OTO ANORHA Issue # 31 The Temple of THEM, Australian Nexion
OTO ANORHA Issue # 31 The Temple of THEM, Australian Nexion
OTO ANORHA Issue # 31 The Temple of THEM, Australian Nexion
[Members Eyes]
The summary of movements and achievements by the Temple of THEM on the National
and Global circuit entitled “Prescencing Falcifer” has been suspended from Oto Anorha.
The informative spiels contained within the previous three public editions have served
their purpose and are no longer necessary. Via wordpress our direction to those who
know is clear – and we’d rather not hand sensitive intelligence to the enemy on a plate. ;)
Dear Member,
The following publication contains mss privately circulated to members of good standing
within the Sinisterion and is specific to OA31 and the members of THEM. As was a
popular practice of the ONA, each copy contains a separate set of typos to track
dissenters. Please keep this information entrusted to you, to yourself and no other. I. S. S.
Also newly adopted for this publication, and popularly considered to be another stroke of
genius by the ONA, is a format of black text on grey background that greatly reduces eye
strain when reading long tracts of electronic text.
Some of these mss invite participation and a response in regards to the direction of the
Temple, of which you are considered an equal partner in the formation that is THEM, and
wherein your experience/opinion will be valued and welcomed in these matters.
Grand Black Magic: Aims of Experiment A
“Illuminati novices thus started their studies with classical writers such as Aristotle
and Cato, and then went on to contemporary philosophers such as Holbach and
Helvetius. A process of self-examination, guided by written questionnaires and the
close supervision of a senior initiate, helped direct the novice toward the goal of this
strenuous program – the creation of an elite of enlightened initiates who would
insinuate themselves into influential positions in Bavarian society and transform the
kingdom into a Utopia. Illuminati recruitment focused on the socially prominent,
the wealthy, and the talented from the very beginning. By 1784 the order had spread
through much of central Europe, with active colonies in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Bohemia (Czech Republic), Hungary, and northern Italy, and the total
number of Illuminati who had received the Illuminatus Minor degree (the basic
working degree of the order) had topped 650.”
The Order was to later fall apart as its heavy secrecy was compromised - bringing it
to the attention of conservatives looking for a scapegoat - and so disbanded. Three
years later the French Revolution was to break out whereupon the name of the
Illuminati was mentioned in anti-Masonic propaganda. But it was the publication of
a book by an individual named De Barruel who argued that an inner circle of
Masons had deliberately started the Revolution as part of a sinister crusade against
monarchy and Christianity, that elevated the Illuminatus from obscurity into the
role of a World-wide Masonic conspiracy. Another author, John Robison, helped to
fan the flames of narrative and between them they managed to tangle the Knights
Templar and Illuminati together so successfully that their (often dubious) claims
and mythos were taken up by and wildly speculated on by the media. Throughout
the 1800’s belief in a sinister Illuminati was popular with many conservatives.
It was again in the publication of the famous Protocols of Zion - alleged to be the
master plans of a global Jewish conspiracy - that the fuel for further speculation on
a secret ruling elite was taken up eagerly by the West and has remained every
philosophers stone since.
It is of great consequence that the mythos of the Illuminatus has been identified as a
creation of Narrative Magic. We may cite endless other examples of powerful
organizations whose legend sprung from the same excited chatter of the human
imagination – among these the infamous Order of Nine Angles of which I have been
an avid proponent of in the expansion and power of its Mythos; and in time we may
cite Ourselves among these.
While certain changes in methodology and organization by THEM differ from those
the Illuminati utilized, such as intense instruction mentored closely by senior
members, a chartered procession through a geometric tablet of reading to lay the
foundation for enlightenment – viz. the “Tablets of Set” via Aquino’s Temple of Set
-, and an intense myriad of secret signs, passwords, and codes, not forgetting our
two organizations are separated by 300 years time; we are nonetheless identical in
our humble intent.
The Temple of THEM and its expanding syndicate of nexions contain all of the
elements necessary to create a Sinister Illuminatus. Elements such as the coherence
of its members independence yet also their collectivity via Sinister Solidarity, a
curriculum that imparts great Empathy, teaches such skills as critical analysis via
the development of Cynicism/Optimism, continues to forge global Connections via
far firmer alliances than many other groups have managed to engender, and exists
synchronously to gather those together with a shared desire to raise consciousness
individually and globally – neatly complimented by the expertise and experience of
a growing number of individuals well-versed in a variety of the world’s largest and
most influential secret societies and occult orders of which each of THEM hold or
have held prominent positions.
With the increase and crystallization in Solidarity and Personal Honour (via ISS),
has been born the simple foundation necessary for a well-connected world-wide
syndicate of great influence to arise. Some may now understand why the magian
seek to splinter us apart from one another – but the voice of the Dark Gods is the
eternal condition of humanity and will never be silenced.
The following dossier forms part of an original ‘master plan’ conceived in 2004-2005
by those behind THEM, to implement on behalf of Satanism, a hostile aeonic
takeover to cause the world to remember/recall the potential inherent in Darkness
beneath the increasingly bastardized and commercialized emphasis mainstream
media has made of its tools and philosophy – a bitter source of disagreement among
Satanists that has kept solidarity at bay or an ineffective private pastime for self-
indulgence that insulates the magian against any real threat of challenge to its rule.
Although somewhat outdated, this dossier may satisfy some of the intense curiosity
others have of the formation that is THEM and its ultimate geometry. Since a
number of the concepts have already been introduced, taken seed and produced (or
are producing) the desired changes, such information is no longer as sensitive as it
used to be. Many of the concepts are only referred to briefly and in a bullet-point
format but various mss have been circulated from the Black Glyph Society tendril,
Wordpress tendril and Mvimaedivm tendril - including assorted Temple manifestos
– that detail the ways and means by which we are attempting (or have already
succeeded in achieving) to achieve these goals.
Soon we shall pass through the stage of external laughter that comes with any strong
expression of the will to Dare – the ensuing scorn that characterizes the currents of
significant change. People are generally cowards, cynics, afraid to dream, and they
will make fun of those who struggle beyond mediocrity until the day they are
forcefully proved wrong. Remember among them who had faith in the beginning –
who was with you when times were hard – forget those who profess faith when our
task becomes easy.
“Those who were laughing then are no longer laughing now. And those who are
laughing now … will not be laughing much longer.” – Adolf Hitler.
heRe be DragOns (v.02)
The quiet solitude of the upstairs study was broken by the sound of a
ringing telephone.
Ryan, sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen in front of
him, grabbed absentmindedly for the receiver.
“Ah. How are ya mate? Been a long time since I heard anything from
you – shit, must be a year now? Good to hear from ya, man. What’s
been happening in your world?”
“Oh yeah? – sounds like you’re doing well for yourself – mm, yeah
doin’ alright – hey you got that other tattoo yet? Mm, yeah well you
gotta take your time and look around - make sure you don’t get
fucked over and end up some scratcher’s orange.”
“Hah, yeah, good, look if you need any help with your design let me
know. I’ve been drawing a fair bit lately – probably not the sort of shit
you’re after for your arm, but I’m pretty sure I can finish that tat.
Make it match the other one at least.”
Ryan stretched out his hand and picked up a jellybean that had fallen
from a nearby bowl and idled too close to the keyboard. He popped it
into his mouth and leaned back on his chair.
He chewed on the –lemonade?- bean and gazed thoughtfully at ‘The
According to his uncle - a lot of Australian occult art had not survived
the 1970’s. Apparently a narrow-minded police force had sought to
destroy any that they found. This painting, a set of three he was told,
was probably quite rare. He wondered if his uncle would give him the
third one to complete the set the next time there was an occasion to
be celebrated.
“Yeah mate, I’m here – yeah. Go to www, dot, wordpress, yeah one
word, dot com, backslash, temple of them - yep one word.”
“No, I know, there’s a hell of a lot more. The rest are either contained
in various works or - you remember I was writing Mvimaedivm last
time we spoke? Yeah, well - *pause* Well it’s supposed to be called
Mvimaedivm; I only called it the Diary of a Devilworshipper to make it
more commercially appealing when I started selling ‘em. Yeah good
mate, I’ve actually finished seven volumes and … no, I cut out a lot of
“Cheers mate.”
“No – well I haven’t published all of them yet – as I say, a lot of shit’s
“Yeah the Order of Saturn – awesome stuff – this guy really knows his
shit … no not like, not regurgitating occult lore, I mean he
comprehends behaviour, habit, method, change, alchemy, the lot.
Yeah remember that book I told you about? The one on Cybernetics? –
Ah shit, Maxwell … something … I can’t remember. Yeah, well I really
like his work – we had a bit of a chat about some of the concepts he
uses vs. those that THEM use – was very interesting.”
“Yep. Yep. Okay, well go get yourself a coffee or something and I’ll tell
you what’s going on alright.”
Ryan sat forward, cradling the receiver against his ear with his
shoulder and typed seven letters into his search engine. A few maps of
a woodland area in south-eastern Victoria popped up. He browsed the
listed contents and clicked on one. He sat and studied the maps
“Hey man. Got yourself one? OK. Let’s start from the top. Remember
when you came over that time and we got crownies and sat in the
garage? Yeah? Then do you remember we were talking about the
powers of the Vatican and Vatican City? Yeah? Well apparently the
Vatican has officially issued a private order to form a group of about
100 specialists to fight the rise in the occult.”
“Yeah, I can’t remember the name of their organization, but it’s called
something like the Sworn Brothers of the Sword against Magic and the
Occult works of Satan, or some fancy ass title like that, and it’s been
put together by that fucker Ratzinger – yeah the pope – yeah he did,
visited earlier last year and shut Sydney city down so no-one could
even protest their presence – anyway, this action is quite a frightening
proposition because its like a modern form of the Inquisition is being
sanctioned by the Powers that Be. Well apparently he has ties to the
descendants of the Inquisitors. Mm, well it’s interesting to keep an eye
on these things.”
Ryan listened.
“Yeah, well the scary thing is that these crazy cunts are still as mad as
hatters, nothing’s really changed since medieval times in the way of
attitude – just the forms. You’ve seen Guantanamo Bay? – Guat, no
wait … I forgot, they changed the name to Camp X-ray, that’s right.
Yeah *laughter* not much more comforting eh? Here you have a
country whose propaganda machine has been raging for the last what
- 60 years? - about the abominations of Nazi Concentration Camps,
but who has almost a third of their fucking population incarcerated in
“Yeah that’s an awesome song eh? Mezmerize was a good album too.”
economic slump was almost certainly manufactured – it makes a lot of
sense for it to happen now. The whole 911 thing – and then this -
could not create more perfect conditions for them. America bombing
their own people sent the entire world into an iron-grip police state
that perfectly suits the clearly stated American-Magian goals of total
global domination. Freemasons? I really don’t know – who does? But
thanks to America you can’t get on a plane with toothpaste anymore
for fuck sake and the mass given reason is because someone might
“*laughs* yeah well that’s exactly right man, people are dying every
day – because of America. America’s quick to jump on soft targets
accusing them of harbouring WMDs or abusing human rights – but you
don’t see them charging into China. No – and it’s interesting that
they’ve targeted Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea and Georgia –
because these countries all form a ring around China. I guess if you
know you’ve got fuck all chance of invading a kick-ass empire like
China – one of the oldest living dynasties in the world – the best thing
you can do is keep cats at its feet. But from a military point of view it
looks as if the American military has been trying to set up a perimeter
around China for a very long time, at least since the cold war, and a
lot of the countries fit the criteria for what are referred to as choke
“Mm, so you’ve got all these signs going on right? And all these noble
sentiments of propaganda expressing the opposite that don’t match
those signs. It’s like the protocols of Zion said: judge the merit of a
conspiracy by what you can see happening. The Jews? Shit of course,
but it goes beyond any racial war – and just because a few who
happen to be Jewish are involved doesn’t mean they all are. What’s
more likely is that millions of people lack the spirit or solidarity to
argue with what’s laid down, hundreds of thousands help enforce it,
thousands of leaders and players the world over are following the lead
of a hundred, a hundred are colluding together with twenty, twenty a
few, and though it can be generalized the details of the world are just
too fucking big and busy to really get any kind of handle on what’s
really going on on the personal level – you have to guess via the forms
that arise, the forms that are trying to arise, the collective changes
that occur. Meanwhile, wild cards keep everyone guessing. No - I do
believe in a Magian conspiracy, partly because it’s probable simply
because people love to conspire. And partly because there do appear
to be clear signs of a master plan unfolding on the chessboard.”
“What kind of signs? Well, if you had access to a million cameras all
showing you shady goings-on and you had to explain what was being
done, how it was illegal, track the personal details of each person
involved, and then go through court proceedings to get a conviction –
where would you ever possibly start? There are so many things going
on, on so many levels that it’s impossible to process it in any sort of
entirety with any depth, proof, or clarity.”
“Well that’s right it’s not about feeling like your hands are tied because
you can’t do anything – it’s the feeling that you can’t do anything that
ties your hands. That’s the magian’s magic, billions and billions of
forms that all act to tire you, make you afraid, feel overwhelmed –
moreover the system also manages to cater for so many powerful
influential people that not a lot of those people want anything to
change or change too much. Doing something all starts with the
development of a self-conviction to make choices.”
“Yeah well some of the signs are obvious and some aren’t. O and Sath
brought a lot of these to my attention such as the death of touch in
society, like intimacy is being made into a taboo. Well fear of
paedophilia is rife, like an old-fashioned witch-hunt, and I have no love
for those sick fucks but on one hand the government says kids need to
be protected, and at the same time it makes all these absurd demands
on mothers to put their kids in daycare, leave them with strangers and
spend so much time at work they hardly ever see their kids. What the
fuck is that about if not a direct attempt to send already over-worked
people mad trying to obey two completely divergent attitudes to life?
It’s like that whole fucking slap in the face with smoking where almost
every media company brain-washed people into smoking, going so far
as to use it as a sexual euphemism, tap right into human
fundamentals, get all the big names doing it for like 50 years. But now
some cunts have the absolute cheek to decide smoking is no longer
profitable/publically acceptable, and rather than apologize for
nationally and globally pushing this shit onto others, to turn around
and blame smoking addiction on the supposed weakness of the
individual smoker. Eh? Course there’s proof check out magazines and
advertising from 1900 onwards – shameless! The funny thing is the
whole campaign to stop smoking is just another repeat of the original
campaign probably by a lot of the same players to start smoking! And
people are buying it. You can’t have a smoke anywhere now – it’s like
people self-policing for the State with every hypocritical fuck who tut
tuts not having a clue that they’re just being brainwashed again to ark
up about smokers. Retards. And what absolute cunts trying to make
people feel dirty for doing something they told them for so long it was
in every way right and safe to do! And you know recently it got so
ridiculous regarding touching people that there was a big hullabaloo in
the papers about how swimming instructors were going to be expected
to teach children but without being allowed to touch them. *laughter*
yeah that’s right, how the fuck are you supposed to teach children to
swim without the instructor ever touching them? Your child’s
drowning? Oh sorry, I’m not allowed to help save them because I’ll get
sued. Maybe you could jump in an – no? Didn’t learn how to swim
properly either huh? Too bad for little jimmy. *laughter* Innocent
handling and human touch and warmth is totally being made taboo –
even my friend’s who work in the prostitution business say so. They
reckon the internet has totally fucked the sex industry, not only
because most men think they have to copy the aggressive behaviour
in porno’s to be a man or get off – but because most of them are guys
who work their ass off for a lifeless corporation, really only want
simple human contact and affection. Yeah, 14 years she’s been doing
it. Never used to be like that apparently. Between them, 911 and the
net really fucked everything.”
“Anyway can you hold on? I’m going to get a coffee now, I’ll be right
back. Yep just a sec.”
“Sweet, right, where was I? Oh, Yeah, anyway you got other signs like
the tightening grip on oil, water, narcotics, medicine, the ownership of
almost all the worlds companies and subsidiaries by a handful of
people, increasing strain on resources, etc – but any event that even
slightly changes the availability of something is quickly and completely
blown out of proportion and given a media spin that makes each and
every one of these human race collectively owned resources seem like
the private property of some company or another and extremely
scarce. And it’s ongoing – day after day in the media, in the papers, in
the TV, a whole slew, and I mean a non-stop fucking current since
they got the idea from the Nazis, of fear-based propaganda saying this
and that is running out, so people will stay afraid, believe the world is
as they want it to appear, accept the greedy mark-up in prices, get
squeezed dry for the benefit of capitalist cunts to widen the gap
between rich and poor, and so affect people that that’s all they’ll talk
about, trying to drown their sorrows in alcohol and braving the daily
grind together. All the while feeding Orgasmatron. I’ve worked at
bakeries and supermarkets – do you know how much food they dump?
And what about water, the national statistics company indicates
between 70-90% of water used is used by industry, yet they blame
the working proletariat and even doubled water/gas/electricity prices
overnight! I’d also add the horrific saturation of rap music, once the
most hated of forms by America, now allowed to openly pollute
everything with nasty reptilian messages. No – it’s the tunes that do it,
not the lyrics. If you did any of those lyrics a capella they’d all just
sound like shit – and exactly the same. It’s musical engineers that
inject the shite with trance not the two-bit actors that front the shop.
Yeah I hate rap – it’s an insidious state sanctioned poison - insidious, I
mean you can’t say fuck for fear of offending someone, but you can
talk about bitch-niggaz beating raping women on a pg video game or
popularize the gangsta culture in kid’s movies. Which I should add in
all fairness was another form of resistance absorbed and bastardized
by the magian media. Yeah, yeah transformers had mongrelized negro
robots talking Ebonics, and in transporter 3, in fact a lot of movies,
anytime they want to make the movie fit in and be accepted by its
audience they use contemporary music to make it fluid, so they use
some ugly fucking rap track, thus continuing the cycle. *laughter*
yeah well that or the horseshit pop bubblegum and love music that
passes for music these days. I actually find a large number of people
agreeing with me about my article on the frequency of the magian
being so fucking enervating that it hurts their ears and brains just to
be near it. Yep those fuckers have done extremely well to create such
a powerful sonic weapon. Mate, people severely underestimate the role
of music and movies in all of this.”
“Yeah right – so as I was saying, the Vatican put together this group
to seek out and destroy the rise in the occult - *cough* I mean,
disobedience. And with all these other signs popping up of a singular
control over everything it’s looking like this will be one hell of an
interesting century. But the Christians are up against something new
this time.”
“No – and I knew you’d ask that. I’ve explained why forming a Para-
military group or promoting extremism won’t work against the Magian
– at least not yet. What the fuck are you going to do against a
powerfully trained unit of state-sanctioned S.W.A.T.? Or when the
System gets hold of you and drags you through the courts, through
the legal system – launching a one-sided argument to justify your
arrest, your treatment, using all its media against you, and you end up
in a cell fucked over after someone pays the cops or screws to ice you
– or the cops or screws use the inmates desperation to nail your coffin
shut? What? Call yourself a political prisoner? You end up just another
David Koresh or David Hicks – making maybe a loud bang at first with
your individuality, but which day by day under a torrent of propaganda
and damage control from the Machine silences it – demonizes it – or
worse: uses what you did against you by making you a martyr for the
opposite cause. Take September 11 2001, even if in some distant
planetary dimensions terrorists actually did blow up the twin towers
and I’ve seen too much evidence to believe that - a couple of thousand
people get hurt in arguably justifiable payback for what America is
doing to those countries their people and the world in general, and
suddenly its ok for Americans to bomb the absolute shit out of
Afghanistan. They do that shit in war – they do everything and
anything they have to - and we’re at war. If you take a careful look at
the Christ/Satan myth embedded in nearly all movies where there’s
two clearly demarcated sides, yeah again transformers classic
example, you see that after 2001 the message of such fights changes.
Suddenly war is allowed to be won at any cost once the enemy has
been identified. Yeah well a lot of movies show popular monuments
and world-historic sites being smashed to dust in the name of
American justice – and even cop shows are giving fantastic
justifications for treating ‘perps’ any old way the cops desire –
collectively sanctioning and condoning torture and assault of anyone
whose deemed a criminal. We’re at war with something old archaic
and massive – and to take down a two-thousand year old mongrel
dragon you need pretty spectacular weapons.”
“What’s that? No I still get it, I’m always meeting people who want to
get together and form some sort of “Satanic Army” with a cache of
weapons and secret hideouts – fuck man, a lot of people still treat the
work like its cops and robbers. Well let me put it this way – if you’ve
ever done martial arts you realize how extremely fragile the human
body is even as it can be super-strong. You get in a fight and you
might learn the same thing. You get one chance to take on something
as huge as the Dragon if indeed you’re even able to live such a life in
the first place that you become aware of it before it subsumes you –
and you can’t go throwing that life away on some doomed crusade
your carefully manufactured ego wants you to go on – that’s falling
prey to narrative magic. Especially, especially when there’s still no
solidarity among people. That was the first thing to go. Um yeah,
what’s his name, Henry Ford introduced the production line and
everything just kind of snowballed from there into consumerism,
capitalism and the era of automated machines. Do you know at my
local supermarket they no longer employ people at night? They only
provide a self-service machine that fucks people out of jobs.”
“Yeah, but I mean a lot of people are still being trapped by the same
shit – doing the same things despite the obvious precautions the
Church has taken to meet various actions with various results. You
wave a weapon, you’re gonna get fucking shot. And you’re gonna get
shot by professionals or tasered now, the cops are being given tasers
here in Oz. And say you blow yourself up on a tram – yeah you might
start something, Australia has never had anything like that happen,
and it’d start a wave that’d turn oz into a police state – but why would
that help? And what kind of weak assfuck thinks blowing up civilians is
okay? It’s not okay – it’s a lazy easy way out of actually tackling the
huge and insidious problems that face humanity as a whole. Most of
these bombers are young – easy to control, easy to convince, easy to
replace. The bombs don’t ever seem to get anyone of importance, or
anyone who has actually been causing the shit. It’s just an endless
blood feud fuelling itself- just the way the magian likes it.”
“Well any of those poor tortured motherfuckers who did those school
shootings are symptoms of the geometry America forces its
inhabitants to endure. But I’d love to believe that’s finally starting to
change – that people are starting to understand that there is a life
beyond form and thus choices beyond what the magian offers us. The
plan to implement Magical Solidarity is - *pause* yeah, *laugh* but
it’s very different to National Socialism for a variety of reasons – name
one? OK, well it hasn’t failed yet.”
“No. well I can’t explain that to many people – I can’t give reasons for
various actions because people need to learn how to think like that for
themselves – if I tell them what I’m doing they’ll just get lazy, add the
info to the pile of downloads, and never get around to understanding
digesting or integrating what was actually being done – instead they’ll
try to find a shortcut with some other group who’ll bury them up to
their ass in weird and ridiculous practices … yes and that’s right, you
can give away all the secrets of the Tradition in plain view but that
doesn’t mean they’ll be appreciated or even understood. Like, nobody
ever thanks the guy that takes the fall, do they? *laugh* precisely.
Understanding is still at a pretty shitty level – people still don’t
understand let alone appreciate the supreme subtlety of how they and
things work – like how having a common enemy can join two allies
together in hatred firmer than cement. It’s not always fun having to
play the enemy – it’s not my idea of fun anyway – and it’s a shitty job
*laugh* but it works, and someone has to do it, just like it’s always
been done. You’ve no idea how many groups or key people we’ve
brought together by making them hate us as a team, well me really
because I stick my head out as the so-called representative. Well what
they think is me anyway – I’m just a fuckin' phantom really. Hell I
don’t know “who” I am half the time. Eh? Yeah well fuck ‘em it’s way
too early for people to even come close to that kind of perception.
Softly, softly, catchy monkey.”
Ryan swiveled to the right and picked another jellybean out of the
“Mm, well that’s helped fuckin’ heaps – but you can’t tell people that
sort of shit – if you tell everyone you’re this or that – it changes
perception – better to remain quiet on the extent of one’s
achievements, for one reason people can doubt my ‘credentials’ and
‘training’ all they want … *raucous laughter* yeah! It’s from the
Simpsons. Anyway what was I saying? The proof is in the pudding. Say
what you like THEM is undeniably influential. And secondly, I’m
avoiding being seen as an authority. Why? Well people would treat our
work differently; just go along with it because we have some vested
authority – when really they should go along with it because it makes
sense to them. Well yeah that’s why when we published a number of
our books we deliberately didn’t give them exciting pictures – I mean I
could have easily used one of my pictures or drawn something to
make them look cool and satanic – but what the hell would that do?
It’s very easy to wrap something up in pretty pictures to sell it. Man
I’ve wasted a lot of good money buying shit just because it looked
good only to get it home and read it. I went through all that shit when
I was DWR, god, as a teenager. I want our work to sell, to spread, to
influence, whether it’s wrapped nicely or not – after all, this fascination
people have with valuing something based on its outer appearance
needs to be balanced out. I’m testing synchronicity and I’m trying to
reverse some of the lean on marketing that people use to qualify
something’s content. Heh, yeah, I read a lot what can I say? Mm, well
ONA officially recognized us publicly as a Traditional Nexion not so long
ago. Well yeah but we’ve been that privately for a long time – being
announced publicly really only serves to elevate people’s notice –
people are trained early on to seek authorities. As a perceived
authority we command respect – with respect, time, and with time –
attention. Attention’s important. Because once we have it – and
they’re not flitting about from form to form but paying close attention
to what we’re saying/doing – then we can point out how the whole
process that brought them to us worked. Well yep, the idea is that it
will make them immune to any further attempts by others to use form
to entice them away from their own will and to serve in the will and
forms of others. Well yeah I realized the paradox in telling people to
think for themselves – but I can’t make them think for themselves. I
can simply do the best I can, with the others, to present what we have
diluted from our own paths.”
“Um, sales are steady and I’ve sold several dozen copies of each
volume of Mvimaedivm now – and that was despite stripping all the
bullshit that goes with so many occultists from the very start. *laugh*
well that’s right and that’s because being occult isn’t the point. But
occultists are the most likely place to find minds free of certain
prejudices, more open to change, who will try things in spite of the
seeming impossibilities of them. Well actually - Oh guess what? My
publisher sent me an email the other day that let me know one of my
books had been chosen to sell on Amazon – and without me doing a
damn thing except writing it. Again, a small start – but a dozen or
more small starts in the right place are every bit as good as the
proverbial good one. Saturation is one of the keys – but flooding
people with books would just repeat what so many others have done –
that doesn’t help anyone – but you know about my other work.”
“Yep going very well in fact. Tried a couple of times to get in good with
a publisher – but for whatever fucking reason…”
“Well – Mvimaedivm is the name of the forum we run. Yeah and the
name of the books. Well I’m sure you can figure out why they both
share the same name … That’s right mate, they’re the same thing.
Anyway the forum Mvimaedivm has been extremely successful –
remember when everyone just fucking argued because they wanted to
be right? Because of the domination of the ego? Well we found a way
to satisfactorily explain to the collective ego how everyone can be
right, while everyone can be wrong, and yet everyone work together,
In Sinister Solidarity. There’s now 21 separate nexions that I know of
and counting, working together while each working in isolation.”
Ryan made a face and dropped the wet blue jellybean he’d taken out
of his mouth into the nearby rubbish bin.
“Look I don’t mean to sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet, but
fuck mate I’m blowing my own trumpet. See look at it this way. The
Christians haven’t really evolved in technique – yeah their enforcers
have, and technology has given them an edge, but numbers don’t
mean shit if you have a superb strategy that gets the masses involved.
See they still teach the same intolerance they taught way back when
in the same way. They still have a cyclopean definition of Satan and
Satanists, and Satanism too for that matter. But instead of having
discussions restricted to forms and thus peoples thought processes
being effectively controlled via a restriction of choice of thoughts -
people around me are now beginning to look much harder at form –
examine the motive for their presence – see the fragility in them, and
understand the layers of each – not just as individual geometry, but as
a powerful context to be used in casual intellectual examination. With
the bones of the magic of the magian laid bare – people are slowly
stripping away the “cumbersome wreckage” that being trapped within
the stricture of forms has left behind as a legacy for our generation
and which has profound influence on everything we do by ourselves, in
a group, or as a species.”
“No way. There’s way too much work to be done to dismantle that
terrifying machine than I could ever hope to do in a hundred years of
writing. Because there are all these probably infinite angles that need
work, study, perfection, alignment to replace the artificial machine
with organic life-centered geometry. That’s why it’s so incredible to
see all these different groups rising up as one each with its own
personality, goal and engine driving it – yet, all working toward the
same thing, the destruction of the magian thought process – not just
to tear down their transient outer architecture or personnel but a
collective internal alchemical eradication of their function. I mean
obviously there are groups doing all sorts of different functions - but
it’s like they’re working as one creature to bring about the same aim.
We’re not just changing the flag here – we’re actually changing
consciousness insofar as we are influencing what people choose to
take notice of, care about, and with luck permanently affecting
people’s perception in such a way as to revolutionize perception itself.
Once something’s broken man, it doesn’t get unbroken. Perception is
like that.”
“Well yeah, I know I’m fucking crazy. But I’m also horrifically sane.”
“*laugh* Whaaaat? Get fucked cunt, I’ll buy you a fucking swear-jar!”
“Yeah. Nah. Actually that’s a good point. Try thinking about it like this:
what does the Magian really have - really have - except our Trust?”
“With power comes responsibility – especially when you’re trying to
help change the world in so drastic a way. And with so many
handicaps! Like, we’re not wealthy, we have to work anonymously, we
don’t have the luxury of cheap and wide-spread media or advertising,
we’re trying to presence something that is completely outside the box
so far as the occult is concerned, we’re trying to expand consciousness
for fuck sake, and we’re only three years old as a Temple. I have to
believe it can be done - otherwise who else is there? Shit phones
ringing hold on a sec?”
“Fucking telemarketers. Okay, I’m back, sorry about that mate. Where
was I? You get one life, seventy or so years, and then you’re fucking
dead. In that time, at least as a Satanist - you have to break down all
the bullshit lumped onto your brain and cultural program to see
something lies beyond it – you have to try escaping that program a
number of very disheartening times in order to identify what lies
beyond it – you have to sum up all the knowledge left to you by others
by using only the merest portion of it – and you have to learn how to
learn. In that time you must also accomplish any number of extremely
tricky tasks, including individuation, finding the self, accepting the ego,
dealing with the concept of God, the concept of godlessness, dealing
with the concept of concepts, get disappointed by any number of idols
and gods, not go mad doing all this, not lose interest pursuing such
goals, and not give in to being a part of the furniture in the Time in
which you find yourself. You must fight death, doubt, failure, and
chance, and even beyond all that – you must be able to write, draw, or
otherwise communicate what no-one wants to hear without being
drowned out, ignored, or laughed at. That is, assuming you align in
the first place with the forces of the Sinister and not the status quo.
Now I’m going out on a limb here and I’m saying to you that no-one,
not a soul, can do or does what I do. That’s why I write so much and
talk so much because I’ve never met or encountered anyone like me,
and I have something to say about the world and my place in it, I have
something to say about all that I have encountered in the people
around me as a result of its history and its domination by the Church.
I’m not going to sit around and waste my life, quietly biding my time
and tapping my fingers waiting for someone else to come along and
say what I am saying, or do what I am doing. I’m just giving it one
hell of a good go to try and smash these cunts or leave behind the
means for others to do it, like I promised to myself I would do when I
was twelve. What’s that? Mate, the army will come – one thing I’ve
learned is that there are many ways to fight a war, and many ways
should be used to fight a war.”
Ryan’s coffee had gone cold. And he pushed it away.
“Yeah – well if we can just reach a critical mass then shit could really
change in a big way. Yeah? We’ll I’m not a megalomaniac – no – I’m
not - one of the most important things I teach from the Temple is not
to trade one authority for another. Instead of just repeating the same
hypnotic trick but with me as the new puppet master I try and show
people how it’s done and hopefully how to shut that shit down.
Because replacing a magian authority with a satanic one isn’t the
name of the game either man, it’s all so much more complex than that
and yet so blindingly simple – depends which side of the fence you’re
looking at it from. People need to split their perception and dual view
of yes/no a little bit further to work with us, so they have all shades of
understanding operating at once. Yeah it is asking a lot – but look at
what we’re trying to do – and that includes your work too – it’s huge,
insane, and fucking impossible – but hey shit, it’s being done anyway.”
“Exactly. But you know how super subtle the power of forms can be –
and how people’s brains tend to work – for instance, form is so
powerful, the reader may have unconsciously assumed that –I- don’t
like blue jellybeans.
The Magnitude of Scope
One of the important questions an experiment like ours must ask, and ask
now to be certain of direction, and for the future reference of others who
come this way – is what is our magnitude of scope?
In just a few short years we have brought forth a national reputation that
challenges the satanic cultures and traditions of continents vastly older than
our own. Our tendril “the wordpress” continues to surprise us with a steady
increase of visitors pushing its readership higher and higher with each
passing day. Our publications and our reputation as an elite satanic
formation are both reaching the corners of the globe - challenging the way
thousands of people think and by proxy, act. Suffice to say since the
Inception we have done extremely well to lay a solid magical foundation and
implement our modus operandi.
If the Temple and its experiment continue to obtain similar results to the last
few years, even months, at an exponential rate: we risk stepping on a lot of
toes, more than we already have, and those toes whom actually have the
power to annihilate our nexion and all those associated with us. As it stands
we are still ghosts – going largely unnoticed by the potential pool of the
world’s minds and not considered a threat to anyone. But the charter predicts
(through action) a time coming when we face the possibility of getting a
sudden burst of mass media attention, possibly nationally, possibly globally.
If for instance, THEM were to go the route of forging a physical Temple ala
the Church of Satan, such a burst would be likely to bring us the kind of
limelight the magian really can’t afford to give us. Successfully handled –
such exposure could rocket our nexion into the public consciousness.
Whether the exposure is negative or positive makes significant difference –
positive exposure could usurp us into the machine, soften us, make us
acceptable, harmless, paint us as a fringe group – whilst negative exposure
could smear campaign our efforts thus far, or worse, make us a lot of
enemies (or friends) too soon.
Let us suppose we did get that big – after all you can’t tap into the collective
consciousness and the currents of the active psyche without expecting to
start a tidal wave of repercussions – positive or negative. It is a dangerous
game we play. Our exposure would get the attention (and comments) from
other satanic groups – I’m thinking here in particular of the sanitary and
popular CoS. Not only would we bring what might be seen as unfavourable
media scrutiny back upon Satanism – but we’d alert the witch hunters,
evangelists, rednecks, at best, politicians, religious figures, police dept,
government officials, at worst. Anonymity is hard to maintain under a
concerted effort to find you by the powers that be – and were we approached
by ‘friendlies’ whose ‘generous offers of assistance’ we knocked back; find
ourselves with a bevy of slighted time-bombs.
There is also the small matter of global scope and the larger matter of what
we do – which is re-orient thought. Re-orient enough thought our way and
there are going to be a hell of a lot of THEM. But the more of THEM, the
more we start cutting into others industries, into world industries. Suffering
is exponential; anytime you try to decrease it somewhere, it increases
elsewhere. Other Satanic groups might be all too willing to throw us to the
dogs should the chance arise or be made possible – if trapped, the messy
world of legality, of lawsuits and counter-suits could tie our hands even if
our work continues to spread – you need to each remember that this is not a
backyard operation but a concerted effort to re-orient world consciousness, a
feat of immensity few are arrogant, ignorant enough to attempt or even
dream possible. The more we grow the more our name will come to the fore,
and the more we will provoke the wrath of the world dragon with the
potential for an extreme explosion whose collateral from its blast cannot be
predicted. It is quiet for now but if we continue the experiment it is
guaranteed it will not remain so for long.
Type ‘Australian Satanism’ into your search engine. Guess who pops up?
No mean feat.
THEM discuss the focal point of awareness and the dislodging of
consciousness to diffuse our being into or out from the collective psyche –
give genuine psychic and magical ammunition to disarm, dismantle and
destroy the enemy and their matrix of form - while our Australian
competitors trade tips on the best place to buy black candles…
Our arrogance is a magnet – but it must be that way for the experiment to
work – and so I ask each of you – what is our magnitude of scope? Is it
enough to aim to saturate a nation and implement magical solidarity therein?
Or do we continue to aim for a no-returns hostile aeonic takeover? Is there a
way to minimize chaos theory and entropic decline of our egregore by
deliberately restricting our reach – or should we just continue to work
together in unrestrained ferocity and see what comes with frothing the
With such aims as ours – these are questions we need to ask early, and
On Building a Compound
Many groups and cults have sought to isolate themselves from the
world by building a commune or compound to achieve the task of
solitude. Isolation is sought for many reasons but most common of
which is control.
How do so many perceive the world around them? Some, very rare
individuals and groups remain blissfully ignorant of the daily onslaught
of propaganda – but most people, and especially those THEM can
expect to deal with - are influenced to a considerable degree through
The inherent weakness of the ego is in its narrow-mindedness and its
extreme fragility. Many gurus seek to separate people from influences
that would interfere in the brain-washing (literally washing the brain
with the same waves/frequency/habits/repetitions
aurally/sonically/physically/psychically etc. day after day) they
inculcate upon them which would lessen the chance of complete
acceptance by the person of the cult and its values – and thus weaken
total control over that person. This fear of lack of control is among one
of the characteristics of an operation by the ego. The cultist ruled by
ego is unable to face the prospect of their desire to impose control
being challenged by other influences, by the totality of the world and
its currents also each seeking control in a fashion over a person, and
so seeks to squirrel away its members in an isolated place where they
can be kept and tended to like livestock without being challenged.
The loss of new and divergent media gradually breaks a person’s
resistance to programming down, creates restrictions that limit action
and word to the detriment of self-preservation, and may even make
them completely obedient to the cult. Books, and the deep devotion
people spend absorbing their contents work on a similar albeit minor
type of level – whereupon if one book grabs you, it is a short step to
purchasing the entire available collection to immerse yourself further.
We all know how this is done so we will require no details, nor further
details from this form. You may skip to the next section unless my
thoughts on cultism interest you.
For the temperament of a follower the energy required for these
lengthy processes of manipulation is out of bounds - but this level of
energy is all is too easy for a charismatic leader ruled by the
thermonuclear energy of the ego.
Once you have everyone feeling special and unique – and this is
important - devoted to the leader who feeds their ego what it wants to
hear - you have successfully plied the collective ego of the cult with
enough delusion to act freely without the necessity of yourself having
to maintain and sustain the façade of whatever form you built. The
form will then stand alone and requires no further decoration or
construction – it is a finished monument of automatic worship. One
can then largely abandon the speeches, songs, and celebratory
projection of the Coming, or stories of the Great UFO Journey, or the
Age of Aquarius to your followers – who will happily carry on the
delusion (without batteries required) in your name, for your name,
while you snort cocaine off the wet fucked buttocks of the latest male
or female conquest to join your group. With a practical carte blanche
to act as you please, the cult is a success. Congratulations - you’ve
built yet another stale mediocre shrine to the carnal immaturity and
lack of imagination so common of the ego and created the greatest
most seductive trap of many a would-be satanic magician. A dead end.
The original plan (c.2003) was to make enough money via infiltrating
the good books of publishing houses with our works, and to pool our
funds from our respective ‘jobs’ to purchase land and a house
somewhere isolated and near the bush in Australia to begin ‘re-
enacting’ the literary cult of the ONA. Some speculative persons have
perceived this reaction to ONA to be the point of the ONA, all along.
As time has gone by, and we have discussed, this would be an action
that would not just set us and THEM back considerably, but the
Sinister itself.
In creating a physical representation of the Order’s cultus – wherein
we train others to chant, perform group rituals, induct others into the
Sinister, and congregate to wear black cloaks under a moonless night,
not only are we creating a self-contained and limited expression of Life
but we are once again, like so many of our peers, enshrining Human-
Centered Geometry and setting up the conditions for failure. Enacting
once again, the schema of the Church and its hierarchical madness of
degrees, and laws, and rules and restrictions – when as we all know,
Form is not restricted to this myopic use. To live the literary cultus
would be both foolhardy and dangerous.
Firstly because as I have said it would reaffirm the use of forms by the
Magian as a Sinister practice, i.e. reaffirm that the magian have
dictated how this war is going to play out, that the Sinister are
defeated in their ingenuity to get around these entrapments, and as a
final insult let the Sinister design their traps for them! MAGIC must be
freed from its imprisonment in form – the magician must remember
what came before crystallization.
The idyll of such a cult sounds great on paper – but we each know the
difference between paper and projection. If not a Satanic Compound
we should become an Esoteric School and what can come of that
practice and focus of infinitesimal little forms and practices endlessly
divided into categories, concepts and constructs, all packaged tightly
and neatly into colours, shapes and sizes – but a dire regression to the
Occult? Wherein do passwords, secret meetings, identification, security
cameras and systems, patrolling dogs, armed watchers, spies,
informants, drugs, sex, paranoia, suspicion, squabbling, bitching,
boasting, worshipping acolytes; a cycle of repetition and living trapped
within the crystals, within the Narrative created for us, to explain us
and charitably provided for us to explain ourselves to them, by the
Magian, work for US? At one time, in one form or another, perhaps.
But now?
We will never achieve disconnected consciousness while we trot out
the same tired clichés the magian has been pinning us under for years.
In such uniforms, with such footsteps, repeating those words, we
resemble only our enemy’s fantasy and enact our enemies sympathetic
magic over which their grasp of the form of Satanism is extreme.
We’re not dolls XE; we don’t dance to the puppet-masters tunes. We
faced the Abyss together and saw what/that it lies beneath. We have a
duty to preserve that terror and beauty, honestly and accurately. And
what is accurate is beyond the clumsy and sloppy measurements the
world fumbles with for its current interpretations, especially where
language and passage are concerned. What is accurate is beyond the
walls of any Temple or Order however grand its oak-panels and altars
– beyond the rudimentary inversing of what they lay before us.
concepts being introduced and played out; so they may, if necessary,
formulate appropriate “counter”-measures. Wherein “counter” does
not mean to respond in kind inversely – but to attack and weaken both
the effectiveness of the original measure, counter-measure and any
kind of measure.
That is why the Temple of THEM operates the way it does; it works
outside of the magian’s magic, outside of their illusions, whilst using
their technology against them. It doesn’t repeat the same tired cycle
of giving someone a spell-book and new cosmology to study and work
through, filling their heads with mountains of semantic and categorical
information perchance that with enough of it they can become some
awesome occult mage with supernatural powers – because the powers
described are usually non-existent, fantasy, or described in magian
forms using magian language – the wet dream of failures who dared
not return without something to show for all the time they spent on
demonic worship. You can dabble with your incense and say whatever
you like during ritual after ritual – while the magian’s forms bear down
upon the world relentlessly and religiously despite your best efforts.
So many just waste their time muttering incantations and worry about
burning the right coloured candles - in painful ignorance of the true
scope of the enemy of Satanism.
Meanwhile the world grinds them down into dust; they get older and
get treated the way the magian wants people of our age to be treated;
predetermining the trends and attitudes toward the various sectors
and stages they artificially dictate with arbitrary fashions and fads
where once tradition and initiation lead the wise way. Their poisonous
deafening cacophony of sickening magic controls our destiny by
controlling perception, and our chance to break ourselves and others
free of it. The short and sweet of it is this: teenagers (quite a new
marketing based term, 200 years ago childhood didn’t exist) are the
most likely demographic you will encounter looking into Satanism. If
they’re dissatisfied, and they usually are, they’re going to look for the
“darkest” books, the most “satanic” groups to join, and they’re all
going to be missing the entire fucking point (and weapons being used)
of this War.
What’s the first thing people do when an animal at the zoo is born?
They give it a name. They give Everything names - once the name is
attached, culture takes over. We all know the difference between the
named and the nameless, wordless, ecstasy. Wherein magic has no
name and no form – no causality. It is an operation with laws unto
itself as is the supernatural wherein what occurs usually occurs without
a known or knowable name. Once it has a name, then its controllable
– attachable – alterable – arguable… a form, with counter-forms, that
slots neatly into pre-prepared categories for forms which are already
given their moral context by other categories, over-simplification,
arrogance, and the basic and ever-limiting restrictions of the human
language to define/refine something.
Thus Lucifer has changed so many times over the centuries because of
his naming, a victim of endless subsequent attachments and become
an ineffectual idol thrown to the anti-Christians to paw at who perform
the Churches work anyway.
THEM cannot do that. Nor can we seek to rent castles like the IOT to
practice sorcery and repeat the performance of past magical acolytes.
Nor can we bind together under a symbol or word or flag or standard
or banner. Nothing causal fits, nothing symbolic works, but the
concept of a numinous symbol beyond representation to represent
potential – and which in the causal is void. We are causally separated
in time and space and yet unified under the same concepts – a
collective growth of consciousness appearing in a large concentration
at a time when perception is mature enough to begin consciously
embracing it. This is a phenomenon happening beyond the confines of
a Church or any two-bit resemblance to one, beyond any one culture
or set of beliefs, and despite the best efforts of the Magian to contain
A curious elixir of cynicism and optimism in just the right doses and
just the right places is re-invigorating the War and those fighting it.
Our works are making their way into hardcover and thus lasting
impressions via books right across the world. Thousands of people are
reading, watching, relying on us because we are different, because we
are unique, and because we say we are the voice of THEM that issues
forth beyond the contrivances of the ego and in the inhuman utteral
pitch and frequency of the Dark Gods.
Our Temple is in the acausal, in the potential; it is magic – it cannot be
contained in physicality by us because it does not come from us, or
just for us – and it cannot be torn down – it comes from a different
place, a place where there are no buildings, no bombs, no way to
erase its architecture or its persistent voice. It is the same collective
impulse toward human solidarity that has always struggled for
emergence but been denied its freedom to thrive. Whether fault lies in
the ego, lack of context, or the clever machinations of the magian
designed and re-designed to counter such threats to its dominion – I
won’t speculate on in detail. But now this impulse has come to us – six
magical self’s – at a time of remarkable collective synchronicity and
has possibly been given its greatest chance yet.
Great patience is required now: we are only a few years in but with so
much appearing to have been accomplished remember that we still
have more than twenty-five years of our charter to go. As was once
told me: “Recognize the narrative in which you find yourself and which
influences us to make mistakes. Nurture awareness of the world ethos
and act accordingly.”
*Further reading: “heRe be DragOns.” - Liber SsS.
[Ed. This essay was supplied incomplete by my mistress (author of Love vs. Loyalty)
at my insistence. The very concept dealt with is one of extreme activity and
sensitivity in societies the world over and compliments neatly the essays by SATH
on the canalization of sexual energy as posted on the Temple wordpress. ‘The Death
of Touch’ excellently highlights an active magical-based malady infecting society at
this time and era – a highlighting that I felt needed to be aired as soon as possible.
Although unfortunately unfinished this essay will hopefully be completed at a later
date and possibly issued via OA #32. +O+]
Touch in western society is becoming more and more of a social taboo. This concept
was first introduced during the Middle Ages, but soon abandoned by the church as
adherence by its followers was socially impractical. But the magian realized the
enormous power the control of touch and intimacy would have over the common man
and bided its time until social and economic conditions were better suited.
The repression of intimacy has become a huge tool of the magian since the end of World
War II. In this manuscript I aim to touch upon the ways and means in which this is being
done, and to suggest ways in which the rule over the body can be broken down.
World War II
The emotional fight for the ‘moral’ and ethical high ground was an important factor for
both the allies and the Germans all throughout the war effort. While the allies claimed to
be fighting to uphold the family along with religious and social freedom, the nationalist
socialist party portrayed the family as a production unit for the state. Both sides, in
theory, exalted the importance of the family, but at the same time the very essence of the
war effort tore families apart. Men ,( husbands, brothers and sons) were sent off to fight
and die, while the women and children were left not only to fend for themselves but also,
as the fighting progressed, were required to work in the manufacture of the tools of war.
So between the men on the front lines killing fathers and sons from other lands, to the
women toiling in factories producing the hardware for their men folk to kill or be killed
with, generations of families were destroyed to be used as cogs in the military- industrial
complex. As these facts sunk in, I believe a collective cynicism toward the family unit
arose as a psychological barrier, a shield for people to hide behind in the face of
understanding the true nature of what their ‘war efforts’ had truly cost them.
Thus the trauma of all this has had a huge effect on the interaction between men, women
and families ever since. Divided by their individual parts, resentment grew between men
and women: men resented ‘women and children’ back home, being told by their leaders
that they are what they are fighting, suffering and dying for. That they are to ‘stand up
and be men’ to leave their wives and children to fight for the freedom and happiness of
the whole country, told that the enemy would destroy the sanctity of the family if not
stopped. During the course of their years of fighting, the men would have realized that
the enemy was just men of a different nationality, fighting to protect and honour their
own wives and children back home. Seeing this would inevitably created a split in a large
amount of the fighting men; on one hand wanting to be honoured as being responsible for
killing so many families, their country (and therefore their families) encouraging them to
do so supposedly to save their own families way of life, while at the same time having to
devalue all human life and loves and be able to kill, kill, kill. I believe this is where men
started to believe the lie that only they were strong enough to understand what needed to
be done, that to have a wife and child and home would create some kind of mortal
danger, that wanting to be in the arms of a loving family was somehow weak and that in
wanting that kind of love was rejecting your fellow man and your manhood.
Women on the other hand were burdened with a tremendous amount of guilt during and
after the war. They were the weaklings that couldn’t fight but needed to be saved from
the enemy. Their hands worked to forge the munitions that killed their men folk. Still on
home soil they missed the comfort and love of their men, they could see just how quickly
families could be torn apart by war. In an effort to hold on to the semblance of a nuclear
family many women took up with men still on the home front, even so far as copulating
with POWs. At a time of such chaos women were trying to uphold the sanctity of the
family, but understandably this was received badly by the men they had abandoned.
Women were starting to see men as absentee and men were starting to see women as
disloyal and flippant. This was rewarded by church and state; women whose men were
off fighting were given sympathy and material assistance, men who had been abandoned
by their families while fighting were also given sympathy and were encouraged to hate
not just the woman who had left them, but all women in general. The social consensus
nurtured the resentment leaving many a man feeling that the only true loyalty the solider
would ever feel from now on would be the camaraderie of his fellow man. For the first
time men were openly encouraged to live a life separate from their wives and children, to
form bonds of mateship to cushion them from the inevitable breakdown of their
Thus true separation of the male/female bond of intimacy was achieved and both state
and church, and by now budding corporations, took a stranglehold on individuals now
alone in their struggle against their repression.
This is where the start of separation truly began. As families became smaller and more
affluent, children and parents for the first time were to occupy separate rooms. Until then
most families lived in small houses, and if the children didn’t sleep in the parental bed,
then they at least shared very close quarters with their siblings. During this time sex
between parents was not something that was a mystery to their children, as they were
often moved to one side of the bed, while sleeping, while the parents copulated.
With women starting to move into the work force during the war, first out of necessity,
and then to stay on afterward out of a sense of empowerment, it was realized that the time
and conditions to implement physical separation was ripe. Household incomes became
higher, and families for the first time, spent long hours separated from each other without
the feminine matriarch awaiting their return to her bosom.
The magian sprang upon this, implying that now a woman could labour for money she
was much more important than she was in her role as nurturer of the family. The family
unit, where one first learns the beauty of touch and intimacy, was infiltrated and a rapid
decline in the ability of humans to properly connect with each other aided the church in
holding power at a time when they had almost lost. People, after experiencing the horror
and loss of war on such a large scale, were starting to question their fundamental belief in
god, and the system that contained it.
This was around the time that the church started openly condemning masturbation en
masse. Now that children were in their own rooms, the church preyed on the natural fear
of parents that this separation was wrong, turning it back on the child; what was the child
doing in bed alone at night? Turning the parent’s fear of abandonment of their children
into a fear that their child was unclean or perverted. Before this separation parents knew
full well that their children and themselves enjoyed healthy touch and intimacy between
each other, but now that their children had become strangers, and the parents felt guilt for
missing the touch of their children, the conditions were ripe to exploit a divide in the very
base of society. From this foothold the magian has gained perhaps its greatest influence,
repressing the very core of humanity in little more than 50 years.
60s – 70s
The government now realizes the control lack of intimacy gives it over the masses, and
consciously assists the church in perpetuating the taboo of touch. Men and women, empty
from a decade devoid of intimacy, are the perfect targets for corporations willing to cash
in on their dissatisfaction. Women are shown, through advertising, the media’s idea of the
perfect woman; as this “perfect woman” seems content when they themselves are not,
women begin to believe that if they could reflect this perfect woman then they too could
replace what is sorely missing. The church has made it wrong for women to desire sex,
which has by now been wrapped up with any form of intimacy or touch, so the loss of
this vital connection is rarely discussed by women, and believing that they’re the only
ones that feel this way, disconnect further from the women around them and by proxy
more with the “perfect woman” in advertising that seems to have all she desires.
Around the same time pornography for males is pushed more into the mainstream. Men
are being told that all they desire is sex, not intimacy or children [the real purpose of sex],
that although their urges are ‘unnatural’ it’s okay for them to shamefully indulge them as
long as it’s not with a real woman. Through pornography men are being told that all men
are selfish, that their need for intimacy is really just an urge to ‘get off’, and that the only
woman with whom he should be intimate with is an unattainable beauty.
Man and Women were being confronted with sexual imagery more than ever before,
whilst being told that this so called obsession was the cause of all their misery. Sexual
freedom became a sign to health professionals of either drug use or mental illness.
Through media the magian had obtained another ally, Doctors.
The 23 Syndrome: Notes and Practice
By ThoTh +O+
Part of the extreme emphasis and cynicism of form by THEM, of dissolving faith and
reliance in the man-made architectural geometries of the physical world, is related to an
attempt to try to silence the equivalent of the “inner chatter” of the mind – for the eyes.
Projection of concepts such as density, mass, value, name, or time onto objects via
practice and habit is a powerful process that fixes many people in stasis and In Time via
the sympathetic bond and repetitive cycle that is built by the assumptions made by the
mind when processing the ‘E’ or Black Clay (the environment) and informing ones
senses via predetermined methods of interpretation. These processes occur via many
unconsciously unchecked postulates that determine a certain way of thinking, and as such
then require validation. Validation comes either from others reaffirming the consensus or
oneself. And in having validation, it adds gravity/solidity to one’s perception of the world
through that particular mode at the expense of others.
The Society of the Dark Lily expressed a similar conception using three descriptions of a
walk down the street using three completely different sets of focal awareness:
Walking down the busy high street, I look at all the aliens. I seem to have landed from
another planet, now I walk amidst these people who, it seems, take themselves without a
thought of the possibility of a different view of one another. I pretend that I am a visitor
from another planet walking amidst a world of humans and so I get a different view.
Everything becomes new and unusual, especially the shape of the people.
Inside the shell that is called a body, I can feel the skeleton as it reacts to my unconscious
commands. I walk down the high street, my arms swinging, my feet taking steps, my legs
working in unison with one another, propelling me forward. I feel the skull beneath the
skin and muscle, the backbone that runs up the middle of my back, the bones that serve as
the foundation for my fingers, my arms, my legs. I sense my body in a different manner
and again, everything becomes new and unusual. Nothing is taken for granted.
I listen to the noises: the thoughts and emotions as they pass through my mind. I am
distant from them, but usually they command and I unconsciously obey. For this moment
though, I observe: watch, look and listen. A thought that suggests one course of action,
an emotion that threatens to sweep me away, but I remain aloof. Is this a first step to the
state beyond time and space? The place where the Adept waits for millennia? Where no-
one and nothing can cause harm? Where he, or she, becomes immortal?
Carlos Castaneda, SATH, and many other sorcerers agree that the nature of ‘second
awareness’ or dislodging consciousness results in an experience so far removed from
fantasy, day dreaming, imagination or wishful manifestation, that it would very likely
send one who was unprepared for it mad or jolt them so severely they underwent drastic
alchemical change.
I relate to this contrast personally via the experiences I have had with the intellectual and
the supernatural world which were so distinct that they coloured my perception and
beliefs permanently. Although admittedly a cynic of many things – I firmly believe there
is much more to ghosts and demons than the idea of them being mere tools useful for
psychological analogy. I have witnessed things that I previously and strenuously believed
were not possible or were the sort of thing other people imagined – such as the corner of
my bed being pushed down heavily as if something were sitting on it while I was the only
one in the room in broad daylight. These sorts of things, even as mild as a ghost sitting on
the bed, leave the rational mind with an eerie uneasiness that it would sooner prefer to
forget. I was 19 at the time but dared not turn around to see what persistently placed so
much pressure on the bed when no-one else was in the house for honest fear that what I
saw would rival the nightmares I had seen as a teen. The experience was so odd, so
unnatural, that it sent a shiver up my spine that chilled me to the bone as I lay there
staring at the wall. I can’t forget – that – or a number of other supernatural events that
have influenced my particular view of the occult and magic.
I remain a believer that while none of the currently available descriptions, explanations or
theories for ghosts, the soul, afterlife, spirit worlds, alternate dimensions satisfy me or do
justice to those unsettling and weird happenings – indeed seem weak and decidedly false
in comparison to such supernatural events – that there is more to the world, more to
ghosts and demons, more to life and to death, than our senses usually comprehend.
The realization that there exists such distinct and unheard of altered states that genuinely
split perception into a before/after scenario is not unlike the dual perception that drugs
such as LSD can bring about – resulting in a love affair with a drug (or drugs) for the
heights and new worlds they allow one to reach or access otherwise locked out of
perception. Such heights are as much the muse of the artist, the musician and the genius
as they are the witch, witchdoctor, tribal chief, devil worshipper or shaman.
One of the naturally occurring heights analogous to an altered state that has inspired so
many of the former – with countless leaps and bounds of human ingenuity just ‘coming
to people’ – is dreaming. Yet the function and power of dreaming once historically and
culturally revered, esp. as a prophetic tool or gateway to other worlds is in modern times
(c.2009) a sadly neglected science and an occult art relegated to the scrapheap as
something to be forgotten or treated as the minds garbage. So much for occult faculties
within easy grasp disguised in full view.
I believe that others, pre-loaded with specific concepts and explanations of things such as
Time and Space also project these concepts simply because its part of their programming
– or what they have learned and/or chosen to accept to work with and work within.
Shared convictions of the world in such a similar way – give rise to specific architecture
and interpretations, defining permanence, solidity, validity and reality. If this permanence
is deliberately broken somehow – things that were not previously visible, ‘believed in’ or
locked out of perception are more perceivable. I have encountered over the years startling
(startling because I have formulated many of my ideas thinking them original only to
discover they are not) similarities in the works of others that verge on such a system
though it is difficult to determine exactly what is meant and if the context exists for them
as it does for THEM in what have often been occult-style garbled references to such a
Austin Spare, to cite just one example, appears to have struggled to express something of
this line of reasoning in his ‘Logomachy of Zos’ and to seek to break down the processes
of logic and assumption. In one set of insights he tried to show the other side made
pure/raw interactions, language and words instant miscommunications via their own
clumsy handling of such purity of expression because of their habit of attaching and
reading into what was presented. In realizing this – he thus bordering closely on the
means to break free of form. But his narrator either did not quite manage to achieve
workable practical formula for doing so, or, in expressing perennial emanations of
wisdom at a different time – did so in a different way, rhythm, vocabulary and tempo.
“Is the Truth necessary? The need is for our own Truth: lack of integrity makes for
sterility and is meaningless. Things more necessary than Truth are expressed through our
efforts to render such.”
“There are no conclusive conclusions, yet nothing germinates unless we have, or make,
the necessity of arbitrary ‘will-desire-belief’ for a possible image of our ambition.”
Austin neatly expresses two of the many alchemical keys utilized by THEM; the first
passage renders the intention by THEM to ‘return people to themselves’ wherein building
their personal integrity and foundation requires that anytime someone grabs hold of our
work as dogma or semantic authority we must dislodge that grip. This probably makes us
appear dis-interested perhaps even stand-offish or arrogant – but it must be. That is the
formula that works.
The second passage presages the conviction by THEM that any singularity is a deception,
any conclusion creates exclusion – and yet to teach esoteria there must be something
visible to allow interaction with the world – in this case, a form, our ‘Temple’ is itself
that necessary evil.
I’ll add another one here which amazingly relates a similar set of insights as was dealt
with separately without any prior knowledge of Spares work in our essays on the “23
Syndrome” and “An Analysis of Frequency”.
“Words, words, words, however used, whatever they symbolize, request or tell, say more
Showing in between the antics of all motives. Yes, word-rendering deals the quickest of
deaths to flabby ideas; and also words are the most poignant, suggestive, contagious,
substitutive, and lasting means to convey anything. Most deadly virus, most potent
abreaction of magic subtlety even your erasures reveal your believing by their persuasive
influence and their magic.”
Reading these tracts and the many more startling epithets in Logomachy of Zos I am
struck by the similarity of Austin’s insights with our own – as I am continually awakened
by the over-arching power and undercurrent of Synchronicity that connects us. Spare also
had the same luxury we do of leaning on the terminology of Psychology and seems quite
enamoured with the Ego as the place/point from which the world proceeds outward.
It is almost as though THEM’s presence existed to re-translate these perennial truths,
recorded so many times in so many other places, for a new time using a suitable
contemporary reorientation of language those of our time would clearly understand – a
message that quintessentially remains unchanged but whose stages of understanding
provide a challenge for each generation as that understanding grows. Just as some may
one day try to interpret us. Except - I have only just come across the work of Spare – so
no deliberate intention for a translation was possible.
Moreover Spare appears to have shared the view that all of the minutiae that filled the
volumes of his books was strictly His – that for all its scope and mass – was yet only His,
and just one compression of the unique private experience of being.
Chumbley and Crowley do too – using a quasi-language that sought neither to explain or
justify itself to others, calling on all manner of strange words formulas and terms to
denote processes and/or things from their perception of the world that had no prior name
– or that used such terms to give a common meaning another one.
While beautiful expressions one and all in their own right – my own impressions of such
works were like that of modern art – wherein because people did not understand what
was written, and it went over their heads, or because they could not understand it because
it was so stylized and cryptic as to not to be decipherable but used all manner of poetry,
glyphs and quite frankly, nonsense to appear deeper than it actually was – they read into
it and made a pretentious song and dance about its awesome merit and genius.
Now, obviously, such cryptic ciphers certainly have their place on another level of the
occult in that being undecipherable or possessed of ambiguity they act like Rorschach,
tarot or other meditative devices such as the mandala – inciting self-reflection. They also
have the added advantage of not clearly saying anything about anyone – which means
authorities can easily arise to interpret the content for others – and they also remain
perennially interesting because each person can access such devices at any time in their
own private way without feeling like a fool. Crowley was more amenable to this than
Spare. In one way, this crypticism is the very essence of the occult, as it aptly captures
the heart of the matter concerning the struggle between objectivity and subjectivity.
I have continually encountered a desperation to quantify aspects of our Being step by step
unto an extremely dissective degree of analysis – Chumbley did it, Dee did it, Aquino,
Lavey, Long, IOT, WOT, ONA all passed through this intense stage of self-enquiry and
exasperation - wherein the magician second-guesses every postulate, fears every
assertion, and questions their own authority to assemble the answer with what are always
considered to be flawed tools – this is a pattern in the work of many.
It is especially prevalent in the hundreds of young magicians that I have encountered over
the decade wherein the maddening frustration to work things out to the nth degree results
in volumes of privately deciphered text and correspondences, astonishingly strange
diagrams and illustrations of cloaked insights in the unique language and logomachy of
the magician. I have boxes of these, myself.
Of course, Spare, like Lavey, Crowley Chumbley or Dee, etc are dead men. Gone from
the world and with them any answers. There exists no chance to enquire further of them
into what was meant by various phrases in various works or to seek depth/clarity in the
expressions they left behind. Perhaps it is a true signification of the Work itself that it
leaves such quandaries behind even for those who pursued it with their lives. Like so
many before and after them we continue the Great Work with Guess Work. A minutes
silence for all the poor mad bastards who laid the foundations for the occult.
Synchronously – Spare appears to have also been concerned with the numinous and even
refers directly to an intersection of time and space as a nexion – a terminology that has
been behind some of the most influential work of the Order of Nine Angles. In this copy
of Logomachy ‘numinous’ is spelled as ‘noumenal’ and a nexion is referred to as
‘nexity’. How long has the Cosmos been attempting to presence this change in
consciousness that we are present vessels of?
“time-space is an empirical relativism deriving from our manifold of complete and
unsynthesized representations seeking nexity. The unrelated has neither time, space, nor
I used to look at a tree for instance, and instantaneously project its life direction or life
force as thrusting upward from the ground. Running through my mind what I had been
taught about trees – running the program “TREE” at the speed of light - leaves, branches,
wood, sap, etc. and with it, my knowledge of how trees grow, that they grow and the
innumerable examples I had seen that ‘proved’ all of this. Thus when I perceived trees I
perceived them as growing objects and attached the concept of their life moving upward.
After having my brain fried by the Septenary Way by encountering my personal hell of
the meaning and presence of the ‘Angles’ – coupled with my acceptance of relativity;
when I looked at a tree (or anything for that matter), I no longer processed it
automatically as something solid that was outside of me or separate from me.
It used to be just another stationary inert object that time flowed past/through just as
Time and space intersected neatly so that one traveled with the other. But since the
Angles – nothing is that nice and simple anymore. In fact all objects took on a more
complex axis like this > * and I could feel the trees energy as coming (and being part of)
more than one source – and not just part of the scenery in my perception as an external
item which once it and largely everything else was.
The tree was no longer connected to the world as strongly as once it had been - it did not
seem to be anymore a part of ‘nature’ and causality than I did - but emanated (life) from
some secret place of its own.
The angles also broke the convenience of feeling myself to be moving while it was a
stationary object – my awareness told me now that it was moving in concert with
everything around it – just as I was, and everything else was – shifting all the time. And
the tree which had previously informed my sense of one fixed shape and description – i.e.
large, covered in bark, standing still – split off to generate a layer of perspectives. Not
just on the level that my eyesight could pick up, but with insistence that beneath the bark
there was a world seething with insect life, within the trunk and leaves it was groaning
with invisible growth spurts and secret alchemies, on smaller diminished scales it was the
universe of smaller creatures harbouring microscopic worlds of its own, and yet at the
same time just one tree of thousands, a relative part of a much larger landscape and
Moreover, my perception of Time was altered due to the acceptance of the acausal
component so that the tree no longer grew nice and simply from one point in time and
would finish in another – but now all stages of growth were implicit while at the same
time the tree lived its life before my eyes and the landscapes changed as if hundreds of
years were passing, or dropping away, throwing my perception back and forth like a rag-
doll trying to rationally conclude where in time and space this tree was situated.
My concept of the world has never been simple since the day I found the Angles – all at
once things zoom up so I can see them from a great height, zoom in so I can see them as
layered in dimension and size pending my own consciousness as a human, smaller and
larger than a human… zoom back forward, and even directions lose meaning. “up”,
“down”, just weird sounds and syllables that seem rudely out of place and desperately
inadequate to explain this maddeningly slippery slideshow.
Time though, time really ruined my mind esp. when the Linear perspective of it was
dissolved. See the diagrams in UAE wherein I discovered that not only was the tree
growing upward and outward in time simultaneously with me – that is to say, sharing the
same time continuum so that we both traveled it at the same time, me getting older as it
got older – but somehow space/matter which was on the y axis, while time was on the z
axis, were both were traveling toward and away from each other at the same time – yet
remained intersected. A conceptual nightmare for my linearly trained mind.
It’s nice and easy to go through life with neat convenient postulates that you don’t look at
too clearly –and get wrapped up in the trials and tribulations of it to keep you busy
enough not to ever have to seriously enquire into such foundations. But when these things
which people take for granted are no longer accurate or possible – in fact irreparably
damaged so that one feels dirty trying to return to them, to deny the expansions and
opening of the senses that the magician perhaps foolishly lusts after - it is as though I had
become obsolete to the rest of the world and am struggling to cope with the simplistic
perceptions other use to govern it. These widening circles of perspective also re-coloured
my interactions with people – in some of cases for the worse, in some particular cases,
such as understanding how my own mind works – for the better.
I find myself looking beyond things all the time – treating clocks watches etc as
something that other people do, like I’m a visitor in the world and the “Time” is
something others work to.
My enormous body of work with forms, illusions, dissolving the matrix and other such
things is probably a direct result of my personal experience with suddenly breaking part
of my mind so that I saw the world in terms of literal angles – very much like a
I tried to encapsulate this ‘essence’ in the Master card of Archetypia – but nothing static
really does justice to the uneasy shifting-ness of the world I now find to be my lot in daily
Things certainly don’t have the permanence they used to – I see whole lives of things
sprout grow and rot as they sit in place, the house I live in swallowed by grass and
claimed back by trees as some sort of future vision forces the house away and through its
path of time more quickly than it ever really should for a normal person – who I’m fairly
sure doesn’t feel the world is illusory or slipping to and from an unexplainable loop that
spatial concepts like external/internal/outer/inner are just hopeless to use to describe it.
If I wasn’t me and read some of the things written by the Temple of THEM – I’d
certainly think the writers had lost a few marbles. Some of the concepts I believe in or try
to explain really are completely mad insofar as they juxtapose what already exists as the
status quo in regards to perception.
I don’t curse any madness I might have picked up. It’s not a happy madness – but neither
is it really a sad madness – it is more than anything a deep sense of loneliness and
isolation from others and just staring beyond everything that others find joy in. It seems
that you have to lose a lot of marbles to go deep – and I’ve tried where skill had a hand
and with a lot of luck to lose only the right ones.
I didn’t have inner silence when I found the angles – I hadn’t even tried at that stage to
quiet the chatter within. In fact I had a ‘religious’ experience that left great distaste and
embarrassment and anger with me.
But I believe the gradual erosion and eventual disintegration of the concepts that my
mind held firm (such as the super-simplifications of linear time and space) was a
fundamental step that helped greatly to experience the angles and to achieve unusual
insights and ideas. Also that this process of breaking things down could greatly help as a
process of alchemical putrefaction to enable someone to achieve similar or even greater
perceptual changes without having to go through the personal anguish and hell that I did
to get here. And yet the challenge remains to stay sane enough to continue to form and
share coherent retrospective of my journey but still to travel further along it. Perhaps I am
the only one to travel this path and come up with these ideas that characterize my work –
perhaps I am not tapping into a collective current that others may follow and expand –
but am self-deceived in my own delusions of magical progress – but at the end of the
rainbow, sanity is over-rated.
Fair enough that my experiences are possibly all in my head – or in no way fit to match
the set of descriptions that I’ve heard a mescaline or peyote trip brings on physically.
Using (infrequent) strong doses of mushrooms and LSD does not appear to have been the
causal component that led to the vivid hallucinogenic perceptual change of the world that
has taken place for me – but LSD was almost certainly the launching pad.
I cite the complete difference that took place in my artwork after my first LSD intake as a
drastic example of how deeply this drug may have affected me – but in all fairness I have
been involved with others heavily into the drug culture for many years and throughout
they nurtured my understanding, respect and made my experiences with such substances
more meaningful and spiritually rewarding, acting as guides, than such experiences
would probably have been – and my influence from drugs is best disguised as a rich and
lengthy tapestry. “Burning holes in my brain”, “opening up neural pathways” these are
two of the concepts my entheogenic travellers used to describe to me what was possible
with such substances. And no question that they did – and were at least partly responsible
for my cynicism of all that I constantly refer to as ‘forms’. A few near death experiences
have added to the spiritual grasp for more to life and the urgency with which I’ve written
about it.
All of these and no doubt many other factors have resulted not in a drug-addled delusion
but a psychic re-integration and interpretation of the world that is best described as a
permanent sense of slight disorientation both spatially and chronologically.
I have the constant feeling I’m between worlds, somehow a ghost traveling through time
and alive and vivid - but somehow that I’m also a projection back from a future point in
time where I’m already dead. And I’m only thirty years old – this is heavy baggage to go
the rest of the way with.
None of this may be real to you, or others, or even for me – it may not even match what
is experienced by others who believe they’ve tapped into such things as the acausal or at
least are onto the right track – but may be a direct result of the ideas and concepts I have
continually washed my brain with. Uncharacteristically for me, I have not assumed a
priori that the acausal or other worlds or states or that which lies in the glimpses of those
strange places and happenings of the supernatural - by whatever name - are found
subjectively or objectively.
But - what is possibly my own self-delusion could also very well turn out to be the
groundwork for a science of reorienting consciousness resulting in acausal perception, or
at least a weirdly expanded perception bordering on opening the gateway to the former.
Experimentation continues.
OTO ANORHA Issue # 31
The Temple of THEM, Australian Nexion
[Members Eyes]