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Sto Tomas College

Danao City, Cebu

Final in ITM7

Name: Yr/Sec: Date: Score:

Multiple Choice: Write your answer on the space provided.

1._____ The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the
relevant quality standards is called:
A. Quality Assurance B. Quality Control C. Quality Planning D. Quality Review
2._____ The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards is called:

A. Quality Assurance B. Quality Control C. Quality Planning D. Quality Review

3._____ A histogram ordered by frequency of occurrence that shows how many results were generated by each identified cause is:

A. Statistical Histogram B. Juran Histogram C. Fishbone Diagram D. Pareto Diagram

4._____ Tools and techniques used during the Quality Planning process include:

A. Benefit / cost analysis B. Benchmarking C. Quality audits D..a and b E. all of the above
5._____ The overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard to quality as formally expressed by top management is a:

A. Quality Plan B. Quality Statement C. Quality Policy D. TQM

6._____ 6. CIP is:

A. Continuous improvement process

B. A sustained, gradual change
C. Includes constancy of purpose and commitment to quality as part of its focus
D. a and b
E. all of the above
7._____ The practice of ceasing mass inspections and ending awards based on price is credited to:

A. Edward Deming B. Philip Crosby C. Juran D. Pareto

8._____ Quality is:

A. Zero defects found

B. Conformance to requirements
C. The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs
D. b and c
E. all the above
9._____ The concept that it is easier and less costly to do the work right the first time is called:

A. Zero defects B. Continuous improvement C. DTRTRTFT D. The customer is the next person in the process
10._____ The ability of a product to be used for different purposes at different capacities and under different conditions determines its:

A. Usability B. Flexibility C. Operability D. Availability

11._____ Which of the following is not considered a cost of nonconformance to quality?

A. Scrap B. Rework C. Expediting D. Process control E. all of the above are considered nonconformance costs
12._____ Cost of quality includes:

A. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the requirements
B. Training programs
C. Cost of all work resulting from nonconformance to the requirements
D. a and b
E. all of the above
13._____ Which of the following statements concerning acceptance sampling is false?

A. Used when expensive and time-consuming to test the product 100%.

B. The number of allowable defects before lot is rejected is predetermined.
C. Inspection and test standards must be established to ensure that procedures can adequately determine conformance and
D. If the number of defects found in the sample exceeds the predetermined amount, the entire lot is rejected.
E. All of the above are true
14._____ 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of:

A. Edward Deming B. Philip Crosby C. Juran D. Pareto

15._____ A structured tool, usually industry or activity specific, used to verify that a set of required steps has been performed is called:

A. Quality Policy B. Check list C. Trend analysis D. Pareto diagram

16._____ A tool that analyzes the Input to a process to identify the causes of errors is called:

A. Cause and effect diagram B. Scatter diagram C. Ishikawa diagram D. Pareto diagram E.a and c
17._____ The concept of zero inventory is called:

A. Six sigma B. Continuous improvement C. Just in Time D.Zero defects

18._____ All of the following statements about acceptance sampling plans are true except:

A.Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspections is high and the resulting loss of passing non-conforming
units is not great
B. Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are required
C. Acceptance sampling plans are never as effective at rejecting non-conforming units as 100 percent inspection, even when the
inspection process is very tedious
D. Acceptance sampling plans do not directly control the quality of a series of lots; they instead specify the risk of accepting lots of
given quality
E. Acceptance sampling plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of custom-made products
19._____ Control chart theory is based on the differences of the causes of variations in quality. Variations in quality may be produced by
assignable causes. All of the following are examples of assignable causes except:

A. Differences among machines

B. Differences among workers
C. Differences among materials
D. Differences in each of these factors over time
E. None of the above (all are examples)
20._____ The same quality control manager decides to increase his daily sample size from three to six. The size of the control band will:

A. Increase B. Decrease C. Remain unchanged D. Not determinable from given data E.None of the above
21._____ All of the following statements about control charts are true except:

Control charts can be used to establish as well as maintain process control
Control charts are used to determine acceptance limits when no limits are stipulated by the product specification; otherwise, one
should use the limits dictated by the specification
C. All data points outside the control chart limits are variations explained by
D. A and B
E. B and C
22._____ Japanese quality control has improved dramatically in the last 30 years for all of the following reasons except:

A. The use of quality control circles

B. Small, continuous improvements in quality control
C. The use of worker suggestion systems
D. The use of quality control charts
E. Focusing quality control efforts on production output
23._____ Quality management deals with all of the following topics except:

A. Conformance to requirements / specifications

B. Satisfying the needs of the customer
C. Making products more desirable and luxurious
D. A and C
E. B and C
24._____ Which of the following statements about the cost of quality are true?

A. The cost of quality is the expense of non-conformance to requirements and specifications

B. The costs of quality are mostly the direct responsibility of workers who are manufacturing the product
C. Quality control programs should only be implemented when the costs of quality is low
D. A and B
E. A and C
25._____ The zero defects concept

A. is a performance standard for management

B. is a motivational technique that promotes "doing it right the first time"
C. is used by management to communicate to all employees that everyone should do things right the first time
D. A and C
E. B and C
26._____ Quality assurance

A. refers to the prevention of product defects

B. is an auditing function that provides feedback to the project team and client about the quality of output being produced
C. is the technical process that includes the construction of control charts which specify acceptability limits for conforming output
D. A and B
E. B and C
27._____ In the project environment, the individual ultimately responsible for quality control is:

A. The line workers who must strive "to do things right the first time" to avoid quality problems
B. The company's quality control manager who must work with the project members to ensure the quality control program is effective
C. The head of the production department who retains ultimate quality control responsibility for all the company's projects
D. The project manager who has ultimately responsibility for the entire project
E. The customer who must ensure that he is receiving a quality product from the vendor
28._____ The majority of product defects could be prevented in most processes if manufacturers would do the following:

A. Increase the use of acceptance control charts instead of standard three-sigma control charts
B. Make a concerted effort to eliminate the potential for product defects in the design stage
C. Create a quality control department
D. A and B
E. A and C
29._____ Quality attributes

A. are used to determine how effectively the organization accomplishes its goals
B. can be objective or subjective in nature
C. are specific quality characteristics for which a product is designed, built, and tested
D. A and B
E. B and C
30._____ Most quality problems

A. originate in the quality department where the ultimate responsibility for quality rests
B. originate on the shop floor because of waste and product rework
C. are the result of management's lack of attention to potential quality improvement ideas
D. could be eliminated if shop supervisors monitored their workers more closely
E. A and B
31._____ The Pareto Principle is a technique used by quality managers to determine which quality control problems concerning a particular
service or manufacturing process should be corrected. Which of the following statements best represents the philosophy employed by this

A. In order to minimize financial losses from quality control problems, all problems which have a measurable cost associated with
them should be corrected
B. The majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems. Improvement efforts should be reserved for
those few vital problems
C. In order to achieve zero defects, all quality control problems, including those which do not have a direct financial cost should be
D. Generally, 80% of the quality control problems are justifiable for correction via cost-benefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not
financially worthy of improvement efforts
E. A and D
32._____ The Japanese Quality Control (QC) Circle movement motivated its participants in many ways. Which of the following represents
the most important motivation for the QC circle participant:

A. Improving the performance of the company

B. Self-Improvement
C. Financial Incentives
D. Recognition among co-workers
E. Strengthening of relationships between co-workers
33._____ In order to achieve long-term quality improvements, management must do the following:

A. Motivate the employees with seminars, contests, and institution of programs such as "Quality Improvement" day
B. Create a quality control department and give the head of the department ultimate responsibility for quality improvement
C. Implement a formal quality control program with worker and management involvement
D. Establish financial incentive packages for workers
E. A and D
34._____ Quality assurance is

A. top management's intention regarding quality

B. functions determining implementation of the quality policy
C. actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements
D. responsibilities and processes which implement quality management
E. all of the above
35._____ Quality is

A. zero defects B. a problem C. a specification D. a cost E. A, C, and D

36._____ Which are the best two charts to show trends in a process?

A. Pareto and Control B. Control and Run C. Histogram and Run D. Gantt and Pert E. Gantt and CPM
37._____ The pillars) of quality is (are)

A. Quality is free B. Doing it right the first time C. Zero defects D. Process improvement E. B and C
38._____ When a product or service completely meets a customer's requirements:

A. quality is achieved B. cost of quality is high C .cost of quality is low D. the customer pays the minimum price
E. A and B
39._____ Using Pareto's Rule, and given the data in the following table, where should corrective action focus?

Origin of Problem % of Problems

Design 80
Development 2
Prototype 9
Testing 6
Fabrication 3

A. Design
B. Design, development, and prototype
C. Design and prototype
D. Development, prototype, and fabrication
E. None of the above
40._____ Cost of quality is a concept that includes:

A.the cost necessary for ensuring conformance to requirements

B.the life cycle cost of the project research and development costs related to the project
D.only the cost of the quality control function
E.A and B
41._____ The process of determining that technical processes and procedures are being performed in conformance with scope
requirements and quality plans is called quality:

A. management B. assurance C. process review D. controlE. checks

42._____ Quality control is:

identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them
monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate
causes of unsatisfactory performance
C. evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality
D. taking action to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the project so as to provide added benefits to both the performing
organization and the project customer
E. assuming the production of goods that meet the highest standards of luxury
43._____ Quality planning is:

A. identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them
B. monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate
causes of unsatisfactory performance
C. evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality
D. taking action to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the project so as to provide added benefits to both the performing
organization and the project customer
E. assuring the production of goods that meet the highest standards of luxury
44._____ Quality management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve a qualitative goal within an effective cost and time
frame that results in:

A.a project completed in the shortest possible time

B.a product or service that conforms to the requirement specification award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project innovative project that establishes the qualifications of the project team
E.B and C
45._____ According to current quality management thinking, which of the following approaches to quality improvement is least likely to
produce positive results?

A. increased inspection B. continuous improvement C. quality circles D. statistical quality control E. use of worker suggestion
46._____ The concept that states: "the optimal quality level is reached at the point where the incremental revenue from product
improvement equals the incremental cost to secure it" comes from:

A. quality control analysis B. marginal analysis C. standard quality analysis D. conformance analysis E. systems analysis
47._____ Which of the following best characterizes the results of an increase in quality?

A. increased productivity, increased cost-effectiveness, and decreased cost risk

B. reduced productivity and no change to cost-effectiveness or cost risk
C. reduced productivity and an increase in overall product or service cost
D. increased productivity and cost-effectiveness
E. increased productivity, decreased cost-effectiveness and increased cost risk
48._____ Which of the following statements regarding quality is false?

A.Quality improvements depends upon better definition and increased awareness of the requirements specifications
B.Future gains in quality will often rely on advanced technology
C.Recognition of key actions required of each team member is necessary to meet quality objectives
D.Computer-aided design systems can improve quality, but only a the expense of an increase in the cost of design
E.A and C
49._____ You are sampling items from a batch and plotting the results on a control chart. how will an increase in the number of items
sample affect the value of the standard deviation used to set the control limit?

A. increase it B. decrease it C. no effect on it D. first increase it, then decrease it E. first decrease it, then
increase it
50._____ If the level of confidence directly increases as a result of new processes, different resources, or changed methods, the required
cost of monitoring is likely to

A. increase as well
B. remain the same
C. decrease
D. decrease initially then increase slightly
E. increase then tend to level off
51._____ The primary driver(s) behind the demand for continual qualify improvement is / are:

A. an increase in the number of projects being worked

B. the government cost improvement reports that have created widespread public interest in quality
C. the prevalence of media reports on quality circles and other quality improvement techniques
D. the need to both reduce costs and ensure consistency in the performance of products and services
E. B and D
52._____ The concept of quality is based on:

A. meeting luxury goods standards

B. producing excellent products that are superior to other similar items
C. conforming to the requirements specifications
D. maintaining uniformity of design
E. A and C
53._____ An assignable variance tells us:

A. our equipment is becoming obsolete

B. top management should initiate increased worker training
C. there is an identifiable problem that must be fixed
D. schedule variances will be reduced
E. our use of quality circles is inadequate
54._____ From a high level perspective, quality:

A. is ensured by having inspectors

B. cannot be quantitatively measured
C. and productivity are inconsistent objectives
D. is primarily (85 - 95%) a management problem
E. problems are usually caused by unmotivated employees
55._____ Which is not a commonly used quality management tool?

A. Fishbone diagram B. CSSR report C. Pareto chart D. Control chart E. None of the above (all are commonly used)
56._____ Quality is often influenced by all of the following except:

A. fabrication processes and methods B. supervision C. inspection D. cost of materials E. design

57._____ The __________ of a product or service mostly affects its reliability and maintenance characteristics.

A. Design B. concept C. fabrication D. performance E. cost

58._____ Random variance in a process, as measured by the standard deviation, can be directly reduced by:
A. improving the overall system of production
B. increasing the number of quality inspectors
C. making use of run charts
D. making better use of Pareto charts
E. identifying patterns of variance using control charts
59._____ A project manager notices that all the measurements recorded on a control chart lie within the control band range. However, most
of the measurements are below the midpoint (negative variance). Quality management practice offers us what guidance in dealing with this

A. The project manager should apply the "rule of seven"

B. There is no problem as long as the variances lie within the control band
C. Negative variance indicates a problem which should be remedied
D. These variances are most likely caused by random factors
E. Increased worker ownership should be encouraged
60._____ The project management team's for quality should:

A. extend beyond the completion of the project

B. stop at the point of delivery
C. be significantly reduced by a good warranty
D. be ignored by the project manager
E. A and C
61._____ On a project, quality should generally be of

A. equal priority with cost and schedule

B. lower priority than cost and schedule
C. equal priority with cost, but higher priority than schedule
D. equal priority with schedule, but higher priority than cost
E. higher priority than cost and schedule
62._____ 100% inspection for defects may be neither possible nor desirable. When is sampling for defects likely to be most useful?

A. When destructive testing is required

B. When the cost of 100% inspection is high
C. When we believe there are not many defects
D. A, B, and C
E. A and B
63._____ A fundamental tenet of modern quality management holds that quality is most likely to be achieved:

A. by planning it into the project

B. by developing careful mechanisms to inspect for quality
C. by developing prestigious products and processes
D. by striving to do the best job possible
E. by conducting quality circle activities
64._____ Poor quality in a design project is likely to directly affect __________ costs.

A. manufacturing / building B. advertising C. overhead D. post-completion support E. A and D

65._____ From the project perspective, quality attributes:

A. are used to determine how effectively the performing organization supports the project
B. can be objective or subjective in nature
C. are specific characteristics for which a product is designed, built, and tested
D. B and C
E. A and B
66._____ From the project manager's viewpoint, quality assurance involves:

A. conducting studies to determine if design methods will support quality requirements

B. identifying applicable laws, ordinances and regulations that the project must comply with
C. monitoring inspection activities to ensure that the work is performed as specified
D. A, B, and C
E. A and C
67._____ Of the following statements, which one(s) is / are true?

A. Quality is the usual result when skilled designers and skilled implementors work on the project
B. Quality is 10% skill and 90% luck
C. Quality can be achieved with the proper combination of personnel, materials, methods, and time to do the work
D. None of the above
E. A and C
68._____ Some organizations today are using "six sigma", to set the upper and lower limits on control charts rather than the traditional
A. Two B. three C. four D. five E. twelve
69._____ The quality management tool that can be described as "a diagram that rank and displays defects in order of frequency of
occurrence (from left to right)" is a:

A. control chart B. vertical bar chart C. histograms D. Pareto chart E. run chart
70._____ From the project manager's perspective, quality management is _________ limited to assessing the attributes of the tools
provided to do the work.

A. Always B. usually C. not D. seldom E. intermittently

71._____ The primary responsibility for establishing design and test specifications should rest with

A. senior management B. procurement or purchasing C. engineering D. manufacturing E. quality control

72._____ Which of the following is least likely to contribute to developing an effective project team supportive of quality?

A. Commitment to the project

B. Team member flexibility
C. Frequent turnover of personnel
D. Team interest in workmanship
E. Clearly defined goals
73._____ Primary responsibility for quality management in the project rests with the:

A. project engineer B. purchasing agent C. quality manager D. project manager E. company president
74._____ The ISO 9000 series is:

A. a set of instructions for preparing control charts

B. a set of guidelines for quality
C. a set of forms and procedures to ensure quality
D. an international standard that describes a recommended quality system
E. intended to be applied only to manufactured products
75._____ Unless evidence indicates otherwise, a process is assured to be:

A. in control
B. out of control
C. working at full capacity
D. working at less than full capacity
E. operating within required engineering tolerances
76._____ Which of the following statements best characterizes the quality management practice called benchmarking?

A. The ISO term for progress measurement

B. Comparing planned project practices to those of other projects
C. A technique used to test certain types of electronic equipment
D. The difference between grade and quality
E. The measurement of customer satisfaction
77._____ Quality management is defined as the process of ensuring that a project meets the __________ of the project's clients,
participants, and shareholders.

A. specifications and statements of work

B. legal and financial obligations
C. expectations and desires
D. needs and expectations
E. legal and moral requirements
78._____ The primary components of quality management are quality __________.

A.inspections, certifications, and validations

B.philosophy, assurance, and control
C.form, fit, and function
D.reliability, maintainability, and availability, assurance, and warranty
79._____ Quality assurance is defined as the managerial process that determines __________ that provide the customers with performance
standards and feedback on the performance.

A. time, scope, cost, and resources

B. human resources, dollars, materials, and duration
C. time, location, duration, and completion
D. organization, design, objectives, and resources
E. management, staff, workers, and contractors
80._____ Quality control is the technical processes that __________ the project's progress against the performance standards.

A. inspect, certify, and verify

B. examine, analyze, and report
C. inspect, examine, and determine
D. identify, measure, and report
E. reveal, establish, and record
81._____ Responsibility within the project for quality must be defined and promulgated to everyone contributing to the end product. First and
foremost, the __________ has the ultimate responsibility for conformance to requirements when provided with the tools, skills, knowledge,
and opportunities.

A. corporate president B. director of project management C. quality assurance manager D. project manager
E. individual
82._____ Self-inspection by the individual performing the work is used to achieve quality in a product. The advantages of self-inspection
include ________.

A. immediate feedback to permit adjustments to the process

B. early identification of errors prior to further integration
C. minimization of end product repairs and material waste
D. reduction in the number of end product inspections and tests
E. all of the above
83._____ 92. Zero Defects is an element of the quality management philosophy that is a __________ for all workers to be achieved ______.
A. slogan; whenever possible B. slogan; most of the time C. standard; at all times D. standard; whenever possible
E. standard; during critical operations
84._____ Statistical Decision Making includes Pareto Analysis as a means of reducing errors in the total project process. Pareto Analysis.. a method of rejecting errors or variances from standards following self-inspection a procedure for ranking the errors to identify those contributing the most to failures [PMBOK p. B-2]
C.counts errors or failures to determine the added cost of all operations that do not meet the requirements
D.compares the error rate with the pass rate to determine the allowable number of errors per 1,000
E.compares the error rate of individuals to determine the compensation for bonuses
85._____ Statistical sampling is a method to determine the conformance to requirement for some element or product of a project. The
advantage of statistical sampling is that it __________.

A.does not require an expenditure of resources accurate enough with a sampling of less than one percent
C.does not require 100 percent sampling of the elements to achieve a satisfactory inference of the population
D.needs to be conducted only when there is a problem discovered with the end product or when the customer has some rejects a good tool o gain customer confidence during a period of high rejects
86._____ Statistical Process Control uses diagrams called "Control Charts." These charts depict horizontal, parallel lines to represent _____
standard deviations.

A. Six B. five C. four D. three E. two

87._____ When data is plotted on the control charts, the data is of two types: R and -bar. The R data represent points of a __________
while the X-bar data represent points of a(n) __________.

A. random sample; cross-matrix sample

B. real sample; simulated sample
C. 100 percent sampling; 10 percent sampling
D. sampling run; average of several runs
E. random sampling; continuous sampling
88._____ Statistical sampling methods are valid for most projects, regardless of the lack of repetitive processes, because __________.

A. projects rely on external vendors for products that must meet contractual specifications to conform to the requirements
B. purchased materials will never meet the requirements of the project
C. services are amenable to statistical sampling even for small lots
D. it looks good to the customer when there is a mathematical approach to quality
E. statistics provide a basis for customer acceptance of the projects
89._____ A quality program within a project should be based on __________ of errors to improve productivity along with quality levels.

A. early detection B. early correction C. late detection D. late correction E. prevention

90._____ The cost of quality is needed to identify opportunities for improvement. The cost of quality is, therefore, defined as the dollar value
associated with __________.

A. producing a product that meets the requirement

B. nonconformance to the requirement
C. any cost for quality personnel and tools
D. any extra cost to hire a quality consultant
E. all extra efforts to implement a quality program
91._____ When errors that affect quality are discovered, the procedure to improve the situation should be to __________.

A. identify the specific error

B. correct the specific error
C. determine the root causes of the error
D. correct the root cause of the error
E. all of the above
92._____ A quality audit is a powerful tool in any quality improvement program. For a project that is starting a quality improvement program,
the initial audit is used to __________.

A. identify all the faculty work that has been completed

B. identify all the work that has been correctly accomplished
C. determine the single most urgent area for improvement
D. determine the quality baseline from which improvements will be made
E. evaluate the quality audit's effectiveness in identifying errors
93._____ The 14-step process to quality improvement is a progressive to total involvement of everyone in a company toward the production
of quality products and services. The 14-steps do not include __________.
A. management commitment B. quality improvement team C. quality measurement D. goal achievement measures
E. supervisor training
94._____ Trend charts reflect the relative status of a program. Trend charts are effective means of __________.
A. visibility reinforcing the growth of quality improvements to the workers
B. reflecting the precise status of quality failures
C. identifying to customers the failure rates of products
D. setting standards and goals for acceptable levels of quality
E. showing that all goals have been achieved
95._____ As one of its goal the project organization has quality to specified performance measures. When compared with the functional
organization, the project organization __________.

A. achieves higher levels of quality

B. is always tailored to meet the specific quality goals
C. is less disciplined in the implementation of quality
D. is more disciplined in the implementation of quality
E. none of the above
96._____ The technical performance of the project is derived from the quality program instituted by the project manager. Quality control is
one part of the quality program that __________.

A.defines requirements and performance standards

B.measures results of operations
C.compares measured results to performance standards
D.initiates corrective actions for variances
E.all of the above
97._____ Each project needs a quality program plan to define the parameters of the overall approach to meeting quality requirements. As a
minimum, the quality program plan addresses __________.

A. the required processes and procedures

B. the inspection plan
C. the types of test to be conducted
D. the documentation requirements for actions (testing, inspections, etc.)
E. all of the above
98._____ In a quality management information system, there is a need to collect data and format such data into an information output that
is useful to the project manager. In developing such an information system, it is good to remember that an optimum system does not supply
all the information because __________.

A. there is never enough information collected

B. the system is incapable of processing all the required information
C. some information costs more to collect than it is worth
D. some information is not available for collection and input
E. most information relies on related data to generate the proper output
99._____ Quality is one part of the three major parameters of a project. When the quality in a project exceeds the specifications, that is
called __________.

A. Excellence B. superior quality C. deviation plus quality D. gold plating E. silver plating
100._____ In the area of quality, project managers are struggling with the training and indoctrination of individuals in the need to do the work
right the first time to conform to the requirement. Occasionally, the project manager will discover an individual, either in the planning or
actual work, doing more than is called for in the specification. These individuals need training to reduce the level of "over building" because

A. the extra value given to the customer is not recognized or needed to complete the project
B. the increase to the system specifications place that portion out of balance with the other system components
C. it leads to increased customer requirements for other parts of the system
D. exceeding the specified requirement is wasting time and money at no value added to the project
E. the project must be reworked in other areas to increase the level of "goodness" to the same as the "over build"
101._____ The use of CAD (computer-aided design) is emerging as a new technology with the goal of reducing the time and money spent to
produce and update design drawings. In some cases, the CAD is being used to control other computers and machines to manufacture basic
components of equipment. Because the CAD software has the capability to perform checks of the design and make changes to designs as
they are approved, there has been __________.

A. a significant reduction in engineering errors

B. less rework required because of design errors
C. improved updating of designs over the former manual methods
D. more timely posting of changes to designs
E. all of the above
102._____ The key to quality is to design and build to the requirements and avoid attempts to inspect quality into the product. There is a
need, however, to conduct inspections a critical junctures in the assembly process to ensure defective items are identified prior to making a
costly interface or concealing a physical attribute that cannot be inspected at a later time. An inspection plan will identify the points at which
examinations of processes, materials, or assemblies are required. However, inspection plans normally do not include __________.

A. examining the vendor's quality procedures

B. examining surfaces
C. testing personnel skills
D. checking dimensions
E. witnessing destructive and nondestructive tests
103._____ The inspection of the project through the implementation phase is critical to ensure that quality standards are being met. The use
of vendors is most often required to obtain critical materials, components, or sub-assemblies. To determine a vendor's capabilities to
produce to the specifications, a "shop survey" or audit of the vendor may be required. The areas for the audit should include __________.

A. facilities and shop space

B. experience and capability with similar work
C. quality assurance an control procedures
D. organization and quality of work in process
E. all of the above

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