Emcekrete 0 A: Routing Concrete
Emcekrete 0 A: Routing Concrete
Emcekrete 0 A: Routing Concrete
Grouting concrete
with slow strength development
Product Properties
Areas of Application
Application Notes
MC-Bauchemie • Am Kruppwald 1-8 • 46238 Bottrop • Tel. +49 (0) 20 41-101 50 • Fax: +49 (0) 20 41-101 588
info@mc-bauchemie.de • www.mc-bauchemie.de
Technical Data for Emcekrete 50 A
Characteristic Unit Value* Comments
Grain size mm 0-8
Grouting thickness mm 25 - 320 acc. to Grouts guideline of DAfStb
Added water l 2.75-3.12 per 25 kg bag
Outflow class a3 (a3 ≥ 700 mm)
Swelling value, 24h % >+0.1 acc. to Grouts guideline of DAfStb
Shrinkage class SKVB 0 εs, m, 91 ≤ 0.6 ‰
Early strength class C
Flexural strength N/mm 2
4.0 / 6.0 / 6.3 after 1d / 7d / 28d
Property specifications are based on laboratory tests and may vary in practical application. To determine
the individual technical suitability, preliminary suitability tests should be carried out under the application
Safety advice
Please note the safety information and advice given on the packaging labels, safety data sheets and
general application advice. GISCODE: ZP1
Note: The information on this data sheet is based on our experiences and correct to the best of our knowledge. It is, however, not binding. It has to
be adjusted to the individual structure, application purpose and especially to local conditions. Our data refers to the accepted engineering rules,
which have to be observed during application. This provided we are liable for the correctness of this data within the scope of our terms and conditi-
ons of sale-delivery-and-service. Recommendations of our employees which differ from the data contained in our information sheets are only
binding if given in written form. The accepted engineering rules must be observed at all times.
Edition 08/20. Some technical changes have been made to this print medium. Older editions are invalid and may not be used anymore. If a
technical-ly revised new edition is issued, this edition becomes invalid.
MC-Bauchemie • Am Kruppwald 1-8 • 46238 Bottrop • Tel. +49 (0) 20 41-101 50 • Fax: +49 (0) 20 41-101 588
info@mc-bauchemie.de • www.mc-bauchemie.de