Article Bekam
Article Bekam
Article Bekam
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Cupping therapy has historical, traditional and religious value. It is increasingly popular in the field of
Received 18 October 2020 complementary, alternative and integrative medicine. However, standards for safety and quality of ser-
Accepted 8 January 2021 vice are absent. Although it is generally considered safe, cupping therapy can cause adverse events.
Available online 2 February 2021
Most of these events are predictable and preventable. A comprehensive approach to patient eligibility
and therapist selection, along with compliance with standard operational procedures is essential to reg-
Keywords: ulate the safety of the practice. Here we discuss a model framework for standardizing safety and quality
Cupping therapy
of care. We recommend that this model be used routinely by cupping therapists and their associations on
Theoretical models
a nation-wide scale.
Practice management
Please cite this article as: Siregar R, Setyawan A, Syahruramdhani S. A model to standardize safety and
quality of care for cupping therapy. J Integr Med. 2021; 19(4): 327–332.
Ó 2021 Shanghai Changhai Hospital. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. All rights reserved.
2095-4964/Ó 2021 Shanghai Changhai Hospital. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Siregar, A. Setyawan and S. Syahruramdhani Journal of Integrative Medicine 19 (2021) 327–332
their current condition. This procedure is outlined in the Tool 1: A medical therapist is a doctor, nurse, midwife or physiothera-
Client Assessment (Fig. 1). pist who had been formally trained in cupping therapy. When
We propose some simple diagnostic criteria for cupping eligi- general therapists find themselves ineligible to provide cupping
bility purpose. Healthy client is one without health problem or for a client, we recommend that they refer the client to a med-
health-related limitations. Minor health issue is indicated if cli- ical therapist.
ent has mild to moderate symptom and is still able to perform A client seeking cupping should be well informed about their
daily activities without or with insignificant limitation. Major session. The type of cupping should be clearly written and agreed
health issue is indicated if client is unconscious or has marked upon. The therapist should provide a detailed explanation of the
limitation to perform daily activities. The diseases/conditions steps that follow a cupping therapy session, especially to a client
listed on medical history (Tool 1) are considered as major health who is receiving the treatment for the first time. Therapist should
issue. consider whether the client has phobia to sharp objects or blood,
Therapist selection should follow the need of client as we and they should discuss how to manage or terminate a session if
proposed in Tool 2: Cupping Therapist Selection Criteria the client becomes uncomfortable. Only when every detail has
(Fig. 2). General therapist refers to a therapist who has been been cleared, cupping can be delivered. Tool 3 (Fig. 3) provides
trained and certified by an authorized cupping training provider. guidance for this step.
Fig. 1. Tool 1: Client Assessment. ID: identity; Reg No: register number; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
R. Siregar, A. Setyawan and S. Syahruramdhani Journal of Integrative Medicine 19 (2021) 327–332
A Cupping Therapy Record (Tool 4) should be filled out for every other relevant information about the session in order to improve
session (Fig. 4). It is crucial to take notes on the duration of therapy, future sessions.
amount of blood evacuated, immediate adverse reaction (if any), Finally, a final check is concluded with Tool 5: Checklist of Doc-
and the management or referral. The record should also contain uments (Fig. 5). This is a most important step in regards to quality
R. Siregar, A. Setyawan and S. Syahruramdhani Journal of Integrative Medicine 19 (2021) 327–332
control. A supervising system should always be in place to make tice facilitates supervision and evaluation. It is important for
sure that every datum is completed and thus automate the evalu- stakeholders to work together to strengthen the whole system
ation process of cupping. of complementary, alternative and integrative medicine, and to
provide continous support and supervision for the safety of cup-
ping. Our model serves as a prototype for documenting and
3. Conclusion
delivering care, and we recommend further research to study
the feasibility of deploying such a model, and to promote better
We recommend that the cupping therapist association adopt
patient care.
this model for use on a national basis. There are four benefits
that we believe will come from the use of this approach: (1)
the careful assessment of patient eligibility would help to predict Authors’ contributions
and prevent possible adverse events; (2) following the therapist
selection rubric will ensure efficient and safe cupping; (3) fol- All authors contributed in the conception of the work. SR
lowing a formalized process will help to standardize procedures drafted the manuscript. All authors participated in the revision
and data collection; (4) standardized and well documented prac- process.
R. Siregar, A. Setyawan and S. Syahruramdhani Journal of Integrative Medicine 19 (2021) 327–332
R. Siregar, A. Setyawan and S. Syahruramdhani Journal of Integrative Medicine 19 (2021) 327–332