ISCC PLUS System Document
ISCC PLUS System Document
ISCC PLUS System Document
Version 3.0
Copyright notice
This ISCC document is protected by copyright. It is freely available from the ISCC website
or upon request.
No part of this copyrighted document may be changed or amended. The document may
not be duplicated or copied in any form or by any means for commercial purpose without
permission of ISCC.
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
3 Governance .................................................................................................................. 7
5 System Basics............................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Acceptance of other sustainability schemes under ISCC PLUS ........................... 8
5.2 Material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification......................................................... 8
5.3 Voluntary add-ons under ISCC PLUS .................................................................. 9
11 GHG Emissions........................................................................................................... 16
11.1 Deviations with respect to emission factors ........................................................ 16
11.2 Calculation of regional GHG values for cultivation (eec) ...................................... 16
11.3 Calculation of individual GHG values for cultivation (eec) .................................... 16
11.4 Aggregation of different GHG values.................................................................. 16
11.5 Allocation of GHG emissions.............................................................................. 16
11.6 Life cycle coverage ............................................................................................ 17
13 ANNEX – ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS: Overview Differences ....................................... 18
13.1 General differences between ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS.................................... 18
13.2 Differences between ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS with regard to traceability and
chain of custody .......................................................................................................... 19
13.3 Differences between ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS with regard to GHG emission
calculation ................................................................................................................... 19
1 Introduction
ISCC – International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) is a Solution provider
certification system that offers solutions for the implementation and for sustainable
certification of sustainable, deforestation-free and traceable supply chains of supply chains
agricultural, forestry, waste and residue raw materials, non-bio renewables
and recycled carbon materials and fuels. Independent third-party certification
ensures compliance with high ecological and social sustainability
requirements, greenhouse gas emissions savings (on a voluntary basis Entire supply
under ISCC PLUS) and traceability throughout the supply chain. ISCC can chains and
be applied globally in all markets including the food, feed, biochemical and different markets
bioenergy markets.
ISCC applies strict rules for the conservation of valuable landscapes as well No
as the environmentally friendly and socially responsible production of compensation
agricultural and forestry raw materials. ISCC does not accept any form of accepted for
compensation or remuneration for breaches of system requirements. system breaches
Since 2006 ISCC has continued to develop through an open multi- Multi-stakeholder
stakeholder process involving representatives from agriculture, processing organisation
and refining industries, trade, and NGOs with ecological and social
backgrounds. Today, ISCC is one of the world’s leading certification
systems. The interests of the different stakeholders are represented in the
ISCC Association (ISCC e.V.), consisting of more than 100 members (May
2018). At regular regional and technical stakeholder committees in Asia,
Europe, North- and South-America, experiences and improvements of the
ISCC System are discussed, and – when possible – lead to continuous
improvements of the ISCC system.
ISCC operates different certification systems for different markets. These Different ISCC
systems are ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS.1 ISCC EU is a certification system to systems
demonstrate compliance with the legal sustainability requirements specified
in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and Fuel Quality Directive (FQD).
ISCC PLUS is a certification system for all markets and sectors not
regulated by the RED or FQD, such as the food, feed, chemical and energy
markets and for technical applications. Under ISCC PLUS, all types of
agricultural and forestry raw materials, waste and residues, non-bio
renewables and recycled carbon materials and fuels are covered.
ISCC offers a “One-Stop-Shop” solution, as the ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS ISCC as a “One-
schemes are widely harmonized. With only one audit an operation can Stop-Shop”
obtain both an ISCC PLUS and ISCC EU certification. The main criteria of solution
the ISCC sustainability scheme are based on the RED and FQD
sustainability requirements, with additional sustainability requirements on
social issues, which go beyond legal requirements.
ISCC also operates ISCC DE, which is a certification system to demonstrate compliance with the
German Sustainability Ordinances.
The ISCC EU System Documents also serve as system documents for the
ISCC PLUS scheme. The few differences and requirements that are specific System
to ISCC PLUS are described in this document, which is an additional Documents for
compulsory source of information to the ISCC EU System Documents for a ISCC PLUS
certification under ISCC PLUS. This approach should be a facilitation for
companies, certification bodies and other interested parties as they only
have to refer to one set of system documents and duplication of
requirements is avoided.
During the development of its systems, ISCC considers and complements Best practices
best practice initiatives like ISEAL Alliance and international standards like
ISAE 30002 and the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO).
This facilitates and enables a consistent and reliable application of ISCC
especially with respect to quality control, risk management, planning and
conducting of audits as well as sampling processes, surveillance and
reporting mechanisms. Furthermore, ISCC operates the ISCC Integrity
Program, which is a tool used to continuously monitor the performance of
the ISCC System Users and Certification Bodies (CBs) cooperating with
ISCC to ensure and maintain the high-quality standard and credibility of
ISCC PLUS for all other products such as food, feed or biochemicals (e.g.
“… to fulfil the requirements of the RED and FQD” is meant comparably for
“… to fulfil the requirements of the ISCC sustainability standard”). Any
obligatory regulatory requirements that are specific to the EU biofuels sector
such as the EU Reporting Obligation or the minimum GHG emission saving
requirement do not apply under ISCC PLUS.
There are slightly different requirements between ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS, Differences
especially with regard to traceability, chain of custody, and GHG emission between ISCC
calculation which ISCC would like to emphasize in this document. This EU and ISCC
document serves as an additional compulsory source of information to the
ISCC EU System Documents for a certification under ISCC PLUS.
3 Governance
The ISCC EU System Document 102 “Governance” lays down the general General
principles according to which the ISCC system is governed globally. It principles
specifies the goal and internal structure of ISCC, as well as the relationship
between ISCC and its stakeholders.
This System Document applies equally for ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS, with
the exception that ISCC PLUS is not a certification scheme recognized by
the European Commission and therefore the obligation to report to the
European Commission on its activities and status does not exist.
5 System Basics
The ISCC EU System Document 201 “System Basics” describes the Fundamentals of
fundamentals of the ISCC system. It outlines the basics with respect to the the ISCC system
set-up of the ISCC system and the certification criteria regarding
sustainability, traceability and the chain of custody, as well as greenhouse
gas emissions (voluntary under ISCC PLUS). The description of participants
in the supply chain who are subject to certification is also covered.
Additionally, the registration, audit and certification processes are described
as well as the requirements for the issue and validity of ISCC certificates.
This System Document applies equally for ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS, with
some differing requirements under ISCC PLUS which are described in the
following sub-chapters.
In order to satisfy certain market requirements which may not have been
covered within the ISCC PLUS system and existing add-ons3 ISCC will
consider the development of further extensions of the system with respect to
voluntary add-ons and scopes.
Within ISCC PLUS no certification schemes other than ISCC are currently Acceptance of
accepted. This means that all economic operators along the supply chain certification
must demonstrate that the ISCC sustainability criteria have been fulfilled. schemes
Within ISCC PLUS, it must be guaranteed that the whole upstream supply
chain up to the farm/plantation or point of origin is entirely ISCC certified
(“ISCC Compliant”). Any material used in an “ISCC Compliant” supply chain
must consist entirely of ISCC material.4 Material certified under any voluntary
schemes other than ISCC cannot be accepted in ISCC PLUS supply chains.
Sustainable material coming from ISCC EU or ISCC DE certified units which
fulfils the above “ISCC Compliant” requirement, shall contain the statement
“ISCC Compliant” on its sustainability declaration, in order to be accepted
under ISCC PLUS. The recognition of voluntary schemes other than ISCC
requires at least a positive equivalence benchmarking result. An exception
exists for raw materials certified under other schemes, only if the country of
origin of the raw material is Germany and if the certification proves
compliance with SAI GOLD or SAI SILVER (i.e. the performance level GOLD
or SILVER of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) is reached for the
production of the biomass).
ISCC was positively benchmarked by SAI against the FSA 2.0. ISCC (ISCC
PLUS and ISCC EU) automatically achieves the FSA 2.0 Silver level. If the
voluntary add-on “SAI Gold” is applied, the FSA 2.0 Gold Level is achieved
(see chapter 5.3).
ISCC keeps a list of materials eligible for certification (available in the client
section of the ISCC website) from which applicable input and output
materials and the exact wording must be selected. Under ISCC PLUS, other
materials that are not included in the ISCC material list can also be stated on
the appendix to the certificate after approval from ISCC.
Add-ons are additional modules of ISCC, which can be used on top of the ISCC core-requirements
At least on a quantity bookkeeping basis (see chapter 5 on Traceability and Chain of Custody)
5.3 Voluntary add-ons under ISCC PLUS
In addition to the core requirements of ISCC PLUS, ISCC provides the Voluntary add-
option to adapt ISCC PLUS certificates to specific market requirements ons to adopt to
through voluntary add-ons. Add-ons are modules that can be applied either specific market
for the agricultural production area or for the entire supply chain on a requirements
voluntary basis. The modular approach ensures the fulfilment of different
market requirements and continuous improvement.
Requirements for the certification of crops claiming to not contain
genetically modified organisms for technical markets. Applies at farm
and supply chain level
Under ISCC the use of recycled materials shall be beneficial compared to
the use of virgin materials.
An example of a recyclable input material is plastic waste. Plastic waste
originates for example at waste management companies where it is
separated from other waste materials and can be recycled after further
mechanical or chemical processing. This provides additional options to
promote the circular economy if a direct reuse of the plastic waste is not
8 Sustainability Requirements
The ISCC EU System Document 202 “Sustainability Requirements“ provides Sustainability
information on the sustainability requirements for farms/plantations, principles for
comprising of six sustainability principles: farms/plantations
This System Document applies equally for ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS.
This System Document applies equally for ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS, with
some differing requirements under ISCC PLUS which are described in the
following sub-chapters. Any references in the ISCC EU System Document
203 to GHG emissions calculation and GHG emission value information only
apply for ISCC PLUS if the voluntary Add-on “GHG Emission” has been
applied. Otherwise, those requirements can be omitted under ISCC PLUS
9.1 Requirements for Sustainability Declarations
Statement “ISCC Compliant”: Within ISCC PLUS, it must be guaranteed that ISCC Compliant
the whole upstream supply chain up to the farm/plantation or point of origin
is entirely covered by ISCC certification (“ISCC Compliant”). Sustainable
material coming from ISCC EU or ISCC DE certified units, which fulfil the
above “ISCC Compliant” requirement, shall contain the statement “ISCC
Compliant” on its sustainability declaration, in order to be accepted under
The statement “ISCC Compliant” can only be made if the ISCC certified
operator has received an equivalent amount of incoming material with the
statement “ISCC Compliant” on the sustainability declaration. First Gathering
Points can only make this statement for deliveries from farms or plantations
that comply with the ISCC requirements. Collecting Points can only make
this statement for materials collected from points of origin that comply with
the ISCC requirements.
Incoming material with the statement “EU RED Compliant” cannot be EU RED
accepted under ISCC PLUS. For outgoing materials, the claim “EU RED Compliant
Compliant” cannot be applied.
SAI Gold Compliance: “ISCC Compliant” material including the Add-on “SAI SAI Compliant
Gold” can be claimed as “Equivalent to FSA 2.0 Gold Level”. Alternatively,
the claim “SAI Gold Compliance” can mean that the raw material was
cultivated in Germany and was certified according to another certification
scheme that proves compliance with the SAI Gold performance level (in this
case the statement “ISCC Compliant” cannot be made on outgoing
sustainability declarations).
2) For add-on 205-01 “GHG Emissions”:
Farms/plantations covered under the certificate of a First Gathering Point or Annually signed
Central Office conduct an annual self-assessment and provide the signed self-declarations
self-declarations to the First Gathering Point or Central Office. If for
farms/plantations voluntary add-ons are additionally certified, the respective
farms/plantations additionally have to complete the “ISCC PLUS self-
declaration for add-ons” and provide it to the First Gathering Point or Central
Office. The templates of the self-declarations are available on the ISCC
During the audit, the First Gathering Point or Central Office has to provide a
list of all farms/plantations with names and addresses who have signed the
ISCC self-declaration within the past twelve months. If farmers apply one or
more of the ISCC PLUS add-ons, this must be clearly indicated on the list.
The mass balance system is the chain of custody option under which the Mass balance
sustainability characteristics remain assigned to batches of material on a
bookkeeping basis while the physical mixing of material with different
sustainability characteristics and the mixing of sustainable and non-
sustainable material is allowed. Any kind of mass balance operation and
calculation shall only be related to sustainable material. Under ISCC, the
maximum timeframe for a mass balance calculation is three months.
The following sustainability characteristics have to be distinguished in the Sustainability
bookkeeping: characteristics
> Waste/residue status of the raw material
> “ISCC Compliant”, “EU RED Compliant”, “SAI Silver Compliant” and
“SAI Gold Compliant” material
Figure 1: Negative balance of sustainable material can be balanced by sustainable material with a higher
sustainability category (all other sustainability characteristics have to be identical
If more sustainable material was received within one mass balance period Surplus
than was dispatched, the surplus of sustainable material in the bookkeeping sustainable
is called “credit”. It is possible to transfer credits from one mass balance material
period to the next. This is possible regardless of the amount of material in
stock (sustainable and unsustainable) at the end of the mass balance
In the case of a gap of up to three months between two certification periods
of a company, credits can be transferred from the last mass balance period
of the previous certification period to the first mass balance period of the
next certification period. It should be ensured that a company is continuously
certified, i.e. that no time gaps between certification periods occur.
Mass balances shall be kept strictly site specific. Credits achieved within one Site specific
site’s mass balance cannot be transferred to another site’s mass balance. mass balances
An exception applies for processing units and storage facilities certified
under ISCC PLUS. They can transfer credits between different sites under
the following conditions:
9.3.2 Co-Processing
This System Document applies equally for ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS.
11 GHG Emissions
The ISCC EU System Document 205 “Greenhouse Gas Emissions” explains Options on GHG
the options of stating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions along the supply emissions
chain and provides the methodology, rules and guidelines for calculating and
verifying GHG emissions and emission reduction.
Within ISCC PLUS, the verification of GHG emissions is voluntary and can
be added by applying the add-on 205-01 “GHG Emissions”. If the add-on is
applied, this System Document can apply equally for ISCC EU and ISCC
PLUS, with some differing requirements under ISCC PLUS which are
described in the following sub-chapters.
Within ISCC PLUS, emission factors can be individually calculated or come Emission factors
from official sources like the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) or Annex I
of the ISCC EU System Document 205 “GHG Emissions”. Furthermore,
values based on Ecoinvent, Biograce or other relevant databases or
literature can be used, if applicable. Recognized methodologies for individual
calculation are next to the RED or ISCC also ISO 14040/44 or ISO 14064.
The methodology used must always be verifiable during the audit or
alternatively the supplier must be ISCC or ISO certified.
11.2 Calculation of regional GHG values for cultivation (eec)
Additionally, for regional averages for cultivation that can be calculated for Typical GHG
countries outside the European Community, where no typical emission emissions for
values for cultivation (NUTS2 values) exist, it is possible under ISCC PLUS cultivation
for third parties (e.g. companies, plantation owners, associations) to
calculate typical GHG emissions for cultivation. The methodology shall follow
ISCC’s requirements and ISCC should be informed whenever such values
are calculated. However, a submission to the European Commission is not
In the case of individual GHG emission calculation for a group of farms or Averaging of
plantations, the averaging of input values and GHG emission values is GHG values
accepted under ISCC PLUS.
11.6 Life cycle coverage
Under ISCC PLUS, the GHG emission calculation can either cover the whole Life cycle
life cycle of the product (from cradle-to-grave), or only the emissions up to coverage
the factory gate (from cradle-to-gate). It must always be clearly highlighted
on the sustainability declaration of the product if the cradle-to-gate approach
has been used. If required, further information on the additional emission to
be included for the product must be provided to the recipient of the material.
12 Group Certification
The ISCC EU System Document 206 “Group Certification” specifies Certification of
requirements for the certification of groups, including the principles for groups
This System Document applies equally for ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS.
13 ANNEX – ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS: Overview
13.1 General differences between ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS
13.2 Differences between ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS with regard to
traceability and chain of custody
“ISCC Compliant”. If
“ISCC Compliant” and “EU applicable, claims for
Applicable claims
RED compliant” voluntary Add-ons used (ISCC
claims and logos document)
Mandatory (special
GHG information on Only if the voluntary Add-on
requirements for final biofuels
sustainability declaration “GHG emissions” is applied
see table below)
* Conditions for transfer of credits between sites under ISCC PLUS: Sites
are part of same company and are located within national borders or sharing
an inland border, applicable for same kind of product, site-specific mass
balances are in place, sites are certified by the same certification body
was in operation on or before
5 October 2015