Personal Development Worksheets WK 1 - 1
Personal Development Worksheets WK 1 - 1
Personal Development Worksheets WK 1 - 1
Quarter I- Week 1
Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept inventory
in your journal. Give yourself a rating using the scale: 0 = very weak; 1 = weak; 2 =
somewhat weak or somewhat strong; 3 = strong; 4 = very strong
Scoring: Copy this table in your journal. Write your score opposite each number and
get the subtotal.
Physical appeal Human Relations Intelligence
1 __________ 5 __________ 9 __________
2 __________ 6 __________ 10 __________
3 __________ 7 __________ 11 __________
4 __________ 8 __________ 12 __________
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal:
Character Communications Maturity
13 __________ 17 __________ 21 __________
14 __________ 18 __________ 22 __________
15 __________ 19 __________ 23 __________
16 __________ 20 __________ 24 __________
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal:
Guide Questions:
Look at the results of your self-concept inventory. Copy and answer the following
questions in your journal.
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16 or somewhat weak
(score of 10-13) and very weak (below 10)? ___________________________
2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your
strength? What are these? (Check this with someone.) _________________
1. To what extent does the result of your inventory reflect your real self?
2. Talk about how you see yourself. Answer the question, “WHO AM I?”.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Option 1. VIDEO
1. On your journal, you are to talk about your talent or skill creatively. Do this by
following the steps below:
a. Give a brief introduction of yourself (name, age, family, address, and
b. Talk about your talent or skill by answering the following questions:
b.1. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?
b.2. Does your talent come out naturally or you have worked hard to develop
b.3. Does your talent or skill give you opportunities in school and in
the community? Share how and in what way you were able to make use of
c. End your essay with an inspiring quote about talent or skill.
2. Your performance will be graded using the rubrics for individual work attached on
this module.
3. Make sure your essay includes the 3 main parts: introduction, body and
conclusion. You must compose an essay of not less than 300 words.
4. Note: 5% of the total score will be automatically deducted if your essay is less than
300 words.
Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham described four dimensions of self-awareness, known as
the JOHARI Window. The Johari window is a technique that helps you better
understand your relationship with yourself and others.
Known to
Not Known to
List of Adjectives
Able Acceptin Adaptab Bold Brave Calm Caring
g le
1. Review the Adjective List. Select 6 adjectives you would use to best describe
your own personality. You can write these into the Hidden Self cell.
2. Make at least 3 copies of the Adjective List from the JOHARI Window
Worksheet, and give a copy people you work or live with (classmates, neighbor,
parents and or siblings) whom you can trust to give honest yet supportive
feedback. Ask each person to select 6 adjectives they believe best describe your
personality. When you receive the lists of adjectives from those you asked for
feedback copy them into the Blind Self cell.
3. Review the adjectives in both the Blind Self and Hidden Self cells. Move any
adjectives that appear in both of those cells into the Open Self cell.
4. Any adjectives that are not present in any cell can be moved from the adjective
list into the Unknown Self cell.