Web 2.0 - The Business Model-Springer (2008)

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Web 2.

The Business Model
Web 2.0
The Business Model

Edited by

Miltiadis D. Lytras
University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Ernesto Damiani
University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos

University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain

Miltiadis D. Lytras Ernesto Damiani
University of Patras Università di Milano
Research Academic Computer Tech. Inst. Dipartimento di. Tecnologie
Computer Engineering & Informatics Dept. dell’Informazione
Patras, Greece via Bramante 65
lytras@ceid.upatras.gr 26013 Crema, Italy

Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos

Departamento de Administración de Empresas
y Contabilidad
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Universidad de Oviedo
Avd del Cristo, s/n
33.071 Oviedo-Asturias, Spain

ISBN-13: 978-0-387-85894-4 e-ISBN-13: 978-0-387-85895-1

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008935102

 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part
without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media,
LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in
connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of
information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by
similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden.
The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks and similar
terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of
opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.

Printed on acid-free paper.

To the ORLY dream. Miltos

As Nishapur’s poet wrote ”[...] The Caravan of Life shall

always pass”. Patricia

Web 2.0 is one of the hottest topics nowadays in Information Systems.
Currently the main discussion is emphasized on technologies while there is a
great demand for editions that will analyze the business models and business
perspectives of the new generation web. This book is one of the first attempts
to discuss in an integrated way the business implications of Web 2.0 and its
linkage to business value.

Web 2.0, refers to a perceived or proposed second generation of

Internet-based services—such as social networking sites, wikis,
communication tools, mashups and folksonomies—that emphasize on
online collaboration and sharing among users.

This book has a clear editing strategy.

 To go beyond the typical discussion of Web 2.0 as an
emerging technological primer and to contribute to the
literature and practice by summarizing a number of
successful business models for business exploitation
 To promote state of the art on Social Web as a milestone
enabled by the evolution of Web 2.0
 To provide a reference book for the area with main
emphasis to be paid on practical/business aspects.
 To become a reference edition for people (business
people, managers, executives, policy makers, government
officers, academics and practitioners) thirsty for knowledge
on Web2.0 and its business potential

Three are the major pillars of the book:


1. The discussion of the State of the art Research on Web 2.0

Concerning this pillar we will emphasize on three major components
of Web 2.0
• Social Networks Analysis
• Recommendation Systems
• Communities Building
Within this general context the following topics are also of priority:
• Design variables and conditions for social networks
• New forms of interaction in social systems
• Blogging as a social activity and approaches to semantic
• New forms of interaction in knowledge sharing and creation
• Blogging and enterprise blogs as a new strategic tool
• Collaborative filtering in social settings
• Analysing social interaction for finding knowledge on Web
• Semantic Desktops
• Social Network Analysis enabled by the Semantic Web
• Learning and Knowledge Communities
• Analysis of Large Online Communities Web Communities
of Practice
• Network Analysis for Building Social Networks
• Implicit, Formal, and Powerful Semantics in Communities
• Semantic Social Networks Metadata and Annotation
• Metadata schema describing individuals and social ties
• Folksonomies, tagging and other collaboration-based
categorisation systems
• Wikis, semantic Wikis and other collaborative knowledge
creation systems
• Online Social Networking

• Applications of Online Semantic Networks

• Knowledge Management with Semantic Networks

2. The Analysis of Successful cases of Web 2.0 with a Business

Model perspective

3. The understanding fo the potential of Web 2.0 for business in

different domains
The final part of the book will provide taxonomy of business models
of web 2.0 in the form of Ebusiness Models for Electronic Markets as
Timmers proposed them.

The main target groups of this book are:

 Managers / Executives [they will be able to realize the

power of Web 2.0 and its business potential]
 Students in Management and IT/CS majors [they will
have an excellent source of information covering not only
the state of the art theory but also an excellent practical
oriented edition with tight linkages to the Practice and
 Politicians / Government Officers / Policy Makers [they
will be able to realize the power of Web 2.0 and its potential
for E-government / E-Democracy]
 Professors in academia [they will have an excellent/
teaching oriented edition for E-business/ IS / Business
Strategy Courses. Exactly this combination and the capacity
of the edition to serve, as a reference edition to many
different courses on IT/Strategy and Mgmt is a key

Additionally we don’t want to miss this opportunity to say

thanks to Springer Publisher, and in particular to Susan Lagerstrom-Fife
and Sharon Palleschi, for giving us the opportunity to develop this
book. Also thanks for all authors of chapters, for their interest in
collaborating in this book.

Finally, before closing this foreword of the book Web 2.0: The
Business Models, we would like to invite all our colleagues interested
in the adoption of Web 2.0 towards the so called Human Web,
applications for the Human and The Society, Information Systems
&Information Technology, Knowledge Management and E-Learning,
Digital Libraries, Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, E-Business,
E-Government and E-Banking, Politics and Policies for the Knowledge
Society, Sustainable Development for the Knowledge Society and New
Competitive Resources (Culture, Tourism and Services) to pay
attention to an important event organised by OPEN RESEARCH
SOCIETY in 2009: “The 2nd Athens World Summit on The
Knowledge Society”, September 2009,. Website: http://www.open-
Editors Bios

Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras

Computer Engineering and Informatics Department
University of Patras
Office Address: Argolidos 40-42, 153-44 Gerakas Attikis, GREECE

Miltiadis D. Lytras is the President and Founder of Open Research Society, NGO. His re-
search focuses on semantic web, knowledge management and e-learning, with more than
100 publications in these areas. He has co-edited / co-edits, 25 special issues in Internatio-
nal Journals (e.g. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Internet
Computing, IEEE Transactions on Education, Computers in Human Behaviour, Interactive
Learning Environments, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Computer Assisted
Learning, etc) and has authored/[co-]edited 22 books [e.g. Open Source for Knowledge
and Learning Management, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Knowledge Management, Intelligent
Learning Infrastructures for Knowledge Intensive Organizations, Semantic Web Based In-
formation Systems, China Information technology Hanbook, Real World Applications of
Semantic Web and Ontologies, Web 2.0: The Business Model, etc] . He is the founder and
officer of the Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Interest Group in the Asso-
ciation for Information Systems (http://www.sigsemis.org). He serves as the (Co) Editor in
Chief of 12 international journals [e.g. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning,
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, International Journal on Social
and Humanistic Computing, International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Sys-
tems, International Journal on Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, International Journal
of Electronic Democracy, International Journal of Electronic Banking, International Journal
of Electronic Trade etc] while he is associate editor or editorial board member in seven mo-

Professor Ernesto Damiani

University of Milan
Department of Computer Technology
Via Bramante, 65, I-26013 Crema (CR), Italy

Ernesto Damiani is a Professor at the Dept. of Information Technology,University of Mi-

lan, where he is the Head of the Ph.D. program in Computer Science and leads the Softwa-
re Architectures Lab. Prof. Damiani holds/has held visiting positions at several internatio-

nal institutions, including George Mason University (Fairfax, VA, US) and LaTrobe Uni-
versity (Melbourne, Australia). Prof. Damiani is an Adjunct Professor at the Sydney Uni-
versity of Technology (Australia). He has written several books and filed international pa-
tents; also, he co-authored more than two hundred research papers on advanced secure
service-oriented architectures, open source software and business process design, software
reuse and Web data semantics. Prof. Damiani is the Chair of IFIP WG 2.6 on Databases,
the Vice-Chair of WG 2.12 Web Data Semantics and the secretary of IFIP WG 2.13 on
Open Source Software Development. He is also the Vice Chair of IEEE TC on Industrial
Informatics and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Service Computing. Prof.
Damiani coordinates several research projects funded by the European Commission, Italian
Ministry of Research and by private companies including Siemens Mobile, Cisco Systems,
ST Microelectronics, BT Exact, Engineering, Telecom Italy and others.

Patricia Ordonez De Pablos

University of Oviedo
Dept of Business Administation and Accountability
University of Oviedo
Facultad de Ciencias Economicas
Avd del Cristo, s/n, 33.071 Oviedo-Asturias, SPAIN

Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, is Professor in the Department of Business Administration

and Accountability, at the Faculty of Economics of The University of Oviedo (Spain). Her
teaching and research interests focus on the areas of strategic management, knowledge ma-
nagement, intellectual capital measuring and reporting, organizational learning and human
resources management. She is Executive Editor of the International Journal of Learning and
Intellectual and the International Journal of Strategic Change Management as well as EIC
of the International Journals of Chinese Culture and Management and IJ of Arab Culture,
Management and Sustainable Development.

Foreword .................................................................................................................. v

About the Editors .................................................................................................... ix

Chapter 1. Empirical Analysis of Functional Web 2.0 Environments ................ 1

Chapter 2. New Forms of Interaction & Knowledge Sharing on Web 2.0 ......... 21

Chapter 3. Web 2.0 Business Models as Decentralized Value Creation

Systems ..................................................................................................................... 37

Chapter 4. Open Innovation Communities…or Should it be “Networks”? ....... 53

Chapter 5. A Model for Business Innovation in the Web 2.0 World .................. 75

Chapter 6. Doing Business by Selling Free Services ............................................ 89

Chapter 7. Webstrategy Formulation: Benefiting from Web 2.0 Concepts to

Deliver Business Values .......................................................................................... 103

Chapter 8. Web 2.0: Issues for the Design of Social Networks............................ 133

Chapter 9. Wikis for Knowledge Management: Business Cases,

Best Practices, Promises, & Pitfalls ....................................................................... 147

Chapter 10. Using a Semantic Forum as Learning Support................................ 167


Chapter 11. Towards OpenTagging Platform using Semantic Web


Chapter 12. Evolving from 1.0 to Enterprise 2.0: an Interpretative

Review-Empirical Stages and Approaches Towards the New (Virtual)
Working Environment .............................................................................................201

Chapter 13. Embedding Web 2.0 Strategies in Learning and Teaching .............237

Chapter 14. Teaching-Material Crystallization: Wiki-based Rapid

Prototyping for Teaching-Material Design ............................................................249

Chapter 15. Prediction Markets, an Emerging Web 2.0 Business Model:

Towards the Competitive Intelligent Enterprise ...................................................271

Chapter 16. Innovation Culture for Knowledge Management in New e-Ra ........293

Authors Bios..............................................................................................................309

Index ..........................................................................................................................317
Chapter 1: Empirical Analysis of Functional
Web 2.0 Environments

R. Todd Stephens, Ph.D.

AT&T Corporation, USA


In this chapter, the author addresses the need for a functional framework used to
integrate Web 2.0 components into the organization business model. The success
of the Internet can be seen within any organization but customers are asking for
more interaction with the enterprises they do business with. Simply taking a
product or service to the Internet is no longer enough. Web 2.0 provides the basic
technology for creating a network of customers who are passionate about the
company‟s product offering. This chapter will also review the framework as it is
applied to the Wine Industry where four organizations are reviewed in detail. The
framework will provide researchers and organizations a functional view of the
value when integrating Web 2.0 technologies into the basic business offering.

1 Introduction

Enterprises are being transformed from an old business model built around the
command and control aspects information management to a new one where colla-
boration and social networking are the essential components in defining a long-
term business value. When researchers speak of Web 2.0 applications, they tend
to focus on the technology aspects of the environment. However, the real impact
of integrating Web 2.0 technologies is in the transformation of the organizational
business model. This chapter will focus on the development of a framework for
organizations looking to integrate Web 2.0 into the value-add functions of the
business. This framework will demonstrate how this technology can be adopted
by enterprises already utilizing the web for business transactions and presence.

2 Background

While the web itself is about twenty years old, businesses are still implement-
ing the technology into the fabric of the business model. The background section
will focus on defining the building blocks for the framework including defining
the basic components of Web 1.0 which focused on the presence and business
transaction. The Web 2.0 section will focus on defining the basic building blocks
of customer interactions, while the final section will focus on a review the wine

2.1 Web 1.0: Presence and Electronic Commerce

The term Web 1.0 emerged from the research around the development of Web
2.0. Prior to this, researchers commonly referred to Web 1.0 as Electronic Com-
merce or E-Business. Where as, web 1.0 focused on a read only web interface,
Web 2.0 focuses on a read-write interface where value emerges from the contribu-
tion of a large volume of users. The Internet initially focused on the command
and control of the information itself. Information was controlled by a relative
small number of resources but distributed to a large number which spawned the
massive growth of the web itself. Like television before it, the web allowed for
the broadcasting of information to a large number of users. Initial web sites were
built simply to communicate presence or provide information on the business it-
self. This component includes information like marketing materials, investor rela-
tions, employment opportunities, and product information. Some researchers de-
scribe the integration of the business transaction as Web 1.5, indicating a separate
phase of development. This altered the static information environment and trans-
formed the web into an integral part of the business environment. The World
Wide Web (WWW) was conceived at the European Particle Physics Laboratory in
Switzerland. Berners-Lee, Cailliau, Luotonen, Nielsen, and Secret (1994) describe
the web as “collaborative medium” which would allow information providers in
remote sites to share ideas without boundaries. Most businesses have moved to-
ward the web in order to take advantage of the capabilities of the electronic-
commerce business model. Moving business functions from a traditional brick and
mortar model to an electronic commerce model is not as simple as it might seem.
The idea of Web 1.0 revolves around the digital enablement of transactions and
processes within the organization, involving information systems under the guid-
ance or control of the firm (Laudon & Traver, 2003).

2.2 Web 2.0: Customer Interaction

While Web 2.0 has been debated by researchers as to who and when the con-
cepts emerged, little argument exists that the technology and demand has arrived.
Unlike Web 1.0, this new technology encourages user participation and derives its
greatest value when large communities contribute to the content. User generated
metadata, information, and designs enable a much richer environment where the
value is generated by the volume of users. Sometimes referred to as sharing, col-
laboration, aggregate knowledge, or community driven content, social software
creates the foundation of collective intelligence (Weiss, 2005). Much of the Web
2.0 technology is difficult to nail down an exact definition, the basic truth is that
Web 2.0 emphasizes interaction, community, and openness (Millard & Ross,
2006). Along with these characteristics, Smith and Valdes (2005) added simple
and lightweight technologies and decentralized processing to the mix. O‟Reilly
(2005) defined Web 2.0 as a platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0
applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that plat-
form: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the
more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including
individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows
remixing by others, creating network effects through an "architecture of participa-
tion”, and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user expe-
riences. While Web 2.0 has many and often confusing definitions most include
the concepts of weblogs, wikis, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) functionality,
social tagging, mashups, and user defined content.

Weblogs or Blogs
Weblogs or blogs have become so ubiquitous that many people use the term
synonymous for a “personal web site” (Blood, 2004). Unlike traditional Hyper-
text Markup Language (HTML) web pages, blogs offer the ability for the non-
programmer to communicate on a regular basis. Traditional HTML style pages
required knowledge of style, coding, and design in order to publish content that
was basically read only from the consumer‟s point of view. Weblogs remove
much of the constraints by providing a standard user interface that does not re-
quire customization. Weblogs originally emerged as a repository for linking but
soon evolved to the ability to publish content and allow readers to become content
providers. The essence of a blog can be defined by the format which includes
small chunks of content referred to as posts, date stamped, reverse chronological
order, and content expanded to include links, text and images (Baoill, 2004). The
biggest advancement made with Weblogs is the permanence of the content which
has a unique Universal Resource Locator (URL). This allows the content to be
posted and along with the comments to define a permanent record of information.
This is critical in that having a collaborative record that can be indexed by search
engines will increase the utility and spread the information to a larger audience.

With the advent of software like Wordpress and Typepad, along with blog service
companies like blogger.com, the weblog is fast becoming the communication me-
dium of the new web.

A Wiki is a web site that promotes the collaborative creation of content. Wiki
pages can be edited by anyone at anytime. Informational content can be created
and easily organized within the wiki environment and then reorganized as required
(O‟Neill, 2005). Wikis are currently in high demand in a large variety of fields,
due to their simplicity and flexibility nature. Documentation, reporting, project
management, online glossaries, and dictionaries, discussion groups, or general in-
formation applications are just a few a examples of where the end user can provide
value (Reinhold, 2006). The major difference between a wiki and blog is that the
wiki user can alter the original content while the blog user can only add informa-
tion in the form of comments. While stating that anyone can alter content, some
large scale wiki environments have extensive role definitions which define who
can perform functions of update, restore, delete, and creation. Wikipedia, like
many wiki type projects, have readers, editors, administrators, patrollers, policy
makers, subject matter experts, content maintainers, software developers, and sys-
tem operators (Riehle, 2006). All of which create an environment open to sharing
information and knowledge to a large group of users.

RSS Technologies
Originally developed by Netscape, RSS was intended to publish news type in-
formation based upon a subscription framework (Lerner, 2004). Many Internet
users have experienced the frustration of searching Internet sites for hours at a
time to find relevant information. RSS is an XML based content-syndication pro-
tocol that allows web sites to share information as well as aggregate information
based upon the users needs (Cold, 2006). In the simplest form, RSS shares the
metadata about the content without actually delivering the entire information
source. An author might publish the title, description, publish date, and copyrights
to anyone that subscribes to the feed. The end user is required to have an applica-
tion called an aggregator in order to receive the information. By having the RSS
aggregator application, end users are not required to visit each site in order to ob-
tain information. From an ed user perspective, the RSS technology changes the
communication method from a search and discover to a notification model. Users
can locate content that is pertinent to their job and subscribe to the communication
which enables a much faster communication stream..

Social Tagging
Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online
content with keywords or tags as a way to organize content for future navigation,
filtering, or search (Gibson, Teasley, & Yew, 2006). Traditional information ar-
chitecture utilized a central taxonomy or classification scheme in order to place in-

formation into specific pre-defined bucket or category. The assumption was that
trained librarians understood more about information content and context than the
average user. While this might have been true for the local library with the utiliza-
tion of the Dewey Decimal system, the enormous amount of content on the Inter-
net makes this type of system un-manageable. Tagging offers a number of bene-
fits to the end user community. Perhaps the most important feature to the
individual is able to bookmark the information in a way that is easier for them to
recall at a later date. The benefit of this ability on a personal basis is obvious but
what about the impact to the community at large. The idea of social tagging is al-
lowing multiple users to tag content in a way that makes sense to them, by com-
bining these tags, users create an environment where the opinions of the majority
define the appropriateness of the tags themselves. The act of creating a collection
of popular tags is referred to as a folksonomy which is defined as a folk taxonomy
of important and emerging content within the user community (Ahn, Davis, Fake,
Fox, Furnas, Golder, Marlow, Naaman, & Schachter, 2006). The vocabulary
problem is defined by the fact that different users define content in different ways.
The disagreement can lead to missed information or inefficient user interactions
(Boyd, Davis, Marlow, & Naaman, 2006). One of the best examples of social
tagging is Flickr which allows user to upload images and “tag” them with appro-
priate metadata keywords. Other users, who view your images, can also tag them
with their concept of appropriate keywords. After a critical mass has been
reached, the resulting tag collection will identify images correctly and without bi-
as. Other sites like iStockPhoto have also utilized this technology but more along
the sales channel versus the community one.

Mashups: Integrating Information

The final Web 2.0 technology describe the efforts around information integra-
tion, commonly referred to as “mashups”. These applications can be combined to
deliver additional value that the individual parts could not on their own. One ex-
ample is HousingMaps.com that combines the Google mapping application with a
real estate listing service on Craiglists.com (Jhingran, 2006). Other examples in-
clude Chicagocrime.org who overlays local crime statistics on top of Google Maps
so end users can see what crimes were committed recently in the neighborhood.
Another site synchronizes Yahoo! Inc.'s real-time traffic data with Google Maps.
Much of the work with web services will enable greater extensions of mashups
and combine many different businesses and business models. Organizations, like
Amazon and Microsoft are embracing the mash-up movement by offering devel-
opers easier access to their data and services. Moreover, they're programming their
services so that more computing tasks, such as displaying maps onscreen, get done
on the users' Personal Computers rather than on their far-flung servers (Hof,

User Contributed Content

One of the basic themes of Web 2.0 is user contributed information. The value
derived from the contributed content comes not from a subject matter expert, but
rather from individuals whose small contributions add up. One example of user
contributed content is the product review systems like Amazon.com and reputa-
tion systems used with ebay.com. A common practice of online merchants is to
enable their customers to review or to express opinions on the products they have
purchased (Hu & Liu, 2004). Online reviews are a major source of information
for consumers and demonstrated enormous implications for a wide range of man-
agement activities, such as brand building, customer acquisition and retention,
product development, and quality assurance (Hu, Pavlou, & Zhang, 2006). A per-
son‟s reputation is a valuable piece of information that can be used when deciding
whether or not to interact or do business with. A reputation system is a bi-
directional medium where buyers post feedback on sellers and vice versa. For ex-
ample, eBay buyers voluntarily comment on the quality of service, their satisfac-
tion with the item traded, and promptness of shipping. Sellers comment about the
prompt payment from buyers, or respond to comments left by the buyer (Christo-
dorescu, Ganapathy, Giffin, Kruger, Rubin, & Wang, 2005). Reputation systems
may be categorized in three basic types: ranking, rating, and collaborative. Rank-
ing systems use quantifiable measures of users‟ behavior to generate and rating.
Rating systems use explicit evaluations given by users in order to define a meas-
ure of interest or trust. Finally, collaborative filtering systems determine the level
of relationship between the two individuals before placing a weight on the infor-
mation. For example, if a user has reviewed similar items in the past then the re-
levancy of a new rating will be higher (Davis, Farnham, & Jensen, 2002).

2.3 Wine Industry

This research focused on the retail wine industry to validate the model due to
the characteristics of the environment. The wine industry is ideal since the end
user is enthusiastic and passionate about the production and consumption of wine.
The United States has the third largest aggregate consumption of wine worldwide.
California accounted for roughly 90% of the value of the United States wine pro-
ductions which is down from 2000 when the rate was around 94% (Goodhue,
Green, Heien, & Martin, 2008). The industry itself is going though an ongoing
consolidation where the top eight companies produce 75% of the wine within the
United States. However, the industry does have a long tail of wineries that num-
ber around 4,929 which produces over 7,000 brands (McMillan, 2007). This con-
solidation is creating a problem for smaller wineries to get their wine into the su-
permarkets and restaurants. In addition, the internet has provided one alternative
where individual wineries can sell directly to the consumer. That being said,
downward price pressure, increased competition, and the bargaining power of the

distribution channels has created a challenging business environment for everyone

(Kim & Mauborgne, 2005).

Wineries and consumer sales organizations understand the importance of build-

ing their brand in an online environment. Wines, like Yellow Tail, have made
significant investments in building their brand with a Web 1.0 environment.
However, most sales still come from retail organizations and initial investments in
Web 2.0 technologies have been limited but are expanding. Currently there are
more than 900 wine oriented blogs with an average readership ranging from 20 to
20,000 (McMillan, 2007). Other alternatives like podcasting and posting videos
on YouTube have also started to make an impact but success stories are limited.

As few established organizations have yet integrated emerging technologies in-

to their business models, the longer-term implications are unknown and the future
of firms relying mainly on Web 2.0 channels is unclear. Early movers still struggle
to develop successful e-commerce initiatives and sustainable digital business
models. A closer look at the industry reveals a highly constrained legal environ-
ment, uncertainties regarding consumer demand, and an intricate picture of com-
plex relationships (Gebauer & Ginsburg, 2001). This research is going to focus on
several organizations that are building communities, integrating Web 2.0 technol-
ogy, and conducting business with this new medium of communication. The four
organizations that will be the focus of this research include Cork‟d.com,
Wine.com, CalWineries.com, and Snooth.com. Each offers a variety of different
levels of Web 2.0 technology.

3 Web 2.0 Integration Framework

The previous section focused on defining the foundation for the development of
a framework for implementing Web 2.0 technologies. Having a framework allows
organizations to better understand where these technologies fit into the business
value chain. This section of the chapter lays out the Web 2.0 Integration Frame-
work currently in use by several different organizations. The framework is not
built from an architecture or technology perspective but rather from the business
perspective. Figure 1 presents the basic model of implementation, common to all
four organizations.

Figure 1: Functional Web 2.0 Model

3.1 Traditional Online Framework

The model produces two basic layers of abstraction: Information Layer (Web 1.0)
and the Interaction Layer (Web 2.0). The informational layer includes the first
two rows of the model since these represent much of the information provided by
a standard Web 1.0 application. The second layer (bottom three rows) is the inte-
raction layer which focuses on the various forms of asynchronous communication
mediums that come into play in a Web 2.0 environment. Figure 2 provides a sim-
ple view of the business functions utilized in a Web 1.0 based business model as
applied to the wine retailer.

Figure 2: Web 1.0 Framework


Wine Industry and Education

The information section begins with an overview of the wine industry and pro-
vides a basic level of understanding. The first area is an educational element of
the industry itself which can provide the basic level of understanding or instruc-
tion. Without any dialog with the end user, there is no real method of knowing the
user‟s level of knowledge. Some end users have little or no knowledge of the
product while others may have a sommelier certification. Therefore, a contextual
education is required of the user for which they can either opt-in or opt-out of the
communication medium. Consumers regard wine as a complex activity with a
significant investment in knowledge and terminology, in particular in the premium
categories. In many cases, there is a lack of sufficient product information may de-
ter consumer purchase. By sharing information and providing background infor-
mation, the wine consumer has not only consumed more wine over the past ten
years but also moved to higher quality wines. Moving away from the inexpensive
jug wines, consumers are buying more popular premium, super premium, and ul-
tra-premium wines that can cost as high as $15.00 or more. In fact, the super-
premium category is the fastest growing segment accounting for 25% of the wine
consumption (Goodhue, Green, Heien, & Martin, 2008). Of the four studied or-
ganizations, CalWineries provided the best information on the history of wine, the
types of grapes, the regions of the world, production methods and aging concepts.
They also cross linked to several other social software sites that enhance the edu-
cation of the wine consumer. Figure 3 provides an image of the CalWineries‟
education page.

Figure 3: CalWineries Wine Information Portal

The landing page sets the stage for educating the consumer with a sequential
delivery of content. Beginning with the process of growing grapes, the site pro-
vides the basic context of climate, terrain, planning, pets, and the annual life cycle
of the vine. The end user can then move on to the “History of Wine Making” and
several other educational pages, including “Wine Social Networks”. Additionally,

they spotlight specific wineries or wine regions to provide a more local flavor to
the information provided. By adding education to the environment, CalWineries
becomes an integral part in the overall wine industry. Since one of the main goals
of online environments is the generation of traffic, education is an excellent me-
thod of generation.

Wine Product and Associated Metadata

The second area of the model focuses on the actual product which in this case is
the bottle of wine. From an implementation perspective, we can actually combine
the product and the metadata boxes for producing the product description; this is
commonly refereed to as the product page. The metadata or product information
may also be used to help the end user locate information using a variety of tools
such as search engines, tag clouds, or taxonomy based listings. Most technolo-
gists came across metadata in the database world where the definition presented
was “data about data”. Students get their first introduction in the library science
world where metadata describes the books, journals and magazines held within the
library itself. Metadata can provide abundant information about where an asset is
located, what primitive elements make up the asset, how the asset was developed
or created, where the asset is physically located, who the steward of the asset is,
and, of course, an inventory of what assets exists. Organizations can use this tech-
nology and apply it to the product offering. Product pages provide the specific de-
tails of the selected item. Different users the product pages to either verify the
product selected or help them in deciding which product to choose (Chak, 2003).

Figure 4: Cork‟d Product Information


Figure 4 provides an image of the product page within the Cork‟d.com envi-
ronment. The application provides the metadata about the product including the
winery where the wine was made, the vintage, the type of wine, the local region,
price, and who authored the entry. One interesting aspect of social environments
versus traditional electronic commerce sites is the ability of the user to add wines
to the inventory. This can be extremely beneficial for micro-wineries. Since any-
one in the network can create an entry for the product, this information can serve
to build the user‟s reputation. Other sites will also allow you to tag the wine
which is like adding personalized metadata without the system constraints.

The key to any environment is the ability to locate the product through a variety
of methods. Eismann, McClelland, and Stone (2000) describe the navigation
structure as a framework for providing viewers the information required to know
where they are and a method of getting where they want to go. In addition, navi-
gation quickly becomes intuitive when you use consistent treatment, placement,
weight, and behavior of navigation repository elements. Navigation is a goal-
centered and action-oriented activity that revolves around the user experience. A
navigation system should be easily learned, consistent, provides visual feedback,
appear in context, offer alternatives, and provide an economy of action and time
(Fleming, 1998). Snooth.com provides an interactive interface in refining your
search results based on the metadata components as well as taxonomy for locating
your favorite wine.

Figure 5: Search and Sitemap from Snooth.com


Figure 5 provides two different methods of locating wine in the Snooth envi-
ronment. The image on the left shows an interactive Ajax tool that reduce the
scope of wines found in the inventory. The user can add constraints or use the in-
teractive adjustment bar to filter the result set. With thousands of wines to choose
from, having an interactive interface make sit easier on the end user to find, learn,
and buy the wine of their choice. The second image presents the taxonomy of the
metadata and the associated options in the form of a sitemap. While the page is
not really a sitemap by the standard definition, the result is the ability of the con-
sumer to see the bigger picture of how the wines are categorized. With very large
product environments, these types of tools can be the difference with end users
getting frustrated and leaving the environment before making a purchase.

Business Transactions
The final box is the actual business transaction and online support environment.
Business processes like ordering, order tracking, and support should be provided
by the online environment. An end user that accesses an electronic commerce site
has a specific purpose in mind that generally revolves around a business function.
A business function is defined as any activity that can assist a person or organiza-
tion to achieve the buying or selling of goods with a moderate expectation of qual-
ity of the goods and services (Poong, Talha, & Zaman, 2006). In the studied or-
ganizations, the purchase of the product was the main business transaction
defined. Figure 6 provides the purchase transaction page view for Wine.com.

Figure 6: Wine.com Transaction Environment

Notice several other business transactions like the ability to add notes, review
the product, bookmark the page, and add to your wine list. Each of these business
transactions are actually integration functions of Web 2.0 technology described in
the following section. One of the key findings is that some of the studied sites on-
ly linked to a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) transaction services versus actually of-
fering the service themselves. These organizations made profit from either adver-

tising on the site or accepted a small transaction fee from the online retailer; much
in the same way Amazon.com offers for their merchant program.
Integration of Web 2.0 Components

As described in the background section, more and more organizations are look-
ing toward Web 2.0 to get closer to the consumer and build communities around
the product or service. In many enterprises, the customer is confined to a limited
role in the process of development, delivery, and innovation of the business mod-
el. Businesses no longer have 20 years to manage the growth cycle and lock out
competitors due to intellectual property rights. Take the Apple iPhone as an ex-
ample. Within three weeks of the product‟s release, hackers are disabled the
AT&T network connection requirement and made changes to the hardware so that
the iPhone could be connected to any network. Within three months, China was
able to produce the MiniOne which worked on any network and could run more
applications (Dartford, 2007). Tapscott (2006) indicates that a power shift is un-
derway in which only those organizations that can harness mass collaboration will
survive. The key is to be able to integrate the new technology by building on top
of the current infrastructure. This will enable organizations to take advantage of
the technology without putting the business at risk. Figure 6 represents the Inte-
raction Layer of the framework as applied to the wine industry.

Figure 6: Interaction Layer (Web 2.0)

Membership into the Network

The key component of any Web 2.0 application is finding people who are pas-
sionate with the subject or product. In many Web 2.0 services, a contribution rate
of less than 1% is common. That is to say that the percentage of people that con-
sume the information is 99% while those that actually contribute is around 1%.
Some sites do better than the 1% like Wikipedia which has a reported 4.5% ratio
(Kuznetsov, 2006). Li and Bernoff (2008) reported an 18% contribution rate from
those that actively participate in social technologies is common. When a user is
driven to get involved then mechanisms need to be in place that will support

member business functions like user profile creation, profile maintenance, profile
feedback, and contributor scoring. Users get involved with social environments
for several reasons including: the ability share information or knowledge, increase
innovation, or get known as a subject matter expert.

Tagging Systems
The second tier begins to add additional Web 2.0 elements like the ability of
tagging information. Tagging can take on many forms such as ranking or rating of
the product. In other cases, the information may be added to the end user‟s favo-
rites as in a preferred wine or winery. These are commonly referred to as recom-
mender systems which provide consumers with personalized recommendations
based on their purchase history, past ratings, profile, or interests. These collabora-
tive filtering based recommender systems have been applied to many electronic
commerce systems and shown good performance in predicting a list of products a
consumer prefers (Kim & Srivastva, 2007).

Tags are an effective means for organizing content within the enterprise. While
there may already be metadata tags that allow the end user to define how the
product should be categorized from their perspective, the essence of this area is
that the end user can add structured information about a product or service. Tag-
ging content creates a taxonomy type structure better known as a folksonomy.
Content in a Web2.0 service is usually categorized using collaborative tagging
which is a user-created organization based on tags. Tags are descriptive keywords
attached to items for the purpose of organization (Khan & Nauman, 2007). Folk-
sonomies represent a growing approach to the problem of classification in the
Web. Users can associate freely chosen tags to the resources and in this way they
produce knowledge for the entire community. As the work of categorization is
performed by the users, folksonomies are democratic, scalable, current, inclusive
and have a very low cost; according to many researchers they are a forced move,
in response to the uncontrolled growth of the Web (Colombetti, Eynard, & Lania-
do, 2007). Collaborative tagging describes the process by which many users add
metadata in the form of keywords to shared content. Recently, collaborative tag-
ging has grown in popularity on the web, on sites that allow users to tag book-
marks, photographs and other content (Golder & Huberman, 2005). While tagging
is emerging, the ability to add unstructured content is also evolving.

Contextual Knowledge
Contextual knowledge moves beyond the simple metadata and provides more
of a discussion medium for users to communicate within the community. Colla-
borative environments operate over unstructured information and can span several
business processes and organizational boundaries. Since the need for virtual
workspaces emerge when organizational collaboration occurs, the ability to pre-
dict demand is nearly impossible. More importantly, when the business need aris-

es for a virtual workspace, the technology cannot wait or the competitive advan-
tage may be lost.

Collaborative workspaces are generally designed for distributed teams which can
be defined as groups of people that interact through interdependent tasks guided
by common purpose, and work across space, time, and organizational boundaries
primarily through electronic means (Maznevski & Chudoba, 2000). In order to be
effective in sharing information and working in an online environment, end users
need to understand and develop knowledge sharing practices (Becerra-Fernandez
& Sabherwal, 2001). Unstructured information can be captured in a wide variety
of tools such journals, wikis, discussions, reviews, and content commenting. Con-
textual knowledge alters the medium from one of classification to one geared to-
ward a discussion.

Information Tracking
The third box represents the emerging trend where end users can actually man-
age their own information within the online environment. For example, Ama-
zon.com allows you to manage your wish list or bridal directory with online tools
provided by the company. In the wine environment, customers can manage their
wine lists, keep an inventory of wines in their cellar, or establish a wish list of
wines they want to try. This capability is a huge step forward to engage end users
in a more innovative way. The process of creating and maintaining personal in-
formation is relatively simple. In fact, a list is simply a connection between a
product and the user profile. The system creates a one-to-many relationship be-
tween the consumer and the product offering. Hence, the idea of tracking my
wine purchases over time. Additional elements or metadata can be added like
where the wine is stored within the wine cellar. By adding these additional ele-
ments, the end user can configure an unlimited number of personal utilities.

Social Networking
Social Networking can be defined as an application that connects people by
matching profile information with direct interactions. These connections may be
in the form of dating interests, employment status, or political party affiliation
(Counts & Geraci, 2005). Social Networking sites provide two basic functions.
The first is the ability to create and maintain a profile that serves as an online iden-
tity within the environment. The second is the ability to create connections be-
tween other people within the network (Joinson, 2008). Social networks are criti-
cal to the wine industry since the network increases the passion, awareness, and
engagement of the product itself. One of the more innovative uses of the social
network is the “Drinking Buddies” within the Corkd.com environment. The value
of the network, not only increases the product knowledge, but also allows the user
to connect with the organization in a more cost effective manner. Additionally,
the organization can provide additional products and services to create a more
comprehensive offering.

Web 2.0 Value-Add Components

The ultimate goal of adding the Web 2.0 technologies is to deliver value back
to the business in increased sales, improved customer services or lowering the cost
of doing business. By combining ranking and rating with comments and feed-
back, the end user will gain a valuable insight from people like them. One of the
most credible sources of information is from “people like me”. According to the
Edelman (2007), the impact of “people like me” has risen from 20% in 2003 to
68% in 2007. Clearly, the ability to manage the conversation about ones products
in an imperative to expanding the business value of an organization. While rec-
ommendation type systems have been around, they focused support more on the
transaction side versus the customer context side of the equation. Miller (2005)
argues that organizations can gain the greatest value from recommender systems
by generating recommendations that serve users - the individuals, not commercial
sites. Kostan, Riedl & Schafer (2001) have argued that the success of a recom-
mender systems should really be measured by how effectively the system helps its
users make decisions, rather than measuring how much profit it generates for a
commercial website.

Utilizing the tagging elements of Web 2.0 produces new mechanisms for find-
ing and locating product information. Tag clouds are visually-weighted renditions
of collections of words (tags) that can be used to represent the concepts present in
large collections of information. Tags may be assigned to products manually or by
automatic indexing. The qualities of associations between each tag and the entity
it describes, such as frequency or time, are visually represented with variable font
sizes and colors (Good, Hentrich, Kuo, & Wilkinson, 2007). By adding new and
innovative methods of locating products or support information, tag clouds can
drive up sales as well as interest in the product itself.One of the primary purposes
of a collaborative tools is to consolidate information and provide an overall view
of the topic that the majority of the user can agree. The wiki environment is an
ideal environment to create a collaborative environment that is easy to use and
easy to maintain. Additionally, a wiki promotes organization learning and pro-
vides a rapid form of communication (Hasan & Pfaff, 2006). The business benefit
of having an open or collaborative environment for contextual information is the
speed and accuracy that emerges when end users begin to take responsibility of
the information. Dell is one of the best examples where a company has brought
together Web 2.0 components to create a support environment. Tools like blogs,
discussions groups, forums, and videos come together to provide the consumer
enormous value from the experience of owning a computer.

The final area focused on enabling the business value is the emergence of sev-
eral wine type blogs within the industry. The business value of a blog is that is
provides a mechanism for communicating across a very broad audience. With the
addition of aggregators like Technorati, blogs can be used to distribute informa-

tion to large group of individuals. There are several well known blogs authored
by experts like Tyler Colman, Alice Fering, and Joe Dresser. Within the studied
organizations, most had an associated wine blog to help communicate the core
business message.In order for businesses to invest the resources in developing so-
cial software, the business value must be easily identified. Developing and engag-
ing the community is important but if the result fails to deliver an increased value
to the business then resources may have been better served in other areas. Other
business models may depend on advertising or click-thru rates which can be great-
ly enhanced with Web 2.0 tools. Much has been written about viral marketing
which is basically any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing
message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's
exposure and influence. Organizations can leverage this medium to drive their
value and brand message to a large number of users fairly quickly. The key here
is the ability to tap into the enthusiasm of the consumers so that they are encour-
aged to become producers. Each of the four organizations focused on created
communities to enable this synergy which then can be translated into real business

4 The Future of Web 2.0 Integration

In 1968, Mel Conway (1968) devised the “Conway Law” which states that the
structure of systems will reflect the structure of the organization that develops it.
Since the majority of organizations are built under the command and control, cen-
tralized, and authoritative model, the ability incorporate collaborative technologies
will be limited. Integrating these technologies into established business models
approaches the problem, not from the top down but rather from the bottom up.
The benefit from this approach is to have as little impact as possible to the core
business model. However, future businesses will need to be built from the ground
up with integrating customer interactions as the core strategy of value generation.

4.1 Future Research Areas

The base problem organizations will have in integrating Web 2.0 technologies
is the simple extensions of Web 2.0, like adding an executive blog, are fairly sim-
ple and many organizations have garnered the business value of this type of inte-
gration. Yet, true transformation into Web 2.0 may be elusive due to the ability to
assemble the various pieces which will need to be loosely joined versus hard-
wired. Examples of these may include Google Services, Mashups, and sharing
services. The implementation of these technologies may be simple but the inte-
gration into the business model is much more of a challenge. Some organizations

are looking into building a corporate presence in Social Networking sites such as
MySapce and Facebook. Other organizations are moving into virtual environment
like Second Life to establish virtual stores and online support centers. The end re-
sult of the Web 2.0 integration may not be as clear cut as Web 1.0 which focused
on the presence and business processes. In the Web 2.0 world, we have an indefi-
nite number of possible integrations and services that can be added to the core
business model. This uniqueness may very well be the basis for value creation in
the near future. Success stories like the wine industry are emerging as more or-
ganizations change their business models. Organizations like Lego, Apple, or
Nike can generate end user engagement while others may have to be more creative
in the development of communities. More research is needed for organizations
whose business model revolves around commodities or infrastructure type product

4.2 Conclusions

Much of this chapter was devoted to the integration of the Web 2.0 technology
with little attention paid to the end user and the culture transformation that needs
to happen. The producer and consumer must work together to create new value as
many electronic commerce sites have done with customer reviews and ratings. As
collaborative products mature, this type of effort will become common place and
set the stage a truly Web 2.0 experience. Web 2.0 allows organizations to listen to
their direct customers which create a conversation of value. This type of conver-
sation or communication medium energizes the customer base to be more than just
consumers but rather an engaged part of the business.


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Chapter 2. New Forms of Interaction &
Knowledge Sharing on Web 2.0

Kathrin Kirchner

Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, GERMANY

Liana Razmerita

Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK

Frantisek Sudzina

Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK


The current focus of knowledge management initiatives in organizations is one of

identifying and sharing knowledge more widely. Companies explore new ways to
cultivate and exploit knowledge sharing with customers, suppliers and partners
(Mentzas et.al. 2007). They try to exploit a richer form of knowledge assets, in-
cluding blogs, wikis, and social networks using Web 2.0 and focusing on the so-
cial, collaborative dimension of the Web. This chapter discusses new forms of
managing knowledge according to the literature review and gives concrete exam-
ples of how these new forms of managing knowledge are used in enterprises. We
conclude with a discussion of the role of Social Web and its associated tools for
managing and sharing knowledge in companies and we discuss future associated

1 Introduction

After a first phase of Knowledge Management (KM) in which companies insti-

tutionalized knowledge creation, storage and sharing through internal KM initia-
tives we talk now about a second phase of knowledge management where compa-
nies use the social dimension of Web 2.0 tools including tools like wikis or blogs.
A KM initiative is an important but challenging task as an important number of
KM systems failed. Knowledge management supports companies to be more

flexible and knowledge-intensive firm (Schultze and Borland 2000). KM implies

an intertwining of the various forms of knowledge: tacit, explicit, individual or
collective. Nonaka and Konno (2000) define a spiral of knowledge and emphasize
the fact that knowledge creation involves an iterative conversion from tacit to ex-
plicit in four different modes: socialisation, externalisation, combination and in-
ternalisation. Nonaka and Tageuki (1995) emphasize that the social dimension is
key for the whole knowledge creation process.
KM practice is often associated with the use of information systems and the ef-
fort to codify, share and create knowledge using KM systems. Knowledge sharing
and knowledge creation requires time and effort on top of the daily activities of
knowledge workers who are the main contributors to the system. It requires a
critical mass of active knowledge workers in order to be successful. An active be-
haviour of the users and adoption of knowledge sharing practices are critical suc-
cess factors for Knowledge Management solutions (Roda et.al. 2003). Specific
challenges for achieving effective KM solutions can be associated with: how to
motivate people to create and submit knowledge assets in the system, how to
stimulate collaboration and knowledge sharing between knowledge workers irre-
spective of their location, how to alleviate information overload, how to simplify
business processes and work tasks, etc (Razmerita 2007).
The outline of this chapter is as follows: the next section summarizes the fin-
dings of the literature review related to knowledge management followed by a dis-
cussion of Web 2.0 phenomenon and its implications on Knowledge Management.
In the second part of the chapter we introduce case studies and we discuss this
second phase of managing knowledge in comparing with the first phase of KM.
Finally the paper concludes with our findings and suggestions for successful inte-
gration of KM 2.0 in enterprises.

2 Literature Review

The roots of knowledge management go back to the late 1960‟s (Zand 1969)
and 1970‟s (Rickson 1976). These papers discussed the management of know-
ledge in organizations and societies. Various scientific disciplines like organiza-
tional sciences, human resource management, management information systems,
psychology, or sociology played a role in the development of KM research (Maier
In the late 1980‟s the term knowledge management has started to expand (Lloyd
and Sveiby 1987). Since that time, the number of publications about KM has
grown, like (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995), (Davenport 1995), journals like Journal
of Knowledge Management or Knowledge Management Magazine or web portals
like www.kmworld.com or www.knowledgeboard.com. Since early 90‟s KM the
field has constantly grown. Trying to understand the evolution of publication re-

lated to KM in academic journals over the last years we have mined the Web of
Science articles based on keywords like: knowledge management, knowledge
sharing, knowledge transfer, knowledge culture, knowledge worker, knowledge
base or communities of practice. The bar graph represented in Figure 1 depicts our
findings. According to these keywords associated with the articles, the number of
items has been constantly growing from 1997 to 2001. After 2001, the number of
items remained stable on a rather high level.

Fig. 1. Number of Web of Science articles with knowledge management, knowledge sharing,
knowledge transfer, knowledge culture, knowledge worker, knowledge base or communities of
practice in their title

Authors agree that systematic treatment of knowledge-intensive processes in

organizations generates benefits. Other papers discuss problems and hindrances of
KM. Swan et.al. (1999) state that “practice of KM is frequently reduced in the lit-
erature to the implementation of new IT systems for knowledge transfer”. Wilson
(2002) discusses “the nonsense of knowledge management”. He argues that KM is
promulgated by consultancy firms and is not part of organizational culture. Sev-
eral empirical studies about KM and KM systems examined the state of the art of
KM in organizations. According to (KPMG 2003) knowledge management has
not daily priority and is not integrated in business processes. The Fraunhofer stud-
ied (Edler 2002) around 497 German enterprises. Their study emphasized that the
internal transfer of knowledge is very important for the firms, but the transfer of
knowledge to partner companies is less important. Despite the practical hindrances
of knowledge management solutions and its associated criticism the number of ar-
ticles about KM and intellectual capital has been increasing at the average rate of
50% per annum according to the ABI/Inform Index of mostly Anglo-American
literature (Serenko and Bontis 2004).

In a highly interconnected, dynamic world new ways to cultivate and exploit

knowledge sharing with customers, suppliers and partners are forcing companies
to expand their KM concept and agenda (Mentzas et.al. 2007). We can talk about
a second phase of knowledge management where companies try to exploit a much
richer form of knowledge assets, including the blogs, wikis, and social networks
using Web 2.0 and focusing on the social, collaborative dimension of the Web.
McAfee (2006) speaks of Enterprise 2.0 as a next generation enterprises using
Web 2.0 technologies. He states that Web 2.0 usage generates strategic advantages
for companies. New communication tools are used, "... new technologies focus not
on capturing knowledge itself, but rather on the practices and output of knowledge
workers." According Forrester Research (Young 2008) especially global and big
companies use these new Web 2.0 tools whereas surprisingly half of smaller busi-
nesses are not even considering enterprise 2.0 applications. Till 2013, social net-
working will be the biggest priority, and it is a decent substitute for knowledge
management applications.
Shimazo and Koike (2007) discuss the influence of Web 2.0 impact on KM and
argue that the concept of collective intelligence has the biggest impact. Collective
intelligence is defined as the set of all digital information stored in a company in-
cluding blog data or information in social networks or wikis. Shimazo and Koike
define Knowledge Management 2.0 as “a model that places collective intelligence
at its core and promotes its use by accelerating the distribution of information.”
Zettsu and Kiyoki (2006) state that the goal to retrieve web pages “is being re-
placed by the desire to discover communities of knowledge and acquire collective
intelligence”. This change of KM from technology-centric to people-centric ap-
proach resulted in a “new” KM approach called KM 2.0.
Other papers discuss limitations of the actual social networks and forecast fu-
ture trends in relation with the booming effect of social networks (Breslin and
Decker 2007). Because today‟s social networks are often boring – people only col-
lect contacts and visit other profiles for curiosity reasons, the Semantic Web will
help to represent heterogeneous ties that bind people to each other and connect
different social networks.
Besides more theoretical founded literature some studies or trend analyses have
been reviewed. McKinsey (2007) found that executives of companies use Web 2.0
tools to communicate with customers, partners and to collaborate inside their
company. Bitkom (2007) has forecasted new trends in KM and has argued that
with the transformation to Web 2.0 enterprises, social networks, blogs and wikis
have become more and more important for KM. Several case studies on this topic
are discussed e.g. in (Müller and Dibbern 2006) or (Dearstyne 2007).

3 Case studies

KM 2.0 is discussed in literature as a new people-centric approach in knowl-

edge management with advantages and limitations. We question how KM 2.0 is
used in companies today, which industries and department use which tools for
which purposes and what are advantages and disadvantages. According to the lit-
erature review and interviews with employees from three companies we had to de-
fine success factors for KM 2.0 in companies.
Scoble and Israel (2006) state that - despite blogging being a global phenome-
non - some companies are actively involved in blogging while others are not. They
also indicate a variety of factors, including the availability of technology and rea-
sons of culture; have encouraged blogging in some countries while inhibiting it in
others. According to Scoble and Israel (2006, p. 130), blogging is “exploding in
the United States, France and Japan but (is) growing slowly in Germany, Russia
and China”. The most probable reason why some organizations do not encourage
employee to blog is a fear that employees might misuse blogs, communicate nega-
tive information about the company or exchange confidential information.
Murray (2005) suggests that organizations may not like the idea of not being able
to control their employees‟ blogging. Regarding the latter aspect, Conlin and Park
(2004) argue that many companies are willing to give up this control aspect be-
cause they understand that employee bloggers can develop meaningful relation-
ships with customers.
According to a Backbone Media (2005) survey the top five reasons why em-
ployees have created web blogs are: to publish content and ideas (52%), build
communities (47%), promote leadership thinking (44%), make information avai-
lable to customers (36%) and get feedback from customers (23%).
A positive example of successful blog and wiki usage in companies is IBM,
where 15% of the employees run their own company-internal or public blogs, half
of the employees wrote more than 143,000 entries in 8800 wikis (Schuett 2007).
The company encourages their staff to share their knowledge with others and de-
fined blogging guidelines to ensure the high quality of blog contents (IBM 2005).
External blogs and wikis bring IBM customers and developers together. All en-
tries are sorted by topic, search functionality is included and new entries can be
found easily. Members of the community use their real names, and often introduce
themselves (see Figure 2).

Fig. 2. External blogs on IBM website


In 2006, IBM organized InnovationJam (www.collaborationjam.com), the larg-

est collaborative online brainstorming session. More than 150,000 people – among
them employees, customers and business partners of IBM – took part in online fo-
rums that lasted three days (Dearstyne 2007). IBM Work experiences and practical
solutions for everyday changes were discussed in different forums. Each forum
had a moderator, who had to encourage and keep the discussions focussed. Par-
ticipators and the moderator could rate ideas. In order to motivate people and to
draw people in, posters, web site articles and emails from CEO have been adver-
tised. Best ideas were honoured acknowledged and rewarded after the jam. Behind
the scenes a technical team was responsible for supporting participants (Halverson
et. al. 2001).
Another case study is Synaxon AG in Germany. Enterprise knowledge is col-
lected in wikis with more than 5200 entries – from partner contracts to job open-
ings, the documentation of all projects or the explanation of technical terms (Fig.
3). Feedback from company employees is positive – all activities are transparent
and staff can make suggestions for improvements. All entries have to be signed
with the own name (Bergmann 2007).
In addition to Synaxon‟s wikis are blogs (blog.synaxon.de) and a social net-
work for former and actual employees, partners and students (synaxon.ning.com).

Like in other social networks people related to the company can join and stay in

Fig. 3. Wiki of Synaxon AG, Germany (soc.wiki.synaxon.de)

The software company Serena is an international, decentralized company with

more than 800 employees working in 14 countries. Serena encourages their em-
ployees to use Facebook to get to know each other and collaborate. The manage-
ment encourages their employees to use social software tools for one hour a week
to connect with other employees, customers, family and friends. Besides open
communication internal Facebook groups were build were only employees can ex-
change documents and share corporate information. Each employee uses Face-
book approximatively ten minutes a week (Weiss 2008).
Additionally to these use cases we found in literature we interviewed employ-
ees from the ICT companies Microsoft, SAS Institute and Motorola in Denmark
related to the use of Web 2.0 tools for KM, their experience and associated chal-
lenges. Table 1 shows the results of our face-to-face interviews. All three compa-
nies use different tools for knowledge management, among them wikis and blogs.
The main problems are out-dated knowledge and missing advanced search func-
According to six case studies presented here, blogs, wikis and social networks
as typical Web 2.0 tools are used for KM. An open company culture and the man-
agement support are facilitators for the success of these tools. High quality contri-
butions are assured not only by guidelines but also by reputation and sometimes
the rating of the contribution. Regarding the usability of KM 2.0 tools we noticed
that sorted entries and a better search functionality should be issues to be consid-
ered in further developments.

Table 1. Microsoft, SAS Institute and Motorola Denmark usage of Web 2.0 tools for KM

Microsoft SAS Institute Motorola

Tools used Wikis, blogs, Share- Blogs (user sites – ran by Wikis (Twiki), blogs
for K M Point, SourceDepot both user groups and (Lyceum), Sourceforge
2.0 SAS Institute), Share-

Traditional Mailing lists, Intranet Mailing lists (used for Mailing lists (too much
KM tools tools, MS library for everything and more ex- spam email sent),
ordering books or tensively than necessary Intranets, “idea collec-
downloading electronic before KM 2.0 adoption; tion” platform where
books nowadays used only for employees post ideas.
discussion forums, urgent matters) and These ideas are evalu-
small tools for internal intranets. ated by a committee
use (e.g. codeplex.com) and can be financially
rewarded and/or pat-
Integration Everybody has to use Some “have to” do it, KM 2.0 tools facilitate
of KM 2.0 SharePoint sites for since they are content knowledge sharing and
in the each team (people can contributors according to communication across
company easily find materials de- their job responsibilities, different teams, sites
scribing processes rela- others do it voluntarily and countries (USA,
ted to a particular when they feel that they Europe, Asia). Normal-
team). have something impor- ly projects involve
Wikis and blogs were tant to say; reading is several sites on differ-
created spontaneously. done on an as-needed ent continents. It
basis. avoids information
During the New Em- overload and mailing
ployee Orientation day spam.
lists of links for the
most useful sites are
The purpose is mainly Keep track of their suc- Project management,
Purposes the internal communi- cess, i.e. what contracts News in the company,
of usage cation for the develop- were won and lost, what Top management
ment of products and were the issues, docu- communication, etc.
their maintenance and ment good experience
communication with with e.g. seminars and
partners. products, who has been
These tools do not in- in a group implementing
tentionally support di- which software in which
rect communication company.
with end-users. Communication with
customers mainly
through user sites
Problems Difficulty to find the Out-dated knowledge; The information must
and chal- right piece of informa- people would upload be better structured

lenges tion and the right KM something but forget to otherwise nobody can
tool, structure of infor- delete it when it is not find it.
mation and knowledge relevant anymore

4 Success Factors

KM success is a multidimensional concept. It is defined by capturing the right

knowledge, getting the right knowledge to the right user and using this knowledge
to improve organizational and/or individual performance. According information
systems, success factors like user satisfaction and involvement (Zmud 1979) as
well as the system‟s acceptance and quality (Ives and Olson 1984) are discussed.
More recently, DeLone and McLean (1992) proposed an integrated model for in-
formation systems success. They defined system and information quality, use, user
satisfaction, individual and organizational impact as important success factors.
Maier (2004) extended this framework for knowledge management systems and
defined three levels – system, service and use (user satisfaction and system use)
and impact (on individuals, groups of people and organization). The number of
aspects that has to be measured is rather high, for practical usage they have to be
limited to the most important ones.
Probability of failure in any new activity, like the introduction of KM 2.0 in
companies, is rather high. Based on the literature review, Šajeva (2007) identified
five types of barriers for knowledge transfer in organizations:
 individual barriers (fear, lack of motivation, personal characteristics),
 organizational context related barriers (cultural, structural, management-
related, strategic management related),
 technological barriers (technical, complemented by organizational and individ-
ual aspects),
 project management related barriers,
 and knowledge nature related barriers.
Šajeva suggests promoting trust in order to overcome fear of giving up power
and authority, fear of becoming replaceable, fear of reducing job security, and un-
certainty about the value of possessed knowledge. Appraisal, care, empowerment,
rewards, incentives should leverage lack of motivation and commitment, unwill-
ingness to do intrusive and extra work, and lack of time. Competence leverage,
knowledge crew, and training should solve poor communication and interpersonal
skills, personal differences, lack of awareness of KM strategies and instruments,
and/or lack of social networks.
Collaboration, community of practice, dialogue between colleagues and the de-
velopment of a knowledge-sharing culture should address lack of trust, low mis-
take tolerance, closed corporate culture, internal competition, and resistance to
change. Organically structured organization should take care of rigid hierarchies,

insufficient formal and informal spaces to collaborate, reflect and generate (new)
knowledge, constant staff turnover, inflexible company structures, and in-
coordination between units. Climate of openness, management sponsorship,
knowledge champion, leadership should resolve lack of management commit-
ment; management scepticism, top management sponsorship without active, ongo-
ing involvement, lack of leadership, insufficient motivational and reward systems.
The business objective of implementing a KM, proper KM strategy should disen-
tangle KM project as an object for political manoeuvring, lack of a proper KM
strategy, lack of specific business objectives, and lack of involvement in decision-
making process.
Knowledge repository and proper KM tools should overcome technical prob-
lems such as bandwidth limitation. KM tools are too cumbersome or complicated
to use, the high cost of maintaining the KM tool, and legacy systems incompatibil-
ity. Collaborative platform and training should unravel an over-reliance of KM
tools and systems, a mismatch between people‟s requirements and IT systems,
lack of familiarity and experience with new IT system, lack of training regarding
employee familiarization of new IT systems, and lack of communication the ad-
vantages of new system to employ.
Project management related barriers, such as insufficient time and resources for
KM activities, lack of KM user involvement in the project, lack of staff with the
required technical and business expertise, conflict management, no systematic ef-
fort to track and measure the success of the KM project as it is developed, high in-
vestments and incomplete KM program architecture should be overcome by intro-
ducing planning, systematic assessments and metrics.
Understanding the nature of knowledge and KM strategies and training should
help to get to the bottom of the knowledge nature related barriers, such as uncer-
tainty of knowledge, difficulties in extracting knowledge, difficulties in identifica-
tion of valuable knowledge, information overload, difficulties in knowledge
evaluation, and incorrect knowledge reuse.
An older comprehensive KM critical success factor literature review (Alazmi
and Zairi 2003) categorized identified factors into training, sharing, culture, trans-
ferring, top-management support, technology infrastructure, creating, knowledge
strategy, and knowledge infrastructure. The most often mentioned factors were
sharing, technology infrastructure, and top-management support (in 11, 10, and 9
articles respectively).
The main question for companies is how they can benefit from the new possi-
bilities of Web 2.0 tools in KM. Based on this additional literature review and the
case studies we found the following four groups of success factors (Fig. 4): indi-
vidual aspects, technical support, organizational context and management support.
 The key factor of KM 2.0 tools is the individual aspect – the extent to which
users contribute with their knowledge (O‟Reilly 2005). If employees have an
intrinsic motivation to use KM 2.0 and take part voluntarily, they will persuade
others too. Motivation, trust and perceived usefulness are key issues for indi-

viduals. The rate of KM activity is computed as the number of active partici-

pants divided by the number of employees participating in KM activities
(Maier 2004).
The basis of active usage is usability. The tools should be easy to use and pro-
vide good search functionality, enable to filter out relevant information (Smol-
nik, Riempp 2006). The content should have a clear benefit for the users. Oth-
erwise people won‟t use these tools or irrelevant discussions occur (Pesch
2007). Relevance of content, credibility, and being up-to-date are also impor-
tant (Smolnik and Riempp 2006). Users want to trust the information they find.
Name of the contributor, frequency of updates, comments of other people or
number of other comments of this contributor make it easier to see if the con-
tent of a source is trustworthy (Breslin 2008).

Fig. 4. Critical success factors for KM in Companies

 Technical factors including ease of use, usability and functionality are impor-
tant. Schulzki-Haddouti (2008) lists problems with wiki usage in enterprises.
Wiki syntax is not simple, so employees could not easily adopt them. It is not
easy to find the right information in wiki, subtopics are not visible or it is un-
clear if the needed information is available in another language. Wiki has to be
administrated regularly in order to stay usable over the years, rights manage-
ment is not easy to implement.
Employees know social software from their leisure activities; they use social
networks to connect with friends, blogs to write about their holidays or
Wikipedia to inform and share knowledge about interesting topics. So it is eas-

ier for them to use these skills in their work environment than to learn new
software tools. If employees have good experiences with Web 2.0 tools in their
spare time, they will be likely to adopt them in the office as well.
 An open communication culture in companies is very important. The company
management has to encourage knowledge exchange between employees. In-
stead of resisting the sharing of knowledge, people are willing to publish and
give their knowledge in order to become an expert. The management should
give employees plenty of opportunity and time for using Web 2.0 tools to con-
nect and communicate.
 The management support is related to the organizational context and culture.
Conlin and Park (2004) suggest that many corporate executives encourage em-
ployees to blog because they believe that their employees can create personal
relationships with other employees and even with customers. It is good to set
guidelines, e.g. that every entry contains identifying information, assign re-
sponsible person to monitor content and delete inappropriate entries (Dearstyne

The use of Web 2.0 tools for knowledge management enable companies to reap
large benefits compared with traditional KM system. For promoting products and
services, companies can reach much more users and get valuable feedback. Com-
panies have to decide if they build their own blogs, wikis or use existent tools. It
depends on the number of employees/customers, because a critical mass of users
is necessary (Breslin 2008).

5 Conclusions

This article discussed how companies can benefit from the new possibilities of-
fered by Web 2.0 tools in KM. According McKinsey (2007), companies made in-
vestments in Web 2.0 technologies, because they are important for supporting
their market position and for addressing customer‟s demands. Web 2.0 tools can
improve organizational and/or individual performance, but they also encounter a
series of problems.
Based on our findings professionals and academics may get a better under-
standing of the role of Web 2.0 tools for managing knowledge. We showed six
case studies – three from literature review and three from face-to-face interviews -
how this new KM 2.0 tools are currently used in a number in companies presented
as case studies and we suggest how people can be motivated to use them and what
policies are necessary.
Practical solutions concerning the strategic use of knowledge and its manage-
ment is dependent on the organizational context (Ciborra and Andreu 2001). The
authors of the paper agree that the organizational context is important for selecting
different systems and different forms of managing knowledge and this is also ap-

plicable for KM 2.0. The case studies are mostly IT businesses and we draw the
preliminary conclusion that the early adopters of the KM 2.0 are mainly IT busi-
While we talk about Web 2.0, some foresee already Web 3.0 arriving. Accord-
ing to Cronk (2007), while Web 2.0 relies on professional writers, photographers,
programmers, or community organizers, Web 3.0 is about making tools available
to anyone to report on events, capture life on film, create new applications, and
even change the world. The term “Web 3.0” was first coined by John Markoff of
the New York Times in 2006, while it first appeared prominently in January 2006
in a blog article written by Zeldman (2006). According to Spivack (2006), Web
3.0 is the third decade of the Web (2010–2020) during which he suggests several
major complementary technology trends will reach new levels of maturity simul-
taneously including:
 transformation of the Web from a network of separately siloed applications and
content repositories to a more seamless and interoperable whole;
 ubiquitous connectivity, broadband adoption, mobile Internet access and mo-
bile devices;
 network computing, software-as-a-service business models, Web services inte-
roperability, distributed computing, grid computing and cloud computing;
 open technologies, open APIs and protocols, open data formats, open-source
software platforms and open data (e.g. Creative Commons, Open Data Li-
 open identity, OpenID, open reputation, roaming portable identity and personal
 intelligent web-based on Semantic Web technologies such as RDF, OWL,
SWIRL, SPARQL, GRDDL, semantic application platforms and statement-
based data stores;
 distributed databases, the "World Wide Database" enabled by Semantic Web
 intelligent applications, natural language processing, machine learning, ma-
chine reasoning, autonomous agents.
Semantic Web technologies will enhance Web 2.0 tools and its associated data
with semantic annotations and semantic knowledge representations, thus enabling
a better automatic processing of data which in turn will enhance search mechan-
isms, management of the tacit knowledge and the overall efficiency of the actual
KM tools. The benefits of semantic blogging (Cayzer 2004), semantic wikis or
semantic Wikipedia (Oren et.al. 2006; Volkel et.al. 2006), semantic-enhanced so-
cial networks (Breslin and Decker 2007) , semantic-enhanced KM (Maedche et.al.
2003) and semantic-enhanced user support (Razmerita 2005) are already acknowl-
edged by a large community of academics and practitioners working within this
area. In few years the KM 3.0 term will probably proliferate associated with a next
generation of semantic-enhanced KM tools.


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Chapter 3: Web 2.0 Business Models as
Decentralized Value Creation Systems

Christian Briggs

Indiana University School of Informatics, USA


The advent of Web 2.0 has brought with it new business models that are serious
departures from any that have existed since the Industrial Revolution. This chap-
ter attempts to provide a means of understanding the differences between pre-
Web, Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 business models by focusing on each one‟s value crea-
tion system.

1 Introduction

The Industrial Revolution saw the advent of technical capabilities and social
norms that made centralized value creation the golden standard for the competitive
business. Though there is still a great deal of debate about the factors that brought
about the Industrial Revolution, it is generally agreed that centralization and spe-
cialization were the keys to competitive advantage, and was therefore the philoso-
phy at the center of many business models which still exist today. From its begin-
ning, Web 2.0 has had quite the opposite effect, providing capabilities and
fostering social norms that allow large groups of temporally and geographically-
scattered people to self-organize and to co-create value in a decentralized manner.
Consequently, new business models have begun to emerge that leverage this ten-
dency toward decentralization to varying degrees and in different ways.There are
many ways to begin to make sense of the new business models that have emerged
on and around the Web over the course of the last 10 years. In this chapter, we
will focus on the highly-decentralized nature of Web 2.0 business models by si-
tuating them within the lineage of recent business models, and by looking at the
change over time through the lens of value creation, with an eye toward under-
standing the practical implications and opportunities of these models for current
and future web-based businesses.

2 The Connection Between Value Creation & Web 2.0

Business Models

At its heart, an organization‟s choice of any business model, Web 2.0 or other-
wise, is highly dependent on the way that it conceptualizes the notion of value
creation. Though this business model/value creation relationship is a complex
one, if we focus on the way that businesses choose and execute their business
models based on their conception of value‟s locus, its creator and its scarcity, the
landscape of Web 2.0 business models will be considerably easier to understand.

2.1 Value

We will begin here with the standard definition of value found in the Merriam-
Webster‟s Online Dictionary (Merriam-Webster, 2008), which defines value as:
“relative worth, utility, or importance.” Starting from this definition, we can then
assume that value creation is – at least within the setting of a business model – the
creation of the relative worth, utility or importance in a product or service such
that the utility or importance can then be exchanged within a market for some sort
of gain.

2.2 Value as a Inherent in the Product Itself vs. Value as a System

of Relations Around the Product

Though we started with a relatively simple initial definition of value, in order

to better understand the shift in business models occurring in Web 2.0, we will
first need to explore a little deeper two general approaches to understanding value.
They are:

1. Value is inherent in the product itself (modern)

2. Value is a system of relations around the product (postmodern)

Though there is not a clearly defined line between these two approaches, for
the purposes of our discussion here the distinction will help us to better understand
some of the origins of Web 2.0 business models. despite the fact that the everyday
man seems anecdotally to have become relatively likely to adopt a more postmo-
dern view of the value of art or of other cultural objects over the last few decades,
his work practice has been less likely to follow suit. In other words, while at
home he may be willing to believe that the meaning of the work is determined not
by the author, but instead by the reader, when he enters his workplace he is more

likely to believe that the value of that product is created by the designer, and that
the designed value inheres within the product itself. As an example of the mod-
ernist approach, the Ford Model T automobile was most likely to have been consi-
dered to have a hypothetical (if difficult to determine) value that existed even be-
fore it was given market value. This value was created by the designers, the
process engineers, and to a smaller degree (according to Ford‟s writings, at least)
by the assembly line workers. Though I am oversimplifying a very complex phi-
losophical argument here, the modernist, established and still-practiced approach
to understanding and facilitating value creation tends to conceive of value as in-
hering in the product itself. We can see evidence of this in the importance that
many business models place on internal research, design and development, in or-
der to create as much inherent value in the product as possible before exchanging
it with the customer. If we look closely at the basic definition of value, however,
the concept of value does not appear to be suitable to a modernist interpretation.
In the definition given earlier for example, value is defined as “relative worth,”
which implies that value, by its very nature, is a system, since relativity implies
that the value of something emerges out of at least one relationship.

System Defined

A simple and powerful definition of “system” comes from Cybernetician George

Klir, who constructed a symbolic representation that very generally describes the
nature of a system. It is S=(T|R), or to translate it into plain english, any system
(S) is the relationship between its things (T) and their relations (R) (Klir, 2001).
Another way to say this is that, for any given system, if one were to remove a
thing or a relation between two things within any given system, the system would
either change its nature, or it would cease to be a system.

Fig 1. A System is made up of Things and Relations between them

In the case of value, therefore, the fact that it is defined as “relative worth, utili-
ty or importance” means that the existence of value depends on the existence of at
least two things which have some sort of relationship between them. In other

words, value is a system. While the concept of value existing as a function of the
relationship between many parts has been well-explored in the excellent work of
Verna Allee et al. on “value networks,” (Allee, 2003) I would like to lean, for our
analysis, on the more philosophically-inspired “systems” concept of George Klir
and other systems thinkers, which places a heavy emphasis on the importance of
understanding the boundaries – functional or otherwise – of a given system. In the
highly-decentralized world of Web 2.0, the difficulty of determining what is or is
not part of a given value creation system can be great.As an example of a value
creation system, let us consider the relationship between a product, a group of us-
ers of that product and the person who produced the product. If we take out or
modify any of the things or relations in the system, the entire system would
change, as would the value. Additionally, if we were given only one part of the
system – the product for example - it would be impossible to extrapolate fully
from that single element the nature of the entire value creation system. In essence,
in a value creation system, the value, instead of inhering in the product itself,
emerges as a function of all of the factors involved.

Fig 2. Value is made up of Things and Relations between them

While this point may seem a bit obvious, we will soon see that while pre-Web
2.0 businesses have largely treated the systemic nature of value as external to their
sphere of influence, Web 2.0 models have begun to make it a core part of their
business models.

2.3 The Locus/Creator/Scarcity Lens

So far, we have determined that:

1. There is a strong connection between an organization‟s conception of value and
the business model it chooses
2. Value is a system

Our next step will be to begin to better understand actual Web 2.0 business models
in light of these two assertions with the help of a simple lens, which will focus on
a business model‟s operationalization of:
1. The Locus of Value – where value of a product is believed to exist
2. The Creator of Value – who or what is believed to be the agent of value crea-
3. The Scarcity of the Product – how much of the product is produced and repro-
duced. For a much deeper treatment of this concept, I would recommend read-
ing Yochai Benkler‟s Wealth of Networks , which is included in this chapter‟s
To illustrate the use of this lens (which I will from here on refer to as the Lo-
cus/Creator/Scarcity Lens), we return to the example of the Ford Motor Company
in the early 1900‟s. The Ford business model was clearly based on simplicity, and
the scientific, orderly and linear integration of small jobs in a hyper-efficient as-
sembly line in order to maximize efficiency, quality and to reduce error as much
as possible. If we look closely at this business model and apply the Lo-
cus/Creator/Scarcity Lens to our observations, we find that, in terms of the Model
T automobile, Ford‟s primary locus of value was within the car itself, and within
the processes by which it was created. To state this another way, the primary Lo-
cus of Value for the Model T was not the personalized nature of the product or the
customer-centric attitude, the lack of which were betrayed by Ford‟s assertion that
"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is
black." (Ford, 1922). Using this lens, we also find that the primary creators of
value around the Model T were the industrial design and process experts. A high
degree of value was not created by the assembly line worker who, in Ford‟s high-
ly-regulated and hyper-efficient process, were subject to the “..reduction of the ne-
cessity for thought on the part of the worker and the reduction of his movements
to a minimum.” (Ford, 1922)

Fig 3. The early Ford Motor Company when viewed through the Locus/Creator/Scarcity

Finally, our lens helps to reveal that Ford conceived of its product as quite
scarce – in that it was not easy for a customer to buy, copy, and share a car with a
friend. Based on these observations, then, the value bars in figure 3 above for the
Ford Motor Company are located quite far to the left – which reveals the highly-
centralized nature of the Ford Motor Company‟s business model. While this is a
simple and obvious example, the hope is that this lens will help now help to shed
some light on less-obvious examples in the Web 1.0 and 2.0 arenas.

2.4 Value Creation Pre-Internet

As we‟ve discussed already, regardless of the common person‟s conception of

value in her personal life, her business practices tend to approach its creation –
both explicitly and implicitly – as a sort of chain, where one side of the business /
consumer equation creates inherent value, which is then exchanged in the market
for the passive consumer‟s money. Perhaps the main reason these business mod-
els have persisted in spite of the changing beliefs of those who work within them
is their practicality. The linear model of value creation has worked quite efficient-
ly for many years as a way to understand and to facilitate value creation in a world
which favored the centralized business.
In the 1980‟s, this approach was made explicit with the advent of Michael Por-
ter‟s concept of the “Value Chain” (Porter, 1985), roughly interpreted in Figure 4
for illustrative purposes, which posits that the primary creator of value is the pro-
ducer or business, and the locus of value is primarily within the product that is
produced. Implicit in this theory is the idea that the locus of value creation is on
the producer-side of the chain (including its business partners), away from the cus-
tomer. This will be an important point to remember as we begin to consider the
Web 2.0 transition from value chains to value creation systems.

Fig 4. The Pre-Web Value Chain.


The value chain concept has had important implications in the formation of
business models. Once a business determines or determines that the locus of value
is the product itself, and that the creator of that value is the business and that the
scarcity of their goods are high, the business will attempt to improve its competi-
tive advantage in the market by funneling its resources inward toward the devel-
opment of the “perfect product” through research, product design, and market re-
search, and development. It will also begin to place much of the responsibility of
value creation on professionally trained designers, whose job it is to create the
maximal value. In the traditional value chain model, the concept of value or value
creation existing or occurring outside of the firm is not an explicit part of the
model. Additionally, when the good produced is seen as essentially scarce, the
business will typically try to extract value based on high cost, as well as aggres-
sive legal efforts to inhibit unathorized copying, selling or re-selling of the prod-

2.5 Value Creation in Web 1.0

With the advent of the public Internet, or Web 1.0, in the early 1990‟s, the
promise of new business opportunities loomed large. Not only could information
travel to more people more quickly and more cost-effectively, but it could also be
used to create large amounts of business value in the form of e-commerce. With
all of the novelty of Web 1.0, however, most of the business models that emerged
were similar to those of the pre-internet world (based on the idea of a value chain).
The locus of value was still in the product, the creator(s) of value were still the
business, and the goods produced were still treated as though they were scarce.
Figure 5 depicts the Web 1.0 model visually.

Fig 5. The Web 1.0 Value Chain Looked a Lot Like its Pre-Web Predecessor.

The Publishing House Value Chain

In 1994, I was working as a Technical Editor at a publishing firm – one of the

older technical publishing houses in the market at the time. For many years it had
published a number of magazines for computer enthusiasts, gamers, shoppers, IT
directors, etc. In 1994, however, the firm – and more specifically our small inter-
active division of the firm – was deeply involved in the first movement toward the
new Web 1.0 world, which promised (at the time) that the company‟s magazine
content would now be instantly available to millions of people worldwide. With
all of the novelty that this new world provided as we pushed our content to the In-
ternet, our business model remained mostly the same. This becomes quite appar-
ent when viewing it through the locus/creator/scarcity lens, which highlights the
fact that the content was still seen as the locus of value. The creators of value too
had remained the same. They were the authors, editors, and in this new world, our
little interactive division which hand-translated Quark files into HTML for even-
tual exchange with our passive customers. Additionally, though the marginal cost
of a new reader/viewer had essentially dropped to zero (a new reader of digital
content essentially costs the company nothing, unlike a reader of print content, for
which the company would have to pay additional printing/shipping charges), the
company was still treating the content as scarce – going to great lengths to secure
access to the website through online subscription forms and security measures. In
Figure 6 below, the publishing house‟s position on our three elements of value
creation are quite similar to that of the Ford Motor Company.

Fig 6. The Publisher’s business model looks very similar to pre-Web business models when
viewed through the Locus/Creator/Scarcity Lens.

The publisher in 1994 still conceied of value creation as a chain and not as a sys-
tem. But that was about to change.

2.6 Value Creation in Web 2.0

Though it is nearly impossible to draw a firm line of demarcation between the

time of Web 1.0 and that of 2.0, if we begin to look at businesses and their busi-
ness models using the locus/creator/scarcity framework, we can start to see some
of the main differences that began to emerge some time in the late 1990‟s and ear-
ly 2000‟s. Some of these differences are a direct result of internet technology and
the socialization to use it, and some are indirectly related to other societal and
market forces which bled over into the Web 2.0 space. For now, I will focus pri-
marily on the Web 2.0 world. During this time, a curious thing began to happen,
starting with the growth of open source software like Linux, and continuing on
with the advent of easy-to-use, self-publishing formats such as blogs and wikis.
The locus of value creation in new business models began to shift away from the
product itself, and toward the relationships that the product had with the consumer
and with other products. It also began to shift to the relationships that people
around a product forged with each other. Additionally, businesses began to ques-
tion whether or not the parts of their product or service they had previously consi-
dered scarce were or should be scarce. Figure 7 below is a simplified depiction of
this somewhat more complicated system of value creation.

Fig 7. The Web 2.0 Value Creation System is Quite Different From Previous Models

The MySpace Value Creation System


As a stark example of this Web 2.0 shift in business models with respect to
value creation, let us look at MySpace.com. Some time in 2007 I was approached
by a U.S. research firm, who was working with one of their clients who wanted to
understand what factors had contributed to the then-astronomic rise in the popular-
ity of MySpace. The client was hoping to understand the loci of value in the mas-
sive network, as well as the key creators of that value. At the point at which I be-
gan talking with the research firm, the bulk of their exploration had been
accomplished with measures of MySpace that were intended to find the inherent
value in the system by looking at its aesthetics and its usability. For some prod-
ucts or spaces, such an inquiry might have yielded at least some insights into its
value, but for MySace, such inquiries resulted in completely counter-intuitive
findings. Despite its wild success, the research firm‟s work revealed that MyS-
pace had very poor usability. In addition, the aesthetics of the site were found to
be even less appealing than many of its closest, unsuccessful competitors. In fact,
none of their research seemed to explain why (at that time) close to 65 million us-
ers had created user accounts.

Fig 8. The MySpace Value Creation System.

An understanding of this phenomenon, of course, becomes much more clear

when we apply the locus/creator/scarcity lens to the MySpace business model. It
becomes quickly evident that MySpace is a highly-decentralized value creation
system, and is therefore difficult to understand from a value chain perspective.
Evidence of this can be further seen if we perform a small experiment – a la
George Klir – to take away one or another element of the system to see if it is, in
fact, a system. The results are clear. Removal of any of the pieces of the value
creation system would significantly lessen its value. If we were to remove the us-
ers from the value creation system, for example, the system‟s value would plum-
met, since MySpace relies on its users to create all of its content. Likewise, if we
were to remove the MySpace pages from the value creation system, the value of
the system would also plummet, since 65 million users would have no way to

connect with one another (within the MySpace domain). MySpace‟s value is very
much a system, and therefore its business model must properly account for the
creation of that value if it is to survive.
When we view MySpace through the locus/creator/scarcity lens (see figure 9
below), the stark difference between its business model and those of its antece-
dents is clear. MySpace is a highly decentralized value network. Not only does
the value reside in the relations between the company, the technology and the us-
ers, but that value is created mainly outside of the company by the users, whose
content and actions provide value to each other and to the company. Additionally,
the fact that MySpace gives away the bulk of its accounts for free signifies that the
company does not see its product (in this case user pages) as scarce.

Fig 9. The MySpace business model marks a significant departure from pre-Web and Web
1.0 business models when viewed through the Locus/Creator/Scarcity Lens.

3 Why the Change?

An important part of understanding a shift in media and in its use is the under-
standing of its functional qualities which both enable and are enabled by the hu-
mans that interact with it. In the case of Web 2.0, for example, the medium itself
– its technologies, the ways that it handles data, etc. – is an important part of what
distinguishes it from Web 1.0, and from other forms of media. Also, the people
who affect, and are affected by, the medium within our current culture – their
adoption, their linguistic conventions, their technological adeptness – are an im-
portant part of what distinguishes Web 2.0 from 1.0.

3.1 Lingua Franca for Content Creation

History seems to show a common trend that when a medium begins to take
hold, it is often due to the development of a lingua franca or a common language
that allows everyday people to create their own content or to communicate using
the new medium. In the history of the written word for example, and more specif-
ically in the history of books, we can see this at work. In the Middle Ages, the
production of printed works was accomplished only by the educated and the high-
ly-skilled few within the population, who had the writing tools, the literacy and
the time to produce content. Since there was only a small amount of printed mat-
ter within the society at the time, the social motivation to become literate was like-
ly not very high. With the advent of the printing press, however, the mass produc-
tion of content was possible, and the lingua franca of print was thrust to the
forefront of the world, and became so widespread and important that, according to
some scholars such as Alexis DeTocqueville, it “..enables him [every man] to
summon all his fellow countrymen and all his fellow men to his assistance. Print-
ing has accelerated the progress of equality, and it is also one of its best correc-
tives.” (Tocqueville, 1835)
Where Web 1.0 provided the technology – roughly analagous to the printing
press – that allowed the wide and rapid dissemination of lots of information , Web
2.0 has been characterized by the development of a lingua franca – roughly ana-
lagous to the literacy and skills of using the printing press – that has allowed the
common man to both effectively read and also to create his own content. Where
in the Web 1.0 era much of the discussion was about the percentage of the public
who could view content on the internet, Web 2.0 discussions have shifted to ac-
count for the percentage of the public who create their own content on the web,
which, according to a 2008 study conducted by Deloitte and Touche, is around
45%. (Deloitte, 2008)

3.2 Speed of Content Creation, Co-Creation and Dissemination

Another important aspect of Web 2.0 is the speed at which content is created
and disseminated. Where in Web 1.0 the speed at which content, created in ad-
vance by a business, could be disseminated was high, the creation of the content
itself was still accomplished mostly by the same people that had created it in the
pre-internet world: the experts. In the Web 2.0 world, the tools as well as the lin-
gua franca of interaction and content creation has radically increased the rate at
which content can be created by large groups of “non-experts.” Through the use
of mechanisms like tagging, subscription (email and RSS), wikis, blogs, email,
chat and a host of others, large groups of people are now able – and socialized to –
create and co-create content online. As a simple example of the difference here

between Web 1.0 and 2.0, Encyclopedia Britannica which went online in 1994 and
currently has 120,000 articles (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008), is created by paid
experts (1.0). Wikipedia, which launched in 2001, currently has 2,400,380 articles
(Wikipedia, 2008), is created by unpaid non-experts.

3.3 Group Decision Making

Another important aspect of Web 2.0 is the collection of mechanisms that have
made group decisionmaking easy, prevalent and entertaining. In the design of
Web 2.0 sites today, it is just about considered standard practice to include some
sort of rating/commenting system that allows the user to rate or to comment on a
piece of content. While at first this may seem a trivial thing, when enough users
become socialized to participate often in this way, entire business models can
eventually be built on this. Digg.com, for example, allows its users to post links
to internet news items and to rate each other‟s links. The final product is therefore
a list of the top-community-ranked news items for the entire community to see.

4 Implications for Current Web-based Businesses

The implications for the change in business models with the advent of Web 2.0
are many. As the business environment continues to evolve and to increase the
number of decentralized models, it will be imperative that any Web-based busi-
ness be able to understand, appropriate and innovate on these models within their
own business when necessary. It will also be imperative that any Web-based
business possess the ability to understand the necessity (or not!) for adaptation to a
new business model.

4.1 Assessing the Need for Value Creation Systems

Before jumping onto the Web 2.0 bandwagon and completely decentralizing an
entire business‟s model, it is imperative that it first assess the necessity of change.
A good starting point will be to analyze the existing business model through the
locus/creator/scarcity model to first understand the current state of affairs. How
decentralized is it already – and if so, along which dimension of the lens?

Surveying the Current Value Situation

1. Find the locus of value in the existing business model. What are people
actually paying for? If the value is centered on the product itself, are there
latent loci of value creation that might be worth exploring? Currently a
number of Web-based businesses, for example, are exposing their data
publicly and for free through API‟s (Application Programming Interface)
to create value outside of their core product.
2. Find the creators of value in the existing business model. Is it the design-
ers and coders only (highly-centralized model), or does the group of crea-
tors include customers and partners of the business? Many Web 2.0 busi-
nesses are beginning to allow their customers to design, create and
promote products as part of their business model.
3. Examine the business‟s pricing strategies to see if it sees its products as an
infinite or a scarce resource. Is the business charging a fee to download
digital music and creating security measures to prevent free the sharing of
content? It most likely sees its products as scarce. Many Web 2.0 busi-
nesses give away their infinite resources for free (like a free account on a
website, for example), but charge for the finite resources (like spending an
hour speaking with a support representative)

4.2 Moving Toward a Value Creation System Approach

If potentially positive opportunities are discovered for decentralizing the value

creation activities of the business, the next challenge is to figure out how/when to
manage the change. Usually, there is no need to change the entire business model
at once. Instead, a partial value creation system approach is possible, and even

Starting With a Partial Value Creation System Approach

With the exception of companies like MySpace which started up in the Web
2.0 era, the best approach is usually to phase in a decentralization effort, which
may or may not end up in a fully-decentralized business model. Reuters, for ex-
ample, while still charging a fee for the commercial use of its content (a scarce re-
source tactic), has recently released an API through their Reuters Labs site, which
allows a non-commercial interest pull and use their data (an infinite resource tac-
tic). By making the data available to outside users and non-commercial program-
mers, they are expanding their community of value creators to include people out-
side of the company, without forfeiting the continuing value of their centralized
content creation efforts.

Fig 10. The Reuters business model is somewhere between centralized and de-centralized

Table 1 below includes some other common ways that Web 2.0 businesses are
partially or fully decentralizing their value creation activities.

Table 1: Current Means for Decentralizing Web 2.0 Value Creation

Company Description of Means

Twitter, Yahoo!, Google, Have released API‟s which allow outside commercial and non-
YouTube commercial developers to execute functions as well as to pull and
push data to and from their systems.
Facebook, Salesforce, MyS- Have created platforms which allow outside commercial and non-
pace commercial developers to build entire applications within the sys-
Digg, OhMyNews, Wikipedia Have allowed users to create a large amount of the content within
the system
CrowdSpring, Threadless, Have allowed users to self-organize to create products individually
Widgetbox or in groups through the system

5 Implications for Future Web-based Businesses

While the future of Web business models is of course uncertain, if we examine

the corrolary media histories of the past, it does seem to occur that the most media
and the business models that they create begin in a rather centralized fashion and
then become decentralized through social and technical factors. Books, for exam-
ple, were at first hand-written by elite learned scribes, then by large, centralized
publishing firms. Now it is possible for any person to self-publish a print novel
with relative ease and for a relatively low cost. There are likely to be even more
novel and perhaps radical examples of value creation systems that will emerge in
the coming years. Given the current upward trajectory of device ubiquity, end-
user literacy, online participation in content creation, socializing, commerce and

collective action, it appears that business models will continue to develop decen-
tralized value creation systems as a means of competitive advantage.


Allee, V. The Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks, Butter-
worth-Heinemann 2003
Benkler, Y. The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom.
Yale Press, 2006.
Christensen, C. The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book that Will Change the Way
You Do Business (Collins Business Essentials) 1997
Ford, H., & Crowther, S. (1922). My Life and Work.
Klir, George. Facets of Systems Science. Plenum Press, New York. Second Edition: Kluw-
er/Plenum, New York, 2001.
Media Democracy | Future of Media | Consumer Electonics Show | Survey - Deloitte LLP. . Re-
trieved June 5, 2008, from
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/value. Ac-
cessed July 24, 2008.
Porter, M. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Free Press,
New York, 1985.
Prahalad, C.K. and Ramaswamy, V. The Future of Competition: Co-creating Unique Value with
Customers. 2004.
Tocqueville, Alexis. [1835] 1988. Democracy in America. Ed. J. P. Mayer. New York: Harper
Von Hippel, Eric, The Democratization of Innovation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachu-
setts, 2005
Why try Britannica Online? A. . Retrieved June 5, 2008, from
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved June 5, 2008, from
Chapter 4. Open Innovation Communities…or
should it be “Networks”?

Margarida Cardoso, João Vidal Carvalho, Isabel Ramos

University of Minho, PORTUGAL


Open innovation appears now as an effective strategy to provide organizations

with access to a wider range of ideas in the worldwide market of ideas, thus
reducing the costs associated with R&D. In the context of open innovation, the
concepts of both community and network have been introduced to describe the
Solvers (creative people and organizations that propose solutions), the Seekers
(organizations seeking solutions for their specific innovation problems) and the
Brokers (organizations that mediate the interaction between Solvers and Seekers).
The objectives of this chapter are twofold: (1) to explore the assumptions and
practices supporting the concepts of community and network;(2) to provide a
description of the open innovation phenomenon, and in particular, its expression
on the web. The chapter describes the concept, the dynamics and the technology
associated open innovation strategies and business models.

1 Introduction

We live in a complex world subjected to economic and social turbulence. In

globalized world, people and organizations are interconnected in such a way that
successes and failures of some may have huge impact in the lives of many other
people and organizations.
People and organizations produce huge amounts of information and know-
ledge, which is easily delivered worldwide through various means, namely the
web. No one can really deal with most of the information and knowledge availa-
ble. Therefore, collaboration is now more important than ever, since groups can be
clever than each of their members. Groups capture, store and process more infor-
mation; groups can produce more sophisticated thinking and action.
Consumers have now access a global market where they can find all kinds of
products and different offers of the same product. To stay competitive, organiza-
tions are required to innovate at a faster pace to meet ever changing consumer

needs and preferences. Close innovation has traditionally enabled organizations to

find indoor the ideas and technologies required to create new products or add val-
ue to existing ones. However, close innovation requires important investments and
does not guarantee the creativity necessary to constant innovation.
Open innovation appears now as an effective strategy to provide organizations
with access to a wider range of ideas in the worldwide market of ideas, thus reduc-
ing the costs associated with R&D.
In the context of open innovation, the concepts of both community and network
have been introduced to describe the Solvers (creative people and organizations
that propose solutions), the Seekers (organizations seeking solutions for their spe-
cific innovation problems) and the Brokers (organizations that mediate the interac-
tion between Solvers and Seekers.
The objectives of this chapter are twofold:
1. To explore the assumptions and practices supporting the concepts of
community and network;
2. To provide a description of the open innovation phenomenon, and in
particular, its expression on the web.
Section 2 of the chapter presents the concepts of community and network and
the assumptions that support them; section 3describes open innovation: concept,
principles, web businesses and future research; chapter 4 discusses what changes
if we see open innovation as a strategy implying a community or a network.

2 Community dynamics

Though many times put together, the concepts of community and network can
be parted. Dal Fiore reffers to the difference between the tension that occurs with-
in a community, towards homogeneization and conservation, something that
makes it a space of belonging; and the network implying a tension towards diffe-
rentiation, creative communication and also a space for competing (Dal Fiore
2007) or instead, being just a more adequate notion to larger scale social realities
(Mitchell 1974). In the limit, community can even be read as a vague and some-
how irresponsability-driven term, and might be replaced by commitment, a more
concrete and desirable social notion (Fernback 2007). The author equates a whole
new loss of sense of the term community, which really gained this doubtfulness
time ago in the anthropological perspective. It‟s also worth noticing that glocaliza-
tion induces this same problem, because it creates in fact a need for a shifting
perspective, both global and local, as Wellman's glocalized networks call for -
glocalization meaning extensive global but also local interactions which have al-
ways existed and frame communities (Wellman 2005).
On the other way, community can be considered a distributed communication
system or systems, considering distributed communities which account for disper-
sion and individualization (nodes), and also using the Internet to compose itself

(Gochenour 2006). Nevertheless Wellman (2002) defines community as a network

of interpersonal ties and adds to the concept the particulars of social identity. He
holds partially to a notion of geographical proximity that induces a neighborhood-
centered perspective, though ties can be kept through long distances - and here, of
course, enters the Internet and other ways of communication. Peripheral participa-
tion referred, for instances, to communities of practice (Lave and Wenger 1991)
sure calls for the transcendence of boundaries (Lundkvist 2004).

2.1 Communities and online communities

Place might be considered some sort of materialization of powers, where

processes occur and ideologies get settled. On the opposite, space means the con-
text where each individual or group can materialize its choices (Wood and Smith
2005). These notions relate to cyberspace as we know there are spaces that be-
come places, where some kind of control is exerted and intentional communities,
unified by some sort of common ground, develop their relations.
So communities can be first of all imagined (Anderson 2005), because those
who belong to the community may not know each other face to face, but tend to
imagine a common sense of belonging. There can be a spatial materialization for
an imagined community and it is possible to establish an identity with it and all
those believed to be connected with it, as it is the case for a nation (Anderson
2005). The fact that this community is taken as a kind of horizontal and profound
group, strengthens the concept and the multiple contexts in which it is applied
(Anderson 2005). This kind of community becomes obviously reinforced if sub-
ject to the intervention of some kind of mediated communication. Examples like
newspapers or television - or electronic platforms, for the matter - help us under-
stand how the ideas get exchanged and most of all shared, what makes them attain
a common version accepted by an entire whole social group. This gives way to
what is nowadays called a virtual community, meaning mediated interactions be-
tween the members of a group (participants) which have in common some moti-
vating interests. Calling for more than a set of relationships (though online ones),
it implies a common public space (or place) and a group of individuals that create
identifications with and share it, interacting in real time or just leaving messages.
A ground for experimentation where identity can be surpassed (through avatars or
anonymity), an interaction context and some sort of a settlement greater that one-
self can be enough motivation for the sharing implied. Communities allocate cha-
racteristics like interactivity, participant variety, a common space, and some sort
of sustained membership, a sense of belonging that desirably can keep it working.
Based on a theory of reasoned action' approach, augmented with extrinsic mo-
tivators, Bock et al. (2005) hold that a felt need for extrinsic rewards might dimi-
nish a knowledge sharing attitude; people are driven by reciprocity, and self-
worthiness is intensified together with the subjective norm of knowledge sharing;

a favorable organizational climate (fairness, innovativeness and affiliation) is very

influential on that referred subjective norms, and also weights on individual know-
ledge sharing intentions and behaviors (Bock et al. 2005). Hislop (2005) refers to
a wide spectrum of factors that influence on the will to share knowledge, like po-
tential for conflict (inter-group or inter-personal), status (Nan 1999), sense of eq-
uity, interpersonal trust, and others, and above all, the author expresses the need to
pay attention to the socio-cultural context and act accordingly. Most of all, collec-
tive and mutual trust matter (Ahonen and Lietsala 2007), which might be consi-
dered a cultural aspect (Gassmann and Enkel 2004). Knowledge is accepted as a
capacity of human beings (Wang and Rubinstein-Montano 2003), meaning some
degree of trust is essential to human interaction, implying cooperation and inter-
dependence. The authors conclude that trust has a significant impact on the value
of knowledge shared (Wang and Rubinstein-Montano 2003). But other needs must
be attended, like the support of group creativity (Ahonen and Lietsala 2007).
Energy, time and capabilities are a must to nurture a community, of course (Aho-
nen and Lietsala 2007), but it becomes possible either to involve in specific tasks
or just to handle a general look after weak signals (Ahonen and Lietsala 2007).
Co-opting interactionist concepts of focus (attention) and nimbus (an object‟s
presence) Daneshgar (2005) establishes a difference between objects that consti-
tute actual contextual knowledge in virtual communities, and objects that make
possible to the community member to interact within that context. The author ex-
plains that there are five levels of awareness – relevant information to a partici-
pant in a specific process - when one is interacting in an online community, mean-
ing the first just contextual knowledge about what should be done, without making
an actor able to be involved in any kind of sharing transaction. In the next level,
awareness now means the actor has some kind of specialized knowledge about
what is needed on that specific environment. In a third level the actor will possess
knowledge about all the roles involved in the online community. Next level four,
the actor will know about all interactions that occur within the community context
and finally, at level five, the actor will have specialized knowledge about the ob-
jects that make possible to understand other objects and interactions on the whole.
He/ she know about what everyone does, and how tasks are performed, and even
who collaborates with whom (directly or indirectly).
Considering there are crucial aspects to usage continuance after the adoption of
a web platform, or any, for the matter, Limayem et al. (2007) refer to the habit fac-
tor, including such different aspects as satisfaction, frequency of past behaviors,
stability of context, and usability. Authors propose habit moderates (suppresses)
intention is such way it decreases its weight on web platforms continuous usage,
what calls our attention on the possibility of experiences over new platforms. Col-
laboration includes several important factors that have been studied through dif-
ferent lenses, like the structuration theory (Giddens 1984; Evans and Brooks
2005). Collaboration relates to interaction in time and space, professional identity
and also on its construction, (Evans and Brooks 2005). Time becomes an impor-
tant issue as it provides sense and gives content to produced knowledge (Hassan

2003), and though being metaphorically annihilated by some authors it persists as

well as it‟s relevance, due to the fact that it gains new significance with globaliza-
tion (and networks), but also when referring to individual and group memory, be-
cause it‟s possible to wonder if they‟re not multi-time layered (Adam 2008). In
fact, knowledge conversion processes, meaning the affection of one individual by
other‟s experience and knowledge (directly or based on knowledge artifacts), are
time-settled (Massey and Montoya-Weiss 2006). This, together with individual
temporal behavior (and culture), has direct implications towards IS/ social media
and knowledge conversion, in a parallel or sequential interaction basis.

2.2 Networks

The network concept might have entered social sciences through urban com-
plex grounds, opposing the previous notion of community inherent to anthropo-
logical original studies in small-scale societies (Mitchell 1974). Attention is called
upon the fact that usually authors either choose a morphological approach or an
interactional one. Morphology can include several aspects, considering connec-
tedness, density, anchorage, reachability. Interaction includes content, directed-
ness, durability, intensity and frequency (Mitchell 1974). Sometimes, too, authors
mingle criteria to obtain specific and more expressive operational constructs. Mit-
chell gives particular attention to content, which includes communication con-
tents, transaction (or exchange) and normative content (relational).
A social network is something that affects the flow and quality of information
(Granovetter 1973; Granovetter 2004; Ahonen and Lietsala 2007; Perkmann and
Walsh 2007) that means also the need for coordination mechanisms (Gassmann
and Enkel 2005). Sources of reward but also punishment (Granovetter 2004; Aho-
nen and Lietsala 2007), networks are based on social capital, first of all (Bourdieu
2001; Nan 2001) and establish layers of intellectual capital (Törrö 2007) - some-
how a parallel with the sociotechnical model of Bressand and Distler (1995),
which includes a layer one, for infrastructure (physical support for communica-
tion); a layer two, for infostructure, formal symbolic communication rules; and fi-
nally a layer three, for infoculture, the background taken-for-granted knowledge
(Lehaney et al. 2004). These networks integrate ideas, and one must consider that
the acceptance of an idea is part of its comprehension (DiMaggio 2007), and so
being the comprehension of related knowledge and technology. Trust is an impor-
tant factor (Granovetter 2004; Ahonen and Lietsala 2007), and most of all a net-
work is embedded in an interconnection of networks. This means that an addition-
al layer is built in the organization.
Gassmann and Enkel (2005) make an in-depth study of 230 networks to know
their management mechanisms: through this study they come to know that firms
gain if they integrate networks‟ work in their R&D, because they become able to
capture knowledge from the outside to the organization. The network might also

facilitate a company's transition from a rigid structure to a flexible one (see Gass-
mann and Enkel 2005, for a comprehensive enunciation of a network's structural
elements). Networks can also be defined as social processes or configurations, as
Perkmann and Walsh (2007) state.
What are the properties of a network? Tacit and explicit knowledge flow easily
(Lambooy 2004). Also, if we consider knowledge as a socially embedded process
(Brown and Duguid 1991; Perkmann and Walsh 2007) then knowledge shared
will be relevant. But, as Ursula Schneider says, knowledge is treated like a re-
source or a production factor for firms, and in fact capabilities (interaction be-
tween knowledge and its specific application), are more useful than that (Schneid-
er 2007). Other network proprieties are important, as formality of content,
intensity, frequency of contact, durability of relationships, and the fact that a net-
work deals either with radical or incremental innovation (Lambooy 2004; Oerle-
mans et al. 1998); minding this, complexity of innovation is also an important fac-
tor (Oerlemans et al. 1998).
Culture can be seen as a set of complex and variable rule-like structures that
can constitute resources (Bourdieu 2001; DiMaggio 1997). Network culture means
sharing, as Maxwell (2006) says, while referring specifically to a norm of sharing
in the open source community, But cultural actions also imply reciprocity and
shared patterns of interaction (Nieto and Santamaría 2007) and here it might be
noticed that networks are relationship-based, in the sense that they promote the
production of a social identity, just like communities, through a specific sociabili-
ty, support, flows of information, and even a sense of belonging (Wellman 2005;
Törrö 2007). The various definitions of culture don‟t conceal the fact that there‟s a
common ground that may cause conflict showing the difference between groups
and their symbolic systems (Bourdieu 2001).

2.3 Thinking and action in community

Social presence theory relates to the exact point where we perceive others as
real people and our mutual interactions as relationships (Short et al. 1976). Me-
diated communication is as much efficace as it allows people to have a certain
amount of social presence. This theory becomes important because of the quantity
of nonverbal information needed to establish substancially this perception (Wood
and Smith 2005). Postmes et al. (1998) try to assess real online relationships
through the social identification/ deindividuation (SIDE) theory. The model stands
on a basis of group identification through mediated communication, considering
that in a certain way people let go of the coherence they should be supposed to
sought for, and adapt to those group descriminators, as substitutes of the nonverbal
component they cannot access being online. This becomes something of a loss of
identity (at least in a conventional way), what psychologists call deinviduation
(loss of the individuality in favour of group identity) – typical of the mobs.

Cognition depends on immediate social relationships but also on networks,

group memberships and self-identities. One must coordinate his/ her identity ei-
ther through immediate social context or in a larger network of relationships,
which can assume four types, as referred by Thomsen et al. (2007). These frames
of relationships include interactions like Communal Sharing, Authority Ranking
(in fact, some physical aspects of space contribute to our mental representations
about authority and social power), Equality Matching and what the authors call an
utilitarian Market Pricing. Now, could we propose a fifth one, mediated distor-
Cognition paradigms might be referred to as embedded, distributed or extended
(cognition but also interrelated memory). There is a common ground which con-
siders some sort of hybridization, meaning interaction between brain and envi-
ronment – related to complex human set-ups and cognition processes that include
people and things (Barnier et al. 2008). This also means there is an extension of
the information processing behond the brain activity. An intersection of embodied
and distributed cognition occurs, because functions aren't only abstract. This
means the externalization of processes to influence and get influenced (Smith
2008). Bearing in mind that human cognition also takes place framed by other
people (Smith 2008) then groups and teams become relevant assuming some sort
of durkheiminan social division of cognitive labour (DiMaggio 1997). Distributed
cognition is a particularly useful concept if we think about memory and related
processes like encoding/ storage/ retrieval, which normally involve more than one
individual (Barnier et al. 2008).
The difference between group and individual thinking is more a matter of de-
gree, and the group may increase biases shown by one individual (Brown 2000).
That will be based particularly on what the group already thinks or co-opts. Mind-
ing this, "(...) external influence is (...) primarily negative, the relentless intrusion
of the social into malleable individual memory” (Barnier et al. 2008: 35) – what
comes to be obviously a fail-to-do-justice view because memory is most of all re-
lational. It‟s worthwhile referring here to the paradox of memory: past structures
come to the present, but the present selects which past remains as a legacy… and
above all, history and facts keep being retold. Practices of memory as forms to
keep its past present (Jedlowski 2001) call our attention to two important factors:
one, the group as a frame for memory (Halbwachs 1968); a second one, when does
memory become information? This leads to the following theoretical approaches
to memory. The first searches to understand the amount of correct information.
Important factors induce variation, which are the collaboration type, inducing col-
laborative recall (Weldon and Bellinger 1997), the nature of the group and roles
assumed (Goffman 1993), all crucial elements for a better group memory perfor-
mance (extensively: nature of the group, collaboration, size of the group, nature of
the stimuli). The objectives are: accuracy, establishing relationships, making good
impressions, developing intimacy, and teaching/ informing. Transactive memory
means "a set of individual memory systems in combination with the communica-
tion that takes place between individuals." (Wegner 987: 186). After all, storing

information about who knows what. Of course this must be a systemic approach,
in the way that shared recollections are more than the sum of individual ones
(transactive systems with emergent properties).
Costs and benefits of remembering in groups may involve group influence, fate
of memories, and be a function of the group memory. If the group is more robust,
then the transactive memory mechanisms will work better. This implies that in an
open innovation context, meaning a large community contribution, the groups can
be less robust. So, transactive memory mechanisms will possibly work worse.
Open innovation will probably mean that there'll be a collective loss (on transac-
tive memory) but some collective gain (on search and solving problems, see next
section.). As Maxwell (2006) says, collective value is built together with partici-
pants‟ self-interest and benefit. Collaborative groups recall more than individuals
but less than nominal groups, as Barnier et al. refer. Also, "Some distributed sys-
tems are one-offs." (Barnier et al. 2008: 37).

3 Open Innovation

Chesbrough and Schwartz (2007) define open innovation as the "(...) use of
purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation,
and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively", (Chesbrough
and Schwartz 2007: 55). More specifically, firms can include the following arche-
types of core processes, when addering to an open innovation process: outside-in
or inside-out processes, or a coupled one (Gassmann and Enkel 2005).
The open innovation paradigm implies co-development partnerships, develop-
ping a mutual working relationship (versus the traditional defensive business strat-
egy), and using external sources of knowledge. These partnerships might look for
the delivery of a new product, technology, or service, to reduce R&D expenses
(Chesbrough and Schwartz 2007), to expand the innovation output and its impact,
and even to open new markets otherwise inaccessible.
As Törrö holds, the open innovation paradigm means firms practice the sourc-
ing of external competences, use networks as an external resource pool and these
means they can benefit from global intellectual capital brokering (Törrö 2007).
Lettl (2007) holds that involvement of the right users is a market capability. These
firms have, mostly, internal R&D strategies that influence partnership with univer-
sity-based research (Bercovitz and Feldman 2007, though limited by a small study
sample). Becker and Zirpoli (2007) also mention the boundaries of the firm in the
open innovation process. A strong relationship between the existence of a firm in-
novation strategy and the interaction with universities is surely important (Berco-
vitz and Feldman 2007). Some factors favorable to the existence of university
partners (Bercovitz and Feldman 2007) are the perceived ability to fully appropri-
ate results due to different objectives, what puts appropriability as a partnership
motivation; and also patenting results. This is changing, though, because of the

growing assertion of property rights. Other factors important to choose an innova-

tion partner are the limited risk of competition and the central role of universities
in an innovation system.
Partners possibly will have to implement a new business model, considering a
common objective for the partnership (for example, to increase profitability or ex-
pand market access) (Becker and Zirpoli 2007; Lettl 2007). Becker and Zirpoli
(2007) refer that, surprisingly, firms are adapting business models and value
chains to open innovation demands. R&D capabilities of both firms should be as-
sessed (Lettl 2007) and classified, between core, critical or contextual categories
(Becker and Zirpoli 2007). Core mean, usually, key sources, sparingly shared;
critical capabilities are those essential for a product's success and finally, contex-
tual are the ones which aren‟t essential to one of the partners, yet essential or core
to the other, maybe smaller partner. Business model alignment usual problems
can be mis-assessment of the objectives, mis-judgement of the criticality of capa-
bilities, lack of alignment - alignment including complementarity, too - and this
should be a reason to carefully determine the degree of business model alignment
and to manage the partnership caring for future needs (Huang et al. 2002; Lettl
Before we can start discussing this subject, it is important to stress that the open
innovation concept, as referred by Chesbrough, is not new (Christensen et al.
2005). Cohen and Levinthal (1990) had already developed the concept around the
competencies developed by R&D labs to manage internal innovation as well as to
reach out and integrate external ideas, science and other external knowledge and
creativity. Rosenberg (1982), Lundvall (1992), Pavitt (1998) and Von Hippel
(1988) among several other authors also contributed for the concept by exploring
its interactive, multidisciplinary and inter-organizational nature of innovative
learning. In his book “Open innovation: the new imperative for creating and prof-
iting from Technology”, Chesbrough (2003) added to those prior formulations, a
more focused and systematic study of the corporative practices to effectively man-
age the external processes of innovation. Chesbrough highlighted the role of open
innovation to enable high-tech companies to absorb technological innovation fast-
er and cheaper, changing from an introverted and proprietary paradigm to a more
extroverted and open one.
More recent studies in innovation have stressed the growing relevance of exter-
nal sources of knowledge and creativity (Perkmann and Walsh 2007). These stu-
dies have showed that more than trusting their R&D labs, organizations should
devote more efforts in open innovation (Chesbrough and Crowther 2006). This
means that innovation can be considered the result of knowledge networks con-
necting several organizations instead of a function within one organization
(Coombs et al. 2003; Powell et al. 1996).
In the same sense, the concept of interactive innovation was implemented to
understand the non-linear, terative and multi-agent nature of the innovation
processes (Kline 1985; Lundvall 1988; Von Hippel 1988).

Parallel to the organizational concern to keep the growth of their structure, they
are also required to trust in external sources for the innovation processes‟ input
(Törrö 2007). Collaboration with suppliers is already an important part of the in-
novation strategy of large organizations. Simultaneously, the traditional outsourc-
ing of innovation, in which the full responsibility for part of the innovation
process is transferred to another organization, is growing in popularity. The trend
is, however, to form extensive networks in order to reach external competencies.
Thus, the challenge is now to identify and contact individuals and organizations
worldwide in order to gather ideas and solutions to eventualy choose the one that
can complement the innovation process of the organization (Bowonder et al. 2005;
Moitra and Krishnamoorthy 2004; Perrons and Platts 2004; Fowles and Clark
2005; Quinn 2000; Chesbrough 2003a).
Laursen and Salter (2006) have explored the relationship between the openning
of the organization to its external environment with the innovation performance.
They have concluded that the organizations that are opened to external sources of
innovation, or with external inquiry channels, have a higher level of innovation
performance. By studying British industrial companies, the authors showed that
these companies kept systematic strategies to search various channels and in doing
so they were able to get ideas and resources that enabled them to identify and ex-
plore opportunities for innovation. This study follows the work of Cohen and Le-
venthal (1990), who argue that the ability to explore external knowledge is a key
element of the innovation performance.
With the aim of promoting the internalization of the organization, the open in-
novation strategy can induce an improvement in the performance of the innovation
processes. Kafouros et al. (2007) suggest that organizations need to have some in-
ternationalization maturity, being active in various markets, to be able to success-
fully innovate.
While lately there is a growing interest in open innovation, little empirical evi-
dence exists on how it is implemented in organizations. As implied by Gassmann
(2006), there are still many gaps in the research on open innovation. In line with
this understanding, several researchers have stressed the need for further research
to study and critically analyse focued topics relevant to understand the phenome-
non. Katila (2002) and Laursen and Salter (2006), suggest that a deeper under-
standing of the ways the organizations structure their inquiry of external ideas
needs to be developed. Simultaneously, little is known about open innovation
from the point of view of organizations that profit from selling their own intellect-
tual capital (Chesbrough and Crowther 2006).
More specifically, European organizations show competitive problems due to
the low investments in innovation (Vigier 2007). Structural factors such as weak
connections between science and industry often explain low levels of knowledge
creation. It is believed that only by promoting innovation, including open innova-
tion, will it be possible to go over that deficit, and in that way, to improve compe-
titiveness and market leadership.

3.1 Open Innovation: concept and principles

The central idea that sustains the concept created by Henry Chesbrough and
presented in his book Open innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and
Profiting from Technology, is that of globally distributed knowledge and that or-
ganizations do not have the enough resources to trust only in internal innovation
(Chesbrough 2003). This new concept stresses the limitations the close model of
innovation predominant in the last few decades and which limited the R&D
processes to the knowledge generated within the organization. Organizations im-
plementing the close model make substantial investments in large R&D Labs to
create the conditions for the emergence of knowledge and creativity.
Close and Open innovation models are illustrated in figure 1:

Fig 1: Close innovation e open innovation innovation (Chesbrough 2003)

The open innovation model praise the knowledge flow through the organization
boundaries to enable the accelerated development of internal innovations (i.e.,
supported by the licensing of technologies developed by others), and to expand the
use of technologies internally developed that could become underused.
Based on an empirical study of 124 companies, Gassmann and Enkel (2004)
identified three open innovation core processes: (1) outside-in process: enriching
of the organizational knowledge base by integrating suppliers, clients, and other
external sources of knowledge; (2) inside-out process: exploring external markets
to sell internal ideas. (3) coupled process: a mix between the outside-in and inside-
out processes workingin partnership with other organizations. The following fig-
ure illustrates two perspectives of the three processes of the model, identified by
Gassmann e Enkel.

Fig 2: Two perspectives about the three processes of the model identified by Gassmann e Enkel (2004)

The main challenge in adopting the open innovation model is in finding the
right people and in fostering the collaboritive work with the aim of integrating
scientific discoveries in a innovative way. The resistance attitudes resulting from
devaluing the ideas and solutions not developed internally is an important factor
hindering the adoption of an open innovation strategy (Chesbrough et al. 2006).

3.2 Collaboration in the context of Open Innovation

Collaborative networks are crucial for the overall open innovation concept.
Some studies show their importance in the improvement of companies‟ innovation
performance. Nieto and Santamaria research (2007) shows how different types of
collaborative networks contribute to the upgrading and innovation of industrial
products. Using longitudinal research data about Spanish industrial companies, re-
sults show that a collaborative network is of crucial importance to reach a higher
degree of innovation in specific products. Collaboration with suppliers, customers
and other firms has a positive impact in innovation, while the collaboration with
competitors has a negative impact. This study also puts in evidence that the main
positive impact on innovation comes from collaborative networks holding differ-
ent types of participants.
Perkmann and Walsh (2007) explore characteristics of collaborative relation-
ships between universities and industry through an open innovation perspective.
Authors present a model, distinguishing university-industry partnerships from oth-
er mechanisms such as technology transfer or just human mobility processes. Re-
search is centered in the analysis of the role of some practices such as collabora-
tive research, university-industry centers of research or academic consultancy.
Evidence suggests that such university-business relationships are practiced exten-
sively in a productive way, despite the existing differences between industry and
scientific disciplines.
Michaelides e Kehoe (2007) go deeper presenting a methodology to draw col-
laborative networks in the context of open innovation. Their study shows the ben-
efits of using an information system design methodology (ISDM) to build a re-

search community permanently online, incorporating flexible processes and pro-

moting Open Innovation through new ideas and diffusion of new research results.
The methodology is shown on the IPGC community prototype. This methodology
is based on focused development stages concerning the definition of a social
community and approaching specific organizational issues and process. As Ro-
berts suggests (2006), specific and significant topics existing in one community,
could be attractive to new users inspiring them to re-visit. In fact, interesting and
useful material is vital to keep conversations going on.
Authors hold that successful online communities demand regular problem mon-
itoring and change to meet its members‟ needs (Michaelides and Kehoe 2007;
Snyder 2000). Additionally, Web 2.0‟ asynchronous tools must ensure personal
publication applications like blogs, as well as RSS (real simple syndication), to
enable members to subscribe information sources, allowing filters to select that in-
formation. Podcasts, asynchronous messages and event video-conference must al-
so be included.
Nevertheless the conclusions extracted from their work, authors recognize this
research faces some challenges because the open innovation model is now rising
and many characteristics remain to be discovered. One of the challenges is related
to poor IT applications to support knowledge communities. In these communities
distributed knowledge flows simultaneously through many actors, and aspect that
is poorly support by IT applications.

3.3 Open Innovation on the web 2.0: examples

There is a growing interest in the innovation brokering markets (Arora et al.

2002; Chesbrough and Crowther 2006). The number of companies that mediate
the capital intellectual transactions and provide to their clients a new approach to
implement inbound and outbound open innovation is growing.
Organizations must integrate a set of specific competencies and capabilities
that efficiently manage ideas and suggestions. Brokering companies (brokers)
have emerged to deal with a growing demand for creativity and solutions: the new
market of ideas. Brokers have strong presence in the Web through intelligent plat-
forms that facilitate the innovation management and implement security mechan-
isms that ensure the confidentiality of exchanged information and the anonymity
of seekers and solvers. These companies act as intermediaries that make available
a set of services supporting innovation for their company clients (seekers) (Che-
sbrough 2003). These platforms are part of the Web 2.0 and are integrating con-
cepts and technologies of the so called Web 3.0.
The Web 2.0 is a term used to designate the second generation of communities
and services on the Web. These communities and services integrate technologies
such as blogs, wikis, RSS feeds and Ajax resources. The Web 2.0 solutions
represent an huge potential for new ways of producing and multiplying intellectual

capital and of sharing knowledge in the context of online communities. Web 2.0
tools include IT applications such as:
 Desktop settled videoconference applications together with instant mes-
saging and other collaboration tools to assist collaborative work and real
time communication;
 Online publishers allow brainstorming sessions between users in different
 Collaborative applications to share people‟s and group‟s views over
products and to exchange information;
 Places for online meeting and online agendas;
 Automation of communication process between people and groups, mak-
ing joint projects possible (workgroups);
 Management of contacts and relationships;
 Customization of access to each member/ company;
 Online training actions;
 Indexation/ tagging of contents to make easier the search and its reading;
 Process automation for community communication and ongoing externa-
lization of tacit knowledge, through collaboration tools allowing access to
specialized contents;
 Applications to facilitate the spreading of an organization‟s intellectual
 Collective or individual calendars;
 Document management.
The permanent goal will be to develop personalized and flexible services, al-
lowing the exchange of multidisciplinary information and the leveraging of intel-
lectual capital for the companies. These web platforms allow communication im-
provement, centralizing information and the co-construction of knowledge in
simple and easy-to-manage environments.
Some companies, as Innocentive, yet2.com, Nine Sigma, IdeaWicket, Idea-
Connection and YourEncore are key examples of open innovation as a manage-
ment model, creating a global market for scientific knowledge, where everyone
can contribute with her/his own developed technology. Innocentive, for example,
connects a global network of Seekers and Solvers, allowing companies to spot and
hire necessary skills in order to deal with complex technical challenges, something
that might be difficult to find internally.
NineSigma: Procter & Gamble contributed to create NineSigma, one of the
companies which connect organizations with scientific and technology problems
to other firms, universities, government and private laboratories and consulting
firms in order to develop specific solutions. If someone can help P&G solve a
problem, for example something related to low temperature washing, then Nine-
Sigma provides a technological summary describing the problem and sends it
through the solution suppliers world network, in order to get the best solution.
Anyone can submit a non-confidential proposal to NineSigma, and the compa-
ny will share it with the contracting firm. If the company likes the proposal, Nine-

Sigma connects both partners and the project is developed from then on. Nine-
Sigma has already distributed technological summaries to more than 700,000
people and as a result finished 100 projects. Remarkably 45% of them gave way to
new partnerships.
InnoCentive: Established by Eli Lilly, InnoCentive is much alike NineSigma.
But instead of connecting companies and partners who look for the solution of
wide problems in many science disciplines, InnoCentive works with more defined
and specific scientific problems. It was created in 2001, binding universities and
other organizations as well as other non-profit organizations, to break the innova-
tion barrier. Innocentive is a global network that connects companies and colla-
borative bright minds - currently more than 125,000. Challenges come in the open,
so new solutions can be caught up. Its functioning is simple and themes are di-
vided into Science, Engineering and Project, Chemistry, Mathematics and Com-
puter Science, day-to-day sciences, and Business and Entrepreneurship. Each area
includes several subjects and best solutions get a reward. The values of rewards
vary accordingly to the intricacy of the problem. Solutions become public in
project rooms, where each user gains access to a more detailed briefing. Once reg-
istered, the user starts to receive interesting challenges by email, RSS and similar
YourEncore: Created in 2003, the firm has been helping to speed up external
innovation for other companies, as way to increase their growth. YourEncore con-
nects customer firms with retired scientists and engineers in order to benefit from
their knowledge. The company supplies these services to interested companies
through a safe and confidential enterprise environment. When using YourEncore,
companies can bring indoor highly experienced people and new ways of thinking
of other organizations and industries. This seems to be a rather powerful model
because firms are able to cut back costs and risks, through interdisciplinary ap-
proaches and solutions to specific problems.
Through YourEncore, it is possible to hire a retired engineer with very relevant
skills, for a specific short-term project. Currently, it connects about 800 scientists
and engineers who are connoisseurs in several knowledge disciplines like life
sciences, feeding and consumption-related sciences, materials, aerospace indus-
tries and defense.
Ideawicket.com has recently launched its `Open Innovation Vestibule'. The
site seeks to become a place where innovators and corporations can connect to ex-
change their innovation requirements. It is a platform for innovators to showcase
and share their creations with the world. Ideawicket.com has been launched by
Ideawicket Innovations Private Limited and is based in New Delhi, India. It sees
consumers and laypersons becoming the instrumental force behind the develop-
ment of new products, processes and experiences.
Ideawicket enables people to share their innovative ideas, designs and tech-
niques with others. Users can post solutions for everyday products, processes and
services that save time, cost and space, increase productivity and efficiency, foster

easier communication, improve consumer experience, are socially and ecological-

ly responsible, delight the senses or enhance quality of life.
Innovators can also provide information about their solutions such as market,
cost and time analysis, user benefits and intellectual property information. The
portal also offers networking features like private messaging, sharing content with
friends, posting comments, keeping the material „private‟ or „public‟, uploading
images and adding video feeds.
Yet2.com: Established in 1999, yet2.com focuses on bringing together tech-
nology‟ buyers and sellers looking to make the most of their investments.
While NineSigma and InnoCentive focus on helping companies and their tech-
nological problems, Yet2.com mediates technology transfer inside and outside go-
vernmental companies, universities and laboratories. Yet2.com is an online market
for copyright exchange. It works with customers providing descriptive summaries
on technologies sought for or rather offering them for licensing or purchase, and
distributes these summaries for a global network of companies, laboratories and
institutions. Interested members contact Yet2.com and ask to be introduced to po-
tential customers. Once introduced, negotiation goes on between the two.
IdeaConnection: This web service was launched by Online Date Services, Ltd.
The problem-solving and multidisciplinary design innovation website allows
people worldwide, from amateurs to experts, to connect and collaborate. In this
way, the service facilitates individual and corporate innovation, ideas, and solu-
tions by offering access to an international pool of thinkers. It is designed for use
by anyone seeking a solution to a problem. The problem can be simple or com-
The business model is as follows: when a problem is posted, a sum of money is
deposited. The solution seeker then reviews the problem solvers cv‟s online and
selects and invites one or more people to collaborate to solve the problem. Funds
are distributed to the participants upon a successful solution.

3.4 Open Innovation: future steps

The innovation process approach is related with the way companies choose to
search for new ideas with business potential. New innovation models suggest that
many companies have adapted their way of working, choosing open strategies of
research and connecting a vast set of actors and sources to help them reach and
support innovation (Laursen and Salter 2006).
Eventually, open innovation set up in organizations implies a change in innova-
tion sources. This means a new model will be standing on structures, processes
and adequate technologies, allowing a whole new set of innovation in and out-
sourcing. From top to bottom, organization and all external contexts will make
available contents based on new perspectives, creating a “global market” of ideas
and inherent value surplus to the firms (Duarte 2007).

However, while this model stays blurred, any perspective on it must be global,
involving actors in a distant and distributed innovation environment (West et al.
2006). The model needs detailed studies for innovation activities through all orga-
nizational levels of analysis (individual, group, organization, community, etc.).
Therefore, academic and practitioner work has to be developed in order to con-
tribute for the maturity of this new paradigm.
Open Innovation borders or limits aren‟t clear yet. To identify limits to this pa-
radigm is somehow a crucial activity, studying theories associated to the pheno-
mena associated with open innovation.
Some questions and problems must be raised in future research, as follows:
 Which are the more adequate ways to put into practice Open Innova-
tion? On which companies? Based on which organizational struc-
tures? Will open Innovation be more adequate for High-Tech or
Low-Tech companies?
 Where will open innovation be more practicable in the future? Will it
be more strictly conditioned by intellectual property rules?
 Is there a cycle in the open innovation model? Must the model be
restored after technology discontinuity?
 How can we motivate actors to share their knowledge? Is there any
advantage in sharing?
 What are the impacts on open business models of using the terms
community or network to designate the set of players involved in the
Most research studies on open innovation were carried through case studies,
focusing companies or individual projects. But to increase knowledge, it will be
necessary to develop research on more extensive sources of data and to analyze
and test different hypothesis related to open innovation.
While the majority of studies present successful examples of open innovation,
other studies should focus on companies‟ problems and constraints to implement
open innovation. These cases could, for example, demonstrate problems when
R&D technological opportunities are missed (West et al. 2006).
Other studies could also explore transnational open innovation practice. It
would be good to know if this strategy is really efficient when different cultural
backgrounds are at stake; or rather if these cultural differences would affect the
Open business model performance in a multinational company.
Now that the world evolves from electronic business to ubiquitous computing
(Weiser 1991), new chances face open innovation. Dodgson et al. (2005) state that
IT supplies ubiquitous digital infrastructure to safe information and data storage
and transfer, making it easier to exchange information and knowledge. Based on
these concerns, Schmitt et al. (2006) describe how to draw an Open Object Infor-
mation Infrastructure (OOII) in order to make possible Open Innovation through
ubiquitous computation. Potential benefits are presented with the first prototype
called Federative Library. Authors hold that this approach introduces an infra-

structure that significantly induces a climate of innovation, promoting a new and

innovative environment for applications and services development. However, they
acknowledge the prototype needs continuous development and further detailed
Considering the fast Web 2.0 development, some problems might show up to
those who develop open innovation platforms and look for best practices and ser-
vices. In fact, these professionals cannot neglect risks associated to the use of de-
veloping services, still little consolidated. It will be necessary to keep on explor-
ing, researching and analyzing the advantages and limitations of Web 2.0 in such a
way as to find answers that match an open innovation environment. Is there
enough knowledge about the ways organizations use services to manage seekers
and solvers needs?
It is very important to understand the implications of using the Web 2.0 and to
have close look on the evolution of IT. These evolutions can bring new opportuni-
ties for open innovation platforms but there are concerns that must be addressed:
the power of the crowd becomes more and more important as the Web makes it
easier to build new communities; the user content development becomes increa-
singly important, though it defies conventional thought on who has the know-
ledge; the reputation, security and privacy of data generated on Web 2.0; finally,
the transfer of copyright of enormous amounts of data and its generation by indi-
viduals and firms.
Some questions about IT will come to the forefront:
 How will Web 2.0 services be integrated with more traditional tech-
nologies (databases and portals), in order to make research easier?
 How to bind Web 2.0 and the development of mobile devices and
ubiquous computing?
 How should organizations put into action social software related ser-
vices? How should firms integrate Web 2.0 services and their own
 How will businesses answer to the need for interface development in
order to ease interactivity with solvers?
 What technologies of the so called Web 3.0 should be integrated in
platforms supporting open innovation?

4 Conclusions

The chapter describes the concept, the dynamics and the technology associated
open innovation strategies and business models. It starts by presenting the main
ideas, principles and practices behind the concepts of community and network.
Those two concepts are often used interchangeably when open innovation is re-
ferred. However, they imply different ways of relating, both emotionally and

structurally. Therefore, we consider relevant that the concepts are clarified and
that implications for open innovation are researched.
In the second part of the chapter, the open innovation concept is described,
some examples of web services are presented, the supporting technology is sum-
marized. Open innovation is a rapid growing movement to which more and more
companies are adhering. This calls for more research that can improve our know-
ledge on the strategies, business models and relevant technologies involved. Some
of the most relevant research questions are described in the chapter. The authors
are starting several projects in the area, addressing the social dynamics of open in-
novation (communities or networks), the study of brokering business models, and
the improvements to web platforms brought about by the Web 3.0 technologies.


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Chapter 5: A Model for Business Innovation in
the Web 2.0 World

Nicole Radziwill (nicole.radziwill@gmail.com)

Network Roundtable at the University of Virginia – Charlottesville, VA, USA

National Radio Astronomy Observatory – Charlottesville, VA, USA

Ron DuPlain (ron.duplain@gmail.com)

ThoughtView Ltd. – Charlottesville, VA, USA

National Radio Astronomy Observatory – Charlottesville, VA, USA


“How can Web 2.0 tools be used to catalyze innovation at my company?”

Business models are changing rapidly, and companies must adapt to survive.
Using a conceptual model of quality and innovation, this chapter examines how
and why managers can use participative networking technologies to innovate, and
then provides a roadmap for how to do it. The limitations of current technologies
and the impacts of these limitations on future innovation are also explored.

1 What is Innovation?

To understand how Web 2.0 technologies can be used to innovate, the concept
of innovation must first be illuminated. Innovation is the practice of making new
concepts and ideas relevant and useful to individuals and communities of people.
This contrasts with the process of invention, through which new ideas are generat-
ed while the linkages between these new ideas and existing ideas are simulta-
neously uncovered. Innovation defines the context of use, while invention does
not. The products of innovation are fundamentally ideas, characterized by novelty,
utility and relevance. However, the distinctive feature of innovation is that these
ideas, once connected with a particular context of use, at once capture the poten-
tial to add value to systems, people, processes and even other ideas. Although new
mechanisms for value creation can be unlocked through the innovation process,
value is created when new products, services and processes are designed, through
the integration of knowledge and the understanding of the capabilities of the or-
ganization that is poised to deliver that value. As a result, innovation is critically

dependent not only on the people doing the innovating, but also on the networks
of people connected to those innovators, whose influences inform and impact the
process of discovery.
To examine this point, Hargadon (2003) looked at innovation from the histori-
cal context, seeking to understand how the interpersonal networks of innovators in
the past have influenced critical advances. In one example, he describes the case
of the incandescent light bulb. The innovation is largely attributed to Thomas Edi-
son, who perfected the technology and made it possible for the product to be mar-
keted and achieve widespread use. However, the contributions of Moses Farmer
(who had devised a similar light as early as 1859) and Joseph Swann (whose expe-
riments between 1850 and 1870 contributed to Edison‟s final design) were equally
crucial. The dependence of Edison‟s incandescent light on the work of his prede-
cessors is notable, but without linking that new technology to a context of use and
helping people tap its utility, innovation may never have taken shape. This exam-
ple shows that Edison did not act as the “lone genius” – but instead, mastered the
dynamics of pulling together information from the network of people, objects, and
ideas to make his light bulb a commercial success.
What happens once this information is available and assembled, and it is time
to use it to link an invention to the context of use that will make it an innovation?
Henderson & Clark (1990) proposed one model that illustrates the types of
changes that can come together to form various degrees of innovation, from in-
cremental to radical. A diagram of this model, shown in Figure 1, characterizes
innovation in two dimensions: the effect of the innovation on “core concepts,” and
the effect of the innovation on the system through the links between these core
concepts and “components”.

Figure 1: One representation of the Henderson-Clark model of innovation.

Little impact on links between

core concepts and components

Incremental Innovation Modular Innovation

Core Concepts Core Concepts
Reinforced Overturned
Architectural Innovation Radical Innovation

Great impact on links between

core concepts and components
In the Henderson-Clark model, components have two distinctions: they
represent fundamental design concepts, and they perform functions that are well
defined. An example of a component is an automotive engine. This component is
integrated with other components that manage distinct functions (e.g. transmis-
sion, brakes, steering) through a shared architecture that ultimately defines the ve-

hicle you drive. The two key questions posed by the Henderson-Clark model to
assess the impact of an innovation are: How much do the components change?
How much do the changes in the components impact overall changes in the sys-
By examining these two dimensions of innovation, four classifications of inno-
vation arise which are distinguished from one another by the degree of impact on
the system. These can be illuminated using the car example:

 Incremental innovation: Both core concepts and architectures remain

the same. The introduction of the cup holder, climate control, and in-
car entertainment systems can be considered incremental innovations.
 Modular innovation: Core concepts shift, but architecture remains
the same or nearly the same. Changing from a manual transmission to
an automatic transmission is an example of a modular innovation: one
core concept is radically changed, but the gearbox function and the
way the vehicle interfaces with the gearbox are essentially the same.
 Architectural innovation: Core concepts are preserved, but the way
in which they are linked together changes. The introduction of the
Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), with large vehicles manufactured to
drive like a car, represented an architectural innovation.
 Radical innovation: In this paradigm of innovation, both the compo-
nents and the architecture change. A wheel-less hovercraft that could
respond to its driver in all the same ways traditional cars do would be
a radical innovation.

According to Hamel (2007), there are four levels of innovation that can be pur-
sued and achieved by a company. In addition to innovating with respect to the
business model itself, in which new approaches and technologies are combined to
create unprecedented supply chains and new value webs, there are also opportuni-
ties for operational, product, and management innovations. Operational innova-
tions involve streamlining and reengineering processes and procedures. Product
and service innovation brings new features to existing products, create new offer-
ings, and extend business into new markets. Management innovation involves
finding answers to structuring the workplace so that new challenges, such as those
posed by increasing globalization, an expanding global knowledge network, and
shifting assumptions surrounding traditional trade-offs, can be effectively ad-
dressed. The Henderson-Clark model and Hamel‟s categories can be used together
to help understand how to innovate in the Web 2.0 world.

2 The Continuum of Quality and Innovation

Understanding how these models for innovation can be applied in the context
of Web 2.0 first requires understanding one of the key challenges of modern com-
panies. Many organizations today struggle to find a balance between the efficien-
cy that comes from implementing quality systems and managing for quality, and
the creativity that must be cultivated within an organization to innovate for future
competitiveness. Both quality and innovation are required ingredients for organi-
zational sustainability. Over the past century, there have been many definitions of
quality. Juran (1988) defined quality as “fitness for use,” a product-centric defini-
tion which implies the notion of customer satisfaction within a specific context of
use. The zero defects principle embraced by Crosby (1979) means that both prod-
ucts and processes must be designed to be defect free.
Despite the range of definitions, the goals underlying the pursuit of quality are
the same: reducing variation, eliminating waste and rework, preventing human er-
ror, preventing defects, improving productivity, and increasing efficiency and ef-
fectiveness (Okes & Westcott 2003). Unfortunately, all of these definitions seem
to leave one or more aspects of quality out, especially when the role of innovation
is considered. For example, conformance to requirements is less useful if the re-
quirements rapidly shift or are incomplete, and zero defects is a laudable goal for
traditional manufacturing systems where processes are well known, but a less use-
ful measure for unstructured problems where the definition of a defect could itself
be emergent.
But quality and innovation are both fundamentally concerned with achieving
excellence, and this is the distinction upon which managers should reflect as they
develop their organization‟s innovation agenda. The following points summarize
the relationship between invention, innovation, and quality:

 Invention is the process that creates ideas,

 Innovation makes those ideas relevant to people and social groups,
 The practice of design transforms the concepts so that they become
actionable, meaning that the innovations can be built, manufactured
and/or delivered to the interested parties, and
 Quality systems and continuous improvement enable delivery of the
promises and potentials embodied by invention.

Achieving quality requires specific organizational and operational capabilities

at one point in time, whereas innovation requires meeting future needs, and so
identifying how current capabilities can either extend or transform to support qual-
ity at a later time is essential. Consumers are becoming progressively more sophis-
ticated, with ever-increasing demands that translate into higher standards for
quality, so organizations must strive to achieve high quality now. At the same
time, they must build their internal organizational capabilities as well as their

product and service offerings, anticipating and delivering to meet emerging and
future needs. Although consumers are typically tolerant of lower quality for new-
ly introduced innovative products, this tolerance fades with each new product gen-
eration. For example, consumers still bought Microsoft Windows Vista at its in-
troduction despite high system requirements and issues with video handling and
security. The ultra-lightweight MacBook Air continued to be on the market de-
spite overheating and display quality issues. Also, the first generation iPods were
market winners even though many considered the design to be cumbersome.
Customer perceptions of quality can not only be fickle, but also have far-
reaching impacts. Mitra and Golder (2006) reported on a study of 241 different
consumer products over 12 years, and found that “high reputation brands are re-
warded three years quicker for an increase in quality and punished one year slower
for a decrease in quality compared to low-reputation brands.” For more durable
products, such as automobiles, these researchers found that it could take up to 7
years for a substantial improvement in product quality to be perceived by the mar-
ketplace. Because Mitra has shown that prior expectations formed by a customer
definitively influence the perceived quality of future products, this suggests that
quality might influence how a customer will perceive emerging innovations. A
reputation for quality can define and influence the market potential for innovations
that reach the consumer.
An organization must pursue quality and innovation concurrently to be both ef-
fective and competitive. To focus on one without the other constrains an organi-
zation to live only in the present, or only in the future – and to be successful and
competitive, an organization must strengthen its capabilities today while envision-
ing how its capabilities must adapt to the needs of tomorrow. Quality and process
improvement efforts can complement innovation by reinforcing a consumer‟s per-
ception of quality, thus facilitating the diffusion of innovations through the market
and reducing the barrier for an individual to adopt and use an innovative product
or service. Quality improvement activities (e.g. benchmarking, process improve-
ment) can also generate the ideas that spawn breakthrough innovations.
To pursue quality and innovation simultaneously, it is important to conceptual-
ize both as part of a dynamic process. Combining Schumpeter‟s (1942) outline of
technological change as the combined process of invention, innovation and diffu-
sion of technologies with the notion of technology transfer, and aligning this with
Mitra‟s (2003) model for understanding how quality influences consumer percep-
tion and market performance, provides such a basis for understanding. Figure 1 il-
lustrates this. For example, this representation shows that the antecedents of quali-
ty – the things that need to be in place in order for delivering quality to be possible
– are driven by invention and innovation. An example of this would be how the
continuous improvement processes implemented in organizations (e.g. perfor-
mance evaluations, productivity improvement goals) can directly influence the
way in which innovation is embraced by the corporate culture. The determinants
of quality are those factors that enable a company to produce to specifications and
with minimal variation, which can either make or break the prospects for technol-

ogy transfer: if something cannot be consistently produced in a cost-effective way,

it is unlikely that it will find a way into the marketplace.
The critical conclusion that can be drawn from Figure 1 is that socially-
oriented networks play a critical role in the pursuit of both quality and innovation,
and it is by providing a means to characterize and leverage these social networks
that Web 2.0 technologies can provide an innovative advantage. Idea networks, for
example, describe the linkages between concepts held by one or more people
within a network of collaborators. Information networks describe the connections
between individuals that are in place to share or disseminate knowledge. Energy
or affect networks describe connections between people that either generate or in-
hibit enthusiasm and creativity. Media networks, supply chains and distribution
networks also represent connections between suppliers, producers and consumers
that are essential for the wide diffusion of innovative products, services, and tech-
nologies. Social networks also play a role, because people often learn from and
listen to the knowledge and recommendations provided by their friends. Extensive
information about social networks can be found in Cross and Parker (2004).

Figure 1: Combining Schumpeter‟s (1942) stages of innovation with Mitra‟s (2003) model for
quality as a dynamic process reveals the roles that networks can play to facilitate innovation.

3 The Relevance of Pervasive and Participative Computing

Pervasive computing, often called ubiquitous or mobile computing, describes a

platform of computing that is part of everyday life -- those devices and technolo-
gies that are taken for granted, almost as though they are not computers or tech-
nologies at all. "They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they
are indistinguishable from it." (Weiser 1991) Participative computing connects
people to other people, which can be enabled by the infrastructure provided by
pervasive computing. Both concepts are essential ingredients in business innova-
tion using Web 2.0 technologies.

3.1 Pervasive Computing

Previously relegated to laboratories and academic environments, pervasive

computers have made their way into the pockets, purses, briefcases, and glove
boxes of everyday people in the form of mobile phones, PDAs, laptops, and GPS
navigators. (Cuff, Hanson, and Kang 2008) These devices often have similar, fa-
miliar interfaces to e-mail services, web pages, and other web-based services.
Pervasive computers connect individuals to their information. Mobile phones
buzz with SMS (text message) reminders, PDAs beep with appointment reminders
synced from laptop task managers, and Blackberries blink when new messages hit
the inbox. While some are overwhelmed of the idea of always being connected,
Weiser (1991) claims that "ubiquitous computers will help overcome the problem
of information overload." Through pervasive computing, individuals can access
information over time, in an on-demand or pull fashion, and can access the re-
quested information from a wide selection of devices.
A decade ago, knowledge workers could only access an electronic knowledge
base and e-mail while at the office on the local network. Today, organizations use
pervasive computing to connect employees and clients to encrypted documents
over secure web services and to e-mail through IMAP and web-based mail servic-
es. These services become increasingly pervasive as they migrate to text messag-
es and tailored smart phone applications. What once could only be accessed by a
few people in a few places can now be accessed by anyone virtually anywhere.

3.2 Participative Computing

Participative defines Web 2.0. "Web 2.0 is participatory, collaborative, inclu-

sive, creator/user-centric, unsettled, and very information-intensive." (Dearstyne,
2007). Participative computing encapsulates these concepts and describes a com-

puting platform – a participative network – which accomplishes the following

three goals:

 engages users
 encourages interaction on multiple levels, and
 increases value through increased participation

Web 2.0 and participative computing are more than a collection of flashy web
tricks. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX, later called Ajax) provides a
means for users' web browsers to asynchronously communicate with web servers
to keep up-to-date without reloading an entire page within the browser. After its
debut, Ajax became a very popular technique for web design, but it alone doesn't
define participative computing. Instead, it simply enables users to more readily
participate. Through Ajax, a user can open a web browser and over time, a web
page can, in effect, update itself in the user's browser. This enables tools like in-
stant messengers, collaborative drawing tools, and interactive photo albums to na-
turally live in a vanilla web browser. The Facebook web application
(http://www.facebook.com) vividly illustrates how participative networks draw
value through user participation. At its core, Facebook allows users to create pro-
file pages about themselves (like a traditional college yearbook – sometimes
called a facebook), to join networks which correspond to a school or a location,
and to find and connection with friends. A user can set privacy limits on a profile,
limiting access to accepted friends or to an entire network, leaving all others the
permission to view just the name, thumbnail and general location of the user.
Imagine what little value Facebook would have to a user if that user if he or she
were the only participant. The result would be a single thumbnail with a terse
name and location. Even this might not be visible from a web browser without a
valid Facebook login! Instead, Facebook draws significant value for itself and its
users by growing its user base with new features and support for more social net-
work locations. Users also grow the user base themselves through word-of-mouth
advertising. In turn, the value of the entire network increases for all members.
This pattern is sometimes referred to as Metcalfe‟s Law, after the researcher who
originally discovered the relationship in telecommunications networks. Returning
to the Facebook example, users are able to connect with more people when those
individuals participate in the network, while Facebook is able to build stronger ad
revenue. Facebook and its users engage in a mutually beneficial relationship.
The participative value of Facebook substantially increased when it launched
its Facebook application framework, through which web developers could build
custom add-on applications into the Facebook infrastructure. As a result, Face-
book grew from a single web application to a wide collection of applications
which take advantage of Facebook's participative computing network. By cultivat-
ing interdependence with its user community, Facebook is continually strengthen-
ing its potential for success over the long term (assuming that the company re-
solves its strategy for revenue generation).

3.3 From Pervasive to Participative Computing

Pervasive computing provides broad access to services, and participative com-

puting connects people through those services. Google illustrated how pervasive
applications can become participative when it launched its e-mail, talk, calendar,
and document tools, collectively named Google Apps.
Through pervasive services, users could access their e-mail, calendar, and doc-
uments from any device connected to the Internet, but through Google Apps, users
could send instant messages to other Gmail (e-mail) users, share events through
Google Calendar, and collaborate on articles, papers, and spreadsheets with
Google Docs. Traditionally, these services were mutually exclusive; Google Apps
integrated these services and added participative value. A Google Apps user can
easily share these services with every other Google Apps user. Because of this,
Google Apps originally grew its user base by encouraging users to invite personal
contacts to use the Google tools. Many similar services have followed suit.
Among participative computing networks, Facebook and Google Apps were
early to include specialized interfaces for mobile devices, creating convenient per-
vasive experiences for their users and enabling active participation for users on the
go. Through pervasive and participative computing networks, users can conve-
niently and reliable connect to information and each other from virtually anywhere
through a heterogeneous collection of interfaces.

4 Using Web 2.0 to Stimulate Innovation

Web 2.0 technologies support participative computing; that is, unlike previous
web technologies, these new utilities make it much easier for individuals to pub-
lish and share information, often in real time. Because Web 2.0 technologies sti-
mulate and encourage interaction, and because pervasive computing technologies
make it possible for people to interact with their networks and their computer sys-
tems more easily, the combined power of pervasive and participative computing
should be acknowledged as a company seeks to innovate through Web 2.0. Web
2.0 technologies not only support innovation, but in fact the full process of tech-
nological change. These relationships, and how similar practices have been fol-
lowed in other industries and throughout history, are summarized in Table 2. Sev-
eral of the Web 2.0 technologies simply provide ways to streamline approaches to
generating new ideas, processes, products and services – many of which have been
practiced with success for years.

Table 2: Relevance of Web 2.0 technologies to innovation.

Web 2.0 Contribution to Innovation & Cultural/Historical Analog

Technology Technological Change
Mashups Enables “recombinant innova- Elvis blends bluegrass, country and R&B to
tion” where two or more ideas devise some of America‟s earliest “rock”
are united to create a unique, music in the 1950‟s; Hollywood remakes
synergistic concept foreign films with American actors (Harga-
don 2003); In 2008, GEICO insurance and
Mrs. Butterworth co-brand a television

Social bookmark- Enables recombinant innovation Librarians, for decades, have been using tag-
ing/ tagging by providing a mechanism to ging to describe new books according to the
more effectively label new con- Dewey Decimal system and the processes of
tent on the web with keywords, “copy cataloging” and “original cataloging”
and identify linkages between – which are functionally identical to social
ideas bookmarking.

Social networking Allows individuals to build, sus- Kostoff (2006) recognizes two forms of in-
tain, and monitor their networks novation: literature-based, and workshop-
Online Communi- of people, facilitating the inven- based. Conferences that gather together
ties tion process and diffusion of in- people with shared interests are forms of
novations workshop-based innovation. Both approach-
es require communities to be operable.

Blogs Both blogs and wikis provide a People keep journals, diaries, notes, and
platform to support invention travelogues.
and recombinant innovation, by
providing a place for people to
Wikis record their thoughts and opi- Collaboration on documents has a long histo-
nions for present-day or future ry, for example, the Declaration of Indepen-
integration. This is no different dence in the eighteenth century.
than how collaboration on doc-
uments has been done in the
past; wikis in particular provide a
more streamlined platform

Syndication Facilitates enhanced decision Reuters, Associated Press, national television

making by speeding the dissemi- corporations (such as ABC, NBC, CBS) are
nation of information about pre- historical examples; multi-level marketing
selected topics to people who and franchising also share some similarities,
want it; Web 2.0 technologies since these concepts involve expanding
expand the concept so that any- product and brand awareness using social
one can syndicate and anyone networks.
can receive the information

5 Innovation with Web 2.x and Beyond

Despite the breadth of opportunities that Web 2.0 technologies make available
for business innovation at the operational, product/service, and management le-
vels, there are still many inherent limitations. The “next generation” of technolo-
gies, which we refer to as “Web 2.x”, may address some of these issues. In the
meantime, it is important for business innovators to recognize that simply integrat-
ing these new capabilities into a business will not provide instant success. Despite
this fundamental challenge, managers can still improve their chances for success
with Web 2.0 by understanding how their specific goals relate to the stages of
technological change and their related social network types. The following metho-
dology provides one approach, based on the innovation models from the literature,
to guide the way.

5.1 A Methodology for Innovation with Web 2.0 Technologies

Because networks are so critical to innovation with Web 2.0, the decision
process to form a solution for innovation involves first determining which net-
works are essential to the stage of technological change that you are primarily
concerned with. The next phase involves identifying ways to develop, grow and
sustain those networks by blending the implementation of pervasive technologies
with participative technologies.

1. First, select a particular operational process, product or service, or

management issue that you believe could benefit from a Web 2.0
enabled innovation solution. (If you have several candidates, it will be
necessary for you to step through this process multiple times, as the
technology solution to stimulate innovation may be different for each
2. What stage of technological change are you, as a manager, concerned
with right now in this area? It is possible that you need to stimulate one
of the processes adjacent to innovation to stimulate innovation. Do you
want to generate ideas (invention), or do you actually need to identify a
context of use to unite those ideas with the people or groups who will
benefit from them (innovation)? Do you need to find new, innovative
ways to produce, release or deploy new product or service offerings
(technology transfer)? Or, are you looking for better ways to use tech-
nology to expand your reach in the market, or to improve customer ser-
vice (diffusion of innovations)?

3. Once the targeted stage of technological change for your operational

process, product, service or management challenge is identified, the
next step is to identify the networks associated with that stage. For ex-
ample, from Figure 1, the innovation stage is associated with informa-
tion networks (where people are connected to one another if they are
valuable sources of information for one another), and energy or affect
networks (where people are connected as a result of how much they
stimulate creativity and enthusiasm within each other) typically having
between 10 and 100 members. The goal for a manager is to identify
which networks are important, and determine ways to build the net-
work, grow its membership, and sustain interest.
4. Next, technology interventions to build, grow and sustain the network
should be explored. What technology components support this net-
work? What architectures support this network? Which components
and architectures are effective in meeting the goals of developing the
network, and which are not effective (or less effective)?
5. Based on this analysis, do the components or the architecture need to
change to meet the goals of developing the network? Do both the com-
ponents and the architecture need to change? These questions should be
posed with both participative (Web 2.0) technologies and pervasive
technologies in mind. The devices used to connect people to their in-
formation – as well as to provide information access, visualization, and
data mining - are just as important as the mechanisms to connect the
members of the network to each other.
6. When you know whether the components, the architecture, or both
need to change to support the development of the relevant network,
then you will be able to use the Henderson-Clark model to determine
whether you are proposing incremental, modular, architectural or radi-
cal innovation. This is important as it will help you gauge the magni-
tude of the change management effort that will be required as an inno-
vation is brought to life.

5.2 Limitations of Web 2.0

Participative technologies are, at their very essence, socially driven. No matter

how advanced, powerful, or easy-to-use a Web 2.0 application is, if people don't
use it, then it fails to deliver value as a participative product. That is to say, build-
ing a perfect Web 2.0 application isn't a technical problem so much as it is social
problem -- the same social problem of active engagement which has frustrated
leaders for centuries. Even though a person who believes that Web 2.0 bypasses

this issue or is otherwise immune to it would be succumbing to a form of techno-

utopianism; such “twopointopians” are not uncommon and managers should guard
against embracing such viewpoints. What is the best approach to solving this
problem? Weiser and Gold launched the ubiquitous computing program at IBM in
1988, wanting to "put computing back in its place, to reposition it into the envi-
ronmental background, to concentrate on human to human interfaces and less on
human to computer ones" (Weiser & Gold 1999). Those who invest in or develop
participative computing networks will do well to focus on human-to-human inte-
ractions before considering human-to-computer interactions. Thus, Web 2.0 de-
velopment spans information technology, social psychology, organizational analy-
sis, and related disciplines.

Figure 2: A six-question methodology for innovating with Web 2.0 technologies and beyond.

5.3 Web 2.x and Beyond

Pervasive and participative capacities of computing networks are likely to in-

crease as the state of web design and implementation becomes comfortable with
Web 2.0. At this point, incremental and modular innovations with the Web 2.0
technologies as a basis will lead to similar, yet more advanced, “Web 2.x” tech-
nologies. For example, the Ajax of Web 2.0 could incrementally and modularly

shift into alternative application techniques (e.g., see web articles and discussions
on “Ajax” and “Comet”). Later versions of Web 2.x (or even architectural inno-
vations with the technology, which will lead to “Web 3.0”) may not look or func-
tion anything like Web 2.0. As mobile devices become increasingly common, and
as the infrastructure connecting these devices shifts, the future of advanced web
technologies will certainly hold major architectural and radical changes.
Web 2.x technologies and beyond promise more pervasive access to services
and networks with new forms of participation. Custom mobile device applica-
tions, such as those which debuted on the iPhone and the Blackberry, may move
into the forefront of participative networks, leaving the web browser of yesterday
to become just another alternative in the myriad of interface choices available for
users. In the late 1990‟s, one of the major challenges encountered by organizations
was the integration of established and emerging “customer touchpoints” – includ-
ing the telephone, fax, e-mail and the web. In the future, companies will seek to
accommodate a new variety of touchpoints, different types of technologies, and
the prospect for cultivating interdependence between companies and customers
will emerge. It is an exciting time for technology innovation.


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Chapter 6. Doing business by selling free

Jose Luis Marín de la Iglesia

Gateway S.C.S. S.L., Paseo Zorrilla 89-1A, 47007, Valladolid, Spain, josmar@gateway-

Jose Emilio Labra Gayo

Department of Computer Science, University of Oviedo, C/Calvo Sotelo, S/N, 33007,

Oviedo, Spain, labra@uniovi.es

Abstract With the advent of the web 2.0 trend, there have appeared a great vari-
ety of services that are offered as free. Although the appearance of free services is
not new, we consider that the popularity of these services in the Web 2.0 world is
a relevant fact that has to be analyzed from an economic point of view. In this
chapter we will give an overview of some of the business models that are present
behind those services, like freemium, advertising, work exchange and mass col-
laboration. We will also present a case study, called EuroAlert, which contains a
combination of the above models.

1 Introduction

Although it is not easy to provide a precise definition of Web 2.0, it is clear that
there is a trend of web applications which are different from traditional web por-
tals. Web 2.0 is more commonly characterized by a set of features that are shared
by some web applications. The eight core patterns which have been characterized
in [Musser, 07] can be summarized as:
 Harnessing collective intelligence, where the network effects of the architec-
ture of participation produce software that gets better when more people uses it.
 Importance of Data, which means that the main value of these applications is
the data sources that are managed in a unique, hard-to-recreate way.
 Innovation in assembly, the use of data and services which can be remixed by
means of APIs, enabling the appearance of applications that create new oppor-
tunities and markets.

 Rich user experiences, that go beyond the traditional web-page metaphor ob-
taining rich user experiences combining desktop and online software.
 Software above the Level of a Single Device, means that some of these applica-
tions offer new experiences using Internet-connected devices
 Perpetual beta, which means that these applications break the old models of
software development and adoption in favour of online, continuously updated
software as a service models.
 Leveraging the long tail. Following [Anderson 06], most of these applications
capture niche markets profitably through the low costs of production, distribu-
tion and access enabled by the Internet.
 Lightweight models and cost-effective scalability. The availability of light-
weight software development models makes it easier to create new software
products where the main singularity is marked by the quality of the innovation.
Apart of those core patterns, it is noticeable that under the Web 2.0 umbrella,
some web applications have been very successful making money by offering ser-
vices that are apparently free to end users. In this paper, we review these business
models and offer a case study called EuroAlert which can be seen as a typical
Web 2.0 business that follows a mixture of those models.

2 Web 2.0 Business Models: Leveraging the power of Free


One of the most amazing things of this “web 2.0 era” is the appearance that every
service you consume is for free. Once you enter the web you start using really
complex-to-develop and high-maintenance applications and the subscription fees
never show up in your credit card. Think for a moment in the bandwidth cost in-
volved in running video sharing services like YouTube or the hosting bill that
Wikipedia must be paying to provide the service for free for the millions of users
that consume (or create) the articles daily. They do not even display ads with the

Of course you are paying a flat rate data plan to your network provider every
month, but that seems to be everything. You may argue that there must be some
kind of money flow you are not aware of but fortunately one of the foundation
principles of the internet is network neutrality so there is not cost transfer between
carriers and application providers (at least for the moment).

Main business models can be described as the exchange of money for services or
products from the customer to the service provider or product retailer. That is the
way a supermarket or a buffet of lawyers work and make their money. Of course
there are promotions, trial periods, price shifting models and other well-kown
practices in which businesses make money by giving away some things expecting

you will buy others. But you will find very difficult to name a single company that
provides you a service for free, and forever. There is not much sense in giving
away things in traditional economies.

The internet, and most precisely the web, is changing some of the most important
rules in traditional economics and some companies have proven very profitable by
selling their services at zero. As this statement has not apparently much sense we
will try to describe what are the four most important ways of giving away really
valuable services for free and still make money, in some cases lots of it.

2.1 Advertising: like in Web 1.0 and the analog world?

In very few words, this well known business model is based on the building of an
audience, or better to say in internet terms, a community, to which advertisers will
want to offer their products or services. A company gets the attention and, even
better, the participation of users by giving away high quality services in the form
of tools, contents, applications or whatever you manage to prove useful for them.
So it‟s not a two way exchange (between customer and provider), there is a third
party (advertiser) who pays to participate in the exchange of free services.
You can argue that there is nothing new to the television or radio stations
business model. When in the mid 90's the web started to be a place where every-
body wanted to do business, although very few succeeded, advertising was the
main tool companies tried to make money with. But as everybody knows the 2000
bubble burst proved this new economy model was a failure and most companies
went bankrupt. Some of them had gone public recently, others were well estab-
lished old economy corporations who made risky bets on the new internet prom-
ises, and other were small start-ups trying to rise some venture capital looking for
a chance to go public. What all of them had in common was that they did not un-
derstand the power of the web and their approach was to import the practices and
models of the mainstream media. Obviously it did not work for most of them and
for a few years it seemed there was not a clear way to make money in this “new
media” they considered the web was.
But as Google and others have taught us by their extremely successful figures and
stunning growth rates, it was just a matter of finding how to, not that advertising
was not made for the web. Although Google did not invent the concept of text-ads
and cost-per-click, they must take the credit for making it succeed (Adwords) and
then build the biggest Ad-Network (Adsense) in the Internet. They proved the
model was right and Google became a major player in the internet, and in the
toughest time, by giving away great applications and services at no cost for users,
but running ads on them.
By now lots of companies are creating and experimenting with innovative ways to
make money around publicity, like pay-per-post, pay-per-action or pay-per-

connection among others. The rise of social networks, video sharing applications
and other new services require new approaches that are now being imagined to at-
tract and make valuable the growing expend of advertisers in the online world. We
do not intend to discuss in depth contextual advertising or pay-per-click as con-
cepts, but we think it is important to notice that the building of this ad-networks
have lowered the barriers for both advertisers and publishers in such a way that a
much bigger market has been created.
Lots of free internet services are now making their money by selling the participa-
tion of advertisers in their communities, as other tried in the 90s and failed. What
is really new and makes the difference in this web 2.0 scenery is that every small
local business can buy ads at a very small prize. And that every individual can
monetize his small niche blog by selling ad space and it will make good money if
his content is valuable.

2.2 Freemium: Premium users pay your bill

This business model is built around the existence of two types of users, a large
base that consume the service for free and a small percentage who pay a subscrip-
tion for the most advanced features of the service. In other words, the margin the
companies get from the premium users pays the bill for the ones who consume the
service for free. Of course this is a rough simplification of complex sceneries
where you can find lots of combinations of multiple tiers of subscriptions with dif-
ferent levels of access to contents or services.
There are lots of examples like the LinkedIn social network, photo sharing ser-
vices like Picassa or Flickr, or the famous and nearly impossible to replicate
Craiglist classifieds. It is important to say that this business model is not equiva-
lent to those models, mainly in the software industry, where you are granted with a
trial period where you can evaluate the features and then you are required to pay a
license if you want to continue using it. In the Freemium scheme, free users can
get the service for free and forever, and the quality of service is good enough for
most of the users that will never consider paying for the advanced service because
they do not need it. Companies are also comfortable because the small percentage
of users that will convert into premium, and pay the few dollars a year the average
subscription is worth, is enough for a profitable business model.
This is one of the most common business models in the Web 2.0 world and one of
those which also failed in the pre-bubble burst so we must take a closer look.
There has not been a significant change in the way the model is being imple-
mented in the Web 2.0 wave. There are not innovative approaches like in the ad-
vertising model we discussed previously, which make a difference. But there have
been very significant changes in technology and society that have contributed to
the success of a new generation of services that are doing good business in the

First of all we have the low price of average subscriptions that usually are in the
range of a few dollars a year (20 to 100). This is mainly due to the drop of the
costs involved in running the services, which now are much lower than a decade
ago. Bandwidth, storage and processing are progressively becoming a cheaper raw
material for digital services. So costs per user are really low when we go to the
scale of thousands or millions of users, and thus to the subscription fees that can
be charged.
The other significant change is that now there are thousands or millions of poten-
tial users for lots of internet services or applications. Most business plans in the
90s where not realistic in the reach they expected to achieve just because there
was not a broad enough user base for them. Since then, a new generation that grew
up with a laptop connected to the internet during high school and college is now in
the market and they are consumers with the skills to use these web 2.0 services
and, as digital natives, their lifestyle demands and needs them.

2.3 Work exchange: Free services in exchange of some work

In this business model, when you are using the service you are creating value for
the company who provides it for free. Sometimes, it is a conscious act like when
you vote in a news aggregator and you contribute with your knowledge, your ex-
perience or your opinion. Other times, it is the sole action in which you use it what
is valuable enough not to charge you for the service. It is like you are doing some
work for the company in exchange for the free use of the service.
There are especially curious examples like the Google-411 service, which is free
with no limits. Directory assistance services are usually very expensive and com-
panies charge high minute fees for each inquiry you do. Google is providing it at
no cost and apparently they are not using their profitable advertising business
model to subsidize it. The reason beyond is that the real value for them is the act
in which each user is adding to their database unique ways of pronouncing and re-
quiring information about businesses, addresses, etc. This information is really
important for them, in order to improve their voice recognition technologies. They
are compensating the users by providing a free directory assistance service be-
cause otherwise it would be very difficult to compile that data. Of course the
model works when the companies obtain higher value in this way than charging
the users for the service.
Slightly different, but in the same category we can discuss user generated content
services like news aggregators. If you think in the model of services like the popu-
lar Digg, the community gets for free the most interesting stories without brows-
ing thousands of online media sites in exchange for voting and sharing their pre-
ferred stories. If nobody takes the work of sending stories and voting those
proposed by other members, the service would not exist. The “work” of each user
is creating value for the service and the owner of the platform monetizes by selling

ad space, sponsorships or any other way the community tacitly agrees. The final
user benefits being better informed than reading a single source. For most people
it is a fair exchange but the main question involved in this type of platforms for
participation that are run by some one else who is profiting is if the revenue
should be split to compensate the creators of the best contents. Some platforms
provide affiliate programs to stimulate and incentive the participation of the com-
munity of users.

2.4 Mass Collaboration: Free because costs are nearly nothing

Around Web 2.0 platforms arises communities of users that agree in creating
something (generally contents or software) by giving away their work with the
condition that the service will remain free to everybody. In these categories we
can include amazing results of mass collaboration like the Wikipedia and hun-
dreds of open source projects of different size and quality, some of them outper-
forming in features and reliability its commercial equivalents.
Wikipedia is surely the best and biggest example to describe this model in which
apparently there is no money involved. Everything related to mass collaboration
started around software sharing and peer production practices, although the scale
of people involved have reached new horizons with the Wikipedia project.
Software coders were the pioneers in leveraging the power of the new communi-
cation improvements that came with the spread of the internet to collaborate in
creating better programs. Most of today's well-known open source software
projects were started even before the Web 1.0 time, some even before the internet
became commercial. And the new tools in the Web 1.0 time helped spreading
ideas about peer production and pushed the foundation of dozens of communities
around the idea of creating new and free software.
During this Web 2.0 wave most of the practices used and improved by developers
to run their projects were transferred to other ways of creating things, from an en-
cyclopaedia to a journal, written by volunteers. Of course, most of the tools used
in these projects are open source, thus maintained for free. So we find people
creating value for free in the web 2.0 with the tools that others agreed to create al-
so for free.
When some people argue that this kind of behaviour sounds as unfair competition
they should think in the broad and great innovation consequences of the sharing of
software, knowledge or just data. In the case of Wikipedia the major cost of pro-
duction would be the work of volunteers, sometimes really qualified ones, which
do it for free. Hosting costs and the minimum staff of Wikimedia Foundation is
supported with donations raised in a few campaigns a year. The value the users
obtain by the existence of this incredible resource is impossible to measure, but
surely this “gift economy” [Anderson 2008] is generating a huge amount in varied

Although Open Source business models fit into this category the discussion would
need a whole chapter. Open Source software is usually free of charge, there is not
a license cost attached, but lots of companies like Red Hat, have founded success-
ful businesses by charging users for support, deployment or customization ser-

2.5 Subsidizing at a global scale

As you see there is no magic in the web, not even in the Web 2.0 and all is about
cross-subsides, but not between products like in traditional economies. It is not
that you are buying any other product when you enjoy your email service for free.
Somebody else is subsidizing the “no cost” for you, not your other acquisitions
like when you a get a 3x2 promotion at the supermarket. As a summary this table
tries to simplify the scheme in which this four business models work:

Model Cost Who pays Why

Freemium 0 Premium users Better features
Advertising 0 Advertisers Attention of community to its prod-
ucts or services.
Work exchange 0 Service provider or sponsor Getting value from users
Mass Collaboration 0 Donators Altruism
Volunteers Self-promotion

We have not talked yet about the most obvious and controversial Web 2.0 busi-
ness model, the one that involves the music and film industry. This is because we
are not seeing a clear new business model there. Surely, entertainment industry is
being deeply affected by changes in production and distribution costs driven by
technology advances. We think zero-marginal cost consequences is not a business
model itself as Chris Anderson documents in his taxonomy, but a factor that influ-
ences heavily the way the price has to be determined. As is well known in econ-
omy, price is usually more influenced by consumer psychology than by costs of
production. When something can be copied and distributed at virtually no cost,
what is the right prize? 1$ per DRMed song or free like RadioHead did recently?
Anyway this discussion could last an entire book and it is not the purpose of this
Models around free software should be studied apart, although the distribution
costs are affected the same way as in the music industry, the cost of production is
very different and there are also evolution and maintenance costs involved.

3 A case study: EuroAlert.net

We will use Euroalert.net as an instrumental case study [Stake, 1994] in order to

provide insight into the issues described in theory about Web 2.0 business models.
While the main concepts of the four business models selected have been discussed
with a few examples of very famous “pure” web 2.0 services or companies like
Wikipedia, Flickr or Youtube, in this section we will provide a smaller service.
We have two main reasons why we have chosen Euroalert.net to develop this case
study. First of all it is representative for three of the four business models de-
scribed in theory and it is planning to launch features based on the fourth. Sec-
ondly, it is owned by a very small sized company, which is one of the trends of
Web 2.0 where small innovators have an opportunity to compete with the big

3.1 Free information and contents about the European Union

Euroalert.net (ISSN 1988-3382) is an internet property of Gateway S.C.S. S.L.

that has been providing specialised contents and information about the European
Union for nearly ten years. During this period, the business model which has been
used by the company who owns the service to monetize has varied notably. As a
result of years of experience Euroalert.net holds more knowledge and provides
more sophisticated services in this Web 2.0 era than ever before and tries to lever-
age the “power of free” in various forms to make a profitable business model.
The main contents offered for free in Spanish and in English to users from all
around the world are daily news about European Union affairs, the compilation of
all initiatives and calls for proposals to get founds for projects, and the calls for
tenders and commercial opportunities published in the Official Journal.
Additionally Euroalert.net provides EuroalertSearch, a specialised search engine
about EU related resources in the Internet, and a weekly newsletter with a sum-
mary of the most important information published during the week. All of the
above are for free. Publishing reliable information daily in two languages is a
really big effort for a small company, so there is no sense in giving it away for free
for its thousands of users if it could not be monetized somehow.

3.2 From printed magazine to free digital web 2.0 services

At the end of the 90s, while the internet in Spain was walking from the academic
environments to the commercial world, Euroalert was a fortnightly paper maga-
zine. It was edited by a small company that carefully printed, folded and delivered
to subscribers by ordinary mail. It was some kind of craftsmanship. That was the
first business model applied, direct sell to subscribers. Of course, its print run was
very small and it was geographically concentrated.
When internet gained users, the subscribers demanded immediate information and
Euroalert turned into a digital publication were users did not have to wait for the
two-week editorial cycle. They could log in and benefit from daily updates, just as
any typical Web 1.0 information portal. That was a big step and a significant cut
in costs and thus in subscription fees. The number of users also increased signifi-
cantly and the evolution of the business model proved successful in the new digi-
tal world.
In 2007 Euroalert.net indexed into major search engines its ten year archive,
launched an international version updated daily in English and became a free ser-
vice for everybody. That was a big bet for a small company that resigned the sub-
scription incomes and started to give away one of its most valuable assets, its care-

fully compiled archive of European Union information. Of course there was a rea-
son behind this apparently strange move so we will now describe the four web 2.0
models applied to monetize the service in the next few pages.

3.3 In exchange of some work

First Euroalert.net opened an API with some tools and small applications, widgets
in Web 2.0 language, than can be easily installed in other web sites or blogs to
communicate with Euroalert services. The Euroalert.net community, carefully
built during last ten years, embraced the new vision with curiosity and installed
the widgets, mashing up with their own sites. When a website or blog installs a
Euroalert.net widget, it improves the service provided to their users by offering
specialised and better updated contents or complex services like euroalertSearch.
In exchange of giving away the contents, coding and updating the API and the
widgets, and providing support, Euroalert.net obtains two valuable things from the
work of the users. First the spread of the brand as the Euroalert logo is attached to
many more sites related to the community of users interested in European Union
affairs, who are in fact the main clients of the subscription services. The second
and more valuable thing is the learning that the Euroalert.net team gets from the
use of the free service. The questions and issues received by the support team and
the feedback for the marketing team when they communicate the free service is a
very valuable asset to improve the commercial version of the widget, for which
euroalert.net charges a fee. Another advantage is, of course, that a percentage of
the users become subscribers when their needs grow.

3.4 Freemium

The commercial version of the widget that displays automatically European Union
information in other websites and blogs by communicating to the API provides ex-
tended features, and subscribers are charged with a small monthly fee. In this ver-
sion, called Euroalert One Web Full Content, there is no branding and the sub-
scriber displays the complete content inside his website. This way Euroalert is
transparent to the final user and the subscriber takes credit of the valuable infor-
mation displayed as all the links are internal to the widget. The Freemium ap-
proach is the major source of revenue for Euroalert.net and the way the free ser-
vices are possible, thanks to the users that pay the subscription.
The scale lets subscribers being more competitive buying the licenses for display-
ing the contents than creating and updating them by themselves. As an example, in
the case of calls for tenders and commercial opportunities at European Union, Eu-
roalert provides daily updates of this information that are highly valuable for lots

of companies. At least one person in the average subscriber company, before using
Euroalert services, daily browsed the official journals in order to extract the op-
portunities relevant to their organisations and then sent them internally to the peo-
ple who must decide if it is worth to apply. The process is quite inefficient as
many people and several forwarded emails are involved so the value proposition
of Euroalert One Web Full Content is welcomed once it is showed to organisa-
tions.And as a matter of scale the price of subscriptions is very low so companies
automatically become more competitive by installing in their intranets, filtering
the information and targeting to the specific persons who must make the decisions.
Additionally the final person can see the information at the moment they go into
the office and not several hours or days after, and the organization save the re-
sources they were expending in browsing and filtering the information. Other
times the client is an association that provides the same service for its affiliates as
they are not big enough to get the service individually.

3.5 Advertising and Sponsorship

As every niche community Euroalert.net is very appealing to advertisers so it sells

the advertising space to monetize as described in theory. At launch Euroalert.net
affiliated to a broadly spread ad-network as Google's Adsense so it was possible to
start selling ads even when the number of visits was very low. Although this net-
works conversion rates are lower than direct ad selling, it is really difficult for a
small website to negotiate specific sponsorship contracts when they do not have
the attention of a good number of users to trade with. Once the site becomes rele-
vant to a community, sponsors usually come by themselves to buy the attention
Euroalert.net combines both ways of monetizing ad space, both general ad-
networks and specific sponsorship contracts, usually from projects financed by the
European Union that must disseminate results. The only condition to accept them
in Euroalert is that ads must be both non intrusive and highly relevant to users. In
this way, it is possible to maximize the revenue because users do not think of ads
as something disturbing but helpful as they are able to know products and services
relevant to them.

3.6 Mass collaboration

At this moment Euroalert does not provide any feature that fits formally into this
category as described in theory. We can consider a primitive form of mass col-
laboration the case when a user sends a story to editors in order to promote their
projects, activities with the aim of getting some attention from people interested in
European Union affairs. This way Euroalert benefits from free highly relevant
contents that monetizes by the three previously described models.
Anyway, as a demand of the community, Euroalert.net is planning to go more so-
cial and is developing features to create user generated contents that otherwise
would not be viable and that are highly relevant to the community. For example
Euroalert.net is now developing a directory of European Union projects where
consortiums can fill in and update their information in order to promote their ac-
tivities. All this information will also be free for users so the creators get free pub-
licity and Euroalert.net more relevant contents than can be monetized with other
business models.

This is the less developed model to the moment but the one with higher possibili-
ties as it is only limited but by the imagination and the ability to catch the commu-
nity, of course offering them something to win.

4 Conclusions

In this paper we have reviewed the four main business models of Web 2.0 applica-
tions. It may seem surprising that companies are gaining money by delivering ser-
vices at no-cost for the final users. However, it is a reality that has mainly
emerged with the Web 2.0 trend and it is necessary to know the intricacies of this
As a case study, the Euroalert.net service offers a hybrid business model that
combines the main ones. It opened an API in order to interoperate with other
internet services and distribute its contents via widgets and web services. The ser-
vice is run by a small company and offers free services for common users, while it
charges subscribers with small fees. We consider that most of the Web 2.0 ser-
vices offer a similar approach to be profitable while offering a free service to end
In the near future, Euroalert is planning to launch services that will improve the
application of the fourth business model, by providing new community and par-
ticipation services that are under development at this moment.


Anderson, Chris (2006) The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More.
New York: Hyperion. ISBN 1-4013-0237
Anderson, Chris (2008) Free! Wired Magazine URL:
Batelle, John (2005) The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and
Transformed Our Culture. London: Portfolio. ISBN 1-59184-088-0
Chesbrough, Henry (2006) Open Business Models: How to thrieve in the new innovation land-
scape. Boston:Havard Business School Press. ISBN: 1-4221-0427-3
Lessig, Lawrence (2006) Code version 2.0. New York: Basic Books. ISBN 0-465-03914-6
Musser, John (2007) Web 2.0: Principles and best practices. O‟Reilly Radar
Stake R.E. (1994) in Handbook of Qualitative Research, edited by Denzin N.K. & Lincoln Y.S.
(1994), Sage London
Tapscott, Don / Williams Anthony D. (2006) Wikinomics: How mass collaboration changes eve-
rything. London: Portfolio. ISBN 978-1-59184-138-8
Chapter 7. Webstrategy Formulation:
Benefiting from web 2.0 concepts to deliver business values

Senoaji Wijaya

Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Marco R. Spruit

Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Wim J. Scheper

Strategy, Finance, and Operations, Deloitte Consulting, The Netherlands

Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands


With the accelerating growth of internet users, an increasingly rising level of glo-
balization, distributed work environments, knowledge-based economies, and col-
laborative business models, it becomes clear that there is currently a high and
growing number of organizations that demand a proper webstrategy. The emer-
gence of web 2.0 technologies has led many internet companies, such as Google,
Amazon, Wikipedia, and Facebook, to successfully adjust their webstrategy by
adopting web 2.0 concepts to sustain their competitive advantage and reach their
objectives. This has raised an interest for more traditional organizations to benefit
from web 2.0 concepts in order to enhance their competitive advantage. This
chapter discusses the effective webstrategy formulation based on the web 2.0 con-
cepts in (O‟Reilly 2005) and the differing requirements, characteristics, and ob-
jectives in different types of organizations. This research categorizes organiza-
tions into Customer Intimacy, Operational Excellence, and Product Leadership,
according to the Value Disciplines model in (Treacy and Wiersema 1993).

Keywords: web 2.0, webstrategy, framework, mass collaboration, globalization,

business model, value disciplines

1 Introduction

The growth of internet usage has been increasing tremendously in the past
years. Illustratively, Internet World Stats (2007) reports that there are approx-
imately 1.25 billion internet users in the world., 210.5 million internet users in the
United States, 493.1 million internet users within European Union countries, and
459.5 million internet users in Asia. Also, a significant number (73.3%) of the en-
tire population in the Netherlands makes use of internet technology. These statis-
tics show the importance of the internet which connects billions of people, that
there is a big potential market in there (the internet community itself) and is one of
the triggers of the emergence of internet businesses nowadays. This accelerating
growth shows the opportunity to enhance one‟s businesses through a good web-
Many new internet companies have been developed in recent years. Some are
really successful, while others are still struggling to attract users by providing their
unique selling points. Most of the successful internet companies tend to build and
grow a web community. The increasing importance of business communities con-
firms that there is a shift in business models from a traditional hierarchical system
and competition into more collaboration and social networking, which are consi-
dered to be two of the most important web 2.0 concepts (Benkler 2006, Che-
sbrough 2006, Tapscott and Williams 2006).
Web 2.0 is defined as “the philosophy of mutually maximizing collective intel-
ligence and added values for each participant by formalized and dynamic informa-
tion sharing and creation” (Hoegg et al. 2006: page 13). Web 2.0 revolves around
seven key concepts introduced by O‟Reilly (2005), which are intensively used in
this chapter. Next to web 2.0 concepts, the term “web 2.0 features” is also used
occasionally in this chapter. While the concepts can be referred to as high level
web 2.0 principles, the features are referred as web 2.0 technologies or functio-
nalities in the context of this work. Examples of web 2.0 features are wikis, web-
logs, user ratings, RSS feeds, and podcasting. The seven web 2.0 key concepts are
discussed in section 5.
Many practitioners are currently debating and exploring the subject of web 2.0
and its implications for all kinds of reasons. An interesting and currently much
highlighted prospect for web 2.0 is to aid organizations to enhance their business-
es by sustaining their competitive advantage (Gilchrist 2007). Web 2.0 has been
successfully adopted by many of the successful internet companies, such as You-
Tube, Amazon, Wikipedia, and Facebook. They are able to grow and maintain
their big web communities by applying web 2.0 concepts in their webstrategy
(O‟Reilly 2005). Therefore, the following research question arises: “how can more
traditional organizations benefit from web 2.0 concepts?”.
This chapter investigates this research question regarding the formulation of
webstrategy benefiting from web 2.0 on any type of organization. The next section
elaborates on the business IT alignment to show the importance of IT role and its

alignment in the business to create values. Section 3 explains the organizational

development to globalization and a knowledge-based economy, which includes
the significance of information and knowledge for value creation in this twenty-
first century. In respond to this, the business model adaptation is necessary. The
collaborative business model is introduced in section 4, where the need of peer-
production and knowledge sharing is discussed. Then, the webstrategy frame-
work‟s composition and its operation in effective webstrategy formulation are ex-
plained in section 5. Finally in section 6, conclusions are presented.

2 Business IT Alignment

Ever since the emergence of Information Technologies (IT), organizations have

been having difficulties in finding evidence of tangible assets that are delivered by
IT to the organization‟s performance (Brynjolfsson and Hitt 2000). Research find-
ings over past decades indicate that there is inconsistent evidence that IT leads to
significant increases in productivity (Brynjolfsson 1993). For example, Bordoloi
et al. (1998, 2000), Cook (1999), and Kauffman (1989) show that an increased IT
investment results in lack of productivity. Explanations for these research findings
include management failure to leverage IT‟s potential (Dos Santos and Sussman
2000), ineffective implementation (Dehning and Stratopoulos 2000), incomplete
measurement of performance (Bharadwaj et al. 1999), and the presence of a time
lag between IT investments and performance effects (Barua et al. 1995, Patnaya-
kuni et al. 1996).
Nonetheless, it is believed that IT with its relation to other business dimensions
helps to sustain and enhance performance, as well as augment a firm‟s competitive
advantage. In search for the solutions of this IT productivity paradox, Scheper
(2002) developed the Business IT Alignment (BITA) model. This model, states
 The business domain contains more dimensions than just strategy and organiza-
tional processes. Those dimensions are Strategy & Policy, Organization &
Processes, Information Technology, Monitoring & Control, and People & Cul-
 Business IT alignment is about multi-dimensional alignment and adaptation
 A model should contain elements that are measurable as performance indica-


Strategy Organization
& &
Policy Processes


Fig. 2.1 The Business IT Alignment Model (Scheper 2002)

The hypothesis states that the maturities of all business dimensions are equally
measured and the multi-dimensional balance between business maturities is basi-
cally measured by a factor called (business-IT) alignment. Then it is expected that
organizations with higher alignment scores significantly outperform their competi-
tors and improve their performance over time (Beukers et al. 2005, Scheper 2002).
Scheper (2002) has confirmed this hypothesis by conducting a benchmark study
over 265 organizations in The Netherlands. The result is supported by Batenburg
and Versendaal (2004, 2006), who emphasize that the performance of an organiza-
tion is positively related to the maturity of all dimensions and the alignment of
these five maturities. Furthermore, the deployment of new IT systems is often a
trigger for improving the business (Peppard and Ward 1999, 2003).

3 Organizational Developments

Organizations nowadays have to adapt to and deal with fast-paced changes in

order to effectively continue pursuing their business objectives. In order to do so,
effective and efficient information flows within and from the environment into the
organization is required. This is supported by Harris (2002) who asserts that orga-
nizational and communicative processes involve ongoing changes in order to or-
ganize activities. This specifically counts for organizations operating in this twen-
ty-first-century business environment. The fast-changing pace of today‟s dynamic
environment pressures organizations to adapt to these changes by reconsidering its
structures, processes, and relationships with its clients, competitors, and partners.

This implicates that organizational and communicative processes need to be

adapted as well (Gallois et al. 2004).
Notable changes that have been identified up until now, and which are deeply
connected to web 2.0 concepts, include the following observations:
 Globalization is continuously rising. More and more, organizations need to be
able to operate in an increasingly complex environment (Chesbrough 2006,
Daft 2004, Tapscott and Williams 2006)
 The movement towards a distributed work environment is greater than ever be-
fore (Brown et al. 2001, Dennis and Kinney 1998, Kakihara and Sorenson
 There is a shift towards a knowledge-based economy in which knowledge and
information are the primary sources of value creation (Jashapara 2004, Nurmi

These continuous changes drive organizations to adapt their business model

whenever necessary. The globalization, the movement towards a distributed work
environment, and the shift towards a knowledge-based economy in which know-
ledge and information are considered to be the most important aspects of an or-
ganization‟s capital, have tickled the interests of many researchers and practition-
ers on the benefit and implementation of web 2.0 concepts in every type of
organizational context.

3.1 Globalization and Distributed Work Environment

Recent technological advances, such as the emergence of the internet and other
computer networks that connect billions of people, have pushed organizations to-
ward the globalization era and enabled them to operate in an increasingly complex
working environment. They are now able to provide their products and services to
one global market. In order to outperform their competitors, organizations should
think globally and work collaboratively with their chain partners (Tapscott and
Williams 2006). This means that the environment and the work for organizations
are becoming more complex and require greater coordination and interaction (Gal-
lois et al. 2004). Thus, the right processes and structures to gain maximum bene-
fits while minimizing the disadvantages are desired (Daft 2004). These processes
and structures are more likely organized in a flat design and consist of employees
that are highly empowered and involved in the business activities.
Using advanced technologies which support globalization and the increasing
necessity, individuals and organizations are more willing and have more abilities
to be mobile. This mobility development influences not only organizations but al-
so the entire society (Kakihara and Sorenson 2002), and is supported with the
emergence of advanced information and communication technologies which have

enabled organization‟s employees to work together while being spatially and tem-
porally decoupled from one another (Garud et al. 1999). From this point, em-
ployees and organizations are required to develop the 24x7 and flexible work cul-
ture, which means that the employees can work and collaborate at any time and
from anywhere, and therefore, the right set of IT resources are needed. One of the
effective solutions is by having the web as a single universal platform that ties
everything together and that is accessible at anytime from anywhere. As a result,
the changes in the organization‟s requirements to maintain a high level of commu-
nication are inevitable (Nurmi 1998). Web 2.0 concepts, as one of the IT re-
sources, can be employed to help enable such an organizational environment.

3.2 Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm

Knowledge is considered to be a special strategic resource that does not depre-

ciate in the way traditional economic productive factors do. This kind of resource
is intangible and dynamic (Bontis and Curado 2006). The Resource-Based View
(RBV) of the firm has been introduced as a theory that examines the resources and
capabilities necessary to generate above-normal rates of return and sustainable
competitive advantage (Oliver 1997). Barney (1991) argues that the resources
leading to competitive advantage must be scarce, valuable, durable, and difficult
to imitate. The origin of all tangible resources lies outside the organization, there-
fore, the competitive advantage of an organization will most likely come from the
intangible organization-specific knowledge that allows it to uniquely add value to
the resources, procured from outside (Spender 1996).
Knowledge-Based Theory of the firm is an extension of the RBV of the firm,
which provides a strong theoretical underpinning for the organization learning and
intellectual capital researchers. This theory suggests that knowledge-based re-
sources or intangible assets are the most important assets for realizing competitive
advantages (Grant 1996).

3.3 Knowledge-Based Economy

Drucker (1992) defines a knowledge-based economy as an economical situa-

tion in which information and knowledge are largely recognized as important
capitals of the industries. This new economy is also recognized as the information
economy (Benkler 2006). The shift from post-industrial economy to this new
economy can already be seen in this global market that requires organizations to
adapt knowledge and organizational capabilities in their long-term strategies
(Grant 1996). Organizations might choose market mechanisms to coordinate pro-
duction and services rather than hierarchical governance (Penz and Sinkovics

2005, Williamson 1979). Moreover, in this economy, the development of informa-

tion and communication technologies has taken a huge leap. Information is digi-
tized and the revolution of communication technologies has led to many develop-
ments where knowledge is captured, organized, stored, shared and evaluated.
Knowledge is considered an increasingly important source of wealth creation and
competitive advantage for organizations (Chesbrough 2006, Donaldson 2001,
Tapscott and Williams 2006). From this perspective, it should come as no surprise
that knowledge-intensive organizations continue to emerge ever more frequently.

3.4 Web 2.0 Implications

The organizational development and new economy have been discussed in the
previous sections. These facts have tickled our curiosity on how web 2.0 concepts
can serve organizations in this knowledge economy and globalization era. In this
era organizations require to accommodate the increasing needs of collaborative ef-
forts, because coordination of their activities eventually determine their own suc-
cess. The web 2.0 in itself emphasizes on user collaboration and participation, as
well as using the web as a single universal platform to facilitate the organization‟s
activities that enable collaboration at anytime from anywhere (O‟Reilly 2005).
Thus, an effective web 2.0 solution may help organizations to provide these needs.

4 The Business Model

A business model is a method of doing business by which a company can sus-

tain itself and generate revenue (Rappa 2005). However, Hoegg et al. (2006) argue
that this definition does not provide insights into the components of business mod-
els and, thus, does not provide a foundation for a systematical analysis of the ac-
tivities of an organization. According to Timmers (1998), a business model is an
architecture for the products, services and information flows, including a descrip-
tion of various business actors and their roles, a description of the potential bene-
fits for the various business actor, and a description of the sources of revenues.
Chesbrough (2006) supports this definition by describing a business model as a
useful framework to link and convert ideas and technologies into economic values.
He asserts that every company of any size has a business model, whether that
model is articulated or not. Alongside other things, a business model performs two
important functions: value creation and value capture (Chesbrough 2003, 2006).
Value creation is performed by defining a series of various activities throughout
which values are created. The organization, then, develops the model of the prod-
ucts and/or services based on the values that are captured from a portion of these

4.1 Business Model Adaptation

In order to thrive in this twenty-first century with its globalization and know-
ledge-based economy, the value creation and value capturing activities (generally
the business model) of the organizations are required to be adapted and improved
(Chesbrough 2006).
A business model not only has to be developed, but it also has to be managed
and improved overtime. However, the activities of managing and improving a
business model are considered risky and uncertain, especially when a business
model has been around for decades within an organization. This is due to the fact
that changes made in the business model may lead to additional risks. Neverthe-
less, there are leading organizations that have been able to foster change in their
business models. This is usually done by responding to major shifts in the markets
or by benchmarking the best practices of successful competitors (Chesbrough
2006). Thus, business model improvement or adaptation is proven possible, yet,
how and where to improve their business models should be studied and discovered
further according to their particular situation.

4.2 Collaborative Business Model

When we hear the word “collaboration”, some of us might think of the image
where several individuals sitting together, having a good discussion and working
together to achieve their objectives. However, collaboration in the current context
means something significantly different. This type of collaboration aims at har-
nessing collective intelligence through peer-production, in a more effective and ef-
ficient way than ever before (Tapscott and Williams 2006). This peer-production
concept is starting to displace the traditional corporation hierarchies as the main
system of wealth creation in the economy.
The most recent business model improvement in today‟s business environment
is to involve key suppliers and customers in the value creation and value capturing
activities as the business partners of the organization, entering into a relationship
where both technical and business risks are shared (Batenburg and Rutten 2003,
Chesbrough 2006). This improvement is shifting the economy from the industrial
information economy, which typified information production since about two dec-
ades ago until recently, into a “networked information economy” (Benkler 2006).
The remarkable characteristic of a networked information economy is that decen-
tralized individual action, carried out through participation, plays a much more
important role than it ever did in the industrial information economy. This has led
to the facts that many of the resources for effective information production and
communication are now owned by and available to much bigger communities and
provide more possibilities of mass collaboration than they were and ever did be-

fore (Benkler 2006, Tapscott and Williams 2006). The individual freedom to coo-
perate with the others in creating economic value is no longer limited to certain
geographical area and timeframe.
Furthermore, the collaborative business model is characterized by the follow-
ing: (Benkler 2006)
 Nonproprietary information is becoming more common and important in the
information production.
 The use of continuously expanding computer network that connects billions of
people from everywhere, which provides a platform where the aggregate effect
of individual action produces the coordinate effect of a new and rich informa-
tion environment.
 The rise of the effective and large scale cooperative peer-production of infor-
mation, knowledge and culture.
These characteristics fit very well with the characteristic of the open business
model that is described by Chesbrough (2006). Being “open” means that the or-
ganizations require to open up their business models to let more external ideas and
technology flow in from outside the organization and allow more internal informa-
tion and knowledge to flow from the organization. By using external ideas in their
own business and letting other organizations use their ideas, the growth of innova-
tion becomes faster than ever with lower cost and shared risks. This is also sup-
ported by the new competitive concepts such as openness, peering, sharing, and
acting globally (Tapscott and Williams 2006).
In this age of collaboration, communities of individuals and small producers
are allowed to cocreate products, share their views and information in many ways.
Communication and collaboration patterns, as well as information consumption
and production are reshaped (Hoegg et al. 2006, Kolbitsch and Maurer 2006).
Tens of millions of people are blogging nowadays and individuals are willing to
contribute to social media, such as Wikipedia, YouTube, and Flickr, or to be a part
of social network communities like MySpace. Table 4.1 illustrates the accelerating
number of contributors and articles in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, since
January 2001.

Table 4.1 Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 – June 2005 (Benkler 2006)

Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. July June

2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005
Contributors* 10 472 2,188 9,653 25,011 48,721
Active contributors** 9 212 846 3,228 8,442 16,945
Very active contributors*** 0 31 190 692 1,639 3,016
No. of English language ar- 25 16,000 101,000 190,000 320,000 630,000
No. of articles, all languages 25 19,000 138,000 490,000 862,000 1,600,000
* Contributed at least 10 times; ** at least 5 times in last month; *** more than 100 times in last month

The rapid growth of the number of user contributions shows that individuals
are reacting positively on the shift toward collaboration. Thus, some pioneering
organizations have tried to adopt the collaborative business models and success-
fully thrive in this networked information economy. For example, Procter &
Gamble has successfully developed a program called “Connect and Develop”,
which licenses in or acquires products from other companies. They also have been
using the service of a web community in “InnoCentive” network where approx-
imately one hundred and twenty thousand scientists around the world are ready to
solve R&D problems with cash rewards (Tapscott and Williams 2006). InnoCen-
tive is an open innovation marketplace that stimulates anyone from anywhere to
contribute or cocreate innovations and new economic values by sharing their
ideas, inventions, and knowledge (InnoCentive 2008).

5 Webstrategy

The emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web have significantly
contributed to a fundamental change in views on how economic conditions and
business practices work (Penz and Sinkovics 2005). With the accelerating growth
of internet users, a rise of globalization, distributed work environments, know-
ledge-based economies, and collaborative business models, it becomes clear that
there is currently a high and growing number of organizations that demand a
proper webstrategy. This demand has been increasing over time, as a high number
of organizations did not even know what they were getting from the internet and
how the internet would influence their business, even after launching their web-
sites or web-enabled applications (Curry and Tetzeli 1996).
A proper webstrategy should allow the organizations to collaborate with their
business partners and massive number of individuals (internally and externally),
thus, assure them in gaining collective knowledge to sustain their competitive ad-
vantage and enhance their businesses. The current research aims to assist these or-
ganizations to formulate the proper webstrategy for their business industry.

5.1 Webstrategy Definition

How do we define a webstrategy? In order to define the term „webstrategy‟, we

may want to know how strategy is described. The word derives from the Greek
word stratēgos, which derives from two words: stratos (army) and ago (leading).
Wikipedia (2008) defines strategy as “a long term plan of action designed to
achieve a particular goal, most often "winning"”. Another definition is quoted
from The American Heritage Dictionary which defines strategy as “a plan of ac-

tion resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal”. Moreover,

James Brian Quinn in The Strategy Process: Concepts and Contexts indicates
strategy as “the pattern or plan that integrates an organization's major goals, pol-
icies, and action sequences into a cohesive whole”.
Strategy is applicable on different scopes and environments, such as war, busi-
ness, marketing, and even in the web environment. From the strategy definitions
mentioned above, we define webstrategy within the context of this research as
“The plan of action, involving important elements, revolving around a web envi-
ronment with regard to web 2.0 concepts, designed and implemented in order to
achieve organization‟s business goals)”. The important elements include:
 Goal (Ohmae 1982, Porter 1980)
 Clients (Haggie and Kingston 2003, Ohmae 1982)
 Products (Haggie and Kingston 2003)
 Time (Haggie and Kingston 2003)
 Resources (Haggie and Kingston 2003, Porter 1980)
 Tools/channels (Haggie and Kingston 2003, Porter 1980)

5.2 Webstrategy Formulation

We believe that the different types of organizations with differing require-

ments, characteristics, and objectives require a different webstrategy. Therefore,
an effective webstrategy formulation is necessary to be performed. In the next sec-
tions, we categorize the organizations, and present our webstrategy framework in-
cluding the key supporting tools. This framework is meant to assist in formulating
a good webstrategy according to the organization type and the important elements

5.2.1 Organization Typology

Organizations can be classified into several categories. Many organization ty-

pologies have been introduced over the years, such as beneficiary approach (Blau
and Scott 1962), control and power (Etzioni 1961), technology structure (Thomp-
son 1967), business process (Wiig 1997), organizational structures (Mintzberg
1980), and environmental approach (Jurkovich 1974). Therefore, it is important to
select the appropriate organization typology. For this purpose, we have defined
two main criteria:
1. The typology must have a clear distinction on the goal or strategy for each of
the organization types

2. Each organization type in the typology must have strong and distinct characte-
ristics from one another, to which web 2.0 concepts can be addressed in order
to support them
Based on these criteria, the “Value Disciplines” typology introduced by Treacy
and Wiersema (1993) was selected. Value Disciplines categorizes organizations
into three types: Customer Intimacy, Operational Excellence, and Product Leader-
ship. Table 5.1 provides the organization‟s characteristics for each organization
type (Haggie and Kingston 2003, Treacy and Wiersema 1995).

Table 5.1 The characteristics of each organization type (Haggie and Kingston 2003, Treacy and
Wiersema 1995)

Organization Type Characteristics

Customer Intimacy - Build bonds with customers
- Understand customers
- Tailor its products and services
- Customer loyalty is the greatest asset

Operational Excellence - Improve operational quality

- Improve efficiency
- Ease of purchase
- Low prices
- Hassle-free services

Product Leadership - Keep innovating

- Creation of new knowledge
- Require highly creative environment and culture
- Ability to bring/commercialize new ideas to market
- Have state-of-the-art products or services

Treacy and Wiersema (1995) argues that there is no company today can suc-
ceed by trying to be all things to all markets. But instead, the unique value that it
alone can deliver to the markets must be found and excelled. It is certainly con-
ceivable that organizations may be associated with more than 1 value disciplines.
Direct explanation on this statement is that the organizations do not abandon the
other two disciplines when they choose to excel in a value discipline. These or-
ganizations only choose a dimension of value on which to stake their market repu-
tation over the long term (Treacy and Wiersema 1995). Thus, there is only one
value focus an organization would excel at in order to differentiate them from
their competitors. Matching the organization‟s characteristics with the list pro-
vided in table 5.1 would help to identify the organization type easily.

5.2.2 Webstrategy Framework

The differing requirements of different organization types have led us to think

about how a webstrategy would be best formulated for the specific organization‟s
situation. In order to perform an effective webstrategy formulation and web 2.0
adoption, we have developed a webstrategy framework. The purpose of the web-
strategy framework is to assess the current (as-is) webstrategy of an organization,
give the direction of the desired (to-be) webstrategy of the organization, and final-
ly provide advices regarding possible improvements and propose a new effective
webstrategy. These phases are executed according to the organization‟s situation
and maturity revolving around the important elements of webstrategy and com-
pared to their competitors. These important elements are goal, clients, products,
time, resources, and tools/channels.

Fig. 5.1 A fragment of the Webstrategy Framework

The webstrategy framework depicted in figure 5.1 incorporates five phases, one
additional activity, six webstrategy elements, key tools, and optional supplementa-
ry tools. These phases function to guide through the whole webstrategy formula-
tion in search for a good solution. Questions, revolving around the six webstrategy
elements, on each of the phases are to be asked in order to gain adequate informa-
tion to formulate an effective webstrategy. Moreover, these questions should in-
clude internal and external aspects (Ohmae 1982, Porter 1980). The webstrategy
formulation phases are:
 Awareness: In this phase, information about the current position of the organi-
zation should be gathered. This includes their business strategy, business re-
quirements, the industry trends, as well as their awareness regarding web 2.0
benefits. The maturity of the organization compared to its competitors is also
included. Some example questions which may be asked are:

– What is the goal of the organization?

– Who are the clients of the organization?
– Does the organization want to enhance its existing market and/or product?
– Is the organization aware of web 2.0 benefits to enhance its businesses?
– What are the current trends in the industry?
– What are the major movements of the organization‟s competitors?
– What channels are mostly being used by the clients?
 Anticipation and Assessment (as-is): The purpose of this phase is, firstly, to
categorize the type of the organization by identifying their value discipline. Se-
condly, the current webstrategy and as-is situation of the organization should
be assessed, as to which and how well web 2.0 concepts and features are being
used at present, and lastly, the potential problems should be identified. The ex-
ample questions to be asked include:
– Is the goal of the organization very hard to achieve without an excellent ef-
ficiency within its business processes?
– Would the organization fail to survive if it did not have excellent relation-
ships with or information about its customers?
– Does the organization constantly require new knowledge in order to keep
– What are the characteristics of the organization?
– Is the current webstrategy goal aligned with the organizational goal?
– Does the organization invite its consumers to become prosumers (consum-
ers who produce), to be involved and collaborate or add value to their
business? If so, to what extent?
– Does the organization have GUI-style web applications with Rich Internet
Application functionalities to encourage clients to use them?
– Does the organization currently use or lease data from other organizations
or providers?
– Does the organization have any web applications that can be reached from
multiple devices? If so, what applications are they?
 Formulation of Direction (to-be): After gathering the information in the first
two phases, based on the organization type, the desired situation is formulated
toward which the organization should improve their webstrategy. This direction
is provided by the “Matrix”, one of the key tools provided to support the utili-
zation of this webstrategy framework. The development of this matrix, and the
matrix itself are elaborated upon in section Some example questions
which may be asked include:
– To what extent should the web 2.0 concepts be implemented in order to ef-
fectively obtain added value from users participation?
– In order to implement the web 2.0 features listed on the matrix successful-
ly, what knowledge must be obtained and what changes must be per-

 Webstrategy Development: In this phase, the new webstrategy is formulated

and proposed to the organization. The important web 2.0 concepts and features
that should be emphasized and applied in the webstrategy, but are missing or
not getting enough attention in the current webstrategy, are listed. Instead of
asking questions, we suggest to create deliverables according to and by using
the “Analytical Framework” key tool. During the development of the webstra-
tegy, the alignment with the organization maturity, strategy, processes, goals,
capabilities, culture, products, resources, human capitals, skills, knowledge,
and industry trends should be taken into consideration to develop an effective
and efficient webstrategy (Batenburg and Versendaal 2004, 2006; Beukers et
al. 2005; Scheper 2002). The design of the analytical framework is further ela-
borated in section
 Evaluation: Evaluation and final feasibility checks on the proposed webstrate-
gy are performed in the Evaluation phase. Usually this phase is executed after
the new webstrategy is implemented. Questions which may be asked to eva-
luate the proposed webstrategy are:
– Is the proposed webstrategy well aligned with the business strategy of the
– Does the proposed webstrategy deliver what it was intended to, and is it
able to help the organization to achieve its objectives?
– Does the proposed webstrategy adequately provide the users a platform to
collaborate and add value to the organization?
– Are the proposed changes acceptable for the organization's employees and
– Is the proposed webstrategy able to improve the advertising and marketing
performance of the products?
In the webstrategy framework shown in figure 5.1, we can see the one addi-
tional activity that is performed throughout the whole webstrategy formulation
 Feasibility Check: The webstrategy framework we developed suggests that
feasibility check should be performed continuously throughout the whole
process. This is done in order to identify potential problems early in the
process, thus, saving time from analyzing and formulating ineffective or ineffi-
cient webstrategy. Therefore, in every phase, the feasibility with respect to the
following aspects should be checked:
– Is it within the organization‟s budget?
– Does the organization have adequate resources and capabilities?
– Is it aligned with the organizational goal and the business strategy?
– Is the organization or the products mature enough?
– Does the organization have enough human capital, skills and knowledge
– Is it timely feasible?

– Are the employees and clients supportive toward the changes?

– Are the business requirements and web requirements positively addressed?
With the six webstrategy elements, five phases, and the feasibility check activi-
ty explained, it leaves us with the last chunk of the webstrategy framework,
“tools”. The tools are categorized into two parts, which are key tools and supple-
mentary tools. These tools are meant to be used to support the utilization of the
framework. The supplementary tools are optional and can be used to support in-
formation gathering and the completion of particular phase. Examples of supple-
mentary tools include Porter‟s five forces, SWOT analysis, Ansoff‟s matrix, Ma-
pIT, Mind-mapping, MoSCoW prioritization tool, and Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs). Unlike the supplementary tools, the key tools are strictly at-
tached to and must be used along with the webstrategy framework. Key Tool: The Matrix

Web 2.0 is not a single philosophy or technology, rather many that should be
considered (Manafy 2006). Hoegg et al. (2006) presents the fundament of web 2.0
as collective intelligence maximization, transparency of the information creation
and sharing process, and network effects. Next to these, more terms can be found
in literature to denote web 2.0: social software (Bächle 2006), peer production
(Schonfeld 2006), social networking communities (Breslin et al. 2004), folksono-
mies and shared media (Mathes 2004), and web logs (Bachnik et al. 2005, Baoill
2004, Gill 2004, Hara et al. 2005, Kumar et al. 2004). However, these terms are
leaning toward higher level concepts that are enunciated by O‟Reilly (2005). The
seven key concepts of web 2.0 according to O‟Reilly (2005) are:
1. The Web as Platform
The term “desktop” has evolved to “webtop”, where the web is used as a single
universal platform that connects and accommodates organizations and individ-
uals to have web 2.0 services. Both, web browsers and web servers turn out to
be commodities, and value moved up the stack to services delivered over the
web platform (Gilchrist 2007, O‟Reilly 2005).
2. Harnessing Collective Intelligence
The interactive exchange of information and the continuous development and
maintenance of a group opinion, which results in a commonly accepted opinion
and content (Hoegg et al. 2006). An application should be able to encourage
user participation and uniquely leverage the ability of the participants to im-
prove the product or content (Baumann 2006, Manafy 2006, O‟Reilly 2005).
3. Data is the Next Intel Inside
Knowledge is power and data is treated as a core competence. Database is val-
uable, growing organically in value if constructed and used correctly (Baumann
2006, O‟Reilly 2005).

4. End of the Software Release Cycle

Software is delivered as a service rather than as a product, it must be main-
tained, reviewed, and improved on a daily basis. This leads to the need to treat
users as co-developers, where some sites are in an almost “perpetual beta” con-
dition (Gilchrist 2007, O‟Reilly 2005).
5. Lightweight Programming Models
Programming models should allow for loosely coupled systems, allowing syn-
dication rather than mere coordination (Gilchrist 2007, O‟Reilly 2005). There-
fore, remixability, web services, and mash-ups play an important role.
6. Software Above the Level of a Single Device
Software for devices other than computers (multi-channel). Applications are
independent of the devices used to access them, and mobile applications are not
degraded versions of what happens on the PC (Baumann 2006, Gilchrist 2007,
O‟Reilly 2005).
7. Rich User Experiences
Web 2.0 gives users an experience closer to desktop applications than tradi-
tional static web pages (Manafy 2006, O‟Reilly 2005). Rich Internet Applica-
tion (RIA) is important for user satisfaction by bringing desktop abilities into
the web browsers.
This matrix is one of the key tools involved in the webstrategy framework,
which will be used in the Formulation of Direction phase. The purpose of this ma-
trix is to give the direction of which web 2.0 concepts an organization should fo-
cus on. Note that this matrix is not meant to develop a universal webstrategy for
each organization type. Instead, its main purpose is to provide a meaningful and
accountable direction. The actual webstrategy is developed based on the analysis
of this direction and the information specific to the organization‟s situation (see The direction provided in this matrix consists of the different significance
and effectiveness levels of each web 2.0 key concept for an organization to sustain
or even enhance its competitive advantage, depending on the type of the organiza-
tion. Methodology
The matrix was developed with two different dimensions. The characteristics of
each organization type on one dimension (y-axis), and seven web 2.0 key concepts
on another dimension (x-axis), where in each cell contains a numerical value be-
tween 1 – 5.

Table 5.2 Matrix composition

Organization Types and its Characteristics Web 2.0 Key Concepts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Customer Intimacy
- Build bonds with customers c1

- Understand customers c2
- Tailor its products and services c3
- Customer loyalty is the greatest asset c4
Operational Excellence
- Improve operational quality
- Improve efficiency
- Ease of purchase
- Low prices
- Hassle-free services
Product Leadership
- Keep innovating
- Creation of new knowledge
- Require highly creative environment and culture
- Ability to bring/commercialize new ideas to
market quickly
- Have state-of-the-art products or services

In order to fill in this matrix, 12 expert interviews have been conducted with
web 2.0 experts. Even though the 12 experts have various experience, specializa-
tion and industry focus, all of them have strong interest and good understanding,
knowledge, and experience on web 2.0 projects. The composition of the respon-
dents according to their job functions are as follows:
 Business Analyst: 1 respondent
 Consultant: 2 respondents
 Senior Consultant: 1 respondent
 Manager: 4 respondents
 Senior Manager: 3 respondents
 Assistant professor: 1 respondent
The duration of each expert interview was ranging between 90 and 120 mi-
nutes. During the interview, additional information was provided to ensure that the
concepts being discussed were exactly and correctly understood by both the ex-
perts (interviewees) and the researcher (interviewer). During this session, the ex-
perts were required to complete this matrix by giving an importance score of each
concept toward every characteristic of each organization type. The relationship be-
tween the concept and the characteristic is „how important is this concept for help-
ing the particular organization type to realize or support the corresponding cha-
racteristic?‟. The score ranges between 1 – 5, where 1 indicates „least important‟
and 5 is interpreted as „extremely important‟.
The analysis was performed in two ways by investigating the averages and the
frequencies. The analysis on average values was performed by taking into consid-
eration the standard deviations and potential outliers. The steps taken are:

1. The sum scores of the characteristics of each organization type per concept are
calculated for every respondent. Since the number of characteristics, and thus
the sum of maximum scores, of the customer intimacy organization is not the
same as the other two types, therefore, the calculation is done in percentage in
order to make comparable measurements among the 3 organization types, i.e.
(c1+c2+c3+c4)/(c1max+c2max+c3max+c4max) * 100.
2. From the previous calculations, the average scores of the sum, of the 12 res-
pondents, on each concept per organization type are calculated to draw the final
result. The higher the average score, the more important the concept is.
The second analysis is focusing on the frequency. The steps taken are:
1. The average scores of the characteristics of each organization type per concept
are calculated for every respondent.
2. The average scores are categorized into 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5, and certain
points are assigned to each category. The points assigned to the categories are 1
point, 2 points, 3 points, and 4 points respectively.
3. The frequency of the average scores in all categories are analyzed by calculat-
ing the points that each concept obtained on each organization type. The higher
the point, the more important the concept is.
The two different analyses are performed. In order to have a reliable outcome,
the results from both analyses are expected to draw the same conclusion. Results
After the data collection and data analysis on the averages, taking into account
the standard deviations which were relatively low (smaller than half of the mean
values), are completed, the results show that concept (6) “software above the level
of a single device” and (2) “harnessing collective intelligence” turned out to be the
most important concepts for customer intimacy organization to sustain its com-
petitive advantage and deliver business values. Harnessing collective ideas of
what the customers really need, as well as an excellent quality of information
about the customers, can be very crucial for this type of organization. These would
allow the organization to understand their customers better and be able to tailor its
products and services according to the customers‟ needs, thus improve customer
loyalty. By allowing the customers to access and use their web applications from
multiple devices, the harnessing collective intelligence activities will be max-
imized. This allows the organization to get inputs from users who would not have
been able to contribute if the software was only accessible through one device.
Some experts also argue that multi-channeling, together with “rich user expe-
riences” (7) concept such as RIA (Rich Internet Application), would improve the
user-friendliness of the applications, which will lead the organization to build
bonds by having more returning customers and improve customer loyalty.

Furthermore, concepts (4) “end of software release cycle” and (5) “lightweight
programming models” were found to be the least important concepts when focus-
ing on the webstrategy of customer intimacy organizations in order to deliver
business values.

Fig. 5.2 The importance of web 2.0 concepts for customer intimacy organizations

While concept (6) “software above the level of a single device” turns out to be
one of the most important web 2.0 concepts for operational excellence organiza-
tions, concept (1) “the web as platform” scores slightly higher according to the
experts. The two concepts directly and significantly support all of the main cha-
racteristics of operational excellence organizations, and hence, sustain their com-
petitive advantage. Operational quality, efficiency and hassle-free services can be
improved by using the web as a single universal platform where most of the busi-
ness activities take place. This excellent operational efficiency sometimes allows
this type of organization to skip the middle-man in reaching its customers or to ob-
tain other benefits, which results in low prices. The direct contact between manu-
facturer and the customers is mostly done on the web, this is where the “software
above the level of a single device” concept becomes important. By providing more
possibilities to have this type of contact (or to access the web applications)
through multiple devices, the ease of purchase and hassle-free services are signifi-
cantly improved. Customers who are not always sitting in front of their computers
can now purchase or obtain services through their mobile phones, PDAs, or other
devices from anywhere at any given time.
Furthermore, the result also shows that the five remaining web 2.0 concepts are
almost equally important to be implemented in the webstrategy for the prosperity
of operational excellence organizations.

Fig. 5.3 The importance of web 2.0 concepts for operational excellence organizations

Product leadership organizations require constant innovation, new knowledge,

and a creative environment. According to the experts, concept (2) “harnessing col-
lective intelligence” directly addresses these three characteristics. The example of
P&G and InnoCentive as described in section 4.2 shows how these concepts may
help build a highly creative environment that allows constant creation of good
quality of innovation and new knowledge. Moreover, the experts believe that con-
cept (5) “lightweight programming models” is an important concept to support the
development of state-of-the-art products, along with “harnessing collective intelli-
gence”. Lightweight programming models allow the organization to be agile and
quickly adjust their software and products according to the latest trends and inno-
vation in the market. Figure 5.4 below also shows that concept (4) “end of the
software release cycle” is indeed one of the most important web 2.0 concepts for
product leadership organizations. By focusing on this concept in its webstrategy,
this type of organization would be able to improve its ability to bring and com-
mercialize the new ideas or products to the market quickly, and thus receive early
feedback from the consumers.
According to the analysis, concept (3) “data is the next intel inside” appears to
have the least significance, compared to the other web 2.0 concepts, to be imple-
mented in the webstrategy of product leadership organizations to sustain competi-
tive advantage and deliver business values.

Fig. 5.4 The importance of web 2.0 concepts for product leadership organizations

Next to the average analysis, a frequency analysis has been conducted. The re-
sults of this frequency analysis positively support the results of the average analy-
sis, thus the same conclusion was drawn.
 “Software above the level of a single device” and “harnessing collective intel-
ligence” are the most important web 2.0 concepts to deliver business values for
customer intimacy organizations.
 “The web as platform” and “software above the level of a single device” are the
most important web 2.0 concepts to deliver business values for operational ex-
cellence organizations.
 “Harnessing collective intelligence”, “end of the software release cycle” and
“lightweight programming models” are the most important web 2.0 concepts to
deliver business values for product leadership organizations.

Table 5.3 The results of the frequency analysis

Organization Types Web 2.0 Key Concepts (Frequency)

(Average Score Categorization) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Customer Intimacy
1-2 (x1 point) 1 0 1 0 3 0 0
2-3 (x2 points) 1 1 3 9 2 0 1
3-4 (x3 points) 6 3 5 2 5 6 6
4-5 (x4 points) 4 8 3 1 2 6 5
Total Points 37 43* 34 28 30 42* 40
Operational Excellence
1-2 (x1 point) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

2-3 (x2 points) 2 3 6 7 3 3 5

3-4 (x3 points) 5 6 4 3 8 4 4
4-5 (x4 points) 5 2 2 2 1 5 2
Total Points 39* 33 32 31 34 38* 31
Product Leadership
1-2 (x1 point) 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
2-3 (x2 points) 1 1 4 0 0 2 5
3-4 (x3 points) 10 5 5 6 4 8 4
4-5 (x4 points) 1 6 1 6 8 2 2
Total Points 36 41* 29 42* 44* 36 31
* The most important web 2.0 concept for corresponding organization type.

Fig. 5.5 The overall overview of each web 2.0 concept for all organization types

Figure 5.5 presents an overview of the importance of each web 2.0 concept to
different types of organizations. It shows that according to the experts, “harness-
ing collective intelligence” (2) is a very important concept for the success of cus-
tomer intimacy and product leadership organizations. Next to this, “end of the
software release cycle” (4) and “lightweight programming models” (5) concepts
appear to be valued the most by product leadership organizations compared to the
other types of organizations. Expectedly, “software above the level of a single de-
vice” (6) and “rich user experiences” (7) are shown to deliver most values for cus-
tomer intimacy organizations. Moreover, the result of the research suggests that
“the web as platform” (1) and “data is the next intel inside” (3) are considered as
common or general concepts that would deliver about the same values to all types
of organizations. However, the “the web as platform” (1) concept scores slightly

higher with respect to operational excellence organizations when compared to the

other two types, while the “data is the next intel inside” (3) concept scores higher
on customer intimacy. The same interpretation can also be seen in the result of the
frequency analysis table above (see table 5.3).
This result should be able to give the direction of which web 2.0 concepts an
organization should focus on when formulating an effective webstrategy by using
the webstrategy framework.

Table 5.4 The mapping of the 7 web 2.0 concepts toward organization types based on their im-
portance level in delivering business values.

Organization Very Important Important Less Important

Customer Software above the level of a Rich user experiences (7) End of the software
Intimacy single device (6) The web as platform (1) release cycle (4)
Harnessing collective intelli- Data is the next intel inside (3) Lightweight pro-
gence (2) gramming models (5)
Operational Ex- The web as platform (1) Lightweight programming
cellence Software above the level of a models (5)
single device (6) Rich user experiences (7)
Harnessing collective intelli-
gence (2)
End of the software release
cycle (4)
Data is the next intel inside (3)
Product Harnessing collective intelli- Software above the level of a Data is the next intel
Leadership gence (2) single device (6) inside (3)
End of the software release The web as platform (1)
cycle (4) Rich user experiences (7)
Lightweight programming
models (5) Key Tool: The Analytical Framework

The analytical framework is developed to investigate the information gathered

from the previous phases of the framework. This systematic tool gives the guide-
line on how the new webstrategy should be proposed, based on the information
gathered in the previous phases. This analytical framework involves internal and
external aspects of an organization. The internal aspects include business strategy,
business requirements, web requirements, value discipline, webstrategy direction
& best practices, and assessment of current webstrategy. The external aspects in-
clude industry trends and technology breakthroughs. The information about these
aspects, in relation to the organization, were gathered by asking the questions in
the previous phases of the webstrategy framework. Furthermore, this analytical

framework is to be used in the “webstrategy development” phase of the webstrate-

gy framework.

Fig. 5.6 The analytical framework

Some deliverables are expected to be created by utilizing this analytical frame-

work. These deliverables are essential in formulating an effective webstrategy.
The deliverables can be documented and should involve the following items:
 Business Strategy: The business strategy of the organization can be identified
by analyzing the information gathered in the first phase of the webstrategy
framework, namely “awareness”. In this phase, general questions about the or-
ganization are asked, including questions on its business strategy. This is usual-
ly the long term business plans of the organization to achieve its long term
 Business Requirements: After the identification of the organization‟s business
strategy, there is a need to list its business requirements. Business requirements
are usually derived from the business strategy, however, these can also be de-
rived with the combination with key stakeholders wishes and research outside
the company. Business requirements constitute a specification of what the
business wants and describe in business terms what must be delivered or ac-
complished to provide value. With the identified business strategy, along with
the additional information obtained in the phase “awareness” of the webstrate-
gy framework such as key stakeholders wishes, the business requirements of
the organization can be formulated.
 Web Requirements: Web requirements are translated from the business re-
quirements of the organization, and usually contain the necessities of web-

related technologies capabilities in order to support the business and achieve its
objectives. Next to the business requirements, additional information can also
be asked to aid the identification of web requirements.
 Value Discipline: The value discipline of the organization should be identified
in the second phase of the webstrategy framework, which is “anticipation and
assessment”. In this phase, questions concerning the focus of how an organiza-
tion, in its markets, has increased the value offered to customers over the long
term are asked. The answers to these questions would give an adequate infor-
mation of the organization‟s value discipline, thus, the organization type.
 Webstrategy Direction & Best Practices: The identification of organization
type allows us to use the matrix key tool to give the webstrategy direction.
With the help of this matrix, the webstrategy direction can be derived as to
which web 2.0 concepts are essential in delivering business value to the organi-
zation. In this item, best practices available for this particular organization type
can also be included. This deliverable refers to the “formulation of direction
(to-be)” phase of the webstrategy framework.
 Assessment of Current Webstrategy: This deliverable can be produced from
the information that is previously gathered in the “anticipation and assessment
(as-is)” phase of the webstrategy framework. This should include not only the
assessment of the current webstrategy, but also the impact on the business
strategy. Any (potential) constraints from the current webstrategy that limit or
do not support the effectiveness of the organization‟s business strategy are
listed here.
 Industry Trends and Technology Breakthroughs: This deliverable concerns
more of external influences, such as the trends in the industry (product and ser-
vice trends, market trends, and movement trends of the competitors) and the
technology breakthroughs (any emerging technologies) that currently penetrate
and are able to deliver business values to the organization.
 Implications: Taking into consideration of the four deliverables, which are
“webstrategy direction & best practices”, “web requirements”, “assessment of
current webstrategy”, and “the industry trends and technology breakthroughs”,
the implications are derived. These implications involve internal as well as ex-
ternal influences. Specific situations and conditions of the organization, such as
the maturity of the organization compared to its competitors, the maturity of the
products/services, the availability of resources, human capitals, skills and
knowledge should also be taken into account. These implications must give
clear ideas on which the formulation of the actual webstrategy to be proposed
will be based.
 Proposed Webstrategy: This deliverable formulates the actual webstrategy to
be proposed to the organization. The proposed webstrategy should be align
with the organization‟s business strategy, capabilities, and goals. Note that the
formulation process is based on the implications derived from the previous de-
liverable, in which internal (webstrategy direction & best practices, web re-
quirements, and assessment of the current webstrategy) as well as external as-

pects (industry trends and technology breakthroughs) are intensively consi-

dered. Thus, the proposed webstrategy, with the current capabilities of the par-
ticular organization, is expected to effectively address the issues that the organ-
ization has, deliver the business values to the organization, and improve its
business performance.

6 Conclusions

In this twenty-first century, where the knowledge-based economy has evolved

from an industrial information economy into a networked information economy,
IT technologies are crucial to the success of the organizations. Taking IT into an
organization requires a good alignment between the capabilities of different busi-
ness aspects and IT. Business models have also started to shift toward collabora-
tion and community involvement. Organizations create pores to allow information
and knowledge to flow in and out of the organization, which would stimulate crea-
tion of knowledge and innovation. This approach effectively gains through web
2.0 technologies and their underlying concepts, which suggests that collective in-
telligence, even from individuals, matters.
For an organization to successfully adopt web 2.0 concepts into its webstrategy,
there are a number of aspects which need to be considered, including the value
discipline which best describes its organization type and the unique value that is to
be delivered in the long term. The webstrategy of the organization requires to be
able to sustain and even improve this unique value to the next level in order to
outperform its competitors. Therefore, the categorization of the web 2.0 concepts
based on their effectiveness in addressing the issues and delivering business val-
ues to specific organization type was emphasized.
Next to the value discipline, webstrategy formulation involves other aspects as
described in section 5. An effective webstrategy should consider its alignment
with the organization‟s business strategy, objectives, resources and capabilities, as
well as with the industry trends and technology breakthroughs. This research has
sought to consider these elements and the alignment in formulating an effective
webstrategy with the adoption of web 2.0 concepts for different types of organiza-
tions. The webstrategy framework and its key tools were introduced and the ex-
planations of the fragments were provided. The differing needs of web 2.0 solu-
tions for different organization types were also presented. The webstrategy
framework as described in this chapter will assist in formulating an effective web-
strategy by incorporating the appropriate web 2.0 concepts to effectively deliver
business values for the organization.


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Chapter 8. Web 2.0: Issues for the Design of
Social Networks

Sagar Bhatnagar

School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo

Tejaswini Herath

School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo

Raj Sharman

School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo

H. Raghav Rao

School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo

Shambhu J. Upadhyaya

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo


Social Networks have become part of our daily lives and recently there have been
a deluge of social networking sites. People are using social networks to keep in
touch with friends, family and community. Newer Web 2.0 technologies are en-
couraging social networking. With social networking sites surfacing every day,
we believe it is worthwhile to draw the attention of the reader towards security
and privacy related as well as other market and technological factors that should
be considered while developing social networks. We discuss in detail the different
elements of security and privacy of information that should to be addressed by the

1 Introduction

In past few years interest in social networking has grown tremendously. There
have been a deluge of social networking websites that have surfaced over the past
few years and the user base for these is accruing at a phenomenal rate. Web 2.0, a
platform that focuses on openness, read-write paradigms, participation from all, is
shifting authority of content creation in hands of end-users and is encouraging so-
cial networking.
While there was a concern about the impact of internet on social life that the In-
ternet would prompt people to withdraw from social engagement and become iso-
lated, depressed, and alienated, PEW internet survey found that online world is a
vibrant social universe where many Internet users enjoy serious and satisfying
contact with online communities. These online groups are made up of those who
share passions, beliefs, hobbies, or lifestyles, and involve communities that are lo-
cal as well as virtual or global in nature. The findings support the occurrence of
“glocalization” – a concept suggested by sociologist Barry Wellman suggesting
the capacity of the Internet to expand users‟ social worlds to faraway people and
simultaneously to bind them more deeply to the place where they live (Horrigan,
2001). In spite of the surge on on-line social networking, on-line communities face
several important issues that need careful consideration. Although the features of
social networking sites differ from one another, in general, they all allow you to
provide information about yourself and offer some type of communication me-
chanism (forums, chat rooms, email, and instant messenger) that enables you to
connect with other users. The nature of these sites due to on-line, interactive and
relatively open environment introduces various security, privacy (Bausch & Han,
2006) and other risks. In addition, several other market and technology factors are
essential for existence of these sites. In this article we evaluate the nature of on-
line securities, issues they face and possible solutions to overcome some of these

2 Nature of Social Networks

In general, a social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are gen-
erally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of
relations. Online social networks, sometimes referred to as "friend-of-a-friend"
sites, build upon the concept of traditional social networks. The Internet helps
people find others who share their interests no matter how distant they are, and it
also helps them increase their contact with groups and people they already know
and it helps them feel more connected to them. The purpose of some networking
sites may be purely social, allowing users to establish friendships or romantic rela-
tionships, while others may focus on establishing business connections. Class-

mates.com, one of the first social networking website created in 1995 by Randy
Conrads helps members find, connect and keep in touch with friends and acquain-
tances from throughout their lives (Horrigan, 2001) while sites such as LinkedIn
allow professionals to contact similar others. Sites such as Ancestry.com or Ge-
ni.com allow people to find about their family tree and get in touch with related
others. By far the most popular social networking site “MySpace”, with now over
168 million registered users ("Social network", 2007), has become the digital
equivalent of hanging out at the mall for today's teens, who load the site with pho-
tos, news about music groups and detailed profiles of their likes and dislikes
(Knowledge@Wharton, 2006). Other social network sites include Facebook,
geared to college students; Orkut, geared towards teens and young; and LinkedIn,
geared towards business professionals. ("Social network", 2007).

Table 1: Popular Social Networks Member details

Site Members

MySpace 176,500,000
Windows Live Spaces 120,000,000
Orkut 46,423,762
Classmates.com 40,000,000
Xanga 40,000,000
Bebo 31,000,000
Friendster 29,100,000
Reunion.com 28,000,000
Broadcaster.com 26,000,000
Facebook 21,000,000

Top 10 Sites 2007 - Wikipedia ("Social network", 2007)

Site Apr-05 (000) Apr-06 (000) YOY Growth

MySpace 8,210 38,359 367%
Blogger 10,301 18,508 80%
Classmates Online 11,672 12,865 10%
YouTube N/A 12,505 N/A
MSN Groups 12,352 10,570 -14%
AOL Hometown 11,236 9,590 -15%
Yahoo! Groups 8,262 9,165 11%
MSN Spaces 1,857 7,165 286%
Six Apart TypePad 5,065 6,711 32%
Xanga.com 5,202 6,631 27%
Top 10 sites 2006 - Neilson Rating (Bausch & Han, 2006)

Social networks differ in the audience they serve, their network structures
(which could be based on interests, geography or occupation) and type of features
available. Table 2 compares some of the popular social networks and their charac-
teristics (Wildbit.org, 2005).

Table 2: Comparison of Popular Social Networks

Audience Network End User Features General Features

(Use) Structure
MySpace Teens, young 22 forums Blog, video, url photo, Browse profiles, search, invite
people with interest address book, bulletin new people,
(family, net- categories film/ comedy/ music forum, fa-
working) with 2 suble- calendar, email vorites, videos, classifieds,
vels events
Orkut Teens, young None Photo, video, book- Friends ( rank, best, good, ac-
people marks, scrapbook, pro- quaintances), search, Communi-
(Personal file, ties, Orkut Media ( gallery,
connections) testimonials lounge blog), Orkut News (an-
nouncement, demographics)
LinkedIn Business Pro- None Connections, network People search, Jobs & Hiring,
fessionals data, email list, Categorized service providers
(Business recommendations recommendations, Ask a ques-
networking) tion from professionals

Facebook Students None Profile, friend finder, Browse profiles, search, invite
(College photos, myshares, new people
friendships) notes, events,

3 Privacy implications

Social networking sites rely on connections and communication, and thus they
encourage users to provide a certain amount of personal information. Although
online social networks are establishing novel forms of interaction among users,
they raise many security and privacy concerns. Millions of people around the
world, young and old, use these sites to communicate, find friends, family mem-
bers, dates, and jobs. In doing so, they willingly reveal personal information to
strangers as well as friends. The lack of face to face communication provides a
false sense of security in these online communities. It is observed that on many
social networking sites, members of community do not exercise the same amount
of caution as they would when meeting someone in person (Acquisti & Gross,
2006; Stutzman, 2006). Accessibility to personal information available on these

sites has made them venues for predators to search for victims. Online communi-
ties allow predators to form relationships online and then convince unsuspecting
individuals to meet them in person leading to dangerous situation. The personal
information revealed on these sites can also be used to conduct a social engineer-
ing attack such as phishing and identity theft.
While protecting personal information online is important cautionary measure,
fair representation of oneself is also important in social networking. For example,
in an on-line community where people meet friends or dates, it is important to
have realistic picture of the other party. Similarly, for transactional on-line com-
munities such as e-bay it is important to have valid and reliable information about
the buyer, seller and the product. Misrepresentation of these can lead to variety of
frauds. On-line identity presented correctly or misrepresented, and its implica-
tions, is an interesting and important research question in online social networks.
Most networks we know about encourage, but do not force users to reveal per-
sonal information such as their dates of birth, their cell phone numbers, or where
they currently live; and yet, one cannot help but marvel at the amount, detail, and
nature of the personal information some users provide (Acquisti & Gross, 2006).
Would the privacy conscious members behave differently than relatively naive
members of the community? Acquisti and Gross (Acquisti & Gross, 2006) found
that an individual‟s privacy concerns are only a weak predictor of his membership
to the network. Also privacy concerned individuals join the network and reveal
great amounts of personal information. Some manage their privacy concerns by
trusting their ability to control the information they provide and the external
access to it. Authors found significant misconceptions among some members
about the online community‟s reach and the visibility of their profiles.
Privacy issues are rampant in the new participative systems like blogs, online
social networks where content is posted by the end user. Privacy may not be li-
mited to self, but one‟s entire networks privacy is critical. For example, FOAF
[Friend of a Friend] can expose private information for a chain of people con-
nected to each other. This risks privacy for the entire network of people rather
than a single individual. The current social networks have a number of privacy is-
sues. For example, LinkedIn has some privacy issues related to leakage of profes-
sional information and resources of the people who set their profile on this site
(Rand, 2007). MySpace poses a different case for privacy concerns. If a person
knows the name of another person, the former can get access to demographic and
other personal information of the latter just by searching the name of the latter.
Therefore, it becomes important to incorporate effective countermeasures that en-
sure privacy of the user information on the social network.
There have been number of instances where blogs and online social networks
have revealed classified information for a corporate or an individual to a third par-
ty just because that information was easily viewable and carelessly posted. These
circumstances can result into lawsuits and heavy financial damages for the in-
volved parties. The social network design elements should address these issues

But how to ensure one‟s personal privacy and one‟s network privacy on an on-
line community web site? Soft security measures over and above methods like
cryptography and secure access can ensure confidentiality of information that
floats on the network and exchanged among the users. Some considerations for
privacy on a social network can be limiting access by means of limited audience,
i.e. people who are viewing your posts to friends, acquaintances; and limited
reach, i.e. the user have over all the other content on the social network? For ex-
ample, can a person who has registered on a site like Facebook access all the other
person‟s data or that can be controlled?
Privacy policies can mitigate several other issues related to the posted content
and control the consequences associated with privacy breaches. The features of the
web site‟s privacy policy should be designed comprehensively such that they ad-
dress all scenarios of privacy breaches and spell out clearly written and specific
guidelines for the user.
Security profiles determine the level and extent of privacy flexibility that end
users can exploit. For example, in Orkut, one can check the property “disable pro-
file visitors” which can prevent one from knowing who visited one‟s page and
vice versa . But this is still incomplete. One can still view anyone‟s scrapbook and
details of the scrap conversations. Future social networks should have security
profiles with more exhaustive list of privacy settings for all permutations and
combinations. There should be provision for the end user to categorize his content
and security profile should include options to deal with each of these categories.
This will enable privacy configuration much more comprehensively and minimize
privacy breaches
Security profiles, privacy policies are some of the preventions mechanisms.
Mechanisms that eliminate privacy issues in real time can also be used to streng-
then the privacy practices. For example, a social network can build a “Privacy
Warning Server” which generates warnings for end users and make them aware of
any privacy loopholes in their settings. This will also help in mitigating cases of
privacy breaches. These Privacy Warning Servers can compare a particular priva-
cy setting with a benchmark and then generate respective warnings for the end us-
er or even self-correct these loopholes by updating the security profiles.

4 Security Considerations for Online Communities

Online communities are used as platforms for extensive information exchange

in today‟s internet space. These communities are places where people make
friends, develop relationships and spend hours communicating. As a result the
chances of frauds, attacks and security breaches are very high. How to ensure that
people‟s privacy is not invaded and they feel safe and secured in interacting with
each other on these online communities? For example, in Orkut, viewing a scrap-
book (which is open to anyone who has registered with Orkut) can reveal private

information of the relationships of that person. If one registers on MySpace and

post something which one does not want others to view, there should be provi-
sions to enable that. Currently, this provision is limited and using one‟s privacy
settings one can configure these settings but there is room for improvement. Some
of the main security threats on online social networks are discussed below:

4.1 Abuse, Inappropriate content, Identity Theft and other Threats

Child abuse, nudity, and harassment are some of the problems related to abuse.
Underage children can be the target of abuse from unidentified people. Similarly,
people who post their profile can post a nude profile – there is no way stopping
them. On-line harassment or cyber-stalking where one individual harasses another
individual on the Internet can range from simply annoying to deadly. Incidents of
on-line harassment of classmates, or threatening messages to others are numerous.
Identify theft is one of the major problems on social networks. People can easi-
ly steal other‟s identity or create pseudo identity and carry out objectionable acts
in that name without others knowing about the true identity of the perpetrator. For
example, one can register on MySpace with the name of colleague and pass on in-
appropriate comments about another employee. When users have the flexibility to
post, naturally there will be many instances of inappropriate content getting post-
ed. For example, on YouTube.com lot of people posts inappropriate videos. Social
network designers should ensure that there systems offer policing mechanisms that
can prevent such incidents.
Setting limits, choosing audience and controlling your content are some of the
other mechanisms that determine safety on online social networks. Choosing your
audience on a social networking site is very critical for being safe. Similarly, set-
ting limits or defining different levels of access to your personal space is an im-
portant element. Controlling the timing and extent of communications and defin-
ing relationships in the social network are some of the other aspects which can
determine how robust the safety mechanism on an online community is.

4.2 Legal Issues

Service account legalities, material legalities, contract issues with the provider,
copyright and trademark issues, third party issues, different liabilities on the social
networks are some of the elements of legal aspects of the security that should be
considered while designing your network. For people-to-people interactions,
whether in real world or online through the online communities, there is bound to
be legal and liability issues. For example, two criminals meet on MySpace and
plan a robbery. Who is liable for such an act? In addition to the criminals is the

service provider liable for providing a platform for framing a robbery. Such legal
aspects have to be taken into account when charting out the website‟s terms of
service. Similarly, there could be trademark and copyright issues on the content
posted on these web sites.

4.3 Technological Issues:

New technologies like Web2.0, Web based VoIP can create new vulnerabilities
for the online social networks. Web2.0 uses different mechanisms like RSS,
Trackback, Pingback, Tagging etc –these create new vulnerabilities. For example,
a syndicated page through RSS can create a backdoor. What if a malware instead
of a genuine aggregator communicates to pull new information from that page into
the aggregator software? Similarly, a malicious advertiser creates an inappro-
priate tag at a page to promote his business that can disguise under a name and
when clicked leads to his site rather than what was apparent from the name of the
tag. Similarly, VoIP framework built for online communication on a site can be
used for launching attacks like SYN attack etc.

5 Network Considerations for Online Communities

In addition to the features provided for the member community, several other
factors determine the effectiveness of social networks (Welman, 1997) in terms of
ease and speed of information flow.

5.1 Boundedness

Boundedness refers to the proportion of network members ties that stay within
boundaries of the social network. Networks can be “tightly bounded” or “un-
bounded”. For example, health related social networks will benefit if there is a
tight binding among nodes whereas marketing social networks will best operate
when unbounded. IT designers should keep this point in mind and ensure that the
design feature that defines how relationships between nodes will evolve should be
in line with the boundedness desired.

5.2 Density

Density determines proportion of all possible ties (between two network mem-
bers) that actually exist i.e. how many network members have contact or commu-
nication with all others. For example, social networks that are developed for or-
ganizations involving teams should be denser vis-à-vis those that involve lesser
need for communication like one for old classmates. IT designers should create
communication platforms for the desired density like online messaging for dense
networks whereas offline messaging for sparse networks.

5.3 Exclusivity

Exclusivity is determined by whether people interact primarily one-on-one or

are their individual contacts available to a wider set of persons. Social networks
should be designed such that the type of interaction should address the level of ex-
clusivity desired. For example, a network designed for supply chain partners will
need to be less exclusive than the one designed for C2C ecommerce.

5.4 Social Control

Social control determines how do external sources create, constrain and man-
age a person‟s contacts and exchanges. For example, a social network for intra-
organizational teams should be designed such that there is provision of more so-
cial control whereas a network like that for inter-organizational teams should have
lesser provision of social control.

5.5 Network Externality

Network externality refers to the extent to which a network is useful as more

and more people starting using it. For example, it‟s arguable that as more and
more members register on MySpace, its usefulness increases more and more for
everybody. IT designers should make sure the frameworks of their networks fully
exploit this. i.e. when more and more people join the network, the frameworks en-
able more and more usefulness.

5.6 Range

The range of a network describes how large and diverse is the population with-
in its boundaries. The designers should make sure network designs should address
these ranges. For example, a network designed for a particular school will have
limited range vis-à-vis one which is designed for many schools.

5.7 Strength of Ties

Granovetter defined the strength of ties (Granovetter, 1973) as "a probably li-
near combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy
(mutual confiding), and the reciprocal services which characterize the tie. Social
networks that involve strong ties for example, a network for friends should ensure
that there is provision of reciprocal services and emotional interaction whereas
those involve weak ties for example a network like LinkedIn should be designed
How nodes are distributed in the network also determine its effectiveness.
There are some properties that are considered in the social network analysis
which measure this effectiveness – some of these are described below: (Haythorn-
thwaite, 1996) These factors determine how your network will look take the

5.8 Network Centralization

A less centralized network has lesser chances of failure. Those networks that
have evenly distributed nodes are better equipped for retaining their functionality
in failure scenarios.

5.9 Degree Centrality

The degree of centrality suggests that what really matters is where the network
connections lead to and how they connect the otherwise unconnected and not that
more the number of connections better the network. i.e. what‟s important is the
quality of connections and not their quantity.

5.10 Between Centrality

Theory suggests that a node with high betweeness has great influence over
what flows and has more power. Minimizing nodes that are highly in between oth-
er nodes will ensure power is evenly balanced across the network. Networks
should be designed such that there are a minimum number of the nodes occupying
central positions and similarly minimum nodes sandwiched between others.
Network structures that optimize the network on these three dimensions will
determine which social networks are effective and which are not in terms of their
networking properties. Networks that are structured such that they have high local
clustering exhibit the small world phenomenon. Small world phenomenon creates
better social identity for people and shorter global path lengths. i.e. using local in-
formation of their immediate contacts only, people can find shorter global paths in
the entire social network (Watts, 2004).

6 Market and Technological Considerations

Due to ever changing nature of social networking user base (see table 1), for
the long term sustainability of the site several issues need to be considered from
market, technology, as well as on-line security perspective. These can be consi-
dered by social network designers, programmers and managers who are involved
in development and management of web based social networks.

6.1 Market Considerations

Many of the current social networking sites are targeted to young people only
including teenagers, students and fresh graduates. While there are some sites such
as Classmates.com and Ancestry.com that serve other age groups, many such age
groups and purposes remain unexplored by social networks. We believe that so-
cial networks can be targeted to a wider set of people ranging from teenagers to
middle-aged or senior citizens tapping into variety of needs and purposes. Market
niches will also play a significant role in the applicability of social networks.
These concepts and web 2.0 based technologies allowing for social networking
have lot of potential to be applied to many contexts. For instance, these applica-
tions can also be used in emergency response such as campus emergency for al-
lowing communication between various stakeholders. Custom-designed social
networks that capture explicit requirements of these niche market segments can be
beneficial to those niches as well as to the whole society. The key is to identify the

right stakeholders and carry out the requirement analysis for these niches before
developing social networks.
Vertical social networks are another consideration. Social networks for vertical
industries will enable richer interactions. For example, a social network designed
for pharmaceutical industry will facilitate richer collaboration and information ex-
change between members like druggists, sales agents and local shops
Porter et al in “Strategy and Internet” (Porter, 2001) argues that those web
based systems will be successful that implement combinations of virtual and phys-
ical activities and make traditional activities better – the same applies to social
networks also. For example, “LinkedIn” has been successful as it uses the concept
of online professional connections making the traditional process of professional
networking better over the World Wide Web.

6.2 Technology Considerations

Web2.0 is a platform that can be exploited for implementation of social net-

works. The key characteristics of Web2.0 that will be useful are self evolution,
collaboration and participation. Social Networking site BigAdda.com by Reliance
Corp. that was recently launched is based on Web2.0. Current online networks
limit the flexibility for the end users in content creation. Web2.0 systems can
create a platform where end users contribute content and collaborate further on the
social networks.
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) has been a recent trend for design-
ing rich user interfaces. We feel such technologies are an important consideration
while designing social networks as they will facilitate faster transaction processing
and help build rich user interfaces – some of the important technological elements
for social networks
Fig. 1. Social networking service differentiation.

High High immitability Least Immitability

Technology Continuous Sustainable

based service innovation Competitive
differentiation Advantage

Highest Low immitability

Identification of
Least competitive market niche
Low advantage

Low High

Market based service differentiation


Figure 1 compares the service differentiation of social networks on two dimen-

sions: “Technology based” and “Market based”. The above matrix highlights the
significance of identifying market niches at the same time achieving high technol-
ogy-based differentiation. Social networking services that utilize differentiation
based on both dimensions create sustainable competitive advantage and are least
imitable as compared to the services that lie in other sectors. Identification of mar-
ket niches while designing your social network is critical. Social networks de-
signed for special market domains that cater to the specific needs and also use
high technology differentiation creates sustainable competitive advantage.

Properties and
characteristics: -security
-density, range,
- privacy
boundedness, tie
-appropriate content
strength, centralities


Market Considerations:
-Web2.0, AJAX ,richer
Considerations: communication
-Verticals, Niches interfaces

Fig 2. Design Factors for Social Networks.

7 Conclusion

Social networks are surfacing everyday so developers of these networks should

consider the wide range of factors that determine the effectiveness of these net-
works. The extent to which considering the technological and market factors out-
lined in the above sections during developing the social networks can improve the
effectiveness of these networks is a point to ponder? Perhaps, longitudinal studies
that measure the performance of these networks can provide an accurate answer to
these questions. Information technology professionals who develop social net-
works should constantly think of introducing new features in their networks that
widen their scope in terms of applicability, usefulness and audience.

Social networking will continue to become popular and widely used in the
coming years. Differentiating your social networks based only on technology will
limit its life span and risk imitability by competition. However those services that
use differentiations on both dimensions i.e. technology and market will create sus-
tainable competitive advantage and value for the users. The network should be de-
signed taking into consideration some of the dimensions that determine their ef-
fectiveness and efficiency like boundedness, range, audience, density, exclusivity
and strength of ties. Security and privacy issues need to be addressed with innova-
tive features.

This research is funded in part by NSF under grant # 0402388. The usual dis-
claimer applies.


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Granovetter, M. (1973). The strength of weak ties. The American Journal of Sociology, 78(6),
Haythornthwaite, C. (1996). Social network analysis: An approach and technique for the study of
information exchange. Library and Information Science Research, 18, 323-342.
Horrigan, J. (2001). Online communities: Networks that nurture long-dostance relationships and
local ties: PEW Internet & American Life Project.
Knowledge@Wharton. (2006). Myspace, facebook and other social networking sites: Hot today,
gone tomorrow?
Porter, M. E. (2001). Strategy and internet. Harvard Business Review, 63-78.
Rand, D. (2007). Csis security research and intelligence.
Social network. (2007).
Stutzman, F. (2006). An evaluation of identity-sharing behavior in social network communities.
International Digital and Media Arts Journal, 3(1).
Watts, D. J. (2004). New science of networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 30, 243.
Welman, B. (1997). An electronic group is virtually a social network. In S. Kiesler (Ed.), Culture
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Wildbit.org. (2005). Social networks research report. Retrieved April, 2008, from
Chapter 9: Wikis for Knowledge Management

Business Cases, Best Practices, Promises, & Pitfalls

Clif Kussmaul

Elegance Technologies, Inc., USA

Roger Jack

Elegance Technologies, Inc., USA


This chapter describes how wikis and related tools can be used for knowledge
management (KM), and describes processes and best practices for creating and
deploying wiki-based KM systems. In particular, we consider the business cases
from multiple perspectives, including: participating in KM systems; initiating KM
projects; and developing wiki platforms. Thus, the chapter seeks to help readers
understand what KM and wikis are, when and why they can provide value to indi-
viduals and organizations, who should be involved, and how to deploy them most

1 Introduction

This chapter describes how wikis and related tools can be used for knowledge
management (KM), and describes processes and best practices for creating and
deploying wiki-based KM systems. In particular, we consider the business cases
from multiple perspectives, including: participating in KM systems; initiating KM
projects; and developing wiki platforms. Thus, the chapter seeks to help readers
understand what KM and wikis are, when and why they can provide value to indi-
viduals and organizations, who should be involved, and how to deploy them most
The chapter draws on our experiences using and contributing to multiple wiki
platforms, and consulting for a variety of business, educational, and governmental
organizations seeking to use wikis for KM, as well as our experiences working in
global organizations and managing global virtual teams. We provide a multidis-

ciplinary perspective, since effective knowledge management involves a variety of

disciplines, including business, software development, psychology, and sociology.

1.1 Knowledge Management

Knowledge management (KM) can be defined as “the leveraging of collective

wisdom to increase responsiveness and innovation” (Frappaolo 2006, p 8). How-
ever, von Krogh, Ichijo, and Nonaka (2000, p vii) prefer the phrase “knowledge
enabling”, arguing that knowledge cannot truly be managed. Regardless of termi-
nology, making better use of what people in an organization already know can
have enormous benefits (e.g. O‟Dell and Grayson 1998, p 8-9). “In an economy
where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of lasting competitive
advantage is knowledge” (Nonaka 1991). This is particularly true for knowledge-
intensive work, where professional often spend 20-25% of their time trying to find
needed information (Koenig 2001). Frappaolo identifies four ways to use or apply
1. Intermediation connecting knowledge seekers with providers
2. Externalization capturing knowledge in external repository
3. Internalization extracting knowledge from external repository
4. Cognition making decisions based on available knowledge
O‟Dell and Grayson (1998) describe three main areas where KM can deliver
value. The first focuses on customer relationships with the sales force and consul-
tants. The second focuses on sharing best practices to improve internal operations.
The third focuses on new product development and time to market.
Snowden (2006) identifies three ways in which KM differs from most other
management trends. First, KM has multiple origins, in different domains, while
many trends are inspired by a single source. Second, KM focuses more on helping
people be more productive (despite problems with KM tools). Third, KM encou-
rages distributed collaboration rather than centralized control and IT systems.
Views of KM have changed and evolved over time (e.g. Snowden 2002; Figal-
lo and Rhine 2002). Initially, it focused on knowledge as objects that could be ga-
thered and organized to support decision making and business process reengineer-
In the mid-1990s, the emphasis shifted to describing and sharing knowledge,
recognizing an important distinction between explicit knowledge, which people
can easily codify, from tacit knowledge, which is difficult for people to articulate,
but often more valuable. The relationships between these two types of knowledge
led to the SECI model (Nonaka 1991; Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995) (see table).

Table 1: SECI model of knowledge creation and transfer (Nonaka 1991)

Socialization Tacit  Tacit

Externalization (or articulation) Tacit  Explicit
Combination Explicit  Explicit
Internalization Explicit  Tacit

Szulanski (1994) reports that best practices can take over two years to propa-
gate across an organization, and identifies four main barriers. First, people don‟t
know that others in the organization have, or need, specific information. Second,
people lack the time or resources to utilize available information. Third is the ab-
sence of existing relationships, since people prefer to use information from people
they know and trust. Fourth, people don‟t appreciate the benefits of available in-
formation. Similarly, O‟Dell and Grayson (1998, p 18ff) identify five barriers: or-
ganizational silos, reluctance to use ideas developed elsewhere, lack of common
perspectives and terminology, focusing on explicit rather than tacit knowledge,
and a lack of time or other resources.
Thus, to overcome these barriers, organizations invested in a variety of KM in-
itiatives. However, these approaches tended to emphasize information that was
easily quantifiable, the creation and use of KM platforms, and a knowledge officer
or other executive sponsor (von Krogh, Ichijo, and Nonaka 2000, p 26). A survey
of firms with KM systems (KPMG 2000, summarized in Koenig 2001) found that
half to three-quarters failed to meet expectations, often due to problems with user
training and education. Snowden (2006) argues that the SECI is not a good general
model for KM, and that technology and other standards have been emphasized
More recently, KM has shifted again to focus on knowledge as process, recog-
nizing that it may be easier and more cost effective to find simple ways to help in-
dividuals and groups quickly locate others with relevant knowledge, rather than at-
tempting to codify and catalog knowledge that may not be needed.
The history of KM parallels the history of software engineering in some inter-
esting ways that will be relevant below. For many years, organizations empha-
sized tools to make individual developers more productive. In the 1980s, the need
to coordinate large software projects (particularly for the military) led to develop-
ment of the Capability Maturity Model (Paulk et al 1994) and other disciplined
processes, which often emphasized detailed documentation as well as collection
and analysis of performance measures. These processes often involved sequential
phases (e.g. analysis, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance),
known as the “waterfall model”. Somewhat later, and partly as a reaction against
such processes, “agile” development methods were developed (e.g. Highsmith
2002) and are increasingly popular. Most agile methods emphasize multiple short
iterations, customer interactions, and working systems.

1.2 Wikis

A wiki is a web site with several distinctive features. (To distinguish the site from
the supporting software, we refer to the latter as the wiki platform.) First, and most
importantly, wiki pages (also called topics) can be created, edited, and linked to-
gether using a standard web browser, without specialized knowledge or expe-
rience. Initially, most wiki platforms used simplified markup conventions, but in-
creasingly they include or support graphical text editors. Second, wikis store every
previous version of every page, as well as who made the change and when. This
enables users to see how the page has evolved, and to easily undo accidental or
malicious changes. Third, wikis separate the visual appearance of the overall site
from the specific content of a specific page. Thus, users focus on putting the right
content in each page, and let graphic designers and the wiki platform determine
consistent headers, footers, menus, color, fonts, and other details, so that the wiki
looks like a coherent site, not a collection of random pages.
Most wiki platforms support keyword searching, and can attach images or other
types of documents to wiki pages. Most platforms also provide some level of au-
thentication and security to control which users can access which pages, and what
actions they can perform. However, there is a strong tradition of minimizing re-
strictions, and using community norms and the page history to prevent or correct
problems. Wikipedia, for example, allows anyone to view and edit any page (with
some exceptions). Furthermore, most wiki platforms also make it easy to add new
capabilities to the wiki without a detailed knowledge of the internal workings.
“It‟s impossible for a software vendor to please everybody, and it‟s not a good
business decision to do so, because the vendor should be focused on building an
amazing, high-quality core product” (Mader 2008, p 54).
One clear benefit of wikis is the ease with which content can be created, edited,
and linked. Unlike other web sites or documents which are often controlled by a
few gatekeepers, wikis are easy to update continually, so they can be used for per-
sonnel directories, scheduling, and other dynamic applications. This freedom is
balanced by the version history, so that people can see who made specific
changes, and view or reinstate previous versions of a page. Wikis enable people to
progress gradually from comments and minor changes to larger restructuring and
more complex formatting. Wikis impose relatively little structure on content, so it
is easy to adjust the site‟s navigational structure, or provide multiple parallel struc-
tures for different uses. This flexibility can also lead to confusion, particularly for
newly created wikis; it is often helpful to have a designated facilitator, and adopt
patterns, practices, and structures that have proven effective elsewhere (Mader
The first wiki was developed in 1994-1995 by Ward Cunningham (Leuf and
Cunningham 2002); “wiki” is a Hawaiian word for “quick”. Currently there are
over 100 wiki platforms, with a wide variety of characteristics and features (Cos-

moCode 2008). Most wiki platforms are open source but there are also commer-
cial platforms (see table).

Table 2: Popular wiki platforms

Wiki URL Source? Notes
DokuWiki docuwiki.org Y PHP
MediaWiki mediawiki.org Y PHP (used by Wikipedia)
MoinMoin moinmo.in Y Python
PmWiki pmwiki.org Y PHP
TikiWiki tikiwiki.org Y PHP
TWiki twiki.org Y Perl
Confluence atlassian.com N hosted or installed
PBwiki pbwiki.com N hosted
SocialText socialtext.com N hosted
WikiSpaces wikispaces.com N hosted

Probably the best known wiki is Wikipedia “the free encyclopedia that anyone
can edit” with over two million articles in English (Wikipedia 2008). People un-
familiar with wikis often assume incorrectly that Wikipedia is the model for all
wikis (Mader 2008, p 25). For example, Wikipedia allows anonymous editing of
most pages, while many wikis restrict access to members of a particular communi-
ty, or are only available via an institutional intranet. Wikipedia is primarily an en-
cyclopedia (although it also has areas for discussion, and to describe its internal
processes), but wikis can support collaborative editing, discussion, and other uses,
some of which are described in more detail below. Nevertheless, Wikipedia is a
valuable example; Wikipedia entries have been proposed as conceptual identifiers
for KM (Hepp, Siorpaes, and Bachlechner 2007), and their history provides rich
data for models of collaborative editing (e.g. Viegas, Wattenberg, and Dave 2004;
Viegas et al. 2007; Preidhorsky et al. 2007).

2 Wikis for Knowledge Management

Wikis can be used for a variety of KM applications, and their potential has been
described in Business Week (Hof 2004) and The Wall Street Journal (Swisher
2004). “The chief difference between the wiki and more traditional content man-
agement (CM) or knowledge management (KM) systems is structure. … the wiki
starts off with the minimum possible structure and grows a custom structure based
on how each person, team, or project uses it” (Mader 2008, p 41). Wikis can help
to codify explicit knowledge and create maps or directories of tacit knowledge.

Content, pages, sections, and navigation schemes can be added as needed. Many
wikis also provide way to define templates for particular types of pages. This
makes it easier to create and update pages with consistent content and layout.
Chau and Maurer (2005) describe a case study of a software company using
wiki-based experience repository to exchange ideas, document decisions and ra-
tionales, share social information, identify experts, and coordinate project tasks
and collaboration. 58% of the content was in unstructured formats, demonstrating
the roles of both tacit and explicit knowledge. 80% of read-accesses were to just
over 20% of the pages, and 25% were to the top 10 pages. Similarly, 10 users
made 75% of contributions, and 5 made 55%; most of the top contributors were
developers, and none were managers, suggesting that the repository was mostly
self-organized. Users reported that the largest motivating factors were 1) presence
of needed information, 2) ease of contributing information, 3) desire to help oth-
ers, and 4) encouragement from management. Wikis are also used for KM in uni-
versity libraries (e.g. Blake 2005; Fichter 2006; Glogowski and Steiner, 2008),
and university courses (e.g. Raman, Ryan, and Olfman 2005).
Majchrzak, Wagner, and Yates (2006) surveyed 168 corporate wiki users to
understand why and how wikis are used in corporate settings. Most of wikis are
used for KM in areas ranging from software development and project management
to technical support, sales and marketing, and research and development. The me-
dian respondents use wikis that are 12-24 months old, with an average of 12 con-
tributors and 25 other users. Older wikis tend to have more accesses and more par-
ticipants, suggesting that wikis are sustainable beyond short-term projects. The
survey examines three types of benefits from wiki use. In order of importance,
participants report that contributing to the wiki: 1) makes their own work easier;
2) helps the organization to reuse knowledge, support collaboration, and improve
processes; and 3) enhances the contributor‟s reputation. A factor analysis of wiki
contributions suggests three main categories: 1) adding content to new or existing
pages; 2) integrating, organizing, and rewriting existing content; and 3) adding
comments and making minor corrections.
KM can benefit from other features and capabilities, which can be provided by
a wiki or by separate tools (see Figallo and Rhine 2002, ch 7; and Wagner 2004).
Threaded discussion forums are useful for archiving conversations; for example,
every article in Wikipedia has a corresponding “talk” page for discussion about
the article. Blogging can be very useful for unstructured KM (Cayzer 2000; Cru-
din 2006). More structured information can be stored in a traditional database or in
appropriate wiki pages; for example, TWiki enables users to define specific fields
in a form, which can then be associated with pages; this is useful for workflow ap-
plications such as document management and tracking defects and features. In
some cases a wiki platform may provide enough functionality to obviate the need
for other tools, simplifying the environment for users and IT staff. In other situa-
tions, a wiki can be the portal that accesses other tools which provide benefits that
justify additional integration and learning. For example, a wiki can provide basic
version control and task tracking capabilities, but software development teams

may prefer a more specialized system that supports task tracking, source code ver-
sion control, and wiki capabilities, such as Trac (from Edgewall Software), or a
wiki integrated with other open source tools (Segetech 2007).

3 Best Practices

This section identifies a set of best practices for initiating wiki-based KM projects.
Many of the practices are described in more detail elsewhere in this chapter.
Recognize whether the project is being initiated top-down or bottom-up. Partic-
ularly with wikis, both approaches are feasible. In the 1990s, KM often required
significant resources for technology, integration, training, and other factors, so that
a top-down mandate from leadership was often a necessary prerequisite for KM
projects. However, the low cost, ease of use, and flexibility of a wiki mean that
KM projects can start within a small group and gradually grow to include more
people and a broader scope. Charman (2006) prefers a bottom-up approach be-
cause it becomes self-sustaining, while a top-down approach can stall when the
mandate changes or priorities shift.
Assess your organizational culture. DeMarco and Lister (1999 p 4) remind
software developers that “the major problems of our work are not so much tech-
nological as sociological in nature” (original emphasis). Sophisticated KM sys-
tems will be ineffective if your organizational culture values hording over sharing.
People must believe that they will benefit from their contributions, and that their
contributions will not be exploited, used against them, or attacked unfairly (Figal-
lo and Rhine 2002, p 114). Address any cultural problems before worrying about
IT. This is particularly true of wikis, since “a wiki cannot function without a
community and should not be considered separately from it” (Blake 2006).
Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast. This statement is attributed to Tom Peters and is
also central to most agile software development methodologies; it is probably the
most important advice for any new project. Try to do the simplest thing that might
work, then check to see how well it works, then decide what to do next. More
structured “waterfall”-style processes may be necessary when deploying large en-
terprise systems, but wikis are so flexible that a more agile, iterative approach is
generally more successful.
Decide whether the primary objective is to capture explicit knowledge, or map
tacit knowledge. Hansen, Nohria, and Tierney (1999) examine how consulting
companies approach KM, and conclude that organizations need to decide strategi-
cally whether to emphasize explicit or tacit knowledge, and that this decision has
far-reaching implications. Those that emphasize explicit knowledge seek to devel-
op materials that can easily be reused or customized for different purposes; this
requires a larger investment for infrastructure, creating, and disseminating, but
once materials are developed they can be reused very efficiently. On the other
hand, organizations that emphasize tacit knowledge seek to make it easy to identi-

fy and connect with experts; this is easier to create, but there is less potential for
reuse. Organizations can pursue either strategy successfully, but should avoid
combining the two.
Identify an appropriate pilot project. The pilot project should be small enough
to be manageable; it‟s better to do one thing well than many things poorly. The pi-
lot should also be big enough to demonstrate the value of the KM system; if all of
the participants work in the same office, a KM system might be unnecessary. The
people involved in the pilot should be open to new approaches, focused enough to
be successful, but diverse enough to be representative of the larger organization.
“The pilot is important because it allows you to get wiki use started in a controlled
environment, build examples that are extremely relevant to your organization, and
develop the administrative and support structures that will keep things running
smoothly” (Mader 2008, p 63).
Identify key roles and tasks for those roles. Mader (2008, p 12) provides a use-
ful list of common patterns for user roles, and some “anti-patterns” to be avoided.
Keep the technology as simple as possible. O‟Dell and Grayson (1998, pg 88-
89) recommend spending less than 1/3 of project resources on IT, and using sim-
ple solutions for more valuable knowledge, including tacit knowledge.
Create a simple but representative structure. Remember that “all models are
wrong, but some are useful” (Box and Draper 1987, p 424); keep the initial struc-
ture simple so that users can understand it and so that it can adapt as the KM sys-
tem evolves. At the same time, make the structure complete enough to guide the
way; “a structure that extends across the entire scope will indicate to users what
the scope means in real terms” (Blake 2006).
Match part of the wiki structure to the organizational structure. Conway
(1968) observed that system designs (particularly in software) mirror the struc-
tures of the organizations that produce them. Ensure that each team, department,
or division using the wiki has its page, with links to parent, child, and sibling
units. Fortunately, in a wiki it is easy to maintain multiple navigation structures, so
knowledge can also be accessed in other ways.
Identify and develop structures to support key tasks. Create templates for com-
monly page types; most wikis can do this easily, and a template makes it easier to
create new pages quickly and consistently. Some wikis (e.g. TWiki) support user-
defined forms for more structured data. Some wikis also support (or have exten-
sions for) tagging, where pages can be annotated with user-selected keywords,
which can then be used to organize and visualize pages in ways not envisioned by
the original navigational structure. Most open source wikis encourage the devel-
opment of custom extensions; this requires more time and expertise, but may be
appropriate for tasks with special requirements.
Develop bottom-up support. Identify key groups of users in the organization,
and then identify and work to understand the key users in those groups. Help each
group to adapt the wiki to its needs. Work to convert key users into evangelists for
the KM project, so that they can help others in their group to get involved in the
project, and then work to convert evangelists into trainers, since they have valua-

ble insight into how others in their group work and how they could benefit from
the KM project (Charman 2006). Look for emerging patterns or needs that can be
leveraged to help the rest of the organization.
Develop top-down support. If there is a high-level champion for the KM
project, he or she can help provide resources and support, and help to align per-
sonal incentives with business incentives (see below). Although a champion may
be able to mandate participation, it is also important that he or she model partici-
pation and continually remind others to participate (Charman 2006).

4 Business Cases

To understand when and why wikis are used for KM, we need to consider distinct
but interrelated business cases: 1) Why do software developers and software or-
ganizations develop and enhance wiki platforms to be used for KM? 2) Given that
such platforms exist, why do organizational leaders initiate wiki-based KM
projects? 3) Given that such projects are started, why do individuals in an organi-
zation participate in them?
It might appear that each business case is a necessary prerequisite for the next
one – tools must be available for leaders to initiate a project in which individuals
participate – and this may well have been the case in the first and second ages of
KM (Snowden 2002) when KM systems required a large upfront investment.
However, wikis can be deployed by small groups at little or no cost, and commun-
ities of practice (Wenger 1999) can develop without any technical infrastructure.
Thus, the sequence should be reversed – we must understand why and how indi-
viduals will participate before we can initiate projects or develop tools to support
them. Each business case is examined below, followed by a discussion of the rela-
tionships between them.
First, however, we briefly review some relevant background. Zipf‟s law (Zipf
1935) is an empirical description of the frequency distribution of rank data. If a set
of N items is ranked in decreasing order of frequency, the frequency of the k th item
is inversely proportional to its rank k. This relationship can be expressed as:
1 1
f ( k ; s, N )  s
 N
k H N ,s 1
k  s

i 1 i
where s is an exponent that characterizes the distribution. When s is 1, f(k) is
proportional to 1/k; as s increases, the initial items account for a larger proportion
of the observations. In the limit as N approaches infinity (), the harmonic num-
ber (HN,s) becomes Riemann‟s zeta function ():
f (k ; s)  (2)
k  (s)

Zipf‟s law was originally described for the frequency of words in a text, but
applies to the population of cities in a region, page hits on a web site (Huberman
et al. 1998), the number of links in web surfing sessions (Levene, Borges, and
Loizou 2001), Amazon.com book review (Nielsen 2006), and many other scena-
rios. Zipf‟s law is similar to the many popular “80-20” or “90-10” rules, such as
80% of the benefits (or the problems) coming from 20% of a system.
Figure 1 illustrates Zipf‟s law for two values of s (1.75 and 1.05). Dotted lines
connect the frequency values in the probability mass function, while solid lines
connect the corresponding cumulative density function. When s=1.75, the first
item represents roughly 50% of the observations, and the second item represents
roughly 15%, so that the first two items together represent roughly 65%, and the
first five items represent roughly 80%. When s=1.05, the first item represents
roughly 5%, and the first four represent roughly 10%.

Figure 1: Zipf's Law

4.1 Participating in KM Projects

The success of a wiki KM system depends critically on participation, For example,

people must be confident that the system will help them find needed knowledge,
and they must be willing to contribute their own knowledge. Thus, creating and
maintaining a KM system requires an understanding of roles and incentives.
It is useful to recognize that KM is a market (in the economic sense) with sel-
lers (who offer or provide knowledge) and buyers (who use knowledge from sel-
lers). However, “people rarely give away valuable possessions (including know-
ledge) without expecting something in return” (Davenport and Prusak 2000, p 26).
Knowledge markets also have brokers who try to bring buyers and sellers togeth-

er; the KM system is a broker, as are people in the organization who help to make
such connections. A factor analysis of wiki contributions (Majchrzak, Wagner,
and Yates 2006, see above) identifies a fourth role: editors who integrate and (re-
)organize existing content. Mader (2008, p 12) identifies additional roles, includ-
ing some detrimental roles.
People choose to participate in a KM system (in any of these roles) for a variety
of reasons. For the project to succeed, it is critical to understand these motivations,
particularly for people who contribute and maintain knowledge, “One of the chal-
lenges of knowledge management is to ensure that knowledge sharing is rewarded
more than knowledge hoarding.” (Davenport and Prusak 2000, p 29)
Davenport and Prusak (2000, p 31-34) identify three incentive categories. The
most important is reciprocity; people give because they expect to receive. Next is
repute; having a reputation for being knowledgeable has indirect benefits, such as
greater reciprocity and job security. Third is altruism; some people make not care
about immediate benefits, and some cultures encourage such behavior more than
others. Similarly, Figallo and Rhine (2002, p 217) identify four categories. Some
incentives are purely personal, such as a desire to help, learn, or achieve respect.
Others are cultural, based on organizational norms. A third group of incentives are
goal-oriented, such as a desire to get work done faster or to save money. The last
set is compensatory; people can receive salary or bonuses for participating, or
when their contributions benefit others. However, compensatory approaches can
backfire; “if the process of sharing and transfer is not inherently rewarding, cele-
brated, and supported by the culture, then artificial rewards won‟t have much ef-
fect and can make people feel cynical” (O‟Dell and Grayson 1998, p 82).
Different roles are likely to have different incentives. For example, content
creators may seek to make their own work easier, while editors seek to improve
the organization (Majchrzak, Wagner, and Yates 2006).
In addition to incentives, there are often simple but valuable ways to facilitate
participation in a KM system. In general, wikis make it easy for anyone in the or-
ganization to update pages, rather than restricting such access to a group. Many
wiki platforms allow users to define templates that make it easier to create new
pages. In some cases, however, facilitating one role creates more work for another
role. For example, a comment box may make it easier for occasional users to
quickly add notes to a page; however, someone else may later need to incorporate
or respond to the comment, creating more work.

4.2 Initiating KM Projects

In the 1990s, the need for significant up-front investments meant that most KM
projects were initiated top-down, presumably on the basis of a return-on-
investment (ROI) analysis involving some or all of the organizational benefits dis-
cussed above. The advantages of a top-down initiative include higher visibility,

access to resources, and high-level champions. At the same time, it may be harder
to convince people across the organization to invest the time and energy to help
build a system when the individual benefits are not yet clear.
As KM priorities have shifted and the cost of supporting IT systems has de-
creased, it has become easier to initiate KM projects bottom-up, starting with
small, self-selected pilot projects in which small groups address problems or op-
portunities that matter to them. Thus, a bottom-up approach generally requires
fewer resources, and can start quietly. Once the initial projects have proven them-
selves, the system scope can gradually extend to other parts of the organization, or
high-level support can be enlisted for a more rapid enterprise-wide deployment.
For both top-down and bottom-up initiatives, it is important to consider the re-
lationships between the system scope (amount of knowledge, measured here in
wiki pages), the number of people involved the project, their productivity (related
to the effort they devote to the project, presumably), and the time over which they
work. If system content changes very rarely (or slowly), then the relationship can
be described as follows:
 pages 
 pages in   # of   # of 
     edited   (3)
 system   editors  / week  weeks 
 
Once the system is “complete”, much less effort is needed to maintain it. How-
ever, if content changes, it is also important to consider the ongoing effort requires
to keep the system current. This can be done by estimating the half-life of the sys-
tem – the time it will take for half of the content to be outdated. The half-life can
be used to estimate the number of pages that must be updated in a given time pe-
riod, which interacts with the number of users, the fraction who contribute content
in that time period, and their productivity.

 1

 half life  
 pages 
 pages in    in weeks   # of   fraction   
 1  0.5  
     edited  (4)
 system    users  who edit  / week 
   

To understand the effects of incentives and other actions on the various roles
and the overall KM system, it may help to recall Zipf‟s law; a few people contri-
bute the vast majority of the content, and many people rarely if ever contribute, al-
though they may well use knowledge in the system; this is illustrated in figure 2.

Figure 2: Model of KM contributors

According to Nielsen (2006), in most online communities 1% of participants

contribute most of the content; 9% contribute occasionally, and 90% read but nev-
er contribute. Blogs are closer to 0.1%, 5%, and 95%, respectively, while Wikipe-
dia is 0.003%, 0.2%, 99.8% - in other words, 1000 users contribute 2/3 of the con-
tent. Nielsen observes that it is impossible to overcome this inequality, but
suggests some ways to encourage broader participation.
A particular KM system probably has an optimal distribution, even if that op-
timum cannot be computed. If only a few people contribute knowledge, then the
system may not be useful, or those few people may become overwhelmed. On the
other hand, a KM system run by a handful of knowledgeable or well-connected
brokers might function quite well in some organizations. At the other extreme, if
too many people contribute, it may be difficult to find the truly useful knowledge.
Some online communities find that modest barriers result in higher quality content
(e.g. Taylor 2007); the same idea may be true for KM projects within an organiza-

4.3 Developing & Extending Wiki Platforms

Wiki KM systems are built on wiki platforms, which can be developed and sup-
ported via a variety of mechanisms. Watson, et al (2008) identify a spectrum of
five software production models:
1. Open Community: Volunteers with little or no commercial stake work together
on software that is freely available for others to use and modify, usually via one
of several open source licenses (e.g. the GNU project).
2. Sponsored: For-profit or not-for-profit organizations sponsor open source soft-
ware by providing funding, developers, or other resources (e.g. Apache).

3. Professional Open Source: For-profit organizations develop open source soft-

ware, and generate revenue from complementary services such as training,
support, and expert consulting (e.g. JBoss and MySQL). Expertise with the in-
ternal workings of the open source software is a key competitive advantage for
these organizations.
4. Corporate Distribution: For-profit organizations identify best-of-breed open
source projects and package them with improved distribution methods and
complementary services (e.g. Red Hat).
5. Proprietary: An organization invests resources to create software, restricts
access through legal and technical means, and generates revenue by licensing
the software to customers, and through complementary services (e.g. Micro-
The boundaries between these models are often blurred, but wiki systems span
the spectrum. Smaller wikis are often developed by open communities – often
with just a handful of active developers. For many non-proprietary wikis, signifi-
cant pieces of work are sponsored by companies that need specific enhancements.
For example, we have developed TWiki extensions and enhancements on behalf
of consulting clients. In most cases, sponsors are willing A few wiki platforms
have formal consulting organizations (e.g. WikiRing.com and twiki.net), and pro-
vide significant revenue to key developers. Some wiki platforms (e.g. MoinMoin)
are included in popular corporate distributions. Finally, there are also successful
proprietary wikis.
Zipf‟s law also applies to open source projects (see figure 3). Typically there
are a few very (often just one) key developers, assisted by a somewhat larger core
team, who together do most of the actual development. Furthermore, there is often
a larger supporting group of developers, particularly for wikis with architectures
that make it easy to define extensions. However, non-developer users greatly out-
number developers (at least in successful wikis), and while the majority use the
wiki platform only rarely, frequent or heavy users contribute to the platform by
suggesting new features, identifying problems, developing or maintaining docu-
mentation, etc. Successful open source projects recognize the importance of en-
gaging users at all levels and encouraging them to move up the pyramid.

Figure 3: Models of open and closed source contributors

Figure 3 also illustrates a key difference between open and closed source soft-
ware. Both have user communities that exhibit Zipf distributions. The exact shape
of the distribution (determined by the parameter s), depends on a variety of fac-
tors, including the complexity of the software and the size of the potential market.
Anyone in the community can access open source software; while those at the bot-
tom may choose to access it rarely, if ever, the cumulative effect of many small
contributions can be considerable, as illustrated by the shading from bottom to top.
However, in closed source software, only the very top of the pyramid can access
the code and directly affect how the system works, as illustrated by the black tri-
angle at the top of the right pyramid.

5 Conclusions

Table 3 summarizes the three business cases discussed above.

Table 3: Business cases, key roles, and major factors

Business Case Key Roles Major Factors

Participating Buyers individual ROI
Sellers reputation, organization benefit
Brokers reputation, organization benefit
Editors reputation, organization benefit
Initiating Leaders organization ROI, top-down
Non-leaders individual ROI, bottom-up
Developing & Developers organizational ROI
enhancing Non-developers individual reputation

However, there are also interactions between these business cases, as illustrated
in figure 4. There is a market between developers and initiators; developers pro-
vide tools, training, support, and other materials in exchange for resources to sup-
port development, feedback on improving and enhancing the platform, and en-
hanced reputations for key developers and the platform itself. Similarly, initiators
provide the wiki platform infrastructure, motivation, and various incentives (dis-
cussed above), in exchange for the KM system itself, which contains explicit
knowledge and maps of tacit knowledge, as well for improved efficiency and prof-

Figure 4: Interactions between business cases

5.1 Implications & Future Directions

KM will continue to grow as a source of competitive advantage, and our under-

standing of how to manage (or enable) knowledge will continue to evolve. KM
system will continue to become more distributed, in order to better match prob-
lems and opportunities across the organization, which may lead to the need for
better “federated” tools to integrate and connect knowledge across larger enter-

Wikis will continue their rapid evolution. As wikis are increasingly used by
non-technical users, ease of use will become an even more important factor. As
wikis are used by larger and more traditional organizations, they will develop
more sophisticated and user-friendly security and permission systems; the histori-
cally open wiki culture may lead to tension here. There will also be more ways to
integrate wikis with other enterprise systems; in some cases a wiki may be the por-
tal through which other systems are accessed, in other cases a wiki may be one of
many tools accessed through another portal. Finally, there will almost certainly be
consolidation in the wiki platform market; as users and organizations expect more
capabilities and more specialization, individual wiki platforms will have to diffe-
rentiate themselves, and many will fail to maintain a critical mass of developers.
This should result in a smaller number of platforms with larger, more robust de-
velopment communities.
Wikis will continue to be valuable for KM, particularly in areas and organiza-
tions with extensive tacit knowledge, or explicit knowledge which evolves quickly
and is this not conducive to more structure KM systems. As wiki-based KM sys-
tems grow in scope and are used in larger organizations, they will need to strike a
balance between consistency, for enhanced efficiency, and customization, to adapt
to the ever changing knowledge landscape.


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Chapter 10. Using a Semantic Forum as
Learning Support

Marie-Hélène Abel

University of Technology of Compiègne, FRANCE


We can qualify our society of information society or cognitive society. In such a

context, learning became a mechanism of critical assistance not only from the
point of view of training but also from the point of view of the new economy for
which three keywords are: speed, just in time and relevance. This new economy
and the advent of web 2.0 technologies imply new working forms and new
learning forms. Within the approach MEMORAe we are interested in these new
learning forms. We think that these ones are connected to the knowledge
management practices and require web 2.0 applications. Thus learners are
organized in communities and have to reach the good resources at the right
moment; they must have the possibility to share their resources or knowledge with
community members. To that end we developed a learning environment based on
concepts of learning organizational memory and distributed semantic forum. In
this chapter, we interest of the evolution of the concept of e-learning and define
the role of web 2.0 applications in such a context. Then we present the links
between knowledge management and e-learning. Finally, we describe the
approach MEMORAe, the concept of semantic forum and the environment E-
MEMORAe2.0 we developed before to conclude and present perspectives toward
the use of a social web within our approach.

1 Introduction

We can qualify our society of information society or cognitive society. This is

mainly due to the mobility. This one increases and becomes an essential factor for
the new working forms. It is expressed by a geographical mobility that can be
temporary (pendular movements, nomad work) or movements of workers in dif-
ferent countries. It can be also a professional mobility: more frequent changes of
company, job during the professional life. These new working forms are the con-

sequences of an evolution of the production towards the "service product" incor-

porating an increasingly large part "of immaterial". Information becomes a raw
material of most of production, transformation or exchange operations. So, we are
confronted, on one hand, with a generalization of the information and communica-
tion processing systems, and on the other hand with a demand either essentially of
professional competences but also information processing competences and com-
petences in more complex forms of cooperation.
In such a context, learning became a mechanism of critical assistance not only
from the point of view of training but also from the point of view of the new
economy for which three keywords are: speed, just in time and relevance
(Drucker, 2003). The volatility of markets is such as it requires methods just in
time to help employees, partners to learn. Becoming a learning organization is a
way for an organization to stay competitive. The new learning forms are thus an
integral part of the industrial challenges.
The term “Community of Practice”, CoP, is relatively recent coinage, even
though the phenomenon it refers to is age-old. The concept has turned out to pro-
vide a useful perspective on knowing and learning. A growing number of people
and organizations in various sectors are now focusing on communities of practice
as a key to improve their performance. CoPs are groups of people who share a
concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they
interact regularly (Wenger 1998)
Communities of practice exist in any organization even if they are not bound by
organizational affiliation. They are important to the organization functioning and
become crucial to those that recognize knowledge as a key asset.
In some organizations, the communities themselves are becoming recognized
as valuable assets. Thus, they serve both each member of the organization (specify
his identity) and the organization itself. According to the study presented in (Less-
er and Storck 2001), four areas of organizational performance are impacted by
communities of practice: 1) Decreasing the learning curve of newcomers; 2) Res-
ponding more rapidly to needs and inquiries; 3) Reducing rework and preventing
“reinvention of the wheel”; 4) Spawning new ideas for product and services.
Acting as a community of practice seems a prerequisite to an organization to
enable its members to share experiences, knowledge and competencies i.e. to learn
each other.
Within the approach MEMORAe (Leblanc and Abel, 2007) we are interested in
these new learning forms. We think that these ones are connected to the knowl-
edge management practices and require web 2.0 applications. Thus learners are
organized in communities and have to reach the good resources at the right mo-
ment; they must have the possibility to share their resources or knowledge with
community members. To that end, resources have to be easily created, stored, well
described and indexed. That‟s why we focused on knowledge capitalization in the
context of organizations and more precisely the capitalization of the resources re-
lated to these knowledge. We particularly worked on the way members of an or-
ganization could use this capitalization to get new knowledge and competencies.

We developed an environment based on the concept of learning organizational

memory. In such an environment, resources are indexed by knowledge organized
by means of ontologies, and different ways of exchange and communication are
offered in order to facilitate the externalization of tacit knowledge. We defined the
concept of semantic forum. Such a forum describes its content by way of ontology
concepts. Each concept represents a forum domain; and each query with its an-
swers is stored in a resource indexed by the concept concerned by the query. Thus
a semantic forum is dedicated to a community which defines its own vocabulary
by mean of ontology and by the way discussion topics.
In this chapter, we interest in the evolution of the concept of e-learning and de-
fine the role of web 2.0 applications in such a context. Then we present the links
between knowledge management and e-learning. Finally, we describe the ap-
proach MEMORAe, the concept of semantic forum and the environment E-
MEMORAe2.01 we developed before to conclude and present perspectives toward
the use of a social web within our approach.

2 E-learning evolution

E-learning is a training context based on the diffusion of pedagogical contents

by means of an electronic medium (diskettes, CD, Internet, Intranet, extranet, in-
teractive television, etc). It can be composed of tools, pedagogical applications or
pedagogical contents. It concerns different publics like pupils, students or adults.
The first use these electronic media for academic training whereas the last want to
improve their training or to update their knowledge.
The concept of online learning or Web Based Training appeared recently with
the expansion of the Web. It forms one of the facets of the e-learning and is char-
acterized by the use of Web technology. Teaching applications and pedagogical
contents are diffused by way of an access to a computer network (Intranet, extra-
net or Internet): collaboration and interactivity are thus made possible. Thus
online learning allows putting into practice theories of social and active learning
by way of reflection, communication and collaboration (Tiffin & Rajasingham,
The online learning is finally a recent form of the e-learning. Concerning this
“eLearning is just-in-time education integrated with high velocity value chains.
It is the delivery of individualized, comprehensive, dynamic learning content in
real time, aiding the development of communities of knowledge, linking learners
and practitioners with experts” (Drucker, 2000).
With this form of e-learning, teachers do not control totally anymore the deliv-
ery of the learning material to learners. Learners select, combine this material ac-

1 http://www.hds.utc.fr/~ememorae/Site-MEMORAe2.0/

cording to their own needs. Learning contents must thus exist in their own right:
we call them Learning Objects. Currently, we can find many definitions of Learn-
ing Objects. The most cited is the following:
“Learning Objects are defined here as any entity, digital or non-digital, which
can be used, re-used or referenced during technology supported learning. Exam-
ples of technology supported learning include computer-based training systems,
interactive learning environments, intelligent computer-aided instruction systems,
distance learning systems, and collaborative learning environments. Examples of
Learning Objects include multimedia content, instructional content, learning ob-
jectives, instructional software and software tools, and persons, organizations, or
events referenced during technology supported learning.” [LTSC, 2002]
This definition is so broad that different working groups have refined it but
continue to use the term “learning object” or proposed their own terminology to
define a concept generally very closed to the canonical definition. Among these
definitions, we chose to reuse the one proposed by Wiley: “any digital resource
that can be reused to support learning” (Wiley, 2000). First, this definition is based
on the LTSC one, and second it includes web resources.
In order to facilitate their reuse, Learning Objects must be reached and indexed
easily. To that end, the best way is to use metadata.
Metadata enable to describe web resources in order to make them usable by
various online learning systems. They must ensure three essential functions to a
better use of learning objects:
 Interoperability which is the ability of multiples systems with different hard-
ware and software platforms to exchange and to use learning objects.
 Accessibility which is usually translated by a search greatly facilitated by an
accurate description of the resource.
 Reusability which means that a learning object could be used as needed, in dif-
ferent learning contexts.
The most used metadata set is the LOM2.
In the following, we use the term e-learning with the recent form meaning.

3 Role of web2.0 applications in e-Learning context

Most of the early web-based courses were designed to complement classical

teaching methods for dissemination of courses materials. The online learning envi-
ronments were used as tools for pedagogical material (learning object) delivery in
which the students‟ role was passive: no exploitation of the web communication
potential. We know that learning is an active process where learners build their
knowledge and understanding (Wittrock, 1974) (Papert & al, 1991). However, ac-

2 http://ltsc.ieee.org/wg12/

cording to (Ebner & al, 2007), we have not to forget learning is also a social proc-
ess which proceeds through conversation (Motschnig-Pitrick & al, 2002) and in-
teraction (Preece & al, 2002).
E-learning has the potential to put into practice this social process. However, to
exploit this potential, e-learning requires facilitators to engage learners into inter-
action (Sargeant & al, 2006). We can distinguish several types of learner interac-
tion (Moore, 1989):
 Interaction with content,
 Interaction with teacher,
 Interaction with other learners.
Bouhnik and Marcus propose to add a new type: interaction with new tech-
nologies (Bouhnik & al, 2006).
Web 2.0 technologies seem to be a good candidate to build e-learning environ-
ments taking into account a social process. Web 2.0 is a new generation coming
from the classical Web which we call now Web 1.0. The main difference between
the two generations is the control of contents. With Web 1.0, contents are con-
trolled by the Web master and users can only read them. With Web 2.0, users are
readers as well as contributors. Thus, when they contribute, users create contents
that are aggregated automatically to form new contents. These ones are the result
of the contribution of all participants, even the web master didn‟t expect that con-
tent will include in his pages.
Web 2.0 technologies offer to users distributed collaboration facilities (O-
Reilly, 2005). They can be distinguished from web 1.0 technologies by various
characteristic features:
 Community: Web 2.0 applications enable users to collaborate and share infor-
mation easily.
 Mashups: An aggregation of various contents, data coming from different sites.
 Ajax3 or LAMP 4: These sets of technologies enable web masters to create re-
sponsive user interfaces.

Thus, Web 2.0 technologies seem to be a good way to produce facilitators in

order to engage learners into the four types of interaction. These distributed col-
laboration facilities start to have a significant impact on e-learning. This one
makes for a distributed control and coordinated actions between learners.
The most well-known web 2.0 applications are wikis and blogs. For few years
wikis have been used in educational institutions as tools that promote sharing and
collaborative creation of Web contents. A wiki is a collection of web pages de-
signed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a

3 Acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

4 Acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP

simplified markup language5. On a basic level wiki is a website comprising the

collective work of many authors. Wikis are crucially different from blogs, which
are also used in educational context, in that users can modify any entry, even ma-
terial posted by others. Unlike to a wiki, a blog is a website maintained by only
one individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or oth-
er material such as graphics or video6.
Let‟s note that, although wikis are a tool for creating contents, they serve at the
same time collaborative skills learning. Thus, wikis offer to students a collabora-
tive environment where they learn how to work with others, how to create a com-
munity and how to operate in our society that we can qualify of cognitive society.
In such a society the creation of knowledge and information is increasingly be-
coming a group effort (Richardson, 2006).
Achterman (Atcherman, 2007) retains five features that facilitate collaborative
 Ease of use: users can easily access to a wiki, add, modify, edit a content;
 Spaces for students to create contents individually, in small groups or large
groups. Students can move from one space to another and easily transfer the
content of one space to another;
 Ability to create a non linear document structure by way of hyperlinks;
 A built-in mechanism for reflection and metacognition. Many wikis propose a
discussion or comment space where students can engage in conversation to jus-
tify their content addition;
 A means of tracking individual, small group and whole group in progress by
way of an assignment.
Thus, the Web 2.0 key components are the facility of using creation tools and
the collaboration/social interaction it offers. According to (Davis, 2005):
“Web 2.0 is an attitude not a technology. It‟s about enabling and encouraging
participation through open applications and services. By open I mean technically
open with appropriate APIs but also, more importantly, socially open, with rights
granted to use the content in new and exciting contexts.”
Following this way, Downes coined the term e-learning 2.0 which results from
the combination of web 2.0 technologies and the collaboration/social interactions
they offer in the context of learning application (Downes, 2008).

4 Links between web 2.0 and Semantic Web.

Web 2.0 applications and services enable non-specialist users to contribute to

the Web. This leads to new requirements of Networked Information Retrieval

5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki/Wiki
6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki/Blog

(Zhang, 2007). Indeed, in the web 1.0 context, only the web masters created con-
tent and thus used professional data in order to enable any users to retrieve it by
way of different methods such as subject catalogue-based retrieval, key words-
based retrieval, metadata-based retrieval, etc. In the Web 2.0 context, due to the
lack of semantic relation among contents, massive information produced by users
can‟t be processed. This information generally consists in microcontents creation.
Microcontents come from the various contributions of users such as images, col-
lected bookmarks, queries and answers of forum and so on. The Web 2.0 applica-
tions should be able to reuse these microcontents freely in any place. To do this,
microcontents need to be aggregated, managed, shared in order to be transferred
and remixed in new contents dedicated to specific applications. Unfortunately,
much of these forms of contribution are currently confined into private space or
published in formats that hinder its reuse.
In the context of the Semantic Web, data on the web are published in machine-
readable format using shared ontologies to give them a formal semantic, and inter-
linked on a massive scale (Shadbolt & al, 2006). Thus data can be retrieval easily.
Publishing data using languages dedicated to the Semantic Web (RDF 7, OWL8 or
Topic Maps9), has different advantages: (a) Makes data retrieval by using a stan-
dard query language (SPARQL10, TMQL11); (b) Facilitates the integration of data
from different resources; (c) Allows the creation of machine-readable links be-
tween data resources. However, create Semantic Web applications necessitates
specialist skills and it is a brake to their growth.
Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web have been previously considered as independ-
ent and even competing for the evolution of the Web. Each approach is supported
by its own community. Due to their strengths and their weakness, we believe, like
several colleagues, that these two visions are complementary:
“The Semantic Web can learn from Web 2.0‟s focus on community and inter-
activity, while Web 2.0 can draw from the Semantic Web‟s rich technical infra-
structure for exchanging information across application boundaries.” (Ankolekar
& al, 2007, p 825).
According to the same authors, this is possible by providing simple, well-
structured Web forms through which users can add comments, information to a
web site without requiring any knowledge of the underlying technologies or prin-
ciples. By following this approach, an environment should enable users to create
content that is immediately usable on the Semantic Web. Users are guided and
place their contribution in such a way that elicit semantic annotations are auto-
matically associated.

7 http://www.w3.org/RDF/
8 http://www.w3.org/2004/OWL/
9 http://www.topicmaps.org/

10 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/

11 http://www.isotopicmaps.org/tmql/

Semantic wikis are an illustration of this complementarity. They try to combine

the strengths of Semantic Web and Wiki technologies. The wikipedia definition 12
specifies that a semantic wiki is a wiki that has an underlying model of the know-
ledge described in its pages. Regular wikis have structured text and untyped
hyperlinks (such as the links in this article). Semantic wikis allow the ability to
capture or identify further information about the pages (metadata) and their rela-
In the same way, we propose the concept of semantic forum. A semantic forum
is an internet forum that has an underlying model of the knowledge described in
its content. Such content is formed by users‟ questions and answers about specific
topics concerning the forum theme. All the questions and their answers are micro-
contents that we can described by the author, the date of posting but also by the
theme and the topic it is about. In the case of a learning context, in order to not be
disconnected with the learning activities, topics will be defined in advance by the
training head. All this knowledge is defined semantically although users don‟t
aware of this definition and language used to do it.

5 Links between e-Learning and Knowledge Management

Problems solving in collaboration becomes the main activity producing value

in companies. The new working forms generate more and more informal situations
of learning. The discussions around problems and\or projects, various meetings,
etc. produce situations in which members learn and develop knowledge and par-
ticular competences. Thus companies try to take into account in their development
policy the 'formal' training in the framework of e-learning projects but also the 'in-
formal' training through the recognition of knowledge exchanges networks, and
the formalization of knowledge capitalization procedures coming from the theory
of the Knowledge Management (KM).
We can define KM as all the methods and the techniques allowing to collect,
identify, analyze, organize, remember, and share knowledge between organiza-
tions members, in particular knowledge created by the company itself or acquired
outside. Knowledge Management comprises a range of practices used by organi-
zations to identify, create, represent, and distribute knowledge for reuse, aware-
ness and learning13.
So, KM systems and e-learning systems serve the same objectives: facilitate the
development of competences and learning in organizations (Schmidt, 2005). They
are moreover complementary. E-learning systems are used as support by learners
so that they can develop their knowledge. They offer to them structured educa-
tional contents and opportunities of intercommunication about specific subjects.

12 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_wiki
13 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Knowledge_management

The KM systems offer possibilities of access to knowledge by means of contents

management systems. These kinds of systems aim at managing all the contents of
a company. They concern at the same moment not structured electronic informa-
tion (digital documents) and structured information (databases).
This complementarity between e-learning and KM is strengthened by the use of
tools and specific platforms integrating human resources management, training
management and information sharing.
In spite of this context, several studies showed that the connections between e-
learning and KM are not operationnalized (Efimova & al, 2002). According to Ras
(Ras & al, 2005), this is due to various barriers on conceptual or technical level.
We can mention:
 Problems on conceptual level: for example (Ley & al, 2005) propose an envi-
ronment of workplace composed of three spaces: a working space, a knowledge
space and a learning space. The main problem concerns the connections be-
tween these spaces. Each space has its own structure which reflects the mental
model of its users.
 Problems on a technical level: the spaces of work, knowledge or learning are
implemented on different systems. Each system possesses its own structure of
 Problem of Neglecting Learning Processes: though they facilitate purpose-
oriented learning, KM systems don‟t explicitly address learning processes.
Associating Web 2.0 and Semantic Web approaches, as we see in the previous
section, could offer a platform that overcomes these barriers. Indeed, Web 2.0
technologies facilitate the creation of social networks. A social network is in a
way a community of practice. According to Wenger: “Communities of practice are
groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and
learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” (Wenger, 2008)
Members can interact in face-to-face or online meetings. With the advent of
web 2.0 technologies, creation of online communities is facilitated but a commu-
nity is not defined by the use of such technologies. A community of practice is
identified by means of three crucial characteristics (Wenger, 2008):
 The domain: Members have to share the same domain of interest, this one iden-
tifying the community.
 The community: Members interact, share information, discuss about the do-
main of interest to learn from each other.
 The practice: Members are practitioners and develop a shared directory of re-
sources concerning their practices (experiences, documents, tools…).
Wenger specifies that communities develop their practice through activities and
gives some typical examples: documentation projects, discussions, requests for in-
formation, seeking experience, etc. Finally, communities of practice are formed by
people who engage in a process of collective learning. This learning can be the ob-
jective of the community members or is the results of their interactions. They pro-

vided a new approach, which focused on people and on the social structures that
enable them to learn with and from each other. Because they offer informal train-
ing situations, organizations have interested in this approach for few years.
Wenger explains this interest by different reasons:
 Communities of practice enable members to take collective responsibility for
managing the knowledge they need.
 Communities among members create a direct link between learning and per-
 Members can address the tacit and dynamic aspects of knowledge creation and
sharing, as well as the more explicit aspects.
 Communities are not limited by formal structures: they create connections
among people across organizational and geographic boundaries.

6 The MEMORAe approach

The acts to teach, to learn and to work are never socially isolated. They are the
cultural resultant, articulated and developed through a defined practice gathering
in a virtual or real space actors questioning themselves and wondering about the
need of knowledge, abilities and attitudes to acquire competences specific to a
given academic or professional domain14.
Our aim, within the approach MEMORAe, is to operationalize connections be-
tween e-learning and knowledge management in the context of learning organiza-
tion. To that end, our objective is to model and build a learning environment tak-
ing into account at the same time these two aspects (Abel & al, 2008).
In order to assess our approach, we chose to build organizational memory for
academics organization: a course on applied mathematics at the University of
Picardy (France). This choice of applications is justified by two observations:
 A course is made of actors (learners, instructors, trainers, course designers, ad-
ministrators, etc.), resources of different types (definitions, exercises, etc.),
written in various forms (books, reports, etc.) and on various supports (paper,
video, audio, etc.) thus knowledge and competences which it must bring. In
this sense, a course is an organization.
 Learner which participate in a course must get ready to their professional life
and thus with an organizational learning.
Let us specify that in the context of an organization of academic type:
 Organizational knowledge is knowledge teachers want to transmit and learners
must assimilate. The actors of such an organization must thus be able to ex-
change about this knowledge.

14 http://www.tact.fse.ulaval.ca/ang/html/cp/intro.htm

 The objective is to get ready students for their professional life, i.e. to learn to
In the following, we first present bases of our approach. Then, we specify how
we put into practice our learning organizational memory and explain its use in an
organizational learning context by way of the memories modelling and a semantic
forum. We finish by presenting the evaluations carried out.

6.1 Approach base: the concept of Learning Organizational


Bases of the approach MEMORAe coming from work studies in e-learning and
knowledge management domains.
On the e-learning side, these last years, the learning environments‟ modelling
was studied in educational engineering according to two principal approaches:
 Approach by the resources, based on the paradigm of the learning objects;
 Approach by the activities, based on the concepts of learning units, activity and
teaching scenario.
On the knowledge management side, knowledge engineering proposes con-
cepts, methods and techniques making it possible to model, formalize, acquire
knowledge in organizations to operationalize, structure or manage in the broad
sense. These methods and tools are intended to support the dynamics of knowl-
edge in the organization.
Within the framework of the approach MEMORAe, we propose to associate
knowledge engineering and educational engineering in order to model and build a
learning environment according to the approach by the resources. In the knowl-
edge engineering area, extending the definition proposed by (Van Heijst & al,
1996), (Dieng & al, 1998) consider an organizational memory as an “explicite,
disembodied, persistent representation of knowledge and information in an or-
ganization, in order to facilitate its access and reuse by members of the organiza-
tion, for their tasks.” So, we made the choice to test and evaluate the contribution
of the organizational memories based on ontologies in a context of training within
a learning organization. Thus, extending the definition given by (Dieng & al,
1998), we propose the concept of Learning Organizational Memory for which us-
ers‟ task is learning.

6.2 Learning Organizational Memory into practice

Within the approach MEMORAe, first we were interested in the knowledge

capitalization in the context of organizations and more precisely the capitalization
of the resources related to this knowledge by means of an organizational memory.
This work was realized in the framework of the project MEMORAe (Abel & al,
2006). We particularly focused on the way organization actors could use this capi-
talization to get new knowledge.
Let‟s remind that the design of an e-learning application implies to focus on the
learner, giving him the means to be active, to make him understand the resources
that are at his disposal and to teach him how to search and to use them. Articulat-
ing a training starting from knowledge grains offers more individualization possi-
bilities. Generally, it consists in dividing the training content into small parts, us-
ing a semantic mark-up.
On the contrary, within our approach, we propose to organize the training con-
tent around concepts to learn. These concepts don‟t refer to a course unit part, but
to knowledge or competences to acquire. Consequently, there is no need to cut off
existing documents or to produce new documents corresponding to these concepts.
Concepts to learn are used as indexes to access resources related to them. A con-
cept to learn can refer to several resources (giving several means to acquire it) and
a resource can be referred to by several notions (giving several means to retrieve
To that end, we developed the environment E-MEMORAe as support for learn-
ing organizational memory. In such a system resources are indexed to knowledge
organized by means of ontologies: domain and application. The domain ontology,
defines concepts shared by any organization; the application ontology defines
concepts dedicated to a specific organization. Using these ontologies, actors can
acquire knowledge by doing different tasks (solving problems or exercises, read-
ing examples, definitions, reports, etc.). We used Topic Maps 15 as a representation
formalism facilitating navigation and access to the resources. Such formalism has
a XTM16 specification that consists in an XML syntax allowing its expression and
its interchange. It also has its own query language TMQL 17.
The ontology structure is also used to navigate among the concepts as in a
roadmap. The user has to access to the resources which are appropriate for him.
Thus our environment is dedicated to be used by members of a “Semantic
Learning Organization” (SLO). In the Information Systems context, a SLO is a
concept that extends the notion of learning organization in a semantic dimension.
A SLO must be considered as a learning organization in which learning activities

15 http://www.topicmaps.org/
16 http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/
17 http://www.isotopicmaps.org/tmql/spec.html

are mediated and enhanced through a shared knowledge representation of the do-
main and context of the organization (Sicilia & al, 2005).
E-MEMORAe aims at helping the users of the memory to acquire organization
knowledge. To this end, users have to navigate through the application ontology
that is related to the training, and to access to the indexed resources thanks to this
The general principle is to propose to the learner, at each step, either precise in-
formation on what he is searching for, or graphically displayed links that allow
him to continue its navigation through the memory. He has no need to use the
keyboard in order to formulate a request, even if the environment allows doing it.
To be more precise, the user interface (Figure 1) proposes:
 Entry points (left of the screen): they enable users to start their navigation with
a given concept. An entry point provides a direct access to a concept of the
memory and consequently to the part of the memory dedicated to it. They were
chosen by the head of the course who considers them as essential.
 Resources (bottom of the screen) related to the current concept: they are or-
dered by type (books, course notes, sites, examples, comments 18, etc.). Starting
from a map concept or an entry point, the user can directly access to associated
resources. Descriptions of these resources help him to choose among them.
 A short definition of the current concept: it enables users to get a preview of the
concept and enables them to decide if they have to work it or not.
 A history of the navigation: it enables the learner to remind and to be aware of
the path he followed before. Of course, he can get back to a previously studied
notion if he wants to.
 Least but not last, the part of the ontology describing the current resource is
displayed at the centre of the screen.

18 The comments are the only elements of the memory that the user can modify

as (s)he wants. An a posteriori control is made by the editorial committee in order

to keep them or not.

Figure 1: Navigation interface of E-MEMORAe

Within such an environment learning can occurs through the navigation among
the concepts map or in making an exercise, in reading a book or an annotation and
so on.

6.3 Organizational Learning context

According to Dogson (Dogson, 1993), a learning organization is a company

which builds structures and strategies in order to increase and to maximize the or-
ganizational learning.
Organizational learning is an emergent property of the interaction between the
organization members. Thus organizations form a place of synergies allowing the
creation of knowledge higher than the one of their members. It is a question of
collective intelligence. This one can be defined in terms of circulation of ideas, of
diffusion of practices. It is thus a question of being interested on the way in which
organization members develop capacities of acquisition, storage, processing and
use of information. Thus, the organizational learning does not relate to private
knowledge of the individuals but collectivized knowledge which they mobilize in
the organization. This type of knowledge is at the interface of a private knowledge
and a public knowledge.
Within project MEMORAe we interested in online learning environment taking
into account an active process where learners build their knowledge and under-
standing. The project MEMORAe2.0 is an extension of the project MEMORAe.
Within the framework of this second project we are interested in using the

MEMORAe approach in an organizational learning context (Leblanc & al, 2007).

We wanted to facilitate social process which proceeds through conversation and
interaction. To that end, we decided to exploit Girod works about organizational
memory model (Girod, 1995) and web 2.0 technologies.

Memories modelling

Following the Girod works (Girod, 1995), we distinguish three levels of organ-
izational memory and we propose to consider them by way of two memory types:
 Group memory: this kind of memory enables all the group members to access
knowledge and resources shared by them. The group is at least made of two
members. We distinguish three types of group memory corresponding to differ-
ent communities of practice:
o Team memory: The team memory capitalizes knowledge, re-
sources, communication concerning any object of interest of the
group members.
o Project memory: The project memory capitalizes knowledge, re-
sources, communication concerning a project. All the informa-
tion stored is shared by the members who work on the project.
o Organization memory: this memory enables all the members of
the organization to access knowledge and resources without
access right. These resources and knowledge are shared by all
the organization members.
 Individual memory: this kind of memory is private. Each member of the organ-
ization has his own memory in which he can organize, and capitalize his know-
ledge, resources.
Thus we base our approach on an organizational memory that makes a differ-
ence between knowledge and resources of: a) the whole organization; b) a com-
munity of practice in the organization – the organization is constituted of different
communities of practice even if it can be seen as a community of practice itself;
and c) an individual.
In order to put into practice this modelling we developed a new environment
called E-MEMORAe2.0 (Figure 2). This one re-uses general principles of E-
MEMORAe and gives the possibility of learners to have a private space and to
participate to share spaces according to their rights. Let‟s notes that all the memo-
ries share the same ontologies.

Figure 2: E-MEMORAe2.0 Navigation Interface.

When a user logs on he directly accesses to his individual memory. He can then
navigate through the application ontology and access to resources which he him-
self added. He also can access to another memory by a click on the name of the
memory in the high left part of the general menu.
This change of memory makes possible:
 Addition of entry points (Figure 3) shared by all the group members.
 Visualization of resources capitalized by the group members (cf Figure 4).

Figure 3 : Visualization of the individual and organizational memory entry points (in French)

Thus figure 4 shows different resources from different memories concerning

the same concept. The user indexed two types of resources in his individual mem-
ory (books and comment) and can access to other resources such as training sup-
ports or exercises in the organizational memory.

Figure 4. Visualization of the individual and organizational resources (in French).

Ontologies enable to organize and capitalize exchanges. In order to facilitate

the externalization of tacit knowledge, we chose to associate exchange resources
to each concept of the application ontology. Exchange resources concern a con-
cept and can be asynchronous (forum, blog, e-mail) or synchronous (chat). They
give the opportunity to group members to exchange and share information on a
subject; this subject/concept indexes the exchange resource.

MEMORAe forum

Within the approach MEMORAe, we consider a forum as a set of microcon-

tents or micro-resources. We decided to manage these micro-resources like any re-
sources in the memory. Thus we defined the concept of MEMORAe-Forum which
is an exchange resource and is linked to one micro-resource of question type and 0
or n resources of answer type. Each micro-resource is indexed by a concept of the
application ontology and has an author, a date of contribution.
In such a way, each group memory has its own forum organized around the
shared ontology. All the forum contributions are distributed in the resource space
among the other resources. Users don‟t access to the forum itself but to the mem-
ory resource space and then select resources of MEMORAe-Forum type to con-
tribute to the forum. So there is not explicit forum where users can visualize all
contributions of members but it will possible to build this presentation form with
the functionality export we plan to develop.
In the following we present an example of the forum use in E-MEMORAe2.0.
Figure 5 shows how users can access to a forum associated to an ontology concept
in a group memory. They just have to select the right memory then the concept
concerned by the question and the resources indexed part. At this step, they have
to click on the type „Forum‟: the list of question subjects that were already posted
is printed. If users want to post their own question, they have to click on the bub-
ble icon (placed at the right of the term Forum) and then specify their subject and
their question. If they want to read answers to this question subject, they have to

click on the subject itself. A window opens (Figure 6) and presents: (1) the subject
and the question (top part), (2) the different answers with their author. At each
time, the date of the contribution is registered.

Figure 5. Forum Access (in French)

Figure 6. Forum Resource (in French)

Within the approach MEMORAe we linked semantic web and web 2.0 ap-
proaches: we implemented a semantic forum in such a way that users contribute to
produce resources semantically described without specialist skills. Seeing queries
and answers as resources should offer facilitators to engage learners into interac-
tion: they see these resources when they access to the resources part and then can
be questioned.


All the evaluations were realized with students of University of Picardy attend-
ing the course of applied mathematics.
The E-MEMORAe evaluation gave us encouraging results. It concerned or-
ganization level. Students appreciated to have access to documents by the way of
the training concepts (Benayache & al, 2006).
The E-MEMORAe2.0 evaluation has begun and aims to experiment the two
other levels through project-based activities. To do this we organized two evalua-
tions. For these two evaluations, students are grouped in pairs and each pair has to
solve a problem. Each student can access to his individual memory, to the memory
of his pair and to the training memory. He can add resources in his memory or in
his group memory and thus exchange resource and knowledge. Students have
three weeks to solve a problem.
The first evaluation concerned students in mathematics. These ones hadn‟t
computers and see each others everyday. They had a computers room at disposal
and the problem to solve was given a mark. The second evaluation concerned stu-
dents in computer science, they had a computer, saw each other everyday and the
problem to solve wasn‟t given a mark.
With these two evaluations, our main objective was to see how E-
MEMORAe2.0 could facilitate organizational learning within communities of
learners. More precisely we wanted to be sure learners:
 Use their different memories: During the evaluation students have a login and a
 Add new resources in their individual memory or in their group memory or en-
try points.
 Use forum.
Here and now, we noted:
 Students navigated through the environment and access to different resources.
 Students used their different memory.
 Students tested the forum.
The first evaluation was disturbed by strikes; however students appreciated the
environment and said they would like to continue to use it. All of them accessed to
right resources helping them to solve the problem and most of them added re-
sources (essentially web sites and, of course, their problem solving). They tested
the forum but not really used it. They explained that by the fact they see each oth-
er everyday
The second evaluation is not so good. Students said they appreciated the envi-
ronment; they tried it but didn‟t use it. The reason is: the training was optional and
the problem to solve was not given a mark.
To conclude, we think that to initiate the use of such an environment, learners
must have an interest: distance learning, solve a problem marked, review, etc.
In order to better evaluate the forum, we plan to make some new evaluations
with distance students. We also plan to examine to what extent industrial organi-

zations, and companies could benefit of this approach. However it should be noted
that software environments are not sufficient to promote organizational learning. It
is also a question of culture, as well at university as in any other organization.

7 Conclusion

Due to the new working forms, information takes a more and more important
place in our society. This one can be qualified of information society. This context
implies new learning forms. Learning is an active process but also a social
process. The advent of web 2.0 technologies play a bigger and bigger role in e-
learning: the term e-learning 2.0 was introduced by Downes (Downes, 2008). New
learning forms are a part integral of the industrial challenges. Becoming a learning
organization is a way for an organization to stay competitive. Such an organiza-
tion is an organization in which work is anchored in an organizational culture
which allows and encourages the training at various levels: individual, group and
organization. Each organization actor is a kind of continuous learner. He has to
reach the good resource at the right moment. That necessitates this resource is
stored and well described, indexed.
Within the approach MEMORAe we are interested in these new forms of learn-
ing. We consider that these ones are connected to the knowledge management
practices and require web 2.0 applications.
In this paper we presented links between e-learning and knowledge manage-
ment in the context of the new economy. We described the approach MEMORAe
and we showed how we used semantic web approach and web 2.0 technologies to
develop it in the E-MEMORAe2.0 environment. This one is based on the concepts
of learning organizational memory. Due to the modelling of the different memo-
ries (individual, group, organization), the global memory can be considered as a
support for a constellation of communities of practice. In order to offer facilitators
to engage learners into interaction we introduced into group memories a distrib-
uted semantic forum.
Our perspectives are to better develop the social aspects offered by our envi-
ronment. To that end, we plan to add more web 2.0 technologies in E-
MEMORAe2.0 such as blogs, facilitators to create shared resources, social net-
works. We also plan to test social aspects of our environment with students from
different universities attending the same training.


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Chapter 11. Towards OpenTagging Platform
using Semantic Web Technologies

Hak Lae Kim

DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

John G. Breslin

DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland


Many social media sites such as Del.icio.us, Flickr, or weblogs have recently
become popular. This has led to adoption of tagging functions on traditional web
sites at a steady pace. However, producing tagging data from these sites without
supporting the social exchange involved can be regarded as an incomplete set of
metadata. Although tagging captures our individual conceptual associations, the
tagging system itself does not promote a social transmission that units both
creators and consumers. To achieve social transmission environments for tagging,
we need a formal conceptual model to represent the tagging activity and a service
platform to encourage its exchange and interoperation.

1 Introduction

The label tagging has been applied to a fast-growing number of web sites
where content has a tag that is primarily created by users themselves. Tagging is
used in many social media applications such as weblogs, social bookmarking, and
social networking applications. While the primary purpose of tagging is to help
users organize and manage their resources, collective tagging data is used to or-
ganize and retrieve information via folksonomies, which are types of distributed
classification (Gruber, 2008). A tag, or a labeled keyword, is a type of metadata
for items such as resource links, web pages, pictures, blog posts, etc. and is pri-
marily created not by machine agents, but by human users. A tagger, who the enti-
ty is creating tags, does not necessarily have to be an expert but may simply be the
creator of an annotation or the consumer of an item. It is important to remember
that resources can be tagged with as many or as few words as desired; there is no

restriction to placing objects in one category (Shirky, 2005). Tagging is a way of

representing concepts, with a free-form list of keywords, by using the cognitive
association techniques of a tagger without enforcing categorization (Kim et al.,
2008). Both creators and consumers of tagged items can share their collection of
tagging data. Since a large number of users participate in creating, adding, and
sharing metadata in the form of keywords, this is regarded as a highly social and
democratic process.
The term folksonomy means the practice and method of collaboratively creating
and managing tags for the purpose of annotating and categorizing content
(Mathes, 2004). The term, first coined by Tomas Vander Wal , is a fusion of the
two words „folk‟ and „taxonomy‟ and it became popular on the Web around 2004
with social software applications such as social bookmarking or photograph anno-
tation. For instance, some well-known implementations of folksonomies are
del.icio.us (a social bookmarking system) and Flickr (a photo-sharing web site).
CiteULike, using a similar approach to del.icio.us, focuses on academic articles,
and there are a number of multimedia sites that support tagging such as Last.fm
for music and YouTube for video. The power of folksonomies is obtained through
an aggregate summary of the information that we are interested in, and this im-
proves social reinforcement by enabling social connections and by providing so-
cial search mechanisms. Quintarelli (2005) points out that “without a social distri-
buted environment that suggests aggregation, tags are just flat keywords.”

2 What are the Problems of Current Social Tagging and


Although social tagging and folksonomies have a lot of advantages (visualiza-

tion, navigation, etc.) to offer the different users who tag content items in social
media sites, critical drawbacks with current tagging systems are that 1) there is no
formal conceptualization in order to represent tagging data in a consistent way
(Kim et al., 2008), and 2) there is no interoperability support for exchanging tag-
ging data among different applications or people (Gruber, 2008). The simplicity
and ease-of-use of tagging leads to a lack of precision with keyword ambiguity
caused by misspelling certain words, singular vs. plural, synonyms, morphologies,
or too-personalized tags (Golder and Herbermann, 2006; Halpin et al., 2006; Mar-
low, 2006). Since there are many different manners of using tags, one may not be
able to understand what a given tag is about. These limitations come from a lack
of standards for tag structures and little semantics for specifying the exact mean-
ing.Aside from these problems, social tagging systems do not provide a uniform
way to share and reuse tagging data amongst users or communities (Kim et al.,
2007). There is no consistent method for reusing one‟s personal set of tags among

19 http://www.vanderwal.net/random/entrysel.php?blog=1750

people or communities. Although some folksonomy systems support export func-

tionality using their open APIs and share their data via a closed agreement among
sites, these systems do not offer a uniform and consistent way to share, exchange,
and reuse tagging data for leveraging social interoperability. Therefore, it is not
easy to meaningfully search, compare, or merge “similar collective tagging data”
from different applications (TagCommons, 2007).
With the usage of tagging systems increasing daily, these limitations will be-
come critical. To overcome the limitations of current tagging systems, we need to
look at an open platform for tagging similar to OpenSocial 20 that provides a
common set of APIs for social networking applications across multiple web sites.

Figure 1. The OpenTagging Platform

We can see three different scenarios of using tagging data from existing tag
sources in Figure 1.

 Individual perspective: Users participate in diverse social media sites by

contributing to tagging activities. Although they are able to collect the
tagging data resulted from these activities, the real challenge is to inte-
grate and combine this data into a comprehensive personal view.

20 http://code.google.com/apis/opensocial

 Community perspective: On the side, users are part of different com-

munities and projects, and interact with the members of these communi-
ties by sharing or exchanging tagging data between them. In this setting,
a new issue arises, i.e. the reuse of the data across multiple communities.
 Heterogeneous environments: Regardless of the individual or community
perspectives, tagging data can be produced in several environments, like
on the Desktop, on the Web, or even on the Mobile Web. Even so, we
want be able to reuse our set of tags indifferently of the environment.
However, there is no consistent method for interoperation of tagging da-
ta amongst different environments.

3 Components of the OpenTagging Platform

The goal of OpenTagging aims to make tagging data open, more universal, and
apply it across any number of social tagging sites. Through continuously user par-
ticipations on the platform, users can make their customized folksonomies to or-
ganize their data by their needs and interests. The interaction of diverse objects
such as users, tags, and resources on the platform brings emergent semantics of
tagging data and leverages social connections among participants. In order to al-
low users and developers to implement the social capabilities underlying tagging
data, the platform consists of the open data models, the export and sharing me-
thods, a consistent platform for interoperating one‟s personal set of tags between
either web-based systems, desktop, and mobile applications, or for transferring
tags among the desktop, the web, or the mobile.

3.1 Open data formats

These aim for specifying tagging data in a formal way. The data formats for
common conceptualization of tagging data can be represented by an ontology to
make a minimal commitment. A conceptualization of tagging data and activities is
called „Tag ontology‟ and there are some implementations using OWL (Kim et al.,
2008). It is also important to note that some classes and properties from well-
known RDF vocabularies (SIOC, FOAF, and SKOS etc) can be used to represent
tagging activities. This approach can be considered as a method to enhance se-
mantically links of tagging data.

3.2 Methods
In order to collect, share, or exchange tagging data, or create a bridge among
heterogeneous social tagging sites, methods should implement by types of ma-
shups. In general, most social media sites offer open APIs to expose their data and
we can gather the data using them. It, however, is hard to integrate and interope-
rate data through diverse applications on syntactic and structural means; we need

semantic techniques such as SA-REST (Semantically Interoperable and Easier-to-

Use Services and Mashups) (Sheth et al., 2007).

3.3 Platform
The Semantic Web is a useful platform for linking, exchanging, and interope-
rating supports on tagging data collected from heterogeneous social tagging sites
(Breslin & Decker, 2007). The platform supports a social ecosystem that interlinks
among objects such as individual and individual, individual and communities, or
individual and the tags themselves and leverages social connections based on tags.
In addition, the platform allows users to reuse and exchange tag data between
people across different sources (systems) in existing social networks, which could
be used to connect people who may have a common interest, or set of interests.

4 Open Data Format for Describing Tags: Social Semantic


The SCOT ontology aims to describe the structure and the semantics of tagging
data and to offer social interoperability of the data among different sources. Tag-
ging is an activity or a process in which a tagger „assigns‟ some tags he or she
„creates‟ or „uses‟ on some resources. In order to represent this activity, the model
represents tags clouds, the tags themselves, the resources that are being tagged,
and the users that create these tags. The model also describes the properties of the
tags, including their occurrence frequencies, and other tags that are used in con-
junction with them. In addition to representing the structure and the semantics of
tags, the model allows the exchange of semantic tag metadata for reuse in social
applications and enables interoperation amongst data sources, services, or agents
in a tag space. These features are a cornerstone to being able to identify, formal-
ize, and interoperate a common conceptualization of tagging activity at a semantic
level. Figure 2 gives a detailed example of a tagging activity describing by SCOT
instance. The Tagcloud class consists of metadata related to tagging activity such
as taggers, sites, and creators and of statistical information to describe overall tag
usage such as total posts, total tags, or total frequency of tags in a site. The Tag
class describes a concept of an individual tag. This class includes many properties
to represent the semantics (scot:acronym, scot:synonym, scot:spellingVariants,
etc) and numerical features (scot:ownAFrequency and scot:ownRFrequency, etc)
of a tag. The Cooccurrence class describes co-occurring tags and the co-occurring
frequencies among tags.
SCOT aims to incorporate and reuse existing vocabularies as much as possible
in order to avoid redundancies and to enable the use of richer metadata descrip-
tions for specific domains.

Figure 2. An example of SCOT instance. The SCOT models tagging activity for typical online
communities including taggers, tags, items, and these relationships.

This ontology model has been made with a number of vocabularies including
DC (Dublin Core Metadata)21, FOAF (Friend-of-a-Friend)22, SIOC (Semantically
Interlinked Online Communities)23, and SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation
Systems)24. Figure 3 illustrates the relationships among these vocabularies.

4.1 How can users create SCOT instance?

We do not force any burden on users in relation to creating the semantic data
and do not expect users to understand „what the Semantic Web is‟ or „what an on-
tology is‟. We have provided SCOT Exporter25 which automatically create seman-
tic metadata from a set of tagging data. For instance, the SCOT Exporter for
WordPress, which is a plug-in, allows the production of SCOT instance data from
a certain blog. This Exporter is activated in the plug-in menu on the WordPress
administration panel and it requires no user configuration in order to work. The in-
stance created by the Exporter is located in „http://yourhost/scot/scot.rdf‟, when

21 http:// dublincore.org
22 http://foaf-project.org
23 http://sioc-project.org
24 http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos
25 http://scot-project.org/applications/wp-exporter/

tags are changed in the blog, the instance is dynamically updated. The initial ver-
sion for the export has developed based on the assumption that categories in
WordPress are used as tags. We also offer the exporter for the Ultimate Tag War-
rior26, a popular and powerful WordPress plugin, which allows a user to add tags
either through the Write Post page in WordPress in a tag box.

4.2 How can we provide interoperation amongst different sources?

To realize the OpenTagging platform, we make it possible to exchange, com-

pare, and integrate tagging data across different applications or sources and to of-
fer interoperation in the tag spaces. Although a user can create a SCOT instance
data set using a SCOT Exporter from a single online community such as a weblog,
the Exporter provides a simple method for exposing a SCOT instance without in-
teroperation mechanisms. Thus we need a method for sharing and interoperating
this semantic metadata.

5 The int.ere.st Web site and its Methods

int.ere.st27 is a web site where people can manage their tagging data from vari-
ous sources, search resources based on their tags which were created and used by
themselves, and leverage a sharing and exchanging of tagging data among people
or various online communities (Kim et al., 2007). The site (see Figure 4) is a plat-
form for providing structure and semantics to previously unstructured tagging data
via various mashups. The tagging data from distributed environments such as
blogs, social web sites can be stored in a repository as SCOT instances via the
Mashup Wrapper, which extracts tagging data using open APIs from host sites.
For instance, the site allows users to dump tagging data from del.icio.us, Flickr,
and YouTube and these tagging data sets are transformed into SCOT instances on
a semantic level. Thus, all instances within int.ere.st include different tagging con-
texts and connect various people and sources with the same tags. In addition, users
can search people, tags, or resources and can bookmark some resources or inte-
grate different instances. Through this iterative process, the tags reflect distributed
human intelligence into the site. The following are some of the main methods im-
plemented in the site.
The screenshot (fig. 2) shows the search results for the tag „ontology.‟ In this
example, the left-hand side shows SCOT instances with associated detailed infor-
mation such as top tags, the creator, number of members and items, total tags, total

26 http://www.neato.co.nz/ultimate-tag-warrior/
27 http://int.ere.st

co-occurrence tags, and tag spaces. If a user clicks on a title in the search results,
the right-hand side visualizes a tag cloud for the selected SCOT instance with re-
lated items.

Figure 3. int.ere.st web site

5.1 Aggregate
A user can gather a collection of tagging data that he or she has assigned to re-
sources in distributed applications. For instance, the site can aggregate bookmarks,
images, and videos with tags from del.icio.us, Flickr, YouTube, or other online
applications using their open APIs. The collected data is automatically trans-
formed into semantically structured data that includes the relationships among us-
ers, tags, and resources. If tagging data is already created by the SCOT exporter in
a certain blog, a user can directly import the instances from their site. We also
provide an importing method in which users can import their SCOT instances
from a file or URL. Then, the aggregator for the collected or imported instances
runs periodically and automatically. This is a first step for sharing tags from dif-
ferent resources in different tag spaces.

5.2 Search & Browse

There are several ways to search tag information on the site. Firstly, a tag search
allows users to look for similar patterns of tagging or persons with related interests
based on tags. Secondly, a user can search for tags or resources using SPARQL-

based semantic search methods with these search operators: “and”, “or”, co-
occurring tags, and broader or narrower relationships. These operators enable us-
ers to restrict their search conditions. Thirdly, when the „created by‟ field from the
search results is clicked for a specific SCOT instance, all SCOT instances created
by the creator are listed. This will help users find interesting new people in the
system, much as a user refers to instances to find interesting new ones.

5.3 Bookmark
We also provide a bookmarking and tagging method for each SCOT instance so
that a user can participate in the tagging activity and share experiences with other
people. If a user is interested in tagging data from a certain instance, he or she can
create a bookmark, with tags, for the instance. We provide „fans‟ as a concept for
a list of such people; when someone has added a certain SCOT as a bookmark, a
fan connection is created. Social connections can be made with other individuals
interested in just about any topic. In addition, a user can take advantage of all the
work other people have done. A list of bookmarked instances is located in the “my
interest” menu.

5.4 Share
The site exposes various and structured types of user contributions in the system
and also connects to other sources of data using Semantic Web technologies. For
instance, personal information can be exposed as FOAF and SCOT instances in
the system can be mapped into SIOC. The SCOT ontology can be classified with
several types such as “imported”, “bookmarked”, and “integrated” one in the sys-
tem. The bookmarked type is created by other users; the integrated type (that is a
merging of at least two instances) is created by the logged in user; the imported
ontology can be either of the two. The bookmarked type is described using the
property from FOAF and the integrated type is mapped to the FOAF maker prop-
erty. In addition, all types of SCOT instances for a certain user are mapped to the
Item class from SIOC. This process can be done automatically. The mapping
among SIOC, FOAF and SCOT together provides a way to enhance social con-
nections that are distributed and shared among people.

6 int.ere.st as a Platform

int.ere.st is the first OpenTagging platform for the Semantic Web, since users
can manage a collection of tagging data in a smarter and more effective way as
well as search, bookmark, and share their own as well as other‟s tagging data via
the underlying SCOT ontology. Those functionalities help users exchange and
share their tagging data based on Semantic Web standards. The site is compatible
with other Semantic Web applications, and its information can be shared across
applications. This means that the site enables users to create Semantic Web data,

such as FOAF, SKOS, and SIOC automatically. The RDF vocabularies can be in-
terlinked with the URIs of SCOT instances that are generated in the site and
shared in online communities.

7 Conclusions

We discuss the OpenTagging platform for interoperation of social tagging data.

The platform allows users to reuse and exchange tagging data between people
across different sources (systems) in existing social network, which could be used
to connect people who may have a common interest, or set of interests. Although
it‟s still in an early stage, we hope additional effort will make the OpenTagging
platform more practical and useful. We expect that the SCOT project (http://scot-
project.org) provides open discussions for community and the int.ere.st as a test-
bed continues to bring novel approaches and solutions to problems in social tag-
ging and interoperation processing.


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Chapter 12. Evolving from 1.0 to enterprise 2.0:
an interpretative review-Empirical stages and
approaches towards the new (virtual) working

Mariano Corso

School of Management, Polytechnic of Milano, ITALY

Antonella Martini

Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, ITALY

Andrea Pesoli

School of Management, Polythecnic of Milano, ITALY


An Intranet initiative shouldn‟t be interpreted as an una tantum project, but within

a longer evolution process which makes it assumes a more and more relevant role
in facilitating and sustaining organisational change. Evidence demonstrated that
Intranet has radically changed its role: from a predominantly unidirectional top-
down channel for communication & information (the 1 st era) to a what we defined
“Virtual Workspace”, an integrated working environment where employees can
find what they need to work, to learn, to know and to interact with others (the 2 nd
era). 2006 empirical results provide evidence that a new stage of the abovemen-
tioned process emerged, pushed by further emergent worker needs and enabled by
social computing tools, Service-Oriented Architecture, BPM, mash up and new
supply model (i.e. software-as-a-service): the enterprise 2.0. The chapter analyses
that evolution, basing on a 5-year empirical research which involved a panel of
110 firms, and provides a framework of analysis and an evolution model.

1 Introduction

The intensification of competition forces companies to compete more and

more on their ability to manage and enhance the value of intellectual capital, but
this ability has to be rethought in order to deal with globalization and new organi-
zational challenges (continuous innovation of products and business models, in-
creasing workforce dispersion, growing importance of inter-organizational rela-
tionships, orientation to processes more than to functions) on one side, and new
technological opportunities (the availability of new ICT-enabled services and the
evolution of IS in terms of interoperability and integration) on the other.
As a consequence, the traditional ways to share and manage knowledge be-
come inadequate and workplace has to change accordingly to give workers com-
plete support for their real needs: to reconnect them to the professional and social
network of the company, preventing loss of knowledge and to provide them with
opportunities for interaction and learning, thus supporting their job and their pro-
fessional growth, long term employability, ultimately improving job satisfaction
and attractiveness. In this scenario, the availability of new, ICT-enabled services
and particularly of web and mobile communication services makes it possible to
overcome geographical (the work-place is everywhere the worker is), time (the
worker creates value whenever it is required) and organizational barriers (the con-
cepts of colleague, competitor and supplier have to be rethought and become more
worker- and relationship-focused).
The most recent innovation is the Web 2.0. This phenomenon has led to the
diffusion among users of functionality and interaction metaphors that initiate in
the Web environment and then spread within the company, are bringing with them
greater usability of the user interface and a human-machine interaction paradigm
more centred on user needs. Also termed as the „consumerisation‟ of IT, the in-
company developments focus on the construction of environments in which the
worker can choose which collaboration and social computing tools to use and in
which context. These tools can range from web-mail to more advanced integra-
tion, messaging and mobility support solutions, real-time multi-media and distrib-
uted contributions (blog, wiki, social network, folksonomy and RSS, and func-
tionality such as video sharing, podcasting, page-rank and instant messaging).
In addition, the Information System (IS) evolution in terms of interoperability
and integration is speeding up the convergence towards the web application usage,
while making the borders of the different IS more and more fuzzy. Intranet, ERP
and CRM, which were once distinct ICT application systems, are merging and
overlapping, while developing increasingly into communication and collaboration
tools. There is an important point of contact between the Web 2.0 (i.e. Internet as
an application platform) and Information Systems in the use of mash-up technolo-
gies as integration solutions and in Software as a Service as a model for web ap-
plication delivery.

As a result of this continuous evolution, the emerging IS is not just a sum of its
components, but it can be a (virtual) working „space‟ which gives complete sup-
port to workers‟ multidimensional needs. All this means that (new) ICT is con-
ceived as an enabler and a facilitator of the social mechanisms through which
workers create, transfer, share and reuse knowledge; in other terms, ICT can be-
come a key factor to design the near future organization. However, as one of the
most frequent causes of partial or total failure of an Intranet project is certainly the
undervaluation of the importance of the organizational aspects (most of the com-
panies manage the implementation project in a purely technical perspective with-
out systematically facing the organizational and the change management aspects
to exploit the potential of the technology), to exploit the potential of the technolo-
gy, we need to look at people and the „way‟ they construct the environment in
which they work and interact. The role – and the challenge – of ICT is, therefore,
to reproduce a social reality made up of interpersonal relationships, collaboration
and communication flows, and possibly enhance this reality by emphasizing
openness and collaboration.
In this way, the role – and the challenge – of ICT is to reproduce a social reality
made up of interpersonal relationships, collaboration and communication flows,
and possibly enhance this reality by emphasizing openness and collaboration.
Empirical evidence (for details see Corso et al. 2008) demonstrated that Intra-
net radically changed its role: from a predominantly unidirectional top-down
channel for communication & information - the 1st era - to a new (virtual and dy-
namic) working environment, a creative, open working space focused on workers,
their needs, specific working conditions and interaction with others - the 2nd era.
Literature points out that an Intranet initiative evolves in scope, both in spatial and
time dimensions. From the first point of view (space), it encompasses all the value
chain processes and extends beyond the immediate organization‟s internal work to
include relationships with business partners and external agencies. From the sec-
ond point of view (time), it evolves through different maturity phases, in which it
changes its characteristics and organisational role. In this sense, an Intranet initia-
tive shouldn‟t be interpreted as an una tantum project, but within a longer evolu-
tion process which makes it assumes a more and more relevant role in facilitating
and sustaining organisational change. It‟s a process of innovation and change
management, whose effectiveness depends on a fine combination of strategic, or-
ganizational and technological choices which require to be carefully planned. For
this reason, it would be extremely useful and urgent to develop guidelines to man-
age the evolution (avoiding barriers) of such projects.
The challenge for management theory is clear: to provide empirically
grounded and actionable knowledge for companies to design and implement new
ICT-enabled (virtual) working environments able to extend the boundaries of their
knowledge creation to their mobile workers, customers and suppliers.
In order to contribute to fill in the empirical gap, in 2003 a permanent Obser-
vatory has been established with the aim of:

 analyzing the state of the art of Intranet projects from a strategic, organizational
and technological point of view and monitoring their evolution;
 identifying the levers/barriers to Intranet project evolution;
 creating and exploit the Intranet culture in Italy;
 acting as a landmark for a community of people interested in developing the
strategic role of Intranet
Basing on a 5-year empirical research conducted by the Observatory, this chap-
ter gives evidence on the evolution of Intranet projects and on different approach-
es the companies have followed, providing an interpretative model of it.
The article is organized as follows: § 2 provides a concise literature review; § 3 il-
lustrates the methodology, while §§ 4, 5 and 6 report the research evidence.

2 ICT and the working environment: a brief literature review

After a brief review of the literature on ICT approaches, which provide justifica-
tion for the key role of ICT in organizational design, we focus on Intranet as of its
prominent role in the market of web applications.

2.1 Approaches to ICT

From the 1970-1980s on, ICT has developed from simple processing to relational
and organizational technologies, progressively increasing their organizational im-
pact on the company and making the integrated planning of ICT and the organiza-
tional framework crucial.
In the literature, various perspectives have been developed ranging from the
tech-determinism view and the organizational determinism one to a „dual‟ per-
spective (for details see Corso et al. in 9th CINet Conference proceedings). This
latter view seeks to develop a synthesis between the first two perspectives, which
conceive ICT as an independent and a dependent variable respectively.
Technology can be considered simultaneously as dependent and independent
variables, because the technology/organization relation cannot be seen statically,
but is rather a dynamic relation, in which technology is molded by organizational
characteristics, while, in turn, becoming the premise and limitation of subsequent
organizational decisions. In this way, technology takes on a meaning tied not only
to its intrinsic characteristics, but also to the institutional, organizational and sym-
bolic context in which it is introduced.
According to this approach, on the one hand, organizational design cannot ne-
glect the opportunities offered by ICT, while on the other, the effective and effi-
cient development of ICT in a company environment must pay due regard to or-

ganizational variables, both from the point of view of systemic coherence and
from that of managing the associated process of organizational change.
New ICT provide new opportunities and challenges for the development of the
new knowledge workplace, but in itself it is not the solution: culture, people and
behaviours play the greatest role. Therefore, the challenge is at the organizational
and managerial level.
Accordingly to this logic, ICT is interpreted and then used as a set of tools to
recreate a social reality of interpersonal relationships and communication flows,
possibly enhanced by emphasizing openness and collaboration.

2.2 ICT as a key factor to design the future organization

In the knowledge society, ICT can play a key role as organization design lever for
three reasons, which are also the priorities for the development of the new genera-
tion Information Systems (IS):
 it can make the decision-making processes more agile and effective;
 it can enables more sustainable and new forms of organizing work
 it can foster innovation and change
Regarding reason a), today‟s IS generates enormous quantities of data and in-
formation that are often difficult to consult and interpret making people to be less
and less capable of making quick and effective decisions. This is the phenomenon
of so-called information overflow, i.e. as the availability of information increases,
decision-makers do not necessarily become more effective in their choices.
In response, management (in particular top level) is often little convinced of the
real value of ICT as a decision-making tool, and privileges „other‟ means, such as
the hierarchy, direct interpersonal relations and experience, to make quick deci-
sions. In contrast, through advanced document management systems, for example,
the overview and accessibility of documents can be improved, and information
linked through workflow systems to the activities and process phases in which it is
most frequently used. Moreover, the integrated exploitation of collaboration sys-
tems makes the use of content more animated by flanking explicit and implicit
knowledge. Finally, advanced ISs provide top management with environments
highly focused on the information selected, dashboards to control and monitor ma-
jor indicators, as well as competitive/business intelligence tools able to extract
from the enormous quantity of available data the few important pieces of informa-
tion for the decisions. The need for new organisational models (reason b) emerges
from the following trends (Corso et al. 2006):
 increasing workforce dispersion which creates barriers to the sharing of know-
ledge and expertise among individuals. Dispersion is both at geographical level
- how people are integrated to the rest of the organisation - and at contractual
one – how they relate to it.

 geographical dispersion: nowadays the concept itself of the workplace is

changing. People spend an increasing a mount o f their working time outside
the physical boundaries of their company, often in mobility and interacting
with customers or people from partner organizations. Also when working in-
side the company, people often change positions and work in multi-disciplinary
virtual teams. As a consequence, individuals have fewer and fewer opportuni-
ties for face to face interaction with their colleagues and can hardly rely on
their own experience.
 contractual dispersion: provisional nature of employment, loose forms of con-
tractual links to the company and high level of turnover, while in many cases
considered competitive needs, make people‟s stay with organizations tempo-
rary and partial, thus creating barriers to the sharing of knowledge and exper-
tise among individuals.
 growing importance of inter-organisational relationships: since competition oc-
curs not so much among companies as among networks, the network, more
than the single company, becomes the context in which individuals have to as-
similate and transmit knowledge;
 orientation to processes more than to functions: people working in multi-
disciplinary teams are less and less in touch with colleagues with the same
“functional” competencies.
ICT tools have to recreate a social reality, with its interpersonal relationships
and communication flows, and possibly augment it by emphasising openness and
collaboration. In this sense, ICT becomes the organization layout as well as the
social fabric of knowledge and relations. A quite important role in this perspective
is played by the so called Knowledge Workplace technologies: a set of web-based
applications that a worker can access to through the Intranet of the firm he works
for.Finally, reason c). In order to survive firms are required to continuously inno-
vate their products, services and business models (Magnusson and Martini, 2008).
All this calls for capturing and managing knowledge from customers, competitors
and technologies as well as fostering change and competence reconfiguration.
A new IS generation that integrates work environment, personal relations and
collaboration, can play a key role in innovation as it can:
 promote process change and reconfiguration, shifting barriers to innovation;
 spreading vision to give workers the sense of direction and innovation stimuli;
 supporting access to knowledge and new idea generation;
 enabling collaboration between different units;
 opening organization to capture stimuli from partners.
In this sense, ICT can be an enabler of innovation and change.

2.3 Perspectives on Intranet

There are many definitions of Intranet, ranging from a purely technological inter-
pretation (in this case, the Intranet is conceived as an organizational network pro-
tected by firewalls which exploits Internet working technologies) to a functional
view, in which an Intranet is seen as an infrastructure that supports business appli-
cations. In our analysis, Intranet will be interpreted as all the web technologies-
based ICT applications/services that support business processes and which an or-
ganization can present to employees (Corso et al. 2008). In other words, an Intra-
net is a way of thinking and organizing people, work and interaction.
Intranet can be used as information repositories to help employees gain know-
ledge about the business and its competitive environment, as well as tools to up-
date company knowledge when employees leave. Intranet helps organizations
access knowledge resources and act as a link between geographically-dispersed
employees. It allows the development of a naturally expanding, flexible and easy-
to-use Knowledge Management System, that encourages employees to take advan-
tage of the system. Intranet overcomes organizational hierarchies, formal commu-
nication policies, physical barriers and social groupings to make knowledge avail-
able to everyone.
Since its infancy around 1995, Intranet has evolved from an internal method of
document organization and dissemination developed from groupware to a more
sophisticated and complex organizational tool. In particular, Intranet has evolved
in scope, both in spatial and time terms. In the first case (space), it encompasses
all the value chain processes and extend beyond the immediate internal work of
the organization to include relationships with business partners and external agen-
cies. Secondly (time), Intranet must develop from being conceived as a project to
being conceived as a process for innovation and change management. In this
sense, an Intranet initiative should not be interpreted as a una tantum project, but
as a longer evolutionary process in which the system assumes an increasingly im-
portant position in facilitating and sustaining organizational change. A diverging
interpretation brings firms to operate myopically, without setting the organization-
al and technological premises for an effective development of the Intranet in the
longer term. The use of the Intranet as an information repository helps employees
to know better the business in which they operate and their competitive environ-
ment, while capturing knowledge. Intranet helps firms to access their knowledge
resources and connect workers operating in different geographical locations. In-
deed, new, integrated collaboration tools turn an Intranet itself into a tool capable
of „dissociating workers from their desks‟. Thanks to these collaboration tools,
Intranet is becoming simple and flexible Knowledge Management Systems, as
well as resources that employees can use to build a virtual environment able to
overcome organizational hierarchies, as well as physical, geographical and social
barriers. Furthermore, the diffusion of an ever-increasing number of ICT applica-
tions requires Intranet to solve the difficult problem of information overflow, whe-

reby employees are overloaded by often useless information which hinders an ef-
fective decision-making process. With the definition of access profiles and to the
construction of employee working spaces, Intranet puts employees at the centre of
their work, so boosting and giving value to their competencies, while returning the
use of ICT to a human level.
Many studies have been carried out to define the “state of the art” of Intranet
applications (business models, strategies, governance structures, impacts and per-
formance, etc.) and specify roadmaps to support management in choosing and im-
plementing applications (Greer 1998; Harris and Berg 2002; Murgolo-Poore et al.
2001; Tyndale 2002). In Italy, Intranet applications has so far not been studied in
depth. Moreover, peculiarities in the Italian/European market (e.g. prevalence of
small and medium enterprises, limited number of enterprises operating in high
technological markets, limited role of financial markets, etc.) restrict the applica-
tion of the results of empirical analyses carried out in international contexts (in
particular, from the US where most research is conducted).In particular, there are
some questions which require a strong empirical evidence:
1. at explicative level:
– how has the role of Intranet in the company changed?
– what are the stages of this evolution process?
– what are the approaches adopted by the companies towards those stages?
– what barriers and levers exist in the evolution process?
2. at normative level:
– what are the tools and the steps (i.e. the guidelines) for managing that
Obviously, to answer to the explicative questions is a pre-requisite for the nor-
mative level. This contribution provide evidence from a 5-year research to answer
to level 1 questions.

3 Methodology

We adopted a multiple case studies methodology, as it allows us to understand the

complexity of the organizational phenomenon and answer the questions „how and
why‟.The number of companies in the Observatory panel has grown progressively
during the research period, from 29 in 2002-03, to 50 in 2004, 70 in 2005, arriving
at 110 in 2006 and 70 in 2007. Each year, a number of new participating compa-
nies has been added, while the majority of the firms analyzed in a particular year
reiterated the intention to take part in the following year‟s study. As a result of this
availability, many case studies have been examined longitudinally.

The approach adopted is both interpretative and normative: the goal is (a) to
understand the current situation as well as the past developments and future pros-
pects of intranets, and (b) to compare the Intranet development and different cha-
racteristics so as to define a model to explain the evolutionary dynamics and the
possible benefits obtained with these environments. The case studies have been
analyzed also retrospectively.
The choice of cases is based on the pre-requisites that the companies operate in
Italy and have undertaken at least one major ICT project in the previous 5 years.
The people contacted were mainly the heads of information systems, intranet
managers or the immediate subordinates of top management.
Data were collected with a view to obtaining the greatest amount of informa-
tion possible on the intranet and its external context. Various sources were used
and both qualitative and quantitative data were included in order to obtain triangu-
lation of the information collected. Specifically, data were obtained from the fol-
lowing sources:
- documentation on the company analyzed;
- a questionnaire of 71 closed questions and a „comments‟ field in which in-
terviewees could complete their replies with extra information;
- semi-structured interviews with various company figures (e.g. head of in-
formation systems, head of intranet, managers from the Human Resources
and Internal Communication departments, line staff);
- on-line analysis of the intranet, the available tools and the relative level of
use, as well as of any interactions between individuals visible via the web.
The comprehensibility and completeness of the questionnaire were tested in
advance in pilot interviews. The interviews of approximately one and a half hours
were carried out (after return of the questionnaire) either by telephone or face-to-
face. The use of a semi-structured form leaves ample freedom both to the inter-
viewer and the interviewee, while ensuring that all the important arguments are
addressed and all the necessary information collected. A check-list was devised
with the arguments to be addressed, while the order of the questions, the level of
detail regarding specific questions, and the words used, etc. could be decided by
the interviewer during the meeting. The check-list maintained the replicability of
the request for information in various situations.
All the interviews were recorded and transcribed. Subsequently, a report giving
the important data in objective terms was prepared. Following and initial screen-
ing of the companies based on the defined criteria, 130 firms were contacted, of
which 110 agreed to take part in the research.

4 An interpretative view of the evolution process: the 1st era

The Intranets analysed (29 in 2002-03, 50 in 2004 and 70 in 2005) can be mapped
on the basis of six macro-functionalities and the value chain macro processes they

support. Although an Intranet can envisage all, or most, of these functionalities,

three models have been identified on the basis of their focus on some functionali-
ties rather than others:
 Institutional Intranets are essentially aimed to value chain supporting activities
(internal communication, management of human resources, administration and
control, facility management, etc.). They are mainly based on Publishing and
Self-Service functions, with a certain tendency to incorporate Document Man-
agement applications as well;
 Knowledge Management Intranets seek to facilitate the accumulation, archiv-
ing and sharing of knowledge; they are based, in the main, on Document Man-
agement and Community functions, even if in some cases, Publishing and Col-
laborative Work tools are also present;
 Operations Intranets are created to support the value chain primary activities
(operations, sales, marketing, etc.); they are generally built on the Legacy Inte-
gration and Collaborative Work functions, address a specific group of workers
(those involved in the process supported) and therefore have a more limited
area of application; in some cases Document Management and Community
functions also play an important role.
Fig.1. 1st era Intranet model

Fig.2. Evolution in the 1st era

Most of the Intranets fit into the Institutional model, while Knowledge Man-
agement and Operations Intranets are less common.The absence of a strategic in-
tent in the technology choices (ad hoc solutions developed with a limited budget)
also results in a low level of integration between the Intranet applications and
other IS, in particular legacy and ERP systems. Consequently, the Intranet be-
comes de facto a separate system compared to the daily functioning of processes.
There is little integration between the various Web-based applications devoted
to employees, so that configurations are mainly of the application island type, in
which individual components are replicated and are not placed in common. Such a
configuration, which makes the dividing lines of the Intranet itself unclear, pre-
sents various critical factors: low effectiveness, as a result of different means of
browsing; lack of efficiency, as a result of the duplication of some components
and badly engineered integration („spaghetti integration‟), a lack of flexibility in
new application development, as all components have to be re-thought and re-
constructed each time.
The main barrier emerging from the analysis is precisely the lack of strategic
planning in the Intranet infrastructural elements. Such planning requires the crea-
tion of a common infrastructure based on agreed standards and including the logic
for the user interface presentation, the common services (e.g. user identification
and authentication, security, search tools, etc.) and the logic for the integration
with the other corporate information systems.With few exceptions, the impacts on
the organisation are limited. The Institutional Intranets, which are the simplest and
most common, have the smallest impacts. There are, however, some noteworthy
cases, in which together with particular company changes (e.g. turnarounds or
M&A), the Intranet has made a significant contribution to enhanced information
transparency and a greater sense of belonging among company staff.The impact of
Knowledge Management Intranets is also relatively limited and often no more
than the greater availability of information. Generally speaking, these Intranets are
felt to be insufficiently rooted in organisational processes, also because there is
not sufficient integration with other corporate information systems.

In contrast, the Operations Intranets appear to have a more concrete impact on

organisations and, consequently, on company performance. Albeit strictly within
the domain of the specific processes supported, the Operations Intranets are a
good example of how Intranet, if they manage to become part of the process op-
erations, can create a new organisational dimension and gradually modify the
tasks of individual employees and their relations.
From the evolution point of view, there have been minimal developments in the
three years analysed, and these changes have mainly concerned slight improve-
ments in existing functionalities. Most Intranets remain essentially confined to
support processes, typically „Human Resources Management and Internal Com-
munication‟ and continue to offer mainly informational services. This suggests
that there is still a reductive view of Intranets, which are primarily considered as
service tools for employees, but detached from core company processes.
Few Intranets are considered and managed as strategic initiatives. Indeed, over
and above public declarations, budgets are still short-term and small, there is no
real commitment from top management, and the interest of line managers is still
low, or at best, inconstant.However, looking at the performance of the „best‟ cases
(which account for no more than 20% of the panel), the picture changes. In this
group, there are Intranets which are taking major steps in the direction of the sup-
port of core processes and the development of „interactive‟ services. In the pro-
gress towards a more in-depth support of core processes, Intranets are going to
converge increasingly with IS and ERP systems.
A first point of contact between Intranets and ERP is in the user interface. An
increasing number of ERP modules provides a web interface, if only as a natural
evolution of technology compared to the previous client/server mode. This offers
the opportunity for integration with the Intranet environment, with not only tech-
nological, but, above all, management consequences. Furthermore, if on the one
hand, more developed Intranets are tending to support core processes in increasing
depth, even taking on part of the operations traditionally assigned to ERP systems,
the latter are developing towards complete coverage of information needs. There-
fore, the marriage of Intranets and ERPs, two systems with complementary char-
acteristics and limitations, would appear inevitable. ERP focuses on processes,
Intranet on people and relations. If ERP is the way in which processes work,
Intranet is the way to interface these processes with the people who work with
them. There are also some differences from a technological point of view. ERP of-
fers stable and consolidated technologies, structured and well-defined (if rigid)
schemes, while web technologies can reach everybody quickly with information
and innovative services following the needs of individuals and organisations flexi-
bly. The arrival of new demands leads to the coming together of two initially sepa-
rate worlds: the new ERP systems need greater flexibility to move closer to people
and keep up with constantly changing companies. To develop towards more stra-
tegic roles, the Intranet needs to enter into primary process operations, i.e. no
longer merely information or support processes, but a single and complete access
point for employees to company processes.

4.1 Lessons learned

The analysis of the cases reveals a substantial difference between the best ones, in
which changes towards strategically significant processes and functionality are
underway, and the majority of the initiatives that have developed little.
The difference regarding convergence with other Information Systems is even
stronger. While in most cases, the Intranet is kept clearly separate from the mana-
gerial IS and ERP systems, the examples of good practices present a gradual proc-
ess of convergence which brings the traditional dividing lines between these two
different worlds into question.
The real reason for this state of inertia is rarely technological. The principal
factor that discriminates the successes from the partial failures seems to be the
company‟s attention in managing and accompanying the initiative as a process of
organisational change.
In the unsuccessful cases, the company merely introduces tools and technolo-
gies without any substantial organisational or managerial measures. This can pro-
duce a gap between perceived needs and proposed solutions that leads to user dis-
satisfaction. In Institutional and Knowledge Management Intranets, which impact
on processes that are not central to the users‟ task, this dissatisfaction simply re-
sults in little use of the system. In Operations Intranets, which are often indispen-
sable tools for users‟ activities, the dissatisfaction can become annoyance and or-
ganisational conflict.
In best cases, on the other hand, the introduction of technology was accompa-
nied by an agreed communication and change management strategy aimed at
modifying the behaviour of individuals and company units.

The problem of governance

One of the most frequent causes for the partial or complete failure of an Intranet
project is, therefore, the significant underestimation of the importance of organisa-
tional aspects. Most companies manage implementation projects from a purely
technical point of view, without addressing organisational and change manage-
ment questions in a systematic way. Both in the development and in the manage-
ment phases, for example, companies still show little awareness in defining gov-
ernance solutions, which in most cases appear to be emerging decisions, rather
than the fruit of an agreed organisational plan. A lack of vision, an absence of
commitment, conflicts of responsibility, jealousies and misunderstandings be-
tween roles and organisational units are among the most frequently cited barriers
to the development of Intranets.
However, within this situation, there is an important point: although the Intra-
net rarely attracts the attention of top management, it is an intrinsically „inter-
functional‟ question.

Any attempt to constrain the Intranet governance within a functional „box‟ (IT,
Internal Communication, Human Resources, specific lines, etc.) always causes
problems. Everything falls on environments that are not integrated, with disparate
logic, duplicated resources and negligible or hidden development budgets.
These problems, which already existed with traditional Intranets, become par-
ticularly critical when the Intranet seeks to widen its borders:
 first, in addition to the technological problems already mentioned, the integra-
tion of legacy and ERP systems also comes up against problems of responsibil-
ity and authority, as well as the prejudices of those that feel that the Intranet
can be a tool for communication and the management of services for people,
but it not sufficiently efficient or reliable to support company core processes. It
is not infrequent for this to slow down development and keep the two separate
apart: i.e. the „operations‟ Information Systems administered by line managers,
and the Intranet dedicated to communication and services for employees ad-
ministered by staff managers. In this case, the IT function is often stuck in the
middle, aware of the potential benefits of integration, but unable to manage the
strategic and organisational implications to the full;
 the expansion towards other organisations meets the problems of co-ordination
between staff from different companies;
 the inclusion of „other‟ web applications often faces difficulties tied to preju-
dices and jealousies between different functions. Lines are often opposed to the
excessive integration of systems that they have promoted and financed within
what is seen as a staff environment. It is particularly significant, for example,
that Field Force Automation, Sales Force Automation and CRM are not inte-
grated into the Intranet (which would considerably strengthen this environ-
ment), but are often kept deliberately separate.
The solution to these problems requires the re-design of the governance system,
i.e. „the set of roles, decision-making processes and organisational mechanisms
which guide and regulate the functioning and development of the Intranet‟.

The problem of evolution

The retrospective analysis and monitoring of the panel reveal that Intranets evolve
through various stages of maturity: in each of them they change their characteris-
tics and their role in the organisation.
Three fundamental phases in the Intranet evolution have been identified:
 The emergent stage: in this phase the birth of the Intranet is boosted by the lo-
cal bottom-up initiatives, as a sort of collection of local applications imple-
mented in order to answer to contingent stimuli and requests.
 The rationalization stage: it is characterised by a wider awareness of the Intra-
net presence and of its potential role. Its development happens through a top-

down process aimed at rationalising what was implemented in the past and to
pursue strategic objectives.
 The strategic stage: it is the phase of greater maturity, characterised by the
reassessment of the role of the Intranet that becomes a strategic tool to bring
the processes on the web and to create new relational and collaborative spaces
between people.
Except for few cases, the analysed Intranets are still in the “emergent develop-
ment” or “rationalisation” phases, in which Intranet is still interpreted as “a
strongly circumscribed” project both in space and in time:
 in space, as in most cases, the Intranet involves only a „reduced‟ portion of the
company processes: support processes in the case of Institutional Intranets;
primary processes in the case of Operations Intranets; tied to the management
of knowledge in the case of Knowledge Management Intranets;
 in time, as the Intranet projects are often managed as one-off projects with a be-
ginning and an end.
In this view, there is a lack of the necessary vision to conceive and plan the
Intranet evolution as a lever of organisational and strategic change. To arrive at
the strategic stage, it is necessary to move to „planned development‟, in which,
once the spatial and temporal limitations of the vision have been overcome, man-
agement can re-think the Intranet evolution plan as a kind of roadmap of change.
To overcome the space borders means to think to the Intranet as a puzzle that,
piece after piece, has to cover the entire organisational value chain, supporting all
the processes – from the support to the primary processes, from the knowledge in-
tensive to the operating processes: potentially, there is not any process belonging
to the value chain that cannot be improved by means of a wise use of the Intranet
technologies properly integrated with the “traditional” information systems.
To overcome the temporal borders means to think to the Intranet as a process
that, step after step and according to an incremental approach, has to identify, de-
fine and put the single piece of the puzzle, up to arriving to the completion of the
puzzle itself.Both of these developments require a strong and real management
commitment who, fully realising the potential of the Intranet, provide the technical
and organisational conditions to allow the Intranet to evolve with corporate strat-
egy. The move to planned development thus requires the establishment of the
conditions for change through the definition of:
- a technology strategy that lays the infrastructure foundations for the ef-
fective development of each applications and, above all, for their efficient
- an organisational strategy that creates the conditions for the effective
management of change through the introduction of the Intranet and the
respective re-design of processes, competences and organisational rela-
tions. This strategy includes a governance of development that defines
responsibility, mechanisms and rules for the planning of the Intranet, a
day-to-day governance that defines operational roles, content and service

management policy, user involvement measures and change manage-

ment, and a widespread network culture among workers with respect to
the skills and habits regarding collaboration and the use of network tools.

5 An interpretative view of the evolution process: the 2nd era

For years, Intranet was seen merely as an information channel of use in managing
unidirectional communication towards employees or providing them with some
service. In most of the cases, first era objectives were related to:
 improving timeliness, transparency and reliability of internal communication
through a unique and integrated information platform;
 simplifying the process of distribution and management of information;
 improving he sense of belonging and corporate identity;
 eliminating paper documentation and reducing hard costs.
However, from 2004 a new vision of Intranet emerges: a tool centered and fo-
cused on people and their needs, but with a strategic objective to create a complete
workspace to support employees‟ day-by-day operations, knowledge management,
collaboration and communication processes.
It is no longer a question of using the Intranet to improve internal communica-
tion, spread company culture or eliminate paper documents. The objectives con-
cern operations and, in many cases, the creation of a profiled and customised envi-
ronment involving users not only in work, but also in company life, creating and
initiating a new system of relations. This also occurs via the integration in the
Intranet of new communication tools and different company Information Systems,
so providing a working environment that offers employees full operational support
(Fig. 3). On the basis of the research results, the more advanced Intranets are ex-
tending their border to the support of core processes and are becoming increas-
ingly integrated in management and legacy systems.
The more advanced Intranets tend to open up (as do companies as a whole) to
the contribution of external players (customers, suppliers, partners, etc.). Sec-
ondly, the boundary with other web-based systems (e.g. CRM applications) is of-
ten just an excuse and tends to fade in the more developed Intranets. Finally, but
even more importantly, advanced Intranets tend to integrate to an ever-greater ex-
tent with legacy systems. In some cases, it is the latter which take on a web inter-
face and are progressively integrated into the Intranet environment; in others, the
Intranets are extended to include functionality typical of legacy and ERP systems.
These are signs of the emergence of a new generation of Information Systems that
is profoundly integrated with the communication system, i.e. full-blown virtual
work environments, and able to sustain a company‟s internal and external proc-
esses dynamically and flexibly. The Intranet of the future will constitute the social

texture of organisational relations: systems designed around people, in which the

latter find processes and relations.

Fig. 3. Initial vs current objectives

It seems to us that the Intranet has radically changed its role from a technologi-
cal view in „90s to a predominantly unidirectional, top-down channel for commu-
nication & information (the 1st era) and to a what we have defined as a “Virtual
Workspace”, an integrated working space where employees can find what they
need to work, to learn, to know and to interact with others (the 2 nd era).
This new vision finds further confirmation in the strategic relevance that in now
attributed to the Intranet. In most cases, it is considered comparable with other ICT
projects or higher, and in 30% of the cases its importance has increased with re-
spect to previous year. This increase in strategic relevance and budget is accompa-
nied by strong attention from top management, which in most of the cases, is one
of the sponsors of the project, and a growing involvement of staff and line func-

5.1 Framework for the virtual workspace

From the literature review and the empirical analysis it emerged the following
 the Intranet concept is monolithic only at a theoretical level: for firms, the term
“Intranet” groups very different ICT applications with respect to the objectives,
supported processes, technologies and links with existing IS. Hence, whatever
attempt to generalize is methodologically difficult and requires - as a conditio

sine qua non - a clear definition of the boundaries and the typologies of the
analyzed applications;
 the boundaries between Intranet and other IS are changing, because of their
mutual convergence process; hence it is no longer useful to refer to functionali-
ties and supported processes to distinguish an Intranet from other IS;
 unlike other ICT applications, such as ERP and CRM, Intranets always have a
stronger focus on the employee than on business processes
For these reasons, we decided to look first at employees and how to support
their work and interactions, rather than at supported business processes and func-
tionalities. The v-W is composed of all web technologies-based ICT applica-
tions/services that support business processes and which an organisation can put
forward to its employees. We take „Intranet‟ to mean the web infrastructure which
supports the v-Workspace. The framework was defined on the basis of the litera-
ture review and of a previous 4-year field study (Fig. 4).
In order to work effectively, each employee needs a series of supports and con-
ditions that a company can design and provide via the virtual Workspace. Four
dimensions have been identified; each dimension represents a virtual personal
„space‟ where the worker can find what he needs to do his job, to learn, to interact
with others:
 company services: as workers and citizens of their company, employees need
those services (e.g. work time management, refund of expenses, job posting)
and those resources (booking facilities, purchase requests, IT help desk, library
system) which allow them an effective and comfortable working life. At a ra-
pidly decreasing cost (using self-service systems) below that of traditional ser-
vices, the v-W provides better quality services;
 communication & socialization tools: employees live in their working envi-
ronment and try to find the answer to their socialization, sharing and member-
ship needs there; with a v-W, a firm can satisfy those needs by creating oppor-
tunities for socializing (usually through interactive IT services on after-work
topics, leisure-time forums, bulletin boards, championships, etc.) even in situa-
tions characterized by physical dispersion of the workforce and high staff turn-
over and company restructuring that mean that people work for only limited
and temporary periods for a company, so creating barriers to the sharing of
knowledge and expertise. Institutional communication is both unidirectional to
update employees on news related to the organization and its activities, bulle-
tins, regulations and procedures, and bi-directional to collect suggestions and
information from employees;
 knowledge management & collaboration tools: in order to be effective, em-
ployees need access to the codified knowledge, to be connected to the profes-
sional and social network and to be able to share experience and information;
with a v-W, a firm can connect staff and provide them with opportunities for
interaction and learning. These tools can be collaboration-oriented, i.e. tools to
manage projects and teams, share agendas and documents, send SMS, instant

messaging and videoconference. Such solutions overcome geographical and

temporal barriers in extended organizations and are particularly utilized to help
interfunctional/international teams to collaborate at limited cost and with little
time effort. Alternatively, they may be KM tools (more oriented to develop and
share knowledge rather than support a team, i.e. forum, mailing list, tools to
look for experts of specific topics, blog, wiki, document management systems,
e-learning platforms). They can support both explicit knowledge sharing (as
document management and business intelligence tools) and tacit collaboration
(forums, surveys, expert search, blog, wiki, etc.)
 Fig. 4. The v-Workspace dimensions

 operation tools: to provide personal and integrated access to operative tools

(i.e. the web desk for banks, electronic patient data management) and informa-
tion (product and service catalogues, operational manuals and procedures, cus-
tomer and supplier information, competitive and market analysis, reporting).

The virtual Workspace is not a mere technological evolution but it is above all a
great opportunity to re-design the organization using ICT as an enabler, supporting
business strategy and process reconfiguration, stimulating innovation and collabo-
ration between workers and units. The Intranet should develop its role from a tool
for recovering local efficiency, to a tool developed to re-think processes, create
new working spaces and collaboration spaces, prepare and anticipate the organisa-
tional change and accelerate the evolution of firms toward new strategies.

5.2 Lessons learned

Clear signs of development emerge from the 2006 data, in which the beginning of a
transformation of the Intranet into what is termed the integrated Virtual Workspace
is evident.Even if each of the dimensions in Fig. 4 can provide concrete benefits to
a company, the empirical analysis of the most advanced cases reveals that the orga-
nizational impact is more effective, the more the v-W manages to integrate several
dimensions. However, evolution towards an integrated environment comes up
against considerable barriers both in technical and, in particular, in organizational
and cultural terms.
From the analyses of the cases it has been identified (1) the stages of develop-
ment, which correspond to the different levels of progressive integration of the v-
W dimensions into a single, worker-oriented environment and (2) the approaches
followed by the companies.

The problem of evolution

From the 110 cases analysis, four evolution stages have been identified. They cor-
respond to the different levels of progressive integration of the v-W dimensions
into a single, worker-oriented environment (Fig. 5):
1. Embryonic stage (13% of the cases)
At this level, the intranet provides very little support in all of the v-W dimen-
sions: sponsorship is very limited or completely absent; management and de-
velopment depend on the initiative and goodwill of the intranet manager who
is often only part-time and without a clear mandate; functionality and content
are implemented as contingencies and outside any clear and recognized plan.
2. Focused stage (39% of the cases)
Depending of which of the v-W dimensions is emphasized, we have the 4 spac-
es - Employee Service (ES), Internal Communication (IC), Business Community
(BC) and Operative Work (OW) – previously reported. In the majority of the
cases, the change from stage 1 to stage 2 occurs as a response to specific pres-
sure from a company function or staff position that collaborates with IS in the
control of the intranet. Depending on whether this function is Human Re-

sources, Internal Communication or a line, development tends to focus respec-

tively on ES space (4% of the cases), IC space (20% of the cases), or OW space
(11% of the cases). Sponsorship of just the few models focused on the BC
space (4% of the cases) is less clear-cut and predictable.
3. Composite stage (39% of the cases).
Governance is extended and the Intranet develops by combining different di-
mensions. The benefits of integration make it possible to overcome the tech-
nological, organizational and cultural barriers and difficulties resulting from the
creation and management of a more complex environment. The organizational
and business impact becomes significant and justifies broader sponsorship
which also includes top management.
4. Advanced stage (9% of the cases).
The Intranet loses a specific focus and reaches a very high level of support of
all dimensions, becoming an integrated v-W. Sponsorship is elevated and the
development objectives aligned with the company‟s organizational strategies.
Fig. 5. The evolution stages

The approaches followed by the companies

We tried to understand the approaches followed by companies from stage 2 to
stage 4.

First of all, the analysis of the cases revealed the presence of different orienta-
tions reflecting the different ways in which the role of the v-W in supporting indi-
viduals is interpreted.

A first axis relates to the nature of the priority support to be provided to em-
ployees, i.e. regarding specific work („tasks‟) or company life as a „citizen‟ within
the organization. A second dimension regards the context to be supported, i.e. the
individual or the social and relational sphere. We can, therefore, talk respectively
of an orientation towards tasks or company life, towards the individual or the rela-
tion. These orientations can be related to the dimensions of the v-W.
Given these orientations, we can classify four composite models representing
different integration approaches (Fig. 6):
- company-life-oriented spaces (21% of the cases) are models that inte-
grate internal communication and socialization with access to company
services. This is the most common of the composite models, as it faces
relatively minor organizational barriers. Sponsorship comes from Internal
Communications and HR staff who together with Information Systems
see the intranet as a means to free themselves for low value-added activi-
ties to concentrate on more strategic work, guaranteeing at the same time
better levels of use and an internal service. The benefit of integration re-
sides in the creation of a more attractive user environment able to manage
relations between employees and the organization fully;
- employee-oriented spaces (10% of the cases), in which the operational
dimension combines with services. These models are developments of
focused Operative Work space and Employee Service models that are
progressively enriched by providing access to new services and applica-
tions. From the employees‟ point of view, this is a natural evolution as it
provides an integrated environment of support services and tools for in-
dividual tasks, i.e. a kind of virtual desktop accessible from any location.
Consequently, the benefit of integration is a greater level of use and a
more central role for the intranet. From an organizational point of view,
the difficulty is in combining tools that are traditionally managed by staff
units with others usually organized by lines. Another problem limiting in-
tegration is the need to combine onto a single platform applications that
were often developed on legacy systems whose replacement is difficult to
justify from an economic point of view.
- task-oriented spaces (4% of the cases) combine the operational dimen-
sion with that of collaboration and knowledge. These are evolutions of
operative spaces that enhance the possibility of interaction or, more rare-
ly, of collaborative spaces in which access to particular employee tools is
integrated. This creates a complete environment supporting a specific
team or professional family, a sort of virtual „open space‟ in which indi-
viduals can express and improve their professional expertise and interact
with colleagues. The benefit of integration is enhanced individual and
group effectiveness and the opportunity to create common practices and
develop greater professional identity. In many cases, the difficulties con-
cern resistance to integrating into a single environment operative, colla-
boration and knowledge management tools that are traditionally kept sep-

- relation-oriented spaces (4% of the cases) are models that combine the
dimensions of communication and socialization with those of collabora-
tion and knowledge. This leads to an environment in which both vertical
(top-down or bottom-up) and horizontal (formal or informal) organiza-
tional relations between colleagues are more richly supported, so combin-
ing institutional communication, socialization and knowledge exchange.
The benefits of the integration can be traced back to fuller and more ef-
fective internal communication overcoming traditional limitations of ex-
cessive formality and one-sidedness, as well as broader access to the
knowledge base.

Fig. 6. The approaches to evolve from stage 2 to stage 4

The problem of governance

The change from a composite model to an integrated v-W is a significant evolu-

tion and requires a further extension of governance. The main barrier derives from
the fact that the creation of such a workspace is more than a simple juxtaposition
of focused or composite environments. Different perspectives and points of view
need to be combined to construct an environment providing an overall view of
people and their needs.

The benefits that derive from the creation of an integrated v-W are not easily
turned into monetary returns and their development therefore requires considera-
ble vision on the part of management.
The major barriers to this process of integration do not appear to be technologi-
cal, but rather political and organizational. Control of development and of com-
munications and operative environment management, in particular, is often en-
trusted to different units and managers that find it difficult to pursue integration
that would reduce their independence and require the unification of management
and development approaches that have traditionally been separate.
Nevertheless, there are forces that may eventually overcome this resistance,
enabling convergence towards single, integrated environments:
 the need to re-engineer the organization and its processes in the face of mergers
and internationalization;
 the need to develop and manage new skills and professional families distributed
across the country;
 the need to control and improve the processes within ever more complex and
geographically dispersed competence networks.
Given these needs, the availability of integrated v-Ws is a powerful tool in re-
engineering organizations, making them more flexible, dynamic and re-
configurable, so becoming a factor stimulating innovation and change.
However, this objective requires a significant increase in awareness among
those controlling the Intranet. They must stop viewing the Intranet with the eyes of
those who design „desktops, drawers and blinkers‟ and look beyond the narrow
space of the screen to provide „spaces for relations and opportunities‟, in which
people are free to move and find stimuli and opportunities, develop professional
expertise, and set up networks of relations. In this way, the intranet will become a
virtual workspace, through which companies will be able to stimulate and direct
effective behavior among workers with regards innovation, collaboration and shar-
In overcoming the limitations of traditional systems, the advanced v-W contri-
butes to the development of a creative and open environment, breaking down bar-
riers and re-assessing stereotypes and prejudices:
 space barriers: the workplace is everywhere that individuals need (and want) to
use their capacities;
 time barriers: the myth of fixed working hours is overcome; people can and
must be asked to create value when it is needed, and must be given frequent
opportunities to find a new balance between their working and private lives;
 organizational barriers: „my colleague can help to create value for my company
(and for me as a professional)‟, the concept of competitor, supplier and collabo-
rator needs to be re-considered in terms more closely centered on the individual
and the relation.

One of the fundamental determinants at the basis of the success/failure of intra-

net is the capacity to manage the organisational change process which is embed-
ded in intranet introduction, development and management. This stresses the im-
portance of the „intranet governance‟: the set of roles, decisional processes and
organisational mechanisms that regulate and address intranets functioning and
evolution, with the aim of creating an alignment with the strategic and organiza-
tional priorities.

6 From v-Workspace to Enterprise 2.0

The term “Enterprise 2.0” derives from Web 2.0 and is often used to indicate the
introduction and implementation of social software inside a company, and the so-
cial and organizational changes associated with it. The term was coined by And-
rew McAfee, professor at Harvard Business School to refer to “simple, free plat-
forms for self-expression” (McAfee‟s blog, March, 24 2006). He soon followed up
with a refined definition: “Enterprise 2.0 is the use of emergent social software
platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or custom-
ers.” (McAfee‟s blog, May 27, 2006).
Since then it has been given different definitions by scholars and practitioners:
Enterprise Web 2.0 (Hinchcliffe28) and Social Computing (Forrester). We think
that E2.0 calls for a broader vision of either organizational and technological
model evolution, which includes the design of an adaptive architecture (SOA and
BMP), Web 2.0 collaboration tools and the virtual Workspace as enabling plat-
form for connections and processes.
E2.0 is a set of organizational and technological approaches
steered to enable new organization models, based on open in-
volvement, emergent collaboration, knowledge sharing, inter-
nal/external social network development and exploitation.
Enterprise 2.0 is not in itself a technological phenomenon, but rather the result
of a progressive, social and organisational development that finds an important ac-
celerating factor in ICT.
The Enterprise 2.0 vision of the central role of the user is also not in itself some-
thing new, but was already part of the 2nd generation of Intranets. Virtual Work-
spaces seek to support users who, as „company citizens‟, need to exploit corporate
services and make use of socialisation, collaboration and operations areas.
The change form a traditional Intranet to a Virtual Workspace is an evolution
process in which there is a progressive change of objectives and a growing strategic

28 “… which is the application of Web 2.0 technologies to workers using network software with-
in an organization or business.” In Hinchcliffe‟s blog. Web 2.0 definition updated and Enterprise
2.0 emerges, November 5, 2006.

centrality. The change from the Virtual Workspace to the Enterprise 2.0 can be
seen as part of the same development process, within which, however, it constitutes
an evident point of discontinuity, a sort of „genetic mutation‟ that results in atten-
tion being paid to the broader dimension where people live their professional lives;
this dimension presents „new needs‟ that cannot be satisfied within a „closed‟ or-
ganisational space.
From an organisational point of view, Enterprise 2.0 is a point of discontinuity
that breaks the boundaries of the Virtual Workspace both in terms of opening up
the organisation to „external‟ players (customers, suppliers, partners) and of re-
thinking the traditional schemes of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and manage-
ment of functional and hierarchical relations, so questioning the rigid stereotypes
regarding the workspace and working hours.

6.1 Framework for Enterprise 2.0

The emerging needs (Davenport 2005; Tapscott and Williams 2006; AAVV
2007) that E2.0 tries to respond to can be divided into six key dimensions
(Fig. 7):
 open belonging: people increasingly feel, and actually are, as “members” of ex-
tended dynamic networks rather than single organisations: through E2.0 tech-
nologies (content management systems shared by the Intranet, Extranet and
Internet, KM tools and collaboration tools open to external players, Intranet in-
tegrated operating applications such as the supply chain management systems)
it is possible to supply secure and selective access to information, tools and
connections that go beyond the company‟s boundaries, interacting in an in-
creasingly rich and effective manner with suppliers, consultants, partners, cus-
tomers and other networked players;
 social networking: people increasingly need to develop and maintain that net-
work of relations that is becoming a more and more important asset for their
professional efficiency (Cross et al. 2005; Surowiecki 2004). E2.0 tools and
approaches that track down people from basic information (such as the tradi-
tional telephone book or online presence) or by associating advanced profiles
(such as competence mapping, expert search, social networks) support the de-
velopment and management of relations to track and contact co-workers and
experts inside and outside the organisation, keeping their interest, skill and role
profiles updated at all times;
 knowledge networks: to prevent their knowledge and skills being “surpassed”
soon, workers must be able to build their own network to have access to
knowledge and information from different sources, both explicit (document
management systems, Business Intelligence, video-sharing, pod-casting, RSS)
and implicit (systems that ease interaction between experts, such as forums,
mailing lists, surveys, blogs, folksonomies, wiki) – Dearstyne 2007;

 emergent collaboration: in an increasingly fast and unpredictable competitive

scenario, people need to create cooperative settings in a fast, flexible way, even
outside the formal organisational patterns. E2.0 technology enables people to
do this, through faster and richer opportunities for interaction, both synchro-
nous (chat, instant messaging, video-conference) and asynchronous (diary shar-
ing, project management, exchange and co-editing of work documents, texting)
which enable them to overcome geographical and time barriers in extended or-
 adaptive reconfigurability: in response to the endless changes taking place in
corporate policies and strategies, people need to quickly reconfigure their own
processes and activities. Such technologies as SOA, BPM, mash-up, SaaS, RIA
can give the companies, and sometimes the users themselves, the tools they
need to redefine and adapt their processes in a dynamic, flexible and personal
way that can hardly be given by any traditional technology;
 global mobility: people spend an increasingly large share of their time far from
the workplace and often in a state of mobility. New ICT enables them to be
connected in any place and at any time of day through their own network of
tools, thus making the workspace and working time more flexible, using sys-
tems for supplying staff services (authorisation workflows), internal communi-
cation, mobile office services (from simple emails to mobile access to the
Intranet) and operational services, such as sales force automation and field
force automation.
Fig. 7. From v-Workspace to Enterprise 2.0 framework

6.2 Methodology

Considering the emergent nature of the phenomenon and a substantial lack of em-
pirical researches, the proposed research methodology combines compared case
studies, surveys and a sort of co-laboratory. Specifically:

- 70 case studies were carried out through a questionnaire and direct inter-
views to the management of medium/large-sized Italian companies
(manufacturing, banking, PA, assurance, pharmaceutical, services);
- a survey was administered to 65 Chief Information Officers in order to
understand their view of the E2.0 phenomenon;
- an online community – Enterprise20.it (see http://www.enterprise20.it) –
was developed in order to promptly receive cues and suggestions to re-
fine the research from the participating firms, vendors and experts. It acts
as a laboratory and a landmark for the E2.0 phenomenon.
In addition, direct interviews to main ICT players were performed in order to
understand trends and scenarios on the vendor side. Preliminary results have been
discussed and validated through the Enterprise20.it online community.
The comprehensibility and completeness of the questionnaires were tested in
advance in pilot interviews. The interviews, of approximately one and a half
hours, were carried out (after returning the questionnaires) either by telephone or
face-to-face. The use of a semi-structured form leaves ample freedom both to the
interviewer and the interviewee, while ensuring that all the important arguments
are addressed and all the necessary information collected. A checklist was devised
with the subjects to be addressed, while the order of the questions, the level of de-
tail regarding specific questions, and the words used, etc. could be decided by the
interviewer during the meeting. The checklist maintained the reproducibility of the
request for information in various situations.
All the interviews were recorded and transcribed; subsequently, a report was
Preliminary results have been discussed and validated through the Enter-
prise20.it, with the participating firms, vendors and experts.

6.3 Models for E2.0

In function of a company‟s position on six parameters, we can define three differ-

ent models or paths towards Enterprise 2.0 (Fig. 8):
 Social Enterprises that emphasise the creation of new collaborative schemes,
knowledge sharing and relationship management. This model represents a ma-
jor opportunity, but also a fundamental challenge for companies. With today‟s
new tools, it is possible to connect people and share large quantities of informa-
tion ever more quickly and cheaply, so overcoming temporal and geographic
limitations and the organisational barriers to communication and knowledge
transfer, and creating new organisational and strategic effectiveness and flexi-
 Open Enterprises that move towards a broadening and opening-up of the Vir-
tual Workspace in terms of means of access and external players; in this sense,
Information Systems are seen as open to contributions from different people

and sources, and offer services and information selectively to external players
and organisations, creating new means of interaction with customers, suppliers,
partners and consultants which often become full-blown process, product or
service innovations. These models often also supply an effective response to
the mobility and territorial dispersion of people and activities; reconnecting
people to their networks guarantees the flexibility, speed and robustness of op-
erational and decision-making processes;
 Adaptive Enterprises that focus on flexibility and re-configurability of com-
pany processes; in this case, an environment is created which can support proc-
esses and respond more easily to the changing needs of the company and the
user. Realising an adaptive enterprise means creating a space that can support
corporate processes in an increasingly flexible way, orchestrating the flows of
information by means of an agile integration infrastructure, and subsequently
helping them to evolve in order to maintain a constant alignment over time with
the changing needs of the company and specific employees by means of ad-
vanced tools to manage processes and integrate content from different sources.
Fig. 8. The models for E2.029

All the paths analysed offer significant opportunities for innovation, but these op-
portunities also imply growing needs for organisational change that currently stop
many companies from taking the Enterprise 2.0. Indeed, numerous initiatives
(48%) are still in an embryonic stage, with limited support for all the dimensions.

29The three models stand for the average support to the six dimensions in the organisations that
adopted it (not the average in the overall sample).

The social enterprise

Social Enterprise seems to be the most popular (24% of cases). As shown in red in
Figure 8, it is the need for emergent collaboration, shared knowledge and devel-
opment of internal and external social networks which drives the evolution of the
organisational model. Although unable to start from technology, this is a process
which can be enabled by it. The technology used includes both tools that have
been available for some time in the ISs – such as document management, instant
messaging, diary sharing, etc. – and innovative social computing tools borrowed
from Web 2.0.
To understand the real impact of these tools on the organisation, a detailed
analysis of the Social Enterprises approaches adopted in the cases have been per-
formed. It emerged a high level of maturity in terms of:
 commitment the organisation gives to the community in terms of allocated re-
sources (tools, people, etc) and level of legitimisation;
 level of users‟ involvement and participation.
These Social Enterprises often create environments that are not targeted to the
corporate population at large but to specific groups or communities. The level of
users‟ participation and proactive involvement is high when they see the commu-
nity as an important element to increase their wealth of knowledge, create new re-
lations and increase their “organisational” effectiveness and visibility. In addition,
a number of users, as well as using them, proactively participate in the creation of
contents, take part in discussions and create interpersonal relations of trust and
mutual engagement. At the same time, the top management‟s commitment is also
high, and the organisation recognises the community as an important means to
achieve its business purposes, by proactively supporting it and allocating it sub-
stantial resources.
Basing on the specific groups or community characteristics they are targeted to
- the focus level (specificity of the involved members and therefore of the subjects
addressed), cohesion (intensity of bonds between members), stability of involve-
ment (time the community members remain in the community) and interactivity
(frequency of relations between members) - four types of SE virtual environment
con be selected (Fig. 9):
 Professional Families. Environments targeted to communities of “cohesive”
people which the members permanently belong to, with the members sharing
the same interests and problems, usually relating to the same job (for instance,
Information System, Research & Development communities, etc). Their pur-
pose is to ease the exchange of knowledge, share best practices and network
the “experts” to tackle common problems. In professional families, interaction
is key, value is given by the creation of contents by the members, and participa-
tion is boosted by the quality of the resources and the availability of experts. In
such cases, the “interactive” means are of primary importance but they must be
combined so as to promote relations (expert search, skill mapping, etc.), ex-

changes (forums, instant messaging, etc.), and let the members create and dis-
seminate contents (wiki, document management, blogs, etc.).
 Teams. Environments targeted to focussed communities, which are often short
lived because they are “instrumental” to achieving a shared but “transient”
goal. A typical example are the communities that are created to manage pro-
jects the purpose of which is to support the operational process and encode im-
plicit knowledge and documents that have not been formalised yet so that they
can be reused in other projects. The means used in these cases usually boost
synchronous and asynchronous cooperation between people (such as chats, in-
stant messaging, video-conference, project management, diary sharing, docu-
ment sharing and co-editing).
 Clubs. Communities of people who have shared interests but are poorly cohe-
sive (for instance, sales networks, promoters, etc.). They often stand out for a
limited interaction between the members for whom contents are much more
important than relations. The key ingredient to make it a community is there-
fore the involvement of the members in the creation of valuable contents (in-
formation on resources, blogs, wiki, document management systems, etc.). If
the members do not participate in the creation of such contents, the benefits of
a participatory system are thwarted, with the risk the community may disappear
once the members have seen all they were interested in (“low stability”). Since
at first the members are not prone to interacting with each other, “discussion”
systems (forums, chats, etc.) need not be used from the very start. However,
with time, the most loyal members wish to be more involved in the contents
and with other people with whom they share the same interests, so interactive
tools need be introduced for such communities to turn into “stable families”.
 Agorae. “Open” communities with limited members‟ focus and cohesion,
which often result in transient involvement and variable levels of interactivity.
The subjects addressed may vary, and the members do not establish permanent
relations. It is a temporary condition that risks disappearing unless it is ruled by
the organisation (by setting up a focus, by pushing the members to be involved,
A classification of the aforesaid communities helps recognise how the members
interact (with the others and with the content) and determine organisational and
individual impacts. To do this, each SE case has been mapped in terms of impacts
on three major dimensions (Fig. 10):
 Impact on processes: we checked whether the community led to a change in the
processes in terms of improving performance (efficiency and effectiveness) and
in terms of innovation and change (redesign of the process);
 Impact on knowledge: it has been valuated the impact of the community on the
creation and dissemination of implicit and explicit knowledge through systems
that enhance people‟s skills and turn them into the organisation‟s shared assets;

 Impact on connections: we considered the effects in terms of support to the

creation of vertical and horizontal relations, overcoming the barriers of tradi-
tional organisational structures and promoting cross-cooperation.
As to the impact on processes, it results that families and sometimes clubs usu-
ally have an impact in terms of improvement of performance and innovation.
Teams help improve efficiency and effectiveness in the achievement of a specific
goal, but because of their short life they hardly ever result in process innovation.
Finally, agorae usually have limited impact on processes because of their mem-
bers‟ poor focus and short-lived involvement.
Looking at the impact on knowledge, families support both the creation of new
knowledge and the dissemination of encoded knowledge to all the members in-
volved. Because they have few relational tools, clubs have more impact on the
dissemination of encoded knowledge but hardly result in the members‟ creating
new knowledge. Agorae usually help the members collect some information,
which however is not often encoded and disseminated. Finally, teams help dis-
seminate and create knowledge between few members.

Fig. 9. Distinctive features of Social Enterprise virtual environment

Finally, looking at the impact on relations, families support both the creation
of new connections, especially when the members are geographically distant and
therefore could hardly come into contact with each other, and the management and

enrichment of such relations by providing several tools for mutual help and ex-
change, Teams are very effective in managing connections through several inter-
active systems but, since they are closed and temporary, they hardly ever result in
the creation of new, permanent relations. Usually, agorae are very open and help
create new connections, which however are then managed in different spheres. At
first, clubs do not support horizontal connections as much as they support instead
vertical ones and interactions with contents, and therefore these communities have
the lowest impact on horizontal connections.
The analysis of the cases shows that, regardless of the implemented model, the
SE is a great opportunity and at the same time a fundamental challenge for the or-
ganisations: as times and costs decrease all the time, tools become newer and
newer and more and more effective, people can be connected with each other and
large amounts of information can be shared, overcoming geographical and time
barriers and organisational barriers that hinder communication and knowledge
transfer, creating new spaces of effectiveness and strategic and organisational
Fig. 10. Impacts of Social Enterprise on processes, connections and knowledge

The other two E2.0 models

We briefly report a short profile of the other two E2.0 models.


 Open Enterprises that move towards a broadening and opening-up of the Vir-
tual Workspace in terms of means of access and external players; in this sense,
Information Systems are seen as open to contributions from different people
and sources, and offer services and information selectively to external players
and organisations, creating new means of interaction with customers, suppliers,
partners and consultants which often become full-blown process, product or
service innovations. These models often also supply an effective response to
the mobility and territorial dispersion of people and activities; reconnecting
people to their networks guarantees the flexibility, speed and robustness of op-
erational and decision-making processes;
 Adaptive Enterprises that focus on flexibility and re-configurability of com-
pany processes; in this case, an environment is created which can support cor-
porate processes and respond more easily to the changing needs of the com-
pany and the user. Realising an adaptive enterprise means creating a space that
can support corporate processes in an increasingly flexible way, orchestrating
the flows of information by means of an agile integration infrastructure, and
subsequently helping them to evolve in order to maintain a constant alignment
over time with the changing needs of the company and specific employees by
means of advanced tools to manage processes and integrate content from dif-
ferent sources.

7 Future developments

Face of the increasingly power and accessibility of ICT technologies and of users
ever more inclined to ask the change, what are the obstacles which prevent organi-
zations to shift to E2.0, grasping its benefits?
Main difficulties in E2.0 implementations are not from tech side but from a
knowledge lack of opportunities, a difficulty in economic benefit identification
and valuation, together with the need of organizational change. In other terms, the
barriers are not technological but cultural ones: most of the companies manage the
implementation project in a purely technical perspective without systematically
facing the organizational and the change management aspects.Particularly critical
is the definition of governance - the organizational choices that determine the divi-
sion of the responsibilities and the key criteria to be followed in the planning and
management of an initiative. Inadequate decisions regarding governance are often
difficult to be modified and can jeopardize the development possibilities and the
project effectiveness.
E2.0 governance will be emergent, open and collaborative. The traditional gov-
ernance systems are put in crisis: all the roles tend to move, at least in part, to final
user, who will decide what to do, achieve it and then handle it by himself. Without
an appropriate governance the risk is the proliferation of different and not inte-
grated IS. The CIO will be faced with a dilemma: on the one side, the opportunity
to animate and stimulate the initiative of line through new ICT tools introduction,

on the other the need to introduce standards and rules in order to not lose control
and the role in front of a IS increasingly governed by the user.
Tomorrow main challenges that management has to deal with can be summa-
rized in the following ones:
 How to stimulate, understand and anticipate demand from internal users?
 How to leverage on suppliers of external services without becoming too depen-
 How to drive and channel energies associated with spontaneous contributions
of users?
 How much and how to open to external users and contributors without com-
promising security and intellectual property?
The objective for management theory is therefore to provide empirically
grounded and actionable knowledge (guidelines) for companies to design and im-
plement new ICT-enabled (virtual) working environments able to extend the
boundaries of their knowledge creation to their mobile workers, customers and


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Chapter 13. Embedding Web 2.0 Strategies in
Learning and Teaching

Vladlena Benson

Department of Informatics and Operations Management, Kingston University, UK

Barry Avery

Department of Informatics and Operations Management, Kingston University, UK


Many researchers see Web 2.0 technologies as having the potential to transform
e-learning and traditional teaching methods. Significant attention has been paid
to the evaluation of some of the Web 2.0 tools in education, however an accepted
pedagogical model has yet to emerge. Web 2.0 technologies have become an es-
sential part of student lives, now educators are turning to them in search of more
effective teaching strategies. This paper describes some of the popular Web 2.0
technologies in use in education and highlights their pedagogical value. We draw
attention to the implications of the use of these tools applied in learning and
teaching, and the factors and barriers that influence their successful adoption.

1 Introduction

The advent of Web 2.0 has caused a significant change in the way that the in-
ternet is used in all sectors of the knowledge economy, including education. The
deep penetration of Web technologies into the lives of students over the last five
years has been suggested by a number of researchers (Green and Hannon 2007;
Kohut et al. 2007; Boulos and Wheeler 2007). Immersion in digital technology is
argued to have influenced aptitudes and interests of students in ways significant
for education. Multiple studies (Frund 2000; Oblinger and Oblinger 2005; Taps-
cott 1999) suggest that the digital generation, encompassing current students and
those about to enter HE, learn differently compared with preceding generations of
students. They are claimed to be active communicators dependent on Web tech-
nologies for accessing information and for interacting with others.

With the emergence of Web 2.0, learners have developed a social world that is
parallel to their everyday work and study activities. Looking at a group of students
in the learning cafe at a university library, we see them using laptops as they ap-
pear deeply consumed by something, studying perhaps? They exchange words
pointing to their screens and appear thrilled. Perhaps they find their assignment
electrifying or are studying something exciting on the LMS? Looking closer we
see that they are actually in a different world – logged in to Facebook, looking at
pictures, checking out videos, chatting away. They are socialising, just not in what
educators call a „face-to-face mode‟. They are comfortable and intuitive users of
technology, adapting easily to new arrivals in the digital world, hardly needing
any external guidance on how to learn to use a new application or gizmo.
Extensive research (Bennet et al. 2008; Prensky 2001) into the digital genera-
tion phenomena has concluded that current students and those coming into HE are
different to the students from even five years ago. Digital learners use technolo-
gies as an intrinsic part of their lives (Green and Hannon 2007). They cannot im-
agine student life without the Web, mobile phone, an iPod, a computer, plus a
networked social life. The digital generations are intuitive users of technology and
research studies (Alonzo et al. 2005) have kneaded the possibilities offered by the
first four of the essentials in the list above.
Current research shows a growing interest towards harnessing the opportunities
offered by Web 2.0 in educational settings (Naeve et al. 2006; Boulos and Whee-
ler 2007; Andersen 2007). However, the phenomenon of Web 2.0 has not broken
into HE for pedagogical use as it has into the lives of the students. Many research-
ers see Web 2.0 as having the potential to transform e-learning and traditional
teaching methods (Lytras and Naeve 2006; Owen et al. 2006; Kohut et al. 2007).
This article attempts to outline the Web 2.0 applications fit for purpose in high-
er education and summarises their pedagogical value as compared to traditional
Web 1.0 tools. Successful realisation of Web 2.0 based learning requires a tho-
rough understanding of the potential barriers influencing acceptance of these tech-
nologies by educators and learners alike. The capabilities of Web 2.0 and their ap-
plication in higher education raise a range of questions connected to copyright,
content ownership, content reuse and the place of the educator in these democratic
peer based networks. In this article we explore the implications of Web 2.0 that
may affect established educational values and standards. Finally we suggest some
possible directions for further research and discussion.

2 Background

The first generation of the World Wide Web (now redesignated as Web 1.0),
has had a significant impact on the educational sector (Alexander 2002; Williams
et al. 2005; Picciano and Dziuban 2007). We have seen a considerable change in
the delivery methods, classroom dynamics, development of new pedagogies and

emergence of a new approach to education, coined e-learning. Web 1.0 technolo-

gies are playing an increasingly important role in HE (Bennet et al. 2008) despite
some significant limitations on interactivity and static read-only capabilities. Web
2.0 introduces the writable Web, where Web-based applications exploit peer-to-
peer user-generated content and offer complex dynamic graphical user interfaces
(previously only seen in desktop applications. In this section we explore the possi-
bilities offered by the advent of Web 2.0 and discuss its application to education.

2.1 Exploring Web Usage Patterns among Learners

Current research shows that learners are skilful in using a wide variety of edu-
cational technologies ranging from unsophisticated information search to custo-
misable technologies for interpersonal communication and social networking
(Prensky 2001; Green and Hannon 2007). Recent data on the use of the Internet in
the UK proves that students are more inclined than other occupational groups to
undertake communication activities online (Dutton and Helsper 2007).
Some interesting findings about the web activity of over six hundred under-
graduate students from a non-IT focused fields of study (Benson 2008), show that
irrespective of gender or field of study, students deem themselves confident and
intuitive users of technology. Gaining an insight into learners‟ aptitude towards
the web and computer technology is important as it may serve as a potential indi-
cator of Web 2.0 readiness.

Fig. 1. Patterns in Learners’ Use of the Web (Benson 2008).


Recent studies show that young people have developed a hierarchy of digital
activities, especially when it comes to assessing their potential for learning (Green
and Hannon 2007). Unlike the preceding generation, current learners are very con-
scious about their time and deem some activities as more worthwhile than others.
The World Wide Web occupies an important place in their daily lives with sig-
nificant proportions of learners spending over three hours a day online. Also, it
was revealed that female learners are more likely to spend more than eight hours a
day on the Web compared to males (Benson 2008). The study indicated that stu-
dents use the Web primarily as the source of information, being ranked as the
number one activity task in their daily Web practices (see fig. 1). Social network-
ing and communication came as second and third most popular activities respec-
tively. These were followed by learning and entertainment activities. It appeared
that on-line shopping, online banking and entrepreneurship are among the least
popular web activities among younger students. The author raises a further ques-
tion of whether this is caused by a limited inclusion of business and entrepreneuri-
al on-line ventures in HE curriculum.
Overall, the research presents a general picture of current learners as active us-
ers of Web capabilities for communication and social networking. Being so adapt
in the Web 2.0 social space, students are already establishing new learning prac-
tices which incorporate their interpersonal communication and social networking

2.2 Building on the Web 1.0 -Based Learning Frameworks

A number of conceptual models of online learning have been developed in recent

research (Alexander, 2001; Moule, 2007; Salmon, 2005, etc.). However, Alexan-
der‟s framework for implementation of e-learning initiatives in Higher Education
deserves particular attention. It addresses stakeholder issues in the educational
process, as well as support and development mechanisms. Table 1 attempts to
summarise some crucial aspects to the design and implementation of e-learning in-
itiatives in HE.

Table 1: Alexander‟s Framework for the Design, Development and Implementation of E-


University Instructor Perception Instruction Planning Teaching Strategies

Institutional vision Encouragement to fa- Develop an increased un- Faculty encouraged to pro-
for e-learning culty to undertake derstanding of the stu- vide informative and timely
staff development dents feedback to students
Technology De- Encourage reflection Design assessment to Provide understanding of
velopment Plan of Faculty view re- complement learning ob- the learning process prior to
garding e-learning in- jectives learning activities


Faculty workload Reflect on planning Mechanisms to provide Include activities to develop

policy incorporat- and use of technology useful and timely feed- group work skills.
ing e-learning back
Reliability of Increase understand- Preparation of students
Technology ing of how students for different learning ac-
learn tivities and learning mod-
Support facility for Increase understand- Embedding management
staff and students ing that high quality e- skills in learning activities
learning opportunities
are available
Staff development Planning for context of
opportunities in- implementation
cluding pedagogy,
management, tech-
nology and design
Provision of time Obtaining copyright
release for faculty clearance for materials
engaged in e- used.
learning develop-

3 An Overview of the Emerging Web 2.0 Technologies and

their Applications in Education

Developing a Web 2.0-enabled teaching strategy is more complex than setting

up a blog or wiki. It requires a profound understanding of teaching and learning
processes, the stakeholders involved and, additionally the enabling technology. In
this section we will attempt to summarise popular Web 2.0 tools and highlight
their applications in education, including:

• Audio and Video 2.0

• Blogs
• Bookmarking 2.0
• Community 2.0
• Wikis.

3.1 Audio and Video 2.0

A podcast is "a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made

available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player", (as defined
in the New Oxford American Dictionary). Recently in addition to audio, the defi-
nition has expanded to include video. The term podcast was initially formed from
a combination of "broadcasting" and iPod. More generally podcasting refers to the
method of distributing multimedia files over the Internet using syndication feeds,
for playback on iPods, MP3/MP4 players, other mobile devices and personal
computers. The major difference to the previous use of such audio formats is the
automatic syndication feature of podcasts. Having subscribed to a podcast (via au-
dio/video feeds) the listener receives automatic updates each time new content be-
come available. The software can then automatically download the new content
and place it on the appropriate audio device. In education, podcasts are applied as
a content source for teaching. However the 2.0 nature of podcasting also supports
peer-to-peer sharing of information, promoting reflection, integration and collabo-
ration.YouTube(http://www.youtube.com/), a Web 2.0 video sharing service has
been a popular source of educational material. Mashups, a new trend in remixing
or overlaying, two or more original sources of content - especially video and au-
dio, have become popular in the recent years. Resources of video and audio ma-
terial are now widely accessible online, along with Podcast search engines (Ya-
hoo!) and Podcast directories (GetaPodcast). These search engines rely on
indexing/tagging to facilitate search through the vast amount of materials.

3.2 Bookmarking 2.0

Social bookmarking sites allow maintaining of a personal collection of links

online. Wikipedia defines social bookmarking as the capability to “classify re-
sources by the use of informally assigned, user-defined keywords or tags”.It is
similar to using bookmarking in a Web 1.0 browser to organise favorite links. The
social bookmarking aspect stems from the way that personal collections of online
links can be made accessible to others. Bookmarking 2.0 facilitates the search of
links through tags, which are typically one word keywords associated with the
page. There are social bookmarking services of particular use to education, espe-
cially del.icio.us ( http://del.icio.us/) which stores the tag words and URLs, whe-
reas FURL (http://www.FURL.net) offers the capability to save a complete copy
of the page for offline access. CiteULike (http://www.citeulike.org/) is a social
bookmaking service facilitating interface with research databases and journal pub-
lications. As an educational process, bookmarking can be used in a variety of
ways, such as automatically updating a sharable reading list, or finding the most
recently writ-ten articles or pages. Group work can be facilitated through shared

access to a list of research articles or sources of data. Social bookmarking is an

excellent resource discovery tool which can simplify sharing of web links in a
group of learners or researchers of similar interests.

3.3 Blogs 2.0

Blogs are straightforward content management tools primarily used to build di-
aries, or web sites around some theme or subject area. At times a blog may be sim-
ilar to a journal with chronological entries incorporating commentary, photos,
podcasts, video and other multimedia on specific topics. It is possible to share or
network blogs to other blogs on the same issue or topic.

Table 2: Teaching with Blogs

Feature Benefits

Distribute Resources Ubiquitous access to teaching materials and resources

Host online discus- Forum functionality is very straightforward;
sions Streamlined communication and discussion moderation

Collaborative online Engaging and straightforward way for students to contribute, edit, design
publications and publish collaborative work

Share news, updates, Streamline communication with students

class information

Create spaces for One hub for student blogging moderated by instructors
student and instruc-
tor blogging
Integrate multimedia,Incorporate multimedia and more into text blog to illustrate, engage and
slideshows, videos, improve teaching.
etc. into the blogs
Organize teaching Keep your resources, schedule, etc. in one place

Use it for feedback Create a blog as a place for students and colleagues leave feedback and dis-
cuss issues.
Share teaching plans Keep students informed of the course events and deadlines.

Educational blogging sites, such as edublogs (http://edublogger.org), allow

educators to create, manage and moderate student blogs with minimal administra-
tive effort or specialised knowledge. As summarised on the edublogs site, blogs
can be used in teaching in a wide variety of ways (see table 2).

3.4 Community 2.0

Social networking has redefined the way in which the digital generation
communicate and share information, replacing face-to-face interaction with digital
communications. Social network services enable searching, sharing information,
communication of interests and shared activity amongst community members.
The educational value of a social networking service is that it enables users to
share information within a dynamic network of colleagues and fellow students
linked through user profiles. The data in these profiles serve as links, which dis-
play other network members who incorporated that element in their profile. Users
can navigate through profiles based on a certain criteria and communicate with
others via messaging, blogs, etc. Members can register as friends and gain access
to various sorts of restricted information such as pictures, personal details and pri-
vate blog entries. Although some concerns about the educational use of social
networking sites have been expressed (Anderson 2007), learning is a social activi-
ty and social networking services have the capability to connect and engage learn-
ers. The application of social networking services for peer-support in higher edu-
cation has been received positively. Social networking sites can be useful tools in
setting up groups and discussion environments for group project, modules or even
university-wide. Some investigations into developing virtual communities in high-
er learning have been analysed in (Lupicci 2007; Hotrum 2008). Continuous learn-
ing and pedagogical multiplicity are being linked to the use of social networks in
education, where a continuity of the learning process and the community continue
past the course end, as described by (Hotrum 2008) as follows:
1. Creating an informal network space for students and instructors with personal
profiles, blogs and resource repository. This is especially relevant on courses
highly reliant on peer-support, such as MBA‟s and part time studies.
2. Enabling group work in a controlled temporary space acting as a VLE but with
more advanced communication and content generation tools, including reflect-
ing journals, groupware tools, e-portfolio management and knowledge con-
struction active beyond the term of study.
3. Evolving this pace into a continuous learning community and knowledge shar-
ing network space, promoting further sharing, connecting and the use of the
knowledge base.

3.5 Wikis

A simple way to add and edit content on a website, sometimes without registra-
tion, coined as wiki has become a popular approach to web content authoring. The
advantage of a straightforward user interface and no requirements for specialised
knowledge make wikis a compelling choice for educators and learners when it

comes to collaborative authoring of web content. Wikis are gaining popularity in

education as a useful tool to increase collaboration and engagement among stu-
dents. Learners may use wikis to collaborate on a group project, share information
or compile research results. The world‟s largest multilingual encyclopedia – Wi-
kipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org) is built as a wiki and allows adding content by
virtually anyone.

4 Discussion

Significant attention has been paid to the evaluation of some of Web 2.0 tools
in education (Green and Hannon, 2007); however an accepted pedagogical model
has yet to be developed. What will it take for this to happen? Will a shift in peda-
gogical paradigm be necessary? The capabilities of Web 2.0 make it an enabling
technology - a vehicle which has the potential to improve, enable, and make learn-
ing more interesting, exciting and straightforward. Having made significant in-
vestments into traditional Learning Management Systems many HE institutions
found them lacking the expected level of interest from learners. On the contrary,
students actively populate Facebook with information about their courses, discuss
assignments, argue the pros and cons of particular subject areas and interact with
each other virtually. The obvious user enthusiasm for social networking sites,
which emphasise the inherent content sharing and production characteristics of
Web 2.0 technologies, is apparent.Is this because LMS is viewed as centralised,
controlled, regulated environment and represents an old style of learning (even in
its most blended form)? Has LMS design failed to take into account the variety of
learning processes that can occur, or even the dynamic variety of teaching styles
that experienced tutors use. Digital learning communities succeed where there is
emotional investment in the learning which is occurring – typically where the
learner has control over the production process. The nature of sites such as Deli-
cious, Youtube or Facebook encourages the participatory nature of peers - the
technology allows content to be seen, shared and built on.
Personal Learning Environments, which (so far) are a loose, may take the stu-
dents forward with more control over the process. Sites such as Facebook or
MySpace thrive or fail on the ease of the user interface – the majority of users on
these sites don‟t read a manual, watch an on-line tutorial, or seek technical assis-
tance – it simply isn‟t required. This is radically different to the complex manual
and terminology required which lecturers face when first encountering a commer-
cial Learning Management System - most of them have extremely complicated in-
terface arrangements, attempting to cover every single possible type of event and
customisation option that may or may not be used. Finally, building on the expe-
rience and popular application of e-learning, it is imperative to establish proven
web 2.0-base pedagogical frameworks. Following on from the crucial aspects

deemed instrumental to the success of e-learning (Alexander, 2001) web 2.0 –

based educational frameworks must be based on similar pillars of:
• University context – is a HE institution ready for Web 2.0 technologies; institu-
tions need to respond by resolving traditional organisational issues surrounding
technology, staff and student support.
• Instructor‟s perception and kills of Web 2.0 technology;
• Instructional planning - careful pedagogical planning oriented towards learning
outcomes, not technology development of appropriate assessment strategies;
• Teaching Strategies – focusing on providing learners with a clear under-
standing of the learning process prior to learning activities.

Technology and education are sometimes seen as areas which challenge each
other. Some researchers indicate that educators are less technology-inquisitive and
regard learning new technology as an administrative burden (Laurillard, 2002). It
is imperative for these technologies to be simple and transparent if they are to be
embraced with equal effectiveness by both educators and learners.
The provision of support for both staff and students, gaining an in-depth under-
standing of the university context and thorough planning are the aspects which
may determine the success of harnessing Web 2.0 technologies will drive wider
acceptance by HE instructors.

5 Conclusions

As Web 2.0 technology deepens its impact on the day-to-day life and is increa-
singly used by the successive generation of learners, the educational sector will be
put under pressure to embrace it. This may have a significant effect on the deli-
very, assessment and learning strategies.
We are witnessing the emergence of a life-long learning community lasting far
beyond the traditional term of study. In the years to come Web 2.0 will transform
the traditional learning life cycle and make it last after a student leaves University
walls. Current learning systems are attempting to integrate social features to com-
pete with online social networks. However, the fact that learning management sys-
tems traditionally expire at the end of a study term loses the embedded knowledge
and communal learning bond, which may lead to diminished participation, en-
gagement and lessen the quality of student work. On the other hand, the integra-
tion of online social networking into educational process will facilitate life-long
learning and promote the formation of specialised knowledge communities.
In this article we have discussed the implications of the Web 2.0 tools applied
in learning and teaching, factors influencing their successful adoption, and possi-
ble barriers. Some possible directions suggested for further research included de-
veloping a proven Web 2.0 pedagogical framework integrating design, develop-

ment, implementation of Web 2.0–based learning systems in HE. Also, issues sur-
rounding content creation, remixing and repurposing surrounding copyright is-
sues and content ownership were left open for further discussion.


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Chapter 14. Teaching-Material Crystallization:
Wiki-based Rapid Prototyping for Teaching-
Material Design

Wen-Chung Shih

Department of Information Science and Applications, Asia University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Shian-Shyong Tseng30

Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Department of Information Science and Applications, Asia University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Jui-Feng Weng

Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


To support individualized and adaptive learning, teachers are encouraged to de-

velop various teaching materials according to different requirements. However,
traditional methodologies for designing teaching materials are time-consuming.
To speed up the development process of teaching materials, our idea is to use a
rapid prototyping approach which is based on automatic draft generation and Wi-
ki-based revision. Since the Wiki-based authoring is a collaborative activity, “how
to collaboratively revise the teaching material without conflict and with higher
social agreement via community members” becomes a challenging and interesting
issue and we define it as the Teaching Material Crystallization problem. A Delphi-
like questionnaire-based crystallizer has been proposed to support both the social
agreement process and the resolution of conflicting opinions. The evaluation was
conducted using a two-group t-test design. Experimental results indicate that
teaching materials can be rapidly generated with the proposed approach.

30 Corresponding author

1 Introduction

During the past decade, e-Learning applications have advanced at an amazing

pace. With the trend of individualized and adaptive learning, there will be a great
demand to various teaching-materials. A typical approach to content design is
ADDIE (ADDIE, 2004), which consists of five stages: Analysis, Design, Develop,
Implement, and Evaluate. The primary disadvantage is its time-consuming devel-
opment process. In addition, it requires expensive human resources. Furthermore,
redundant efforts could happen when different sites develop teaching materials for
the same course units simultaneously. To solve the problem, a new method is
needed for teachers to rapidly develop their own course materials.
Our idea is to design teaching materials by a rapid prototyping approach based
on automatic draft generation and Wiki-based revision. Rapid prototyping is the
process of quickly building and evaluating a series of prototypes of a system,
which has been widely applied to manufacturing, software engineering, etc (Luqi,
1989). First, a draft is automatically generated by combining relevant teaching
materials retrieved from learning object repositories (Shih et al., 2008a). Next, we
adopt a Wiki-based authoring environment to revise the automatically generated
draft. Wiki is an accessible markup language for people to edit a site together
(Louridas, 2006). Wikipedia is the most successful Wiki-based project (Wikipe-
dia, 2004). Our method is to utilize the collaborative intelligence and labor to ac-
celerate the revision process.
To collaboratively construct the teaching material which may be accepted for
most of authors, a social agreement teaching material is defined as a teaching ma-
terial with the degree of social agreement larger than a given threshold, where the
social agreement degree value falls in the range of 0 to 1 and the larger value
means the higher social agreement degree. Our concern is “how to collaboratively
construct the teaching material without conflict and with higher social agreement
via community members to express the targeted educational topic”, and this prob-
lem is defined as the Teaching Material Crystallization Problem.
Based on the aforementioned ideas, we have proposed a rapid prototyping ap-
proach, which is composed of three phases: 1) automatic draft generation, 2) Wi-
ki-based revision, 3) teaching material crystallization. The goal is to reduce the
development time of teaching materials. Firstly, the system attempts to clarify us-
ers‟ intention by interactive ways, such as asking questions, requesting more query
terms, etc. Then, users‟ queries are expanded by using domain expertise to retrieve
more relevant documents. Next, the system searches for existing teaching-
materials related to the expanded query in the repository. Then, the retrieved doc-
uments are combined into a draft automatically. In the second phase, the draft is
placed in a Wiki-based authoring environment for collaborative revision.
In the teaching material crystallization phase, the iterative, group decision sup-
port methodology called Modified Delphi Method is applied to converge and re-
solve the conflicts of the assertions. In the modified Delphi method, the discussion

group is formed firstly with several discussion members and one communication
leader. Next, the discussion and conflict resolution processes are performed with
several rounds until the social agreement is achieved. There are three stages in
each round which are the brainstorming stage to allow the users contribute their
opinions in the initial round, the response compiling stage to let the communica-
tion leader classify the opinions and list the conflict points, and the conflict resolu-
tion stage to allow the group members evaluate the opinions by questionnaire or
revise their opinions to achieve the agreement.
The advantages of the proposed approach are twofold: time-saving and low-
cost, which result from effective sharing and reusing of resources. Meanwhile, our
primary contribution is the idea of a rapid prototyping approach to teaching-
material design. In particular, a teaching material crystallization mechanism has
been designed to achieve social agreement in the Wiki-based revision process. Al-
so, we have implemented this approach. Twenty four randomly selected teachers
from elementary schools participated in an experiment based on a two-group t-test
design. Experimental results show that teachers in the experiment group can gen-
erate high-quality teaching materials more rapidly than those in the control group.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review back-
ground knowledge and related work on this research. Then, the problem and the
proposed approach are presented in Section 3. Next, implementation and experi-
mental results are discussed in Section 4. Finally, the concluding remarks are giv-
en in Section 5.

2 Preliminaries and Related Work

This section briefly introduces the preliminaries of Wiki and rapid prototyping,
which are essential to this work. Next, previous researches related to this chapter
are also described.

2.1 Wiki Technology

Web 2.0, characterized by the techniques of blog, Wiki, RSS, mashup, etc., has
been widely discussed and referred to as the second generation of web-based ser-
vices (O'Reilly, 2005). The term “Wiki” originates from the Hawaiian “wee kee
wee kee,” which means “quickly.” In the domain of computer science, a Wiki is a
web-based hypertext system which supports community-oriented authoring, in or-
der to rapidly and collaboratively build the content. The concept of Wiki was pro-
posed by Ward Cunningham in 1995 as the Portland Pattern Repository, to create
an environment for co-workers to share specifications and documents for software

Wiki is not the first technology for collaboration. Other collaborative technolo-
gies, such as discussion boards, have also been widely used for years. Neverthe-
less, the primary reason why Wiki is so attractive can be attributed to the success-
ful application, Wikipedia (Wikipedia, 2004). Traditionally, an encyclopedia is
built by a number of experts with a tremendous amount of time and money. How-
ever, Wikipedia is an innovative project which endeavors to build an online open-
source encyclopedia based on Wiki and GNU Free Document License
(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/#FDL). This system began in 2001, and the number
of English items exceeds 500,000 in 2005. The rapid growth of the Wikipedia sys-
tem shows that the concept of the Wiki is both viable and feasible. In addition,
there are many related projects based on Wiki, such as Meta-Wiki, Wiktionary,
Wikibooks, Wikiquotes, to name a few (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/-
The attractive characteristics of Wiki, which favor its use, can be summarized
as follows.
 Rapidness. The Wiki pages can be rapidly constructed, accessed and modified,
in hypertext form.
 Simpleness. A simple markup scheme (usually a simplified version of HTML)
is used to format the Wiki pages, instead of the complicated HTML.
 Convenience. Links to other pages, external sites, and images can be conve-
niently established by keywords. Moreover, the targets of the keywords, links,
need not exist when the links are built. They can be appended later.
 Open Source. Each member can create, modify and delete the Wiki pages at
will. Wiki content is not reviewed by anyone before publication, and is updated
upon being saved.
 Maintainability. Wiki maintains a version database, which records its historical
revision and content, thus enabling version management.
To run a Wiki-based site, it is necessary to deploy a Wiki platform. The re-
quirements of a Wiki platform include editing, links, version management, sand-
boxes (test-bed), and search functions. Many Wiki platforms have been developed
and used in various fields. For example, MediaWiki
(http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWik), which is used by Wikipedia, is a
widely used tool. PBwiki (http://pbwiki.com/), which is developed by PHP lan-
guages, is adopted by many libraries.

2.2 Rapid Prototyping

Brainstorming involves redefining the problem, generating ideas, and seeking

new solutions. The general idea is to create a climate of free association through
trading ideas and perceptions of the problem at hand. Better ideas are expected
from brainstorming than from individual thought because the minds of more

people are tapped. The productive thought process works best in an environment
where criticism is avoided, or at least dampened.
System development is a continuous and fundamental task in many domains, so
effective and efficient approaches to system development are demanded by devel-
opers. Traditional system development life cycle paradigms, such as the waterfall
model, focus on verifying the system requirements during the early stages, and
then go through the whole process to generate the perfect product. However, this
approach is not suitable when the requirement can not be clearly defined at the be-
ginning. Therefore, evolutionary approaches, such as rapid prototyping, are pro-
posed to alleviate the limitations.
There have not been a clear definition of rapid prototyping (RP) though this
technology has been successfully used in many fields, including commercial, mili-
tary and academic applications (Gordon & Bieman, 1995). Generally speaking,
RP is recognized as technologies which rapidly realize the conceptual model of a
final product of system without incurring too much cost. The purpose of RP is to
incrementally clarify the requirement and refine the prototype. The techniques for
rapid prototyping could date back to the late 1980s and were mainly used in manu-
facturing. Nowadays, RP is applied for many other domains, even in educational
applications. For example, RP has been used to create the lecture contents of the
IT SoC certificate program (Kim & Park, 2007).
Many RP methods have been proposed in the literature. Although these proce-
dures are not exactly the same, they conform to the following workflow:
1. initial definition of requirements
2. rapid implementation of a prototype
3. user evaluation and requirement refinement
4. implementation of refined requirements
5. repeat step 3 and step 4 until completion
An early model simply relates traditional design steps to prototypes, consisting
of need assessment and analysis, prototype building, prototype utilization, system
installation and maintenance (Tripp & Bichelmeyer, 1990). Another example,
used to design computer-based courseware, is a three-stage model: analysis, de-
velopment and evaluation (Yang, Moore, & Burton, 1995).
RP has also been applied to instructional design for both generating high quali-
ty product and reducing development time. Jones and Richey reported eight RP
applications in instructional design (Jones & Richey, 2000), including educational
software design, instructional videos, etc. The aforementioned researches illustrate
that RP is an effective approach to system development in educational applica-
tions. In the case of adaptive e-learning, educators are usually encouraged to ra-
pidly develop various personalized teaching materials. The challenges result from
varied requirements and timely pressure, which are similar to the motivation of
RP. In this work, we adopt the concept of RP to design teaching materials, facili-
tating the rapid authoring process.

2.3 Related Work

Due to the advances in information technologies and the requirements of

courseware, more and more teachers are able and willing to design their own
teaching materials and make them accessible on the Web (Iorio, Feliziani, Mirri,
Salomoni, & Vitali, 2006; Lanzilotti, Ardito, Costabile, & Angeli, 2006; Sierra,
Fernández-Valmayor, Guinea, & Hernanz, 2006). In addition, a growing number
of large-scale projects aim to construct learning content repositories (Kassahun,
Beulens, & Hartog, 2006; Kiu & Lee, 2006). For example, in 2002, the National
Science Council of Taiwan approved a resolution on the “National Science and
Technology Program for e-Learning,” planning to spend $120 million within a 5-
year period (ELNP, 2002). These educational contents are mainly based on Shara-
ble Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) (SCORM, 2004), which has be-
come a popular standard for creating sharable and reusable teaching materials for
e-Learning. With the popularization of e-Learning, how to find and reuse these ex-
isting materials becomes an important issue.
Teaching materials are one of the important elements in instruction and learn-
ing activities. A large amount of work has been devoted to the methodology of
teaching-material design. Some scholars (Nkambou, Frasson, & Gauthier, 1998)
presented an authoring environment for the development of course materials.
However, this approach depends on educational experts to participate in the de-
velopment process. In order to facilitate the reuse of SCORM learning objects and
customization of course materials, a system named Teaching-Material Design
Center (Wang & Hsu, 2006) was proposed, reusing e-material from different pro-
viders and integrating them for a particular course. Nevertheless, this system still
relies on human experts to design a satisfactory teaching material. The recent
works of Coffey (Coffey, 2007) and Wang (Wang, 2007) addressed the issues of
courseware maintenance and enhancement. The former designed a meta-cognitive
tool for courseware development and reuse, and the latter presented a course ma-
terial enhancement process. Briefly speaking, aforementioned approaches to de-
signing teaching materials are time-consuming. Also, expensive human-resource
costs are involved.
To help teachers rapidly develop course materials, the WARP (Wiki-based Au-
thoring by Rapid Prototyping) method has been proposed in (Shih et al., 2008b).
The key aspects of WARP include: reuse, automation and collaborative authoring.
Domain expertise was used to search for useful teaching materials in learning ob-
ject repositories. By means of knowledge acquisition tools and automated merging
algorithm developed by ourselves, the process can be automated and sped up. A
Wiki-based authoring environment was used to exploit collaborative intelligence
for revision. The five phases of the WARP approach are shown in Figure 1.

TM First Final
Verified Expanded Draft Version
Query Query
Requirement Query Teaching- Wiki-based
Query Draft
Verification material Revision
Expansion Generation
Editor Retrieval Users

Fig. 1. The process of WARP

 Phase 1: requirement verification

The purpose of this phase is to clarify users‟ information need specified by
query terms. The system verifies the scope of the query in the domain ontology by
asking questions to the user interactively.
 Phase 2: query expansion
This phase aims to increase the searching performance by expanding the query.
A rule-based method is utilized to represent the searching heuristics and to infer
appropriate searching strategies.
 Phase 3: teaching-material retrieval
Relevant teaching materials stored in the e-Learning grid are retrieved in this
phase. A global index, built in a bottom-up way, is used to speed up the access
 Phase 4: draft generation
The first version of the draft is automatically generated by merging the teach-
ing materials found in the previous phase.
 Phase 5: Wiki-based revision
A Wiki-based authoring tool is used to facilitate collaborative revision for the
The WARP approach is extended in this work to address the teaching material
crystallization problem.

3 Teaching Material Crystallization

To speed up the development process of teaching materials, our idea is to use a

rapid prototyping approach which is based on automatic draft generation and Wi-
ki-based revision. In this section, the teaching material crystallization problem is
presented first. Then, the proposed approach and its components are described.

3.1 Problem Description

In the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) standard, a Content

Package (CP) is defined as a package of learning materials, and a Learning Object
Repository (LOR) is a database where the Content Packages are stored. A Content
Package is modeled as a k-ary tree with three levels: root, chapter, and section,

where the section nodes contain the content and the internal nodes represent the
structural information, as shown in Figure 2. The content is represented by a vec-
tor. In addition, a CP is associated with a set of Metadata. To enable content-based
retrieval, the well-known Vector Space Model is applied to represent the text con-
tent. Also, the LOM metadata is included in this model of CP. Hereafter, teaching
materials, SCORM-compliant documents, and Content Packages are used inter-
Root Metadata




Fig. 2. The tree model of a content package

The feature vector of a CP is represented by a term-weighting vector, vCP.

where V means the set of vocabulary and |V| is its size. The term-weighting wi is
evaluated using the extended Vector Space Model proposed by Trotman (Trot-
man, 2005). The idea of this weighting scheme is to emphasize the importance of
some structure. For example, the same word appearing in Abstract and the last
Chapter of a book has different significance.
A query Q is modeled as a set of keywords. The feature vector of a query Q is

vCP  w1, w2 ,..., wV 

denoted by vQ,
vQ  q1, q2 ,..., q|V| 
where V means the set of vocabulary and |V| is its size. The term-weighting qi is 1
if the i-th keyword in the vocabulary, V, is a term in the query. Otherwise, qi is 0.
We will now define the notion of similarity between a query and a content
package, which means the relevance of the content package to the query. Let Q be
a query with feature vector vQ, and CP be a content package with feature vector
vCP. The Similarity sim(Q, CP) is defined by:
sim(Q, CP)  vQ  vCP
where the operation is inner product of vectors.

The editor, who submits the query to develop a teaching material, is usually a
teacher who is not necessarily an expert in courseware design. Domain taxonomy
and a thesaurus are assumed to be available for the material development process.
Also, the designer can reuse any existing teaching materials in LORs.
We assume that the course ontology, built by educational experts, is available,
as shown in Figure 3. The subject matter is mathematics for nine-year coherence
curriculum at low-grade elementary-school level, according to Ministry of Educa-
tion in Taiwan. The course ontology is modeled as a rooted tree O = <NO, EO,
root> that consists of a finite set of node NO, a finite set of edges EO, and a root
node in NO. NO represents the set of nodes in the tree. Each node in NO represents a
concept in this ontology and is associated with a set of keywords, which describe
the concept. For example, the set of keywords of the node “Arithmetic Opera-
tions” is {“addition”, “subtraction”, “multiplication”, “division”}. An edge in EO
connects a node and its child node, which expresses the hierarchical relation of the
two nodes. For instance, the edge connecting “Geometry” and “Shapes” means the
former is a more general concept than the latter. Finally, the root node in this ex-
ample is the “Mathematics” node.


Numbers and Probabilities and
addition Geometry Algebra
Quantities subtraction Statistics

Counting Arithmetic Shapes Angles, Lines Parallel and Equality Inverse of Inverse of Categorization Tables
Operations and Planes Perpendicular Addition and Multiplication
Subtraction and Division

Fig. 3. The ontology of mathematics at elementary-school level

Based on the definitions above, the Teaching-Material Crystallization Problem

(TMCP) can be described as follows. Since the content of teaching material is re-
vised collaboratively, the different opinions of authors may cause the inconsisten-
cy of the teaching material. Thus, in this work, “how to collaboratively construct
the teaching material without conflict and with higher social agreement via com-
munity members to represent the targeted learning domain” is defined as the
Teaching-Material Crystallization Problem (TMCP). Accordingly, two technical
issues emerge in order to solve the OCP.
1. How to collect the contributed opinions, and conclude the agreements or con-
flicts of the community members.
2. How to converge the teaching material to achieve the social agreement.

3.2 Overview

To help teachers rapidly develop course materials, we propose the WARP (Wi-
ki-based Authoring by Rapid Prototyping) method, based on the idea of a rapid
prototyping approach. The key aspects of WARP include: reuse, automation and
collaborative authoring. We use domain expertise to search for useful teaching
materials in learning object repositories and reuse them. By means of knowledge
acquisition tools and automated merging algorithm developed by ourselves, the
process can be automated and sped up. Finally, we use a Wiki-based authoring
environment to exploit collaborative intelligence for revision.
As shown in Figure 4, the WARP approach is composed of three phases.

First Final
Version Version

Automatic Teaching
Draft Wiki-based
Revision Material
Generation Crystallization Users

Fig. 4. Overview of the Wiki-based rapid prototyping process

 Phase 1: automatic draft generation

The purpose of this phase is to automatically generate the first version of the
teaching material by merging existing teaching materials found in the previous
phase. The reason is based on the observation that it is easier to revise a document
than to construct one from scratch.
The algorithm is based on level-wise clustering, and its main concept is union
of different learning objects from relevant teaching materials. In addition, it re-
tains the most similar learning object as the cluster center. Also, the clustering
process is guaranteed to converge. The algorithm is shown as follows.

Algorithm: Draft Generation Algorithm (DGAlg)

Symbols Definition:
T1, T2: Content Package trees; the two teaching materials to be merged
L: the depth of a Content Package tree
T: a Content Package tree; the merged teaching material
Input: T1 and T2
Output: T
Step 1: For i := L to 1
1.1: cluster nodes at the same layer
1.2: If there exists a cluster with more than one node
Then retain the node with the larger similarity value
Step 2: modify the links between layers

Step 3: Return the merged teaching material.

Example 1. Teaching-Material Merging

We assume that there are two teaching materials to be merged: A and B, as
shown in Figure 5. After merging, the node with the highest similarity is retained,
say, A0 and B10.

A0 B0 A0

A10 A11 B10 B11 A10 B10 B11

Fig. 5. An example to merge two teaching materials

 Phase 2: Wiki-based revision

In the previous phase, the draft is rapidly generated by computers, but it still
needs to be revised by human editors to guarantee its readability. In order to in-
crease the efficiency of the consequent revision process, we adopt a Wiki-based
approach. By means of collaborative efforts, the draft is expected to be rapidly re-
vised. Our belief in this approach comes from the successful example of the Wiki-
pedia project, which aims to compile an encyclopedia by web users.
 Phase 3: teaching material crystallization
A questionnaire is used to efficiently gather information from respondents and
is effective to acquire users‟ opinions of specific issue. To achieve the social
agreement, a Questionnaire-based Crystallizer is proposed to make the group deci-
sion for the conflict resolution by the community members.
Questionnaire Filling

New/ Conflict Questionnaire-based Crystallizer

Delphi-like Online Version
Current Questionnaire Questionnaire Teaching
Teaching Generator System Material

Fig. 6. Questionnaire-based Crystallizer

As Shown in Figure 6, from the folksonomies contributed by community mem-

bers, the Delphi-like Questionnaire Generator process is proposed to automatically
detect these conflicting assertions. Accordingly, in this process, an appropriate

questionnaire will be generated by means of selecting the suitable questionnaire

item templates to resolve the conflicts. In the Online Questionnaire System, the
community members are asked to evaluate the new assertions or resolve the con-
flict assertions based on the concept of the modified Delphi-like method. Whenev-
er the amount of receiving questionnaires for new assertions exceed the predefined
threshold, the Conflict Resolution process will be triggered to make these ques-
tionnaires results converge and generate the new version of teaching material.

3.3 An Illustrative Example

An example is presented to illustrate how teachers of an elementary school use

the WARP method to collaboratively design a teaching material for the “Area”
unit in the third-grade Mathematics course. The ontology of the “Shape” unit is
shown in Figure 7. The keyword “Area” is associated with the “Shape” node. The
overall process is summarized as follows.

Fig. 7. The ontology of the “Shape” unit

 Phase 1: automatic draft generation

The teachers express their requirement by specifying the keyword “area” and
metadata “grade” (its value = 3). In order to increase the precision of searching,
the teachers define the strategy of query expansion as “Specialization.” After infe-
rence, the system recommends another three keywords to refine the original query:
“Triangle,” “Rectangle,” and “Circle.” The teachers adopt the “Triangle” as an
expanded keyword. Consequently, the expanded query, “area and triangle,” is sent
to the search engine for searching. According to the expanded query and the speci-
fied metadata, three teaching materials are found in the repositories, as shown in
Figure 8.

Fig. 8. Screenshot of search results

The top two relevant teaching materials are retrieved for draft generation in the
next phase. The outlines of the two teaching materials are shown in Figure 9. The
first teaching material, with the name “Interesting Areas,” consists of five lessons.
The second one, with the name “Areas and Triangles,” has six lessons.

Fig. 9. The outlines of the two teaching materials

The first version of the draft is automatically generated by merging the teach-
ing materials found in the previous phase. In this phase, redundant modules are
removed. For example, both teaching materials have a lesson about “square cen-
timeters.” The two lessons are clustered into one group, and one of them is re-
moved from the draft. Similarly, lesson 2 of the second teaching material is re-
moved after the clustering process. The resultant draft consists of nine lessons.
The outline of the draft is shown in Figure 10.

Fig. 10. The outline of the draft

 Phase 2: Wiki-based revision

The teachers use a Wiki-based authoring tool to facilitate collaborative revision
for the draft. Through the Talk page, the revision work is coordinated. In this
phase, inappropriate content is modified, and the presentation of content is ad-
justed. Finally, the teaching material is composed of six lessons, organized into
two modules, as shown in Figure 11.

Fig. 11. The final version (a) outline; (b) Wiki page

4 Experimental Results

In this section, the implementation and evaluation design are described. Then,
experimental results are presented and discussed.

4.1 Implementation and Design of Evaluation

In order to evaluate the proposed approach, we implemented the aforemen-

tioned algorithms, and built a prototype for Wiki-based authoring. The Wiki-based
authoring interface is shown in Figure 12.

Fig. 12. Interface of a Wiki-based authoring environment

The prototype is built on a grid test-bed, which is composed of four domains.

The middleware is Globus Toolkit 4.0. To elicit the expertise of searching experts,
we use the DRAMA tool (Lin, Tseng, & Tsai, 2003), which is a suite of toolkits
for knowledge engineering developed by KDE Lab. of NCTU. We use this tool
for rapid acquisition of searching rules.
We apply the WARP approach to an elementary school mathematics Course.
Participants are 24 teachers from three elementary schools in Nantou, Taiwan. The
course is mathematics for the third grade. The existing teaching materials are re-
trieved from repositories built by Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

The existing teaching materials are mainly retrieved from two learning content
repositories built by Ministry of Education, Taiwan. One is named “A Service Sta-
tion for Learning” (http://content.edu.tw), built in 2000. The other is named “The
Six Great Learning Networks,” (http://learning.edu.tw), built in 2004. This site
consists of six subjects: life education, health medicine, nature ecology, history
and culture, humanities and arts, science and education. The content is featured by
colorful and interesting presentation.

4.2 Experiment 1: Evaluation of WARP

The objective of this evaluation is to answer the question: is the teaching-

material development time using WARP significantly shorter than one using a tra-
ditional approach?
(1) Experimental Design
A two-group t-test was employed. It is a widely used method to test whether the
difference between two means is significant. It can measure the difference of two
(2) Tools
The participants are provided with an internet-enabled environment. That is,
they can access information and content available on the web.
(3) Sample
Twenty-four teachers from three primary schools in Nantou, Taiwan, are se-
lected as participants. They are randomly divided into two groups, each with
twelve teachers. One is named the experimental group, and the other is named the
control group.
(4) Hypothesis
A null hypothesis was set up, which is that no significant difference exists be-
tween the development times of the two groups.
(5) Treatment
The experimental group was provided with the WARP environment while the
control one was not. That is, teachers of the control group can only search for ex-
isting teaching materials and revise them manually. Furthermore, teachers of the
experimental group formed a Wiki community, and participated in Wiki-based re-
(6) Results
The development times of the control group and the experimental group are il-
lustrated in Figure 13. “WARP-v1” means the development time of the first ver-
sion by the WARP approach. Similarly, “WARP-v2” and “WARP-v3” represent
the second and the third version respectively. The t-test gives the probability that
the difference between the two means is caused by chance. The difference be-
tween sample means of the control group and “WARP-v3” is 42.3. Since the t-
ratio is significant at 0.05 and above, the null hypothesis can be rejected. This

evaluation showed that the development time of the experimental group is signifi-
cantly shorter than the control group.

Fig. 13. Comparison of development time

A total of 45 items about feedback from teachers were collected during the Wi-
ki-based authoring process by examining postings on Talk pages, and were classi-
fied along the following four dimensions:
Postings for comments. 26 postings are related to coordination of editing activi-
ties. For example, “I would like to suggest pruning lesson 9. The content of eva-
luating areas seems too difficult for the third-grade students.” (Talk page for les-
son 9, as shown in Figure 14)
Replies to comments. 14 postings are responses to comments of others. For ex-
ample, “I agree with that the calculation of area for a triangle is too hard for this
stage.” (Talk page for the article on lesson 9, as shown in Figure 14).
Polls. 2 voting sessions were organized by users to decide on controversial edit-
ing actions. For example, “The vote is this: Should the above paragraph be in-
cluded in the lesson? The three possible answers are: Yes, No and Abstain” (Talk
page for lesson 3).
Off-topic remarks. 3 postings are unrelated to the content. For example, “I will
suggest my colleagues to try this interesting tool” (Talk page for Area:WARP).

Fig. 14. Screenshot of Wiki‟s Talk pages

4.3 Experiment 2: Evaluation of Query Expansion

This experiment investigated whether the proposed intelligent query expansion

could enhance the performance of the original query. Figure 15 shows the preci-
sion value from the twelve teachers of the experimental group who used the
WARP tool to search for relevant teaching materials. The precision values ranged
from 0.7 to 1.0 with the WARP and from 0.2 to 0.7 with the original query. The
next experiment measured the recall value, as shown in Figure 16. Similarly, the
WARP approach could improve the performance of the original query.

Fig. 15. Comparison of precision


Fig. 16. Comparison of recall

4.4 Discussion

The Wiki-based revision for teaching material produces both individual and col-
lective benefits. The individual who makes a knowledge contribution can see it
immediately published, thus observing the contribution outcome without delay
and with pride of authorship. This immediacy between action and positive out-
come may very well create a positive reinforcement effect for the author. Imme-
diacy of results has social impacts as well. First, any published result is visible and
therefore potentially beneficial to others right away. As others see useful contribu-
tions being made, they can use these contributions, as well as build upon them and
add their own associated knowledge.
The teaching material produced by the proposed approach has two advantages:
variety and innovation. On the one hand, the draft is generated from several rele-
vant teaching materials, which results in its variety of content. On the other hand,
the draft is revised by many authors. In this process, different ideas are added in
the draft, thus resulting in its innovation.
Wikis enable instant publication of content. As soon as an author saves the new
content, it becomes immediately visible to all readers viewing the page. No coor-
dinator is involved in the publication process. Nevertheless, there are safeguards.
For instance, Wikis maintain a temporal database of earlier page versions, and
roll-back to an earlier version requires only a few clicks. However, from the view-
point of Wiki designers and administrators, the storage and management for tem-
poral revision are challenges when the Wiki system scales up. Grid platform is a
suitable solution to these problems, which can provide resource for the storage and
operation of temporal revision.

We discuss the quality of teaching materials produced by WARP in two as-

pects: content and presentation. First, the quality of the final version heavily de-
pends on the effort of involved authors. The proposed merge algorithm can help to
automatically collect relevant learning objects. However, it depends on human au-
thors to refine the draft, such as course sequence, content selection, etc. For exam-
ple the draft has evolved from a flat course structure to a two-level hierarchy,
which is more organized and understandable for students. Second, currently avail-
able Wiki platforms are mostly text-based, and allow users to upload image files.
However, multimedia learning objects can not be easily edited on current Wiki
platforms. Therefore, in this work, most of the multimedia learning objects in
original teaching materials are skipped because of the limitation of Wiki plat-
forms. Consequently, the final version is mainly composed of texts and figures, as
shown in Figure 17.

Fig. 17. Screenshot of Wiki pages

5 Conclusion and Future Work

This chapter describes a Wiki-based rapid prototyping approach to designing

teaching materials for e-Learning applications. It is characterized by a time-saving
development process, minimal human involvement, reducing redundant effort and
high-quality teaching materials. The evaluation was carried out using a two-group
t-test design. Experimental results indicate that teaching materials can be rapidly
generated with the proposed approach. In the near future, we will conduct experi-
ments to evaluate the quality of teaching materials developed by the proposed ap-
proach. Also, more participants with different background knowledge and teach-
ing experiences will be invited to evaluate the proposed system. We expect that
the proposed approach can assist novice as well as experienced teachers to devel-

op useful course materials rapidly and easily. Furthermore, elicitation of users‟ re-
quirements and content management for e-Learning grids will be investigated.


This research was partially supported by National Science Council of Republic

of China under the number of NSC95-2520-S009-007-MY3 and NSC95-2520-


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Chapter 15. Prediction Markets, an Emerging
Web 2.0 Business Model: Towards the
Competitive Intelligent Enterprise

Georgios Tziralis

School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

George Vagenas

School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Stavros Ponis

School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece


The Web evolves rapidly. Day by day, it hosts more of both personal and business
activities, while people constantly spend more of their time online. However, the
shaping of well-structured business models able to monetize most of Web 2.0 ser-
vices is rather lagging beyond their users and usage, if it exists at all yet. While
Web 2.0 services tend to be mainstream, their business models and exploitation
are definitely not. This rather harsh reality is further amplified in enterprise set-
tings, where the adaptation of such practices to empower the „Enterprise 2.0‟ is
still at its infancy and the potential of transforming collective to competitive intel-
ligence remains latent.This chapter presents and analyzes a core and emerging
Web 2.0 concept, prediction markets, a mechanism nearly synonym to the notion
of „wisdom of crowds‟. We focus on its relevant business models and highlight the
ones that are capable of reaching the latter and great potential. In this effort, a
review and critique of relevant literature is provided, proving the late emergence
of such models and the rather unexplored nature of the subject, particularly in the
business world. Attempting to address this gap we prescribe such applications, by
giving shape to the empowered by prediction markets competitive intelligent en-
terprise. The ground is definitely fertile for such an enterprise; however, relevant

techniques remain at an early adopter level of penetration and yet absent from
their potential perfect match, the „long tail‟ of enterprises, namely SMEs. Driven
by such considerations, we introduce and document the concept of competitive in-
telligence as a promising and fitting application area of Web 2.0 business models
and, among them, prediction markets. Finally, building on these potentials, we
document and provide specifications on a prediction market Web 2.0 business tool
and model that will ultimately give boost to a truly competitive intelligent enter-

Keywords: Prediction Markets, Competitive Intelligence, SME, Enterprise 2.0

1 Introduction

The Web evolves rapidly, hosting more of both personal and business activities.
As people constantly spend more of their time online, the cyber world can be
harshly separated from the real one and our social and professional life gets in-
creasingly attached to WWW‟s offerings. This great evolution that mainly took
place in the second half of the current decade has lead to a fundamental reassess-
ment of the Internet scene, giving birth to „Web 2.0‟, a term often accredited to
O‟Reilly (2005). Still, „Web 2.0‟ seems to be a dubious concept that is hard to de-
fine. Despite the wide discussion among academicians and field scientists a con-
sensus on a solid definition is far from being achieved.
According to Tim O'Reilly (2006) “Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the com-
puter industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to
understand the rules for success on that new platform”. However, not everyone
agrees on the revolutionary character of Web 2.0 since for some it stands far from
a radically new version of the Web perceived only as another marketing trick to
absorb fluctuations created after the dot.com bust. Notably, Tim Berners-Lee ar-
gues about the „nonsense of such a term‟ (Laningham 2006), since most of its
technical specifications and components have existed since the early days of the
Web (Anderson, 2006). From a technical perspective this view can be hardly re-
futed since, even AJAX, which is considered as a major technical update of Web
2.0, is a mere additional layer building on top of a pre-existing web architecture.
Accordingly, it seems that Web 2.0 cannot be confined to “hard boundaries” since
it is more like a “gravitational core” (O‟Reilly, 2005) that holds together a diverse
set of applications including among others blogs, wikis, multimedia sharing serv-
ices, content syndication, podcasting and content tagging services - folksonomies.
These are not really new technologies, but services that are transforming user ex-
perience, changing the face of the Web.
Going back to its beginnings, the Web was largely about navigating static web
sites and solid lines between active content providers and passive content consum-

ers used to exist. Nowadays, things have dramatically changed and fundamental
reassessments of the way both businesses and individuals as well as developers
and users experience the Worldwide Web have occurred. Among them, the con-
sideration of the web as a platform focused on services instead of software, the
emergence and value of network effects, and the significance of user-generated
data are all properties that definitely characterize Web 2.0 (O‟Reilly 2005, Ander-
son 2007). Towards a taxonomy of all these features, it is argued that the most
fundamental of Web 2.0 components essentially lies in empowering the actions of
collecting, organizing, making accessible and finally building on the top of the
content submitted by users; in other words, providing a platform to breed and ac-
commodate their collective intelligence (Högg et al. 2006).
As evident, these changes are not limited to technology, showing a recursive,
cause and effect relationship with the global socio-economic evolutions. In this
sense, the Web is becoming an unprecedented global and democratic cyber space,
opening up new and largely unexplored opportunities for individuals and busi-
nesses alike. In this new Web, ideas, experiences, goods and services can be freely
exchanged and the process of knowing is a community-based and collaborative
endeavor (Alexander, 2006). Based on the above, it might not be farfetched to
claim that Web 2.0 is rather “an idea in people's heads rather than a reality. It‟s ac-
tually an idea that the reciprocity between the user and the provider is what's em-
phasized. In other words, genuine interactivity, if you like, simply because people
can upload as well as download” (Fry, 2007).
The concept of participation, on which Web 2.0 is based has also great economic
implications and opens up significant new potentials for enterprises. In the Web
2.0 era, “companies can design and assemble products with their customers, and in
some cases customers can do the majority of the value creation” (Tapscott and
Williams, 2007). In such a case, Web 2.0 can lead to a co-operative economy in
which value creation is based on networking and peering, while some authors
even talk about "free labor"(Terranova, 2000). This trend has even triggered the
enhancement of classical economics with terms and notions like the „Wikinomics‟
(Tapscott and Williams, 2007) and the „economics of attention‟ or „reputation‟
(Davenport & Berk, 2001). The common ground of these novel approaches seems
to lie in the efforts towards shaping well-structured business models capable to
monetize most of Web 2.0 services. Unfortunately, a closer look to current litera-
ture and business press proves that these attempts present a significant lag when
compared with Web 2.0 unstructured use and wide application. Among the few
existing efforts one can discern that of Tapscott and Williams (2007) who identify
seven Web 2.0 business models including peer pioneers, ideagoras, prosumers,
new Alexandrians, platforms for participation, global plantfloor and Wiki work-
place. However, in practice, with the exception of advertising, the vast majority of
Web 2.0 services have proven viable only under external funding, in exchange of
prospects for future profitability, which often never comes.
Although most efforts are still too early in evolution to support final judgment,
one could argue that this rather harsh reality is further amplified in the enterprise

setting. While the latest evolutions would typically suggest enabling companies to
outperform the competition by harnessing and integrating services provided by
others (Musser and O‟Reilly, 2006), the adoption of such practices by the business
world, popularized by the term „Enterprise 2.0‟ (McAffee 2006), is still at its in-
fancy. In the same context, the potential of transforming collective to competitive
intelligence remains latent.
This chapter‟s intent is to present and analyze a core Web 2.0 concept, as well as
its relevant business models, and particularly the ones that are capable of reach-
ing the aforementioned objectives. We focus on prediction markets, a mechanism
nearly synonym to the notion of „wisdom of crowds‟, which is located in the heart
of the collective intelligence‟s and Web 2.0‟s cloud of topics. Prediction markets
emerged fairly recently as a promising forecasting mechanism able to effectively
handle the dynamic aggregation of dispersed information among various agents.
The interest that this mechanism attracts has recently met significant expansion in
terms of both conducted research and applications (Tziralis and Tatsiopoulos
2007), while prediction markets are up to now accepted as a widely used forecast-
ing mechanism (Armstrong 2006).
In order to lay the foundations of our proposal, we initially provide a concrete de-
scription of the prediction markets‟ mechanism under the prism of Web 2.0. We
then proceed to present a comprehensive literature review on the subject, updated
and extended on the top of our previous one (Tziralis and Tatsiopoulos 2007)
which will provide a unique point of reference for the research field. The review
covers both theoretical research and applications of the topic, while the exposition
of the totality of case studies so far will shape a holistic understanding of the cur-
rent state-of-the-art on the field.
We further move on to categorize, describe and critique existing business models
that have utilized prediction markets so far, either as their core or secondary com-
ponent. In addition, the late emergence of such models and the yet rather unex-
plored nature of the subject is documented, followed by evidence on the very low
penetration of these new concepts in enterprise settings. Moving on to the heart of
this chapter we attempt to highlight the great potential impact of adopting and ap-
plying prediction markets‟ in a business context, especially that of SMEs (small
and medium enterprises). In this way we aspire to give shape to the potential of
the empowered by prediction markets competitive intelligent enterprise.
Competitive intelligence is defined as the process by which enterprises are able to
gather, analyze and manage their own information, as well as the information
about their external competitive environment, in order to enable optimal decision
making, at least in terms of their competition. While the ground is definitely fertile
for the competitive intelligent enterprise, such techniques remain at a premature
level of penetration, mostly implemented by large organizational entities and yet
absent in their potential perfect match, the „long tail‟ of enterprises, namely SMEs.
Under the Web 2.0 prism, competitive intelligence can be seen as a mechanism for
capturing the „wisdom of crowds‟ in a systematic and goal oriented way and trans-
forming it into a strategic asset, with great value creation possibilities, towards En-

terprise 2.0. Driven by such considerations, we introduce and document the con-
cept of competitive intelligence and its tight linkage to Web 2.0, while we also at-
tempt to monitor its applicability, methods and uses so far. Finally, we conclude
this paper with an insightful discussion of possible Web 2.0 applications that are
in the position to support CI processes by utilizing the power of prediction mar-
In summary, this chapter contributes to the Web 2.0 literature with a complete ref-
erence point to both prediction markets and competitive intelligence, while it also
provides an extended catalogue of relevant business models, either proposed or al-
ready in use. In that way we aim to provide a solid theoretical basis and a source
of additional value for both academics and practitioners that aspire to utilize the
power of Web 2.0 in their current or future research and/or business activities.

2 Prediction Markets

According to O‟Reilly (2005), Web 2.0 has clearly emerged as the “gravita-
tional core” of principles and practices that happened to tie together and gave
shape to its platform. In this context and by closely examining its core compo-
nents, Web 2.0 can be ultimately perceived as a platform for harnessing collective
intelligence. The virtues of collective intelligence were yet known since the era of
Aristotle (Sunstein 2008), who suggested that (in Barker, 1972) (ca 334-323 BC)
“when diverse groups all come together [...] they may surpass-collectively and as
a body, although not individually-the quality of the few best. [...] When there are
many who contribute to the process of deliberation, each can bring his share of
goodness and moral prudence... some appreciate one part, some another, and all
together appreciate all. […] Provided the mass of the people is not too slave-like,
each individual will indeed be a worse judge than the experts, but collectively they
will be better, or at any rate no worse.”
One could argue that Aristotle had already sketched the properties of diversity
of opinion, independence, decentralization and aggregation, which were nomi-
nated several centuries later by Surowiecki (2004) as the core elements of the
„wisdom of crowds‟, a concept naturally tight to Web 2.0 itself. In this context, the
tasks of deliberation and aggregation of diverse and independent opinions seem
perfectly fitted to Web 2.0 tools, while, among the various ones available, predic-
tion markets aroused as the most suitable to fulfill the promises of the wisdom of
crowds. In the following we attempt a deductive description of this mechanism.
Markets, in general, are social structures to enable the exchange of rights or
services and goods. More specifically, financial markets can be defined as institu-
tions that bring together buyers and sellers to trade financial products, namely se-
curities, commodities or other fungible items. Such institutions incorporate by
their very nature and facilitate, in one way or another, the four fundamental func-

tions of investment, hedging, speculation and information aggregation. Several in-

stitutions have been deployed during the years to efficiently support these func-
tions, mostly by focusing on just one of them. To name a few, stock markets are
created and operating with the primary purpose of capital allocation, futures mar-
kets scope in hedging risks and betting markets serve as a physical destination for
However, each one of these institutions facilitates also and in parallel the enti-
rety of all core market functions. For example, stock markets serve as a hospitable
environment for speculation as well, while hedging could be accomplished by
holding a wide portfolio of the traded assets and stock prices are unbiased estima-
tors of firm fundamentals (Mandelbrot 1966). In this context, there exists signifi-
cant evidence supporting the general presence of the fourth native function of
markets‟ operation, namely their aggregative and predictive nature. This presence
is strong even in institutions that were designed with different objectives in mind,
in both investing (Admati and Pfleiderer 1987, Chen et al. 2007, Grossman and
Stiglitz 1980, Hellwig 1980, Holmstrom and Tirole 1993, Lo 1997), hedging
(Jackwerth and Rubinstein 1996, Krueger and Kuttner 1996, Roll 1984) and wa-
gering cases (Boulier and Stekler 2003, Debnath et al. 2003, Figlewski 1979,
Gandar et al. 1998, Schmidt and Werwatz 2002, Thaler and Ziemba 1988, Winkler
Still, while well established and widely used market institutions to fully exploit
each of the first three essential features of markets‟ operation exist, the fourth fun-
damental function was not a raison d‟être of a market till the comparatively recent
emergence and development of prediction markets. Prediction markets are defined
as markets for contracts that yield payments based on the outcome of an uncertain
future event (Arrow et al. 2007). Such institutions are intentionally designed and
run for the primary purpose of mining and aggregating information scattered
among traders, while, by subsequently transforming this information into market
values, they produce directly interpretable predictions about specific future events
(Tziralis and Tatsiopoulos 2007).
The term “prediction markets” does not appear to be the single or definitive
way to refer to the aforementioned concept. On the contrary, the relevant termi-
nology is rather extended, including the essentially equivalent or more specific
terms of „information markets‟, „decision markets‟, „electronic markets‟, „virtual
markets‟, „political stock markets‟, „election stock markets‟, „artificial markets‟
and „idea futures‟. Moreover, Tziralis and Tatsiopoulos (2007) document that the
term „information markets‟ is even more popular, in terms of literature references,
than the „prediction markets‟ one. However, no matter what kind of applications
they are referring to or if there is a consensus on the definition details or not, we
shall continue using the latter term, as its usage seems lately to be verified in most
citations and business cases.
Prediction markets are typically considered as a rather novel and promising re-
search area. However, the first implementation of the concept goes one and a half
centuries back. Rhode and Strumpf (2004, 2007) document that markets for pre-

dicting the outcome of US elections have operated in Wall Street between 1880
and 1940. Relevant trading activities had grown enormously in size during the ear-
ly nineties, in such a way that they occasionally outperformed the New York stock
exchange, by openly trading securities on city, state and national races, which then
were usually receiving substantial media coverage on a daily basis. Rhode and
Strumpf (2007) report that the average bet volume in presidential historical mar-
kets was about 22 million (in 2000 US dollars), while the 1916 election has accu-
mulated 158 million (2000 US) dollars alone. However, during the Second World
War critiques on issues like moral hazard, election tampering, information with-
holding and strategic manipulation raised, which, in accordance with the emer-
gence of scientific polls, drove political betting markets to extinction (Rhode and
Strumpf 2004).
The concept‟s reincarnation took place only half a century later, when in 1988
a few researchers of the University of Iowa created experimental virtual markets
on political contracts, with a clear initial focus on studying market dynamics. Re-
sults appeared from the very beginning to be more than encouraging, as docu-
mented in the early works of the nineties (Forsythe et al. 1992, Berg et al. 1996,
Berg et al. 1997, Forsythe et al. 1994, Forsythe et al. 1992 and Forsythe et al.
1999). Yet today, the so-called Iowa Electronic Markets stand as the longest run-
ning case of contemporary prediction markets, while their track record indicate a
significant superiority in terms of forecasting accuracy versus the polls, even if the
maximum amount wagered in any election was more than 200 times less the aver-
age betting volume of historical markets (Berg et al. 2003).
The suggestion that markets might be created specifically to aggregate informa-
tion has matured from serial research attempts, the latter of them in the field of
experimental economics (Plott and Sunder 1982, 1988, Plott 2001), which re-
turned a Nobel prize in Economics to its pioneer, Vernon Smith (Nobel E-
Museum 2003, Morris 2004). Other fundamental keystones include the contribu-
tions of Hayek on open markets and their efficient and effective facilitation of in-
formation aggregation through prices (Hayek 1945), the efficient market hypothe-
sis which states that an efficient market continuously reflects the sum of all
available information about future events into security prices (Fama 1965), as well
as the theory of rational expectations, which acknowledges the ability of markets
to convey information through the prices and volumes of traded assets (Muth
1961, Lucas 1987). However, the concept of prediction markets in its previously
defined form was firstly introduced and illustrated by Robin Hanson, in a series of
articles published between 1990 and 1992 (Hanson 1990a, Hanson 1990b, Hanson
1991 and Hanson 1992) that could be perceived as the very first texts on the topic
which was later labeled as prediction markets.
Early works of the previous decade on the subject were mostly focused on po-
litical market applications that aroused, next to IEM, in Germany (Beckmann and
Werding 1996, Kuon 1991), Canada (Antweiler and Ross 1998, Forsythe et al.
1995 and Forsythe et al. 1998), Austria (Murauer 1997 and Ortner et al. 1995) and
Sweden (Bohm and Sonnegard 1999). Together with the contributions of Ortner‟s

PhD Thesis and inaugural experimental applications in Siemens Austria (Ortner

1996, Ortner 1997, Ortner 1998), these articles more or less constitute the totality
of documented references on the concept of prediction markets till late nineties.
Nevertheless, the basis for further development had already been laid and the
evolution came to follow in an almost exponential pattern, as Tziralis & Tatsi-
opoulos (2007) analytically document. This pattern, which today seems to be
equally valid, was applied both in theory and experiments, as well as in various
applications. We cover the milestones of the first ones in this paragraph, while we
next move on to a detailed analysis of implemented applications and their business
Among the most significant contributions to the subject was the introduction of
two proper market mechanisms, namely market scoring rules (Hanson 2003) and
dynamic pari-mutuel market (Pennock 2004), which are especially fitting to the
needs and virtues of prediction markets. Other works of special value include the
descriptive and popular texts of Wolfers and Zitzewitz (2004), Spann and Skiera
(2003) and Berg and Rietz (2003).
Experimental applications in other than enterprise settings that have been re-
ported in the academic literature involve, except from the aforementioned cases of
IEM and other political markets, markets on various sport events (Debnath et al.
2003, Schmidt & Werwatz 2002), trading on product ideas (Chan et al. 2001,
2002), opinion surveys (Dahan et al. 2007), box office movies prediction (Spann
& Skiera 2004), estimations on technologies‟ buzz (Mangold et al. 2005) or even
influenza activities (Polgreen et al. 2007). Moreover, there exists some work on
analyzing the behavior and accuracy of well-established non-experimental predic-
tion marketplaces, like the ones of Chen et al. (2005) and Servan-Schreiber et al.
(2004) regarding sport events on Tradesports and Newsfutures, or the contribu-
tions of Gruca (2000), Gruca et al. (2003, 2005) and Pennock et al. (2000, 2001,
2001) regarding box office predictions on Hollywood Stock Exchange.
Moving into the enterprise space, academic references and analyses on the use
of prediction markets as internal decision support tools for various organizational
functions seem to be rather few. The inaugural attempts by Ortner (1997, 1998) on
forecasting projects‟ delivery time in Siemens Austria and, in parallel, by Chen et
al. (2001, 2003, 2004) in HP sales forecasting were only lately followed by others.
More recent attempts include demand forecasting in Intel (Hopman 2007), idea
markets in Siemens (Soukhoroukova 2007) and GE (LaComb et al. 2007), predict-
ing selected balanced scorecard indicators in Nokia (Glienke et al. 2007), while
the concept‟s application in Google (Cowgill et al. 2008) clearly marks another
milestone for the concept‟s diffusion.
Therefore, we argue that the integration of the prediction markets concept in
real life enterprise settings in terms of documented cases in the literature is signif-
icant but rather limited. Furthermore, we came across a phenomenon elegantly de-
scribed as information on prediction markets‟ cases not being preferably pub-
lished, mainly on academic sources but also on popular media. Potential reasons
may vary, ranging from business tactics of not disclosing information about the

enterprise tools in use up to the need of a significant volume of potentially confi-

dential data and publication cycle time. In the following, we attempt a comprehen-
sive list of enterprises that are reported in the public domain to anyhow use inter-
nal prediction markets. Table 1 presents references from academic resources or
popular media, while the –by no means exhaustive– list of enterprises reported to
use such tools also includes Motorola, Qualcomm, InfoWorld, MGM, Chiron, Fri-
to Lay, TNT, Yahoo, Corning, Masterfoods, Pfizer, Abbott, Chrysler, General
Mills, O‟Reilly and TNT.

Enterprise Target Reference

Siemens Austria Project delivery time Ortner 1997, 1998
HP Printer sales Chen et al. 2001, 2003, 2004
Intel Corporate allocation, planning, forecasting Hopman 2007
Siemens Ideas Soukhoroukova 2007
General Electric Ideas LaComb et al. 2007
Google Various Cowgill et al. 2008
Eli Lilly Drug efficacy Kiviat 2004
Microsoft Product shipment dates Kiviat 2004, King 2006
Archelor Sales volume, prices King 2006
Nokia Balance scorecard indicators Glienke et al. 2007
Intercontinental Ideas Lohr 2008
Best Buy Sales Dye 2008
Electronic Arts Financial planning Lohr 2008
Swisscom New services demand Lohr 2008
Cisco Chip defects prediction Lohr 2008

Table 1: A non-exhaustive list of enterprises using prediction markets, as reported in academic

resources or popular media

The variation of running cases and their range of application clearly indicates
the wide applicability of the mechanism and to some extent its great potential.
Moreover, the concentration of references in the last couple of years suggests a
substantial growth of the concept‟s diffusion in the enterprise world, in close anal-
ogy to the growth documented previously in research conducted on the subject.
This concentration may also indicate a further relationship between prediction
markets and Web 2.0, at least at the extent of their correlated recent evolution.
Despite the evidence of prediction markets‟ stable evolution in the enterprise
arena, during recent years, one can not overlook the fact of few existing prediction
markets services providers. This fact on the one hand proves the concept‟s useful-
ness but on the other it can be a severe alert of its inability to be translated into a
viable business model. A successful business model even for the most bright ideas

is never a trivial task since it requires a win-win long lasting business situation for
all business entities participating in both the provision and the consume side of the
service offering.
Therefore, taking into consideration the significant increase in the number of
reported prediction markets applications, one can argue without much hesitation
or justified doubt that there is a substantial expected value for the enterprise con-
sumer side. What remains to be discussed is the potential value from a prediction
market web service provider‟s perspective. This is attempted in the remainder of
this section.
In general, it is argued that there are three major approaches to monetize a pre-
diction markets web service from a provider‟s perspective. The first one seems ra-
ther intrinsic to the nature of a virtual market, as it regards trading commissions,
while it is only applicable to real money markets. In a permutation of the classic e-
commerce model, the market facilitator could add a price on the offered market
service, by earning a specified commission, either per transaction basis or on the
profits gained by each trader. Such a model may provide a significant flow of in-
come, directly analogous to the size and participation across the available user
base, but at the same time constitutes a potential barrier for gaining new traders.
The model is successfully implemented by high traffic marketplaces like Betfair
and InTrade/TradeSports, however its use is still problematic in countries like the
United States, where a clear legal distinction between event contracts and gam-
bling has not yet been determined (Arrow et al. 2007, CFTC 2008). Another sig-
nificant barrier to the commission-based business model applies to enterprise pre-
diction markets. In such cases, the use of real money is typically non-acceptable,
for a variety of both ethical and practical reasons. As a result the first major busi-
ness model is nearly not applicable to the under focus intra-enterprise marketplac-
The next logic option for value creation and revenue build-up is the well known
and successfully applied in other web 2.0 business models solution of advertise-
ments. The success of the advertising business model could be mainly attributed
to its indirect nature. Adopting the advertising model, the provider does not mo-
netize the service itself -which is typically given for free- but the attention that us-
ers pay to the service. Typically through textual ads or banners, this attention is
partially redirected to the message and website of the advertiser, who finally re-
turns a fee to the service owner. Clearly, the viability and profit of a prediction
marketplace using a sole advertising model definitely requires an extensive user
base. So far, for example, the only prediction marketplace that has demonstrated
such a volume of users is Hollywood Stock Exchange, which naturally adopted
the advertising model. However, even if the essential requirement of a strong user
base typically diminishes the applicability of a revenue model based solely on ads,
this requirement can be severely relaxed when advertisements are applied in a
complementary fashion. Indeed, the majority of available prediction markets ser-
vices currently use or offer the option of serving advertisements, the income of
which may end up to the service provider or the marketplace host, namely the en-

terprise. However, same to the commissions‟ model considerations arise for inter-
nal enterprise uses, as the monetization of employees‟ attention is typically illogi-
cal or even non-acceptable.
The shortcomings of previous revenue models and the inherent prohibitions
that their own nature creates seem to be significantly relaxed in the case of a third
option that seems to gain ground into becoming the dominant revenue model at-
tempting to monetize enterprise prediction markets application and their related
business models. This option regards user or enterprise-paid services, where the
enterprise compensates the third party service provider to create an internal mar-
ketplace for its organizational needs. One may argue that, as long as the complexi-
ty and cost for developing a home brewed software solution remains high or, at
least, significantly higher than utilizing an off-the-shelf and highly customizable
web service, this option will be popular enough to stand as a viable business mod-
el for both enterprise customers and service providers. Indeed, with the exception
of a few software corporate giants, like Google and Microsoft, which have dep-
loyed their own solutions, the vast majority of enterprises that utilize prediction
markets for decision support have adopted the paid services solution. As a result,
this business model has aroused as the most fitting one for a prediction markets
web service provider and is today adopted by nearly all current market players.
In this section so far we attempted a detailed literature review of prediction
markets followed by a tight integration of the PM concept within the Web 2.0 ar-
mory of emerging applications. Furthermore, the usefulness of the PM business
model for contemporary enterprises has been presented followed by a relatively
long discussion on the available revenue models from a service provider‟s pers-
pective. In other words, so far we have managed to describe the Web 2.0 applica-
tion that can be transformed into a viable business model, offering solutions to
problems that contemporary enterprises are confronting. What is still missing is
the application playground, or the problematic area that our proposed business
model is aspiring to heal. Therefore, in the next section, we attempt a brief litera-
ture review of the Competitive Intelligence (CI) management practice followed by
a short discussion about the appropriateness of Web 2.0 applications in Enterprise
CI support.

3 Competitive Intelligence

Gathering information about competition for the formulation of an effective

business strategy is most of the times a very time consuming, complicated and far
from trivial process. Acquiring a concise and clear knowledge of the competition,
including identities and its projected images, pricing information, strengths and
weaknesses, supplier schemes and customer base structure, is of critical impor-
tance for the contemporary enterprise struggling to survive in the new unstable
and hyper-competitive business environment of the 21th Century. In this demand-

ing enterprise playground, being competitive intelligent in the sense of learning

from the mistakes of others and avoiding them or by adopting their strong points
and trying to incorporate them in your business function can be the discriminating
difference between painful failure and soothing success. A competitive intelligent
enterprise knows when to enter a market, what entry strategies to use, when to
raise or drop prices, improve customer service, repackage its offer, protect from
various risks, undertake more attractive product adaptation, break up its competi-
tors' alliances and supply chain, and so on (Gikandi, 2007).
Competitive Intelligence is neither a new term nor a soon to be forgotten re-
search hype. It‟s been around for decades and was mostly perceived as a branch of
traditional Knowledge Management emphasizing on external knowledge sources
in order to enhance knowledge based competitive advantages (Nonaka, 1991; Pru-
sak, 1996). The emergence of the Internet paradigm, enabling almost anyone with
a browser to gain access to an ocean of data and information turned the searchlight
beam directly on to Competitive Intelligence and its potential, attracting large
numbers of practitioners, business analysts and academic researchers. Since then,
numerous are the efforts for a definitive interpretation of CI attempting to deter-
mine a commonly accepted scope and set its context (Herring, 2002; Giese, 2002;
Miller, 2001).
In this Chapter we adopt the definitions of Fleisher and the Society of Competi-
tive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) which in combination, we believe, they pro-
vide the essence of this emerging scientific area. Fleisher (2007) defines CI as “the
process by which organizations gather actionable information about competitors
and the competitive environment and, ideally, apply it to their planning processes
and decision-making in order to improve their enterprise‟s performance”. In the
same frequency, the definition of SCIP (2007) views CI as “the legal and ethical
collection and analysis of information regarding the capabilities, vulnerabilities,
and intentions of business competitors”. The combination of these two definitions
in our opinion provides an adequate description of the CI process and relaxes the
concerns raised by many researchers of the field related to the often misuse of the
term when referring to illegal and unethical actions for acquiring competitive in-
formation and industrial espionage.
As already mentioned, enterprises used to practice competitive intelligence
long ago before Internet‟s brave new world came to existence. Back then, enter-
prises made significant investments to a rather slow, tedious, expensive and cum-
bersome process supported by traditional tools such as the telephone, fax machine
and face to face interviews. Not rarely depending on the investments and therefore
the size and wealth of the organization, internal efforts to assemble CI information
were unsuccessful or ill resulted. In that case, enterprises had to turn to external
consulting institutions and buy the so much desired reports for a high price and
most of the times in a paper format. Under these circumstances, it is easily de-
duced that only large and wealthy enterprises were able to practice effectively CI
processes and thus CI as a topic remained rather secluded and bounded to a “circle
of privilege” defined by company size, culture, wealth and sometimes industry.

Things started to change with the advent of the Internet and nowadays almost
anyone with a personal computer and an Internet access can practice competitive
intelligence and have a fair amount of adequately filtered results within hours.
Even a non internet proficient user can gain access to available Web Sources rang-
ing from personal home pages to corporate Web sites and professional statistical
and information services for prices starting from as low as 8$ a month for online
access to a range of databases (Gikandi, 2007). This evolution does not change the
fact that large enterprises still have greater potential for conducting CI studies but
for sure it smoothes the differences in both magnitude and method of approach
enabling small and medium sized companies (SMEs) and in some cases micro en-
terprises as well, to get their hands on the intelligence they need to conduct suc-
cessful world trade at an affordable price.
Based on the above description, one could easily assume that Competitive In-
telligence has already gained a significant place in everyday business practice of
both large and smaller enterprises. Unfortunately, this is hardly the case. Our lite-
rature study proves that currently CI is used in a structured manner (a well defined
and documented process) by large companies and is considered as a strategic tool
that supports competition (Madden, 2001; Toit, 2003) but the situation changes
when company size or wealth is reduced. In the later case CI approaches become
rather anarchistic and ill structured if not completely absent. Case studies of well
organized CI applications in SMEs can be found in France (Didier, 2006) and
Canada (Calof & Breakspar, 1999) but they seem to be bright exceptions, when
compared to the American literature from which CI in the SME context is almost
absent (Brandau & Young, 2000). And this happens despite the wide recognition
of the importance of SMEs in employment and economic development (Observa-
tory of European SMEs, 2003).
Undoubtedly, SMEs are in great need of the benefits CI can provide them since
globalization is putting immense pressure on them and the only means they have
to fight back is innovation (Whitfield and Szeto, 1997), making their need for
competitive intelligence an imperative. Furthermore, we claim that SMEs consti-
tute a fertile ground for applying CI, since not only do they need it, but they also
have a flair for exploiting foreign sources of knowledge (Robinson, 1982), in con-
trast to larger organizations (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004). A core requirement
of SMEs in order to engage in KM and CI specific initiatives is the provision of
pragmatic and immediate benefits in competitive advantages (Kerste & Muizer,
2002), which is the exact target of the proposed research.
In doing so, we support the argument that the emergence of Web 2.0 business
models can play a significant role towards the empowerment of CI support in
SMEs. We base this argument on the basic characteristics of Web 2.0 these being
democracy, servicing the long tail (SMEs though large in numbers seem to consti-
tute the long tail of subserviced entities when it comes to CI), exploitation of the
network effect and the new perspective on software viewed as a service and not a
package. To further support our perspective, in the next section we present an in-
sightful discussion on a Prediction Markets enabled CI approach. In our opinion,

this discussion will set the necessary conceptual basis for the elaboration of an in-
novative Web 2.0 platform capable of utilizing the power of the opinion makers
and the now emerging prediction markets paradigm in an attempt to resolve main
issues and overcoming core impediments of CI application in SMEs.

4 Prediction Markets Enabled CI – A Discussion

Web 2.0 has ultimately enabled the creation, contribution and sharing of in-
formation, in ways never thought possible a few decades before. This reality de-
scribed by some authors as an ocean of available information serves simultaneous-
ly as both a unique opportunity and a protective barrier to the promise of a truly
competitive intelligent SME. Blogs, wikis, social networks, business and scientif-
ic portals or other components of the deep web present a potential, as well as an
extra resource-intensive task for information extraction. In this context, each busi-
ness model and the potential of its application is finally assessed on the basis of
effectively handling the information explosion that enterprises are nowadays expe-
Hopefully, recent developments contributed CI mechanisms and technologies
that are considered to be able to handle this information overload. The respective
software market is steadily growing, providing solutions for the data collection
and organization activities. Such solutions are based on intelligence agents (Bui &
Lee, 1999; Fuld, 1999; Boureston, 2000), which ensure that the system is sensitive
to the evolving marketplace needs (Martin, 1992), as well as push technologies or
analytical services, including data warehousing and mining, OLAP and informa-
tion sharing applications (Shaker & Gembicki, 1999).
The above CI technologies and tools attempt to transform the unstructured in-
formation that largely exists in Web 2.0 into a structured and goal oriented set of
meaningful information based on specific business needs. However, the result of
this filtering process is far from being complete or providing ready-to-use infor-
mation for the purposes of decision support. For one thing, the development of a
CI tool that provides extensive tracking of relevant information on the web is
nearly a utopia, at least considering the resources of an SME. Moreover, data col-
lected still need to be validated and triangulated, checked for omissions, and
looked for inconsistencies and anomalies (White, 1998). The latter is of extreme
importance since information derived from the Web is not always valid, not to
mention the fact that competitors may be trying to prevent others from getting at
key inputs, through the practice of diffusing false information with the intent of
deception (Dishman & Nitse, 1999). It occurs that strict CI procedures, purely uti-
lizing artificial agents or algorithms, have some limitations, both on their efficien-
cy and potential as business models. The age-old struggle of man versus machine
seems not to yield optimal solution near its edges, in our case.

To address these considerations, a new and promising approach is necessary

that can enrich and evolve the practice of competitive intelligence, giving it the
necessary thrust to proceed in the Web 2.0 era. Such a service, designed to collect,
merge and filter relevant information from the experts and provide dynamic, accu-
rate, and fully quantified consensus views presents –to our opinion- a fairly ap-
propriate tool for aggregating expert‟s information and early capturing market
trends. Building on this potential we put forward and prescribe a novel prediction
market Web 2.0 business model that will ultimately give boost to a truly competi-
tive intelligent enterprise.
In essence, what we propose is the possibility of an integrated and innovative
approach utilizing the power of Web 2.0 applications and business models, such as
prediction markets in order to achieve the ultimate goal which is the Competitive
Intelligent Enterprise. In that sense, a Web 2.0 platform is created that can act as a
global corporate radar (Pollard, 1999), thus supporting effectively business deci-
sion making. In the core of our business model lie emerging collective knowledge-
based Web 2.0 applications such as the blogs, wikis and social networks to name a
few. These applications constitute the unstructured sources of information, neces-
sary for the operations of overlying CI and prediction markets tools that process
the information and create tangible reports for the system‟s users. It should be
noted here, that according to our approach, prediction markets come to serve as a
separate layer of a human-powered meta-filter of information, which finally
moves the mix of man versus machine usage into a more optimal balance for deci-
sion support.
Human agents possess a unique capacity of adopting and processing new in-
formation. In our case, for example, managers could quickly filter and learn from
various kinds of information on the competition that an SME faces. At the same
time, they typically suffer from biases and shortcomings (Armstrong and Brodie
1999). These properties stand to make artificial agents able to perform comple-
mentary to the faults and virtues of human ones. The latter however involves a ro-
bust mechanism able to combine the opinions of the many, while also cutting
down the imperfections and maximizing the advantages of human nature. An ab-
stract representation of the proposed approach is depicted in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. The Proposed Approach

In conclusion, we do believe that prediction markets seem to offer an ideal

match. In the settings of an SME, employees possess and are able to contribute in-
formation of significant value on CI topics of interest. The Web, undoubtedly,
constitutes a deep and rich resource of information, fundamentally essential for
providing input in existing analytical tools and techniques. Moreover, managers
and employees shall be able to take advantage of both pure web sources, as well as
the outputs of the CI tools under use. At this stage, prediction markets come to
perform the aggregation of various opinions and estimations of all employees that
–by building on both Web 2.0 and CI inputs, as well as on their experience and in-
formation– seamlessly provide clear inputs to the decision making processes. The
latter, however continue to be served also by CI tools, ultimately enabling the en-
terprise that builds on inputs and processes of both tacit and implicit nature and
receives aggregated signals from both the web, artificial and human agents.


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Chapter 16. Innovation Culture for Knowledge
Management in new e-Ra

Irene Samanta Rounti

Technological Education Institute in Piraeus


In the current global business world, knowledge management is the most

significant factor for the improvement of business procedures that leads to
innovation. Organizations will have to include innovation as an indispensable
operational function in their medium-term or long-term plans. The key findings
of this study were that successful learning organizations had adopted a culture
based on innovation, had management support for innovation, were aware of the
relationship between innovation and strategic planning and where employees‟
contribution to innovation was recognized and rewarded.

1 Introduction

In a rapidly change economic environment firms in order to succeed in a glob-

al base take into account the acquisition of appropriate knowledge as a conse-
quence the management of organizational leaning is fundamental ( Drucker 1968;
Toffler 1990). Therefore there is a necessity for organizations to adopt systematic
approaches to sharing and managing knowledge. Also, it is crucial that companies
think about how their employees acquire new knowledge (Guglielmino and Gug-
lielmino, 2001).Organizations have to implement and manage human resource de-
velopment programs taking into account to different learning styles and attitudes.
Although there has been a huge amount of theoretical and practical research study-
ing the nature of knowledge management, there is a need for synthesizing its con-
tributions in a more manageable and pragmatic way. Managers are aware of the
new dynamics playing in the new economy and the consequent greater importance
of knowledge within their organizations. However, due to the complexity and ab-
straction of this concept, managers might become confused about how to act in
order to improve their knowledge management related activities. Furthermore, the
increasing development of new information and communication technologies and

the emphasis of consultants and technology developers on the use of technology

might have distorted the concept of knowledge management per se and the impor-
tant potential of information and communication technologies to support knowl-
edge management processes.
To deal with a theoretical approach to organizational learning is identified to
better understand how firms acquire new knowledge to disseminate successfully
for both business and technology. A firm‟s actual capacity to innovate depends
upon various factors, such as the internal structure of an organization to assist and
facilitate innovation, but also the accumulation of innovation knowledge conti-
nuously supplying innovations with resources and capabilities. The interaction of
those factors helps firms to create a mechanism of improving innovation capacity
(MIIC). MIIC benefits the research and development (R&D) process for new
products in order to meet customer needs and create new markets (Szeto, 2000).
Innovation capacities can be developed and maximized as part of a continuous
improvement of the firm‟s competitiveness, through knowledge creation, know-
ledge management, total customer satisfaction, benchmarking, information tech-
nology, strategic alliances and empowered employees.
Through an exploratory research study conducted by Neely et al. (2001), was
investigated the relationship between business performance, innovation and the in-
ternal and external factors which can facilitate innovation within a company. Re-
search findings about the effect of IT technology on employees sharing informa-
tion behavior are mixed but it is not clear if support knowledge sharing as
replacing face-to-face communication (Mirand and Saunders, 2003).Some studies
found the use of such technology enhances knowledge sharing (Dennis 1996)
while others could not find any effects (Warkentine et al 1997) or even come to
the conclusion that it inhibits knowledge sharing (McLead,1997).
Denning (2000) recognized that innovation culture is necessary for the devel-
opment of e-commerce with knowledge being shared not only between staff but
also with networks and the partners.

2 Knowledge Management as a result of Innovation Culture

According to previous researches (Harari, 1994; Nonaka, 1994; West, 1992),

the organizations that are able to stimulate and to improve the knowledge of their
human capital are much more prepared to face today's rapid changes and to inno-
vate in the domain where they decide to invest and to compete. All competitive
efforts, which come from competitors' knowledge and innovations, affect the suc-
cess of firms‟ strategies (Curren et al., 1992). (Cited in Carneiro A., 2000, pp. 87-
98).Therefore the knowledge development in the area of innovation technology,
the specialization on business processes, and innovative products is the strongest
source of competencies.

Probst et al. (2000) suggest that knowledge management is the management of

a company‟s corporate knowledge and information assets as well as its business
processes to encourage a better and more consistent decision making. Knowledge
management is recognized as the fundamental activity for obtaining, growing and
sustaining innovation in organizations in a rapidly change environment (Malhotra,
2000; Marr and Schiuma, 2001). Davenport and Grover (2001) and Liebowitz
(2000) support that the successful use of firm‟s corporate knowledge across its
business processes increase a long-term success and growth. Nonaka and Takeu-
chi (1995) conceptualize knowledge management as the management of those
processes that manage the generation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge.
Bose and Sugumaran (2003) and Cegarra and Rodrigo (2005) identify a know-
ledge management process structured into three continually interacting phases:
knowledge acquisition (KA), knowledge distribution (KD) and knowledge utiliza-
tion (KU).Although there are many attempts to define knowledge, it is an ambi-
guous and rich concept which points many directions simultaneously. Here we
will describe the main dimensions of knowledge and the nature of knowledge
Drawing on the definition made by Polanyi (1966), we distinguish tacit know-
ledge, which is personal and unconscious, from explicit knowledge, which can be
articulated. Despite being simple to be understood, this epistemological distinction
is extremely important when managing knowledge. Explicit knowledge may be ar-
ticulated, and therefore, copied or transferred easily. Therefore, explicit know-
ledge might result a required but not distinctive resource in organizations. On the
contrary, due to the unconsciousness characteristic of tacit knowledge, this kind of
knowledge is difficult to be captured or imitated, so it might be a potential strateg-
ic source of competitive advantage. However, this fact also impedes the measure-
ment of tacit knowledge. Hence, we opt for operationalising tacit knowledge indi-
rectly by assessing the objects and processes where it resides or is created.
Another important dimension of knowledge depends on the location of know-
ledge. Individual knowledge is the knowledge possessed by individuals. Know-
ledge is intrinsically linked to people, since they know and have the skills to act.
On the other hand, organizational knowledge refers to the knowledge commonly
shared within the organization, that is, a collective understanding. Organizational
knowledge is shaped by the organizational routines, symbols, behavioural norms
and values, etc., that is, the organizational culture, which has been developed over
time and, thus, is distinctive of the firm. Thus, Barney (1986) states that the orga-
nizational culture is a valuable, rare and imperfectly imitable. The strategic impor-
tance of organizational knowledge has aroused in the new economy, since due to
the globalisation of the markets individuals easily move from firms taking their
experiences with them. Therefore, is based on the knowledge management life
cycle: knowledge creation, knowledge storage and retrieval, knowledge transfer
and knowledge application (Alavi and Leidner, the analysis of the factors influen-
cing the development of organizational knowledge is of critical importance.

Knowledge management cycle might happen at different levels within the or-
ganization, from the individual level to the external level. The adoption of this
perspective is also very interesting since it might allow us to identify what levels
in the organizations are stronger or weaker, whether some of them are more signif-
icant than others, etc.
The focus on the dynamic nature of knowledge is consistent with the concept of
capabilities, introduced by Amit and Schoemaker (1993), who claim that the value
of the resources does not reside in them, but in the way in which they are used.
Thus, capabilities are embedded in the organization and its processes (Makadok,
Organizations are social entities, where culture acts as the invisible glue that
unites individuals into social structures (Smircich, 1983) and holds part of the col-
lective knowledge, the organizational and tacit knowledge, and shapes the routines
and ways of acting within organizations. Therefore, it is important to include cul-
ture as a potential complementary capability of knowledge management. Based
on the existing literature, we propose mission, vision and values of the firm, inter-
nal communication through team working, empowerment and reward systems lea-
dership coaching to form the culture construct.
At the same time, several studies have researched the influence of culture on
organizational performance and even their interaction with other factors such as
leadership or high-performance human practices. Most of the studies have found
positive relationships between culture and organizational performance (Chan et al,
2004; Ghobadian et al, 2002; Denison and Mishra, 1995). Although most authors
notifying the role of culture on knowledge management. In this study we analyse
the impact of organizational culture on knowledge management and organization-
al performance simultaneously.

2.1 Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing has been recognized as being strategic and as a means of

leveraging firm and industry competitiveness (Kogut et al. 1992; Nonaka et al.
1995). Many studies have looked at the factors that inhibit or encourage know-
ledge sharing within and between organisations. Most of the barriers seem to ad-
dress people, organisations and/or technology features (Huysman et al. 2002;
Lindsey 2003), or to cross these three categories like culture, lack of rewards
(Barson et al. 2000; Hall et al. 2004) and information culture (Jarvenpaa et al.
2000).It can be argued that knowledge sharing involves a conscious desire, wil-
lingness, and therefore, the concept of trust plays a preponderant role in it. Other
authors have also referred to the importance of leadership, common purpose and
trust (Brazelton et al. 2003), and social resources (Brown et al. 2000), were said to
enhance the willingness to share knowledge. Regarding the consequences of

knowledge sharing, scholars have asserted implicitly its correlation with the im-
provement of firm‟s effectiveness.

2.2 Linking new e-Ra economy with business performance

through knowledge management

E-business differs fundamentally from traditional business because of the key

role that IT takes in acting as a conduit, enabler and facilitator for different busi-
ness functions. Some e-businesses operate on a physical market, others on a vir-
tual one and others on both. The aim of this research is to explore how knowledge
management can enable e-business implementation in Greek firms. Is there a
knowledge management process to implement e-business systems and, if there is,
which strategies are more likely to ensure a successful implementation of the sys-
tems in new e-Ra? This paper attempts to address these questions through an
empirical study of e-business medium firms in different sectors of activities in
Greece. The majority of such firms faces an intense competition and therefore are
highly induced to enter processes for knowledge management and systematizing
the „learning‟ process (Osland and Yaprak, 1995).
According to Bhatt (2000), organizations adapt themselves to their external en-
vironments by designing responsive structures and systems. A key mechanism in
the design of such systems is knowledge codification (KC), which involves con-
verting knowledge into machine-readable forms and storing them for a future use
(Bose and Sugumaran, 2003). Malhotra (2000) asserts that knowledge codification
delivers a JiT information.
Hagel and Armstrong (1997) suggest that implementing new and flexible tech-
nologies and systems facilitates communication constructing, bridge networks
among people and on-the-job training and learning. This is the traditional view of-
ten adopted by larger organizations, Gold et al (2001) and Malhotra (2000).
Gold et al. (2001) has recognised two strategies of knowledge management and
their effects on „e-business‟. In order to implement technological systems in new
e-Ra, companies need to assure and sustain the acquisition and distribution of
knowledge as prior steps. Through the acquisition and distribution of knowledge,
firms raise a dynamic process where teams groups are continuously able to in-
crease their capacity to codify knowledge. Therefore companies need to insert
and sustain knowledge management capabilities through the development and in-
tegration of currently available technologies. Consequently, firms that seek for
better and more effective adaptation to the new economy follow some steps be-
fore implementing and introducing their product or service to the market that in-
tends to create an environment in which innovation is built in and developed with-
in every employee. These steps are identified by Johannessen et al, 2001:
 1st Step: Managerial Orientation
 2nd Step: Organizing Innovation

 3rd Step: Cooperation Development

 4th Step: Leadership Practice
 5th Step: Performance Growth
In addition as knowledge acquisition and distribution contributes to fostering
knowledge utilization and Malhotra (2000) refers as the basic tools of knowledge
management we can propose that in order to implement e-business systems, com-
panies need to provide and support these strategies as the prerequisite step to e-
business performance.

3 Developing the Conceptual Model

Drawing on the theory, the model (Figure 1) aims to research knowledge man-
agement, as the main capability, and its interaction with other concepts (e-
business, organizational context and organizational culture). The integration of
these factors will allow us to have a better understanding due to a greater and
more holistic theoretical coherence.

3.1 Innovation culture construct to share knowledge

In the current global business world, innovation management is the most

significant factor for the improvement of business procedures. If corporations in-
tend to be competitive in a constantly changing environment, they will have to
transform technological and scientific achievements into better and more effective
products, in order to dominate at the domestic or international level. There are
studies which have investigated the impact of e-Ra as a capability and their impact
on innovation culture. However, all the constructs agree with the human and tech-
nical aspects involved in the adoption of new technology. According to Melville et
al (2004), most empirical studies support a positive relationship between informa-
tion and communication technologies and organizational performance (Bharadwaj,
2000; also Melville et al (2004) cite: Lehr and Lichtenberg, 1997; Lichtenberg,
1995; Siegel, 1997).

H1: New e-Ra global environment positively influence innovation culture

H2:New e-Ra global environment positively influence organizational performance

According to the results of Powell and Dent-Michallef (1997), “information

technology alone does not produce sustainable performance advantages but advan-
tages can be gained by using information technology to leverage intangible, com-

plementary human and business resources”. Thus, new e-Ra economy has an indi-
rect effect by leveraging knowledge management capabilities

3.2 Tasks of knowledge management process

Organizations are entities, (Smircich, 1983) and culture holds part of the collec-
tive knowledge, the organizational and tacit knowledge, and shapes the routines
and ways of acting within organizations. Therefore, it is important to include cul-
ture as a potential complementary capability of knowledge management previous
academic research into innovation culture has focused on various aspects of this
topic, including different innovation culture perspectives (Christensen and Rosen-
bloom, 1995). From a network perspective, innovation culture emerges from col-
laborations or alliances for new developments. From a marketing perspective, in-
novation relies on the need and expectation changes of markets, which are then
incorporated into the process of product development and emerge as marketable
new products. From a management perspective, innovation is the management of
all resources (from within and outside) of a firm to foster new ideas for new de-
velopment. From a technological perspective, innovation tends to be a technologi-
cal change or breakthrough applied to new product development (Szeto, 2000).
H2: Innovation culture positively influences on firm‟s Knowledge management

3.3 Organizational Context

Regarding knowledge management, Lee et al (2003) argue that context is a key

issue when dealing with organizational knowledge. Knowledge management ac-
tivities might vary depending on the stability of the environment, the technological
turbulence, etc. Internal structure, organizational dispersed ness, and composition
of the stakeholders, among others. Consequently, it can be proposed that:

H3: knowledge management capabilities are mediated by the organizational


Figure 1: Conceptual Model

Firms that operate in new e-Ra economy

(Some of their operation are working in e-commerce where the rest face to face

Organizational Context
Medium Sized firms
Structure- Stakeholders
Technological turbulence

Knowledge Management Innovation Culture leads to

Acquisition Organizational Performance
Dissemination New e-Ra indicator
Utilization Traditional business indicator.
Managerial Orientation
Organizing Innovation
Cooperation Development
Leadership Practice
Performance Growth
Culture construct to share Knowledge
Executive Orientation
Innovation Camp
Team Building
Leadership Coaching
Leadership Coaching

4 Research results

Knowledge management establishes discipline and is examined in medium-

sized firms along with its status and role and what their policy implications are.
The criteria used for the selection of the participating firms were the sector catego-
rization with a satisfactory representation of different kinds of commercial and in-
dustrial companies together with the private sector of services. The population of
the MSFs comprises of 1525 business firms according to the ICAP (2004) re-
search study. The firms chosen for the sample should have an R & D department
or invest to that direction. The number of firms that composed the sample was
10%, 99 of which responded to the questionnaire with rate of respond 65, 1%.

4.1 Defining the firms’ behavior towards new e-Ra economy

From the research analysis, two groups of firms emerged which include differ-
ent characteristics towards innovation culture. In the first group knowledge man-
agement is developed in internal environment, which influences the companies di-
rectly. In the present research, it is noticed that top management has a tendency to
develop an innovation culture, which has as a result a reference to a specific inno-
vation strategy with specific procedures towards innovation with fast ways of in-
novation transmission to new e-Ra, so that networks that promote innovation are
developed. In the second group, the companies are placed in a human-centric sys-
tem with a future prospect to move from the traditional business to new e-Ra
economy. There is a conjugation and a balance between the human-centric and the
technocratic systems. The company‟s development for creating scale economies is
accomplished through an occasional partnership or stable long-term partnership.
This shows the psychological tendency of managers to maintain their indepen-
dence, given that a great percentage of medium – sized businesses, in Greece, they
are referred to as family businesses.

4.2 Knowledge Management Cycle in medium–sized firms in


The results were verified that the dissemination and utilization of the know-
ledge management is in a satisfactory level. The high level of management has fo-
cused on the importance of an innovation culture and has inspired innovation val-
ues, to a certain extent, in the business environment.
The most important factor that assists a firm to be the leader is the extent to
which the innovation culture has been transmitted in the firm‟s internal environ-
ment. The majority of Greek firms have developed knowledge management
processes to contribute effectively creating an innovative cycle, where new ideas
are generated from different perspectives. The diffusion of the knowledge is
transmitted through the products which are distributed in the marketplace or
processes are implemented throughout the organization. Their application then ge-
nerates ideas for improvements, and so the cycle is repeated. Organizations that
belong to the first group spend most of their innovation effort envisioning the
change to new e-Ra and shape their strategies to that direction.

4.3 Knowledge Management benefits

Firms consistently track the benefits obtained from innovative activity by

measuring some important factors. As far as innovation benefits are concerned,
managers of Cluster 1 pay more attention to the satisfaction of their customer‟s
needs. These shows the orientation corporations innovate, wishing to top their cus-
tomer‟s preferences.
Improvement of the product value is of equal importance as loyalty to the
firm‟s brand. Measuring the benefits pays less attention to their employees‟ per-
formance as managers don‟t consider it as a semantic indicator. This is due to the
fact that medium-sized firms are customer-oriented in order to acquire profit in the
short-term and don‟t aim at invest long-term benefits from their employees.

4.4 Knowledge management Sources

The majority of the respondents in Cluster 1, in order to create a product or to

improve their processes, prefer mainly to research the procedures their competi-
tors/customers apply in the market. The basic characteristic of the innovative first
group of firms is the attempt to introduce new processes for the adaptation in the
new e-Ra, while the second group of firms aims at improving the processes.
Therefore the Cluster 1 (C1) of firms has adopted radical business processes and
changes to face the dynamic business environment. Firms of C1continuously re-
define and adopt organizational goals, purposes, and manage the knowledge as a
“way of doing things”. Collaboration with external organizations is considered to
be an important innovation source. The sample indicates that most of the compa-
nies examined follow an occasional cooperation with an external organization,
such as a university or research institute aiming at gaining useful information for
potential market and technological changes.
An important finding is that a significant percentage does not accept the con-
cept of partnerships. Regarding technology acquisition, firms prefer to develop
technology in their Research and Development (R&D) department, considering
research as the most reliable way of achieving technological and competitive ad-
vantage. Access to innovation is created by the vast majority through the devel-
opment of an R&D department, which is also verified by the previous result con-
cerning independence maintenance, while a small percentage develops innovative
technology through a partnership. The managers‟ leadership skills are also suffi-
ciently developed, providing the personnel with the right directions for innovative
results. The leading activities of managers provide the personnel with the right di-
rections so as for the firm to prove more productive by making use of the know-
ledge offered.

4.5 Leadership Competencies manage knowledge driving to

Innovation Culture

A set of variables identifies the leadership‟s competencies in the area of

knowledge management and innovation culture. On a scale from one to five ("not
at all" to "consistently and effectively") the two groups of firms demonstrate the
following behaviours. Managers‟ skills in C1 develop the knowledge management
sufficiently, providing the personnel with the right directions for innovative re-
sults. Consequently the benefits derived from these leadership competencies are
innovation culture, and encourage the active communication between co-workers
and among other divisions. Cooperation, team spirit and lastly emphasis on idea-
generation are the main priorities for managers to create an innovative model that
ties business strategy into the day-to-day innovative process.

Form Cluster 1 Cluster 2

Our organization has moved beyond hit-and-miss innovation to a more

strategic e-commerce approach that is aligned with our growth strategies. 4,24 3,41

Our organization has fostered a culture that expects everyone, at every

level, to contribute to the innovation e- process. 4,27 2,91
Our organization has built networks, pathways and platforms that promote
the flow of innovation both internally and externally through alliances and
partnerships 3,99 2,78
Our organization has adopted/adapted a step-by step funnel process that
facilitates idea generation/collection right through the development of a
business case and deployment of the new product/service/process. 4,04 2,53
Our organization has created opportunities to learn by building e-
commerce systems that capture key leanings from the innovation process
and communicate these leanings across the entire enterprise. 3,97 2,63
(Visionary Leadership) I take the mystery out of innovation by defining it.
As a leader, I have lead our team through a process to define what innova-
tion really means inside our organization/business unit. We've developed
a clear, concise definition of innovation based on our organizational cul-
ture and internal/external parameters. 3,96 2,66
(Aligning for Success) I link innovation to our business goals. As a leader,
I've positioned innovation within my business unit/department, as an inte-
grated aspect of our organization's overall success--not as a gimmick. We
have created an Innovation Model that ties our business strategies into the
day to day innovative process. 4,01 2,88
(Strategic Decision Making) I define challenges specifically. As a leader,
I have targeted important challenges that require innovative solutions. I
have prioritized these areas and I've allocated resources to ensure imple-
mentation. 3,82 2,97

(Communication) I encourage actives communications. As a leader, I've

created an environment of mutual support among co-workers. I've facili-
tated discussion across the organization by helping to set up effective
lines of communications no only in our own team, but also among other
departments/divisions. 4,40 3,50

4.6 Resource Allocation and its Impact on Innovation Success

The results below recognize how the Greek firms are allocating resources in re-
lation to their innovation strategies. They have mandated a certain percent of an
individual's work time to be dedicated to informal idea generation, exploratory
thinking, and experimentation. Specifying the time they allocate it is among 6-
10% and 11-15% of staff‟s time. In addition firms, in order to better improve the
capabilities of leaders, teams and individuals they allocated funds for performance
improvement programs and tools to utilize their innovative potential and perform
to their fullest (58 firms). Besides, funds have been allocated by the C1 of firms to
create a dynamic, knowledge-based e-learning system for communicating across
the organization. Finally organization rewards and recognizes innovative out-
comes on the part of individuals and teams

5 Conclusions

The globalization of product and service markets is accelerating. Greek firms

face increasing competition, not only for sales, but also for technical know-how
and skills. In this environment, competitiveness at the company level depends cru-
cially on the speed with which new products can be brought to the marketplace at
lower cost. Similarly, the creation of wealth depends to a very large extent on the
speed with which knowledge management through scientific and technological
breakthroughs is converted into practical and attractive solutions. Innovation – the
ability to reap the rewards of scientific achievement – due to KM requires much
more than the ability to turn a new idea into a working product .Efficient flows of
technology are not enough; ready supplies of finance and of business skills are al-
so needed (Ahanotu, 1998). In short, what is needed is a dynamic, self-sustaining
culture of innovation. Specifically, the companies that demonstrate innovative
leadership are characterized by a relatively high contribution of machinery and
equipment costs to their operations; devote relatively more company resources to
R & D; consider innovative ideas promptly; and have a strategic plan in operation
that leads their team through a process to define what innovation really means in-
side their organization/business unit. They‟ve developed a clear, concise definition
of innovation based on their organizational culture and internal/external parame-

ters and cooperate with research institutions and universities. Innovative firms
spend more on R & D than the less innovative firms, a fact which confirmed by
Danskin et al. (2005). Also, firms possessing internal technical expertise are more
innovative than firms without such expertise as Carneiro (2000) substantiated. In-
novative firms cooperate with outside scientific and technical establishments and
make deliberate efforts to survey externally generated ideas. The development of
innovative business capacity needs a long lasting effort, and that is the reason why
management should welcome any type of alteration. In every organization, there
are unlimited qualifications for the implementation of innovation and improve-
ment. Firms that belong to C2 have set a low or moderate value (medians between
2.5 and 3 for the corresponding variables) for the culture of the innovation process
that they have adopted, while they have set a low value (medians between 2 and
2.5 for the corresponding variables) for the leading capabilities of their leader.
Firms that belong to C1 seem to have adopted a certain policy for innovation
while their leader has certain managing skills leading the team to this direction
(medians 4 and 5 for the corresponding variables), diffusing the innovation into
the internal environment of the firm, which means there is effective communica-
tion. Firms of C1 link the goals through communication and include tactics refer-
ring to internal effective communication. The successful linking between the aims
of the company and the challenges of the new e-Ra of economy will be carried out
effectively with the positive handling of knowledge management (KM). In this
way will be able to correlate KM and innovation culture for the outcomes of stra-
tegic decisions.
This means that firms implement a specific innovative strategy which results
from the procedures that facilitate the production/collection of innovative ideas
among the employees at any level. This research investigates if there is some kind
of benefit when a manager managing the knowledge receiving from innovative
environment orders the employees to spend as much time as they can so as to
adopt the innovation culture. The deduction is that corporations which make this
kind of order bring the following benefits: connection of innovation with the goals
of corporation, purifying defiance, and communication, all parameters of the qua-
lifications that guide to the innovation and to the organizational performance..


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Authors Bios

R. Todd Stephens is the Senior Technical Architect of the Collaboration and On-
line Services Group for the AT&T Corporation. Todd is responsible for setting
the corporate strategy and architecture for the development and implementation of
the enterprise collaborative and metadata solutions. Todd has over 130 profes-
sional and academic publications including seven patents. Additionally, he has
authored or co-authored eight books in the field of information technology. Todd
holds degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from Columbus State Uni-
versity, an MBA degree from Georgia State University, and a Ph.D. in Informa-
tion Systems from Nova Southeastern University.

Kathrin Kirchner is a postdoc at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Department

of Business Information Systems. She works in the fields of (spatial) data mining,
decision support and knowledge management. Her PhD work entitled "A spatial
decision support system for the rehabilitation of gas pipeline networks" was fi-
nished in 2006 in Jena.

Liana Razmerita is Assistant Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Center

of Applied ICT. She holds a PhD in computer science from University Paul Sa-
batier, Toulouse, France. Her PhD entitled „User Models and User Modeling in
Knowledge Management Systems: an Ontology-based Approach‟ has been
awarded in December 2003. Her research work includes domains such as: User
Modelling, Semantic Web, Knowledge Management, e-Learning and e-

Frantisek Sudzina finished his studies in Economics and Business Management

at the University of Economics Bratislava in 2000, in Mathematics in 2004, and in
Computer Science in 2006. He finished his PhD with the title "Impact of Man-
agement Information Systems on Business Competitiveness" in 2003. Then he be-
came an assistant professor at the University of Economics Bratislava and since
2007, he works as an assistant professor at Copenhagen Business School.

Christian Briggs is completing his PhD in Human Computer Interaction Design

at the Indiana University School of Informatics, where his formal research focuses
on digitally-augmented organizations and culture, new media and marketing.
Prior to IU, Christian worked for Ziff Davis Interactive, Surfwatch, Walt Disney
Imagineering, One to One Interactive and The Palladium Group. Within these
roles, Christian has gained a deep understanding of digital culture, and how it di-

alectically interacts with individuals and with groups of people. In his free time,
Christian has founded BigTreetop.com – a web platform for bridging customer in-
terests with local business entrepreneurism to revitalize community marketplaces.

Margarida Cardoso is a Sociologist with a Master degree in Anthropology of

Social Movements. She is a PhD student in Information Systems and Technolo-
gies, at University of Minho - School of Engineering. She has been a research
grantee for the last two years at INETI, a Portuguese State Laboratory, where she
worked among other things, on projects about CoPs and future centers & open in-
novation. She is now on the move for a new position in a national agency.

António João Vidal de Carvalho holds a degree in Informatics/Applied Mathe-

matics, a Master Degree in Informatics for Management and is a PhD student in
Information Systems and Technologies at the University of Minho. He is a lectur-
er at Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP) since
1992. He is co-author of four books in the area of informatics for personal produc-
tivity edited by Centro Atlântico.

Isabel Ramos is an Assistant Professor at Information Systems Department of

University of Minho, Portugal. She is the Chair of the Master Programmes in In-
formation Systems. She coordinates a research group in Knowledge Management.
She also has research work in the field of Requirements Engineering. Isabel Ra-
mos is associate editor of the International Journal of Technology and Human In-
teraction and Secretary of the IFIP TC8 (Information Systems). Her research and
teaching interests include: requirements engineering, knowledge management,
open innovation, organizational theory, sociology of knowledge, history of
science, research methodology. She is responsible for the user studies in two
funded R&D projects and does academic consulting in knowledge management.
Isabel Ramos is author of more than two dozen scientific papers presented at in-
ternational conferences and published in scientific and technical journals. She ad-
vises the work of several PhD and Master students.

Nicole Radziwill is co-chair of the innovation research group of the Network

Roundtable at the University of Virginia, and serves as the Assistant Director (VP)
of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory where she is responsible for broa-
dening global access to diverse observatory resources using information technolo-
gy. Nicole has an MBA and is a doctoral candidate in Technology Management
and Quality Systems at Indiana State University, investigating practical ways to
drive quality, innovation and business value through social networks and particip-
ative technologies.

Ron DuPlain is a Software & Systems Engineer at the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, where he applies agile development to web applications and tele-
scope instrumentation. Ron has a B.S. in Computer Engineering from the Univer-

sity of Cincinnati, where he studied hardware systems, simulations, VLSI micro-

chip design, and software engineering. Ron co-founded ThoughtView Ltd. to in-
vestigate emergent thought management tools in the context of participative net-

Jose Luis Marín de la Iglesia serves as CEO in Gateway S.C.S., a Spanish con-
sultancy firm. His expertise and multidisciplinary College education (University
of Valladolid) in Technology (Telecommunication Engineer in 2000) and Busi-
ness Administration (Graduate in 2006) provides him a deep understanding of
both technical and managing issues involved in Web 2.0. He is currently undertak-
ing PhD studies on Web languages and technologies, field in which he has leaded
6 research projects in the past few years. He is also a member of IEEE and writes
about Web 2.0 in the Open Economy blog.

Jose Emilio Labra Gayo obtained his PhD in Computer Engineering at the Uni-
versity of Oviedo in 2001. He has been the Dean of the School of Computer
Science Engineering of Oviedo since 2004. His research interests are Semantic
Web Technologies and Programming Languages. He has been part of the Pro-
gramme Committee of several International Conferences in those subjects. He is
the leader of the WESO (Semantic Web Oviedo) research group at the University
of Oviedo.

Senoaji Wijaya, B.Eng. is a post-graduate student and a teaching assistant at the

Institute of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University, majoring
in Business Informatics. He is currently conducting a thesis research at Deloitte
Consulting, the Netherlands, and has developed a Webstrategy Framework with
regard to the emergence of web 2.0 and collaborative business model. His teach-
ing assistance responsibilities include „E-Business‟, „Enterprise Architecture‟, and
„Strategic Management, Organization Development and ICT‟ master courses.

Marco R. Spruit is an assistant professor in the Organisation & Information re-

search group at the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht
University in the Netherlands. His research currently focuses on business aspects
regarding Linguistic Engineering and Data Mining. Before, he had been a profes-
sional software developer for 14 years in the fields of Information Retrieval & In-
telligence, and an independent product software vendor for SME‟s.

Wim J. Scheper is a professor in the business-IT alignment at the Institute of In-

formation and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University, the Netherlands. His
current interests are in the field of Business Model Innovation, especially on web
2.0 business models. He also actively works as a partner at Deloitte Consulting
and has developed the Business Maturity Model.

Sagar Bhatnagar works at Yahoo! HQ in Sunnyvale (CA) in “My Yahoo” team.

He has an MBA from SUNY Buffalo(MIS and Operations Mgmt), a Bachelor of
Engineering (Computer Science) from Delhi Institute of Technology (now NSIT)
and around 7 years work experience in telecom and internet software. His interests
are web-based softwares, web2.0/3.0 and virtual worlds.

Tejaswini Herath is an Assistant Professor at Brock University, Canada. She got

her PhD in MIS at SUNY Buffalo

Raj Sharman is an Assistant Professor in the Management Science and Systems

Department at SUNY Buffalo, NY. He received his B. Tech and M. Tech degree
from IIT Bombay, India and his M.S degree in Industrial Engineering and PhD in
Computer Science from Louisiana State University. His research streams include
Information Assurance, Extreme Events, and improving performance on the Web.
His papers have been published in a number of national and international journals.
He is also the recipient of several grants from the university as well as external
agencies. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Information Systems

H. R. Rao is a professor of management information system and science at the

state university of New York at Buffalo. He has authored or co-authored more
than 100 technical papers, of which more than 90 are published in archival jour-
nals. He is a associate editor of Decision Support Systems, Information Systems
Research and IEEE Transactions in Systems, Man and Cybernetics, and , guest
senior editor of MISQ special issue on cybersecurity and co-editor- in -chief of In-
formation Systems Frontiers.

Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Ph.D., is a Professor of Computer Science and Engi-

neering at the State University of New York at Buffalo where he also directs the
Center of Excellence in Information Systems Assurance Research and Education,
designated by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Se-
curity. His research interests are information assurance, computer security, fault
diagnosis, fault tolerant computing, and VLSI Testing. He has authored or coau-
thored more than 200 articles in refereed journals and conferences in these areas.
He was a guest co-editor of the book Managing Information Assurance in Finan-
cial Services, IGI Global, 2007 and was a guest co-editor of a special issue on Se-
cure Knowledge Management in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cyber-
netics, May 2006. He is on the Program Committees of several international
conferences and workshops. He is a senior member of IEEE.

Clif Kussmaul is Chief Technology Officer for Elegance Technologies, which

develops software products and provides product development services, and Asso-
ciate Professor of Computer Science at Muhlenberg College. Formerly, he was
Senior Member of Technical Staff at NeST Technologies. He has a PhD from the

University of California, Davis, an MS and MA from Dartmouth College, and a

BS and BA from Swarthmore College. His interests include agile development,
virtual teams, and entrepreneurship.
Roger Jack is President of Elegance Technologies, Inc. Roger has experience in
project management, and creating reliable and robust interfaces and architectures.
He was Vice President of U.S. Software Operations for NeST Technologies,
where he managed many offshore projects. He has an MBA from Duke Universi-
ty's Fuqua School of Business, and an MS in Computer Science from Villanova

Marie-Helene Abel passed the PhD from the university of Compiègne in 1994
(France). She worked during four years at the University of Amiens as associate
professor before joining the University of Compiègne in 2000. She is in charge of:
the specialization “Knowledge Engineering and Information Media” - University
of Technologie of Compiègne, and the DoC research team (Document and Know-
ledge) - UMR CNRS Heudiasyc. She is leader of the Research Team ICI (Infor-
mation, Knowledge, and Interaction). She has published numerous papers in Jour-
nals and Conferences in the e-learning or knowledge engineering domain. She was
in the scientific committee of conferences on e-learning and knowledge manage-
ment. She takes part to European research projects. She is a member of the Net-
work of Excellence Kaleidoscope, the European Network Taconet, and the Web
Intelligent Consortium.

Hak-Lae Kim received his PhD degree from the Dankook University in 2008. He
is currently a researcher at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute at NUI Gal-
way, and is researching semantically-enabled social spaces and social computing.
He is also member of the Web 2.0 Working Group in Korea. He is founder of the
SCOT (Social Semantic Cloud of Tags) ontology and project, aims to provide se-
mantic relations for tagging data, and has implemented the int.ere.st web site for
OpenTagging platform.

John Breslin received his PhD degree from the National University of Ireland,
Galway in 2002. He is currently a researcher and adjunct lecturer at the Digital
Enterprise Research Institute at NUI Galway, and is leader of the Social Software
research group there. He is founder of the SIOC (Semantically-Interlinked Online
Communities) initiative, which provides an open-data format for community de-
scription. He co-founded Ireland's largest message board site, boards.ie Ltd., in
2000. The Irish Internet Association presented him with Net Visionary awards in
2005 (for boards.ie) and 2006 (for adverts.ie).

Mariano Corso, PhD, is full professor of Organization and Human Resources at

the School of Management, Polytechnic of Milano where he chairs the course of
Management Engineering at the Cremona site. He is director of the Master in
“Management and Organisation Development” and of the Observatory on Enter-

prise 2.0. He promoted and coordinated national and international researches on

Knowledge Management and is author of 100 publications at the international lev-

Antonella Martini, PhD, is assistant professor of management at the University

of Pisa where she teaches Innovation Management and Business Economics and
Organisation. Her main research interests concern Knowledge & Community
Management, and Continuous Innovation: she is actively involved in national and
international projects on the fields and member of the international board of the
Continuous Innovation Network (CINet). She is author of more than 50 publica-
tions at the international level.

Andrea Pesoli is researcher at the School of Management, Polytechnic of Milano,

where he is the project manager for the Observatory on Enterprise 2.0. His main
research interests concern Intranet and Enterprise 2.0.

Vladlena Benson received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of
Texas at Dallas, USA. She is an active researcher in the areas of Information Se-
curity and Semantic Web technologies. In 2004 Vladlena joined the Department of
Informatics and Operations Management at Kingston University, London. Be-
tween 2001 and 2004 she held a Senior Lecturer post at the Department of Com-
puting Science at Middlesex University, UK.

Barry Avery is a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Informatics and Opera-

tions Management at Kingston University, London. He is an active researcher in
Web Technologies, in particular those applied to learning and teaching.

Wen-Chung Shih received a B.S. degree in Computer and Information Science

from National Chiao Tung University in 1992 and an M.S. degree in Computer
and Information Science from National Chiao Tung University in 1994. He re-
ceived the PhD degree in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University
in 2008. He passed the second class of the National Higher Examination in Infor-
mation Processing field in 1994 and in Library Information Management field in
2004, respectively. Since 2004, he has worked as an executive officer in National
Chi Nan University library, Taiwan. In August 2008, he joined the faculty of the
Department of Information Science and Applications at Asia University, where he
is currently an assistant professor. His research interests include e-learning, ubiq-
uitous learning, web 2.0, content retrieval, parallel loop scheduling, grid comput-
ing and expert systems.

Shian-Shyong Tseng received the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the
National Chiao Tung University in 1984. Since August 1983, he has been on the
faculty of the Department of Computer and Information Science at National Chiao
Tung University, and is currently a Professor there. From 1988 to 1991, he was

the Director of the Computer Center at National Chiao Tung University. From
1991 to 1992 and 1996 to 1998, he acted as the Chairman of Department of Com-
puter and Information Science. From 1992 to 1996, he was the Director of the
Computer Center at Ministry of Education and the Chairman of Taiwan Academic
Network (TANet) management committee. From 1999 to 2003, he has partici-
pated in the National Telecommunication Project and acted as the Chairman of the
Network Planning Committee, National Broadband Experimental Network
(NBEN). Since 2003, he has been acting as the principal investigator of the Tai-
wan SIP/ENUM trial project and the Chairman of the SIP/ENUM Forum Taiwan.
In Dec. 1999, he founded Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) and was
the Chairman of the board of directors of TWNIC from 1999 to 2005. Since Au-
gust 2005, he is the Dean of the College of Computer Science, Asia University.
He is also the Director of the e-learning and application research center at Na-
tional Chiao-Tung University and is currently a science and technology consultant
of Ministry of Education. His current research interests include expert systems,
data mining, computer-assisted learning, and Internet-based applications. He has
published more than 100 journal papers. Dr. Tseng is an editor of International
Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Journal of Internet Technology and Journal of Com-
puters, and a member of IEEE and Phi Tau Phi Societies. He is also a Co Editor-
in-Chief of Asian Journal of Health and Information Science. He was named an
Outstanding Talent of Information Science of the Republic of China in 1989. He
obtained the 1992, 1994, and 1995 Outstanding Research Awards of the National
Science Council of the Republic of China. He was the winner of the 1990, 1991,
1998 and 2000 Acer Long Term Awards for outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision
and the winner of 1992 and 1996 Acer Long Term Awards for outstanding Ph.D.
Dissertation Supervision. He was also awarded Outstanding Youth Honor of
R.O.C. in 1992

Jui-Feng Weng receieved his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of
Computer and Information Science, National Chiao Tung University Taiwan in
2000 and 2002, respectively. Currently, he is a Ph. D student of National Chiao
Tung University, Taiwan. His current research interests include e-learning, knowl-
edge engineering, expert systems, and data mining, etc.

Georgios G. Tziralis, Mech. Eng. is a Doctoral Researcher in the Section of In-

dustrial Management and Operations Research of National Technical University
Athens (NTUA). His research and teaching interests are highly correlated with the
term „forecasting‟ at large, ranging from statistics, time series and econometrics,
to data mining and machine learning. His clear focus is now on prediction mar-
kets, which also comprise the core of his dissertation, aiming at some contribu-
tions of impact to the field. Lately, prediction markets also gave outlet to his en-
trepreneurial flair.

George Vagenas is a Mechanical Engineer of the National Technical University

of Athens (NTUA), specialized in Industrial Engineering. He is also a Doctoral
Researcher in the Sector of Industrial Management and Operational Research of
the National Technical University Athens (NTUA). His research interests include
among others Knowledge Management (see www.kminpractice.com) and Busi-
ness Process Management and Information Technology.

Stavros T. Ponis is a Lecturer in the Section of Industrial Management and Op-

erations Research of National Technical University Athens (NTUA) where he is
teaching a number of courses in a graduate and post graduate level (Supply Chain
Management, E-Commerce and Management of Information Systems among oth-
ers). Dr. Ponis is also an expert reviewer for the European Community, the Gen-
eral Secretariat of Research and Development and the Greek Information Society
S.A. His current research interests and publications move around the areas of Vir-
tual Enterprises, Knowledge Logistics for Empowering Supply Chain Effective-
ness and Performance, UML and Agent Modelling, E-Commerce and Supply
Chain Management Systems.

Samanta Rounti received her Bachelor in Business Administration, from the

Graduate Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Greece. She continues
with Post Graduate Studies in International Marketing (M.Sc. in International
Marketing) and M.Phil. in e-Marketing Business to Business Relationships with
the University of West of Scotland (former University of Paisley U.K.). She is a
Research Fellow at the Graduate Technological Education Institute of Piraeus. Her
current scientific research activities include e-marketing, B2B relationship, Mar-
keting Communication, Innovation Culture. Her research has been presented in
more than 16 European and global conferences with proceedings. In addition, she
has published a number of articles in scientific Journals. She is member of the
Editorial Committee in Strategic Outsourcing, an International Journal
(EMERALD Group Publishing)

A Information Tracking, 22
Adaptive Enterprises, 240 Innocentive, 74
Aggregate, 203 Innovation Culture, 300
B InnovationJam, 34
blog, 33 int.ere.st, 202
Blogs, 10 Integration Framework, 14
Bookmarking, 248 K
Business Cases, 155, 163 KM 2.0 tools, 35
Business Innovation, 83 KM Projects, 166
Business IT Alignment, 113 KM tools, 36
Business Model Adaptation, 118 knowledge management, 29
Business Strategy, 135 Knowledge management, 30
Business Transactions, 19 Knowledge Management, 155, 216
C Knowledge Sharing, 303
classification, 196 Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm, 116
Collaborative Business Model, 118 L
Collaborative networks, 72 Learning Frameworks, 247
Community, 248 M
Community dynamics, 62 mashup, 258
Competitive Intelligence, 289 mashups, 10
Competitive Intelligent Enterprise, 278 Mashups, 12, 178
Customer Interaction, 10 Mass Collaboration, 102
D Membership into the Network, 20
Density, 149 MEMORAe, 174
E Memories modelling, 188
E-learning, 176 N
Emerging Web 2.0 Technologies, 248 Navigation Interface, 189
enterprise 2.0, 207 Network Centralization, 150
Enterprise 2.0, 231 Network Externality, 149
EuroAlert.net, 104 Nine Sigma, 74
Exclusivity, 149 O
F online communities, 63
Flickr, 203 open communication culture, 40
folksonomies, 196 Open data, 199
Forms of Interaction, 29 Open Enterprise, 240
free services, 97 Open Innovation, 68
Freemium, 100 Open Innovation Communities, 61
G OpenTagging, 196
Globalization, 115 OpenTagging Platform, 199
IdeaWicket, 74 Participative Computing, 89
influence of Web 2.0 impact on KM, 32 Pervasive Computing, 89

Popular Social Networks, 143 Value Creation in Web 1.0, 51

prediction markets, 283 Value Creation in Web 2.0, 53
Prediction Markets, 278 value system, 48
Privacy, 144 Virtual Workspace, 207
Really Simple Syndication, 10 Web 1.0, 9
RSS, 10, 258 Web 2.0, 38, 73, 83, 91, 244, 282
RSS Technologies, 11 Web 2.0 Business Model, 278
S Web 2.0 Business Models, 45, 98
SCOT ontology, 200 web 2.0 concepts, 111
Semantic Forum, 174 Web 2.0 Environments, 8
Semantic Web Technologies, 196 Web 2.0 Implications, 117
Social Enterprise, 239 Web 2.0 Strategies, 244
Social Networking, 22 Web 2.0 technologies, 178
Social Networks, 141 Web 2.0 Technologies, 93
social tagging, 10 Web 2.0 tools, 74
Social Tagging, 11, 197 Web 2.0 Value-Add Components, 23
Subsidizing, 103 Web 2.x, 95
Success Factors, 37 Web 3.0, 41
Synaxon AG, 34 web2.0 applications, 177
System, 47 Webstrategy, 111
T Webstrategy Framework, 123
TagCommons, 198 Wiki, 258
Tagging Systems, 21 wiki usage, 33
Technical factors, 39 Wikipedia, 57
The Business Model, 117 Wikis, 11, 155, 158, 248
The Future of Web 2.0, 24 Work exchange, 101
User Contributed Content, 13 yet2.com, 74
YourEncore, 75
V YouTube, 203
Value, 46
Value Chain, 50

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