Ali Hamza Rizwan FNL
Ali Hamza Rizwan FNL
Ali Hamza Rizwan FNL
1. ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 5
3. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................................... 19
4. RESEARCH METHODLOGY................................................................................................................. 23
5.4 Simulation.............................................................................................................................................. 33
6. DISCUSSION............................................................................................................................................. 59
7.1 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................... 62
7.2 RECOMMANDATIONS..................................................................................................................... 65
8. REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................... 67
We need energy if the economy is to thrive and prosper. There will be a greater need for
electricity as the population rises and the economy develops. The capacity of a civilization to
prosper and flourish economically is directly tied to the availability of energy. Because of the
depletion of conventional sources, alternative sources including solar, wind, and tidal energy are
being exploited to fulfil the expanding requirements of rapid urbanisation and industrialization.
Solar energy is the most frequent kind of energy collecting in nature, and it utilises a
photovoltaic (PV) packaged module. It has recently been created for commercial and residential
application, BIPV – Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). Transparent solar cells embedded
in existing windowpanes collect and use stray light energy that would otherwise be wasted.
Installing such an efficient use of architectural space may be expensive, but operating and
maintaining it may be more cost-effective. All visible light can pass through these cells, but
infrared and ultraviolet rays are completely absorbed. Anti-reflective coatings applied to the
device's exterior will further enhance its performance.
Keywords: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Biomass Energy, Energy
Energy is a basic human need, much like food and water. Energy is the primary source of power
in our world. Earth's population has grown as a direct result of the quantity of energy utilised
throughout time. Energy is a prerequisite for the operation of all gadgets and equipment. As
fossil fuel stocks diminish, we must seek for long-term, renewable energy options that may help
us minimise our reliance on them. Research into the TPV technology strives for high
transparency and electrical performance that is compatible with commercial solar panels, and
there are now nine TPV technologies in development. All of the most current transparent
photovoltaic systems with at least 20% average transmission that have been reported since 2007
will be included in this review research.
Biomass-based energy generation emits pollutants and greenhouse gases into the environment, in
contrast to solar, wind, and hydropower. Carbon-neutral energy sources such as biomass, on the
other hand, are commonly referred to as carbon-neutral. Renewable energy sources such as
biomass emit greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the environment when they are used to
create electricity. Biomass, on the other hand, is seen by many as a carbon-neutral power source
due to its renewable nature.
When we burn biomass for heat or electricity, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
However, sources of biomass, such as agricultural crops and trees, also capture carbon dioxide
using photosynthesis to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere It is possible to keep the
carbon cycle in balance if the quantity of carbon dioxide absorbed by trees and other plants
equals the amount released during the combustion process of biomass.
When it comes to calculating the carbon footprint of biofuels, there are several variables to
consider, including how the biomass is obtained and processed, any efforts to re-grow the
biomass and the energy source it's replacing. In practise, though, things are more complicated.
Using fire to produce energy releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but plants regrow and
store the gas. When it comes to carbon neutrality of that type of bioenergy, it depends on how
long it takes for the forest to regenerate and store carbon. If companies take down trees faster
than they can be replanted and grown, or if they burn down trees that would otherwise be left
intact in a forest, they jeopardise carbon neutrality.. This complicates the calculation of woody
biomass since the amount of carbon stored by trees and other plants fluctuates with their age,
making it even more complicated.
Now, compare woody biomass to biogas generated from animal waste in anaerobic digesters:
burning biogas for electricity also emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, this
process Methane's potency results in net negative emissions of greenhouse gases. When methane,
the primary component of biogas, is not burned as biogas, it has a higher impact on global
warming than if it were. It's important to remember that the "green" electricity generated by
biomass energy plants isn't necessarily pure.
The usage of bioenergy has a variety of other environmental repercussions besides the release of
greenhouse gases: Deforestation
As a fuel source, bioenergy plants often employ agricultural or animal waste. A typical practise
in the energy business is to clear-cut mature trees that would otherwise absorb carbon dioxide
emissions. These sorts of acts result in deforestation, habitat loss, soil erosion, and the
destruction of natural beauty. Pollution
When biomass is burnt as a solid, liquid, or gas, additional air pollutants and particulate matter
may be discharged into the environment, such as carbon monoxide and volatile organic
compounds. When burned, biomass may sometimes be more polluting than fossil fuels. Unlike
carbon dioxide emissions, many of these pollutants cannot be absorbed by young plants. If these
compounds are not successfully managed, many risks to the environment and human health may
Wind energy may be created using massive wind turbines on land (onshore), at sea (offshore), or
in freshwater (offshore) (offshore). Onshore and offshore wind energy technology have advanced
over the last several years, with larger turbines and larger rotor diameters in order to boost power
generation. No matter where you go on the planet, wind energy still has more technical potential
than any other source of power, and there are plenty of places where large-scale wind farms may
be built. The optimum locations for wind power generating are generally located in remote areas
of the world. Offshore wind power has huge potential.
Although wind energy is a sustainable and clean source of electricity, the installation and
operation of wind turbines have significant environmental impacts. When using wind
turbines to generate power, keep the following drawbacks in mind:
Perhaps the most well studied negative consequence of wind power is the damage it does to
local animals, particularly birds and bats. It is possible for birds and bats to collide with wind
turbine blades at high speeds due to changes in air pressure. Choosing the proper site for a
wind farm may have a significant impact on the local bird and bat species.
It's not only the destruction of wildlife habitats that wind farms disturb; they also need
human access to remote sites, which may require the building of new roads or the clearing of
extra land. As a result of this, certain local animal populations may experience habitat
fragmentation and loss.
The amount of land required to create one of these wind turbines depends on the size of the
project, where it is located (flat terrain vs. hills vs. ocean), and more. Because of the larger
turbines and blades, offshore wind farms frequently need more land area than land-based
wind farms.
To be sure, even though they occupy little space, wind turbines and the supporting
infrastructure they need necessitate enough separation for large-scale wind farms.
Fortunately, most wind farms can be built on already cleared land. In addition to their main
function of producing power, existing wind farms may serve as meadows, crops, or hiking
In the 18th century, Swiss physicists assembled a warm trap, which was a small-scale
greenhouse. He developed a hot box, by a glass box in another larger glass box, a total of up to
five boxes. When they are proposed to coordinate the sun illumination, the temperature in the
deepest box can be raised to 108 degrees Celsius; warm enough to soak water and cook food.
These crates can be considered the world's first solar collection. In the late 1950, some
organizations and research facilities began to create a silicon based solar cell that considers the
goal of controlling Earth-orbiting satellites. These include RCA, Hoffman Electronics, and in
addition, the UK. Army Alert Corps (Desideri, Zapparelli, & Garroni, 2013).
A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts the energy of
photons that are incident on it to electrical energy, which is a natural and synthetic marvel. A
separate cell unit can be connected to a frame module, also known as a solar panel. Different
solar cells in a unified set, all arranged in the plane represents a solar photovoltaic board or
module. PV modules usually have a glass in front of the panel, allowing light to pass through,
while ensuring that the semiconductor plate is protected inside the case.
Solar cells are usually associated, and arranged in series or parallel module, depending
upon the requirement of the customer. The parallel interface unit gets higher current; however,
the problem, for example, that shadow effects can turn off weaker (less bright) parallel strings
(different permutations of cells) can cause great unpleasant effects and may cause damage
because of their enlightened complicity and the reversal of dark cell tendencies. A series of
stacked units are usually autonomous and not parallel, but starting from 2014, each module
provides a singular power box on a regular basis and connects in parallel.
A solar cell, also known as a photovoltaic cell, is a device that converts the energy of
incoming photons into electrical energy. An extra cell unit may be added to the battery using a
frame module, commonly known as a solar panel. Simply put, a solar photovoltaic board or
module is nothing more than a row of solar cells arranged in a straight line. Most PV modules
include a glass covering the front of the panel that protects the semiconductor plate.
Solar cells are often coupled and arranged in a series or parallel module based on the
demands of the customer. Since shadow effects might switch off weaker (less brilliant) parallel
strings (various combinations of cells), the interface unit obtains a greater current, the difficulty
is that their enlightened collaboration and the reversal of dark cell inclinations can produce
enormous unpleasant effects and damage. Stack units began supplying a single power box
regularly in 2014 and are connected in parallel with the remainder of the stack after that date.
According to our earlier talk, solar energy is abundant and can be captured at a reasonable cost.
PV cells are also discussed in a short manner. We need to know how these cells create power so
that we can develop systems that are compatible with these fundamental principles. The next
section explains how the cells create power.
Principle: The sun emits electromagnetic radiation, which provides energy. Depending on the
wavelength, these waves may be labelled as light, radio waves, or some other kind of wave
altogether. Our atmosphere is only exposed to a small portion of the sun's energy, which is
visible light. Solar cells use this visible light to produce electrons. This specific wavelength is
employed by each kind of solar cell.
The basic components of solar cells, such as silicon, are semiconductor elements. In the flow of
electricity, electrons are the minuscule particles that constitute electric current. DC (direct
current) and AC (Alternating Current) are the two most common types of electric currents, with
the flow of current being reversed. Solar cells typically have two layers of silicon, one n-type
and one p-type. After passing through the n and p layers, the photons are absorbed by the silicon
in the cell's silicon surface before escaping via the cell's metal contact. The electricity generated
is an alternating current.
Figure 2.3. 1 working of solar cell
The utility companies reacted to the growing popularity of solar power systems by providing
customers with the option of connecting their systems to the grid. As a consequence of this
move, the term "net metering" was created. Solar panel owners may get a credit on their energy
bill when they return surplus electricity to the grid through a system known as net metering.
Utility grid-tied connections make this possible. All off-grid systems are totally self-contained
and do not need any connection to the grid, often known as "seamless systems." Both systems
are described in detail in the following sections:
Systems that do not connect to a local utility grid are called off-grid systems. Off-grid PV
systems are those that aren't linked to the main electricity grid (Weis, 2013). System that can
produce its own electricity and operate its own appliances, often known as an off-grid system or
a small grid. Small communities may benefit from off-grid power systems. The rural parts of
nations with little or no access to electricity may be served by an off-grid electrification system
because of the separate living and scattered people in the wide area. If you don't want to rely on
a power grid or other system, an off-grid solution is what you need. Off-grid solar photovoltaic
panels provide electrical energy that has to be stored or preserved since the demand from the
load may be different from the solar panel output. Battery banks are also used for this purpose,
although they are less common.
An off-grid photovoltaic system for powering a bus shelter is being investigated in this
project. More houses in rural places may benefit from this idea, since the expense of
laying cables and other electrical infrastructure to reach the home is too high.
Grid-tethered photovoltaic power systems may produce electricity by connecting to the public
power grid (, n.d.). This solar panel and inverter package also includes the necessary
equipment to connect to a utility power grid. There are several places where grid-connected
technologies may be employed, including the house. Commercial and large-scale solar power
systems that are connected to the grid are different from those that are off-grid. System backup
batteries aren't necessary when linked to the grid since the system sends surplus energy to the
utility grid when it creates more energy than the system uses.
Figure 2.3 3. Grid-tied PV system
Typically, 10 kW of electricity is enough for the average home's energy requirements on a grid-
connected rooftop system. However, extra power may be sent back into the grid and used by
other grid-connected customers. The feedback system, also known as the excess power transfer
system, employs a metre to keep track of the power that has been transferred. Customer usage of
the grid is required in certain cases where PV system wattage is insufficient for the customer's
Solar cells employ organic salts in a completely new method to create an efficient and
transparent design.. Fluorescent NIR dyes are used to gather ultraviolet and infrared light,
convert it to visible light, then channel it to the solar cell. TLSC is based on a luminophore
combination of canine and cyanine salts that has achieved excellent quantum yields. TLSC
has an openness rate of 86% and an efficiency rate of 0.4 %.
Researchers believe that utilising a material with a lower band gap than the photons might
enhance the semi-transparent characteristics of organic solar cells. A more productive workplace
is one where information is readily available to everybody. As a result, a substance like methyl
ammonium lead halide perovskite, a transparent material that increases the efficiency of cells,
will be discovered. The bulk of perovskite solar cells are made up of a titanium dioxide
sandwich and organic transport components. Solar cells benefit from the good electric properties
of inorganic materials like perovskites because of their abundance and the abundance of these
materials. These materials have excellent absorption and carrier mobility, as well as a direct
band gap. The average power efficiency of phosphorescent perovskite materials is more than
13%. The semi-transparent perovskite solar cell has a peak transmission of 77% at 800nm, with
an efficiency of 12.7 %.
Energy has long been lauded as a key driver of economic development across the world.
Alternative energy sources, nuclear energy, and fossil fuels are the three primary types of energy
available on the planet today, each with its own distinct advantages and disadvantages (wind,
solar, geothermal, air power, biomass, hydrogen, ocean, etc). The European Commission's
Directive 2009/28/EC appendix 1 lists a variety of renewable energy sources, including wind,
solar, geothermal, ocean, hydropower, biomass, and biogas (Sholikha, 2019). Many of the
energy sources now in use will be exhausted in the near future because of increased demand
(Zoghi et al., 2017). The Indonesian government may benefit from developing renewable energy
sources in order to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels, particularly for its electrical
requirements (Widjaja, 2020). It is possible to use biogase as both a fuel and an alternative
energy source. The production of LPG gas for home use, as well as power and heat, are all made
possible by the use of renewable energy sources (Hariyanto et al., 2019). Quick, safe, and
ecologically friendly, energy derived from renewable sources (Shahabi et al., 2014) is a crucial
innovation (Mehrjerdi & Rakhshani, 2019) The use of renewable energy sources has various
benefits (Tabor et al., 2018).) and benefits. Energy needs for the present and the future may be
met by using renewable energy sources, and technological effectiveness can be a solution
(Corzine, 2017). (Alippi & Galperti, 2008). Global energy efficiency and transmission capacity
needs may be reduced as a result of these changes (Song et al., 2019). One result of certain
countries' geographic position and local resources is a shift toward renewable energy sources
(Akrami et al., 2020). Indonesia, a nation located on the equator, has two distinct seasons: the
dry season and the rainy season. As a result, most of Indonesia is blessed with year-round access
to sunshine, which may be used to produce electricity and other forms of renewable energy
(Yansri, 2020). Renewable forms of energy, including solar, wind, water, biomass, biodiesel, and
biogas, may be used by the Indonesian government in the future (Faizah, 2018). Energy
consumption throughout the world is rising at an alarming rate, and with it comes anxiety about
the consequences for the environment (Alirezaei et al., 2016). War strategies (Zhao et al., 2014),
such as the power quality (Bialasiewicz, 2008), must be established to fulfil the increased
demand for power (Balasubrahmanyam & Gupta, 2020).
Renewable energy systems and integrated renewable energy systems are applied in order to
make advantage of renewable resources (Vishnupriyan & Manoharan, 2018). In the generation of
electrical energy, renewable energy sources are essential because they lessen the dependence on
nonrenewable resources (Garca et al., 2014). Sahu and Raheman (2020) claim that The increased
demand for electricity necessitates the adoption of renewable energy sources (RE). Photovoltaic
(PV), wind turbines, fuel cells and microturbines are the principal sources of RE-based systems.
Renewable energy sources (REs) are becoming more popular in both residential and industrial
settings due to their accessibility, reliability, and environmental friendliness. Solar energy is
largely acknowledged as a renewable, promising, and economical option. Non-polluting, long-
lasting, and requiring minimal maintenance are just some of its numerous advantages (Gupta et
al., 2016). Energy from the sun is the most abundant and can meet the needs of a community as a
consequence of economic development that is long-term (Husain et al., 2018). Improvements in
solar cell efficiency and solar panel manufacturing processes are credited with PV energy's surge
in popularity (Dondi et al., 2008). Fossil fuels are polluting the environment and increasing
greenhouse gas emissions when solar generators in desalination plants employing nonrenewable
energy sources are powered by fossil fuels (Elmaadawy et al., 2020). So real power control is an
effective way to regulate the interactions between network distribution voltages (Rottondi et al.,
2016). In order to increase total power production, it is necessary to consider a solar tracking
system, various moving components, maintenance costs, motorization, and management
strategies (Merei et al., 2016) for boosting energy efficiency (Monjezi et al., 2020). (Monjezi et
al., 2020). For further information, please see Hasan and Dincer (2020).
When using renewable energy sources, it is possible to employ distributed charging stations that
are powered by renewable sources (Herez et al., 2018). (Torreglosa et al., 2016). Homeowners
are increasingly turning to small-scale distributed renewable energy power generation systems
like solar electricity or wind energy as environmental awareness and government support rise
(Zatsarinnaya et al, 2020). A study published in 2020 by Sun et al. Thus, it is predicted that the
market for this technology would quickly expand with a wide range of distributed producing
alternatives in the future (Wang et al., 2020). Future energy security might be achieved via the
use of a smart grid system that combines renewable power generation. A smart network system
that makes use of current information technology to communicate and overcome resource
breakdowns improves the efficiency of power distribution. In addition to large-scale
governmental and private corporations, it is envisaged that this renewable energy would be
generated by individuals' homes and small enterprises (Strielkowski et al., 2019). Because
human activity is causing climate change, it is critical that we utilise energy that is favourable to
the environment. Finally, we examine the potential for solar energy to reduce our reliance on
finite, nonrenewable resources (Strunik et al., 2020). Sahu and Raheman (2020) claim this.
Electricity has long been recognised as crucial to the advancement of mankind and the growth of
the economy (Vishnupriyan & Manoharan, 2018). In order to keep up with the increased demand
for energy, research and implementation of renewable-based power generation is taking done
(Balasubrahmanyam & Gupta, 2020). Solar energy's three distinguishing features are low cost,
zero pollution, and no end in sight. It is utilised in a variety of ways, including heating and hot
water; generating electricity; and even cooling (Zoghi et al., 2017). Solar energy is largely
acknowledged as a renewable, promising, and economical option. Non-polluting, long-lasting,
and requiring minimal maintenance are just some of its numerous advantages (Gupta et al.,
2016). Solar energy is used in a variety of ways in our daily lives, from heating water to
generating electricity (Husain et al., 2018). In comparison to other renewable energy sources,
solar power is more likely to be used in construction projects and provides better results in the
long run. It is possible to use either activated or passive solar energy in a number of ways. Many
aspects are taken into account while deciding on the appropriate technique for a specific region's
needs and climatic conditions, as well as the aims of any individual project (heating, cooling, or
Many countries offer ideal circumstances for the use of solar energy, and the majority of people
believe that solar energy should be used in buildings. This kind of energy, on the other hand, isn't
often used in the building business. Many advantages may be derived from solar energy, but it
also confronts a number of difficulties in the building sector, which this research hopes to
identify and define via a review of relevant works. Next, we'll go into the specifics of how
everything works.
Over the last 36 years, global research on "Renewable Energy and Solar Panels" has been laid
out in this overview. Scopus was queried in January 2021 for the data used in this study. This
research employed bibliometric approaches to acquire data. In order to determine the most
popular study areas, we analysed abstracts from Scopus abstracts that were submitted for content
review (Srirahayu, D. P., Eliyana, A., & Usman, 2020). Bibliometric studies analyse how Scopus
database findings are expressed and matched to bibliometric data (Sukoco et al., 2021). Using
the VOSViewer tool and the Scopus function, search results are analysed and visualised for data
analysis (Purnomo, Susanti, et al., 2020). This study uses renewable energy and solar panel
keywords to discover Scopus database articles with 1,598 internationally published papers from
1989 to 2020. The year 2021 was left out of the study. Academic data is collected from January
to December to indicate the year's progress. The query command (TITLEABS-KEY
("Renewable Energy") and TITLE-ABS-KEY ("Solar Panel") are used to mine academic
publication data from Scopus's online database. Solar cells are made up of semiconductors
known as p-type and n-type silicon. P-N junction technology is used in almost all of the world's
photovoltaic panels. Boron or gallium addition to silicon results in p-type silicon, which has one
less electron at the outer level than silicon. It is possible to create an electron hole or void by
combining boron with silicon that has one less electron.
An additional electron in the outer level of a substance was mixed with silicon to form N type
silicon. When it comes to solar cell manufacture, Phosphorus is the most often employed atom.
This molecule has five electrons in its outer layer, which is connected to silicon molecules
nearby. As a result of the structure's one-electron bonding, silicon is able to move freely.
Figure 4.1: The n-type and p-type layers, internal electric field
In silicon, just one of the atom's electrons is free to travel about without any form of connection.
All of the holes on the p-type side of the depletion zone must be occupied by electrons.
Positively and negatively charged ions are now found on the p-type side of the depletion zone,
respectively. In order to prevent electrons from filling holes in the p-type layer, these oppositely
charged ions are present.
An electron is released from silicon when a solar cell is exposed to sunlight. There is an electric
field that carries away electrons from the n-type layer to the p-type layer, while electrons carry
away the holes. It is possible to establish an internal electric circuit by connecting two layers
with a metallic wire.
By doing a co-authorship analysis utilising VOS Viewer with MATLAB and author analysis
units, a worldwide researcher's cooperation research network is identified. An thorough co-
occurrence analysis and a systematic approach of computation were employed to build a word
map network in this research. Second only to wind turbines in terms of installed capacity, solar
PV power has surpassed it. Despite the significant growth in demand for solar PV modules and
converters, producers have been unable to keep up with the demand and have suffered as a result.
The key components of a solar power plant that decision makers may consider manufacturing
locally are solar cells, modules, inverters, trackers, mounting frames, and general electrical
components (IRENA, 2017b). But in order to avoid a lack of skilled workers in the field,
education and training must keep pace with the changing needs of the industry. In order to build
robust local supply chains, the development of human capital and educational opportunities is
essential. Government laws, raw material availability, and nearby industries all play important
roles in deciding where PV components are made locally. If surrounding countries have large
manufacturers with low pricing and abundant capacity, domestic manufacturing of solar PV
modules may not be the ideal solution in a highly competitive market.
A growing number of wind turbine manufacturers, such as Gamesa and Goldwind, have
branched out into the solar PV business, including Apple (mainly for module manufacturing) and
Tesla (mostly for panel production). Solar module production is still rather fragmented, despite
considerable consolidation among manufacturers. Polysilicon's price has fallen and the
technology has matured, allowing crystalline silicon (c-Si) module manufacturers to dominate
the industry (Global Data, 2018). Thin-film makers are few and few between, and only a handful
of companies have been able to successfully market their products throughout time. During
2017, the Asia-Pacific region dominated the global solar module industry, accounting for the
majority of solar PV modules deployed globally (76 %). The Americas and Europe follow
closely after, each with a 14% share. Another way of putting it is this: In 2012, Europe had a
higher installation rate than the Asia-Pacific region. Because of large-scale solar module
installations in United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain in 2012, this European solar PV installation
rates fell precipitously once subsidies were cut, allowing Asia-Pacific to take over as the
industry's global leader. UK For the Southwick Solar farm near Fareham, community
interactions were essential. The general public was brought up to date on the project's progress
and any issues that developed throughout construction and operation. Public lectures and site
visits, discussion boards and meetings were among the methods used to keep the community
involved (BRE, 2015). The Coal Regions in Transition initiative, introduced by the European
Commission at the end of 2017, has already had a good effect. Research is underway to see
whether photovoltaic (PV) energy systems may help the European Union transition away from
coal (Bodis et al., 2019). A spatially explicit method that takes into consideration the existing
stock of buildings was used to analyse solar PV systems, including ground-mounted and rooftop
installations. According to the study's results, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems may totally
replace the region's current coal-fired power plant energy outputs (Bodis et al., 2019).
Researchers at MIT, Vladimir Bulovi, Miles Barr, and Richard Lunt created the world's first
transparent solar concentrator in 2013. Energy Frontier Research Center funding awarded to MIT
Center for Excitonics made it feasible. Similar studies are being conducted by institutions in
Europe and Asia as well. Today's problem is the low efficiency of solar concentrators that are
completely transparent. A power conversion efficiency of 12 percent was targeted for prototypes,
but only 2 percent was actually obtained in laboratory tests. In order to obtain a 10% efficiency,
transparent solar cell sheets may be layered one on top of the other without losing their
transparency. If nothing else, all of the windows on the world could still provide enough
electricity, although at a high cost, which would be decreased in the future years, even if no more
research is made in this field.
Engineers are also concerned about the long-term viability of the materials utilised in the
building of TLSC. The long-term preservation of monocrystalline cells' chemical components is
necessary to maintain their 20-year lifespans commercially feasible. Transparent PVs are also
environmentally friendly and do not need a lot of energy to produce. Typical PV cells don't need
to be covered with glass since the coatings are applied at room temperature, resulting in lower
production costs.
When a conventional solar panel collects visible light, it moves the electrons in a solar cell.
However, the TLSC, on the other hand, focuses on harmful UV and infrared rays released by the
sun, which are very harmful to humans. A long-term damage is caused when infrared radiation
raises the eye's internal temperature. Solar panels made of clear plastic may shield our eyes from
harmful UV rays while also lowering skin cancer.
Figure 5.1: Transparent solar concentrator design structure
The anode of the cell is coated with indium-tin-oxide (ITO), CIAIPc, bathocuproine (BCP), and
molybdenum trioxide (MoO3), while the cathode is coated with silver nitride (AgN). A
distributed Bragg reflector is a near infrared (NIR) mirror that is created one at a time on a quartz
substrate and is hence transparent (DBR). On the other side of the quartz, a broadband
antireflection layer (BBAR) is applied to prevent light from bouncing back from the SiO2 and
TiO2 layers. This approach and the TSC model are used to collect ultraviolet and near-infrared
PV Technology
Wafer -based
cell Thin-film cell
1 st Generation
Single Multi Indium Quantum
Cyrstalline Gallium Perovskite Dots
silicon silicon Selenide
Amorphous Cadmium Dye -
Silicon Telluride Sensitized
(OPV )
Figure 5.1: Photovoltaic Technologies in hierarchical order (own illustration, data from
5.3.1 Wafer-based cells
Crystalline silicon sheets are stacked to create wafer-based silicon cells, as the name implies. To
describe crystallinity, the phrases “singlecrystalline” and “multicrystal” are used
interchangeably. This innovative commercial solar cell form has substantial downsides since it is
the first of its type. Due of silicon's light-absorbing characteristics, thin silicon films are utilised.
As a consequence, a large sum of money was spent, and the power conversion efficiency
suffered. They are less adaptable than thin film solar cells. Despite its shortcomings, crystalline
silicon will remain the leading PV technology until 2030.
The majority of PV modules are built of crystalline silicon (c-Si) cells, with 35 percent market
share for single-crystalline cells and 55 percent market share for multi-crystalline cells. Under
controlled laboratory conditions, single-crystalline solar cells had an efficiency of 25.6 percent,
whereas multi-crystalline solar cells had an efficiency of 20.4 percent.
Another wafer-based approach is the III-V multijunction (MJ) solar cell. "Al," "Ga," and "In" are
the names of the elements in groups III and V of the periodic table. To absorb light, they are
constructed by stacking many single-junction cells with varying bandgaps. The PV cell's surface
will get less sunlight as a consequence of this method, increasing the efficiency of the system's
power conversion. The test conditions yielded a maximum efficiency of 46%.
Perovskite is considered to be the future of solar cells since it is a hybrid organic-inorganic lead
that is created from calcium titanate (CaTiO3). Perovskite's light-harvesting active layer
enhances overall efficiency. Increased efficacy is one benefit of a broad spectrum of light
absorption. With its great elasticity and translucent appearance, it weighs less than one pound.
The following figure shows a comparison between the thickness of these solar cells and that of a
human hair and a red blood cell. The wafer-based technology indicates the thickness of the
crystalline silicon, while the other two technologies use thin films.
Human Hair
100 μm
Red Blood Cell
7 μm
180 μm 3 μm 0,6 μm
Figure 5.2: Thickness difference between thin-film and wafer-based (own illustration, data
Image following shows the evolution of solar panel technology from 2000 to 2020 in a timeline.
Perovskite and quantum dots, which have just been produced in the last decade and have been on
the market for more than 70 years, so far seem to be the most promising.
Solar cell technology's fastest-rising trend is the tandem construction of perovskite cells with
silicon, which has climbed from 22.4 percent to 29.1 percent in only four years. In the future,
solar cell manufacture will rely heavily on Perovskite and Quantum Dots technologies. The fast
improvement in efficiency of perovskite and the use of quantum dots in semi- or totally
transparent luminescent solar concentrators have piqued the attention of the solar sector.
Figure 5.4: Quantum Dots solar cell structure
5.4 Simulation
AutoCAD was utilised to build a multi-faceted architectural island in the midst of the living area.
These structures' combined capacity may therefore easily be determined. Each structure has a
commercial and a residential purpose. As a starting point, the energy usage of commercial
buildings in Frankfurt, United Kingdom, was taken into consideration. These values make it
simple to figure out how much energy the model island's structures use.
From this point on, all measurements of the buildings, including the base area, the number of
storeys, the height, and the window areas, must be gathered. Instead of the Transparent
Luminescent Solar Concentrator, which utilises quantum dots to collect the infrared spectrum,
windows will be used in this model. New technological developments have shown that window
glass can be replaced with TLSC, which generates continuous electricity that can be used by the
apartment or the entire building by using a decentralised inverter or a centralised inverter that has
larger power outputs to supply the entire building.
As soon as all of the data has been collected, MATLAB must be utilised to develop a calculation
tool. In order to accurately portray the ultimate output, the TLSC must be positioned vertically
on the south face of the structure. Commercially viable 90-degree solar panel positions weren't
available until now. A reduced power-to-energy conversion efficiency may be perceived from
this perspective. In order to compare TLSCs to traditional solar cells, the technology is still in its
infancy. However, stacking several units only resulted in a 10% increase in efficiency. As long
as solar cell technology is advancing rapidly enough, it doesn't matter. In the future, new
buildings will use transparent solar cells instead of windows, if this is true. In this way, we will
be able to meet a large percentage of our energy requirements while also protecting the
environment, enabling us to switch completely to renewable sources of energy. Researchers will
benefit from this simulation by better understanding how much energy can be produced and how
much of the consumption can be offset by the given surface areas. Various applications may be
calculated by entering simply the surface area and a few additional specifications into the
calculation tool. Here's an AutoCAD screenshot showing a model island in action. After that, the
building's dimensions were input into MATLAB, where the calculations were carried out.
For TLSC to create energy via window surfaces, one must first understand the solar radiation
variables that must be considered. In contrast, dealing with hourly solar radiation data
necessitates a great deal of effort or requires a service provider to charge a fee for its services. So
let's look at the criteria for calculating hourly solar radiation to get more accurate results.
Shade is provided by some of the island's structures to the remainder. It is necessary to take into
account shadowing from nearby buildings due to the lack of a powerful computing tool in place.
This region is predicted to be covered by TLSC due to the strongest solar rays. Because they are
still in the early phases of research, transparent luminescent solar concentrators have a low
efficiency, however this might lead to higher manufacturing costs. As a result, the south-facing
windows will be removed and replaced in order to stay within the given budget. A closer look at
how TLSC's structures generate energy will be provided in the following paragraphs.
The city's most important structures will be investigated first, regardless of whether they are
residences or businesses. There will be three more structures created when the big buildings are
completed: the governor building, private residences, and the shop. AutoCAD's rendering
capabilities were used to create this image. In this way, the most exact version of the model may
be shown. TLSC's surface area must be estimated for each individual window so that the output
estimate may be as exact as possible.
5.6.2-Radio Tower
This building's windows, which come in three sizes, are ready for TLSC replacement. The angle
of the south facet is used to compute the area.
Dimensions of the black windows are 3,5m by 3,06m, with a total of 16 pieces.
The top-most window measures 13 metres by eight metres and is made up of a single piece.
5.6.3-Residential Balcony
There are 36 parts in all for this turquoise window, which measures 3,16m*3,2m.
5.6.5-Enterprise Tower
The windows in this structure may be replaced with TLSC in four different sizes.
There are six 6-foot-by-1-foot windows on the bottom side of the building.
There are two windows on the ground that measure 9,28m x 9,78m.
5.6.6-Cylindrical Spradon
TLSC may be used to replace the circular form windows in this building, which contains one of
such windows already. Lone 120 degrees of the whole area is taken into account because of the
only south facet.
The windows in this structure may be replaced with TLSC in four different sizes.
A total of six 6-foot-by-4-foot windows adorn the upper portion of the front.
Now that the main structure is complete, it's time to focus on the model island's smaller
buildings and determine their window areas.
Figure 29 : South view of the small structures
5.6.8-Shop Building
The entire size of the windows is 2,18m*1,85m, with a total of six units.
In the island, there are four similar buildings with two different window sizes that may be
replaced with TLSC.
The first set of windows has a total area of 1,82*2,8m, with four parts.
There are a total of four panes in this window, which measures 2,34m*2,8m.
5.6.10-Governer Building
There are a total of six black windows, each measuring 5 metres by 2,8 metres.
Let's have a look at the computed window surfaces in the table below.
Aside from buildings #2 and #5, the population may be figured out from the land mass. It's not
possible to partition the whole base area into apartments since the flats will be connected by an
elevator, entrance, stairs, and corridors. Base area is eliminated from this computation since
exterior wall thicknesses are included. The computations must take into account the DIN
requirements. DIN 277 is used to compute the floor area and room volume of a structure under
construction. An average brick thickness of 0.40 m is used for the outside wall, isolation, and
It is estimated that about 10-15 percent of a building's total base space is occupied by the
elevator, stairs, entryway, wall of the flats, and corridors. As an example, let's take a closer look
at the #3 building. The residential balcony building's floor layout is shown in the diagram below.
Four balconies and four large windows may be seen on the north side of the structure. Nine
standard-sized flats may be accommodated as a consequence of this development.
This scenario, however, assumes that the number of people inhabiting the units is equal to the
total electricity consumption.
People who reside in freshly refurbished buildings may use this information to determine how
much electricity they use. The following table depicts the useable living space before and after
subtracting the wall thickness.
Building #3's population may be utilised to estimate how much electricity is used.. Count the
number of floors in Table 4. According to Stadtwerke München, a two-person apartment uses
2500 kWh of electricity year, or 6,84 kWh each day. At a maximum capacity of 48 people, each
of the building's 20 floors uses 160 kWh of electricity per day. Accordingly, the building's 3,2
MWh consumption may be derived by multiplying the number of storeys by the amount of
energy used by one level. According to UK regulations, a continuous power usage of 25 kWh
may only be assumed for four people in a separate residence with utilities. In contrast, the
quantity of energy used by the elevator, internal lighting, and water pumps, as well as electric
heating, must be considered in other residential structures. This is an important consideration.
The total amount of energy used by the buildings may be estimated by combining these
individual consumptions.
Assuming a 20-story elevator takes 100 trips a day, it should use eight times as much energy as a
three-story elevator does: Elevator 3800 kilowatt-hours per hour The elevator's illumination
lights also need to be numbered. This is based on the assumption that it will run for 12 hours a
day, using sensors to ensure appropriate light output. Due to its 1450 m2 base area, four
elevators are required to handle the daily transportation needs of the building.
For 365 days, I will be using 50W x 12 hours x 12 days = 50W. For lighting fixtures, this equates
to 219 kWh/year.
LED bulbs of 10W may be used in common areas and each floor's hallway includes 20
luminaires in order to offer adequate illumination for 8 hours of daily use. The use of sensors
may result in energy savings.
There are 20 luminaires, 10W each, on each of the 20 levels, and the total wattage is 11680 for
the year.
Space Heating:
However, the use of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, in a boiler, is no longer necessary and may
be replaced with a more energy-efficient method such as the kJ unit. Most space heaters are 1500
W, and four of them are enough to heat a 120 m2 apartment for four people [59]. It is also
reasonable to sleep an average of six hours daily during United Kingdom's eight-month winter.
The utility's electrical usage is seen in the following calculations.
8640 kWh/day x 432 kWh/day = 8640 kWh/day for the whole structure.
As you can see, utilities use a significant portion of the power produced in the UK.
Without the use of utilities, the building #3 consumes an estimated 1168000 kWh per year.
Around 200 percent of the power used by the residents is then used by services like space
heating. Table following shows the overall energy consumption of other buildings as a result of
this factor.
Residential structures use around 125 kWh of power per square metre, according to the
calculations provided.
Commercial Buildings
An approach based on the number of people living in a building was used to estimate the overall
consumption. When it comes to commercial buildings, the same method does not work since
they were never meant to be houses. Using the energy consumption per square metre as a
measure is the only alternative because of this. High consumption rates are common in
skyscrapers and commercial buildings because of the HVAC system, server rooms and other
electrical devices that are not commonly seen in residential constructions. A number of high-rise
towers in Europe are being studied in order to get the kWh/m2 value in line with real-world data.
According to the Department of Energy, the amount of electricity used per square foot is around
22.5 kWh (or 242 kWh/m2). The European Commission reported that non-residential
constructions, like as commercial high-rise skyscrapers, use around 250 kWh/m2 [61]. Due to
holidays, companies aren't always fully staffed year-round, therefore maintaining a sense of
simultaneity is essential. We need to add a 0.8 simultaneity factor to our final energy
consumption calculations in order to make this more realistic. You can get a detailed breakdown
of all of the energy used right here.
Heating equipment consumes 21,5 kilowatt hours per square metre at a rate of 2 kWh/square
According to the European Commission's website, residential constructions must use around 180
kWh per square foot per year, however the model island's calculations suggest that this value is
closer to 125 kWh per square foot, therefore this amount is taken into account when calculating
residential buildings.
The model island's yearly power consumption is 29995 MWh, and the entire amount of glass that
may be replaced with TLSC is 16034 m2. When compared to today's commercial skyscrapers,
which have a minimum of 90% glass coverage, the majority of the structures are residential. In
the next chapter, transparent solar panels' potential for generating power is shown.
No solar panel installation should be done with a transparent solar panel surface because of its
poor reflectivity of reflected sunlight. Vertically oriented solar panels are expected to provide
35% less electricity than those that are oriented horizontally to take advantage of as much
sunshine as possible. Power conversion factor (also known as efficiency) advances may enable
for more energy to be produced from the same area in the near future. As previously stated, this
model project is expected to be based in Munich. Munich is located at 48.1351° N and 11.5820°
E latitude and longitude, respectively. Mathematica is used to calculate diffuse, direct, and
reflected solar radiation. Hourly data was utilised in order to get more accurate results. There is
an appendix with solar radiation and energy production results, as well as MATLAB code for the
Vertical Global
(W) (W)
Jan 24732 36810
Feb 38062 54652
Mar 61062 90860
Apr 85723 122344
May 145991 156647
June 107573 150530
July 111894 155998
Aug 98118 135737
Sep 64628 93038
Oct 39212 57448
Nov 21316 33027
Dec 17715 27442
Total: 816 1114
kWh/m2 kWh/m2
Figure 5.9: Solar radiation on horizontal surface vs vertical 90° - MATLAB
When solar radiation reaches 90 degrees vertically positioned TLSC, total power production may
be determined by multiplying the area covered by transparent solar panels.
Vertical radiation is 816 kWh/ m2 yearly at the provided locations, resulting in a total horizontal
(global) radiation of 1114,5 kWh/m2.a.
With manual calculation of the same results, it can be shown that the coding works properly. The
total area, performance ratio, vertical solar radiation, and panel efficiency may all be used to
calculate the amount of electricity generated.
The loss on the inverter side, the loss of DC and AC cables, temperature variations, and dirt on
the panel surface are all taken into account when computing the performance ratio. The panel's
efficiency is increased to 10% by stacking TLSC sheets with a factor of 0.8 in this application.
E = A * r * H * PR
A is the whole area of the window (m2) P = Power output of a solar panel ( percent )
A year's worth of average annual solar energy strikes the vertical surface of H =
Keep in mind that this nominal ratio is based on the following assumptions: radiation=1000
W/m2, cell temperature=25 C, wind speed=1 m/s, and AM=1.5. STC is the standard test
16034.2 m2 * 10% * 816 kWh/m2.a * 0.8 = 1046.6 MWh/a = 1 046 GWh/a (E)
All of the windows on Model Island generate =1023,1 MWh = 1,02 GWh of power.
Therefore, since both values are so near, the computation results in minor inaccuracies that may
be ignored. You can examine all building consumptions, as well as window area and potential
power production, in a table below. The yearly power production is roughly 1 GWh, compared to
the 30 GWh annual consumption. Using 10 percent effective transparent luminescent solar
concentrators that are mounted exclusively on the south facet with the impact of diminished
vertical solar radiation seems to have a compensation factor of roughly 3.3 percent.
When examining each structure in isolation, this does not hold true. As a result, the villas
produce nearly half of the usage because of their large windows.
Only the TLSC on the south side is a waste of money since the compensation factor is around
3.3% of total use. Panel surfaces on northern hemisphere constructions must face south in order
to get the maximum sunlight. TLSC may also be used to cover the windows on the west and east
sides of the construction in order to increase electricity generation. Compensation will be
increased as a result, which will demonstrate to the public that a new technology is appropriate.
As long as the TLSC is applied to all four sides of any structure, it may provide a quarter of the
building's overall power needs, Vladimir Bulovi claims (MIT). If more than 90% of the
skyscraper is comprised of glass, it does not qualify as a building. It just draws attention to the
demand for energy, but does not address the issue of extra space heating. Comparatively
speaking, generating a fourth of United Kingdom's total energy consumption is just unattainable
in the United Kingdom. For this reason, annual solar radiation is nearly two times higher in
Britain than in Munich [64]. For the purpose of illustrating these numbers, the following
skyscraper model was created in AutoCAD using data from the power generation and the
compensating factor for consumption.
Sapphire Tower, a new skyscraper, may be viewed in contrast to the Enterprise Tower from the
model island. The base of the Sapphire Tower is 40 metres by 40 metres, and the building's 50
floors add up to a height of 250 metres.
All four sides of the Sapphire Tower are reported to have been covered with TLSC to display the
most power that can be produced on a skyscraper's external surface.
Sapphire Tower
Single Floor Area 1600 m2
Useful Area 1472 m2
Number of Floors 50
Architectural Height 250 m
Total Building Area 73600 m2
Single facet, one floor window area 162 m2
Total Skyscraper window area 32400 m2
Table 10: Architectural Specification of the Sapphire Tower
Only primary energy consumption of 250 kWh/m2 per year may be used to determine electricity
consumption in a residential setting. Although this figure includes space heating, it must be
subtracted from the actual power use to arrive at a more realistic amount. According to prior
estimates, around half of the total demand may be provided without the use of any utilities. A
primary energy usage of 250 kWh/m2 may be acceptable when just electricity demand is taken
into account.
Located in the Sapphire Tower are 50 floors, 1472 square metres, and 160 kWh/m2.a of power
Each section of the tower gets a varying quantity of sunlight at various times of the day in order
to generate electricity. Sapphire Tower is located in UK, in the northern hemisphere, where it
gets more sunshine from its south face than from its east-west facets, and less sunlight from its
north face than from its south face. Solar radiation is illustrated in the graphic below to
demonstrate how it changes in different directions and how a solar panel's position impacts it.
This number is used to estimate all aspects with lower amounts of solar radiation.
Solar Radiation Ratio [%]
0° 5° 15 20 ° 25 ° 30 ° 35 ° 40 ° 45 ° 50 ° 55 ° 60° 65 ° 70 ° 75 ° 80° 85°
Figure 5.11: The solar radiation on different directions [own illustration, data from
There are a total of 32400 m2 of glass surfaces on the Sapphire Tower, which equates to 8100
m2 for each of the facets. Minimal electricity is generated as a consequence of the panels'
vertical positioning, which reduces the efficiency of the incoming sunlight. Only 52% of the
surface's total solar energy is accounted for by a 22-degree south facet with a 22-degree
placement, which gives maximum potential. North facet radiation is 38 percent, while east and
west facet radiation is equal at 38 percent, according to the chart.
Generating electricity is as simple as E = r * H + E PR
In the East: 8100 m2 * 596,2 kWh/m2 * 10% A total of 528,76 MWh per year is generated in the
South, whereas 8100 m2 * 596,2 kWh/m2 * 10% = 386,33 MWh per year in the Western region
of the country. 235 kWh/m2 divided by 10% = 8100 square metres divided by 8100 square
metres divided by 235 kWh/m2 divided by 10% = 235 kWh/m2.
For example, even at 10% efficiency, 12,3% of the total electrical demand may be fulfilled with
12.3% efficiency, even with relatively low radiation levels (percentage 51). It is possible that the
TLSC could provide more than half of the world's energy demands if more time and money were
invested in its development.
One surface of a model island coated with the material was used to test TLSC. All surfaces
protected by transparent technology must, however, be visible. By 2050, more money is
expected to be spent on covering all four areas and increasing energy production.
Windows in the Sapphire Tower need to be replaced in 32400 m2 of window area. By 2050,
experts will be able to calculate what efficiency value will be required to fulfil all of the world's
energy consumption using a new trendline. The Sapphire Tower consumes 11776 megawatt
hours of electricity each year (MWh). Today, the Munich region is able to satisfy 12.3% of its
total demand by stacking at a 10% efficiency.
Skyscraper's Energy Generation
14000 80
12000 70
11776 60
10000 MWh
2000 10
0 0
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Energy Efficiency
Figure 5.12: 4 facets TLSC covered Skyscraper’s energy generation and its efficiency.
The low solar radiation in Munich means that high efficiency values are required to meet all of
the region's needs. To offset 100 percent of consumption, an efficiency level of 80 percent must
be achieved by 2050. However, no lab has ever achieved more than 50% efficiency, thus it isn't
Building this tower in a more sunny location, such as the United Kingdom or the United
Kingdom, might be more feasible. The UK receives 5,9 kWh/m2 of global horizontal irradiation
per day, resulting in a yearly total of 2153 kWh/m2. For the Munich area, the difference between
horizontal and vertical irradiation is around 30%. The following is the result for the south facet's
vertical radiation:
Monocrystalline PV Cost 1975 -2020
0 ,2
60 USD/Watt
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
There must be an end to the use of fossil fuels to generate energy in all nations. Due to the fact
that human activity has already caused enough damage to the planet, the European Union and
other nations have set 2030 and 2050 as their goals for reducing global energy use.
Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by at least 40%. Comparatively, (as of the year 1990)
Renewable energy sources should account for at least 32% of total energy use.
Focusing on solar energy is an easy approach to meet ambitious goals since the Earth receives
more sunlight in an hour than it does for the whole year. Transparent luminescent solar
concentrators may be used on all of the windows of a building to fill up this gap. To meet these
energy goals, major technological advancements are needed. Because the TLSC technology is
still in its infancy, it is more costly than monocrystalline in comparison. Using data from one of
the first commercial businesses in the sector, SolarWindow Technologies, the solar window cost
around $2,000 per sq ft with a 65 watt output. As in 1980, the cost of monocrystalline solar cells
is around $30 per watt.
The cost of TLSC in 2030 and 2050 may be estimated by taking into consideration Figure 36.
The projected cost per watt for TLSC in 2030 and 2050 may be observed by looking at the years
between 2010 and 2020 when monocrystalline prices fell.
13 ,05
25 USD/Watt
20 2,13
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Previous to this, the price fall of transparent luminescent solar concentrators was projected.
Based on these data, if the Model Island project is planned for 2030 and/or 2050, what the
overall project budget would be to produce the greatest amount of energy with better efficiency
via window surfaces will be examined.
2020 – 30.76 USD/Watt
Due to its poor power conversion efficiency and high production costs compared to
monocrystalline PV panels, TLSC windows are now prohibitively costly. Despite this, scientists
have managed to construct a prototype PV cell with an efficiency of 44.5 percent, which still
retains the world's greatest power conversion ratio. For 2030 and 2050, if TLSC follows the
same course, the island's maximum produced energy and its cost will be depicted below.
3000 30
M$] - %]
2500 25
2000 20
1500 15
1000 10
500 5
0 0
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
By 2030 and 2050, the Model Island was supposed to cover 16034 m2 of windows, resulting in:
$ 38,47,000,000 in 2020; $ 16,31,000,000 in 2030; $ 2,66,000,000 in 2050.
With additional research and development, we should expect to see even more significant cost
reductions in the near future.
Financial Point of View of Sapphire Tower
It features a total of 32400 m2 of glass surface coated with clear luminescent solar concentrators
to offset the building's energy needs. The same price prediction trendline is used to determine the
future situation. Figure 38 shows the decreasing costs over a 30-year period. In addition, the
TLSC efficiency levels needed to meet demand in both United Kingdom and the United
Kingdom are presented below.
%] - million $
8000 50
6000 40
0 0
2020 2023 2026 2029 2032 2035 2038 2041 2044 2047 2050
Figure 5.15: Required energy levels to provide full compensation and cost forecast
The Sapphire Tower, which was scheduled to take place between 2030 and 2050, would have
covered 324,000 square feet of glass.
By 2050, we'll have saved $5,39 million in comparison to today's $76.73 million estimate.
In regions where the sun is not as strong as it is in the UK, it is thus impossible to meet the whole
need. However, in places with large levels of solar radiation, the same goal may be attained by
using this technology.
Buildings, automotive windows, trains, cell phones, and computers are just a few of the places
where clear solar cells may be found. TSC construction is complicated by the need to synthesise
the transparent material that will be used; to design an unique TSC structure; and finally, to keep
the process as efficient as possible during the whole operation. Choosing materials that can
transmit and absorb light in both visible and invisible wavelength ranges is critical in
overcoming this obstacle. In order to build a solar cell, you need materials that can absorb rather
than transmit light. Second, the materials needed to make the TSC must be produced using a
high-transmission, high-efficiency process. The third hurdle is posed by the TSC's design and the
shielding substrate employed to protect it. In order to make solar cells more inexpensive, the last
challenge is to lower the costs of manufacturing and materials.
In attempt to address the difficulties described above, several investigations have been carried
out in more than 10 distinct directions. Some are looking for new materials that can attain
acceptable transparency for certain uses, while others are looking for materials that can absorb
UV rays while still letting in visible light. Light-transmitting and power-generating structures
were also being worked on by scientists. Only a few of the solutions have been commercialised,
and most of them are still in the testing phase.
When it comes to creating clear solar cells, a variety of deposition techniques are used. Table 1
summarises the building methods of transparent solar cells. TiO2 may be applied on FTO/ITO
glass in a variety of methods. Printing methods include screen-printing and electrophoretic
deposition (EPD). When screen printing, the mesh pattern of the screen influences how clear the
print will be. Table 1 shows that the transmission efficiency of TiO2 photoanodes is 60% with a
9.2 percent efficiency. Since the TiO2 nanotube structure requires a distinct technique to be
synthesised, which adds additional steps to the manufacturing process, and since the factors that
determine thickness are not well understood, the electrophoretic approach is challenging to
control. Another study reported a transmission rate of 55% and an efficiency rate of 7.1%, on the
other hand Few instances of electrophoretic thin-film deposition have been documented to far,
making it a relatively new technique. Photoanodes made of TiO2 nanostructures and counter
electrodes (CE) made of transparent polyaniline films were employed to make TSCs with a
transmittance of roughly 70 percent. Coral-like TiO2 is made via chemical procedures known as
sol-gel, which add complexity and cost to the finished product.
However, the near-infrared OPV takes a somewhat different strategy to generating a TSC,
concentrating instead on absorbing UV and NIR light while still transmitting visible light. Using
this method, more than 1% efficiency and 55% transparency were achieved; the low Voc in
Table 1 may be explained to the poor absorption of light in the viewable region. The transparent
luminescent solar cells are mounted on a frame and covered with NIR fluorescent transparent
dyes pasted over the active area. NIR light absorbed by fluorescent paste and directed to the
glass's edge where it would be converted into energy as a consequence. This method is incredibly
open (over 86%), but it is also quite inefficient (less than 1 percent ). Presently, experiments are
being conducted to determine the efficiency of transparent luminescent solar cells, but this might
happen very soon. NIR polymer and PCBM are employed in polymer solar cells that have a
heterojunction structure. This set-up has allowed some researchers to achieve transmission rates
of 66% and efficiency levels of 4.2%.
There is a lot of room for growth in the industry because of the unique combination of
transparency and energy production. This technology has a broad range of applications, from
electrical devices to buildings. In addition to providing greater accessibility and more efficient
use of space, these free and renewable energy-gathering applications will have a positive impact.
Solar cell size has been the focus of current research, but in the next 10 years, this technology is
expected to scale up to the size of transparent solar panels. The concept is complicated, but it has
major advantages. For example, a quarter of a skyscraper's energy needs might be met if this
technology is fully used and used to replace the majority of the building's windows. In Table 2,
you can see the benefits of these technologies in action.
However, researchers are currently working to solve the obstacles and limitations of these
technologies. Securing a stable environment is one of the difficulties we're facing right now.
When exposed to oxygen or water vapour, most organic solar cells deteriorate. For this reason,
there is no lifetime guarantee for organic solar cells in use today, unlike silicon PVs.
Temperature variations also alter electrolytes, which may freeze at low temperatures and make
panel sealing more difficult at higher temperatures. The poor efficiency of several of these
technologies is also a big problem. It's difficult to combine great transparency with high
efficiency, and most of these technologies have a lower efficiency. In order to use TSC and put it
on the market, its efficiency must match that of conventional solar cells. This suggests that the
vast majority of these innovations aren't quite ready for commercialization just yet. For
perovskite solar cells, which utilise precious elements such as tellurium (as rare as gold), indium
and gallium for the active layers, the materials required to construct TSCs are plentiful. While
some solar cells like DSSC have lowered the TSC, others like TLSC have increased the number
of processes involved in production, making the process more complicated. As a result, all of the
approaches in Table 2 lack significant investigation, while just a few reports and tests of the
transparent solar cell have been carried out. Aside from the weather circumstances, all of these
new technologies must be evaluated in a variety of ways. In order for TSC to be compatible with
standard PVs, further testing must be done in varied weather situations and environmental
It's tough to create solar cells that are transparent, but there are a lot of potential applications for
this technology. Photonic absorption has an issue since transparency interferes with it.
Photovoltaic technology is based on two essential principles: the ability to collect and convert
photons into energy, as well as the ability to be transparent in order to allow in as much light as
possible. TPV is a highly desirable technology for both car and equipment designers and
engineers. However, the amount of openness required for each application is different. Although
a 50% optical transmission could be appropriate for certain materials, mobile screen applications
need at least an 80% optical transmission. A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of
nine TSC technologies that have achieved transmissions of over 20% via diverse efforts and
methodologies targeted to produce high transparency with maximum efficiency is presented in
this study. Thin film approaches employing different deposition processes or transparent
absorbing materials such as polymers, perovskites, QD and TLSC that absorb light in the infrared
and ultraviolet ranges have been the major focus of these methods, as shown by a comprehensive
analysis. Various transparent substrates were used, including ITO, FTO, and polymer. Even
though TLSC technology provided the highest degree of transparency, it was only 1% efficient.
An 8.2% efficiency-to-transparency ratio was achieved using a thin coating of TiO2 nanotubes.
TPV isn't on the market yet, but researchers are working on it. Future electrical applications will
most likely utilise this technology, as a result of this research. Soon, mobile devices will be able
to recharge themselves, and buildings will no longer require solar panels on their roofs to achieve
zero net energy use. Increased global greenhouse gas emissions and climate change have been
caused by an overreliance on fossil fuels. Using renewable energy sources in the construction
sector is vital to reducing environmental degradation and achieving sustainable development.
Because of its widespread availability and strong potential for meeting growing energy demands,
solar energy is a feasible choice for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate
change. It is possible that this energy might be employed in the building sector for a number of
reasons, but significant constraints have impeded its broad use. Researchers examined how solar
electricity may be used in construction as part of their investigation. Findings from previous
studies were obtained using a qualitative literature search. Qualitative analysis software QSR
NVivo was used to identify the current hurdles using both descriptive and focussed coding
techniques (Version 10). In the end, a total of 24 barriers were found, which were grouped into
four categories: social, economic, technical, and governing. Incorporating solar energy systems
into new construction faces major challenges, according to the conclusions of this research.
According to the findings, some of the challenges are global in scale, while others are exclusive
to individual countries. The major focus is on economic and technical limits throughout the
globe. Cost, payback period, and limited installation area are the most often cited obstacles in
related studies. It has been widely acknowledged that developing countries face major obstacles
to achieving their full potential because of a lack of expertise, lack of research and development
funding, and the absence of a national energy policy. Additional factors such as climate, political
instability and fossil fuel reliance were not considered in prior studies because of this research's
focus. As technology has progressed throughout human history, it has brought with it a greater
capacity for inventiveness, and this will continue. Governments throughout the globe have
invested billions of dollars in renewable energy technologies over the last two decades.
Renewables are commonly seen as the future of energy since they use solely natural resources, as
opposed to fossil fuels, which are reliant on other fossil fuels. There is no other renewable energy
source that can provide all of humanity's energy demands in less than an hour, save wind and
water. In the years after 2018, solar energy became more popular and well-funded than ever
before. It's seen in Figure 6. As a consequence, scientists are now focusing on the development
of new technologies that may be used in burgeoning industries including BIPV, floating farms,
and concentrated solar power. It's also become a top goal to improve the efficiency of power-to-
energy conversion.
In 2013, MIT researchers constructed transparent luminescent solar concentrators, the topic of
this thesis study. To illuminate the panel's back from the inside, the TLSC collects sunlight's
invisible wavelengths, unlike ordinary solar panels. As a consequence, they may be used to
building window surfaces, resulting in a massive increase in available floor area. Only a 10%
gain in efficiency is possible by stacking solar cell sheets. An island of 10 AutoCAD-created
building structures was erected near Munich to demonstrate the TLSC's capabilities. Reduced
solar radiation is expected as a result of TLSC being utilised to replace the windows' glass
surfaces. As a result, the exact vertical radiation was calculated using the solar radiation. When
the essential data is gathered, the total amount of electricity that can be generated with the
specified window surfaces is calculated. To save energy, just erecting solar panels on the south
side of a building might save up to 4% of the energy used by the structure.
It is anticipated that if this project were to be implemented in the UK and the US, it would
account for roughly 23% of total consumption and cover four aspects of buildings with 90%
glass surfaces. A 43.8 % increase in the TLSC's efficiency is needed in order to completely
balance the region's power consumption. The fact that just 44.5% of PV cells in 2017 were
efficient enough to meet Munich's requirements means the city will need an 80 % efficient panel.
Using a programme developed using Virtual Studio, users may also calculate their own projects
based on the island' s building standards and its own calculating tool. As a result of these facts
and conclusions, solar technology is not only the most efficient, beneficial and futuristic source
of energy for our planet, but rather the only way.
Solar energy has grown tremendously in the past several years as a new field of study. An
increasing number of people are pouring money into solar power, not merely for the building of
solar panels and arrays, but also for the development of new techniques to enhance their
A slight drawback to traditional solar panels is the fact that they take up a modest amount of
space in your house or business. Transparent solar cells allow power generation on a much wider
range of surfaces. Ubiquitous Energy's solar cells allow light to pass through while still creating
electricity. Solar power is used to generate electricity by the application of the film on any
surface. Using photoactive materials, a film may be made that only uses certain wavelengths of
light to collect and produce energy.
The layer covering the transparent solar cells captures ultraviolet and near infrared energy,
allowing visible light to pass through. Transparent solar cells may so generate electricity without
depending on visible light by using UV and near infrared lenses. Since solar cells can not use
visible light energy, transparent solar panels can't create as much electricity as traditional opaque
solar panels. Transparent solar cells may not seem like a big deal at first, but if you look at their
whole utilisation, it becomes evident that ten % less electricity is a big deal.
Many surfaces may be employed with the transparent solar cells because of their versatility. For
smartphones, clear solar cells will allow them to be powered by the sun's energy, extending the
battery's life. Transparent solar cells might be used in large windows of buildings. The complex
will be powered by the sun's rays and the windows of the enormous skyscrapers. You can cover
as much of a surface area as you want with solar panels.
There are two reasons why PV technology is included in this section: its potential impact on our
energy system and the fact that it is actively being developed. There is also a discussion of the
challenges it confronts as the industry grows and diversifies.
In the solar photovoltaic industry, which is changing at a rapid rate, innovations are appearing
along the whole value chain. Increasing productivity has been a major driver of new ideas in
recent years (Green, 2019). Because perc technology, which produces more efficient solar cells,
has risen in popularity, the performance of solar panels has also increased. Costs may be
decreased by reducing the number of cells required to create a given output when efficiency in
cells is increased. Transparent solar panel technology may be able to provide 40% of the UK's
annual energy demands if it is partnered with rooftop solar. Even while these devices need just
infrared light to power themselves, our study has shown that they may potentially have other
functions that may help enhance the efficiency of buildings, automobiles and other mobile
devices. Second-generation thin-film solar cells feature the narrowest form (350 times smaller
light-absorbing layers than standard Si-panels), the lowest weight, the greatest flexibility, and the
easiest installation of any PV technology to date..
It's not only about saving money; it's also about saving energy. More efficient systems need less
land and wire/cable length to be deployed in terms of transportation and installation. Companies
who are able to supply the most effective modules are considered as having the greatest technical
expertise in marketing terms (Green, 2019).
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