CRJ100 - TCDS A21ea

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Revision No. 20
CL-600-2B16(CL-601-3A Variant)
CL-600-2B16(CL-601-3R Variant)
CL-600-2B16(CL-604 Variant)
CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440)
CL-600-2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700 & 701)
CL-600-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900)
June 17, 2004


This data sheet, which is part of Type Certificate No. A21EA, prescribes conditions and limitations under which the product for
which the Type Certificate was issued meets the airworthiness requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations.

Type Certificate Holder: Bombardier Aerospace Inc.

400 Cote Vertu West
Dorval, Quebec, Canada H4S 1Y9

I - Model CL-600-1A11 (Transport Category), Approved November 7, 1980, by the FAA and August 10, 1980, by the
Canadian Department of Transport (DOT).

Engines Two AVCO Lycoming ALF-502L or ALF-502L-2

Fuel Type Specifications

Canada U.S.A. U.K.

Jet A CAN2-3.23-M81 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494

Jet A-1 CAN2-3.23-M81 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494
Grade JP-5 - MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2452
Grade JP-8 - MIL-T-83133A D. Eng RD2453
Jet B CAN2-3.22-M80 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2486
JP-4 CAN2-3.22-M80 MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2486
Jet A and Jet A-1 fuels must contain an approved anti-icing additive unless Canadair
Modification Summary 600-702 and Lycoming Service Bulletin ALF-502-79-0007 are incorporated.

Oil Engine, APU, Generator Adapter:

MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or other approved oils as identified in the Maintenance
Manual (refer to Approved Publications).

Engine Limits SL Static Interturbine

Thrust(lb.) Compressor RPM Temperature
%N1 %N2 °C °F
Takeoff (5 minutes) 7500 96.0 98.2 904 1660
Maximum Continuous 7100 96.0 96.4 877 1610
*Starting maximum 823 1513
Maximum Oil Temperature: Normal 143°C(290°F)
**Transient 170°C(338°F)
*Time limit 10 seconds above 793°C(1460°F)
**Permitted during power reduction. Normal temperature must be achieved within two minutes

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A21EA Page 2 of 32

of achieving steady state operation.

Oil Pressure Maximum Sea Level 120 p.s.i.

Minimum At steady state 30 p.s.i.
low or high idle

APU Limits Maximum RPM 110%

Maximum EGT: °C °F
Starting (10 Seconds) 974 1785
Running 731 1348

Airspeed Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. Knots Mach

Limits (CAS)
(See NOTE 1) Sea level to 10000 ft. 345 300
above 10000 ft. 368 320 0.79

Vfe (Flaps extended) 20° 265 230

30° 226 196
45° 193 168

Va (maneuvering)
(See Flight Manual for variation of Va with altitude and aircraft weight).

V1o(Landing gear operation) 226 197

Vle (Landing gear extended) 288 250

C.G. Range Forward Limit Aft Limit

(See NOTE 1) Weight, lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
24000 to 31300 16% (+502.848) ---
36500 18% (+504.701) 28% (+513.965)
25800 --- 33% (+518.598)
24000 --- 33% (+518.598)
Straight line variation between points given.

Datum Fuselage station 0, located 375 inches forward of weighing datum jig point.

Mean Aerodynamic 92.644 in. (Leading edge of MAC from datum at +488.025 in.)
Chord (MAC)

Leveling Means Target plate and plumb bob bracket within rear fuselage, at fuselage station 718.

Maximum Weights lb.*

(See NOTE 1) Ramp 36500
Takeoff 36000
Landing 30500
Zero Fuel 25800
Minimum flight weight 24000
*Certain aircraft are eligible for operation at an increased weight. See AFM as in approved

Minimum Crew Two (Pilot and Co-pilot)

Maximum Occupants Twenty-one (includes crew).

(See NOTE 1)
Page 3 of 32 A21EA

Fuel Capacity U.S. Gal Imp. Gal. Kg. Weight, lb. Mom. Arm-in.
2 main tanks (each) 732.5 611.3 2259.1 4981 (+506.5)
1 center tank 751 625.8 2316.1 5107 (+457.5)
total 2216 1848.4 6834.3 15069 ---

2 main tanks (each) 725 605 2236 4930 (+506.5)
1 center tank 750 625 2313 5100 (+457.5)
total 2200 1835 6785 14960 ---

See NOTE 1(b) for system fuel.

Oil Capacity U.S. Gal Imp. Gal. Kg. Weight, lb. Mom.Arm-in.
2-engines (each) 3.69 3.07 12.88 28.4 (+623)
total 7.38 6.14 25.76 56.8 (+623)

2-engines (each) 1.94 1.61 6.76 14.9 (+623)
total 3.87 3.22 13.52 29.8 (+623)
See NOTE 1(c) for system oil.

usable .408 .340 1.43 3.144 (+675)
total .714 .594 2.49 5.5 (+675)

unusable .306 .254 1.06 2.356 (+675)

Maximum Operating Take off and landing: 5000 ft.

Altitude (See NOTE 1) En route: 40000 ft.
41000 ft. with Canadair Limited Modification
Summaries 600-1923 and 600-8330 incorporated.

Control Surface Movements Rudder 20° (+1.0°, - 0.5°)Left 20° (+1.0°, - 0.5°)Right
Elevator 23.6°(+ or - 1.0°)Up 18.4°(+ or - 1.0°)Down
Horizontal 0°(+0.5° or -0.25°)LE Up -9°(+ or -0.5°)LE Down
Aileron 20.8°(+ or - 1.0 °)Up 21.3°(+ or - 1.0°) Down
Flap – Inboard 0° - 45° (+ or -1°) Down
- Outboard 0° -46.7°(+ or -1°) Down
Flight spoiler 0° -40°(+3°, -0°)Up

Serial Numbers Eligible 1002, 1004 and subsequent

Service Information: Service Bulletins, structural repair manuals, and aircraft flight manuals which contain a
statement that the document is Transport Canada approved or Transport Canada approved
through the Manufacturers Design Approval Representative are accepted by the FAA and
are considered FAA approved. These approvals pertain to the type design only.

II - Model CL-600-2A12 (Transport Category), Approved March 11, 1983, by the FAA and February 25, 1983, by the
Canadian Department of Transport (DOT).
Engines Two General Electric CF-34-1A or *

Fuel Type Specifications

Canada U.S.A U.K.
Jet A CAN2-3.23-M81 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494
Jet A-1 CAN2-3.23-M81 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494
Grade JP-5 - MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2452
Grade JP-8 - MIL-T-83133A D. Eng RD2453
Jet B CAN2-3.22-M80 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2486
JP-4 CAN2-3.22-M80 MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2486
A21EA Page 4 of 32

Oil Engine, APU, Generator Adapter:

MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or other approved oils as identified in
the Maintenance manual (refer to Approved Publications).

Engine Limits SL Static Compressor RPM Interturbine Temp.**

Thrust (lb.)
%N1 %N2 °C °F Time Limit

Max. takeoff (APR operating) 9140 98.6 99.4 857 1576 5 minutes
Max. takeoff (APR not operating 8650 96.2 98.2 842 1548 5 minutes
Max. continuous 8920 98.6 99.2 838 1540
Idle range 62.9-64.0
Min.Idle in icing conditions 64.0
Takeoff (APR operating) 886 1627 2 minutes
Takeoff (APR not operating) 864 1588 2 minutes
Start/relight 899 1650 25 seconds
885 1625 50 seconds
* One - General Electric CF-34-3A and one CF-34-3A2 or
One - General Electric CF-34-1A and one CF-34-3A or
Two - General Electric CF-34-3A or
Two - General Electric CF-34-3A2
Service Bulletin 601-0238 "Engines use of 3A engines at 3A power settings," must be incorporated.

** See AFM as listed in Approved Publications for CF-34-3A and CF-34-3A2 engines ITT limits.

1. Above 40000 feet, engine anti-ice bleed or air conditioning unit must be selected ON
for each engine.

2. Engine Limits with APR Operating are only applicable to Outside Air Temperatures
of -4°F (-20°C) and above.

°C °F
Oil Temperature Maximum Permissible (15 minutes Maximum): +163 325
Maximum for Single Engine Climb (60 minutes
maximum) +155 311
Maximum continuous: +150 302
Minimum for starting: - 40 - 40

Oil Pressure Maximum Transient Cold Start: 100 psi (Six minutes maximum)
Maximum Continuous: 95 psi

Minimum at steady state idle: 25 psi

at takeoff (power): 40 psi
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APU Limits Maximum RPM 110%

Maximum EGT: °C °F
Starting (10 seconds) 974 1785
Running 731 1348

Airspeed Limits Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. Knots Mach
Sea level to 10000 ft. 345 300 -
10000 ft. to 21420 ft. 420 365 -
21420 ft. to 25740 ft. - - 0.79
25740 ft. to 28640 ft. 385 335
above 28640 ft. - - 0.835

Vfe (Flaps extended) 20° 265 230

30° 226 196
45° 215 187

Va (maneuvering)
(See Flight Manual for variation of Va with altitude and aircraft weight).

V1o (Landing gear operation) 226 196

V1e (Landing gear extended) 288 250

C.G. Range Forward Limit Aft Limit

(See NOTE 1) Weight, lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
25000 to 16 % (+502.848) - - -
42250 - - - 30% (+515.818)
31000 - - - 35% (+520.450)
25000 - - - 35% (+520.450)
Straight line variation between points given.

Datum Fuselage station 0, located 375 inches forward of weighing datum jig point.

Mean Aerodynamic 92.644 in. (Leading edge of MAC from datum at +488.025 in.)
Chord (MAC)

Leveling Means Target plate and plumb bob bracket within rear fuselage, at fuselage station 718.

Maximum Weights 1b.*

(See NOTE 1) Ramp 42250
Takeoff 42100
Landing 36000
Zero Fuel 29500
Minimum flight weight 25000

*Certain aircraft are eligible for operation at an increased weight. See AFM as in approved

Minimum Crew Two (Pilot and Co-pilot)

Maximum Occupants Twenty-two (includes crew).

(See NOTE 1)
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Fuel Capacity U.S. Gal Imp. Gal Kg. Weight, lb. Mom. Arm-in.
2 main tanks (each) 721 600.4 2224 4903 (+506.6)
Fuselage Tanks 1012 842.7 3121 6882 (+455.6)
Total 2454 2043.4 7569 16688

2 main tanks (each) 720 600 2221 4896 (+506.6)
Fuselage tanks 1011 842 3118 6875 (+455.6)
Total 2451 2042 7560 16667

See NOTE 1(b) for system fuel.

Oil Capacity U.S. Gal Imp. Gal. Kg. Weight, lb. Mom. Arm-
2-engines (each) 1.70 1.42 5.94 13.09 (+656.0)
Total 3.40 2.83 11.88 26.18 (+656.0)

2-engines (each) 1.38 1.14 4.80 10.59 (+656.0)
Total 2.75 2.29 9.60 21.18 (+656.0)
See NOTE 1(c) for system oil.

usable .408 .340 1.43 3.144 (+646.0)
Total .714 .594 2.49 5.5 (+646.0)
unusable .306 .254 1.06 2.356 (+646.0)

Maximum Operating Take off and landing: 10000 ft.

Altitude En route: 41000 ft.

Control Surface Rudder 25°(+1.0°, -.5°) Left 25°(+1.0°, -.5°) Right

Elevator 23.6°(+ or - 1.0°)Up 18.4°(+ or - 1.0°)Down
Horizontal Stabilizer 0°(+0.5° or -0.25°)LE Up -9°(+ or - 0.5°)LE Down
Aileron 20.8°(+ or - 1.0°)Up 21.3°( + or - 1.0°) Down
Flap - Inboard 0° -45°(+ or - 1°) Down
- Outboard 0° -46.7°(+ or -1°) Down
Flight spoiler 0° -40°(+3°, -0°) Up

Serial Numbers 1003, 3001, and subsequent


Service Information: Service Bulletins, structural repair manuals, and aircraft flight manuals which contain a statement
that the document is Transport Canada approved or Transport Canada approved through the
Manufacturers Design Approval Representative are accepted by the FAA and are considered FAA
approved. These approvals pertain to the type design only.
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III - Model CL-600-2B16 (Transport Category), Approved April 30, 1987, by the FAA and April 21, 1987, by the
Canadian Department of Transport (DOT).

Engines (variant CL-601-3A) Two General Electric CF-34-3A or CF-34-3A2 or

One General Electric CF-34-3A and one CF-34-3A2
(variant CL-601-3R) Two General Electric CF-34-3A1 (Serial Number 5135 and subsequent) Approved
by the FAA 15 July 1995.
(variant CL-604) Two General Electric CF 34-3B (Serial Number 5301 and subsequent)
Approved by the FAA 31 May 1995.

Fuel Type Specifications

Canada U.S.A. U.K.

Jet A CAN2-3.23-M81 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494

Jet A-1 CAN2-3.23-M81 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494
Grade JP-5 - MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2452
Grade JP-8 - MIL-T-83133A D. Eng RD2453
Jet B CAN2-3.22-M80 ASTM D1655 D. Eng. RD2486
JP-4 CAN2-3.22-M80 MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2486
Oil Engine, APU, Generator Adapter:
MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or other approved oils as identified in the
Maintenance manual (refer to Approved publications).

CL-601 3A & 3R Variants

Engine Limits SL Static Compressor RPM Interturbine

Thrust (lb.) Temp.**
%N2 °C °F Time Limit
Max. takeoff (APR operating) 9140 98.6 99.4 871 1600 5 minutes
Max. takeoff (APR not 8650 96.2 98.2 860 1580 5 minutes
Max. continuous 8920 98.6 99.2 860 1580
Idle range 62.9-64.0
Min. Idle in icing conditions 64.0
Takeoff (APR operating) 900 1652 2 minutes
Takeoff (APR not operating) 878 1612 2 minutes
Start/relight 899 1650 25 seconds
885 1625 50 seconds

** See AFM as listed in Approved Publications for CF-34-3A and CF-34-3A2 engines ITT limits.

1. Above 40000 feet, engine anti-ice bleed or air conditioning unit must be selected
ON for each engine.

2. Engine Limits with APR Operating are only applicable to Outside Air
Temperatures of -4°F (-20°C) and above.
°C °F
Oil Temperature Maximum Permissible (15 minutes Maximum): +163 325
Maximum for Single Engine Climb (60 minutes
maximum) +155 311
Maximum continuous: +150 302
Minimum for starting: - 40 - 40

Oil Pressure Maximum Transient Cold Start: 100 psi (Six minutes maximum)
Maximum Continuous: 95 psi

Minimum at steady state idle: 25 psi

at takeoff (power): 40 psi
A21EA Page 8 of 32

APU Limits Maximum RPM 110%

Maximum EGT: °C °F
Starting (10 seconds) 974 1785
Running 731 1348

CL-601 3A & 3R Variants

Airspeed Limits (CAS) Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. Knots Mach
Sea level to 10000 ft. 345 300 -
10000 ft. to 21330 ft. 420 365 -
21330 ft. to 25640 ft. - - 0.79
25640 ft. to 28720 ft. 385 335
above 28720 ft. - - 0.835
Vfe (Flaps extended) 20° 265 230
30° 226 196
45° 215 187
Va (maneuvering)
(See Flight Manual for variation of Va with altitude and aircraft weight).
V1o (Landing gear operation) 226 196
V1e (Landing gear extended) 288 250

C.G. Range Forward Limit Aft Limit

(See NOTE 1) Weight, lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)

25000 to 16% (+502.848) - - -

43250 - - - 30% (+515.818)
31000 - - - 35% (+520.450)
25000 - - - 35% (+520.450)
Straight line variation between points given.

Datum Fuselage station 0, located 375 inches forward of weighing datum jig point.

Mean Aerodynamic Chord 92.644 in. (Leading edge of MAC from datum at +488.025 in.)

Leveling Means Target plate and plumb bob bracket within rear fuselage, at fuselage station 718.

Maximum Weights lb. *

(See NOTE 1) Ramp 43250
Takeoff 43100
Landing 36000
Zero Fuel 29500
Minimum 25000
flight weight
*Certain aircraft are eligible for operation at different weights. See AFM as in approved
publications. 601-3R Variant for aircraft S/N 5135 and subsequent.

Minimum Crew Two (Pilot and Co-pilot)

Maximum Occupants Twenty-two (includes crew).

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CL-604 Variant
Engine Limits CF34-3B SL Static Compressor RPM Interturbine Temp.
Thrust (lb.)
%N1 %N2 °C °F Time Limit
Max. takeoff (APR operating) 9220 98.6 99.4 900 1650 5 minutes
Max. takeoff (APR not 8729 96.2 98.2 884 1623 5 minutes
Max. continuous 9140 98.6 99.2 874 1605
Idle range 62.9-64.0
Min. Idle in icing conditions 64.0
Takeoff (APR operating) 928 1702 2 minutes
Takeoff (APR not operating) 900 1650 2 minutes
Start/relight 899 1650 25 seconds
885 1625 50 seconds

1. Above 40000 feet, engine anti-ice bleed or air conditioning unit must be selected
ON for each engine.

2. Engine Limits with APR Operating are only applicable to Outside Air Temperatures
of -4°F (-20°C) and above.
°C °F
Oil Temperature Maximum Permissible (15 minutes Maximum): +163 325
Maximum for Single Engine Climb (60 minutes
maximum) +155 311
Maximum continuous: +150 302
Minimum for starting: - 40 - 40

Oil Pressure Maximum Transient Cold Start: 115 psi ( 10 min. maximum)
Maximum Continuous: 95 psi

Minimum at steady state idle: 25 psi

at takeoff (power): 45 psi

APU Limits Maximum RPM 110%

Maximum EGT: °C °F
Starting (10 seconds) 974 1785
Running 731 1348

CL-604 Variant

Airspeed Limits (CAS) Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. Knots Mach
Sea level to 8000 ft. 345 300 -
8000 ft. to 22160 ft. 400 348 -
22160 ft. to 26570 ft. - - 0.78
26570 ft. to 30997 ft. 366 318
above 30997 ft - - 0.85
Vfe (Flaps extended) 20° 266 231
30° 227 197
45° 217 189
Va (maneuvering)
(See Flight Manual for variation of Va with altitude and aircraft weight).
V1o (Landing gear operation) 227 197
V1e (Landing gear extended) 288 250
A21EA Page 10 of 32

C.G. Range Forward Limit Aft Limit

(See NOTE 1) Weight, lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)

26000 to 38000 20% (+506.553) - - -

39500 to 44750 16%(+502.847) ---
47700 20% (+506.553) ---
47700 to 43000 --- 38% (+523.228)
38000 to 26000 --- 35% (+520.449)
Straight line variation between points given.

Datum Fuselage station 0, located 375 inches forward of weighing datum jig point.

Mean Aerodynamic Chord 92.644 in. (Leading edge of MAC from datum at +488.025 in.)

Leveling Means Target plate and plumb bob bracket within rear fuselage, at fuselage station 718.

Maximum Weights lb. *

(See NOTE 1) Ramp 47700
Takeoff 47600
Landing 38000
Zero Fuel 32000
Minimum 26000

*Certain aircraft are eligible for operation at different weights. See AFM as in approved
publications. 601-3R Variant for aircraft S/N 5135 and subsequent.

Minimum Crew Two (Pilot and Co-pilot)

Maximum Occupants Twenty-two (includes crew).

3A variant U.S. Gal Imp. Gal. Kg. Weight, lb. Mom.Arm-in.

Fuel Capacity
2 main tanks (each) 722 601 2227 4909 (+506.6)
Fuselage tanks 1010 841 3115 6868 (+455.6)
Total 2454 2043 7569 16686
See NOTE 1(b) for system fuel.

3R variant U.S. Gal Imp. Gal. Kg. Weight, lb. Mom.Arm-in.

Fuel Capacity
2 main tanks (each) 722 601 2227 4909 (+506.6)
Fuselage tanks 1010 841 3115 6868 (+455.6)
Tail tank 187.7 156.24 579 1276 (+816.7)
Total 2641.7 2199.24 8148 17962
See NOTE 1(b) for system fuel.

604 variant U.S. Gal Imp. Gal. Kg. Weight, lb. Mom.Arm-in.
Fuel Capacity
2 main tanks (each) 722 601 2227 4909 (+506.6)
Fuselage tanks 1062 885 3275 7222 (+450.6)
Tail tank 466 387.9 1437 3169 (+771.7)
Total 2972 2474.9 9166 20209
See NOTE 1(b) for system fuel.
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Oil Capacity 601-3A Variant* U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. Weight, lb. Mom.Arm-in.
2-engines (each) 1.70 1.42 5.94 13.09 (+653.0)
Total 3.40 2.83 11.88 26.18 (+653.0)

2-engines (each) 1.38 1.14 4.80 10.59 (+653.0)
Total 2.75 2.29 9.60 21.18 (+653.0)
See NOTE 1(c) for system oil.

usable .408 .340 1.43 3.144 (+646.0)
Total .714 .594 2.49 5.5 (+646.0)

unusable .306 .254 1.06 2.356 (+646.0)

*601-3R Variant & 604 Variant - same as 601-3A, except as listed in the AFM approved

Maximum Operating Take off and landing: 10000 ft.

Altitude En route: 41000 ft.

Control Surface Movements Rudder 25°(+ 1°, -0.5°)Left 25°(+ 1° or -0.5°) Right

Elevator 23.6°(+ or -1.0°) Up 18.4°(+ or -1.0°) Down

Horizontal 0°(+0.5° or -0.25°)LE Up -9°(+ or - 0.5°) LE Down
Aileron 20.8°(+ or - 1°)Up 21.3°(+ or - 1°) Down
Flap – Inboard 0° -45°(+ or - 1°) Down
- Outboard 0° -46.7°(+ or -1°) Down
Flight spoiler 0° -40°(+3°, -0°) Up

Serial Numbers Eligible 5001 and subsequent

Service Information: Service Bulletins, structural repair manuals, and aircraft flight manuals which contain a statement that the
document is Transport Canada approved or Transport Canada approved through the Manufacturers
Design Approval Representative are accepted by the FAA and are considered FAA approved. These
approvals pertain to the type design only.

IV - Model CL-600-2B19 (Transport Category), Regional Jet Series 100 Approved January 21, 1993, by the FAA and July
31, 1992, by Transport Canada.

Model CL-600-2B19 (Transport Category), Regional Jet Series 440 Approved November 30,2001, by the FAA and October
4, 2001, by Transport Canada.

Engines Two General Electric CF-34-3A1 or

Two General Electric CF-34-3B1
Engines may be intermixed in accordance with AFM as listed in Approved Publications.

Type Specifications
Canada U.S.A. U.K. Romanian
Jet A CAN2-3.23 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494
Jet A-1 CAN2-3.23 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494 STAS 5639/88 TH†
Grade JP-5 MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2452
Grade JP-8 - MIL-T-83133A D. Eng RD2453
Jet B CAN2-3.22 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2486
JP-4 CAN2-3.22 MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2486
†Fuel Additives Restricted to those listed in AFM (CSP-A-012) (Limitations, Fuel Additives) and/or
antistatic STADIS-450 (max. 3ppm).

Oil Engine, APU and IDG:

MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or CASTROL 4000. *
* Mixing of different types of oils is prohibited.
A21EA Page 12 of 32

Engine Limits Conditions

Fan RPM Core RPM ITT Time Limit
N1% N2% °C °F (Min)
Max. Take - off
(APR Operating) 98.6 99.4 900 1650 5***
928 1702 2*
Normal Take-off 96.2 98.2 884 1623 5***
900 1650 2*
Max. Continuous 98.6 99.2 860 (874) 1580/1605
(3A1/3B1) (3A1/3B1)
Idle Range - 56.5 to 68.0** - - -
Acceleration - - 900 1652 -
Starting - 20.0 900 1652 -

* 2 minutes out of 5 total transient.

** Refer to Idle Speed Limit Chart in the AFM
If N2 idle RPM is more than 2% lower, do not advance thrust lever above 70% N2 until N2 idle RPM has stabilized to within
normal limits.
*** Transient limits. NOTE:
Above 40000 feet, one air conditioning unit or cowl anti-ice must be selected on for each engine.

°C °F
Oil Temperature Maximum Permissible (15 minutes Maximum): +163 325
Maximum Continuous +155 311
Minimum for Starting -40 -40

Oil Pressure Maximum Transient (after cold start) 156 psi (130 psi at
idle, 10 minutes
Maximum Continuous 115 psi maximum
Take-off Power 45 psi minimum
Steady State Idle 25 psi minimum
* Engine must remain at idle until oil pressure returns to normal range.


APU Limits Maximum RPM: 107%

Maximum EGT: °C °F
Starting 974 1785*
Running 743 1369
* Not to be exceeded under any operating condition.

Airspeed Limits Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. knots Mach
Sea Level to 8000 ft. 380 330 -
8000 ft. to 25400 ft. 386 335 -
25400 ft. to 28300 ft. - - 0.80
28300 ft. to 31400 ft. 362 315 -
31400 ft. to 41000 ft. - - 0.85
Vfe (Flaps Extended) 8° 265 230 -
20° 265 230 -
30° 226 196 -
45° 220 191 -
Va (maneuvering)
(See Flight Manual for variation of Va with altitude and aircraft weight).
VLO (Landing Gear Operation) 288 250 *-
230 200 **-
VLE (Landing Gear Extended) 288 250 -
* extending , ** retracting
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C.G. Range:-
Max T/O 47 450 lb Max T/O 51 000 lb

Weight, lb. Forward Limit Aft Limit Weight, Ib. Forward Limit Aft Limit
% MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (STA)
25480 16.5% (+510.201) - 25480 16.5% (+510.201) -
30000 to 34000 11.0% (504.732) - 30000 to 34000 11.0% (+504.732) -
36000 to 47700 9.0 % (+502.744) - 36000 to 51250 9.0% (+502.744) -
47700 - - 51250 - 24% (+517.659)
47700 to 36000 - 35% (528.596) 50000 to 36000 - 35% (+528.596)
34000 to 30000 - 32% (+525.613) 34000 to 30000 - 32% (+525.613)
25480 - 27% (+520.642) 25480 - 27% (+520.642)
NOTES: 1) Effect of landing gear retraction on CG position is negligible.
2) Straight line variation between points given.

C. G. Range:- Max T/O 53 000 lb

Weight, lb. Forward Limit Aft Limit
% MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
25480 16.5% (+510.201) -
30000 to 34000 11.0% (504.732) -
36000 to 53250 9.0 % (+502.744) -
53250 24.0 % -
53250 to 36000 - 35% (528.596)
34000 to 30000 - 32% (+525.613)
25480 - 27% (+520.642)

NOTES: 1) Effect of landing gear retraction on CG position is negligible.

2) Straight line variation between points given.

Datum Fuselage station 0, located 375 inches forward of weighing datum jig point.

Mean Aerodynamic Chord 99.43 inches (MAC leading edge at fuselage sta. 494.793)

Leveling Means Target plate and plumb bob bracket within rear fuselage, at fuselage station 718.75.

Maximum Weights lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb.

Ramp 47700 51250 51250 53250 53250 53250
Takeoff 47450 51000 51000 53000 53000 53000
Landing 44700 46750 47000 46750 47000 47000
Zero Fuel 42200 44000 44000 44000 44000 39500
Minimum flight 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000
NOTE: The maximum take-off weight and/or maximum landing weight may be further limited due
to performance considerations (refer to Airplane Flight Manual).

Minimum Crew Two (Pilot and Co-pilot)

Maximum Occupants Series 100 Fifty-five (55) (including 50 passengers, 4 crew, and 1 flight observer)
Series 440- Forty-Nine (49) (including 44 passengers,4 crew, 1 flight observer)

CL-600-2B19 Green Aircraft Configuration

Refer to Note 5.

Load * Weight *
Fuel Capacity (usable) U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. lb.

2 main tanks (each) 700.0 582.8 2159 4760

Center Tank 735.0 612.0 2267 4998
Total 2135.0 1669.6 6585 14518
* Pressure refueling (based on 0.8028 kg/L)
A21EA Page 14 of 32

Oil Capacity Load Weight

U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. kg. lb.
2 Engines (each) 1.70 1.42 5.94 13.09
Total 3.40 2.84 11.88 26.18
2 Engines (each) 1.38 1.14 4.80 10.59
Total 2.76 2.29 9.60 21.18

Maximum Operating Take off and landing: 10000 ft.

Altitude En route: 41000 ft.

Control Surface Movements Rudder 33° Left* 33° Right*

Horizontal Stabilizer 2° LE Up -13° LE Down
Aileron 25° Up 21.3° Down
Elevator 23.6° Up 18.4° Down
Flight Spoiler 50° Up
Ground Spoiler 45° Up
Spoileron 50° Up
Flap – Inboard 45.09° Down
- Outboard 41.58° Down
*Rudder deflections of 33° left and 33° right apply when CF-34-3A1 engines are installed
*Rudder deflections of 25° left and 25° right apply when optional CF-34-3B1 engines are installed

Serial Numbers Eligible 7001 and subsequent

V - Model CL-600-2C10 (Transport Category), Approved February 16, 2001, by the FAA and December 22, 2000 by
Transport Canada.

Engines Two General Electric CF-34-8C1

Fuel Type Specifications

Canada U.S.A. U.K. Roumanian

Jet A CAN2-3.23 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494

Jet A-1 CAN2-3.23 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494 STAS 5639/88TH
Grade JP-5 MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2452
Grade JP-8 MIL-T-83133 D. Eng RD2453

†Fuel Additives Restricted to those listed in AFM (CSP-B-012) (Limitations, Fuel Additives) and/or
antistatic STADIS-450 (max. 3ppm).
Note: CL-600-2C10
JP4 and Jet B not applicable to CL-600-2C10

Oil Engine, APU and IDG:

MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or CASTROL 4000. *
* Mixing of different types of oils is prohibited.
Page 15 of 32 A21EA

Engine Limits Conditions Refer to Limits Table in the AFM (CSP B-012)
°C °F
Oil Temperature Maximum Permissible (15 minutes Maximum): +163 325
Maximum Continuous +155 311
Minimum for Starting -40 -40

Oil Pressure Maximum Transient (after cold start) 156 psi (130 psi at idle, 10
minutes maximum)*
Maximum Continuous 45-116 psi
Take-off Power 45-116 psi
Steady State Idle 25 psi minimum
* Engine must remain at idle until oil pressure returns to normal operating range.


APU Limits Maximum RPM: 106%

Maximum EGT: °C °F
Starting 692-1038 1274-1900*
Running-Ground 789 1452
Running-Flight 806 1482
* Dependant upon altitude and temperature. Refer to AFM (CSP B-012)
** Not to be exceeded under any operating condition.
*** Refer to AFM for detail limitations

Airspeed Limits Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. knots Mach
Sea Level to 8000 ft. 380 330 -
8000 ft. to 25400 ft. 386 335 -
25400 ft. to 28300 ft. - - 0.80
28300 ft. to 31400 ft. 362 315 -
31400 ft. to 41000 ft. - - 0.85
Vfe (Flaps Extended) 1 265 230
8 265 230 -
20 265 230 -
30 213 185 -
45 196 170 -
Va (maneuvering)
(See AFM for variation of Va with altitude and aircraft weight).

VLO (Landing Gear Operation) 253 220 *

230 200 **
VLE (Landing Gear Extended) 253 220 -
* extending , ** retracting

C.G. Range:- Refer to AFM (CSP B-012) for detail CG limits.

Datum Fuselage station 0, located 144.0 inches forward of aircraft nose

Mean Aerodynamic Chord 133.185 inches (MAC leading edge at fuselage sta. 743.1)

Leveling Means Target plate and plumb bob bracket within rear fuselage, at fuselage station 1145.75
Maximum Weights Spec. Option
lb. lb.
Ramp 73000 75250
Takeoff 72750 75000
Landing 67000 67000
Zero Fuel 62300 62300
Minimum flight 42000 42000
A21EA Page 16 of 32

NOTE: The maximum take-off weight and/or maximum landing weight may be further limited due
to performance considerations. Refer to Airplane Flight Manual for aircraft eligibility.

Minimum Crew Two (Pilot and Co-pilot)

Maximum Occupants Series 700 – 68 or less passengers

Series 701 – 70 passengers
Plus 5 crew-members (Pilot, Copilot, Observer forward and Aft Flight attendants)
Load * Weight *
Fuel Capacity (usable) U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. lb.

2 main tanks (each) 1110 924.1 3399 7493

Center Tank 683 568.6 2091 4610
Total 2903 2416.7 8889 19596

See Note 1(b) for system fuel

* Pressure refueling (based on 0.809 kg/L) (6.75 lb/U.S. Gal.)

With option TS670-79-201 – Engine Oil – No Remote Replenishment System

Oil Capacity Load Weight
U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. lb.
2 Engines (each) 2.6 2.2 9.65 21.2
Total 5.2 4.36 19.30 42.4

With option CR670-79-201 – Engine Oil – Remote Replenishment System

Oil Capacity Load Weight
U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. lb.
2 Engines (each) 2.6 2.2 9.65 21.2
Replenishment Tank 1.6 1.3 5.9 13.0
Total 6.8 5.7 25.2 55.4

See Note 1(c) for system oil

Maximum Operating Take off and landing: 8000 ft.

Altitude En route: 41000 ft.

Control Surface Movements Rudder 33° Left 33° Right

Stabilizer 2.0° LE Up 13.0° LE Down
Aileron 25.1° Up 21.3° Down
Elevator 23.6° Up 18.4° Down
Multi-Function Spoilers 48.0° Up
Ground Spoiler 44.9° Up
Flap - Inboard 45.0° Down
- Outboard 41.6° Down
Slat 25.0° Down

Serial Numbers Eligible 10002 and subsequent

VI – Model CL-600-2D24 (Transport Category), Approved October 25,-2002, by the FAA and September 9, 2002 by
Transport Canada.

Engines Two General Electric CF34-8C5 or

optional CF34-8C5A1
TC No. E00063EN

Fuel Type Specifications

Canada U.S.A. U.K. Roumanian
Page 17 of 32 A21EA

Jet A CAN2-3.23 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494

Jet A-1 CAN2-3.23 ASTM D1655 D. Eng RD2494 STAS 5639/88TH
Grade JP-5 MIL-T-5624 D. Eng RD2452
Grade JP-8 MIL-T-83133 D. Eng RD2453
†Fuel Additives Restricted to those listed in AFM (CSP-C-012) (Limitations, Fuel Additives) and/or
antistatic STADIS-450 (max. 3ppm).
Note: CL-600-2D24
JP4 and Jet B not applicable to CL-600-2D24

Oil Engine, APU and IDG:

MIL-L-7808 (Type I) or MIL-L-23699 (Type II) or CASTROL 4000. *
* Mixing of different types of oils is prohibited.

Engine Limits Conditions Refer to Limits Table in the AFM (CSP C-012)
°C °F
Oil Temperature Maximum Permissible (15 minutes Maximum): +163 325
Maximum Continuous +155 311
Minimum for Starting -40 -40

Oil Pressure Maximum Transient (after cold start) 182 psi (95 psi after 10
Maximum Continuous 45-95 psi
Take-off Power 45-95 psi
Steady State Idle 25 psi minimum
* Engine must remain at idle until oil pressure returns to normal operating range.


APU Limits Maximum RPM: 106%

Maximum EGT: °C °F
Starting 692-1038 1274-1900
Running-Ground* 789 1452
Running-Flight* 806 1482
* Dependent upon altitude and temperature. Refer to AFM (CSP C-012)
** Not to be exceeded under any operating condition.
*** Refer to AFM for detail limitations

Airspeed Limits Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. knots Mach
Sea Level to 8000 ft. 380 330 -
8000 ft. to 25400 ft. 386 335 -
25400 ft. to 28300 ft. - - 0.80
28300 ft. to 31400 ft. 362 315 -
31400 ft. to 41000 ft. - - 0.85
Vfe (Flaps Extended) 1 265 230
8 265 230 -
20 253 220 -
30 213 185 -
45 196 170 -
Va (maneuvering)
(See AFM for variation of Va with altitude and aircraft weight).

VLO (Landing Gear Operation) 253 220 *

230 200 **
VLE (Landing Gear Extended) 253 220 -
* extending , ** retracting

C.G. Range:- Refer to AFM (CSP C-012) for detail CG limits.

Datum Fuselage station 0, located 144.0 inches forward of aircraft nose

A21EA Page 18 of 32

Mean Aerodynamic Chord 133.185 inches (MAC leading edge at fuselage sta. 833.1 inches)

Leveling Means Target plate and plumb bob bracket within rear fuselage, at fuselage station 1146.75

Maximum Weights Spec. Option
lb. lb.
Ramp 80,750 82,750
Takeoff 80,500 82,500
Landing 73,500 73,500
Zero Fuel 70,000 70,000
Minimum flight 45,000 45,000

NOTE: The maximum take-off weight and/or maximum landing weight may be further limited due
to performance considerations. Refer to Airplane Flight Manual for aircraft eligibility.

Minimum Crew Two (Pilot and Co-pilot)

Maximum Occupants 90 or less passengers

Plus 5 crew-members (Pilot, Copilot, Observer forward and Aft Flight attendants)

Load * Weight *
Fuel Capacity (usable) U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. lb.

2 main tanks (each) 1110 924.1 3398 7492

Center Tank 683 568.6 2091 4610
Total 2903 2416.7 8888 19595
See Note 1(b) for system fuel
* Pressure refueling (based on 0.809 kg/L) (6.75 lb/U.S. Gal.)

With option TS670-79-201 – Engine Oil – No Remote Replenishment System

Oil Capacity Load Weight
U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. lb.
2 Engines (each) 2.6 2.2 9.65 21.2
Total 5.2 4.36 19.3 42.4

With option CR670-79-201 – Engine Oil – Remote Replenishment System

Oil Capacity Load Weight
U.S. Gal. Imp. Gal. Kg. lb.
2 Engines (each) 2.6 2.2 9.65 21.2
Replenishment Tank 1.6 1.3 5.9 13.0
Total 6.8 5.7 25.2 55.4

See Note 1(c) for system oil

Maximum Operating Take off and landing: 8,000 ft.

Altitude En route: 41,000 ft.

Control Surface Movements Rudder 33° Left 33° Right

Stabilizer 2.0° LE Up 13.0° LE Down
Aileron 25.1° Up 21.3° Down
Elevator 23.6° Up 18.4° Down
Multi-Function Spoilers 48.0° Up
Ground Spoiler 44.9° Up
Flap – Inboard 45.0° Down
- Outboard 41.6° Down
Slat 25.0° Down

Serial Numbers Eligible 15001 and subsequent

Page 19 of 32 A21EA

Service Information: Service Bulletins, structural repair manuals, and aircraft flight manuals which contain a
statement that the document is Transport Canada approved or Transport Canada
approved through the Manufacturers Design Approval Representative are accepted by
the FAA and are considered FAA approved. These approvals pertain to the type design

Data Pertinent to all Models

Approved Publications Model CL-600-1A11

(a) Airplane Flight Manual, Canadair Publication RAG-600-101, Issue 2 (PSP 600 (U.S.)
FAA, and PSP 600-1 (U.S.) for the appropriate configuration, (See NOTE 1) and
approved revisions.

(b) Drawing List, Canadair Publication RAL-600-105, and later approved revisions.

Model CL-600-2A12
(a) Airplane Flight Manual, Canadair Publication PSP 601-1A, PSP 601-1A-1, PSP 601-1B and
PSP 601-1B-1 for the appropriate weight configuration, (See NOTE 1) and approved

(b) Drawing List, Canadair Publication RAL-601-105, and later approved revisions.

Model CL-600-2B16
(a) Airplane Flight Manual, Canadair Publication PSP 601A-1, PSP 601A-1-1 and PSP 604-1
for the appropriate weight configuration, (See NOTE 1) and approved revisions.

(b) Drawing List, Canadair Publication RAL-601A-105 ( 3A & 3R Variants) and RAL-604-
0001 (604 Variant), and later approved revisions.

Model CL-600-2B19
(a) Airplane Flight Manual, Canadair Publication CSP A-012 for the appropriate weight
configuration and approved revisions.

(b) Maintenance Review Board (MRB) Report and subsequent revisions as contained in the
Maintenance Requirements Manual (MRM), Canadair Publication CSP A-053, Part 2 and
subsequent approved revisions.
(c) Structural Repair Manual (SRM), Canadair Publication CSP A-008 and subsequent
approved issues.
(d) Certification Maintenance Tasks, Canadair Regional Jet, Model CL-600-2B19 Engineering
Report No. RBR-601R-167, as contained in Part 2 to the Maintenance Requirements
Manual (MRM), Canadair Publication CSP A-053, and subsequent approved revisions.

Model CL-600-2C10
(a) Airplane Flight Manual, Canadair Publication CSP B-012 for the appropriate weight
configuration and approved revisions.

(b) Maintenance Review Board (MRB) Report and subsequent revisions as contained in the
Maintenance Requirements Manual (MRM), Canadair Publication CSP B-053, Part I and
subsequent approved revisions.

(c) Structural Repair Manual (SRM), Canadair Publication CSP B-008 and subsequent
approved issues.

(d) Certification Maintenance Tasks, as contained in the Maintenance Requirements Manual

(MRM), Canadair Publication CSP B-053, Part II and subsequent approved revisions.

Model CL-600-2D24
(a) Airplane Flight Manual, Canadair Publication CSP C-012 for the appropriate weight
configuration and approved revisions.
A21EA Page 20 of 32

(b) Maintenance Review Board (MRB) Report and subsequent revisions as contained in the
Maintenance Requirements Manual (MRM), Canadair Publication CSP B-053, Part I
and subsequent approved revisions.

(c) Structural Repair Manual (SRM), Canadair Publication CSP B-008 and subsequent
approved issues.

(d) Certification Maintenance Tasks, as contained in the Maintenance Requirements Manual

(MRM), Canadair Publication CSP B-053, Part II and subsequent approved revisions.

Import Eligibility A U.S. Airworthiness Certificate may be issued on the basis of the Canadian Department
of Transport "Certificate of Airworthiness for Export" signed by the Minister of
Transport. This form must contain the following statement:

a) Model CL-600-1A11
"This certificates that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity
with data forming the basis for the DOT Aircraft Type Approval No. A-131, as modified
by Drawing List, Canadair Publication RAL-600-105, and later approved revisions (FAA
Type Certificate No. A21EA)".

b) Model CL-600-2A12
"This certifies that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity with
data forming the basis for the DOT Aircraft Type Approval No. A-131 as modified by
Drawing List, Canadair Publication RAL-601-105, and later approved revisions (FAA Type
Certificate No. A21EA)".

c) Model CL-600-2B16 (3A & 3R Variants)

"This certifies that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity with
data forming the basis for the DOT Aircraft Type Approval No. A-131 as modified by
Drawing List, Canadair Publication RAL-601A-105 and later approved revisions (FAA Type
Certificate No. A21EA)".

Model CL-600-2B16 (604 Variant)

"This certifies that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity with
data forming the basis for the DOT Aircraft Type Approval No. A-131 as modified by
Drawing List, Canadair Publication RAL-604-0001 and later approved revisions (FAA Type
Certificate No. A21EA)".

d) Model CL-600-2B19
"This certifies that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity with
data forming the basis for the Transport Canada Type Approval No. A-131 and includes the
minimum type design defined in document RAZ-601R-111 as being required to comply with
the basis for the FAA Type Certificate No. A21EA".

The approved type design appropriate to the "as delivered" configuration of a particular CL-
600-2B19 airplane is defined in the document RAL-601R-XXXX. (XXXX represents the
Serial Number for the airplane concerned).

Model CL-600-2B19 Green Configuration

For CL-600-2B19 Green Configuration and associated modifications refer to NOTE 4.

e) Model CL-600-2C10
"This certifies that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity with
data forming the basis for the Transport Canada Type Approval No. A-131 and includes the
minimum type design defined in document RAL-670-0001 and RAL-670-0002 as being
required to comply with the basis for the FAA Type Certificate No. A21EA".
Page 21 of 32 A21EA

The approved type design appropriate to the "as delivered" configuration of a particular CL-
600-2C10 airplane is defined in the document RAL-670-XXXX for S/N 10002 to 10132 and
RAL-BA670-XXXX for S/N 10133 and subsequent. (XXXX represents the Serial Number
for the airplane concerned).

f) Model CL-600-2D24
"This certifies that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity with
data forming the basis for the Transport Canada Type Approval No. A-131 and includes the
minimum type design defined in document RAZ-BA690-129 as being required to comply
with the basis for the FAA Type Certificate No. A21EA".

The approved type design appropriate to the "as delivered" configuration of a particular CL-
600-2D24 airplane is defined in the document RAL-690-XXXX for S/N 15001 to 15013 and
RAL-BA690-XXXX for S/N 15014 and subsequent. (XXXX represents the Serial Number
for the airplane concerned).

Certification Basis Model CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12, and CL-600-2B16 (3A & 3R Variants)
FAR Part 25 dated February 1, 1965, including Amendments 25-1 through
25-37, plus FARs 25.675(a), 25.685(a), 25.733(c), 25.775(e), 25.787(c), 25.815, 25.841(b),
25.951(a), 25.979(d) and (e), 25.1041, 25.1143(e), 25.1303(a), 25.1322, 25.1385(c),
25.1557(b), 25.1583(a), of Amendment
25-38; FARs 25.901(b) and (c), 25.903(c) and (e), 25.933(a), 25.943, 25.959, 25.1091(a) and
(d), 25.1145(c), 25.1199(b) and (c), 25.1207, 25.1549, 25.1585(a)(9) of Amendment 25-40;
and FAR 25.1309 of Amendment 25-41; FAR 25.1353(c) of Amendment 25-42; FAR's
25.571 and 25.629(d)(4) (v) of Amendment 25-45; FARs 25.351 and 25.603 of Amendment

Model CL-600-2B16 (604 Variant)

FAR Part 25 dated February 1, 1965, including Amendments 25-1 through 25-78 with the
following exceptions: FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-37 for paragraphs: 109, 149, 365, 561,
625, 701, 772, 783 (except 783(f)), 785 (except 785(g)), 789, 791, 801, 803, 807, 809, 811,
812, 813, 831, 853, 855, 857, 1307, 1359, 1415, & 1419; FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-37
for existing installations and Amendment 25-78 for new installations for paragraphs: 963,
965, 994, 997, and 1438; FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-38 for paragraphs 787 and 1439;
FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-40 for paragraph 25.973; FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-37
for paragraph 25.109 (see note 7); FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-44 for paragraph 25.1413;
FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-54 for paragraph 851; FAR Part 25 at Amendment 25-80 for
paragraph 1316. New FAR Part 25 requirements 562, 810, 819, 832, 858, 869, (a) & (b),
1421, 1423 and 1450 are not part of the certification basis.

Model CL-600-2B19
FAR Part 25 dated February 1, 1965, including Amendments 25-1 through
25-62 with the following exceptions; FAR 25.109 at Amendment 25-41, FAR 25.832 not
included, FAR 25.1401 at Amendment 25-40, FAR 25.1438 not included and FAR 25.783(f)
at Amendment 25-23 for the cargo compartment door, the main avionics compartment door
and the service/emergency door. FAR 25.773(b)(2) and 25.785(h) at Amendment 25-72.
Model CL-600-2C10
FAR Part 25 dated February 1, 1965, including Amendments 25-1 through
25-86 with the following exceptions; FAR 25.783(f) at Amendment 25-23 for the cargo
compartment door, the main avionics compartment door and the service/emergency door.
FAR 25.571 at Amendment 25-96 and FAR 25.493 at Amendment 25.97.

Model CL-600-2D24
14 CFR Part 25, including Amendments 25-1 through 25-86, Amendments 25-88 through
Amendments 25-90, and Amendments 25-92 through 25-98 with the following exceptions:
(a) FAR 25.783(f) at Amendment 25-23 shall replace FAR 25.783(f) at Amendment 25-88 for
the Aft Cargo Compartment and Main Avionics Bay Doors only (common doors with CL-
600-2C10 (CRJ-700); (b) FAR 25.807(d)(6) at Amendment 25-72 shall replace FAR
25.807(h) at Amendment 25-94; (c) Plus FAR 25.365, FAR 25.831(a) and FAR 25.1447(c) at
Amendment 25-87. FAR 25 Amendment 25-91 is not included in Type Certification Basis.
A21EA Page 22 of 32

Additional FAA Requirements

(a) Model CL-600-1A11

(1) FAR Part 36 dated December 1, 1969, as amended through Amendment 36-9 inclusive.
(2) SFAR 27 dated February 1, 1974, as amended through Amendment SFAR 27-2.
(3) Special Conditions No. 25-94-EA-12 dated March 26, 1980, (FAA Docket No. 16921)
and Amendment No. 1 dated September 11, 1981.

Date of application for Type Certificate August 3, 1976. Type Certificate A21EA issued
November 7, 1980.

(b) Model CL-600-2A12

(1) FAR Part 36 dated December 1, 1969, as amended through Amendments 36-9 inclusive.
(2) SFAR 27 dated February 1, 1974, as amended through Amendment SFAR 27-2.
(3) Special Conditions No. 25-ANM-1 dated March 8, 1983.
Date of application for amendment to Type Certificate May 1, 1981. Type Certificate
A21EA amended March 11, 1983.

(c) Model CL-600-2B16 (3A & 3R Variants)

(1) FAR Part 36 dated December 1, 1969, as amended through Amendments 36-9 inclusive.
(2) SFAR 27 dated February 1, 1974, as amended through Amendment SFAR 27-2.
(3) Special Conditions No. 25-ANM-1 dated March 8, 1983.

Date of application for amendment to Type Certificate March 3, 1986.

Type Certificate A21EA amended April 30, 1987.

(d) Model CL-600-2B16 (604 Variant)

(1) FAR Part 36 dated December 1, 1969, as amended through Amendments 36-20
(2) FAR Part 34 dated August 25, 1990 as amended through Amendment 34-1.
(3) Special Conditions No. 25-ANM-109 dated October 31, 1995 (HIRF).

Date of application for Change to Type Design June 14, 1993.

Change to Type Design approved November 2, 1995.

(e) Model CL-600-2B19

(1) FAR Part 36 dated December 1, 1969, as amended through Amendments 36-18 inclusive.
(2) Applicable portions of FAR 34 (previously codified as SFAR 27).
(3) Special Conditions No. 25-ANM-61 dated July 22, 1992.

Date of application for amendment to Type Certificate May 26, 1988.

Type Certificate A21EA amended January 21, 1993.

(f) Model CL-600-2C10

(1) FAR Part 36 dated December 1, 1969, as amended through Amendments
36-22 inclusive.
(2) Applicable portions of FAR 34
(3) Special Conditions:
- High intensity radiated fields
- Go-around performance credit for use of automatic power reserve (APR)

Date of application for amendment to Type Certificate May 6, 1996

Type Certificate A21EA amended February 16, 2001.

(g) Model CL-600-2D24

(1) 14 CFR Part 36 effective September 10, 1990, and including all amendments
effective on the date of Type Certification.
(2) 14 CFR Part 34, effective September 10, 1990, and including all amendments
effective on the date of Type Certification.
Page 23 of 32 A21EA

(3) Special Conditions:

- High Intensity Radiated Fields, No. 25-ANM-109
- Go-around performance credit for use of automatic power reserve (APR)
No. 25-167-SC (same as CL-600-2C10)
- Sudden Engine Stoppage, No. 25-217-SC
(4) Exemption
Exemption No. 7447 Hydraulic Systems Testing for FAR 25.1435(b)(1)

Date of application for amendment to Type Certificate November 1, 1999.

Type Certificate A21EA amended October 31, 2002.

Equivalent safety has been established for the following requirements:

(a) CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12, and CL-600-2B16.
(1) FAR 25.773(b)(2) DV Window
(2) 25.955(a)(4) Blocked Flow Meter Fuel Flow Requirements
(3) FAR 25.201 Stall Determination

(b) CL-600-2B16 (604 Variant)

(1) FAR 25.955 (a)(4) Blocked Flow Meter Fuel Flow Requirements
(2) Several FAR’s for the use of Reduced Minimum Operating Speed Factors

(c) CL-600-2B19
(1) FAR 25.811(d)(2) Emergency Exit Marking Sign
(2) FAR 25.813(c)(1) Access to Type III exit-seat cushion intrusion
(3) Several FAR’s for the use of 1-g Stall Speed (nonstructural items)
(4) FAR 25.621 (c)(2) Overwing Emergency Exit Door Critical Castings, P/N
601R38685-1, (documented in Transport Airplane Directorate ELOS Memo

(d) CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12, and CL-600-2B16

(1) Ditching provisions of FAR 25.801
(2) Ice Protection of FAR 25.1419

(e) CL-600-2C10
(1) FAR 25.103 and others Reduced Minimum Operating Speed Factors
(2) FAR 25.107(e)(1)(iv) Vlof and Vmu
(3) FAR 25.109 Rejected Takeoff and Landing Performance Criteria
(4) FAR 25.811(d)(2) Main Door Exit Marking Sign
(5) FAR 25.813(c)(2)(i) Emergency Exit Access
(6) FAR 25.904 Performance Credit for Use of APR During Reduced Thrust Takeoff
(6) FAR 25.933(a)(1)(ii) Thrust Reverser System
(7) FAR 25 App. I 25.5(b)(4) Lack of On/Off Switch for Automatic Takeoff Thrust
Control System (ATTCS)

(1) FAR 25.103 and others Reduced Minimum Operating Speed Factors
(2) FAR 25.811(d)(2) Main Door Exit Marking Sign
(3) FAR 25.813(c)(2)(i) Emergency Exit Access
(4) FAR 25.904 Performance Credit for Use of APR During Reduced Thrust Takeoff
(5) FAR 25.933(a)(1)(ii) Thrust Reverser System
(6) FAR 25 App. I 25.5(b)(4) Lack of On/Off Switch for Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control
System (ATTCS)

Compliance with the following optional requirements has been established for the CL-
600-2B16 (604 Variant):
(1) Ditching provisions of FAR 25.801
(2) Ice Protection of FAR 25.1419

Compliance with the following optional requirements has been established for the CL-
600-2B19, CL-600-2C10 and CL-600-2D24:
(1) Ice Protection of FAR 25.1419
A21EA Page 24 of 32

(2) Ditching provisions of FAR 25.801 when the safety equipment requirements of
FAR 25.1411 and the ditching equipment requirements of FAR 25.1415 are

Equipment The basic equipment as prescribed in the applicable airworthiness requirements (See
Certification Basis) must be installed in the aircraft for certification.

NOTE 1 This Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheet defines a configuration which does not include
passenger provision for the CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12, and
CL-600-2B16 models. Carriage of persons in the cabin is permitted when an approved
seating arrangement and related required passenger provisions are incorporated.

(a) Current weight and balance report including the list of equipment included in the
certificated empty weight, and loading instructions when necessary, must be
provided for each aircraft at the time of original certification.

(b) Model CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12, and CL-600-2B16

System fuel, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of fuel
required to fill the system plumbing and tanks to the undrainable level plus unusable
fuel in the fuel tanks. The total amount of “system fuel” for the following
Challenger variants is:
Model: Total Unusable (system fuel)
CL-600-1A11, 2A12 16.0 gal. total, 109 lb., (+500.00)
CL-600-2B16 (CL-601A) 17.5 gal. total, 119 lb., (+524.80)
CL-600-2B16 (CL-604 Variant) 19.0 gal. total, 129 lb., (+536.60)

Model CL-600-2B19
System fuel, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of fuel
required to fill the system plumbing and tank to the undrainable level plus unusable
fuel in the fuel tanks. The total amount of "system fuel" is 14.5 U.S. Gal., 97 lb.

Model CL-600-2C10
System fuel, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of fuel
required to fill the system plumbing and tank to the undrainable level plus unusable
fuel in the fuel tanks. The total amount of "system fuel" is 33.8 U.S. Gal., 228.2 lb.
(arm +819.7 in).

Model CL-600-2D24
System fuel, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of fuel
required to fill the system plumbing and tank to the undrainable level plus unusable
fuel in the fuel tanks. The total amount of "system fuel" is 34.0 U.S. Gal., 229.4 lb.
(arm +929.3 in).

(c) Model CL-600-1A11

System oil, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of oil
necessary for engine lubrication. The total amount of "system oil" is as follows:

7.38 U.S. gal. (total) 56.8 lb., (+623)

Model CL-600-2A12 and CL-600-2B16

System oil, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of oil
necessary for engine lubrication. The total amount of "system oil" is as follows:

6.1 U.S. gal. (total) 47 lb., (+680.5)

Page 25 of 32 A21EA

Model CL-600-2B19
System oil, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of oil
necessary for engine lubrication. The total amount of "system oil" is as follows:

5.83 U.S. gal. (total) 47 lb., (+785.67)

Model CL-600-2C10
System oil, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of oil required to
fill the system plumbing and tanks. The total amount of "system oil" is as follows:
With option TS670-79-201 – Engine Oil – No Remote Replenishment System,
6.1 U.S. Gal., 49.9 lb. (arm +1077.7 in)

With option CR670-79-201 – Engine Oil – Remote Replenishment System,

7.8 U.S. Gal., 62.9 lb. (arm +1091.2 in)

Model CL-600-2D24
System oil, which must be included in the empty weight, is the amount of oil required to
fill the system plumbing and tanks. The total amount of "system oil" is as follows:
With option TS670-79-201 – Engine Oil – No Remote Replenishment System,
6.1 U.S. Gal., 49.9 lb. (arm +1229.7 in)

With option CR670-79-201 – Engine Oil – Remote Replenishment System,

7.8 U.S. Gal., 62.9 lb. (arm +1243.2 in)

(d) Model CL-600-1A11

Aircraft which incorporate Canadair Limited Modification Summaries:
1) 600-556 Modified main landing gear wheel,
2) 600-592 Modified main landing gear sidestay,
3) 600-1933 Revised airspeed limitation placard.
May be operated to the following limitations (eligible Serial Numbers 1002, 1004 through

Maximum Weight lb.

Ramp 38650
Takeoff 38500
Landing 32500
Zero Fuel 28500

Maximum Occupants Twenty-two (includes crew)

C.G. Range Forward Limit Aft Limit

Weight, lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)

24000 to 38650 16 % (+502.848) - - -

38650 - - - 28% (+513.965)
25800 - - - 33% (+518.598)
24000 - - - 33% (+518.598)
Straight line variation between points given.

Maximum Operating Altitude

Takeoff and landing 10000 ft.
En route 40000 ft.
41000 ft. with Canadair Limited
Modification Summaries
600-1923 & 600-8330

Model CL-600-1A11
(e) Aircraft which incorporate Canadair Limited Modification Summaries:
1) 600-594 Landing gear for 40400 lb. takeoff weight aircraft,
2) 600-616 Wheels and brakes for the 40400 lb. takeoff weight aircraft,
3) 600-643 Structural reinforcement at wing B.L. O rib,
A21EA Page 26 of 32

4) 600-752 Modified anti-skid unit,

5) 600-817 Stall protection system computer for the 40400 lb. takeoff weight
6) 600-8150 Placard for the 40400 lb. takeoff weight aircraft,
7) 600-760 Drop down passenger door-production improvement (required only on
S/N 1024 & subsequent).
may be operated to the following limitations (eligible Serial Numbers 1002, 1004 and

Maximum Weight lb.

Ramp 40550
Takeoff 40400
Landing 36000
Zero fuel 28500

Maximum Occupants Twenty-two (includes crew)

C.G. Range (Aircraft without Canadair Modification Summary 600-8265)

Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit
lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)

24000 to 40550 16 % (+502.848) -

40550 - 27% (+513.039)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
27500 - 33% (+518.598)
24000 - 33% (+518.598)
Straight line variation between points given.

C.G. Range (Aircraft with Canadair Modification Summary 600-8265 Incorporated)

Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit
lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)

24000 to 40550 16 % (+502.848) -

40550 - 27% (+513.039)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
28500 - 35% (+520.450)
24000 - 33% (+520.450)
Straight line variation between points given.

Maximum Operating Altitude

Takeoff and landing 10000 ft.
En route 40000 ft.
41000 ft. with Canadair Modification
Summaries 600-1923 & 600-
8330 incorporated

Model CL-600-1A11
(f) Airspeed Limits (CAS)
Aircraft which, in addition to the Canadair Modification Summaries essential for
operation at a maximum takeoff weight of 40400 lb., also incorporate the following
Canadair Modification Summary:

1) 600-665 Revised Vmo/Mmo outputs of ADC and limitations placard may be

operated at the following limitations:

Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. Knots Mach.

Sea level to 10000 feet 345 300 -
Above 10000 feet 420 365 0.835
Page 27 of 32 A21EA

Extension of the flight spoilers at airspeeds above Mach = 0.79 is not permitted
unless the following additional Canadair Modification Summaries are incorporated:
1) 600-512 Prevention of spoiler asymmetry
2) 600-809 Dormant failure protection of the flight spoiler detent
3) 600-8212 Hydraulic pipe routing to suit spoiler detent mechanism.

Model CL-600-1A11
(g) Aircraft Serial Numbers 1086 and subsequent and aircraft incorporated the
1) Either
a) Canadair Service Bulletin
600-0378 – Modification - Stall Protection System - Stall Strip Removal
and Altitude Compensation
or b) Supplementary Type Certificate SA99NE - Wing Stall Strip Removed.
2) Canadair Service Bulletin
600-0379 – Modification - Tires and Airspeed Limitation Placards - 41100
Pounds Takeoff Weight.
may be operated to the following limitations (eligible Serial Numbers 1002,
1004 and subsequent)

Maximum Weight lb.

Ramp 41250
Takeoff 41100
Landing 36000
Zero fuel 28500

Maximum Occupants Twenty-two (includes crew).

C.G. Range Aircraft 1004, 1009, 1053 to 1056, 1066 and subsequent and Aircraft
incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 600-0221

Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit

lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
24000 to 41250 16% (+502.848) -
41250 - 26% (+512.112)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
28500 - 35% (+520.450)
24000 - 35% (+520.450)
Straight line variation between points given.

C.G. Range (Other Aircraft)

Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit
lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
24000 to 41250 16% (+502.848) -
41250 - 26% (+512.112)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
27500 - 33% (+518.598)
24000 - 33% (+518.598)
Straight line variation between points given.

Maximum Operating Altitude

Takeoff and landing 10000 ft.
En route 41000 ft.
Airspeed Limits (CAS)

Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating) m.p.h. Knots Mach.

Sea level to 10000 feet 345 300 -
Above 10000 feet 420 365 0.835
A21EA Page 28 of 32

Extension of the flight spoilers at airspeeds above Mach = 0.80 is not permitted on Aircraft
S/N 1005 to 1008, 1010 to 1052, 1057 to 1066 not incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin
600-0086 Modification - Spoilers - Ground Spoiler Activation and Flight Spoiler Detent

Model CL-600-1A11
(h) Aircraft incorporating the following Canadair Service Bulletins
a) 600-0350 Modification - Engine Speed Indicating- N1 Fan Speed Indicator
b) 600-0379 Modification - Tires and Airspeed Limitation Placards - 41100 lb.
Takeoff Weight.
c) 600-0401 Modification - Winglets - Addition
With Aircraft Serial Numbers 1005 to 1008 and 1010 to 1051 incorporating the following
additional Canadair Service Bulletins
either 600-0096 Modification - Nose Landing Gear Steering
or 600-0380 Modification - Nose Gear - Steer by Wire.
may be operated to the following limitations (eligible Serial Numbers 1002, 1004 and

Maximum Weight lb.

Ramp 41250
Takeoff 41100
Landing 36000
Zero Fuel 28500

MaximumOccupants Twenty-two (includes crew).

C.G. Range Aircraft 1004, 1009, 1053 to 1056, 1066 and Subsequent and Aircraft
Incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 600-0221
Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit
lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
24000 to 41250 16% (+502.848) -
41250 - 26% (+512.112)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
28500 - 35% (+520.450)
24000 - 35% (+520.450)
Straight line variation between points given.

C.G. Range (Other Aircraft)

Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit
lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
24000 to 41250 16% (+502.848) -
41250 - 26% (+512.112)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
27500 - 33% (+518.598)
24000 - 33% (+518.598)
Straight line variation between points given.

Maximum Operating Altitude

Takeoff and landing 10000 ft.
En route 41000 ft.

Airspeed Limits (CAS) m.p.h. Knots Mach.

Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating)
Sea level to 10000 feet 345 300 -
10000 ft. to 21420 ft. 420 365 -
21420 ft. to 25740 ft. - - 0.79
25740 ft. to 28640 ft. 385 335 -
above 28640 ft. - - 0.835
Page 29 of 32 A21EA

Vfe (Flaps extended)

20° 265 230
30° 226 196
45° 215 187
Extension of the flight spoilers at airspeeds above Mach = 0.79 is not permitted on Aircraft
S/N 1005 to 1008, 1010 to 1052, 1057 to 1066 not incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin
600-0086 Modification - Spoilers - Ground Spoiler Activation and Flight Spoiler Detent

Model CL-600-1A11
(i) Aircraft incorporating the following Canadair Service Bulletins
a) 600-0350 Modification - Engine Speed Indicating- N1 Fan Speed Indicator
b) 600-0446 Modification - Placard-41250 lb. Take-off Weight (Aircraft with
c) 600-0401 Modification - Winglets - Addition
With Aircraft Serial Numbers 1005 to 1008 and 1010 to 1051 incorporating the following
additional Canadair Service Bulletins
either 600-0096 Modification - Nose Landing Gear Steering
or 600-0380 Modification - Nose Gear - Steer by Wire.
may be operated to the following limitations (eligible Serial Numbers 1002, 1004 and

Maximum Weight lb.

Ramp 41400
Takeoff 41250
Landing 36000
Zero Fuel 28500

Maximum Twenty-two (includes crew).


C.G. Range Aircraft 1004, 1009, 1053 to 1056, 1066 and Subsequent and Aircraft
Incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 600-0221

Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit

lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
24000 to 41400 16% (+502.848) -
41400 - 26% (+512.112)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
28500 - 35% (+520.450)
24000 - 35% (+520.450)
Straight line variation between points given.

C.G. Range (Other Aircraft)

Weight lb. Forward Limit % MAC (Sta.) Aft Limit % MAC (Sta.)
24000 to 41400 16% (+502.848) -
41400 - 26% (+512.112)
38000 - 31% (+516.745)
31000 - 31% (+516.745)
27500 - 33% (+518.598)
24000 - 33% (+518.598)
Straight line variation between points given.

Maximum Operating Altitude

Takeoff and landing 10000 ft.
En route 41000 ft.
A21EA Page 30 of 32

Airspeed Limits (CAS) m.p.h. Knots Mach.

Vmo and Mmo (maximum operating)
Sea level to 10000 feet 345 300 -
10000 ft. to 21420 ft. 420 365 -
21420 ft. to 25740 ft. - - 0.79
25740 ft. to 28640 ft. 385 335 -
above 28640 ft. - - 0.835

Vfe (Flaps extended)

20° 265 230
30° 226 196
45° 215 187
Extension of the flight spoilers at airspeeds above Mach = 0.79 is not permitted on Aircraft
S/N 1005 to 1008, 1010 to 1052, 1057 to 1066 not incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin
600-0086 Modification – Spoilers - Ground Spoiler Activation and Flight Spoiler Detent

Model CL-600-2A12
(j) Aircraft Serial Numbers 3018 and subsequent and aircraft incorporating the following
Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0032 - Modification - Tires and Airspeed Limitation
Placards 43100 lb. Takeoff Weight may be operated to the following limitations (eligible
Serial Numbers 1003, 3001 and subsequent)

Maximum Weight lb.

Ramp 43250
Takeoff 43100

Maximum Occupants Twenty-two (includes crew).

C.G. Range
Weight Forward Limit Aft Limit
lb. % MAC (Sta.) % MAC (Sta.)
25000 to 43250 16% (+502.848) ---
43250 30% (+515.818)
31000 --- 35% (+520.450)
25000 --- 35% (+520.450)
Straight line variation between points given.

NOTE: 2 Model CL-600-1A11

All placards must be installed in accordance with Canadair Limited Drawings: 600-40402,
600-40452, 600-51000, 600-51002, 600-51004

Model CL-600-2A12
All placards must be installed in accordance with Canadair Limited Drawings: 601-40402,
601-40452, 600-51000, 600-51002, 601-51004.

Model CL-600-2B16
All placards must be installed in accordance with Canadair Limited Drawings: 601-40402,
601-40452, 601A51000, 601A51002, 601A51004.(3A & 3R Variants)
601-40402, 601-40452 & 604-51000 (604 Variant)

Model CL-600-2B19
All placards must be installed in accordance with Canadair Limited Drawings: 601R47600,
601R47602, 601R47700.
Note: Customized markings and placards drawings are not included.
Page 31 of 32 A21EA

Model CL-600-2C10
All placards must be installed in accordance with Canadair Limited Drawings: BA670-47501,
BA670-47506, BA670-47800. Self Illuminated Signs and Electrical Signs must be installed in
accordance with BA670-47802 and BA670-47803.
Note: Customized markings and placards drawings are not included. Drawings noted above
are for basic type certification only. For as-delivered aircraft configurations, refer to customer
options listed in RAL-670-300.

Model CL-600-2D24
All placards must be installed in accordance with the Bombardier Aerospace Drawings:
BA690-47500, BA690-47506, BA690-47804. Self illuminated Signs and Electrical Signs
must be installed in accordance with BA690-47805 and BA690-47806.
Drawings noted above are for basic type certification only. For as- delivered aircraft
configurations, refer to RAL-690-XXXX for S/N 15001 to 15013, and RAL-BA690-XXXX
for S/N 15014 and subsequent. (XXXX denotes the serial number for the aircraft concerned).

NOTE: 3 Model CL-600-1A11

The airplane life limits and repetitive inspections for components and equipment are listed in
Canadair Time Limits/Maintenance Checks, PSP 605. These limitations may not be changed
without FAA Engineering approval. This document with Canadair Maintenance Manual, PSP
602 and Job Inspection Card Manual PSP 622, NDT-612 contain all information essential for
proper maintenance.

Model CL-600-2A12
The airplane life limits and repetitive inspections for components and equipment are listed in
Canadair Time Limits/Maintenance Checks, PSP 601-5. These limitations may not be
changed without FAA Engineering approval. This document with Canadair Maintenance
Manual, PSP 601-2 and Job Inspection Card Manual PSP 601-22, NDT-612 contain all
information essential for proper maintenance.

Model CL-600-2B16
The airplane life limits and repetitive inspections for components and equipment are listed in
Canadair Time Limits/Maintenance Checks, PSP 601A-5 (3A & 3R Variants) and PSP 604-5
(604 Variant). These limitations may not be changed without FAA Engineering approval.
This document and Canadair Maintenance Manual, PSP 601-2 (3A & 3R Variants) and PSP
604-2 (604 Variant), and/or Job Inspection Card Manuals PSP601A-22 (3A) and/or PSP 601R-
22 (3R), PSP604-22 (CL604), NDT604-12 contain all information essential for proper

Model CL-600-2B19
The airplane life limits and repetitive inspections for components and equipment and
information essential for proper maintenance, are listed in Canadair Program Document CSP
A-053, Part 2. These limitations may not be changed without FAA Engineering approval.

Model CL-600-2C10
The airplane life limits and repetitive inspections for components and equipment and
information essential for proper maintenance, are listed in Canadair Program Document CSP
B-053, Part 2. These limitations may not be changed without FAA Engineering approval.

Model CL-600-2D24
The airplane life limits and repetitive inspections for components and equipment and
information essential for proper maintenance, are listed in Bombardier Aerospace Program
Document CSP B-053, Part 2. These limitations may not be changed without FAA
Engineering approval.

NOTE 4: Model CL-600-2B19

Major modifications which define the aircraft as the “Green Configuration” are recorded in
document RAZ-601R-110 (Definition of RJ type design for Transport Canada approval), as
Appendix 2 to that document.
A21EA Page 32 of 32

NOTE 5 : Model CL-600-2B19

The green aircraft type design does not include passenger provisions. Carriage of persons in
the cabin is permitted when an approved seating arrangement and related required passenger
provisions are incorporated in accordance with the Type Approval Basis.
Aircraft delivered in the “Green Configuration” and incorporating Mod. Summary TC60255
(Blocking of Emergency Exits) are limited to carrying a maximum of twenty-two (22)
occupants including the crew and no more than 19 passengers in accordance with FAR 25

NOTE 6 : Model CL-600-2B19

For all weather flight capability the Regional Jet aircraft is certified to operate in CAT II
conditions, except when the aircraft is installed with the HGS system (TC 601R60262), in
which case the aircraft is certified to operate in CAT IIIa conditions.

NOTE 7 : Model Cl-600-2B16 (CL-604 Variant)

The following additional requirements must be included with FAR 25.109 at Amendment

1. Airplane Flight Manual information, in the form of guidance material, must be

provided for supplementary operating procedures and performance information for
operating on wet and contaminated runways.

2. The accelerate-stop distance and landing distance must be determined using the
braking performance which is obtained with the brake conditions that are expected in

The RJ200 is a marketing designation for the Regional Jet Series 100 aircraft with the General
Electric CF-34-3B1 engines installed and is identified as the Regional Jet Series 100 or RJ100
in this TCDS. All Airworthiness Directives issued against any 100 series aircraft are similarly
applicable to the 200 series.


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