Uk Conference
Uk Conference
Uk Conference
The research was carried out to appraise effect of prequalification in contractors’ selection process as
a criteria used for building projects in the construction industry. Field survey in different construction
industry in Lagos State was conducted. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaires,
40 questionnaires were distributed to construction professionals of which 35 were retrieved. The
questionnaires collected randomly and analyzed. Information gathered include; the major contractors’
prequalification criteria, the sub contractors’ prequalification criteria and extent of verification of
contractor’s document used to asses contractors on building construction works. Statistical Packages
for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data collected. The research discovered that the
professionals considered technical capacity more important among the major prequalification criteria.
Organization reputation was not appreciated, the professionals considered it very important. ‘Past
performance and quality’ among the sub contractors’ prequalification criteria, responses considered it
very important and political consideration with responses considered it very important. Also,
‘evidence of incorporation of name and registration’ among the evidence of document and
information submitted for prequalification, with the respondent considered it as the most important. It
can be concluded that some criteria were considered as not important, this is evident by the lack of
percentage score allocation to those criteria. It also reveals that, incorrect information, lack of proper
documentation, past client relationship are some of the problems encountered during prequalification.
The study recommends that, professionals should aspire to understand, adopt and implement the
requirements of contractors’ prequalification criteria of building project. Different organizations
should standardize respective building construction prequalification practices in putting into
consideration all criteria on contractors’ prequalification checklist with percentage score allocation to
each criterion.
Table 1: The mean items score for each sub-prequalification criterion calculated to obtain
the standard deviation as follows.
S/ Contractor’s 5 4 3 2 1 N Mea Deviation Ran
N document n k
1 Evidence of pension 5 6 1 6 7 35 2.885 1.32335 1
scheme of workers 1 7
2 Current work load 4 1 3 5 3 35 3.400 1.21752 2
9 0
3 registration with 1 1 4 4 1 3 3.914 1.02736 3
federal ministry of 2 4 5 3
4 experience and 1 1 4 3 1 35 3.942 1.02736 4
competent record of 1 6 9
the organization
5 organizational 1 1 5 2 0 35 4.028 .82197 5
structure 0 8 6
6 Construction plant and 1 1 1 5 1 35 4.057 1.16171 6
equipment 6 2 1
7 Evidence of tax 1 1 3 4 0 35 4.114 .99325 7
clearance and value 5 3 3
added tax
8 evidence of financial 1 1 1 5 1 35 4.171 .98476 8
capability and banking 6 2 4
9 Company address 1 1 0 5 0 35 4.257 1.03875 9
9 1 1
10 Staff strength of the 1 1 2 0 0 35 4.371 .59832 10
organization 5 8 4
11 Evidence of 2 1 3 1 0 35 4.457 .78000 11
incorporation name 1 0 1
and registration
Valid No 35
Source: Field Survey, 2018
From table 2, the respondents stated that evidence of incorporation name of business and
registration is the most important criteria during the verification of contractor’s document and
information submitted for pre-qualification process. Average mark for this is 4.66;
professionals/staff consider it as very important. None of the respondents gave it a lower
mark than 3, while the respondent consider evidence of pension scheme of workers as not too
important during verification of contractor’s document with an average mark of 2.89, of the
professionals consider it very important.
From the result of the analysis, it was established that among the major contractors’
prequalification criteria of building construction projects; Technical capacity of the contractor
is the most important criteria with a mean score of 4.68, the professionals and technical staff
consider it as very important. None of the respondents gave it a lower score than 4. The
remaining criteria as considered important are in the following sequence; financial capacity,
health and safety, management capability, and organization reputation. This also indicated
that all the criteria are important to the public and private organizations. The findings in this
research are similar to the findings of Ogunsemi and Aje (2006).Past performance,
contractors’ similar experiences, workmanship quality, tender sum and plant and equipment
were the most important criteria for contractors’ prequalification. The results also showed
that the most important sub pre- qualification criteria for assessing contractors in building
projects is the past performance and quality with a mean score of 4.5 with rank 23th, plant
and equipment with a mean score of 4.49 with rank19 and the political consideration, with a
minimal value of 3.03, and rank 1st as the least important criteria, as perceived by
professional/ staff from different organizations. The outcome of the research is also similar to
the outcome of Olatunji (2008), who commented that the contractor must satisfy the client in
terms of facts relating to capabilities, competencies and sound understanding of project
peculiarities in terms of evidences of past performance on similar projects.
Base on the findings of the research work, the following recommendations are made.
Contractor’s performance depends on the prequalification criteria used by the construction
professionals/ staff in the construction industry. The implementation of prequalification
criteria by the construction industry as whole to be successful, these organizations should be
guided by the criteria used and percentage score allocation to each criterion, for both major
prequalification criteria and sub prequalification criteria. Different organizations should
aspire to understand construction industry requirements, adopt and implement it for better
contractors’ prequalification in executing building construction.
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