Type Certificute: Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Transportation Directorate General of Civi Aviation

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Number E 029

Thiscertificateissuedto: International Aero EnginesAG (IAE)

c/o IAE Airworthiness
400 Main Street
East Hartford, CT 06108

certffiesthat the typedesignfor thefollowing productswith the operatinglimitationsand

conditionsthereforeas specifiedin the Civil AviationsSafetyRegulationsand the Type
CertiJicateData Sheet,meetsthe airworthinessrequirementsof part 33 of Civit Aviation
SafetyRegulationsfor Airworthiness Standards:Aircraft Engines,and part 34 of Civil
Aviation SafetyRegulationsfor Fuel Ventingand ExhaustEmissionRequirements for

ENGINEMODELS : V2500-A5,V2500-DSSeries

This Certificate, and the Type Certificate Data Sheetwhich is part hereof shall remain in
effect until surrendered, suspended, revoked, or a termination date is otherwise
establishedby Director General of Civil Aviation.

Date of application : 30 November 2005

Amended : 30 August 2006

Date of issuance : 2I December2005

Revision I : 16April 2007

On Behalf of Director ral of CivilAviation

Yurlis Hasibusn
Dir ector of A i rworth iness CertiJication
Note: Theissuance of this TypeCertificateis basedon theFederalAviationAdministration
CertificatenumberE40NEandType CertificateDataSheetnumberE40NERevision9. dated:
Iune22,1999to Intemational AeroEnginesAG (IAE).


No. : E 029
Revision: I
Aero EnginesAG (IAE)
Models :
v2522-A5 V2525-D5
v2s24-A5 V2528-D5
v2521-A5 V2530-As
v2527E-45 V2533-A5
Date : April 16.2007


This datasheetwhich is a part of Type Certificate Validation No. E 029 prescribesconditionsand

limitatiorrsunderwhich the productfor which the type certificatewas issuedmeetsthe airworthiness
requirements of the Civil Aviation SafetyRegLrlations.

TYPE CERTIFICATE HOLDER: InternationalAeroEnginesAG (lAE)

c/o IAE Airworthiness
400 Main Street
EastHaftford.CT 06108

I. MODELS : v2527F.-A5 v2522-A5
Dual rotor,axial flow, high bypassturbofan,singlestagefan, four-
stagelow pressllrecolxpressor,annularcornbustor,two-stagelrigh
re turbine,five-stagelow returbine.
RATINGS (SeeNote 5)
Maximum Continuousat sea 22,240 19,200 19,200
Take-off(5 min.) at sealevel 24,800 23,040 24,480
OEI (seeNote 2l )
For informationreferto the Installationand OperatingManual
COMPONENTS (lOM); InstallationHandbook;Illr-rstratedPartsCatalogueor

Length t26.020s 126.0205

Normal diameter 66.23 66.23
Maximum radial projection 43.048 43.048

T C D S N o . :E 0 2 9
Revision: I I Date: April 16.2007
Legend:"- -" indicate"sameas precedingmodel"
"- --" not applicable"
II. MODELS : v2528-Ds v2525-D5 v2533-A5
TYPE Dual rotor, axial flow, high bypassturbofan, single stagefan; four-
stage low pressllrecompressor,annular combustor,two-stagehigh
pressureturbine,five-stageIow pressureturbine.
RATINGS (SeeNote 5)
MaximumContinuousat 25,660 23,900 26,950
Take-off(5 min.) at sea 28,000 25,000 31 , 6 0 0
level staticthrust,lb.

For informationreferto the Installationand OperatingManual

COMPONENTS (lOM); InstallationHandbook;IllustratedPaftsCatalogueor
Length 126.020s
Normal diameter 66.23
Maximum radialprojection 43.665 43.048

v2530-A5 v2522-A5
MODELS (cont.) v25278-As v2s28-D5 v2525-Ds
v2533-45 Y2s24-A5
(includesall essential
accessories. but excludes
starter,exlraustnozzle, and 2,404kgl 2,595kgl
powersourcefor the ignition 5 , 3 0 0l b 5,720lb
systernfor the -A5 series,
and exhaustnozzlefor the -
D5 series)
Aft of front mount area
centerline 15.1 7 1.0 l 4 . l r 1. 0
Belowenginecenterline 1 . 7t 0 . 5 1 . 6t 0 . 5
Starboardof enginevertical 0 . 7t 0 . 5 0 . 11 0 . 5
FUEL (SeeNote 10)
OIL (SeeNote ll)

T C D S N o . :E 0 2 9
R e v i s i o n: 1 l D a t e : 16,2007
CERTIFICATION BASIS: For V2530- A51V2527-A51V2521E-A51V2528-D51Y2525-D5 Civil
Aviation SafetyRegulations(CASR) Part33, Revision0, issued27
December 1993 tlrat is equivalent to FAA 14 CFR part 33
Amendment 14. For V2522-A51V2524-A5/V2527M-AS1V2533-A5
Civil Aviation Safety RegLrlations
(CASR) Part 33, Revision 0,
issued27 Decernber1993that is equivalentto FAR l4 CFR part 33
Amendment14,includingFAR 33.28Amendment15.

NumberE 029
Model Date_alAppliglde! IssuedRevised

v2528-D5 Nov.30,2005(Orig) Dec.21,2005

v2533-A5tV2528-D5 ALrgust30,2006 April 16,2007

PRODUCTION BASIS: ProductionCertificationNo. I l4NE


Each engineto be exportedto the Republic of Indonesiashall be accompaniedby Certificateof

Airworthirressfor expoft or certifying statementendorsed by the exporting cognizant Civil
AirworthinessAuthority which containsthe following language:

l. This engineconformsto its Indonesiatype design(EngineType CertificateNumber E-043)and is

in conditionfor safeoperation.

2. This enginehas been sLrbjected

by the rnanufacturer
to a final operationalcheck and is in proper
Stateof Airworthiness.

ReferenceCASR Section21.500, which providesthe Airworthinessacceptanceof aircraft engine

outsideof the Republicof Indonesiafor which an IndonesianType Certificatehasbeen

ServiceBulletin,vendormanuals,maintenance manualswhich containa staternerrt

that the document
is FAA approvedare acceptedby the DGCA Indorresiaand consideredDGCA Indonesiaapproved.
Theseapprovalperlainto the type desigrronly.
NOTE 1 Maximum permissible engine operating speeds for the engine rotors as
Low PressureRotor (Nl), RPM 5,650 (100%)
High PressureRotor (N2), RPM 14,950(100%)

(SeeNote 19)
v2s30-As v25278-A5 v2s22-As v2s24-A5
Takeoff(5 min) 650/650 645/635 625-/63s 635/635
MaximumContinuous 6t0/610

StartGround 635/63s
Inflight 635/635

v2525-Ds v2528-D5 v2s33-A5

Takeoff(5min) 620/620 63s/63s 670/6s0
MaximumContinuous 6t0/6r0
StartGround 63st63s
Inflight 63s/635

Oil OutletTemperature All models

Continuousoperation 155'C/3lloF
Transientoperation 165"C/ 329"F maximum
* The cockpit and aircraft flight manuatsfor SCNSA(V2527-A5)will
reflect a ground and air start limit of 635 "C, but the ECC software
allows an actual limit of 645 "C. All other and subsequentsoftware
versionshavea softwarelimit of 635 oC.

NOTE 3 Fuelandoil pressure limits

FuelPressure At inlet to enginesystempump,not lessthan 5 psig abovethe true vapor
pressureof the fuel andnot greaterthan 70 psig with a vapor/liquid ratio of
Oil Pressure 60 psigminimum

TCDSNo.: E029
Revision: I lDate: 16,2007
NOTE 4 Maximum permissibleair bleed extractionfor the V2522-A5/ V2524-A5l
V2527-A5/ V2527E-A5I V2527M- A5I V 2530-A5I V 2533-A5 is asfollows:
MaximumBleedLimit (2)
7th StageBleed (% of CoreFlow (WA26))
At or Below 90%o 8.2Yo
Correctedhigh rotor speed

From 90%oto 97Yo Linearvariationfrom

Corrected high rotor speed 8.2o/oto

At or above 97Yo 6.0%

Corrected high rotor speed

lOth StageBleed(l)
At or Below 6l % 13.7%
Corrected high rotor speed

From 6l% to 78%o Linearvariationfrom

Corrected high rotor speed 13.7o/oto

From 78Yoto 97o/o Linearvariationfrom

Correctedhigh rotor speed 12.0o/o
to 6.0Vo

At or above97 Yo 6.0o/o
Corrected high rotor speed

(l) No. lOthStagebleedallowedbelow22,000ft at Max. Continuous

(2) Simultaneous useof 7thand lOthstagebleedat limitingconditions
is allowedonly whenrequiredby a malfunctionandonly until the

air bleedextractionfor theV2525-D5/V2528-D5
as follows:
Single StageBleed:

7th StageBleed Max.SingleBleedLimit (2)

(% of CoreFlow (WA26))

At or Below 100 % correctedN2 92%

lOth StageBleed (l)

From min. idle to 65Yocorrected

N2 linear variation from l6% to

From 65%oto 75o/ocorrectedN2 Linearvariationfrom l8% to 16%o

From 75o/oIo 84o/ocorrectedN2 t6%

From 84o/oto 97 .So/ocorrected

N2 Linearvariationfrom | 60/oto 1oh

From 97 .5Yoto l00o/ocorrectedN2 7%

T C D S N o . :E 0 2 9
R e v i s i o n :I I D a t e : A p r i 1l 6 . 2 0 0 7
NOTE 4 (Continued) Mixed StageBleed:

Max. Mixed Bleed Limit (3)

7th StageBleed (% of Core Flow (WA26))
FromT9ohto 86.5%o
correctedN2 Linear variation from 0o/oto 9o/o

From 86.5% to 96VocorrectedN2 90h

lOth StageBleed (4)

From 79Yoto 840/ocorrectedN2 l60/o

From 84o/oto 93.6%ocorrectedN2 Linear variation from 76%oto 4%o

From93.6Yoto 96%ocorrectedN2 4%

(l) Below24,000ft:
- At ambienttemperatures above40 "F, no lOthstagebleedis allowedat
Max. ContinuousRatingandabove.
- At 40 oF ambienttemperatureand below, a maximum of 2 %o106
stagebleed is allowed at takeoff rating and 4 oA ltn stagebleed at
Max. Continuous Rating.
(2) The allowable7h and/orlOthstagebleedis in additionto the bleedused
for inletcowl anti-icing.
(3) Simultaneous useof 7th and lOth stagebleedis allowedat any power
conditiondueto malfunctionandonly until the nextlanding.
(4) Whensimultaneous bleedflow is required,the additionof the 7tnand
l0'n stagebleedmay not exceedthe total extractionlimits shownbelow.
(5) 18% for ambienttemperatures of 30 oFandbelowonly.

BleedFlow Max. CombinedBleedLimit
to 80o/o
correctedN2 LinearVariationfrom
From80%to 87.5Vo
N2 165%

From87.5%to 91o/o N2
corrected LinearVariationfrom
From9l% to 96%o
N2 125%

TCDSNo. : 8029
Revision : I lDate: April16.2007
NOTE 5 The ratings are based on Sea Level Static test stand operation under the
following condition:
- Engineinlet air at 59 "F and29.92 in.Hg.
- S p e c i f i e df u e l a n do i l ( s e eN o t e sl 0 a n d l 1 ) .
- No fan or colnpressor air bleedor load on accessorydrives.
- Ideal inlet pressurerecovery.
- A mixed exhaustsystemhavingno internalpressurelossesand a
mixed primarynozzlevelocitycoefficientequalto 1.0.
- Takeoff rating is a maximurnthrust certified for takeoff operation.
The specifiedtakeoffthrustis availableat and below:

v2530-A5 V2527E-1'5 V2522-45
v2533-A5 y2521M-A5 V2524-A5 Y2528-D5 V2525-D5
l5"cl27"F 3 I "C/56"F 40"C/72"F l5"C/27"F l5"Cl27"F
Maximum continuousrating is the maximum thrust certifiedfor continuous
operation.The specifiedthrustis availableat and below ISA + l8 'F (10 'C)

NOTE 6 The accessory drive provisionsshown in the following tabulationare

incorporatedin the V2530-A5 lV 2527-A5 lY 2527E-A5 lV 2527M- AS/
v 2 522-A5 lY 2524-A5 lV 2 533-A5.

Drive Rotation SpeedRatio Torque Torque Overload Overhang

to Turbine (Lb.-in.) (Lb.-in.) (Lb.-in.)
shaft Cont. Static
Starter CCW 0 . 9 4 1: l - * -
IDGS CCW 0.604:l *{< I 1000 *
F l u i d P o w e rP u m p CCW 0.261:1 1300 6500 400
CCW: Counterclockwise
* Maximum startertorque : 470 Lb.-ft. at zerorpm. The maximum allowable starter
T o r q u ev a l u ei s I 1 7 5 L b . - f t .
** Maximum allowablecontinuoustorquevaluesare equivalentto 175horsepowerat
any enginespeed.The following overloadconditionscan be accommodated.

The accessory drive provisionsshown in the following tabulationare

incornoratedin the V2528-D51V2525-D5.

Drive Rotation SpeedRatio Torque Torque Overload Overhang

to Turbine (Lb.-in.) (Lb.-in.) (Lb.-in.)
shaft Cont. Static
S t a r 1 e r C C W 0 . 9 4 l : l - * - 5 5 0
VSCF CCW 1 . 5 8 2I : ** 5500 * 1000
F l u i d P o w e rP u m p CCW 0.275:l l100 4700 2100 100
C C W : C o u n t e rc l o c k w i s e
* Maximum startertorque : 470 Lb.-ft. at zero rpm. The maximum allowable starter
t o r q u ev a l u ei s 1 1 7 5L b . - f t .
** Maximum allowablecontinuoustorquevaluesare equivalentto 140 horsepowerat
any enginespeed.The following overloadconditionscan be accommodated.

Horsepower DurationTime RecurrirrgTirne (Hours)

161 5 minutes r000
225 5 seconds I 000
335 5 seconds r000

T C D S N o . :E 0 2 9
R e v i s i o n: I l D a t e : A o r i l 1 6 . 2 0 0 7
NOTE 7 Power setting,power checks,and control of engineoutput in all operations
is to be basedupon InternationalAero EnginesAG enginechartsreferringto
either turbine dischargesectiongas pressureor low rotor speed.Pressure
probesand a low rotor speedsensorare includedin the engineassemblyfor
this reason.

NOTE 8 For inflight operationduring icing condition,the minimum allowable fan

s p e e di s 2 4 . 8 % ( 1 , 4 0 0R P M )

NOI'E 9 Lightning arrd EMI protectioncapability of the electronicengine control

systemincludingcablesare specifiedin the V2500-A5/-D5 Installationand
OperatingManual,(lAE-0043/-0I 74), Section4. 12.

NOTE IO Fuel and fuel additivesconformingto the specificationslisted in the latest

applicable issue of the International Aero Engines V2500-45/-D5
Installationand OperatingManual, (lAE-0043/-0174).Thesefuels may be
usedseparatelyor mixed in any proportionswithout adverselyaffectingthe
engineoperationor poweroutpr-lt.

NOTE II Oils conformingto the specificationlistedin the InternationalAero Engines

V2500-45/-D5 Installationand OperatingManual,(lAE-0043/-0I 74), latest
revision,are approvedfor usein the V2500-A5/-D5engine.

NOTE 12 The V2500-A5/-D5 enginesmeet Civil Aviation Safety Regulationsfor

adequateturbine disk integrity and rotor blade containmentand does not
requireexternalarmoring.Certainenginepafts are life limited. Theselimits
are listed in the FAA-approved InternationalAero Engines AG V2500
Turbofan Engine Manual, Chapter5 Time Limit Section,and acceptedby
DGCA Indonesia.

NOTE 13 The enginesmeet smoke and hydrocarbonemissionrequirementof CASR

34 and the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide requirementsof
lnternationalCivil Aviation OrganizationStandards.

NOTE 14 The V2500-45/-D5 enginesmeetthe fuel ventingemissionrequirements


NOTE 15 The maxirnum permissibleV2500-A5/-D5 engine inlet distortion limit is

specifiedin the InternationalAero EnginesV2500-A5/-D5 Installationand
OperatingManual,(lAE-0043/lAE-0l1 4).

NOTE 16 Information legarding transient rotor shaft overspeedrpm, as well as

transient gas temperatureand the number of overtemperatureoccurrences,
are specifiedin the MaintenanceManual.

NOTE 17 SupplementalType CertificateSEl09lNE approvesinstallationof a fan

thrust reverserand exhaustsystem on the V2500-A5 seriesmodels.The
thrust reverser/exhaustsystenridentifiedas Drawing Number 745D8018,
consistsof the fan thrust reverser,cornnlotlnozzle assembly,tail plug and
pylon installationkit. and consistsof parts listed in IAE Thrust Reverser
T y p e D e s i g nB i l l - o f - M a t e r i a S
l o. N5004.

NOTE 18 Time limited dispatch(TLD) limits for the V2500-A5/-D5 FADEC control
system are Iisted in the V2500 Installationand Operating Manual (lOM)
(lAE-0043: V2500-A5)(lAE-0 I 74: Y2500-D5),Section4. I 3. The technical
datasubstantiating the IOM TLD limits are containedin IAE V2500 Report
I A E - 0 18 4 ( V 2 5 0 0 - 4 5 )P, W A - 6 5 6 4 a. n d P W 4 - 6 2 4 3 .

T C D S N o . :E 0 2 9
R e v i s i o n: I lDate:April 16.2007
NOTE 19 EEC softwareprovidesthe capability of biasing indicatedversusactual EGT
valuesso as to provideconsistentdisplayedEGT limit valuesto the aircraft.
The actualversusindicatedEGT valuesare controlledby a combinationof
EEC software,and Data Entry Plug (DEP) wiring scheme.Engine EGT
limits are controlledby EEC P,AIand DEP P/N, and are only implemented
by specificservicebulletin instructions.The enginedata plate also reflects
the engine limits configuration.Note 2 gives the maximum permissible
approved EGT values for individual engine models, although these
maximum values may not be implemented on all models. See the
Installationand OperatingManual, DocumentNo. IAE-0174(D5) or IAE-
0043(A5),for informationdefiningthe EGT limit valuescurrentlyassigned
to specificenginemodels.

NOTE 20 M o d e lD e s c r i p t i o n :
V2527-A5 - BasicModel, Airbus A'320applications.
V2530-A5 - BasicModel, Airbus A32l applications.
V2528-D5 - BasicModel, DouglasMD-90 applications.
V2525-D5 - BasicModel, DouglasMD-90 applications.
V2527E-A5 - Enhancedtakeoffthrustmodel,Airbus ,4320
appIications.The Y 2521E-A5 provides i ncreased
takeoffthrustat altitudesabovesealevel relativeto
the v2521 -A5 basemodel.
V2527M-A5 - Enhancedclirnb thrustfor Airbus .A3l9 applications.
V2522-A5 - Reducedthrustmodel,Airbus ,A3l9 applications.
V2524-A5 - Reducedthrustmodel,Airbus A'3l9 applications.
V2533-A5 - Increased takeoffthrustmodel,Airbus A32 I applications.

NOTE 2I Use of takeoffthrustfor more than five minutes(not to exceedten minutes)

is approved for use only in the event of an inoperativeengine due to
shutdownor failure.


T C D S N o . :E 0 2 9
R e v i s i o :n I l D a t e : A t6.2007

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