Practical 2 Decomposes
Practical 2 Decomposes
Practical 2 Decomposes
An ecosystem consists of a community of organisms together with their physical
environment. Ecosystems contain biotic or living, parts, as well as abiotic factors, or non-
living parts. Biotic factors include plants, animals, and other organisms. Abiotic factors
include rocks, temperature, and humidity. Ecosystem can be of different sizes and can be
marine, aquatic, or terrestrial. Tide pools, the ponds left by the ocean as the tide goes out,
are complete, tiny ecosystems. Tide pools contain seaweed, a kind of algae, which
uses photosynthesis to create food. Herbivores such as abalone eat the
seaweed. Carnivores such as sea stars eat other animals in the tide pool, such as clams
or mussels. Tide pools depend on the changing level of ocean water. Some organisms, such
as seaweed, thrive in an aquatic environment, when the tide is in and the pool is full. Other
organisms, such as hermit crabs, cannot live underwater and depend on the shallow pools
left by low tides. In this way, the biotic parts of the ecosystem depend on abiotic factors. In
ecosystems, both matter and energy are conserved. Energy flows through the system and
usually flows from light to heat, while the matter is recycled.
Soil biota consist of the microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, archaea and algae), soil
animals (protozoa, nematodes, spiders, insects and earthworms) and plants living all or part
of their lives in or on the soil or pedosphere. Millions of species of soil organisms exist but
only a fraction of them have been cultured and identified. Microorganisms are members of
the soil biota but are not members of the soil fauna. The soil fauna is the collection of all the
microscopic and macroscopic animals in a given soil. Soil animals can be conventionally
grouped by size classes: macrofauna (enchytraeids, earthworms, macroarthropods),
mesofauna (microarthropods., mites, collembolan) and microfauna (protozoa, nematodes).
The size of a soil organism can restrict its location in the soil habitat. Smaller members of the
microfauna like nematodes are basically aquatic organisms that live in the thin water films or
capillary pores of aggregates preying or grazing on other aquatic microfauna such as
amoebas. Soil protozoa are also land-adapted members of aquatic microfauna that can
dwell in water films in field moist soils. Water films are created by the adsorption of water to
soil particles. Soil has a direct effect on the environmental conditions, habitat and nutrient
sources available to the soil biota. The term pedosphere is often used interchangeably with
soil and captures the concept that the soil is a habitat where the integration of spheres
occurs. These spheres include the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and the
biosphere. Numerous biogeochemical processes regulated by soil biota occur in the
pedosphere. Studies of the pedosphere range in scale from the field (km) to a soil aggregate
(µm to nm).
To identify the type and number of macrofauna found in different types of soil.
100 ml beaker, spatula, magnifying glass, filter funnel, filter paper, litmus paper, forceps,
petri dish, Tullgren funnel, label paper, wire mesh, slide, basin, plastic bag, adhesive tape,
rubber rolls, 4% ethanol.
1. Collect the leaf litter (O Horizon) and topsoil (A Horizon) samples – not deeper than 3
cm, from two different areas.
2. Choose grass, native plants from different species of trees.
4. After returning to the laboratory, mix the soil with leaf litter taken from the same area.
5. The mixture is then poured into the Tullgren funnel.
6. Leave it for two days and remove the beaker which is containing ethanol.
7. This procedure is carried out to the soil samples taken from the second region.
8. Identify all the organisms and divide them into groups (group with no legs – worms;
group with eight legs – spiders).
9. Calculate and record the number of the organisms in each group.
10. Record in the table and calculate the number or percentage of the organisms, beside
use other reasonable ways to present the data.
11. Compare the data from two different location.
Soil Sample 1
Soil Sample 2
Through the result from soil sample 1, we can find out that there is an ant contained
in the ethanol solution. In the ethanol, we cannot find the present of earthworms, but we can
find the earthworms in the soil that contained in the Tullgren funnel. We poured out the soil
in the Tullgren funnel for calculating the number of organisms in it. Some organisms such as
earthworm could not passed through the wire mesh into the ethanol because this organism
has bigger size compare to the other organism. Its big size causes it cannot easily pass
through the wire mesh placed between funnel and the rubber roll. While in the soli sample 2,
we found that there is only an ant contained in the ethanol. There is no earthworm contained
in the soil that filled in the Tullgren funnel. In my opinion, both samples of soil have different
types of organisms are due to the condition of the soil in both locations are different. For
example, the humidity of the soil sample in the farm near the library is lower than the
humidity of soil sample in front of chemistry laboratory. The higher humidity of the soil
causes the percentages of biotic or living organisms are greater. Thus, there are earthworms
been found in the soil from area near the chemistry laboratory. There are papaya trees
planted at the area in front of chemistry laboratory shows that the soil is more fertile compare
to the soil at the farm area near the library which has only a few small plants are planted.
Therefore, more living organisms such as earthworms and ants can be found at that area.
There are some precautions that we have to take note during carrying out this
experiment. First is, we have to be more careful when setting up the Tullgren funnel. The
Tullgren funnel has to clip tightly and properly by using the tripod stand to prevent the funnel
from falling down during the experiment. Besides that, we have to place the wire mesh in
between the Tullgren funnel and the rubber rolls. This is to prevent the soil from sliding down
from the Tullgren funnel into the ethanol through the rubber rolls and ensure that there is no
other mixture to be added in the ethanol so that the result recorded is not affected. However,
there is also a disadvantage by placing the wire mesh between the funnel and the rubber
roll. The disadvantage is, the bigger size of living organisms such as earthworm cannot be
passed through the mesh and slode down into the ethanol. Thus, it is important to use the
wire mesh wisely or we can replace the wire mesh with the leaf litter that we have collected
as the base in the funnel. This can help to prevent the soil from sliding down easily and thus
help to ensure the bigger size of living organisms can easily pass through the funnel into the
Francois, J. (2015, April). The Soil As An Ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils ,
51(6):645-648. Retrieved from ResearchGate: