Manullang & Kolopaking Re-Branding: Project
Manullang & Kolopaking Re-Branding: Project
Manullang & Kolopaking Re-Branding: Project
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The new logo is made from the original type–face, while to add more meanings to the “&”, by creating a
circle outside. The circle is to represent a rather friendly relationship between Manullang & Kolopaking
with the clients, and also how the company position itself (as a partner to the clients). The circle is also
give a sense of firmness and unity. A new treatment of the logo usage is also added to give a modern
look, that is to bolden up the initials.
The font is still the same, while the treatment of the font is explored. Which is through the thickness,
and a more letter-spacing treatment.
BOLD AaBbCc0123
abcdefghijklmnopqr s tuv w x y z
abcdefghijklmnopqrs tu v w x y z
LIGHT 12 3 456789!@#$%^&*( )_+
Engraver’s Gothic
a bcdefghijklmnop qrs tuv w x y z
abcd efghi jk l mn o p q r s t u v w x y z
regular 123456789!@#$%^&*() _ +
Lighter Colour:
Darker Colour: