Chapter 8 Leases Part 2
Chapter 8 Leases Part 2
Chapter 8 Leases Part 2
Chapter 8: Summary
-A lessor classifies a lease as either a finance lease or an operating lease. A finance
lease transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an
underlying asset; an
-Indicators of a finance lease: (1) Transfer of ownership; (2) Bargain purchase option
'BPO'; (3) Major part of useful life '75%'; (4) PV of LP is substantially all of fair value
'90%'• (5) Specialized in nature.
-Finance lease: Initial accounting: Lessor derecognizes leased asset (and hence,
discontinues depreciating it) and recognizes net investment in the lease. Subsequent
accounting: net investment in the lease is subsequently measured at amortized cost.
-Net investment = PV of lease payments + PV of Unguaranteed residual value
-Lease payments consist of: (a) Fixed payments (less lease incentives receivable); (b)
Variable payments based on index/rate; (c) Guaranteed residual value; (d) Purchase
option, if reasonably certain; (e) Termination penalties and Payments in optional
extension periods, if reasonably certain.
-Initial direct costs are included automatically in the net investment; no need to add
them separately.
-A manufacturer or dealer lessor recognizes profit from a sales type lease at the
commencement date, in addition to interest income over the lease term. Direct costs are
expensed outright.
-A lessor accounts for both guaranteed and unguaranteed residual value. PV of residual
value is added to sales while PV Of unguaranteed residual value. is deducted from cost
of sales. Profit is the same whether residual value is guaranteed or not.