Sole Proprietor Reqs
Sole Proprietor Reqs
Sole Proprietor Reqs
Register your business name at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Make sure to search the DTI website to see if there are any businesses in existence
that have a name similar to yours. If the business name that you want is available, fill
out a business name application form, and submit it to DTI’s office. You must wait for
your DTI certificate of registration before you move onto the next step of opening your
own sole proprietor business.
Prepare 3 names. Search DTI’s website if there’s similar to the 3 names. If name is
available, fill up the Business Name application form then submit to DTI branches. Wait
for DTI Certification of Registration.
2. Register with Barangay (this will done in the city hall of PQUE)
Once you have received your certificate of registration from the DTI, it’s time to go to the
Barangay where your business is located to fill out an application. In addition to your
application, you will need to submit your DTI Certificate of Business Registration, two
(3) valid IDs, and a proof of residence. Wait and claim your Barangay Certificate of
Business Registration.
3. Register your sole proprietor business with the Mayor’s Office (LGU)
The next step, after receiving your Barangay certificate of business registration, is
registering your business at the municipal office in the city where your business is
located. You will need to fill out an application, as well as submit your Certificate of
Business Registration from the DTI, your Barangay Clearance Certificate, two valid
forms of ID, and proof of residency.
After you receive your certificates and permits from DTI and LGU, it’s time to register
your sole proprietor business with the BIR. To do this, you will need to visit your regional
district office in the city where your business is located. You will be required to fill out a
BIR form 1901, which is an application to register your sole proprietorship. In addition to
your completed BIR form 1901, you will need to submit your Certificate of Registration
from DTI, your Barangay Clearance Certificate, your Mayor’s Business Permit, proof of
residency, and valid ID. You will also have to pay for registration, (BIR Form 0605), and
register your book of accounts and provide any receipts or invoices you have for the
business. After all of this has been completed, you will be able to claim your certificate
of registration, (BIR form 2303).