Unit 2 Overview Cheat Sheet
Unit 2 Overview Cheat Sheet
Unit 2 Overview Cheat Sheet
OVERVIEW OF Causes of Growth of Network Effects of Growth of Network Specific Traits/Overview
Silk Roads -Crusades: knights brought back fabrics and spices from -Cities and Oases
East, East wanted silver from West -Ex. Kashgar in China (leading to destinations
in Central Asia, India, Pakistan, and Persia),
-Rise of New Empires had lots of water and food
-Abbasid Empire: revived the route -Ex. Samarkand in present day Uzbekistan
-Tang China (right before Song): offered the (center for trading goods and cultural
trade goods that made the route popular exchange)
-Mongol Empire: improved roads and made -Caravanserai: inns set 100 miles apart
routes safer (distance camels could go without needing
-Improvements in Technology
-Caravans for safety -Commercial Innovations
-Better saddles for camels -Money Economy (China developed a system Trade extending from East to West, revitalized by
-Magnetic compass of credit called flying cash) inspired banks Mongols.
-Chinese J unk ship -Increase in Demand: demand for luxury goods like silk Major items of exchange: silk, porcelain, textiles, tea
and porcelain led to more supply. Also led to expansion Other important items exchanged: paper, gunpowder,
of iron and steel in China, motivating compass.
proto-industrialization there. Religions exchanged: Christianity. Buddhism.
Zoroastrianism, Islam
Indian Ocean -Spread of Islam: expansion of empire connected more -Diasporic Communities: settlements of people away
cities than before across land and sea, ex. Calicut from their homeland, usually due to merchants staying in
port cities while waiting for favorable weather and
-Increase in Demand: marrying women there
-Fabrics like cotton, carpets, high-carbon steel,
tanned leather, crafted stonework, pepper -Response to Increased Demand:
from India -increased demand caused trade to expand
-Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom from -Producers become more efficient, ex. Grow
Spice Islands (Malaysia and Indonesia) more crops, make more textile, manufacture
=Slaves, ivory, gold from Swahili City States more iron
-Silk, porcelain from China -Growth of Swahili City States on east coast of
-Horses, figs, dates from S
outhwest Asia Africa
Trade extending from SoutheastAsia all the way to East
-Environmental Knowledge -Significant Cultural Transfers
-Ex. Monsoon winds: knowing the patterns of -knowledge, culture, technology, commerce,
Major items of exchange: textiles, spices, porcelain, slaves
winds in the ocean helped merchants plan and religion
(Indian Ocean Slave Trade)
-Ex. Spread of Islam
-Advances in Technology to better sail the Indian Ocean -Ex. Zheng He’s voyages for China Religions exchanged: largest example is Islam
-Lateen sails to easily catch winds
-Stern rudder (invented by China) to make
ships more stable
-Magnetic compass ( invented by China)
-Astrolabe (invented by Muslims)