Isabel 2029
Isabel 2029
Isabel 2029
Purpose: To assess the effect of different surface pretreatments on the shear bond strength of resin luting material
on CAD-CAM composite resins and a polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN).
Materials and Methods: CAD-CAM materials (Brilliant Crios, Cerasmart, Lava Ultimate, VITA Enamic) were sub-
jected to the following pretreatments: no pretreatment; grit blasting; grit blasting + silane; HF etching + silane; tri-
bochemical silica coating + silane; manufacturers’ specifications; manufacturers’ specifications + silane;
manufacturers’ specifications using only the manufacturers’ products including their recommended luting materials
(DuoCem, G-Cem LinkForce, RelyX Ultimate, RelyX Unicem 2). Specimens were luted with resin luting material ac-
cording to the Swiss shear test design. After six months of water storage, shear bond tests were performed. Data
were analyzed with multiple linear regression models and nested models (α = 0.05).
Results: Low bond strengths were obtained without pretreatment (Brilliant Crios 3.01 ± 0.54 MPa, Cerasmart
2.66 ± 0.47 MPa, Lava Ultimate 1.76 ± 0.26 MPa, VITA Enamic 2.83 ± 0.63 MPa). Grit blasting achieved high
bond strengths across all materials (Brilliant Crios 5.17 ± 0.77 MPa, Cerasmart 4.27 ± 0.50 MPa, Lava Ultimate
3.98 ± 0.54 MPa, VITA Enamic 4.97 ± 0.90 MPa). Silane application tended to decrease bond strengths on CAD-
CAM composite resins. Following the manufacturers’ specifications and using their recommended materials
achieved the highest bond strengths for all materials except Cerasmart (Brilliant Crios 5.75 ± 0.91 MPa,
Cerasmart 2.82 ± 0.28 MPa, Lava Ultimate 6.63 ± 0.97 MPa, VITA Enamic 7.09 ± 0.77 MPa).
Conclusion: Grit blasting and the application of a suitable material primer is a useful pretreatment for the bonding
of CAD-CAM composite resins. Silane application on CAD-CAM composite resins may entail drawbacks, possibly
owing to the scarcity of silanizable fillers.
Keywords: silane primer, hydrofluoric acid etching, silica coating, air abrasion, adhesion.
J Adhes Dent 2019; 21: 433–443. Submitted for publication: 15.01.19; accepted for publication: 14.07.19
doi: 10.3290/j.jad.a43179
a Resident, Department of Periodontology, Endodontology and Cariology, Uni- d Professor and Director, Department of Periodontology, Endodontology and
versity Center for Dental Medicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. Ex- Cariology, University Center for Dental Medicine, University of Basel, Basel,
perimental design, performed the experiments, contributed substantially to Switzerland. Research idea, contributed substantially to discussion, proofread
discussion, wrote the manuscript, with Florin Eggmann contributed equally to the manuscript.
this work.
e Head of Division of Cariology, Department of Periodontology, Endodontology
b Resident, Department of Periodontology, Endodontology and Cariology, Uni- and Cariology, University Center for Dental Medicine, University of Basel,
versity Center for Dental Medicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. Ex- Basel, Switzerland. Research idea, experimental design, contributed substan-
perimental design, contributed substantially to discussion, wrote the tially to discussion, proofread the manuscript.
manuscript, with Isabel Emsermann contributed equally to this work.
c Professor and Director, Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontol- Correspondence: Dr. med. dent. Florin Eggmann, Department of Periodontology,
ogy, Julius Maximillians University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. Research Endodontology and Cariology, University Center for Dental Medicine, University
idea, experimental design, contributed substantially to discussion, proofread of Basel, Mattenstrasse 40, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland. Tel. +41-61-267-2680;
the manuscript. email:
and one polymeric (14 wt%).14,32 The hardness, flexural because micromechanical interlocking is crucial for the per-
strength, and flexural modulus of CAD-CAM composite res- formance of the adhesive interface.10
ins and VITA Enamic are significantly lower than those of However, in contrast to glass ceramics, the surface pre-
ceramic materials.2,32 treatment and bonding protocols that are best suited for
No long-term data on the clinical performance of VITA different CAD-CAM composite resins and PICN materials
Enamic are available at present. Promising survival rates in have not yet been conclusively determined.25 There is, for
the range of 95.6% to 97% have been reported for PICN in- instance, conflicting data on the efficacy of silane coupling
lays, partial coverage restorations, and crowns inserted with agents as material primers for CAD-CAM composite res-
resin luting material after observation periods of up to three ins.8,23 Furthermore, the surface pretreatment methods
years.5,17,34 Clinical evidence demonstrates, however, that and materials that are recommended by the manufacturers
PICN restorations are prone to debonding if the luting proto- show considerable differences.
col is not in accordance with the material-specific recom- Thus, the aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the
mendations.5 Likewise, no long term clinical data are cur- effect of different surface pretreatment protocols for CAD-
rently available for CAD-CAM composite resin restorations. CAM composite resins and a PICN material on the shear
A preliminary clinical study with an observation period of bond strength of resin luting material. The study assessed
two years reported a survival rate of 85.7% and a debond- the adhesive impact of different standard surface pretreat-
ing rate of 7.1% for partial coverage restorations made with ments, namely, grit blasting, tribochemical silicia-coating,
CAD-CAM composite resin.44 The existing body of clinical and HF etching, as well as silane primer application. More-
evidence suggests an increased susceptibility to bonding over, the pretreatment methods recommended by the man-
failure, and it indicates that the adhesive performance of ufacturers of the CAD-CAM materials, both with generic lut-
restorations made with CAD-CAM composite resins and the ing agents and their recommended resin luting materials,
PICN material is highly dependent on the bonding protocol. were compared with these standard surface pretreatment
The pretreatment and bonding protocol needs to be tai- protocols. The null hypothesis tested was that there would
lored to the microstructural characteristics of CAD-CAM ma- be no difference between the shear bond strengths of the
terials.31 The degree of conversion of CAD-CAM composite different surface pretreatment groups.
resins substantially exceeds that of conventional filling
composite resins. The industrial polymerization mode of
CAD-CAM composite resins can increase the degree of con- MATERIALS AND METHODS
version up to 96% and it also rises the crosslink density.10
As a consequence, few free monomers remain available for Sample Preparation and Surface Pretreatment
copolymerization with monomers of the resin luting mater- The experimental procedure is outlined in Fig 1. The investiga-
ial.10 The scarcity of unreacted monomers requires that tion included three CAD-CAM composite resins, Brilliant Crios
surface pretreatment and bonding approach be adapted, (Coltène/Whaledent; Altstätten, Switzerland), Cerasmart (GC
Europe; Leuven, Belgium), Lava Ultimate (3M Oral Care, St blowing for 5 s. Thereafter, silane (Ultradent Silane, Ultra-
Paul, MN, USA), and a CAD-CAM PICN material, VITA Enamic dent) was brushed onto the surface for 60 s using a dispos-
(VITA Zahnfabrik; Bad Säckingen, Germany). Table 1 lists the able microtip applicator. After 60 s, the surface was dried
manufacturers and compositions of the materials used. by gentle air blowing for 5 s.
CAD-CAM blocks (size 14) were cut under constant water
cooling with a semi-automated diamond-blade saw G5-SC-SI: tribochemical silica-coating + silane. The surface
(Exakt30/700, Exakt Advanced Technologies; Norderstedt, was grit blasted with 30 μm CoJet particles (3M Oral Care)
Germany) into four 4-mm-thick slabs. To achieve surface perpendicular to the surface from a distance of 10 mm for
roughness comparable to that obtained through CAD-CAM 5 s at a pressure of 0.2 MPa. The surface was thoroughly
milling, the slabs were wet ground with 180-grit Al2O3- rinsed by water spray for 10 s and air blown for 5 s. Thereaf-
paper (Reflex NAC Type S P180, Presi; Eybens, France) ter, silane (Ultradent Silane, Ultradent) was brushed onto the
for 20 s. This grinding procedure was based on unpub- surface for 60 s using a disposable microtip applicator. After
lished data from preliminary profilometrical tests (Hommel 60 s, the surface was dried by gentle air blowing for 5 s.
Tester T1000, TKK 50, Hommel-Etamic; Villingen-
Schwenningen, Germany) that determined the surface G6-MS: manufacturers’ specifications
roughness of every tested CAD-CAM material after pro- y Brilliant Crios: grit blasting + One Coat 7 Universal
cessing in a milling and grinding unit (Cerec MC XL, (Coltène/Whaledent). The surface was grit blasted fol-
Dentsply Sirona; Bensheim, Germany). All slabs were ul- lowing the same protocol as in G2-GB, then One Coat 7
trasonically cleaned in three alternating solutions (distilled Universal (Coltène/Whaledent) was applied onto the sur-
water, ethanol [96%], distilled water), each for 180 s, to face for 20 s using a disposable microtip applicator and
remove surface contaminants. air blown for 5 s.
In groups G1-NO, G2-GB, G3-GB-SI, G4-HF-SI, and G5-SC- y Cerasmart: the manufacturer’s specifications were iden-
SI (details given below), simplified standard protocols were tical to G3-GB-SI. Therefore, the values obtained in G3-
tested to assess whether simplified surface pretreatment GB-SI were used for the statistical analysis.
protocols achieve favorable bond strengths. The surface y Lava Ultimate: tribochemical silica-coating + Scotchbond
pretreatments were identical for all CAD-CAM materials Universal (3M Oral Care). The surface was grit blasted
within each group. In contrast, groups G6-MS, G7-MS-SI, with 30-μm CoJet particles (3M Oral Care) perpendicular
and G8-MS-MP (details given below) followed the recom- to the surface from a distance of 10 mm for 5 s at a
mended manufacturers’ specifications. The surface pre- pressure of 0.2 MPa. The surface was thoroughly rinsed
treatments within those groups differed as the manufactur- with water spray for 10 s and air blown for 5 s. Then
ers’ specifications were distinctly different. Scotchbond Universal (3M Oral Care) was applied onto
In the seven groups G1-NO through to G7-MS+SI, RelyX the surface for 20 s using a disposable microtip applica-
Unicem 2 Clicker (3M Oral Care) was used as self-adhesive tor and the surface was air blown for 5 s.
resin luting material, whereas in G8-MS-MP the respective y VITA Enamic: the manufacturer’s specifications were
resin luting materials recommended by the manufacturers identical to G4-HF-SI. Therefore, the values obtained in
were used. G4-HF-SI were used for the statistical analysis.
The slabs of each material were randomly divided into 8
groups (n = 20) and subjected to the following 8 surface G7-MS-SI: manufacturers’ specifications + silane
pretreatments. y Brilliant Crios: The surface was grit blasted with 50 μm
aluminum oxide particles (Renfert) perpendicular to the
G1-NO: no surface pretreatment. surface from a distance of 10 mm for 5 s at a pressure
of 0.15 MPa. The surface was thoroughly rinsed by water
G2-GB: grit blasting. The surface was grit blasted with 50-μm spray for 10 s and air blown for 5 s. Thereafter, silane
aluminum oxide particles (Renfert; Hilzingen, Germany) per- (Ultradent Silane) was brushed onto the surface for 60 s
pendicular to the surface from a distance of 10 mm for 5 s using a disposable microtip applicator. After 60 s, the
at a pressure of 0.15 MPa. The surface was thoroughly surface was dried with a gentle air stream for 5 s. Then
rinsed with water spray for 10 s and air blown for 5 s. One Coat 7 Universal (Coltène/Whaledent) was applied
onto the surface for 20 s using a disposable microtip
G3-GB-SI: grit blasting + silane. The surface was grit applicator and air blown for 5 s.
blasted following the same protocol as in G2-GB. Thereafter y Cerasmart: the manufacturer’s specifications were iden-
silane (Ultradent Silane, Ultradent; South Jordan, UT, USA) tical to G3-GB-SI. Therefore, the values obtained in G3-
was brushed onto the surface for 60 s using a disposable GB-SI were used for the statistical analysis.
microtip applicator. After 60 s, the surface was dried by y Lava Ultimate: The surface was grit blasted with 30 μm
gentle air blowing for 5 s. CoJet particles (3M Oral Care) perpendicular to the sur-
face from a distance of 10 mm for 5 s at a pressure of
G4-HF-SI: HF etching + silane. The surface was etched with 0.2 MPa. The surface was thoroughly rinsed by water
5% HF (Vita Ceramics Etch, Vita Zahnfabrik) for 60 s, thor- spray for 10 s and air blown for 5 s. Thereafter, silane
oughly rinsed with water spray for 10 s, and dried by air (Ultradent Silane) was brushed onto the surface for 60 s
CAD-CAM Cerasmart (GC Inorganic portion (71 wt%): silica SiO2 (20 nm) and barium glass (300 nm) 1707251
composite Europe ; Leuven, nanoparticles
resin Belgium)
Polymers (29 wt%): bis-MEPP, UDMA, DMA
CAD-CAM Lava Ultimate (3M Inorganic portion (80 wt%): 69% SiO2 (20nm), 31% ZrO2 (4-11nm) particles and N895353
composite Oral Care; St Paul, aggregated ZiO2/SiO2 nanoclusters (0.6-10 μm)
resin MN, USA)
Polymers (20 wt%): bis-GMA, UDMA, bis-EMA, TEG-DMA
CAD-CAM VITA Enamic (VITA Inorganic portion (86 wt%): SiO2 (20 nm), ZrO2 (4–11 nm), aggregated ZrO2/SiO2 61011
PICN material Zahnfabrik; Bad cluster
Säckingen, Germany)
Polymers (14 wt%): UDMA, TEG-DMA
Conventional DuoCem (Coltène/ Base/catalyst: bis-GMA 10-<15%, TEG-DMA 5-<10%, zinc oxide coated 1-<5%, H96929
resin luting Whaledent) dibenzoyl peroxide <1%, sodium fluoride <1%
Conventional G-Cem LinkForce (GC Base paste: UDMA 20-25%, dimethacrylate 5-10%, stabilizer <0.5% 1703231
resin luting Europe)
material Catalyst paste: UDMA 20-25%, bis-EMA 5-10%, dibenzoyl peroxide <1%, butylated
hydroxytoluene <0.5%
Conventional RelyX Ultimate (3M Base paste: methacrylate monomers, radiopaque silanated fillers, initiator 3402147
resin luting Oral Care) components, stabilizers, rheological additives
material Catalyst paste: methacrylate monomers, radiopaque alkaline (basic) fillers,
initiators components, stabilizers, pigments, rheological additives, fluorescence
dye, dark cure activator for Scotchbond Universal
Self-adhesive RelyX Unicem 2 Base paste: methacrylate monomers containing phosphoric acid groups, 3362211
resin luting Clicker (3M Oral methacrylate monomers, silanated fillers, initiator, stabilizers
material Care)
Catalyst paste: methacrylate monomers, alkaline (basic) fillers, initiators
components, stabilizers, pigments
Grit-blasting Aluminum oxide 50 μm alumina particles: 99.7% Al2O3, SiO2 <0.02% 3022554
particles (Renfert; Hilzingen,
Grit-blasting CoJet (3M Oral Care) 30 μm alumina particles modified by silica (Al2O3 >97%, silica <3%) 3454446
Hydrofluoric Vita Ceramics Etch ≤ 5% hydrofluoric acid and ≤ 10% sulfuric acid, ethanol 54330
acid (VITA Zahnfabrik)
Silane primer G-Multi Primer (GC Ethyl alcohol 90-100%, 2,2’-ethylenedioxydiethyl dimethacrylate 1-<2.5%, 1703231
bismethacrylate, 3-trimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate
Silane primer Ultradent Silane Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxy silane < 10%, isopropyl alcohol < 95% 366177
(Ultradent; South
Jordan, UT, USA)
Silane primer Vitasil (VITA 3-trimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate <2.5%, ethanol 25-50% 57620
Universal One Coat 7 Ethanol 35- <40%, UDMA 20- <25%, HEMA 5- < 10%, MMA-modified polyacrylic I09273
adhesive (Coltène/Whaledent) acid, hydroxypropylmethacrylate
Universal Scotchbond 10-MDP 1-10%, dimethacrylate resins 5-15%, HEMA 15-25%, Vitrebond copolymer 70822A
adhesive Universal (3M Oral 1-10%, filler, ethanol 10-15%, water, initiators, silane 5-15%
using a disposable microtip applicator. After 60 s, the der at a distance of 2 mm from the adhesive surface until
surface was dried with a gentle air stream for 5 s. fracture occurred. Shear bond strengths, recorded in MPa,
Scotchbond Universal (3M Oral Care) was applied onto were calculated by dividing the maximum load at failure (N)
the surface for 20 s using a disposable microtip applica- with the cross-sectional area (mm2).
tor and the surface was air blown for 5 s. The failure modes were assessed under a light micro-
y VITA Enamic: the manufacturer’s specifications were scope (Leica M7A, Leica Microsystems; Wetzlar, Germany)
identical to G4-HF-SI. Therefore the values obtained in at a magnification of 31X. Failures were classified as adhe-
G4-HF-SI were used for the statistical analysis. sive (shear fracture between the luting agent and the CAD-
CAM material), cohesive type 1 (shear fracture within the
G8-MS-MP: using only the manufacturers’ products and luting agent), cohesive type 2 (shear fracture within the
the recommended resin luting materials CAD-CAM material), or mixed failures (involvement of adhe-
y Brilliant Crios: the surface was treated following the sive and both types of cohesive fractures).
same protocol as in G6-MS and DuoCem (Coltène/Whale-
dent) was used as conventional resin luting material. Statistical Analysis
y Cerasmart: the surface was grit blasted following the A statistician carried out the statistical analyses with R soft-
same protocol as in G2-GB, then silane (GC-Primer, GC ware (version 3.1.2., R Core Team, R Foundation for Statis-
Europe) was applied onto the surface for 20 s using a tical Computing; Vienna, Austria). Descriptive statistics in-
disposable microtip applicator and dried with a gentle air cluded means and standard deviations (SD). Multiple linear
stream for 5 s. G-Cem Link Force (GC Europe) was used regression models were performed to compare shear bond
as conventional resin luting material. strengths between the pretreatment groups. Nested model
y Lava Ultimate: the surface was treated following the designs were chosen to accommodate all possible com-
same protocol as in group 6 (G6-MS) and RelyX Ultimate parisons. Differences of mean values were estimated to-
(3M Oral Care) was used as conventional resin luting gether with 95% confidence intervals and the corresponding
material. p-values. The level of significance, unadjusted for multiple
y VITA Enamic: the surface was etched with 5% HF (Vita comparisons, was set at 5%.
Zahnfabrik) for 60 s, thoroughly rinsed by water spray for
10 s and dried with an air stream for 5 s. Then silane
(Vitasil, Vita Zahnfabrik) was applied onto the surface for RESULTS
20 s using a disposable microtip applicator and allowed
to react for 5 min. Subsequently, Rely X Unicem 2 Clicker No pre-test failures occurred during water storage. Owing to
(3M Oral Care) was used as resin luting material. failures in technical handling (partial damage during mount-
ing specimens in the testing machine), 24 out of 560 spec-
Swiss Shear Test Design imens were excluded from data analysis. Surface pretreat-
The procedure of the Swiss shear test has been described ment had a significant effect on bond strengths across all
in detail elsewhere.1,36 In brief, after surface pretreatment, CAD-CAM materials tested (p < 0.001). The mean shear
a hollow cylinder of clear acrylic with an internal diameter of bond strengths are listed in Table 2. Table 3 shows the re-
2.9 mm and a height of 4 mm (D+R Tec; Birmensdorf, Swit- sults of the multiple linear regressions. For all materials,
zerland) was attached to the surface using a custom-made bond strengths were significantly higher when grit blasting
bonding jig. The resin luting material, mixed according to was performed compared with no surface pretreatment
the manufacturers’ instructions in mixing syringe dispens- (p < 0.001). Surface pretreatment according to the manu-
ers, was applied into this cylinder and a stainless steel bolt facturers’ specifications (G6-MS) yielded significantly higher
with a diameter matching the hollow cylinder (Bossard; Zug, bond strengths than did HF etching and subsequent silane
Switzerland) was inserted in the cylinder. The bolt was application (G4-HF-SI) on CAD-CAM composite resins
loaded with 1 kg with the help of the bonding jig to spread (p < 0.001). The comparison between grit blasting + silane
the resin luting material evenly on the substrate surface application (G3-GB-SI) and HF etching + silane application
without entrapping air. The resin luting material was light (G4-HF-SI) showed no significant difference for Lava Ulti-
cured from three different sides for 20 s per side at an out- mate (p = 0.250), significantly higher bond strengths for
put intensity of 1200 mW/cm2 (high-power mode, Blue- VITA Enamic in G4-HF-SI (p = 0.003), and superior bond
phase 20i, Ivoclar Vivadent; Schaan, Liechtenstein). Imme- strengths for Brilliant Crios and Cerasmart in G3-GB-SI
diately after the bonding procedure, the specimens were (p = 0.005 and p < 0.001, respectively). For the CAD-CAM
removed from the bonding jig, placed in demineralized water composite resins whose manufacturers do not recommend
at 37°C, and stored for 6 months under these conditions. an additional surface pretreatment step of silane (ie, Bril-
liant Crios and Lava Ultimate), silanization in addition to the
Shear Test and Failure Type Analysis recommended protocol had no significant effect on bond
After water storage for 6 months, shear bond strength tests strength (p ≥ 0.056). No significant differences were ob-
were performed with a universal testing machine (Zwick/ served between grit blasting + silane application (G3-GB-SI)
Roell; Ulm, Germany) at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. and tribochemical silica coating + silane application (G5-SC-
The machine applied the load onto the acrylic hollow cylin- SI) for all materials (p ≥ 0.238) apart from Cerasmart,
Table 2 Means and standard deviations (SD) of the shear bond strengths (MPa) after different surface pretreatments
Cerasmart 2.66 (0.47)C 4.27 (0.50)D 2.94 (0.81)C 1.63 (0.50)A 2.24 (0.94)B 2.94 (0.81)C 2.94 (0.81)C 2.82 (0.28)C
n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 18 n = 18 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20
Lava 1.76 (0.26)A 3.98 (0.54)B 2.14 (0.54)A 1.82 (0.50)A 1.82 (0.75)A 6.41 (0.87)C 6.59 (0.90)C 6.63 (0.97)C
n = 19 n = 20 n = 18 n = 17 n = 18 n = 20 n = 19 n = 20
VITA 2.83 (0.63)A 4.97 (0.90)C 2.82 (1.08)A 3.63 (1.54)B 2.96 (1.18)A 3.63 (1.54)B 3.63 (1.54)B 7.10 (0.77)D
n = 20 n = 20 n = 18 n = 18 n = 18 n = 18 n = 18 n = 20
Different superscript upper case letters indicate statistically significant differences within each row.
which showed significantly higher bond strengths in G3-GB- mode for VITA Enamic was cohesive within the resin luting
SI (p = 0.007). For Cerasmart and VITA Enamic, grit blast- material in G8-MS-MP. For Lava Ultimate, the specimens
ing (G2-GB) resulted in significantly higher bond strengths fractured most commonly within the CAD-CAM composite
than surface pretreatment according to the manufacturers’ resin when Scotchbond Universal was used as surface pre-
recommendations (G6-MS) (p < 0.001). No significant dif- treatment (G6-MS, G7-MS-SI, G8-MS-MP), otherwise adhe-
ference between G6-MS and G2-GB was found for Brilliant sive failures prevailed.
Crios (p = 0.540) while for Lava Ultimate, surface pretreat-
ment according to the manufacturer’s recommendations
(G6-MS) resulted in significantly higher bond strengths than DISCUSSION
grit blasting (G2-GB) (p < 0.001). Surface pretreatment ac-
cording to the manufacturers’ recommendations (G6-MS) This in vitro study assessed the effect of different surface
obtained significantly higher bond strengths than grit blast- pretreatment protocols on the bond strength of resin luting
ing and silane application (G3-GB-SI) for Brilliant Crios material to CAD-CAM composite resins and a PICN material.
(p < 0.001), VITA Enamic (p = 0.003), and Lava Ultimate The results showed that following the surface pretreatment
(p < 0.001). For Brilliant Crios, Cerasmart, and Lava Ulti- protocols recommended by manufacturers yielded the high-
mate, surface pretreatment according to the manufacturers’ est bond strengths for the PICN material and all CAD-CAM
recommendations in combination with their recommended composite resins, apart from Cerasmart. Application of a
resin luting materials (G8-MS-MP) was not significantly dif- silane coupling agent tended to decrease bond strength to
ferent from surface pretreatment according to the manufac- CAD-CAM composite resins.
turers’ recommendations without using their recommended High bond strengths to the CAD-CAM materials were
resin luting materials (G6-MS) (p = 0.088, p = 0.658, and achieved in the present study when the surface was grit
p = 0.378, respectively). For VITA Enamic, a statistically sig- blasted at a pressure of 0.15 MPa. This is in close agree-
nificant difference was recorded between G8-MS-MP and all ment with previous studies and evidence-based recommen-
the other groups (p < 0.001); ie, the surface pretreatment dations.22,25 The present study focused solely on bond
according to the manufacturer’s recommendation combined strength, but it is also important to consider that high-pres-
with the recommended materials showed the highest bond sure grit blasting can damage CAD-CAM composite res-
strengths. Grit blasting (G2-GB) was the best performing ins.38,41 There are recommendations underpinned by la-
surface pretreatment for Cerasmart; surface pretreatment boratory evidence for different CAD-CAM composite resins
according to the manufacturer’s recommendation resulted concerning particle size and pressure, and it is advisable to
in significantly lower bond strength (p < 0.001). follow these recommendations in clinical practice.38 If air-
Table 4 presents the results from the failure mode borne-particle abrasion is chosen as the surface pretreat-
analysis. In the absence of any surface pretreatment, all ment for VITA Enamic with its feldspathic ceramic structure
specimens showed adhesive failure. Adhesive failure was network, grit blasting should be performed with due care.
most frequently observed for Brilliant Crios in groups G2-GB The use of small particles and low pressures is of particular
to G6-MS, while in G7-MS-SI and G8-MS-MP, adhesive and importance, because otherwise surface damage and crack
mixed failures were more uniformly distributed. When the formation may occur.38 Moreover, it is important to note
surface of Cerasmart was not treated with grit blasting, ad- that the intraoral repair of indirect composite resin and ce-
hesive failure was most common. The most frequent failure ramic restorations constitutes an indication for grit blasting.
Table 3 Results of the multiple linear regressions with a nested model design
Difference of
Comparison between groups Material 95% CI p-value
G2-GB vs G1-NO Brilliant Crios 2.16 1.66 2.66 < 0.001
G2-GB vs G1-NO Cerasmart 1.61 1.12 2.10 < 0.001
G2-GB vs G1-NO Lava Ultimate 2.22 1.72 2.73 < 0.001
G2-GB vs G1-NO VITA Enamic 2.14 1.65 2.64 < 0.001
G3-GB-SI vs G4-HF-SI Brilliant Crios 0.72 0.22 1.23 0.005
G3-GB-SI vs G4-HF-SI Cerasmart 1.31 0.80 1.82 < 0.001
G3-GB-SI vs G4-HF-SI Lava Ultimate 0.31 -0.22 0.84 0.250
G3-GB-SI vs G4-HF-SI VITA Enamic -0.81 -1.33 -0.29 0.003
G3-GB-SI vs G5-SC-SI Brilliant Crios -0.31 -0.82 0.21 0.245
G3-GB-SI vs G5-SC-SI Cerasmart 0.70 0.19 1.21 0.007
G3-GB-SI vs G5-SC-SI Lava Ultimate 0.31 -0.21 0.84 0.238
G3-GB-SI vs G5-SC-SI VITA Enamic -0.13 -0.66 0.39 0.616
G6-MS vs G2-GB Brilliant Crios 0.16 -0.34 0.65 0.540
G6-MS vs G2-GB Cerasmart -1.34 -1.83 -0.84 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G2-GB Lava Ultimate 2.43 1.93 2.92 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G2-GB VITA Enamic -1.34 -1.85 -0.84 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G3-GB-SI Brilliant Crios 2.81 2.31 3.31 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G3-GB-Si Cerasmart – – – –
G6-MS vs G3-GB-SI Lava Ultimate 4.27 3.76 4.78 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G3-GB-SI VITA Enamic 0.81 0.29 1.33 0.003
G6-MS vs G4-HF+SI Brilliant Crios 3.53 3.03 4.04 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G4-HF+SI Cerasmart 1.31 0.80 1.82 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G4-HF+SI Lava Ultimate 4.58 4.06 5.10 < 0.001
G6-MS vs G4-HF-Si VITA Enamic – – – –
G6-MS vs G7-MS-SI Brilliant Crios -0.48 -0.98 0.01 0.056
G6-MS vs G7-MS-SI Cerasmart – – – –
G6-MS vs G7-MS-SI Lava Ultimate -0.18 -0.68 0.32 0.476
G6-MS vs G7-MS-SI VITA Enamic – – – –
G6-MS vs G8-MS-MP Brilliant Crios -0.43 -0.93 0.07 0.088
G6-MS vs G8-MS-MP Cerasmart 0.11 -0.38 0.61 0.650
G6-MS vs G8-MS-MP Lava Ultimate -0.22 -0.72 0.27 0.378
G6-MS vs G8-MS-MP VITA Enamic -3.46 -3.97 -2.96 < 0.001
Compared with grit blasting, tribochemical silica-coating cordance with previous investigations, suggest that micro-
did not improve the adhesive performance in the present mechanical conditioning is the key step for adequate adhe-
study; in fact, for one CAD-CAM composite resin, it even sion to CAD-CAM composite resins.7,23
decreased the bond strength. A more relevant influence on HF etching leads to lower bond strengths than grit blast-
bond strength has been attributed to different particle sizes ing for most composite resins.18 In the present study, the
than to their chemical composition.24 Grit blasting was per- adhesive performance on all CAD-CAM composite resins
formed with aluminum oxide particles with a size of 50 μm. was better with the grit blasting pretreatment than with HF
CoJet sand, by comparison, has a finer particle size of etching and silane coupling agent application. This result is
about 30 μm and consequently a lower abrasion rate. This consistent with data reported in previous studies.9,12 How-
may explain the results of the present study, which, in ac- ever, there is some evidence that suggests a significant
Material Failure G1-NO G2-GB G3-GB- SI G4-HF-SI G5-SC-SI G6-MS G7-MS- SI G8-MS-MP
Brilliant adhesive 19 10 6 19 8 17 6 8
mixed (m1/m2) 8 (5/3) 13 (9/4) 10 (8/2) 3 (0/3) 12 (3/9) 10 (0/10)
Cerasmart adhesive 20 3 4 18 11 18
Lava adhesive 19 9 15 14 15 3 1
mixed (m1/m2/m3) 11 (11/0/0) 3 (3/0/0) 3 (3/0/0) 3 (3/0/0) 17 (5/12/0) 17 (2/14/1) 20 (4/14/2)
VITA adhesive 20 8 3 2
mixed (m1/m2/m3) 12 (11/1/0) 15 (15/0/0) 16 (16/0/0) 18 (18/0/0) 9 (4/2/3)
m1 = adhesive and within resin luting material, m2 = adhesive and within the substrate, m3 = adhesive and within resin luting material and substrate,
c1 = cohesive within the resin luting material, c2 = cohesive within the substrate.
beneficial effect of HF etching and silanization on bond methacrylates contributes more to the bonding between
strength.23 Etchable filler particles are a prerequisite for the CAD-CAM composite resin and resin luting material than a
efficacy of HF as a surface pretreatment for CAD-CAM com- silane primer.25,30,37 In fact, the use of a silane primer
posite resins. Whereas fillers like zirconia are not etchable, without an adhesive coupling agent does not achieve high
HF etching causes a superficial dissolution of etchable ce- bond strengths on CAD-CAM composite resins.30 This may
ramic filler components.38 However, HF etching may totally be due to the fact that inorganic filler particles are fre-
dissolve some glass filler particles that are embedded in the quently treated with silane coupling agents in the manufac-
polymer matrix of indirect composite resins.31 The results of turing process because incorporation of silanized filler par-
the present study suggest that, in terms of the adhesive ticles in the resin matrix can increase the mechanical
performance, grit blasting is a more reliable surface pre- strength and optimize the hydrolytic stability of composite
treatment than HF etching for CAD-CAM composite resins. resins.20 In addition, the use of a silane coupling agent
HF etching of PICN materials has a more favorable effect alone is not adequate for bonding to non-silica–based filler
on the interfacial fracture toughness than grit blasting,10 particles such as zirconia. Consequently, inorganic compo-
and HF etching plus silane application, as recommended by nents available as targets for silanization may be scarce
the manufacturer, is considered the preferred surface pre- after mechanical roughening.30 Dispersed fillers that are
treatment for VITA Enamic.8,12,16,23 However, strong acid industrially treated with silane coupling agents are hydro-
etching protocols with 10% HF dissolve a great amount of phobic, and the nonhydrolyzable functional parts of the si-
the glass phase, thus exposing the polymer structure; this lane coupling agents remain readily available for copolymer-
may minimize the efficacy of silane coupling agents owing ization with methacrylate groups of the resin luting
to the reduced silica content on the surface.21 Therefore, material.20 The application of a silane primer can therefore
the use of a mild etching protocol that roughens the sur- have no or even detrimental effects on the adhesive perfor-
face while preserving most of the silica content is recom- mance of CAD-CAM composite resins. A further factor con-
mended to treat PICN materials.21 tributing to the ineffectiveness of silanization may be incom-
Silane application did not benefit the adhesive perfor- plete evaporation of the solvent of the silane primer.11
mance of the resin luting material on CAD-CAM composite Moreover, one should take into account that in the present
resins in the present study. This is in line with data from investigation, a single-phase silane primer was used, and
previous studies.7,31 Moreover, the results for Brilliant Crios there is some evidence suggesting that two-component si-
and Lava Ultimate demonstrate that the use of a universal lane primers, with their more controllable hydrolysis, might
adhesive that acts as a resin primer has a favorable impact be more effective than single-phase primers.11 Interestingly,
on the adhesive performance. Recent studies have also the use of the silane coupling agent from the same manu-
shown that an adhesive agent containing functional methyl- facturer as the PICN material significantly improved the ad-
hesive performance compared with a standard silane cou- ity.39 These differences may affect the bonding perfor-
pling agent in the present study. The composition of these mance on different CAD-CAM materials.23
silane primers, as labelled on the technical data sheets, is Self-adhesive resin luting materials, ie, resin-based luting
identical apart from the solvent (Ultradent Silane, isopropyl agents that require no pretreatment of dental hard tissues
alcohol; Vitasil, ethanol). However, information on the 3-tri- with either etch-and-rinse or self-etch adhesives, can offer
methoxysilylpropyl methacrylate loads is ambiguous. The some advantages in clinical workflows owing to their more
bond strength disparity is, therefore, most likely the result straightforward application.19 However, limited information
of different 3-trimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate loads. is available concerning the efficacy of self-adhesive resin
Favorable bond strengths were obtained with both univer- luting materials on CAD-CAM composite resins.43 A small-
sal adhesives used in the present study. However, adhe- scale trial with a short follow-up of one year reported no
sives differ in their efficiency as material primer.1,7,30,37 significant differences in the clinical performance of indirect
Universal adhesives that contain silane and phosphate composite resin inlays and onlays bonded with either a self-
monomers in addition to regular methacrylate monomers adhesive resin luting material or a conventional resin luting
outperform adhesives based exclusively on methacrylic material.19 Furthermore, in vitro studies demonstrate that
monomers.37 Methacrylates contained in adhesive coupling RelyX Unicem 2, a self-adhesive resin luting material, yields
agents can, by radical polymerization, chemically bond to favorable bond strengths to CAD-CAM composite resins as
unpolymerized methacryloyl groups in CAD-CAM composite well as VITA Enamic.29,43 In general, however, in vitro stud-
resins.30,43 Another adhesion mechanism is the interpene- ies indicate that self-adhesive resin luting materials are in-
trating network formed when monomers of the universal ferior to multistep resin luting materials for the bonding of
adhesives penetrate the resin matrix of CAD-CAM compos- indirect composite resins.23,33 A systematic evaluation of
ite resins and polymerize there.25 Furthermore, silane cou- the adhesive performance of different resin luting materials
pling agents or, more likely, phosphate monomers in univer- was beyond the scope of the present investigation, which
sal adhesives enhance the bonding performance on aimed, first and foremost, to assess the influence of differ-
roughened CAD-CAM composite resins as they prime the ent surface pretreatment protocols. The resin luting mater-
inorganic filler particles.37 The self-etching 10-methacryloy- ial had no significant impact on the adhesive performance
loxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP) monomer, con- of the CAD-CAM composite resins. It is noteworthy, how-
tained in the universal adhesives used in the present study, ever, that conventional resin luting materials achieved
is a primer for zirconia, alumina, metals, and dispersed zir- slightly higher – albeit not statistically significantly different
conia fillers of composite resins.6 In addition, chemical – bond strengths on these CAD-CAM materials. On the
bonding to the organic phase may be achieved through acid whole, the results of the present study suggest that the
groups of the copolymers and 10-MDP contained in univer- surface pretreatment protocol is more decisive than the
sal adhesives.26 Thus, universal adhesives may establish resin luting material and that, in terms of bond strength, the
adhesion to the organic phase as well as the filler particles use of conventional resin luting materials may offer some
of CAD-CAM composite resins.25,43 advantages over self-adhesive resin luting materials.
Certain universal adhesives incorporate a silane cou- Certain inherent limitations of the present in vitro study re-
pling agent, which should give the adhesive the potential quire careful consideration. First, the roughness that results
to directly bond to glass-rich ceramics. However, silanol is from milling varies with tool grit size, and this may in turn af-
unstable in the acidic solution of universal adhesives, fect micromechanical interlocking between CAD-CAM materials
which promotes hydrolysis and dehydration condensa- and resin luting material and thus the strength of the adhesive
tion.42 Thus, silane coupling agents that are incorporated interface.15 In the present study, wet grinding of the samples
in universal adhesives are insufficiently effective in chem- ensured a surface roughness comparable to that obtained by
ical bonding to glass-rich ceramics.42 It is currently un- CAD-CAM milling. However, no standard protocols for the sam-
clear whether the bonding performance of universal adhe- ple preparation of CAD-CAM materials for bond strength test-
sives on CAD-CAM composite resins remains stable over ing exist, which restricts comparability across studies.
the long term.42 Therefore, the adequacy of universal ad- Second, no standardized procedure for the artificial
hesives as supplementary material primers or substitutes aging of resin luting materials is available at present.3 The
for silane coupling agents warrants further comparative effect of different surface pretreatments on bond strengths
investigation. was assessed after 6 months of water storage in the pres-
The aim of this study was to assess the influence of a ent study. The storage time was chosen based on a previ-
variety of surface pretreatments on the adhesive perfor- ous study.7 When comparing bond strengths across differ-
mance and not to compare bond strengths between differ- ent studies, it is important to bear in mind that different
ent materials. The results of the present study suggest that aging procedures and durations may have a strong impact
it may be advantageous to use the luting materials that are on the bonding performance.3
recommended by the manufacturer of the respective CAD- Third, in the present study, bond strength was assessed
CAM material. Significant interactions exist between differ- with the Swiss shear test, a methodical approach that takes
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23. Peumans M, Valjakova EB, de Munck J, Mishevska CB, van Meerbeek B.
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3M Oral Care, Coltène/Whaledent, GC Europe, and VITA Zahnfabrik ials. J Adhes Dent 2016;18:289–302.
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Erratum in:
J Adhes Dent 2019;21(4):355–363
Erratum for:
J Adhes Dent 2019;21(5):443.