A Report On Solving The Problem of Excessive Trilec e Consumption
A Report On Solving The Problem of Excessive Trilec e Consumption
A Report On Solving The Problem of Excessive Trilec e Consumption
Abstract—The abstract does not only mention the paper, but is V. R ESEARCH M ETHODOLOGY
the original paper shrunken to approximately 200 words. It states
the purpose, reports the information obtained, gives conclusions,
The main difference between this section and the one in
and recommendations. In short, it summarizes the main points your report proposal is use of verb tense: there you suggested
of the study adequately and accurately. It provides information what you will do and here you will describe what you did.
from every major section in the body of the report in a dense Be concise and precise when outlining how you researched
and compact way. Past tense and active voice is appropriate your potential solutions. Remember that your research should
when describing what was done. If there is any, it includes key
statistical detail.
be guided by:
Depending on the format you use, the abstract may come on • Relevance to the context of application
the title page or at the beginning of the main report. • Your assessment criteria
• Practicality
So it may be worth commenting on your research methodology
I. I NTRODUCTION in light of the above (e.g., justifying a particular approach).
In this section, only describe how you collected data, and
This will be a revised version of the introduction in your
explain what you did to test your criteria. Do not include your
findings in this section.