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Dental Materials Journal 2012; 31(3): 377–383

Discoloration of manually fabricated resins and industrially fabricated CAD/

CAM blocks versus glass-ceramic: Effect of storage media, duration, and
subsequent polishing
Bogna STAWARCZYK1, Beatrice SENER2, Albert TROTTMANN3, Malgorzata ROOS4, Mutlu ÖZCAN3
and Christoph H. F. HÄMMERLE3
Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Goethestrasse 70, 80336 Munich, Germany
Clinic of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 11, 8032 Zurich,
Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 11, 8032
Zurich, Switzerland
Division of Biostatistics, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Zurich, Hirschengraben 84, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland
Corresponding author,  Bogna STAWARCZYK;  E-mail:

This study determined the discoloration of five CAD/CAM resins, four manually polymerized resins, and glass-ceramic as control
group. Specimens were divided into three groups (N=300, n=30) to be stored in coffee, black tea and red wine (n=10). The discoloration
was measured using a spectrophotometer after 1, 7, 29, 90, 180 days storage. All tested groups showed color change (ΔE) at all time
points. The manually polymerized resin composites GD (Gradia) and CM (CronMix K), and the CAD/CAM resin composite HC (Blanc
High-class) showed significantly higher ΔE compared to all other groups in all tested media. The discoloration was extrinsic and
decreased after polishing for the majority of the tested materials. Except CAD/CAM resin HC (Blanc High-class), all CAD/CAM resins
showed similar color stability compared to the control group.

Keywords: CAD/CAM resins, Polymeric blocks, Discoloration, Aging

CAD/CAM-generated metal-free single restorations.

Discoloration still seem to be the limitary factor for resin
The CAD/CAM milling of resin blocks for temporary based materials.
fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) fabricated under FDP materials must maintain long-term color
controlled and optimized manufacturing conditions stability in order to avoid replacement of restorations.
enables the production of reconstructions with higher Regardless of their chemical composition, dental resins
flexural strengths than those of manually polymerized tend to absorb liquids12). Therefore, discoloration may
ones1-3). Such CAD/CAM resin blocks are industrially occur over time when subjected to various media, such as
polymerized under standardized parameters at high coffee, tea, red wine, chlorhexidine or bleaching agents13-16).
temperature and pressure to assure that the Color differences (ΔE) more than 3.3 units reflect
microstructure and the mechanical properties of the clinically significant visual discoloration17,18). The degree
resin blocks exhibit constant quality. The polymerization of discoloration of resins can be influenced by a number
parameters are fundamental for the mechanical of factors such as incomplete polymerization, water
properties4). Hence, the resin CAD/CAM blocks can be sorption, chemical reactivity, diet, oral hygiene or surface
considered for long-term reconstructions. Industrially or roughness of the restoration19-21). Discoloration can be
manually polymerized temporaries are made of either due to extrinsic or intrinsic cause. Extrinsic causes
PMMA-based or composite resins, each having slightly include accumulation of plaque and surface stains,
different chemical and physical properties5). alterations of surface or subsurface color, implying a
Resin restorations are more fracture resistant than superficial degradation or a slight penetration and
glass-ceramics3), especially in thin reconstructions6,7). reaction of staining agents within the superficial layer of
The mechanical properties such as flexural strength and resin composites22). Subsequent polishing of the surface
enamel antagonist wear characteristics of resin-based in particular can eliminate extrinsic causes, but if deeper
materials offer some advantages over glass-ceramics8-10). layers are involved, the discoloration is mostly
Therefore, recently introduced CAD/CAM resin blocks irreversible. The intrinsic discolorations mainly depend
are considered as alternative materials to glass-ceramics. on the system of initiator systems used in the resins as
However, one clinical study up to 3 years of function well as on the applied form and duration of
observed that resin single-tooth restorations had inferior polymerization23,24). They are caused by chemical changes
success rates compared to all ceramic ones11). This was in the material matrices and therefore concern all layers
due to the inferior esthetics and wear resistance of resin of the material.
crowns. Therefore the authors stated that all-ceramic Various techniques have been employed to elicit
crowns remain the preferred treatment material for discoloration of temporary resins15,25-33). Accelerated

Received Nov 15, 2011: Accepted Feb 3, 2012

doi:10.4012/dmj.2011-238 JOI JST.JSTAGE/dmj/2011-238
378 Dent Mater J 2012; 31(3): 377–383

aging has been used to study the effect of a discoloration (GD), CronMix K (CM) and Integral esthetic press (IE)
on both PMMA-based and composite resins demonstrating and one glass-ceramic empressCAD (CG) as control
that clinically perceptible discoloration are likely to group (Table 1).
occur in some of the tested resins26,27,30,32). Other studies Specimens were prepared (N=300, n=30 per material
have used immersion solutions such as artificial saliva, group) with a diameter of 15 mm and a thickness of 1
coffee, tea, grape juice, and chlorhexidine and at different mm, following the ISO 4049 specification. A plastic split
time intervals compared their effects on discoloration of ring that rested on a glass plate was used to fabricate the
temporaries and direct restorative resins15,26,30,31). To the manually polymerized specimens. The resins were filled
author’s best knowledge at present there is no information into the split ring between two glass plate and
on the clinical and laboratory discoloration of the newly polymerized. UF and IE were polymerized in the
introduced CAD/CAM resin reconstructions. polymerization pressure pot (30 min, 45°C, 2.5 min,
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate Ivomat, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein)
the effect of coffee, black tea and red wine storage on according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For GC,
discoloration of five CAD/CAM and four manually the GC LaboLight LV-III (GC Europe, Leuven, Belgium)
polymerized resins, and to compare the results obtained was used for a polymerization time of 5 min according to
with the control group (glass-ceramic). The first the manufacturer. The CAD/CAM blocks were cut in
hypothesis was to test whether the CAD/CAM resins disks with a thickness of 1 mm using a low-speed
show similar discoloration compared to glass-ceramic. diamond saw (Well Diamantdrahtsägen, Mannheim,
The second hypothesis was to test whether the CAD/ Germany) under water-cooling. Thereafter the edges
CAM resins show lower discoloration compared to were rounded using a dental bur (Komet H251 EF, Gebr.
manually polymerized ones. Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany). All specimens were
embedded in acrylic resin (ScandiQuick, SCAN-DIA,
Hagen, Germany) in cylindrical molding cups with a
diameter of 25 mm.
This study included five CAD/CAM resins: Blanc The specimen surfaces were polished for 4.5 min
High-class (HC), ZENO PMMA (ZP), artBloc Temp (AT), (P400, P1200, P2400) in a polishing device (LaboPol-21,
artegral ImCrown (AI) and CAD-Temp (CT), four Struers, Ballerup, Denmark) under standardized
manually polymerized resins: Unifast III (UF), Gradia conditions and examined under an optical microscope

Table 1 The test groups, abbreviations, brands, batch numbers, manufacturers and composition of the tested materials
Test group Abbreviation Batch No. Manufacturer Composition

Blanc High-class HC 2007000908 Creamed, Marburg, Bis-GMA, UDMA, nanofilled


ZENO PMMA ZP 0483 Wieland Dental + Technik, PMMA, unfilled

Pforzheim, Germany

artBloc Temp AT 13708 Merz Dental, Lütjenburg, PMMA, unfilled


artegral ImCrown AI 2275 Merz Dental, Lütjenburg, PMMA, unfilled


CAD-Temp CT 19180 Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad PMMA, micro-filled

Säckingen, Germany

Unifast III UF 0709103 GC Europe. Leuven, PMMA, unfilled

0909041 Belgium

Gradia GD 0809032 GC Europe. Leuven, UDMA, EDMA, fine-hybrid filled


CronMix K CM 592308 Merz Dental, Lütjenburg, UDMA, HEMA, filled


Integral esthetic IE 1/4106 Merz Dental, Lütjenburg, PMMA, unfilled

press 2X2216 Germany

Empress CAD GC JM0355 Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, SiO2, BaO, Al2O3, CaO, CeO2, Na2O,
Liechtenstein K2O, B2O3, TiO2
Bis-GMA: bisphenol-A-glycidyl methacrylate; UDMA: urethan dimethacrylate, PMMA: polymethyl methacrylate, EDMA:
ethylen glucol dimethylmethacrylate, HEMA: 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate.
Dent Mater J 2012; 31(3): 377–383 379

(25×, Wild M3B, Heerbrugg, Switzerland). Each material storage time and the interaction between them for all
group was randomly divided in three subgroups: (1) three storage mediums separately. The paired t-test was
storage in coffee (Mastro Lorenzo Classico, Kraft Foods, applied in order to evaluate the impact of polishing
Glattpark, Switzerland) at 37°C (n=10), (2) storage in compared to specimens stored for 180 days. The
black tea (Lipton Yellow Label, Unilever, Thayngen, Statistical Package for the Social Science Version 19
Switzerland) at 37°C (n=10), and (3) storage in red wine (SPSS INC, Chicago, IL, USA) was used. All results with
(Rioja, Spain) at 37°C (n=10). p-values less than 5% (p<0.05) were considered as
The discoloration of each specimen was measured statistically significant.
before aging and after 1, 7, 28, 90 and 180 days storage.
The initial measurement of each group was considered
as baseline measurements. The measurements were
performed with a calibrated (white standard SRS-99- Descriptive statistics (mean, SD) of the measured
010-7698-a) spectrophotometer (CM-508d, Minolta, discoloration (ΔL, Δa, Δb, ΔE) at all aging levels stored in
Tokyo, Japan). The resulting parameters (L, a, b) were coffee, black tea or red wine of each tested resin and the
examined by illuminant D65 using the software control group is presented in Table 2.
(SpectraMagic, Minolta). Then the ΔE-values were One CAD/CAM composite HC and two manually
calculated with the following formula: ΔE= Δa2+Δb2−ΔL2 polymerized resin composites GD and CM showed
(ΔE: general difference in color changes, Δa: difference in initially higher ΔE in coffee storage compared to the
color change in the red-green-axis, Δb: difference in color control group (p≤0.002). Significantly higher increase in
change in the yellow-blue-axids, ΔL: difference in ΔE in coffee storage was observed for the manually
brightness). After 180 days of storage in coffee, black tea polymerized resins GD and CM than for the control
and red wine, all specimens were polished for 60 s with a group (p≤0.015). Significantly less increase in ΔE was
prophylaxis paste (Cleanic, KerrHawe SA, Bioggio, obtained for the control group compared to the
Switzerland) and the color was measured again. PMMA-based CAD/CAM resins AT and CT (p≤0.028)
(Fig. 1).
Statistical analysis Among the black tea storage groups, the CAD/CAM
Descriptive statistics (mean, SD) were computed. Linear resins HC and AT and the manually polymerized resin
mixed models with baseline of glass-ceramic were composite GD showed initially significantly higher ΔE
applied to investigate the influence of the material, compared to the control group (p≤0.027). CAD/CAM

Table 2 Descriptive statistics for discoloration (ΔE) at each time point for all tested groups and paired t-test p-values for
the effect of polishing
Test material Aging level (days)
coffee Black tea Red wine
1 3.52±1.9 3.25±1.6 3.87±2.4
7 5.99±2.3 3.14±2 7.6±3.7
28 6.91±3.5 4.47±2.3 9.83±3.9
HC 90 7.08±3.6 8.97±3 19.27±6.7
180 7.34±3.7 14.04±3.1 21.6±6
t-test <0.001 0.096 <0.001
After polishing 4.42±3.2 12.04±4 5.2±3.2
1 0.9±1 0.74±0.5 1.28±0.3
7 1.11±1 1.09±0.4 2.1±0.3
28 1.55±0.7 1.57±0.5 1.5±0.4
ZP 90 1.09±0.8 1.52±0.5 2.24±0.7
180 1.17±0.8 1.81±0.6 1±0.1
t-test 0.091 0.026 0.536
After polishing 1.66±0.9 1.3±0.8 0.94±0.3
1 3.96±2.1 2.5±2.1 1.29±1.5
7 2.19±0.5 1.97±1.8 2.17±1.5
28 2.9±2.8 2.73±2.5 2.36±2.3
AT 90 1.91±0.7 1.79±1.5 2.89±1.9
180 1.77±0.9 2.26±2.1 1.2±0.5
t-test 0.004 0.001 0.053
After polishing 2.77±1.6 3.23±2.1 0.69±0.4
380 Dent Mater J 2012; 31(3): 377–383

Table 2 (continued)
Test material Aging level (days)
coffee Black tea Red wine
1 1.13±0.4 0.62±0.3 1.12±0.9
7 1.76±1.1 1.22±0.4 2.42±1.7
28 1.46±0.8 1.44±0.5 7.5±4
AI 90 1.1±0.5 1.53±0.3 1.66±0.8
180 1.5±0.4 0.88±0.5 3.23±2.8
t-test 0.032 <0.001 0.015
After polishing 1.13±0.4 1.62±0.7 1.12±0.9
1 1.57±1.3 1.96±4.1 2.19±4
7 2.47±1.6 2.46±2.5 2.88±3.4
28 1.48±0.9 1.31±0.8 2.14±3.7
CT 90 1.48±1.1 1.2±0.6 2.45±3.6
180 1.71±1.7 1.04±0.9 2.17±4.1
t-test 0.068 0.004 <0.001
After polishing 2.03±1.4 1.5±1.1 2.7±4.2
1 1.61±1.1 0.94±0.1 1.62±0.4
7 2.04±1 0.7±0.4 1.33±0.6
28 2.59±1.1 1.36±0.2 9.92±6.4
UF 90 2.82±1.1 0.68±0.1 9.25±11.4
180 3.36±1.5 2.48±0.4 11.76±13
t-test 0.003 0.001 0.124
After polishing 2.02±0.7 2.14±0.4 6.37±4.1
1 4.6±4.9 1.19±0.7 5.29±3.9
7 7.78±3.9 1.88±0.9 11.01±0.9
28 8.92±3.7 4.64±2 17.14±7
GD 90 9.72±5.3 2.52±1.6 18.26±6.1
180 12.68±5.3 3.27±2 22.29±6.1
t-test <0.001 0.007 <0.001
After polishing 7.13±3.5 0.96±0.4 11.53±4
1 3.21±2.2 1.25±0.7 4.07±2
7 4.92±3.1 1.92±0.9 9.53±3.6
28 5.36±3.3 3.15±2.3 16.38±3.6
CM 90 5.76±4.5 5.3±5.6 19.32±5
180 7.33±3.7 5.1±5.3 22.87±5.7
t-test 0.018 0.804 <0.001
After polishing 5.82±4 4.98±6 5.82±1.84
1 1.1±0.2 0.98±0.1 1.17±0.1
7 1.37±0.1 1.45±0.1 1.84±0.2
28 0.76±0.1 0.47±0.1 6±3.2
IE 90 2.73±0.3 2.6±0.2 5.46±2.2
180 0.71±0.2 0.86±0.1 2.14±0.9
t-test 0.026 <0.001 0.012
After polishing 1.24±0.6 2.08±0.4 1.1±0.2
1 0.67±0.6 0.83±0.5 1.02±0.6
7 1.6±1.1 0.97±0.7 1.58±1
28 1.87±1.1 0.77±0.1 3.26±2.5
CG 90 2.16±1.6 2.74±0.9 2.02±1
180 2.52±2.1 2.83±1 1.69±0.9
t-test <0.001 <0.001 0.571
After polishing 2.26±2.1 2.77±0.9 1.84±1.3
Dent Mater J 2012; 31(3): 377–383 381

Fig. 1 Discoloration (ΔE) after coffee storage for each Fig. 3 Discoloration (ΔE) after red wine storage for each
tested group at each aging level. tested group at each aging level.

groups together with the manually polymerized

PMMA-based resin UF showed higher increase of ΔE
than the control group (p<0.001) (Table 2, Fig. 3).
After polishing using a prophylaxis paste to remove
the discoloration ΔE of all tested groups presented
decreased ΔE less than 3.3 in all media. Only, the
composite-based materials GD, CM and HC showed
higher discoloration about 3.3 ΔE in all media after

Resins for temporary FDPs and the tested glass-ceramic
underwent color change when exposed to various storage
media. According to the results of this study, overall in
all storage media, the discoloration of the manually
polymerized composites GD and CM was significantly
higher compared to manually polymerized PMMA-based
resins, industrially polymerized CAD/CAM blocks and
glass-ceramic. Only one composite-based CAD/CAM
resin, HC showed significantly higher discoloration than
Fig. 2 Discoloration (ΔE) after black tea storage for each the glass-ceramic. ΔE of the remaining CAD/CAM resins
tested group at each aging level. was not significantly different compared to glass-ceramic.
Therefore, both hypotheses of this study that CAD/CAM
resins show similar discolorations compared to glass-
resin HC and manually polymerized resin CM presented ceramic and lower discoloration compared to manually
higher increase in ΔE than the control group (p≤0.047). polymerized resins are rejected. This study showed that
For the CAD/CAM resins AT, AI and CT, and for the the composites showed higher discoloration compared to
manually polymerized PMMA-based resin IE less PMMA-based resins. Other studies reported that the
increase in ΔE were observed (p≤0.005) (Table 2, Fig. 2). resin matrix used in the composite-based materials have
Regarding to the red wine storage, CAD/CAM resin an important impact on discoloration20,24,34,35). UDMA
composite HC and two manually polymerized resin seems to be more color-resistant than Bis-GMA because
composites GD and CM showed significantly higher ΔE of its low water absorption and solubility characteristics36).
than the control group at baseline (p≤0.002). These Discoloration of Bis-GMA monomer is attributed to the
382 Dent Mater J 2012; 31(3): 377–383

-OH groups in this monomer that yields to more water device for 4.5 min and for this reason, the measured color
sorption. Water uptake in Bis-GMA-based resins was stability between the tested groups could be considered
shown to increase from 3 to 6% as the proportion of comparable.
TEGDMA increased from 0 to 1%35). In this study, the Based on the findings, the CAD/CAM resins (except
manually polymerized composites were based on UDMA, HC) showed comparable results with glass-ceramic.
and HC CAD/CAM resin was based on Bis-GMA and However, discoloration is only one variable that must be
UDMA. This can be the reason why HC specimens stored considered when choosing a material for long-term
in black tea showed after polishing higher discoloration reconstructions. Discoloration is perhaps of great
than both UDMA-based resins. importance to patients and clinicians when working in
Considering baseline measurements, the the esthetic zone. Further studies should test other
polymerization type of the resins had no significant factors such as mechanical stability, wear and bond
impact on the discoloration. The storage duration in all strength to cements. From the clinical point of view, in
media of all tested groups had a significant impact on the contrast to common clinical opinions, PMMA-based
color stability. The composites showed higher increase in CAD/CAM resins tested showed similar discoloration
discoloration in respect to the storage duration more values compared to glass-ceramic ones. This CAD/CAM
than the PMMA-based ones. Several studies indicated resins could be alternative materials to glass-ceramic for
that some PMMA-based resins tend to discolor less than FDP constructions at least for long-term provisionals.
other temporaries, including dimethyl methacrylate However, clinical longevity of these materials is not
(composites)15,25,31,32). Most dimethacrylates are more known to date. When CAD/CAM resins could replace
polar than the mono methacrylate PMMA and therefore glass-ceramics from optical and mechanical perspectives,
have a greater affinity towards water and other polar they could be clinically utilized. Further clinical studies
liquids33). However, other studies have also demonstrated should be also considering antagonist enamel or
that there are resin composite materials presenting restoration material wear against glass-ceramic versus
similar color stability27,32). CAD/CAM resins.
The composite-based CAD/CAM block, HC probably
polymerized insufficiently. Unfortunately, polymerization
process details were not available from the manufacturer
for this material. This CAD/CAM block showed redress Within the limitations of this in-vitro study, the following
color differences at several layers that were already conclusions can be drawn:
visually evident. The discoloration with this material 1. Four of the five tested CAD/CAM resins exhibited
can be explained by the fact that polymerization similar color stability compared to control group,
parameters (temperature, time, press) of those blocks glass-ceramic.
were not satisfactory that yielded to absorption of the 2. PMMA-based industrially and manually
storage media. Although HC consists of Bis-GMA and polymerized resins showed similar color stability.
UDMA the percentages of these methacrylate monomers 3. Composite-based resins presented higher
could have affected the results. In return, all other CAD/ discoloration than the PMMA-based ones, except
CAM blocks showed visually homogeneous structure. CT.
This study tested the discoloration for two different 4. After polishing, the discoloration of all materials
composite-based CAD/CAM blocks. For the other stored in black tea, coffee, and red wine decreased
composite-based CAD/CAM block, CT showed for PMMA-based materials.
comparable color stability with the glass-ceramic and
with the other PMMA-based CAD/CAM resins.
In the present study, the discoloration of tested
resins was dependent on storage duration and storage The authors would like to thank Merz Dental,
media. Similar observations were made in another Wieland+Dental, GC Europe, Ivoclar Vivadent and Vita
in-vitro study for manually polymerized resins after 180 Zahnfabrik for their support with the materials.
days, and the discoloration increased in ascending order
with the black tea, coffee and red wine37). In other
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