ISAGO Checklist - Combined: GOSM Edition 8 - Effective February, 2019
ISAGO Checklist - Combined: GOSM Edition 8 - Effective February, 2019
ISAGO Checklist - Combined: GOSM Edition 8 - Effective February, 2019
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Senior Vice President
Safety & Flight Operations
International Air Transport Association
800 Place Victoria
P.O. Box 113
Montreal, Quebec
ISAGO Checklist
GOSM Edition 8
© 2019 International Air Transport Association.All rights reserved.
The AA content was revised to realign process and procedure functions and to
Auditor Actions (AA)
simplify the headquarters (HQ) and station (ST) AAs.
Guidance Material
Some GM was revised and simplified.
Acceptable Means of Provider using IGOM has the ISAGO Standard and Recommended
Conformity Practice (GOSARP) accepted as Documented.
Aircraft taxi-in arrival (forward movement of an aircraft to/from the parking position by use of the
aircraft engines)
Aircraft marshalling
Towbarless tractor
Taxi-out departure
Some External References are identified with (RSR). This indicates a GOSARP involving a procedure
having a Red Safety Risk Index Value in the Risk Assessment Table (Ref. to AHM 610A 4.5 Risk
Assessment Matrix).
Refer to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) Section 3 Ramp Services (3.2 Marshalling,
3.3 Parking, 3.5 Ramp and Flight Deck Communication and 3.8 Moving of Aircraft).
General standards for driving and using ground support equipment (GSE) are part of Section 5 (HDL) of
this manual. If the provider operates GSE, refer to Section 5 (HDL), Subsection 1.2 Ground Support
1. Operational Procedures
AGM 1.1.1 The provider shall have procedures to ensure that, prior to aircraft arrival, an inspection of the
assigned parking stand is performed and addresses, as a minimum, the following:
i. Ramp surface is clear of items that might cause aircraft foreign object debris (FOD)
iii. Passenger boarding bridge (if applicable) is fully retracted into the designated area
iv. The equipment restraint area (ERA) is clear of ground support equipment (GSE)
AGM 1.1.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure that, prior to aircraft arrival, the following are
available and serviceable, as applicable at the arrival stand:
i. GSE
v. Headset. (GM)
AGM 1.1.3 The provider shall have procedures, in accordance with requirements of customer airline(s),
to ensure that, for each aircraft arrival, all personnel and equipment must remain clear from engine
danger areas, including intake, blast and propeller rotation, as applicable, and the following conditions
are met:
ii. As engines are spooling down and after anti-collision lights have been switched off:
a. Chocks are positioned on main landing gear and verbal or visual confirmation is given
to flight deck crew.
b. Cabin door and surrounding area is inspected for existing damage before positioning
boarding devices.
AGM 1.1.4 The provider shall have procedures, for each aircraft arrival, to ensure an inspection of the
aircraft is performed, prior to giving clearance for GSE to position at the aircraft. This inspection shall
AGM 1.2.1 The provider shall have procedures, as per aircraft type, for the conduct of aircraft
marshalling operations, to include as applicable:
iii. Taxi-in
AGM 1.2.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure personnel that perform the marshalling and/or
wing-walking function during aircraft ground movement operations:
ii. Are approved to perform marshalling functions by the relevant authority, if applicable.
iii. Wear a fluorescent identification vest or jacket to permit positive identification by the flight crew.
AGM 1.3.1 The provider shall have procedures to ensure that, prior to aircraft departure, a pre-
movement walkaround inspection of the aircraft is performed, which address as a minimum:
i. Power cables and passenger boarding devices are detached and parked in a designated area.
ii. All aircraft servicing panels and/or hatches are closed and latched (except for external power
and headset panels).
v. No obvious signs of unmarked dents or other skin panel damage are noticed. (GM)
AGM 1.3.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure that, prior to removing chocks from aircraft
AGM 1.3.3 The provider shall have procedures to ensure that, prior the aircraft movement, the following
conditions are met:
iii. Aircraft is clear of all obstacles along the intended movement path.
iv. All persons not involved in the aircraft movement operation are clear of the departing aircraft
and outside the ERA.
vi. Chocks are removed from all wheels and positioned in a dedicated place.
vii. GSE and other equipment are positioned outside the ERA. (GM)
AGM 1.3.4 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, prior to the
commencement of movement, the tractor operator has confirmation that the aircraft parking brake is
released. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
AGM 1.3.5 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, for each aircraft departure, a person is
assigned responsibility for the safe performance of the ground movement operation, and such
responsibility includes:
ii. Only persons required to perform operating functions are in the operating area.
iii. Personnel involved in the operation are positioned well clear from hazard zones.
iv. Personnel involved in the operation understand and agree with how communication will be
performed and how the aircraft will be maneuvered. (GM)
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
Additional Guidance
The operational function of the person assigned as responsible (e.g., headset communicator, tug
operator, ramp supervisor or other) will typically vary according to the circumstances and location
associated with the specific movement operation. What is most important is that such responsibility is
assigned to one person, and all other personnel involved know and recognize the person in charge.
A distinctive vest or jacket is typically worn by supervisory personnel and all other personnel involved in
Hand signals used for aircraft ground movement are normally standardized to ensure a common
understanding by all personnel involved in the operation.
AGM 1.3.6 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the equipment used for aircraft ground
movement is suitable for the specific operation to be conducted, and takes into account:
AGM 1.3.7 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure a tractor
connected to the aircraft is not left unattended with the engine running, except in cold weather operations
with the pushback vehicle chocked. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
AGM 1.3.8 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, for aircraft fitted
with a nose gear steering by-pass system, the by-pass pin, as per aircraft type:
i. Is correctly installed prior to connecting the tow bar or towbarless tractor to the aircraft nose
ii. Is removed after the tow bar or towbarless tractor has been disconnected from the nose gear.
AGM 1.3.9 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, for aircraft not
fitted with a nose gear steering by-pass system, the steering hydraulic system is depressurized or the
nose gear steering torque links is disconnected, as applicable. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Observed nose gear steering torque links disconnection.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM 4.6.5 Pre-departure Table
External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
Coordination with personnel on the flight deck would be required to ensure a safe depressurization and
re-pressurization of the aircraft hydraulic system. Ref. AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft
Movement Operations.
AGM 1.3.10 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, when aircraft pushback operations are
conducted in poor surface or weather conditions, aircraft movement is limited to a slower speed than in
normal conditions. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Observed aircraft pushback operations in poor surface or weather conditions.
AGM 1.3.11 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure the tractor
operator, when stopping or slowing aircraft movement during the operation, makes a gentle brake
application. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM Tractor Driver
IGOM Tractors (RSR)
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
Additional Guidance
The gentle brake application includes stopping or slowing aircraft movement.
AGM 1.3.12 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing for each type of aircraft
that is operated, and such procedures shall ensure maximum nose gear turn limits are not exceeded.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
AGM 1.3.13 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, during aircraft pushback or towing
operations, verbal communication between ground handling personnel and the flight deck is conducted
and has been reviewed in advance. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Observed communications during towing/pushbacks between ground and flight deck personnel.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM 4.6.8 Departure Communication
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
Additional Guidance
Typically, such verbal communication takes place between a member of the ground handling crew (e.g.,
tug driver) and the flight crew using a wired or wireless connection to the aircraft intercommunication
system (interphone). The use of common phraseology, which would be in accordance with requirements
of the customer airline that operates the aircraft, is important to ensure a common understanding by both
parties. Some specific nose gear towbarless, pushback or towing, procedures could be executed without
the flight deck assistance as per airline request or authorization.
AGM 1.3.14 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, during aircraft pushback operations:
iii. A backup method of communication between ground handling personnel and the flight deck is
in place for implementation should the primary method fail.
iv. The flight deck is notified immediately in the event any communication connection between the
tractor and the aircraft is lost during the operation. (GM)
AGM 1.3.15 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, when movement has
been stopped and prior to disconnecting the tow bar or towbarless tractor from the aircraft nose gear, the
flight deck is instructed to set the aircraft parking brake and to hold the existing position until receipt of
visual signals for final clearance to taxi. Procedures shall ensure confirmation is received by ground
handling personnel that the parking brake is set.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
AGM 1.3.16 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, prior to the aircraft
commencing taxi under its own power, ground handling personnel:
ii. Display the by-pass pin to the flight deck or, if disconnected, the torque link reconnected, if
AGM 1.4.1 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure chocks are not
removed from the aircraft main gear until the:
i. Tractor and tow bar are connected to the aircraft nose gear.
AGM 1.4.2 The provider shall have procedures for connecting and disconnecting the tow bar to and from
the aircraft nose gear and tractor. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Observed connecting and disconnecting the tow bar to the aircraft nose gear and tractor.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM 4.6.9 Preparation for Pushback
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
Additional Guidance
Procedures are designed to minimize the possibility of injury to personnel or damage to the aircraft when
connecting the tow bar to the aircraft or tractor. Procedures typically specify that:
When disconnecting a tow bar from the aircraft nose gear assembly, the tow bar is detached
from the tractor first.
When connecting a tow bar to the tractor, personnel face the tractor and, if feasible, have both
legs on the same side of the tow bar (i.e., not straddling the tow bar).
AGM 1.4.3 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback or towing to ensure, prior to the
commencement of movement and prior to the end of pushback or tow, the tractor operator verifies:
ii. The wheels on the tow bar are fully retracted. (GM)
AGM 1.4.4 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback operations to ensure, when the
pushback movement has been stopped, and prior to disconnecting the tow bar from the aircraft nose
gear, tension is released from the tow bar.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM Tractor Driver
IGOM 4.6.10 Aircraft Pushback (RSR)
AGM 1.5.1 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, prior to commencement of a
towing operation:
i. Communication is established between the tractor operator and the flight deck.
ii. Aircraft hydraulic brake system pressure and/or the brake accumulator is within the required
pressure range.
AGM 1.5.2 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, during maneuvering, the
following conditions are met:
i. Authorization of the flight crew or brake operator is given before moving the aircraft.
ii. The towing speed limit is kept within the margins regulated by the towing equipment, aircraft
and/or airport.
iii. Relevant apron lines are followed as guidance during maneuvering to ensure safe obstacle
clearance. (GM)
AGM 1.5.3 The provider shall have procedures to immediately notify the flight deck to stop aircraft
movement using gentle brake applications, in case of a break in the coupling, during towing operations.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM 4.9.3 Incidents During Towing
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
Additional Guidance
Notification normally would be made using the aircraft intercommunication system, but could include
other signals (e.g., horn signal). Some specific nose gear towbarless pushback or towing procedures
could be executed without the flight deck assistance as per customer airline request or authorization.
AGM 1.5.4 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft towing to ensure, when towing on ice or snow,
the tractor operator:
2. Special Procedures
AGM 2.1.1 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, prior to connection of a
tractor to the aircraft main gear, a check of the remote-control system is made, at a normal operating
distance, to verify the system is functional. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Observed check of the remote-control system.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM 4.7.2 Action Before Pushback with Power Push Unit
IGOM 4.7.1 PPU Specifics and Safety Measures
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
Additional Guidance
The check of remote-control functions is normally done during the main gear tractor movement to the
aircraft parking area.
AGM 2.1.2 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, while positioning a main
gear tractor for connection to the aircraft, ground handling personnel verify the tractor unit is
appropriately configured for the aircraft type. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
AGM 2.1.3 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure the main gear tractor
operator uses standard terminology to communicate instructions to the flight deck for steering the aircraft
along the desired rearward pushback path. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Observed standard terminology to communicate pushback steering instructions to the flight deck.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM 4.7.4 Departure Dialogue Using a PPU
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
Additional Guidance
The tractor operator, who controls the main gear tractor remotely, provides steering instructions to the
flight deck. The steering function is accomplished by the flight crew or other personnel on the flight deck
using the aircraft nose wheel steering system. A mutual understanding of the meaning of all steering
instructions by the tractor operator and flight deck personnel is necessary to ensure the aircraft remains
on the desired rearward movement path.
Following are examples of standard terms and phrases that could be used as steering instructions to the
flight deck:
AGM 2.1.4 The provider shall have procedures before connecting the PPU for aircraft pushback to:
AGM 2.1.5 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft pushback to ensure, in the event an
emergency passenger evacuation is required during the pushback operation, ground handling personnel
remove the main gear tractor if it is in a position that interferes with the evacuation process. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity
IGOM 4.7.6 Incident During Pushback with PPU
External References
AHM 463 Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations
AGM 2.1.6 The provider shall have procedures for power push unit (PPU) disconnection that address the
i. Once the aircraft parking brake is applied, with the remote control, the agent in charge of the
departure operation controls the opening of the rollers.
ii. With the remote control, the agent in charge of the departure operation controls the move back
of the PPU unit at least below the tail.
iii. Once the aircraft has taxied and the blast risk has disappeared, the agent in charge of the
departure operation withdraws the PPU from the taxiway.
AGM 2.1.7 The provider shall have procedures for the PPU that in case of fire provide the following:
iv. Press one of the emergency stop buttons, if the engine is off (GM)
AGM 2.2.1 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft taxi-out from parking that address, as a
iii. Passenger boarding bridge(s) is(are) retracted, if applicable, into the designated area(s).
AGM 2.3.1 The provider shall have procedures for the engine start using the air start unit (ASU) that
i. Verification that only authorized personnel and equipment involved in the engine starting are
permitted within the ERA during the engine start.
ii. Communication established with the flight crew to confirm the sequence and the number of
engines to be started.
iii. All personnel and equipment must remain clear from engine danger areas, including intake,
blast and propeller rotation, as applicable.
iv. Positioning of the ASU on the opposite side of the aircraft to the engine being started.
v. Headset operator informs flight crew that ground crew are ready for engine start.
vi. Start engine(s) following the applicable requirements for the communication dialogue and
vii. When engine start is complete, headset operator signals ASU and ground power operator(s) to
disconnect the ASU and remove ground power.
ix. Close and latch external air start and electrical panels. (GM)
3. Documentation
AGM 3.1.1 The provider shall have a process to ensure the Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) used
in support of aircraft ground operations includes:
AGM 3.1.2 The provider shall have a process to ensure the required operational documentation is
accessible in a usable format in all station locations where aircraft ground movement operations are
conducted. Such required documentation includes the current version of the:
ii. Emergency response plan (ERP) of the local airport authority and of the customer airline(s), as
applicable. (GM)
4. Training
AGM 4.1.1 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel with duties and/or responsibilities within aircraft ground movement operations required to
operate vehicles and/or self-powered equipment in airside areas are in the possession of a valid driving
license and complete airside driver training as per AGM Table 1–Airside Driver Training. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled training records
☐ Sampled training material–initial
☐ Sampled training material–recurrent
External References
AGM 4.1.2 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel with duties and/or responsibilities within aircraft ground movement operations complete job-
specific training for their assigned operational function(s) as per AGM Table 2–Aircraft Ground
Movement Functional Training.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled training records
☐ Sampled training material–initial
☐ Sampled training material–recurrent
External References
AHM 610 Guidelines for a Safety Management System
AHM 616 Human Factor Program
AHM 1110 Ground Operation Training Program
AGM 4.1.3 The provider shall have a GSE operations training program for staff with duties that require
the operation of GSE, as applicable to their assigned operational functions. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A
Auditor Comments:
Click here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Headquarters
☐ Identified/Assessed procedures as per GOSARP requirements.
☐ Interviewed manager responsible for the documentation.
Airside driver training for ground handling personnel shall address, as a minimum:
i. General
a. Familiarization with ramp layout, operational stands, vehicle corridors, airside roads, aircraft taxi
d. Airport layout
g. Aircraft familiarization
Note 1: Applicable to vehicle Operators that require operational access to maneuvering areas.
iv. Evaluation
Training for personnel with assigned duties and/or responsibilities in aircraft ground movement operations shall
address the following subject areas, as applicable to assigned operational function(s):
a. Scope of operations
b. Principles, responsibilities
c. Practices, procedures
e. Safety precautions
d. Tow bars
b. Practices, procedures
b. Practices, procedures