Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Oscar Danilo Montoya, Walter Gil-González, L.F. Grisales-Noreña
Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Oscar Danilo Montoya, Walter Gil-González, L.F. Grisales-Noreña
Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Oscar Danilo Montoya, Walter Gil-González, L.F. Grisales-Noreña
Electrical Engineering
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper addresses the classical problem of optimal location and sizing of distributed generators (DGs)
Received 31 December 2017 in radial distribution networks by presenting a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model. To
Revised 6 May 2019 solve such model, we employ the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) in conjunction with the
Accepted 19 August 2019
BONMIN solver, presenting its characteristics in a tutorial style. To operate all the DGs, we assume they
Available online 14 November 2019
are dispatched with a unity power factor. Test systems with 33 and 69 buses are employed to validate the
proposed solution methodology by comparing its results with multiple approaches previously reported in
the specialized literature. A 27-node test system is also used for locating photovoltaic (PV) sources con-
Distributed generation
Distribution systems
sidering the power capacity of the Caribbean region in Colombia during a typical sunny day. Numerical
General algebraic modeling system results confirm the efficiency and accuracy of the MINLP model and its solution is validated through the
Mixed-integer nonlinear programming GAMS package.
Optimal location and sizing of distributed Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
generation This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction positive and negative effects because they modify the behavior of
the state variables of the grid, which absolutely depend on their
1.1. General context location and sizing in the power system [10]. Advances in solid-
state electronics and software have boosted the high penetration
Nowadays, around the world, electricity is mainly produced by of renewable energy into electrical networks, mainly at distribu-
large-scale plants that operate using conventional sources of tion levels. Hence, strategies or methods that allow the correct
energy, such as hydraulic and thermal technologies. Electric plants integration of these emerging technologies are necessary [11,9].
are usually located far from final consumers and, therefore, energy In the last decade, different models, methods, and optimization
losses associated with transmission lines increase [1,2]. Addition- techniques for sizing and locating DGs in electric distribution net-
ally, the voltage profile can exceed its lower and upper bounds works have been proposed. They have allowed the integration of
[3,4]. For that reason, distributed generators (DGs) have become renewable energy sources (e.g., wind and photovoltaic (PV) gener-
a local solution for medium- and low-voltage power systems [5– ation), small-scale hydraulic generation, and biomass generation,
7]. DGs enable the injection of active and reactive power closer among others, in an appropriated way [12–14]. DGs enable an
to consumers, which can produce benefits in terms of quality of improvement of different technical aspects, such as voltage pro-
service [8,1,9]. Integrating DGs into the electric system has both files, the power capacity of the lines, and the reliability and quality
of service, as well as a reduction of active and reactive power losses
[15]. Said generation technologies also allow utility companies to
⇑ Corresponding author.
diversify their energy matrix and transform electric power grids
E-mail addresses:, (O.D.
into autonomous and smart systems [16].
Montoya), (W. Gil-González), (L.F. Gri-
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
1.2. Motivation
2090-4479/Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
410 O.D. Montoya et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 11 (2020) 409–418
integration of multiple renewable energy sources. Therefore, math- distribution networks and power losses minimization via the inte-
ematical models and new solution methodologies should be con- gration of DGs. This work presents, in a numerical simulation, the
tinuously developed to address the problem of optimal location possibility of extending our proposed MINLP model for the optimal
and sizing of such sources in power distribution networks. For that integration of renewable energy resources in a typical electrical
reason, the motivation behind this study was providing the spe- distribution network in Colombia, which is not typically addressed
cialized literature with a powerful tool (a GAMS optimization pack- in metaheuristic or conventional MINLP models. Furthermore, this
age) for solving large-scale nonlinear discrete problems via paper contains a simple example with the implementation of the
mathematical interpretation. Such tool focuses on the mathemati- MINLP model, which will help researchers and students to use
cal modeling itself by concentrating the attention of the researches the GAMS package for evaluating future studies in this area and
in the correct mathematical modeling by using a compact and as a powerful comparative approach when emerging optimization
structured architecture. For that purpose, this paper presents a models are tested and validated.
simple implementation of the problem under study in order to
explain all the basic concepts for GAMS usage. 1.5. Document structure
1.3. Brief state-of-the-art The rest of this document is organized as follows. Section 2 pre-
sents the complete mathematical formulation of the problem by
The literature about the optimal location and sizing of DGs in describing and discussing all the equations along with their vari-
distribution networks is extensive and rich. This topic has a strong ables and meanings. In Section 3, we provide all the necessary ele-
background in terms of mathematical formulations and solution ments for using GAMS as an optimization package; in addition,
techniques. Regarding its mathematical formulation, this problem such section reports the complete mathematical implementation
corresponds to a nonlinear non-convex optimization model with of the MINLP model analyzed in this work as an opportunity to
discrete and continuous variables [17]; its mathematical structure identify all the concepts that compose the GAMS package. Section 4
is an extension of the classical distribution system power flow presents all the information related to the 33 and 69-node test
problem with discrete variables [18]. In terms of solution method- feeders. Section 5 details all the numerical results of the proposed
ologies, the approaches most commonly adopted are metaheuristic GAMS approach compared with approaches reported in the litera-
optimization techniques [19]. Such optimization approaches allow ture; in addition, we present the extension of the model for the
the separation of the location problem from the sizing problem by daily operation of distribution networks with PV integration in
adopting a master-slave methodologies [19,20]. the context of a Colombian electrical system located in the Carib-
In the case of master-slave approaches, multiple discrete opti- bean region. Section 6 draws the main conclusions derived from
mization methods have been proposed: genetic algorithms [21], this work as well as some possible future works, followed by the
ant lion optimizers [22], tabu search algorithms [23], simulated acknowledgments and the references.
annealing methods [24], krill herd algorithms [25–27],
population-based incremental learning [28], teaching-based learn- 2. Problem description
ing optimizers [29], bat and firefly algorithms [30–33], symbiotic
organism search algorithms [34], harmonic search algorithms 2.1. Mathematical formulation
[35], and imperialist competitive algorithms [19].
Regarding the methodology for solving the sizing problem, the The mathematical model of the optimal location and sizing of
most common approach is particle swarm optimization [6,28], DGs in RDN corresponds to a MINLP problem [17]. Here, integer
since it is easy to implement in any computational language and (binary) variables represent the decision variables associated with
its results are comparable with interior-point and convex opti- the location or not of a DG in the grid, while continuous variables
mization methods [36]. are associated to the classical power flow formulation, which is
The specialized literature has also proposed exact models for represented by magnitudes and angles of the voltage per node.
addressing the problem studied in this paper. In [17], a MINLP The following is the detailed mathematical model proposed in this
model for the problem of optimal location and sizing of DGs in dis- paper [17].
tribution systems was proposed by implementing a master-slave Objective function
approach in the decoupled form. That model combines sequential !
quadratic programming methods with a branch and bound X X
min z ¼ Vi V j Y ij cos hi hj /ij ð1Þ
approach, which implies that, so far, a compact formulation has
i2XN j2XN
not been used as proposed in this paper. In [37], a MINLP model
was proposed to address the same problem, and the GAMS soft- where z is the value of the objective function, which corresponds to
ware was used for its solution. Nevertheless, its implementation the power losses in all the branches of the network under a load
has not yet been extended to daily operation with photovoltaic peak scenario of demand; XN , the set associated with the nodes of
(PV) sources, as proposed by us. the network; V i and V j , the voltages’ magnitudes at nodes i and j,
respectively; hi and hj , the voltages’ angles at nodes i and j, respec-
1.4. Contribution and scope tively; Y ij , the magnitude of the admittance associated with the line
connected between i and j nodes; and /ij , its angle.
Based on the review of the state-of-the-art above, this paper Constraints
presents a solution to the problem of optimal location and sizing X
of DGs in distribution networks in a tutorial style by taking advan- PCG DG
i þ Pi ¼ Vi V j Y ij cos hi hj /ij
tage of the compact modeling available in the GAMS software and j2XN ð2Þ
its nonlinear optimization packages. Note that the main contribu- þPDi ; f8i 2 XN g
tion of our research is the possibility of implementing the exact
MINLP model of the problem using compact sets in GAMS without where P GC
i represents the active power generated at node i by a con-
Eq. (2) represents the active power balance at each node in the 2.2. General comments
X The MINLP model described from (1) to (7) represents problem
i Qi ¼ Vi V j Y ij sin hi hj /ij of optimal location and sizing of DGs in a RDN [17]. Such model
j2XN ð3Þ only focuses on the technical aspects related to active power losses
f8i 2 XN g in the branches of the network, respecting classical constraints of
the power flow problem [1]. Note that this model corresponds to
where Q GC
i denotes the reactive power generated at node i by a con- an adaptation of the optimal power flow problem reported by
ventional generator; Q DG
i , the reactive power generated by a DG
[38], in order to allow the location and sizing of DGs as a function
located at node i; and Q Di , the total reactive power demanded at of the total active power consumption.
node i. An adaptation for obtaining a power flow time-varying formu-
Eq. (3) represents the reactive power balance at each node in lation can be easily extracted for the model, as mentioned earlier,
the network. by adding some sub-indexes and sums [39]. Here, we used the
demand peak hour to define the optimal location and sizing of each
V min
i 6 V i 6 V max
i f8i 2 XN g ð4Þ distributed generator because it represents the worst operating
point in the RDN, with the highest power losses and voltage devi-
where V min
i and V max
i represent the minimum and maximum ations. In addition, we also extended this model to the daily oper-
allowed voltage values at each node. Note that (4) corresponds to ation of an electrical network in order to evaluate the possibility of
the voltage regulation constraint. sizing PV generators.
This mathematical formulation can be directly implemented in
0 6 PDG
i 6 xi PDG;max
i f8i 2 XN g ð5Þ the GAMS platform [40], which allowed us to obtain an adequate
solution with a low computational effort. Such solution can be
where PDG;max
i is the maximum allowed active power injection at local or global, depending on the characteristics of the problem
node i by a DG and xi represents the decision variable, which takes under analysis.
a value of 1 if the DG is located at node i and 0 otherwise. Eq. (5) The next section presents a possible GAMS implementation for
shows the possibility of locating and sizing a DG at any node in a small radial distribution network. Such implementation uses sets
the RDN. We considered only active power injection in the DGs, and a compact formulation [41].
which means that Q DG
i ¼ 0 in this paper.
xi 6 NDG
av a ð6Þ 3. General algebraic modeling system: GAMS
The GAMS software is a powerful optimization package devel-
where NDGav a is the available number of DGs, which implies that (6) oped for interpreting and solving nonlinear large-scale optimiza-
limits the number of location possibilities for the distributed gener- tion problems based on a compact formulation [40,42]. Said
ation in the RDN. software works with a simple plain text structure, where the opti-
mization model is written using five essential components [43]:
xi 2 f0; 1g f8i 2 XN g ð7Þ
Finally, (7) expresses the binary nature of the decision variable. i. The sets where the variables make sense, e.g., set of nodes:
i 2 XN .
ii. All the scalars, parameters, and matrices involved in the
model, i.e., number of generators, matrices, and vectors.
iii. All the variables in the model, e.g., voltages, powers, angles,
iv. The equations’ names and their mathematical structures,
e.g., expressions (2) and (3) associated with the power bal-
ance constraints.
v. The nature of the model (i.e., MINLP) and displaying options.
Fig. 1 presents the GAMS interface and the words reserved for
implementing an optimization model.
Note that, at the bottom of Fig. 1, each reserved word is needed
to define all the particular components of the model under study.
In that sense, we present a simple example that can illustrate the
complete structure of an optimization model implemented in the
GAMS software [41]. Such example aims at guiding readers on
the easy utilization of this optimization toolbox for addressing
optimization problems in engineering. For that purpose, let us con-
Fig. 1. GAMS software environment.
sider the grid depicted in Fig. 2, an electrical network composed of
7 nodes and 6 lines operated at 23 kV as voltage output at the sub-
Fig. 2. Electrical configuration of the 7-node test system used in the GAMS implementation example.
412 O.D. Montoya et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 11 (2020) 409–418
Table 1
Electrical parameters of the 7-node test feeder used in the GAMS implementation example
Table 2
Electrical parameters of the 33-node test feeder.
Table 3
Electrical parameters of the 69-node test feeder.
1 2 0.0005 0.0012 0 0
2 3 0.0005 0.0012 0 0
3 4 0.0015 0.0036 0 0
4 5 0.0251 0.0294 0 0
5 6 0.3660 0.1864 2.6 2.2
6 7 0.3811 0.1941 40.4 30
7 8 0.0922 0.0470 75 54
8 9 0.0493 0.0251 30 22
9 10 0.8190 0.2707 28 19
10 11 0.1872 0.0619 145 104
11 12 0.7114 0.2351 145 104
12 13 1.0300 0.3400 8 5
13 14 1.0440 0.3450 8 5
14 15 1.0580 0.3496 0 0
15 16 0.1966 0.0650 45 30
16 17 0.3744 0.1238 60 35
17 18 0.0047 0.0016 60 35
18 19 0.3276 0.1083 0 0
19 20 0.2106 0.0690 1 0.6
20 21 0.3416 0.1129 114 81
21 22 0.0140 0.0046 5 3.5
22 23 0.1591 0.0526 0 0
23 24 0.3463 0.1145 28 20
24 25 0.7488 0.2475 0 0
25 26 0.3089 0.1021 14 10
26 27 0.1732 0.0572 14 10
3 28 0.0044 0.0108 26 18.6
28 29 0.0640 0.1565 26 18.6
29 30 0.3978 0.1315 0 0
30 31 0.0702 0.0232 0 0
31 32 0.3510 0.1160 0 0
32 33 0.8390 0.2816 10 10
33 34 1.7080 0.5646 14 14
34 35 1.4740 0.4873 4 4
3 36 0.0044 0.0108 26 18.55
36 37 0.0640 0.1565 26 18.55
37 38 0.1053 0.1230 0 0
38 39 0.0304 0.0355 24 17
39 40 0.0018 0.0021 24 17
40 41 0.7283 0.8509 102 1
41 42 0.3100 0.3623 0 0
42 43 0.0410 0.0478 6 4.3
43 44 0.0092 0.0116 0 0
44 45 0.1089 0.1373 39.22 26.3
45 46 0.0009 0.0012 39.22 26.3
4 47 0.0034 0.0084 0 0
47 48 0.0851 0.2083 79 56.4
48 49 0.2898 0.7091 384.7 274.5
49 50 0.0822 0.2011 384.7 274.5
8 51 0.0928 0.0473 40.5 28.3
51 52 0.3319 0.1140 3.6 2.7
9 53 0.1740 0.0886 4.35 3.5
53 54 0.2030 0.1034 26.4 19
54 55 0.2842 0.1447 24 17.2
55 56 0.2813 0.1433 0 0
56 57 1.5900 0.5337 0 0
57 58 0.7837 0.2630 0 0
58 59 0.3042 0.1006 100 72
59 60 0.3861 0.1172 0 0
60 61 0.5075 0.2585 1244 888
61 62 0.0974 0.0496 32 23
62 63 0.1450 0.0738 0 0
63 64 0.7105 0.3619 227 162
64 65 1.0410 0.5302 59 42
11 66 0.2012 0.0611 18 13
66 67 0.0047 0.0014 18 13
12 68 0.7394 0.2444 28 20
68 69 0.0047 0.0016 28 20
416 O.D. Montoya et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 11 (2020) 409–418
Table 4
Location and dispatch of the generators in the 33-node test feeder.
Table 6
Electrical parameters of the 27-node test feeder.
1 2 0.15208 0.19855 0 0
2 3 0.65805 0.59745 0 0
3 4 0.19742 0.17924 297.5 184.4
4 5 0.43848 0.26038 0 0
5 6 0.48720 0.28931 255 158
6 7 0.48197 0.22732 0 0
7 8 0.87630 0.41330 212.5 131.7
8 9 1.09540 0.51663 0 0
9 10 0.87630 0.41330 266.1 164.9
2 11 0.87630 0.41330 85 52.7
Fig. 7. Power losses reduction of different methods in the 33-node test feeder.
11 12 1.07780 0.50836 340 210.7
12 13 0.65722 0.30998 297.5 184.4
13 14 0.49073 0.23145 191.3 118.5
14 15 0.87630 0.41330 106.3 65.8
Table 5 15 16 0.87630 0.41330 255 158
Location and dispatch of generators in the 69-node test feeder. 3 17 0.87630 0.41330 255 158
Method Power generation [p.u] (Node) Losses [kW] 17 18 0.52578 0.24798 127.5 79
18 19 0.78867 0.37197 297.5 184.4
GA [21] 0.9297 (21) 1.0752 (62) 0.9925 (64) 89.00 19 20 0.83248 0.39263 340 210.7
PSO [21] 0.9925 (17) 1.1998 (61) 0.7956 (63) 83.20 20 21 0.87630 0.41330 85 52.7
TLBO [29] 0.7574 (25) 1.0188 (60) 1.1784 (63) 81.00 4 22 0.87630 0.41330 106.3 65.8
HSA [45] 1.6283 (63) 0.1416 (64) 0.0149 (65) 86.66 5 23 0.87630 0.41330 55.3 34.2
SOS [34] 0.2588 (57) 0.2000 (58) 1.5247 (61) 82.08 6 24 0.35052 0.16532 69.7 43.2
LSFSA [24] 0.4962 (18) 0.3113 (60) 1.7354 (65) 77.10 8 25 0.52578 0.24798 255 158
GAMS 0.8131 (12) 1.4447 (61) 0.2896 (64) 72.09 8 26 0.52578 0.24798 63.8 39.5
26 27 0.70104 0.33064 170 105.4
Fig. 8. Power losses reduction of different methods in the 69-node test feeder.
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