Hca Template - Calculate 180 150
Hca Template - Calculate 180 150
Hca Template - Calculate 180 150
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
On board liaison:
On shore liaison:
Company address:
General Comments:
The purpose of the inspection is to verify that a specific location has been checked and is considered safe for
helicopter operations. The audit covers three areas:
High Priority Actions (these actions must be closed out within 90 days. Operations may continue but restrictions
may be imposed)
• Item
Remaining Actions (these actions must be addressed before a full approval is given)
• Minor rectification & repairs as detailed in report
Once verification has been achieved, a "Helideck Certificate" is issued which confirms to Duty Holder; Helicopter
Operator and National Authorities that a location has achieved a minimum safe operating standard.
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
1 General Information X
1.1 • Type
1.2 • Date Keel laid
1.3 • Helideck position
1.4 • Previous report
1.5 Deck Information 3.6.1 Norwegian
• 4.2.5 operator req.
• D value (1D /1.25D)
• 't' value
• Helideck height
• Installation height
4.1.1, 2, & 3 BSLD §25
1.6 • Installation/ Vessel identification
OLF 3.1.6
• Locations of name (on all sides)
• Clearly visible
• Illumination
• All obstructions
• Helideck markings
• All lighting
• Location of RFFF
• Refuelling system
• Access points
• Windsocks
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
2 Miscellaneous X
2.1 • Manuals
• CAP 437 / BSL D 5-1 / FOR 1993-12-22 Nr
• Industry guidelines (Oil & Gas UK, OLF etc.)
Normal duties
Emergency response
Dangerous goods
• Dangerous Goods
• Location
• Type
• Location
• Calibration date
• Procedures
3 Radio Equipment X
6. 9. 4 BSLD §36
3.1 • VHF Main
• Call sign 0.00
• Frequencies - Traffic/Logistics
• Location
• Quantity
• Ident
• Frequency
6.9.4 OLF 3.1.10
3.3 • VHF Portable
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
4 Meteorological Equipment X
6.4./ Appendix E BSLD §32
4.1 • Automated/Manual System
• Type of Equipment / Manufacturer/Supplier
• Wind Speed & Direction
• Pressure (QNH/QFE)
• Visibility
• Present Weather
• In clear air
6.4.2 Note 2 BSLD §32
4.2 • Manual backup
4.3 • Met Observers certificates
4.4 • Calibration date & report 6.4.6
5 Helideck Equipment X
5.1 • Chocks 6.9.1 BSLD §39
OLF 3.1.8
5.2 • Tie down straps/ropes 6.9.1
• Type
• Quantity
5.3 • Helicopter start unit
• Type / Voltage
• Location
• Location(s)
• Condition
• Illumination
• In clear air
• Spare windsock
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
6 Helideck Surface X
4.2.1 BSLD §24
6.1 • Colour
6.2 • Condition, paint & cleanliness
6.3 • Non slip characteristic - estimate 3. 7. 1 BSLD §16
• Slope
• Quantity/Pattern
• Flush
• Bar diameter
• Condition
7 Helideck Dimensions X
7.1 • Landing Area dimensions
7.2 • Run off area dimensions
8 Helideck Markings X
8.1 • Name 4.1.3
4.2.1 .1
BSLD §25
• Colour White
• Width 300mm
• Location Around complete perimeter of deck
4.2.6 BSLD §24
8.3 • Aiming Circle
• Colour Yellow
• Width 1m
• Inner diameter
• Location
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
8.6 • Perimeter ‘D’ value
• Value
• Quantity 3
• Colour White
• Height 900mm
• Location 3 outboard edges
• Orientation Correct
8.7 • ‘H’ 4.2.7 BSLD §24
Encl. 1-4
• Size 4 x 3 x 0.75m
• Colour White
• Location [Concentric with aiming circle] Yes
• Orientation // with bisector Yes
• Swung (max = +/- 15°) No
4.2.5 BSLD §24
8.8 • Maximum allowable mass
Encl. 1-5
• "t" Value
• Location
• Angle
• Colours
• Reason
9 Helideck Net X
9.1 • Material 3.7.3 BSLD §16
9.3 • Condition
9.4 • Coverage 3.7.3
• Obscures: name
• Obscures: t value
10 Perimeter Net X
10.1 • Material 3.9.1
10.5 • Hammock effect
10.6 • Slope - 10°
10.7 • Covers drop down areas 3.9.1
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
11 Access X
3.10.1 BSLD §19
11.1 • Locations - suitability
11.2 • Handrails
• Fixed/Foldable
• Height
• Conspicuous
12 Turbulence X
12.1 • Structures 3.2.1 BSLD §8
12.2 • Hot emissions
12.3 • Cold emissions
12.4 • Air Gap beneath deck
12.5 • Turbulence reports received HCA
13 Obstruction Environment X
3.6.2 BSLD §12
13.1 • OFS (210º)
• State items, location and height above
deck level from SLA
13.2.1 • LOS (1 x 150º) 3.6.4 BSLD §14
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
14 Helideck Lights X
TD/PM Lights (Aiming Circle) Appendix C
14.1 •
• Location
(Superimposed on centre of aiming circle)
• Colour - (Yellow)
• Brightness
• Condition of lens
• Height <250mm
• Connected to UPS
• Switching
• Colour - (Green)
• Brightness
• Condition of lens
• Height <250mm
• Connected to UPS
• Switching
• Type
• Location
• Colour
• All working
• Brightness
• Condition of lens
• Height <250mm
• Distance <3m
• Connected to UPS
• Switching
14.4 Limit of safe landing area - red lights 4. 3. 2
14.5 • Floodlights Appendix G
• All working
• Illumination
• Condition of lens
• Dazzle protection
• Height <250mm
• Connected to UPS
• Switching
15 General Lighting X
15.1 • Installation floodlighting - dazzle
15.2 • Under platform lighting/Downlighting
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
• Omni directional
• Colour
• Intensity
17 Status Lights X
17.1 • Units meet spec
17.2 • Visible from all approach directions 4.3.10
• Quantity and location
17.3 • Connected to ups
17.4 • Switching
• Automatic and manual activation
17.5 • Hazard level initiation
18 Refuelling Package X
7.3 BSLD §37
18.1 • Type of System
OLF Chap 5
• Condition
• Date:
18.4 • Documentation
• Retention of paperwork
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
• Type
• Percentage
• % (marked on container)
• Capacity of tank
• Quantity in tank
• Quantity
• Jet/spray nozzles
• Location
• Quantity
• Delivery rate
• Location
• Concentrate – quantity
• Percentage setting
• Connection
• Location
• Access to helideck
19.12 • Dry powder (DP) 0
• No. and capacity of each unit
• Access to helideck
19.13 • CO2 0
• No. and capacity of each unit
• Suitable Applicator
• Access to helideck
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
20 Rescue Equipment
5.7.2/3 BSLD §40
20.1 • Rescue Equipment boxes 0
S.Dir §36-37
• Location (s)
• Quantity
• Lighting
20.3 • Adjustable wrench 1
20.4 • Large rescue axe 1 aircraft type axe
20.5 • Bolt cutters 1 5.7.2
20.6 • Large crowbar 1
20.7 • Grab or salving hook 1 5.7.2
20.9 • Heavy duty blades 6
20.10 • Fire resistant blanket 1 5.7.2
20.12 • Life-line/rescue harness 1
20.13 • Tin snips 1 pair of tin snips 5.7.2
20.15 • Harness knife c/w sheath
• 1 per deck crew
20.16 • BA sets 0
• Quantity 2 Units + 2 spare bottles
• Location
20.17 • Portable safety lamp 0
• Quantity, location
• Operating life
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
21 Protective Clothing X
5.9 BSLD §43
21.1 • Stowage type 0
• Condition
• Location
• Type
• Type
• Code (EN)
• Condition
5.9.1 BSLD §43
21.5 • Gloves
• Quantity ( 1 pair per deck crew)
• Type
• Type
• Type
22 Helideck Crew X
22.1 • HLO's (Training to OPITO or equivalent 0 5.10
* Oil & Gas UK
OLF 2.7
standard - 2 year validity) OPITO
• HLO Course
• Radio Licence
BSL D 5-1
Item Remarks / HCA
23 Dangerous Goods X
23.1 • Qualified Personnel X
• Nominated Person (Shipper & Packer)
23.2 • Documentation 0
• Shippers Declarations
• Notocs
23.3 • Packaging 0
• UN Specification packages
Manned Platform Semi sub DSV Pipe layer Seismic Vessel Flotel NUI FPSO Tanker MSV Jack Up (MODU)
Bow Stern Port/forward corner Starboard/forward corner Amidships Amidships/centreline Amidships port side Amidships starboard side N/A Forward
Not known Initial HCA inspection
On all 4 sides On the bow and stern On all 4 sides of the derrick On 3 sides, nothing on *** side due to ** X On 2 sides, ** and ** X On derrick - two sides only
The requirement is for the signage to be seen from any The requirement is for the signage to be seen from any
angle of approach. angle of approach.
Action: Fit side signage on ****** sides and advise Action: Signage to be located on the remaining 2 sides.
timescale for completion Advise timescale for completion
X ******* and block number X No
The name displayed on the helideck and side panel The name displayed on the helideck and side panel
identifiers should be the same as the approved radio call identifiers should be the same as the approved radio call
sign. It is not necessary, nor is it a legal requirement, to sign. Refer to CAP 437 and HSE OSD Operations Notice 39
complicate recognition processes by inclusion of ‘block - Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management
numbers’, company logos, or other designators and Administration) Regulations 1995 Guidance on
Action: Paint out or remove block numbers Identification of offshore Installations.
Action: Display name on side panel identifiers
Yes X Satisfactory subject to crew reports X Signs partially covered X Too small
If adverse aircrew reports are received signage will have **** to be taken away Letters are "x.x m".
to be improved/replaced Action: Clear obstructions so that the signs Action: Replace with signs "x.x m"
Action: Acknowledge are clearly visible
Yes X Not lit Diamond grade reflective panels fitted Not lit. Name on vessels hull X Not confirmed
Signage will be accepted subject to aircrew reports. Action: State whether side signage lit for night
However, if adverse reports are received then remedial operations
action must be taken
Action: Acknowledge
Oil & Gas UK Guidelines for the Management of Aviation OLF Manual X No
Operations These are important support documents to CAP 437 and
such an up to date copy should be available on site
Action: Purchase/download and confirm on board
Yes X Not comprehensive X Not seen Perenco / Shell / Petrofac HLO Manual
Useful guidance for procedures can be obtained from the Useful guidance for procedures can be obtained from the
UKOOA Guidelines for the Management of Aviation UKOOA Guidelines for the Management of Aviation
Operations and/or the OLF manual Operations and/or the OLF manual
Action: Provide comprehensive written procedures for Action: Confirm comprehensive written procedures are
the helideck crew and forward a copy to HCA available for the helideck crew and forward a copy to
Open 14
OHIR Suggested answers
Yes X No procedures manual available. X No A copy of the HCA "Form 17- Procedures for Handling
A Procedures manual should be available giving clear Even though Dangerous Goods are not to be shipped as Dangerous Goods" left on board to be included into the
guidance on the Safe handling of Cargo & Baggage. The cargo it is still important to have a procedure to ensure this Helicopter Procedures Manual
manual should include a section on Dangerous Goods and doesn't happen and also to cover the transportation of
include all the topics below. Dangerous Goods on a passengers person or in their
Action Set out clear guidelines. baggage
Action: Establish procedure and confirm displayed
Note: HCA poster can be used
Yes X No
Action: Purchase up-to-date copy of Dangerous Goods
All types likely to use the helideck S61/S92/EC225/AS332L/B214/B212/S76/AS365N/N2 S61, S92, EC225, AS332L, B214, B212, S76, AS365N/N2, X Generic X Nil X Nil / Missing
EC155, AW139. Should cover all aircraft types that might use the deck Should cover all aircraft types that might use the deck Action: Advise when copies of Helicopter Emergency
Action: Purchase from helicopter operator / Viscom Action: Purchase from helicopter operator / Viscom diagrams supplied by inspector are displayed on notice
board or wall in Heli Admin / Briefing Area
HCA DG Poster UK CAA DG Poster X Nil / Missing X Nil
Action: Advise when a copy of "Prohibited Articles in Action: Display "Prohibited Articles in Baggage" poster
Baggage" supplied by inspector is displayed on notice in heli admin
board or wall in Heli Admin / Briefing Area
Salter Weighmaster Jadever JPS-2030 X Missing Avery Berkel HL 120 Salter Weigh-Tronix (Electronic) X ******** but unserviceable
Action: Provide a set of suitable scales for weighing heli Action: Repair or replace weighing scales
passengers / freight and advise on details listed below
Radio room Bridge Radio Room & Control room Radio Room & Heli Admin
Two units One set - Satisfactory for a NUI X Only one set X Equipment seen but not fitted
Aeronautical RTF operations for all installations north of Action: Confirm fitted and operational
56°N and east of 5°W and within the UK Off-shore Areas,
with the exception of the East Shetland Basin have each
been provided with two RTF frequencies, one for Traffic
RTF calls and the other for Logistics. Certain areas of the
SNS also have a frequency for Logistics. If operating in
these areas then a second unit must be fitted.
It is also highly recommended that a second unit is fitted as
a back-up to the main unit
Action: Advise intentions
410 is not an approved frequency within the UKCS.
However, it is in other parts of the world
Walter Dittel FSG c/w headset Jotron TR-960 c/w headset ICOM IC-A6E c/w headset X ******* but no headset X Only 1 x **** c/w headset
Action: Provide suitable headset for use with HLO It is strongly recommended that another set is provided as a
Radio back-up in case of failure of HLO handheld radio.
Action: Advise intensions
x Walter Dittel FSG c/w headset x Jotron TR-960 c/w headset X Nil ICOM IC-A6E c/w headset
Experience has shown this to be an effective means of
communication between the HLO and his team
Suggest issuing each crew member with a radio that is at
least capable of receiving audio
Action: Advise action taken
Yes Supplied by inspector No requirement on a NUI No requirement for area where vessel is operating
Yes Electromagnetic recording maintained offshore Electromagnetic recording maintained onshore via radio-link X No
In the event of an accident or incident the radio operator
may be the only one in contact with the aircraft so it
essential that a log of position reports etc. be kept available
for SAR
Action: Establish a Radio Log to keep a record of flight
Open 15
OHIR Suggested answers
Satisfactory Nil - weather station on *******, which is the controlling X Air Temperature /Dew Point unserviceable X Thermometer on side of bridge
platform CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining
the air temperature and dew point temperature at all the air temperature and dew point temperature at all
times times
Action: Replace/repair sensor. Pilots will be Action: Fit correct sensor. Pilots will be required to
required to carry out a mandatory radar approach carry out a mandatory radar approach for all
for all landings until sensor is serviceable landings until sensor is fitted and operational
Satisfactory Nil - weather station on *******, which is the controlling X QFE/QNH sensor unserviceable X Ships Barometer
platform CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining
the QNH and, where applicable, QFE, at all times the QNH and, where applicable, QFE, at all times
Action: Replace/repair sensor. Pilots will be Action: Fit correct sensor. Pilots will be required to
required to carry out a mandatory radar approach carry out a mandatory radar approach for all
for all landings until sensor is serviceable landings until sensor is fitted and operational
Satisfactory X Missing X Cloud base sensor unserviceable Not Required. Due to less frequent helicopter
CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining operations, the weather reports for smaller ships, e.g.
the cloud amount and height of base (Above Mean Sea the cloud amount and height of base (Above Mean Sea Diving Support Vessels (DSVs), support and seismic
Level (AMSL), at all times Level (AMSL), at all times vessels and tankers (HLL Codes 2 and 3), are required
Action: Fit sensor . Pilots will be required to carry Action: Replace/repair sensor. Pilots will be to contain only wind, pressure, air temperature and dew
out a mandatory radar approach for all landings required to carry out a mandatory radar approach point temperature information.
until sensor is serviceable for all landings until sensor is serviceable
Satisfactory X Missing X Present Weather sensor unserviceable Not Required. See above
CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining CAP 437 requires an automated means of ascertaining
the present weather at all times the present weather, at all times
Action: Fit sensor . Pilots will be required to carry Action: Replace/repair sensor. Pilots will be
out a mandatory radar approach for all landings required to carry out a mandatory radar approach
until sensor is serviceable for all landings until sensor is serviceable
Helideck level On the bridge On the navigation mast Part of HMS system
Kongsberg Seatex HMS 100 Fugro Oceanor Miros X Not fitted / Inclinometers only
Action: Stable deck conditions - Maximum of 1° Pitch &
Roll and 2m heave - will be applied to deck
Yes X No
The HMS equipment fitted should be in accordance with the
HCA "Standard Measuring Equipment for Helideck
Monitoring System (HMS) and Weather Data Revision 8c"
Action: Stable deck conditions - Maximum of 1° Pitch &
Roll and 2m heave - will be applied to deck until
compliant HMS system fitted and operational
Yes X No
The HMS equipment fitted should be in accordance with the
HCA "Standard Measuring Equipment for Helideck
Monitoring System (HMS) and Weather Data Revision 8c"
Action: Stable deck conditions - Maximum of 1° Pitch &
Roll and 2m heave - will be applied to deck until
compliant HMS system fitted and operational
Open 16
OHIR Suggested answers
Yes X No / Not seen Copy of HCA "HMS operating Procedures" left of board.
It is essential that aircrew receive a timely warning of
changes to pitch, roll, heave and heading parameters and
is the responsibility of all duty holders to ensure their
operators are trained to use the HMS employed on their
installation/vessel and have a clear understanding of how it
functions and the displays it presents
Action: Confirm that a procedure is in place to inform
aircrew of any changes as outlined in the HCA "HMS
operating Procedures" hand-out
Yes X No
When requested for an update by the aircrew the
information should be readily available
Action: Provide a second HMS screen for Radio
X ** Sandbags *** sandbags & *** rubber chocks *** rubber chocks X *** Rubber Chocks X Metal frames X Missing
Sandbag type are more effective on decks with a landing On decks fitted with a net, sandbags are more effective 3 set to be available of "Nato standard" type sandbags /
net. Action: Advise provision of "NATO standard" rubber chocks
Action: Advise provision of "NATO standard" type type sandbags. Action: Confirm on site
Webbing with tensioners Webbing X Nil X Nil [S76 & smaller deck only]
Action: Purchase a minimum of 6 tie down strops with a Action: Purchase a minimum of 4 tie down strops with a
minimum breaking strain of 5000kg. Ideally these minimum breaking strain of 4000kg. Ideally these
should have ratchet tensioners. should have ratchet tensioners.
Sufficient 6 4
Not required on a ship Not required on a NUI
Rectifier / 28V DC Battery trolley / 28V DC Portable unit / Red Box X Missing
A suitable power source for starting helicopters if helicopter
shut-down is seen as an operational requirement. Portable
power units supplied by Redbox or Powervamp may be
Lack of helicopter power unit will be noted on the certificate
until suitable one is on board
Action: Provide power unit
By helideck Below helideck with long lead Unit hoisted onto helideck by crane
Yes X No
Affected by the ***
If possible a windsock should be located either side of the
*** so that one will always be in clear air and visible to the
pilots irrespective of the wind & approach direction
Action: Relocate windsock and advise on new location
Satisfactory X Paint chipped X Guano covering the deck. (Markings visible) X Guano covering the deck. (Markings not visible) X Poor condition. Paint lifting in places. Bird guano
Action: Repaint damaged areas. In order to avoid a restriction being placed on the deck, it A restriction of "Daylight cleaning operations only" will be causing degradation
should be cleaned as soon as possible to ensure the placed on the deck (and the helicopter operator informed) Action: Deck requires a repaint. Respond with a time
markings remain visible until such time as the deck has been cleaned and the scale.
Action: Surface to be cleaned and regularly checked helideck markings are visible
Action: Surface to be cleaned and regularly checked
Good Medium X Poor Raised notched rails running port/stbd Raised notched rails running fore/aft. Surface blasted with
Action: Advise proposals for rectification aluminium particles to give a good friction
N/A X Yes but failed X Report not available
A wind restriction will be placed on the deck until such time Action: Submit latest report
as either a suitable helideck net is fitted or deck friction
surface is replaced, re-tested and found to have a
satisfactory friction test result
Action: Net to be fitted until friction level has been
upgraded sufficiently to pass test
Gutter around entire perimeter Gutter around entire perimeter with lip (c/w holes) against Lip around entire perimeter. Down pipes inset into the deck Gutter around the outboard edge with lip on the inboard X No gutter or drainage
deck edge edge. Every landing area should be equipped with adequate
surface drainage arrangements and a free-flowing collection
system that will quickly and safely direct any rainwater
and/or fuel spillage and/or fire fighting media away from the
helideck surface to a safe place.
The helideck area should be properly sealed so that spillage
will only route into the drainage system
Action: Advise actions to be taken and timescale for
completion of work
Yes X No
Action: Seal the deck
X Nil
Shut downs will not be permitted
Action: Acknowledge
2 circles based on deck centre with radii of 2.5 and 5m 3 circles based on centre of aiming circle with radii of 2.5, 5 2 circles based on centre of aiming circle with radii of ** 3 circles based on centre of aiming circle with radii of ** 2 circles based on deck centre with radii of 2.5 and 5m
and 7m Decks with a D value of 22.2m or greater should have a third
circle of tie-down points at 7m radius. The helicopter
operator should be informed and the additional tie-down
points should be fitted to the deck during the next major
campaign period/dock-yard
Action: Acknowledge
Open 17
OHIR Suggested answers
6 points on each circle. X 4 points on each circle (staggered) X Only *** tie down pints
This does not comply with the suggested layout in CAP This is well below what is recommended. The helicopter
437.The helicopter operator should be informed and the operator should be informed and the additional tie-down
additional tie-down points should be fitted to the deck during points should be fitted to the deck during the next major
the next major campaign/dock-yard campaign/dock-yard. "No planned shutdowns" will be noted
Action: Acknowledge on the certificate until such time additional tie-down points
are fitted to the deck..
Action: Acknowledge
Yes Tie down points are proud of the helideck but are no higher X No
than 25mm adl and are contoured such that they are unlikely The tie downs are ***mm above deck level and are likely to
to cause damage to the helicopter cause tyre damage.
Action: Lower or replace tie-down points to be no
higher than 25mm adl
20mm **mm (shackles provided) X ***mm ** tie down straps available with compatible deck fittings
These are too large to accept the hooks used by the (see item 5.2)
helicopter companies. One solution is to purchase a
minimum of 6 shackles [22mm bar dia, 5000 kg breaking
strain]. These should be stored in a safe place and only
fitted when required.
Action: Advise action taken
** m octagonal deck
The name painted on the deck should be the same as the
radio call sign, name on the certificate and side signage.
Action: Repaint name to "***********"
White White on black background White with **mm black outline X Black
As the aluminium has aged and got darker the contrast has
Action: Repaint white on black rectangle or black
Between chevron & aiming circle X Between aiming circle and outboard edge
Action: Relocate to a position between the aiming circle
and the chevron.
Satisfactory X The bar width of the letters too narrow. X The spacing of the letters too close X The spacing of the words too close
Action: Repaint with an approximate width of 180mm Action: Repaint with an approximate spacing of 120mm Action: Repaint with an approximate spacing of 600mm
(15% of 1.2m) (10% of 1.2m) between words (50% of 1.2m)
N/A See above X Nil X All markings outlined in 50mm black bands.
To make the markings stand out against the light CAP437 recommends 100mm banding is used. The current
background the markings should all have 100mm black 50mm banding will be accepted subject to there being no
banding. If preferred the letters can be painted against a adverse comments from aircrew. When the deck is
black background but must be at least 100mm above and repainted use 100mm banding
below the letters. Action: Acknowledge
Action: Paint marking on either a black background or
use 100mm black banding
No X Yes
Company logo/ vessel call sign painted on deck. This is not
required and only lead to confusion in identifying the deck.
Action: Remove
X Missing
The origin of the 210° OFS for approach and take-off should
be marked on the helideck by a black chevron, each leg
being 79 cm long and 10 cm wide forming the 210° angle
(See CAP437, Chapter 4 Fig 2.) The black chevron may be
painted on top of the (continuous) white perimeter line to
achieve maximum clarity
Action: Paint chevron
210° X ***°
The angle is reduced due to ********. This will be noted on
the certificate
Action: Nil
No Yes (xx°)
Black White White on a black background
By chevron
Open 18
OHIR Suggested answers
White X Black White on black background
Action: Paint white with either black outlining or black
X 600mm
CAP 437 requires that on decks with a "D" value 15m>, D-
value characters should be 900mm high.
Action: Amend perimeter D value to be 900mm in
3 outboard edges
Correct X Orientation incorrect
Markings should be readable from the side of the deck that
is being approached.
Action: Repaint markings to face outboard
4 x 3 x 0.75m
White X Yellow
Action: Repaint "H" white"
Yes X No
Action: Repaint "H" to be co-located with the TD/PM,
with the cross bar of the "H" lying along the bisector of
the OFS
Yes X Not correctly aligned
Action: Repaint as soon as practicable
No 5 deg 10 deg 15 deg
900mm X **m
This is ***mm over/under height. At next repaint or before
the next inspection in 2 years time, repaint the "t" value
marking to be 900mm in height with a line width of 120mm
Action: Acknowledge
White White on black background Yellow Black
Below and to the left of the name Below and to the right of the name Between the name and chevron X Missing.
The preferred location should be readily visible but not
confused with the name.
Action: Paint 't' value to the right & below the name, but
ensure it is clear of the helideck net.
N/A Sector painted ** to ** deg relative to ship heading Sector painted ** to ** deg relative to True North Sector painted ** to ** deg relative to Platform North X Incorrectly painted
Read CAP 437 for the correct paint scheme.
Action: Repaint
Red/White X xxx/yyy
Should be red (BS 381C: 537 (Signal Red) or BS 4800:
04.E.53 (Poppy) & white in accordance with CAP 437
Action: Repaint
Not required. Approved high friction surface Sisal Frictape X Not Fitted
Net should be to be fitted in accordance with the
guidelines. A 30kt (manned)/25Kt (NUI) wind speed limit will
be placed on deck until a helideck net is fitted
Action: Fit net and advise on details below
Frictape X Knotted X Threaded Interwoven Double interlaced
Knots on the net are **** adl. CAP 437 limits heights of Threaded net is ***adl .CAP 437 limits heights of obstacles
obstacles on landing area, including nets, to a maximum of on deck, including nets, to a maximum of 25mm.
25mm Action: Replace with a compliant net. Obstruction will
Action: Replace with a compliant net. Obstruction will be noted on certificate
be noted on certificate
Satisfactory X Unsatisfactory
Action: Replace with a compliant net (no higher than
25mm adl)
Yes Securing slightly greater that 1.5m apart but appears to be X In excess of 2m between securing points
well secured. Action: Attach additional securing points
Webbing with tensioners X ** webbing straps frayed / in poor condition Rope on 2 sides webbing with tensioners on the other. Rope attached to webbing with tensioners Rope
Action: Replace webbing straps This is compliant but the use of webbing with tensioners
makes the tensioning process simple and reduces man
hours spent on the task.
Wire mesh, plastic coated Heavy wire mesh, plastic coated Frictape Polypropylene X Heavy galvanised wire
No sag can be incorporated into this design.
Action: See 10.6 below
**m from edge of SLA **m from edge of gutter X **m from deck edge. X >2m from deck edge
Marginally oversized. Items in excess of 2m from the edge of the SLA are classed
Action: Consider reducing width to below 2m from as a 5:1 falling infringement and will incur an operating
deck edge if major changes are undertaken. limitation which will be noted on the certificate. If possible,
action should be taken to reducing the width of the net frame
to less than 2m from edge of SLA
Action: Advise intentions
Open 19
OHIR Suggested answers
Appears satisfactory X Secured by continuous wrap X Poor/Several breaks X Secured by continuous wrap but only tied off at the corners
One break and the integrity of the whole section is The perimeter netting is in need of replacement / repair. A Action: Tie off at the centres as a minimum
compromised. wind restriction of 30Kts (manned) / 25Kts (NUI & vessels)
Action: Tie off at appropriate intervals. will be placed on the deck until such time as the netting is
either replaced or suitably repaired. All passengers are to be
briefed on the condition of the netting prior to boarding the
aircraft. Vessels will also have "Stable Deck Conditions"
also applied
Action: Replace/Repair netting. Advise timescale for
completion of work
Satisfactory test result dated****, giving ** to end-of-life point X Sacrificial strips/panels available for annual testing X The procedure for assessing that the perimeter net
Action: Forward latest test results to HCA & advise system requires review.
what the "end-of-life point" is for the perimeter net Oil & Gas UK- Guidelines for the Management of
Aviation Operations, Addendum C6 requires an end of
life failure point to be established and an
inspection/testing regime incorporated to support this.
Dynamic testing should not be undertaken in situ. It is
preferable to have a sacrificial panel of the same
construction, secured over an existing panel to allow for
weathering, which can then be removed annually to
allow for drop testing to be carried out (225kg from
1m). In the event of a failure then the entire perimeter
netting should be replaced.
Action: State what the end of life point is for the net
and, advise what the inspection/testing regime to
support this is.
Satisfactory X No X
The object of the hammock effect is to contain someone
falling into it, this net is unlikely to do that. The platform /
vessel HSE advisor should complete a risk assessment and
take action accordingly
Action: Advise intentions when known
Yes X ***** areas not covered. X A drop of **m exist from the *****of the helideck to the level
All passengers should be briefed prior to boarding aircraft as below
to where there are gaps in the perimeter netting The platform / vessel HSE advisor should complete a risk
Action: Extend perimeter netting to cover this area assessment and take action accordingly
Action: Advise intentions when known
Port and starboard on the aft side plus emergency exit Same level forward/aft X Only 1 main access
forward CAP 437 requires that there should be a minimum of 2
access/egress routes to the helideck (not including
Emergency escape access routes)
Action: Advise on course of action to provide a second
access point to the helideck
Plastic chain link across base of stairs X Chain does not have a weak link X No barrier across access points to helideck X No barrier across access points to helideck. Gate at base of stairs
In the event of an emergency the quick egress from the It is recommended to place a barrier to block off access to On NUI's this is not essential in every case but should be
helideck will be hindered the helideck. The use of frangible chain is the simplest seriously considered to protect newcomers to the platform.
Action: Fit a weak link to the chain method. Action: Advise intentions
Action: Advise on action taken
Clear X Access handrail at **mm X Foam monitors at ***mm adl X Perimeter lights/flood lights ***mm above helideck level
Action: Lower to 250mm adl or below. This obstruction Action: Monitor should be lowered to 250mm adl or Action: Lower to 250mm adl or below. This obstruction
will be noted it will be noted on the certificate below if possible. This obstruction will be noted it will will be noted on the certificate
be noted on the certificate
Clear N/A X Single 150° sector
Operational efficiency may be enhanced by having 2 x 150°
sectors which will allow approaches and departures from
both sides of the ship. To have 2 x 150° sectors the
following changes would have to be made:
1. Existing chevron to be removed.
2. New chevrons to be painted on the forward and aft sides
of the helideck along the longitudinal line of the ship.
3. The 'H' to be rotated 90° so that the horizontal bar is
along the longitudinal line of the ship.
Action: Advise intentions
Clear X Foam monitor / Access platforms infringes sector. X Main deck forward, aft and starboard side of helideck
Action: Nil. This will be noted as a non compliant item Action: Nil. Current warnings and restrictions will
and limitations noted on certificate remain
Clear X Helideck net
When replacing, purchase a net that does not exceed
25mm,This obstruction will be noted the certificate
Action: Acknowledge
Open 20
OHIR Suggested answers
Clear X Seismic arrays and high tension cables will infringe 5:1
falling gradient when extended
Action: Nil. When deployed, will be notified as a
temporary obstruction on the certificate
** segments
Satisfactory X Dirty / Covered in guano
Action: Clean lights
Satisfactory X Less than 500mm between units
Action: Adjust space between units to ensure minimum
gap of 500mm
On permanently Controlled from the radio room Controlled from heli reception. Controlled from the bridge
On permanently Controlled from the radio room Controlled from heli reception. Controlled from the bridge
Mounted on perimeter line Mounted over gutter X Lights are not co-incidental with white perimeter line
The green lights should delineate the periphery of the safe
landing at night
Action: Move lights to be co-incidental with the white
perimeter line
Open 21
OHIR Suggested answers
On permanently Controlled from the radio room Controlled from heli reception. Controlled from the bridge
Note: The UK CAA has replaced the helideck floodlighting Note: Some decks, such as NUI, may wish to retain suitable
systems with new helideck lighting scheme as listed in CAP floodlights as a temporary source of alternative lighting in
437, Appendix C the event of guano rendering the new TD/PM & "H" lights
Evenly around the perimeter mounted on the perimeter Evenly around the perimeter mounted over the guttering One at each corner angled to centre of aiming circle
white line angled to centre of aiming circle angled to centre of aiming circle
Directional beam
Controlled from the bridge Controlled from the radio room Controlled from heli reception. Switches in access platform controlled by the HLO
Satisfactory Lit with floodlights from below X ****** not marked with obstruction lights or illuminated
A Daylight Only Operations restriction will be placed on deck
until such time as the obstruction is suitably marked with
obstruction lights
Action: Fit omni directional red lights every 10m adl.
Steady Red X Obstruction light unserviceable / faded to white
Action: Replace obstruction light
Red and White boom Day-Glo jib X *** crane painted ****
Action: Crane to be painted in obstruction colours
Compliant X Non compliant X Nil Not required X AMC submitted Not required
Until such time as a compliant unit is fitted a 1.25nm visibility CAP 437 requires that a status light be fitted as a visual The CAA will no longer accept Alternative Means of
limitation will be placed on this deck indication of hazardous conditions Compliance in lieu of a Status Light
Action: Fit compliant unit Action: Fit compliant unit Action: Fit compliant unit by March 2015
Yes X Only one unit located at ******
The light signal should be visible from all directions of
approach and when helicopter is on the deck
Action: Fit either additional units or repeater lights at
Open 22
OHIR Suggested answers
Satisfactory amber flashing "pump running" light X Red running light X No light
This signifies an obstruction to a pilot Action: Fit a flashing amber pump-running light that is
Action: Replace with a flashing amber light visible from the helideck
Yes X No
Action: Fit quick release connector
Gordon Engineering Swire Harran Heli Union Control Union Gordon Engineering
Satisfactory X No Records
Establish a system of recording daily and weekly checks
Action: Acknowledge
X Unable to confirm delivery rate X No documentation confirming system has recently X *** lts/min.
Action: If the documentation cannot be found then the been checked As there are only 2 monitors each should be capable of
manufacturer should be contacted and the HCA advised Should be minimum *** ltrs/min with one monitor delivering the required application rate.
inoperative Action: Increase the output to a minimum of *** lts/min
Action: Advise when system was last checked and
confirm delivery rate.
AFFF AFFF 3M ****** litre tank with "Pre-mix" water and AFFF Seawater only. Foam concentrate not required as DIFFS is
used in tandem with a passive fire-retarding deck
3% 1% 6%
Yes X No
This is an aid to preventing mixing of different % types. Even
different manufactures can be incompatible
Action: Paint ***% on tank and preferably attach a
manufacturers label
Sufficient X Nil
If the deck is to remain open after training or an incident
then backup concentrate should be provide. If the level of
concentrate falls below the amount required for 10min
application then the deck should be closed and the HCA
Action: Provide sufficient back-up concentrate
2 located **
1 in each hose reel cabinet
1 located ** 2 located ** X Nil Not required - Foam direct from hydrant X Combined foam branch/inductor
Action: See 20.9 Action: See 20.9
** 20lt containers of AFFF 3% X Nil
Action: See 19.9
1% 3% 6% X Variable - dial freely rotates
It is important that dial is not accidentally turned as this will
greatly effect the quality of foam produced
Action: Secure the adjustment device at *%
Short hose to inductor Inductor connected directly to hydrant Inline inductor direct to fire main X Long hose
The inductor would normally be located by the hydrant. The
long hose will unnecessarily block up the access.
Action: Suggest purchase of short hose connection.
Rescue equipment box Helideck equipment room Hydrant box One in each foam access platform cabinet
250 kg DP/250 ltrs foam 2 x 45/135 Litre AFFF wheeled units *** 120 ltrs Angus foam trolley
X Last serviced ********
It is recommended complementary agents are subject to
annual visual inspection by a competent person
Action: Carry out inspection of unit
Open 23
OHIR Suggested answers
Unit located on surface level with helideck Ramp built into netting Long hose fitted which reach across the helideck X No easy access
Access emergency use must be considered. Possible
solutions may be to increase the hose length (check with
manufacturer first) or build a sloping ramp off the deck so
that the unit is below 250mm.
Action: Advise intentions
Unit located on surface level with helideck Ramp built into netting Long hose fitted which reach across the helideck X No easy access
Access emergency use must be considered. Possible
solutions may be to increase the hose length (check with
manufacturer first) or build a sloping ramp off the deck so
that the unit is below 250mm.
Action: Advise intentions
9Kg / 22Kg wheeled unit in each access ** x 9Kg hand-held units in each access 1 x 18kg Wheeled unit X 1 x **kg Wheeled unit
The requirement is for an aggregate of 18kg with suitable
applicators (not necessarily a lance), to be available for
helicopter start ups.
Action: Provide an additional **Kg unit located at ****
Unit located on surface level with helideck Ramp built into netting Long hose fitted which reach across the helideck X No easy access
Access for training and emergency use must be considered.
Possible solutions may be to increase the hose length
(check with manufacturer first) or build a sloping ramp off
the deck so that the unit is below 250mm.
Action: Advise intentions
All equipment in rescue box unless otherwise specified All equipment in each rescue box unless otherwise specified
Satisfactory / Loose Shadow / Clipped board X Non "Rescue Equipment" items stored in box X Equipment not clearly laid out
The Rescue Equipment box is being used to store general Action: Rectify. Set places with clips preferred.
equipment and other stores. These other items should be
removed so that only the Rescue Equipment listed on the
check list is in the box and clearly laid out
Action: Remove any items which are not listed on the
"Check List"
X Missing
Action: Replace
X Missing
Action: Replace
1 located against the hand rails 1 located under the deck X Missing X Point on the end of the grab hook
Action: Replace Action: Remove any sharp points that may cause injury
X Missing
Action: Replace
* Harness knives / * "J" tools X Only ** ** "J" Tools X ** blades with sharp points Personal issue
Action: Provide sufficient to equip each Action: Either remove points or replace
helideck crew member. (1 + 3)
Gallet CGE Centurion Cromwell F500/F600 Bullard Firedome Firebird
EN 443 BS 3864 X Not visible X EN/BS ********
Action: Confirm meets either EN443 or BS3864, else Action: Confirm meets either EN443 or BS3864, else
replace with compliant units. replace with compliant units.
Satisfactory X No visor fitted to helmet X Poor
Helmets without visors will not meet the required standard. Action: Replace
Action: Either provide a visor or replace with new
helmet & visor
Open 24
OHIR Suggested answers
Sufficient X Nil
These have shown this to be an effective additional means
of protection for the helideck crew. Suggest issuing each
crew member with a balaclava
Action: Advise action taken
Sufficient X **
Action: Provide sufficient to equip each
helideck crew member. (1 + 3)
Bristol Uniforms
1 piece suit Tunic & Trousers X * x 1 piece suits
These are unsuitable for NUI operations as they cannot be
donned quickly in the event of an emergency
Action: Replace all 1-piece suits with 2-piece compliant
Tunic & Trousers
Satisfactory X Certificates not available at time of inspection Included in new OPITO HDA training course certificate
All helideck assistants should have attended a
recognised helicopter fire fighting course.
Action: Forward copies of HDA's certificate to HCA
Satisfactory X No
It is the responsibility of the duty holder to ensure that
all personnel involved in the movement of passengers,
baggage and freight have completed a DG awareness
course. See HCA website for further details
Action: Confirm the above named person(s)will
not be used as part of the helideck team until they
have successfully completed either the full DG by
Air or DG by Air Awareness training
Yes X No
It is the responsibility of the duty holder to ensure that
all personnel involved in the movement of passengers,
baggage and freight have completed a DG awareness
course. See HCA website for further details
Action: Confirm the above named person(s)will
not be used as part of the helideck team until they
have successfully completed either the full DG by
Air or DG by Air Awareness training
X Only HLO + * 1 x HLO and 3 HDA's available for all heliops. HLO + 2. Acceptable as DIFFS fitted to deck
Industry practice requires that the minimum helideck crew All helideck crew trained to OLF / OPITO standards
consists of HLO + 3, (NUI's HLO + 1). Any changes to this
manning level to be advised to the HCA and to the
Helicopter Operator
Action: Provide evidence or written confirmation that
sufficient competent personnel are trained to OPITO (or
equivalent) standards and appointed to perform the
functions of HLO and HDA.
Training matrix available. Regular exercises carried out X Poor level of reporting of training exercises/drills carried out. X No evidence of continuation training or drills
No independent Competence Assessment carried out Action: Confirm that the helideck crews undergo
It is essential that regular training exercises are carried out regular training drills to compliment their basic onshore
by the helideck crew. Exercises should be varied to ensure training.
adequate opportunity to familiarise staff with all available
equipment. Finally this should be verified by independent
Action: Review the training and competence scheme to
include the above comments. Improve the quality of
reporting to ease assessment.
Open 25
OHIR Suggested answers
Yes Limited amount kept on board
When required, applicable packaging is shipped to the
X No packaging available Yes Bought on board when required
DG's may only be shipped when packed in specific
Action: Submit evidence that correct packaging &
materials are available.
Yes X See above Bought on board when required
Sufficient X See above Bought on board when required
Yes Bought on board when required
Open 26
IN TABLE BELOW. (Note: Bracketed D-value is deck marking.)
HELICOPTER TYPE D-VALUE (m) ROTOR DIA. (m) MAX WT (KG) t-VALUE LDG NET (m) 5 Minute @ 6 ltr/min
BOLKOW Bo 105D 12.00 (12) 9.90 2,400 2.4t N/R TD/PM Ltr/min
'D' value Concentrate Req'd
BOLKOW 117 13.00 (13) 11.00 3,200 3.2t N/R 1.0 M wide 1% 3% 6% 0%
AGUSTA A109 13.05 (13) 11.00 2,600 2.6t 9x9
DAUPHIN SA 365N2 13.68 (14) 11.93 4,250 4.3t 9x9 ###
1527 76 229 458 0
EC155 B1 14.30 (14) 12.60 4,850 4.9t 12 x 12
SIKORSKY S76 16.00 (16) 13.40 5,307 5.3t 12 x 12
AUGUSTA / BELL 139 16.66 (17) 13.80 6,400 6.4t 12 x 12
BELL 212 17.46 (17) 14.63 5,080 5.1t N/R D-value
SUPER PUMA AS332 L 18.70 (19) 15.00 8,599 8.6t 12 x 12 9 m 18 m 10 Minute @ 5.5 ltr/min
BELL 214ST 18.95 (19) 15.85 7,936 8.0t 12 x 12 (0.5 D)
SUPER PUMA AS332 L2 19.50 (20) 16.20 9,300 9.3t 12 x 12 ###
1400 140 420 840 0
EC 225 19.50 (20) 16.20 11,000 11.0t 12 x 12
SIKORSKY S92 20.88 (21) 17.17 12,020 12.0t 15 x 15
SIKORSKY S61 N 22.20 (22) 18.90 9,298 9.3t 15 x 15
Perimeter line
0.3 m wide
Centre of Landing Area 10 cm Unrestricted
150° obstacle height
79 cm
LOS second segment
1:2 Gradient
0.25 m Maximum obstacle height Maximum height on LOS first segment 1.89 m
outside landing area landing area 25mm 2.79 m
0.90 m
Landing Area 0.25m
2.16 m 3.78 m
(0.12D) (0.21D) 3m
9.00 m (0.50D) 0.75m
11.16 m (0.62D) 4m
14.94 m (0.83D)
IN TABLE BELOW. (Note: Bracketed D-value is deck marking.)
BOLKOW Bo 105D 12.00 (12) 9.90 2,400 2.4t N/R TD/PM
BOLKOW 117 13.00 (13) 11.00 3,200 3.2t N/R 1.0 M wide
AGUSTA A109 13.05 (13) 11.00 2,600 2.6t 9x9
DAUPHIN SA 365N2 13.68 (14) 11.93 4,250 4.3t 9x9
EC155 B1 14.30 (14) 12.60 4,850 4.9t 12 x 12
SIKORSKY S76 16.00 (16) 13.40 5,307 5.3t 12 x 12
AUGUSTA / BELL 139 16.66 (17) 13.80 6,400 6.4t 12 x 12
BELL 212 17.46 (17) 14.63 5,080 5.1t N/R
SUPER PUMA AS332 L 18.70 (19) 15.00 8,599 8.6t 12 x 12 11.1 m
BELL 214ST 18.95 (19) 15.85 7,936 8.0t 12 x 12 (0.5 D)
SUPER PUMA AS332 L2 19.50 (20) 16.20 9,300 9.3t 12 x 12
EC 225 19.50 (20) 16.20 11,000 11.0t 12 x 12
SIKORSKY S92 20.88 (21) 17.17 12,020 12.0t 15 x 15
SIKORSKY S61 N 22.20 (22) 18.90 9,298 9.3t 15 x 15
Perimeter line
0.3 m wide
Centre of Landing Area 10 cm
79 cm
LOS segment
1:5 Gradient
0.25 m Maximum obstacle height Maximum height on
outside landing area landing area 25mm
Landing Area
22.20 m
(1 x D)
11.10 m (0.50D)
RFACES FOR (Helicopter type): DELIVERY RATE /
5 Minute @ 6 ltr/min
Ltr/min Concentrate Req'd
1% 3% 6% 0%
22.2 m 10 Minute @ 5.5 ltr/min
obstacle height
Height 4.44 m
150 sect hts (new)
Open Page 33
150 sect hts (new)
Open Page 34
180 Sector 5:1 Falling Gradient Distance Calcula
Enter Height from Helideck Enter Distance Measured
Surface (meter) from Helideck Edge (meter)
9 5
ient Distance Calculation
Limit distance from helideck
Edge (meter)
Exceed from Limit (M)
Existing Standards New Standards (from 15th
Course Duration Validity Course
Helideck BOSIET /
Assistant 1 Day No Expiry FOET &
Initial (HD
Assistant –
Helideck BOSIET /
4 Days 2 yrs Response
BOSIET / Assistant
2 Days 2 yrs FOET & Further
OEHTM Training
BOSIET / Helicopter
Helicopter FOET, Landing
Landing OEHTM, CAA Officer
2 Days 2 yrs
Officer / HRO & Initial
(HLO) Helideck Training
Experience (HLO)
Officer –
BOSIET / Helideck
FOET, Emergency
Officer 2 Days 2 yrs
OEHTM & Response
CAA / HRO Team
New Standards (from 15th July)
Duration Validity
2 Days 2 yrs
2 Days 2 yrs