Final Exam BRM
Final Exam BRM
Final Exam BRM
Some other incumbents are fighting back successfully. Companies are learning from the attackers
while mobilizing their own strengths—including scale, superior resources, and access to customers—to
redefine service offerings, harness digital technology, and improve the customer experience. Some are
lowering their costs as well. While few organizations have mastered the new environment, we can
already see that winning approaches will combine three elements:
Service Design Innovation has become increasingly popular in the last decade to continuously improve existing service
offerings and create completely new offerings. Read this article to find out exactly what it means and why it is becoming
increasingly important
Today, products are often interchangeable. The markets are saturated. Defining and establishing unique selling
propositions is therefore more important than ever for companies today. Service Design Innovation helps companies to
develop outstanding service offerings, to sustainably differentiate themselves from the competition and to open up new
customer groups. To illustrate this with an example: If two shops are next to each other and both offer the same
products at the same price, the quality of the service is the reason why customers prefer one of the two shops.
From above mentioned factors we come into know that failure and success of any product depends upon customers so
any product designed for customers according to above factors should be.
Service Design Innovation focuses on understanding customer needs to make service user-friendly, competitive and
relevant to customers. The focus is on the customer experience.
Service design is based on the assumption that the entire organization is involved in the process. The focus is therefore
not only on the touch point visible to the customer, but also on internal company processes and employees that are
important for the functioning of the service.
Customers and employees work together in interdisciplinary, heterogeneous teams. The team gets deeply involved with
the problem and experiments with new solutions.
2. What is new service landscape? Do you think that Pakistani firms
are coming up to mark of the new service landscape? (4+6)
The nature of services and the pace of change have shifted dramatically in recent years, and
mastering the traditional aspects of service delivery will no longer be enough. To seize the
opportunities, companies must learn to tap the potential for service innovation made possible by
four evolving trends.
Companies that evolve quickly will better position themselves to capture this growth, while those
clinging to traditional models will face growing pressure from digital attackers.
Companies invest large sums in research and development in order to be able to compete with
innovative technologies and products. However, this is often no longer sufficient to differentiate
oneself and to be among the best on the market. Business model innovations can play a key role
here in making technological innovations sustainably profitable.
For a nation to progress it must have a clear idea of its longer-term aspirations. Without this clarity it
will neither be able to prepare a coherent roadmap for action nor adopt and implement the policies
that would lead towards the objectives.
The Information Technology (IT) has become a fundamental part of industry and manufacturing. The
technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), big data, robotics, automation, cloud computing, artificial
intelligence, mobility and others continue to have a growing effect on the society, economy and
The digital medium is considered cost-effective with a wider reach which comes with many benefits
people around the globe get easy access to information anytime and anywhere through multiple
digital devices. Likewise, the digital means of marketing and communication are also considered
quicker, result driven and adaptable. Therefore, a large number of companies in Pakistan have
flourished through a digital approach by providing customers with effective solutions to their problems
through compelling marketing strategies.
The incumbent government has taken the initiative to upgrade digital banking infrastructure and ease
the conditions and exhausting paperwork for digital services such as e-payments, online transactions
and the issuance of credit cards, and their use in online stores or in-store shopping, at petrol pumps,
online utility bill payments and university fee payment gateways etc. The process of digitization can
help grow the economy more quickly, fuel innovations, as well as the business environment. This in
return could alleviate poverty by creating new jobs for the fresh graduates and young entrepreneurs of
the country.The Digital Pakistan Initiative has created hope that the government is making serious
efforts to promote digital technology in the country .However, Pakistan needs to organize and enhance
the skills, expertise and knowledge for digital transformation in all walks of life.
Problem statement
economies will not benefit from the digital era. On the other hand,
offer many opportunities for both the
research and practice of
service innovation in a digital age