Digital Transformation Framework
Digital Transformation Framework
Digital Transformation Framework
A step-by-step primer to accelerate
your digital journey
Saravanan Balaraj
The new
digital wave
Digital Transformation
In this digital era, consumers have become tech-savvy, socially active, and selective in their
purchases. They prefer products and services that are personalized, matching their tastes and
preferences. Self-service venues rule the day. Consumers search for information on the Web
and read online opinions and experiences posted by other users, all of which influence their
financial decisions to a large extent.
Because the marketplace has become more dynamic than ever before, standard business
processes have lost relevance in the digital era and are being replaced by adaptive processes.
For customers, the cost of switching to another bank is almost negligible. Therefore, to retain
existing customers and attract new ones, enterprises need proactive, customer-centric
processes. Enterprises have started building agile business processes so their design and
process changes can be handled quickly, in step with the changes in the market. This can
help reduce lead time for new product development and in addressing customer complaints.
Companies have started reshaping their boundaries by offering the same products and
services on their e-commerce and offline platforms. Moreover, the digital wave has not only
changed the way enterprises operate but also how employees work, communicate and
engage with customers.
While the business opportunities of digitalization are obvious, there are a number of challenges for enterprises
to overcomeand pitfalls to avoidon their transformation journey. The three areas mentioned above are the
building blocks of digital transformation.
Another critical challenge is deciding how far and how fast to traverse the digital journey. The answer lies in
adopting a differentiated digital transformation framework that can help address that challenge. The following are
some key issues that enterprises will need to address in the process of planning digital transformation.
Digital Transformation
Key challenges
Infrastructure issues
The enterprises digital capabilities
depend on its IT infrastructure. The lack
of IT infrastructure and capabilities can
be a disadvantage in relation to digital
technology adoption.
Multichannel synchronization
The lack of coordination between
processes and customer touchpoints
can cause failure when adopting digital
Integration issues
The integration of various processes
and operations is crucial to successful
digital transformation. The value derived
from digital transformation can be lost if
integration fails.
To effectively embrace digital technologies, enterprises need a digital transformation framework that can clearly map their
offerings to the customers expectations. The framework should target all critical business areas and identify appropriate digital
technologies for successful execution.
Value pillars
pillar 1
Having a rigorous framework is the success mantra for digital transformation. Lets understand
how the digital transformation framework actually enables an organization to build tomorrows
financial services enterprise by going digital and helping them capitalize on that power.
The digital transformation framework, below comprises three value pillars. These pillars are
the disciplines that enable the enterprise to create customer value and, at the same time,
achieve a competitive advantage in the market. These value drivers are what make the digital
journey successful. Lets take a close look at each of these value pillars.
Customer satisfaction revolves around customers, their touchpoints, and experiences with
the enterprises offerings. This value pillar is about understanding customers, their needs and
preferences; and devising appropriate strategies to attract and retain them.
Iterative roadmap
There is an iterative four-step process, below for driving digital transformation and delivering a
user experience that is at once engaging and differentiated:
Collaborate by
means of digital
Personalize products
Digital Transformation
Strategic initiative
The key strategic initiative to achieving customer satisfaction is getting social. Enterprises
can capitalize on their customers increased tech literacy and social activeness levels to build
meaningful relationships and create business opportunities.
Social networks enable institutions to engage and collaborate with customers, and facilitate
an enterprise to drive business through information-sharing and community-building. Online
communities bring together like-minded customers and make it easier for banks and insurers
to classify customers based on their preferences. An institution should leverage social and
networking websites like blogs, Wikis, Twitter and Facebook to collaborate with customers
outside their boundaries and resolve issues faster. This is a win-win situation for both,
customers and service companiescustomers overcome challenges and grow their businesses
while institutions build their customer base by offering financial products that match consumer
preferences and interests.
Institutions can use these interactive communities for advising clients, and building both brand
and loyalty bases. Social networks have made it easier for enterprises to:
Identify prospective customers through online digital marketing initiatives
Personalize offerings based on customer analytics
Provide multichannel delivery of financial products and solutions integrated with mobile
Resolve customer problems with intelligent insights
The uniqueness of a bank or an insurers digital strategy in terms of how it addresses its
customers social inclination determines its level of competitive differentiation. Enterprises now
have an environment that actively supports the transition from being just listeners to actively
engaging and collaborating with customers to create long-lasting relationships for long-term
business sustenance. If implemented efficiently, the strategy can result in success for the
enterprise and customers. Satisfied customers often serve as social advocates, resulting in more
business for the company.
Case study
American Express OPEN Forum ( is an online resource hub for
small business owners and entrepreneurs to communicate, collaborate and exchange
thoughts. Through Connectodex, members can share, promote and market ideas. The
Idea Hub feature offers perspectives from business experts in addition to encouraging
interactions, articles and discussion boards. In 2011, it had more than 200 contributors
and is now the leading resource for small businesses. Through this initiative, Bank of
America aims to help customers collaborate with other members and benefit from
experts advice while the bank itself gains a deeper understanding of the business needs
and imperatives of small business owners.
Digital Transformation
pillar 2
To cope with the changes in the market place in this digital era, its essential for financial
service enterprises to ensure faster implementation of new processes, so they can meet quality
standards and compliance requirements, while reducing time-to-market. For that, they need
to move from a functional to a process-oriented mindset.
Iterative roadmap
Business process management focuses on the ways and means to automate and optimize
operational practices. Below is an iterative four-step process for successful digital
transformation of business processes:
Build to automate
Optimize deviance
Strategic initiative
The key strategic initiative to achieve business process excellence is business process
management (BPM). BPM implementation can help enterprises create new avenues for growth,
increase process efficiency, and improve competitive differentiation. It creates an agile platform
and optimizes business processes, end-to-end. BPM implementation acts as an enabler in
the development of new products and services by reducing the time-to-market and costs,
improving customer service, and effectively managing compliance.
Some of the key processes for which financial service enterprises can leverage BPM are:
Regulatory compliance management: Regulatory compliance is an ever-increasing burden for
financial organizations. Enterprises are looking for ways to efficiently respond and adhere to
new regulations. BPM offers financial enterprises the visibility they need into their processes
as well as variability required to manage regulatory changes.
Customer case management: The concept of case management is gaining momentum among
financial service enterprises. Case management represents a powerful approach to manage
customer interactions across the customer relationship lifecycle. This enables enterprises to
surpass customer expectations and increase profitability by up-selling and cross-selling new
financial products.
New product development: An important factor that determines the success of a new
financial product is how quickly it reaches the market. Applying BPM in research and
development can ensure collaboration across processes while streamlining both processes
and tasks, thus helping speed the entire product development process.
Digital Transformation
pillar 3
The operating model plays a significant role in achieving business excellence. With digital
technologies inexorably driving financial business online, it is critical for enterprises to extend
their boundaries by going digital.
The operating excellence paradigm focuses on the business model, customer engagements,
delivering products and solutions in online and offline formats, integrating offline and online
offerings, and optimizing the value chain across customer touchpoints.
Iterative roadmap
The following is a four-step process for building a successful operating model in the digital era:
Design without
Leverage available
Strategic initiative
The key strategic initiative to achieving
operational excellence is the cloud. Cloud
computing creates win-win situations for both
the firm and customer. From the customers
view point, it brings better user experience and
service while for an enterprise, transitioning to
the cloud reduces risk and helps achieve faster
returns on investment (ROI).
Some of the key applications that a financial
enterprise can move to the cloud are:
Analytics, including data mining, text mining,
and data warehousing
Business services, including customer relationship management, purchase trend analysis,
spend analysis, and loyalty management
Pricing and promotions, including price discovery, promotional timings, and channel
Digital Transformation
John Dixon and Teresa Jones (2011),Hype Cycle for Business Process Management, Gartner. Available at:
Thomas Meyer (2006), Financial services 2.0, Deutsche Bank. Available at:
Digital Transformation
About the
Digital Transformation
Multi-channel user
experience a banking
Banking on customer
satisfaction in a
digital world
Enhancing customer
experience with
Putting a name to
a face
Monetization looking
at the future of
self-service banking
Financial transactions
get personalized and
secure with biometrics
Financial institutions
reduce fraud risk with
social media
Reinventing bank
marketing with mobility
Delivering on the go
services for employees
and customers
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Digital transformation framework
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Digital transformation