PERDEV Handout - M6 (Powers of The Mind)
PERDEV Handout - M6 (Powers of The Mind)
PERDEV Handout - M6 (Powers of The Mind)
*a powerful thinking tool, a graphical technique
BRAIN DOMINANCE that mirrors the way the brain works and helps to
An important factor to understanding learning make thinking visible; invented by Tony Buzan
styles is understanding brain functioning.
*defined as methods of HOW TO DRAW A MIND MAP?
thinking concerned with 1) Turn the page on its side
changing concepts and (landscape). Use plain paper.
perception; coined by EDWARD 2) Draw the central image
DE BONO, a Maltese using different colors.
psychologist, physician, and It should encapsulate the
writer. subject of the map.
3) Add the branches
representing the subject’s main topics or
*a Lateral Thinking Strategy used as an important themes using key words or images.
and powerful technique in looking at decisions 4) Add detail with more key words and images.
from a number of important perspectives Use color. Print the words clearly.
5) Use arrows to connect linked ideas.