A Study On Numerical Simulations and Experiments For Mass Transfer in Bubble Mode Absorber of Ammonia and Water
A Study On Numerical Simulations and Experiments For Mass Transfer in Bubble Mode Absorber of Ammonia and Water
A Study On Numerical Simulations and Experiments For Mass Transfer in Bubble Mode Absorber of Ammonia and Water
Received 13 May 2002; received in revised form 16 December 2002; accepted 20 December 2002
An absorber is a major component in the absorption refrigeration systems, and its performance greatly affects the
overall system performance. In this study, both the numerical and experimental analyses in the absorption process of a
bubble mode absorber were performed. Gas was injected into the bottom of the absorber at a constant solution flow
rate. The region of gas absorption was estimated by both numerical and experimental analyses. A higher gas flow rate
increases the region of gas absorption. As the temperature and concentration of the input solution decrease, the region
of gas absorption decreases. In addition, the absorption performance of the countercurrent flow was superior to that of
cocurrent. Mathematical modeling equations were derived from the material balance for the gas and liquid phases
based on neglecting the heat and mass transfer of water from liquid to gas phase. A comparison of the model simu-
lation and experimental results shows similar values. This means that this numerical model can be applied for design of
a bubble mode absorber.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Absorption system; Ammonia–water; Mass transfer; Absorber; Bubble; Modelling
2.3. Mass transfer coefficient where, A is a heat transfer area between input solutions
and cooling water. The ordinary differential equation
Treybal’s experimental correlation [8] is used as the mass for solution temperature (dT) can be derived from the
transfer coefficient Kl between the liquid and gas phase. energy balance equations.
Kl ¼ Nsh:l Dl =dp ð5Þ
0:116 . Non-cooling system:
Nsh:l ¼ 2:0 þ 0:0187N0:779 0:546
Reb Nsc dp g0:333 D0:666
l ð6Þ
dT 4QNgas R 2
The mass transfer coefficient is also the function of ¼ ð15Þ
dR mCp
bubble diameter, absorber temperature, and solution
concentration, and changes continuously along the
absorber height. . Cooling system:
dT 4QNgas R 2
2.4. Mathematical equations for absorption region ¼
dR mCp
The rising height of bubble in the differential time, dZ 2Rcylinder U T Tc;w gas Vb
þ ð16Þ
can be expressed as multiplication of bubble velocity Vb mCp l Kl ðXi XÞ
by time dt.
dZ ¼ Vb dt ð7Þ
3. Experimental apparatus and procedure
The basic equation for mass transfer can be repre-
sented as follows; A schematic diagram of a cylindrical bubble mode
l K l A b ðX i X Þ absorber for the mass transfer studies is given in Fig. 1.
dm’ ¼ dZ ð8Þ The column has a diameter of 3 cm with a height of 100
cm. A gas injection orifice whose inner diameter is 3 mm
The amount of mass transfer dm0 can be represented was installed at the bottom of the absorber. Ammonia
as the following functions of bubble radius R. gas flowed up while ammonia solution flowed both up
and down. Also, seven manometers were equipped to
dm0 ¼ gas 4R 2 dR ¼ gas Ab dR
measure the pressure. The cylindrical column made of
l Kl Ab ðXi XÞ acrylic resin is transparent, so the state of bubble flow
¼ dZ ð9Þ can be seen. Five sample ports were installed at 20 cm
intervals and twelve thermocouples were set to measure
A following ordinary differential equation can be the effect of mass transfer and the thermal state of the
derived from Eq. (9). inner experimental column. The input solution was pre-
dZ gas Vb heated in the solution tank where three 500 W-catridge
¼ ð10Þ heaters were installed. A 500 W-embedded type car-
dR l Kl ðXi XÞ
tridge heater was set in the input line for more accurate
The differential equations for the total mass transfer, temperature control. Each temperature measured by
m and mass fraction, X are as follows Eqs. (11) and (12). thermocouples (K-type) was stored by data acquisition
systems. The concentration of the solution sample was
dm analyzed by the measurement of electric conductivity
¼ 4Ngas R 2 ð11Þ
dR and comparison with the standard curve, which relates
554 J.-C. Lee et al. / International Journal of Refrigeration 26 (2003) 551–558
absorber temperature and concentration along the 4.2. Experimental analyses for mass transfer
height of the absorber under the conditions of an input
solution of 288 K and 28 wt.%. As the overall heat To find the optimum absorption region in each
transfer coefficient increases, the absorber temperature experimental condition, the variations of absorber tem-
is kept low and the absorption region decreases. In that perature, concentration, and pressure were measured.
case, the ammonia gas and solution are injected into the Fig. 7 shows the effect of the gas flow rate on the con-
bottom of the absorber, and the temperature of the cool- centration profile for a solution at a temperature of 288
ing water is 280 K. The results indicate that the absorp- K, concentration of 29 wt.%, and cocurrent flow. The
tion region for the overall heat transfer coefficient of 700 concentration of solution is almost the same above
[J/(s K m2)] decreases by about 20 cm in comparison with 20cm at a low gas flow rate, and the concentration
that of 100 [J/(s K m2)]. Therefore, the heat transfer increases with increasing height of the absorber at a
improvement is necessary for enhancement of absorber high gas flow rate. Consequently, the results indicate
performance. The results of Fig. 6 show the variation of that higher gas flow rate increases the region of gas
the absorption region and absorber temperature with the absorption. The temperature profile as well as pressure
cooling water temperature at a constant overall heat profile agrees with such a tendency, so the optimum
transfer coefficient of 400 [J/(s K m2)]. As the cooling absorption region can be estimated from analyses of
water temperature decreases, the absorber temperature experimental data. Approximately, a gas absorption
is kept low and the absorption region decreases. The region reaches a 70 cm height for a gas flow rate of
results also indicate that the absorption region for 7.902 g/min and cocurrent flow. Fig. 8 shows the effect
cooling water temperature of 275 K decreases by about of the gas flow rate on the temperature profile for the
15 cm in comparison with 285 K. The effect of the countercurrent. Similar to the cocurrent flow at a low
cooling water temperature clearly appears for the gas flow rate, the temperature of the absorber is almost
absorption process. the same above 20 cm. At a high gas flow rate, a gas
Fig. 3. Numerical simulation of cocurrent system 2 (input Fig. 4. Numerical simulation of countercurrent system 2 (input
solution of 283 K, 0.3 kg/min and 28 wt.%). solution of 283 K, 0.3 kg/min and 28 wt.%).
556 J.-C. Lee et al. / International Journal of Refrigeration 26 (2003) 551–558
Fig. 5. Numerical simulation of cocurrent system for effect of Fig. 6. Numerical simulation of cocurrent system for effect of
cooling water 1 (input solution of 288 K, 0.3 kg/min and 28 cooling water 2 (input solution of 288 K, 0.3 kg/min and 28
wt.%). wt.%).
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