Challenge: The 30 Days of You
Challenge: The 30 Days of You
Challenge: The 30 Days of You
” - Isa N
Joe Martino
A note from author
This Challenge Helped Build An Entire Documentary!
How much time do I need to do this challenge? How often should I do it? What
should I do during this challenge? These questions led to the challenge you are
So I set some guidelines for myself (which we’ll get into below) and I got
started. What came of this challenge was quite powerful.
I started with journaling. For one hour each day for the first 3 days I literally
just journaled out my thoughts. I would sit on my bed, in a quiet room, no
music or anything and I would write out how I was feeling, what my thoughts
were and I explored what was going on in my life.
The first 3 days were an awesome reflective time and I was able to figure
out several things about how I was feeling. But then came a huge burst
of creativity. I was working on producing and writing my thrid feature
documentary and I was kind of at a road block with it. I felt a little „off” about
exactly how the content would come together and I was a bit concerned about
that. Then on my fourth day of this challenge CE3 (the documentary) started to
take form in a big way.
For the next 5 days I would spend my hour smashing out what would become
the most powerful and successful documnetary I’ve made to date and at the
end of the day it all came very quickly from a challenge where I was able to
unlock levels of knowledge and creativity that can sometimes be hard to access
when you are simply engaged in every day life tasks.
Don’t get me wrong, you can get great spurts of creativity at the most random
times, but for my mind, body and spirirt, this challenge was like an agreement
to make this creativity come alive at a time when I was ready to put it all onto
Of course this challenge can be used for much more than just creativity, but
I wanted to share that story to give you an indication of what taking time for
yourself can unlock in you.
I believe spending time with and exploring yourself on many levels is something
we should be taught when we are young yet it’s completely overlooked and I
believe for that reason many of us never reach our full potential, live a great
liefstyle or find out what we truly love in life.
Now I’m not all about results based potential where we’re striving for things and
accomplishments to feel good about ourselves. No. I’m talking about potential
in the sense of understanding and living the reason why we are here on the
planet. Exploring the gifts you have within you and unlocking your creativity
and expression in a way that lights you up. This is what’s important to me and
what this challenge is all about.
The benefits of this challenge are undeniable. You will learn a lot about yourself,
it will help you discover what is important to you, it will bring you back to being
present and will help you have great mental and spiritual clarity.
For the next 30 days spend 1 hour each day geared towards
These guidelines will help make sure this time is spent truly with yourself and
not filled with distractions.
It must be one full hour. Try not to cut corners by counting your morning
shower, teeth brushing and cereal eating as your hour. The hour should be at a
point in the day where it truly feels like you are taking time out for yourself.
The overall goal is quite simple: spend more time with just YOURSELF. Some
might call this facing yourself, or simply taking some time for YOU.
One thing that can be very helpful is to journal about your experience with the
hour each day. By the end you can reflect back and see how things might have
changed as the month went on.
Don’t judge what you write, challenge yourself to be open and put it all out there!
There is no wrong answer when it comes to what you can journal about.
Stick To It!
Just like I did, you will likely notice some great benefits from doing this for
the month. It’s a great reflective space to work through various challenges you
might be having. It’s also a great time to start doing something you’ve always
wanted to do.
You may also find out a lot about yourself that is hidden just beneath the surface,
but don’t be afraid of this! It’s very empowering.
Have fun!