Structural Analysis and Design Report of RCC Building of Mrs. Soma Neupane
Structural Analysis and Design Report of RCC Building of Mrs. Soma Neupane
Structural Analysis and Design Report of RCC Building of Mrs. Soma Neupane
Building of
Mrs. Soma Neupane
Prepared By:
Er. Kshitiz Lamichhane
NEC No: 15389 Civil” A”
Magh, 2077
1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................1
1.5 Methodology:..............................................................................................................3
4.1 Analysis.......................................................................................................................9
5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN.................................................................................................16
5.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................16
5.2.1 Philosophy..........................................................................................................16
6. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................32
7. REFERENCE CODE........................................................................................................33
Nepal is disaster prone country. The various causes for the disaster are landslides epidemic
and fires which causes considerable losses of life and property in Nepal every year. But out
of this earthquake is most devastating through it is not so frequent. Nepal is a seismic prone
country and the risk it faces from earthquake is very high. After Barpak, Gorkha earthquake
which occurred on 25th April 2015, the design of earthquake resistance of building became
very important. Cities of Nepal is getting congested since the construction of buildings are
being carried out rapidly due to population growth. So, there is a problem of scarcity of
land. The only measure that can be taken is construction of multi-storied buildings and
besides earthquake factor must be taken into account. Earthquake is considered to be
greatest and unpredictable among all-natural calamities.
In the history of Nepal numerous earthquakes which damaged many lives and
infrastructures. Though the time of shaking of earth mass is very small in fraction of seconds,
it causes severe damages of properties as well as the lives. Nepal has many experiences of such
destructive earthquakes. Out of them the earthquakes in 1990 B.S, 2045 B.S and 2072 B.S are
the recently known ones.
Thus, the seismic structural design of structures is found to be essential for countries like
Nepal. The structures need to be designed and detailed so as to counteract; the internal forces
induced due to the earth mass shaking at the base of these structures. The design should ensure
the structure has the prescribed level of stability, strength and serviceability with acceptable
levels of seismic safety.
However, it would not be economically feasible to design the building so as to ensure that they
remain elastic and damage-free after an earthquake because the occurrence of maximum
earthquakes is low say one in 75 years. Thus, it is reliable to design a ductile structure which
suffers damage but does not collapse for minimum destruction in lives and properties.
This report has been prepared in complete conformity with various stipulations in Indian
Standards, Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete IS 456-2016, Design Aids
for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456-2016(SP-16), Criteria Earthquake Resistant Design
Structures IS 1893-2002 and Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures IS
13920:1993. Use of these codes have emphasized on providing sufficient safety, economy,
strength and ductility besides satisfactory serviceability requirements of cracking and
deflection in concrete structures. These codes are based on principles of Limit State of
a. Under minor but frequent shaking, the main members of the building that carry vertical
and horizontal forces should not be damaged; however, building parts that do not carry
load may sustain repairable damage.
b. Under moderate but occasional shaking, the main members may sustain repairable
damage, while the other parts of the building may be damaged such that they may even
have to be replaced after the earthquake.
c. Under strong but rare shaking, the main members may sustain severe (even irreparable)
damage, but the building should not collapse.
Earthquake induced inertia forces preliminary develop at the floor level of these forces
travel downwards through slab and beam to column and walls, & then to the foundation
from where they are dispersed to the ground. Inertia forces accumulate downwards from the
top of the building the columns and wall at the lower storey experience higher earthquake-
induced forces & are therefore designed to be stronger than those in storeys above.
When beams bend in the vertical direction during earthquakes, these thin slabs bend along
with them. When beams move with column in horizontal direction, the slab usually forces
the beams to move together with. This behaviour is known as rigid diaphragm action.
For the building to remain safe during earthquake shaking, columns (which receive forces
from beams) should be stronger than beams, and foundations (which receive forces from
columns) should be stronger than columns. Connections between beams & columns,
columns &foundation should not fail before the failure of beam.
i. Study of the Architectural Drawing
ii. Load Calculation
iii. Modelling, Analysis and Verification
iv. Design
v. Detailing
2.1Planning of the Building
Functional Planning of Building is done based on two principles:
i. Client Requirements are the primary governing factor in space requirement calculations.
These requirements are enumerated then planned in the available space with
architectural provisions for space allocation and management.
Municipal By-Laws and Guidelines dictate the design of building structures within their
judicial province. At our proposed site in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Ward No-14, the
building by-laws prepared and implemented by Kathmandu Metropolitan City is in action.
Thus, with consideration of both the planning features explained above in brief, the
planning was done for maximum benefit of client.
2.2Plan of Building
2.3Salient Features of the Building
The proposed residential building is located Pokhara, which is to be served as for the
purpose of residential. The general features of this proposed building are as follows:
The planning of the residential buildings has been done as per the available land area, shape
and space according to the building bylaws and requirements of the IS-codes for the residential
The distribution is done such that the maximum Bending Moment in the beam due to actual
loading (Triangular or Trapezoidal) is equal to that due to the equivalent UDL.
However, in this analysis, the dead load and the live loads are applied on the slab itself and
these are distributed to the beams by the software itself as per above mentioned rules
Response reduction factor : 5 (for Special Moment resisting frame)
Detail about lateral load analysis is presented below in result sections. Earthquake load has
been considered in both +ve and –ve direction of two primary axes (X and Y axes). For the
loading seismic weight is considered total dead load plus appropriate factor of live load,
roof load is not considered for the seismic weight determination.
1 1.5 DL
2 1.5 (DL + LL )
3 1.2 (DL +0.25 LL ± EQX)
4 1.2 (DL +0.25 LL ± EQY) DL = DEAD LOAD
5 1.5 (DL ± EQX) LL = LIVE LOAD
6 1.5 (DL ± EQY)
The combination is done as per code clause, IS: 1893 (PART 1):2002
4.1 Analysis
For the purpose of seismic analysis of building the structural analysis program is used. It
has a special option for modelling horizontal rigid floor diaphragm system. A floor
diaphragm is modelled as a rigid horizontal plane parallel to global X-Y plane, so that all
points on any floor diaphragm cannot displace relative to each other in X-Y plane. This
type of modelling is very useful in the lateral dynamic analysis of building. The base shear
and earthquake lateral force are calculated as per code IS 1893 (part1): 2002 and are
applied at each master joint located on every storey of the building. The building is
modelled as a 3D bare frame. Results from analysis are used in design of beams and
columns. Joints are defined with constraints to serve as rigid floor diaphragm and hence
slabs are designed manually as effect of seismic load is not seen on slab. Material
properties are defined for elements in terms of their characteristic strength i.e. M20 for
slabs, beams columns. Loading combination based on IS 875 (part V):1987 and IS 1893
(part 1):2002 for ultimate limit state and IS 456:2016 for serviceability limit state is
Figure: 3D model of building in ETABS 2017
Seismic load or earthquake load on a building depends upon its geographical location,
lateral stiffness and mass, and is reversible. Its effect should be considered along both axes
of building taken at a time. A force is defined as the product of mass and acceleration.
During an earthquake, the mass is imparted by the building whereas the acceleration is
imparted by the ground disturbance. In order to have minimum force, the mass of the
building should be as low as possible. The point of application of this inertial force is the
centre of gravity of the mass on each floor of the building.
Ah= Design horizontal seismic coefficient
W= Weight of the building (KN)
Z I Sa
A h=
2 R g (Code IS 1893:2002 Clause 6.4.2)
Z = zone factor (IS 1893 (Part 1):2002)
I = importance factor, depending upon the functional use of the structure
R = response reduction factor
Sa/g = Average Response Acceleration Coefficient
Now Vertical distribution of Base Shear to different floor level (Lateral force)
Q iz =V B Z ×
(W i× hi2 )
∑ ( W i ×hi 2 )
(IS: 1893(Part 1):2002)
wi = Seismic weight of floor i
hi = Height of floor i measured from base
n= no of storeys
Seismic Zone V Table 2 IS 1893 2002 pg 16
Seismic Intensity z 0.36
4.4 Storey Drift
Storey drift is the displacement of one level relative to the other level above or below. The
storey drift in any storey due to design lateral force, with load factor 1.0 should not exceed
0.004 times the storey height.
4.5 Modal Analysis:
Modal analysis is carried out up to first five modes confirming more than 90% seismic
mass participation and it is applied for lateral seismic force distribution generated with
IS1893-2002 (Part-II) based spectral function for soil type-II
4.6 Analysis Results:
ETABS2016 V19 is used to analyse and design of RC building. Some of the analysis
results are presented here and detail analysis results is presented in annex
Figure: Envelope Shear diagram Y-Z and X-Z plane
Figure: Axial force in column X-Z plane Figure: Axial force in column X-Z plane
due to EQx due to EQx
5.1 Introduction
The main aim of structural design part is to design a structure so that it fulfils its intended
purpose during its intended lifetime with adequate safety, serviceability and economy.
Considering such fulfilment, the structural analysis of each structural frames (column,
beam) been done using ETABS 2016 and according to the analysis results, the design of
each element has been done by the principles of Limit State Method. Account should be
taken of accepted theories, experiments as well as durability. The principles adopted and
assumptions of Limit State Design method are listed below.
1. Plane section normal to the axis of the member remains plane after bending.
2. The minimum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fibre is 0.0035.
3. The relationships between the compression stress distribution in concrete and the
strain in the concrete may be assumed to be rectangle, trapezoidal, parabola or any
other shapes which purposes, the compressive strength of the concrete in the
structure shall be assumed to be 0.667 times the characteristics strength. The partial
safety factor ץm=1.5 shall be applied in addition to this.
4. The tensile strength of the concrete is ignored.
5. The design stresses in reinforcement are derived from representative stress-strains
curve for the type of steel used. For the design purposes the partial safety factor
ץm=1.15 shall be applied.
6. The strain in tension reinforcement in the section shall not be less than
1.15 E s
fy Xu,max/d
250 0.53
415 0.48
500 0.46
Figure: Envelope bending moment diagram of critical beam “maximum left end”
Figure: Envelope bending moment diagram of critical beam “maximum right end”
Beam Design
Beam Data
width 200 mm
depth 355 mm d' 36 mm .= cc+ sdia + mdia/2
clear cover to main 20 mm eff depth 319 mm .= d - d'
Material Grades
Concrete 20 MPa
Steel 500 MPa
Tension Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 16 mm 3 603 sqmm
Layer 2 -
Layer 3 - 2
Total Steel Provided 603 sqmm 0.945 %
Provided Steel OK
Compression Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 12 mm 2 226 sqmm
Layer 2 -
Layer 3 0 sqmm
Total Steel Provided 226 sqmm 0.355 %
Provided Steel OK
Re-Bars at Support Re-Bars at Mid Span
First Floor B1
2 – 16dia TH. 2 – 16dia TH.
230 x 355mm 3- 16 dia TH 3- 16 dia TH.
2 – 12dia EXT.
5.3.2 Design of Slab
Here the critical slab of c/c span (4.02m X 3.96m) “Two adjacent Edges Discontinuous” is
Slab Design
Slab Load Sunken Slab Load
Dead Load DL 3.125 KN/m Dead Load DL 3.125 KN/m
Live Load LL 2.000 KN/m Filler Load FL 2 KN/m
Finishes Load WL 2.000 KN/m Live Load LL 3.0 KN/m
Total Load Ws 7.125 KN/m Finishes Load WL 1.0 KN/m
Factored Load Wsu 11 KN/m Total Load Wsk 8.83 KN/m
Factored Load Wsku 13 KN/m
Slab Data
Slab Type Regular
Load 11 KN/m
Longer Span (ly) 4.02 m ly/lx ratio 1.02
Shorter Span (lx) 3.96 m Slab type +
Spacing required in mm
8# 10# 12# 16#
x y x y x y x x
227 c/c 232 c/c 354 c/c 362 c/c 510 c/c 522 c/c 907 c/c 928 c/c
.=ast of b ar*1000/ast req
Final Ast x y
provided 8 mm bar @ 150 mm 8 mm bar @ 150 mm
5.3.3 Design of column:
Here the sample calculation of interior column is done for one load combination only.
Detail design of column “ETABS2016” is presented in Annex:
Bi-Axial Column
Design Loads
Pu = 534 KN
Mux = 4 KN-m
Muy = 1 KN-m
Col Data
b = 300 mm
D = 300 mm
d' = 30.0 mm
d'/D = 0.10
d'/b = 0.10
Material Grades
fck = 20 MPa
fy = 500 MPa
Design Constants
Steel % pt = 1.8 Ast = 1620 sqmm
pt/fck = 0.09 M in Ast = 720 sqmm
Pu/fck*b*D = 0.30
Mux/fck*b*D2 = 0.11
Muy/fck*b*D2 = 0.11
Puz = 1403
Mux 1 = 59
Muy 1 = 59
Pu/Puz = 0.38
Mux/Mux 1 = 0.07
Muy/Muy 1 = 0.02
αn = 1.30
Steel Percentage OK
Steel Details
nos dia ast
Type 1 4 16 mm 804 sqmm
Type 2 4 16 mm 804 sqmm
Total Steel 8 - 1608 sqmm
Percentage 1.79%
Reinforcement details of column section
5.3.4 Design of Staircase:
Staircase Design
Effective Span (l) 4.50 mm
Riser (R) 150 mm
Thread (T) 300 mm
Waist Slab thickness (t) 150 mm
Clear Cover 15 mm
Effective Depth of Waist Slab (d) 135 mm
Loads on going Loads on waist slab
Self weight of waist slab 4.19 KN/m Self weight of landing slab 3.75 KN/m
Self weight of steps 1.88 KN/m Live Load 2.00 KN/m
Live Load 3.00 KN/m Floor Finish Load 1.00 KN/m
Floor Finish Load 1.00 KN/m Total Load 6.75 KN/m
Total Load 10.07 KN/m Factored Load 10.13 KN/m
Factored Load 15.10 KN/m
Bending Moment
Calculate Bending Moment using the equation (W*L*L )/8
Bending Moment = 38 KN-m
to be used as UDL = 34 KN
60 KN-m
Diameter of bar 12ø 16ø
Spacing across x 149 c/c 265 c/c
Diameter of bar 8ø 10ø
Spacing across y 279 c/c 436 c/c
5.3.5 Design of Foundation
Isolated Footing
Load Pu 582 KN
Design Load P 427 KN
L 1.83 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 1.83 meters
Area Provided A prvd 3.35 meters
Zx 1.02
Zx 1.02
Footing Size OK
2 Slab Design
lx 0.765
ly 0.765
Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel
12# 16# 20#
713 sqmm 159 c/c 282 c/c 441 c/c
713 sqmm 159 c/c 282 c/c 441 c/c
Minimum Ast required across x direcion
Minimum Ast required across y direcion
3 One Way Shear along x direction
Vu1 60 KN
ζv 0.055 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 283 KN
Vu1 60 KN
ζv 0.055 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 283 KN
L= 1.83 meters
B= 1.83 meters
650 mm
250 mm
Strap Footing analysis and Design
Figure: Strap Footing geometry
Reinforced concrete construction is common all over the world. It is used extensively for
construction of variety of structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, water tanks, stadium,
towers, chimneys, tunnels and so on.
Experiences from past earthquakes and extensive laboratory works have shown that a well-
designed and detailed reinforced concrete structure is suitable for earthquake resistant
structure. Ductility and strength required to resist major earthquake can be achieved by
following the recommendations made in the standard codes of practice for earthquake
resistant design.
Design and construction of the structure are inter – related jobs. A building behaves in a
manner how it has been built rather than what the intensions is during designing. A large
percentage of structural failures are attributed due to poor quality of construction.
Therefore, quality assurance is needed in both design and construction.
Plain and Reinforced Concrete-Code of Practices (IS 456:200)
Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 465-1978 (SP 16)
Ductile Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic Code of
Practice (IS 13920:1993)
Criteria for Earthquake Resistance Design of Structures (1893 Part (I & II): 2002
Code of practice for design load IS 875 Part I, II
ANNEX I Analysis Result
Result Output
ANNEX II Design Summary
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Column Section Design
Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)
Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
FIRST B4 15 BEAM 355*230 DCon9 3761.6 3911.6 1
Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
230 355 230 0 40 40
Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500
Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, Tu & VU2
Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
2.6336 67.3492 170 295 402.1