sloping core) or at the centre. An upstream core reduces the pore pressure in the
downstream part of the embankment and increases its safety. As far as stability is concerned,
the upstream core is less stable, particularly during a sudden drawdown, and more volume
of soil is required. The central core requires minimum core material and is more stable dur-
ing a sudden drawdown.
As discussed earlier, the provision of a cut-off in the foundation not only reduces the
loss of water but also controls piping. A cut-off may be partial or complete, depend-
ing on whether its depth of penetration is partial or full (Fig. 20.10b and c). A properly
constructed complete cut-off can reduce the seepage to a negligible amount, whereas
a partial cut-off is less effective. All the materials used for cores may also be used for
Another efficient way of controlling seepage and gradient is by providing an imper-
vious upstream blanket (Fig. 20.10d). By this provision, the length of the seepage path
is increased, thus reducing the gradient and seepage. The length of blanket required is
estimated using a flow net. Blankets are particularly useful when fissures and cracks
exist in the foundation. However, the blanket itself can crack due to settlement of the
foundation (Fig. 20.10e). Ordinarily, the blanket is effective in reducing the seepage only
by 50%. Blankets are of compacted impervious soil, as suggested by Indian Standards
(Table 20.1). Sometimes, various chemical additives are also employed to reduce the per-
Grouting is also an effective way of controlling excessive seepage flow. Foundation grout-
ing is resorted to in specially drilled holes for the purpose of sealing off or filling joints,
seams, fissures, or other openings encountered.
Control of Pressures and Gradients. Excess hydrostatic pressures cause boiling and piping,
especially at points where there is less weight of structures to resist them. The methods of
reducing excess pore pressures and gradients are (i) changing the direction of the seepage,
(a) Core type dam (b) Complete cut-off (c) Partial cut-off
Blanket Blanket
(ii) installation of internal drains, (iii) incorporating relief wells, (iv) increasing the external
load, and (v) providing cut-off walls and an upstream blanket.
Among the above-mentioned methods, internal drainage is the most effective. In principle,
such a provision short circuits the seepage, reduces the excess pressures, changes the direction
of movement, and hence shifts the point of high gradients to a safer place inside the structure.
In Fig. 20.11, different measures of correcting excessive uplift pressures and gradients are given.
The trench drain (Fig. 20.11a) lowers the line of seepage in the homogeneous dam and
prevents pore pressures and loss of strength in the casing of a zoned dam. In a foundation
severely damaged by cracks and fissures, a continuous drain, as shown in Fig. 20.11b, is
provided. In a highly pervious downstream shell and in small dams, toe drains (Fig. 20.11c)
are provided. Apart from reducing the pressures at the downstream slope, it prevents
saturation of the soil at the toe of the dam due to rainfall.
Relief wells are an important adjunct to most of the preceding basic schemes for seepage
control and pressure relief. They are provided in earth dams where there are seams or pockets
of pervious water-bearing strata at great depth which cannot be intercepted by other means
(Fig. 20.11d). Usually, they are used in nearly all cases with upstream impervious blankets.
Besides, they are also used along with other schemes to provide additional assurance that
excess hydrostatic pressures do not develop. Continuous observation and maintenance of
relief wells is essential so as to ensure the satisfactory performance of the overall system as
regards seepage and pressure control.
Line of seepage
Trench Continuous
drain drain
Line of seepage
Stiff clay
Dense sand
Fig. 20.11 Measures for reducing excess uplift pressures and gradients
Another method for correcting pressures is to increase the downward load at the
downstream side. Blocks of concrete have been used on the downstream top of a pervious
stratum. In earth dams, a large over-sized toe drain can serve the same purpose.
All the drainage systems require protective filters to prevent the movement or erosion of
the soil.
Water has a tendency to follow the smooth surface of abutments, pipes, conduits, etc. The
best practice is to place pipes and conduits in trenches excavated in the original foundation
material. Rocky abutments should be suitably shaped and prepared such that a perfect bond
is obtained at the contact between the impervious core and the rock. Overhangs should
be removed and the vertical surface excavated to form moderate slopes. Indian Standards
(IS: 8826, 1978) recommends a wider impervious zone and thicker transitions at the abutment
contacts to increase the length of the path of seepage.
Burrowing animals, such as musk rats and land squirrels, are responsible for piping fail-
ures in small dams. However, in modern dams, this danger is quite remote because (i) the
core material is so densely compacted that it may be difficult to burrow into it and (ii) the
crest width and the free-board are generally ample and animal holes do not penetrate to a
great depth.
Apart from the important design criteria discussed so far, there are some special design
requirements, such as control of cracking and stability in earthquake regions and at junc-
tions. A detailed discussion of these factors is beyond the scope of this book. The reader may
refer to some advanced book on earth dams and to IS: 8826 (1978).
The sliding wedge method divides the sliding mass into two or three wedges. In the
three-wedge system, the upper and lower wedges are called the driving or active wedge and
resisting or passive wedge, respectively, and the middle segment is referred to as the sliding
block. In a two-wedge system there is no middle segment. For earth dam this method is most
frequently applied under two circumstances, as shown in Fig. 20.12.
The factor of safety may be computed by adopting the methods of slices with side forces
(discussed in Chapter 13), the only difference being that the number of slices, instead of
being large, is only two or three.
Now, an alternative method, more suitable in practice, as mentioned in Fig. 20.12, is con-
sidered (Sherard et al., 1972). Let us assume that sufficient movement has taken place to
keep the active and passive wedges at failure. The active (Pa) and passive (Pp) forces acting
on the planes bc and de are computed assuming no shear forces act on the planes. Now, the
factor of safety is defined with reference to the stability of the central block. The unbalanced
force acting on the central wedge is
P1 = Pa − Pp
a c
Weak layer Assumed
(soft clay or silt failure surface
or fine sand with Foundation
high pore pressure W2 W3
Pa e f
b Pp d
Driving Resisting
wedge wedge
hw h
Trial slip
surface P
uw = gwhw
Equipotential passing
through P
hw h′
Phreatic line
New water
Let σ1 be γh. Drawdown causes the piezometric level to fall to hw, and thus, the change in
total major principal stress is given by
Δσ1 = −γ w hw
Δuw = BΔσ1 = −Bγ w hw
uw = (uw )0 + Δuw
where uw is the pore water pressure at P immediately after drawdown; that is,
uw = γ w [h + hw (1 − B) − h ′]
Dividing by the overburden pressure, γsath, we get
uw γ ⎡ h h′ ⎤
= w ⎢1 + w (1 − B) − ⎥ (20.15)
γ sat γ sat ⎢⎣ h h ⎥⎦
When B = 1 and h ′ ≈ 0 , a conservative value for ru is obtained. A pore pressure ratio
of 0.3 to 0.4 is the typical value for a rapid drawdown condition. A factor of safety of 1.2 is
acceptable for this condition. Morgenstern (1963) presented stability coefficients for a rapid
drawdown condition.
Depending on the value of the coefficient of permeability of the shell material, Indian
Standards (IS: 7894, 1975) has recommended that the pore water pressure in the casing may
be allowed in the analysis in the following manner:
1. Full pore water pressures shall be considered if the coefficient of permeability is less than
10–4 cm/s.
2. No pore water pressures shall be considered if the coefficient of permeability is more than
10–2 cm/s.
3. A linear variation from full to zero pore water pressure shall be considered for the coef-
ficients of permeability lying between 10–4 cm/s to 10–2 cm/s.
For the core material, the recommendation is to allow full pore water pressures for the
core zone lying in the drawdown range.
For a zoned dam, the pore water pressure can be determined (IS: 7894, 1975) from the
formula (Fig. 20.14)
uw = γ w [hc + hr (1 − m)h] (20.16)
where uw is the drawdown pore water pressure at any point, hc the height of core material at
the point, hr the height of shell material at the point, m the volume of water draining out
from the shell per unit volume, and h the drop in the head under steady seepage condition
at the point.
As in the case of a homogeneous dam, the drawdown pore water pressures can be deter-
mined from the flow net.
Steady Seepage with Sustained Rainfall Condition. This condition is critical again for
the downstream slope. For this, a partial saturation of shell material due to rainfall is arbi-
trarily assumed. Accordingly, during analysis, the shell and other material lying above the
phreatic line shall be considered as moist for computing driving forces and buoyant for
resisting forces.
Centre of assumed
failure surface
Phreatic line
Water level before drawdown
New h
level hc
Shell Core
The saturation for the downstream shell material shall be assumed, based on Indian
Standards recommendations (IS: 7894, 1975), as
1. 50%, if the coefficient of permeability is 10–4 cm/s or less,
2. 0%, if the coefficient of permeability is 10–2 cm/s or more, and
3. the percentage shall vary linearly from 50% to 0% for the coefficients of permeability lying
between 10–4 cm/s and 10–2 cm/s.
Earthquake Conditions. For this case, both the upstream and downstream slopes are
critical. The reader may refer to IS: 1893 (1975) for other details.
Example 20.1 Compute the factor of safety with respect to effective stress for the slip sur-
face shown in Fig. 20.15. The shear strength parameters of the soil are c′ = 15 kPa, φ′ = 30°,
and γ =20 kN/m3. The groundwater level is also shown in the figure.
Equipotential G.W.L
8m h
17 m
4 11 m
Fig. 20.15
For this problem, the Fellenius method of slices may be adopted. The sliding mass is divided
into seven slices, as shown in Fig. 20.15. The width, height, length, and angle of inclination
of the base are determined and tabulated as below:
Slice b h l α W = bhγ N = hw U= N′ = N′ tan φ′ T = W c′l
no. (m) (m) (m) (°) (kN) W cos α (m) γwhwl N − U (kN) sin α (kN)
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
1. 3.6 4.0 6.8 58 288.0 152.6 1.2 80.0 72.6 41.9 244.2 102.0
2. 4.4 7.2 5.8 41 633.6 478.2 4.0 227.5 250.7 144.7 415.7 87.0
3. 4.0 8.0 4.4 24 640.0 584.7 5.8 250.3 334.4 190.1 260.3 66.0
4. 4.0 7.4 4.0 13 592.0 576.8 5.8 227.5 349.3 201.7 183.2 60.00
5. 4.0 5.8 4.0 0 464.0 464.0 5.0 196.1 267.9 154.7 0 60.00
6. 4.0 3.4 4.2 −13 272.0 265.0 2.4 98.9 166.1 95.9 −61.2 63.00
7. 2.0 1.0 1.0 −22 60.0 55.6 0.5 34.4 20.9 12.1 −22.5 15.0
Σ 841.1 969.7 453.0
∑ c ′l + ∑ N ′ tan φ ′
∑ W sin α
453 + 841.1
F= = 1.34
Example 20.2 The natural moisture content of a borrow pit soil is 12.5% with a unit weight
of 18.6 kN/m3 with a specific gravity of 2.68. Compute the compacted volume of an embank-
ment per 1.0 m3 of a borrow pit soil. The void ratio of the proposed embankment is 0.42.
Dry unit weight of ⎫⎪⎪ γ 18.6
⎬= =
borrow pit soil, γd ⎪⎪⎭ 1 + ω 1 + 0.1125
= 16.53 kN/m3.
Cγ w
Void ratio of borrow pit eb = −1
2.68 ×10
= − 1 = 0.62.
Volume of soil solids is same both in borrow pit and embankment, i.e.,
vb v
vs = = e .
1 + e b 1 + ee
∴ Volume of embankment = (1 + ee )
1 + eb
= (1 + 0.42)×
(1 + 0.62)
= 0.877 m3.
Hence for 1 cu m of borrow pit soil, 0.877 cu m of embankment can be constructed with a
void ratio of 0.42.
20.1 Embankment dams are flexible structures primarily made out of earth and rock
fragments and used to impound water.
20.2 Embankment dams are classified as rolled fill or placed earthfill dams and hydrau-
lic fill dams. Rolled fill dams are constructed by compacting soils in successive
layers with the available materials in and around the construction site. Hydraulic
fill dams are constructed by pumping the soil water suspension to the required site
and allowing it to settle.
20.3 Embankment dams are of three types, viz., diaphragm type, homogeneous type, and
zoned type. In the diaphragm type, the embankment is constructed of pervious mate-
rials with a water barrier on the upstream side. Homogeneous dams are constructed
from a simple kind of material. Zoned dams are more common types of dams with
pervious materials as shells and impervious materials as cores.
20.4 The components of an earth dam are the foundation, casing, core, top width, free-
board, cut-off, internal drain, transition filter, slope protection, and relief wells. All the
components are not provided in a single dam.
20.5 The salient features in the design of earth dams are (i) there should be no danger
to the dam by over-topping, (ii) seepage through the body of the dam and founda-
tion should be controlled, (iii) upstream and downstream slopes should be protected
against sliding, and (iv) crest, upstream, and downstream faces should be protected.
20.6 In earth dams, the phreatic surface constitutes the top flow line which has to be located
based on the boundary condition.
20.7 It has been mathematically shown that the basic shape of the phreatic surface is that
of a parabola, and it deviates only at the upstream and downstream faces depending
on the cross section of the dam.
20.8 Excess seepage may be caused due to highly permeable dam material, short seepage
paths, and defects such as fissures and cracks caused by uneven settlement.
20.9 Excess seepage through the body or foundation of a dam is controlled by providing (i) an
impervious core, (ii) partial or free cut-off in the foundation, or (iii) upstream blanket.
20.10 Excess uplift pressures and gradients are reduced by providing (i) trench drains,
(ii) continuous downstream drains, (iii) toe drains, or (iv) relief wells.
20.11 Stability of the slopes of an earth dam are critical under the following conditions:
(i) construction condition with or without partial pool (for upstream and down-
stream slopes), (ii) reservoir partial pool (for upstream slopes), (iii) steady seepage
(for downstream slopes), (iv) sudden drawdown (for upstream slopes), (v) steady
seepage with sustained rainfall (for downstream slopes), and (vi) earthquake condi-
tions (for upstream and downstream slopes).
20.12 The circular arc method or sliding wedge method is adopted for stability analysis of
20.13 Crest, upstream, and downstream slopes should be protected from destructive wave
action. The crest is protected by surfacing. The upstream slope is protected by rip-rap,
concrete pavement, or steel facing. The downstream slope is protected by a heavy
layer of coarse gravelly material or surfaced with top soil and planting shrubs or grass.
20.14 The factors to be considered while selecting an earth or rockfill dam are (i) availability
of construction materials, their quantity, and proximity to the site; (ii) condition of
the foundation and cut-off requirements; (iii) types of construction machinery;
(iv) construction schedule and diversion considerations; (v) climatic conditions and
their interference in placement water content; and (vi) safety requirements as regards
stability and seepage.
Objective Questions
20.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. In an earth dam, the phreatic surface constitutes the bottom flow line.
2. The upstream slope of an earth dam during steady seepage conditions is an equi-
potential line.
3. The shell imparts stability and protects the core.
4. Cut-off is a barrier to reduce seepage of water through the core and casing.
5. The material used for an impervious blanket should have far less permeability than
the foundation soil.
20.2 Select the type of soil most suitable for the core of a zoned dam from the following:
(a) SC (b) GC (c) CH (d) CI
20.3 A transition filter is provided between a coarse and fine material to
(a) Give sufficient support for the core and shell.
(b) Prevent the seepage of water completely into the core.
(c) Prevent the migration of fine material to coarse material.
(d) Reduce the excess hydrostatic pressure.
20.4 In a homogeneous dam sudden drawdown of a reservoir level causes instability to the
(a) Downstream slope
(b) Upstream slope
(c) Both upstream and downstream slopes
(d) None of the slopes
20.5 The extra height provided in the crest of the dam is to allow for
(a) Compression of fill material
(b) Settlement of foundation
(c) Compression of fill material and settlement of foundation
(d) Extra safety against wave action
20.6 In an earth dam the critical condition(s) for which the stability has to be checked
during construction with or without partial pool is/are
(a) Downstream slope
(b) Upstream slope
(c) Upstream and downstream slopes
(d) None
20.7 In the stability analysis of an upstream slope for the sudden drawdown condition,
generally, no pore pressure is considered in the shell when the coefficient of perme-
ability is greater than
(a) 10–3 cm/s (b) 10–4 cm/s (c) 10–1 cm/s (d) 10–2 cm/s
20.8 The sliding wedge method of analysis is generally applicable in the circumstances
(a) One or more horizontal layers of weak soil exist in the upper part of the foundation.
(b) More than one type of material is used in the body of the earth dam.
(c) The dam material is a homogeneous one and resting on a pervious foundation.
(d) The dam material is a homogeneous one and resting on a very stiff soil.
Descriptive Questions
20.9 Explain the design considerations for upstream and downstream slopes of an earth dam.
20.10 What is a rockfill dam? How is it different from an earth dam?
20.11 Explain why a thin core dam may be economical even when ample supplies of both
pervious and impervious soils are available.
20.12 Under what conditions would it be advisable to place a blanket layer of coarse-grained
material between an embankment and its foundation?
20.13 Define seepage force, piping, and roofing as understood in the study of stability of an
earth dam resting on a relatively porous medium.
20.14 What is meant by construction pore pressure in earth dams? What are the methods
adopted to reduce the same?
20.15 An earth dam foundation consists of clay having very low shear strength. It is pro-
posed to construct a dam of 10 m height. Suggest a method of foundation treatment
and design considerations so as to avoid a base failure.
20.16 What is the significance of a filter in an earth dam? Discuss the design criteria of filters.
20.17 State some general principles of soil selection in the design and construction of
20.18 Bring out the role of the nature of embankment soil on the cracking phenomena of
20.19 Write a detailed note on the construction of rockfill dams.
20.20 List the field tests you would conduct on a composite rolled fill construction. Explain
the importance of each test.
20.1 Construct a flow net and estimate the seepage of the homogeneous earth dam sketched
in Fig. 20.16. The average coefficient of permeability is 4 × 10–7 m/s.
15 m
2:1 2:1
40 m
45 m
Fig. 20.16
20.2 Make a flow net for the earth dam given in Fig. 20.17 and estimate the seepage loss.
20.3 Figure 20.18 shows a section through an earth–rock dam. The clay is isotropic with a
permeability of 10–8 m/s. Assuming the rockfill permeability to be infinite, determine
the quantity of seepage through the core per metre width of the dam.
2.5:1 Toe drain
20 m
20 m
Fig. 20.17
Clay core
Rockfill 6m
2.5 2.5
1 Rockfill
1 20 m
17 m 1 1
1.5 1.5
Impervious base
Fig. 20.18
20.4 Calculate the minimum length of under drain needed for the cross section of an earth
dam shown in Fig. 20.19, such that the top seepage line shall not be nearer than 7.2 m
from the downstream surface of the dam.
Top width
7.2 m
48.8 m 52.4 m
Fig. 20.19
and γ = 21.8 kN/m3. Choose a trial circular slip surface passing through the toe and
determine the factor of safety using Fellenius method of slices.
20.7 The downstream slope of an earth dam is shown in Fig. 20.20. Find the factor of safety
against sliding along the slip surface shown. The approximate pore pressure distribu-
tion is also shown.
19 m
10 m 37
r= 12.5 m
2 C 20 m
g = 19 kN /m3
c¢ = 15 kPa
f¢ = 28° b
Fig. 20.20
20.8 The upstream slope of an earth dam under steady seepage conditions is shown in
Fig. 20.21. The relevant parameters of the dam are e = 0.60, G = 2.68, c′ = 17 kN/m2,
and φ′ = 26°. Find the factor of safety against sliding along the slip surface using the
ordinary method of slices.
Centre line
12 m
34 m
2 :1
Nf = 3
Nd = 12
Fig. 20.21
Earthquake: seismic waves, magnitude – Other dynamic loads – Theory
of vibration: free and forced vibrations with and without damping – Types
of machines and machine foundations – Dynamic bearing capacity of
shallow foundations – Design requirements – Methods of analysis for block
foundation – Liquefaction of soils
Elastic waves moving through a soil mass produce ground motion, which is transmit-
ted through foundations to a structure as vibrations. The vibrations are caused by earth-
quakes or from construction activity such as rock blasting, pile driving, etc. On the
other hand, vibrations also result from operating machinery and are transmitted
through the foundations to the soil. Vibrations developed by operating machinery pro-
duce several effects which must be considered in the design of foundations. As large
machines are usually supported on the soil and the impulses are directly transmitted to
the soil, the design of machine foundations involves the problem of soil dynamics. A
detailed review of the effects of dynamic loading on soil properties is given by Prakash
(1981). Liquefaction of soils is an important phenomenon that occurs due to large vibrat-
ing forces.
When friction between rocks on either side of a fault is adequate to prevent the rocks
from slipping easily or when the stressed rock is not already fractured, some elastic
deformation occurs before failure. When the stress exceeds the rupture strength of the
rock (or the friction between rocks along an existing fault), sudden movement occurs
along the fault, resulting in an earthquake. After the rupture, the rocks snap back to the previ-
ous dimensions due to elasticity, which is referred to as elastic rebound. The stress release and
the movement are reflected as the relative displacement of the rocks on either side of the
fault following the earthquake. This released energy is propagated in the form of seismic
waves, which pass on the energy through the earth media. During this process, all the struc-
tures erected on the earth’s surface are subjected to vibrations.
The point inside the earth’s surface at which the first movement or break occurs during
an earthquake is called the focus or biocentre of the earthquake. The point on the earth’s sur-
face directly above the focus is the epicentre. The position of the focus is determined from a
seismograph record.
21.2.2 Magnitude
Magnitude of an earthquake is a measure of the amount of ground shaking (i.e., the amount
of vertical motion) based on the amplitude of elastic wave it generates. Richter’s magnitude
scale, named after Prof. Charles Richter, a geologist, is most often used. The Richter scale
starts from 2, and there is no upper limit. Table 21.1 gives the description of an earthquake
in relation to its magnitude on the Richter scale.
The Richter scale is a logarithmic one; that is, an earthquake of magnitude 4 causes 10
times as much ground movement as one of magnitude 3, one hundred times as much as one
of magnitude 2, and so on.
Magnitude Description
zmax amplitude
0=z m
m dstat = A k1 + k d stat
Equilibrium m
z m m
m mg (= W )
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Fig. 21.2 Spring–mass system: (a) unstretched spring; (b) equilibrium position; (c) mass in oscillat-
ing position; (d) mass in maximum downward position; (e) mass in upward position;
(f) free-body diagram of mass corresponding to (c)
A solution to this equation is obtained (for the solution, refer Converse, 1962; Prakash,
1981), and after satisfying Eq. 21.1, the expression for ωn, the circular natural frequency of
the system, is given as
ωn = (21.3)
One cycle of motion is completed when ωnT = 2π, where T is the period. Then,
2π m
T= = 2π (21.4)
ωn k
The natural frequency, fn, the number of cycles executed in unit time, is given as
1 1 m
fn = = (21.5)
T 2π k
The period Tn is the free period of the spring–mass system and depends on both the
spring constant and the mass. With reference to foundations on soil, the foundation and
attached masses are taken as m and the earth as the spring. In the above treatment, the mass
of the spring (earth) is neglected, and hence this simple theory represents approximately the
behaviour of foundation on soil.
Fd = − cz (21.6)
Sign convention
z, z, z
kz + cz
position z
7 8 9 10
0 5 6
1 2 3 4
Sign convention
z, z, z
kz + cz
position z
m m
F0 sin wt F0 sin wt
(a) Spring–mass–dash (b) Free-body
pot diagram
where ω is the frequency of the force of excitation. The free-body diagram is shown in
Fig. 21.5b. The equation of motion is
mz + cz + k z = F0 sin ωt (21.11)
A solution to this equation (for the solution, refer Converse, 1962; Prakash, 1981) gives the
following expressions:
F0 / k
z0 = (21.12)
(1 − r 2 ) + (2 ζ r )2
⎡ 2ζ r ⎤
θ = tan−1 ⎢ ⎥ (21.13)
⎢⎣ 1 − r 2 ⎥⎦
where z0 is the maximum displacement of the forced vibration, θ the phase angle between
the applied force and the displacement, and r = ω / ωn, the frequency ratio.
The factor F0/k represents the static deflection of the system (δstat) under a static load
equal to the dynamic force F0. Thus,
z0 1
= (21.14)
δstat (1 − r ) + (2 ζ r )2
2 2
10 x
Magnification, N
2 Actual damping
Critical damping
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Frequency ratio, w
Fig. 21.6 Frequency ratio versus magnification ratio (Source: Leonards, 1962)
Equation 21.14 is called the magnification factor (N). This factor signifies the increase in
the maximum deformation of a forced vibration from that caused by a static load equal in
magnitude to that of the dynamic force.
For the undamped vibration condition, c = 0, and N becomes
(1 − r 2 )2
For low values of ω, the increase in amplitude is less, as N is close to unity. For ω = ωn , N is
infinite and the amplitude is infinite if sufficient damping is not available in the system. For
ω > ωn, the amplification gradually decreases. By providing adequate damping, the ampli-
tude decreases depending on the magnitude of the damping ratio.
Figure 21.6 shows the magnification factor N versus frequency ratio r. To avoid large
amplitudes, r should be kept less than 0.5 or greater than 1.5.
The rotating speed of the main drive in rpm or the frequency of the periodic force acting on the system.
Machine Machine
Motor Motor
(c) Complex-type foundation
under dynamic loading are magnitude and nature of the loading pulse, duration of the
pulse, and the strain rate response of the soil during deformation (Das, 1983). Only very
limited data are available on dynamic bearing capacity.
Vesic et al. (1965) conducted laboratory model tests on dry and saturated dense sands
under varied strain rates of 25 × 10−5 to 250 mm/s. This corresponds to a varying loading
velocity of 14.4 to 19.75 mm/s. Based on the results of Vesic et al. (1965) and other similar
works, Das (1983) has shown a gradual decrease of (qf / 12 γ B) with loading velocity up to
a minimum value, followed by an increase. This has been attributed to a reduction of the
friction angle by about 2°. Thus, it has been recommended by Vesic (1973) that for dynamic
conditions the φ value can be reduced by 2° and the reduced value can be used for bearing
capacity under dynamic conditions in sand. Heller (1964) has suggested that foundations on
sand are subjected to an acceleration level of amax ≤ 13g under general shear and amax > 13g
under punching shear. Such a prediction of bearing capacity in sands may be unreliable in
loose, submerged sands as they are susceptible to liquefaction under dynamic loads.
For footings on saturated clays, the conventional bearing capacity equation can be used
for the φ = 0 condition, but an appropriate cohesion value has to be introduced. Generally,
undrained cohesion increases with strain rate. Carroll (1963) suggested that undrained cohe-
sion under dynamic condition can be taken as 1.5 times the undrained cohesion under static
condition. This modified cohesion can be used in the bearing capacity equations to obtain
the dynamic bearing capacity in clays.
Table 21.3 Foundation frequency and amplitude requirements for various machines
Reciprocating machines
fop should be greater than 2fn or less than 0.5fn in important machines; otherwise, fop should be greater
than 1.5fn or less than 0.6fn
Drop and forge hammers
fn should be greater than 2.5fi or less than 0.7fi
Peak vertical amplitude of the foundation should not exceed 1.2 mm. Peak vertical amplitude of the
foundation block should not exceed 0.8 mm if the foundation is on sand below the water table
With important structures nearby, maximum peak velocity of the foundation is 3 mm/s
Rotary-type machines
For high-speed machines, fn should be no closer than 20% to fop. Permissible amplitudes at beating level:
1. For fop < 3,000 rpm
Vertical, 0.04–0.06 mm
Horizontal, 0.07–0.09 mm
2. For fop > 3,000 rpm
Vertical, 0.02–0.03 mm
Horizontal, 0.04–0.05 mm
Foundation vibrations should not exceed 50% of the above figures. For low-frequency machines ( fop <
1,500 rpm), fn must be considerably greater than fop, and foundation peak amplitude must not exceed 0.3 mm
Note: fop is the operating frequency of the machine, fi is the frequency of impact, and fn is the natural
frequency of the machine–foundation system.
Source: IS: 2974 (1979); compiled by Moore (1985).
Amplitude of vibrations, μm (±)
2.00 B′
3 5 10 20 30 50 100 160
Disturbing frequency, Hz
Line ADD′ limit to avoid damage to buildings
Line ACC′ limit to avoid service discomfort to persons
Line ABB′ limit to ensure reasonable comfort to persons
Note: These limits do not include any factor of safety
Fig. 21.8 Amplitude limits of a foundation block (Source: IS: 2974 – Part 1, 1982)
A chart has been provided by the Indian Standards (IS: 2974 – Part 1, 1982), which gives
various limits of frequency and amplitude for different conditions (Fig. 21.8).
The main steps to be followed in the design of a satisfactory machine foundation are as
1. The design criteria to be adopted are finalized (as discussed above).
2. The dynamic loads which are to be transmitted to the foundation are computed.
3. The appropriate soil parameters under static and dynamic conditions are estimated from
field and laboratory tests.
4. An appropriate method of analysis is chosen to compute the natural frequency and the
vibration amplitude at operating frequency for each of the relevant modes of vibration.
This is accomplished for an assumed foundation size, which is modified if necessary to
satisfy the design criteria.
Moore (1985) suggests the following factors to be considered while proportioning the
foundation and finalizing the details:
1. The centre of gravity of the machine and foundation should be as close as possible to the
centroid of the foundation base area.
2. For low-speed machines ( fop < 5 Hz), the foundation has to be designed such that the
natural frequency is much higher than the operating frequency. In case of high-speed
machines (fop > 8 Hz), the natural frequency should be maintained at a lower level.
3. In order to reduce or isolate transmission and vibrations from the machine foundation to
other foundations and parts of the building, joints or vibration isolators are provided.
4. The foundation has to be designed such that it can be modified at a later date if some
unforeseen vibration problems develop.
Y La
Rocking al X
Load pA
kz = = (21.17)
Elastic deformation Se
k z = Cu A (21.18)
I Weak soils (clays and silty clays with sand, in a plastic state, Up to 1.5 Up to 3.0
clayey and silty sands, also of categories II and III with
laminae of organic silt and peat)
II Soils of medium strength (clay and silty clays with sand, 1.5–3.5 3–5
close to the plastic limit, sand)
III Strong soils (clays and silty clays with sand, of hard consistency,
gravels and gravelly sands, loess and loessial soils)
IV Rocks >5.0 >10.0
Source: Barkan (1962).
Cu A
ωnz = (21.20)
where τ is the shear strength of sand, σn′ is the effective normal stress on any plane, and φ′ is
the angle of internal friction.
Ground vibrations in sand tend to reduce the volume; if there is no room for reduction in
volume, the pore water pressure increases dramatically and is expressed as
where τdyn is the shear strength of soil under dynamic condition, udyn is the excess pore
water pressure due to dynamic loading, and φdyn is the angle of internal friction under
dynamic conditions.
It can be observed that because of increase of pore water pressure, the effective normal
stress decreases, resulting in shear strength reduction. However, in sands under dynamic
′ is almost equal to φ′.
conditions, φdyn
For a zero shear strength condition, that is,
τ dyn = 0 ; σ n′ = udyn
=1 (21.24)
Increase in pore water pressure results in reduction in shear strength. Complete transfer
of inter-granular stress from soil grains to water is known as complete liquefaction. If the
transfer of stress is partial, then it is called partial liquefaction.
In case of complete liquefaction, the effective stress reduces to almost zero, and the sand–
water mixture behaves as a viscous material followed by starting of consolidation resulting
in surface settlement.
Liquefaction of sand can develop at any zone of a deposit. Liquefaction of the upper
layers may occur not as a direct result of the ground motion but because of development of
the liquefaction condition in an underlying zone of the deposit. When liquefaction develops
at a deeper level, the excess pore water pressure in the liquefied zone will dissipate due to
flow of water in an upward direction. If the hydraulic gradient is greater than the critical
gradient, then the upward flow of water induces a quick or liquefied condition in the surface
layers of the deposit. The onset of liquefaction at one zone of a deposit may lead to liquefac-
tion of other zones.
21.1 When stress along a plane (or fault) in the ground exceeds the rupture strength of
rock, a sudden movement occurs along that plane of fault resulting in an earthquake.
21.2 After rupture, due to the elastic property of rocks, the ruptured portion pushes back
to the original position, which is referred to as elastic rebound.
21.3 The point inside the earth’s surface at which the first movement or break occurs
during an earthquake is called the focus or biocentre. The point on the earth surface
directly above the focus is the epicentre.
21.4 The major seismic waves are body waves and surface waves.
21.5 Magnitude of an earthquake is a measure of the amount of ground shaking based
on the amplitude of elastic waves. Richter’s scale represents the magnitude of an
21.6 Other dynamic forces are due to bomb blasts, machineries, pile driving, landing of
aircraft, etc.
21.7 Many of the foundation problems arising from oscillating machinery can be analysed
by considering the simple harmonic application of force.
21.8 A foundation is said to be in free vibration when it is disturbed and then kept free to
vibrate about some mean position. Vibrations that result from exciting agencies are
referred to as forced vibration.
21.9 In an elastic system, vibrations which are taking place due to inherent forces in the
system and are free from any external forces are termed natural frequency.
21.10 The foundation system is said to be at resonance when the frequency of the exciting
agency (operating frequency) is close to the natural frequency.
21.11 Damping is associated with energy dissipation and is the internal resistance offered
by a foundation system to the vibration of a machine.
21.12 Machines are broadly classified as (i) reciprocating machines, (ii) impact machines,
and (iii) rotary machines.
21.13 The design of a machine foundation has to satisfy the following conditions: (i) reso-
nance should be avoided, (ii) the amplitude of vibration at the operating frequency
should be less than the limiting amplitude, and (iii) vibrations of the machine should
neither cause damage to the machine and structures nor harm the health and comfort
of the people.
21.14 Liquefaction denotes a condition where a soil will undergo continued deformation at
a constant low residual stress or with no residual resistance.
Objective Questions
21.1 The major seismic waves are
(a) Body waves and surface waves
(b) Tension waves and translation waves
(c) Compound waves
(d) Rayleigh waves
21.2 An earthquake is said to be damaging when the Richter number is
(a) >8 (b) 6 to 6.9 (c) 5 to 5.9 (d) <4
21.3 When the frequency of the exciting agency (operating frequency) is close to the natu-
ral frequency, then the foundation system is said to be at
(a) The free vibrations stage (b) The forced vibrations stage
(c) Resonance (d) Low amplitude
Descriptive Questions
21.8 How are earthquakes caused?
21.9 What is an elastic rebound?
21.10 Name the two seismic waves. Explain briefly the importance of Rayleigh waves.
21.11 How is the magnitude of an earthquake measured?
21.12 Discuss the different types of vibrations.
21.13 Bring out the difference between free and forced vibrations.
21.14 What is a spring–mass system? How is damping represented?
21.15 Briefly explain the method of analysis of a block foundation.
21.16 What are the limits of amplitude of vibration with reference to human beings?
21.17 Explain liquefaction of sands during an earthquake.
Environmental cycles – Natural cycles: oxygen cycle, nitrogen cycle, carbon
cycle – Environmental imbalance: solid and liquid wastes – Petroleum contami-
nation – Acid rain and acid drainage – Scrap wastes – Arid lands and deserts
– Wetlands – Coastal margins – Soil erosion – Land subsidence – Birth of envi-
ronmental geotechnology – Contaminated soils: identification, classification,
permeability, electrical properties, shear strength, consolidation – Applications
– Load–environment design criteria
Environmental geotechnology is an interdisciplinary science which covers soil and rock
and their interactions with various environmental cycles. This field has grown rapidly
since 1986.
Air, water, and soil are in eternal interaction with each other. Therefore, the phases
of the pollution process should not be viewed in isolation but should be taken in inte-
gration with the other phases (Fang, 1997). Hence, designs that are based only on the
physico-mechanical behaviour of the soil are not adequate, and the role of the environ-
mental aspects has to be included in the design.
Biosphere geotechnology
Lithosphere Hydrosphere
Fig. 22.1 Environmental cycles and their interactions (Source: Fang, 1997)
Geo-microbiosphere is a new term which does not come under the ecosphere. It is the study
of the characteristics of tree and vegetation roots and bacterial activities in the groundwater
and soil and subsequent response to the engineering behaviour of the soil–water system.
Figure 22.1 shows the environmental cycles and their interactions.
22.4.6 Wetlands
Urban development invariably uses large areas of wetlands for residential, industrial, and
commercial purposes. Although additional useful lands are created for urban development,
there are many detrimental effects. For example, various ecological effects may be caused by
the construction of highway earth fills on wetlands, viz., inhibition of storm water and tidal
distribution, increased water turbidity, alteration of water circulation patterns, removal of
natural filtration systems, etc. Thus, construction of any structure on a specific wetland or on
a problematic soil deposit is a complex problem.
1. Construction of waterworks for irrigation, storm protection, and power may reduce the
coastal land area, which may cause interception of water and sediments and shifting of
channel locations.
2. Construction of industries on coastal land may result in the production of efflu-
ents which are let into coastal land or sea causing increased pollution of near-shore
3. Construction and activities on coastal land leads to loss of wildlife habitat.
4. Further constructions lead to increase of rate of sea level.
22.6.1 Identification
During reconnaissance and field investigation, colour, odour, and presence of organic matter
and other debris help in the proper identification of contaminated soils. Sometimes, water
bubbles are formed by certain polluted waters. Cracking patterns and soil colour are affected
by contaminated soil water.
22.6.2 Classification
The basic concept of classification of contaminated soil is based on the particle size. Even a
small percentage of clay and colloids may contribute to the entire solid surface. Thus, the
interaction of soil surface and the pore fluid depends on the pore fluid characteristics and the
physico-chemical properties of the particle surface. The controlling parameters for proper
classification, considering the environmental factors, are 2 μm fraction, specific surface, pH
in pore fluid, ion-exchange capacity, absorption and adsorption, and dielectric constant.
22.6.3 Permeability
Permeability of a contaminated soil is significantly affected by pore fluid characteristics.
Fang (1997) has reported that permeability increases when (i) the percentages of multivalent
cations in the pore fluid are increased, (ii) the organic contents are increased, and (iii) the salt
concentration of a pore fluid is increased.
22.6.6 Consolidation
As for shear strength, the effect of pore fluid and temperature may show different settlement
characteristics in contaminated soil. More recently, Terzaghi’s concept of consolidation has
been extended to contaminated soils taking into account the electrokinetic, thermal, and
electromagnetic effects.
All civil engineering structures are founded directly or indirectly on ground soil or rock. The
stability of the structure, both sub-structure and superstructure, depends on the stability
characteristics of the soil, which is influenced to a great extent by local environmental
factors. Foundation is the most important component of a structure whose performance in
turn depends on the nature of ground or its improvement.
The current practice of foundation is based mostly on the load and settlement criterion.
Now, the practice has to be modified to take into account the environmental factors into
design. Thus, the modified design criteria should have a safe load–environment factor
If the existing ground does not satisfy the load–settlement–environmental factors, measures
must be taken to improve the factor that will make the ground suitable for use. As discussed
in Chapter 19, ground improvement comprises improving mechanical, hydrological, physico-
chemical, biological, or a combination of these properties or any other properties of nature or
man-made soil deposits. The purposes of ground improvement are as follows:
1. To strengthen ground soil before failure occurs,
2. To strengthen ground soil for the full life period,
3. To strengthen ground soil after premature or unexpected failure, and
4. To provide temporary ground improvement.
For deciding an effective ground improvement system, the following factors need to
be considered: (i) sensitivity of soil to environment, (ii) ground soil–water pollution, (iii)
adverse ground conditions, and (iv) selection of construction materials.
Objective Questions
22.1 Many elements in the ______ are exchanged.
(a) Hydrosphere (b) Ecosphere
(c) Microsphere (d) Lithosphere
22.2 Indicate the wrong statement. Man-made environments include
(a) Solid wastes (b) Liquid wastes
(c) Petroleum contamination (d) Land subsidence
22.3 Assertion A: Nitrogen is the fourth abundant element next to carbon, hydrogen, and
Choose the correct statement:
Reason R: In the biosphere, carbon cycle, like nitrogen cycle, is of essential elements.
(a) A and R are true, and R is the explanation of A.
(b) A and R are true, and R is not the explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
22.4 Identify the wrong statement. Sediments formed due to erosion
(a) Resist the efficiency of drainage systems
(b) Damage agricultural lands
(c) Upset the natural ecology and environment
(d) Improve surface water quality
22.5 Choose the wrong term. For design of water-front structures, the following forces
should be considered:
(a) Water flow (b) Ice flow
(c) Atmospheric flow (d) Wave force
Descriptive Questions
22.7 Explain clearly the natural cycles.
22.8 What are the factors involved in environmental imbalance?
22.9 Briefly explain the importance of land subsidence.
22.10 How are contaminated soils identified?
22.11 Briefly explain the need for consideration of environmental factors.
22.12 What are the additional factors to be considered in the load–environment design
Index properties of rocks – Classification of rocks – In situ state of stress –
Mechanical properties of rocks
Rock mechanics is an inter-disciplinary subject covering various fields, such as engi-
neering geology, mining, petroleum, and civil engineering. The common man believes
that rocks are strong materials with reliability and permanence and need no treatment
if they are used as foundations. But rocks present in nature have several geological dis-
continuities, such as faults, joints, fissures, etc. The behaviour of a rock mass subjected
to a change in stress is governed by the mechanical properties of the rock material and
the geological discontinuities.
Several major failures of dams and rock slopes have occurred in the past due to
inadequate analysis and understanding of rock behaviour. Nowadays, tall structures,
high dams, lengthy tunnels, and deep mines are constructed, which induce a large
stress change. Thus, for an exact analysis and proper prediction of the behaviour of
civil engineering structures on rock and the use of rock as a construction material, a
complete understanding of the engineering properties and behaviour of rock masses
is essential. The basic knowledge of soil behaviour, gained from the preceding chap-
ters, forms a sound foundation for understanding the rock behaviour dealt in this
weight, permeability, strength, durability, and sonic velocity (Goodman, 1980). These
properties are explained in the following paragraphs.
23.2.1 Porosity
Porosity of a rock, as in soils, is defined as the fraction expressing the proportion of void
space to total space in the rock and is represented as a percentage. It identifies the relative
proportion of solids and voids. The porosity of a rock depends on the particles-size distribu-
tion, sorting, grain shape, fabric, degree of compaction and cementation, solution effects,
and mineralogical composition. The highest porosity is commonly attained when all the
grains are of the same size. Large ranges of porosity can be obtained with irregularly shaped
In sedimentary rocks, the average porosity is about 15%. In these rocks, there is a decrease
in porosity with age and depth. Among the rocks, chalk is the most porous with a porosity of
50%. In unweathered igneous rocks, the porosity is usually less than 1% or 2% which, with
the progress of weathering, increases to about 20%. Thus, the measurement of porosity in
such rocks serves as an accurate index to rock quality.
Porosities of rocks are determined by adopting a variety of techniques, such as measured
density, measured water content after saturation in water, mercury content after saturation
with mercury using a pressure injector, and measured solid volume and pore air volume
using Boyle’s law. The standard saturation method (Franklin, 1970) and the air porosimeter
(Ramana and Venkatanarayana, 1971) are the conventional methods used for determining
23.2.2 Density
The dry density or unit weight of a rock is its specific weight (kg/m3 or kN/m3 as in soil).
From a knowledge of specific gravity of rock grains, the rock density or unit weight can be
approximately found. For example, a rock with a specific gravity of 2.8 has a unit weight of
28 kN/m3. The grain specific gravity can be determined by grinding the rock and adopting
methods used for soils. Rocks exhibit a large range of density values compared to soils. The
density of a rock is easily measured from the volume and mass of a carefully drilled core
specimen. Table 23.1 lists the densities of some common rocks.
A knowledge of rock density has wide application in civil engineering and mining prac-
tices, e.g., in the selection of aggregates for roads, slabs and beams, and gravity dams and in
the analysis of underground openings; besides, in oil shale deposits, it directly correlates to
the oil yield and in coal deposits, it directly reflects the ash content.
23.2.3 Permeability
Water is always present and stored in the rock masses. It percolates through pores when
subjected to hydraulic gradient. As in soils, permeability in rocks is defined as the ability of
a rock to allow the passage of fluids into or through it, without impairing its structure. Per-
meability is selected as an index property of rock since it gives information about the inter-
connection between the pores or fissures.
Coal 0.7–2.0
Oil shale 1.6–2.7
Rock salt 2.1
Shale 2.25–2.62
Gypsum 2.30
Rhyolite 2.37
Syenite 2.60–2.70
Granite 2.65
Basalt 2.77
Quartz, mica schist 2.82
Diorite 2.85
Amphibolite 2.99
Gabbro 3.00
Darcy’s law is valid in most of the rocks. If the permeant is other than water and the tem-
perature varies considerably, a more useful form of Darcy’s law is
K dp
q= A (23.1)
ηw dx
where q is the discharge, K the permeability coefficient independent of permeant (length2), p
the fluid pressure (equal to γh), ηw the viscosity of the permeant, and A the area of cross section.
As in soils, permeability of rocks can be assessed in the laboratory from a constant or
falling head test. An alternative approach is to allow a radial flow in a hollow specimen
(Bernaix, 1969) and measure the discharge either from inner surface to outer surface or from
outer surface to inner surface. For radial flow in an unfractured rock with inter-connected
pores, the permeability is given by
qγ w ⎛R ⎞
k= log ⎜⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟⎟ (23.2)
2πLΔp ⎝ R1 ⎟⎠
where R1 and R2 are the radii of inner and outer surfaces, L the length of cylinder, and Δp the
difference between external and internal water pressure.
Berniax (1969) showed that porous rocks are unaffected by pressure changes. Further, it
was shown that fissured rocks exhibit higher permeability in divergent flow than in conver-
gent flow. It is presumed that some amount of hydraulic fracturing∗ would have occurred
in divergent flow. Goodman and Sundaram (1980) reported similar behaviour based on the
tests on tuff, schist, sandstone, and limestone. Some typical values of permeability of rocks
are presented (Serafim, 1968) in Table 23.2.
It is the process of initiation of a crack caused by water pressure.
23.2.4 Strength
A strength index is useful only if the results from tests on rocks are reproducible and inex-
pensive. The point load test described by Franklin and Broch (1972) is identified as a strength
index test. In this test, a specimen is subjected to compression between two cone-shaped
platens (Fig. 23.1), which causes tensile stresses normal to the axis of loading and the point
load strength (tensile strength) σpl is given as
σpl = (23.3)
where P is the load at rupture and D the distance between the point loads.
The point load strength index is reported as the point load strength of a 50 mm diameter core.
The point load strength test is simple and quick and can be carried out in the field itself.
Rocks showing strong anisotropy, such as slates, schists, laminated sandstones, etc., have
Fig. 23.1 Point load test on rock prism (Source: IS: 10082, 1981)
to be tested both along and parallel to bedding planes. Franklin and Broch (1972) have pro-
vided a point load strength index for easy identification of rocks (Table 23.3). The uncon-
fined compressive strength of rocks (qu) is correlated to the point load strength test as
qu = 24σpl(50) (23.4)
where qpl(50) is the point load strength corresponding to a 50 mm diameter core.
Group name Percentage retained after one Percentage retained after two
10-minute cycle (dry weight basis) 10-minute cycles (dry weight basis)
Very high durability >99 >98
High durability 98–99 95–98
Medium high durability 95–98 85–95
Medium durability 85–95 60–85
Low durability 60–85 30–60
Very low durability <60 <30
Morgenstern and Eigenbrod (1974) used a water absorption test to assess the amount and
rate of slaking of argillaceous materials. They found that non-cemented claystone or shale
absorbed water faster and that all materials eventually reached a final water content equal to
their liquid limits. Materials with high liquid limits exhibited a high degree of slaking than
those with low liquid limits. They have also shown that the rate of slaking is reflected by the
rate of water content change following soaking. The rate of slaking is given by the change in
liquidity index (ΔIL) following 2 hours of immersion in water; that is,
T ΔI L = (23.5)
wL − w p
where Δw is the change in water content of the rock after soaking for 2 hours.
Table 23.5 provides the rate and amount of slaking as suggested by Morgenstern and
Eigenbrod (1974), reported by Goodman (1980).
Sl N
igh on-f
M tly iss
50 er fis ure
at su d
ely re
St f iss d
ro ur
ng ed
Ve ly
25 ry fis
fis stro s ur
su n ed
re gly
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 23.2 Classification scheme for fissuring in rock specimens (Source: Goodman, 1980)
where Vl,i is the longitudinal wave velocity in the ith mineral constituent and Ci the volume
Now the actual velocity of longitudinal waves (Vl) is measured. A quality index (IQ) is
defined as
⎛V ⎞
IQ = ⎜⎜⎜ l* ⎟⎟⎟×100% (23.7)
⎜⎝ Vl ⎟⎠
Further, Fourmaintraux (1976) showed the dependence of IQ on the porosity of the rock.
Goodman (1980) presented a geological classification based on lithology and divided the
rocks into the following classes and sub-classes:
1. Crystalline texture
(i) Soluble carbonates and salts, e.g., limestone, dolomite, marble, rock salt, trona,
(ii) Mica or other planar minerals in continuous bands, e.g., mica schist, chlorite schist,
graphite schist
(iii) Banded silicate minerals without continuous mica sheets, e.g., gneiss
(iv) Randomly oriented and distributed silicate minerals of uniform grain size, e.g., gran-
ite, diorite, gabbro, syenite
(v) Randomly oriented and distributed silicate minerals in a background of very fine
grain and with vugs, e.g., basalt, rhyolite, other volcanic rocks
(vi) Highly sheared rocks, e.g., serpentinite, mylonile
2. Clastic texture
(i) Stably cemented, e.g., silica-cemented sandstone and limonite sandstones
(ii) With slightly soluble cement, e.g., calcite-cemented sandstone and conglomerates
(iii) With highly soluble cement, e.g., gypsum-cemented sandstone and conglomerates
(iv) Incompletely or weakly cemented, e.g., friable sandstone, tuff
(v) Uncemented, e.g., clay-bond sandstones.
3. Very fine grained rocks
(i) Isotropic, hard rocks, e.g., hornfels, some basalts
(ii) Anisotropic on a macro-scale but microscopically isotropic hard rocks, e.g., cemented
shales, flagstones
(iii) Microscopically anisotropic hard rocks, e.g., slate, phyllite
(iv) Soft, soil-like rocks, e.g., compaction shale, chalk, marl
4. Organic rocks
(i) Soft coal, e.g., lignite and bituminous coal
(ii) Hard coal
(iii) Oil shale
(iv) Bituminous shale
(v) Tar sand
For engineering purposes, mere geological names are insufficient and should be accompa-
nied by an engineering classification. Such a classification may be concerned with the physical
properties of rocks and the nature of discontinuities within the rock masses such that system-
atic predictions can be made about their engineering behaviour. One such classification has
been suggested by Deere and Miller (1966) for intact rocks. This classification is based on
two important engineering properties of intact rocks, viz., the uniaxial compressive strength
and the modulus of elasticity. Here the tangent modulus is used which is being computed
at a stress level equal to one-half the ultimate strength of the rock. The uniaxial compressive
strength is that determined on specimens with a length diameter ratio of at least two.
Based on uniaxial compressive strength, rocks are divided into five categories, and
designated as A, B, C, D, and E, as shown in Table 23.6. The second element modulus of
elasticity has been used as a ratio of the modulus to the uniaxial compressive strength,
called the modulus ratios designated as H, M, and L (Table 23.7). The strength categories
follow a geometric progression. Combining these two letters a rock may be classified as
AM, CH, BH, DL, etc.
A classification chart with the value of compressive strength and modulus in logarithmic
scale has been provided by Deere and Miller (Fig. 23.3). The strength classification is shown
across the top of the chart and the modulus ratio is obtained from the plotted position with
respect to the diagonal lines. The zone above the upper line with a modulus ratio of 500:1
represents the zone of high modulus ratio (H), the zone below the lower line with a modulus
ratio of 200:1 shows a zone of low modulus ratio (L), and the stippled zone is referred to as M –
the zone of medium modulus ratio. It is observed that different rock types occupy different
unique positions in the chart. Deere and Miller (1966) attributed this characteristic variation
in properties to the sensitiveness of rocks to mineralogy, fabric, and direction of anisotropy.
This engineering classification for intact rock is considered as a workable and useful system.
Engineers are concerned with a classification system which considers various aspects of
both the rock material and the rock masses. Such a classification system is referred to as the
geomechanics classification system. Terzaghi (1946) was one of the earlier researchers who
recognized the significance of discontinuities, their spacing, and the filling materials. The
basic idea of classification of rock masses was given by John (1962), who considered the
compressive strength, degree of jointing, and amount of alteration. The geomechanics clas-
sification system of Wickham et al. (1968), Bieniawski (1973, 1974a, b, 1975, 1976), and Barton
et al. (1975) are very well received. Bieniawski’s system may be rated high.
Bieniawski’s system suggests a general rock rating (RMR) increasing with rock quality
from 0 to 100. This system is based on five universal parameters: strength of rock (15),
drill core quality (20), groundwater condition (10), joint and fracture spacing (30), and
Very low Low Medium High Very high
16 strength strength strength strength strength
2 1
8 5
Young's modulus (Et), MPa × 104
4a 6
4 8
7 9
2 tio
ra 4b
o tio
1 m ra
um us
i ul 10
1 od
0: .M m
0.5 50 M w
0.25 20
Metamorphic: 1. Quartzite, 2. Gneiss, 3. Marble, 4a. Schist, Steep foliation, 4b. Schist, flat
foliation Igneous: 5. Diabase, 6. Granite, 7. Basalt and other flow rocks
Sedimentary: 8. Limestone and dolomite, 9. Sandstone, 10. Shale
Fig. 23.3 Engineering classification of intact rock based on uniaxial compressive strength and mod-
ulus ratio (Source: Deere and Miller, 1966)
joint characteristics (25). The figures in parentheses refer to the maximum rating value of
each parameter. In order to determine the RMR, the individual rating of the parameters
are summed. The RMR values recommended by Bieniawski (1974a, b) are presented in
Table 23.8.
σv = γ z
has been supported by Brown and Hoek (1978) based on stress measurements. Effects of
geological structure could alter the vertical stress and the direction of principal stresses. In
major works, wherever geological heterogeneities can be expected, a thorough investigation
has to be made using numerical methods like finite element method.
Ka s v
Kp s v
Fig. 23.4 Stresses required to initiate normal and reverse faults (Source: Goodman, 1980)
where K is the ratio of average horizontal stress to vertical stress. It has been observed that
the actual measured data are consistently found to be inverse with depth (Goodman, 1980).
In a broader sense, one can estimate the variation of horizontal stress with depth without
any field measurements.
where ψ′ is the angle of intrinsic friction of solids, φ′ the angle of shearing resistance, Cs
the compressibility of solid particles, C the volume compressibility, and ac the mineral
contact area ratio.
For saturated rocks, tan ψ′/tan φ′ is in the order of 0.1 to 0.3. This means that even if ac
approaches 0.5 (rocks with very low porosity), Eq. 23.10 reduces to
σ ’ = σ −(0.85 to 0.95)uw (23.12)
This shows that Terzaghi’s effective stress equation used in soils is not an unaccept-
ably poor approximation for rocks. Further, if the compressibility of grains is low, Eq. 23.11
reduces to Terzaghi’s equation. Thus, Skempton (1961) concluded that Terzaghi’s effective
stress equation is valid in rocks too if the grains are incompressible and the yield stress of
grains is independent of pressure.
If this is not true, the effective stress can be obtained from Eq. 23.13 (a generalized form
of Eqs. 23.10 and 23.11):
σ ′ = σ − k uw (23.13)
where k is a constant depending on the area of contact between grains and their mechanical
properties (Jaeger and Cook, 1969). Terzaghi (1945) suggested a similar expression for rocks
where k is assigned a value lower than unity for rock material and unity for rock masses
(when the surfaces of joints are considered).
However, Terzaghi’s effective stress law used for soils has been confirmed to be valid for
rocks also [see, e.g., Brace and Byerlee, 1966 (reported by Serafim, 1968); Goodman, 1980;
Hubert and Rubey, 1959].
Based on Bishop’s (1955) concept for effective stress in partially saturated soils, Skempton
(1961) expanded Eqs. 23.10 and 23.11 for partially saturated materials as
1. For shear strength:
⎛ tan ψ ′ ⎞⎟
σ ′ = σ − ⎜⎜⎜1 − ac ⎟⎟ Sχ uw (23.14)
⎜⎝ tan φ ′ ⎟⎠
2. For volume change:
⎛ C ⎞
σ ′ = σ − ⎜⎜⎜1 − s ⎟⎟⎟ Sχ uw (23.15)
⎝ C⎠
ua − uw
Sχ = 1 + (1 − χ) (23.16)
As the parameter χ has serious limitations, the application of Eqs. 23.14 and 23.15 for rocks
has not yet been explored.
(a) Flexure
(b) Shear
Fig. 23.5 Examples of failure models involving breakage of rock (Source: Goodman, 1980)
Class I
Stress B
Class II
Fig. 23.6 Three regions of the stress–strain curve (Source: Wawersik and Fairhurst, 1970)
increasing slope which is a typical one for highly porous rocks and those containing numer-
ous small fractures.
The stress–strain path over region B is almost linear, which is a characteristic one for
brittle rocks. Over region C, the slope of the curve decreases, depicting dissipation of energy.
Finding notable differences in the post-peak region, they identified two classes of failure.
In Class I, the failure propagation is stable, i.e., such rocks can retain some strength even
after the peak strength. In Class II, the failure is unstable, that is, the rock has lost virtually
all its strength. The fracture of such rocks cannot be controlled. Stages in the development of
fracturing with increasing uniaxial compressive stress is shown in Fig. 23.7.
Based on a comprehensive study on 28 rock types, Deere and Miller (1966) classified the
uniaxial stress–strain curves into six types (Fig. 23.8). The Type I curve represents a nearly
straight-line behaviour of a brittle material until a sudden explosive failure occurs. Such
failures are typical of basalts, dolerites, quartzites, and strong limestones. Softer limestones,
siltstones, and tuff exhibit a continuous increase in elastic yield, which is characterized by a
Type II curve. The stress–strain curve represented as Type III is typical of sandstone, granite,
some dolostones and dolerites, and schist scored parallel to foliation. The S-shaped curve
with an extremely stiff central portion is identified as Type IV which is typical of meta-
morphic rocks such as marbles gneiss. Schist scored perpendicular to foliation has the long
Fig. 23.7 Stages in the development of fracturing with increasing unconfined compressive stress
(Source: Wawersik and Fairhurst, 1970)
e Basalt e Siltstone
Type III plastic–elastic Type IV
e Sandstone s e Marble
Type V Type VI
plastic–elastic–plastic elastic–plastic–creep
Fig. 23.8 Typical stress–strain curves for rock in uniaxial compression loaded to failure (Source:
Stagg and Zeinkiewicz, 1968)
sweeping S-shaped curve of Type V. The Type VI curve, which is characteristic of rock salt,
has an initial straight-line portion, followed by an inelastic deformation and continuous
creep. Types III, IV, and V curves are all characterized by initial concave upward portion
followed by a steeper linear section as cracks close up. The upper part of these curves shows
varying degrees of inelastic yielding as failure is approached.
The Brazilian test, suggested for cylindrical concrete specimens, is a convenient one. In
this test, a cylindrical rock specimen of thickness (t) and diameter (D) is loaded in a diametri-
cal plane with a load P (Fig. 23.9a). The specimen fails by splitting along the diametrical
loading and the tensile strength (sBt) is given as
Desirable mode of failure Undesirable mode of failure
P (a) Brazilian test P
Undesirable mode of
Desirable mode of
(b) Ring test
P area
Fig. 23.9 Tests for tensile strength of rocks [Source (for a, b, and c): IS: 10082, 1981]
σBt = (23.17)
As per Indian Standards (IS: 10082, 1981), the specimen diameter shall not be less than
45 mm and the thickness shall be approximately equal to half the diameter. A loading rate
of 200 N/s is recommended, and the load has to be measured with 1% accuracy.
It has been reported that the Brazilian test yields higher tensile strength than the direct
tension tests. The extra strength has been attributed to the effect of fissures (Tourenq and
Denis, 1970, reported by Goodman, 1980).
In the ring test, which has come into vogue recently (IS: 10082, 1981), a hollow specimen is
tested (Fig. 23.9b). The testing apparatus and procedure are same as in the Brazilian test. As
the central hole acts as a stress raiser, the vertical splitting increases considerably. Further, the
cracks simultaneously initiate from the top and bottom of the hole and propagate towards
loading points. The tensile strength is obtained from the expression
2P[(6 + 38 (D0 / Di )2 ]
σri = (23.18)
πDi t
The ring test is considered to be an appropriate test as it is based on fracture mechanics
Another indirect test recommended by Indian Standards is the line load test. In this test, a
rock prism is loaded along a line with point loads (Fig. 23.9c). The rate of loading is 200 N/s
and the tensile strength is given as
σlt = (23.19)
πD ′t
where D′ is the square base in millimetres. Equation 23.19 is applicable when the specimen
rests directly on the lower platen. This value is increased by 1.96 times if the specimen is
supported on a packing of steel bar.
The flexural test is another indirect tensile strength test. In this test, a cylindrical speci-
men of rock is loaded at three points with the bottom of the core supported on points near
the ends (Fig. 23.9d). If P is the failure load, L the length between the supports, and D the
diameter of the specimen, then the flexural tensile strength σft is given as
8 PL
σft = (23.20)
The flexural test also gives higher tensile strength than does the direct tension test.
The tensile strength test from point load has been discussed earlier. The point load test is
the only test suitable for field testing of cores (IS: 8764, 1978). As discussed earlier, the test
result can be used for evaluating the uniaxial compressive strength of unweathered rock
from the expression
qu = 22 σ(pl)50 (23.21)
Based on the brittle failure theory, the ratio of compressive strength to tensile strength is
taken as 8:1, but in practice the ratio is found to be 15:1 to 25:1 (Bell, 1983). Hendron (1968)
recommends a tensile strength of 5% to 10% of uniaxial compression strength for most rock
mechanics problems.
s 3 = 140,000 kN /m2
(s 1 – s 3), kN / m2 × 104
(s 1 – s 3), kN / m2 × 105
Stress difference
31.5 10.5
Stress difference
s 3 = 140,000
kN /m2
21.0 7.0
s 3 = 35,000 kN /m2 s 3 = 70,000
kN /m2
10.5 3.5
s3 = 0 s 3 = 35,000 kN /m2
0 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 23.10 Variation of stress–strain and strength properties (Source: Hendron, 1968)
τ p = si + σn tan φ (23.22)
where τp is the peak shear stress or shear strength of rock, φ the angle of internal friction, σn
the normal stress on the shear plane, and si the shear strength intercept.
The physical interpretation for Eq. 23.22 is that when the difference between applied
shear stress (τp) and the frictional resistance associated with the normal stress on the failure
plane (σn tan φ) becomes equal to a constant si, failure is said to occur. But for a tensile nor-
mal stress, it is not justifiable to accept frictional resistance. However, the minimum σ3 may
be tensile as long as σn is compressive. Hence, it is justifiable to extend the failure envelope
up to the tensile region where σ3 becomes equal to the uniaxial tensile strength −σt and the
minor principal stress can never become less than −σt.
Although the Mohr–Coulomb criterion is easy to work, a more accurate failure criterion
can be obtained for rocks by fitting in an envelope to Mohr circles corresponding to stresses
at failure (Fig. 23.12). Such an envelope is generally curved downwards. In most of the rocks,
the failure envelope lies between a straight line and a parabola (Hoek, 1968; Jaegar and Cook,
1969). In practice, depending on the rock type, an empirical curve fitting may be resorted to
without substantially violating the Mohr–Coulomb criterion (Eq. 23.25). For a straight-line
failure condition, σ1 and σ3 are related as
⎛ φ⎞ ⎛ φ⎞
σ1 = 2si tan ⎜⎜⎜ 45° + ⎟⎟⎟ + σ3 tan 2 ⎜⎜⎜ 45° + ⎟⎟⎟ (23.23)
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
For an uniaxial compression, σ3 = 0 and σ1 = qu, then
⎛ φ⎞
qu = 2si tan ⎜⎜⎜ 45° + ⎟⎟⎟ (23.24)
⎝ 2⎠
- T0 s3 s3 s3 s1 s1 s1
Fig. 23.12 An empirical criterion of failure: A, direct tension; B, Brazilian; C, unconfined; D, triaxial
σ1 ⎛ φ ⎞⎛ σ ⎞
= 1 + tan 2 ⎜⎜⎜ 45° + ⎟⎟⎟⎜⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟⎟ (23.24b)
qu ⎝ 2 ⎠⎜⎝ qu ⎟⎠
Equation 23.24b is a non-dimensional one and has been generalized by Bieniawski (1974a,
b), by a power law to include the tension cut-off σ3 = σt, as
σ1 ⎛ σ3 ⎞⎟M
= 1 + N ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (23.25)
qu ⎜⎝ qu ⎟⎠
The constants N and M have to be determined by fitting a curve to the family of points
⎡⎛ σ ⎞ ⎛ σ ⎞⎤
⎢⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ , ⎜⎜ 1 − 1⎟⎟⎥
⎢⎜⎜⎝ q ⎟⎟⎠ ⎜⎜⎝ q ⎟⎟⎠⎥⎥
⎢⎣ u u ⎦
strength may also approach zero (i.e., si = 0) and the residual friction angle (φr) may lie
between zero and peak friction angle.
The presence of water in rocks reduces their strength. Some rocks on saturation weaken
due to chemical deterioration of cement or clay binder. But the major reduction in strength
is due to the water pressure in pores and fissures. In such situations, effective stresses have
to be considered while defining the shear strength parameters.
Several unconfined shear test procedures, such as single, double, punch, and torsional
shear tests, are available for rocks. In all these shear tests, the results depend on the testing
technique and the rock material. A schematic testing arrangement and the relevant formula
are presented by Bell (1983). It is recommended by Goodman (1980) that the shear strength
of rocks should be assessed only from the triaxial compression test.
Fig. 23.13 Typical stress–strain relationships for rocks (Source: Farmer, 1968)
curve shows a slope decrease with increasing stress (Fig. 23.13b). Less cohesive rocks with
large pore space fall under the third category, whose stress–strain curve is shown in Fig. 23.13c.
Another important elastic property of rocks is the Poisson’s ratio (ν). Deere and Miller
(1966), based on the studies on rocks, showed that ν varied between 0.125 and 0.341. In rocks
subjected to uniaxial compression, ν remains more or less constant with increase in stress,
and ν reaches the theoretical maximum of 0.50 at the failure range. The trend is opposite in
rocks subjected to uniaxial tension. The ν values of some rocks are given in Table 23.9.
The laboratory uniaxial compression test is itself used to obtain circumferential and axial
deformations or strains. The data needed to evaluate them are obtained by electrical resis-
tance strain gauges, compressometers, optical devices, or other suitable means. While choos-
ing the measuring devices, it should be noted that at least two circumferential and two axial
strain measurements can be found for each increment of load (IS: 9221, 1979). The gauge
length for strain measurements should be at least five times the grain-size diameter. The
axial strain (εa) and the diametric strain (εd) are then calculated. Thus, Poisson’s ratio is
The modulus of elasticity E may be calculated from a stress–strain curve using any one of
the methods explained earlier (Fig. 23.14). It is determined in the field by adopting uniaxial
jacking test (IS: 7317, 1974).
23.5.8 Hardness
Hardness of a mineral is defined based on its capability to resist scratching and relative hard-
ness has been used as the index for identification. For this, Mohr’s hardness scale has been
in use. But in rocks, the condition is much more complex and no clear definition is yet avail-
able. Deere and Miller (1966) defined rock hardness as a combined resistance to displace-
ment and penetration of particles. Further, they noted that both hardness and toughness
depend on the same factors.
Tangent modulus, Et
Stress, s
Initial tangent modulus, Et
O R Strain
Average dispersion
strength for most rocks, MPa 32
Hammer Vertical Downwards
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Schmidt hardness (R) L-hammer
Fig. 23.15 Correlation chart for Schmidt (L) hammer relating unit weight of rock, compressive
strength, and rebound number (Source: Deere and Miller, 1966)
Thus attempts were made to determine the hardness of rock either from the measured
indentation (Brinell, Rockwell, or Vickers) or from the rebound tests (Shores or Schmidt).
Deere and Miller (1966) used both Shores’s scleroscope and Schmidt rebound hammer and
presented correlation charts with uniaxial compressive strength. Figure 23.15 shows a cor-
relation chart for Schmidt (L) hammer. It is possible to use this hardness number and the dry
unit weight for predicting the uniaxial compressive strength within 75% confidence limits
(Hendron, 1968).
23.1 Rock mechanics is an interdisciplinary subject which covers various fields like geol-
ogy, mining, petroleum, and civil engineering.
23.2 In order to identify the quality of a rock, certain properties like porosity, density, per-
meability, strength, durability, and sonic velocity have been grouped and designated
as index properties.
23.3 Porosity, density, and permeability are as defined in soils and have the same charac-
teristics and significance as in soils.
23.4 The maximum point load obtained from a test on rock prism is designated as the
strength index of a rock.
23.5 The results from a slake durability test, called the slake durability index, represent
the degree of durability of rocks.
23.6 Comparison of in situ sonic wave velocity with intact core helps in identifying dis-
continuities in rock.
23.7 Classification of rocks should consider lithology in addition to conventional geo-
logical classification. Such a classification divides the rocks as (i) crystalline texture
rocks, (ii) clastic texture rocks, (iii) very-fine-grained rocks, and (iv) organic rocks.
23.8 State of stress at a point in a rock mass depends on the geologic processes that have
acted on the mass. Knowledge of rock stresses is helpful in several civil engineering
23.9 Skempton suggested generalized effective stress expressions for saturated rocks for
shear strength and volume change separately.
23.10 Hydraulic fracturing method, flat-jack method, and overcoring method are the best
known methods for measurement of in situ stresses.
23.11 As the in situ load configuration is complex, no single mode of rock failure can be
identified. Based on the ground condition, the failures may be due to flexure, shear,
compression, and tension.
23.12 Uniaxial or unconfined compression test is the oldest, simplest, and most frequently
used strength test for rocks.
23.13 The Brazilian test is the convenient test to determine the tensile strength of rocks.
23.14 The Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is the simplest well-known criterion of failure
for rocks and applicable both for peak and residual strengths.
23.15 Shear strength of rocks is reasonably found from triaxial compression and adopting
the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion.
23.16 Modulus of elasticity is the most important elastic property of rock. The tangent
modulus determined at half of failure load provides the best value.
23.17 Rock hardness is a combination of resistance to displacement and penetration of
Objectives Questions
23.1 State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. In sedimentary rocks, the porosity varies from close to zero to as much as 90%.
2. Uniaxial compressive strength is identified as a strength index test.
3. Most rocks are significantly strengthened by confinement.
4. Engineering classification of intact rocks is based on the modulus of elasticity and
Poisson’s ratio of the rocks.
5. Terzaghi’s effective stress law used for soils is not valid for rocks.
Descriptive Questions
23.6 The pores of a rock are filled with mercury by injecting it at high pressure. Derive an
expression for porosity in terms of the volume of mercury filling the pores, specific
gravity of component grains, and density of water.
23.7 Explain the factors which affect the shear strength of a rock mass? Why cannot the
strength of a core sample be used for the mass?
23.8 How do modes of failure of rock specimens vary with effective confining pressure?
Illustrate your answer by stress–strain curves.
23.9 For a three-point bending test of a core sample with circular cross section, derive an
expression for the modulus of rupture.
23.10 In a homogeneous rock mass, how does erosion of top layers affect the ratio of hori-
zontal stress to vertical stress?
23.1 A sandstone is composed of a mixture of 73% quartz and 27% pyrite grains with a poros-
ity of 16%. Determine the dry density of the sandstone if the specific gravity of quartz and
pyrite grains are 2.65 and 5.0, respectively (Hint: Specific gravity, G, of the solid part of a
rock is given as
G = ∑ G jVj
where Gj is the specific gravity and Vj is its volume percentage of component j).
23.2 A sandstone core, 85 mm in diameter and 172 mm long, consists of quartz and feld-
spar grains. The sample was saturated with water and found to weigh 22.3 N when
wet and 21.1 N after oven drying. Determine the wet and dry unit weights and its
23.3 Triaxial shear tests conducted on samples of rock revealed the shear strength param-
eters as si = 12,600 kN/m2 and φ = 38°. An unlined tunnel is made in the rock where
the confining pressure was zero and the water pressure was 850 kN/m2. Under such
a condition, what will be the compressive strength of the rock?
23.4 The triaxial strength of the rock specimen may be approximated by the following
qf ⎛ σ ′ ⎞n
= 0.1 + k ⎜⎜⎜ m ⎟⎟⎟
qc ⎜⎝ qc ⎟⎠
where qf is the maximum shear stress, σm the effective mean normal stress, qc the uni-
axial compressive strength, k = 0.78, and n = 0.90.
Plot Mohr’s failure envelope and estimate shear strength parameters for a range of
effective normal stresses of 250 to 500 kN/m2. The uniaxial compressive strength may
be taken as 2,000 kN/m2.
23.5 A porous rock under triaxial test conditions yielded the shear strength intercept as
1.2 MPa and the angle of internal friction as 33°. Compute the uniaxial compressive
strength and estimate the tensile strength of this rock.
Components of pavements; Types and requirements; subgrade; pavement
design – Wheel load – Flexible and rigid pavement; Methods – Group
Index – CBR – Mc Leod – Burmister – Westergaard’s – IRC
A pavement is the main structure of a road or a runway, which is relatively a stable layer
or a crust constructed over the natural soil. The natural soil is called a subgrade. The
main function of a pavement is to support and distribute the wheel loads of vehicles
through the underlying layer to the subgrade.
Base course
Sub-base course
Soil subgrade
As heavy load of vehicles has to be carried, surface layer is the strongest layer provided
at the top. The courses of decreasing strength are provided in order, such that the load is dis-
tributed smoothly on to the subgrade.
Sub-base, base and surfacing courses are also called soling, metalling and wearing
courses, respectively. Sometimes a strong subgrade is available the sub-base may be
24.5.1 Preparation
Preparation of subgrade includes all operations before the construction of a pavement struc-
ture. Depending on the topography, the subgrade may be situated on the existing ground
level or as embankment or as cutting.
In all cases, the side clearance is the first aspect. The site should be cleared off of the top
soil, grass, roots, rubbish and other organic matters.
Next the grading operation is reworked so as to bring the vertical profile of the subgrade
to the designed grade and camber. Necessary equipment may be used for removing the
boulder. Levelling and finishing it is essential that the subgrade in compact to the standard
density at an appropriate moisture content before the construction of a pavement structure.
Top width
Shoulder Highway
1:n 1:n
Height of
foundation Levelled
Sometimes the grade of natural ground may not be as per design requirement, then it has
to be properly graded by cutting. In this case, apart from the preparation of subgrade, the
stability of side slopes and drainage arrangements are to be made.
Figure 24.3 shows a highway in cutting. Stability of cuts may be made by adopting the
following measures:
1. By maintaining adequate flat slopes.
2. By consolidating the cut slopes.
3. By providing steps at suitable intervals as the sloping cut edge.
4. By constructing breast walls against cut slopes.
5. By developing grass turf.
Tandem axle
Single axle
Tractor Trailer
While total load influencing the thickness of the pavement, the tyre pressure influences
the quality of surface course. The wheel load is assumed to be distributed over a circular
area. This distributed load is the tyre pressure, which is differently referred to as inflation
pressure or contact pressure. Contract pressure, p, is given by the relationship
Contact pressure, p = hA
where h = load on wheel and
A = contact area or area of imprint.
The contact pressure is focused to be more than the tyre pressure when the tyre pressure
is less than 7 kg/cm2.
In order to have a maximum wheel load, dual wheel assembly is provided to the rear
axles of the load vehicles. Because of this, the load die to both wheels are not to be transfer
led to the pavement. However, there will be overlap pressure after a certain depth. The
actual effect is in between a single-wheel load and a double-wheel load, which is called the
equivalent single-wheel load (ESWL).
The deformation of a pavement or subgrade may be small due to the application of a
single-wheel load. As the pavement experiences repeated loads, the accumulated defor-
mation at any time may be freely elastic or partially plastic. This plastic deformation may
increase with more repetition and ultimately may result in pavement failure. For design
purposes, it is necessary to convert various wheel loads to a single-wheel load. Equivalent
wheel loads accounting for repetition of loads are those which require save thickness and
strength of pavement.
Step I: The value of the Group Index is found using the details of the soil.
Step II: The anticipated traffic is estimated and classified as light, medium or heavy
as indicated in Fig. 24.5 (a).
Step III: The appropriate design curve is chosen from Fig. 24.5 (b) and the total thick-
ness of pavement (surface, base and sub-base courses) is found for the
corresponding Group Index.
Step IV: The thickness of sub-base or base only is found from appropriate curve to
find the thickness.
As discussed earlier, the method is only empirical, which considers only soil properties
and not the strength and compressibility characteristics of the soil. These curves were pre-
sented as only approximate and may be modified by the engineer concerned to suit the local
conditions based on his/her experience.
Very poor 10 – 20 30 cm 30 cm 30 cm
Group index
of subgrade
5 C D
(A-1-a) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Thicknesses cm
Combined thickness of surface, base and sub-base
Thickness of surface and base
B Light traffic
Combines thickness of surface, road base and
C – Medium traffic
selected material sub-base
D Heavy traffic
E – Thickness of additional road base which may be substituted
F Light traffic
G – Combined thickness of surface and road base (no sub-base) Medium traffic
H Heavy traffic
3175 kg wheel load
(light traffic)
Depth of construction - cm
4082 kg
wheel load
5443 kg wheel load
(heavy traffic)
On similar grounds, Indian Roads Congress (IRC: 37–1970) provided design charts
similar to the one followed in UK, for different traffic volumes from 15 to over 4,500 com-
mercial vehicles per day exceeding 8 tons loader weight (Figure 24.7).
In order to use the chart, the following steps are followed:
1. CBR value should be found for a soaked specimen of the subgrade soil.
2. Considering the design wheel load or the anticipated traffic, the appropriate design curve
is chosen.
3. Corresponding to the CBR value and the chosen curve, the total thickness of flexible pave-
ment needed to cover the subgrade is found.
4. If a superior material is to be used as a sub-base, whose CBR value is found correspond-
ing to this CBR value of sub-base material, the required thickness of construction (over
this material) on the already chosen traffic curve is used.
5. Then the thickness of the sub-base course is the total thickness minus the thickness over
the sub-base.
The CBR method of flexible pavement design can be used to use materials of different
CBR values as layers with appropriate thickness.
Depth of construction - cm
B Traffic classification
No. of commercial vehicles per day
C exceeding 3 tonnes laden weight
D A 0 – 15
B 15 – 45
60 E
C 45 – 150
F D 150 – 450
E 450 – 1500
F 1500 – 4500
G Above 4500
The plate-bearing tests were repetitive and were conducted on surface, base course,
sub-base and subgrade. Based on these results Mc Leod developed a design procedure,
which goes by his nature as Mc Leod method.
Mc Leod’s empirical design formula is given as:
T = K lo g 10 (24.1)
where T = required thickness of gravel base
P = gross wheel load, kg.
S = total subgrade support, kg (for the same contact area, deflection and number
of repetitions of load, P)
K = base course constant.
It has been found that the base course constant, K, is a function of the loaded area.
Figure 24.8 shows the relationship between the plate diameter and base course constant.
The thickness may be calculated from the above equation for a given wheel load P and the
subgrade support determined from a plate-bearing test.
The subgrade support, S, is computed from the support corresponding to 0.5 cm deflec-
tion after ten repetitions using a 30 cm diameter plate.
Figure 24.9 represents the perimeter of the area of the plate to the ratio of subgrade sup-
port (kg/cm2) at a particular deflection for any size of the plate to the subgrade support (in
kg/cm2) at 0.50 cm deflection on a 30 cm diameter plate.
Base course constant K
25 50 75 100 125
Bearing plate diameter in cm
Fig. 24.8 Relation between plate diameter and base course constant
37.5 cm dia
45 cm dia
30 cm dia
20 cm dia
at deflection
3 lect
Def cm
2 075
Ratio of
Perimeter area ratio, P/A
The design unit subgrade support is obtained by multiplying the contact pressure of
the design load by the above ratio. The value of the subgrade support, S, in the product
of the unit support and the contact area.
For rigid plate, Δ = 1.18 F2 (24.3)
The above approach has been successfully used in the design of airfield pavements. The
layered system approach can also be utilized in the design of highway pavement. The diam-
eter of the loaded plate may be taken as 30 cm and the design deflection may be considered
as 0.50 or 0.25 cm.
Radius a
Uniform pressure, p
modulus E1
Layer 1
80 h
90 70
80 50
70 40
30 a
20 Perfectly rough
30 2a
modulus E2
Layer 2
20 Vertical stress σz,
as percentage of p
Uniform medium Two layer system
E1 E1
= 1 (Boussinesq case) = 10, υ = 1 , a = 1
E2 E2 2 h
Fig. 24.10 Comparison of vertical stress distribution by Boussinesq’s and Burmister’s approaches
0.8 1/2
Two layer deflection factor F2
0.3 1/10
0.1 1/2
0.08 1/5
0.06 1/1 0
0.05 1/2
0.04 00
0.03 000
0.02 0
0 0.5a 1.0a 1.5a 2.0a 3a 4a 5a 6a
Thickness of reinforcing layer
Stresses Due to Wheel Loads Rigid pavements are designed primarily as the basis of
their resistance to bending. Stresses causing failure in rigid pavements are in general tensile.
As the concrete is laid as a large slab with longitudinal and cross joints, the induced stress
due to wheel load is not the same at all points unlike in flexible pavements. The critical
points where stresses are to be assessed are interior, edge and corner of a slab.
As the magnitude of stress produced due to moisture change is less, compared to other
stresses, it is ignored.
Resultant Critical Stress and Location Stresses, discussed above, in a combined form
may cause distress on the pavement at a particular location as a resultant stress. The worst
condition depends on the time of variation of temperature and moisture as loading is a con-
tinuous process.
The three critical locations of stresses in rigid pavement are loading at corner, loading at
edge and loading at interior. The resultant stress varies on the atmospheric condition, day
and night times, moisture variation in subgrade etc. In total, the three critical locations in the
degree of decrease in intensity of stress are corner, edge and interior.
0.316 P ⎡ ⎛l ⎞ ⎤
Si = ⎢ 4 lo g 10 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + 1.069⎥ (24.4)
h2 ⎢⎣ ⎜⎝b ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦
0.572 P ⎡ ⎛l ⎞ ⎤
Se = ⎢ 4 lo g 10 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + 0.359⎥ (24.5)
h2 ⎢⎣ ⎜⎝b ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦
⎡ 0.6 ⎤
3 P ⎢ ⎛⎜ a 2 ⎞⎟ ⎥
S c = 2 ⎢ 1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ (24.6)
h ⎢ ⎜⎝ l ⎟⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
⎡ ⎤ 4
⎢ Eh 2 ⎥
l=⎢ ⎥ (24.7)
⎢ 12 1 − v 2 k ⎥
⎢⎣ )
IRC Edge-loading Formula This equation is based on Westergaard’s equation, but modi-
fied by Teller and Sutherland as:
P ⎛ l ⎞
S e = 0.529 ( 1 + 0.54μ ) ⎜⎜⎜4 lo g 10 + lo g 10 b − 0.4048⎟⎟⎟ (24.9)
h 2 ⎝ b ⎠
IRC Corner Load Formula This equation is based on Westergaard’s equation, but modi-
fied by Kelley as:
⎡ 1 ⎤
3 P ⎢ ⎛⎜ a 2 ⎞⎟ 2 ⎥
Sc = 2 ⎢1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ (24.10)
h ⎢ ⎜⎝ l ⎟⎠ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
The above equations and for finding load stresses at the edge and corner region are pre-
sented in the form of charts by IRC in Figure 24.13.
40 40
K = 30 kg/cm3
35 35
K = 30 kg/cm3 K = 15
K = 10
30 K = 15 K=8
K = 10 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
14 16 18 20 22 24 14 16 18 20 22 24
Slab thickness, cm Slab thickness, cm
(a) Edge load stress chart (b) Corner load stress chart
These charts are applicable for a particular set of design parameters, viz.,
P = 4,100 kg
E = 3 × 105 kg/cm2
v = 0.15
a = 15 cm
and curves for different K values are provided. The design curves are applicable for slab
thickness h, 15 to 25 cm.
Surface course 8 cm
Base course 22 cm
Sub-base course 26 cm
Subgrade, a1 = 15
Fig. 24.14
As the traffic is 400 commercial vehicles per day, the traffic falls under heavy traffic.
∴ The combined thickness for heavy traffic is found from curve D.
i.e., Thickness of surface, base and sub-base = 56 cm
∴ Thickness of surface and base course = 56 − 26 = 30 cm
Assuming a surface of 8 cm, the cross-section is shown in Figure 24.14.
Example 24.2 Well-graded gravel and poorly graded gravel of CBR 86% and 28%, respec-
tively, are to be used in the design of flexible pavement. The soil subgrade has been com-
pacted to have a CBR of 6%. The pavement has to be used for 4,000 commercial vehicles per
day. Design the pavement using IRC curves. The bituminous surfacing is to be of 8 cm thick.
The natural soil has a CBR of 4%.
As the number of commercial vehicles for which the road is to be used is 4,000, the design
curve (Figure 24.5b) F is to be used.
Bituminous surfacing 8 cm
Well graded gravel – CBR = 86% 10 cm
Fig. 24.15
Example 24.3 The flexural strength of concrete is 48 kg/cm2 and modulus of elasticity is
2.8 × 105 kg/cm2.The maximum wheel load is 4,200 kg with an impact factor of 5%. The tyre
pressure is 5.2 kg/cm2 and the modulus of subgrade reaction is 6.0 kg/cm2. Assuming a fac-
tor of safety of 2.5, find the thickness of cement concrete pavement. Use Westergaard’s
corner-stress equation.
Allowable flexural⎫⎪⎪ Flexural strength
strength⎪⎪⎭ Factor of safety
= = 19.2 kg/cm2
Maximum wheel load = 4,200 kg
Impact factor = 5%
Design wheel load = 4 , 200 + × 4 , 200
= 4,410 kg.
A pavement thickness of 20 cm is assumed and to calculate the radius of relative stiffness.
Radius of contact area, a =
4 , 410
a= = 16.43 cm
5.2× u
Eh 3
Radius of relative stiffness, l=
( )
12 1− v 2 K
2.8 ×10 5 × 20 3
12 (1 − 0.152 )
= 75.11 cm
⎡ 0.6 ⎤
3 P ⎢ ⎛⎜ a 2 ⎞⎟ ⎥
Corner tensile stress, Sc = ⎢ 1 − ⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
h 2 ⎢ ⎜⎜⎝ l ⎟⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
⎡ 0.6 ⎤
3× 4 , 410 ⎢ ⎛⎜ 16.43 2 ⎞⎟ ⎥
= ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
20 2 ⎢ ⎜⎜⎝ 75.11 ⎟⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Objective Questions
Descriptive Questions
24.11 Differentiate between rigid and flexible pavements.
24.12 What is equivalent single-wheel load? Explain briefly.
24.13 State how variations in climatic conditions affect the design of pavements.
24.14 Explain the Group Index method.
24.15 What are the methods of flexible-pavement design? Write the IRC recommendations
for CBR method.
24.16 Critically appraise the CBR method of flexible-pavement design.
24.17 How Burmister’s two-layer theory is used for the design of highway flexible
24.18 Bring out the merits and demerits of cement concrete pavement.
24.19 Describe briefly the factors influencing the design of rigid pavements.
24.20 Discuss the stresses caused in cement concrete pavements.
24.21 What are the critical resultant stresses and their locations?
24.22 Explain Westergaard’s stress equation for cement concrete pavement.
24.23 Explain temperature stresses that develop in cement concrete pavement.
Symbol Definition
A Activity of clay
Aa Cross-section area
A,⎯Α Pore pressure coefficient
A′ Total inter-particle attraction
Ar Area ratio
Av Air content or air void ratio
a Radius
av Coefficient of compressibility
B Buoyancy force
B,⎯Β Pore pressure coefficient
B, Bf Width of footing
b Width
C Clay fines
C Inorganic clay
Cc Compression index
Cα Coefficient of secondary compression
Ce Expansion index
Cf Compressibility of pore fluid
Cs Composite shape factor
Cs Compressibility of soil skeleton
Cu Uniformity coefficient
Cz Coefficient of curvature
c Cohesion intercept
c′ Effective cohesion
c* Modified cohesion intercept
cb Coefficient of consolidation (horizontal drainage)
cm Mobilized cohesion
cu Undrained cohesion
cv Coefficient of consolidation (vertical drainage)
ccu Consolidated undrained cohesion
ccu Effective consolidated undrained cohesion
cd′ Effective drained cohesion
cr′ Effective cohesion for residual strength
c Effective contact stress
D, d Diameter
D Particle size
D Depth
D Depth factor
D Length of drainage path
If Influence factor
Ip Plasticity index
It Toughness index
i Hydraulic gradient
i Inclination of slope
ic Critical hydraulic gradient
ie Exit gradient
K Absolute permeability
K Coefficient of lateral pressure
Ka Coefficient of active earth pressure
K0 Earth pressure at rest
Kp Coefficient of passive earth pressure
k Coefficient of permeability
ks Spring constant
kE Coefficient of electrical conductivity
ke Effective coefficient of permeability
kH Effective coefficient of permeability in the horizontal direction
kV Effective coefficient of permeability in the vertical direction
L Length of soil specimen/pile
L Low compressibility
Lr Recovery ratio
M Silt fraction fines
M Total mass
M A coefficient
Ma Mass of air
Md Disturbing moment
Mr Resisting moment
Ms Mass of soil solids
Mw Mass of water
mv Coefficient of volume compressibility
N Percentage finer
N Standard penetration value
Ncd Dynamic cone penetration value
NB Boussinesq’s vertical stress coefficient
NCA Stress coefficient for circular loaded area – stress at any point
NCC Stress coefficient for circular central load
NE Stress coefficient for embankment loading
NF Cousins stability number
NN New Mark’s stress coefficient
NR Stress coefficient for rectangular loaded area
NS Stability factor
NW Westergaard’s vertical stress coefficient
Nc′, Nq′, Nγ′ Bearing capacity factors – deep foundation
Nc , Nq , N γ Bearing capacity factors – general shear
Nc′, Nq′, Nγ′ Bearing capacity factors – local shear
Nd Number of potential drops
Nf Number of flow channels
Nf Flow value
n Porosity
nd Number of potential drops lost
α Contact angle
β Inclination of retaining wall
γ Total unit weight of soil
γ′ Submerged unit weight of soil
γd Dry unit weight of soil
γs Unit weight of soil solids
γsat Saturated unit weight of soil
γw Unit weight of water
Δe Change in void ratio
ΔH Change in height
Δuw Change in pore water pressure
ΔV Change in volume
Δσ Change in total stress
Δσ ′ Change in effective stress
δ Angle of wall friction
ε Strain
θf Inclination of failure plane
μ Micron
ν Poisson’s ratio
χ A parameter
ρ Total density of soil
ρ Resistivity
ρ Flexibility number
ρ′ Submerged density of soil
ρd Dry density of soil
ρs Density of soil solids
ρsat Saturated density of soil
ρsd Bulk density of soil
ρw Density of water
σ Total stress
σ′ Effective stress
σ ′′ Intrinsic effective stress
σ Mineral–mineral contact stress
σBT Brazilian tensile strength
σfa Allowable flexural stress
σft Flexural tensile strength
σh Lateral stress
σh′ Effective lateral stress
σn Total normal stress
σn′ Effective normal stress
σpt Point load tensile strength
σr Radial stress or radial stress due to surface load
σt Tensile strength
σv Total vertical stress
σ v′ Effective vertical stress
σz Total vertical stress due to surface load
σθ Circumferential stress due to surface load
σ1, σ2 , σ3 Total major, intermediate and minor principal stresses
σ1′ , σ2′ , σ3′ Effective major, intermediate and minor principal stresses
τf Peak shear strength
τr Residual shear strength
τxy , τyz , τzx Complementary shear stresses
φ Angle of shearing resistance
φ Potential function
φ′ Angle of shearing resistance for effective stress condition
φ* Modified friction angle
φcu Consolidated undrained angle of shearing resistance
φcu Effective consolidated undrained angle of shearing resistance
φd′ Drained angle of shearing resistance
φps Angle of shearing resistance for plain strain
φr Residual angle of shearing resistance
φtr′ Angle of shearing resistance for triaxial test
φu Undrained angle of shearing resistance
ψ Flow function
η Efficiency
η Viscosity of fluid
ηg Efficiency of pile group
ηw Viscosity of water
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