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1. Processes that operate with "six sigma quality" over the short term are assumed to produce
long-term defect levels below ______________ defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

A. 2
B. 2.4
C. 3
D. 3.4

2. Inspection, scrap, and repair are examples of ______________

A. Internal costs
B. External costs
C. Costs of dissatisfaction
D. Societal costs

3. ______________ are used in six sigma

A. Black belt
B. Green belt
C. Both black belt and green belt
D. None of the above

4. ______________ is about supplying customers with what they want when they want it.


5. ______________ are the areas that will be covered by the organization's processes

A. Process areas
B. Product areas
C. Private areas
D. Preset area

6. All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality except

A. Customer dissatisfaction costs

B. Inspection costs
C. Maintenance costs
D. Warranty and service costs
7. "Quality is defined by the customer" is

A. An unrealistic definition of quality

B. A user-based definition of quality
C. A manufacturing-based definition of quality
D. A product-based definition of quality

8. TQM stands for ______________

A. Total Quality Management

B. Total Quantity Management
C. Total Qualitative Management
D. To question management

9. Deming's 4 step cycle for improvement is______________

A. Plan, do, check, act

B. Schedule, do, act, check
C. Do, act, check, monitor
D. Plan, control, act, sustain

10. In Six Sigma, a ______________ is defined as any process output that does not meet
customer specifications

A. Error
B. Cost
C. Quality
D. Defect

11. Plan-do-study-act cycle is a procedure to ______________

A. Overall improvement
B. Continuous improvement
C. Permanent improvement
D. Immediate improvement

12. Quality practices must be carried out ______________

A. At the start of the project

B. Throughout the life of the project
C. At the end of the project
D. No need to carry out quality practices
13. –––––––– are the charts that identify potential causes for particular quality

A. Control Chart
B. Flow chart
C. Cause and Effect Diagram
D. Pareto chart

14. Quality Trilogy includes

A. Quality planning
B. Quality improvement
C. Quality control
D. All the three

15. Inspection is part of the ______________

A. Quality control
B. Quality Planning
C. Quality improvement
D. Quality circle

16. QFD stands for ______________

A. Quantity for deployment

B. Quality for deployment
C. Quality function deployment
D. Quality for decision

17. Reliability is the degree to which a unit of equipment performs its intended
function under ______________ for ______________ of time.

A. Specified conditions; specified period

B. Any condition; specified period
C. Specified conditions; all periods
D. Any condition; any period

18. Kaizen is a ______________ process, the purpose of which goes beyond simple
productivity improvement.

A. Weekly
B. Daily
C. Monthly
D. Annual
19. Elements of quality management system are ______________

A. Organizational structure
B. Responsibilities
C. Procedures
D. All the three

20. "Poka-yoke" is the Japanese term for ______________

A. Card
B. Fool proof
C. Continuous improvement
D. Fishbone diagram

21. Based on his 14 Points, Deming is a strong proponent of ______________

A. Inspection at the end of the production process

B. An increase in numerical quotas to boost productivity
C. Looking for the cheapest supplier
D. Training and knowledge

22. A fishbone diagram is also known as a .______________

A. Cause-and-effect diagram
B. Poka-yoke diagram
C. Kaizen diagram
D. Taguchi diagram

23. According to Deming most of the problems are related to systems and it is the
responsibility of the management to improve the systems

A. Correct
B. Correct to some extent
C. Correct to great extent
D. Taguchi

24. Fourteen points framework for quality and productivity improvement was
suggested by ______________

A. Crosby
B. Ishikawa
C. Deming
D. Juran
25. Juran's Quality trilogy emphasizes the roles of quality planning, quality control
and ______________

A. Quality Definition
B. Quality enhancement
C. Quality improvement
D. quality maintenance

26. Quality Circles members are ______________

A. Paid according to their contribution to quality

B. External consultants designed to provide training in the use of Quality tools
C. Always machine operators
D. None of the three.

27. Identify the cost not likely to reduce as a result of better quality.

A. Maintenance costs
B. Inspection costs
C. Scrap costs
D. Warranty and service costs

28. Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning ______________

A. Continuous improvement
B. Just-in-time (jit)
C. A fishbone diagram
D. Setting standards

29. Quality management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve
a qualitative goal within an effective cost and time frame that results in ______________

A. A project completed in shortest possible time.

B. A product or service that conforms to the required specifications.
C. An award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project
D. An innovative project that establishes qualification of the project team

30. DMAIC is ______________

A. Develop, multiply, analyze, improve, check

B. Define, muliply, analyze, improve, control
C. Define, measure, analyze, improve, control
D. Define, manufacture, analyze, improve, control
31. Quality fulfills a need or expectation that is:

A. Explicitly stated
B. Implied
C. Legally required
D. All of the above

32. The Toyota Production System is based on two pillars namely ______________ and

A. Kaizen, Six Sigma

B. Lean, Six Sigma
C. Just in Time, Jidoka
D. Just in Time, Kaizen

33. Which of the following is not a target of Total Quality Management:

A. Customer Satisfaction
B. Reducing manpower
C. Continuous Cost Reduction
D. Continuous Operational Improvement

34. For a point in the control chart to be out of control, it must lie

A. Above UCL or Below LCL

B. Between Central Line and LCL
C. Between Central Line and UCL
D. None of the above

35. The dimension of reliability is concerned with:

A. How easy it is to repair the product

B. How long does the product last
C. Will the product do the intended job
D. How often does the product fail

36. From a consumer perspective quality is determined by ______________ while from a

producers perspective quality is determined by ______________.

A. Variability, Cost
B. Cost, Price
C. Price, Cost
D. Cost, Variability
37. A ______________ chart can be used to identify the most frequently occurring

A. Pareto
B. Ishikawa
C. Histogram
D. Scatter

38. The main aim of QFD is to

A. Listen to the voice of customer

B. Lower cost
C. Reduce errors
D. Reduce supplier defect

39. If variability of a product decreases, its quality ______________

A. Remains unchanged
B. Decreases
C. Increases
D. May increase or decrease

40. The focal point of all quality control should be:

A. Price focus
B. Cost Focus
C. Customer Focus
D. Manufacturing Focus

41. Which of the following is false regarding when acceptance sampling is useful:

A. When testing is destructive

B. When 100% inspection cost is very low
C. When there are potentially serious product liability risk
D. When 100% inspection is not technically feasible

42. Inspection of incoming/outgoing items is an example of ______________.

A. Prevention Cost
B. Appraisal Cost
C. Internal Failure Cost
D. External Failure Cost
43. ______________ diagram is used for identifying potential relationship between two

A. Pareto
B. Ishikawa
C. Histogram
D. Scatter

44. Lots for acceptance sampling should be ______________ and ______________.

A. Homogeneous, Large
B. Heterogeneous, Small
C. Homogeneous, Small
D. Heterogeneous, Large

45. Ease of repair is associated with ______________ dimension of quality.

A. Serviceability
B. Performance
C. Durability
D. Perceived Quality

46. Two major components of fitness of use are Quality of Design and ______________.

A. Quality of Conformance
B. Quality of Service
C. Quality of Specification
D. Quality of Manufacturing

47. In a six sigma improvement project the least experienced individuals are:

A. Green Belt
B. Black belts
C. Red Belts
D. Master Black Belts

48. The four phases of the Shewart cycle are:

A. Plan, Do, Scan, Implement

B. Plan , Act , Do, Control
C. Plan, Do, Act, Check
D. Implement, Design, Control, Plan
49. Effective quality control results in:

A. Increase in customer satisfaction

B. Lower cost
C. None of the above
D. Both a and b

50. Effective quality improvement can be instrumental in:

A. Increasing productivity
B. Reducing cost
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

51. Malcolm Baldrige national quality award is for (MBNQA)

A. Total Quality Management

B. International Standard Organization
C. Total Productive Maintenance
D. Total Quality Control

52. Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?

A. Top level management

B. Middle level management
C. Frontline management
D. All of the above

53. While setting Quality objective, ______________ to be considered.

A. Customer need
B. Organizational need
C. Supplier need
D. Worker need

54. EMS stands for

A. Environmental management system

B. Employees management system
C. Engineering management system
D. Equipment management system
55. ISO emphasis on

A. Prevention
B. Inspection
C. Rejection
D. All of the above

56. What is ISO?

A. Indian organization for standard

B. Internal organization for standard
C. International organization for standardization
D. None of the above

57. The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is

A. Customer satisfaction
B. Employee satisfaction
C. Skill enhancement
D. Environmental issues

58. The following is (are) the machine down time.

A. Waste
B. No material
C. Breakdown
D. All of the above

59. Which of the following is for Environment management?

A. ISO-9000
B. ISO-14000
C. ISO-26000
D. ISO-31000

60. Cost of quality includes:

A. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the

B. Cost of all work resulting from nonconformance to the requirements
C. None of the above
D. All of the above
61. Which of the following statements about the cost of quality are true?

A. The cost of quality is the expense of nonconformance to requirements

and specifications
B. The costs of quality are mostly the direct responsibility of workers who are
manufacturing the product
C. Quality control programs should only be implemented when the costs of
quality is low
D. A and B

62. Which of the following best characterizes the results of an increase in quality?

A. Increased productivity, increased costeffectiveness, and decreased cost

B. Reduced productivity and no change to costeffectiveness or cost risk
C. Reduced productivity and an increase in overall product or service cost
D. Increased productivity and cost-effectiveness

63. Self-inspection by the individual performing the work is used to achieve quality in
a product. The advantages of self-inspection include ______________.

A. Immediate feedback to permit adjustments to the process

B. Early identification of errors prior to further integration
C. Minimization of end product repairs and material waste
D. All of the above

64. Quality is:

A. Zero defects found

B. Conformance to requirements
C. The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on
its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs
D. B and c

65. 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of:

A. Edward Deming
B. Pareto
C. Juran
D. Philip crosby
66. The Japanese Quality Control (QC) Circle movement motivated its participants in
many ways. Which of the following represents the most important motivation for the
QC circle participant:

A. Improving the performance of the company

B. Self-Improvement
C. Financial Incentives
D. Recognition among co-workers

67. The quality management tool that can be described as "a diagram that rank and
displays defects in order of frequency of occurrence (from left to right)" is a:

A. Pareto chart
B. Vertical bar chart
C. Histograms
D. Control chart

68. The ISO 9000 series is:

A. A set of instructions for preparing control charts

B. A set of guidelines for quality
C. A set of forms and procedures to ensure quality
D. An international standard that describes a recommended quality system

69. The 'Father' of statistical quality control is:

A. F. W. Taylor
B. Joseph M. Juran
C. Philip Crosby
D. Walter Shewhart

70. Quality management deals with all of the following topics except:

A. Conformance to requirements / specifications

B. Satisfying the needs of the customer
C. Making products more desirable and luxurious
D. A and C

71. Which of the following statements best characterizes the quality management
practice called benchmarking?

A. The ISO term for progress measurement

B. Comparing planned project practices to those of other projects
C. A technique used to test certain types of electronic equipment
D. The difference between grade and quality
72. Crosby’s approach to management is:

A. A problem that can never be solved

B. Absolutes of Quality Management
C. Interim Management

73. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

A. It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty and

variability in the design and manufacturing processes
B. Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is
the responsibility of everyone in the organization
C. Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects,
supported extensively by statistical tools for analysis
D. Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with
increasing variability from a target value

74. Nonconformance is an expense of:

A. Profit of quality
B. Defects of quality
C. Quality of product
D. Cost of quality

75. An assignable variance tells us:

A. Our equipment is becoming obsolete

B. Top management should initiate increased worker training
C. There is an identifiable problem that must be fixed
D. Schedule variances will be reduced

76. Statistical Process Control is used in quality programs to determine whether

repetitive operations meet predictable standards. The process uses ______________ to
permit accurate monitoring of the operation.

A. 100 percent inspection and random rejection

B. Acceptance sampling and automatic rejection
C. Continuous sampling and error detection methods
D. Statistical sampling and control procedures
77. The cost of quality is needed to identify opportunities for improvement. The cost
of quality is, therefore, defined as the dollar value associated with ______________.

A. Producing a product that meets the requirement

B. Nonconformance to the requirement
C. Any cost for quality personnel and tools
D. Any extra cost to hire a quality consultant

78. Which of the following is not considered a cost of nonconformance to quality?

A. Scrap
B. Rework
C. Process control
D. Expediting

79. Just-in-time (JIT) is the concept of reducing inventories to:

A. 25% of former stock

B. zero stock
C. Less than half of former stock
D. 75% of peak stock

80. Statistical Process Control uses diagrams called "Control Charts." These charts
depict horizontal, parallel lines to represent ______________ standard deviations.

A. Six
B. Five
C. Three
D. Four

81. A quality audit is a powerful tool in any quality improvement program. For a
project that is starting a quality improvement program, the initial audit is used to

A. Identify all the faculty work that has been completed

B. Identify all the work that has been correctly accomplished
C. Determine the single most urgent area for improvement
D. Determine the quality baseline from which improvements will be made
82. If the acceptance sampling attribute for a lot is 30%, this means that

A. 30% of all lots must be tested

B. 30% of all lots must pass the test
C. Any given lot must have 30% or fewer defects
D. A sample of a given lot must have 30% or fewer defects to pass the entire

83. The concept of zero inventory is called:

A. Six sigma
B. Continuous improvement
C. Just in Time
D. Zero defects

84. Which of the following is not a 5S.

a) Seiro
b) Seiso
c) Seiketsu
d) Shitsuke

85. Visual feedback system for the plant floor that indicates production status, alerts
when assistance is needed and empowers operators to stop the production process
is known as ……

a) Jidoka
b) TPM
c) Poka-Yoke
d) Andon

86. Major process components of TQM are Policy and daily management and team
activity and …

a) Vendor quality
b) Vendor activity
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above

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