Cryo Materials

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Presented at the

11th International Cryocooler Conference

June 20-22, 2000
Keystone, Co

Cryogenic Material Properties Database

E.D. Marquardt, J.P. Le, and Ray Radebaugh

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Boulder, CO 80303

NIST has published at least two references compiling cryogenic material properties. These
include the Handbook on Materials for Superconducting Machinery and the LNG Materials &
Fluids. Neither has been updated since 1977 and are currently out of print. While there is a great
deal of published data on cryogenic material properties, it is often difficult to find and not in a
form that is convenient to use. We have begun a new program to collect, compile, and correlate
property information for materials used in cryogenics. The initial phase of this program has
focused on picking simple models to use for thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, and
specific heat. We have broken down the temperature scale into four ranges: a) less than 4 K, b) 4
K to77 K, c) 77 K to 300 K, and d) 300 K to the melting point. Initial materials that we have
compiled include oxygen free copper, 6061-T6 aluminum, G-10 fiberglass epoxy, 718 Inconel,
Kevlar, niobium titanium (NbTi), beryllium copper, polyamide (nylon), polyimide, 304 stainless
steel, Teflon, and Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. Correlations are given for each material and
property over some of the temperature range. We will continue to add new materials and increase
the temperature range. We hope to offer these material properties as subroutines that can be
called from your own code or from within commercial software packages. We will also identify
where new measurements need to be made to give complete property prediction from 50 mK to
the melting point.

The explosive growth of cryogenics in the early 50’s led to much interest in material
properties at low temperatures. Important fundamental theory and measurements of low
temperature material properties were performed in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. The results of this
large amount of work has become fragmented and dispersed in many different publications, most
of which are out of print and difficult to find. Old time engineers often have a file filled with old
graphs; young engineers often don’t know how to find this information. Since most of the work
was performed before the desktop computer became available, when data can be found, it is
published in simple tables or graphically, making the information difficult to accurately
determine and use.
NIST has begun a program to gather cryogenic material property data and make it available
in a form that is useful to engineers. Initially we tried to use models based upon fundamental
physics but it soon became apparent that the models could not accurately predict properties over
a large temperature range and over different materials. Our current approach is to choose a few
simple types of equations such as polynomial or logarithmic polynomials and determine the
coefficients of different materials and properties. This will allow engineers to use the equations
to predict material properties in a variety of ways including commercial software packages or
their own code. Integrated and average values can easily be determined from the equations.
These equations are not meant to provide any physical insight into the property or to provide
‘standard’ values but are for working engineers that require accurate values.

Initial materials that we have compiled include oxygen free copper, 6061-T6 aluminum, G-
10CR fiberglass epoxy, 718 Inconel, Kevlar 49, niobium titanium (NbTi), beryllium copper,
polyamide (nylon), polyimide, 304 stainless steel, Teflon, and Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. These
were chosen as some of the most common materials used in cryogenic systems in a variety of

Thermal Conductivity
Widely divergent values of thermal conductivity for the same material are often reported in
the literature. For comparatively pure materials (like copper), the differences are due mainly to
slight material differences that have large effects on transport properties, such as thermal
conductivity, at cryogenic temperatures. At 10 K, the thermal conductivity of commercial
oxygen free copper for two samples can be different by more then a factor of 20 while the same
samples at room temperature would be within 4%. It is also not uncommon for some
experimental results to have uncertainties as high as 50%. Part of our program is to critically
evaluate the literature to determine the best property values. Data references used to generate
predictive equations will be reported.
The general form of the equation for thermal conductivity, k, is
log( k ) = a + b log T + c(log T ) 2 + d (log T ) 3 + e(log T ) 4 +
f (log T ) 5 + g (log T ) 6 + h(log T ) 7 + i (log T ) 8 ,
where a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, and i are the fitted coefficients, and T is the temperature. These are
common logarithms. While this may seem like an excessive number of terms to use, it was
determined that in order to fit the data over the large temperature range, we required a large
number of terms. It should also be noted that all the digits provided for the coefficients should be
used, any truncation can lead to significant errors. Tables 1A and 1B show the coefficients for a
variety of metals and non-metals. Equation 2 is the thermal conductivity for an average sample
of oxygen free copper. It should be noted that thermal conductivity for oxygen free copper can
Table 1A. Coefficients for thermal conductivity for metals.
6061 -T6 718 Beryllium
Coeff. Aluminum 304 SS Inconel copper Ti-6Al-4V
a 0.07918 -1.4087 -8.28921 -0.50015 -5107.8774
b 1.09570 1.3982 39.4470 1.93190 19240.422
c -0.07277 0.2543 -83.4353 -1.69540 -30789.064
d 0.08084 -0.6260 98.1690 0.71218 27134.756
e 0.02803 0.2334 -67.2088 1.27880 -14226.379
f -0.09464 0.4256 26.7082 -1.61450 4438.2154
g 0.04179 -0.4658 -5.72050 0.68722 -763.07767
h -0.00571 0.1650 0.51115 -0.10501 55.796592
I 0 -0.0199 0 0 0
data range 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K 20-300 K
Table 1B. Coefficients for thermal conductivity for non-metals.
Polyamide Polyimide G10 CR G10 CR
Coeff. Teflon (nylon) (Kapton) (norm) (warp)
a 2.7380 -2.6135 5.73101 -4.1236 -2.64827
b -30.677 2.3239 -39.5199 13.788 8.80228
c 89.430 -4.7586 79.9313 -26.068 -24.8998
d -136.99 7.1602 -83.8572 26.272 41.1625
e 124.69 -4.9155 50.9157 -14.663 -39.8754
f -69.556 1.6324 -17.9835 4.4954 23.1778
g 23.320 -0.2507 3.42413 -0.6905 -7.95635
h -4.3135 0.0131 -0.27133 0.0397 1.48806
I 0.33829 0 0 0 -0.11701
data range 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K 10-300 K 12-300 K

vary widely depending upon the residual resistivity ratio, RRR, and this equation should be used
with caution. The thermal conductivities are displayed graphically in Figure 1.
2.2154 − 0.88068T 0.5 + 0.29505T − 0.048310T 1.5 + 0.003207T 2
log k = (2)
1 − 0.47461T 0.5 + 013871
. T − 0.020430T 1.5 + 0.001281T 2

Specific Heat
The specific heat is the amount of heat energy per unit mass required to cause a unit increase
in the temperature of a material, the ratio of the change in energy to the change in temperature.
Specific heats are strong functions of temperature, especially below 200 K. Models for specific
heat began in the 1871 with Boltzmann and were further refined by Einstein and Debye in the
early part of the 20th century. While there are many variations of these first models, they
generally only provide accurate results for materials with perfect crystal lattice structures. The

Figure 1. Thermal conductivity of various materials.

Table 2. Coefficients for specific heat.
OFCH 6061 -T6
Coeff. copper Aluminum 304 SS G-10 Teflon
a -1.91844 46.6467 22.0061 -2.4083 31.8825
b -0.15973 -314.292 -127.5528 7.6006 -166.519
c 8.61013 866.662 303.6470 -8.2982 352.019
d -18.99640 -1298.30 -381.0098 7.3301 259.981
e 21.96610 1162.27 274.0328 -4.2386 -104.614
f -12.73280 -637.795 -112.9212 1.4294 24.9927
g 3.54322 210.351 24.7593 -0.24396 -3.20792
h -0.37970 -38.3094 -2.239153 0.015236 0.165032
I 0 2.96344 0 0 0
data range 3-300 K 3-300 K 3-300 K 3-300 K 3-300 K
specific heat of many of the engineering materials of interest here is not described well by these
simple models. The general form of the equation is the same as Equation 1. Table 2 shows the
coefficients for the specific heat. Figure 2 graphically shows the specific heats.

Thermal Expansion
From an atomic perspective, thermal expansion is caused by an increase in the average
distance between the atoms. This results from the asymmetric curvature of the potential energy
versus interatomic distance. The anisotropy results from the differences in the coulomb attraction
and the interatomic repulsive forces.
Different metals and alloys with different heat treatments, grain sizes, or rolling directions
introduce only small differences in thermal expansion. Thus, a generalization can be made that
literature values for thermal expansion are probably good for a like material to within 5%. This is
because the thermal expansion depends explicitly on the nature of the atomic bond, and only
those changes that alter a large number of the bonds can affect its value. In general, large

Figure 2. Specific heat of various materials.

Table 3A. Integrated Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficients for Metals.
6061 -T6 Beryllium
Coeff. Aluminum 304 SS 718 Inconel copper Ti-6Al-4V NbTi
a -4.1272E+02 -2.9546E+02 -2.366E+02 -3.132E+02 -1.711E+02 -1.862E+02
b -3.0640E-01 -4.0518E-01 -2.218E-01 -4.647E-01 -2.171E-01 -2.568E-01
c 8.7960E-03 9.4014E-03 5.601E-03 1.083E-02 4.841E-03 8.334E-03
d -1.0055E-05 -2.1098E-05 -7.164E-06 -2.893E-05 -7.202E-06 -2.951E-05
e 0 1.8780E-08 0 3.351E-08 0 3.908E-08
data range 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K

changes in composition (10 to 20%) are necessary to produce significant changes in the thermal
expansion (~5%), and different heat treatments or conditions do not produce significant changes
unless phase changes are involved.8
Most of the literature reports the integrated linear thermal expansion as a percent change in
length from some original length generally measured at 293 K,
( LT − L293 ) / L293 . (3)
Where LT is the length at some temperature T and L293 is the length at 293 K. While this is a
practical way of measuring thermal expansion, the more fundamental property is the coefficient
of linear thermal expansion, α,
1 dL(T )
α (T ) = . (4)
L dT
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion is much less reported in the literature. In
principal, we can simply take the derivative of the integrated linear thermal expansion that
results in the coefficient of linear thermal expansion. While we have had success with this
method over limited temperature ranges, we have not yet determined an equation form for the
integrated expansion value that results in a good approximation of coefficient of linear thermal
expansion. For the time being, we will report the integrated linear thermal expansion as a change
in length and provide the coefficient of linear thermal expansion when it is directly reported in
the literature. The general form of the equation for integrated linear thermal expansion is
LT − L293
= (a + bT + cT 2 + dT 3 + eT 4 ) ⋅ 10−5 . (5)
Tables 3A and 3B provide the coefficients for the various materials while Figure 3 plots the
integrated linear thermal expansions.

We plan to continually add new materials, properties, and to expand the useful temperature
range of the predictive equations for engineering use. We will report results in the literature but
will also update our website on a continual basis. The initial phase of the program was a learning

Table 3B. Integrated Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficients for Non-metals.

G10 CR G10 CR
Coeff. Teflon Polyamide (norm) (warp)
a -2.165E+03 -1.389E+03 -7.180E+02 -2.469E+02
b 3.278E+00 -1.561E-01 3.741E-01 2.064E-01
c -8.218E-03 2.988E-02 8.183E-03 3.072E-03
d 7.244E-05 -7.948E-05 -3.948E-06 -3.226E-06
e 0 1.181E-07 0 0
data range 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K 4-300 K
Figure 3. Integrated linear thermal expansion of various materials.
experience on how to handle the information in the literature as well as for the development of a
standard set of basic equation types used to fit experimental data. By using just a few types of
equations, we hope to make the information easier to use. We shall now focus on developing
large numbers of equations for a variety of materials and properties. Please check our web site at for updated information.

1. Berman, R., Foster, E.L., and Rosenberg, H.M., "The Thermal Conductivity of Some
Technical Materials at Low Temperature." Britain Journal of Applied Physics, 1955. 6: p.
2. Child, G., Ericks, L.J., and Powell, R.L., Thermal Conductivity of Solids at Room
Temperatures and Below. 1973, National Bureau of Standards: Boulder, CO.
3. Corruccini, R.J. and Gniewek, J.J., Thermal Expansion of Technical Solids at Low
Temperatures. 1961, National Bureau of Standards: Boulder, CO.
4. Cryogenic Division, Handbook on Materials for Superconducting Machinery. Mechanical,
thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of structure materials. 1974, National Bureau of
Standards: Boulder, CO.
5. Cryogenic Division, LNG Materials and Fluids. 1977, National Bureau of Standards:
Boulder, CO.
6. Johnson, V.J., WADD Technical Report. Part II: Properties of Solids. A Compendium of
The Properties of Materials at Low Temperature (phase I). 1960, National Bureau of
Standard: Boulder, CO.
7. Powells, R.W., Schawartz, D., and Johnston, H.L., The Thermal Conductivity of Metals and
Alloys at Low Temperature. 1951, Ohio State University.
8. Reed, R.P. and Clark, A.F., Materials at Low Temperature. 1983, Boulder, CO: American
Society for Metals.
9. Rule, D.L., Smith, D.R., and Sparks, L.L., Thermal Conductivity of a Polyimide Film
Between 4.2 and 300K, With and Without Alumina Particles as Filler. 1990, National
Institute of Standards and Technology: Boulder, CO.
10. Simon, N.J., Drexter, E.S., and Reed, R.P., Properties of Copper Alloys at Cryogenic
Temperature. 1992, National Institute of Standards and Technology: Boulder, CO.
11. Touloukian, Y.S., Recommended Values of The Thermophysical Properties of Eight Alloys,
Major Constituents and Their Oxides. 1965, Purdue University.
12. Veres, H.M., Thermal Properties Database for Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures. Vol. 1.
13. Ziegler, W.T., Mullins, J.C., and Hwa, S.C.O., "Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity of
Four Commercial Titanium Alloys from 20-300K," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering
Vol. 8, pp. 268-277.

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