PIRATES 3 in 1 Eng 9734 Aquariwool Crochet-Comprimido

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• Color A: skin color YarnArt Jeans 73 (50g, 160m) • Color E: yellow YarnArt Jeans 35 (50g, 160m)
• Color B: blue YarnArt Jeans 47 (50g, 160m) • Color F: purple YarnArt Jeans 72 (50g, 160m)
• Color C: red YarnArt Jeans 90 (50g, 160m) • Color G: light pink YarnArt Jeans 36 (50g, 160m)
• Color D: black YarnArt Jeans 53 (50g, 160m)

Other materials

• Crochet hook size 2-2.5mm
• Black safety eyes 8mm & white felf
• Tapestry needles, pins, stitch markers, scissors


Ch Chain
Sc Single Crochet
Inc Single Crochet Increase
Dec Single Crochet Decrease
Hdc Half Double Crochet
Slst Slip Stitch
Mr Magic Ring
Dc Double Crochet
Tr Treble Crochet
(…) Work all stitches in the same stitch
[ ]…x Repeat instructions in brackets…times
Bobble Bobble Stitch
BLO Back loop only
FLO Front loop only
Rnd Round
Sts Stitches

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Legs (yarn D, X2) Nose (yarn G)

rnd sts rnd sts

1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6) 1 ch 6, start on the 2nd stitch from (12)
2 [sc 1, inc] 3x (9) the hook, sc 4, (sc 3) in the same
3 [sc 2, inc] 3x (12) stitch, sc 3, inc
4 [sc 3, inc] 3x (15) 2 inc, sc 3, inc 3, sc 3, inc 2 (18)
5 [sc 4, inc] 3x (18) 3 sc 7, inc 3, sc 8 (21)
4-5 sc 21 (21)
Make the 2nd leg similar to the 1st leg but do not
break the yarn, connect with 1st leg with 1 slst. Break the yarn with a long rest, stuff slightly.
Continue crocheting sc 18 on the 1st leg and sc 18
on the 2nd leg 2 = 36. Continue to crochet through Arms (yarn A, X2)
the body, change to yarn B
rnd sts
Body (yarn B)
1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6)
rnd sts 2 [sc 1, inc] 3x (9)
3 sc 9 change to yarn c (9)
1 [sc 5, inc] 6x (42) 4-12 sc 9 (9 rows) (9)
2-5 sc 42 (4 rows), change to yarn C (42)
6 sc 42 (42) Break the yarn, stuff lightly the lower arms, use
7 (BLO) sc 42 (42) the tapestry needle to sew 2 edges together.
8-9 sc 42 (2 rows) (42)
10 [sc 5, dec] 6x (36) Eye Patch (yarn D)
11 sc 36 (36)
12 [sc 4, dec] 6x (30) rnd sts
13 sc 30 (30)
14 [sc 3, dec] 6x (24) 1 sc 6 into a magic loop (6)
15 sc 24 (24) 2 inc 6 (12)
3 [sc 1, inc] 6x (18)
Break the yarn with a long rest, stuff. Turn the 4 sc 1, inc, [sc 2, inc] 5x, sc 1 (24)
Body upside down, connect yarn C on the 1st
stitch of the 7th rnd, crochet sc 42 on the Do not break the yarn, keep crochet 58 chains, slst
remaining loops, change to yarn E, slst on the BLO 1 on the opposite stitch to make the lace for the
across the border. Hide the remaining yarn. eye patch.

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Head (yarn A) Hat (yarn B)

rnd sts rnd sts

1 sc 6 into a magic loop (6) 1-10 crochet rnd 1-10 of the Head (60)
2 inc 6 (12) 11 [sc 9, inc] 6x (66)
3 [sc 1, inc] 6x (18) 12 sc 5, inc, [sc 10, inc] 5x, sc 5 (72)
4 sc 1, inc, [sc 2, inc] 5x, sc 1 (24) 13-18 sc 72 (6 rows) (72)
5 [sc 3, inc] 6x (30) 19 sc 72, turn (72)
6 sc 2, inc, [sc 4, inc] 5x, sc 2 (36) 20 (BLO), ch 1, sc 72 (72)
7 [sc 5, inc] 6x (42) 21 sc 16, inc 3, sc 33, inc 3, sc 17 (78)
8 sc 3, inc, [sc 6, inc] 5x, sc 3 (48) 22 sc 16, [sc 1, inc] 3x, sc 33, (84)
9 [sc 7, inc] 6x (54) [sc 1, inc] 3x, sc 17
10 sc 4, inc, [sc 8, inc] 5x, sc 4 (60) 23-25 sc 84 (3 rows) (84)
11 sc 60 (60)
12 [sc 9, inc] 6x (66) Break the yarn. Connect yarn B on the 28th stitch
13-24 sc 66 (12 rows), insert 8mm (66) of the 25th rnd, continue crochet:
safety eye onto 1 oval white felts
and place between the 19 & 20 th th
26 sc 30, turn (30)
rnd 27 ch 1, skip 1 st, sc 28, turn (28)
25 [sc 9, dec] 6x (60) 28 ch 1, skip 2 sts, sc 3, hdc 6, (24)
26 [sc 8, dec] 6x (54) dc 6, hdc 6, sc 3, turn
27 [sc 7, dec] 6x (48) 29 ch 1, skip 2 sts, sc 3, hdc 4, (20)
28 [sc 6, dec] 6x (42) dc 6, hdc 4, sc 3, turn
29 [sc 5, dec] 6x (36) 30 ch 1, skip 2 sts, sc 3, hdc 2, (22)
30 [sc 4, dec] 6x (30) dc 1, (dc 2), (tr 3), (tr 3),
31 [sc 3, dec] 6x (24) (dc 2), dc 1, hdc 2, sc 3

Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later. Stuff Break the yarn. Connect yarn B on the 70 stitch
of the 25th rnd, repeat: rnd 26-30 to make the
BEARD (yarn F) second piece of the Hat (the distance between 2
pieces is 12 sts). Do not break the yarn, continue
rnd sts to crochet sc across the border with yarn B. Then
change to yarn E, slst across the border.
1 ch 42, start on the 3rd stitch from (40)
the hook, [Bobble 1, hdc 1] 20x, turn Use yarn E to slst across the remaining loops of
2 ch 1, [sc 8, dec 1] 4x, turn (36) rnd 20th of the Hat.
3 ch 2, [Bobble 1, hdc 1] 18x, turn (36)

Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later.

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.





Crochet the Hat as instruction Crochet the Hat as instruction You can count the 70th st of the
25th rnd of the Hat, or 12 sts
from the 1st piece, connect
yarn B to crochet

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Slst across the border Slst across the remaning loops The Hat should look like this
of 25th rnd of the Hat photo

Use the white felt, cut the skull Use the felt glue to attach the Use tapestry needle to fix the
& crossed bones like the photo skull & crossed bones on the eye patch on the Head

Use the tapestry needle to fix Attach the Nose on the Head Attach the Beard on the Head
the Hat on the Head

Attach the Beard on the Head Sew eyebrows and a scar on Turn the Body upside down,
the Head like the photo crochet sc 42

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Slst across the border Sew 3 stripes on the Body Attach the Arms to the Body

Attach the Head to the Body

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.



• Color A: skin color YarnArt Jeans 73 (50g, 160m)
• Color B: yellow YarnArt Jeans 35 (50g, 160m)
• Color C: orange YarnArt Jeans 85 (50g, 160m)
• Color D: white YarnArt Jeans 62 (50g, 160m)
• Color E: turquoise Alize Cotton Gold 610 (50g, 160m)
• Color F: brown YarnArt Jeans 70 (50g, 160m)

Other materials

• Crochet hook size 2-2.5mm
• Black safety eyes 6mm, white felt
• Tapestry needles, pins, stitch markers, scissors


Ch Chain
Sc Single Crochet
Inc Single Crochet Increase
Dec Single Crochet Decrease
Hdc Half Double Crochet
Slst Slip Stitch
Mr Magic Ring
Dc Double Crochet
(…) Work all stitches in the same stitch
[ ]…x Repeat instructions in brackets…times
Bobble Bobble Stitch
BLO Back loop only
FLO Front loop only
Rnd Round
Sts Stitches

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Legs (yarn C, X2) Arms (yarn A, X2)

rnd sts rnd sts

1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6) 1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6)
2 [sc 1, inc] 3x (9) 2 [sc 1, inc] 3x (9)
3 [sc 2, inc] 3x (12) 3 sc 9 change to yarn D (9)
4 [sc 3, inc] 3x (15) 4 sc 9, change to yarn E (9)
5 [sc 4, inc] 3x (18) 5 sc 9, change to yarn D (9)
6-12 repeat rnd 4 & 5 (9)
Make the 2nd leg similar to the 1st leg but do not
break the yarn, connect with 1st leg with 1 slst. Break the yarn, stuff lightly the lower arms, use
Continue crocheting sc 18 on the 1st leg and sc 18 the tapestry needle to sew 2 edges together.
on the 2nd leg 2 = 36. Continue to crochet through
the body, change to yarn B Coin Bag (yarn F)

Body (yarn B) rnd sts

rnd sts 1 sc 8 in a magic loop (8)
2 inc 8 (16)
1 [sc 5, inc] 6x (42) 3-6 sc 16 (4 rows) (16)
2-5 sc 42 (4 rows), change to yarn D (42) 7 [sc 2, dec] 4x (12)
6 sc 42, change to yarn E (42) 8 (FLO) inc 12, change to yarn B, (24)
7 sc 42, change to yarn D (42) turn
8 sc 42, change to yarn E (42) 9 slst 24 (24)
9 sc 42, change to yarn D (42)
10 [sc 5, dec] 6x, change to yarn E (36) Break the yarn, connect yarn F on the 8th rnd and
11 sc 36, change to yarn D (36) crochet ch 38 to make the strap for the bag, slst
12 [sc 4, dec] 6x, change to yarn E (30) on the opposite side of the bag. Stuff and weave
13 sc 30, change to yarn D (30) in the last 12 sts on the 8th rnd if you want to
14 [sc 3, dec] 6x, change to yarn E (24) close the bag, or just leave it open, hide the yarn.
15 sc 24 (24) Embroider the $ on the bag if you like.

Break the yarn with a long rest, stuff.

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Head (yarn A) Hat (yarn B)

rnd sts rnd sts

1 sc 6 into a magic loop (6) 1-10 crochet rnd 1-10 of the Head (60)
2 inc 6 (12) 11 [sc 9, inc] 6x (66)
3 [sc 1, inc] 6x (18) 12 sc 5, inc, [sc 10, inc] 5x, sc 5 (72)
4 sc 1, inc, [sc 2, inc] 5x, sc 1 (24) 13-20 sc 72 (8 rows) (72)
5 [sc 3, inc] 6x (30)
6 sc 2, inc, [sc 4, inc] 5x, sc 2 (36) Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later.
7 [sc 5, inc] 6x (42)
8 sc 3, inc, [sc 6, inc] 5x, sc 3 (48) Ears (yarn A, X2)
9 [sc 7, inc] 6x (54)
10 sc 4, inc, [sc 8, inc] 5x, sc 4 (60) rnd sts
11 sc 60 (60)
12 [sc 9, inc] 6x (66) 1 sc 6 into a magic loop (6)
13-24 sc 66 (12 rows), insert 6mm (66) 2 inc 6 (12)
safety eyes onto 2 oval white felts 3 [sc 3, inc] 3x (15)
and place between the 19th & 20th 4-5 sc 15 (15)
25 [sc 9, dec] 6x (60) Break the yarn, use the tapestry needle to sew 2
26 [sc 8, dec] 6x (54) edges together.
27 [sc 7, dec] 6x (48)
28 [sc 6, dec] 6x (42)
29 [sc 5, dec] 6x (36)
30 [sc 4, dec] 6x (30)
31 [sc 3, dec] 6x (24)

Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later. Stuff

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.




Attach the Hat to the Head Cut a skull with crossed bones Glue the skull to the Hat
with the tapestry needle like this photo out of white felt

Use black thread to sew Attach Ears to the Head Attach the Arms to the Body
eyebrows, scar & mouth like
the photo

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Put the Bag onto the Body Attach the Hat to the Body

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.



@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.



• Color A: skin color YarnArt Jeans 73 (50g, 160m) • Color E: mustard YarnArt Jeans 84 (50g, 160m)
• Color B: blue YarnArt Jeans 47 (50g, 160m) • Color F: white YarnArt Jeans 62 (50g, 160m)
• Color C: red YarnArt Jeans 90 (50g, 160m) • Color G: red YarnArt Violet 6328 (50g, 282m)
• Color D: brown YarnArt Jeans 70 (50g, 160m)

Other materials

• Crochet hook size 1.75mm, 2-2.5mm (we use 1.75mm crochet hook for yarn G to crochet the
• Black safety eyes 8mm & white felf
• Tapestry needles, pins, stitch markers, scissors


Ch Chain
Sc Single Crochet
Inc Single Crochet Increase
Dec Single Crochet Decrease
Hdc Half Double Crochet
Slst Slip Stitch
Mr Magic Ring
Dc Double Crochet
Tr Treble Crochet
(…) Work all stitches in the same stitch
[ ]…x Repeat instructions in brackets…times
Bobble Bobble Stitch
BLO Back loop only
FLO Front loop only
Rnd Round
Sts Stitches

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Legs (yarn E, X2) 8 sc 9, change to yarn C (9)
9-12 repeat rnd 7 & 8 (9)
rnd sts
Break the yarn, stuff lightly the lower arms, use
1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6) the tapestry needle to sew 2 edges together.
2 [sc 1, inc] 3x (9)
3 [sc 2, inc] 3x (12) Inner Ears (yarn E, X2)
4 [sc 3, inc] 3x (15)
5 [sc 4, inc] 3x (18) rnd sts

Make the 2nd leg similar to the 1st leg but do not 1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6)
break the yarn, connect with 1st leg with 1 slst. 2 inc 6 (12)
Continue crocheting sc 18 on the 1st leg and sc 18 3 [sc 2, inc] 4x (16)
on the 2nd leg 2 = 36. Continue to crochet through
the body, change to yarn D Break the yarn with a long rest.

Body (yarn D) Outer Ears (yarn D, X2)

rnd sts rnd sts

1 [sc 5, inc] 6x (42) 1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6)
2-5 sc 42 (4 rows), change to yarn C (42) 2 inc 6 (12)
6 sc 42, change to yarn F (42) 3 [sc 1, inc] 6x (18)
7 sc 42, change to yarn C (42) 4 [sc 2, inc] 6x (24)
8 sc 42, change to yarn F (42) 5 sc 24 (24)
9 sc 42, change to yarn C (42) 6 [sc 2, dec] 6x (18)
10 [sc 5, dec] 6x, change to yarn F (36)
11 sc 36, change to yarn C (36) Break the yarn with a long rest. Put the Inner ear
12 [sc 4, dec] 6x, change to yarn F (30) on the outer ear and sew 2 pieces together.
13 sc 30, change to yarn C (30)
14 [sc 3, dec] 6x, change to yarn F (24) Captain Hat (yarn C)
15 sc 24 (24)
rnd sts
Break the yarn with a long rest, stuff.
1 sc 8 in a magic loop (8)
Arms (yarn E, X2) 2 inc 8 (16)
3 [sc 1, inc] 8x (24)
rnd sts 4 (BLO) sc 24 (24)
5-6 sc 24 (2 rows) (24)
1 sc 6 in a magic loop (6) 7 [sc 4, dec] 4x (20)
2 [sc 1, inc] 3x (9) 8 sc 20, change to yarn B (20)
3 sc 9 change to yarn D (9) 9 (FLO), sc, hdc, dc, (dc, tr, dc), dc,
4-6 sc 9 (3 rows), change to yarn C (9) hdc, sc, change to yarn F, slst

7 sc 9, change to yarn F (9)
across the border

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Head (yarn A) Handkerchief (yarn G, crochet hook 1.75mm)

rnd sts

1 sc 6 into a magic loop (6)

2 inc 6 (12)
3 [sc 1, inc] 6x (18)
4 sc 1, inc, [sc 2, inc] 5x, sc 1 (24)
5 [sc 3, inc] 6x (30)
6 sc 2, inc, [sc 4, inc] 5x, sc 2 (36) Note: crochet as the Diagram, but do not change color.
7 [sc 5, inc] 6x (42) rnd sts

8 sc 3, inc, [sc 6, inc] 5x, sc 3 (48)
1 MR, ch 4, (dc 3) into the MR, ch 1, (2
9 [sc 7, inc] 6x (54) (dc 3) into the MR, ch 1, dc 1, turn clusters)
10 sc 4, inc, [sc 8, inc] 5x, sc 4 (60) 2 ch 4, (dc 3) into the chain-space (4
11 sc 60 (60) (from now on chain-space will be clusters)
12 [sc 9, inc] 6x (66) short as ch-sp), (dc 3, ch 1, dc 3) into
13-24 sc 66 (12 rows), insert 8mm (66) the ch-sp, (dc 3) into the ch-sp, ch 1,
safety eye between the 19th & dc 1, turn
20 rnd, 8 sts apart 3 ch 4, (dc 3) into the ch-sp, skip 3 sts, (6
25 [sc 9, dec] 6x (60) (dc 3), (dc 3, ch 1, dc 3) into the ch- clusters)
26 [sc 8, dec] 6x (54) sp, skip 3 sts, (dc 3), (dc 3) into the
27 [sc 7, dec] 6x (48) ch-sp, ch 1, dc 1, turn
4 ch 4, dc 3 into the ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (8
28 [sc 6, dec] 6x (42)
(dc 3)] 2x, (dc 3, ch 1, dc 3) into the clusters)
29 [sc 5, dec] 6x (36) ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (dc 3)] 2x, dc 3 into
30 [sc 4, dec] 6x (30) the ch-sp, ch 1, dc 1, turn
31 [sc 3, dec] 6x (24) 5 ch 4, dc 3 into the ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (10
Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later. Stuff (dc 3)] 3x, (dc 3, ch 1, dc 3) into the clusters)
ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (dc 3)] 3x, dc 3 into
Hat (yarn D) the ch-sp, ch 1, dc 1
6 ch 4, dc 3 into the ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (12
rnd sts (dc 3)] 4x, (dc 3, ch 1, dc 3) into the clusters)
ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (dc 3)] 4x, dc 3 into
the ch-sp, ch 1, dc 1
1-10 crochet rnd 1-10 of the Head (60)
7 ch 4, dc 3 into the ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (14
11 [sc 9, inc] 6x (66)
(dc 3)] 5x, (dc 3, ch 1, dc 3) into the clusters)
12-25 sc 66 (14 rows) (66) ch-sp, [skip 3 sts, (dc 3)] 5x, dc 3 into
26 sc 18, hdc 2, (dc 3), hdc 2, (72) the ch-sp, ch 1, dc 1
sc 8, hdc 2, (dc 3), hdc 2, sc 8, Break the yarn.
hdc 2, (dc 3), hdc 2, sc 17
27 sc 18, hdc 3, (dc, tr, dc), hdc 3, (78) Tail (yarn D)
sc 8, hdc 3, (dc, tr, dc), hdc 3,
sc 8, hdc 3, (dc, tr, dc), hdc 3, rnd sts
sc 17
1 sc 7 into a magic loop (7)
Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later.
2-15 sc 7 (14 rows) (7)

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.





Use the pins to fix the Hat onto Use tapestry needle to fix the Use the black thread to
the Head Hat onto the Head embroider the eyebrows

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Attach the Ears onto the Hat The Ears should look like the Attach the Captain Hat

Attach the Arms to the Body Attach the Tail to the back of Attach the Head to the Body
the Body

Cut a crossed bone out of Glue the bone to the Captain Use black thread to embroider
white felt Hat a scar under the eye

Use lace cotton & a 1.75mm The handkerchief should look Wear the handkerchief around
hook to crochet the like the photo the neck, and the monkey is
handkerchief done J!

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

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