Mycoflex 488 MS: Single-Component MS-Polymer Sealer in Accordance With DIN 18450
Mycoflex 488 MS: Single-Component MS-Polymer Sealer in Accordance With DIN 18450
Mycoflex 488 MS: Single-Component MS-Polymer Sealer in Accordance With DIN 18450
Product Properties
Isocyanates-free and silicone-free
Solvent-free, nearly odourless
Easy to spray and smooth
Very high resistance to weathering and ageing
In accordance with DIN 18450 (early resistance)
Wide adhesion spectrum without primer (e.g. coated wood, various metals and plastics)
Areas of Application
Joint sealing in accordance with DIN 18540
Movement- and connecting joints in structural engineering, precast industry, window manufacture,
timber and metal structures
Sealing of edge joints in floor surfaces and low mechanically loaded joints
Substrate Preparation zed air, a pressure of 3 - 4 bar is required. The
The joint edges must be dry, clean, load-bearing sealing compound must be insert without bubbles
and free of adhesion-reducing substances. Loose or voids and the joint side must be well wetted. A
particles, oil or grease etc. must be removed. On strong adhesion to the joint sides should be crea-
many plastic or painted surfaces Mycoflex 488 MS tes by pressing and smoothing. For smoothing use
has good bonding properties without primer. As a moistened trowel or knife and neutralized water
there are many possible substrates and areas of (neutral soap). It is advisable to mask the joint
application, it is advisable to perform an adhesive edges with self-adhesive tape, to guarantee a
test if the condition of the substrate is not clearly clean joint. The tape should be removed immedia-
identifiable. Optimal adhesion is achieved by using tely after sealant has been smoothed, or rather
the primer Mycoflex 251, which should always be before the skin starts to form.
used on porous, absorbent substrates, especially
if frequently exposed to moisture. The primer is Further Information
evenly and area-wide applied with a soft and clean For processing and handling Mycoflex 488 MS
brush and then exhausted (see technical data and Mycoflex 251 please note the information in
table). Mycoflex 488 MS is not suitable for direct the safety data sheet. Mycoflex 488 MS is subjec-
use on structures made from marble and natural ted to typical ageing processes, which might be
stone. accelerated by chemical and mechanical attacks,
as well as exposure to the weather.
To define and control the depth of joints, it is The joints must be inspected regularly with the
necessary to backfill deeper joints with Mycoflex regard to function and appearance and renewed if
Joint Filler. If it is not possible to insert backfill, the necessary.
adhesion of the sealant to the joint bottom must The information in DIN 18450 must be observed,
be prevented by inserting, e.g. polyethylene-strip. depending on the respective area of application.
Generally valid statements on terms, handling and
Application processing are given in, for example, the current
The processing is done with manual spray guns or IVD data sheets No. 1 to 3, No. 7, No. 9 and No.
pressurized air guns. When working with pressuri- 12, as well as in the IVD Sealant Lexicon.
MC-Bauchemie Am Kruppwald 1-8 46238 Bottrop Tel. +49 (0) 20 41-101 50 Fax: +49 (0) 20 41-101 588
Technical Data for Mycoflex 488 MS
Characteristic Unit Value Comments
Density g/cm3 approx. 1.47
Acceptable Total Deform. % 25 Related to outer joint width
Shore-A-Hardness approx. 18 2 at 23 C and 50 % rel. humidity
Skin Formation minutes approx. 30 - 40 at 23 C and 50 % rel. humidity
high temperatures, direct sun and high
rel. humidity accelerate skin formation
Setting time mm/day approx. 2 - 3 at 20 C and 50 % rel. humidity
Processing Conditions C + 5 - + 40 air and substrate temperature
Ultimate Strain % > 800 in accordance with 53504 S2
Rebound Elasticity % > 70 in accordance with DIN EN 27389
Stability mm <2 in accordance with DIN EN 27390-20 mm
Extension-Stress Value N/mm < 0.4 in accordance with DIN EN 28340,
100 %, + 20 C
Volume variation % <3 in accordance with DIN 52451
Condition after Setting elastic only completely set material may be
exposed to chemical and/or mechanical
Temperature Resistance C - 40 - + 90 set material
Pre-coat/ hours min. 1 at 20 C and 50 % rel. humidity
Primer Airing Time max. 6 after exceeding the airing time, the
Mycoflex 251 primer must be renewed
Note: The information on this data sheet is based on our experiences and correct to the best of our knowledge. It is, however, not binding. It has to
be adjusted to the individual structure, application purpose and especially to local conditions. Our data refers to the accepted engineering rules,
which have to be observed during application. This provided we are liable for the correctness of this data within the scope of our terms and conditi-
ons of sale-delivery-and-service. Recommendations of our employees which differ from the data contained in our information sheets are only binding
if given in written form. The accepted engineering rules must be observed at all times.
Edition 09/11. Some technical changes have been made to this print medium. Older editions are invalid and may not be used anymore. If a techni-
cally revised new edition is issued, this edition becomes invalid.
MC-Bauchemie Am Kruppwald 1-8 46238 Bottrop Tel. +49 (0) 20 41-101 50 Fax: +49 (0) 20 41-101 588